The Bouncer

The Bouncer

17.10.2013 03:52:32


Players: 1-4(but just 1 for Story and Survival Mode)
Console: Playstation 2
Genre: Action
Requirements: PS2 DualShock Controller
Memory Card: 62+KB
Author: RedClyde(Renato Farias)
AIM: WoundedKneeSFX
Yahoo: xredclydex
Website: The Ultimate Bouncer Website (
First Created: 10/6/01
Last Updated: 11/23/01
Version: 1.3


The Bouncer belongs to Squaresoft and Dreamfactory. This Survival Guide
belongs to me(Renato Farias). If you want to use this guide on your site or in
your zine email me first! If you just want to use this for your own personal
use(printing it out and using it for the game, reading it yourself) you can,
but you may not use this for profit.


This was original a guide for solely PD-4, but to decrease the number of
Survival Guides, I'm packing all of the walkthroughs into this one. My
ultimate goal is to have walkthroughs for all the characters here, though
that'll either take a REALLY long time, or I won't have the patience to do it.

Version 1.3 (11/23/01) - FINALLY updated, huh? Well, I added Masked Mugetsu
to the list.
Version 1.2 (11/3/01) - mixed PD-4 and Leather Dauragon's Survival Guides
Version 1.0 (10/6/01) - Original Version. Contained only the PD-4 Survival

Leather Dauragon
Masked Mugetsu

Note: I suggest going through this mode at least once to get to know where the
enemies are and all. I'm saying this so my explanations will make more sense
to you if you know what I'm talking about.


Obviously, the Survival walkthrough for PD-4. ///_^ (PD-4 smiley)

Okay, first of all, let me just tell you right now that to win this thing
you've got to be either very skilled, very lucky, or very cheap. I'm no the
first, I don't find much of the second, so I settled for the third. Don't
complain if you don't think you beat Survival Mode with skills. Well, to me,
beating Survival Mode AT ALL requires skills, and Survival Mode is cheap in
itself. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but two rights make an airplane,
so let's just get on with it, ok?

PD-4's greatest strength is his Lightning Whip, executed by ES+M. This attack
has long range and does good damage. It can also hit several enemies, and
knock them into each other! In my opinion, PD-4 is the easiest character to
use to get through Survival Mode. In the beginning, I tried to beat Survival
with Kaldea, Sion, Final Dauragon, and failed with all of them. PD-4 gave
me my first win in Survival Mode. ///_^ If you're having the same problem,
then great! This can help you! If not, then you shouldn't be here! Get outta
here and go eat some M&M's or something! ///_O

Now, I'm not gonna have a bio, because that's not gonna help you in beating
Survival Mode at all. And I'm not putting up a move list either, because the
only two moves you need to know are ES+M and ES+H+M.


Enemies: 2 Security Guards, 2 MSF's

Ha! This is nothing compared to what you'll face later. Guards and MSF's don't
block too much, so go ahead and ES+M them to death. You shouldn't get hit at

Enemies: 3 Security Chiefs, 2 Commanders

This is still easy. Forget the stuff about beating them one-on-one and just
get the attention of all 3 Security Chiefs. When they get close ES+M them and
they'll probably knock into each other. Keep doing the move after the stand up
and you'll kill them easily. Moving on, you'll find two Commanders. These guys
aren't that tough. They don't block too much, and shouldn't pose much of a
problem. Try not to get hit at all in this level.

Enemies: 3 PD-101's, 3 Air Carrier Pilots

Okay, right in front of you are several boxes. The right box and the left box
each have a PD-101 behind them. What I usually do is walk up to the boxes and
look straight at where the PD-101 is on the other side. Then I do ES+H+M. This
move is like the Lightning Whip, but it only hits straight. It also has a
better range. The move can also go through obstacles, so it'll travel through
the box and hit the PD-101 on the other side. The little robot will rush out
to meet you after that, but at least you'll have hit it already. Once it shows
its little face, ES+M to death. If you get too close, back off. If you hear
its winding up for its charge attack, either quickly hit it with ES+M, or
block. Do the ES+M+H move through the box on the two PD-101's as well. They'll
rush out after the first hit like the first, so just dispose them with ES+M,
following the same strategy you used for the first.

Past the boxes and dead PD-101 carcasses you'll find a turn on your right.
Here you'll find 3 Air Carrier Pilots. These dudes can be very annoying. They
block a lot, and usually counterattack. Keep your distance and hit them with
ES+M. Hopefully, you won't get hit as they bounce into each other for massive

Enemies: 3 Watchdogs, 2 MC-07's

A dog will run at you as soon as you start. You can hit it with ES+M, or if it
gets too close, use l-L to be safe. After taking care of it, move on and hit
the MC-07 a few times with ES+M, then run away. You'll probably have called
the attention of another Watchdog. Take care of him while keeping away from
the MC-07. After you've dealt with the canine, destroy the MC-07 and move on
once more. You'll find another MC-07, and out of sight, there's another dog.
Walk up to the MC-07, then run away. The dog will follow. Kill it one-on-one,
then ES+M the last MC-07 to death.

Enemies: 2 MSF's, 1 MSF Elites, 1 LD-15, 1 LD-X1

Getting harder? You'll immedietely come to an MSF and LD-15. Kill the MSF
before the LD-15 reaches you. If you want, you can use the h-h-h-h-H combo on
him, since they don't block that much. This should kill him faster. Once
you've dealt with the MSF, closely walk towards the LD-15. You're able to hit
it with ES+M while barely outside of its range. ES+M knocks the enemy back and
makes PD-4 go forward a little, so as long as you don't have it pinned against
a wall, you should always be the same distance from each other. Hit it quickly
with ES+M, and repeat until its dead. STRIVE not to get hit by the LD's. They

Up some stairs, through a catwalk and down some more stairs you'll come to an
MSF, and an MSF Elite. Nothing extreme, but they can potentially hit you, so
be careful. Try to get one to knock into the other for an easier time. Don't
hesitate to run if you get surrounded. You need as much life as you can get
for this.

Past the two MSF's you'll find a LD-X1. Use the same strategy you used for the
LD-15. Hit it with ES+M while staying outside of its hit range. If it gets too
close for your taste, run away and wait for it to close in before trying to
hit it again. Another thing you can try is to run away, then turn around,
position yourself so that you're facing the LD-X1, and use the ES+H+M move.
This can definetely hit it without putting yourself at rist, just be careful
when using it because it takes a moment to execute. If worse comes to worse,
you can run back to the stairs and hide out there. The LD-15's and LD-X1's
can't go up stairs so you'll be safe there. But of course, you need to kill it
to pass the level, so this will only you a breather.

Enemies: 2 PD-101's, 4 MC-07's

This level is easy. First, kill the PD-101 behind you with ES+M. Then just go
through the level and kill the rest with the same move.

Enemies: 1 Security Guard, 1 Security Chief, 1 Air Carrier Pilot, 1 Commander,
3 Watchdogs

First you'll see two narrow catwalks. Go up the right one and hit the Air
Carrier Pilot from behind with the ES+M. Unlike other characters, you WANT the
Security Chief to see you. This way, you can knock them into each other for
more damage.

After you've dealt with the cards, go down and past the stairs a bit, then
run back up them. You'll have 3 Watchdogs right on your tail. Hit them with
ES+M. Hopefully, they'll knock into each other. If not, you should still hit
more than one with this attack. Repeat and hopefully you'll kill them without
getting hit.

Continuing on you'll find two more narrow catwalks. Go up on the left one this
time. Hit the Commander and run away. This time you want only the Commander's
attention, since getting double-teamed in this case would suck. The Commander
blocks a lot, so the Security Guard won't help too much. Well, besides getting
you hit he won't help much. Just deal with both of them individually with ES+M
and you should be fine.

Enemies: 1 LD-15, 1 LD-X1, 1 MC-07, 1 PD-101

This stage, along with Stage 9, will pretty much decide how much life you
have. The robots, specifically, the LD Series, are very strong and fast. In
this level you'll want to use the ES+H+M trick I told you about in Stage 5.
Use this move because it has very long range, and you can hit the robots
without getting in range to be hit yourself. But you'll want to first call the
attention of only the LD-15 and fight it alone.

Some people say its hard, and others say its easy. I say I know the exact spot
where you should stand so only the LD-15 follows you. Notice the little black
"holes" on the ground? Stand to the left of the 4th hole which is in the half-
"block" right before the dark metal flooring. This probably sounds very
confusing, but don't worry. Scroll down a bit to the end of this stage and
you'll see the URL of a page at my site where I placed a pic of where to stand
to get only one LD to follow you, and also how you should position the LD-15
body(it'll make more sense once you read some more).

Anyway, stand at that spot for a second, then run away past the stairs.
Continue running away and you'll run into an MC-07. Destroy quick before the
LD-15 gets close. Once it does, you can risk doing the ES+M, or the ES+H+M
trick. Whichever way you kill it, you need it to block passage way on one of
the sides of the stairs(next to where you started off in this stage). By doing
this, the LD-X1 won't be able to get through, and you'll be able to hit it
with ES+H+M over and over without fear of getting hit. Now, to position the
LD-15 to where you want, just hit it. But now that it's dead, use combos that
really move then along like h-h-h-h-H, or you can just use simple moves like
ES+M. Whichever method you use, the LD-15 should be blocking the entrance of
the short passageway. HERE'S a pic of that to show you what I mean. You should
then call the LD-X1's attention, and go behind the LD-15 body. The LD-X1 will
try to get it(like in this PIC) but won't be able to. You can pound away on it
with ES+H+M. After dealing with the LD-15, LD-X1, and MC-07, go around the
level to find a lone PD-101. Come on, after what you just faced, you really
need help on this guy?

I have this guide up at my site, but there I had the ability to so I put up
several screenshots to better display what I tried to say in stage 8( and also
some less important stuff on stage 3). The URL is:
Just copy and paste that into your Netscape/Explorer/whatever's adress line
thingy and ta-da.

Enemies: 3 MSF's, 2 MSF Elites, 2 Watchdogs

Just as the dude says FIGHT, run to your left. Keep going and enter the little
elevator. Pretty soon, they'll be on you. Quickly do the ES+M move and just
sit there hearing the bones crackling. Once they get up, do it again. Keep
repeating and they'll die soon enough from al lthe banging into each other
thing. BUT, a word of caution. Be careful if someone gets on the elevator,
ESPECIALLY, a dog. Kill the dogs with sweeps rather than ES+M, because if the
dog is right near you in the elevator, ES+M won't hit it.

Enemies: Black Hooded Sion

Wat up, Sion?

First things first. Run behind the couch. Second, hit him with ES+M.

You're behind the couch, so he won't be block, thinking you can't get him.
He's wrong. Just keep hitting away with ES+M and he'll die eventually. DON'T
FIGHT HIM FACE TO FACE. You'll probably die unless you're really skilled/
lucky. Fight with patience and circumspect, and you'll be allright. If he
enters the little narrow passage between the desk and the couch(where you
should be, hitting him with ES+M), then run out of there and go on the other
side and keep hitting. Your biggest friend here: THE COUCH. ///_^


Leather Dauragon is a very powerful and very fast character. This combination
makes him deadly, and his possession of the move, Jet Uppercut, only adds to
his power. I find it very easy to beat Survival Mode with him, even if I do
really bad.

Now I'll explain some of his better moves for Survival Mode. If a move isn't
listed here, or I tell you it's a bad idea to use them...well, it's a bad
idea to use 'em. ;)

ES+M (Sonic Elbow) - This move is pretty fast, and you can recover from it
pretty quickly, making it a good choice for most situations(non-robot and
non-dog enemies, of course). This move is most useful when setting up for
the Jet Uppercut. Knock them them with Sonic Elbow and then...

ES+M+L (Jet Uppercut) - This move is unblockable, does good damage, and also
good range(well, not really range, but Dauragon dashes forward when you do
it, so I guess that counts). The only problem is the amount of time it takes
for the move to be pulled off. It's safer to knock an enemy down with Sonic
Elbow then start it as they are getting up, and you'll punch them straight
into orbit. However, you can also use this against enemies that are standing.
See, human enemies usually run to you until they reach just outside your
range, then they stop and get into a fighting position. Now's the time to
pull this move off. Remember, this move hits PD-101's and dogs too! So use it
against them, and also MC-07's. Yes, this move is great all around...except
for LD's. Well, this move isn't good for defeating LD's by itself, but if you
can sneak up on an LD, you can hit them with this before you change to a MUCH
SAFER strategy...which is...

J-J - This double-kick is VERY fast, Use this against LD's, it's your very
best choice. You can also do this move and have to wait very little time
before you can do it again. Get to know this move, because you can also use
it to chain more hits after the Jet Uppercut. After the enemy is in the air
after the Jet Uppercut, let them fall a little bit, then do J-J for two more

j - This move is bad against every enemy. So why did I put here? Well, after
the Jet Uppercut, and then the J-J, you can hit the floored enemy with this
for an extra hit. Phew, Dauragon, calm down man!

ES+J (Launcher) - This move does pretty good damage, sounds and looks cool,
But you recover from it very slowly, leaving you open a lot. Only use this
move against the human enemies of stages 1 and 2, and MSF's of later stages.
If the enemy blocks, cross your fingers and hope they don't hit you before
you get up. If you want to be really safe, don't use this move at all.

ES+L (Dragon Spiral) - This move is ok. The recovery time is acceptable
(faster than the Launcher, slower than the Sonic Elbow). This is a good
move for knocking enemies into each other, and also if you are surrounded.

l-L - With some PD-101's you'll want to use this rather than the Jet
Uppercut. You recover really fast, and does pretty good damage, so why not
use it? Of course, you have to be fast-fingered to use this to its max

OK, enough on moves, ON WITH THE GUIDE!


Enemies: 2 Security Guards, 2 MSF's

Two guards and two MSF's. I laugh at their punyness! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *ahem*
Sorry about that. Ok, this is really easy. Just Uppercut them to death. Also,
if they don't die from the Uppercut, half of the J-J combo right after can
kill them. This stage is a breeze.

Enemies: 3 Security Chiefs, 2 Commanders

If you like the Uppercut, run back and fight the guards one at a time. If you
more excitement, run forward and fight all three guards at once. Just do ES+L
or ES+M and knock them into each other. After you take care of the guards,
head for the commanders. These guys have more life, so you may want to run
back some after you get the attention of just one guard to Uppercut them to
death. Repeat with the other. Easy, eh? ;)

Enemies: 3 PD-101's, 3 Air Carrier Pilots

Well, there are several ways to take care of the PD-101's. First, you can
just Uppercut them to death, but there's a likely change that you'll get hit.
If you're good with Dauragon, this won't matter so much in the long run, but
if you're not so confident you might want to use l-L. Or, a better way is to
mix them up. Get the first hit using the Uppercut, then switch to l-L. But,
remember that the last PD-101 dies in only two Uppercuts(whereas the others
took 3), so you may want to just kill that one using the Uppercut.

Past the big crates comes a turn on your right. Head toward and you'll find
three Air Carrier Pilots. These guys attack and block a lot. The blocking
part doesn't matter for Leather Dauragon, but the attacking part does. Stay
out of their range and active the Uppercut. Hopefully you'll hit two or all
of them, or just knock one into the others. The Uppercut is probably the
safest way to beat these guys without rataliation.

Enemies: 3 Watchdogs, 2 MC-07's

Since the Uppercut hits dogs, you may want to use that to take care of the
canines, but if you time it wrong you'll get hit hard. A safer way is to
block and wait for the dog to attack, then retaliating with l-L. After the
first dog is a MC-07. Just keep doing Uppercut while out of its range and
you'll be fine. Now walk past the MC-07 carcass a bit, and hopefully just
one dog will follow you. Use the same strategy you used for the first dog.
Then head for the last MC-07, and the last dog should jump out. Take care
of it before the MC-07, since they are more of a threat. Then, destroy the
MC-07 with the Uppercut.

Enemies: 2 MSF's, 1 MSF Elites, 1 LD-15, 1 LD-X1

Getting harder? You'll immediately come to an MSF and LD-15. Kill the MSF
before the LD-15 reaches you. This is easy with the Uppercut, J-J, j combo.
Now, run up to the LD-15 and keep doing J-J over and over. You should be
able to kill it easily without getting hit.

Up some stairs, through a catwalk and down some more stairs you'll come to an
MSF, and an MSF Elite. Nothing extreme, but they can potentially hit you so be
careful. Try to get one to knock into the other for an easier time. Don't
hesitate to run if you get surrounded. You need as much life as you can get
for this. It's kind of dangerous to use the Uppercut here, so try using ES+L
and ES+M to be safe. Once there's only one left, then use the Uppercut to
speed things up.

Past the two MSF's you'll find a LD-X1. This LD-X1 is easy to sneak up on, so
you should do that and hit it with the Uppercut. But after that, repeat the
J-J move on him. No more explanation needed.

Enemies: 2 PD-101's, 4 MC-07's

For the PD-101 behind you, hit him first with the Uppercut, and then repeat
the l-L combo. I've found this to be the safest way. For all the MC-07's on
this level, simply repeat the Uppercut. But remember to stay out of their
range when you activate it. For the last PD-101, use the strategy you used
for the first one in this level.

Enemies: 1 Security Guard, 1 Security Chief, 1 Air Carrier Pilot, 1 Commander, 3 Watchdogs

First you'll see two narrow catwalks. Go up the right one and make the Air
Carrier Pilot see you. Be careful not to let the Security Guard see you,
though. Once the Air Carrier Pilot has spotted you, run back down the catwalk
to your starting position and walk for him to come. When he stops running,
active the Uppercut and kill him using normal means. Then do the same to the
Security Guard, but don't go down the catwalk on the other side (to not
activate the dogs while you're beating the Guard).

After you've dealt with the guards, go down and past the stairs a bit, and
then run back up them. You'll have 3 Watchdogs right on your tail. Hit them
with either L or ES+L. Hopefully they'll knock into other. If ANY of them are
left standing, BLOCK. Wait for one to hit your guard before dropping it and
hitting them again with L/ES+L. Repeat to kill them. Hopefully the dogs don't
hit you.

Continuing on you'll find two more narrow catwalks. Go up on the left one this
time. Make the Commander spot but not the Security Chief (just like the first
pair of humans on this stage). Then kill him, then move on to the Chief.

Enemies: 1 LD-15, 1 LD-X1, 1 MC-07, 1 PD-101

Ok, first you'll want to call the attention of only the LD-15. Go to my PD-4
Survival Guide for the exact spot on how to do that. After you've gone to The
Spot, run back (DOWN, not to the side, because running to the side might get
you spotted by the LD-X1) and destroy the MC-07 right around the corner with
the Uppercut. Now run back so that you can see the stairs from which you
started the level. The LD-15 should be closing in on you. Once it does, start
your rampage with J-J. Keep doing this as quickly as possible to reduce the
chances of getting hit. After the LD-15, go back and destroy the LD-X1 with
the same move (J-J). It's easier to keep it pinned down if you hit to the
wall. Even if this is not possible, just repeat J-J. In all my experience with
this LD-X1, its one arm jab is its fastest move. I've stopped it with the J-J
a few times (the arm was fully stretched out though, which means a millisecond
more and I would have been floored). Fighting this LD-X1 with ANY strategy is
very tricky, because no matter what there's a chance you'll get hit. But, if
you've been following this guide and have been doing good, a hit or two by
this LD-X1 shouldn't put you into critical life status. After you've killed
the LD-X1, circle the whole stage and take care of the PD-101.

Enemies: 3 MSF's, 2 MSF Elites, 2 Watchdogs

Just as the dude says FIGHT, run to your left. Keep going and enter the little
elevator. Pretty soon, they'll be on you. Wait until the MSFs are pretty
close, then do either the ES+L or ES+M. From my experience, the ES+L knocks
them into each other more, but it leaves you exposed for more, so a dog that
has dodged his comrades bodies may hit you. Remember that killing the dogs is
your top priority, but that doesn't mean going out of the elevator. If a dog
somehow makes his way into the elevator, take a step back and beat it to
death with l-L or ES+L. This is dangerous though, because MSFs might enter it
while you're beating the dog, but if you stay at the entrance and hit the MSFs
the dog will hit you. So you're damned if you do and you're damned if you
don't if a dog gets into the elevator. For me, 99.9% of the times I have died
on this stage or got beat REALLY bad was because of the dogs. So be very very
careful. Unless there are only 2 MSFs left, stay in the elevator, repeating
ES+L/ES+M and blocking often.

Enemies: Black Hooded Sion

First thing you should do is block. Wait for Sion to hit you, then retaliate
with ES+M. If he blocks that, block yourself. Then, after he attacks again, do
ES+M. Keep doing this until you knock him down. Then active the Uppercut as he
gets up, then do the J-J, and finally j(sounds familiar). Repeat this combo
and he'll go down in no time.


The experiments performed on Mugetsu gave him superhuman abilities. It also
makes him a very fast and useful character in Survival.

Mugetsu's h-h-h is a very quick combo. He recovers from it pretty fast as
well, so pulling it off then quickly blocking it is a safe yet effective way
of doing battle.

However, Mugetsu has another trick up his sleeve. The ES+J. Press j once and
he'll backflip, making it a good retreating move. Press it quickly again and
he'll fly forward like a fireball. If you're close enough to an enemy you'll
hit 'em twice, maybe even thrice! Okay, so what if that word doesn't exist,
the point is it's good. However, it also has a downside. After the attack, if
it is blocked, you're open to get hit. Still, this move is great if an enemy
is coming at you and their guard isn't up.

Some other quick moves that Mugetsu has is his L and j. Like the ES+J,
though, he recovers from them slowly so use them with caution.

Mugetsu has two basic strategies for LD's. One is to just keep repeating the
h-h-h combo. This may work out, because when the LD's wind up for a punch they
usually move forward, so even if you are slightly out of reach you'll halt
their attack. The other, more safe tactic is to do the h-h-h then block. If
they don't immediately attack, hit 'em with h-h-h again, then block and repeat
the process. Remember, you don't die if your Defense runs out, you die if you
Life runs out, so block as much as possible.


Enemies: 2 Security Guards, 2 MSF's

This stage is easy. Since the enemies are sluggish to do any action, use ES+J
to your desire. Also practice the h-h-h on them. Try not to get hit.

Enemies: 3 Security Chiefs, 2 Commanders

Run back as soon as this stage starts as to not attract all three Security
Chiefs. When the first one gets almost in your attacking range, let rip your
ES+J. This should get some damage on him before his friends even have a change
to help. If you do wind up fighting all three wait for them to get close to
each other then do ES+J to hit all of then.

After that do the same with the Commanders at the end of the level.

Enemies: 3 PD-101's, 3 Air Carrier Pilots

For the PD-101's simply repeat h-h-h over and over. Don't worry about being
hit because Mugetsu is too fast for the little bots. As for the three Air
Carrier Pilots, wait for them to stop and get into fighting position then do
ES+J. Hopefully you'll knock them down. Afterwards, back off and do it again.
Repeat until only one is left then kill him with repeated h-h-h, blocking if
he attacks.

Enemies: 3 Watchdogs, 2 MC-07's

Do the ES+J on the dog before he comes into reach to hit you. Afterwards, hit
him with Mugetsu's l-l-L combo, because if you do L too early you'll get hit.

After dealing with the canine move on to the MC-07. Hit with h-h-h once then
back off and await the next dog. Kill him the same way as the first, then
finish off the MC-07. You'll find another dog, then another MC-07, so just
repeat those tactics to kill those two as well.

Enemies: 2 MSF's, 1 MSF Elites, 1 LD-15, 1 LD-X1

Run back to the end of the area and await the MSF. Hit it down with ES+J as it
closes in then pummel it with h-h-h when it gets up. After the MSF is dead
move on to the LD. Use one of the tactics I explained in the intro. I suggest
using the 'hit with h-h-h then block' tactic.

After the LD-15 is done for, continue and you'll meet an MSF and an MSF Elite.
Again, hit them with ES+J to knock them down. If they're separated try hitting
one down with h-h-h, then quickly do the same with the other. Most of all,
don't get surrounded. If you do, however, use ES+J to get yourself out of it.

Finally, fight the LD-X1 at the end of the level. Be very careful with this
fight. Try getting used to fighting the LD series, you'll need it in stage 8.

Enemies: 2 PD-101's, 4 MC-07's

Take care of all the robots in this level with h-h-h.

Note: If you feel that the MC-07 is slipping out of reach of your h-h-h,
pull back with a ES+J to get yourself close to them and inflict some damage
at the same time.

Enemies: 1 Security Guard, 1 Security Chief, 1 Air Carrier Pilot, 1 Commander, 3 Watchdogs

Go up the right pathway and attract the Air Carrier pilot. Try to attract just
him. Now run back to the starting position and hit him down with ES+J. Then
beat him senseless with h-h-h.

Now do the same with the Security Guard, just don't go past the catwalks
because you'll get the attention of three dogs, which you don't want just yet.
So far you take care of the guard, go slightly the corner then run back to
the catwalk and await the dogs. You might want to block and wait for the dogs
to attack first, then hit them with L. Since the area is so narrow, they'll
most likely hit each other, helping you out. Just try really hard not to get
hit at all, because they can hit you several times even after you're down on
the ground.

After taking care of the dogs, move on to the next pair of catwalks. This time
go up the left one and get the Commander to follow you. Retreat to a more open
area then return and finish off the Security Chief.

Enemies: 1 LD-15, 1 LD-X1, 1 MC-07, 1 PD-101

Refer to my PD-4 guide at my site for a pic of the spot where you should stand
so that you get only the LD-15 to follow you. After you get the LD-15
following you, run down(not sideways) and keep going until you hit an MC-07.
Beat him down with h-h-h, then run back a bit to the corner behind the
starting position and wait the LD-15. When he finally reaches you, hit him
with h-h-h, then block. If he doesn't immediately attack, hit him again with
h-h-h, then once again block. (Yes, definitely use THIS tactic in this stage)
Hopefully, you'll get through him and the LD-X1 around the corner without
getting hit. Once the two LD's are done for, destroy the lonely little PD-101
at the other side of the level.

Enemies: 3 MSF's, 2 MSF Elites, 2 Watchdogs

As soon as the dude says "FIGHT" run to your left and go right into the
elevator. Seconds later the enemies are on you. Since there are so many,
they'll easily knock into each other and cause massive amounts of damage!
When the coast is clear, hit them with L to knock them down. Be very careful
of the dogs! They can cause massive damage with just a few hits. If you ever
have to choose between who to attack, go for the dogs first. Good luck with
this stage, because it always turns out different. Just block a lot and pick
carefully when you want to do L.

Don't worry about how much life you have going into Stage 10. I had 28 life
once going into Stage 10, but managed to pull it off. All you need if a
finger, a will, and some luck.

Enemies: Black Hooded Sion

The strategy for Black Hooded Sion is simple. h-h-h, block.

Some of his attacks will be too fast for you to block, but most of the time
you'll be able to prevent getting hit. In the beginning Sion will probably
block a lot, but as his defense wears out he'll start to block less, and
since Mugetsu is so fast, if Sion drops his guards to try and counterattack
(during the attack) he'll get beaten down. Good luck on this stage. A big
factor in winning here is luck. Just do h-h-h and block right after, and if
he doesn't attack do h-h-h again and block again, etc. Hopefully you'll get
the better end of this brawl and win.


The only people I have to thank are Hawkuk for the PD-4 smiley and
encouragement, and CjayC for putting this guide up.

If you have any specific questions on troubles you're having or something
not listed here, maybe even corrections, feel free to email me.

This guide is Copyright RedClyde(Renato Farias) 2001.
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