Star Ocean: The second Story

Star Ocean: The second Story

10.10.2008 18:35:50

Star Ocean:
The Second Story

Crawd's Scenario-
Version 1.0 (2/19/99)


By Ian Kelley: email

The most recent version of this Walkthrough can be found at:


Chapter 1: The beginning
Chapter 2: The Treasure Hunter, Celine
Chapter 3: The Fate of Clik
Chapter 4: Dias and the Kidnapping
Chapter 5: The Unlucky Warrior
Chapter 6: Racool's Tournament
Chapter 7: Opera
Chapter 8: Keith, the Translator
Chapter 9: The Energy Stone
Chapter 10: Invasion
Chapter 11: The Ten Sages
Chapter 12: NedÄ
Chapter 13: Catching a Sainard
Chapter 14: The Field of Knowledge
Chapter 15: The Field of Power
Chapter 16: The Field of Courage
Chapter 17: The Field of Love
Chapter 18: Confrontation
Chapter 19: The Monsho Weapon Research Facility
Chapter 20: The Sages' Counterattack
Chapter 21: The Final Battle
Appendix A: North City Database Content
Appendix B: One-time private Actions

First and most importantly, the content of this walkthrough is ONLY a
walkthrough of the story. No game system or mechanics of the game are covered in
this walkthrough. For such information, read my Star Ocean: The Second Story FAQ
at So as not to make this FAQ 200+
pages long I have separated the two. *MAKE SURE TO GET THIS FAQ IN ADDITION TO
THIS WALKTHROUGH!* I will not answer any questions mailed to me about the game
system that are covered in the FAQ, so if you only have this walkthrough and
have questions about the game system, get the FAQ and check there first before
emailing me.

Second, like the other FAQs I've written, I've included detailed story
information within this walkthrough to aid those that may not understand
Japanese yet still have the game. If you DO understand Japanese, I apologize for
all the inbetween plot summaries, but then again you probably won't need this
walkthrough anyway. :) Similarly, I have primarily used the original Japanese
terminology within the game. I have also provided English translations where
necessary (or possible) the first time each term appears in this walkthrough to
aid those that want to know what they've picked up.

The Pickpocketing information in this walkthrough is by no means complete.
Because of the constantly changing makeup of the towns (especially Racool) the
items available to Pickpocket will similarly change. I also haven't included any
Private Action Pickpocket information from your own characters. Also, there are
some items that are only pickpocketable in Rena's Scenario and vice versa; the
items listed here are a combination of both. Basically, if I stole anything at
any time in a certain town, I grouped it all together in one list. Making a list
of what items are stealable from whom at what time would be a separate FAQ in
itself so I'm not going to even try. Sorry. :)

While the content of each scenario is enough to warrant a separate FAQ, you may
note that a lot of the content here is the same as the Rena walkthrough. I
actually wrote both walkthroughs side-by-side but I wrote the Rena one first so
a lot of text here is cut-and-pasted. I edited most of it to fit Crawd's
scenario, but there may be a couple of places I missed, where Rena says
something that Crawd really said and vice versa. Other than that there should be
no problems.

Also note that all Private Actions are listed at the end of the walkthrough,
since they vary too much to put in the main bulk of the text. I *highly*
recommend you take time to use the Private Action guide at the end of this
walkthrough periodically as you do the Private Actions in the game. Do not
ignore Private Actions; while optional they are an integral part of the game,
and there are many events, items, and party members you will never see without
doing them.

One final note: This walkthrough is not complete; it contains the story from
beginning to end, but not the bonus dungeon. The bonus dungeon is long and
incredibly hard, so it will be a while before I can finish that section of the


Here is a list of common abbreviations and terms used in this FAQ:

Aijodo/AJD: "Love feeling Level" The variable that measures a character's
romantic feelings toward another character. Determines pairings of opposite-sex
characters in endings.

Kanjodo/KJD: "Emotional Level" The variables that store each character's
attitude toward the others in his/her party. Encompasses Aijodo and Yujodo.

Zokusei: The type of attack/defense an item/equipment/spell has, ie Fire, Water,
Earth, Electricity, etc.

Hissatsuwaza/Waza: "Certain Kill Technique, lit." Refers to a special technique
in a specific fighting style. "Moves" in fighting games are examples of
Hissatsuwaza. These are the fighter-character's equivalent of "spells" in this
game. "Waza" (technique) for short.

Monsho: This is the equivalent of magic in the Star Ocean world. It literally
means something like "Crest" but is used in the sense of "Magic Power" in the

Yujodo/YJD: "Camaraderie Level" The variable that determines how good a friend
one character is with another. Determines pairings of same-sex characters in


Chapter 1
The beginning

Translation of the opening movie:
Note: This translation is probably not perfect, because there were some parts in
the intro when the music/sound effects were too loud for me to make out what was
being said. But the differences should only be a few words at best. :)

"The vast expanse of the universe caught the imagination of 10 billion people,
and presented an unlimited-number of possibilities to them. From these were born
an uncountable number of dreams and aspirations. Of course, some of them are
That fact was confirmed in Sector Gamma when intelligent life forms from Planet
Rezonia started a war with the Earth Federation and drew them into a violent
series of battles.
Universal Year 342. In that year, a man on the battleship Calnus led the way to
victory against the Rezonia forces.
In Universal Year 342, he went to the undeveloped planet Roak, solved an
incident involving a mysterious virus, and stopped the leader of Planet Fargett,
Jie Revorse, who was controlling Rezonia behind the scenes. In reward for his
merits, at the young age of 38, he was promoted to Admiral.
I respected my father for that more than anybody. I grew up believing that being
an officer of the Federation was a wonderful thing to do.
But I am myself. I am not just a puppet of the Federation as the son of Admiral
Ronixis J. Kenny.
But, here I am now..."

The game opens up with Ronixis, Crawd, and several crew members investigating a
planet, Mirokinia.-They are investigating a strange energy field on the planet,
which is absorbing all the sensor rays that their ship, Calnus, is giving
out.-After telling a crew member to analyze the electromagnetic waves the field
is giving off,-he talks to Crawd and gives you the Hissatsuwaza Phase Gun.
Ronixis asks Crawd if he's nervous, and Crawd says no. Then the crew member
Ronixis sent away came back and says the test failed because the waves are
different than everything in their database, so Ronixis decides to move ahead
toward the large dome nearby.

Upon reaching the dome, the entire team splits up to look for a way to open the
door. Go over to the blinking panel and examine it. Crawd notices it and calls
Ronixis. Ronixis congratulates Crawd and the other team members say nothing. The
science officer fails on the first attempt to operate it correctly, but the
second attempt succeeds. Ronixis orders the team to enter but be careful. Inside
the dome, there is a damaged device with electric sparks. Walk towards it and
Ronixis will tell you not to get close since nobody knows what it does yet.
Crawd says it's OK and ignores the order, getting closer to check it out.

Upon closer inspection the device seems to be a pod of some sort. Nothing
happens so Crawd calls back to the others that it seems to be safe. The machine
then beeps a bunch of coordinates and says "Opening gate." Crawd gets sucked
into the pod and gets absorbed by an energy field. The device explodes. Ronixis
and the science officer run up to the now-crater, and Ronixis talks about how
"this is all my fault."

Crawd wakes up in a big forest. He calls around for the others but there's no
response, so he pulls out his communicator and tries to call them, but there's
still no response. Crawd realizes he should figure out where he is so takes a
few steps and looks around. Judging from his surroundings he surmises that he
may be on an "undeveloped" (i.e. no technology) planet. He spots a person being
chased by a big ape monster, but she doesn't realize it's behind her, so he
calls out to her. The ape charges her, and Crawd runs forward to attack it.

HP: 2000
No strengths/Weaknesses

You can't do any damage to the Gark with a normal attack, so kill him with the
Phase Gun. It might take a while if you're playing on Galaxy or Universe, where
the Gark can block the bolts and/or has more HP, but you basically can't get
killed unless you really screw up.

After killing the Gark, Crawd realizes he used his Phase Gun and starts to worry
about whether he might have broken the "Undeveloped Planet Protection Treaty."
The girl stammers a few words, and Crawd asks if she's OK. He starts to ask her
a question and steps toward her, and she runs away. Chase after her. She will be
waiting for you in the next room. She apologizes for running, saying she was
just surprised since it was so sudden. She introduces herself as Rena Lanford,
and Crawd introduces himself. Crawd then asks her where he is. Rena is confused.

On the way back to the town, Rena asks if Crawd is a traveler, and he says "sort
of." Rena asks where he's from and he says "Earth." Rena asks where that is.
Crawd realizes that there's no way that she would know. He just says it's very
far away. After entering the town, Rena tells him it is named Arlia. Crawd says
it's been a while since he breathed air that fresh, and Rena asks if there's
such thing as dirty air. Rena says she's going to make a quick trip to her house
and asks you to take a walk around the town.

Items in Arlia:
Resurrect Bottle, 200V, Leather Armor, Ichigo Jam, (Strawberry Jam) Blueberry,
Rose Hip, Blackberry

Pickpocket Info:
Blackberry, 10V, Rainbow Diamond, Sour Syrup, 100V, Blueberry, 24V, Ishikoro
(stone), Ichigo Jam Resurrect Bottle, MedamaYaki (Fried Eggs), Yasai
(Vegetables), Necklace, 100V, Silver Cross, 120V, Idaten Ship.

Not much is going on in Arlia. Nobody there knows anything about Mirokinia,
machinery, spaceships, or anything else Crawd asks about. Collect the items you
can and explore the town until you make your way to Rena's house.

Rena is talking to her mother when you enter. Rena asks what's wrong, and Crawd
says that he just sort of ended up there during his walk. Crawd asks if he's
intruding and Rena says no. Rena introduces you to her mother, Westa, who says
hello and thanks you for saving her, then goes on about how she told Rena not to
go to the Shingo Forest. Rena then offers to give you a tour of the town. After
leaving the house Rena apologizes for having a noisy mother and Crawd says it's
OK since his mother is the same. Go into the various houses in the village and
Rena will explain each of them to you. Then go back to Rena's house. Westa will
have prepared a huge meal.

After dinner, Rena talks to Crawd about how her mother served too much, then
goes downstairs to help with the cleaning. Crawd thinks for a bit about finding
a way to get home, then realizes that Rena is taking a while. Walk around for a
while and Westa will come upstairs. She asks if the dinner was OK, and Crawd
says it was great. She asks a couple more times and Crawd tells her that it was
good. She says she's glad since she was worried about not pleasing "the hero."
Crawd asks what she means, and Westa starts sweating. You hear Rena say "I'm
home" and Westa runs downstairs. From upstairs, you hear that Westa is very
upset, because she accidentally talked about "the hero" to you. Crawd wonders
what's going on and goes downstairs. There's another man there telling West to
calm down. He introduces himself as Regis, the elder of the town. They sit down
at the table, and Regis thanks Crawd for saving Rena. Then he asks Crawd where
he's heading in his journey. Crawd doesn't say anything, and Regis says he's an
"unusual" traveler not to know where he's going. Regis suggests that Crawd is
lying, that he is not really a traveler, but the Legendary Hero from another
world, just posing as one. Crawd is very surprised, and asks how he reached that
conclusion, and Regis tells about a town legend about "a hero wearing foreign
clothes and carrying the Sword of Light coming to save the world." Crawd insists
that he doesn't have anything like that, and Rena mentions the weapon that Crawd
used to kill the troll that attacked her. Crawd says that he does have a weapon
like that, but it's not a sword of light, and says that he thinks that this is a
misunderstanding. Crawd insists that he's not a hero and doesn't even have a
clue what's going on. Regis then goes on to explain that three months earlier, a
large meteorite hit down on the continent of Ell to the northeast, and since it
hit, strange things started happening; monsters started to appear like never
before and earthquakes came. He says that it isn't a normal meteorite, but a
magical rock, and thus became known as the "Sorcery Globe." He says that due to
Crawd's timing, he thought that it would be only natural for Crawd to be the
Hero. Crawd still insists that he isn't, and says there's no way he could stop
something like that. Regis asks Crawd where he's going then. Crawd says he can't
explain well, but can only really say that he didn't come here of his own will,
but came here by accident, and only wants to return to where he came from. Regis
says that if Crawd denies it so strongly, that he really isn't the Hero. Crawd
apologizes for breaking their expectations, and the others say it isn't his-
fault. Rena leaves, very disappointed. Regis tells Crawd to leave her alone for
a while. Then he asks Crawd to be careful on his journey from now on not to use
his "Sword of Light" because with people as uneasy as they are about the Sorcery
Globe, they are likely to make the same misunderstanding Rena did. Crawd says he
will and Regis says that for the time being, Crawd can stay at his house.

The next day, Regis recommends that you go to Salba if you can't find any good
information on how to get home in Arlia. He then gives you a Longsword, and
tells you that you can rest upstairs in the bed whenever you want. Before you
leave the town you should stop by the Shingo Forest first though. Rena will be
waiting in the spot you first "beamed into." When Crawd greets her, she
apologizes for starting the trouble the day before, and Crawd apologizes for not
being the Hero. Rena says it's all right and says that she hopes Crawd can
return to where he was before soon. Then she asks Crawd to leave her alone for a
while, so do. As you leave, the boy by the gate will warn you that if you stray
off the road you will get fought by monsters. So if you don't want to get into
any fights before visiting Salba, stick to the road.


Items in Salba:
Shozoga B, (Portrait B) Heavy Ring.
Pickpocket Info:
Spectacles, Pet no Esa (Pet Food), Resurrect Bottle x 2, Dummy Doll, Gold Idol,
24V, Sanbai-zojo-sake (Triple overfermented sake), Liquor Bottle, Gold, Ruby,
Magical Clay, 5V, 12V, Ringo Jam (Apple Jam), Mental Pot, Iron Greave, Silver
Idol, 500V, Pinboke Shasshin (Blurry photo), Wine, Artemis Leaf, Silver,
Trikabut, Resurrect Bottle, Urachobo (Falsified Account book), Paralyze Check x
2, Idaten Ship, Crystal, Orgol

What's going on in Salba:
Salba is a mining town which mines ores to sell around the continent. Currently
though, the mine is closed; because of the recent numbers of earthquakes, it has
been deemed not safe to enter. The mayor of the town, Burns, is the head of the
mine, but is on a journey and in his absence, his son Allen is in charge. People
have mixed feelings about Allen...lots of people say he's been acting strangely.
One man in the bar even says that the mine closed on his order, not because of
the earthquakes.

In any case, walk around and talk to the townspeople. Stop by the weapon shop
and buy some boots and a helmet as well. Once you leave Allen's house, Crawd
will mumble about the planet being completely undeveloped, with no feasible way
for him to return to Kalnas easily. Since there's nothing in Salba for you to
do, go back to Arlia.

When you return to Arlia, Westa, Regis, and the town priest are by the entrance
to the town running about in a frenzy. Crawd asks what's wrong, and Regis asks
if you know about the son of the mayor of Salba. (IOW Allen) Crawd says yes, and
Regis says that Allen came to Arlia with a troop of soldiers and forcefully
abducted Rena. Crawd asks where Allen took her, and Regis says that since he
liked Rena, he probably brought her back to his mansion. Crawd asks them why
they're just standing around, and the priest tells them that if they try to
break into Allen's mansion in the neighboring town they might be
counterattacked, and the soldiers he brought with them were too strong anyway.
Regis says there's nothing that anyone can do, and Crawd offers to go after her.
Since he's not from Arlia there's no worry of any backlash to the town. Regis
says that he shouldn't go and Crawd tells him not to worry, since he has the
"Sword of Light."

Head back to Salba. Everyone there is talking about how Allen abducted Rena. Go
up to Allen's mansion, and you'll find the door is locked. So Crawd steps back
and blasts it open with the Phase Gun. Then he realizes that the Phase Gun is
low on juice and he "won't be able to use it for a while." (This "while"
consequently lasts the rest of the game) Once inside, Rena is nowhere to be
found. Enter the room on the right on the first floor. You will find Rena's
hairpin on the ground. Pick it up, then move the statue in the corner of the
room to reveal a secret passageway.

Inside the passageway, you will find a wounded man. Crawd will stop to see if
the man is OK, and he tells you that Rena went down into the mine. The man tells
you that he was hired by Allen to make a strange altar, and that's probably
where Allen took her. Go into the mine.

Items in Salba Mine:
Rose Hip, Blackberry, 2 x Blueberry, Silver, Iron, 2xGold, Spectacles

If you're a low level in this mine (under 5) a lot of the enemies will be able
to hit you before you can get your sword out in time to slash them. If this is
the case, try to hit them from behind or use Kuhazan to strike them from far
away. The Lizard Axes will often drop Blueberries so you can use them to heal
yourself in case you get into a bind. This is a short dungeon so it shouldn't be
too much of a problem.

When you get through the mind, you will find Rena tied down to an altar in a
strange room. Allen will be there and will tell you not to get any closer. Crawd
tells Allen to let Rena go, but Allen says he's in the middle of the ceremony
and refuses. Rena asks Crawd to help her. Crawd tells Allen that weddings that
only one side wants aren't real. (or something like that, kinda tough to
translate without making it sound stupid) Allen hears this and starts to act
strangely. Crawd frees Rena in the meantime, and Allen sends out a shockwave,
knocking them back. His stone transforms him into a monster, and you have to
fight him.

BOSS: Allen Tacks
HP 400
Strong to Darkness, Weak to Light

Allen is an easy fight. If you have full MP at level 6 you can sometimes kill
him using only Kuhazans without him even getting close enough to hit you. Don't
let him get close to Rena because he will often kill her in one hit. (definitely
if you're playing the harder difficulty levels) If you switch control to Rena
and successfully sandwich him between the two of you and keep attacking, you can
kill him very quickly. (Make sure to have Rena attack from the rear if you're
trying this pattern)

After defeating Allen Crawd asks if Rena's OK, and she says yes. Crawd asks what
happened to Allen, and Rena says that she doesn't know, that he was just acting
as if he was obsessed with something. Crawd wonders how a human could take the
form that Allen did. Rena is sad and says that Allen was a kind person. But then
they realize that Allen is still breathing; Rena casts a heal spell on him and
Allen wakes up. Allen has no idea what is going on, and says his head hurts and
it's been like he's been watching a long dream. Crawd says that it's probably
because the stone got destroyed. The three of them then return to Salba. After
explaining what happened, Allen can't believe what he did, but can't remember
anything. He asks about how the altar was made and Bossman (the man who was
wounded in the mine) says that he built it at Allen's request two weeks ago.
Allen says all he remembers is that as soon as he saw the stone it gave him a
rush and a feeling that he couldn't do anything wrong, and after that instant
can't remember anything. Allen apologizes profusely, and Crawd + Rena return to

Back at his house, Regis thanks Crawd again, and asks what was behind Allen's
activity. Crawd explains about the rock. Rena notes that the stone is much like
the Sorcery Globe in that it runs people/animals into monsters. Regis mentions
that Salba is in an uproar, both about Allen and about "the hero." Crawd
apologizes for using the Phase Gun, and Regis says it's OK, but it spread the
rumor even more. Regis then asks Crawd if he will go and investigate the Sorcery
Globe. Crawd is surprised, but Regis says that he thinks that Crawd would be
best to investigate it since he was able to help Allen. Crawd thinks that the
Sorcery Globe is not just an ordinary meteorite, so investigating it might help
him as well. Crawd agrees to investigate, but tells Regis not to expect him to
be able to do anything about it. Rena then asks if Crawd will take her as well,
because she could guide him around the continent since he doesn't know about it.
Crawd is opposed to the idea, and asks Regis to back him up, but Regis thinks it
would be a good idea to take her. Crawd says OK, but says that he will only take
Rena along with him if her mother thinks it's all right. Rena agrees, and then
goes home.

Go back into the house, and Regis will ask to talk to you before you go to
sleep. Regis tells Crawd that he was actually expecting Rena to want to go.
Regis asks if you were healed by Rena. If Rena healed Crawd in the battle with
Allen, he says yes, otherwise he talks about how Rena healed Allen. Regis
mentions that most people from Expel don't have that power. Regis then tells
Crawd that Rena is not Westa's real daughter. He tells Crawd that Rena was found
abandoned in the Shingo Forest when she was about 2 years old. Westa found Rena,
and since she couldn't have children of her own, adopted her. Crawd asks if Rena
knows, and Regis says that nobody has told her yet. He goes on to say that the
only thing she really could say when she was found was that her name was Rena,
but nobody knows anything else; why she was abandoned, and why she has the
healing magic she does. Crawd asks if there's any hints to point to anything,
and Regis says that the only thing they have is the pendant she was wearing when
she was found. Then Regis says it's getting late and shows you to your room.
When in his room, Crawd hears something hit the window. Go out to the balcony,
and Rena will be outside the house. She says she wants to talk to you and asks
you to come down.

Go outside. (Regis will be mysteriously gone from the house on your way down) Go
over to the bridge near the church and Rena will be there. Crawd asks what the
problem is, and Rena says that her mother was really surprised when she asked to
go. Crawd asks if she said it wasn't OK, and Rena says that Regis came in before
she could say anything. Rena then tells Crawd that she has another reason for
wanting to go with him; she says that Westa is not her real mother. (Crawd is
surprised she knows) Rena goes into detail about how she found out; the game
shifts to flashback to when Rena's father died. She overhears a conversation
between Westa and Regis downstairs. Westa is distraught over her husband's death
and Regis is telling her to calm down for Rena's sake too. Westa says that if
her husband isn't with her, then she'll have to tell Rena that she's not her
real daughter by herself. She says that she wish she threw Rena's pendant away,
because without that she would have no evidence of NOT being her real daughter.
Crawd asks if Rena wants to search for her real mother. Rena says she doesn't
know, but since she was given the pendant before being abandoned, thinks that
her real mother probably cared for her. Crawd says "what about Westa" and Rena
says that in her mind Westa is her "real" mother, but she still wants to know
where she came from, why she can use healing magic, etc. which is why she wants
to find her real mother. Rena then goes home.

The next day, before leaving, Regis says that Crawd and Rena should go meet the
king of Cross, so they can get a letter of permission to go to Ell and get the
most recent information. Leave the town and go north. When you stop off at
Salba, go to talk to Allen. Rena will tell him about going to investigate the
Sorcery Globe. Talk to him again, and he will give you a Shiawase no Yubiwa.
(Happiness Ring) Other than that there's not much to do here, so head north to

Chapter 2
The Treasure Hunter, Celine

Once you arrive at Cross, it will be reasonably late. Rena recommends you go to
the inn to rest before going to the castle the next day. Go to the inn; it is on
the first screen in town to the northwest. When you enter, the innkeeper Rachel
will greet Rena and ask how she is doing. She notices Crawd and asks if he's her
boyfriend. Rena gets upset and vehemently denies it. Crawd is somewhat insulted.
Rachel says that she has a room open and as a favor will let you stay there
free. Rena asks if it's OK, and Rachel says it's so they can have "a great night
together." Rena gets angry again and Crawd is insulted again. On your way to the
room, Rachel mentions that two weeks ago, "Flac" stopped by. Rena is surprised
and asks about him. Rachel says he left soon after stopping, and Rena seems
slightly disappointed. Once inside, Crawd asks Rena who "Flac" is, and Rena
tells him that Dias Flac was someone who used to live in Arlia, but after a
traumatic experience left the village. Crawd says he won't pry any deeper. Then
he asks if Rena would address him less formally than she is at the time.
(language nuance) She agrees.

The next day you can travel around Cross more freely.

Items in Cross town and Castle:
Wood Shield, Leather Helm, 500V
Pickpocket Items:
Paralyze Oil, 20V, Hosomi no Tsurugi, Orihalcon, Iron, Pet no Esa, Hen na
Katamari (Weird Lump), Spectacles, Cure Poison, Aquaberry, Leather Armor, Vol Up
Card, Specatcles, Hakkiyoke, 200V, Osashimi, Youri no Comporte (Pear Comporte),
Long Sword, Blueberry, Kokuryuu "Sekidenya", 50V, Pinboke Shasshin, Paralyze
Oil, Leather Helm, Leather Greave, Magical Film, Sweet Syrup, 200V, 200V,
Anklet, Kudamono (Fruit), Cure Paralyze, 50V, Hen na Ningyo, 500V, Silk Robe,
100V, 80V, Banded Mail, 200V, Stink Gel, Hane Pen, Aloe Jam, Beer, Blackberry,
Banded Helm, Magical Camera

What's going on in Cross: There are 4 topics of information that are useful to
know that the townspeople tell you: first, that the King is looking for
adventurers to investigate the Sorcery Globe. Second, it is rumored the prince
has run away from the castle. Third, there is a palace on top of a mountain
nearby that can only be entered with the King's permission. Lastly, there is
talk of a demon bird that lives on top of the mountain west of the castle.

Go to the castle and register your name for an audience at the receptionist's
desk. The receptionist will tell you to explore the castle while you wait your
turn. You can talk to the people in the castle, who don't say anything
interesting except rumors about the prince running away from the castle. Talking
to enough people, then to one of the soldiers guarding the king's chamber will
trigger the guards downstairs to letting you in to see the king. After
exchanging a few pleasantries, the king will ask what your business is, and Rena
will talk about your trip to investigate the Sorcery Globe, and asks the king
will ask you what you'd like to know. You get 3 choices:
A) Ask about the strange changes that are occurring
B) Ask about the status of the country of Ell
C) Ask what the Sorcery Globe is.

A) The king will tell you that the changes include erupting volcanoes,
earthquakes, and similar natural disasters. He says that there's no proof that
it's because of the Sorcery Globe but it shouldn't be ruled out.
B) The king tells you that Ell is in the middle of battle with monsters, but
details on the status or range of casualties is not known. Rena asks if ships
are going to Ell, and the king says they're being limited.
C) The king basically says that "we know nothing" and mentions that none of the
teams sent out to investigate have returned.

Once you ask all three, the king tells you that the country is deciding to hire
adventurers to investigate the Globe. The king recommends you to think about not
going, but Rena says that it's OK since Crawd is coming. The king says you
should be better equipped, so gives you a pass and a stipend of 600 Vol for the
trip. The king tells you that if you're going to Ell, you should go via boat at
Clik. Crawd and Rena leave the audience hall.

When you return to center square, you will find a crowd gathering around a fight
brewing in the park in the middle of town between a man and a woman in mage
robes. They are fighting over a map that the woman bought in an auction; the man
is accusing her of using dirty handed tactics to get it. The man threatens to
kill her, and Crawd runs in to try to break up the fight. The man gets angry and
starts to advance on her, and the mage woman tells him to pick on someone his
own size. The man jumps back and starts to gather a magic bolt to fire at the
woman, but she casts a fire spell that causes his spell to blow up in his face.
The man runs away. After he runs, the woman compliments you for trying to break
up the fight. Then she asks if you were the ones having an audience with the
king. Crawd asks how she knew about that and the woman says that she heard a
rumor at the castle about a pair of people who got their audience especially
advanced. Crawd asks how she knew that they were the pair in question, and the
woman says that she was actually watching them during their audience. Rena makes
a sarcastic remark. The woman talks about the map she bought at the auction
which supposedly leads to hidden treasure, and asks if you will come with her to
search for it. Rena says that you don't have the time to go off on a treasure
hunt, and the woman suggests that you might find a hint that will help you as
well. You then have a choice:

A) Sure, let's investigate
B) No, it's OK.

It doesn't matter what you say here; if you say no the woman will pretend not to
have heard you. Once you agree she thanks you and introduces herself as Celine
Jules. She shows the map to you and says that the treasure is nearby in Cross
Cave. Rena asks if she's talking about the famous natural cavern, and Celine
says yes. Rena says that she thought it had been thoroughly explored. Celine
says that the map provides additional new information on the cave that indicates
a section that hasn't been found. After briefing you and Rena, Celine picks up
the map, and Rena makes a comment about how she seems suspicious, but she
doesn't hear.

Now that Celine is in your party, head over to Cross Cavern.


Items in Cross Cavern: Blueberry, Sweet Syrup x 2, Artemis Leaf, Cure Poison x
2, Lavender x 2, ?Mineral (Ishikoro, Rock), ?Jewelry (Reverse Doll), Stink Gel,
Hane Pen (Feather Pen), 600V, Resurrect mist, ?Item (Aquaberry), Blackberry x 2,
Tri-ball, Magic Canvas, Iron, Green Beryl, 700V, Kokoro no Shoheki, (Limits of
the Mind) Kobunsho (ancient parchment)

In terms of enemy strength Cross Cave is pretty easy. Unless you have Celine
and/or Rena actively participating in the battle you're unlikely to see anyone
die. The only things to be careful of here are that you don't get lost and that
Celine/Rena don't waste their MP. There are also a few hidden passageways and
chests so check thoroughly.

At the northeast end of the cave, it's a dead end. Celine says that it's odd
because the map shows an extra room off the dead end you're at. Crawd suggests
the map is a fake. Celine asks Rena about her healing magic, and says that there
are no healing Monsho to use for Monshojutsu. Crawd asks to look at the map, and
notices some very faint lettering. They are instructions on how to get into the
room. Celine tests it out, and opens a door to the right with more treasure. One
of the boxes has the Kobunsho in it. However, it is written in another language
and nobody can read it. Crawd suggests taking it to a translator.

The top box contains the "boss" to the cave. They'll only attack if you open it,
so you don't have to fight them.

BOSS: 2 Gargoyles
HP 1500 each
Strong to Darkness, Weak to Light.

If one of the Gargoyles latches onto you and starts biting you, it will hit
multiple times and drain your HP very quickly. Since neither Rena nor Celine
will be good enough in hand-to-hand, you'll have to fight in close with Crawd.
Just be careful not to be trapped between both of them, and have Rena heal when
necessary. Ryuseisho is a good technique to use. Also, since they are weak to
light, Celine's Ray spell works very well against them.

On your way out of the cave, Celine will thank you for your help and start to
leave. Crawd will mention not finding any hints on the Sorcery Globe, and Celine
asks if that is where you are going. You'll ask Celine if she wants to come, and
Celine asks if it's OK. You then have two choices:
a) Please come with us
b) On second thought, let's not

Pick a) and Celine will join you permanently. Pick b) and she will leave
permanently. Basically, if you want Celine in your party for good, this is your
choice to keep her or not. I suggest you take her with you, because unless you
are planning to have both Opera and Ernest join you, you will not be able to
fill up your party to a full 8 members if you don't. Also, there is a quest
coming up soon where Crawd will have to be alone if she doesn't join you, and it
will be extremely difficult to win without her. Whether or not Celine joins
you, your next destination will be the town of Clik, at the north end of the

Chapter 3
Clik's fate

Items in Clik:
Lyre, Gyokarui (fish products), Kokumotsu (grain), Yasai-

Pickpocket Info:
800V, 500V, Soyokaze no Pierce (Breeze Earrings), Kyo no Ippin, (Today's Menu)
Flash Pot, Aquaberry, Graneshezo, Artemis Leaf, 100V, Dummy Doll, Gatagata
Knuckle, (Wrecked Knuckle) Beer, Yasai, Hotcake, Extend Card, Discovery Card,
Feat Symbol, Kokuryu "Ishidaya", Herbal Oil, Senchuyasaku, Berserk Ring, Ringo
no Crepe (Apple Crepe), 50V, Silver Cross, Ruby, Orange Sherbet, Silver Charm,
Batlayer Ring, Tamago Sand (Egg Sandwich), 500V, Kimyo na Fuku (Weird Clothing),
Robe, Magical Clay, Mandrake, Sapphire, Anklet, Iron, Mannenpitsu (Fountain Pen)

I highly suggest you do a Private Action in Clik *before* you explore the town
as a group; there is an important Private Action you will want to see. Note that
you can steal some really good items from the people here; if you want to steal
any of them, you have to steal them now. Normally, you won't have the Pickpocket
tokugi or the Tozoku Tebukuro (Thief Gloves) yet, but if you have the patience
to build your Vol to 41,800, you can buy the gloves and the skill at Harley, the
town furthest to the east. It's definitely not necessary though.

Anyhow, head to the captain of the ship. You will give him the pass the King
gave you, and he will be impressed that you know the king. He says that as soon
as all the freight is loaded the ship will leave, and tell you to wander around
town until it's time, so do so.

Upon entering center square, Crawd decides to sit on a bench, and gets knocked
over by a child. After getting his bearings, Crawd realizes that the child
pickpocketed him. Crawd didn't get a good look at him so asks the others what he
looked at; they tell him that he had blue hair. So search the town for him. If
you talk to the children on the dock, they will tell you that the pickpocket is
by the bar.

At the bar, Crawd walks up to the child and grabs him. The kid tells him to let
go, and Crawd says "not until you give us our wallet back first." The child
plays dumb, and Crawd gets angry. Rena talks to the boy and asks if he's seen
it, since they can't continue their journey without money. The boy says "You
were on a journey with just that!?" He realizes his slip-up and Crawd gets
really angry. Rena tells him to calm down and asks what he wanted with your
money. The boy says that if he wanted anything, his parents would buy it for
him, and that he just wanted to show everyone that he's not just a spoiled rich
kid and can be bad too. That way the other kids will play with him. He gives
Crawd back his wallet, and Crawd says he'll forgive him if he gives the party a
tour of Clik. He agrees, and introduces himself as Ketil.

You can have Ketil show you around the town now, and there are several events
you can see:
1) Enter Ketil's house and he will try to sneak up on the servant. (and fail)
Ketil will introduce you, and his mother comes in. She suspects you are trying
to kidnap Ketil since there is "no other reason to be with her child." Another
servant comes in and tells her that preparations to leave are done, and she
leaves, telling Ketil not to do anything to tarnish the family name.
2) After feeling a slight rumble, Ketil asks you if you know that you are by the
fountain square. You can either say yes or fake that you don't know. If you fake
that you don't know, Ketil will tell you about all the stores on the square.
3) Inside the restaurant, the cook allows you to try a sample for free. You can
try either Tomuyankun, Kusaya, or Natto.-(all 3 are Japanese dishes not well
4) At the ice cream shop or the crepe shop, you can buy Ketil an orange sherbet
or a banana crepe.
5) At the boutique, Ketil will ask one of your characters to try on some
clothes. (you pick which one) No matter who you choose, they look silly and all
the other characters laugh at him/her.

Once you're done touring, go and talk to the children on the dock. Ketil will
run away, but Rena calls him back and Crawd asks the children if they will play
with him. They don't want to since he's a rich kid and their parents told them
not to play with him. Eventually Crawd talks them into letting Ketil play with
them. He thanks you, and they all run off. Go back and check with the captain

The captain will tell you that he's ready to set sail, but has to load one more
thing on and tells you to make a last-minute check to buy the things you need.
Once you enter the center square, a huge earthquake hits the town. The party
retreats to higher ground. Once on the peninsula to the north of town, talk to
the captain. He says the rest of the crew died except for the Monshotsukai first
mate. He tells you that even though his ship got destroyed, you can get to Ell
by traveling to Racool continent and then catching a ship from there to Ell. He
gives you back the pass and tells you to go to Harley, the town at the east end
of Cross Continent. He tells you that since you can't stay at Clik any more, you
should rest at Mars, a village on the way there.

Climb the stairs to the end of the peninsula, and you will see a tidal wave
coming. It hits Clik and levels what was left of the town. Go up to the top and
you will find that Ketil is safe. Crawd asks if his mother is all right, and
their servant says that she was leaving Clik before the earthquake hit so should
be all right. You can talk to the rest of the survivors, but now that there's
nothing left of the town, head to Mars.

Chapter 4
Dias and The Kidnapping
Head East to Mars.


Items in Mars: Silk Robe, Sour Syrup, Purple Mist, Silence Card
Pickpocket Data: Robe, 120V, 200V, Kanashimi no Yubiwa (Ring of Sorrow), Boots,
Fairy Glass, Ruby Wand, Magic Rock, Kokumotsu, Silence Card, Motogyunyu (Rotten
Milk), Tamatebako [a box from legend], Rose Hip, Wine, Tenshi no Zo (Angel
Satue), Silk Robe, Herbal Oil, Magical Hat

Enter the house to the northeast, and Celine's mother, RabÄ, will notice her.
(I'm not sure what happens if Celine's not in your party) Celine asks what's
going on, and tells Crawd and Rena that Mars is her home town. The party goes
over and sits down. Celine asks the elder what is going on. Celine's father,
Egras, explains that the night before, all the children of the town disappeared.
When they started to search for them, a Monshotsukai from the Monsho Forest came
with a message. The Monshotsukai tells you that he was training in the Monsho
Forest when some bandits appeared. They told him that they were holding the
children for ransom, and that they wanted 50,000V and the town's "Mitsuin no
Sho." (Book of Secret Seal) Crawd asks what that is, and-the elder says that it
is a book of spells that is never supposed to leave the town. Egras says that it
was a shock that the bandits were able to enter the forest, since it was
protected by a magic barrier; if they could break that barrier then they must be
very strong. They tell you that the bandits are holding the children hostage in
the Monsho Forest, and that as it's the training ground for Monshotsukai, it is
like a natural fortress. The townspeople think they can defeat the bandits, but
are afraid to try because they fear for the children. They know where the
hideout is, so what they want is someone strong to save the children; therefore
they asked a traveling swordsman stopping by to save them. Rena looks at the
swordsman and asks "Dias?" Egras is surprised she knows him, and says that he
is a famous swordsman so they can rely on him. Rena says that Dias is better
than anybody, so he can easily free the children. Egras says that Dias agreed to
take on the job since he is training for the Racool Bugu Taikai, (Weapons &
Armor Tournament) but the Monshotsukai is opposed to letting Dias do the job
since they don't know how good he is. Rena insists Dias is the best but he is
not convinced. Egras feels bad about asking an outsider to do it, so Celine
suggests that you do it. Dias says that if you take the job that he's going to
leave, and "if this arrogant bitch screws up don't blame me." Celine gets really
angry, and Dias says that she's the one being rude since she just came in and
changed the plan. He leaves and returns to the inn.

The game shifts to Crawd and Celine waiting outside the elder's house, waiting
for Rena, who went to talk to Dias. Celine makes a comment about how long she is
taking, and wonders if Dias really intends to go alone. Crawd says he seemed
like he had a lot of confidence in his ability so probably is. Celine is angry
at the elder for asking Dias and tells Crawd that you should defeat the bandits
before Dias gets a chance to to show you're good too. At this point, Rena comes
back. Rena asks the others to let Dias join. She tells you that she got him to
promise to join you, and pleads with you to let him join, saying he is a top-
notch swordsman and could really help. Celine asks Crawd what he thinks, and
Crawd says "He said he'd do it by himself, so there's no need for us to go with
him." Rena gets angry and asks why Crawd would say that. Crawd says "I'm not
lying; besides, we don't need him anyway." Rena then says that she will go with
Dias and not with Crawd, saying "You may not need him, but I do," and runs away.
Celine is irritated, but tells Crawd that you should prepare and then return to
the Elder's house to stay before going after the bandits. "What, doesn't she
need me then!?" Crawd thinks.

Go to the store and buy what you need (buy 20 Blueberries, you will need them,
but not a Flame Blade because you will find one in the forest) and then return
to the elder's house. The next day, before leaving, the elder tells you that the
children's safety is the most important. The Monshotsukai says that "we will
take care of the town's defenses." Celine talks to Crawd, but he is off in
another world. Crawd finally realizes Celine is talking to him, and Egras
worries, wondering if you shouldn't have gone with the others. Celine notes that
they went off first without waiting for you, suggesting they wanted to kill the
bandits first and brag about it. The Elder reminds her that this is not a
competition, and tells you to cooperate with them if you run into them. The
elder then gives you a pair of-Dorokutsu (Mud Boots) and tells you that if you
don't wear them there are some places you won't be able to cross. On the way to
the forest, Celine asks Crawd if he's been worrying about what Rena said. He
says nothing and the enter the forest.

Items in the forest:
?Herb (Rose Hip), Amber Robe, Kizuke Kusuri (Wakeup Medicine), Dummy Doll, Flame
Blade, Mandrake

Early into the forest you will come across a group of Bandits. Each one has 500
HP, and unless your level is pretty high you will have trouble getting in a shot
at them without them hitting you first. And without Rena in your party to heal
you, you are going to need lots of Blueberries. If she has it, Celine's Energy
Arrow will be very useful. Try to keep the Bandits away from you by shooting
Kuhazans at them.

This forest is one of the toughest spots in the game for Crawd's scenario; you
can only rely on items for healing and the enemies are strong. On Galaxy and
Universe levels it is even worse. Most random encounters in this forest are not
as tough as the Bandits, but they will still be pretty difficult. The Stingrays
are especially irritating; until you learn Crawd's Kabutowari technique, it is
difficult to hit them. If you run into a battle with multiple Magiuses, have
Celine cast Ray immediately; several of them will often cast Star Light at the
same time, creating a spell fusion which will either kill everyone outright or
bring them to near-death status. You may want to go back to town to the inn a
couple of times.

After the second group of bandits, you learn that Rena and Dias have been
killing bandits in the forest too. Celine asks Crawd if Rena and Dias'
relationship bothers him after defeating them, but he vehemently denies it.

The third group of bandits is REALLY angry, and accuses you of causing lots of
trouble. Celine tells them you just got here, and the bandits say "so it's your
allies, no difference!" Crawd responds by saying "We have no allies!" After
defeating them, Celine says "What could Rena and Dias have done to make them so
mad?" Crawd says he doesn't care.

As you are leaving one area, the Monshotsukai comes in from the room behind you.
He says he was looking for you, and Celine asks if it's all right for him not to
be defending the Elder's house. "I cleaned up the problem, so I came to the
forest" he says. Celine asks if he found the children, and Crawd says "Rena beat
us..." Celine asks if the bandits were all defeated, and the Monshotsukai says
"No, they're doing great." Celine asks what he means and the Monshotsukai says
"The one I killed was your father." The Monshotsukai shows himself as
Vermillion, the boss of the bandits. He says that you trust your friends too
much, and by transforming into an ally it was easy for him to steal the Missho.
Crawd says he trusts the people of Mars, and Rena too. Vermillion attacks before
he can say anything more.

BOSS: Vermillion
HP 3000
Weak to Fire, Light, Strong to Dark.

If you are above level 15 or so, Vermillion shouldn't be a problem. If you are
any lower, attacking him head-on will be difficult, so use Crawd's Kabutowari
technique against him. Cast Ray with Celine as well.

After defeating Vermillion, Crawd suggests you return to the village. Celine
says that finding the children is more important. She says that it's too
dangerous to leave them be. At this point, Rena and Dias enter. Rena asks what
Vermillion is, and Crawd explains about him being the Monshotsukai. Rena
realizes that he must have been the boss. Crawd asks why Rena is there, and Rena
tells him that she and Dias saved the children. Dias asks Crawd if he defeated
the monster, and he says yes. Dias says "Then I guess what Rena was saying might
have been true." Crawd is confused, and Dias goes on to say that the day where
the two will fight against each other may be soon. He then leaves. Crawd asks
what Dias was talking about but Rena does not respond.

At Celine's house, Crawd wonders if Egras is all right, and the elder tells him
that he has several heavy wounds from Monsho being cast, and that it would be a
miracle if he woke up. Crawd says that Rena's healing magic will probably help.
The elder is amazed to hear of healing magic. At this point Rena comes in and
says that Egras is fine and just needs some rest. The Elder leaves to go see for
himself. Rena tells Crawd she was surprised that the Monshotsukai was behind the
plan all along. Crawd says that it was tough to tell, seeing as how he changed
himself into what seemed to be a victim. Rena says it was amazing how Crawd was
able to defeat the boss all by himself. Crawd says that he wasn't alone and that
Celine was with him. (I dunno what happens if Celine *isn't* with you.) Rena
goes on to say that it was a big deal to be congratulated by Dias as well. Crawd
says that Dias must be really skilled; for him to congratulate him like that he
must be much better. He goes on to say he sees why Rena likes him. Rena tells
him not to get the wrong idea and that Dias is like a brother to her. Crawd
starts to tell Rena something about the stone that Allen had, then stops and
tells her he hopes she finds her mother.

Leave the town, and if Celine is in your party, she will chase after you. Crawd
suggests it might be better for her to stay with her father, and Celine says
that he'll be all right. Celine asks you to stay at her house in thanks. Rena
asks if it's OK, and Celine says that you are the heroes of the hour and deserve
it. Rena asks if Dias said where he was going, and Celine says no, but that
you'll probably meet him again.

Inside Celine's house, Egras talks to you and mentions that you are on your way
to Harley, and Rena explains about how you are headed to Ell. Crawd asks Egras
what he thinks about the Sorcery Globe, and he says that although it's only mere
speculation, he thinks it's some kind of energy that has an effect on all life
around it, changing everything into monsters. Egras says it's either that, or
just a normal meteorite, though that wouldn't explain what's going on. He says
that he can't support your going straight to Ell as well. Celine comes in and
asks why, and Egras says that you don't have enough information. He tells you to
gather more information first, and that there's a fine line between courage and

Later, Egras talks to Crawd, and mentions the hero legend again, and tells Crawd
that he thinks he is the one. Crawd says that he doesn't think he is, and that
he is only working hard because Celine and Rena are too. "Don't you mean just
Rena?" Egras asks. Egras says Crawd is remarkable because he doesn't value Rena
for only her power. Then he leaves to go to bed.

On the way out the next day, Crawd asks where you should go first at Racool.
Egras tells you to go to the castle town, since the newest information and
weapons should be there. Celine adds that you should stop by Ringa to try and
get the book you found translated. You ask what Ringa is and Celine tells you
that it is a town famous for its scholars. Egras tells you to go to Racool
castle first.

Leave, and head east to Harley.

Chapter 5
The Unlucky Warrior

If you want Opera to join your party, or don't want Ashton to join your party,
then once you reach Harley go straight to Racool by boat and skip this chapter,
or at least only go as far as when you meet Ashton. Otherwise, read on.

When you enter Hilton, talk to the two men right by the entrance. They will tell
you that a two-headed dragon has shown up at Salba. They say there was a rumor
about it for a while, but it turned out to be true. Rena asks "After Allen, what
next?" Celine (if she's with you) asks who Allen is. Crawd asks the men for
details, and they tell you that Salba is looking for people to defeat the
dragon, but several warriors have already gone so it might already be taken care
of. They tell you to stay away from Salba Mine. Don't though; go back to Salba.

When you return to the mine, a soldier tells you the mine is off limits. Crawd
says you're here to defeat the dragon, and although the soldier doesn't think
you can handle it, lets you enter. He tells you that another warrior already
went in, and tells you not to get in his way. Rena wonders if it's Dias that

You can now enter the section of the mine you couldn't formerly. The monsters
are tougher, so be careful.

Items in the new section of the mine:
Maple Syrup, Brigandy, Iron, Aquaberry, Gold Pierce, Cinderella Glass, Diamond,
Star Ruby.

Upon going further into the mine, you will see rather lost man in a dark blue
robe. Crawd asks who it is and Rena says it must be the warrior. Rena notes that
the guard told you to help him, so follow him. When you get further into the
cave, you will find the man fighting the dragon. Rena ask if there's any way you
should help him. Crawd says the passage is too narrow for everyone to fight, so
you sit and cheer him on. The man turns around, and asks you to be a little
quieter. With his back turned the dragon sneaks up on him and there is a huge
flash of light. When the light clears, the man is nowhere to be seen. He comes
running in, but with the two dragons attached to his back! He looks around,
saying "Where's the dragon?" He asks you if you know, and you tell him they're
on his back. The dragons make noise, and the man notices them. Rena says "It's
good, you're OK." The man says "It's NOT good, what's with these dragons!?" He
realizes they're grafted into his back, and blames you since you made him turn
around. He tells you to take responsibility for the dragons. Rena asks what you
can do, and the man tells you to come with him to-search for a way to get the
dragons off. You then have a choice to a) Take responsibility, or b) don't. If
you want Ashton to join your party, select A. Otherwise select B.

A) The man is surprised and thanks you for understanding. He introduces himself
as Ashton Anchors, and joins your party.

B) Rena says she thinks it's not your fault, since it was the man who turned
around. He asks "so you think it's all my fault?" Crawd says "Well, possibly..."
The dragons start fighting, and Crawd says "Let's run for it, Rena!" You run
away, and afterwards Crawd feels slightly bad for the man. Rena mentions that
you don't have the time to help him with his dragons. Now leave the mine. If you
go back, the man will introduce himself as Ashton and forcibly join your party.
(Of course, if you've changed your mind and want him in your party, then you
might want to go back)

Assuming he joined you, once you leave the town, Crawd asks Ashton how you'd
figure out a way to get rid of the dragons. Ashton says he doesn't know. One of
the dragons makes a noise, and Crawd says "What?" Ashton says the dragon is
saying "You're too dumb to figure out how!" Crawd gets angry, but Rena says that
the dragons are kind of cute. Rena says that the red one's eyes are "Gyoro" and
the blue one's eyes are "Uru-uru" and cute. (These are adjectives describing the
way that the eyes move/stare which has no English equivalent really) Crawd
mentions that that's not what's important here, and Rena asks if she can name
the dragons. She names the blue one Ururun and the red one Gyoro after their
eyes. Ashton asks again what you should do, and Rena suggests you look it up in
a book. She says that there are a lot of books in the Elder's house in Mars and
there might be some hint there.

At this point, you can either go straight to Racool and continue your quest or
do some side quests to try to find a way to remove Ashton's dragons. The side
quests are completely optional, but you can find several useful items and fight
special enemies if you go on them. If you decide to go on the quests, go to

When you investigate the Elder's books, you will find three books: "The Source
of Monshojutsu," "Mars' folk tales," and "Book of detachment." You want to look
at the last one. It is a book on detaching foreign objects fused to one's body.
Crawd reads it. It says that the methods differ depending on the type of demon
fused, so Crawd reads the section on "Mamonoryu." (Monster Dragon) It says that
in order to detach dragons, you need to have a "tear of the flying King" in the
"holy silver goblet." Crawd reads that the Silver Goblet sleeps near the face of
water inside the body of a mother. Ashton says maybe that means the ocean or a
lake. Celine suggests that it might be Coll Lake at the northwest end of Cross.
On the "inside the body of the mother" part, Rena suggests that it might refer
to the Mountain Palace by the lake. Crawd reads on to say that to get the
"King's Tear" you need to climb a mountain and face a duel. He suggests maybe
it's referring to a bird that lives on top of a mountain. Celine says that it is
said a demon bird lives on top of Lasgus mountain west of Cross Castle. Crawd
continues, saying that once you have the tear, you just have to recite the
incantation listed in the book. Ashton is happy to hear it's possible, and Crawd
reads on to say that when the incantation is finished, the dragons will be
"cleansed off the face of the earth." Celine asks if it's necessary to go as far
as to kill Gyoro and Ururun. Crawd and Rena agree with her, and Ashton is not
pleased. He insists on continuing the plan, so Crawd suggests you go to the
Mountain Palace.

The Mountain Palace is just south of where Clik was. Climb up the mountain, and
be careful of boulders if you get into a battle. Once you get to the Mountain
Palace, there is a guard standing there who will not let anyone in without
permission of the King. So return to Cross Castle. Talk to the king and explain
the situation, and he will give you permission and 3000V. Return to the Mountain
Palace and you will be able to enter.

Items in the Mountain Palace:
Lunar Tablet, Crystal, ?HERB (Artemis Leaf), ?JEWELRY (Kaygayaki no Pierce,
Shining Earring), Resurrect bottle, Cure Stone, Sweet Syrup, Crest Rod, Amber
Robe, ?MINERAL (Damascus), Trikabut, Fairy Toilette, Damascus, Emerald Ring,
Yosei no Zo (Fairy Statue), Cestas, ?MINERAL (Orihalcon)

The monsters here are reasonably tough, but you can always go back to the guard
and talk to him to rest like you were at an inn. The Slime Pools are especially
hardy, but Crawd's close-up Ryuseisho works great against them. Be careful
against them too--they can paralyze you, and it's unlikely that you'll have a
lot of Liquor Bottles or Cure Paralyzes at this point in the game. The Archers
have a tendency to attack you from behind so be careful.

Once you find the Silver Cup, Ashton says "One more step to my freedom." Gyoro
and Ururun are not happy, and the rest of the party chastises Ashton for saying
that in front of them. At this point, a demon drops down and attacks you.

BOSS: Nightmare
HP 9000
No strengths or weaknesses

The Nightmare is fast, powerful, and will cast Tetanus Wind if you give it the
chance, so don't let up in your attack. Ashton's Leaf Slash is a good technique
to use early on because it will bring him right up to the Nightmare before she
gets a chance to cast Tetanus Wind. Since she is very fast, try to keep her from
running by sandwiching her between Ashton and Crawd. Once you do this, Crawd's
Ryuseisho and Ashton's Cross slash/Twin Stab should make fairly short work of

After defeating the boss, Crawd asks Gyoro and Ururun if they hold a grudge
against you for trying to find a way to get them off. Ashton says that they say
that they don't really know, but they understand how Ashton is in an awkward
position. Crawd remarks that they understand pretty well. Once you leave, the
party discusses places that the King of the Air could be. It comes to general
consensus that it must be Lasgus Mountain west of Cross, so go there.

Lasgus Mountain is a short dungeon but the battles are difficult. The
Pylesherries can cast Blood Scylla so you should kill them first. Also be
careful of the Shouts; they can't hurt you but will drain your MP, and you will
probably need it for the upcoming fight.

Climb to the top of the mountain and you will find a huge nest. Nothing is there
though. Ashton says "There should be someone with the King's Tear here
somewhere..." At this point, the owner of the nest, a gigantic demon-bird, will
fly on screen. Ashton steps forward and says "Long time no see, JinÄ." The party
is confused as to how Ashton knows the bird. JinÄ says "Since when have you
fallen to being stuck onto the back of this human? What happened to your old
magnificent form?" Ashton says that times have changed and that in order to
survive he had to do what was needed. At this point, the party realizes that
it's not Ashton that is speaking, but Gyoro and Ururun who are talking through
him. JinÄ tells Gyoro and Ururun that they can't bring out their true power
while attached to Ashton, then goes on to say even if they could they still
couldn't beat him. Ashton challenges JinÄ, and JinÄ laughs but accepts the

HP 20000
Strong to fire and wind

JinÄ is a very difficult boss. If you are playing on Galaxy or Universe, you are
going to have to be a pretty high level to even think about beating him. If you
don't have Cure All yet for Rena, don't even attempt to fight him. He can cast
Light Cross, which will do significant damage to your party, but his biggest
threat is in his Master Attack, a charge that will heavily damage any character
that gets hit if not kill them outright. If you see JinÄ gather wind under him
with his wings either get out of the way or hit him quickly because that is a
sign he is going to use his Master Attack. The technique of choice for Crawd is
definitely Kabutowari, but he will run out of MP long before JinÄ is defeated.
The fact that he's a flying enemy will make hitting him difficult so have Celine
cast Energy Arrow on him. Also have her cast Reflection on everybody, Ashton and
Crawd first. Most importantly, make sure that Rena's MP stay high. Use
Blackberries on her when her MP runs out.

After JinÄ is defeated, he berates Gyoro and Ururun for fusing with Ashton. They
reply (through Ashton) by saying that they were always alone before, but for the
first time they know what it is like to have a friend. JinÄ says he is wishes he
could be like them, but it is impossible for him to be in the same position they
are. He flies away, dropping the Matori no Namida. (Demon-Bird's Tear) At this
point Ashton "comes to" and asks the rest of the party where the bird went. The
rest of the party huddles, and says that JinÄ must have been jealous of Gyoro
and Ururun, and that the tear he dropped may have been a real one. Ashton is
confused. Rena asks Ashton if he really intends to get rid of Gyoro and Ururun,
and Ashton responds "yes" hesitantly. So you tell him that you have to return to
Salba mine, since the ceremony can only be held where the fusion was done in the
first place.

Return to where Ashton joined you. You tell him that all he needs to do now is
chant the incantation. Ashton hesitantly starts, and Ururun starts to make
noise. Celine or Rena tells him to be quiet. Ashton continues the incantation,
and this time Gyoro starts making noise. Crawd tells him to be quiet. Ashton
recites another line, and this time both dragons complain. All of your party
members tell them to be quiet. Then Ashton stops the chant, and says that he
can't do it. He says he doesn't have the heart to get rid of Gyoro and Ururun,
but removing them was the only excuse he had to travel with you. He says that
the dragons didn't want to leave the party either. Ashton says that he was
worried you wouldn't want to travel with him, and Celine (probably someone else
if she's not there) points out there were many points that you could have just
left him behind. Rena tells Ashton to come along with you, and he joins you for

Now that this subquest is done, head to Hilton and catch a ship to Racool

Chapter 6
Racool's Tournament

Once you're ready, head to Harley.

Items in Harley: Ring Mail, Sinclair, 1200V, Leather Boots
Pickpocket Info:
Rose Hip, Nikuman, Silence Guard, Bijobu "Usunigori," 200V, Kokuryu "Ishidaya,"
Senchuyasaku, 120V, Shozoga B, Round Shield, Silk Robe, Coconut Milk, Mix Syrup,
Care Tablet, Mekkin Tebukuro (Sanitized Gloves), Kanashimi no Yubiwa, Sanbai-
zojo-sake, Toro, Nisesatsu (Counterfeit Money),-Gizo Kogitte (Fake Check), Moto
Gyunyu-(Ex-milk), Suede Boots, Buckler, Tozoku Tebukuro, Mannenpitsu, Seimei
Hoken (Life Insurance), Shiawase no Yubiwa, Purple Mist, Ruby Pierce, Umeboshi
(Dried Plum), Tokkoyaku (Special Medicine), Idaten, Kawa no Muchi (Leather
Whip), Twin Sword, Ebi Gratin (Shrimp Gratin)

What's going on in Harley:
Nothing of any particular interest to your quest. There is talk of the local
crime boss Sand, and a lot of his underlings hanging around. Also there are a
large number of refugees from Clik here, but other than that not much is going
on here.

Once you've finished your shopping at Harley, get on a boat and cross over to
Hilton on Racool Continent.

Pickpocket Data:
Yasai, Umeboshi, 500V, Tozoku Tebukuro, Silver Idol, 25V, Idaten, Sweet Syrup,
Kudamono (Fruit), Magical Clay, Smoke Mist, Tamago/Nyuseihin (Eggs/Dairy
Products), Spectacles, Magic Canvas, 150V, Super Ball, Hyper Ball, 200V, Beer,
Sanbai-jozo-sake, Ebi Shumai (Shrimp Shumai), Senkiyoke, Paralyze Check,
Gyokarui, Leather Boots, Blackberry, Lavender, Pretty Idol, Hane Pen (Feather
Pen) Plate Mail, Plate Greave, Buckler, Plate Helm, Idaten Ship.

What's going on in Hilton: Most of the talk here is about the up-and-coming
Racool Bugu Taikai, (Weapons and Armor Tournament) and a lot of warriors are
assembled to participate. A few are worried though, because it is rumored that
Dias is going to enter the competition.

While you're here, stop at the inn. You will see cut-scene where Crawd goes
outside in the middle of the night. Rena will follow him. Crawd pulls out his
communicator and tries to use it again, but it says "Out of range" and picks up
only static. Crawd looks up at the stars and wonders if one of them is Earth,
then says even if he knew, he couldn't communicate. He wonders what his parents
are doing, and starts to return. Rena runs inside and hides, then waits for
Crawd to leave before returning.

Finish whatever shopping you need to do, then head over to Racool Castle. There,
either Rena or Celine will suggest going to the castle, and Crawd suggests you
go on to your next destination quickly. Everyone will be surprised, and Crawd
says "Never mind."

Items in Racool: Star Ruby
Pickpocket Data:
Extend Card, Kamikuzu, Bile Tear, Tonyu (Soybean Milk), Orangeade, 500V, Fairy
Tear, Aqua ring, Rasberry Jam, Blueberry, Yasai, Silver Ring, Carrot Juice,
Aquaberry, 600V, 555V, Cure Paralyze, 500V, Attack Pierce, Gold Ring, Sandal,
20V, Lavender, First Pierce, 120V, Blackberry, Cinderella Glass, 12V, Kokumotsu,
Kudamono, Green Beryl, Crystal, 100V, Aquaberry, Smith Hammer, Damascus,
Rakugaki (Scribble), Nikurui, Oriental Blade, Sinclair, Cestas, Bows Shaver,
500V, Dulfolbiban, Yaegaki "Mu" Shizuku Shibori, Beer, Blueberry, 200V, Beer,
Blackberry, 100V, Gold, Iron, Baselard, Herohero Sword-(Broken Sword), Flame
Blade, Hard Knuckle, Trikabut, Shokuzai Erabi (Picking ingredients),
Tamago/Nyuseihin, Magical Clay, Magic Canvas, Magical Film, Leather Greave,
500V, 300V, Kudamono, Ushihireniku no Steak (Cow filet Steak), Magical Clay,
Hamburger, Anman, Round SHield, Banded Mail, Blueberry, Sinclair, Princess Ring,
Anklet, Cestas, 50V, Gyokarui, Daifuku, Poison Check, Boots, Buckler, Cure
Poison, Spectacles, 100V, Tozoku Tebukuro, Shikibo, Vanilla Ice, Joshitsugami
(Top Quality Paper), Cinderella Glass, Blueberry, Heppo na Kazari (Tacky
Adornment), 400V, Hosomi no Ken, (Thin Sword), 150V, Hen na katamari (Weird
Lump), Hosomi no Ken, Blueberry, Long Sword, Crown, Omotai Yubiwa (Heavy Ring),
Twin Edge, Ruby, 150V, 500V, Iron, Pet no Esa, Orihalcon, Smith Hammer, Ichigo
Jam (Strawberry Jam), Mannenpitsu, Mannenpitsu, Mortarial Card, Pictorial Card,
Paralyze Check, Blackberry, 800V, Aquaberry, Blueberry, 70V, Maple Syrup, Sour
Syrup, Joshitsugami, Hane Pen, Reverse Doll, Sapphire, Silver Baretta, 50V,
Silver, Blackberry, Care Tablet, Fresh Syrup, Silver, Care Tablet, Fresh Syrup,
Sour Syrup, Triakbut, Mandrake, Crown, Sankaku Furasuko (Triangle Flask),
Mandrake, Trikabut, Resurrect Bottle, Blueberry, 200V, Boots, Leather Helm,
Kamikuzu, Blackberry, Mannenpitsu, Twin Sword, Rot Bracelet, 300V, Blueberry,
Wood Shield, Hosomi no Ken, Cinderella Glass, Leather Armor, Cinderella Glass,
Hane Pen, 600V, Gold Ring, Harmonica, Shikkoku no Pierce (Pitch-black Earrings),
Round Shiled, 600V, Cure Poison, Kaeru (Frog), Necklace, Heppo na Kazari, 150V,
200V, 50V, High Heel, Artemis Leaf, Tama no Hikari "Yukiyocho", Orangeade,
Blackberry, 200V, Choco Crepe, Long Sword, Aquaberry, Nigai Juice (Bitter
Juice), Carrot Juice, Hakuto no Ice (White Peach Ice Cream), Mannenpitsu, Fruit
Gyunyu (Fruit Milk), Ringo no Crepe (Apple Crepe), Maple Syrup, Joshitsugami,
Hakuto no Ice, Banana no Crepe (Banana Crepe), Ringo no Crepe, Carrot Juice,
Senkiyoke, Umeboshi, Choco Crepe, Vegetable Juice, Baselard, Orange Sherbet,
Beer, Orangeade, Wine, Banana no Crepe, Beer, Dulfolbiban, Yamukei "Mu" Shizuku
Shibori, 150V, Wine, Magic Rock.

What's going on in Racool:
Almost everybody here is talking about the upcoming Racool Bugu Taikai (Weapons
and Armor tournament.) In the tournament, those who enter get sponsored by a
weapon shop and enter the fight equipping that shop's weapons and armor.
Likewise, none of the weapon shops will sell you anything because during the
tournament they only show their wares to those actually competing. There are
rumors about development of a special Monsho weapon in the castle. At the
castle, there are some scientists not talking about the Taikai that complain
about having to take orders from a child. You can actually meet the child in
charge of research at Racool, who will rudely tell you to get out of his lab.

Go to the bottom receptionist of the castle. Rena will ask for an audience but
the receptionist will tell you that no audiences are accepted until several days
after the tournament. Rena asks if it's possible to see him earlier, and the
receptionist will tell you that the winner of the tournament meets the king to
get congratulated, but that is the only way to see him until after the
tournament. Leave the castle, and Rena asks what you should do. Crawd suggests
that you could go to Ringa to get the ancient scroll translated. Rena asks if
there's something else he's thinking about. Crawd asks Rena if she'd be
surprised if he wanted to enter the tournament. Crawd suggests that the
tournament that Dias was talking about at Mars was the one going on in Racool.
Rena agrees. Crawd says that if he entering the tournament means he might be
able to go up against Dias, he wants to enter. Rena asks if Crawd wants to fight
Dias, and Crawd says that he knows that Dias is good so he wants to try and
fight him. Another party member (if you have any besides Rena) suggests that
Crawd might not be able to fight him, and Crawd replies that he'll have to make
it to the last fight to find out. Another party member notes that if you win,
you can meet the king. Crawd apologizes and asks if it's all right, and Celine
(if she's with you) says it's fine, as long as he wins and brings back the
reward. So go back to the to receptionist and register for the fight.

The receptionist will confirm Crawd's registration, and tells him to find a
weapon shop to sponsor him before the tournament. Rena tells Crawd she'll root
for him. Leave the castle, and Rena will note you'll have to spend several days
at the castle before the tournament. Crawd apologizes, and another party member
will tell him that it's OK because if you win, you'll get the reward money and
items, plus will be able to meet the king so it's not a waste of time. Crawd
says he'll have to win the tournament then, and the others note that you have to
find a shop to sponsor you first.

These are the shops that you can register at:

Dagol: bald man standing outside by the cannons
Equipment: Sinclair, Brigandy, Buckler, Plate Helm, Silver Greaves.
Items: Sweet Syrup, Mixed Syrup, Blackberry
Total Attack: 100 Total Defense: 99 Total Evade: 30

Folrong: Man with cloth hat standing outside next to the red arrow sign
Equipment: Long Edge, Leather Armor, Wood Shield, Leather Helm, Leather Greaves.
Items: Sweet Syrup, Mixed Syrup, Blackberry
Total Attack: 285 Total Defense: 16 Total Evade: 50

Fastred: Man with blue hat standing outside in front of the mural of the woman
in armor
Equipment: GusgwinÄ, Banded Mail, Knight Shield, Banded Helm, Plate Greaves.
Items: Sweet Syrup, Mixed Syrup, Blackberry
Total Attack: 250 Total Defense: 46 Total Evade: 60

Edda: Woman inside the store the red arrow sign points to
Equipment: Warune Sword, Ring Mail, Round Shield, Iron Helm, Iron Greaves.
Items: Fruit Syrup, Fresh Syrup, Attack Bottle, Violence Pill
Total Attack: 240 Total Defense: 59 Total Evade: 60

One thing to keep in mind is that if you make it to the championship match,
whatever store sponsored you will give you a set of items identical to those
that you went into the tournament equipping, regardless of whether or not you
win the match. For this reason, economically Knockout is the best to pick since
the Long Edge is much more expensive and powerful than anything else being
offered; while the armor he gives you is really bad, you will probably have the
best armor you can buy in this city (or close to it) when you first arrive. The
down side is that unlike in Rena's scenario, Crawd will have to fight an extra
two fights and armor as weak as that in Knockout it will be difficult to survive
all three. So unless you are a high level it might not be a good idea to pick
this store. For lower levels, Counterpunch is a good choice as you will have a
higher defense rating, but the battles will take a while since your attack will
be weak. Straight and Slayer are overall well-balanced shops. With Slayer you
have the added advantage of some unique items to use during the tournament.

Whatever shop you choose will give you the Bugu Taikai Sanka Badge. (Weapons &
Armor Tournament Entrant Badge) Once you leave the weapon store area, the party
splits up and talks about what to do until the day of the tournament. Since it
is like a festival for those non-fighters, it is decided that you will just
enjoy the town. When you are ready, you can go to the Racool inn and rest there
in preparation for the tournament. Despite your characters' warning, you can
leave the town and build levels if you like; the tournament will not start
without you. You'll have to stay in Hilton's inn though. Once you save or
whatever you feel like doing, go to the inn and rest.

Inside your room, your party talks about the tournament; Ashton regrets not
being able to enter due to Gyoro and Ururun, and they get mad at him. Rena
wonders if Dias really is going to come since she never saw him. She starts
pacing, and Celine (if she's with you) asks her why she's so uptight, since
Crawd is the one fighting. Rena decides to go on a walk, saying that if she's
there everyone else won't be able to calm down. Crawd says as she leaves that
she doesn't need to worry about it. Celine or Ashton (if they're there) say that
she's probably not just worrying about Crawd. Crawd is confused and s/he
suggests that she is maybe thinking secretly about meeting Dias. S/he goes on to
say that although Rena initially may not have intended to meet him, with Crawd
entering the tournament that may be inevitable which is what is worrying her.
"That's not something for me to worry about." Crawd says. Celine and Ashton (or
just one if you have only one) just say "Hmmm...." Crawd asks "What?" They just
say it's nothing. Crawd says "If you want to say something say it." Again they
say they have nothing to say. Crawd turns away angrily.

You see a message about how Rena came back later, and seemed to be thinking
about something all the time until the day of the tournament. Then Crawd
narrates about how lots of people came to watch the tournament. Inside the inn,
everyone wakes up and gets ready to leave for the tournament. Go to the castle.

At the counter at the arena, Crawd registers to fight. The soldier takes all
your weapons and armor and gives Crawd his equipment. The receptionist then
tells you to wait in the waiting room until the match starts. At this point,
Dias comes in, and asks the receptionist if his equipment has arrived yet. The
soldier tells him that it hasn't yet, and Dias asks if it's too late to
register. The receptionist tells him that since it's a special case, he can
register as late as his first match. He asks Dias to go back and check the
store. Dias starts to leave, and Rena calls out to him. Dias asks what she
wants, and Rena asks if "Gyamji's stuff hasn't come yet." Dias says that it's
none of her business. Rena says "It is my business since I was the one that
introduced you to him!" Crawd comes forward and asks what she means about
introducing Dias to his sponsor. Dias tells him it was a coincidence and not to
be jealous. He goes on to say not to worry since this is his problem and leaves.
Rena apologizes and says she is going with him. Crawd is surprised, and Rena
tells him that like this Dias won't be able to participate and fight Crawd.
Crawd tells her that if Dias is more important to go ahead and help him. Rena
asks him what's with his tone of voice, and Crawd says "Didn't you get him his
weapons? Which one do you want to win here anyway!?" Rena asks Crawd why he
would say something like that, and Crawd replies "It's your fault." Rena runs
out of the room. If she's there, Celine berates Crawd for saying that to Rena
and calls him a child; Ashton will join in if he's there. (and start the
berating if Celine's not) Crawd gets angry at the party for picking on him.
"Didn't you start picking on Rena first?" they say.

Enter the waiting room and talk to the fighters waiting there. Eventually a
soldier will come in and announce the start of the tournament. The soldier calls
the first two fighters; the first is Amon Rau, and the second, Crawd. The party
splits up and encourages Crawd. You get a last-minute check of your equipment
and waza; I suggest you set Crawd's waza to Kabutowari and then Katsujinken if
you have it, Kuhazan if you don't. Once you're done, you will enter the battle.

Note: Whether or not you win each fight, the tournament will continue. If you
lose out of the tournament and do not go on to the last round, Dias will win the
tournament and the game will proceed as usual. I highly suggest that you do NOT
continue the game if this happens; reset and keep trying, building levels as
necessary, because if you do not make it to the last round of the tournament you
won't get any prizes and you also won't be able to get the Sharp Edge, which you
will definitely want if not need. Note that you don't have to WIN the tournament
to get the prizes and the Sharp Edge, only make it to the last round.

First fight: Amon Rau-(Gladiator)
HP: 2000
Just do constant normal attacks. If you can't beat Amon Rau this way, reset and
build some levels because you'll have a lot of trouble against the upcoming

After winning the first fight, Crawd wonders if Rena was watching the fight and
where she is. Go find your party members and they will congratulate Crawd on
winning the fight. Crawd notes that Rena is not there and asks where she is. The
others will not have seen her. At this point the next match will end and a party
member notes that Dias' turn has come. At this point Rena comes in. She says
that she heard from a soldier that Crawd won and congratulates him. Rena says
that she wanted to watch but didn't realize it was the first fight. Crawd asks
Rena if she's angry at him, but before she can answer Dias comes out to fight.
He wins his fight. After the fight Rena breathes a sigh of relief that he made
it on time. Crawd asked what happened with Dias, and Rena tells him that some
people stole his sword so he couldn't compete. At this point, a soldier comes
out and calls Crawd to his next fight. The party wishes him luck and he leaves
to start the fight.

You get another last-minute equipment check before you start this fight. You
will probably want to change your targeting to Auto now since you have only one
target to select.

Second Fight: Dol Adan
HP: 2750
It would be a good idea to conserve your MP for the next fight here. You should
be able to defeat Dol Adan with normal attacks without too much trouble. If your
level is low, however, with Auto targeting and a high Hayate level (say 5) you
can play "chicken" with him. Let him get near you then run away at the last
minute. If your Hayate level is high enough you can get out of the way and he
will attack thin air; use this opportunity to counterattack. This is actually a
very useful strategy to use on all sorts of enemies that are more powerful than
you, and is especially useful later in the game when you get access to the arena

After winning, your party members get really excited, knowing that Crawd made it
to the next-to-last fight. Before your next fight, you get another last-minute
equipment check; use this time to use your healing items if you took any
significant damage against Dol Adan.

Third Fight: Worzay Durahan
HP: 4000
Worzay Durahan is tough. You'll want to start using MP here. What I usually like
to do is wait until he starts to approach and use a Kabutowari when he gets
about 3-4 Crawd-lengths away from me. If you use a Kabutowari from further away,
you will probably miss. If you use a Kabutowari when you're right up against
him, he'll smack you on your way up. You can also try the "chicken" method but
Worzay attacks a lot faster than Dol Adan does so be forewarned.

After winning, go talk to your party. Crawd will ask the others if Dias is still
in the running. Before anyone can answer, Dias enters the ring in the next-to-
last fight and wins.

One interesting note here is that on Universe mode (perhaps Galaxy too) the
monsters are made so tough that Dias can actually get killed in this fight. Even
if he loses though the game will proceed as if he had won. Crawd notes that Dias
won and says he can tell that he's really strong. Ashton or Celine will ask if
he had given up from the start or doesn't think he can win. Crawd says no, just
that he wants to fight at full strength against an opponent like Dias. At this
point a soldier comes in and tells Crawd to return to the ready room. As he
leaves, the party calls him, saying "Fight!"

You get a final check of your equipment once more. Before the match starts, Dias
says "It looks like you lasted to the last fight as promised." Crawd is
confused, and Dias says "What, didn't Rena relay the message?" Crawd starts to
sweat and asks him what he's talking about. Dias ignores the question and says
"You're interesting. When it comes to Rena, you sure get uptight quickly." Crawd
says nothing and Dias tells him that this is a true fight and as soon as he
enters the ring he won't give Crawd an inch. "That's how I want it" Crawd says.
Crawd and Dias enter the ring and fight.

Last Fight: Dias
HP: ????
Don't waste your energy against Dias. You can't beat him. Actually theoretically
he IS possible to beat, but you will have to be well over level 70 to stand a
chance of doing so, and have as many battle skills maxed as possible. And even
if you do, the game proceeds as if you lost, so there's no real point..

Dias is announced as the winner and Rena runs out of the arena to find him, the
rest of the party soon following suit. Inside the waiting room, Crawd eventually
wakes up, and asks what happened in the battle. Rena says the tournament is
over. Crawd is confused and asks what happened to him. Ashton or Celine will
tell him that he lost. Crawd says he has no memory of the fight. At this point,
Dias comes in. "Dias!" Crawd says. Dias makes a snide comment about not
remembering to let Crawd address him so informally, and Crawd asks him what he
wants. Dias says he came to thank Crawd. Crawd is confused. Dias says that Crawd
was better than he expected and "it's been a long time since I fought for real."
He tells Crawd not to get the wrong idea and that he is not complimenting him;
he just thought this was a good opportunity to "put him in his place." Rena gets
slightly angry, and Dias starts to leave. Crawd asks Dias if they will ever meet
again, and Dias says "If the time comes." He leaves. Crawd suggests you leave,
and a party member asks if he's all right. Crawd says "I must have slept a long
time, no? I feel awfully light too." Ashton or Celine tells him that's because
Rena was constantly casting healing spells on him. Crawd asks Rena if that's
true and she says yes. Crawd thanks her and says you should get going. Rena
tells him your next stop should be Ringa to get the scroll translated. If Crawd
made it to the last fight (it may not be possible for him NOT to in Rena's
scenario, I dunno) Rena says you should pick up the second-place prizes first.
Crawd asks "Does second place get prizes too?"

Head out to whomever sponsored you, and they will congratulate you on making it
to second place and give you whatever that shop's prize was. Before you leave
though, pay a visit to Gyamji; he is the old man that lives at the west end of
town. Upon meeting him and his granddaughter Sufia, Crawd will ask who they are,
and Rena will tell him that he is the one who made Dias' weapon. Gyamji tells
Crawd that Dias praised his skill before leaving, and asked Gyamji to "leave
this for you." He gives Crawd the Sharp Edge, another sword he made besides the
Sharpness Sword that Dias used. Crawd wonders if Dias is recognizing Crawd as
his rival. Whatever you do, DO NOT GET RID OF THIS SWORD! You will find swords
more powerful very soon (In fact, the Long Edge for sale in Racool is stronger)
but you will eventually be able to make the most powerful sword in the game out
of it.

Once you've gotten your prize and talked to Gyamji, head out to the next stop on
your quest.

Chapter 7

If Ashton is in your party, or you do not want Opera to join you, skip this
chapter and go straight to the next one. If you do want Opera in your party,
read on.

Note that for any of this chapter to occur, you MUST have seen the Private
Action back in Cross with the three-eyed man. (Check the PA Appendix) If you
haven't seen it, skip this chapter because it's unfortunately too late to go
back and see it.

Don't go to Ringa; instead, go back to Hilton. Enter the bar and a man there
will slump over from having drunk too much. The woman next to him says "I win,
answer my question." You learn she had entered a drinking contest with the man
and if she won he would have to answer any question. She asks the man if she
knows anything about a man named Ernest, a man with three eyes like her. The man
says he doesn't know anything and falls asleep. The woman leaves, but on her way
out asks you if you've seen a man with three eyes. "Yes, I have." Crawd answers.
"I see...I guess I can't find him that easily..." the woman says. Then she
realizes that you said you DID see a three-eyed man. The woman asks you where
and when you saw him. You tell her about the run-in at Cross. The woman starts
to leave, then introduces herself as Opera Vectra. Crawd introduces himself.
Opera thanks you and says she's going to head for Cross. You should follow her;
hop a boat and return to Cross continent, and head for Cross Castle.

Go and talk to the king. Now, in addition to the normal three choices about the
state of the world, you can also ask about Opera. The king says that she came
and had an audience with him to ask about the three-eyed man that had an
audience with the king several days earlier. The man asked for permission to
enter the Mountain Palace. Crawd asks about the palace, and the king says it is
a cavern palace by lake Coll. The king says that Opera probably headed there,
since he also gave her permission to enter. Crawd asks for permission to enter
too, and the king says he doesn't mind, but tells you to be careful because
strong monsters live there. You can ask more questions, and when you're done,
the king will give you 10,000 Vol. Now head over to the Mountain Palace.

Items in the Mountain Palace:
Lunar Tablet, Crystal, ?HERB (Artemis Leaf), ?JEWELRY (Kaygayaki no Pierce,
Shining Earring), Resurrect bottle, Cure Stone, Sweet Syrup, Crest Rod, Amber
Robe, ?MINERAL (Damascus), Trikabut, Fairy Toilette, Damascus, Emerald Ring,
Yosei no Zo (Fairy Statue), Cestas, ?MINERAL (Orihalcon)

The monsters that show up in the Mountain Palace are basically the same as those
that show up around Racool and Hilton, so if you weren't having trouble on
Racool continent you shouldn't have too much trouble here. If you are equipping
the best armor/weapons you can buy in Racool castle town, you should be fine.
Look out for the Petro Gerells and Slime Pools though; they can petrify and
paralyze you respectively, so unless you have a lot of Cure Paralyze/Stones or
Dispel for Rena (unlikely) then be careful.

Proceed far enough into the palace and you will find Opera fuming about how dank
the place is. Rena says "Isn't that because it's a cave?" Opera says "Good
point" then realizes your presence and pulls out a huge bazooka, turns around
and points it at you before realizing who you are. Opera asks you what you want,
and Crawd asks to talk to her alone. Crawd says he'll get to the point quick,
and says "You're not from this planet, are you?" She realizes Crawd is neither.
Crawd asks what she's doing here, since being here breaks the Interplanetary
Protection Treaty. Opera says "Well, this and that..." At this point, Rena comes
forward and asks what you're talking about. Crawd starts sweating, and Opera
laughs. Opera says "It's not like what you think. Besides, I've already decided
on someone." She says her boyfriend Ernest is an archaeologist, and ran away all
of a sudden to conduct research. She is trying to find him. Crawd asks if Ernest
is further in the cave. Opera says "Probably." She points to the wall nearby and
says that it was destroyed recently. She says that it's tough to proceed alone
though, and asks if you'll come with her to the end of the cave. You can say:

1) OK
2) I refuse

If you pick 2, Opera will go on alone. Pick 1 if you want her to join you.
Crawd will ask the rest of your party if it's OK, and they all agree. Opera then
joins your party.

A little further into the cave, you will come across two giant lizards on the
ground. Crawd and Opera walk forward and Opera says Ernest must have killed
them, with an AP-3 Plasma Launcher nicknamed "Firefly." Crawd says that it's an
impressive weapon. Rena asks what they're talking about, and Opera says they're
just checking the cause of death. One of the lizards move and Crawd says
"They're still alive!"

BOSS: 2 Flare Lizards
5000 HP
Weak to ice, strong to fire and electricity

This is a tough boss. Attacking the Flare Lizards head-on will not work unless
your levels are high because they will either block the attack or counter before
you can hit them. Whatever you do, don't attack them from the front; if they
breathe fire and you get caught in it it will hit you multiple times, which will
usually kill that character outright. The waza of choice for Crawd is definitely
Kabutowari; the lizards are slow and big targets so are easy to hit, and
Kabutowari will do a lot of damage. Opera's best bet is to lob Flame Launchers
at a distance at them, but as they are strong to fire, it won't do much damage.
(I don't think Photon Prison will work against them; if it did it would be nice)
Once one lizard is dead, sandwich the remaining one between Crawd and Opera and
have them both do normal attacks.

After you kill the Flare Lizards for good, Rena notes that they probably lived
here for a long time and apologizes to them since they were only trying to
protect their home. Opera tells her she's not going to get too far if she
sympathizes with every monster she has to kill. Rena says that Opera is strong,
and she says it's because she's motivated. Proceed on further into the cave.

When you reach the furthest room, it will be empty. Celine wonders what a room
is doing at the bottom of the cave. Opera says it's a hidden room for
experiments. Crawd asks if the place was built with a purpose. Opera says
"Probably. Doesn't it look like a place where a king would have lived?" Rena
notes that Ernest must have already left. Opera wonders what she should do, and
Crawd asks her if she'd like to join you. Opera says she's run out of leads, so
that might be a good idea. Rena says if you all search together it will probably
help find Ernest faster.

Leave the cave now and head on to Ringa. Before you go there, though, you might
want to do the mini-quest of helping the traveler Radol. To start with, you'll
find him in Salba. He'll ask you where Harley is. Tell him it's north. Next go
to Mars. You'll find him there again, and he'll be lost. You can tell him that
it's further east (do) or that it's actually south of Salba (don't.) Next, take
a ship back to Hilton. You'll find Radol there, and once again he'll ask you how
to get to Harley, telling you he got here by boat. You can tell him to go back
by ship to Harley, or tell him to go south. Tell him the former. Then go back to
Harley and he'll finally be there. In thanks, he'll give you the Chinke Slayer.
This weapon will be totally useless to you until you're well into the bonus
dungeon; it only has a power of 1, but will kill monsters with "Chinke" in their
name in one hit.

Once you're done your business on Cross, go to Ringa.

Chapter 8
Keith, the Translator

As soon as you enter Ringa, you hear a voice screaming "Wait!" A girl runs in,
chasing a robot. The townspeople see the robot and scream, not knowing what it
is. She chases it off screen. The robot reenters and heads north. Crawd (and
Opera if she's with you) get very surprised to see a machine. Rena asks "What's
a machine?" Crawd runs over to the girl. The rest of the party soon follows.

The girl gets up off the ground, muttering something about how her father is
going to make fun of her. Crawd asks the girl if she's OK. After a pause, she
starts sweating and says she's OK, saying this is daily routine for her. She
asks you if you've seen "Mujin-kun." Rena asks who Mujin-kun is, and the girl
says that it was the thing running in front of her. One of your party members
will point out to her that it went north. She runs off. Crawd calls her, but she
just turns around and says "thanks for worrying about me" then leaves. One of
your party will say that she's "like a storm." If Ashton is in your party, he'll
say "But she was pretty cute." Rena says "Oh, so you like that type?" Ashton
turns red and says that's not how he meant it.

Pickpocket Info:
200V, Renki no Sho (Book of Renki), Gyakushu no Sho (Book of Counterattacks),
Karai Cake (Spicy Cake), Kokumotsu, Mannenpitsu, Pet no Esa, Attack Bottle,
Iron, Iron, 1500V, Promised Ring, Artemis Leaf, Trikabut, Magical Drop,
Spectacles, Kougakuron-(Engineering Theory), Daichi no Himitsu (Secret of the
Earth), 300V, Paralyze Oil, Bitter Lotion, Energy Tonic, Shock Oil, Smoke Oil,
Mori no Nakamatachi (Friends of the Forest), Sosa Manual (Operation Manual),
Fairy Toilette, Mannenpitsu, Hermes no Riron (Hermes Theory), Mad Mist

What's going on in Ringa: Having the only college on the continent, Ringa is the
intellectual center of Racool. Most of the people at college are talking about
"college things" (finishing reports, etc.) Several people mention an eccentric
pair of father & child that lives in isolation creating strange inventions. In
response to your questions about getting your writings translated, most people
tell you that the translator Keith Crasna is the person to go to.

Enter the translator's house (it's right north of where you talked to the girl)
and his helper will stop you and ask what you want. Crawd says you've come
looking for a translator. The helper will ask if you have an appointment. He
says that since the translator is so busy he only meets people by appointment.
Crawd asks to make an appointment, and the helper tells her that he'll see her
in a month. He tells you to come back in a month and kicks you out. Outside, the
party comes to consensus that a month is too long to wait. Rena suggests you try
to find an acquaintance of the translator who might be able to meet with him
earlier. Crawd suggests you talk to the people in the town.

Go enter the store "Jean Medicine Home." It's right across the river from the
college. Talk to the proprietor, Bowman. He asks you if you have a stomachache
and need medicine. Crawd says no, and Rena asks him if he knows the translator.
"If you mean Keith, yes" he says. One of your party members asks him if there's
a way to see him without making an appointment. Bowman shakes his head and says
he's been into translating ancient scripts so much that without a good reason,
he wouldn't see anyone. Crawd says you've come to ask him to decipher the
ancient script you found in Cross Cave, and asks if that would be enough reason.
Bowman is surprised and says if it's something from Cross Cave it might be a
different story. Rena says you can't wait for a month and asks if he could do
something since he knows him. Bowman nods, and asks if you really made it to the
inner sanctum of Cross Cave, since it's supposed to be dangerous there. (Celine
if she's there) gets angry and says you have the script as proof. Bowman shakes
his head and says that anyone can ready a book so it can't be real proof. Crawd
asks him what you need to do so that he will believe you. Bowman says that if
you really could make it that deep into Cross cave, you should also be able to
make it in Ringa Seichi. (The Sanctuary of Ringa, lit.) Crawd asks what that is,
and Bowman says that it's a sanctuary nearby where you can get all kinds of
ingredients for medicines. He says that since it hasn't been completely explored
so there are still lots of plants that have yet to be discovered there. Crawd
asks Bowman if he's telling you to go there, and he tells you not to go there
light-heartedly because it is rumored that in the depths of the cave there is a
portal to a sub-world there that many monsters come through. Rena asks Bowman if
he will help you if you bring him a plant from there. Bowman says if you really
made it to the inner chamber of Cross Cave, you should be able to bring him an
undiscovered plant. Crawd is surprised and asks him if he's serious. Bowman says
he is. So head to Ringa Seichi.

Items in Ringa Seichi:
Ruby, Might Chain, Mix Syrup, Rainbow Diamond, Poison Check, Straight Punch,
Twin Edge, ?GUARD (Rune Buckler), Cinderella Glass, Liquor Bottle, Bubble Lotion
Lavender, Rose Hip, Aseras, Mandrake, Artemis leaf, Trikabut

If you went on neither the Ashton nor the Opera quests this dungeon will be
fairly difficult and you will want to do it in several trips, returning to
Ringa's inn periodically. Also, if you have her in your party, this will be
Precis' first quest (unless you did Opera's quest and got Precis beforehand) so
you will need to protect her until she gains enough levels to make it on her
own. Other than that, this dungeon will not be too difficult. The Mandrakes and
Oozes can paralyze/petrify you, but you should get Dispel for Rena at around
this point in the game so it shouldn't be a problem unless Rena is the one to
get paralyzed or Petrified. In this case, you should bring a few items to heal
her. One thing you will notice about this dungeon is that if you look at it
screen by screen it is not very long, but it is VERY easy to get lost with all
the twists, turns, and branches. For this reason, it will probably take you a
significant amount of time and number of battles to finish this dungeon, and if
you want to clear it out you are going to be here a while. By this point in the
game you will probably be relying on your spells and waza a lot, so you will
note that your MP goes down very fast in this cave, and you will be running out
of Blackberries to refill it quite often, so you may need to go back to town a
couple of times or summon Familiars to buy for you.

There are two different types of plants here that Bowman will accept. One is the
Clarisage, and the other is the Dilwhip. You can only pick up one; if you pick
up a Clarisage you won't find a Dilwhip, and vice versa. There is a difference
though; the Dilwhip you can't find until you're very deep inside the cave,
whereas you can find the Clarisage earlier. Similarly, only the Dilwhip is an
undiscovered plant; while Bowman will accept the Clarisage, he'll already have
known it and will be disappointed. I don't know if this has any impact on the
game, but if you want to please Bowman, don't pick up any plants until you're
about as far as you can go and you'll be safe and find the Dilwhip.

When you get far enough into the cave, you'll note all the monster skeletons.
Inside the deepest chamber, Crawd will wonder if the place is a monster grave.
At this point, three monsters will crawl out from one of the skeletons and
attack you.

BOSS: 3 Vissayers
HP 10,000
Weak to light and lightning, strong to Mu

The Vissayers are most annoying in that they can "kill" you in one hit; they
will swallow a character whole, removing him/her from the battle. If all your
characters get swallowed, the game is over. In addition, when and if they spit
you out you will usually take several hundred points of damage. For this reason
you want to stay as far away from them as possible. Use long-range techniques
like Crawd's Kuhazan, Ashton's Piercing Swords, Opera's Alpha on One, or Precis'
Ei! Ya!! on them to keep them away. Being weak to lightning, Celine's Thunder
Storm, if you have it yet, will do significant damage to them. If a character
gets swallowed, focus your attacks on the Vissayer that swallowed him or her,
and it will spit your character out. Attacking Vissayers with party members
inside can hurt them as well, but better to have them participating in the
battle than swallowed. The Vissayers are slow, so if you use the item "Idaten
Ship" on a character to speed them up, you can run away from them easily and use
a "stick and move" strategy. Attack items like bombs or Magic Rocks are useful

After defeating the monsters, Rena wonders if this is the place that is called
the "gate to the sub-world." Crawd suggests it's more like a grave, and wonders
if it's normal for so many monsters to be there.

Once you're finished getting the plant/cleaning out the dungeon, return to
Ringa. Whatever you brought, show it to Bowman. If you bring him the Clarisage
he'll say that it's not an undiscovered plant and he's seen it before, but it's
evidence that you went pretty far into the cave. If you bring the Dilwhip, he
will be very surprised and says he never saw it before, and asks you just how
far you went into the cave. In either case, he'll let you meet Keith. If you
brought him the Dilwhip he'll be annoyed about how little you care about your
great discovery though. He joins you and asks you to take him to Keith's place.

Bowman doesn't even go inside, he just calls Keith over and over again.
Eventually one of Keith's helpers comes out annoyed and tells you to be quiet.
"Sorry for being loud, it's me" Bowman says sarcastically. The helper starts
sweating and becomes polite again. Bowman asks the helper if Keith is there, and
the helper lets you in. Go upstairs and talk to Keith. Keith wonders what Bowman
is doing bringing all these people upstairs. Bowman asks Keith if he's still
translating. Keith is confused, and Bowman explains how you were getting kicked
out by his helpers. Keith says that he was asked to translate a meaningless
script by the king so he had his helpers kick all obstacles out. Crawd is angry
at being called an obstacle and Bowman tells him to calm down and explain the
situation. Rena explains about how you got the script from Cross cave. Keith is
surprised and says it sounds a lot more interesting than the boring thing he
translating for the government. He asks you to show the script to him and Rena
gives it to him. Keith looks at it and tells you it could be a historical find.
Keith says the letters look like ancient Rabanne letters but are arranged
differently than usual. A party member asks if he can manage it, and he tells
you that it will take some time so asks you if you can leave it with him so he
can take a good look. You say you will. Keith thanks Bowman for bringing you to
him and giving him such a good find. Bowman says "Oh my god, he's thanking me!
Hell's frozen over!" (or the Japanese equivalent thereof)

That evening you stay the night at Bowman's house. Go upstairs and talk to
Bowman. He will be in his bedroom; Crawd thanks him for introducing you to
Keith. Bowman says that it looks like you all are getting into something
interesting. He says he was surprised to hear that you are going to investigate
the Sorcery Globe, and going to Ell Continent.

If Precis is not in your party, Bowman asks if you thought he'd just leave such
an interesting journey alone. Crawd is confused, and Bowman suggests you might
need someone with a lot of knowledge and experience on your trip. Bowman asks
you to let him join you. You can say:
1) Please do join us
2) No, we can't worry NinÄ like that.

If you want Bowman to join you select 1. Otherwise select 2. Since Precis and
Bowman can't both be in your party, if Precis is with you, you don't get this
choice; Bowman just says he would like to come but is worried about NinÄ.

The next day,
If Bowman is with you: Bowman gets ready to go. One of your party members
suggests he should says some sort of goodbye to NinÄ. He asks if you think he's
going to be all melodramatic in front of everyone. NinÄ laughs. Bowman makes a
comment abut how young people always expect dramatics, then says "See you later,
NinÄ." Bowman then tells you you should head to Racool castle, because the king
will probably arrange a boat to Ell for you when he sees your pass from the king
of Cross.

If Bowman is not with you: He tells you to try and keep yourselves out of
danger. Crawd says you'll be fine because your friends' lives are on the line.
Bowman tells Rena to watch Crawd closely, because he gets the sense that he will
do something stupid. Rena says she will, and Crawd says "Why me?" Bowman tells
him not to think too much about it, since it's not likely that "he will not
understand himself." Crawd gets very confused. Rena says that you should head to
Racool castle next. Bowmans says that with the King of Cross' letter of
permission, you should be able to get a boat from the king of Racool. Bowman
tells you to be careful and bring yourselves safely back as a souvenir.

Chapter 9
The Energy Stone

When you enter Racool, a soldier will be waiting outside. He'll ask you if
you've come to take refuge in Racool. Crawd is confused, and the soldier tells
you that monsters on Ell completely destroyed the government and are now heading
to Racool continent. He says that the fort at the front lines will hold off the
monsters but the people in northern Racool are taking refuge in the castle
because north Racool is likely to turn into a battlefield. Crawd says you will
fight too, and the soldier tells you not to be ridiculous and to go to the

When you get to the castle, the receptionist asks you to record the name of your
representative. Crawd gives his name, and the soldier asks if you were the one
that made it to the last round in the tournament. Crawd says yes and the soldier
says it's an honor to meet him, then asks his place of origin. Crawd starts
sweating, and Rena says it's Arlia. "Wow, that's a long way away" the soldier
says. He lets you enter. Once inside, talk to Gyamji and he will give you a suit
of Plate Mail. Then go to the research center downstairs.

In the research center, Crawd hears voices and goes to investigate. Two people
are talking about completion of a weapon. A young boy talks about there is a
problem that there's no substance that could fuel it. The other person (off
screen) says "Well then we can't use it!!" The boy says that the substance
necessary is in the Ho??n ruins. The other person asks him if it's true, and
identifies him as Leon. Upon closer approach, you can see that Leon is talking
to the king. Leon tells the king that he could bring back the substance in two
days. At this point, Crawd makes a sound and gets caught by the guard. Crawd
tries to convince him they're not anyone to be worried about. At this point:

If Bowman is in your party:
Bowman comes forward and tells the guard to calm down. The guard snaps back at
him. Then the king says "Is that you, Bowman?" Both Crawd and the guard are
surprised. Bowman comes forward and greets the king, noting that the research
facility has changed a lot. Leon gets angry and tells Bowman that even if he is
friends with the king he is the head of the laboratory and tells Bowman to
address him first. Bowman says "Oh, you must be Floris and Murdock's son, I
haven't seen you since you were 3." Leon demands to know who Bowman is, and
Murdock tells him that Bowman used to work in the pharmacological department of
the laboratory, and that as soon as he left that department went down the tubes.
Leon asks his father if Bowman is the "loser" he's always talking about. Murdock
yells at him, and Bowman says that he is, though he's "just running a pharmacy
now, KID." Leon tells him not to call him a kid. The king asks Bowman what he's
up to, and Bowman explains how he joined you to investigate the Sorcery Globe
and ended up refugees in the castle. He says that he remembered about the
"Racool Hope" so decided to take you down here. Crawd asks what the Racool Hope
is, and Bowman says it's a powerful Monsho Weapon that could destroy a small
island. Leon demands to know how Bowman knew about that, and Bowman says that
the study to develop it started when he was working in the lab. Bowman asks if
it is completed, and the king says it's not. Leon says as soon as the final
ingredient is taken from the Hoffman Ruins the weapon will be done. Bowman is
surprised and asks who is going to go somewhere as dangerous as that. Leon says
he'll go, and Bowman asks who permitted him to do so. Leon says that everyone
did. Bowman says to Murdock that even though he may have a capable son, but
"there's a line between the possible and the impossible." Murdock tells Bowman
that since all the soldiers are being sent to the Front Line Base and so none
can accompany Leon to the ruins. Bowman asks the king for permission to go to
the Hoffman Ruins to get the stone. Crawd is surprised, and Bowman tells him
it's better than sitting on your hands in the castle. The king asks him if he's
serious, and Leon protests loudly, saying that you will slow him down. Bowman
says that you won't slow him down, since Crawd is the "Hero of Light." Leon
berates Bowman for believing that legend, but tells the king that if you insist
it would be all right for you to go. The king asks you to go with Leon. The king
tells you to go to Hilton and catch a ship to the Hoffman Ruins. Leon gives you
a Link Combo before joining you. Leave the town now and head to Hilton, and from
there catch a boat to the island the Hoffman Ruins are on.

If Bowman is not in your party:
One of the scientists, Floris, recognizes Crawd as second place in the Bugu
Taikai. (I have no idea what happens if he wasn't 2nd place) She says to Leon
"You saw it too, right?" Leon says he wasn't interested in the tournament so
doesn't remember. The king, on the other hand, does remember Crawd. He asks him
what he's doing here. Crawd says he was just taking a walk around. Leon says
that he's surely lying and is really a spy to steal the secret of the Racool
Hope. Neither Crawd nor Rena knows what the Racool Hope is. Leon tells you to
stop playing dumb and says it's the most powerful version of the Monsho Weapon
they're developing, which could destroy a small island with no problem. "YOU'RE
developing it?" Crawd asks. Leon realizes you didn't know about it after all.
Rena tells the king she is only looking for a boat to go to Ell to investigate
the Sorcery Globe under authority of the King of Cross. Crawd asks for
permission to leave the town. The king says it's all right, but Leon insists on
throwing you in the dungeon because you know about the Racool Hope. Crawd points
out that it was Leon who told them about it in the first place. Leon changes the
subject and asks for permission to go to the Hoffman Ruins. Crawd asks what the
Hoffman Ruins are, and Leon says that the materials to complete the Racool Hope
are there. Murdock tells him that he has to send all the soldiers to the Front
Line Base and can't send soldiers to accompany Leon. At this point Crawd offers
to accompany Leon. The king asks if it's OK, since the Hoffman Ruins are a
dangerous place. Leon complains and says you will only slow him down. Rena tells
him that you won't slow him down and it's better than going alone. Leon realizes
she is right and says that you should come. The king tells you to go to Hilton
and catch a ship to the Hoffman Ruins. Leon gives you a Link Combo before
joining you. Leave the town now and head to Hilton, and from there catch a boat
to the island the Hoffman Ruins are on.

Once you enter the Hoffman Ruins, you will find it's a dead end. Leon says you
may think it's a dead end, but he will be able to open it in 2 seconds. He says
all you need to do is press the big circle and it will open. It doesn't do
anything. Leon tries the other, it doesn't work either. Crawd remarks that Leon
is not doing to well on figuring it out, and he claims it's because he's not
feeling well. Eventually he figures you have to hit both at the same time; the
door opens and Leon brags about how smart he is.

Items in the Hoffman Ruins:
Cure Stone, Recoil Bracelet, Angel Hair, Light Box, Aquaberry, Jisho
(Dictionary), Cure Paralyze, Holy Mist, Green Beryl x 2, Cure Paralyze, Soyokaze
no Pierce, Orihalcon, 1up Pudding, Gold, Hyper Ball, Diamond, Liquor Bottle,
Fruit Syrup, Material Kit, Pikopiyo Bomb, Hot Syrup, Piyohan, Blackberry,
Hexagram Card, Paralyze Check, Sour Syrup, ?HERB (Artemis Leaf), Kaiga "Haru"
(Painting "Spring"), Shutrum Ring

There are several switches in this dungeon that will set off charges and blow up
the surrounding area if you hit them. These explosions will damage your party
significantly, so don't press them in general. The only switch you should push
is in front of a pile of yellow and red kegs--pulling this switch will open a
hole in the wall, behind which are several useful treasures. The rest will only
hurt you and/or scorch the wall. This dungeon is very easy to get lost in
because of all its twists and turns. You might want to draw a map, but it helps
to think of the mine shaft as a large circle. The entrance to the dungeon would
be at about 300 degrees, and the end of the dungeon at about 180 degrees, so you
know where to head if you're lost. In terms of enemies, the only ones that
really deserve great caution are the Salamanders; unlucky characters caught in
their breath are likely to die. If that wasn't bad enough, they can also
paralyze you. And stay away from the track in the center of the battlefield;
getting run over by mine carts is irritating and damaging.

At the center of the mine you will find the Energy Stones. Leon will talk about
how great it is that he found it. Crawd points out to him that you all worked
together to get there. Rena's pendant starts to glow. A party member suggests
it's a reflection off of the glowing stones here. Leon turns around and asks you
to help him mine some of the stones, and a monster jumps out behind him.

BOSS: 2 Harphynxes
HP 36700
Strong to Fire, Wind, Star, Fu, and Mu, Weak to Lightning, Light, and Dark

The Harphynxes' best offense is an incredibly strong defense. They can raise
barriers to block attacks, and will often hit your characters in the middle of a
normal attack. For this reason, projectile attacks or drop-down attacks like
Crawd's Kabutowari or Bowman's Kubikaze work best as they avoid head-on
confrontation. If Celine is in your party, you will definitely want her in this
battle; the Harphynxes are weak to lightning, so Celine can cast Thunder Storm
to damage them, and her Forget spell is also lightning-based, so it will work
almost every time and prevent them from casting their own Thunder Storm spells.

After the fight, Rena asks if everyone's OK. Crawd notices that Leon is nowhere
to be seen. He comes out from behind a rock. Someone asks him what's wrong, and
he says he never saw the monsters you just fought in any of his books. Crawd
remarks that Leon is afraid of things that he's not heard of, and Leon gets mad.
Crawd then breaks a piece of the Energy Stone off to bring back with you. Crawd
asks if there's still any problem with Rena's pendant, and she says it's not
glowing any more. Someone suggests that it's the rock that caused the glow.
Crawd gives the Energy Stone to Leon. Now you can leave the mine.

If you have seen the event with Opera's ship, when you leave the mine, Opera
will notice something and run away. You pursue her and you find her talking to
Ernest, who is off in the corner. Ernest turns around and tells Opera he's glad
she followed him and that he loves her. Opera says nothing and tells him that
he's acting strange. At this point Crawd comes up and asks if that's Ernest.
Opera says it's not the Ernest she knows. Ernest tells Opera to come closer but
she refuses. At this point Ernest notices that Leon has the Energy Stone. He
says that the stone is his and Leon shouldn't have it. Opera asks Ernest what's
the matter with him; he approaches her and tells her to give him the stone. She
tells him if he gets any closer she'll shoot him. He does, Opera shoots him,
then runs over to help him. Ernest gets up and grabs Opera. He shows his true
form as a Ghost possessing Ernest, and attacks you.

Ghost: HP 8600
Weak to Light

The Ghost shouldn't take any special patterns to beat; he will be far too weak
for you at this point.

After defeating the ghost, Rena casts a healing spell on Ernest. He wakes up and
apologizes to Opera for running off on his own. He then introduces himself to
the party, saying he's a famous architect on States. (presumably his planet's
name) He thanks you and talks about how he got trapped when researching Monsho
Technology. Opera is troubled, saying that since she's found Ernest she no
longer has reason to travel with you any more. You can say:

1) Why don't you travel with us a little longer?
2) I guess this is goodbye then.

1) After a bit of convincing, Opera agrees to come with you, and Ernest offers
to come too. Rena welcomes him, and he joins your party.

2) Opera says she wanted to travel with you more but guesses she has no choice.
"Me too..." Crawd says. Ernest asks if it's necessary for her to leave just
because she found him, but Opera insists. Crawd asks Ernest if he will return to
his planet, and Ernest says he will when he was done his research. Crawd asks
him if he will send a distress call for him when he does. Ernest says he will
and that he'll ask Opera for the details. Rena asks Crawd what he's talking
about, and Opera says she doesn't know. Ernest and Opera then leave.

Whether or not the Ernest event occurs, you should head back to Racool castle.
Go to the castle and everyone will greet Leon. Crawd notes that everywhere he
goes everyone always calls him "Professor Leon." The King asks if you got the
Energy Stone, and Leon gives it to him. The king asks Floris and Murdock to use
the stone to finish the Racool Hope. Leon looks to his parents for praise for
getting the stone but they just tell him to act like an adult in front of the
king. Murdock asks if Leon can work on the Racool Hope as well and the king
tells him to go. "Now, to take care of you..." the king says. "What do you mean
'take care of'" Crawd asks. (The way he phrases it suggests that he will 'take
care of them' by killing/imprisoning them.) The king tells you to calm down and
he tells you he had you checked out and found that you were under authority of
the king of Cross to investigate the Globe. Someone in your party notes that the
king apparently didn't trust you at first. The king says that he does trust you
now and acknowledges you as strong allies. Crawd asks what the king if there is
anything you can do for him. The king is surprised at your being so considerate,
and says that judging by your power, he would like you to assist the defense of
the Front Line Fort, to help hold off the monsters until the Racool Hope is
finished and you can arm a boat with it to cross to Ell safely. Crawd agrees to
help him, and the king asks you to go to the Front Line Fort.

When you're ready, head to the Front Line Fort. Go north from Hilton to get

Chapter 10

The path to Front Line Fort is north of Hilton. Make whatever preparations you
need, and then go there.

Pickpocket Data:
Cure Poison, Cure Paralyze, Fairy Toilette, Blackberry, Blueberry, Aquaberry,
Blueberry, Lavender, Paralyze Check, Magic Rock, Round Shield, Rose Hip,
Blackberry, Cure Poison, Brigandy, Kizuke Kusuri, High Heel, Hard Pierce,
Anklet, 500V, Ring Mail, Longsword, Rose Hip, Iron Greave, Steel Armor, Hard
Ring, Pinboke Shasshin, Sweet Syrup, Recure Bottle, Silver Fang, Broadsword

What's going on in Front Line Fort:
People here are readying for battle. There are large numbers of wounded, and the
soldiers are trying to get help from as many people as possible. They are glad
for the help from the various wandering fighters and mercenaries assisting, but
are not happy about their uncontrollability. The battle is overall not going

Enter the general's office; he is briefing warriors that enlisted. Crawd notices
that Dias is among them. The general thanks you for coming. He says that more
fighters are coming from the capital, and asks you to help fight the monster
army. Dias asks if the battle is not faring well. The general asks why Dias
asks, and Dias says that he had never heard before of Racool hiring mercenaries.
The general says hesitantly that that is not the problem and that they just want
to completely destroy the army which is why they need the extra help. "Let's
just leave it at that then" Dias says. The general says that the briefing is
over for today and tells you to move on your own until tomorrow morning, when
you must get up early.

Once you leave, Rena will ask Crawd if he saw Dias, and Crawd will say he did.
Rena notes that Crawd doesn't seem too happy about it. Crawd says he is glad,
but at the same time feels sort of angry at the same time and can't explain it.
He apologizes for "saying something strange" and Rena says it's all right since
she feels similar; she is angry at Dias for abandoning the people of Arlia but
is happy to see him. Crawd asks Rena if he can ask her something. Rena says it's
all right, and Crawd asks her why Dias left Arlia. Rena starts to talk, when a
voice says "You want to know?" Dias comes in from outside. He starts to say
"Long time no see" to but then notes that he just saw you at the tournament.
Crawd notes that they run into each other a lot. "Do we meet on our own, or is a
certain somebody making us meet?" Dias says. He looks at Rena and she says
"What, me!?" Dias says it makes no difference; he is here because it is most
natural for him to be in battle, and asks if you have a different reason for
being here. Crawd starts to say something, and Dias interrupts him, saying that
since investigating the Sorcery Globe puts Crawd in the heat of battle, he
wishes he would stop saying "I don't like to fight." He leaves. "If I wasn't
teleported to this planet I wouldn't be." Crawd says. Rena asks Crawd what he's
talking about, but before he can give an answer, tells him that she is going to
go find Dias and talk to him because she has never seen him talk like that.
Crawd asks what she means. Rena says that Crawd is making Dias "aware of
something" and wants to find out what. Crawd asks what she's talking about, and
Rena tells him that "I'm Dias' 'sister,' leave it to me!" She runs away.
"Sister?" Crawd says. At this point, a party member says "Feel better hearing
that?" Crawd stammers "What are you talking about?"

Go outside to the lookout over the stream. Dias will be there; talk to him. Dias
says "If she's with you, I don't need to worry. Take care of Rena." Crawd is
confused. Dias starts to leave and he stops him. Crawd says that even if he was
as strong as Dias he wouldn't be able to protect Rena and asks what he should
do. Dias asks Crawd "Do you really think I'm strong?" Crawd is confused. Dias
says "The strength I have is not to protect others, it's for my own benefit.
Seeing you has made me realize that." He asks Crawd to use his strength to
protect "his sister" and the others. He leaves.

Go to the battlements and you will find Rena. Crawd asks her why Dias left the
town. Rena tells him that Dias' family was killed by bandits. You see a
flashback of the bandits killing his sister. Rena says that only Dias survived
the attack, but has been blaming himself for the death of the rest of his family
ever since. Crawd asks Rena why he called her his "sister." Rena says that as a
child Dias' sister Cecil was her best friend and it was if she was "adopted"
into the family, so Dias became a surrogate brother. Crawd apologizes and says
he shouldn't have asked. Rena says it's all right, and she wanted him to ask.

The next day, "make the rounds" and talk to at least three people (it doesn't
matter who), and as you enter the main hallway of the base the alarm that
monsters are attacking will be sounded. When you enter the outside guard post, a
demon, Sin, will be waiting and will attack you.

Sin: HP 21000
Strong to everything

Sin is undefeatable, but if all your characters die the game ends. You have to
survive this battle for one minute to "win." If you manage to survive, the
battle will end automatically. Basically the safest way to beat Sin is to have
your characters not attack him; the more offensive you are, the more likely you
are to take damage. Having Rena in the battle to heal your characters is a must.
If you are playing on normal level, it will generally take two hits to kill each
character. On Galaxy and Universe, Sin will often kill you outright in one
attack, so you will want to have at least one character (preferably Rena since
she can heal herself) run around and try to dodge his attacks, using an Idaten
Ship if you have one.

After the fight with you, Sin retreats, saying the next time he comes back he
won't hold back. The second-in-command of the base comes up and thanks you,
saying that Sin was surprised at how strong you were. Rena asks if they'll come
back. The second-in-command says that all you can do is wait until they attack
again. At this point, a soldier comes in and tells the second-in-command that a
message from Racool Castle came saying that the Energy Stone has been completed.
The soldier says the stone will be delivered soon so all you can do is wait.

Several days later, the Energy Stone still has not been delivered yet. The
number of wounded soldiers grows, and the base weakens even more. Talk to more
people (I think the number is 10 or so) and rest in the infirmary. When you
leave, a soldier will come in and say that the monsters are attacking again.
Crawd asks if everyone has gone to fight them, and the soldier comes in saying
that all those who could have gone to the front lines and he asks for anyone who
can fight to come assist. Go outside to the front lines. Crawd asks where the
monsters are, and Dias says they'll arrive in under 10 minutes. A huge flock of
monsters appears, and Crawd says there are too many of them for you to win. Dias
tells him that you have to do all you can. Crawd says "I guess in the end we end
up as mere bait to buy time." At this point, Leon comes in with the Energy Stone
and says there's no need for you to fight. If Precis is in your party, Leon will
give her a Thunder Punch he made, saying he was slightly interested in her
mecha. Leon runs up to the Racool Hope and fuels it with the energy stone.

After the FMV, one of the soldiers says "What WAS that?" Leon boasts to everyone
and asks what they thought of the power of the Racool Hope. All the soldiers get
really excited at their new chance to win. Dias asks Leon if he made the Racool
Hope. Leon says "Yeah, but it would only take me about 2 days to make a weapon
of that power." Crawd notes that as usual, Leon is full of confidence. "But it's
the truth!" Leon says. He then tells you that his parents want to talk to you.
Leave and they will great you. Floris says that the king of Racool wants to go
straight to Ell with his new weapon, and wants you to assist in the effort. Rena
asks if you're going to attack the enemy's base, and Murdock says with the
Racool Hope it should be easy. He goes on to say that he wants you to come with
him to Racool Castle to help formulate a plan. One of your party members asks if
the base will be all right, and Floris says that until you return they will have
a Racool Hope there, and that the monster army is not likely to attack again so
soon after getting wiped out in their last attack.

In the castle, the king basically tells you that he wants to strike back now
before the monsters get a chance to regroup. A ship at Hilton has been readied
for you to go to Ell at any time. The king tells you that the ultimate target
will be the town of Elria. The ship will stop to the northwest of Elria, and
fire the Racool Hope and burn the town down. Crawd asks what will happen to the
people already on Ell. The king tells you the Racool Hope won't be fired
immediately; he wants you to ascertain the status of the people of Ell, and
evacuate any survivors to a safe place. Once that has been done, then the Racool
Hope will be fired on Elria. The general tells you that they would like you to
investigate the Sorcery Globe after the battle with the monsters is over. Crawd

Before you leave, Dias says that there's a lot of people for the launch, and
Leon says it's just because people want to be careful about mounting the Racool
Hope to the ship. "You saw how powerful it was, right?" he says. Dias says "If
it's so important to be careful about it, should the person in charge be
chatting here?" Leon leaves to help. Dias asks Crawd what he thinks about the
battle. He says that on the note of weapon power, you have the advantage, but he
doubts the enemy will just surrender. Crawd agrees and says that although you've
defeated all the monsters so far, you have no idea how powerful their boss is.
Dias says he feels the same way as Crawd, saying if that all the monsters you've
been fighting so far are the weak ones, then assurance of victory is not so
sound. He says that in order to assure victory, you'll have to kill their boss
and make sure that they can't rise up again. Crawd tells Dias he hopes they can
meet again with messages of victory. Dias says he'll be waiting but won't expect
anything. Crawd gets irritated and Dias tells him if he keeps that energy he'll
be fine, and that he will do his best at the Front Line Fort. He leaves. Rena
says that she gets the feeling that this will be the last time she sees him.
Crawd says Dias will surely be fine. At this point, the ship will be declared
ready for castoff.

You come close to the continent, and Murdock says that the Racool Hope is fully
charged and can be fired at any time. The second-in-command says that there has
been no trace of monsters so far, and the captain of the ship says that it won't
be long before you cross into their sphere of protection. At this point, a
soldier spots some monsters. The captain orders the firing of the Racool Hope.
They fire at the monsters, and there's a short FMV movie.

Leon is shocked that the Racool Hope didn't work against the monsters. Crawd
realizes that Sin was using a shield like those that starships use. The monsters
that Sin orders to descend attack your party. After you kill them, Sin attacks
the party himself.

Sin: HP 21000
Strong to everything

This time Sin is still undefeatable. The only difference is that this time you
don't have a time limit; you just have to let yourselves get beaten.

Sin knocks your defeated party into the water. Sin laughs at the remaining
people on the ship for thinking that a single weapon could stop them. Everyone
on board jumps ship. Sin tells the Stone Statues to ignore you since you won't
live anyway. They report that they have destroyed the rest of the ships. Sin
destroys the Racool Hope and takes the Energy Stone.

You wake up on the beach. Crawd realizes he's alone. He hears someone's voice
though and goes running to check it out. He finds Leon unconscious on the beach.
Crawd wakes him up, and Leon asks where he is. Crawd says he doesn't know. Leon
asks where his parents and everyone else is. Crawd says nothing. Leon asks if
everyone else is dead. Crawd says you don't know for sure. Leon doesn't take it
well, and Crawd suggests you look for them. Leon insists that they must be dead,
and wishes he had drowned too. Crawd slaps him and tells him not to talk like
that. Crawd says that the others are just not here, and could have been washed
ashore elsewhere. Leon says that there are monsters around and they will get
them. Crawd says he'll kill them. Leon agrees, and you go search for the others.
Head north to a small town.

When you enter the town, you will find the rest of your party. Rena runs up and
hugs Crawd. Someone asks Crawd if he's OK. Crawd asks if everyone else is OK.
They say they are. Someone makes a sarcastic remark and Rena stops hugging
Crawd. Leon walks away and asks if his parents are with the others. Rena says
nothing, and Leon says "Then they didn't make it..." Crawd says you don't know
that for sure. Rena assures Leon that his parents are all right. Rena suggests
that you should go talk to the elder to find out if they were here. Go enter the
northeast house.

The Elder asks if you are all right and says you can talk later if you need to
rest. A woman inside asks you if you came from Racool. Crawd says yes. The woman
gets excited and asks if you came to save her, and asks where the boat is. The
young man inside tells the woman that how you ended up in this village should
explain that. Crawd apologizes, and the woman asks what you're talking about.
The elder tells her that Racool must have fallen to the monsters. Rena says
"Yes, probably." The elder says there's nothing you can do, since the monsters
are too strong since the Sorcery Globe fell. Crawd asks what it's like where the
Globe fell. The Elder says at first it was just a normal meteorite, but then it
started to seem like the Globe itself was creating the monsters. He says that
the meteorite hit the town of Elria and destroyed half the village, creating a
crater. The rest was taken over by monsters and became their base. Crawd asks if
it's their main base, and the elder asks if you intend to go there. Crawd says
that that's the reason you came, and that you can't just sit still doing
nothing. The elder asks Crawd if he knows what he's saying. Crawd says that you
came to find out what the source of the problem is, and if it's the Sorcery
Globe, to destroy it. The woman tells you you'd never be able to do it, and the
elder says there may be no other way. He tells you that he is has some weapons
in storage and tells you to take whatever you need. Crawd asks if anyone else
was washed ashore. The elder says that nobody has been found yet. Crawd asks the
elder if he could take care of Leon for a while, until you can see whether or
not his parents washed ashore as well. The elder says it's all right, asks what
you are going to do then. You can say:
1) It's in your best interest to stay here
2) Do you want to come with us?

If you pick 1, Leon will stay at the town. If you pick 2, Leon will join your
party. Whatever you pick, head to the storage shed.

Items in the storage shed:
Plate Mail x 2, Rune Cap, Giant Fist, Metal Fang, Silver Robe x 2, Shield Sword,
Bale Piercer, Silver Greave x 2, Fine Shield

Pickpocket info for the town:
Kanashimi no Yubiwa, Rot Bracelet, Paralyze Check, Piyohan, Melty Lotion, Holy
Mist, Sandal, Star Ruby, Glass no Kutsu (Glass Shoes)

Buy whatever you need, and when you leave, the man in the storage shed tells you
that he found something while fleeing Elria and asks if you know what it is.
Rena has no idea. Crawd says that it's an ID card, created with rather advanced
technology. Rena asks what he means. Crawd tells her to not to worry about it.
The man gives you the card.

As you leave the village, you see Ronixis on board Calnus, and Ronixis is
heading to investigate a high-energy field. He is still very downcast about
losing Crawd. At this point, the Operator picks something up. Ronixis asks what
she found. She says that from the fourth planet of the system with the high-
energy field she picked up an unidentified distress signal. An officer asks
about the planet. She says it's a class M planet with about 1 billion people
living there, and there is a strange change in the orbit of the planet, which
might have been caused by the energy field. Ronixis asks if the planet has been
explored by anyone. The officer says that there is no report of anyone who has
ever explored the planet or even been there. One of the communications officers
puts the distress signal on screen. She identifies it as a federation code. All
the officers recognize it as coming from Crawd's transmitter. Ronixis orders the
ship to the planet at maximum warp.

Head to Elria Tower.

Chapter 11
The Ten Sages

As soon as you reach Elria Tower, one of your party members notes that it
doesn't look much like a town any more. Rena's pendant glows, and Crawd wonders
if it is reacting to the Sorcery Globe. The door tells you to insert your ID
card; Rena puts it in and the doors open.

Items in Elria Tower:
Meteo Ring, Steel Helm, Stone Check, Holy Mist, X-Box, Crestia Guardx2,
Trickster, Music Tool, Cure Paralyze, Sapphire, Aquaberry, Cure Stone, Star
Ruby, Crystal, Ultra Punch, Fresh Syrup, ?GUARD (Core Plate), Gale Pierce,
Shisento "Murasame", Giant Fist, Liquor Bottle, Splinter

The battles here will be rough for any character under their high 30s in terms
of levels. Ernest in particular will have trouble here because this will be his
first real dungeon (unless you built him up a lot previously) and he will be
very weak. The two monsters to keep an eye out for are the Great Magius and the
Cold Lizards and Elder Magiuses. The Cold Lizards are like the Salamanders, only
tougher and they petrify you with their breath. The Elder Magiuses can cast
Thunder Clouds. (The Goat Heads here do too, but with less frequency) Also, the
room with the Trickster is easy to miss; the doorway to it looks like a wall if
you don't look closely.

You will find various glass statues here with single characters etched into
them. On the highest level you can reach at this point, a glass statue that
tells you to tell him the password; you can form the password by looking at what
is etched on the other glass statues in the tower. (The code is "mokushiroku"
[apocalypse] for those that don't want to go through the trouble of checking the
statues) Once you enter the password you will get the Card Key. With the Card
Key you can open the red barriers on the 5th floor.

Open the left red barrier and enter what appears to be a dead end. There are two
stone heads, and Crawd asks Rena if her pendant is glowing. She says it isn't.
At this point a strange voice is heard. It is broken and says that "this is
Calnus," and calls for "Ensign Crawd." Crawd realizes it's coming from his
transmitter. The voice becomes clearer and says "Target Confirmed. Transport in
10..9...8" Crawd is shocked and a party member asks what's the matter. Crawd
runs away from the party, and tells everyone to stay back or they'll get "sucked
in." Crawd says he'll be back as he is drawn in by the transporter.

Crawd materializes in the transporter room of Calnus. Ronixis and Cartsman are
waiting for him. Crawd chastises them for using-forced transporting, and asks
what they would have done if everyone else was teleported as well. Ronixis
apologizes, and Cartsman tells him that they did it to save him. Cartsman asks
him if he's all right, and Crawd says he is. Cartsman says that just in case he
should be checked out since they don't know what kinds of viruses might have
been on that planet. Crawd starts to say something, and Ronixis says that talk
can wait and tells him to come to the Bridge. Crawd tells Ronixis that he can't
be on board and asks to be sent back to Expel. Ronixis asks what Expel is, and
Crawd says frustratedly that it's the planet he was just on. Ronixis says that
Crawd's not allowed to go there since it's an undeveloped world. Crawd says
that's not important and his friends need his help. Ronixis tells him to calm
down and says that like he learned in school people are not allowed on
undeveloped worlds for any reason. Crawd begs Ronixis to send him down; all
Ronixis does is order him to the bridge.

On the way back Cartsman tells Crawd he was lucky; if they weren't investigating
the Alcura Cluster already they never would have picked up his signal. Crawd
asks what the Alcura Cluster is, and Cartsman says that they were investigating
a special high-energy field rotating around the Alcura Cluster. Crawd wonders if
it was the Sorcery Globe they were dealing with. As you enter the bridge, one of
the hands tells Ronixis that the fourth planet (Expel) in the system has
suddenly changed orbit and is heading straight for the energy field, and will
impact in 80 minutes.

Pickpocket Data on Calnus:
Ronixis, Blonde next to him,
Olgol, Pet no Esa, Shortcake, Graphic Tool, Music Tool, Survival Kit, Battle
Suit, Mannennpitsu, Wapuro Soft (Word Processor Software), Shock Gun, Piyonon,
Material Kit

Talk to Ronixis and Crawd asks what's going on. Ronixis tells Crawd to calm down
and look at the situation as a Federation Officer. A hand asks Ronixis to look
at the display, and Ronixis says that it's only a matter of time before the two
collide; the energy field is Rank 9 so the Expel will be completely destroyed
without a trace when they collide. Crawd starts to panic, and wonders if it's
because of the Sorcery Globe that Expel is going to hit the field. He asks
Ronixis again to let him return to Expel so he can save his friends. Ronixis
asks if Crawd is crazy, wanting to return to a planet that's about to be
atomized. A hand says it's 75 minutes until impact. Ronixis refuses to send
Crawd back to Expel. Crawd asks to find some way to change the planet's orbit.
Ronixis says it's impossible and tells Crawd to give up. Crawd asks Ronixis to
at least bid his friends goodbye since he's been fighting with them together for
so long. He says "You know what I'm talking about, what about the friends you
fought together with so long ago!" Ronixis caves in and says he'll let Crawd
return. At the transporter, Ronixis says that in 5 minutes he'll transport Crawd
back and tells him to be alone when he transports. Crawd agrees, and before
Crawd gets teleported Ronixis tells him he's grown up a lot since he last saw
him. Crawd thanks Ronixis and is beamed down onto Expel.

Back in the tower, someone tells Rena that it's been two hours already and they
can't stay there forever. Rena insists on staying. At this point Crawd beams in.
A party member asks where he went. Crawd apologizes for worrying everyone, and
tells everyone to get away as fast as possible. Rena is confused, and Crawd says
there's no time to explain. Everyone leaves and Crawd puts his transceiver on
the ground. Rena asks what it is. Crawd says he doesn't need it any more. As you
leave the transporter beams up the transceiver. Back on Calnus Ronixis is
shocked to find only the transceiver was beamed up. The transporter operator
tells him that there is nobody in the transport area. Ronixis asks him to
explain and the operator says that it could only be that the transceiver got
separated from Crawd. Ronixis orders a team down onto Expel to forcibly take
Crawd back. The operator says that in only 60 minutes the planet will collide
with the energy field. Ronixis orders a search until the very last minute, and
Cartsman tells Ronixis to calm down and says that long before the 60 minutes is
over the planet will be sucked into the energy field's gravity and if the
starship remains that close to the planet it will be too. He says "Are you going
to risk the lives of a search team for your own personal desires?" Ronixis says
nothing then apologizes for getting out of control. He leaves.

On the next floor, you will run into Sin again. He is surprised to see you
alive. He attacks again.

Sin: HP 21,000, Strong to everything
3 Stone Statues: HP 2200, Weak to Light, Strong to Dark

This time Sin is killable. Fortunately I've found he flies closer to the ground
in this fight than before so it is easier to hit him. Good techniques to use
here are Crawd's Sohazan or Bakuretsuha; they seem to be especially effective.
If he comes close to the ground, try and keep him there; this way he won't throw
his weapon at you, which is his most damaging attack. Also be aware that in this
fight Sin's attacks can paralyze and poison you, so be sure to have Rena in the
battle. I find that if your level is high enough, if you have three fighter
characters gang up on him there's not much he can do.

After you kill Sin, go up two floors, and you will find the Sorcery Globe.
Rena's pendant gives off a huge flash of light. A man appears and tells you in a
robotic voice not to move an inch. Another man in a black robe appears behind
him and says "Why does that woman have a Quadratic Key? I thought-we only had
crystallized one." Rena steps forward and asks who they are. The robotic-talking
man fires a laser at her and Crawd blocks it. Rena heals Crawd. A third man with
a mask on is shocked to see her power and says "Are you a NedÄian!?" Crawd
demands they say who they are and tell you what they are talking about. A young
man with blue hair says "People from undeveloped planets are so uncouth." An
old man appears next to him and says "No, that man's not from Expel, he's
probably an earthling." The entire party is shocked, and the blue-haired man
wonders why an earthling would be on a far-off planet like Expel. If Opera
and/or Ernest are with you, a man with a sword and armor appears and says "There
are even Tetrageneses here too." Rena asks Crawd what they are talking about.
The old man tells Rena that Crawd is not from Expel but is from another planet.
Rena is confused, and the old man tells her that many other planets house life.
He goes on to tell her that she is a NedÄian like they are. Crawd tells Rena not
to listen to what they are saying. He demands to know their objective and asked
if they are the ones that destroyed Elria. The man with the armor tells Crawd
it's none of his business. The man with the mask reappears and says that he's
too late anyway because Expel is already on a collision course with NedÄ. Rena
asks what that means, and Crawd says "Is your objective to destroy this
planet!?" A man in a black cloak appears and starts laughing at Crawd, saying he
is so small-minded to think that would be their objective and says "What would
we gain by this planet being destroyed? We are doing this so we can return to
NedÄ and make this galaxy ours." A rumbling starts and a final man with red hair
appears and says "It's time. This planet will soon impact NedÄ." Crawd asks why
they picked Expel. The red-haired man says that Expel's orbit was closest to
NedÄ. The old man reappears and says that the Quadratic Sphere (which is the
Sorcery Globe, he explains) was used to alter the planet's orbit so it could
impact NedÄ. The man in armor says that since there were Quadratic Keys on the
planet it sped up their plans greatly. Rena asks what the Quadratic Key is. The
blue haired man says that it's the crystallized form of the Energy Stone, and
that Rena's pendant is also a Quadratic Key. Rena is confused as to why she
would have one, and the man in the black robe says that since only NedÄians can
make Quadratic Keys, it's not surprising to see that Rena has one since she is a

Crawd runs forward and says that you will defeat them and stop their plans. The
red-haired man tells him that even if you managed to defeat them it wouldn't
stop Expel's orbit. Crawd says "We'll have to see about that" and the man with
the gray hair and black cloak tells his subordinates to kill you. The robotic-
speaking man comes forward, but the man in armor comes forward and says he will
be enough to defeat you. He introduces himself as Metatron, one of the "Ten
Sages" and attacks you.

BOSS: Metatron
HP 100,000
No strengths or weaknesses

This is another unwinnable battle. You must survive the battle for one minute
before it will end. If you set all your fighter characters' AI to "Teki kara
Hanare yo!" all your characters will avoid Metatron and he won't be able to
decide who to attack; he will take enough pot shots to kill maybe a character or
two but you will survive the battle.

Once the battle ends, Metatron compliments you on your skill and says that he no
longer can play with you. The man with red hair says that from here they can
teleport to NedÄ with their own power and bids you farewell.

After the FMV, the scene changes to the bridge of a Calnus. Ronixis says "I've
failed a billion people and my own son Crawd..." An officer says that it was
just a natural phenomenon and there was nothing he could have done. The first
officer Cartsman tells Ronixis that Crawd returned to Expel of his own will so
he had already chosen to die, and that there was no way for them to have changed
the planet's orbit. "Science is so powerless..." Ronixis says.

Chapter 12

The Ten Sages are having a conversation. They successfully made it to NedÄ. One
of them say that "those bugs were teleported too." Another says that since they
were close by there's nothing they could do. One asks if they should kill you,
since they were far away. Someone else says "Leave them alone. They can't do
anything anyway." Another voice says "Yeah, they'll die sooner or later."
Another asks why a Nedeian would be on another planet, since it's impossible for
NedÄians to leave Nede. They say that no matter what, it's only one girl, and
they basically conclude that things are going as planned, but are going to be
careful at the same time.

Crawd wakes up in a forest. He sees Rena unconscious nearby and runs over to see
if she's all right. Rena wakes up. At this point, the other party members walk
in. Someone asks where you are. Crawd says he doesn't really know. Rena says
that you are in NedÄ's "Paradise beyond the wall." Rena suddenly falls to the
ground. A party member asks if she's all right. Rena says "Let's go this way"
and starts to walk away. Crawd asks what's going on, and Rena says that she has
the sense that this is the way you should go. Someone mentions "Maybe you know
because you're a NedÄian?" Rena says that she's not sure about that, but knows
that she feels strangely at ease here as if she was there when she was young. If
Ernest or Opera is in your party, they ask Crawd why he went to Expel; otherwise
another character mentions that the Ten Sages said that he wasn't from Expel.
Crawd says he got caught in an accident on another planet and got teleported to
Expel and woke up in the Shingo Forest. "So that's how it was" Rena says.
Another party member says "Well, what difference does that make...even if he's
not from Expel, Crawd is Crawd." The party leaves.

One of the party members mentions on the way "I wonder what everyone is doing
back on Expel?" Crawd thinks to himself that they're probably all dead because
Expel crashed into another planet. Rena says that they're probably all fine and
are waiting for your return. "Yeah, but we'd better confirm our surroundings
first." Crawd says. At the end of the path they find some kind of stone
structure. Rena wonders what it is, and a voice calls out, telling you to enter
between the three pillars. "Who's there!?" Crawd calls. The voice tells you not
to be afraid and to step into the transport and you'll understand everything.
Somebody wonders where the transport will take you. Rena says that she gets the
feeling that you can trust whoever's speaking so you enter the transport.

Leave the room you teleport into, and a man will be waiting for you. He comes
forward and greets you; he was the one speaking before. He identifies himself as
Narl, the mayor of Central City, the town you are in. Rena asks if you're on
NedÄ, and Narl says that you are. Narl asks you if you know how you got to NedÄ.
A party member relates what happened in Elria. Narl says that you were probably
caught in the spell that the men cast to take them to NedÄ. Crawd asks who they
were. Narl says that they are the "Ten Sages of God" and tells you the
background of a bit of NedÄ's history:

Narl says that 3.7 billion years ago, Nede was a single planet. Rena asks if
it's not a planet now. Narl says "This isn't a planet. It's an artifical world
surrounded by a field of high energy, called 'Energy Nede.'" Crawd realizes that
must have been the energy field that Ronixis was talking about. Narl says that
3.7 billion years ago before expel existed, NedÄ's magic technology was
incredibly powerful and advanced. NedÄ was so advanced that many planets and
people wanted to form an alliance with the NedÄians. The alliance was willing
and not gained through force so everyone was happy. Narl says that although
there was some peace, the "Ten Sages of God" did not want to join the rest of
the NedÄians and wanted to conquer the galaxy instead of living in peace. He
says that they tried to start by conquering NedÄ, and started destroying its
towns one by one, killing anyone who opposed them no matter who they were.
NedÄ's army tried to fight back but was eventually wiped out. Eventually the
NedÄians used their last resort, and managed to seal off the Sages in a place
called an Eternity Space. But after defeating the Sages, the NedÄians realized
just how powerful they were; they realized that their science and technology
could be used to conquer the entire universe, and if someone like the Sages
appeared again, they would be caught up in another extremely violent battle.
There was one doctor named Rantis who thought up a way to solve the problem:
sealing off the NedÄians' evolution and technology. The NedÄians destroyed their
own planet and created "Energy NedÄ" to live in. The energy field that surrounds
Energy NedÄ was used to seal off the world from the rest of the universe.

Narl tells you that he doesn't know how the Ten Sages managed to escape the
Eternity Space and end up on Expel. He says that now that they have returned to
NedÄ they will probably continue their plan to conquer the galaxy.-Narl says
that their leader Gabriel is incredibly powerful and works together with the
second-in-command Lucifer, who is very intelligent. The next in command is
Michael, and the other 7 also go in descending rank. He tells you that you can
learn more details in the database in the library. Rena asks if the NedÄians
didn't realize that they were coming back. Narl says that until Expel's orbit
changed they had no way of knowing and by then it was too late. Crawd asks why
Narl summoned them. Narl says that "Because with you it's possible." Rena asks
what he means, and Narl says that while the Ten Sages are probably readying
Energy NedÄ to launch an attack on the rest of the galaxy, the NedÄians no
longer have the power necessary to stop them. A party member asks "So you want
us to help?" Narl says that the NedÄians and the Ten Sages have the same type of
power, so in the end the stronger, IOW the Sages, would win. He says what is
necessary to defeat them is a different type of power, which you have as
outsiders. "So what do you think?" Crawd asks. Rena says that since you're here,
there's not much else you can do, and since the Sages want to conquer the galaxy
they will eventually target Expel as well. It comes to a consensus in the party
that you will help, and Narl thanks you. Narl tells you that the first thing you
should do is procure a means of transportation around NedÄ. Crawd asks if you
can use the transports, and Narl says they are only placed in the most important
locations, and for most traveling you would travel on a flying animal called a
Sainard. Narl says that if you go north of Central City, you will find North
City. There, you can find the breeding grounds for the Sainards. He also says
that in North City you can find the library and database he was talking about.
The party starts to leave, and Narl calls Rena. Rena asks him how he knew her
name. Narl says that he wants to talk to her alone.

While you are waiting for Rena, someone says "I wonder what they're talking
about?" Crawd says it's not something for you to worry about. He says that Rena
is probably facing up to who she really is and there's nothing that anyone else
can do. At this point, Rena comes back. She doesn't say what she was talking
about, but seems all right.

Pickpocket Information:
Sweet Syrup, Magical Clay, Shortcake, 500V, Survival Kit, Sankaku Frasco, Magic
Canvas, Gold Bracelet, Nikurui, Rakugaki, Medical Rinse, Succubus Cologne, 10V
Stun Gun, Joshitsugami, Spectacles, Chie no Kagami (Mirror of Knowledge), 720V,
Gale Pierce, Kamikuzu, Kitsukekusuri, Dojin, Motogyunyu, 500V, Star Pierce,
800V, Senmonsho (Specialist Book), Beer, Graphics Tool, Ruby, Mekkin Tebukuro,
5000V, Kousagi no Rizotto (Young Rabbit Rizotto), French Toast, Hanepen, Pretty
Idol, Music School, Wordprosoft, Resurrect Mist, Mortarial Card

A few points of interest:
On the fourth floor of City Hall, there's a publishing company; here you can
sell the books you create through Shuppan. Once you sell a book, you can come
back occasionally and receive royalties. There's a newspaper company on the
third floor too; while not important now it will be later. In the store "Reverse
Edge", you can buy the helmet "Bere-bo;" characters wearing it increase the
success rate of their Item Creations.

Before you leave town, be sure to enter the west side of the city. There, you
will find someone who is watching you; upon being noticed, she runs away. This
event is not essential to the story, but if you want Chisato to join your party
you have to see it. Once you are ready though, leave town and head north to
North City.

Chapter 13
Catching a Sainard

North City is just north of Central City; it is within visual distance on the
map from it.

Pickpocket info:
Ninjin no Ice (Carrot Ice Cream), Lunar Tablet, Trikabut, Cure Poison, Fruit
Syrup, Violin, Mannenpitsu, Kokoro no Shoeki (Limits of the Mind), Flash Pot,
Kyo ni Ippin (Today's Menu), Ochakumi no Aima, Nightmare Pot, Danger Pot, Mad
Mist, 400V, Sard, Music School, Anzen Kutsu (Safe Shoes), Hen na Ningyo, Kabuken
(Stock Certificate)

What's going on in North City:
Perhaps because of the library here, a lot more people here know about the Ten
Sages than in Central City. Here, you can learn that the Ten Sages have taken
over and made their base in the city of Feenal, in the northeast of Energy NedÄ.

Inside North City, as you approach the store, you will see the same woman who
was following you before if you saw the event in Central City. She says "You're
sharp!" and runs away clumsily. "Could she be a stalker?" Crawd wonders.

You can gain a lot of interesting background information here if you read the
data in the database here. Because there's so much of it, I put it in an extra
appendix to this FAQ, check it out there if you can't read Japanese. Between
here and Central City, you can buy all the Item Creation ingredients you will
need. In addition, you can buy enough instruments here to successfully use the
Orchestra Super Tokugi; this skill is essential for Item Creations. The enemies
get much harder more rapidly on NedÄ, so usually when I reach this point in the
game I start doing some serious Item Creation to create better equipment for my
characters. I *always* make Crawd's Eternal Sphere at this point; if you got the
Trickster in Elria tower you can get the two Mithrils necessary by equipping it
and walking around.

Once you think you have enough items and equipment to survive, go to the
northeast end of town to talk about picking up a Sainard. Talk to the
receptionist and she will direct you to talk to the manager of the Sainard farm.
When you enter his office, he will introduce himself as Artis, and will tell you
he heard your story from Narl. He introduces you to one of his employees and
says that he will make a Sainard for you. One of your party members asks what he
means by "making" a Sainard. Artis says that Sainards are animals, but in order
to make them-obedient, they program their master's data into them before
releasing them. "The poor things" Crawd says. The employee says that since the
Sainards are artificially bred from the start, it doesn't make that much of a
difference. The employee leads you to a room and asks you to wait outside while
they prepare the room. You overhear them worrying that inscribing Monsho for
someone over a NedÄian into a Sainard won't work. While waiting, Rena asks Crawd
if there's any way to tell the people back on Expel that you are in Energy NedÄ
so they won't worry. Crawd starts to say something about Expel and then stops as
the researchers call you inside.

The researcher says that first he will input Crawd's data, and asks him to step
inside a small room behind a screen. The researcher presses a few buttons and
tells Crawd it's OK to step back. Crawd is surprised it ended so quickly. Next,
the employee calls Rena, and collects some of her personal data. He starts to
call the next person, and another researcher runs in and says the Sainard he
just inputted data into broke loose and is on a rampage. You run outside to try
and stop it and it attacks you.

BOSS: Sainard
HP 43000
Weak to Lightning

The most important thing about fighting the Sainard is to run to its rear and
attack it from behind. Its breath will do lots of damage and will possibly kill
any characters it connects outright. As he is weak to Lightning, Celine's
Thunder Storm will come in handy. In terms of techniques, I find that Crawd's
Sohazan or Bakuretsuha work best because the Sainard flies. Dias' Oboro and
Ashton's Leaf Slash work well too.

After killing the Sainard, Artis is shocked that something like this would
happen, and one of his employees angrily tells him it's no wonder the Sainard
went on a rampage since they inscribed data from someone other than a NedÄian
into it. The employees are angry at having lost a Sainard and storm out. Crawd
apologizes, and Artis says it's the Sainard's fault for not taking in the data.
Rena says it's sad though that the Sainard had to die even though it didn't have
to. Artis says that it would be too dangerous to try and input your data into a
Sainard any more. Rena asks how you will obtain a method of transportation in
NedÄ, and Artis tells you to come to his office and talk about it. At this
point, the woman who has been chasing you before comes out and is disappointed
that she couldn't catch the battle.

Artis tells you in his office to enter the transport adjacent to his room,
saying he will remove the lock. Rena asks what he wants, and Artis says that
someone will explain to you once you teleport, and says that Narl probably
wouldn't mind. Crawd asks if what you're going to do is bad, and Artis says that
if you're going to save the world there are going to have to be some sacrifices.
On the way out, Crawd asks Artis whose data caused the Sainard to go on a
rampage. "I don't need to answer that" Artis says. Enter the transport.

You will end up in somebody's house. He will come in and ask what you're doing
there. Crawd apologizes and says you were sent by Artis. "Artis?" the man asks.
Rena explains that you were sent here to get a Sainard. Crawd explains how the
Sainard went wild, and the man asks you if Artis explained what you were sent
her to do. Somebody asks where you are anyway. The man says that he is Noel
Chandler, and you are-in the Area for the Protection of Endangered Species. He
asks if you came for a wild Sainard. "Wild?" someone asks. Noel says that
Sainards were originally wild animals, and the NedÄians genetically altered them
to serve as transport. Crawd asks if there are still any wild ones, and Noel
says that there's only one left, and that in order to get it to obey you you
will have to defeat it. He starts to leave, and says he will guide you to where
the Sainard is. Rena protests saying that it's the last one, and Noel says that
if you don't train it then it's going to die anyway. Leave Noel's house and go
to the cave on the same island.

Items in Noel's House:
Daishizen no Seimei, Pet no Esa, 50,000V

Once you enter the Sainard cave, Noel says that there's something not right
about it and that there's a funny feeling in the air. Crawd asks what's wrong,
and Noel says he can feel the "killing instinct" (tough to translate) in the
animals in the cave. He says they must be being manipulated by someone. Crawd
suggests the Ten Sages, and Noel says that it's a possibility. He says that
usually other animals don't come in the cave because they can smell the Sainard.
Crawd realizes that if the crazed animals run into the Sainard it could be in

Items in the Sainard Cave:
Dream Bracelet, Monshojutsu Riron (Monshojutsu Theory), ?MINERAL (Moonite),
Resurrect Bottle, Cinderella Glass, Taka no Hagoromo (Robe of Hawk Feathers),
Fruit Syrup, ?MINERAL (Meteorite)

One thing you'll notice on entering this dungeon is that the monsters are
extremely tough and hit hard. The ones to keep the closest eye out for are the
Peryutons. In addition to doing lots of damage, they can petrify characters and
their feather bomb spread has a very wide range. The Hell Hounds also are strong
enemies will breathe fire after glowing, so avoid them once they start to flash.
Also, you'll note that the stalagmite in the battlefield here will get in your
way a lot if you've got a bad formation. Tri-Shift 2, Free Fight, and Escape
Shift I find to be the three most useful formations in this dungeon.

On the way to pick up the treasure chest with the Taka no Hagoromo in it, the
woman who has been chasing you runs by and falls over. She drops something, and
when you go to pick it up you will find it is a business card that says "NedÄ
Newspaper editorial department, Chisato Madison."

When you reach the Sainard, it is being attacked by two monsters.

BOSS: 2 Archemenes
HP 40,000
Weak to Lightning

The primary strength of the Archemenes is their excellent ability to block
frontal attacks. So the best way to defeat them is to hit them from behind.
Aerial projectile attacks like Opera's Spread Ray or Precis' Barrier tend to
work well too. Make sure that you keep at least one fighter character close to
your spellcasters; the Archemenes can teleport across the battlefield so if you
have your spellcasters isolated and an Archemene teleports nearby them they may
be dead by the time your fighters can get there to assist.

Once the Archemenes are dead, Crawd realizes the Sainard is hurt from their
attack and asks if you still have to fight it in order to control it. Rena says
that you can't hurt it, and Noel agrees. The Sainard falls over, and two baby
Sainards it was protecting come out from under its wings. Crawd puts his sword
away and says that he can't take the baby Sainards' mother away from them. Rena
heals the Sainard with her magic, and Crawd suggests you return to Central City
to field ideas from Narl on a way to get around. As you leave, Noel stops you,
saying there's something strange about the Sainard. Rena asks the Sainard if it
will help her. It gets up, taking the baby Sainards with it, and you get on.
Crawd thanks Noel for his help and tells him you are going to go defeat the Ten
Sages. Noel tells you to wait and asks if you will take him with you, saying he
wants to strike at the Sages himself for making the animals violent. You can
1) All right, come with us.
2) Stay here and protect the animals.

If you pick 1, Noel will join your party permanently. Otherwise he will stay
behind. Whichever you choose, now that you have the Sainard, return to Central

Chapter 14
The Field of Knowledge

Before going to talk to Narl, head to the newspaper room and talk to Chisato.
She asks who you are. Crawd says "You're Chisato Madison, right?" Chisato says
she is and asks how you knew her name. Rena tells her that you picked up her
business card in the Red Crystal Cave. Crawd asks her why she's following you,
and she says that she wants to get the story about the people fighting the Ten
Sages. Crawd notes that she was able to make it through the cave and Chisato
says that she's an initiate of the Jingu-ryu martial arts so she is all right,
and that she will need it to keep a tail on you. Crawd asks if she still intends
to follow you around. "Of course" Chisato says. Rena says it's too dangerous for
her to follow you alone, and Chisato says it's all right. If you have an extra
space in your party, you can ask:
1) Then why don't you travel with us?
2) Don't follow us around.

If you select 1 Chisato will join your party. (And you should, since this is the
last time you will have the option to take another character with you) If you
select 2 or have a full party Crawd will tell Chisato not to keep following you
around. She still insists until eventually her editor forbids her to follow you.

Return to Narl, and he will tell you that now that you have the Sainard you
should go and get the powers of NedÄ so you can fight the Sages. Crawd asks what
he's talking about.-Narl says that in order to defeat the Sages you will need to
combine your powers with NedÄ's powers. Crawd asks what exactly you will need to
do, and Narl tells you to go to the four Fields around Central City. He says
that each Field has various trials that you need to pass to be able to proceed.
A party member asks what the trials will be like, and Narl says they differ from
person to person so he doesn't know. He lays out the location of the four
fields; the Field of Knowledge to the north, the Field of Power to the
northwest, the Field of Courage to the southeast, and the Field of Love which is
floating in midair to the northeast. Narl gives you the Rune Code. Rena asks
what it is, and Narl tells you that the four fields are sealed so that nobody
can use them for ill and that the Rune Code is needed to break the seals. He
then tells you that you should go to the Field of Knowledge first since it is
the least difficult of the four trials; it is located on a pentagonal island to
the north. He also tells you that the Field of Love has the strongest defenses
so you should not go there until you're powerful. As you start to leave, he
tells you that the NedÄian Defense Force is located in Raqua to the northeast in
case you need their assistance. He then gives you a Link Combo before you leave.

At this point in the game, you can go anywhere in the world. You need to clear
all four Fields, and you can finish them in any order. You can also visit any
cities or towns you want to. I'm going to cover the four Fields from the easiest
to the most difficult; that is, in order, the Fields of Knowledge, Power,
Courage, and Love. I'm also inserting information on the various in somewhat
arbitrary order; I'm including one for each Field; Givaway, Raqua, Fun City, and
Armlock in that order.

Items in Givaway:
Fairy Glass

Pickpocket info:
Misty Symbol, Cinderella Glass, Super Ball, Dojin..., Nectar, 5000V, Rakugaki,
Yarma Shokuzai Set (Yarma Ingredients Set), Artemis Leaf, Glass no Kutsu,
Piyohan, Dasadasa Pierce (Tacky Earrings), Chie no Kagami, Kamikuzu, Yaso no
Subete (All about Herbal Medicines), Yasou no Subete, Mannenpitsu, Star Pierce,
500V, Mannenpitsu, Hermes no Riron, Joshitsugami, 500V, Genso bunsekiki (Element
Analyzer), 10000V, Rune Metal

What's going on in Givaway:
Most of the people here either talk about things that are going on at the
university or talk about the definition of "truth." In terms of helpful
information, there isn't much here. However, if you talk to the head of the
university, Barel, he will tell you that Rayfus is doing some "suspicious
research." After hearing this, talk to Rayfus and he will tell you that he is
trying to hack into the library at North City and investigate some suspicious
files there. He says though that he can't get in and wishes he had some
connections with someone with lots of info so he can get in. While this is
completely inconsequential to the plot, it is a step to being able to access the
Secret Information in the North City Database.

The Field of Knowledge is located on an island in the middle of the north Sea.

Items in the Field of Knowledge:
Janne Helm, Alpha Box, Chie no Kagami (Mirror of Wisdom), Rune Metal, Fruit
Syrup, Great Punch, Fairy Glass,

In terms of enemies here, only the Wizards will be a very large nuisance; they
can cast spells, petrify you with their energy bolts, and are invincible when
they are moving. I've found the best way of dealing with them is to fight fire
with fire and use attack magic against them; fighting characters will have
trouble hitting them with the way they blink in and out.-Similarly, if you get
into a battle with Wizards, kill them before anything else; leaving the Wizards
alive generally leads to a long, drawn-out battle, and you may end up with
characters dying rather quickly.

In order to reach the inner sanctum of the Field of Knowledge, you have to turn
on the six gyros around the central mirror. By stepping on the yellow squares,
or pressing O in front of the various mirrors, you can teleport around the

At the end of the Field, you'll find a floating red sphere. Someone will notice
that there are two machines on the back wall; just as you do, the guard system
activates and attacks you.

1 Magic Hand: HP 60,000 Strong to Earth, Water, Fire, Lighting, Star, and Fu
2 Magic Boxes HP 30,000, Strong to Fire, Lightning, and Star
1 Work Box: HP 30,000, Strong to Fire and Star, weak to Lightning
1 Guard Box: HP 30,000 Strong to Lightning, and Star, weak to Fire

The Magic Hand by itself cannot do anything. It is "fed" programs by the four
Boxes, which tell it what to do. The Magic Boxes make the Hand shoot a spread
flame blast or a large laser respectively. The Guard box and Work box defend and
heal the Hand. Therefore, there are two ways to handle this fight; to target the
Boxes first and cripple the Hand's abilities, or to destroy the Hand first and
then destroy the Boxes. I suggest you destroy the Guard and Work box first, then
destroy the Magic Hand, and finally the two Magic Boxes. The reason for this is
that both Magic Boxes are directly in front of the Magic Hand's line of fire.
Characters attacking the Work or Guard Boxes can be hit by the Hand's
flamethrower, but not by the laser, which is most important; characters caught
in the laser will basically die immediately. (For this reason, move all your
characters out of its line of fire as soon as the battle starts) Taking out the
Work/Guard boxes first will reduce the time needed to stand in the laser's range
and to destroy the Hand. This is a battle where attack magicians are especially
useful; Celine's Lunar Light is especially effective.

Once the defense system has been destroyed, Rena and Crawd step into the light
under the sphere to "receive" the power of the Field of Knowledge, and they get
struck by a strange force.

Crawd watches a scene from his past, back on Earth. He realizes the place he's
watching is his father's room on the Federation headquarters on Earth. Ronixis
comes into the room, shocked that the Rezonia army has attacked again. He
hurries to get some paperwork done to reassemble the federation forces to defend
against them. At this point, young Crawd enters the room. Ronixis asks him what
he's doing there; young Crawd says since Ronixis never comes home even though
he's back from exploring space, so he came directly to his job to see him. Crawd
remembers that at this point it had been a year since Ronixis was back on earth.
Young Crawd asks Ronixis to come home with him. Crawd thinks "Did I really look
this forward to him coming home?" Ronixis tells young Crawd he's gotten much
bigger, then apologizes and says that he's got work he needs to do. Young Crawd
tells Ronixis he promised to read him lots of books when he got home. Ronixis
says nothing and young Crawd says that he and his mother have been waiting a
long time. Ronixis says that his mother will understand, and tells young Crawd
to go home to take her home. Young Crawd yells at Ronixis and calls him a liar,
then runs out of the room.

Crawd comes to and wonders what the flashback she just saw was. Rena asks him
what he saw, and Crawd explains that she saw herself a long time ago. Rena says
"Me too.." You get the Chie no Hoshu (Gem of Wisdom).

Chapter 15
The Field of Power

The base of Raqua is one island east of the Field of Knowledge.


Pickpocket info: Piyonon, 3000V, Rune Metal, Recoil Bracelet, Magic Cross,
Infinity Ring, Mithril, Resurrect Mist, Resurrect Bottle, Idaten, Magic Mist,
Meteorite, Isis Tiara

What's going on in Raqua:
Not much. Raqua is where the NedÄian army is stationed while the Ten Sages are
on Energy NedÄ. There's an aquarium in the basement but most of it is off-
limits. You can rest here for free though, and you can talk to Marianna, the
commander-in-chief. Other than that there's not much to do here, although you
can steal some pretty good items from the people here. (However, since you can't
do a Private Action here you can't avoid any KJD losses from doing so)

The Field of Power is located on the snowy mountain near Givaway.

Items in the Field of Power: Rune Full Moon, Assault Bomb, Melty Lotion, Janne
Armor, Marvel Sword, Blackberry, ?GUARD (Mithril Helm), Atlas Ring

This is a long dungeon. If you want to clear out the mountain of all of its
treasures, you are going to be here a while. What makes that difficult is that
you'll probably notice that the enemies here do a lot of damage. While you won't
have to deal with any annoying spellcasters or status ailments (outside of the
occasional paralysis by a Ghast) the knight-type enemies here have lots of HP
and do lots of damage. Buying the best armor available on NedÄ will still not
protect you well enough; in order to be really safe here you'll have to make
your own armor via Blacksmith, and powerful armor at that. If you have Magical-
Rasp assisted Blacksmith armor you should be all right. Also, while fighting in
the caves, be careful not to let your fighter characters get too far away from
your spellcasters; the battlefield is very large so unless you have really fast
characters you may not have enough time to rush back and save any trapped

One thing to note about the Field of Power is that there are several places
where you will have to fight groups of guardian Yetis. The thing about these
battles that is difficult is that not only do you have to kill the Yetis, but
you have to prevent them from getting to the switch located on the right edge of
the screen; if they reach the switch they will pull it and cave in the part of
the cave they are guarding. This not only blocks your way, but cuts you off from
some of the treasure here as well, so you may have to change your strategy when
fighting them to make sure this doesn't happen. Using items to increase your
characters' running speed will help a lot, as will placing spellcasters right in
front of the switches to block them. If it looks hopeless that a Yeti will make
it to the switch, have one of your characters with the Chohatsu skill taunt them
using the select button, and hope they forget about the switch and attack
him/her instead.

There is one ledge on the mountain that overlooks some really nice scenery; walk
out onto it, and you will be given the option to call down into the valley. If
you do yell, then your voice echoes and starts an avalanche. You will have a few
seconds to run into a nearby cave; if you fail and get caught in the avalanche
you will be sent all the way back to the beginning of the dungeon. So unless you
want to climb up the mountain all over again, don't call into the valley. On the
other hand, when you're leaving the mountain, calling and deliberately getting
caught in the avalanche will save you a lot of time on your way out.

Halfway across the bridge at the top of the mountain, you will catch sight of
some ruins. A large golem appears and congratulates you for making it to the top
of the mountain. Someone asks who he is, and the golem says he is the Guardian
of the Field of Power and has been watching you fight your way up the top and
says you are strong fighters. A party member asks if you pass then, and the
Guardian says that he will test your power and if you defeat him then he will
let you pass.

BOSS: Guardian
HP 130,000
Strong to Earth, Water, and Fire, weak to Dark

The battle against the Guardian is going to be long and drawn-out, and odds are
your fighter-characters are probably going to run out of MP before the battle is
over. The Guardian's best offense is a strong defense; most of your attacks will
do very little damage, and some will do none at all. If he hits your characters
they will be knocked way back, so direct hand-to-hand combat is often
ineffective. Once you do enough damage to him, you will knock the Guardian's
hands off and he will attack you with the shock balls that are left, doing more
damage and creating electric fields. After even more damage he will be reduced
to his torso alone, and will fire powerful lasers at you. The best way to take
on the Guardian is to use multi-hit distance hissatsuwaza. The one I've found to
be most effective is Opera's Hyper Launcher, although Chisato's Flame Launcher,
Bowman's Senpusho, and Crawd's Koryuha are also very useful. In terms of
spellcasters, you'll want Rena in this battle for sure, and Leon will also be
very effective since he can cast Dark magic, which the Guardian is weak to.

Once you defeat the Guardian, he will praise you and tell you to go to the altar

Rena notes that there is nothing at the altar. Suddenly there is a flash of
light, and Crawd sees a flashback of his first trip into space as a cadet. The
captain of the ship he is on asks the cadets how it feels to be in space. The
cadets say nothing, and the captain asks what the matter is. Crawd says he's
very happy to be in space. Crawd reflects "I was lying! I wasn't really happy,
just thought it was kind of interesting." He thinks back that he was lying to
himself as well so as to incorporate himself into the environment better. The
captain of the ship says to Crawd that "as the son of Ronixis this may not be
your first time in space anyhow." The officers behind the cadets start gossiping
about how Crawd is getting special treatment and that his professors are
probably padding his grades so as not to make Ronixis mad. Crawd thinks "Stop!
Don't give me any special treatment!" The captain goes on to say that he doesn't
belong on a "ship like this" and that the "higher ups fear his ability." He asks
Crawd to put in a word of favor to his father for him. Crawd reflects that
wherever he went his father always showed up, and how he hated having to always
be connected with him. He stops for a minute and wonders just how long he's been
feeling this way about it.

The scene returns to normal and Rena says that since she was able to face her
fears "her way opened." Crawd says "Running won't change anything..." Rena asks
Crawd what he is talking about and Crawd just says "I was just running away
then. What would have happened if I had stood up for myself?" Rena is confused,
and Crawd tells her to never mind. Crawd notices a gem is now on the altar and
picks it up. You get the Chikara no Hoshu. (Gem of Power)

Chapter 16
The Field of Courage

Fun City is located on the east edge of NedÄ. It will cost you 75V/character to
enter. You can do Private Actions there too, but they won't start immediately;
you have to buy your tickets first.

Pickpocket info:
Kimyo na Boshi (Odd Hat), Kimyo na fuku (Odd Clothes), Dulfol, Megami no zo
(Goddess Statue), Orange Sherbet, Orangeade, Kamikuzu, Vanilla Ice, Beer, Banana
Crepe, Gold Idol, Silver Idol, Pretty Idol, Natural High, Rot Bracelet, High
Heel, 1000V, Blueberry, Succubus Cologne, Kagayaki no Pierce (Shining Earring),
Ochakumi no Aima, Superball, Orangeade, Beijing Duck, Dasadasa Pierce, 800V,
Namakura Sword-(Bent Sword), Aroe Jam (Aloe Jam), Ninjin no Ice, Mannenpitsu,
Necklace, Cure Stone, 500V, Might Chain, Tokkoyaku, Kizunda Sashimi (Damaged
Sashimi), Discovery Card, Idaten Ship, Knuckle, Bikkuribako (Surprise Box),
Rakugaki, Carrot Juice, Natural High, Pictorial Card, Wine, Ninjin no Ice, Pixie
Cologne, Kaiga "Haru" (Painting "Spring), Vol Up Card, Goshintai, 400V,
Superball, Dojin!, Lunatic Ring, Pretty Idol, Fairies' Card, Goshintai,
Tamatebako, Necklace, Blueberry, Lavender, Crystal, Hexagram Card, Motogyunyu,
Nectar, Kamikuzu, Mannenpitsu, Insane Ring, Promised Ring, Pin Heel, Bunny
Shoes, Urachoubou, Karai Cake, 600V, 500V, Fairies' Card.

What's going on in Fun City:
People are enjoying themselves in general, but none of them provide much
information toward your quest.

Fun City has lots of attractions where you can enter contests to try and win
items or gold to make your party more powerful. The various attractions in Fun
City include:

The Bunny Races:
At the north end of town, in this contest you use tickets to bet on races to try
and win items. If you've ever played Dragon Quest 5, the format is similar to
the Slime Races; for more detailed information check out the Star Ocean 2nd FAQ.

The Cooking Master Competition:
Located at the east end of town, this is a competition where characters can use
their Ryori Item Creation Tokugi to cook as much food as possible and compete
against a computer opponent. You can win ingredients available nowhere else
here. For more detailed information, check out the Star Ocean 2nd FAQ.

The Fortune Teller:
Located above the Cooking Master Competition, there are three fortune tellers
here, but you can only "use" the middle and right fortune teller. The middle
fortune teller will charge you 300V to "look at your past." You can choose to
look at:
1) Percentage of treasure chests in the game opened
2) Percentage of Item Creation successes,
3) Percentage of successful Pickpocketing
4) Times you saved the game
5) Total number of battles
6) Number of times you ran from battles
7) Number of monsters defeated
8) Highest number of consecutive Battle Skills scored
The right fortune is a "love" fortune teller; pay 350V and she will tell you
your "chances" with the female members of your party. You can only have your
compatibility checked when Rena is alone. (ie during a Private Action) The
fortune teller will give an overall evaluation of the AJD and YJD levels between
Crawd and each of the female characters in your party. No concrete levels will
be given, just a "good" or "bad" evaluation.

The Battle Stadium:
Located on the west end of town, the Battle Stadium is a place where you can
enter your characters in various battle contests to try and win items, money, or
skill points, depending on which contest you enter. The format is essentially
the same as the arena from the first Star Ocean, with a few changes; check out
the Star Ocean 2nd FAQ for more detail.

The Dojinshi store:
Located above the Battle stadium, this is a store that sells "otaku" type goods
like posters, figurines, and Dojinshi. (publications kind of like fan
magazines/stories/manga) You can buy different types of Dojinshi here, which
apparently have no practical use in the game at all...

Apart from the primary attractions, Fun City has a good store with lots of
valuable items for item creations, and many types of healing items. Also there
are plenty of people to pickpocket here, some of whom have excellent items. You
can steal a pair of Bunny Shoes, quite arguably one of, if not the most, useful
items in the game from the bunny by the entrance to the Bunny Races.

The Field of Courage is located on an island on the central south edge of the

Items in the Field of Courage:
Sour Syrup, Stone Check, Mithril Greave, Janne Shield, Sizer, Liquor Bottle.

In terms of enemies, the Field of Courage is only a little more difficult than
the Field of Power. There's an occasional Surround Attack by eight Dark
Kelseiders that can be difficult, the Otifs can petrify you, and the Fenrir
Beasts are rather difficult like most lizard-monsters are, but other than that
it shouldn't be too difficult for characters that can handle the Field of Power.

The block at the entrance of the cave says "Push on ahead." This is a hint as to
how you can reach your first destination. Whatever direction you go, you have to
continue in the direction that is "forward," or else you will get stuck in an
endless loop and have to start over. If you backtrack you'll also have to start
over. It's not too difficult to find your way to the place you're trying to
find, but if you are having trouble, the fastest way to get there is, starting
from the entrance, to go N (left side), NW, N, W. Note that while there is more
than one way to reach the final destination, none of the routes will take you by
all the treasure chests in the cave so you will have to do some exploring to get
them all. Once you reach your destination, a small altar, you will find the
Yusha no Zo. (Hero Statue)

With the statue, go to the elevator in the southeast corner of the dungeon and
ride it to the second floor altar. When you reach the altar, Rena will suggest
that the altar originally had something on it, and Crawd says that the statue
you just found might be what goes there. You will have a choice to put the
statue on the altar; when you do so the ceiling will cave in and the Guardian of
the Field will fall through the ceiling. It tells you that courage without power
is recklessness, and challenges you in battle to "prove your courage."

BOSS: Guardian
HP 130,000
Strong to Earth, Water, Fire, weak to Dark.

This Guardian is essentially the same as the Guardian of the Field of Power. The
only difference between the two is that instead of punching you in its initial
form, this Guardian will fire missiles at you.

Once you defeat the Guardian, it congratulates you and tells you to take the
Power of Courage.

Crawd sees what is currently going on aboard Calnus. An operator tells Ronixis
that the energy field is still on its same course and why it is doing so is
still unknown. Ronixis thanks her but is not concentrating. An officer nearby
tries to console Ronixis about Crawd's "death" and says that he tried his best.
Ronixis says that trying his best doesn't make much difference and that all is
left is the reality that Crawd is dead. The officer apologizes and Ronixis tells
him it's all right. Ronixis goes on to say that since Crawd didn't have that
kind of courage before so he never expected him to do something like what he
did. He says that people that are recklessly brave just end up dying, and that
"being cowardly like me will keep you alive." The operator tells Ronixis he's
not cowardly and has been doing brave deeds all the time. Ronixis says that he
was only doing so because he was afraid of ruining his reputation and looking
bad in the eyes of his wife and Crawd.

When the scene returns to normal, Crawd says "This is courage?" He asks Rena
what she saw. Rena says that she didn't see anything, only heard that she
"should have the courage to throw everything away as a NedÄian." She asks Crawd
what he thinks that might mean, and Crawd says he doesn't really know. He goes
on to say that people live facing adversity all the time so being brave in and
of itself is nothing special when the time requires it. Crawd turns around and
finds another gem on the altar. He picks it up; it is the Yuki no Hoshu. (Gem of

Chapter 17
The Field of Love

The town of Armlock is located on the far southeast corner of the map.

Pickpocket info:
Sour Syrup, Cinderella Glass, Kaiga "Saigo no Banshoku" (Painting "Last
Supper"), Secret Boots, Hen na Katamari, Mekkin Tebukuro, Magician Hand, Mithril
Dress, Music School, Force Sword, Joshitsugami, 1500V, Kokumotsu, Ochakumi no
Aima ni, Smith Hammer, Yori no Compote (Pear Compote), Moon Pierce, Yamueki "Mu"
Shizuku Shibori, 150V, Wine, Magic Rock, Tri-Emplem, 5000V, Herbal Oil

What's going on in Armlock:
Armlock is the only place on NedÄ where weapons are allowed to be made. However,
their usage is also forbidden. Similarly, you can buy the best weapons for sale
in the game here. Also, there is talk of a "fuuin no Tobira" (Sealed Door) by
the back of the town that has been sealed off for a long time, and nobody knows
what's behind it. Also there is talk of a strange secret store called the "Fake

The Field of Love is located smack in the middle of the map. It's floating high
in the air, so you'll need to land there with your Sainard.

Items in the Field of Love:
Serpent Tooth, Holy Rod, Resurrect Mist, Hot Syrup

The Field of Love is by far the smallest of the Fields. On the other hand, the
monsters here are quite tough, so be forewarned. The Breakwings and Master
Wizards are the two most annoying monsters since they can cast powerful spells
like Shadow Flare. The Gelatin Blocks that show up here are also extremely
difficult to hurt and do lots of damage, but if you manage to kill them they
will give you tons of experience, so keep an eye out for them.

Reaching the end of this Field requires no real special tricks; just touch the
red spheres in the center of various blocks to rotate them so you can proceed.
You'll have to rotate both in order to make it to the end.

When you reach the end of the Field, a woman will appear and say that she is the
fairy of the spring you are at, and tells you to come forward. The party does,
and at this point one of your characters will be paralyzed and teleported in
front of the fairy. She laughs and says that she already killed the real
protector of the spring. She tells you her name is Lavar, and that she's the
first disciple of the Ten Sages. Crawd runs forward, and Lavar warns him not to
move or else she'll kill whatever character she has taken hostage. She demands
that you give her the Rune Code and tells you she'll kill her hostage if you
don't give it to her. Whoever is captive tells you not to listen to her, but
Crawd gives her the Rune Code anyway. Lavar demands that the rest of the party
step back, and they do. Then she attacks you.

Lavar: HP 60,000, Weak to Light
2 Breakwings

Even on Universe, I've always found Lavar to be a pushover. In fact, I usually
find that the Breakwings with her give me more trouble than she does. In terms
of fighting power, Lavar is very weak; her defense is extremely low and her
physical attacks are weak too. If you give her an opening, she can cast spells
to heal herself or hit you with a multi-attack beam, but if you have someone
constantly attacking her she will usually die without a fight.

Once you defeat Lavar, Crawd will ask the former hostage if s/he's all right,
who says that they're fine. Upon waiting, nothing appears on the platform. Crawd
and Rena climb on, and Crawd suggests that maybe the spirit really was killed by
the Ten Sages' minions. Before Rena can respond the room starts to glow and
there is a large flash of light.

Crawd finds himself alone in the dark. He feel cold and pained and can't move. A
shining figure appears next to him, and Crawd asks who it is. The figure just
says "I am me." Crawd asks what it's talking about and the figure tells him not
to be afraid and to open his heart, then disappears. Crawd then sees several
images of himself behind his father. Crawd in the images calls out several times
that he is not his father's pawn, is independent, etc, and after every statement
he makes the voice asks "Really?" Crawd says "I don't know.." and starts crying,
but isn't sure why.

When Crawd comes to, Rena is confused as to what it was she saw. Crawd says he
saw himself now and in the past. Rena is just confused about what her vision
meant, and Crawd asks if she's all right. Rena says she is, and Crawd sees that
the Ai no Hoshu (Gem of Love) is in front of him, and picks it up.

Chapter 18

With all four Fields cleared, return to Central City and talk to Narl. He will
note that you have received the power of all four fields, and Crawd will tell
him that he doesn't feel any more powerful. Narl tells you that even if you
don't realize it, you are much stronger and are probably better than any
NedÄian. At this point, Marianna comes out of the side room and tells Narl that
the defense force in Raqua is ready. Narl tells her that you are ready as well,
and suggests starting the plan to invade Feenal immediately. If you have never
met Marianna before, Narl will introduce her as the head of the Raqua Defense
force. She then leaves. Narl tells you the plan to invade Feenal will begin at
noon the next day, and asks you to help. Crawd is surprised that the plan will
begin so soon, and Narl says that the more time you waste, the worse off you

At this point, one of the party members asks if there is any way to contact the
others on Expel to let them know where you are. Narl, Crawd, Opera, and Ernest
(if they're with you) are suddenly silent. The party member asks if it's not
possible, and Narl tells you that "Expel no longer exists." Somebody asks Narl
to explain what he's talking about. Narl says that Expel collided into Energy
NedÄ and was atomized, and everyone on the planet was killed. Someone gets
angry, saying that there's no point in defeating the Sages if Expel won't come
back. Narl says that there is a way to restore Expel to its previous state.
Crawd asks what he means, and Narl says that by using the Time-Space Transport
shield that surrounds NedÄ, it is possible to transport Expel back to the state
it was in just before it collided with NedÄ. Crawd asks if that's really
possible. Narl says that theoretically it is, but in order to control the Time-
Space Transport Shield the energy from all the cities on NedÄ has to be used,
and since Feenal is currently under control of the Sages they have to be
defeated first. Everyone comes to the conclusion that you should fight the Sages
now so that you can get Expel back. Then the party goes to rest for the upcoming

The next day, the party uses the Transport to teleport to Raqua. Noel and
Chisato (if they're with you) will say something about "it should be done" and
"NedÄ has been around long enough anyway." In Raqua, Narl tells you that the
Sages have put an energy field around Feenal so that you can't use a Sainard to
make it there, and that the people of Feenal destroyed the transport there so
that the Sages couldn't use it. Crawd asks how you'll get there then, and Narl
says that the field only extends to about 100 meters below sea level, so by
traveling underwater you can go under the field. Rena asks how you'll do that,
and Narl says that-you can ride in the pouch of an aquatic animal called a
Herash, which is why you came to Raqua.

In the next room, you'll find the Herash; Narl says it may look fierce but is
actually quite tame. Narl, Marianna, and the soldiers get on the Herash, and the
party follows. You'll travel to a dock near Feenal; it's only a short walk from
the dock to the town.

Upon entering Feenal, Narl and Marianna say that there's something strange about
the place, and then two of the Sages teleport in. The sage with the gray hair
and black cloak greets you and says that he's been waiting for you for quite a
while. Rena asks what he's talking about, and he says that their final goal has
come one more step to becoming completed and wanted to make an announcement to
you. The red-haired Sage says that they have completed a system to move NedÄ
through the universe and an anti-starship weapon, and are close to finishing a
weapon that can destroy a planet. Crawd, Opera, or Ernest will say that the
Earth Federation is not going to sit for that. Another sage appears and says
that the Federation's positron cannons cannot even scratch Nede's shield, and
their shields would crumble under their antiproton cannons.

On the screen above, a starship appears. Rena asks what it is, and Crawd says
"It's Calnus." If Opera or Ernest is with you, they'll ask "THE Calnus?"
otherwise someone will ask what Calnus is. Crawd says that it's his father's
ship. One of the Sages orders firing their weapon at 10% power. On Calnus, one
of the ship's officers tells Ronixis that an energy cannon is going to be fired
from the energy field, and Ronixis says "From the middle of a supernova!?" The
Operator says that there might be something inside of it, and Ronixis orders the
crew to send friendly messages on all channels and to raise the shields just in
case. Their messages are ignored, and Ronixis tells the crew to prepare for

After the first bolt is fired, the shields drop to 72% power. The gray-haired
Sage is surprised how good Calnus' shields are, and the red-haired Sage orders
him to raise the power to 30%. On board Calnus they detect the new beam forming
and Ronixis orders all auxiliary power to the shields.

After the second bolt's impact, the shields drop to 22%, and the Operator tells
Ronixis the shields won't be able to withstand the next shot. Ronixis orders a
counterattack with the ship's positron cannons. An officer asks where to aim on
such a huge energy field, and Ronixis tells him to pinpoint where the first two
shots came from and shoot there.

The beam does nothing to NedÄ's shield, and the red-haired Sage orders the power
raised again. Crawd tries to plead with them not to fire again, but they prepare
to shoot anyway. On board Calnus Ronixis asks if their shot did anything, and
the operator says that she can't tell. One of the officers detects the third
shot, but it fires before Ronixis can do anything.

After seeing the destruction of the Calnus, Crawd gets really angry and says
he's going to kill all of the Sages. Another Sage appears and asks the red-
haired Sage, who he identifies as Gabriel, to leave dealing with you to him.
Gabriel gives him permission and the gray-haired Sage tells Zaphikel (the Sage
that just appeared) to "go easy" on you. The other three sages disappear, and
Zaphikel tells you that no matter what it was you did at the four Fields, you
can't stand up to him and summons some robots to surround you. Marianna orders
everyone to attack.

Takikodus: HP 25,500, Strong to Water, Wind, Fu, and Light.
1 Mi-Il 64: HP 18,000, Weak to Lightening and Star

The toughest monster in this fight is the Takikodus, who is very fast and can do
lots of damage with its "Multiple Terror" machinegun. You can pretty much ignore
the Mi-Il; concentrate on surrounding the Takikodus. You might want to use some
Idaten Ships or Idaten Nankos to be able to catch up with it.

After defeating the first wave, Zaphikel says "There's more where that came
from" and summons another Takikodus and Mi-Il to fight you. Once you defeat
them, Zaphikel summons yet another wave, and Narl says "It's hopeless...there
are too many of them." Crawd attacks Zaphikel.

BOSS: Zaphikel
HP 150,000
Strong to Earth, Fire, Lightning, and Dark

Outside of cheating, this is an unwinnable fight, so don't waste your time
trying to. (or at least don't waste any items in the battle trying to) Just let
Zaphikel kill you.

Zaphikel laughs at how weak you are, and a party member notes that you can't
even hurt him. Marianna says she never thought that they'd be this much more
powerful than you. Narl suggests you retreat. Zaphikel says he won't let you
escape, and Marianna tells you to run while she holds him off. Crawd is opposed
to the idea, but Marianna tells you you have no other choice. You and Narl run
away. Zaphikel tells Marianna she is admirable for sacrificing herself to save
you. Marianna tells him she has no intention of losing and attacks him.

The next day, Narl asks you if you slept well. The entire party is silent. Crawd
tells Narl that you can't defeat the sages, and Narl responds by saying you
fought well. One of your party members says it's a miracle you're still alive.
Narl says "But you couldn't stand a chance against the enemy. Why do you think
that is?" Crawd suggests it's just that you're too weak. Narl says that the
problem is not that you are weak, but that you don't have correspondingly
powerful weapons. "Weapons?" Rena asks. Narl says that originally the weapons
you should use were not supposed to ever be used but that there is no longer any
choice. Crawd asks Narl what he means, and Narl says that he will take you to
the Monsho Weapon Research Facility. The reason that he says that there is no
longer any choice was because of the emblem that was behind the Ten Sages at
Feenal. Rena says "Wasn't that just decoration?" and Narl says that it was
actually the ultimate Monsho: the Destruction Monsho whose effect is the
destruction of the entire universe. Crawd asks "Wasn't their objective to
conquer the universe?" Narl says he has no idea what they are thinking, since if
destroying the universe was their goal they wouldn't have had to return to NedÄ.
Rena asks if there is a way to stop the Monsho even if you defeat the Sages.
Narl tells you just to worry about defeating the Sages and that he will try and
figure out something to do about the Monsho. Narl tells you to go to the city of
Armlock and that he will meet you there shortly. Head to Armlock.

Chapter 19
The Monsho Weapon Research Facility

As soon as you reach Armlock, someone will be waiting for you to tell you that
Narl is waiting for you at the Sealed Door. Head there and Crawd will ask Narl
what the Sealed Door is. Narl explains that it is a door that was made to seal
off a certain place, and that only a few people know the code to open it. He
says that he just unlocked it so you can enter. Upon entry, you will see a
Transporter. Crawd asks why it is so securely protected, and Narl says when you
get there you'll find out.

The Transporter takes you to a place that looks like a forest, and Crawd asks
where you are. Narl says that you are in the ruins of the Monsho Weapon Research
Facility. He leaves the party, telling you that he is going to go ahead and asks
you to take a walk around if you want. He starts to say something to Rena, but
then decides not to and leaves. The party splits up and looks around. Rena says
that she gets the feeling that she's been here before.

Item in the Research Facility:
Mind Ring

Upon entering the inner chamber, Narl greets you. He explains that the room that
you are in contains all the records of the facility, and that everything that
happened here before the facility was destroyed was recorded. He goes on to say
that he would like you to watch the recording of when the facility was destroyed
because there should be a hint on how to defeat the Sages there. Rena says she
feels somehow afraid. Narl starts the video, saying that he's never seen it
before himself.

A message goes on saying that the facility is going to be destroyed in 5 minutes
and asks all employees to head to the shelter. The head of the facility, Reema,
enters the room with an employee; the employee asks her to escape to the
shelter. Reema tells him that with the uncontrollable Creation Energy the
shelter will offer no protection, but that it's all right because the
destructive wave of energy will be teleported to another dimension via the Time-
Space Shield and the Eternity Field surrounding the field. The employee says
there's no time to escape to the outside of the facility, and Reema says "I
know. We're finished." Reema says that there's something she wants to test, and
the employee asks what it is. "I want to put Rena in the container I'm
developing" Reema says. She tells the employee to go get her child Rena, and he
does. Rena is upset but Reema tells her that she will save her. The employee
says that the container is not made to put living matter into, and Reema says
that if Rena's going to die anyway she might as well try, since no adult would
fit inside. Reema apologizes to Rena for not being able to spend more time with
her and gives her a pendant as an early birthday present. She gives the employee
the access code to the data bank and the video ends.

Crawd asks who the Rena in the video was, and Narl says that she was the
daughter of the head of the Research Facility, Reema. Rena says "That's me,
wasn't it?" She says that although she doesn't remember the experience her "body
remembers it." She asks Narl how long ago the accident at the facility takes
place. Narl says "This may be hard to take, but it happened 700 million years
ago." Crawd is very surprised, and Narl explains that while the Time-Space
Shield absorbed all the energy from the explosion, the box that Rena was put in
was made so it could survive the shield and be teleported through space and
time, so it was absorbed along with all the energy, and that most likely it was
teleported to Expel far in the future. Rena realizes that her mother's not
around any more and that she died 700 million years ago, then says for some
reason it doesn't bother her. Narl says that now that he has the access code to
the database, he can search it for any information to help you and leaves. Rena
also runs out of the room. One of your party members tells Crawd to go after

Return to the entrance to the Facility and Crawd will look around for Rena, then
see her standing by a large tree. Crawd approaches, and Rena apologizes for
running away. She tells Crawd that she sort of remembers-it and that it feels
"natsukashii." ("the positive feeling experienced when exposed to something
nostalgic," lit.) Rena says that the tree in front of her is probably one or two
thousand years old so she is much much older than it. She asks Crawd if he
thinks that her mother loved her; since she was always researching it looks like
that she chose her research over her daughter. Crawd says that long before his
mother got married she was an officer of the Federation, and right after he was
born she returned to her work as a scientist, specializing in "Monsho Science."
He goes on to say that at the same time she didn't ignore Crawd and couldn't
give up either. Crawd turns around and says that Rena's mother was probably the
same; she loved both Rena and her research so couldn't give up on either. Rena
nods, and Crawd tells her that if she feels bad she doesn't have to hold it in
because the rest of the party is there to help. Rena hugs Crawd, then says that
"this place is like the Shingo Forest" and that she probably liked the Shingo
Forest so much because it was like the place she knew as a toddler.

After however long they wait there, Crawd asks Rena if she feels better. Rena
apologizes for having to-submit Crawd to all that at the same time he is having
to deal with the death of his father. Crawd says that it's OK and that he's all
right, because he's "sure his father wouldn't want me to be sad." He then tells
Rena that you should go since the rest of the party is waiting.

Back at the central information center, Rena apologizes for running off, and
Narl apologizes for showing her her mother's death on tape. Rena says that
although she'd be lying to say that it wasn't a shock, it was something she
wanted to know in the first place so she's glad she saw it. Narl tells her that
he's finished collecting the data and tells you to return to Armlock.

On return to Armlock, you ask Narl if there was any hint on how to defeat the
Sages on the data chip he got. Narl says that all he found was some sort of
blueprint but he's not sure what it's for. He goes on to say that there's a
genius in the town that will be able to decipher it so there's nothing to worry
about. Go to the house in the center of Armlock with smoke coming out of its
chimney. Inside a woman is working at a desk; Narl introduces her as Professor
Mirage. Mirage asks what it is that Narl wants, and Narl explains about the disk
with the weapon blueprint. Mirage asks if he's serious about having her make a
weapon with past technology like that, since use of weapons in a real battle is
forbidden. Narl explains about the Destruction Monsho, and upon hearing this
Mirage agrees to the task.

Inside Mirage's workshop, it takes very little time for her to decipher the
blueprint; she says is really impressed with the weapon, saying that it could
destroy a small planet. Crawd asks what kind of weapon it is, and she says
"Can't you tell? It's right on the screen." Crawd says "Isn't that just a
sword?" Mirage says it looks just like a sword, but it actually uses antiproton
material. "What's an antiproton?" Rena asks. Crawd says "But isn't it impossible
to keep antiprotons within a fixed area?" Mirage makes a comment about how Crawd
knows a lot, then goes on to say that the device in the plans makes it possible
to control them. Narl says that-fortunately the Sages knew of neither the
Research Facility nor the existence of Antiproton Weapons, so they should be
able to penetrate the defense shields the Sages surround themselves with. Mirage
says "But we don't have-materials;-we need Rare Metal to stabilize the
antiproton matter." Crawd asks what Rare Metal is, and Narl says that Rare Metal
can only be found in the mine transported from when NedÄ was a planet, Minay
Cave. Rena suggests you go there to mine the Rare Metal, and Mirage says "It
won't be that easy." Rena is confused, and Narl says that Minay Cave
was-originally transplanted from another planet, Vark. Mirage says that the life
forms on Vark were silicon-based and that to put it simply, the Varkians' bodies
are Rare Metal. Narl says that the more pure the Rare Metal, the more powerful
the Varkian. A party member says "Then we can't get the Metal without defeating
a Varkian?" Mirage says that the weapon in the plan requires-extremely pure Rare
Metal, to such a level that any Varkian that would suffice might be even more
powerful than the Sages. Crawd says that you don't have any choice and asks
where the Cave is. Narl says that it's located on an island to the west of
Armlock. He gives you the key to the cave so that you can enter. Head there.

Items in Minay Cave:
Fruit Syrup, ?MINERAL (Damascus), Fresh Syrup, Tokkoyaku, Meteorite, Lightning
Gun, Kizuke Kusuri, Mithril Mesh, Liquor Bottle, Smith Hammer, Aseras,

The only new enemies in Minay Cave of any import are the Evil Waters, which can
paralyze you but otherwise are not much to worry about. Most of the fights here
will be against groups of Breakwings, which will take a long time to kill but
otherwise should not be too much trouble if you are wearing the best equipment
you can make.

At the end of the dungeon, you will come upon a huge Varkian, who will attack

Boss: Vark
HP 150,000
No strengths or Weaknesses

The Vark only has a single attack, the "Lose Patience," and only attacks
occasionally. On the other hand, the "Lose Patience" attack is VERY powerful,
and will do several thousand points of damage to your entire party, possibly
killing them outright if you are playing on Galaxy or Universe. Therefore, I
suggest you take three fighter characters into the battle and Rena. Equip your
fighters with multi-hit waza and have them try to kill the Vark as quickly as
possible while Rena heals the party after the Vark casts Lose Patience. Rena is
a necessity in this battle; without her it will be very difficult to win.

Once the Vark dies, Rena says the area seems quieter. Someone says that the Vark
you just defeated was probably the strongest, and now that you've killed it all
the others have lost their aggression. Similarly, once the Vark is dead no
random battles will occur inside the cave. Leave and return to Armlock.

Once you give the Rare Metal to Mirage, she will tell you that she'll start
right on developing the weapon. Crawd asks where Narl is, and Mirage says that
he returned saying he had something he needed to do, and left a present for you
on his way out. Rena asks what it is, and Mirage says it's an N.P.I.D, a free
pass into Fun City. Rena asks what Fun City is and Mirage explains that it's an
amusement park, "NedÄ Play Station" that was converted into a town. She says
that it will take her three days to make the weapons and asks you to go there.
Crawd says you shouldn't be playing right before facing off against the Ten
Sages, and Mirage says that Narl ordered it, and that the "amusement" there is
different than "playing."

Chapter 20
The Sages' Counterattack

Enter Fun City, and an employee will greet you and guide you to the arena there.
Crawd asks him what you're supposed to do there. He tells you that they have
made a simulation where you can fight the Ten Sages. "Simulation?" Rena asks.
The employee tells her that the arena creates "virtual monsters" for people to
fight and they have recently added a "Ten Sages" program. The announcer starts
the program and the party fights the simulated Sages.

Three days later, the party has all but mastered the simulator. At this point
Mirage comes in and comments on how well you're doing. Crawd asks Mirage if the
reason she came was that she had finished the weapon. Mirage says she's done,
and gives Crawd an Antiproton Sword, the Sacred Tear. Then she gives Rena an
Anitproton Knuckle, the Fallen Hope.-After giving Rena her weapon, Mirage gives
you the Void Matter which will resonate with your other weapons and surround
them with antiproton fields. Mirage tells you she's going to go home to finish a
thesis, and wishes you luck. Crawd thanks her and Mirage says it was fun for to
make the weapons in the first place.

Crawd asks what you should do now that you have the new weapons, and Rena
suggests you stay a little longer in Fun City, as you have yet to hear from
Narl. Crawd says you should train some more while you're here. Talk to the
tender of the arena and you will have three choices:

A) Train
B) Rest
C) Go see Narl

You can train as long as you want; when you're ready to leave select C. Rena
will suggest you return to Central City to find Narl. Crawd doesn't want to
leave yet and suggests you fight the Ten Sages simulation one last time. Rena
agrees and the program starts. Before anyone starts fighting, a voice sounds:
"If you want, how about if I help participate in your training?" Zaphikel,
Metatron, and the robotic-talking Sage appear in the arena. Metatron greets you
and says that "Master Raphael's information was right about your misbehaving."
The robotic-talking Sage introduces himself as Jophiel. Crawd asks what they're
doing in the arena, and Zaphikel tells him that after hearing about you training
to defeat them they thought they'd come and "assist." Zaphikel teleports into
the ring and says that he will take care of you since your fight before was "so
rudely interrupted." Metatron says that he'll go after "that woman here earlier"
and disappears. Jophiel says "I'll just kill whoever I feel like" and similarly
leaves. Zaphikel destroys the simulated sage and tells you not to get
overconfident for being able to defeat a mere model. He attacks.

BOSS: Zaphikel
HP 150,000
Strong to Earth, Fire, Lightning, and Dark

Zaphikel is a master of close combat and has two multi-hit techniques, the
Initial Slay and the Cruelly Rush. If a character gets hit by one of these they
will take a lot of damage. For this reason, long-range techniques work the best;
keeping Zaphikel away from you should be your primary concern. Multi-hit
techniques like Opera's Hyper Launcher or Chisato's Tear Gas work well. Another
useful strategy is to use a fast-moving character like Chisato to use the "play
chicken strategy" to make him use his techniques (especially Cruelly Rush) and
step out of the way, then attack him from the rear while he is executing the
technique. You will definitely want Rena and Noel in this fight as well to heal
any wounded allies. Zaphikel is very fast so unless you have hyper speed (either
through a pair of Bunny Shoes or the Idaten items) trying to run away from
Zaphikel will probably not work.

Zaphikel is shocked that he lost and congratulates you heartily before dying.
The entire party is also similarly surprised that they actually killed one of
the Sages. Crawd "snaps out of it" and realizes that you have to go chase after
the other two, and you leave the arena.

On leaving the Battle stadium, several lasers fire out from behind you. A crowd
of people run out of the stadium calling for help. You hear Jophiel laughing as
he incinerates several people trying to escape. Then he appears in front of you,
and surprised, he asks what happened to Zaphikel. One of your party members tell
him that you already killed him. Jophiel is very surprised, but before he can do
anything, the party attacks.

BOSS: Jophiel
HP 160,000
No strengths or weaknesses

Speed is of the essence in this battle. Jophiel has only one real technique, the
"Imprisonment" which drops fire from the sky on top of all party members, and
this fire is difficult to avoid. Other than that Jophiel doesn't do very much
and takes a while to prepare an attack, but is very fast. He likes to run away
from the party then fire at them from long range, and is so fast that catching
up to hit him is very difficult. For this reason, you will want as many party
members as possible wearing Bunny Shoes or using Idaten items so you can keep up
with Jophiel. In terms of techniques, I've found Ashton's Dead Triangle and
Opera's Alpha On One to be the two most useful techniques in this battle. While
connecting with a Dead Triangle will be extremely difficult doe to the slow
speed of the technique, if you do you will freeze Jophiel's movement giving your
fighter characters enough leeway to reach and hit him. Opera's Alpha On One
bolts are guided so they will chase Jophiel as he runs away. If you do manage to
corner him, use techniques that will go up into the air, like Crawd's
Bakuretsuha or Ernest's Broken Heart, because the fact that Jophiel floats means
that you may have to do jump attacks on him if you attack normally, which will
make holding your position difficult.

After the battle Jophiel is really surprised, and can't understand how you beat
him. He dies, and Crawd wonders where Metatron could have gone. Another party
member mentioned that he said something about "going after that woman." A third
party member suggests that the woman he was referring to was probably Mirage. It
is decided that you should go to Armlock to try and get to her first.

On the way out, one of the gate tenders asks Rena what the fuss inside is about,
and Rena tells him about how the three Sages broke in. The gate tenders rushes
to the information booth to send a message to Central City. Head to
Armlock.-When you arrive there, there will be a crowd outside Mirage's house and
Rena will ask what's going on. The people assembled outside say that somebody
descended from the sky and entered Mirage's house. At this point, Mirage gets
knocked through the door, and Metatron comes out. Rena tells him that his
actions are unforgivable, and Metatron asks "How about you? You've taken a lot
of lives yourself up till now." Rena says that you only did that because of the
Sages' actions in the first place. Metatron says "You can only see things from
your point of view..." and attacks.

Boss: Metatron
HP 170,000
Strong to everything

Because Metatron is strong to everything, attack mages will be essentially
useless in this battle. You might want Noel for backup healing, but usually I
bring in three fighter characters and Rena. Metatron basically attacks the same
way he did when you fought him at the top of Elria Tower. His only special
attack is the Meta-Cancel, a very quick double-slash. He usually uses it when
you're in the middle of another attack so it is difficult to avoid. Metatron's
other technique, the Meta-Guard, is more formidable; he puts up an energy field,
and while this energy field is up you cannot hurt him at all. With his Meta-
Guard, you should switch your fighter characters' AI to "Teki kara hanare yo!"
otherwise they will continue to attack him. Instead, have a fast character act
as a decoy to draw away his attack and then dodge it while the barrier is up.
When his barrier goes back down, change your characters' AI back and attack him
again. In terms of what techniques are good, I find that using multi-hit
techniques are best; if you manage to hit him fast like this you can keep him
from bringing his shield back up. I find that Ashton's Dragon Breath and
Chisato's Tear Gas, are the most useful. Opera's Hyper Launcher works well too,
only I've noticed that it does less damage.

After Metatron dies, the party talks to Mirage, who was only injured from his
attack. The party is surprised to see that she's all right, and Mirage says that
she just faked being killed to buy time. She is annoyed that Narl ignored the
fact that she would be in danger, and a party member tells her that aid from
Central City should arrive soon. She congratulates you on killing three of the
Sages and says that they are probably regretting giving you time to prepare
yourselves. Leave the town now. As you leave one of Narl's assistants comes
after hearing that the Sages were after Mirage, and Crawd tells him there is no
more problem. He is glad and conveys a message from Narl to come to Raqua as
soon as you are ready.

When you enter Raqua, Crawd will ask the guards at the gate where Narl is; they
tell you he is in the research room. Go to the infirmary and he will be there
and will ask you if you are ready for the final battle. Once you say you are,
you will change rooms to the briefing room. Narl will tell you that although
you've already defeated three of the Sages, you should not get overconfident
because the ones you defeated were the weakest, low-grade Sages and the seven
that remain are incomparably more powerful. Rena starts sweating and asks Narl
not to threaten you like that. Narl apologizes for scaring you but notes that
what he says is the truth. Crawd tells Narl to believe in you. Narl agrees and
says that you will invade Feenal at daybreak.

At this point, you will see the famed "kokuhaku event" by the shore near Raqua
at night. The game will tabulate Crawd's AJD levels with the female characters'
AJD levels for him, and the YJD levels for the other male characters. Whichever
character has the highest resulting value will be Crawd's partner in this event.
The content of the event differs from character to character, but in general
female characters will "confess their love" for Crawd, and male characters will
have a "male bonding event" where they assure each other that they'll be able to
defeat the Sages. Basically, this event is a good indication of who Crawd is
going to be paired with for the ending.

The next day, before leaving, Narl gives you the "Kekkai no Monsho." (Barrier
Monsho) Rena asks what it's for, and Narl reminds you about the Destruction
Monsho. One of your characters remembers that its purpose is to destroy the
universe. Narl says that if the Sages activate the Destruction Monsho, you
should put the Barrier Monsho onto it to redirect its target. Crawd asks what he
means, and Mirage comes in and says that it will stop the destruction of the
universe by redirecting the Destruction Monsho's power to make it destroy
something else. After everyone notices her presence, Mirage goes on to say that
once you defeat the Sages the energy field surrounding NedÄ will disappear and
you can use that energy to revert the space where Expel was into a past state,
thus reviving it. Narl tells you that as soon as the energy field dissipates, he
will come to Feenal as well. The party gets on the Herash and goes to the dock
by Feenal. The soldier by the dock tells you to talk to him if you want to
return to Raqua. Double-check to make sure you've got all the items you need,
and then head to Feenal.

Chapter 21
The Final Battle

Make sure you've got all the equipment and items you need when you enter Feenal
because you will need it; it is a very long dungeon.

As soon as you enter Feenal, three of the sages will be waiting for you. The
young blue-haired Sage greets you. He says it would be sad for you to be killed
by someone without even knowing their name, so he introduces himself as Zadkiel.
The robed Sage simply says "Raphael..." and the old Sage introduces himself as
Kamael. Then they attack.

Zadkiel: HP 105800, no strengths or weaknesses
Raphael: HP 85200, no strengths or weaknesses
Kamael: HP 45500, Weak to Earth, Fire, Lightning, and Dark

This is one of the toughest fights in the game. While all three sages have
significantly fewer HP than the ones you've fought before, they are all
extremely powerful. Zadkiel's primary means of attack are two very powerful
multi-hit beams, one shot from his tuning-fork like weapon and one thrown. He
can also cast Lost Mental, and can teleport around the battlefield. Raphael also
can teleport, and does so more than Zadkiel. His three primary attacks are to
cast Thunder Cloud, cause an explosion around him to do multi-hit damage to all
characters, and to suck characters into his cloak. Characters sucked into his
cloak are essentially in the same state as characters that got swallowed by the
Vissayers back in Ringa Seichi were; they are considered "dead," but if you
attack Raphael he will release them. (NOTE: Unlike the Vissayer-type enemies,
Raphael will NOT spit out absorbed characters on his own; you have to attack him
to free them) Kamael has two multi-hit beam attacks which do little damage but
inflict all status ailments on the target, and can also cast Delay or Noa. As
soon as this battle starts, IMMEDIATELY have Crawd use a Kabutowari on Raphael.
The second the battle starts Raphael will usually teleport right in front of you
then use his explosion attack, which if you're unlucky will take out 2 or 3
characters right there; Crawd's Kabutowari will prevent him from using it. In
this battle, using an Idaten Nanko to speed all characters up to max is an
absolute must; with Zadkiel and Raphael teleporting around the battlefield you
will be at a very large disadvantage if you can't reach them in a short amount
of time. Focus your energies on Zadkiel and Raphael first, since Kamael is
relatively weak you can save him for last. If you bring Celine into the battle,
having her cast Southern Cross or Explode will kill Kamael very quickly.
Bringing in Leon to cast Shadow Flare is another option. Bringing Rena into this
battle is a necessity because you are likely have wounded/dead characters very
quickly and you will need her healing power. Bring Crawd in with the Eternal
Sphere and have him keep striking Zadkiel or Raphael with normall attacks or
Koryuhas; with luck and good Battle Skills you will be able to keep them dizzy.
Opera is also an excellent character to bring into this battle because of all of
her long-range waza. In general, you should try to hit these Sages from far away
because up close you will be vulnerable to the full brunt of their multi-hit

After the three Sages are dead, you can enter Feenal.

Items in Feenal:
Spark Whip, Monshogaku Daijiten (Great Dictionary of Monsho Studies), Mithril
Shield, Left Cross, Nuclear Bomb, Resurrect Mist, ?ITEM, Pet no Esa, Beta Box,
Lotus Eater, Atomic Punch, Mithril, Titan Fist, Sylvan Boots, Rune Shoes,
Shisento "Koro," Fresh Syrup, Liquor Bottle, Spark, Clap Rod, Duel Helm, Kenja
no Ishi (Sage Stone).

On the fifth floor, you will enter a room and two sages will appear. One of them
says "Hey Haniel, we've got guests!" Haniel gets angry that you have come in to
intrude and gets ready to attack, but other Sage, Michael, stops him, noting
that you must have killed the other Sages. "It's your turn now" Rena says.
Michael starts laughing, and the two attack you.

Haniel: HP 160,000, no strengths or weaknesses
Michael: HP 180,000, Weak to Water, strong to everything else

Haniel's primary attacks are throwing bombs or firing a multi-hit beam. He can
also cast Tractor Beam, and a very powerful Lost Mental or Blood Scylla. His
most powerful attack however is the Mind Blast, a massive energy beam that can
do several thousand points of damage, petrify and/or poison its target, and
never misses. Michael attacks entirely using flame attacks. His normal attacks
are flame punches, and he can cast Eruption, and (very rarely) Explode. His
primary attack though is the flame dive attack Spicule. While it is rather
amusing to hear him yelling after burning himself while he is using this attack,
the damage it does is not; it does upwards of 3000+ damage to every character in
the party. For this reason, the key to winning this battle is to prevent Michael
from using Spicule. It's generally a good idea to bring Rena and three fighters
into the fight, or Rena, Leon, and two fighters. The best three fighters against
Michael are Crawd, Opera, and Ashton. Crawd is probably the most useful because
both his normal attack with the Eternal Sphere and his Kyomensetsu both have
great dizzy rates. Opera's Cold Wind does lots of damage too. Ashton's Northern
Cross also works well, and Dragon Breath as well if you're lucky. (Gyoro's fire
breath will heal Michael, but Ururun's breath does LOTS of damage against him)
Leon's ice spells do tons of damage against Michael as well, especially Noa.
Using an Idaten Nanko at the beginning of the fight is an absolute necessity
because if you don't there's a good chance you will die before even reaching
Michael; to be safe equip a pair of Bunny Shoes on whatever fighter you will be
controlling. Rena's Anti spell will help a lot in reducing Michael's fire
damage; equipping Star Rubies on your characters before the fight will help in
that aspect too. You should basically ignore Haniel until Michael is dead; his
Lost Mental can be extremely annoying since it drains 300+ MP, but other than
that he shouldn't be too much of a problem since Rena can cure your status
ailments. Haniel by himself is a pushover; he's fast so he can escape your
attacks pretty well, but if you use the Idaten Nanko that shouldn't be a

Once the two Sages are dead, you can proceed up to the 6th floor. The 6th floor
is a maze-like series of 16 rooms. Here is a map:

------------- ------------- ------X------ -------------
| | | | |
| | | | |
| P | S Y | ITEMS |
| | | | |
| | | | |
------B------ ------R------ ------------- ------#------
| | | | |
| | | | |
| B S R | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
------------- ------------- ------R------ ------B------
| | | | |
| | | | |
| G Y Y S Y S |
| | | | |
| | | | |
------Y------ ------------- ------R------ -----OGP-----
| | | | |
| | | | |
| O R,B S R | * |
| | | | |
| | | | |
------------- -----P,Y----- ------------- -------------

S=Red/Yellow/Blue switch
R=Doors that open with the Red switch on
Y=Doors that open with the Yellow switch on
B=Doors that open with the Blue switch on
O,G,P=Orange, Green, Purple switches
*=Exit switch
#=Sealed door

When you first enter this series of rooms, the "#" door is open. As soon as you
hit either the Orange, Green, or Purple switches, this door seals and can never
be opened again. So if you want the items inside, go there before changing any
of the switches. The door marked "OGP" will only open after you have hit the
Orange, Green, and Purple Switches, and gives you access to the Scarlet Switch
that opens the exit door. This puzzle is actually fairly easy to figure out on
your own; the only tricky part is not missing the items in the upper-right hand

On the seventh floor, you will find the gray-haired black-robed mage standing
alone in a single room. As soon as you enter, he says "The fact that you made it
here must mean the only two of the Ten Sages left are me and Gabriel in the far
room..." Crawd tells him he's right and tells him to surrender. "I see...they're
dead" the Sage says. He starts laughing and says how everything is going to plan
and that splitting up the Ten Sages to destroy them worked perfectly. One of
your party members asks what he's talking about, and the Sage ignores him/her
and continues laughing, saying "Now if I just kill Gabriel, the universe is
mine." (and identifies himself as Lucifer at the same time) One of your party
members says "You deliberately killed your allies!?" Lucifer turns around and
says yes, then notes that you are still alive.-He steps forward and thanks you
for your hard work, then asks you what you want in return. He offers money and
land, but after seeing that the party is not interested decides to "give you
death" instead.

BOSS: Lucifer
HP 300,000
Strong to Earth, Water, Wind, Lightning, Star, Fu, Light, Darkness, and Mu.

Lucifer can teleport, fire out forcefields around him to hit you, call lightning
down to strike individual characters (no dodging possible) and cast Demon's Gate
or Word of Death. However, his primary form of attack is the Horobi no
Kaze,-(Wind of Death/Ruin) a massive blast of wind that will do upwards of 5000
points of damage to the entire party. This unfortunately is the attack that he
does most often, and with 5900 MP he is not going to run out of the MP to use
it. If that wasn't bad enough, in the two seconds or so it takes Lucifer to cast
it, he is invincible to both physical and magical attacks. However, there is one
piece of equipment that will give you a great advantage: the Rune Shoes. (You
can make the Rune Shoes out of Rune Metal so long as you don't have the Magical
Rasp using the Blacksmith Super Tokugi) The good thing about Rune Shoes is that
characters wearing them will be immune to Lucifer's Horobi no Kaze. The down
side is that only spellcasters can equip them. Still, without his Horobi no Kaze
Lucifer is no problem at all; Rena wearing a pair of Rune shoes could easily
kill him all by herself. If you have all your spellcasters participating in the
battle equip Rune Shoes all you need to worry about is preventing your fighters
from dying, and even then you can revive them with Resurrect Potions with little
trouble. Still, it would be a good idea to equip your fighters with multiple
pieces of equipment with Wind protection (the Green Beryl does and can be
equipped by anyone) and cast Anti when the battle starts. If you have all four
spellcasters and bring them all into the battle with Rune Shoes you shouldn't
have any problem on Lucifer at all. (though the battle will take forever) Also
use an Idaten Nanko or equip your fighters with Bunny Shoes or else they will
probably die before even reaching Lucifer. Also, while Lucifer is impervious to
physical/magical attack when preparing to cast Horobi no Kaze, he is still
susceptible to attacks via items; if you catch him in time and attack him with
an item he will take damage and stop casting. Usually he will immediately start
casting Horobi no Kaze again, but in the quarter-second or after getting damaged
by the item you can hit him with a physical attack and temporarily get him out
of the casting cycle. Because of Lucifer's high HP and defense level this battle
will take a VERY long time, so it is a good opportunity to raise your
characters' waza levels.

Once Lucifer is dead, you can proceed onwards. At one point, when you're on the
9th floor, the path will go back down to the 8th floor, but don't worry about
having gone the wrong way; the path will start going up again until you get to
the 10th floor.

When you reach the top of Feenal you will find Gabriel all alone in front of the
Destruction Monsho. Crawd tells him his days of trying to conquer the universe
are over. Without turning around, Gabriel compliments him on his will but tells
him he's too late and that he as already finished the Destruction Monsho. Rena
tells him to stop-causing trouble since he's the only one left. Gabriel turns
around and says that it doesn't make any difference since he alone is enough to
complete his plan. He then says "Let's enjoy this, Philia" and attacks you.

This is the last fight in the game, but the powers of the boss actually differ
depending on your actions in the game. Gabriel has what's called a "Limiter," a
program within him that limits his power output. If you have seen a certain
Private Action Gabriel's Limiter will be removed and he will become vastly more
powerful. Odds are you'll first fight him with his Limiter off, since you have
to save at the Save Point right before Gabriel then go all the way back to the
towns to see the PA necessary to remove his Limiter.

BOSS: Gabriel (Limiter ON)
HP: 500,000
No strengths or weaknesses:

At the start of the fight, Gabriel isn't so bad. At this stage, his two primary
attacks are psychic bolts and Divine Wave. Divine Wind is a multi-hitting energy
beam that does lots of damage; characters close to the source of the beam are
likely to get killed outright. Divine Wave is like Raphael's explosion attack;
it sends out a wave of damaging energy around Gabriel in a circle and can damage
characters caught in it several times. He also casts several spells (Star Flare
the most at this point, I think) which do much more damage than they would do
when cast by anyone else. He is also very fast and will be able to outrun your
characters fairly easy. Still, at this point he's not all that much harder than
some of the other Sage fights. However, once you reduce his HP far enough, he
will cast "Time of Truth" and summon Philia to support him. Once he fuses with
Philia, he becomes VERY fast and will fly all over the battlefield slightly
above ground at speeds so fast that even characters wearing Bunny Shoes will
have trouble keeping up. Also his spells' power gets a huge boost and he can
cast them while moving. He also starts casting really powerful spells like
Southern Cross and Explode as well. What's worse, at this point he can cast his
ultimate spell, "Shinkyoku" (Divine Song) which can do as much as 6000-8000
points of damage on your entire party. Needless to say, he is very difficult to
defeat normally. Having all your characters running at Bunny Shoes-speed is
absolutely essential in this fight, so bring plenty of Idaten Nankos and Idaten
Ships into the battle to boost your characters' speed. If your characters are
not moving at this speed it will be next to impossible to even catch up to
Gabriel to hit him. Basically, multi-hit attacks are the way to go for this
fight; if you manage to pull them off successively you can keep Gabriel stunned
long enough to prevent him from casting his spells. You won't be able to stop
him from using his Divine Wave and normal attack unless he's REALLY dizzy (ie
with stars around his head) nor can you stop him from casting "Time of Truth"
(he becomes invincible when he starts casting it) but since the bulk of his
power comes from his magic keeping him stunned helps a lot. This is the last
fight, so don't worry about saving any items. Here are some strategies for each
Crawd: Equip Crawd with the Eternal Sphere, an Atlas Ring, and a Paras Atene is
a great combination; the Atlas Ring will boost his damage way up, the Paras
Atene will negate the bad effects of the Atlas Ring, and the Eternal Sphere will
increase his number of hits greatly. Kyomensetsu and Kabutowari are the
techniques of choice here.
Rena: Bringing her into the fight is an absolute necessity. Cast Fairy light
often, and Anti as soon as you enter the battle. If you have time between
healing spells, cast Angel Feather and other power-up spells on your party
Celine: Cast Angel Feather and Anti at the beginning of the fight. Explode and
Southern Cross work well; basically cast her most powerful spells. If Gabriel
casts Angel Feather on himself, immediately cast Curse on him.
Ashton: Do NOT enter the battle equipping the Gemini or Melfar unless you are
equipping positive fire/ice respective equipment; his Explode/Noa respectively
will do 9999 damage on Ashton if he's not. Sword Dance is a great move to use,
as well as Dragon Breath.
Opera: Alpha on One and Hyper Launcher are the two best techniques to use. Equip
the Seventh Ray in the battle for extra defense against Gabriel's spells. Opera
is a useful character to use because her Alpha on One will chase Gabriel as he
constantly runs away.
Precis: Barrier, Ei! Ya!, Bloody Mary, and Holoholograph are all good techniques
to use. If you want to get in close, Pop Step is a good technique to use.
Bowman: If you can pull it off right, a Senpusho/Okarengeki combo works well;
after getting lifted into the air via Senpusho, Bowman will hit Gabriel on the
way down with Okarengeki.
Ernest: Thousand Whip and Broken Heart work best. Since he can use Broken Heart
from any distance, it's an especially effective technique
Leon: Protection and Growth on your fighter characters. Demon's gate is good
too. If you can manage to pull off a fused spell by casting his Gremlin Lair and
Rena's Tractor Beam/Celine's Thunder Storm at the same time, you can do 50,000+
damage to Gabriel!
Noel: Not all that effective, but good for backup healing in case Rena gets
killed, and can cast Curse to negate Gabriel's Angel Feather spells.
Chisato: Tear Gas, low-powered Flamethrower, and high powered Tsumujikaze are
all very effective techniques to dizzy Gabriel.

BOSS: Gabriel (Limiter OFF)
HP: 1,500,000
No strengths or weaknesses

(See above for Gabriel's attack patterns)
All I can say is good luck. Gabriel without his Limiter gets my vote for the
most difficult boss ever. Many of his spells will do 9999 damage to all members
of the party (IOW instant death) and Shinkyoku apparently does 9999 damage to
all members of the party no matter what they're equipping and what resistances
they have. Basically, if you are going to fight Gabriel with his Limiter off and
not cheat, you can't let him get off a single attack. Equip Crawd with the
Eternal Sphere, a powerful fighter character like Ashton with the Koyoku no
Udewa, and try to pin him between those two fighters, and hope the stars
produced with their normal attacks keep him stunned throughout the entire fight.
Multi-hit waza are the way to go when fighting Gabriel with his Limiter Off.
Crawd's Kyomensetsu, Dias' Mugen, and Opera's Alpha on One are good techniques
to use. If you can get the timing down right, doing a Hurricane Slash/Sword
Dance combo with Ashton can be VERY effective. The hurricane will knock Gabriel
into the air where he can't attack, and then he will be caught in the Sword
Dance when he lands. Repeat, and if you can hit him with another hurricane while
he is getting knocked back from the Sword Dash, you can juggle him like that.
Other than that, you'll have to leave it to high levels and good luck. As a
point of reference, the only person I have talked to that managed to kill
Gabriel with his Limiter off without some form of cheating had all characters
around 220 in terms of levels. (I managed to do it at a lower level, but I had
to use the Save Swap technique to get 8 Koyoku no Udewas first) I've never
played Gabriel with his Limiter off on Galaxy or Universe, but I imagine he must
be next to impossible to kill there, even when cheating. Good luck!

Ending Translation:

Gabriel: What a waste of effort....the universe is going to be destroyed
anyway...if I die, the Destruction Monsho will activate.
Rena: That's your goal!? How can you conquer something you're going to destroy!
Gabriel: Conquer? I don't need to destroy anything. If I can't conquer, then I
can destroy everything.
Crawd: Why would you do such a thing though?
Gabriel: You'd never understand...that was our mission and our reason for
existence. We were made for just that purpose...
Crawd: Wh, what the-!?
Gabriel: It would seem the Destruction Monsho has been activated with the
deterioration of our life signs. Now no matter what means are taken the
destruction cannot be stopped.
Narl: Rena, quickly, put the Barrier Monsho above the Destruction Monsho!
Mirage: What are you doing!? If you don't hurry up you'll be too late!
Gabriel: I, it can't be...
Rena: What!? But how?
Mirage: Looks like it's started.
Rena: What do you mean! Wasn't the Barrier Monsho supposed to stop the
destruction of the universe?
Narl: Yes, we have stopped the destruction of the universe with the power of the
Barrier Monsho.
Crawd: Then what's this shaking? Maybe it's just me, but it seems a lot stronger
than before.
Mirage: We told you that the Barrier Monsho can only redirect the target of the
destruction...Nothing can stop the energy it would take to destroy the universe.
*Character*: Then where is that energy going?
Narl: Through the power of the Barrier Monsho, all of that energy will be taken
by Energy NedÄ.
*Character*: But if that happens, then Energy NedÄ will be...
Narl: Most likely be annihilated without a trace.
Rena: I can't believe it...
Mirage: Don't worry. We can teleport you with the power generated by the
destruction. And at the same time we can call back Expel from the past. If we do
that then we can achieve your objective.
*Character*: That's beside the point!
Mirage: It's better than the universe getting destroyed, isn't it? The
Destruction Monsho is something we NedÄians made a mistake by creating. We don't
need to take you along with us when our world gets destroyed.
Narl: And NedÄ has been around for a long, long time. If we wanted to, we could
destroy the universe. No technology this advanced exists anywhere else.-It's
time for NedÄ's life to come to a close.
Rena: Why didn't you tell us before...If I had known that you and Energy NedÄ
would have to be sacrificed, I would have...
Mirage: You guys are too kind; we knew if we told you you'd hesitate.
Narl: Therefore, we asked Professor Noel and/or Chisato to help. [depending on
party makeup]
Noel/Chisato: Sorry for not saying anything.
Rena: That's it! If we bring the people of Energy NedÄ along with us...
Narl: No, when NedÄ dies, so will we. We realize that creatures that have
stopped evolving have no reason to exist.
Narl: Rena, Noel, the last NedÄians, live to your fullest.
Rena: Everyone...
Noel/Chisato: We'll do our best...
Narl: Well then, it's time to say goodbye.
Rena: Narl, I...
Narl: It's all right. We're not afraid. That's probably because our hearts will
go out with you.
Mirage: See ya, take care of our hearts now, you hear?

Crawd: Come on, let's go back to Expel!
Rena: Right!

And time passed...
(End translations)

Now you'll see the main bulk of the ending. There are 86 of them so I can
neither translate or describe them all because I've seen nowhere near all of
them. A lot of them are pretty funny, so try to get all sorts of different
combinations of characters. If you sabotage your characters' AJD and YJD using
Shuppan books right before fighting Gabriel you can see multiple sets of endings
without having to play through the game all over again.

Once the ending combinations are over, sit back and enjoy the end credits CGI
sequence! It's got great music too. :)

These are some translations of the information that is in the North City
Database. There's a lot of useful background information for the game that you
can find here, so it would be worth it to take a look at.

Data bank Content:

1) About the Ten Sages of God
a) The time of Peace
b) The treachery of the Ten Sages
c) The fate of the Ten Sages
2) About Energy NedÄ
a) Abandonment of Power
b) The Birth of Energy NedÄ
c) Energy NedÄ Today
3) About Monsho
a) The Source of Monshojutsu
b) The Power of Monsho
c) Explanation of Monshojutsu
4) About Monsho Stones
a) What is a Quadratic Sphere?
b) What is a Quadratic Key?
c) About the Resonation Effect
5) About the Destruction Monsho
a) What is the Destruction Monsho?
b) Big Crunch
c) Controlling the Destruction Monsho
6) About the Monsho Weapon Research Facility
a) What is the Monsho Weapon Research Facility?
b) Content of the research
c) The shutdown of the Monsho Weapon Research Facility
7) Report on the Monsho Weapon Research Facility
a) Stabilizing antimatter via Rare Metal
b) Time-Space transition shields and their application
c) Devices to incite Creation Energy
8) Secret Information
a) Proposal Draft
b) Research Report
c) Conclusion
d) Post-facto Report

Note: The Secret Information

A) The time of Peace
[The Time of Peace]
3.7 billion NedÄ years ago. The mastery of Monsho Science on Planet NedÄ caused
us NedÄians to have the most advanced technology in the galaxy. With this power
the NedÄians governed almost all planets in the galaxy. The NedÄians taught
their knowledge to the people of these planets and guided their progress,
coexisting with them peacefully.

B) The treachery of the Ten Sages
[The treachery of the Ten Sages]
However, at one point, the people known as the Ten Sages of God were enchanted
by the vast power they controlled and decided to conquer the entire universe
using this power. Naturally, the other NedÄians at the time opposed them.
However, the Ten Sages started to forcefully exact their power against others.
Therefore, the other NedÄians had no choice but to oppose them with their own
use of force. At the end of a harsh war, the NedÄians successfully managed to
trap the Ten Sages.

C) The fate of the Ten Sages
[The treachery of the Ten Sages]
After trapping the Ten Sages, our ancestors decided under NedÄian law to
imprison them forever. This was done by sealing off criminals in a place called
an "Eternity Space," a dimensional void in which time does not advance. As
execution of criminals was forbidden on NedÄ, this was their highest form of
punishment. In this way were the evil Sages sealed off from the rest of the
universe. As punishment for their crimes, they are doomed to wander the empty
subspace for all eternity.

A) Abandonment of Power
[Abandonment of Power]
The Ten Sages Incident had a huge impact on the NedÄians. Our ancestors suddenly
realized just how powerful they had become. With their power, it would be no
trouble to conquer the entire galaxy. So they decided to seal off their power.

B) The Birth of Energy NedÄ
[The Birth of Energy NedÄ]
Through the genius of Professor Rantis, our ancestors decided to destroy planet
NedÄ and move to another small planet. And then, through surrounding it with a
powerful class 9 energy field, they quarantined themselves from the rest of the
universe. That small planet that our ancestors moved to is Energy NedÄ.

C) Energy NedÄ Today
[Energy NedÄ Today]
Because of what happened in the past, today on Energy NedÄ any more research on
Monshojutsu that is necessary and construction of weapons is forbidden. On
Energy NedÄ today, the only place where Monshojutsu is allowed to be researched
is at the university at Givaway, and only a few people in the town of Armlock
are permitted to make weapons.

A) The Source of Monshojutsu
Eons ago, what several women with runes engraved in a special pattern on their
bodies discovered while praying to the creator god Tria what was the beginning
of Monshojutsu. Because the power demonstrated in this event differed upon the
kinds of runes engraved onto the body, this unknown power came to be known as

B) The Power of Monsho
Through the pattern of runes engraved on the surface of the body, the user can
change his or her mental power into Monsho power on a higher level of
concentration than usual. After the discovery of this fact, various patterns of
runes were been researched, and many types of Monshojutsu were born.

C) Explanation of Monshojutsu
As Monshojutsu theory was developed, more and more people began to be able to
use powerful spells without the aid of the runes. Because of this, very few
people on Energy NedÄ today have runes engraved on their bodies. Today, the only
things that actually use the runes are the Transports, power plants, and other
sorts of large-scale facilities.

A) What is a Quadratic Sphere?
[hat is a Quadratic Sphere?]
A Quadratic Sphere is crystallized raw Monsho Power. The amount of power stored
within the Quadratic Sphere is proportional to its physical size. In other
words, the larger a Quadratic Sphere is, the more power it contains.

B) What is a Quadratic Key?
[What is a Quadratic Key?]
A Quadratic Key is a special kind of mineral that functions as a trigger of a
Quadratic Sphere's activity. The Quadratic Key itself possesses a special kind
of Monsho power, but when paired with a Quadratic Sphere, it creates a level of
power vastly greater than the two each possess individually. With the energy
created through this pairing, the two become an object powerful enough to even
change an entire planet's orbit.

C) About the Resonation Effect
[About the Resonation Effect]
When a Quadratic Sphere comes within close proximity of a Quadratic Key, the
Quadratic Key will sometimes emit a powerful flash of light. This is the
Quadratic Key absorbing and amplifying the energy waves the Quadratic Sphere
gives off. In other words, when a Quadratic Key gives off a flash of light, it
means that it is close to a Quadratic Sphere.

A) What is the Destruction Monsho?
[What is the Destruction Monsho?]
Through the creation of a Destruction Monsho, a huge mass can be created from a
single point in space. If one links this Monsho to a Quadratic Sphere and
increase its power, the mass' size can be increased to an unlimited size. The
huge size of this mass would stop the expansion of the universe, and will
eventually trigger a Big Crunch. For this reason, this type of Monsho is
strictly forbidden, and the method in which to write it has been deleted from
all records forever.

B) Big Crunch
[Big Crunch]
Since the Big Bang, our universe has been continually expanding. However, once
the speed of its expansion is overpowered by the gravity generated by its entire
mass, the universe will start to contract. At the end everything will be reduced
to zero, and the universe will cease to exist. This end of a universe is called
a Big Crunch.

C) Controlling the Destruction Monsho
[Controlling the Destruction Monsho]
There is no way to stop a Destruction Monsho once it has been activated. All one
can do is rewrite the meaning of the Monsho and redirect it. All one can do is
pray that such a Monsho like the Destruction Monsho is never used.

A) What is the Monsho Weapon Research Facility?
[What is the Monsho Weapon Research Facility?]
This research facility exists on an unpopulated planet in Sector Beta, and is
surrounded by a Time-Space Transition shield so that nobody can get near it. The
only way to get there was through a Transport that was located in Armlock.

B) Content of the research
[Content of the research]
The main three types of research that took place in the Monsho Weapon Research
Facility were:
"Stabilizing Antimatter to a Three-Dimensional-Space-via Rare Metal"
"Travelling through space and time via a Time-Space Transition Shield"
"Devices to incite Creation Energy."

C) The shutdown of the Monsho Weapon Research Facility
[The shutdown of the Monsho Weapon Research Facility]
700 million years ago, the Research Facility was destroyed by a device to incite
Creation Energy that went out of control. Since then it has been shut down, and
the Transport in Armlock to it has been sealed off.

A) Stabilizing antimatter via Rare Metal
[Stabilizing antimatter via Rare Metal]
Varkians are known as one of the few silicon-based life forms in the universe.
These Varkians can purify and recrystallize an ore called Rare Metal inside
their bodies. Rare Metal has the extremely special quality of being able to
absorb and emit antiprotons after being subjected to special types of
vibrations. Varkians use this Rare Metal to manipulate antimatter to maintain
vital functions. Through the discovery of this Rare Metal, control of
antiprotons within a three-dimensional space has become possible.

B) Time-Space transition shields and their application
[Time-Space transition shields and their application]
Time-Space Transition Shields create an area of massive gravity and open a hole
in space and time, intercepting and transferring all types of energy into a
different point in space and time. Creation of these shields was made possible
by Madam Reema 700 million years ago. Through the application of the system of
Time-Space Transition Shields, one can theoretically control the flow of time
within a predefined area of space. However, in order to do so, one would have to
be able to control materials vastly more massive than that of a Black Hole, and
has not yet been accomplished to date.

C) Devices to incite Creation Energy
[Devices to incite Creation Energy]
A system to draw energy from complex-number dimension and create a small-scale
Big Bang was researched for a long period of time as a new type of energy that
surpasses even a Quadratic Sphere. However, controlling the distortion in the
dimensional balance that is created when opening holes in a complex-number
dimension is extremely difficult, and because in a worst-case-scenario there is
a possibility of causing a destruction of space and time, a practical
application for it was never discovered.


Note: Gaining access to the Secret Information is one of the toughest things to
do in Star Ocean: The Second story. In order to do so, you have to complete the
following steps:

1) Read ALL the datafiles in the North City database. Try to gain access to
the Secret Information and the operator will tell you that it has been protected
by a password since before he came there so he can't gain access to the files.
2) Talk to Barel in Givaway's university, and he will tell you about Professor
Rayfus' suspicious research
3) Talk to Rayfus and he will tell you that he is trying to hack into the
North System Database but has no connections to get anywhere.
4) Return to Central City and talk to Chisato. (using a Private Action if
she's in your party) See the Private Actions for details on their content.
5) Leave Central City and then reenter. (doing another Private Action if
Chisato is in your party) She will have found the password and will give it to
6) Return to the North City Library. The operator will try the password you
give him and gain access to the files. However, while you can see the titles of
the files, your access level is too low to actually read them.
7) After you have visited the Monsho Weapon Research Facility, return to talk
to Rayfus. He will talk about hearing about people who entered the Facility. You
then have the choice of telling Rayfus that you were the ones that entered. If
you do, Rayfus will ask if you were able to access the databank there. and asks
you to tell him the access code there, saying it could provide a hint to gaining
access to the files. Then you'll have the choice to tell him the code. Crawd
won't remember, but Rena will have. Using the code, Rayfus will do some hacking
and you can read the first two categories of the Data. After you read all the
categories, he will gain access to the last two, but if you try to read them,
the computer will realize he's hacking in from a remote location and cuts off
all access to the files. He tells you that before he was locked out, he was able
to download the files, but they are encrypted so they are unreadable.
8) Go back and talk to Barel. He will be angry at Rayfus' hacking, but is also
interested in the content of the files, and gives you the Pandora Box to help
you decode it.
9) Give the Pandora Box to Rayfus. He will start working on decoding the
files, but says it will take time so asks you to come back later.
10) Come back later (I think you have to do a Private Action somewhere first--I
don't think it matters where) and Rayfus will have decoded the files. You will
then get access to all the Secret Information.


A) File 1
On 24 planets in a remote region, a rebellion against Planet NedÄ has broken
out. Considering that some of Planet NedÄ's technology has-been acquired by-the
army of an undeveloped planet, it is possible that the rebel army has NedÄian
allies.-We urgently wish to develop a weapon to subjugate the rebel army.

B) File 2
Through the research of Professor Rantis,-we have discovered a way to create a
living weapon with vastly greater Monsho power than normal by applying Monsho
Science Technology to improve human DNA.

C) File 3
Through a meeting of the top officials in the army, we have decided to enact the
plan of creating a living weapon to defend and control the remote planets. The
name of the project has been decided as "The First Ten Sage Defense Plan." Under
direction of Professor Ratis, we have started to create ten living weapons.
Depending on the result of the plan, we plan to create second, third, or even
more sets of weapons.

A) File 1
We have completed three weapons: Close-combat Weapon "Zaphikel," Long-range
firing Weapon "Jophiel," and Special Base Defense Weapon "Metatron." We are now
developing a Tactical Weapon "Michael" to control these three weapons.

B) File 2
We have completed two more weapons: "Zadkiel" and "Kamael," Data Collection-and
Usage units. With the data analysis unit we previously developed, "Raphael,"
these three will be controlled under Populace Unification Unit "Haniel." Also,
at the same time, we will develop Ten Sage Surveillance Unit "Lucifer."

B) File 3
The Professor's only relative, his daughter Philia, was claimed as a victim of
terrorists of the rebel army opposing the Ten Sage Defense Plan. However, the
army is regulating the flow of information, and until the Final Destruction
Weapon "Gabriel" is completed, we have decided to keep this information from the

A) File 1
All of a sudden, Professor Ratis activated all the defense mechanisms in the lab
and completely sealed off the inner area of the lab. Apparently he found out
about the terrorist attack while testing out Data Collection Units "Sadikel" and
"Kamael." It would appear that he has sealed himself in the lab and is making
improvements to the Ten Sage Units. If approved by the army, we will probably
break into the lab and restrain him.

B) File 2
After coming out of the inner area of the lab, the Ten Sages have been
indiscriminately attacking all the facilities in the area. Apparently Professor
Rantis has rewritten their mission from "Managing the Remote Planets" to
"Destruction of the Universe." A unit of riot troops sent into the lab was
completely wiped out. In order to destroy the out-of-control Ten Sages, we
request the mobilization of Planet NedÄ's garrison forces.

C) File 3
After a massive battle, we were able to drive the Ten Sages back into the center
of the lab. When we chased in after them, the lab was completely empty.
Apparently the Professor enlcosed them into an Eternity Space and fired it off
into space. We weren't able to completely destroy the Ten Sages, but since the
only way to release the Eternity Spave is to use a lockout password from the
outside, there shouldn't be any problem. The Ten Sages will most likely be
trapped in space for all eternity.


A) File 1
It has been confirmed that the person who committed suicide in the lab was
undoubtedly Professor Rantis. Now this event will finally come to a close. The
only thing that requires attention is that the thought routines of Professor
Rantis and his daughter were left behind within the computer. It could be that
Rantis programmed his consciousness into the as-of-yet unfinished Gabriel.

B) File 2
Through the events surrounding the Ten Sage Project, 80% of NedÄ's military has
been wiped out. As if in synchrony, all the remote planets simultaneously
started insurrections. In this state, surpressing the Rebel army will be
extremely difficult. After looking at the situation, a conference of the top
leaders of Planet NedÄ was held and through this meeting it was decided that the
entire population of the planet would be transferred to an artificial planet.

C) File 3
We have named the artificial planet "Energy NedÄ," and surrounded it with a
Class Nine Super-Energy Field. This field should stop the advance of the rebel
army. But through this development, we NedÄians will never be able to interfere
with the outer world again. Along with our transferral to Energy NedÄ, we also
have decided to regulate the flow of information concerning this incident. The
truth about the Ten Sage Defense Project will not be recorded in history.

This is a list of the special Private Actions in the game. These special Private
Actions occur will only occur once in the game, and while most have multiple
outcomes, you can see only one of them each game. The format in which I listed
these Private Actions are:

[Name]: Name of the character or townsperson the Private Action occurs with
Location: Where inside the town the Private Action takes place.
Requirements: Requirements within the game that you must fulfill for these
Private Actions to take place.
Content: The Content of the private actions. Selections you can make in the PA
are indicated by series of letters (A,B,C) or numbers, (1,2,3) with the results
of each choice under each.
Character-->Character (Change): Indicates how that charater's KJD level changes.
A "-->" indicates a one-way change, and a "<-->" indicates a mutual change.

Note that these are by no means the only Private Actions in the game. Some are
very hard to find or require specific combinations of characters, so I'm sure
there are a few that I haven't found yet.

1) Location: In Rena's room
Requirements: Must be done before staying the night at Cross, or after the Mars
Content: Rena is surprised at your entering and asks how long you've been there.
You say "Just got here" and ask what she's doing. Rena says she was remembering
something that happened a long time ago. You get a choice:
A) What happened?
B) What were you like as a child?
C) You should think about the future instead of the past
A) Rena talks about the shock she got when hearing about how her mother
wasn't her real mother. She ran to the Shingo forest crying, and a friend
of her came up to give her a candy, and said "Don't cry. It's a waste of
tears. Laugh with me." She says it made her happy, and Crawd asks where he
is now. Rena says she doesn't know, since he left after an incedent a few
years later. She goes on about how she should have been there to help him,
and then catches herself and apologizes for going on. Crawd apologizes
himself for interrupting and asks if he ruined the mood. Rena says it
wasn't a problem.
Rena<-->Crawd AJD+1
NOTE: If you have done the Mars event, Crawd will ask if the friend of
hers is Dias, and Rena will say "yes." Crawd will then leave, and the
change will be Crawd-->Rena AJD-1
B) Rena says she was a good, polite, obedient child. Crawd says nothing, and
Rena asks if he doubts her. Crawd doesn't give a straight answer and Rena
gets really angry asking if "that's what he though she was like." Crawd
says he didn't mean it that way.
Rena-->Crawd AJD-1
C) "The future?" Rena asks. Crawd says that "looking back is important, but
if you don't look ahead as well, you'll lose sight of what's really
important inside." Rena just stands there and thinks about what Crawd

Location: In front of the item shop
Requirements: None (?)
Celine asks Crawd if he's done looking around the town. Crawd says yes, and that
he'd been there before. Celine notes that it's a really small town and would be
a good place to go if you wanted to get away from it all. Crawd agrees. Celine
says there's something she wanted to give Crawd. He asks what it is, and Celine
said it was a charm that Crawd might need since he's always in the front lines.
Crawd asks if it's OK, because it seems expensive. Celine says she found it
during her earlier treasure hunts, so it's all right. She says she feels a magic
power from it, and a fighter was using it before, so it would be better on
Crawd. Crawd asks what the person who had it before was like, and Celine says
she doesn't know because he was a skeleton when she found him. You get two
A) I appreciate the thought, but I can't take it.
B) Thanks, Celine-san!
A) Celine says that Crawd is very sincere. Crawd asks what she means, and
Celine laughs and says "If you're always that straightforward, some day
you'll be able to tell her." Crawd is confused, and Celine tells him to
be careful because "she is the jealous type."
Celine-->Crawd AJD +2
B) Celine tells Crawd he's embarrasing her. Celine says "I wonder if this is
what it's like to have a little brother?" You get ?JEWELRY, which is a
Talisman once you identify it.
Crawd<-->Celine AJD +4

1) Location: In the Item Shop
Requirements: You have to have more than 2000V (when starting the PA)
Content: Gyoro and Ururun are fighting. Ashton asks Crawd to help him. Crawd
asks what the matter is. Ashton says the dragons want him to buy a ragged helmet
for them. They make some noise, and Crawd asks what they said. Ashton says they
said that "It's not just a useful item for us, but for you too." Crawd asks how
much the helmet is. Ashton tells you how much it is. (The price will vary; it
will always be 75% of the total amount of money you have) Crawd hesitantly says
he has enough for it, and you get two choices:
A) OK, I'll buy it!
B) No way, it's a bit too expensive.
A) Ashton is very surprised and asks if it's really OK. Crawd says that if it
wasn't for the others, he wouldn't be stuck with the dragons and then this
problem so he really should buy it. Also he says that "we're always
buying stuff for ourselves--we should buy some stuff for Gyoro and Ururun
occasionally too." Gyoro says "All right! I'm moved!" Crawd tells him it's
OK. You get a "Salamand-met" and lose 75% of your money.
Ashton-->Crawd YJD+1
B) "I told you so!" Ashton tells Gyoro and Ururun. They say something, and
Rena asks Ashton to translate. He says they said "You're really stingy!
You're always buying stuff for yourself, why can't you buy something for
us occasionally?" Crawd notes that normal shops don't sell stuff that
Gyoro and Ururun could use.

1) Location: On the balcony of the Elder's house
Requirements: None (This is not a 1-time PA)
Content: Opera says that from the balcony, you can see the south forest where
she made an emergency landing. Once you see this PA, end the PA and go as a
group back to the Shingo Forest. Off in a corner you will see something. Opera
will walk up to it; it is a crashed ship. Opera says that she ran out of fuel
and crash-landed. The ship got damaged in the crash so that she can't go
anywhere. Crawd says "So you're in a similar position to me." Opera asks if
Crawd was stranded too, and gets disappointed because she thought Crawd had a
way to get off the planet. Crawd apologizes, and Opera says he doesn't need to.
At this point Rena asks what you're talking about. Crawd just stalls.

1) Location: Inside the newlywed's house
Content: Bowman asks Crawd what he's doing in a place like this. Elmia gets
angry and tells Lew to get mad at Bowman. Lew laughs and says Bowman didn't mean
it in a bad way, and "even a place like this is heaven with you here." Bowman
notes that they've completely lost sense of their surroundings. You can say:
A) By the way, what exactly are you doing here anyway?
B) Is it like this with your wife too?
A) Bowman says he was just doing a medical examination, and tells Crawd not
to worry because he has medical credentials. Crawd looks at the two and
says that neither of them looks sick. Bowman says that sometimes a doctor
is needed even when the patient's not sick. Elmia gets embarrased, and Lew
lets on (extremely cornily) that she is pregnant. Crawd congratulates the
two. Bowman says "Come on, let's get out of here..." Outside Crawd says
the two seemed happy, and Bowman says that seeing his patients happy is
why he got into his line of work.
Crawd-->Bowman YJD+1
B) "Don't be ridiculous, I'm the master of the house. Don't group me with
this type." Crawd starts to sweat and says they'll hear him. Crawd goes
on to say he can't imagine that Bowman is master of the house, and Bowman
says that NinÄ "always walks three steps behind him." As Bowman leaves,
Crawd says "Then next time I go to Ringa I'll ask NinÄ." Bowman starts to
sweat. Outside, Bowman is still sweating and extols the virtues of NinÄ.
"I'm still asking her" Crawd says.
Bowman-->Crawd YJD-1

Location: In front of Rena's house
Requirements: None
Content: Precis arguing with Rena; Precis tells Rena to stop being mean and
"tell her." Rena says "I gave you an answer!" Precis asks Rena why she's so
angry. "I'm not!" Rena says. "See, there you got angry again" Precis says. Rena
insists that she's not angry. Precis says there's no reason for Rena to get
upset at her just for asking whether or not Crawd had a girlfriend. "I told you
I don't know!" Rena says. You can say:
A) I don't have a girlfriend.
B) Actually I'm going out with Rena
C) If only Precis would be my girlfriend...
A) The two are surprised to see Crawd there. Rena asks how long he's been
there. Crawd says "since 'stop being mean, tell me.'" Crawd walks away
and says "Unfortunately for you, I'm free now. Too bad you can't make fun
of me now." Precis says it's not unfortunate at all and that it's really
lucky for her. Crawd asks what she means, and Precis says it's a secret.
Precis "declares war" and wishes Rena luck. Rena tells Precis not
to misunderstand her; Precis says she's not and that the more rivals she
has the better. Crawd asks what they're talking about and asks who Precis
is declaring war with. Precis doesn't answer and leaves. Crawd asks Rena
what that was all about and Rena says "Don't ask me!"
Precis-->Crawd AJD+1
B) Rena is surprised and asks Crawd how long he's been watching. Crawd says
"since 'stop being mean, tell me.'" Precis asks if Crawd's really going
out with Rena. "It's true, right Rena?" Crawd says. "Uh, yeah..." Rena
says. "Sorry, Precis," Crawd says. Precis says it's OK and that she'll
find a boyfriend 1000 times cooler than Crawd. She walks away, muttering
- "Damn, taken already..." Crawd apologizes to Rena for saying they were
going out, and explains that he was trying to make an easy way out for
her. "That's it?" Rena says. Crawd is confused, and Rena asks again. Crawd
says nothing, and Rena tells him not to worry about it and thanks him.
Crawd<-->Rena AJD+1, Precis-->Crawd AJD-1
C) The two are surprised to see Crawd there. Rena asks how long he's been
there. Crawd says "since 'stop being mean, tell me.'" Crawd walks away
and says "Sorry, but I'm free. But I'd be glad if Precis became my
girlfriend." Precis is really surprised and asks Crawd if he's serious.
Crawd says "Yeah, I like cute girls like you." Precis tells Crawd "Then
let's go out." Crawd balks, and Precis asks him what's wrong. Rena berates
Crawd, telling him not to say such things so jokingly and that girls
Precis' age are liable to take them seriously. Precis asks Crawd if he
wasn't serious. Crawd just says "...uh, well..." Rena tells Crawd to
take responsibility for what he said and goes inside. Precis asks Crawd
if he really doesn't like her. "Of course not," Crawd says. Precis says
"Then let's go out" again, and Crawd says "Why don't we leave this until
some other time?" Precis says no and asks why Crawd is so opposed to going
out with her. Crawd says that the two don't know each other that well yet.
"Then let's go out to get to know each other" Precis says. Crawd says
nothing and Precis tells him to never mind. Crawd is surprised, and Precis
says that it's not worth it to force it, and tells Crawd he can wait to go
out with her until he starts to really like her, but in return he can't
start liking someone else first.
Crawd-->Precis AJD+1, Rena-->Crawd AJD-1


1) Location: In front of the boarded up house by the weapon store
Requirements: None
Rena is remembering her father. Crawd tells her how she must be tough to make it
through her father's death. Rena asks Crawd what his father is like, and Crawd
says he's a great man that everyone admires. Rena says she's envious that he has
someone to brag about. Crawd sarcastically says "Yeah, it's great" and has a
flashback to the time right before reaching Mirokinia. The hands scan the
surface and file it into the database in standard procedure, and the Operator
finds the place the scanners couldn't reach. There's no data on the energy field
preventing the scan so Ronixis gives the order to land on the planet to check it
out. He tells Crawd to come down as well and Crawd mentions that his assigned
duty is to assist him, not investigate planets. Ronixis says that he himself is
going to investigate it so it's OK. Crawd suggests that Ronixis should not go
himself, but Ronixis insists on going. Ronixis leaves.
You now control Crawd, so talk to the people if you want, then leave. As you
exit, you overhear an officer grumbling about why Crawd has to be taken as well,
and Cartsman (Calnus' first officer) suggests Ronixis wants to "leave his
legacy" to his son, and the officer sarcastically makes a comment about the
admiral's son getting special treatment. The flashback ends and Rena asks if
Crawd's OK.

2) Location: In the weapon/jewelry store
Requirements: Meeting the King of Cross
Rena is looking at the various accessories in the jewelry store. Crawd asks if
she found anything good, and Rena points out an emerald pendant and asks what he
thinks about it. You get three choices:
A) Hey, that's pretty.
B) I don't really know that much about gems
C) Want me to buy it for you? (200V)
*Note: If you have fewer than 200V, option C will not come up.
A) Rena giggles and says that you have an interest in gems. "I guess so"
Crawd says. Rena says that's unusal, and Crawd asks if a guy who likes
accessories is that strange. Rena says she didn't mean it like that.
Crawd<-->Rena YJD-1
B) Rena says that's to be expected because Crawd's a guy. Crawd says "Is that
why?" and Rena says yes, and that all girls like these kind of things.
Crawd looks back at the things and says that maybe he'll get one for Rena
some time. Rena is surprised, and Crawd asks what would be best. Rena says
"Are you serious!?" and Crawd says yes. Rena giggles and thanks him, but
says she won't be expecting anything spectacular.
Crawd<-->Rena AJD+2, YJD +2
C) Rena is surprised, but before she can say anything, Crawd buys the
pendant. Crawd gives it to her, and Rena says she didn't mean like she was
asking him to buy it for her. Crawd says "isn't the Emerald your
birthstone anyway?" Rena is surprised, and Crawd says "Oh, was I wrong?"
Rena says that he's right, and is impressed he remembered when her
birthday was. She thanks him for the pendant, and you get the item "Leaf
Pendant" (and lose the 200V it cost, of course)
Crawd-->Rena AJD +3 Rena-->Crawd AJD+3, YJD +1.

Location: Jam Shop
Requirements: None (?)
Celine is annoyed, and Crawd comes up and asks her what's wrong. Celine says she
came to buy jam, but the store tender is not there. You get two choices:
A) I'll go look for her
B) Why not come back later?
A) Celine thanks you. Now you have to go look for the shoptender, Yuki. Once
you find her, she will be singing alone. After prodding her a couple of
times and asking her if she's the tender of the Jam Shop, Yuki notices
Crawd. She says she is, and Crawd asks what she was doing. She says she was
practicing her singing. She says that ever since she was a little girl, she
wanted to be a singer, so she sings in the bathroom and when on walks for
practice. She says that she's thinking of giving-up the dream though
because she has freckles and famous singers don't. You get two choices:
1) Don't give up on your dreams so easily
2) Dreams are dreams, you're living in reality.
1) Crawd says that "if you try to live your dreams they will surely come
true." Yuki says that Crawd's right, and thanks him, and says she
will continue singing. Then she realizes that she should be at the
shop and runs off. If you return to the shop she thanks you again.
Celine-->Crawd YJD+2, All other party members-->Crawd YJD+1
2) Crawd says that if you chase dreams too much, sometimes you lose a
grip of reality. Yuki says "I guess it's impossible then" and leaves.
Celine-->Crawd YJD+1
B) Celine says that's probably a good idea, but she wants to buy jam so she
will wait a little longer.
Celine-->Crawd YJD-1

Location: By the entrance to the mine
Requirements: Ashton's quest to remove dragons finished
Content: Ashton is reminiscing about how Salba Mine was the start of his journey
with you. Crawd says that if it wasn't for the dragon making trouble, they never
would have met. "Or my getting fused with them." Ashton says. Crawd says that
when he met Ashton he didn't know what to do, and thought of running away when
Ashton told him to take responsibility for the dragons. Ashton asks if he really
thought of doing so. Crawd says it was only one option he thought of. Ashton
says not to worry about it, since you helped him out all the way through his
quest to get the dragons removed. Crawd notes that in the end you weren't able
to get them off. Ashton talks about how he ended up meeting the party in the
dragons all in the same place, each with their own objectives, and how they
ended up travelling together. Crawd says "yeah, it's certainly not something you
could plan on." Ashton says that he didn't think of it until now, but it might
have been fate.
Crawd<-->Ashton AJD+1, YJD+2

1) Location: In front of the Weapon Store
Content: Crawd asks what Opera's doing. Opera says she's just wandering around.
She asks Crawd if she wants to bet on something. She says that it's on nothing
big; just bet on whether the next person out of the shop will be a man or a
woman. Opera says if you win, you can ask her to do anything. You can say:
A) Sounds fun
B) Nah, I'd rather not.
A) Opera tells you that you get to choose which gender will come out. You can
either say:
1) It'll probably be a man
2) It'll surely be a woman.
1) Opera says "You sure?" Crawd says it's OK. Opera calls "Hey, Rena!"
Rena comes outside and asks "What is it?" Opera turns to Crawd and
says that she wins. "That's cheating!" Crawd says. Opera says there
was no rule about anyone not talking. Opera tells Crawd that the best
gamblers only bet on things that they know are going to work out.
Crawd complains, and Opera says "I win. Give up." Crawd says "That's
Crawd-->Opera YJD-1
2) Opera says "You sure?" Crawd says it's OK. You sit and wait, and a man
comes outside. Opera tells Crawd that she saw earlier that only men
had been inside. Crawd says that then she knew in advance. Opera says
"That's why I let you pick." "Good point" Crawd says. Opera tells him
that even if he picked "woman" she would have fixed it so she would
Crawd<-->Opera YJD+1, AJD+2
NOTE: It's completely random, but there's a small chance that when you
pick a choice, a dog will come outside instead of a person. In this
case, Crawd will say "Which one is that?" Opera will say "I guess it's
a draw." (Also note you can steal a Kenja no Ishi from the dog)
B) "That's too bad" Opera says. Crawd says he doesn't like betting.
Crawd<-->Opera YJD-1

Location: Outside of Allen's house
Content: Bowman is talking to a woman. He says "Oh Crawd, good timing." Crawd
asks Bowman what he's talking about. "Depending on the content of your
conversation, I'll tell NinÄ." Bowman tells Crawd not to jump to conclusions.
Bowman says it's "a sad story to hear or tell." The girl tells you that there
was a big disturbance in Salba and asks if you knew about it. You can say:
A) It's famous, so I know
B) No, I don't know. What happened?
A) Bowman says it must be pretty famous. The girl says it's not surprising,
considering that it's not every day the son of the mayor would get left at
the altar the day of his wedding. Crawd gets confused, and the girl says
it's really sad to think of him. Bowman says that the girl is probably
still in town so it's even sadder and asks Crawd what he thinks. Crawd
says "Uh, yeah..." He wonders where that rumor came out of Allen's fiasco
at the beginning of the game.
Crawd<-->Bowman YJD+1
B) The girl says that the son of the mayor was supposed to get married to a
girl from the next town, but in the middle of the ceremony a "villain"
came in and abducted the girl because he wanted her too. "Oh..." Crawd
says. "Doesn't it make you sad?" Bowman says. The girl says that people
tried to find out what happened to them since but nobody knows. "And?"
Crawd says. The girl says that the abducting villain was blond and had
unusual clothes. "Like you..." Crawd starts sweating and says it wasn't
him. "Crawd abducting a bride? That's funny." Bowman says. Crawd wonders
where that came from and says that rumors are scary.
Crawd<-->Bowman YJD+1

Location: In the Jam Shop
Requirements: None
Content: Precis asks Crawd if he came to buy jam. Crawd says yes and asks if she
was too. Precis says that she thought she'd get something for her father. Crawd
Crawd asks what kind of jam she got. She tells Crawd if he guesses right, she'll
give him one. You can guess:
A) Strawberry Jam
B) Blueberry Jam
C) Peanut Jam
No matter what you answer, the result will always be the same; Precis tells
Crawd he's wrong and says she really bought him cayenne pepper jam. "What!?"
Crawd says. Precis tells him she bought cayenne pepper jam again. Crawd asks if
that's even edible. Precis says "I dunno, but I'm not going to be the one eating
it anyway." Crawd says nothing, and Precis says that since it's being sold it
must be edible.

Location: In front of the boarded-up house
Requirements: Meeting the King of Cross.
The little girl asks if Crawd is the Hero of Light. Crawd is surprised, and the
girl says, "You are, aren't you?" You get 3 choices:
A) Yeah, I'm the Hero of Light.
B) Sorry, but I'm not a hero.
C) I don't know whether or not I'm a hero yet
A) The girl is very excited. The girl says she has a wish for you. Crawd asks
what it is. The girl goes on to say something about her parents and bad
monsters. (either they got killed or were captured, probably the former
but it's unclear from the context) Crawd realizes what she's saying and
says "Don't worry, leave it to me."
All Party Members-->Crawd YJD+1
B) The girl asks if Crawd really isn't the Hero. Crawd apologizes and the
girl is disappointed. Crawd apologizes again.
All Party Members-->Crawd YJD-1
C) The girl asks if Crawd really isn't the Hero. Crawd says "I don't know.
Maybe some day I'll be called a Hero, then again, maybe not." The girl is
confused, and Crawd tells her that nobody is called a Hero from square
one, and that you have to do something spectacular for everyone first. The
girl asks if Crawd won't become a hero then. Crawd says he doesn't know,
but there's always a possibility. The girl goes up to Crawd and gives him
a Harmonica, and tells him to become a Hero soon. Crawd if it's OK to take
it, and the girl says it's to help him become a hero.


Location: On the way to the castle
Requirements: Haven't gone to Racool continent yet
On your way to the castle, a man with three eyes runs by and apologizes for
getting in your way. Crawd apologizes back and the man continues off the screen.
Crawd is surprised to see someone has 3 eyes.

1) Location: In the church
Requirements: Either Crawd or Rena's Aijodo for the other is below 9
Crawd asks what Rena is doing in the church. Rena asks Crawd not to laugh, and
says that she would like to get married in a church like the one they're in
sometime. You get three choices:
A) Eh, you really are a girl.
B) Eh, didn't you already have your wedding?
C) I'd like to get married in a place like this too.
A) Rena asks "really!?" annoyed. Crawd says that he didn't mean she wasn't
really feminine or anything, and Rena gets really mad. Crawd insists that
he didn't mean it that way but Rena doesn't believe him. He goes on to try
and compliment her for being full of energy and Rena says "Energetic and
violent I'm sure you mean!" She storms out angrily.
Crawd-->Rena AJD-1, YJD-1, Rena-->Crawd AJD-2, YJD-1
B) Rena is confused, and Crawd says "Didn't you have your wedding with Allen
back in Salba mine?" Rena gets angry, and Crawd says "It was just a joke."
Rena says "That WASN'T a wedding!" and Crawd apologizes, saying she
doesn't have to get that angry. Rena leaves angrily and Crawd says "Geez,
I didn't think she'd get that mad."
Crawd-->Rena AJD-1, YJD-2, Rena-->Crawd AJD-2, YJD-3
C) "You think so too?" Rena asks. "Yeah, but first I gotta find a partner"
Crawd replies. "Good point." Rena says. Crawd tells her that she'll find
someone with no trouble at all. Rena basically says the same thing back.
Crawd<-->Rena AJD-1, YJD+2

Location: In front of the church
Content: Crawd asks Bowman what he's doing. "What do you think?" Bowman says.
Crawd says he doesn't know. Bowman says he's checking out and rating girls that
walk by. He says that Cross is a big town and the levels are really high. "Oh,
really..." Crawd says. Bowman tells Crawd to look too. He says "For example,
what about the two of them there." Crawd says "Well, yeah.." Bowman asks which
one he thinks is cuter. You can say:
A) The longhaired one that looks like she's waiting for someone
B) The short haired one by the clock.
A) "So that's the type you like" Bowman says. He says she looks like she's
the type of "perfect woman" that would come up in fairy tales. Crawd says
he only picked because Bowman told him to. At this point a man walks up
to the girl and apologizing for being late. The girl gets mad and starts
swearing at him in yakuza-speak, calling him just about every Japanese
four-letter word there is. The boy eventually starts fighting back
similarlily; he calls her out and they walk off screen to have a fistfight
somewhere. "Wow, so that's the type you like?" Bowman asks Crawd. "That's
a bit much for me" Crawd says.
B) "She's not bad, so you like the boyish type?" Bowman asks. Crawd says he
only picked because Bowman told him to. At this point her boyfriend comes
up and apologizes, asking her if she waited a while. The girl says "No,
don't worry about it." They walk off. "Youth is great" Bowman says. Crawd
says that apparently she was waiting there. Bowman says that waiting by
the clock is romantic. "Seems like lightning's going to strike here" Crawd
says. "You have no dreams" Bowman tells him.

1) Location: in the alley on the east side of the town.
Requirements: Haven't completed the quest at Mars yet.
Crawd sees Rena and Celine in a conversation. You get 3 choices:
A) Approach them and join in the conversation.
B) Sorry for the two of them, but eavesdrop.
C) This doesn't involve me.
A) You go over and ask what they're talking about. Celine says "Nothing,
right Rena?" and Rena says "right." You get two more choices:
1) Hmm...Well, OK then
2) Really? It didn't seem like that...
1) Celine asks if Crawd had anything to say to them. Crawd says "No, I was
just wondering what you were talking about." Celine then says she's
going to go explore the town.
Rena, Celine-->Crawd YJD-1
2) Celine still insists that it was nothing, and looks to Rena to back
her up. Rena agrees with her, and Crawd asks her if that's really
true. Rena says it is, and ask why Crawd is so suspicious. Crawd says
he wasn't particularly suspicious, and Celine says "then there's no
problem" and leaves.
Crawd<-->Rena, Celine YJD-1
B) Crawd hides behind a lamppost and listens in on the conversation. Celine
is badmouthing Crawd, saying that he's undependable. Rena says that he may
seem like a greenhorn to Celine since she's an experienced adventurer, but
she doesn't think he's as bad as Celine says. Celine says she was just
uneasy having him being in the front lines during fights. Rena asks what
to do about it, and Celine says that Crawd should assist the two of them
more. Rena gets mad and says that Crawd is doing the best he can. Crawd is
disappointed to hear that Celine thinks so little of him and leaves.
Crawd-->Celine YJD -1
C) Crawd leaves. The only interesting thing here is that if you return and
talk to Celine she lies to Crawd and tells him that she thinks his
swordsmanship is top-class. No KJD changes here though.

Location: In the south corner of the west end of town.
Requirements: None
Content: Precis is talking to a woman, who is trying to sell her things. The
vendor asks if she uses perfume, and Precis says she's never tried it because it
smells weird. The woman is surprised and asks her if she likes anybody. Precis
says yes, and the woman tells Precis that she has developed a perfume that will
make men like her, and will sell her it for 1200V. Precis is not pleased by the
price, but the woman asks if she wants to buy it. You can choose:
A) I've got to hurry and stop Precis
B) Looks interesting, let's watch.
A) Crawd walks up and tells the vendor that he's with Precis. The woman asks
Crawd if he's Precis' boyfriend. Crawd says he doesn't know what she's
talking about and tells her to stop trying to forcibly sell things to
Precis. She apologizes, then says she'll sell them something good for
2000V. Crawd says "Hold on, now you're trying this on me!?" The woman says
she'd only sell it to special couples, and Precis asks if it looks like
the two of them really look like they're together. The woman says yes. You
can say:
1) Fine, I'll take it.
2) No thank you!
1) The woman runs away, after giving you two Omotai Yubiwas (Huge ring)
Precis asks what you should do with the rings. "Wear them, I guess?"
Crawd says. Note: if you have less than 2000V, the woman gives you
a Bannohocho (Kitchen Knife of 10,000 uses) free instead.
Crawd<-->Precis AJD+2
2) The woman says "That's too bad" and tries to sell Crawd a set of
sterilized chopping blocks instead. Crawd gets angry and tells her
no. She leaves. Crawd tells Precis to be careful when walking around
alone because someone might try to rip her off like that. Precis says
"But with you around I'm OK." Crawd says "What, are you going to have
to depend on me every time?" Precis asks if that's bad. Crawd says
"Well, all right."
Crawd<-->Precis AJD+2
B) Precis decides not to buy it. The woman insists, and Precis says that she
doesn't want to have to rely on something like that. The woman suggests
she just try it and gives her a free sample. Precis says "All right, I'll
just try it then." The woman leaves, and you get-a Biyaku. (aphrodisiac)

Location: By the item shop
Requirements: Have at least 100V
Content: Precis and Ashton are looking at a music box at the item shop. The
shopowner tells Ashton that usually he'd sell it for 2000V, but it's on sale for
only 100V today. Precis gets excited and the shopowner whispers to Ashton to buy
it for her. Ashton buys it, and the shopowner says that he'll discount it even
more and only charge 98V for it. Ashton pays the shopowner and he says "Here's
your music box and 20,000V change." Precis says "20,000!? You only gave him 2V
change!" Ashton tells Precis he was using a figure of speech. Precis says "But
he said he'd give you 20,000V!" She accuses the shopowner of lying and asks
Ashton to back her up. You can say:
A) Go, Ashton!
B) Wait, wait, wait, Precis!
A) Ashton explains to Precis that since he paid 100V, having 2V change is
just right. "But he said 20,000V. That's lying!" Precis says.-The
shopowner tries to explain again about the figure of speech and Precis
continues calling him a liar. Finally the shopowner gives up and gives
her 19,998V to make it 20,000. Ashton protests, and the shopowner says
it's all right since it was his mistake. "Boy, Precis can be scary"
Crawd says. You get the music box and 19,900V.
Ashton<-->Precis AJD+1, Ashton-->Precis YJD-1, Precis-->Ashton YJD+2
B) Crawd apologizes to the vendor and pulls Precis away. Ashton thanks Crawd.
Crawd tells Precis not to be so ridiculous. Precis asks what she did, and
Crawd just shrugs and makes a sarcastic comment. Ashton says "But Crawd,
how long were you there? I didn't notice you." Precis also asks Crawd too
and Crawd just sort of stammers.
Crawd<-->Ashton YJD-1, Precis<-->Ashton YJD+2, Ashton-->Crawd AJD-1

Location: North of the Fountain
Requirements: None
Content: Standing by the fountain is a girl, Philia, who is pleading with the
townspeople to leave the town. Crawd asks what's going on, and Rena says that
the girl is telling the townspeople to evacuate the town because it will be
destroyed in the near future. Everyone leaves, calling her insane.
NOTE: You can steal the very useful item "Mischief" from Philia with the
Pickpocket Skill.


1) Location: Outside of the food shop
Requirements: Before the Bugu Taikai
Content: Rena is looking at a store that has lots of good accessories. She says
it's too bad it's an open air store. You can say
A) Yeah
B) I dunno...
A) Crawd says there are a lot of nice accessories. The shop owner Abima says
he's the best craftsman there is. He says "You won't find stuff like this
anywhere. You know why? Because I'm a crafting genius!"
Rena-->Crawd AJD+1, Crawd-->Rena YJD +1
B) The shop owner, Abima, says "Don't you know my genius! I'm the best
craftsman in the world! You won't find stuff like this anywhere. You know
why? Because I'm a crafting genius!"
NOTE: Before you do this PA, save up some money. Despite vastly overcharging,
like Abima says, some of the stuff he sells you won't find anywhere. Some of the
accessories he has, like the Regenerate Ring and the Prism Ring, you won't be
able to get for a long time and are really useful at this stage of the game.
However, once this PA ends, Abima will disappear and never come back. So this is
your one chance to buy what he's got.

2) Location: Coming out of the Elder's house
Requirements: After going to Racool, before Bugu Taikai ends, Ashton in party
Content: Crawd bumps into Rena coming out of the Elder's house. Both are
surprised. Rena looks down, and Crawd asks what the matter is. Rena says she was
talking to the elder, who said that there is no such thing as healing
Monshojutsu. She says that she's kind of a "monster" since she can use magic
without Monsho being etched into her. You can say:
A) That power saved me many times, you know.
B) Well, it's certainly not an ordinary power...
C) Monster? You're not Ashton here.
A) Crawd says it's not a bad power so there is nothing to worry about. Rena
thanks Crawd but wishes she could find someone else with healing power.
Crawd says that while they're traveling they'll eventually find someone
who does. Rena thanks Crawd for comforting her. He says he's not
comforting her because that's only something you do when you look down
at someone. (There is a subtle untranslatable difference for the verb
"to comfort" that's being used here) Rena says that it's not like that
and that Crawd made her feel better.
- Crawd<-->Rena AJD +1, Crawd-->Rena YJD+1
B) Rena says Crawd is being awfully blunt. Crawd apologizes and says he
didn't mean it like that. He says that while the ordinary power he has
using a sword can only destroy things, but Rena's power can bring life
to things. He then starts sweating, saying that he's not claiming that
destructive power should be used. Rena laughs and says she understands,
that Crawd is saying that it's not something that should be seen as
different than most people, but better than most people. Crawd turns
around and says "Yeah, exactly!" Rena thanks Crawd and tells him she
feels better.
Crawd<-->Rena AJD+1, Rena-->Crawd YJD+1
C) Rena tells Crawd that he's being really mean, since it's partially your
fault for the way he is. Crawd starts sweating and says he didn't really
mean it, and that he was only saying it to try and make her feel better.
Rena says even if it was a joke he shouldn't say things like that. Crawd
says he'll be more careful in the future. As he walks away, he wonders
how he ended up getting scolded. Rena giggles.
Crawd<-->Ashton YJD-1, Rena-->Ashton AJD+2, YJD+1

1) Location: In the weapons/items store.
Requirements: Racool Castle not yet visited
Content: Precis is bored and wants to leave. Crawd says that Mars is a nice
quiet village. Precis says there's nothing there and it's boring. Precis
suggests you play hide-and-go-seek with her. Crawd says "No way." Precis bothers
him ands asks to play it just once. You get two choices:
A) Some other time then, I promise.
B) I can't do something childish like that.
A) Precis says "Really? Remember, you promised!" Crawd says he will. Precis
says "Yay! Hide-and-go-seek, Hide-and-go seek!" Crawd says to himself
"Well, she'll have forgotten by tomorrow."
Precis-->Crawd YJD +1
B) Precis gets angry and calls Crawd stingy.
Precis-->Crawd YJD-1

2) In front of the weapons store
Requirements: Racool Bugu Taikai over
Content: Precis is arguing with a young boy, Colin. He claims that Monshojutsu
is the most amazing thing in the world. Precis argues that the age of
Monshojutsu is over and that the age of machines has begun. Colin yells at
Precis "It's Monshojutsu!" and runs away. Precis turns to Crawd and says "I
guess I shouldn't 'demonstrate' the power of my Super Punch to him...fighting
with a kid is a pain." You can say:
A) Ha ha ha, that's true.
B) You're a kid too.
C) I also think that eventually people will stick with machines.
A) "Isnt' it?" Precis says.
B) Precis makes angry noises.
Crawd-->Precis YJD-1, Precis-->Crawd YJD-2
C) Crawd says that he thinks that eventually people will choose machines over
Monshojutsu, but first people have to create machines that anyone can use
safely. "Well said" Precis says.

1) Location: By the food shop outside
Requirements: None (?)
Content: Gyoro and Ururun are fighting, and Ashton asks Crawd for help. Crawd
asks what they're fighting over, and Ashton says that they're arguing over which
one is stronger. Ashton asks you to say something.
A) Gyoro is stronger.
B) No, Ururun is stronger.
C) Both of you are strong.
D) Gyoro and Ururun are the same person, aren't they!?
A) Crawd says that Gyoro's eyes are a lot fiercer. Gyoro is happy and Ururun
gets angry. Crawd goes on to say that Ururun is pretty strong too. The
dragons start fighting again, and Ashton says "don't compliment them, stop
them!" Crawd says that the more they fight, the closer they are. Ashton
says "What!?" and Crawd tells him to take care.
Ashton-->Crawd YJD-1
B) Crawd says that when you look at Gyoro's face you wouldn't be able to
attack him out of fear. Ururun is happy, and Gyoro gets mad. Crawd says
that by trying to prove one's superiority, it can give one a good sense of
competition, but more often the result proves ill. The dragons start to
fight again and Ashton tells him to stop them instead of philosophizing.
Ururun says something, and Crawd asks what he said. Ashton says that he
said "From now on, don't say Gyoro and Ururun, but Ururun and Gyoro."
Crawd says that maybe the more they fight the better friends they are.
Ashton-->Crawd YJD+1
C) Both dragons get angry. Ashton says they say they're not satisfied by that
kind of "answer to pacify children." They say they can't take it being
treated like children by someone not even 20. Crawd retorts by telling
them not to fight like children then, because it troubles Ashton too.
Both dragons shut up. Ashton thanks Crawd, and Crawd tells the three of
them to work together better.
Crawd<-->Ashton YJD+1
D) "Don't group me together with him!" they both say, Ashton translating.
Crawd asks them if they always fought like this when they were a dragon.
They say they didn't fight at all when they were a dragon. Crawd asks
them when they first started fighting. Ashton says that they say that it
started when Rena gave them names. Crawd wonders if Rena's giving them
names gave each a sense of individuality. The dragons start fighting
again and Ashton tells them to stop, to no avail. "Rena screwed up" Crawd
Crawd<-->Ashton YJD+1, Crawd-->Rena YJD-1, Ashton-->Rena YJD-1

Location: In the weapons/items store.
Requirements: Racool Castle not yet visited
Content: Precis is bored and wants to leave. Crawd says that Mars is a nice
town. Precis says there's nothing there and it's boring. Precis suggests you
play hide-and-go-seek with her. Crawd says "No way." Precis bothers him ands
asks to play it just once. You get two choices:
A) Some other time then, I promise.
B) I can't do something childish like that.
A) Precis says "Really? Remember, you promised!" Crawd says he will. Precis
says "Yay! Hide-and-go-seek, Hide-and-go seek!" Crawd says to himself
"Well, she'll have forgotten by tomorrow."
Precis-->Rena YJD +1
B) Precis gets angry and calls Crawd stingy.
Precis-->Rena YJD-1


1) Location: Outside of the house by the steps
Content: Crawd sees Bowman and a woman talking outside a house, then they both
enter. Go inside and go upstairs. Crawd will listen in on their conversation.
The woman asks Bowman if he can cure her daughter. Bowman tells her she may be
in a lull state, but she is not getting better, and is in fact getting worse.
The woman asks him if there's any way to heal her, and she will pay the money no
matter how long it takes to pay it back. Bowman says that there's nothing he can
do himself. Crawd goes downstairs. Bowman follows him and Crawd asked what
happened. Bowman says that he was on his way to the bar when he met the woman
and heard about her sick child, so he came to look at her. Bowman says he can't
figure out what the problem is. Outside, he says he might be able to find
something at Ringa.

2) Location: In Elanore's house
Requirements: Metox Plant gotten
Content: Bowman and Crawd come inside just as Elanore lapses into a coma. Her
mother asks Bowman for help. Bowan tells her that if the Metox is mixed into a
medicine it should save her. He says "But..." and Crawd asks him "But what?"
Bowman says that if Elanore doesn't have enough stamina left she may die even if
the medicine doesn't work. He says there's a 50-50 chance she won't make it.
Bowman says that with her illness, she could survive for a year without taking
the medicine, but in her weakened state, she might not be able to handle the
medicine and it will kill her. Crawd asks Elanore's mother to make the decision
whether or not to risk it. She says she can't decide. Bowman tells Crawd to
decide. Bowman says that the mother can't make the decision since her daughter's
life is on the line and the responsibility must go to a third party. You get two
A) Gambling on the possibility to save her is in her best interest.
B) She should live to the fullest in her last year.
A) Crawd says that Elanore's life has just begun so you shouldn't waste it.
Bowman say he feels the same way. He asks the mother if she is all right
with the decision and she says she is. Bowman says the rest is up to him.
Crawd is confused, and Bowman tells him that life may be more important
than Crawd thinks, and that Crawd shouldn't take the responsibility
entirely on himself. Later, Bowman comes downstairs and says that he's
done all he can, and that the rest is up to Elanore. Crawd asks what he's
going to do next. Bowman says he's going to stay with Elanore for a bit
B) Crawd says it's not worth the risk. Bowman says he may be right, and asks
Elanore's mother if she agrees. She says it is. Elanore wakes up, and her
mother starts crying. Elanore asks what's wrong. Crawd remarks to Bowman
"how powerless we are." Bowman says that sometimes in this line of work
you have to face situations like this.
Crawd<-->Bowman YJD +2

3) Location: In Elanore's house
Requirements: Harley Bowman #2 Choice A picked
Crawd catches Bowman going upstairs. Bowman asks what he's doing there. Crawd
asks the same. Bowman says that he wants to check out Elanore's mother. Crawd
asks if the problem is that he's worried about Elanore. "That too" Bowman says.
Upon going upstairs, you find that Elnaore has healed and is better, walking
around on her own. Crawd tells Bowman that Elanore's mother is really happy.
Bowman says that's why he does this job. Elanore asks if Bowman is the doctor
who she talked about, and her mother tells her that you are and tells her to
thank you. She thanks Crawd and Bowman. Crawd says it's all right; Bowman is
more worried about her form of address (implies that he's a middle-aged man)
Elanore asks her mother if she can go outside, and she tells her that she has to
stay inside while you're visiting. Crawd tells Elanore it's OK and that she can
go play outside. She leaves, and her mother calls her back as she leaves. Later,
Crawd asks Bowman what's the matter. Bowman tells Crawd to answer honestly, and
asks him if he looks that old.
Crawd<-->Bowman YJD+3

Location: In the warehouse
Requirements: Racool Little Girl PA A) picked
Content: Crawd sees the girl in the warehouse and recognizes her as the girl
that he met in Racool. The girl starts sweating and goes on about after all the
effort she took to hide herself that she would be found by "the evil vanguard."
Crawd says "You haven't gotten any better..." The girl goes on about how this is
the end of her life and "it's all over." You can choose:
A) I'd better leave this girl be...
B) I can't just leave her alone...
A)-The girl starts going on about how "god is so cruel" and that her "destiny
is enveloped in darkness." Crawd says "Whatever. I'm leaving."
B) Crawd asks the girl what she's doing in the warehouse. The girl says "I'm
not hiding here by choice!" She says that some strange men captured her
and she was running away. Crawd asks "Strange men?" At this point, three
of Sand's henchman enter. One of them says "There she is!" Then they
notice Crawd and say "Who are you!?" Crawd asks them who THEY are, and
says that "it's not right to drag off a little girl against her will." The
three men attack. You have to fight a group of 3 Lesser Assassins. (6000
HP each) Win and you will get two pairs of Neo Greaves. The three
Assassins will be shocked at how tough Crawd is and Crawd warns them
"never to do something like that again." The three henchman run away.
Crawd asks the girl what she did to make them want to attack her. The girl
says that's none of his business, and she says she won't be fooled by him
defeating the henchman to make her put her guard down. Crawd says nothing,
and the girl says "They're with you, right? That timing was a little bit
too perfect." Crawd tells her that she had better go home, since she's
seen enough of the outside world already. The girl says that she already
realizes that and would have done so long before. She leaves, saying that
she's going to return to Ringa.


1) Location: In the hall of the inn
Content: You overhear Celine talking to herself, wondering "whether or not
everyone has noticed it yet." At this point, you can leave or you can approach.
If you approach, Crawd trips and falls over. You hear Celine saying that if she
gets any fatter she won't fit into her clothes. At this point she overhears
Crawd falling and comes outside. Celine finds Crawd asks if he heard what she
was saying. You can say:
A) Wh, what are you talking about?
B) You shouldn't worry about your weight
A) Celine says "Then never mind." She starts to leave, then turns around and
says to Crawd "But if by chance you DID hear what I said to myself, then
telling anyone else what I said would be hazardous to your health." Crawd
nods and Celine returns inside.
Crawd<-->Celine YJD-1
B) "You did hear..." Celine says. Crawd walks up to Celine to see if she's
all right. "I were listening" she says again. Crawd starts
sweating and tells Celine she's already thin and doesn't need to worry
about anything. Celine starts laughing and Crawd is confused. Celine
turns around and pushes Crawd over, saying "Forget you heard it!" She
goes back into her room.
Crawd<-->Celine YJD-2, AJD-2

1) Location: By the boat across from the bar
Requirements: Before end of Bugu Taikai
When you talk to the child, he will tell you that his father died. In order to
"start" this event, you have to steal from him using the Pickpocket skill. You
will steal the Locket Pendant. Crawd runs away. He opens the pendant and sees
there's a photo of the boy's parents in it. "Uh oh...maybe I better return
this?" You get two choices:
A) Go find the child
B) It'd be a pain, so let's not.
A) When you talk to the child Crawd will ask him if "this is what you're
looking for." The child says "My pendant! What happened to it?" Crawd
says "Uh...I picked it up." The boy thanks Crawd for searching for him
to return it. Crawd laughs uneasily. The boy says that it was his only
picture of his dead father. Crawd asks if the boy liked his father. The
boy says he still does. He then says he has to go and thanks Crawd again.
"I wonder if anyone will like me after I die..." Crawd says.
B) Crawd throws the pendant into the water.


Location: By the large crate one screen west of the entry to the town
Requirements: Before Ringa Quest done
Content: An old woman says that when she reaches her age, she can't walk well
and can't buy what she needs. She asks you if you will pick up something for
her. You can say:
A) Sure, I don't mind
B) I'm kind of in a hurry now
A) The woman thanks you, and asks you to go to the shop called "Peren Knoll"
saying she sent you, and they'll know what to do. Peren Knoll is by the
bookstore on the east end of town. At first he won't know what you are
talking about but will eventually realize that it was "Mole" that sent
you. He gives you a piece of Gold. Bring it back to the woman and she
will say "I wish I had a grandson like you." She gives you a Star
Ruby and Rainbow Diamond in thanks. Crawd doesn't want to accept it, but
the woman tells you she doesn't need it and that "money isn't something
someone should hoard." She thanks you again and leaves. Crawd is surprised
to see she can walk well after all.
B) The woman says it's OK.

Location: By the open-air food market on the east of town.
Requirements: None (?)
Content: Crawd asks the girl what's the matter. She screams. "Don't be so
surprised" Crawd says. The girl demands to know what Crawd wants to do with her.
She says that you must have some sort of evil intention in talking to "a little
girl from the sticks" like her, and asks if you want to sell her to some
underground organization. Then she says "I know! You want to sacrifice my soul
to an evil god!" Crawd tells her to calm down, and that he's not some sinister
person. The girl says that you MUST be a sinister persion, because sinister
people always claim that they're not. "True..." Crawd says. The girl screams
"Oh, save me God!" Crawd tells her to hang on a second, since all he did was
talk to her, and asks her why she would think that. The girl says that only
people from evil organizations would talk to someone they don't know. She says
that "the big city is really dangerous, I wish I hadn't run away." Crawd asks
"You're a runaway!?" The girl is surprised that Crawd "figured out her secret."
She asks Crawd if he's going to kill her. Crawd asks her where she got that
idea. She says that her father told her that the city is a much more scary place
than Ringa. Crawd asks her if maybe she might have misinterpreted him. "I
wonder?" the girl says. "You are." Crawd tells her. the girl mentions that she
thought it was a little strange. Crawd tells her she should have figured that
out earlier. You get two choices:
A) I'm tired, let's leave this kid alone.
B) I can't just leave her here...
A) Crawd tells the girl his friends are waiting for him so he has to go. He
wishes the girl luck before leaving, and she thanks him.
B) Crawd asks her what she's going to do. He says that if she wants to go
home he will take her there. The girl starts laughing and says "You
almost had me fooled there. Once you had me calmed down, WHERE did you
intend to take me?" She says that the big city really is a scary place.
Crawd gets very frustrated. The girl tells you to stay back, saying
that if you get any closer she'll scream. She runs off, leaving Crawd
wondering what her problem was.


Location: Outside of "Jean Medicine Home"
Requirements: Bowman not in party
Content: Crawd walks up to the girl that he saw when first entering Ringa. She
recognizes him and asks him if she can help him. Crawd says he wanted to ask her
something. "Are you going to hit on me? If so I'd welcome it!" the girl says.
Crawd says "No no, not that at all." The girl says he doesn't have to deny it so
vehemently because it's rude to her. Crawd apologizes. Then he tells her he's
interested in the robot she has. Crawd says "This is a radio controlled car
[toy], isn't it?" The girl says his name isn't that dumb, it's "Mujin-kun." Then
she wonders if "Mujin-kun" is a dumb name. Crawd says it's not. She asks him if
he thinks it's interesting. Crawd is confused, so she asks him if he thinks
Mujin-kun is interesting. Crawd says yes. The girl asks Crawd over for tea; she
says she'll show him even more interesting things. Crawd asks if it's OK. She
says it is, and introduces herself as Precis F. Newman. Crawd introduces
himself. On the way over to her house, Precis asks Crawd how old he is. He says
he's 19, and Precis says "then there's a 3 year diffence...that's perfectly OK
then." Crawd asks what's OK. Precis says "What do you think?" Outside of her
house, Precis asks Crawd if "that blue-haired girl" (ie Rena) is his girlfriend.
"N, No!!" Crawd says. When you enter the house, Rena will be there. Crawd is
surprised to see Rena and vice versa. Precis tells her father, Graft, to tell
her in advance if he's going to have a date over. Graft gets angry and tells her
if she's going to bring guys home to do it in a way so that he won't find out.
Later, Precis asks Rena if she was interested in Mujin-kun. She says she was.
Graft says "you see, people will eventually understand a true genius." "Usually
not until long after they're dead though" Precis says. Graft gets angry. Crawd
calms him down and asks him why he makes these kinds of things. Graft just says
he just does it because it comes naturally. Crawd is slightly disappointed.
Graft notes that Crawd's clothes are different from others'. Crawd nervously
laughs and says "they're just normal clothes you can buy in some places." At
this point, Rena nudges Crawd, and he tells Graft that the others are waiting so
they have to go. They thank Graft for the tea and leave.
As you leave, Precis runs outside, and tells Crawd that Graft was lying when he
said making things came naturally. Crawd is confused, and Precis says that a
long time ago her father found a strange glowing lump of metal that fell from
the sky. Rena asks if it was like the Sorcery Globe. Precis says "probably." She
steps closer to Crawd and starts to continue, but Rena butts in front of her.
Precis asks Rena if she's being jealous. She says "I'm OK with having a rival."
Rena starts sweating and says that Precis has the wrong idea. "So nothing should
be the matter." Precis says. "Or do you have something going with Crawd?" Rena
says "Of course not." Rena says, and Precis says "Then there's no problem."
"There's a huge problem!" Rena says. Precis asks why. Rena stalls and Precis
keeps bugging her. After a bit more stalling, she makes an exucse, telling
Precis that since you're going to investigate the Sorcery Globe, you don't have
time to be bothering with her. Precis asks if you're going to see the Globe, and
Crawd says yes. Precis asks to come too. Rena says you can't take her, and
Precis says "Why not, I'm one of your group, right?" Crawd says "Since when did
you join us?" Precis says that's what she intended from the start, and asks if
she's not good enough. Crawd says that's not the problem, and Precis asks again,
saying that she might be able to make even better things after seeing the Globe.
She goes on to say that you were the only people to treat her like a normal
person too. You can say:
A) OK. Let's go together.
B) No, we're not going to play here.
A) Precis asks if it's really OK. Rena nods. Precis gets excited and says
she's going to get her things together and that she'll catch up with you
when you leave town. Once you leave, Precis catches up with you, and she
introduces herself to the rest of the party.
All male characters<-->all female characters AJD+1
All same-sex characters<-->all same-sex characters YJD+1
B) Precis says she understands that. Crawd says that since you're on a trip
where your lives are in danger, you can't bring someone who would take it
like a tour. Rena says that if Precis left, her father would worry. Precis
says "Forget it!" and runs inside.

2) Location: Inside her house
Requirements: Precis Jam PA in Salba seen
Content: Graft and Precis are working together on some machine, debating how to
fix it. Graft notices Crawd. He asks if he's interrupting anything, and her
father says they were about to have tea anyway and asks Crawd if he'd like to
join them. You can say:
A) OK then, I will.
B) No, it's all right.
A) Graft tells Crawd he prepared some Jam Tea. Precis dislikes the sound of
it and just suggests regular green tea instead. Graft gets mad and says
he prepared it especially for Crawd and Precis as something that's "in."
Precis says that nobody ever says "in" anymore. (these are Japanese
equivalents here) Crawd interrupts them and the two apologize. You can:
1) Drink the tea
2) Talk some more first
1) Crawd drinks the tea, then coughs and hacks, saying that it's
incredibly spicy. Precis berates her father for giving Crawd
something like that. Graft says it's nothing but black tea with
lots of jam. Precis asks him if he used the Jam that she bought
for him in Salba. "Yes, why?" Graft asks. He goes over to the
bottle and is shocked to see that it's cayenne pepper jam. Crawd
says "give me some water..." and falls over. Later Precis
apologizes and Graft apologizes for his daughter's stupidity.
Precis gets angry and says it's his fault. Graft blames her, and
Crawd tells them to stop fighting.
Crawd-->Precis YJD-1
2) Precis asks Graft since when he started buying jam. Graft says
"What are you talking about, you bought it for me." Precis asks if
he means the Salba jam and Graft says he does. Graft tells Crawd
to drink the tea before it gets cold, and Crawd starts to drink it.
Precis calls out and tells him to stop, and Graft asks what the
matter is. "It's nothing" Precis says. Graft takes a sip of the tea
and demands to know what the jam is. Precis tells him it's Salba's
famous cayenne pepper jam. Crawd decides not to drink any tea.
B) Crawd declines and Graft says "Oh, that's too bad." Precis asks Crawd if
he's going to leave already and says "didn't you come to meet my father?"
Crawd says "Hey now!" (Note: In Japan, guys are traditionally not supposed
to meet the parents of their girlfriends unless they are there to ask to
marry them, hence the reference here) Graft tells Precis that she had
better wait a while before thinking about that. "Let's do it now!" Precis
says. "Give me a break, Precis" Crawd says.
Crawd<-->Precis AJD+2

Location: Coming out of the library
Content: As Crawd leaves the library, he bumps into Rena. She asks Crawd if he
came to look for a book. Crawd says he was and asks Rena if she was too. Rena
says she's looking for a specific book. She talks to the librarian and finds it.
If you go over to her and ask what she's reading. She is reading the book
"Daigaku Shingaku Koza" (Going to college) She says that she has been interested
in college. Crawd asks Rena if she wants to go to college. Rena says she just
wants to know what kind of a place it is. She says she couldn't commute from
Arlia to Ringa anyway. Crawd gets an idea and suggests that he help her study.
Rena is confused, so Crawd says "You're interested in college because you want
to study, right?" He says that if there's something she wants to know, she
doesn't need to go to college and he might help be able to teach her. Rena says
nothing and Crawd gets frustrated, asking her if she doesn't trust him, going on
to say his grades in school were good. She says that's not it, and asks him to
help. The game skips ahead however long they study, and Rena thanks Crawd for
helping her.
Crawd<-->Rena YJD+4

1) Location: Inside his store (talk to NinÄ)
Requirements: Bowman PA #1 in Arlia B) picked
Contents: NinÄ asks Crawd what kind of medicine he'd like to buy. Crawd says he
didn't come to buy anything. NinÄ asks if you have any business with Bowman.
Crawd says he actually has something he wants to ask her. He asks her if it's
really true that there's a "master of the house" situation. "With whom and
whom?" NinÄ asks. Crawd says between Bowman and her. "Who told you that?" NinÄ
asks. Crawd tells her about Bowman telling him that she was "three steps behind"
him. "Oh, is that so..." NinÄ says. At this point Bowman runs in sweating, and
starts making excuses. "What are you saying?" NinÄ asks. Bowman just stammers a
couple of words. NinÄ says "Spit it out. You're master of the house, so if you
can't hang in there we're in trouble." Bowman says "Oh, yeah, yeah that's

2) Location: In the library
Requirements: Harley Bowman PA #1 seen
Content: As Crawd walks up to Bowman, Bowman says "It's here! I found it!" Crawd
asks Bowman what he found to make him call out like that. Bowman says he found
something that talks about the illness that the girl in Harley has. Bowman gives
Crawd a book, and Crawd reads in the book that her illness is incurable and
eventually fatal, but it is recored that the legendary herb Metox can heal it.
Bowman has no idea what the Metox is or even if it exists, but suggests that you
should look for the Metox. He tells Crawd that the legend says that the Metox
only grows "on the mountain where the Immortal Bird breathes." Bowman says that
it must be on top of a mountain and starts to leave. Crawd asks where he's
going, and Bowman says he's going to find the Metox. Crawd says that you don't
know what mountain it is, and Bowman says that as a doctor it's his duty to find
it to heal Elanore. Crawd says that you'll go with him, and Bowman tells Crawd
he doesn't need to. Crawd says that it everyone searches it will be faster. Once
this PA is seen, you can go to Lasgus Mountain on Cross and find the Metox
Crawd<-->Bowman YJD+2

Location: In the item shop
Requirements: Racool Little girl PA, A) Selected
Content: Crawd enters the store and sees that the usual clerk is not there. The
girl there says that she is taking care of the store while her father is out.
She turns around and recognizes him; she is the runaway girl he met in Racool.
Crawd says "Oh, you came back." The girl says that she didn't like the air in
the city and thinks the town she is used to is best.

Location: Outside the college
Requirements: None
Content: A street vendor is selling a book he claims will make you smarter. All
the students around are suspicious that he's just selling junk. One student asks
a friend to buy it, and he declines. You can choose:
A) I'll buy it
B) I'm not interested.
A) The book will cost you 1980V. The vendor tells you you've made a good
purchase. The book you buy will be one to increase a Skill Level. What
book it is will differ from game to game.
B) Crawd walks off screen. If you come back, the vendor and the crowd will
have disappeared.

----------------------------------CENTRAL CITY----------------------------------

Location: The second floor of the hotel
Requirements: Before clearing all four Fields
Content: Rena asks if you can spare a minute. You can say:
A) Sorry, I'm kind of busy right now.
B) What is it, Rena?
A) Rena says it's nothing important so you shouldn't worry about it. Crawd
walks away and wonders if he was a bit too mean.
Rena-->Crawd AJD-1
B) Rena talks about how she really was born on NedÄ. She says that she is the
same as the Ten Sages and if it wasn't for her being on Expel the Sages
never would have succeeded. Crawd says that it's not Rena's fault. Rena
asks Crawd who she is. You can say:
1) Well, you're a NedÄian, that's for sure.
2) You're our friend, right?
3) Well...I don't really know myself
1) Crawd says that the Ten Sages called her a NedÄian, and that being
one would explain why she can use healing magic. Rena runs away. Run
upstairs and follow her and Rena will tell Crawd that she was afraid
to find out who she was when she left Arlia, thinking that she might
regret it once she found out, but doesn't regret it now since she
wanted to know the truth anyway. She then asks Crawd to leave her
Crawd<-->Rena AJD+2
Note that if you try to get closer to her again you will get another
choice to leave her alone or go anyway. If you go in Rena will tell
Crawd that she's OK and to get out, and there will be a change of
Rena-->Crawd AJD-2, YJD-2
2) Rena is surprised Crawd called her a friend since she is from a
different planet than everyone else. Crawd points out that he is
too and that if "we aliens get along there's no problem." Rena
thanks Crawd and says she feels better. She goes upstairs. Crawd
wonders if he lay it on too thick.
Crawd<-->Rena YJD+2, Rena-->Crawd AJD+2
3) "Of course you wouldn't" Rena says and apologizes for taking up
his time.
Crawd<-->Rena YJD-1

1) Location: In the newspaper office
Requirements: Rayfus has mentioned that he is hacking into North City Library
Chisato asks Crawd if he came to watch her work. Crawd says no, and tells her he
came to make a request of her. Crawd will mention Reifus to her, and Chisato
says she has access to a lot of information and says she'll investigate to see
if she can find anything of interest. Crawd thanks her, and Chisato tells him it
may take some time.

2) Location: In the newspaper office
Requirements: Above PA (Chisato #1) already seen
Chisato tells Crawd she found a way to get into the files; it's a way to enter
the password. Crawd asks what the problem is, and Chisato says that the piece of
paper is between two red plastic boards, something the NedÄ army used a long
time ago. In other words, it was a top-class military secret, so the information
must be pretty important. Crawd asks Chisato if she's going to publish the
information, and Chisato says it depends upon what it says. She suggests you go
to North City to try and crack the password.

-----------------------------------NORTH CITY-----------------------------------
Location: In the library
Requirements: None
Content: Rena is playing with the database computer. She presses a few buttons
and a screen opens with an option to format the hard drive. Rena wonders what it
means to 'initialize all data.' "Oh well, why not, I'll say 'YES'" Rena says and
formats the hard drive, wiping out all the data in the database. The computer
ceases to work. After pressing a few more buttons, the computer won't return to
normal. Crawd runs and hides and Rena runs away before she gets caught. The
computer operator comes inside and asks Crawd what the matter is. "It's
nothing!" Crawd says and runs away. The game posts a message on the screen
saying "Good boys and girls do not fake ignorance!"

Location: In the inn
Requirements: Before clearing all four Fields
Content: Celine is getting her fortune read. She says the fortune teller is
really good and asks Crawd to get his fortune told. You can say:
A) No thanks, I'll pass.
B) All right
A) "That's too bad" Celine says. "I was hoping to see an interesting show."
Celine tells the fortune teller that she has nothing left to ask, and
the teller leaves. Celine explains that the fortune teller was on a
journey and was in a hurry but Celine pressed her into telling her
Crawd-->Celine YJD-1
B) The fortune teller asks what you would like told. You can ask:
1) About my luck
2) About the result of my training
3) About my compatibility with Celine
1) The fortune teller tells Crawd that he often conflicts with his
parents. She goes on to say that while he cannot find his own path in
life that he has been following the one his father set out for him.
She goes on to say that because of that, his luck has ceased to affect
his life; that his father is controlling his luck. Celine asks Crawd
if that's really true, and Crawd responds that-she has a point. The
fortune teller tells Crawd that he must become independant if he wants
to escape, and that if he continues on the path that he is on he will
"destroy his father's luck." She says in his current state Crawd's
future is "engulfed in fog." She leaves. Crawd tells Celine he's never
met a fortune teller that was that accurate.
Celine-->Crawd AJD-1
2) The fortune teller tells Crawd his swordsmanship has gotten much
better than before. She says that he is not bad, but still has some
weaknesses, and that if he works hard he will succeed. She leaves.
Crawd asks Celine "So if I work hard I'll succeed?" Celine says that
that's the way it looks. "Kind of a no-brainer, isn't it?" Crawd says.
Celine says that's basically what most fortune tellers say.
3) "What!?" Celine says. Crawd says "Why not, it's just a joke." The
fortune teller says the two are quite compatible. Both Crawd and
Celine are surprised. The fortune teller says that at first glance the
two seem out of balance but in reality would fit together well, and
that they will build a large family. "Sounds awfully long-term" Celine
says. The fortune teller leaves. "That was certainly a surprise" Crawd
says. Celine asks what Crawd expected her to say. Crawd doesn't say
anything coherent, and Celine giggles and says that she was a bit
surprised too.
Crawd<-->Celine AJD+4, YJD+2

Location: In center Square
Requirements: Feenal already visited
Content: Crawd remarks that Precis sure is energetic despite the situation. "I'm
always energetic" Precis says. She says that she is still worried about her
father, but she believes what Narl said and can't let anything get her down.
"You're tough" Crawd says. Precis says that she's the "mood maker" of the party
and has to be energetic or else the whole group is trouble. You can say:
A) I guess getting depressed won't help anything.
B) Don't you mean "troublemaker?"
C) Don't overwork yourself, Precis.
A) Precis says that if even she got all downcast everyone would be in
trouble so has to stay positive. "Eh!?" Crawd says. Precis says that if
everyone got downcast you wouldn't be able to do anything, so as long as
she continues to do stupid things everyone will forget their troubles at
least temporarily. Precis stops herself and says "This isn't like me at
all." Crawd says "So you were thinking this all along." Precis says that
she's not doing it all the time, that she only thinks occasionally. Crawd
remarks that all this time the entire party had been under Precis' power.
Precis tells Crawd not to compliment her like that and runs off with
Crawd-->Precis AJD+6, Precis-->Crawd AJD+3
B) "Did you say something?" Precis says. Crawd denies it and suggests that
Precis is hearing things. Precis says she heard and says that was a little
rude. Precis says "Where's your 'I'm sorry?'" You can say:
1) I'm sorry, I said too much.
2) But I didn't say anything!
1) Precis says "OK, I'll forgive you, I've got a big heart." Crawd says
"Don't you mean a wide heart?" Precis gets angry and asks Crawd if
he said something. Crawd denies it. Precis says she heard it and
that her ears are broad. Crawd says that you'd normally say that
your ears are good. Precis gets mad and Crawd apologizes. She leaves
with Mujin-kun.
Precis<-->Crawd YJD+2, AJD-1
2) Precis gets angry and tells Crawd he should just apologize and that
she doesn't like obstinate people or liars. She starts to walk away
and Crawd calls to her to wait. She ignores him and leaves with
Crawd-->Precis YJD-1, AJD-1, Precis-->Crawd YJD-2, AJD-1
C) Precis says that she's all right and that she's not worried at all. Crawd
says nothing and Precis insists she's fine, saying her father's not one
to die so easily and that even if he was alive, he'd just make things to
bother other people and it might be better for him not to be around.
You can:
1) Say "He was a bit bothersome I guess"
2) Say "Don't you think you've said a bit too much?"
3) Say nothing and hug her
1) Precis says nothing, and Crawd remarks that by doing nothing but
make machines Precis' father was seen by everyone as a weird person.
Precis says "Ooh..." and Crawd goes on to say that the machines he
made were probably nothing but remains of crashed spaceships. Precis
gets REALLY angry and Crawd and tells him to stop saying things like
that. She says that Crawd is awful for saying such things and she
hates him. Crawd says "But you said it!" Precis tells him to shut up
and that her mother may have dumped her father for that but that he
had his good points too; she says that he was kind, strong, active,
intelligent, inquisitive, rarely took baths, and ate his food
like he should. Crawd tells her to calm down and that she is mixing
negative aspects with the good. Precis screams at Crawd and
Mujin-kun comes over. Precis kicks him away, calls Crawd a stupid
asshole, and walks away.
Crawd-->Precis YJD-1, AJD-1, Precis-->Crawd YJD-3, AJD-3
2) Precis says it's not, and tells Crawd he should know since he knows
her father. Crawd says that even if he was a little strange he was
a good father. "I wonder..." Precis says. Crawd says that fathers
tend to be so close you start to not be able to see their good
points. Precis is confused, and Crawd tells her not to worry about
it. He changes the subject and says "Let's go defeat the Ten Sages
and save everyone on Expel." Precis agrees.
Crawd<-->Precis YJD+2
3) Precis is really surprised and asks Crawd what he's doing. Crawd
tells Precis she can cry when she feels like it, and that he'll
always lend her a shoulder if she needs one to cry on. Precis steps
away and says she's really embarrased and that she's turned all
red. Then she says "You're all red too!" Crawd tells Precis to be
quiet and that he was just worrying about her. Precis grabs on to
Crawd and asks to borrow his shoulder for a bit and starts crying.
After she's done, she thanks Crawd and says she feels a lot better.
Crawd tells Precis she looks best smiling and that if she is sad
she ends up making him sad too. Precis says "Are you confessing your
love to me!?" Crawd says "Don't be stupid, of course not." Precis
says "oh well" then starts to leave, then stops and tells Crawd he's
got a good shoulder and Crawd tells her to stop teasing him. She
leaves with Mujin-kun.
Crawd<-->Precis YJD+4, AJD+8

Location: Upstairs in her house
Requirements: Chisato-->Crawd AJD¦10
Content: Chisato and her mother are talking when you enter, and Chisato tells
Crawd to say something before coming right in. Crawd apologizes, and Chisato
asks if he heard. Crawd asks "Heard what?" Chisato tells Crawd to never mind.
Chisato's mother starts giggling and starts to tell Crawd something about her,
but Chisato stops her.-Chisato's mother says that "it's all right, it's not like
it's something bad." Chisato tells her that's not the problem and to keep quiet
about it. You can say:
A) What were you talking about?
B) You don't need to tell me
C) Sorry for butting in on your conversation
A) Chisato's mother says the two of them were talking about Crawd. "Me?"
Crawd asks. Chisato orders her mother not to say anything more. Chisato's
mother says that Crawd ought to know since they were talking about him.
Chisato says that's the reason she can't talk about it. Chisato's mother
says that it must be bothering Crawd. Crawd admits that he'd be lying if
he said it wasn't. Chisato again insists that nothing more be said and
tells Crawd to leave, pushing him out.
Crawd-->Chisato YJD-1, AJD-1, Chisato-->Crawd YJD-1, AJD+2
B) Chisato's mother says "Crawd's embarrased too" and Chisato says "What do
you mean 'too'!? I'm not embarrased!" Chisato's mother says "then who was
it that was talking so happily about him?" Chisato turns red, and her
mother excuses herself. Chisato and Crawd are both at a loss for words.
Crawd<-->Chisato AJD+2
C) Chisato's mother tells Crawd he's not butting in and looks to Chisato to
back her up. Chisato says nothing. Crawd says he just stopped by to see
her and apologizes for intruding. He leaves, and Chisato's mother says
"He's a nice guy." Chisato says "Isn't he?"
Crawd-->Chisato YJD+2, Chisato-->Crawd YJD+2, AJD-1

Location: Inside a classroom in the college
Requirements: None
Content: Ernest asks Crawd what he's doing, and Crawd says he didn't have any
particular business there. Ernest says that it's a good thing he came because
there's all sorts of things for them to learn there. Crawd notes that everyone
is quiet and Ernest says it's because it's exam time there. You can say:
A) You really need to cheat to get by exams.
B) It's best to be serious about this kind of stuff.
C) Wonder if I should take it too..
A) Crawd says that his friends used to copy the notes of the people in the
class who took it seriously and plagiarize papers, write formulas on the
desks, bribe professors and do other things to get ahead. He says that it
must be the same at every school. "Uh, Crawd..." Ernest says. Crawd asks
what it is and Ernest says "Never mind."
Ernest-->Crawd YJD-1
B) Ernest says that's the best way to think about it, but it's no fun. Crawd
asks what he means, and Ernest says that an exam is a contest between the
students and the examiner; the students try to cheat the best they can and
the examiner tries to catch them. "Oh..." Crawd says. Ernest goes on to
say that recently the examiners ignore cheaters so it's no fun any more.
Crawd<-->Ernest YJD+3
C) Ernest says taking a test to learn more about NedÄ would be a good idea.
Crawd says that the basics of NedÄian education are probably different so
he would have to start all the way from lower school to succeed. He goes
on to say that taking back too much knowledge from NedÄ could be a danger
to the entire federation. Ernest says-that he's got a point, but that he
has no intention of using the information gained for ill and that it's
only a matter of not telling anybody. "I don't know..." Crawd says.
Crawd<-->Ernest YJD+2

Location: In his house
Requirements: None
Content: Content: Rena enters Noel's house, and a woman there asks who he is.
Crawd asks if this is Noel's house. The woman says it is and asks who he is.
Crawd identifies herself and says he came to see Noel. The woman introduces
herself as Kelme, a student of Noel's. She goes and calls Noel, then comes out
and asks Crawd to come inside. When Crawd comes up Noel greets him and tells her
to make him at home, saying that he will get tea for him. Kelme offers to make
the tea and she leaves to get it. Crawd then asks Noel who Kelme was. Noel says
that Kelme is an old student of his and that she stops by every once in a while
now that Noel is traveling around the world. He goes on to say that she has
helped him a lot, but thinks that she ought to settle down. Noel says that when
he mentioned it to her she laughed and changed the subject. Crawd asks Noel if
he really asked her that, and Noel says "Yes, why?" Crawd says "Never mind..."
If you talk to Noel again, he will ask Crawd he would go out with her. "Are you
serious?" Crawd says. Noel says he is and asks why. "Never mind..." Crawd says.
At this point there is a Crawd-->Noel YJD-1 change

Location: In the college library
Requirements: Before clearing all four Fields
Content: Crawd asks Chisato what she's doing. Chisato says she is studying
Energy NedÄ's history. Chisato says she doesn't distrust what Narl says, but
hearing the history of NedÄ from only one person's point of view isn't enough to
get a full picture. She goes on to say that everything in the library is written
from the NedÄian perspective so it's difficult to find anything. Crawd asks
Chisato if she found anything. Chisato says that everything she's found
indicated that long ago the galaxy was united under NedÄ-willingly. Chisato goes
on to say that until you find out the opinion of somebody who under NedÄ's power
there's no telling for sure. Chisato remarks that it seems similar to the Earth
Federation. Chisato goes on to say that she found out something problematic
though. Crawd asks what it is, and Chisato recants the story of how the Ten
Sages rose up against the NedÄians 3.7 billion years ago and how they got thrown
into a prison where time does not advance. "Just like Narl said" Crawd says.
Chisato says that what's interesting is that other than that, nothing about the
Ten Sages is written at all. Crawd asks what she means. Chisato says that all
books have basically the same information: "The Evil Ten Sages tried to conquer
the galaxy. But they were defeated and were thrown into a time prison." and
nothing else. Crawd suggests that's a little unnatural. Chisato says she thinks
it's very strange and that it sounds like a single person's interpretation, as
if someone was trying to conceal or rewrite the truth. She says that there must
be some other side to the story. Crawd asks if Narl was deceiving you. Chisato
says that since it's such an old story that probably Narl was telling you
everything he knew without any other knowledge of the incident. She goes on to
say that without any resources though there's no way to investigate further.

Location: Auto-starting PA
Requirements: Armlock Ashton PA C2 picked
Content: Rena comes up to Crawd and says she heard about a place with some good
cake and asks Crawd if he'd like to get some with her. You can say:
A) Sure, I guess...
B) I don't like sweet food
A) Rena is surprised that Crawd accepts and he asks why. Rena says that
usually guys don't like sweet foods. At the restaurant, the waitress asks
for your orders, and Rena orders a cheesecake. She asks Crawd what he
wants. You can order:
1) The same thing
2) A strawberry shortcake
3) A "Mune no Tokimeki"
1) Rena says that the cheesecake here is supposed to be good. The
waitress brings them the cake. Rena thanks Crawd for accompanying
her, and he thanks her for inviting him. After eating the cake, Rena
thanks Crawd for coming and leaves.
Crawd<-->Rena AJD+2
2) Rena says that the cheesecake here is supposed to be good. The
waitress brings them the cake. Rena thanks Crawd for accompanying
her, and he thanks her for inviting him. After eating the cake, Rena
thanks Crawd for coming and leaves.
Crawd<-->Rena AJD+1, YJD+1
3) "What's a 'Mune no Tokimeki?'" Rena asks. Crawd says he wasn't sure
so he ordered one. The waitress brings them their order. After
seeing the drink, Rena says "Oh well, let's drink it anyway." They
drink it, and the woman that made a coment when Ashton came says
that Crawd and Rena look good together. After finishing, Rena thanks
Crawd for coming and leaves.
Crawd<-->Rena YJD+2, AJD+3
B) Rena says "Oh, do you? Sorry." Rena turns away and says "You could have
had coffee too" and leaves. NOTE: If you go to the restaurant at this
point you will find that Rena has gone with Ashton instead; if you talk
to them I believe there is a Rena<-->Ashton AJD+2 change, but I'm not
Rena-->Crawd YJD-1, AJD-1

Location: In front of the restaurant
Content: Ashton asks Crawd if he wants to have tea. You can say:
A) I'm kind of busy now
B) With you?
C) OK, sounds good.
A) Crawd says he's busy and asks Ashton to ask him some other time. Ashton
says "That's too bad, some other time then."
Crawd<-->Ashton YJD-1
B) Crawd asks Ashton if he's joking and that he'd only want to do so with a
girl. Ashton says that it might seem weird for two guys to have tea
together, and apologizes for asking.
Crawd-->Ashton YJD-1, Ashton-->Crawd YJD-1, AJD-1
C) Inside the restaurant, the waitress asks what you'll order. You can choose
1) "Nagisa no Okurimono" (Present from the Sea)
2) "Wasurerarenai Omoide" (Unforgettable Memory)
3) "Mune no Tokimeki" (Throbbing Heart)
1) Ashton orders a "Hajikeru Amai Yume." (Bursting Sweet Dream) Crawd
notes that the menu is really strange. Ashton wonders what the
drinks will be. While waiting the two of them can't think of
anything to talk about. The waitress brings the two drinks over.
Crawd notes that his drink looks just like normal water. Ashton says
his is bubbling and doesn't look very good. The two try their
drinks. Ashton is surprised how good his tastes. Crawd says "God,
this is bitter! Can people actually drink this stuff?" The waitress
tells him the drink contains nutrients from fresh fish and says it's
very good for you and notes that "things that are good for you taste
bad" Crawd says it tastes horrible and the waitress says that's just
a matter of Crawd's personal tastes.
Crawd<-->Ashton YJD+1
2) Ashton orders the same. Crawd notes that the menu is really strange.
Ashton wonders what the drinks will be. While waiting the two of
them can't think of anything to talk about. The waitress brings the
two drinks over. Crawd notes that his drink looks just like normal
water. Ashton says his is bubbling and doesn't look very good. They
try their drinks, and both hate it, saying it's too bitter. Ashton
says "Well, this taste is certainly unforgettable..." Crawd says
"Maybe they should change the name to 'Unforgettable even if you
want to memory.'"
Crawd<-->Ashton YJD+1
3) The waitress goes to get the drink. Ashton notes that she didn't
take his order. Crawd says "I have a bad feeling about this..." The
waitress brings out a double-strawed shake. Ashton says "What the
heck, let's drink it anyway." Crawd hesitantly agrees. A woman by
the counter turns around and says "Are those two going out?"
Crawd<-->Ashton AJD+1
1) Location: In the inn
Requirements: None
Content: Going up the stairs, somebody suddenly covers Crawd's eyes. "Guess
who?" a voice says. You can say:
A) Rena, right?
B) Precis, right?
C) Ashton? (if Ashton is in the party)
C) Ernest? (if Ernest is in the party)
D) I don't know (If neither Ashton nor Ernest is in the party this is choice C)
A) "No, wrong." the voice says. Crawd's eyes are uncovered and he sees that
it was really Precis. "Oh, so it's Precis?" he says. Precis gets mad
and asks how he could have mistaken her cute voice for Rena's. "So is
Rena's voice not cute?" Crawd says. Precis says "I didn't mean it that
way." She goes downstairs.
Crawd-->Precis YJD+1, Precis-->Crawd AJD-1
B) "Oh, you can tell?" the voice says. Crawd says yes as Precis uncovers his
eyes. Precis is frustrated that Crawd could tell so well. Crawd says he
recognized her voice. Precis wonders if there's something about her voice
that is easily identifiable, but says she's kind of glad anyway.
Crawd-->Precis YJD+1, Precis-->Crawd YJD+2, AJD+1
C) "Hey, that's rude." the voice says. Crawd's eyes are uncovered and he
sees that it was Precis. "Oh, so it was Precis?" he says. Precis gets
angry and says "How could you mistake my voice for a man's voice!" Crawd
apologizes and says she shouldn't get so mad since it was just a little
mistake. "I hate you!" Precis says and leaves.
Crawd-->Precis YJD-1, Precis-->Crawd YJD-1, AJD-2
D) "Oh, you can't tell?" the voice asks. Crawd's eyes are uncovered and he
sees that it was Precis. "Oh, so it's Precis?" Crawd says. Precis gets
mad and asks why he didn't recognize her voice. Crawd apologizes and said
he didn't expect her to be the type to do something so childish so he
didn't know. Precis says "That's not fair, now I can't get mad at you!"

2) Location: In Mirage's workshop
Requirements: After visiting the Monsho Weapon Research Facility, before going
to Fun City for training
Content: Precis is playing with a machine that shoots up bursts of water. She is
totally engrossed in it and doesn't even notice Crawd's presence. She looks at a
part of the machine, but isn't sure what it does. You can say:
A) Find something interesting?
B) Do you know what that's for? Let me tell you...
C) Nothing
A) Precis realizes Crawd's presence and asks how long he's been there. "For a
while, I called you several times" Crawd says. Precis says she didn't
realize it and apologizes. Crawd asks her what she was so engrossed in,
and Precis says "All of it." Crawd says "You really do like machines."
Precis says that you can learn a lot from them and says "My dad was right,
machines really are amazing. I hope I can make something like this some
day..." Crawd assures her she will be able to eventually.
Crawd<-->Precis AJD+1
B) Crawd tells Precis the machine she's looking at is made to guard against-
energy countercurrents. Precis notices Crawd's presence, and Crawd goes on
to tell her that "The thing next to it on the right is-a high-energy
centrifuge. After using it to purify raw materials, you can use the anti-
gravity device over there to mix it with other materials-at a specific
level of gravity." Precis is impressed with Crawd's knowledge. Crawd-asks
her if she thinks better of him now, and Precis says that she knew he was
great before so there was no reason for her to be. Crawd laughs and thanks
Crawd<-->Precis AJD+2
C) Crawd decides not to bother her while she is playing with the machine.

Location: Inside Mirage's house
Requirements: None
Content: Crawd asks Leon what's wrong. Leon says he was just thinking about how
far you've come. You can say:
A) Have you gotten homesick?
B) True. I can't believe it myself.
C) Yeah, a lot has happened.
A) Leon says "Of course not." Crawd says there's no reason to get mad because
he sometimes feels that way too. "Really?" Leon asks. Crawd says that
everyone does and it's nothing to be embarrased about. Leon says he felt
bad because he thought that only children get homesick. Crawd says that
adults feel the same way, only don't express it. Leon says he feels
Crawd-->Leon YJD+3, AJD+1, Leon-->Crawd YJD+3
B) Leon says that he always believed there was high technology somewhere,
and all of a sudden he's seeing it. He wonders if he'd be able to return
to Expel. Crawd tells him that if he believed in high technology, he ought
to also believe that it would be possible to get back.
Crawd<-->Leon YJD+3
C) "Eh?" Leon says. Crawd suggests that maybe Leon feels he's come a long way
because of all that's happened. "Maybe..." Leon says.
Leon-->Crawd YJD-1

------------------------------------FUN CITY------------------------------------
Location: At the fortune-teller
Requirements: Rena-->Crawd AJD¦10
Content: Crawd sees Rena at the fortune teller and goes over to see what she's
doing. The fortune teller is telling evaluating Crawd's compatibility with Rena,
saying it is good. Rena is relieved. As she turns around to leave she notices
Crawd. She starts sweating asks Crawd how long he's been there. You can say:
A) I just got here now.
B) I was here the whole time...
A) Rena calls Crawd a liar, and Crawd insists that he's telling the truth.
Rena says "You're lying! I hate liars!" She runs out. "How did she know?"
Crawd says.
Rena-->Crawd AJD-2
B) Rena turns red and says "Oh no!" You can say:
1) I'm glad you think of me like that.
2) Don't worry, it doesn't bother me
3) You shouldn't-rely on fortune telling.
1) Crawd says he should have realized how Rena felt earlier. Rena starts
laughing. Crawd is confused and Rena tells Crawd he sounds so corny
and thanks him for the joke. She leaves, and Crawd says "But I wasn't
Crawd-->Rena YJD-1, Rena-->Crawd YJD+2, AJD-1
2) Crawd says "Fortune telling is rarely right anyway, I'm sure what she
predicted was What am I saying?" Rena says "Bye" and
leaves. Crawd gets worried he said something bad.
Crawd-->Rena AJD-1, Rena-->Crawd YJD-2, AJD-1
3) Rena is surprised, and Crawd says that he didn't mean it in a bad way;
he says that he understands why Rena would want to have her fortune
told but that fortune telling really is there to point someone in a
general direction rather than predict an outcome. Rena says nothing,
and Crawd asks her what the matter is. Rena-says she was just
impressed that Crawd knew that. She then points out that's irrelevant
to the fact that Crawd was eavesdropping, but says "Don't worry about
it" and leaves.
Rena-->Crawd YJD+4, AJD+2

Location: At the bar
Requirements: Leon-->Crawd YJD¦8, have participated in Cooking Master
Content: Crawd asks Leon what the problem is, saying he doesn't look well. Leon
says he wants to ask Crawd for some advice. You can say:
A) What advice?
B) I'm kind of busy now...
A) Leon says "I like someone..." Crawd asks who, and Leon asks Crawd to
promise not to tell anybody. Leon says the names of all the female members
of your party. "That's everybody" Crawd thinks. Crawd says he'll help Leon
out by finding someone and arranging it so they can be alone with Leon.
Crawd insists that he's only going to bring one person though. Leon asks
who Crawd is going to bring. Crawd says "You'll see." Crawd tells Leon to
go to the Cooking Master stage since it's not a popular place when there's
no tournament there, and Leon does. (At this point there is a Leon-->Crawd
YJD+2 change) Now you will bring the first female character you talk to to
the Cooking Master stage. There you will get the choice to:
1) Tell whomever you brought the situation
2) Call Leon to tell her himself.
Look below for the content of each character you can call.
B) "Oh..." Leon says.
Leon-->Crawd YJD-2
1) Rena is surprised, and wonders "So Leon's at that age, huh?" At this point
Leon comes out and Rena tells him that she likes Leon too, but as a younger
brother. She says that is probably also how Leon feels, and that when he
gets older he'll figure out the difference between the two types of "like."
Leon gets depressed and Rena tells him to cheer up because he will find
someone he likes more when he gets older. Leon nods and leaves. Crawd says
that Leon is a little early for this kind of thing. Rena says that she feels
bad for him, not knowing whether or not his parents are alive, and getting
caught up in such a battle at his age.
Rena<-->Leon AJD+3
2) Rena is very surprised, and Leon can't say anything articulate. Rena is also
at a loss for words and eventually just says "I like somebody else!" Leon
runs out of the room crying. "I guess-he'll gain experience like this" Crawd
says. Rena says she can't leave him alone and goes to chase after him.
Rena-->Leon AJD+3, Leon-->Rena AJD-2
1) "Wait a minute! Leon's still a child!!" Celine says. Crawd says that Leon's
"about that age." Celine says that either way Leon's 10 years too young.-She
goes on angrily how she understands if Leon would be attracted by her good
looks but wishes he would think about age first. Crawd tells Celine to be
more quiet. Celine starts laughing. At this point, Leon, who has been
listening the whole time, runs out of the room bawling. Celine is shocked to
learn that Leon was in the room and says that she was only joking. She goes
to chase after him.
Celine-->Leon AJD+3, Leon-->Celine AJD-2
2) Celine is somewhat confused, and Leon can't say anything coherent. Celine
tells Leon to listen carefully. Leon says OK, and Celine says that she
understands how he feels, but she can't like someone that needs to enlist
help to tell her how he feels. Leon says that he arranged everything himself
but Celine says it's the same thing. Leon apologizes, and Celine says it's
OK and tells him to try again 5 years later if he feels like it, and that
she'll be waiting. Leon agrees and leaves.-Crawd thinks to himself that
although Celine seems stuck-up she has a nice side too. Celine laughs and
says "With a face as beautiful as mine I can make even children my
prisoner!" Crawd thinks "She is stuck up after all..."
Celine<-->Leon AJD+3
1) Opera says "Hmm, that's a problem..." Crawd says that Leon's just at that
age. Opera says that she likes Ernest, so there's not much she can do, and
says she'll just have to persuade Leon to think otherwise. At this point
Leon comes out and says "Am I not good enough after all then?" Opera says
she didn't say that, and that she may still be single when Leon gets older
and that nobody can tell what will happen. She goes on to tell him that if
Leon wants to come after her that he'd have to leave Expel. She says that
Tetragenis is far away from Expel and Leon might never be able to return.
She asks if that's still OK. Leon says nothing and Opera tells him to think
it over a bit more. Leon says "OK" and leaves. "Not much you can do I guess"
Crawd says. Opera giggles and says "the ultimate long-distance relationship
might not be so bad." Crawd turns around surprised, and Opera says she's
only joking.
Opera<-->Leon AJD+3
2) Opera is really surprised. Leon can't say anything coherent. Opera asks
Leon if he's prepared. Leon is confused, and Opera tells him that she has
no interest in younger men and that she would never be able to like Leon.
She tells him to give up, and Leon runs out of the room crying. Crawd tells
Opera that she was a little hard on him. Opera asks Crawd how she should
have responded then, saying that telling him straight was the best way. She
says "I'm not that skillful" and tells Crawd to apologize to Leon for her.
Opera-->Leon AJD+3, Leon-->Opera AJD-2
1) Precis is surprised and starts to think; Crawd asks her what she is going
to do. Precis says that she'd have a condition first. Crawd asks what she
means, and Precis says that if someone wants to go out with her they have
to be smart first to be able to assist with her machine-making. Precis says
"But then, I doubt Leon would cut it..." At this point Leon angrily comes
out; Precis is surprised to see he was in the room. Leon gets mad at Precis
and says he-has detailed knowledge of machinery, saying "You saw the Racool
Hope Cannon, right?" Precis says "What are you talking about; your parents
made that!" Leon says he designed the main system. Precis says that Leon's
machinery is nowhere near as good as her Mujin-kun. Leon-calls Precis a runt
and Precis calls him a brat and points out that he is shorter. Leon calls
her a flat-chested bitch, and Precis calls Leon a perverted little shit.
Crawd thinks "Mentally they're the same age..."
Precis<-->Leon AJD-2
2) Precis is confused and Leon is at a loss for words, but Precis says OK.
Leon says "Really!?" Precis tells him "On one condition though." Leon asks
what she means, and Precis says that he's got to be smart, athletic, good-
looking, and tall first. "Uh, but..." Leon says. Precis says that she
doesn't mean that he has to be that way now, and tells him that once you
return to Expel that he should wait 5 years and then come to her house, and
she'll think about it. "5 years..." Leon says. Precis says it'll go by fast
and tells him to be patient. Leon says "OK" and leaves. Precis says "Whew,
I'm not used to that."
Precis<-->Leon AJD+3
1) Chisato says "Hmm, what should I do..." Leon comes out and says "Am I not
good enough after all then?" Chisato says that's not necessarily the case
and tells Leon to give it a shot again when he gets older, but that first
you have to defeat the Ten Sages. "OK" Leon says. Chisato tells Leon that
when he gets older she'll be an "old lady" and asks if he's OK with that.
"Yeah!!" Leon says. Chisato says she'll also be busy with her job and may
not be around as much as he would like. "That's still fine!!" Leon says.
Chisato says "Oh well, OK then, but first we have to defeat the Ten Sages."
Leon says "OK!" and leaves. "If he was a celebrity this would have been
such a big scoop..." Chisato says. Crawd thinks "She's always thinking about
a scoop..."
Leon<-->Chisato AJD+3
2) "Eh!?" Chisato says. Leon can't say anything coherent, and then Chisato gets
an idea and says "Sorry, Leon, but I like Crawd!!!" Crawd says "Hey, wait a
minute here!" Leon runs out of the room bawling. Chisato says "Isn't this
'Bikkuri!?'" ("Surprise," a show like Candid Camera) and asks where the
person with the hidden camera is. Crawd tells her it was for real, and
Chisato runs out of the room saying "Wait, Leon!"
Leon-->Chisato AJD-2, Chisato-->Leon AJD+2

Location: In the Battle Stadium
Requirements: Ashton<-->Precis YJD¦8, Ashton has "Sword Dance" Hissatsuwaza
Content: Precis is telling Ashton that she doesn't get it and to "do it again."
Ashton shows Precis his Sword Dance. Precis tells him to do it again. "What!?
Again! I'm getting tired!" Ashton says. Precis tells him this is the last time
and Ashton does the Sword dance again. "I've got it" Precis says. Ashton asks
what she's talking about. Crawd asks what's going on and Precis says she's
learning his move. Crawd asks if she's serious, and Precis tells the two to hold
on. She goes into another room and works-on something, then comes out to
demonstrate, and transforms Mujin-kun into an Ashton replica. Precis learns the
hissatsuwaza "Holoholograph."

Location: In front of Battle Stadium
Requirements: Already traveled to Feenal
Contenet: Crawd sees Marianna and is surprised to see her alive. Marianna tells
Crawd to draw his sword, saying that as the last of the NedÄ defense force she
must test him. Crawd insists on taking Marianna to a hospital because of her
wounds. Marianna refuses and tells Crawd to attack her. Crawd refuses, and
Marianna demands to know why. Crawd says he can't hurt her, and she tells him
that if he doesn't abandon his feelings he can't win. She falls over. Crawd
brings her to a bed in the inn. Talk to her again and she will give you a Silver
Cross; talk to her once more and she will give you a Slayer Ring.

This FAQ is ®1999 Ian Kelley. Please do not use this walkthrough on your website
without asking me for permission first. (I guarantee I'll grant it, but please do
so anyway) I do not want this walkthrough altered in ANY way, and it must remain
in its original form on any websites. This walkthrough MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY
COMMERCIAL PURPOSE. This includes importers selling/giving this walkthrough away
to people that buy the game, printing it in a magazine, (though I can't imagine
anyone would want to) putting it on a commercial web site, publishing it or
incorporating it in a publication, or anything else. YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS.

I apologize if this sounds strict, but recently there have been unfortunate
occurances of certain unscrupulous individuals using FAQs written by other people
to sell games for their own profit, and even publishing such FAQs as "unofficial"
guides, making money off of somebody else's work. This walkthrough is meant to be
free and I want it to stay that way.

Thanks to:
Takahiko Naito, for tons of little details, easter eggs, and info here and
there, basically all the details on Opera and Ernest, and for giving me the URLs
of lots of SO2nd BBS sites.
TAKESHI (, for information on some of the
skills and pointing out that you don't need Chisato in your party to find the
Secret Information.
MAKISHI (, for information on specific KJD
changes in the Private Actions.
Tri-Ace ( and Enix ( for
releasing what could very well be the best console RPG ever!

Other useful Star Ocean: The Second Story pages, BBSes, and resources for
additional game info (a lot of the info in this walkthrough came from individual
posts on these BBSes):
Star Ocean: The Second Story Database:
Master Star Ocean Second Story!:
Star Ocean: The Distant Sea:
Star Ocean Info Warehouse:

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Private Actions FAQ

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