Ragnarok Online

Ragnarok Online

16.10.2013 07:03:01
Real Mage Faq by H0BGOBLIN
Ragnarok Online Faq: Real Mage Faq V.1.1
Written by H0BGOBLIN (tenares64@msn.com) AIM:PajamaSam644
Table Of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Why choose a Mage?

III. Stat point allocation

IV. Skills

V. Mage Combinations/Skill point Allocation

VI. Recommended Equipment

VII. Elemental Chart

VIII. Version History/My To-Do List

IX. Credits

X. Contact

XI. Legal Stuff

I. Introduction

I am H0BGOBLIN from the Ragnarok Online message board. Im writing this faq
because the Mage is one of the most diverse class and has many disputes. There
are many kinds of Magicians and many different spells. This faq should help you
choose what kind of mage is good for you and how to make it correctly. Ragnarok
Online is a new MMORPG that is still in the BETA stage. ^_^ Unfortunately there
are many errors and hacks that exist in it. This game does not cost any $ as of
now but will in the retail version.

II. Why choose a Mage?

IMHO(In my humble opinion)the Magician is the funnest and best class to play.
They're spells at later levels are devastating and fun to use. They level quite
quickly at high levels and they are very diverse. There are many kinds of
Magicians whether its frost driver or firewall , all mages have there ups and
downs. Choose the mage if you like casting spells and using stratedgy to defeat
your enemies.

III. Stat point allocation

Here are the stats you wanna start off with and will help you later on.
9 - VIT
9 - INT
1 - STR
1 - DEX
9 - AGI
1 - LUK
It may be painful leveling up as a lowly novice and a newborn mage but it will
help a lot later. What you want to do is raise INT to 70. At 70 you get a big
MATCK bonus of max and min. Once you get INT to 70 you'll want to raise AGI to
65. After that raise INT to 99 and if you can AGI to 99.


IV. Skills

An asterick(*) marks important skills you'll probably invest in.

*SP Recovery*

Pre-requisites: None

Active or Passive?: Passive

Level 1: 3 SP every 10 seconds

Level 2: 6 SP every 10 seconds

Level 3: 9 SP every 10 seconds

Level 4: 12 SP every 10 seconds

Level 5: 15 SP every 10 seconds

Level 6: 18 SP every 10 seconds

Level 7: 21 SP every 10 seconds

Level 8: 24 SP every 10 seconds

Level 9: 27 SP every 10 seconds

Level 10: 30 SP every 10 seconds

Weggy's Comment: Probably one of the most useful skills. Every magician will
need this skill.

My Comment:MAX IT! It will save your butt many times in aggressive areas(where
monsters attack without being provoked)and will greatly cut down time spent to
sit down.


Pre-requisites: None

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: 10 SP

I don't know if there is any advantages to putting more skill points into it

Weggy's Comments: Pretty much a useless spell. All it can do at this point is
allow you to see hidden Thieves.
My Comments: It's kinda fun to kill evil thieves who drag monsters to you and
use hide ^_^!


*Napalm Beat*

Pre-requisites: None

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: 9 SP

Each additional skill level raises its damage. At level 10 it's MATCK gets
doubled. A nice replacement for SS.

Weggy's Comments: This is a pretty handy spell. It has a near instantaneous
cast time, which is always good. Also, at higher levels, you will be doing
insane damage for a measly 9 SP. It also can hit other enemies if they are
nearby. Definently worth getting later, even if you specialize in bolts.


*Soul Strike*

Pre-requisites: Level 4 Napalm Beat

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Spirits, 15 SP, 1 Second Cast Time

Level 2 : 1 Spirits, 18 SP, 1/2 Second Cast Time

Level 3 : 2 Spirits, 21 SP, 1 Second Cast Time

Level 4 : 2 Spirits, 24 SP, 1/2 Second Cast Time

Level 5 : 3 Spirits, 27 SP, 1 Second Cast Time

Level 6 : 3 Spirits, 30 SP, 1/2 Second Cast Time

Level 7 : 4 Spirits, 33 SP, 1 Second Cast Time

Level 8 : 4 Spirits, 36 SP, 1/2 Second Cast Time

Level 9 : 5 Spirits, 39 SP, 1 Second Cast Time

Level 10: 5 Spirits, 42 SP, 1/2 Second Cast Time

Weggy's Comments: The only advantage to this spell over bolts is its very fast
casting time. It has a very high SP consumption though, so if you go with Soul
Strike, be ready for some downtime.

My Comments: Most players will get this skill to level 9 because level 10 only
reduces the cast time by .5 seconds which is hardly noticeable. Even with the
high SP consumption this skill is still useful and almost a necessity in
agressive areas.


Safety Wall

Pre-requisites: Level 7 Napalm Beat, Level 5 Soul Strike

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : Protection for 5 seconds, or 2 attacks - 30 SP

Level 2 : Protection for 10 seconds, or 3 attacks - 30 SP

Level 3 : Protection for 15 seconds, or 4 attacks - 30 SP

Level 4 : Protection for 20 seconds, or 5 attacks - 35 SP

Level 5 : Protection for 25 seconds, or 6 attacks - 35 SP

Level 6 : Protection for 30 seconds, or 7 attacks - 35 SP

Level 7 : Protection for 35 seconds, or 8 attacks - 40 SP

Level 8 : Protection for 40 seconds, or 9 attacks - 40 SP

Level 9 : Protection for 45 seconds, or 10 attacks - 40 SP

Level 10: Protection for 50 seconds, or 11 attacks - 40 SP

Weggy's Comments: I don't recommend you get this spell. Although it can make
you invulnerable, it requires a Blue Gemstone each cast. They sell for 1000z in
Geffen! Also, your only invulnerable in the area you create, so if you step out
of it, you'll be in danger. IMHO not very useful and not worth even 1 skill.


Cold Bolt

Pre-requisites: None

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Bolts, 12 SP

Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 14 SP

Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 16 SP

Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 18 SP

Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 20 SP

Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 22 SP

Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 24 SP

Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 26 SP

Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 28 SP

Level 10: 10 Bolts, 30 SP

Weggy's Comments: I don't recommend Ice currently, as few enemies are few
against it. Each additional bolt adds to the spell's cast time. Damage per bolt
depends on INT. Only get this spell if your going for frost driver / lightning


*Frost Diver*

Pre-requisites: Level 4 Cold Bolt

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 3 Second Duration, 30 SP

Level 2 : 6 Second Duration, 29 SP

Level 3 : 9 Second Duration, 28 SP

Level 4 : 12 Second Duration, 27 SP

Level 5 : 15 Second Duration, 26 SP

Level 6 : 18 Second Duration, 25 SP

Level 7 : 21 Second Duration, 24 SP

Level 8 : 24 Second Duration, 23 SP

Level 9 : 27 Second Duration, 22 SP

Level 10: 30 Second Duration, 21 SP

Weggy's Comments: This damages the enemy, as well as freezing them. While
frozen, they become weak against Wind. They also do not move, obviously. After
freezing them, you can cast a Lightning spell for some pretty amazing damage.
Pretty good and fun spells IMHO. Works well with lightning spells.


Lightning Bolt

Pre-requisites: None

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Bolts, 12 SP

Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 14 SP

Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 16 SP

Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 18 SP

Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 20 SP

Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 22 SP

Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 24 SP

Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 26 SP

Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 28 SP
Level 10: 10 Bolts, 30 SP

Weggy's Comments: If you're going to level in Bibalan, get this spell. Each
additional bolt adds to the spell's cast time. Damage per bolt depends on INT.

My Comments: A good bolt. Allows you to level in Bibilan rather than the
desert. Best Bolt ^_^! Less monsters are weak to lightning than fire though.


*Thunder Storm*

Pre-requisites: Level 4 Lightning Bolt

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Bolts, Effects ?? Tiles. Takes 1 Seconds to cast, 29 SP

Level 2 : 2 Bolts, Effects 1 Tiles. Takes 2 Seconds to cast, 32 SP

Level 3 : 3 Bolts, Effects 2 Tiles. Takes 3 Seconds to cast, 35 SP

Level 4 : 4 Bolts, Effects 3 Tiles. Takes 4 Seconds to cast, 38 SP

Level 5 : 5 Bolts, Effects 4 Tiles. Takes 5 Seconds to cast, 41 SP

Level 6 : 6 Bolts, Effects 5 Tiles. Takes 6 Seconds to cast, 44 SP

Level 7 : 7 Bolts, Effects 6 Tiles. Takes 7 Seconds to cast, 47 SP

Level 8 : 8 Bolts, Effects 7 Tiles. Takes 8 Seconds to cast, 50 SP

Level 9 : 9 Bolts, Effects 8 Tiles. Takes 9 Seconds to cast, 53 SP

Level 10: 10 Bolts, Effects 9 Tiles. Takes 10 Seconds to cast, 56 SP

Comments: A pretty good spell. It can effect many enemies at once, since it
targets multiple tiles. Once an enemy enters the sphere of influence, they
cannot leave until all the bolts are done. Then again, if they are able to
leave, it will be after you. Also, you can cast this spell anytime you want, so
it creates quite a light show in towns.


Fire Bolt

Pre-requisites: None

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 1 Bolts, 12 SP

Level 2 : 2 Bolts, 14 SP

Level 3 : 3 Bolts, 16 SP

Level 4 : 4 Bolts, 18 SP

Level 5 : 5 Bolts, 20 SP

Level 6 : 6 Bolts, 22 SP

Level 7 : 7 Bolts, 24 SP

Level 8 : 8 Bolts, 26 SP

Level 9 : 9 Bolts, 28 SP

Level 10: 10 Bolts, 30 SP

Comments: Probably the best bolt, since more enemies are weak against fire than
the other elements. Each additional bolt adds to the spell's cast time. Damage
per bolt depends on INT.


Fire Ball

Pre-requisites: Level 4 Fire Bolt

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: 25 SP

Each additional skill point increases the spell's damage

Weggy's Comments: This spell is much like Napalm Beat. It also can hit more
than one enemy with it's splash damage, and the damage increases with each
skill point. Not worth investing in. Only need it for pre-req for Firewall.


*Fire Wall*

Pre-requisites: Level 5 Fire Ball, Level 5 Sight

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: 50 SP

Level 1 : Lasts 5 Seconds

Level 2 : Lasts 6 Seconds

Level 3 : Lasts 7 Seconds

Level 4 : Lasts 8 Seconds

Level 5 : Lasts 9 Seconds

Level 6 : Lasts 10 Seconds

Level 7 : Lasts 11 Seconds

Level 8 : Lasts 12 Seconds

Level 9 : Lasts 13 Seconds

Level 10: Lasts 14 Seconds

Weggy's Comments: A very high damage fire spell. Since you really do create a
wall of fire, you can damage multiple enemies. However, its high
pre-requisities (14 skill points) makes this spell expensive. It also can be
cast in town for a nice light show.


Stone Curse

Pre-requisites: None

Active or Passive?: Active

Active SP Use: Varying SP Use

Level 1 : 25 SP per cast

Level 2 : 24 SP per cast

Level 3 : 23 SP per cast

Level 4 : 22 SP per cast

Level 5 : 21 SP per cast

Level 6 : 20 SP per cast

Level 7 : 19 SP per cast

Level 8 : 18 SP per cast

Level 9 : 17 SP per cast

Level 10: 16 SP per cast

Comments: All this does is turn your enemy to stone. When you do uncuse them by
casting the spell again, they're supposed to have only 1 HP, but Mages report
this is not the case. It also requires 1 Red Gemstone per cast, which cannot be
bought in any store. So its high cost makes it pretty useless.

V. Magician combinations / Skill point allocation

The section you all have been waiting for ^_^. All combo's were submitted from
the message board or made by me. Thanks all for submitting it will help all
mage! Anyways here we go.

*=<>Soulstrike / Firewall Mage<>=*
Get 1 firebolt
Get 1 sprecovery
Get 4 firebolt
Get 10 sp recovery
Get 4 napalm beat
Get 9 Soulstrike
Get 5 Fireball
Get 5 Sight
Get 10 Firewall

Submitted by: Me! H0BGOBLIN!

Comments: One of the best builds for a mage. The one I use ^_~!

Get 4 Lightning Bolt
Get 1 Napalm
Get 10 Sp Regen
Get 5 Thunderstorm
Get 3 Napalm
Get 10 Soul Strike
Get 5 Cold Bolt
Get 6 Frost Diver
Get 6 Napalm

Submitted by: Chrono Legionnaire

Comment: Nice build. One of the new frost driver + lightning combinations
appearing everywhere. This setup will work and is fun to use. The lightning
bolt helps leveling by going to Bibilan cave.

*=<>Elementalist Mage<>=*

Get Level 1 Lightning Bolt
Get Level 1 Sp Recovery
Get Level 4 Lightning Bolt
Get Level 10 Sp Recovery
Get Level 4 Firebolt
Get Level 4 Cold Bolt

And the last 27 can be placed depenedant on what the person wants first O.o

Submitted by: Fragon

Comment: A working build. No weaknesses except slow cast time. No fast spells
but fun to use. Can be used on all non-agrgressive monsters unless u get SS or

*=<>Thunder Storm/Fire Wall<>=*

Get Level 1 Lightning Bolt
Get Level 1 Sp Recovery
Get Level 4 Lightning Bolt
Get Level 10 Sp Recovery
Get Level 4 Thunder Storm
Get Level 4 Firebolt
Get Level 5 Fireball
Get Level 5 Sight
Get Level 10 Firewall
Get Level 10 Fireball
Get Level 6 Thunder Storm

Submitted by: Fragon

Comment: A nice build. Firewall is fast cast spell and is nice along with the
TS for crowd control. Fragon uses this build and it works nice for her.

VI. Recommended Equipment

1. Left hand - Gladius (for novice stage / newly mage) --> Arc Wand

2. Right hand - Guard

3. Armor - Mink Coat

4. Robe - Muffler

5. Accessorys - Earrings

6. Helmet - Cap --> Circlet --> ***TIARA/CROWN***

VII. Elemental Chart.

This chart should help you find out what enemies you can kill , therefore
helping you level.

Coming soon to a faq near you!

VIII. Verson history / To do list

v 1.0 - Finished Faq. Bound to be many mistakes fixing them in the next version
v 1.1 - Fixed many errors. Fragron - Fragon , Level 5 Coldbot - Level 4 Cold
and changed some mistakes like Manteau to Muffler.

To do list:
Add more mage builds.
Add Leveling section.
Finish Elemental Chart.

IX. Credits

Credits to: ::Drum Roll::

1. Myself
2. Christy (English GM)
3. Ragnarok Online
5. Weggy , helped me with faq (reviewed it , allowed me to copy info)
6. Fragon , (Sent in 2 builds) , also helped me during my novice days ^_~
7. Chrono Legionnaire , (Sent in a 1 build)

X. Contact

Please send me more WORKING mage builds please.

1. AIM: Pajamasam644

2. EMAIL: Tenares64@msn.com


In RO: my mages name is Elementarius (I play on LOKI only)


As with all my FAQs, I believe it to be public domain. Please post this on
your website, edit, alter, or do what you will with it. Crediting me is
entirely optional. Although it isn't neccessary to Email me, I would like to
check out your site if your going to put it there ^_^


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