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The game FAQ.
1. What should I do first?
First, if you play the first time, listen attentively to the guy telling you
the rules and remember where the phones are.
If you listened him, then first look for a good weapon (UZI or a
flamethrower, or even a bazooka) and for a good car (a Zeppelin car, a
police car, a taxi, and, of course, a tank). But : DO NOT KILL PEOPLE AT THE
FIRST TIME. Killing people without a good weapon or without a good, fast car
or even a tank could make police to take you to the prison.
2. How can I run away from police?
There are two good methods. First is to change your car's color. But if you
have not enough money, but you have flamethrower, UZI or a gun with full
ammo, then just wait till the police comes, fry their ass ten or eleven
times, and then take one of the police cars and run away till the police gets
you or till you aren't wanted. If you have no money and no weapons (or no ammo
for them) then just take smth. like a
Zeppelin car and drive away, killing everybody on your way. If a police car is
near, then just turn around and drive another way. Or you can just run to some
passes between buildings, and if the police will not see you for 20 minutes, you
will have no problems with them.
3. What can I do with the deathwish bonus if I couldn't kill such a lot of
It's so easy! If there's molotov cocktail then... You are unlucky... And if
you have infinite bazooka, flamethrower or UZI, then come to the nearest
road, destroying everything on your way, and explode every car that you
see (with bazooka you can even fry buildings and the tank)
4. What is the coolest car in the game?
Uuuh... Don't know... The tank maybe, but cops can get you from the tank in
10-20 minutes and it's easy to explode the tank with bazooka or Molotov
cocktail. The police car? No, it's fast, but it has no bonuses and you won't be
aable to change its color or to put there something. Taxi? Yea, you can make
money on it, but... Don't you find it a little bit boring?..
5. Where can I find the tank? Is there one tank ore there are some more?
Well, I think, that there is one tank, but I found it in Eastern Funabashi, at
the left margin of the map, there is a little pass left and down. And I think
that there are some more, maybe two more (each band has one). But I don't
6. What can I do with Molotov cocktail?
Oh, Molotov cocktail is a very usable thing, if you know how to use it. When you
find a Molotov cocktail, then climb up at some building or a bridge. Throw one
bottle at the nearest car. When the police comes, throw another one at the
police car, and one to the fire-engine. When there will be some cars very near
to each other, throw one bottle at them, too. BOOM! BOOOOM! BOOOOOOOOOOOM!