Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

18.10.2013 01:22:13
Knight/Crusader Guide
Edge's Unofficial Ragnarok Online Knight/Crusader Guide Version 2.6

-Table of Contents-

1. Version History
2. Introduction
3. Ragnarok Online
4. The Swordsman: The Brave Warrior
5. Stats essential for Swordsmen
6. How to get there
7. Swordsman Skills
8. Knight Skills
9. Crusader Skills
10. Skill Builds
11. Stat Builds
12. Swordsman Equips
13. Armor
14. Rare Equips
15. Card Collection
16. Leveling Spots
17. Flee Chart
18. Player vs. Player
19. Scammers Beware
20. Updates and Changes
21. Contact Me
22. Thank You to all
23. Legal Info

I. Version History

Version 1.0 -02/08/04- : It's the first version so expect a lot of typos and a
lot of updates to come. I tried to put as much information as I can in a small
amount of time but still wait for a pretty big update when the alternative
second jobs come out.

Version 1.1 -02/29/04- : I have temporarily stopped playing pRO due to it's
server problems. I now have started playing on another version of Ragnarok that
includes the Alternate 2nd job classes. I've also added a list of the rare
swords and cards useful for swordsmen. I'll probably update again in 2 weeks
time since my quarterly exams are coming up.

Version 1.2 -03/16/04- : I have now added the Crusader skills and builds. I
have also added the Crusader quest to the section "How to get there". That's
all. I'll probably include a flee chart in the next update.

Version 1.3 -03/18/04- : Added the flee chart and corrected some minor things.
Also fixed my builds and made them more accurate. Next update should come along
in the next week or so.

Version 1.4 -03/26/04- : Corrected some things in the guide and added the
spears to the Swordsman Equips and Rare Equips. Not sure when the next update
will come. Keep posted!

Version 1.5 -03/27/04- : Updated the Legal Information since I have let
Neoseeker and DLH.Net to post my guide. Also added and changed some things that
Katyusha pointed out. Next update? Who knows...

Version 1.6 -03/29/04- : Added the Player vs. Player section and some small
things. Please send your ideas to me! Anything that you would like to see here
or anything that you would like to tell me.

Version 1.7 -03/31/04- : Changed some minor things and corrected the PvP

Version 1.8 -04/02/04- : Updated the Leveling spots and also let IGN post my

Version 1.9 -04/04/04- : Nice date isn't it? Anyway I have updated the Card
Collection and changed some things about the PvP.

Version 2.0 -04-14-04- : Made some minor updated in the builds and in Crusader

Version 2.1 -05-13-04- : Not much of an update. It's been almost a month since
the last update since my computer broke down. Just a little longer and maybe
the Alternate Second Jobs will come out.

Version 2.2 -05-19-04- : Just changed a bit in the PvP section.

Version 2.3 -05-26-04- : Updated all the Swordsman and Knight skills and also
added a new section which shows the changes.

Version 2.4 -05-28-04- : Updated the Equipment section though I have not yet
finished it. Expect another update in the next few days.

Version 2.5 -05-30-04- : Updated the Card Collection and fixed a few things in
the Equips.

Version 2.6 -06-03-04- : I added a new section due to the numerous scammers I
have seen. The new section "Scammers Beware" talks about the usual scams pulled
on the RO community. It shows how the scam is done and how to avoid it. I shall
update the section soon. If you know other scams that has happened to you or
you know, please send them in to help the RO community to avoid being scammed.

II. Introduction

I made this guide out of boredom and because I really want to share my
experience on what I have already learned in Ragnarok Online. When I first
started this guide our telephone line was at that time cut. I couldn't play
Ragnarok for at least 3 weeks so I created this guide just to kill time. I
never really thought that it would really pull through. Anyway this guide is
dedicated to the Swordsman Class of Ragnarok Online and also its 2nd jobs: The
Knight and Crusader. They are my favorite classes and the ones I use. If you
want to learn more about the game and the other classes visit GameFAQS and
check out the other guides posted there.

III. Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)
made in Korea my Gravity based on the creations of Lee-Myon Jin. Really cool
game even if you're a beginner. WARNING: Once you play the game you will be
heavily addicted to it. It was true for me so I suggest you save up for some
heavy playing. Have fun!!!

IV. The Swordsman: The Brave Warrior

The swordsman class is my personal favorite over all of the classes. The
swordsman is the physically strongest among the others. They also have a very
high health coupled with amazing defense makes them able to withstand mobs and
high-powered monsters. They can also regain health very quick and get a lot
more from healing items. For those people who like frontal combat and want to
kick ass the old-fashion way, Swordsmen will surely be your type.

V. Stats essential for Swordsmen

This part shows the different stats in Ragnarok. There are 6 stats that affect
the swordsman in big ways. Be careful in fixing your stats since once you put
them they are already unchangeable.

Strength: The most important stat for the Swordsman since it affects how much
damage you can dish out. It affects your minimum and maximum damage too. It
also affects your weight capacity so you can carry all that heavy armor and
your big sword. Every 10 points you put in strength it adds up to your minimum
and maximum damage.

10 STR: +1 Min/Max Damage
20 STR: +4 Min/Max Damage
30 STR: +5 Min/Max Damage
40 STR: +8 Min/Max Damage
50 STR: +10 Min/Max Damage
60 STR: +12 Min/Max Damage
70 STR: +13 Min/Max Damage
80 STR: +15 Min/Max Damage
90 STR: +17 Min/Max Damage
100 STR: +19 Min/Max Damage

The bonus add up in such a way that once you reach that certain amount of
strength the pluses add to your Min/Max damage. It means that when you have 60
STR you have a +41 Min/Max damage bonus.

Vitality: The stat made for the Swordsman. It increases your health points
giving you more life. It also raises your defense rate making you take less
damage and it also increases your hp recovery. It lowers the chance that status
ailments affect you and lessens the time that you are affected.

Agility: The partner of Vitality in making a defensive character. It increases
your chance to dodge your enemy's attacks so you have the pleasure of laughing
at your attacker when they can't even lay a hand on you. It raises your attack
speed making you hit your enemies faster. This stat for swordsmen usually is
paired with vitality but a pure Agi swordie would not be that bad.

Dexterity: This stat raises your minimum damage, attack speed and most
importantly, increases your chance to hit the enemies. You should raise this to
at least 25 to 30 for those not dexterity based swordies and about 40 max.

Intelligence: This stat is not too useful for swordsmen unless you always have
a priest or an acolyte as a leveling buddy. Most swordsmen should not raise
this past 1 unless you are int. based. It increases your magic attack and magic
defense as well as your SP and SP recovery. Knights and swordsmen have no magic
attacks and therefore this is skill is virtually useless unless raised to very
high amounts. Exception to the rule are Spear Knights since they rely on their
skills to make up for their low attack speed. The Crusader may also have some
use for it since they can use the skill Heal though I still do not recommend it
since priests and acolytes will always be the best healers.

Luck: This stat is very useful for those who are critical swordsmen. It raises
your chance to critical by 1 per 3 luck. It also raises your minimum and
maximum damage by 1 per 5 luck and raises perfect dodge by 1 per 10 luck. A
critical swordsman should raise this up to 30 but not as high as your main
stats. It also decreases the time your are afflicted by status effects.

VI. How to get there

Swordsman: You start out in Ragnarok as a Novice. I recommend that you take the
test since they will give you some money and healing items that you will find
useful as a newbie. I suggest you fight in the training grounds until level 4
or 5 but you may also just walk past these. After going through the training
grounds you can pick what city they will send you to. You can become a
swordsman in Izlude but you may also choose to go to Prontera since it is only
1 map away from Izlude. If you know the map well enough have yourself be
whisked to Morroc since the monsters there give more exp. than in other places.
Once you reach job level 10 walk to Izlude or have yourself teleported there.
Once you're there head west of Izlude to find the Swordsman guild. You have to
pass 3 test consisting of walking through maps with some holes you just have to
avoid. Just don't rush or you'll fall in a room full of aggressive Fabres. You
have 10 min. to finish the test. Once you reached the end of the 3rd test,
congratulations!!! You have become a Swordsman. You'll see your health rise by
at least 80 points that will rise a lot more once you level up more. Here are
the following job bonuses for Swordies.

These do not add up like min/max damage. It works like this. Once you reach
that job level that is how much stat bonuses you get. If you are at job lvl 42
you get +4 Vitality not all of the other job bonuses added up.

Job level 2: 1 STR
Job level 6: 1 VIT
Job level 10: 1 DEX
Job level 14: 2 STR
Job level 18: 2 VIT
Job level 22: 2 DEX
Job level 26: 1 LUK
Job level 30: 1 AGI
Job level 33: 3 STR
Job level 36: 3 DEX
Job level 38: 3 VIT
Job level 40: 4 STR
Job level 42: 4 VIT
Job level 44: 2 LUK
Job level 46: 2 AGI
Job level 47: 5 STR
Job level 49: 6 STR
Job level 50: 7 STR

Knight: Becoming a Knight is very easy. Just go to the northern-west part of
Prontera in the Culvert Headquarters. Pay a small fee and magically you become
a Knight. You can rent Peco Pecos just outside it. These are the job bonuses
you receive as a Knight.

Job level 1: 1 VIT
Job level 3: 2 VIT
Job level 4: 1 STR
Job level 5: 1 LUK
Job level 8: 3 VIT
Job level 10: 2 STR
Job level 11: 1 DEX
Job level 12: 1 AGI, 4 VIT
Job level 15: 3 STR
Job level 17: 5 VIT
Job level 18: 6 VIT
Job level 19: 2 DEX
Job level 20: 2 LUK
Job level 21: 7 VIT
Job level 22: 4 STR
Job level 27: 5 STR
Job level 28: 3 LUK
Job level 29: 8 VIT
Job level 31: 3 DEX
Job level 33: 6 STR
Job level 36: 9 VIT
Job level 37: 4 LUK
Job level 38: 2 AGI
Job level 40: 4 DEX
Job level 43: 10 VIT
Job level 46: 7 STR
Job level 47: 8 STR
Job level 48: 5 DEX
Job level 49: 6 DEX

Crusader: Becoming a Crusader is no walk in the park. Thanks to GlimmerVoid for
this info. The Crusader Quest is divided into 4 parts. The Crusader NPC is
found in the Prontera Castle. From Prontera go north twice and west twice. Talk
to the NPC to start the test.

Part 1- Item Collection
You are to collect a random set of items. These items come mostly from undead
monsters so you could ask a fellow Priest or Acolyte to help you with this.
There are now currently only two sets of items.

Set 1:
10 Decayed Nail
10 Danggie
10 Rotten Scale
10 Prisoner's Clothing

Set 2:
10 Skel Bone
10 Orc Nail
10 Manacles
10 Danggie

Fairly easy... You can get these items in your swordie leveling days and the
others you can just ask from Priests or Acolytes. Collect the items and go back
to the Crusader NPC.

Part 2- Endurance Test
The Crusader NPC will instruct you to head to the Prontera Prison. It is found
in the basement of Prontera Castle so it wouldn't be so hard to find it. First,
you need a Rosary. You can borrow it from someone or buy it in the Prontera
Sanctuary. Equip it and talk to the NPC named "Man in Pain". Your goal is to
pass through a room full of monsters without hitting the monsters. Finish it
and head down to the Prontera Cathedral.

Part 3- Knowledge Test
Inside the Prontera Cathedral talk to the Cathedral Knight. He will ask you a
series of questions about Crusaders and Undead monsters. If you fail you can
re-take the test. Once you pass go to the Prontera Castle.

Part 4- Purification
For the last test you're going to need 1 Holy Water. Buy it from Merchants or
have a Acolyte or Priest do it for you. Once you have once go the the Prontera
Castle and talk to the Guardian Knight NPC to take the final test. All you have
to do is to kill a room full of monsters in 5 minutes. Hey, no sweat right?
Once you become a Crusader you will receive the following job bonuses.

Job level 1: 1 LUK
Job level 2: 2 LUK
Job level 3: 3 LUK
Job level 4: 4 LUK
Job level 5: 5 LUK
Job level 7:1 STR
Job level 9: 1 INT
Job level 11: 2 STR
Job level 12: 1 VIT
Job level 14: 1 DEX
Job level 15: 2 VIT
Job level 17: 3 STR
Job level 20: 2 INT
Job level 21: 3 INT
Job level 22: 3 VIT
Job level 23: 4 STR
Job level 25: 5 STR
Job level 28: 2 DEX
Job level 31: 1 AGI
Job level 32: 6 STR
Job level 34: 3 DEX
Job level 37: 2 AGI
Job level 38: 4 INT
Job level 40: 4 VIT
Job level 41: 5 VIT
Job level 44: 5 INT
Job level 46: 6 VIT
Job level 48: 7 STR
Job level 50: 7 VIT

VII. Swordsman Skills

Swordsmen skills are more on the offensive side. They concentrate on killing
your enemies quick and dealing huge damage on your enemies. You should plan
your skills in advance since they are the pre-requisites for some the Knight

Increase HP Recovery (passive) Levels 1-10
Increases the amount of hp regained while standing still or sitting.

Level 1: 5 + (Max HP/500) HP every 10 seconds + 10% healing from healing items
Level 2: 10 + (Max HP/450) HP every 10 seconds + 20% healing from healing items
Level 3: 15 + (Max HP/400) HP every 10 seconds + 30% healing from healing items
Level 4: 20 + (Max HP/350) HP every 10 seconds + 40% healing from healing items
Level 5: 25 + (Max HP/300) HP every 10 seconds + 50% healing from healing items
Level 6: 30 + (Max HP/250) HP every 10 seconds + 60% healing from healing items
Level 7: 35 + (Max HP/200) HP every 10 seconds + 70% healing from healing items
Level 8: 40 + (Max HP/150) HP every 10 seconds + 80% healing from healing items
Level 9: 45 + (Max HP/100) HP every 10 seconds + 90% healing from healing items
Level 10: 50 + (Max HP/50) HP every 10 seconds + 100% healing from healing

Point of Advice: A must for all swordsmen what ever build they choose. It not
only helps you regain large amounts of health in a short time, it also doubles
the amount you get from healing items. Get it to level 10 as quickly as
possible. Definitely a skill to get.

Sword Mastery (passive) Levels 1-10
Increases the min/max damage done by One-handed swords

Level 1: Attack + 4
Level 2: Attack + 8
Level 3: Attack + 12
Level 4: Attack + 16
Level 5: Attack + 20
Level 6: Attack + 24
Level 7: Attack + 28
Level 8: Attack + 32
Level 9: Attack + 36
Level 10: Attack + 40

Point of Advice: if you plan to be a Crusader in the future you must definitely
get this skill since most Crusader skills have shields in them. If you plan to
use a one-hand sword as a Knight (which I highly DO NOT recommend) you can use
this too.

Two-Hand Mastery (passive) Levels 1-10
Increases the min/max damage done by 2-handed swords
Pre-requisites: 1 Sword Mastery

Level 1: Attack + 4
Level 2: Attack + 8
Level 3: Attack + 12
Level 4: Attack + 16
Level 5: Attack + 20
Level 6: Attack + 24
Level 7: Attack + 28
Level 8: Attack + 32
Level 9: Attack + 36
Level 10: Attack + 40

Point of Advice: Anyone who plans to become a Knight MUST get this skill. It
does the same as Sword Mastery but it increases the power of 2-hand swords.

Bash (active) Levels 1-10
Increases damage by said amount. Has 25% more chance to hit.
Level 1: 130% Damage - 8 SP
Level 2: 160% Damage - 8 SP
Level 3: 190% Damage - 8 SP
Level 4: 220% Damage - 8 SP
Level 5: 250% Damage - 8 SP
Level 6: 280% Damage - 15 SP
Level 7: 310% Damage - 15 SP
Level 8: 340% Damage - 15 SP
Level 9: 370% Damage - 15 SP
Level 10: 400% Damage - 15 SP

Point of Advice: This is a very good skill and a must to get. Leave it at level
5 until you have enough SP or at a high enough level.

Magnum Break (active) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 5 Bash
Causes fire elemental damage and pushes back enemies.
SP use: 15 SP on all levels.

Level 1: 120% Target, 70% Splash
Level 2: 125% Target, 75% Splash
Level 3: 130% Target, 80% Splash
Level 4: 135% Target, 85% Splash
Level 5: 140% Target, 90% Splash
Level 6: 145% Target, 95% Splash
Level 7: 150% Target, 100% Splash
Level 8: 155% Target, 105% Splash
Level 9: 160% Target, 110% Splash
Level 10: 165% Target, 115% Splash

Point of Advice: I recommend that you just make this reach level 3 to get
Bowling Bash as a Knight. You can also get it to level 10 if you want though
but Bowling Bash is much better as a Knight.

Provoke (active) Levels 1-10
Lowers the enemy's defense but raises it's attack power.
SP use: 10 on all levels.

Level 1: Attack + 2%, Defense - 10%
Level 2: Attack + 4%, Defense - 15%
Level 3: Attack + 6%, Defense - 20%
Level 4: Attack + 8%, Defense - 25%
Level 5: Attack + 10%, Defense - 30%
Level 6: Attack + 12%, Defense - 35%
Level 7: Attack + 14%, Defense - 40%
Level 8: Attack + 16%, Defense - 45%
Level 9: Attack + 18%, Defense - 50%
Level 10: Attack + 20%, Defense - 55%

Point of Advice: Just get this to level 5 to get endure so you can ride Peco
Pecos. It will also be very useful for Agi builds.

Endure (active) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 1 Provoke
Prevents flinching when attacked.

Level 1: 10 seconds
Level 2: 13 seconds
Level 3: 16 seconds
Level 4: 19 seconds
Level 5: 22 seconds
Level 6: 25 seconds
Level 7: 28 seconds
Level 8: 31 seconds
Level 9: 34 seconds
Level 10: 37 seconds

Point of Advice: A not-so-useful skill unless escaping from mobs or attacking
high Agi monsters. Get it to level 1 so you can ride a Peco Peco.

Skill Quests

There are 3 skills for swordsmen that require you to complete a quest. Most of
the items are easy to get since you can probably buy them in the town square.

Walking HP Recovery (passive)
Pre-requisites: Job level 35
Allows you to regain hp while walking at 25% of your normal hp recovery.

Quest for Walking HP Recovery

Items needed: 1 Padded Armor, 500 empty bottles and 1 rocker doll.
NPC: Izlude, Eastern Part, Ditomaso

Point of Advice: A pretty nice skill to have since you can use it while
travelling through maps. It also makes you not have to sit for a long time. And
don't worry, you get to keep the padded armor.

Attack Weak Point (passive)
Pre-requisites: Job level 30
Give you a chance to stun enemies when using a level 5 Bash or higher.

Quest for Attack Weak Point
Items needed: 5 Royal jellies, 10 fire arrows, 10 silver arrows, 10 tentacles
and 1 banana juice.
NPC: Prontera, Knight Guild, Leo Von Prisch

Bash Level 6: 5% chance of stun
Bash Level 7: 10% chance of stun
Bash Level 8: 15% chance of stun
Bash level 9: 20% chance of stun
Bash level 10: 25% chance of stun

Point of Advice: Very useful for both Vital and Agi builds for some reasons.
For vitality based characters you get to hit them at least 3 or 4 times which
is pretty good since you probably lack some Agi. For agility builds, you get to
hit those Dexterity based characters like archers and hunters without getting
hit. Very useful for PVP since they get stunned for at least 4 seconds giving
you enough time to escape or kill them.

Auto-Berserk (passive)
Pre-requisites: None
When health is below 25% you automatically cast Provoke on yourself.

Quest for Auto-Berserk
Items needed: 35 powder of butterfly, 10 honey, 10 horrendous mouths and 10
decayed nails.
NPC: Juan, Inside Prontera, (94,57)

Point of Advice: A fairly nice skill if your fighting 1 on 1. This skill would
work better for Agi builds. If your up against mobs you'll probably die since
your defense goes waaaay down.

VIII. Knight Skills

Two-Hand Quicken (active) Levels. 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 1 Two-Hand Mastery
Increases attack speed when attacking with a 2-handed sword.

Level 1: 30 seconds - 14 SP
Level 2: 60 seconds - 18 SP
Level 3: 90 seconds - 22 SP
Level 4: 120 seconds - 26 SP
Level 5: 150 seconds - 30 SP
Level 6: 180 seconds - 34 SP
Level 7: 210 seconds - 38 SP
Level 8: 240 seconds - 42 SP
Level 9: 270 seconds - 46 SP
Level 10: 300 seconds - 50 SP

Point of Advice: You MUST get this if you're a 2-hand sword knight!! Lasting at
6 minutes it will be good enough to kill those annoying fast attacking monsters
making them flinch.

Peco Peco Riding (passive) Lvl 1
Pre-requisites: Level 1 Endure
Allows you to ride a Peco Peco.

Point of Advice: If you wanna ride on a Peco Peco, then get this skill. I don't
know if you'll agree with me but it think that Knights look cooler ON a Peco
Peco. It raises your walking speed so you'll have a better chance at Hunters
and Wizards. You can also run like hell from monsters. You should see a
Crusader on a Peco Peco once it comes out. You'll be amazed at how it looks.

Cavalier Mastery (passive) Levels 1-5
Pre-requisites: Level 1 Peco Peco Riding
Returns your attack speed to normal while riding a Peco Peco

Level 1: 60% of normal attack speed
Level 2: 70% of normal attack speed
Level 3: 80% of normal attack speed
Level 4: 90% of normal attack speed
Level 5: Normal Attack Speed

Point of Advice: If you will ride a Peco Peco, get this. Period.

Counter Attack (active) Lvl 1-5
Pre-requisites: Level 5 Two-Hand Mastery
Blocks and enemy attack and retaliates.
SP use: 2 SP per counter

Level 1: Lasts 0.3 seconds
Level 2: Lasts 0.6 seconds
Level 3: Lasts 0.9 seconds
Level 4: Lasts 1.2 seconds
Level 5: Lasts 1.5 seconds

Point of Advice: It's still an OK skill but it was still better before Comodo.

Bowling Bash (active) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 10 Bash, Level 3 Magnum Break, Level 10 Two-Hand Quicken,
Level 5 Two-Hand Mastery
Hits the targeted enemy once, does splash damage then pushes the enemies back.
Has a 1-second casting time. Defense is reduced to 1/3 of it's normal amount.

Level 1: 150% Damage - 13 SP
Level 2: 200% Damage - 14 SP
Level 3: 250% Damage - 15 SP
Level 4: 300% Damage - 16 SP
Level 5: 350% Damage - 17 SP
Level 6: 400% Damage - 18 SP
Level 7: 450% Damage - 19 SP
Level 8: 500% Damage - 20 SP
Level 9: 550% Damage - 21 SP
Level 10: 600% Damage - 22 SP

Point of Advice: The reason why you should only raise your Magnum Break to
level 3. Dealing large amounts of damage which is as strong as a Merchant's
Mammonite. I recommend Bash on 1 on 1 since it has less SP cost and no casting

Spear Mastery (passive) Levels 1-10
Increases the max/min damage of Spears

Level 1: Attack + 4 (+5 on peco peco)
Level 2: Attack + 8 (+10 on peco peco)
Level 3: Attack + 12 (+15 on peco peco)
Level 4: Attack + 16 (+20 on peco peco)
Level 5: Attack + 20 (+25 on peco peco)
Level 6: Attack + 24 (+30 on peco peco)
Level 7: Attack + 28 (+35 on peco peco)
Level 8: Attack + 32 (+40 on peco peco)
Level 9: Attack + 36 (+45 on peco peco)
Level 10: Attack + 40 (+50 on peco peco)

Point of Advice: You should definitely be on a Peco Peco when you plan to use a
spear build. Birds and spears go together in Ragnarok.

Pierce (active) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 1 Spear Mastery
Attacks enemy with spear. Hits medium-sized enemies twice and large-sized
SP use: 7 SP on all levels

Level 1: 110% Damage
Level 2: 120% Damage
Level 3: 130% Damage
Level 4: 140% Damage
Level 5: 150% Damage
Level 6: 160% Damage
Level 7: 170% Damage
Level 8: 180% Damage
Level 9: 190% Damage
Level 10: 200% Damage

Point of Advice: A very useful skill since majority of the monsters in Ragnarok
are medium-sized.

Spear Stab (active) Levels 1-5
Pre-requisites: Level 5 pierce
Attacks then pushes the enemy back by 6 cells.
SP use: 9 SP on all levels

Level 1: 115% Damage
Level 2: 130% Damage
Level 3: 145% Damage
Level 4: 160% Damage
Level 5: 175% Damage
Level 6: 190% Damage
Level 7: 205% Damage
Level 8: 220% Damage
Level 9: 235% Damage
Level 10: 250% Damage

Point of Advice: Not a very good skill. Just get it to get Brandish Spear.

Brandish Spear (active) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 7 Spear Stab, 1 Peco Peco Riding
Swing the spear and does splash damage. Has a 1-second casting time. Defense is
reduced to 1/3 of it's normal amount.
SP use: 12 SP on all levels.

Level 1: 150% Damage, 1 spread attack range
Level 2: 200% Damage, 1 spread attack range
Level 3: 250% Damage, 1 spread attack range
Level 4: 300% Damage, 2 spread attack range
Level 5: 350% Damage, 2 spread attack range
Level 6: 400% Damage, 2 spread attack range
Level 7: 450% Damage, 3 spread attack range
Level 8: 500% Damage, 3 spread attack range
Level 9: 550% Damage, 3 spread attack range
Level 10: 600% Damage, 4 spread attack range

Point of Advice: An extremely improved Magnum Break. It has a very LARGE attack
spread making it hit any enemies near you.

Spear Boomerang (active) Levels 1-5
Pre-requisites: Level 3 Pierce
Throws your spear at enemies.
SP use: 8 SP on all levels.

Level 1: 150% Damage, 3 square range
Level 2: 200% Damage, 5 square range
Level 3: 250% Damage, 7 square range
Level 4: 250% Damage, 9 square range
Level 5: 350% Damage, 11 square range

Point of Advice: If you're a spear user then you must definitely get this
skill. With it you can beat archers and mages to a pulp. A must have for any
spear Knight.

IX. Crusader Skills
Crusader skills have mostly defense-based and have some Acolyte skills as well.

Trust (passive) Levels 1-10
Increase Max HP and add defense against Holy Property

Level 1: +200 HP, +5% Holy Resistance
Level 2: +400 HP, +10% Holy Resistance
Level 3: +600 HP, +15% Holy Resistance
Level 4 : +800 HP, +20% Holy Resistance
Level 5 +1000 HP, +25% Holy Resistance
Level 6 +1200 HP, +30% Holy Resistance
Level 7 +1400 HP, +35% Holy Resistance
Level 8 +1600 HP, +40% Holy Resistance
Level 9 +1800 HP, +45% Holy Resistance
Level 10 +2000 HP, +50% Holy Resistance

Point of Advice: Get it as soon as you become a Crusader. The extra HP is more
than welcome but the extra defense is not that useful since there are little
Holy Property monsters.

Spear Quicken (active) Levels 1-10
Increased attack speed when attacking with a Two-Hand Spear.

Level 1: Lasts 30 seconds, increases ASPD by 21% - 24 SP
Level 2: Lasts 60 seconds, increases ASPD by 22% - 28 SP
Level 3: Lasts 90 seconds, increases ASPD by 23% - 32 SP
Level 4: Lasts 120 seconds, increases ASPD by 24% - 36 SP
Level 5: Lasts 150 seconds, increases ASPD by 25% - 40 SP
Level 6: Lasts 180 seconds, increases ASPD by 26% - 44 SP
Level 7: Lasts 210 seconds, increases ASPD by 27% - 48 SP
Level 8: Lasts 240 seconds, increases ASPD by 28% - 52 SP
Level 9: Lasts 270 seconds, increases ASPD by 29% - 56 SP
Level 10: Lasts 300 seconds, increases ASPD by 30% - 60 SP

Point of Advice: Not advisable unless you choose not to use a shield for the
rest of your Crusader life since it only works with two-hand spears. It's SP
cost is slightly higher than the Knight's Two-Hand Quicken.

Auto-Guard (active) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Must have a Shield (meaning any form of shield) equipped.

Level 1: 5% chance to block attack - 12 SP
Level 2: 10% chance to block attack - 14 SP
Level 3: 14% chance to block attack - 16 SP
Level 4: 18% chance to block attack - 18 SP
Level 5: 21% chance to block attack - 20 SP
Level 6: 24% chance to block attack - 22 SP
Level 7: 26% chance to block attack - 24 SP
Level 8: 28% chance to block attack - 26 SP
Level 9: 29% chance to block attack - 28 SP
Level 10: 30% chance to block attack - 30 SP

Point of Advice: A fairly good skill. It's only downfall is the low block
chance. I'd leave it at level 8 since two skill points for 2% is quite a waste.

Shield Charge (active) Levels 1-5
Pre-requisites: Level 5 Auto Guard
Pushes an enemy back with a low chance to stun.
SP use: 10 SP on all levels

Level 1: 120% damage, 20% chance of stun, knocks back 5 squares
Level 2: 140% damage, 25% chance of stun, knocks back 6 squares
Level 3: 160% damage, 30% chance of stun, knocks back 7 squares
Level 4: 180% damage, 35% chance of stun, knocks back 8 squares
Level 5: 200% damage, 40% chance of stun, knocks back 9 squares.

Point of Advice: A pretty good skill considering it has a high chance of
stunning the enemy at level 5.

Shield Boomerang (active) Levels 1-5
Pre-requisites: Level 3 Shield Charge
Throws your shield at enemies.
SP use: 12 SP on all levels.

Level 1: 130% damage, 3 square range
Level 2: 160% damage, 5 square range
Level 3: 190% damage, 7 square range
Level 4: 220% damage, 9 square range
Level 5: 250% damage, 11 square range

Point of Advice: It is like the Knight's Spear Boomerang except it has a lower
attack and a higher SP cost. A very good skill to max.

Reflect Shield (active) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 3 Shield Boomerang
Reflect a amount of physical damage back to the enemy for 6 minutes

Level 1: Reflect 13% damage - 35 SP
Level 2: Reflect 16% damage - 40 SP
Level 3: Reflect 19% damage - 45 SP
Level 4: Reflect 22% damage - 50 SP
Level 5: Reflect 25% damage - 55 SP
Level 6: Reflect 28% damage - 60 SP
Level 7: Reflect 31% damage - 65 SP
Level 8: Reflect 34% damage - 70 SP
Level 9: Reflect 37% damage - 75 SP
Level 10: Reflect 40% damage - 80 SP

Point of Advice: A really great defensive skill when up against strong
monsters. Combined with Auto-Guard you a should be nearly invincible.

Holy Cross (active) Levels 1-10
Attacks and blinds the enemy by a certain chance.

Level 1: 135% damage, 3% chance of blinding - 11 SP
Level 2: 170% damage, 6% chance of blinding - 12 SP
Level 3: 205% damage, 9% chance of blinding - 13 SP
Level 4: 240% damage, 12% chance of blinding - 14 SP
Level 5: 275% damage, 15% chance of blinding - 15 SP
Level 6: 310% damage, 18% chance of blinding - 16 SP
Level 7: 345% damage, 21% chance of blinding - 17 SP
Level 8: 380% damage, 24% chance of blinding - 18 SP
Level 9: 415% damage, 27% chance of blinding - 19 SP
Level 10: 450% damage, 30% chance of blinding - 20 SP

Point of Advice: Trust me, Bash is better. Blind is not as useful as stun.

Grand Cross (active) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 10 Trust, Level 6 Holy Cross
All demon and undead monsters (except Bosses) in range of the skill are damaged
and blinded. Has a casting time of 3 seconds.

Level 1: 140% damage - 37 SP
Level 2: 180% damage - 44 SP
Level 3: 220% damage - 51 SP
Level 4: 260% damage - 58 SP
Level 5: 300% damage - 65 SP
Level 6: 340% damage - 72 SP
Level 7: 380% damage - 79 SP
Level 8: 420% damage - 86 SP
Level 9: 460% damage - 93 SP
Level 10: 500% damage - 100 SP

Point of Advice: The skill forms a cross-shaped Magnus Exorcimus which is
really COOL!! The fast casting time and high damage is very much approved. The
only thing that makes this skill not so useful is the high SP cost.

Devotion (active) Levels 1-5
Pre-requisites: Level 4 Grand Cross, Level 5 Reflect Shield
SP use: 25 SP on all levels.
Receive all damage done to party or guild that are in the same map as you are.
Does not work for other Crusaders in your party or guild.

Level 1: Take damage for 3 team members
Level 2: Take damage for 5 team members
Level 3: Take damage for 7 team members
Level 4: Take damage for 9 team members
Level 5: Take damage for 11 team members

Point of Advice: Use this skill and you can tank anybody what ever level they
are. You receive all the hits and as long as you have reds or a Priest beside
you, your party will be invincible. Because of this skill Crusaders will be
very high in demand when the guild wars come out.

Providence (active) Levels 1-5
Pre-requisites: Level 5 Divine Protection, Level 5 Heal
SP use: 30 SP on all levels
Reduces damage taken from Demon and Holy Properties. Lasts for 3 minutes.

Level 1: 5% less damage taken
Level 2: 10% less damage taken
Level 3: 15% less damage taken
Level 4: 20% less damage taken
Level 5: 25% less damage taken

Point of Advice: A not-so-good skill since there are other better skills out

Peco Peco Riding (passive) Lvl 1
Pre-requisites: Level 1 Endure
Allows you to ride a Peco Peco.

Point of Advice: If you wanna ride on a Peco Peco, then get this skill. You
should see a Crusader on a Peco Peco. Fitted with blue headgear, blue wings...
You can look cool while kicking a**!!!

Cavalier Mastery (passive) Levels 1-5
Pre-requisites: Level 1 Peco Peco Riding
Returns your attack speed to normal while riding a Peco Peco

Level 1: 60% of normal attack speed
Level 2: 70% of normal attack speed
Level 3: 80% of normal attack speed
Level 4: 90% of normal attack speed
Level 5: Normal Attack Speed

Point of Advice: If you will ride a Peco Peco, get this. Period.

Defender (active) Levels 1-5
Pre-requisites: Level 1 Shield Boomerang
SP use: 30 SP on all levels
Reduces damage dealt by physical melee attacks. Caster is slowed down.

Level 1: -20% damage
Level 2: -35% damage
Level 3: -50% damage
Level 4: -65% damage
Level 5: -80% damage

Point of Advice: Use this along with Devotion to make your guild or party
practically invincible.

Spear Mastery (passive) Levels 1-10
Increases the max/min damage of Spears

Level 1: Attack + 4 (+5 on peco peco)
Level 2: Attack + 8 (+10 on peco peco)
Level 3: Attack + 12 (+15 on peco peco)
Level 4: Attack + 16 (+20 on peco peco)
Level 5: Attack + 20 (+25 on peco peco)
Level 6: Attack + 24 (+30 on peco peco)
Level 7: Attack + 28 (+35 on peco peco)
Level 8: Attack + 32 (+40 on peco peco)
Level 9: Attack + 36 (+45 on peco peco)
Level 10: Attack + 40 (+50 on peco peco)

Point of Advice: You should definitely be on a Peco Peco when you plan to use a
spear build. Birds and spears go together in Ragnarok. But Crusaders and Spears
for me... don't...

Cure (active) Level 1
Pre-requisites: Level 5 Trust
SP use: 15 SP
Removes status ailments.

Point of Advice: Well... If you wanna get then get it... It's needed for Heal.

Divine Protection (passive) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 1 Cure
Raises defense against Demon and Undead monsters.

Level 1: Defense +4
Level 2: Defense +8
Level 3: Defense +12
Level 4: Defense +16
Level 5: Defense +20
Level 6: Defense +24
Level 7: Defense +28
Level 8: Defense +32
Level 9: Defense +36
Level 10: Defense +40

Point of Advice: A very good skill but to use it you have to sacrifice some
other skills.

Demon Bane (passive) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 3 Divine Protection
Raises attack power against Demon and Undead monsters.

Level 1: Attack + 4
Level 2: Attack + 8
Level 3: Attack + 12
Level 4: Attack + 16
Level 5: Attack + 20
Level 6: Attack + 24
Level 7: Attack + 28
Level 8: Attack + 32
Level 9: Attack + 36
Level 10: Attack + 40

Point of Advice: Same as Divine but maybe this is more useful if you prefer
extra power to extra defense.

Heal (active) Levels 1-10
Pre-requisites: Level 5 Demon Bane, Level 10 Trust
Recovers HP or damages Undead monsters. Damage based on INT and skill level.

Level 1: 13 SP
Level 2: 16 SP
Level 3: 19 SP
Level 4: 22 SP
Level 5: 25 SP
Level 6: 28 SP
Level 7: 31 SP
Level 8: 34 SP
Level 9: 37 SP
Level 10: 40 SP

Point of Advice: Not so useful since the max SP of a Crusader is still low even
if a pure INT build is used.

X. Skill Builds

10.1 Knight Skill Builds______________________________________________________

Spear / One Hand Build
10 - HP Recovery
10 -Sword Mastery
5 - Bash
3 - Magnum Break
10 - Bash
5 - Provoke
1 - Endure
Knight Job Change
10 - Spear Mastery
1 - Peco Peco Riding
5 - Cavalier Mastery
10 - Pierce
3 - Spear Stab
10 - Brandish Spear
5 - Spear Boomerang
5 - Counter Attack (optional)

Point of Advice: I would not recommend a One hand Knight since many Knight
skills revolve around 2-hand swords. The idea of a Spear Knight would be good
though, coupled with lots of Vital and decent Agi, it would be very powerful.

Two Hand Build
10 - HP Recovery
1 - Sword Mastery
10- Two Hand Mastery
5 - Bash
3 - Magnum Break
10 - Bash
5 - Provoke
Knight Job Change
1 - Endure
10 - 2-hand Quicken
1 - Peco Peco Riding
5 - Cavalier Mastery
5 - Counter Attack
10 - Bowling Bash

Point of Advice: You have a lot of skill points left so you can do anything
with it. I would recommend maxing out some of the Swordsman skills like Provoke
and Endure.

Spear Build
10 - HP Recovery
1 - Sword Mastery
5 - Two-Hand Mastery
5 - Bash
3 - Magnum Break
10 - Bash
5 - Provoke
5 - Endure
Knight Job Change
10 - Spear Mastery
5 - Pierce
3 - Spear Stab
1 - Peco Peco Ride
5 - Cavalier Mastery
5 - Spear Boomerang

Point of Advice: Getting a Peco Peco is completely needed. You have lots of
skill points so you still can probably get Counter Attack or Brandish Spear.

10.2 Crusader Skill Builds____________________________________________________

I highly recommend that you go above job level 40 when you try to be a
Crusader. This is because a Crusader has so many skills that the skill points
can't be wasted on 1st job skills. All the builds listed below job change at
job level 40 but soon I will add a section that will allow you to change on
jobs +41. On all the builds getting a Peco Peco is completely optional. I
recommend that you don't get one since 6 skill points are used for this.

Battle Crusader Build
10 - HP Recovery
10 - Sword Mastery
10 - Bash
3 - Magnum Break
5 - Provoke
1 - Endure
Crusader Job Change
10 - Trust
5 - Auto Guard
5 - Shield Charge
5 - Shield Boomerang
10 - Holy Cross
10 - Grand Cross

Point of Advice: This build is the pure battle type which probably goes with an
Agi build. If you wish to get a Peco Peco then just leave Holy Cross at level

Tanking Crusader Build
10 - HP Recovery
10 - Sword Mastery
10 - Bash
3 - Magnum Break
5 - Provoke
1 - Endure
Crusader Job Change
10 - Trust
5 - Auto Guard
3 - Shield Charge
5 - Shield Boomerang
5 - Reflect Shield
6 - Holy Cross
4 - Grand Cross
1 - Devotion
5 - Defender

Point of Advice: A pure defensive Crusader. Vitality builds will worship the
skills here. You have 5 skill points left which you can put in either Auto
Guard or Reflect Shield.

Priest Crusader Build
10 - HP Recovery
10 - Sword Mastery
10 - Bash
3 - Magnum Break
5 - Provoke
1 - Endure
Crusader Job Change
10 - Trust
1 - Cure
3 - Divine Protection
5 - Demon Bane
10 - Heal
10 - Divine Protection
10 - Demon Bane
1 - Peco Peco Riding
5 - Cavalier Mastery

Point of Advice: If you wanna got the Priest way, then choose this build.
Recommended build is Intelligence and Agility. The Peco Peco is some what
needed to get away from GH monsters, since that's where you'll be going to once
you get to higher levels.

XI. Stat Builds
The builds listed here are simply a guide to your character. It is your own
decision to follow these builds as it is. I have listed the builds along with
the finishing stats with and without job bonuses.

11.1 Vitality Builds__________________________________________________________

Vitality Builds are made to take damage and recover it as quickly as possible.
With all that vitality, damage will be reduced to a minimum. Your maximum hp
once you reach lvl 99 will be more than 15k. Most swordies choose this build.

Starting Stats: 9 STR, 5 VIT, 5 DEX, 9 AGI,

20 STR
15 DEX
40 VIT
30 STR
60 VIT
28 DEX
40 STR
80 VIT
50 STR
99 VIT
92 STR

Lvl 99: 92 STR, 99 VIT, 28 DEX, 9 AGI
Final Stats: 100 STR, 109 VIT, 34 DEX, 11 AGI, 5 LUK
0 points left

Point of Advice: This is the build I am currently using. When the crusaders
come around they will probably also use this since many of their skills are
defense-based. If you used this build on a Spear Knight add some Int to get
extra SP.

11.2 Agility Builds___________________________________________________________

Agi swordsmen are probably the best fighters since they have the most hp even
if they have low vitality, they have a large amount of strength and have an
amazing attack speed. Spear Knights could use this build but don't expect your
self to become as fast as other Non-spear Knights. But if you choose to make an
Agi-Spear Knight add some Int to get some extra SP for your skills. Those who
chose this build will have a hard time leveling up at start since you will get
hit a lot. Quite good but expect to burn up reds when you get hit. OUCH...

Starting Stats: 9 STR, 9 AGI, 9 DEX,

30 AGI
15 DEX
60 AGI
20 STR
80 AGI
40 STR
31 DEX
90 AGI
99 STR

Lvl 99: 99 STR, 92 AGI, 31 DEX
Final Stats: 107 STR, 94 AGI, 11 VIT, 37 DEX, 5 LUK
4 points left

or for those who want more criticals...

30 AGI
15 DEX
60 AGI
30 LUK
25 DEX
20 STR
80 AGI
50 STR
36 LUK
93 AGI
90 STR

Lvl 99 : 90 STR, 93 AGI, 25 DEX, 36 LUK
Final Stats: 98 STR, 95 AGI, 11 VIT, 31 DEX, 40 LUK
0 points left

Point of Advice: If you choose to have a lot more critical attacks I suggest
you take this seriously. To get the most out of this you have to get most of
the critical gear.

11.3 Hybrid Builds____________________________________________________________

There are several hybrid builds that are out there. A hybrid build is a
combination of 2 or more stats to make your character stronger. Since pure
builds have weaknesses hybrid builds can make up for these cons but the stats
may not be that high as the pure builds.

Agility/Vitality Build
Starting Stats: 9 STR, 9 AGI, 9 VIT or 9 STR, 9 AGI, 5 VIT, 5 DEX

20 AGI
10 STR
40 AGI
10 DEX
50 AGI
20 STR
60 AGI
15 VIT
70 AGI
30 STR
20 DEX
80 AGI
20 VIT
40 STR
30 DEX
50 STR
90 AGI
30 VIT
36 DEX
60 STR
40 VIT
72 STR
55 VIT

Lvl 99: 72 STR, 90 AGI, 55 VIT, 36 DEX
Final Stats: 80 STR, 92 AGI, 65 VIT, 42 DEX, 5 LUK
0 points left

Point of Advice: While you won't have as much flee or attack as fast as other
pure Agi knights, you will utterly demolish them in PvP later on. Plus, you're
better suited for leveling and PvP than both the pure Vit and Agi builds, as
you can avoid punishment, as well as take it in the gut if you have to. Plus,
due to high Strength, despite your slower aspd, you will kill things a lot
faster than an Agi knight can. This is mainly due to most Agi knights typically
having less than 40 total STR.

Vitality/Agility Build
This is the same as Agi/Vit except this build has more Vitality. This build has
high defense and a decent amount of Agi to get some attack speed and a bit of

Starting Stats: 9 STR, 9 AGI, 5 DEX, 5 VIT

20 STR
40 VIT
20 DEX
20 AGI
60 VIT
40 STR
32 DEX
60 STR
90 VIT
50 AGI
82 STR

Lvl 99: 82 STR, 90 VIT, 50 AGI, 32 DEX
Final Stats: 90 STR, 100 VIT, 52 AGI, 38 DEX, 5 LUK
4 points left

Point of Advice: While able to dodge a few attacks on one-on-one fights but can
still take all the damage, any Knight with this build could go spears just make
sure you add some Int. With high Str and enough Dex, you can dish out large
amounts of damage.

11.4 Crusader Builds__________________________________________________________

Because of the reason that Crusaders have different stats than Knights I have
created this section. These builds are custom-made for the Crusader class. If
you wish to create a ordinary Crusader (meaning no Priest skills) please refer
to the stat builds listed above.

Strength/Intelligence Build
This build relies heavily on one Crusader skill. Heal. It will be hard to raise
your level in the start since swordsmen don't have heal. Use this build on a
secondary character since you have to use lots of reds to keep yourself alive.

Starting Stats: 9 STR, 9 AGI, 9 DEX

15 DEX
20 STR
28 DEX
50 STR
50 INT
70 STR
70 INT
93 STR
98 INT

Lvl 99: 93 STR, 98 INT, 28 DEX, 9 AGI
Final Stats: 100 STR, 103 INT, 31 DEX, 11 AGI, 8 VIT, 6 LUK
0 points left

Point of Advice: Take this build seriously since you WILL have a very hard time
when leveling as a swordsman.

The healing, bashing, tanking machine. You can dish out damage good, you can
take most of the hits, and if ever you get in trouble, you can heal yourself. a
3-in-1 build.

Starting Stats: 9 STR, 9 DEX, 9 AGI

10 VIT
20 STR
25 DEX
30 VIT
30 STR
50 VIT
40 STR
30 INT
70 VIT
50 INT
60 STR
92 VIT
83 STR

Lvl 99: 83 STR, 92 VIT, 50 INT, 25 DEX
Final Stats: 90 STR, 99 VIT, 55 INT, 28 DEX, 3 AGI, 6 LUK
2 points left

Point of Advice: Probably the most common build among Crusaders since they are
pretty much the Vitality type.

A good combination of stats. Because of your low HP you get Agi to cover it up
and if you get hit you can heal yourself. You'll be dishing out pretty good
damage because of your high strength. The only downfall is that Crusaders are
Vit-oriented characters and Agi Crusaders may not come out so good...

15 DEX
30 AGI
20 STR
50 AGI
25 DEX
30 STR
60 AGI
40 INT
80 AGI
60 STR
92 AGI
50 INT
83 STR

Lvl 99: 83 STR, 92 AGI, 50 INT, 25 DEX
Final Stats: 90 STR, 94 AGI, 55 INT, 28 DEX, 8 VIT, 6 LUK
2 points left

Point of Advice: Use Spear Quicken to your advantage to make your Agi Crusader
the best it can be.

XII. Swordsman Equipment

Listed here are everything a Swordsman and Knight can equip including their
prices, their attack power, and the required level. I have also put a comment
to make your choices easier.

12.1 One-Hand Swords__________________________________________________________
Attack: 25
Cost: 100z
Required Lvl: 2
Bought From: All cities except Morroc

Once you get out of the Novice Training grounds, get enough money to buy this
sword since it's a lot better than your normal knife. This will last you
probably until you get more money to buy a better sword.

Attack : 39
Cost: 1,500z
Required Lvl: 2
Bought From: Alberta, Izlude, Payon, Prontera

This is an alternative to getting a Sword since it has more attack power. I do
not recommend buying this since a Blade is much better if you can afford it.

Attack: 53
Cost: 2,900z
Required Lvl: 2
Bought From: Alberta, Izlude, Payon, Prontera

When you get enough money as a Novice, buy this sword to make your leveling
easier. You should be able to afford this before you change jobs.

Attack: 70
Cost: 10,000z
Required Lvl: 14
Bought From: Prontera

You can get this after you turn into a Swordsman and gain some levels. Unless
you really don't have any money and don't have much patience, go ahead and buy
this sword but it would better if you save some money and buy a Ring Pommel

Attack: 85
Cost: 17,000z
Required Lvl: 14
Bought From: Prontera

Read what I said about the Rapier. It's pretty much the same. Just save and

Ring Pommel Saber
Attack: 100
Cost: 24,500z
Required Lvl: 14
Bought From: Prontera

Save enough money? Good. Buy this sword since it's twice as strong as a Blade.
Should last you until you get a Tsurugi.

Attack: 115
Cost: 49,000z
Required Lvl: 27
Bought From: Prontera

Hold back when buying this because you can just wait until you get a Tsurugi.

Attack: 120
Bonus: +3 INT
Cost: 50,000z
Required Lvl: 27
Bought From: Prontera

Good for INT-based swordsmen. Other than that, get a Tsurugi.

Attack: 130
Cost: 51,000z
Required Lvl: 27
Bought From: Prontera

You have a choice of getting this or sticking to a +6 Ring Pommel Saber. But if
you can put some +s into this then go with your Tsurugi.

Attack: 150
Cost: 60,000
Required Lvl: 27
Required Job: Knight
Bought From: Prontera

You'll be able to get this sword once you become a Knight. Slap some element in
this weapon to make it a lot stronger.

12.2 Two-Hand Swords__________________________________________________________
Attack: 60
Cost: 2,000z
Required Lvl: 4
Bought From: Izlude, Prontera

A good start once you become a Swordie but you would fare better with a Bastard
Sword once you get to a high enough level. Get it to make your moneymaking

Attack: 90
Cost: 15,000z
Required Lvl: 18
Bought From: Izlude, Prontera

Don't get this just yet. Wait until you can buy a Bastard Sword.

Bastard Sword
Attack: 115
Cost: 22,500z
Required Lvl: 18
Bought From: Izlude

This sword is actually stronger than a Two-handed Sword as long as it has
enough plusses in it. Use this sword until you can upgrade your Two-handed
Sword or better if you can get a Claymore with plusses.

Broad Sword
Attack: 140
Bonus: +5 Defense
Cost: 65,000z
Required Lvl: 33
Bought From: Izlude

The alternative to a Two-Handed Sword. If you prefer extra defense to extra
attack power then get this sword.

Two-Handed Sword
Attack: 160
Cost: 60,000
Required Lvl: 33
Bought From: Izlude

Good until you become a Knight. If you manage to get a Slotted Two-Handed Sword
then stick to that.

Attack: 180
Cost: 74,000z
Required Lvl: 33
Required Job: Knight
Bought From: Izlude

Once you become a Knight get this sword quick. Get this to +5 to make it really

12.3 Spears___________________________________________________________________
Attack: 28
Cost: 150z
Required Lvl: 4

Just stick with your knife.

Attack: 44
Cost: 1,700z
Required Lvl: 4

A complete waste of money. Just stick to your dull knife.

Attack: 60
Cost: 3,450z
Required Lvl: 4

Get this in your early Swordsman days if you can afford it. But, many high-
leveled players use this also. It is because the Pike is a 4-slot weapon that
is quite easy to get. It can be easily over-upgraded to +10 and it's one-hand,
enabling the user to equip a shield as well. This is the common weapon that has
the 4-of-a-kind cards.

Attack: 84
Cost: 13,000z
Required Lvl: 18

Don't buy it. Trust me.

Attack: 104
Cost: 20,000z
Required Lvl: 18

If you have decent cards at hand, buy this. But I recommend a slotted Pike. If
not, but a Partizan instead.

Attack: 124
Cost: 27,000z
Required Lvl: 18

The alternate to a Glaive. This has higher attack power but the Glaive has more
slots. It's you choice.

Attack: 150
Cost: 51,000z
Required Lvl: 33

The mother of the Glaive. Has more slots than the stronger Halberd, so if you
have some good cards, put it into this. The slotted version of this weapon is
very rare, but it's alright to dream.

Attack: 165
Cost: 54,000z
Required Lvl: 33

The counter-part of the Trident. This spear has stronger attack power but less

Attack: 185
Cost: 60,000z
Required Lvl: 33
Job Required: Knight

Get this once you become a Knight or Crusader.

XIII. Armor

Well, here you go.

13.1 Body_____________________________________________________________________
Wedding Dress
Defense: 0
Cost: 45,000z
Bonus: +15 Mdefense, Females only

I really don't know.

Cotton Shirt
Defense: 1
Cost: 10z

You get this at the start of the game. Just for show.

Defense: 2
Cost: 200z

Don't buy it. End of story.

Adventurer's Suit
Defense: 3
Cost: 1,000z

It's your choice. If you do have money to spare then buy it.

Wooden Mail
Defense: 4
Cost: 5,500z

Get an Adventurer's Suit instead. It's much cheaper.

Defense: 5
Cost: 10,000z

Don't get it. Trust me.

Defense: 5
Cost: 22,000z
Bought From: All cities except Aldebaran

Waste of money.

Padded Armor
Defense: 7
Cost: 48,000z
Bought From: Alberta, Izlude, Morroc, Prontera

It's a good start. Use it during your swordsman days.

Chain Mail
Defense: 8
Cost: 65,000z
Bought From: Alberta, Izlude, Morroc, Prontera

If you can spare the money, buy this instead of the Padded Armor.

Full Plate
Defense: 10
Required Lvl: 40
Cost: 80,000z
Bought From: Prontera

The best armor a Swordsman could have. Once you hit 40, buy it.

13.2 Shields__________________________________________________________________
Defense: 2
Cost: 500z

It's good enough to start with if you choose to go one-hand.

Defense: 4
Cost: 14,000z

Unless you get a slotted buckler, you should opt to get a Shield instead.

Mirror Shield
Defense: 4
Cost: 60,000z
Bought From: Geffen
Bonus: 3 Mdefense

Good for PvP matches against Wizards.

Defense: 6
Cost: 56,000z
Bought From: Prontera

Get this once you have enough money.

13.3 Robes____________________________________________________________________
Defense: 1
Cost: 1000z

Save up for a Muffler instead.

Defense: 2
Cost: 5,000z

While you're saving for a Manteau, use this in the meantime.

Defense: 4
Cost: 32,000z
Bought From: Alberta, Izlude, Payon, Prontera

Get this once you have enough cash.

13.4 Shoes____________________________________________________________________
Defense: 1
Cost: 400z

Just another cheap piece of armor. Skip it.

Defense: 2
Cost: 3,500z

Cheap, but the money would be better used for Boots

Defense: 4
Cost: 18,000z

Get it after you're done with the other armor.

XIV. Rare Swords

These are the swords that are not found in shop. You have to hunt a certain
monster to get these "limited edition" swords. Though we are still not sure
when the hell these swords will come out but they will surely have to.

14.1 One-Hand Swords__________________________________________________________
Orchish Sword
Attack: 90
Required Lvl: 1
Dropped by: Orc Hero

Though a good sword to include in your collection, not a very good sword to

Attack: 150
Required Lvl: 40
Dropped by: OBB
Bonus: Double damage to Boss monsters

Quite good when MVP hunting but otherwise, skip it.

Caesar's Sword
Attack : 140
Required Lvl: 40
Dropped by: OBB
Bonus: Double damage to Plant monsters

PLANT??? Are there any plant MVPs? Not very useful unless you are hunting plant

Attack: 150
Required Lvl: 40
Dropped by: OBB
Bonus: Grants the user level 5 Bash.

This sword could be useful for 1st jobs since it is as strong as a Flameberge.

Attack: 115
Required Lvl: 40
Dropped by: OBB
Bonus: Has low chance instantly kill a monster

Probably good for Agi swordsmen.

Attack: 150
Required Lvl: 40
Dropped by: OBB
Bonus: +5 INT, makes user immune to darkness

Intelligence based swordsmen should find this sword useful.

Attack: 100
Required Lvl: 40
Dropped by: OBB
Bonus: Fire Enchanted, Lvl 1 Fire Bolt

This sword lets you cast Fire Bolt like a Mage. Probably good if you have
enough Int.

Ice Falchion
Attack: 100
Required Lvl: 40
Dropped by: OBB
Bonus: Ice Enchanted, Lvl 1 Colt Bolt

Same as the Fireblend except it's ice not fire.

Immaterial Sword
Attack: 140
Required Lvl: 40
Dropped by: OBB
Bonus: Unbreakable, Damages SP

Probably good when fighting mages in PVP.

Attack: 120
Required Lvl: 40
Dropped by: OBB
Bonus: Gives user level 5 Double Attack

VERY useful for Agi swordsmen. Too bad since it's one-hand...

Attack: 185
Required Lvl: 40
Dropped by: OBB
Bonus: Sets Luck to 0 (Is this still a bonus?)

Pretty useless for critical swordsmen but it's high attack power should cover
up for it.

14.2 Two-Handed Swords________________________________________________________
Attack: 155
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: Executioner
Bonus: Pierces defense of Human Type monsters, Has Dark Element

Good for PVP fights and for killing those pesky Holy monsters.

Dragon Slayer
Attack: 150
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: ???
Bonus: Pierces defense of Dragon Type monsters

Unfortunately, there are only 2 Dragon monster currently out in the game.

Attack: 170
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: Wander Man
Bonus: +20% Critical

VERY USEFUL for lucky Agi/Crit knights. Only problem is getting it...

Attack: 175
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: Khalitzburg
Bonus: +5 Vitality, +10 Defense

The counter part of the Masamune. Vitality Knights would find it very, very

Attack: 200
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: OBB?
Bonus: +30% Flee, Defense=0

Makes all the heavy armor you carry very much useless. But it makes up by
giving a very good boost in your flee rate.

Attack: 160
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: OBB?
Bonus: Lighting Enchanted, Lvl 1 Lightning Bolt

Good for those damn water and flying monsters in the game.

Attack: 190
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: OBB?

Just look at the attack power.

14.3 Spears___________________________________________________________________
Bill Guisarme
Attack: 180
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: OBB?

Just a rare spear. That's all.

Attack: 190
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: OBB?

High attack should be good for any Boomerang-happy Knights.

Cresent Scythe
Attack: 150
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: Baphomet
Bonus: +20 Critical

Good for Critical Spear Knights?

Attack: 145
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: OBB?
Bonus: +500 MHP

A small bonus, but good nevertheless.

Attack: 95
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: OBB?
Bonus: +30 Hit

Good for any high-leveled, hard to hit enemies.

Attack: 195
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: OBB?
Bonus: Fire Enchanted, Lvl 1 Fire Ball

It's pretty good because of it's high attack power.

Attack: 170
Required Lvl: 48
Dropped by: Stormy Knight
Bonus: Lightning Enchanted, Lvl 1 Thunder Storm

Cool spear for any collection.

XV. Card Collection
Here are some useful cards for the Swordsman class. They are listed accordingly
to where they are placed.

15.1 Weapons__________________________________________________________________
Andre: +20 Attack Power
Baphomet: Attacks are spread in a 9-cell range, -10 Hit
Doppelganger: +33% Attack Speed
Drake: 100% Damage to all monsters
Drops: +1 Dex, +3 Hit
Fabre: +1 Vit, +100 HP
Female Thief Bug: +1 Agi
Hornet: +1 Str, +3 Attack
Hunter Fly: 25% Chance of absorbing 50% damage done to enemy
Lunatic: +1 Luck, +1% Critical, +1 Perfect Dodge
Mummy: +20% Hit
Phreeoni: Never Miss
Poring: +1 Luck
Sidewinder: 5% to Double Attack
Skel Worker: +15% Damage to Medium-Sized enemies
Skeleton Soldier: +9% Critical Attack
Tirfling: +30 Attack, -10% Casting Time, -22% HP
Wander Man: +30 Hit, +6 Critical Attack
Wolf: +5 Attack

15.2 Armor____________________________________________________________________
Angeling: Changes Armor's attribute to Holy
Bathory: Changes Armor's attribute to Dark
Desert Wolf Puppy: +1 Int
Dark Priest: Changes Armor's attribute of Undead, +1 Int
Ghostring: Changes Armor's attribute to Sense, -25% HP Recovery
High Orc: +2 Str
Marc: Never be Frozen, +5% Water Defense
Peco Peco: +10% Max HP
Picky: +1 Str, +10 Attack
Pupa: +700 HP
Rocker: +1 Dex
Roda Frog: +400HP, +50 SP
Savage: +3 Vit
Steel Chon Chon: +2 Defense
Thief Bug: +1 Agi
Zombie Prisoner: +10% HP

15.3 Mantle___________________________________________________________________
Baphomet Jr.: +3 Agi, +1 Critical
Condor: +5 Flee, +5 Water Defense
Frilldora: Cloaking Lvl 1
Reydric: -15% Damage of Neutral Attack
Whisper: +20% Flee, +5% Damage taken from Ghost Type

15.4 Shoes____________________________________________________________________
Chon Chon: +1 Agi
Eddga: Never Flinch, -25% HP
Eggrya: +15% SP Recovery
Male Thief Bug: +2 Agi
Matyr: +1 Agi, +12% HP
Moonlight Flower: Unlimited Walking Acceleration
Mysteltainn: +3 Agi, +10 Flee
Sohee: +10% SP
Verit: +8% HP and SP
Zombie: +15% HP Recovery

15.5 Headgear_________________________________________________________________
Elder Willow: +2 Int
Iron Fist: +2 Vit
Mimic: +1 Agi, +2 Dex, +3 Luck
Mistress: Allows spells not to use gemstones, Increases SP cost of the spells
by 15%
Orc Hero: Complete evasion from Stun, +3 Vit
Willow: +80 SP

15.6 Shield___________________________________________________________________
Ambernite: +2 Def
Andre Egg: +5% HP
Bongun: +2 Int
Brilight: +2 Agi, +3 Luck
Horn: Physical Long-range damage reduced by 25%
Penomena: +15% HP
Rideword: +6 Dex
Thara Frog: -50% from Human-Type monsters
Thief Bug Egg: +30 HP

15.7 Accessory________________________________________________________________
Creamy: Teleport Lvl 1
Horong: Sight Lvl 1
Joker: Steal Lvl 1
Kobold: +4% Critical, +1 Str
Kukre: +2 Agi
Mantis: +3 Str
Muka: +10% HP Recovery
Osiris: HP/SP is full upon Revival
Pirate Skeleton: Discount Lvl 5
Poison Spore: Envenom Lvl 3
Smokie: Hiding Lvl 1
Spore: +2 Vit
Sting: +4 Vit
Tarou: +2 Str
Vitata: Heal Lvl 1
Wormtail: +2 Dex
Yoyo: +5 Perfect Dodge, +1 Agi
Zerom: +3 Dex

XVI. Leveling Spots

These are rough estimates that come from my experience. Everything else will
depend on your money, equipment, stats, patience and friends.

1-10: Since you come from Izlude you should be leveling just outside it.
Porings, Fabres, Lunatics and those other monsters out there. When you reach
lvl 5 move in the desert until you can take on Rockers. But if you have a lot
of money to spend head to the desert packed with good equips and healing items.
Then just kill Rockers at lvl 5.

11-20: You could stay with Rockers or move on to Peco-Pecos. Once you reach
your mid-20's go to Culvert if you're a Vit build or stay with Peco-Pecos if
your Agi.

21-30: You can choose to stay in Culvert until you get better or go to Smokie
Forest or Byalan. For Agi builds try Elder Willows if you pumped Agi in the
start or try Byalan.

31-40: For Vit builds go to Geffen Dungeon packed with Reds and Carrots. Or for
a cheaper choice go to Byalan instead. Agi builds should go to Orc Ville or
Smokie Forest.

41-50: You'll feel the slowing of your progress since you don't get much exp.
anymore. Vit builds should try Draniliars in Coal Mines or just stay in Geffen
if you're really patient. Agi builds should have a lot of leveling spots
providing they are PURE, and I mean in all ways, PURE Agi.

51-60: The Boring Years as I would like to call it. Vitality Swordies can go to
Goblins or try Orc Dungeon lvl 1 until they become a Knight. Agi guys should
not have a hard time leveling up as long as you have not neglected your stats.
Once you job change continue where you where leveling until you gain enough job
points. Priestly Crusaders can head on to GH once they get Heal to a decent

61-70: Get a party and head into Sphinx. You will find the value of teamwork
now since a party will probably essential to level. Priestly Crusaders should
stick to GH.

71-80: Heck, anywhere you want as long as you have a good party. Try Glast Heim
if you are sure of your party. Comodo might sound good.

81+: Keep your party intact to fight those higher leveled monsters in GH.
Vitality Knights will be essential since they can take the hits while your
party whacks the enemy to death. Agility Knights should be also paired with
Priests and probably Assassins. If you are really serious about getting to
levels 90+ you have to get a full party consisting of Hunters, Wizards,
Assassins and Priests and head on down to Turtle Island. Crusaders should do
the same unless you are Int. based.

XVII. Flee Chart
This flee chart was taken from RO DataZone. Thanks a lot to The Peco Peco Kid!
The chart shows the required flee to dodge the monster 95% of the time.

Pupa - 78
Pecopeco Egg - 79
Ant Egg - 80
Poring - 82
Fabre (Training) - 83
Fabre - 84
Lunatic - 86
Picky - 88
Willow - 88
Drops - 90
Picky (Egg) - 90
Roda Frog - 90
Santa Poring - 90
Chonchon - 91
Thief Bug - 92
Eclipse - 92
Thief Bug Egg - 93
Condor - 93
Mastering - 94
Savage Bebe - 94
Toad - 95
Skeleton - 97
Rocker - 98
Spore - 98
Plankton - 100
Hornet - 100
Dragonfly - 100
Kukre -102
Desert Wolf (Baby) - 105
Zombie - 105
Ambernite - 106
Creamy - 107
Thief Bug (Female) - 108
Poporing - 108
Martin - 108
Muka - 110
Tarou - 110
Familiar - 111
PecoPeco - 115
Golem - 115
Coco - 116
Wolf - 117
Andre - 118
Poison Spore - 118
Smokie - 119
Pierre - 120
BigFoot - 120
Stainer - 121
Shellfish - 122
Mandragora - 123
Orc Zombie - 123
Goblin (Axe) - 123
Marin - 125
Boa - 125
Megalodon - 125
Pirate Skel - 125
Steel Chonchon - 125
Yoyo - 126
Aster - 127
Hydra - 129
Goblin (Morningstar) - 129
Vadon - 130
Thief Bug (Male) - 130
Crab - 131
Thara Frog - 131
Eggyra - 131
Marina - 132
Argos - 132
Elder Willow - 133
Orc Skeleton - 133
Orc Warrior - 133
Anacondaq - 134
Goblin (Hammer) - 134
Cornutus - 134
Dustiness - 134
Worm Tail - 135
Raggler - 135
Vitata - 135
Caramel - 136
Marine Sphere - 136
Deniro - 137
Cookie - 137
Savage - 138
Goblin (Xmas) - 138
Goblin (Dagger) - 138
Sasquatch - 139
Horn - 140
Zerom - 140
Magnolia - 140
Soldier Skeleton - 144
Flora - 144
Metaller - 146
Vocal - 146
Mantis - 146
Skel Worker - 147
Ghoul - 147
Cookie Xmas - 148
Vagabond Wolf - 149
Hode - 150
Munak - 151
Scorpion - 151
Verit - 151
Kobold (Hammer) - 152
Bongun - 155
Desert Wolf - 158
Frilldora - 158
Marse - 158
Strouf - 158
Horong - 159
Mystcase - 161
Angeling - 163
Kobold (Axe) - 163
Ghostring - 165
Goblin (Chain) - 165
Sohee - 166
Myst - 166
Swordfish - 167
Marc - 167
Requiem - 167
Giearth - 168
Sandman - 169
Whisper - 169
Whisper (Coffin) - 169
Whisper Boss - 169
Matyr - 170
Brilight - 171
Argiope - 172
Tri-Joint - 174
Goblin Archer - 175
Orc Lady - 175
Drainliar - 177
Dokebi - 177
Wild Rose - 178
Nereid - 179
Minorous - 179
Obeaune - 180
Zenorc - 182
Chepet - 182
Choco - 183
Punk - 183
Deviace - 184
Bathory - 184
Antonio - 185
Steam Goblin - 185
Marionette - 185
Mutant Dragonoid - 185
Mummy - 187
Jakk - 188
Nightmare - 188
Phen - 189
Hunter Fly - 189
Isis - 190
Marduk - 193
Petite (Sky) - 193
Kobold (Morningstar) - 194
Stem Worm - 194
Pest - 195
Archer Skeleton - 196
Reydric - 196
Cramp - 196
Greatest General - 197
Injustice - 197
Leid Olmai - 197
Sage Worm - 197
Petite (Ground) - 198
Alligator - 199
Cruiser - 200
Zombie Prisoner - 200
Evil Druid - 201
Mimic - 201
Giant Hornet - 202
Skel Prisoner - 203
Giant Spider - 203
Dragon Tail - 203
Creamy Fire - 205
Killer Mantis - 206
Wraith - 206
Gullinbursti - 207
Seal - 207
Permeter - 207
Kobold Archer - 208
Caterpillar - 208
Deviruchi - 208
Goblin Leader - 208
High Orc - 209
Arclouze - 209
Stalactic Golem - 210
Spring Rabbit - 210
Carat - 211
Khalitzburg - 211
Wind Ghost - 211
Mobster - 212
Gajomat - 213
Tower Keeper - 213
Zombie Master - 214
Freezer - 214
Heater - 214
Megalith - 215
Panzer Goblin - 215
Nine Tail - 215
See Otter - 216
Kobold Leader - 217
Alarm - 218
Baphomet Jr. - 218
Solider - 219
Amumut - 219
Dark Frame - 219
Mistress - 219
Chimera - 220
Ancient Mummy - 222
Ancient Worm - 223
Merman - 223
Golden Thief Bug - 224
Drake - 224
General Skeleton - 225
Clock - 225
Majoruros - 226
Executioner - 228
Owl Duke - 229
Eddga - 230
Joker - 230
Minidemo - 232
Sidewinder - 233
Anolian - 235
Alice - 237
Cat'o'Nine Tail - 237
Moonlight Flower - 237
Wraith Dead - 238
Maya - 238
Osiris - 239
Hatii - 243
Owl Baron - 245
Assulter - 246
Maya Purple - 246
Orc Archer - 249
Gargoyle - 249
Dark Illusion - 249
Ride Word - 254
Dark Lord - 254
Sting - 256
Orc Hero - 257
Orc Lord - 259
Gryphon - 262
Zealotus - 263
Penomena - 268
Reydric Archer - 272
Doppelganger - 272
Phreeoni - 274
Wanderer - 276
Baphomet - 276
Turtle General - 277
Tirfing - 278
Bloody Knight - 282
Stormy Knight - 282
Abyssal Knight - 289
Mysteltainn - 310

XVIII. Player vs. Player

PVP stands for "Player vs. Player". You fight against other characters in
special maps. Every city has a PvP room where you can fight. It costs 500z to
enter. Once you're in, characters are divided into levels of 10 and there is
also a special room which everybody can fight, regardless of level. Written
here are ways on how to win over other characters using Spear Knights, Agi
Knights and Crusaders.

18.1 Hunters__________________________________________________________________

Hunters can be easily disposed by using Spear Boomerang. Crusaders might be
able to get near due to their high Vitality and use Shield Charge or just pull
out Shield Boomerang. Any Agility builds should run away since they can't dodge
the attacks much. If you wish to try your luck rush into the enemy and start
bashing like there's no tomorrow. Avoid traps if you can. Use Endure if the
enemy is a Agi build or a Blitzer.

18.2 Wizards__________________________________________________________________

Vitality Knights should still be boomerang-happy to get rid of pesky Wizards.
As long as you can kill the Wiz quickly you could survive. But if you are not
much of a gunslinger and you get frozen real quick, you're dead. Since most
Wizards follow the Frost Driver-Jupitel Combo, you can be taken out quick.
Crusaders could use Shield Boomerang. Agi Knights are a no-go against Wizards.
One quick Jupitel or Thunder Storm can quickly get you dead.

18.3 Blacksmiths______________________________________________________________

Vitality Knights might stand a chance if the Blacksmith doesn't pull out the
almighty Mammonite. Agi Knights can kill the Smith if you don't get stunned by
Hammer Fall. Crusaders can use Defender to make sure you can live long. Smiths
are very deadly if they use their battle skills. It also comes down to who has
more healing items since Blacksmiths can carry a lot of pots in their cart.

18.4 Assassins________________________________________________________________

Vitality Knights can easily pummel them into the ground. Make sure you use
endure to avoid flinching. Agi Knights have a 50/50 chance. You if you pull out
Bowling Bash once you meet the enemy you might be able to kill him quick.
Crusaders should still use Defender and try using Shield Charge to stun the
enemy. Use Green Herb if you get poisoned.

18.5 Priests__________________________________________________________________

Everybody should just quickly kill him. If you wait too long and the Priest
starts using all his skills you're fighting a losing battle. Just make sure
before he can use all of those skills you are already dishing out damage. Easy?
NO. Priests rarely enter PvP alone. And if you meet a Battle Priest, just run.

18.6 Knights__________________________________________________________________

Who ever uses his skills better wins. It all goes down to who is smarter.
Crusaders should pull out all his defensive skills. If it comes down to Vit vs.
Agi, Vit wins.

18.7 Crusaders________________________________________________________________

Just like Priests, you should kill them quick. Before they can use all the
defensive skills. A little too late and you'll be dealing very little damage.
Use all your skills to your advantage. Crusaders should do the same and start
bashing the hell out of him.

XIX. Scammers Beware

Nowadays, many people are very greedy. They will do anything to get want they
want. Easiest way is to scam. More and more people are scamming and being
scammed. The market is not safe any more. Watch out for these scams since you
might be the next one...

19.1 Switcheroo_______________________________________________________________

This scam is usually done during a trade. Mr. Scam will sell a Mocking Muffler
to Mr. Good for 2.5 million zeny. When the deal is ready (the zeny and item are
in place), Mr. Scam will cancel the deal and ask that another deal to take
place. He will again cancel the deal. The third time, Mr. Scam will place an
ordinary muffler instead of a Mocking Muffler. Mr. Good who is tired of waiting
will not bother to check the item. Deal done and you have been scammed.

What to do: Always check the item/s traded before you even press the OK button.
If the deal is cancelled, be aware. There is a possibility that a scam will
take place. Never press trade unless you have double-checked the item.

19.2 Dagdag-Bawas______________________________________________________________

For those who don't know what Dagdag-Bawas is, it means Add and Subtract. There
are 2 versions of this scam. One is in the deal and another is in a vend. Let's
do the deal first. Mr.Scam will buy a Mocking Muffler from Mr. Good for 2.5
million zeny. The procedure is the same as the Switcheroo. Deal, cancel, deal,
cancel, deal again. At this point once the Mocking Muffler is placed Mr. Scam
will only place 250,000z instead of 2,500,000z. It is not that obvious in-game,
trust me. Deal done and you have been scammed.

The second version is quite simple but usually very obvious. A Fly Wing usually
costs 55z when bought from a merchant. By simply adding another digit the scam
takes place. Mr. Scam now sells Fly Wings for 555z or 550z instead of 55z. The
numbers are usually obvious but some people nowadays don't bother to check the
prices of simple goods like Fly Wings, Reds and Carrots. Deal done and you have
been scammed.

What to do: Look at the numbers always. During a deal count the commas and
zeros. As said in 19.1 never press the OK button unless you have checked
everything. You can lose millions especially if the item you are trading costs
a lot. As for the vend, look at the prices first. It will only take you half a
second to flick you eyes towards that direction to assure the safety of your

19.3 The Hidden Merchant______________________________________________________

This trick is mostly for the non-merchant class. It is mostly done in very
crowded stores like Prontera and Izlude. Mr. Novice sits in the middle of 9 or
10 people making him impossible to see. He sets up a pub which gives 20% DC. He
has a money-down rule since he really doesn't have DC. Anyone who does go to
his and does say yes gives his money. What's going to happen is Mr. Novice will
kick you out of the room and run away by blending in the crowd or he will
simply disconnect and re-connect later on. Deal done and you have been scammed.

What to do: Always check who you are dealing with. If you can't see him, and he
asks for a money down rule, say NO. The money-down rule is not always a scam.
Since some merchants still don't have much money they have to ask for money

19.4 Running Resurrection______________________________________________________

So you died. GH Graveyard. And you set up a pub asking for a resu for 1k. A
party passes by you and Mr. Scam deals you. Unfortunately, for you, Mr. Scam is
NOT a Priest and cannot resurrect you. You deal him and he simply walks away.
You can do anything since you're dead. Deal done and you have been scammed.

What to do: 1k may not matter much to some of us but we want our money's worth.
Although a small time scam some poor characters don't have much money. This may
be easy to spot now since to deal a person you have to be almost beside
him/her. But some people are too "busy" to check who you are dealing with. Be
observant and check.

XX. Updates and Changes

Listed here are the following changes made to the Swordsman class and etc.

-The attack power of the skill Bash decreased from 433% to 400%
-The skill Magnum Break no longer damages the caster. The attack power however
decreased greatly from 250% to 165%. Splash damage is now different from the
main damage.
-The skill Provoke now lowers the opponents defense by 55 which before was 60.
-The time of Endure was increased from 30 to 37.
-The skill Brandish Spear greatly increased in attack power from 300% to 600%.

XXI. Contact Me

You can contact me in game or online. You can e-mail me at
icesanmig@damnspam.com for suggestions about this guide. Just change damnspam
with yahoo. Please tell me about any mistakes that you find in this guide to
make this guide the best it can be. You can also get me in
www.ragnarok.ogaming.com and check the forums and you can contact me under the
name "Spirit*"

XXII. Thank You to all

Gravity- For creating Ragnarok
GameFAQS, Neoseeker, DLH.Net and IGN: For putting up my guide
Weggy: I got most of my info from his FAQ. Thanks Weggy. You rock.
RO DataBase: For the Crusader job bonuses and the flee chart. Thanks Peco Peco
GlimmerVoid: For the Crusader skills and quests. YEEHAW!!
Katyusha: For the Hybrid Agi/Vit Build and for correcting me about the swords
and Spear Knights.
Jake Berry: Gave me the reason why there are 5 Levels for Devotion.
Jun Ho Ng: Pointed out a mistake in the Vit/Agi build.
Micheal Ray: Corrected me in the Spear Quicken part.

and GOD- for creating me and all the other people who made this game possible.

XXIII. Legal Info

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than GameFAQs,
Neoseeker, DLH.Net and IGN or otherwise distributed publicly without advance
written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any
public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

Copyright: 2004 Isaiah San Miguel


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