Star Ocean: The second Story

Star Ocean: The Second Story

16.10.2013 11:50:03
Cave of Trials Stategy Guide

By Zero( game page

In my opinion this is one of the best games ever made next
to Chrono Trigger. One of the best parts about this game is the
difficulty it can present, but if you can't pass something because of
it's difficulty it just gets annoying and that is why I made this
stategy guide. The Cave of Trials can be really hard if you
aren't at a very high level and even then it's puzzels are sometimes
hard to figure.
So here it goes...

Table of Contents
I. Intro to the Cave of Trials

II. Cave of Trials

III. Extra tid-bits

I. Intro
To get to the cave of trials you must almost beat the game.
Once you have gotten far enough to beat the first nine of the ten
wise men attack. I was around level 70-80 when I first went at them
and they weren't to bad, this was on the regular difficulty. Once
you have beaten the first nine the last save point in the tower of
Fienal is the key. Once you save there two options open up. The
obviousis the cave of trials and the other is a PA with Indalecio's
daughter, Filia. First you must have met her in the only PA you can
do in the Port of Clik, before the tidal wave hits. If you have done
this go to Central City and do a PA. She should be in the main building,
with the mayor, on the first floor. She tells you about her father
and reveals he has a limiter on. The limiter is automatically
removed onceyou talk to her. With the limiter off Indalecio is nearly
invinsable so I recommend not doing this unlessyou are planning on
spending a bit of time leveling up. I had all of my character's on
their master level(256) and it was still tough to take him out.
To get to the Cave of Trials you must goto the stadium in
fun city and talk to an old guy towardsthe back of the stadium.
He'll ask you if you would like to relive your memories and if you
savedat the last save point then he'll give the option to really
relive memories. Say yes to his questions and you'll end up in
Alria by a weird looking animal. If you talk to the pinguin like
thing and say"you silly Vern Vern" you'll get knocked back to
reality(Nede). Once you'll leave Arlia you'll see a handy Synard
waiting for you. You can go any dungeon or city you wish a still
do any PA's left, but the cave of trials is on an island on the
south-western part of the map. It looks like a pyramid, but it goes
deep into the ground.

II. The Cave of Trials

If you made it through Fienal's monster with little problem
you should be alright tostart the Cave of Trials. I was still around
level 80 and the monsters were still a bit of a challenge. Once you
beat the cave the monster will be cleared out until you leave the cave
and return. But the bosses always remane dead and the doors stay
open so feel free to return to the surface and save or fill up on
items, because you'll need it.

-------- 1st Floor --------- Heraldic Ruins
Items--Fruit Nectar, Juicy Beef, Tri-emplem, Link Stock, Wonder Drug,
Blueberry, Nuclear Bomb

Once in just up then turn left at the first chance. After
going down there is a door on the left with a teleport to the ninth
level. It doesn't work till you've reached that floor, so just go down.
The next room to the left has a blue berry, then go down and to the
right. If you pull the lever on the wall the door to the bosses
chamber opens, but there is more treasure's to get. Straight ahead and
to the bottom is a Tri-emplem and the room on the left has a Juicy
Beef and a wonder drug. Go inthe right door then take a right, the
room on top is empty but alittle further to the right is a nuke.
Then go back to where you turned from and head up. to get the Link
Stock(Increase's links abilities for everyone, it's in your precious
items directory). To the left and then up is a fruit nectar, they are
very useful. Now just head back to the boss and take a swing. The
boss isn't that hard, but take out the knights first with anything
and just use regular attacks on the witch. After she is defeated you
get a nice pair of bunny shoes(the best in the game, give you ultra speed
and the bunny races is the only other place they are available).

--------- 2nd Floor ----------- Love Alley
Items--Purity Leaf, Reflex, Link Combo, Resurrection Mist

This levels puzzel is one of the toughest in the whole cave.
The message by the stairs is supposed to be a clue for solving it but
it's doesn't help much. The object is to point the statues in the
direction of the people they like, hence the Love Alley. Here's the
solution...Yufie points south, Lloyd points east, Cistina points to the
south, Feria goes east, Luke points north, Milene points to the south
and Sharon looks to the west. Once you have them pointing towards whom
they like the sound of a door opening pops up and the boss is now available
for battle.This boss is just a slime guy and he's a baddy on the next
level, so if you have problems level up before the next floor. Regular
attacks should be just fine. You get a Seraphic Garb for beating it.
That seems to be the best armor in the game, it doesn't have the
highest defense, but as your HP drops you defense goes sky high and
your almost impossible to kill, especially Claude for some reason.

----------- 3rd Floor --------- Single Path Cave
Items--Slayer Rings, 2 Fruit Nectars, Juicy Beef, Dream Crown, Sylvian Mail,
Wonder Drug

Again the name is a clue. The tiles on the floor represent
the rooms on the level. To get the door open you must enter every
room once and only once. to do this just go stright up and go in
a then in a counter clock wise direction around the edge and then
in the second room from the right on the top go down to the third
room and take left, you should be back at the start with the door
open. If you messed up the tile will show which rooms you were
in or missed or were in twice. you can pick up any of the treasures
along the way but don't of the path. Going of the path is when you
actually change screens. Here's a sample path..
/ / / / /
/ < < < < < < < / < < < < < /
/ v / ^ / v / ^ /
/ v / ^ / v / ^ /
/ v / ^ / v / ^ /
/ v / ^ / v / ^ /
/ v / ^ / v / ^ /
/ v / ^ / v / ^ /
/--------------/------- ^ -----/---------------/----------------/
/ v / ^ / v / ^ /
/ v / / v / ^ /
/ v / Start < < < < / ^ /
/ v / / / ^ /
/ v / / / ^ /
/ v / / / ^ /
/ > > > > > > > > > > > > > /
/ / / / /
kind of crude, but you get the picture <>v ^=path to go

The boss is the old clock looking guy, there is three of them and
they all cast Dream Peace very quickly. To keep them from doing
this get someone who cast attack all spells quickly, hence Rena.
That spell freezes you for a bit and it can be painful. They are
also baddies on the next level. You get magical drops for beating
them, which does the same thing as dream peace, but it doesn't seem to
work on bosses.

------------- 4th Floor ----------- Dancing God's Alter
Items--Fruit Nectar, Extinction(for Leon), Resurrection Mist, Purity Leaf,
Black Earring, Seraphic Garb, Peep Non

This level, along with most of the rest of the levels, have
walkthrough walls. Right at the begining the two treasures look like
they are in sealed rooms but the front wall, about in the middle, is
walk-through.Down the right hall and to the top room is the lever to
open the door at the begining. The bottom of the wall is walk-through.
In the previously closed room is the music god. You get the Illusive
Shaminson if you play something she likes. The character you pick must
have a level 10 music ability and Rena or Leon usually works best.
Then to the left, way up then to the right is another sealed room with
the boss. It's hole is towards the top of the wall. This boss is very
fast but if you have the bunny shoes, your faster. Again regular attacks
work just fine. You don't get anything for beating him.

------------ 5th Floor ------------ Lady's Revenge
Items--Wonder Drug, Juicy Beef, Fruit Nectar, Fresh Syrup, Slayer Ring, Fairy
Ring, Seraphic Garb

Right away you can get a fresh syrup and a slayer ring. Just go all
the way up, the room on the right is empty but remember it. You'll now
have the pleasure of meeting puffy and her little friend. No matter what
you answer to her questions you'll have to fight her pet. Just run away
for now because you cannot harm him enough to kill. Even if you do things
turn out the same. After she leaves go to the right, the top room is empty
also. Now the room towards the top in the next area has a wonder drug. Then
keep heading right. Again the room towards the top has a treasure, Seraphic
Garb, and heading down a ways after that will lead you to Puffy. She's in a bit
of trouble and if you choose to save her you'll then be able to beat her
pet. It's just the clock guys again, shouldn't be too hard now. After you
beat them Puffy will run off and drop the weird slayer. Make sure and equip it,
to whom, it doesn't matter. The monster is now in the empty room at the
begining of the level, I told you to remember. One shot from the weird slayer
will kill it and you'll get a jewel that will open the door to the next floor.
The door is down and to the right from the room that you saved puffy.

------------ 6th Floor ------------- Burglar's Nest
Items--Dream Crown, Cure Poison

This is the awesome room that Santa likes to hang out. Santa appears
randomly, but every time I've played a new game, 4 times, he has been there
on the first trip down. After that he seems to be there on a totally
ramdom chance. He is a very expencive dealer, but the goods are worth it.
He sells every jewel or metal to make things out of plus a couple of other
goddies. The Santa Boot's he sells goes for 10 million and seems to be a
complete waste of money. They are supposed to give you good item if your
wearing them and stay at an inn, but I have always gotten junk and I don't
always get something.
The Go-Home frog is pretty useful, especially in the cave of trials.
it lets you teleport back to the begining of any dungeon. And the best item
he sells is the tri-emblem, it raises your stats very nicely and has high def.
against all magics. They are worth the money.
To get the door open in this floor you need to talk to the thief
statues. The usually just say that it is a statue of a thief, but there
is one at ramdom that has a switch to open the door. The boss is Funnythief
lvl99. He is very fast, but when you start the battle he is not there. There
are a few other monsters too, but he drops in a few seconds after the start. It
doesn't really matter how you kill him, but regular attacks are, again, the most
effective. For beating him you get the funny slayer, which is very useful on
the next level. He is a regular monster on the next floor and comes in big
groups, so the autokill it gives really helps.

------------ 7th Floor ----------- Goddess's Altar
Items--Ishidaya Tes, Purity Leaf, Fresh Syrup, Ganze Sea Urchin, Yukiocho
Tea, Peep Non, Cracked Jewel*, Resurrection Mist, Bunny Shoes!, Tri-
emplem, Weird Slayer

You'll see an alter with a message next to it, it says "Make the offering
on the altar whose portal opens with the jewel's power." The portal is refering
to the door just ahead, but the only jewel available is the cracked jewel and
that doesn't work. The cracked jewel is at the end of the hall on the right.
Once you get this all you need to do is use someones metalworking skill,
preferably with level 10, and it'll turn into the Red Lotus Jewel, which will
open the door.
Your boss for this level is the Mithril Eater. It's the most lazy boss I
have ever seen and is like the monster you get the LEA metal from. You can keep
this guy from attacking at all if you get of your characters, especially Claude
to continually wack the thing. No special attacks though because those rarely
cause peeping(stars around the head) which stops him from attacking. You get
the Million Staff from this guy for his defeat. and the bunny shoes are just
behind him.

------------- 8th Floor ------------ Food God
Items--Soda Pop, Wonder Drug, Ganze Sea Urchin, Amoeba Soup, Funny Slayer,
Peep Non, Million Staff, Prime Toro Tuna, Lavender, Seraphic Garb,
Fresh Syrup, Slime Jelly

To fight this boss you need to feed the stupid wall 'O food god. It is
really picky and I'm not sure quite how it works, but you need to feed it the
best meal you can make, usually using the master chef specialty and mixing fish,
meat or wheat works well. If it likes it give em the worst drink you have and
you'll make him sick and the door magically opens.
This boss is really easy but watch out because they can eat you. And when
your in them it drains your HP. A big fat Gelatin Steak is you prize for this
level, fitting eh?!

------------- 9th Floor ------------ Sealed Coffin
Items--Valiant Boots, Wonder Drug, Resurrection Mist, Artemis Leaf

To the right of the stairs are two treasure's, one in a sealed room with
an invisible door at about the middle of it. To the left and going in almost a
circle, you'll run past the bosses door. Inside lies a "sealed coffin,"
surprise, surprise. This will not open until you beat the 12th floor's boss.
Here's the bosses strategy anyway. To get him to come about you must have
the Holy Sword and with the coffin open just press X by it and he'll appear.
It's just three wizards and if you have someone that can cast spells that hit
everyone it'll keep them in check while the rest just beat them senseless.
You'll get the Levantine Sword(the best in the game). Once you have both of
those sword's the door opens to the 13th floor.

------------- 10th Floor ------------ Decision Point
Items--read below

This floor gives you the choice of which way to go and only that path.
The tiles on the floor are used to open the doors to the rooms. If you mess up
on which path you want you can just go back up then down the stairs and they
reset. Red and Yellow romes hurt your HP and MP of your entire party while you
are in them. The green rooms are normal. Here's another map with the color and
treasure's of each room.
/ / / / /
/ / 4 / 11 / 12-end /
/ 3 / / / /
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
/ 2 / 5 / / 13 /
/ / / 10 / /
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
/ 1 / 6 / 9 / 14 /
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
/ / / / /
/ start / 7 / 8 / 15 /
/ / / / /
2.yellow-Funny Slayer Shoes!
7.yellow-Fresh Syrup Diamond, Sages Stone, Valkyrie Boots
9.yellow-none Boots
12.Boss-Tri-Ace(Ashton's Best Killer Move) Staff, Metero Swarm(Celine's Best Spell)
14.yellow-Purity Leaf Boots

The boss is like the guardian's of the fields on Nede. His name is also
Geo Guardian and he fights almost exactlty the same. Again regular attacks work
very well, he does have quite a bit of HP.

------------- 11th Floor ------------ Dragon's Nest

Anice relaxer for what you've gone through already and what your about to.
The Boss is a large dragon. Most special attacks wont hit it and give him time
time prepare an attack. Keep three guys on him and put Rena in a corner ready
to heal. You'll get the skill Float for beating him. It is very effective
against regualar enemies, but makes things harder against the last bosses.
To gain access to the nest floor you must use the portal to go to the
first floor and seperate. The 12th floor is only for couples and the best
couple, of course, is Rena and Claude. Healing will be quite often needed and,
for some reason, Claude seems to be nearly invincible with the Seraphic Armor
on. It also really helps Rena.
The portal on the first floor that I told you about at the begining is now
available and will drop you to the ninth floor. All you need to do is walk
around the third row from the top of tiles and you should hear about 4 clicks
then it opens.

------------- 12th Floor ----------- Hall of Warriors
Items-Valkyrie Guard, 2 Battle Suits, Bunny Shoes!!

As if the trip down wasn't tough enough, the boss onm this level is in the
rooms straight up from the entrance and is not easy. It's a Phoenix and guess
what, they fly. So again special attacks aren't very useful. The best strtegy
that I have found is to stick Rena in a corner with the strategy of Heal friends
only on and control Claude using regualr attacks. Dragon Howl seems to be the
best, and most often working, of the special attacks any of them have and Claude
has it. And if you equip Claude with the valiant guard and only use regular
attacks it should be an easy win. When the bird attacks with his Master attack
Claude should block it and the bird will get the reprocusions. For this fight
you get Holy Sword Farewell, which opens the coffin on the ninth. If you want
you can just keep the two you have and fight him, he's not that hard, or return
to the top and regather your guys. Make sure and save though. And at random,
when you return to the phoenix's room he might appear and you'll have to fight
him again, remember, phoenix's live forever...

------------- 13th Floor ----------- Holy Nest of Angels
Items-Valiant Mail, Valiant guard, Angle Armband(behind the boss)

Alright lucky 13!! This is another short level, but for a good reason...
the boss. Just head down the right and left halls and at the end are two
levers. Once they are both pulled the bosses chamber is opened.

Gabrie Celesta

In many books and sites she is referred to as Indalecio Celesta, but I
believe that is just because of a bad translation. The best team for this job
is Claude, Rena, Dias and Ashton. Turn off all of Ashton's specials, they
really mess him up with this fight because they are so slow. Dias has a couple
good one's, but illusion should be the only one you would want on. Claude's
doesn't really matter if your gong to control him, but if not only have Dragon
Howl on. Start off by controlling Rena and running her into a corner and
turning on the hela friends only strategy again, the rest should be on conserve
killer moves.
The best is controlling Claude and just having him constantly hit Gabrie
with regular attacks. Some times she'll get stuck between the three and you'll
take off a good chunk before she gets away, but it is very hard to get her
stuck. I have heard she has around a million HP. You should wear her down soon
enough. When you beat her you get the Silver Trumpet and about a half a million
in experience!! Behind her is the Angel Armband, verrryy useful. Now that she
is beaten you are free to roam and explore. The monsters are gone until you
leave so get all you missed. The bosses, including Gabrie, never come back

III. Extra Tid-bits
1. The Silver Trumpet if used by Claude, can create the songs "Melody of the
Gods" and "Evil Melody." Melody of the gods make item creation a 100% success
while it is playing. The evil melody brings out Grabrie's evil sister if you
are on a battle field. She has 3 times the HP and can turn you to stone or
paralyze very easily, but you get some nice stuff. Either an Angel Armband,
which if you did the PA to take off the limiter on Indalecio, you will need it
on every character. And sometimes you will get a Levatine Sword plus a ton of

2. An easy way to make money is to use the identify all skill to make prices
cheap and buy a bunch of stuff and then using it to make them expensive and
selling them. You get almost twice what you payed for. This works very well
with the traveling Santa.

3. Another way to make money is to write a few books and give them a the
publisher in Central City. Go through some thing that is really long and when
you go back you might have made a good shot of money. This really only helps
towards the begining of reaching Nede because the money isn't that mucj once you
have reached a certain point.

4. If you've gotten bored with the game, by some strange chance, or just want
something different to do you can try messing with the endings. On large
factor's that affect feelings towards each other is seeing the other die in
battle. Set up a party and let one of them die and see who you can get
together. The toughest challenge is getting Claude and Rena hooked up with
someone else. Books that you can write also have an affect for a bit on

5. Paintings-Does anyone know what they do. I have given them to character in
and outside of battles and it doesn't seem to do anything? Oh well..

Any questions or answers, you can email me at

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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