The Bouncer

The Bouncer

15.10.2013 14:45:54
Full Walkthrough and FAQ

The Bouncer
Full Walkthrough and FAQ
Ver. 1.8
by Zerocustom
Created on: March 1, 2001
Updated on: March 26, 2001

08. TIPS

01. Introduction
First, I'd like to say this is my first attempt to write a FAQ.
Second, the FAQ is based on the Japanese released Bouncer not the
English release. I don't have the English one, but I'm pretty sure they
don't have any differences (if there is, tell me)! I've always wanted
to try writing a FAQ but never had the chance until now. I hope this
FAQ will helps you out. If you've gotten any suggestions, comments,
errors, or anything else, just e-mail me at
Your help will be appreciated! Anyway, here we go!

02. History
Ver. 1.8 - 03/26/2001 - Revised the story section and made corrections
about the bonus BP. Added Stage 9A (Sion).
Started on survival mode section. Updated
Ver. 1.7 - 03/23/2001 - Added character moves.
Ver. 1.6 - 03/21/2001 - Added character moves.
Ver. 1.5 - 03/13/2001 - Finished most of the story mode. Completed the
loading screen section. Added secrets and
versus mode stages. Finished enemy list
Ver. 1.4 - 03/09/2001 - Added a whole bunch of stuff. Story
walkthrough stage 7 and 8. Loading screens,
enemies and versus mode stages. Mugetsu's and
Dauragon(one-handed)'s basic moves added.
Changed e-mail address.
Ver. 1.3 - 03/04/2001 - Added more stuff. Story walkthrough stage 4
to 6. Loading screens, enemies and stages.
Echidna's basic moves added.
Ver. 1.2 - 03/03/2001 - Added more to Story walkthrough and Loading
Ver. 1.1 - 03/02/2001 - Added a whole bunch of stuff. Loading
screens, story mode walkthrough and
characters. Tips added.
Ver. 1.0 - 03/01/2001 - Just started. I made the basic layout of the

03. Game Data
Title: The Bouncer
Developer(s): Square/Dreamfactory
Platform: Playstation 2
Genre: Role Playing Action
Player(s): 1-4 players
Disc(s): 1
Memory: Over 70 KB
Price: Japan - 6800 Yen
North America - ?
Release Date: Japan - 12/23/2000
North America - 03/07/2001?
Other: Dual Shock 2 Controller, Multitap Compatible.

04. Prologue
From DOG STREET, you could see the MIKADO BUILDING, the headquarters
of the multinational MIKADO GROUP corporation.
You can expect to find many bouncers in the bars in the part of town.
SION, KOU, and VOLT are bouncers who defend their bar, FATE, from any
hooligan that tries to invade their territory.
DOMINIQUE, a young girl SION found lying in the middle of town,
eventually becomes a mascot for the bar FATE, though nobody really
knows where she comes from.
For a while, everything is peaceful and boring. Suddenly, however,
DOMINIQUE is kidnapped by MIKADO'S Special Force.
What is MIKADO up to? What is DOMINIQUE's secret? Can SION and the
other bouncers save DOMINIQUE?
The bouncers' longest night is just about to begin!

--From "The Bouncer" Official Web site

05. Controls
Directional Pad - Moves Character/Moves Cursor (Menu Screen)
Left Analog Stick - Moves Character/Moves Cursor (Menu Screen)
Start Button - Opens Pause Menu
X Button - Low Attack (l-Weak, L-Strong)
Square Button - Mid Attack (m-Weak, M-Strong)
Triangle Button - High Attack (h-Weak, H-Strong)/Cancel
Circle Button - Jump Attack (j-Weak, J-Strong)/Confirm
R1 Button - Guards enemy attack while held down
R2 Button - Taunt/Trinity Rush Trigger
L1 Button - Extra Skill button (ES)/Hold down while facing enemy to
Not used: Select Button, Right Analog Stick, R3 Button, L2 Button and
L3 Button

NOTE: this is the Japanese controls so there might be a slight
difference with the English controls. The X button could be Confirm and
the circle could be cancel in the North American version. Also,
pressing any attack button lightly will give you the weak attack while
on the other hand, pressing the button all the way down will give you
the strong attack.

06. Characters & Moves
This is a list of all the Characters and their corresponding commands.
The status shown is the Maximum status that can be achieved (S rank).
Some of the attack names are made up by me. It would be MUCH
appreciated if someone could provide me with the real names. By the
way, throws can ONLY be done to human opponents.
* - Moves must be bought in exchange for BP.

Age: 19 Height: 5'9"
Fighting Style: Rearranged Kung-fu, Street Fighter Style
Taunt: "Hey c'mon!"
Bouncer at a bar called FATE. After losing his girlfriend two years
ago, SION closed off his heart. But DOMINIQUE's bright and warm heart
is beginning to open him up again. Silver accessories are his
trademark. SION loves the DOG STREET brand.

R1 - Normal costume
L1 - White shirt with blue jeans
R2 - Same as R1 but jacket is blue and shorts are yellow
L2 - Same as L1 but shirt is yellow and jeans are black

Life -
Power -
Defense -


- Two-hit combo. Jabs the opponent then gives him a powerful left

- Three-hit combo. Two straights to a round house kick. The last kick
sends them flying.

- Spinning side kick while in the air. The kick is weak and will only
break their stance.

- Two-hit combo. A very powerful uppercut followed by another. Sends
the enemy up in to the air for an extra hit.

- Three-hit combo. A front kick followed by a jumping double front
kick that hits them while their in the air.

- A spinning hook kick while in the air. A strong kick that will knock
them down.

- Two-hit combo. A low side kick combined with a sweep. Good against
four legged creatures and small cleaning machines.

- As the name implies, a sliding low kick that will knock an opponent
down. Another move that's good against four legged creatures and
small cleaning machines.

- Two-hit combo. A forward somersault drop kick to a backward
somersault kick. The first motion will hit enemies on the ground.

- Two-hit combo. A spinning roundhouse followed by a spinning hook
kick all in the air. Very powerful. The combo will knock the
opponent over.
<* Buster Throw (400):>
- Personalized version of the old shoulder throw. Unblockable. Good
against bosses or enemies that like to block often. Throw them into
an enemy for better results.
<* Torpedo Kick (600):>
- Explosive donkey kick made by rolling to build up momentum. A very
good rush move. Knocks the opponent down.
<* Ground Sweep (1000):>
- Wide-ranged, spinning squat kick. Can chain into multiple kicks. The
move can be repeated four times. Not a very useful kick as it changes
the direction your facing. Works good if surrounded by enemies.
Knocks the opponent down.
<* Floating Mine (1200):>
- Horizontal flying back kick using both legs. Powerful move that
knocks the opponent down.
<* Tornado Uppercut (1600):>
- Powerful jumping uppercut. Same as Ken's Shoryuken. Knocks opponent
up into the air.
<* Double Knuckle (2000):>
- Double backhand blow striking forward and backward simultaneously.
Works when traped in between two enemies.
<* Hurricane Blitz (2800):>
- Three hit combo. Powerful spinning attack striking all surrounding
enemies. Very powerful if used correctly. Has a very short range but
unblockable. Works wonders against the last boss. Third hit knocks
opponent down. Only use it up close to the enemy.

PERSONAL COMMENTS: He's an easy character to use. His Hurricane Blitz
could be VERY devastating if you know when to use it. Especially
against the last boss. Use it after he gets up from the ground. Since
it is unblockable and powerful I didn't have such a hard time defeating
him. The problem is, you'll want to make sure he gets knocked down by
the attack or you'll be sorry.

Age: 27 Height: 6'4"
Fighting Style: Power Pro-Wrestling
Taunt: "Are you ready?"
Bouncer at a bar called FATE. Speaks little. VOLT seems to know a lot
about the MIKADO GROUP. His trademark facial piercings make people more
afraid of him than necessary.

R1 - Normal costume
L1 - Mikado's black suit, red necktie and with sunglasses
R2 - Same as R1 but jacket is reddish brown and jeans is gray
L2 - Same as L1 but suit is white

Life -
Power -
Defense -


- Two-hit combo. A right hook followed by a powerful left hook.

- Three-hit combo. Three hooks in a row. Knocks the opponent down.

- A spinning heel drop. Hits opponents on the ground.

- Two hit combo. A front kick to a powerful flying double kick. Knocks
the opponent down.

- A very powerful running lariat. Definitely knocks the opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A stomp followed by a low roundhouse kick. Good
against any four legged creatures or cleaning machines.
<* Shoulder Uppercut(960):>
- Powerful Shoulder tackle putting Volt's massive build to good use.
Works good if you don't want an opponent too close to you.
<* Hammer Typhoon(1000):>
- Dynamic spinning lariat attack. Useful when your surrounded.
<* Lift Up Slam(1200):>
- Throwing technique made by lifting the enemy above your head. Like
most throws, very powerful.
<* Power Bridge(1500):>
- Throwing attack executed with an arched-back position for extra
force. Again, very powerful.
<* Cannonball Strike(1800):>
- Throwing technique that launches the enemy like a projectile. Try
throwing the enemy towards a bunch of other enemies, or to a wall
for best results.
<* Earthshaker(2400):>
- Throwing technique that slams the enemy onto the ground twice. Very
<* Giant Swing(3500):>
- Dynamic throwing technique made by spinning around. The strongest
throw in the game. Extremely powerful.

PERSONAL COMMENTS: He's probably one of the most hardest characters to
finish story mode with. His throws are powerful but I found myself
using other attacks besides the throws. The throws are good and VERY
powerful against the last boss because he likes to block a lot, but
even then, I still have a hard time defeating the last boss with him.

Age: 25 Height: 6'1"
Fighting Style: Tai Kwon Do
Taunt: Whistles
Bouncer at a bar called FATE. Easily excited and a bit of a smooth
talker, KOU lightens the mood around his friends. Not just a smooth
talker, KOU is a great fighter, too.

R1 - Normal costume
L1 - White army pants and no top
R2 - Same as R1 but with blue army pants
L2 - Same as L1 but with yellow army pants

Life -
Power -
Defense -


- Two-hit combo. A right uppercut to a powerful left uppercut. Last
hit sends opponents body up in the air for an extra hit.

- Three-hit combo. Two uppercuts followed by a powerful right
uppercut. After last hit, could go for a jumble.

- Three-hit combo. A roundhouse, followed by a spinning hook kick to
another roundhouse. Knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A high front kick to an ax drop kick.

- Two-hit combo. Spinning low side kick to a sweep kick. Very useful
against four legged creatures or cleaning machines.

- Sliding sweep kick. Also good against enemies close to the ground.

- Two-hit combo. Two powerful side kicks in the air. Knocks opponent
<* Heal Smash (320):>
- Downward kick made by dropping leg swiftly from a high position.
Good against dogs or enemies that are on the ground.
<* Circular Uppercut (400):>
- Twisting uppercut that even reaches behind you. You could actually
jumble an enemy a couple times just by repeating this move. Very
useful. Get good enough with it and you'll find the last boss a
<* Double Spin Kick (550):>
- Two-hit combo. Spiraling leg-spread kick striking both high and low.
A good move to use when your surrounded.
<* Mountain Storm (750):>
- Kou's variation of the shoulder throw. Good against enemies that
like to block frequently.
<* Lightning Smash (1000):>
- Two-hit combo. Powerful combo of an upward and downward kick. Last
hit will hit enemies on the ground.
<* Tiger Spin Kick (1200):>
- Three-hit combo. Combo of one low and two middle spinning kicks.
Works against most enemies.
<* Tiger Frenzy (1500):>
- Three-hit combo. Flying triple kick. Also a very good combo against
most enemies.
<* Raging Tiger (2500):>
- Seven-hit combo. Lightning fast seven kick combo. Works on almost
every enemy (except for the ones close to the ground). Even the last
boss is easy with this move. A VERY useful combo. Personally, I
think it's the strongest in the game.

PERSONAL COMMENTS: Probably one of the best character in the game and
my favorite. His long legs help to hit enemies from a distance and his
seven hit attack is just insane. Also, if you get good enough with the
circular uppercut, the last boss would be begging for mercy.

Age: 15 Height: 4'10"
Fighting Style: ?
Taunt: Brings arms down and her eyes flashes red
Rescued by SION, who found her collapsed in the middle of town. Bight
and friendly, DOMINIQUE is now a mascot for FATE, the bar where the
bouncers work. SION and the other bouncers get into a great deal of
trouble because of her...

R1 - Aqua blue tank top with white and aqua blue shorts
L1 - In her yellow jacket with orange ribbon
R2 - Same as R1 but has white top with black and white shorts
L2 - Same as L2 but has a pink jacket with a purple ribbon


- Three-hit combo. Two punches followed by a side kick. Last hit knocks
enemy down.

- Two-hit combo. After first hook, wineds up and delivers a spinning
hook punch. Last hit knocks enemy down and hits in all directions.

- Three-hit combo. Front handstand kick to a low stance roundhouse kick
which connects to a powerful low stance hook kick. Last hit knocks
opponent down.

- Jumps toward direction on the D-pad with her rear-end first. Then
does a back flip when she lands and sits down for a second. A
powerful attack. Knocks opponent down. Very vulnerable after attack.

- Two-hit combo. Begins with a high front kick and then drops her body
to do a sitting low kick. Last hit knocks opponent down.

PERSONAL COMMENTS: By far one of the most weakest character. Her
vitality runs out extremely fast. None the less, she has one of the
most powerful attacks. If your good enough with her you could take out
opponents in a matter of seconds. Even Dauragon won't last very long.

Age: 30? Height: 5'11"
Fighting Style: Ninjutsu
Leader of MIKADO Special Force. Possessing tremendous physical
abilities, MUGETSU attacks the bar FATE and kidnaps DOMINIQUE with his

Taunt: "Hah! What a fool!"
R1 - Normal costume
L1 - Same as R1 with blue pads
R2 - Same as R1 with white pads
L2 - Same as R1 with red pads


- Three-hit combo. Two punches followed by a cresent moon drop kick.
Last hit knocks enemy down.

- Three-hit combo. Two punches followed by a powerful chop. Last hit
knocks enemy down.

- Two-hit combo. High back kick to a jumping side kick. Both hits
knocks enemy down.

- Running air side kick. Knocks opponent down.

- Three-hit combo. Two side chops followed by a powerful side chop.
Last hit knocks opponent down.

- Three-hit combo. Two side chops to an right hand gut punch. Last hit
knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A punch leading to a wined up punch to the gut. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A summersult low kick to an double leg thrust kick.
Last hit knocks enemy down.

- Three-hit combo. Two low kicks followed by an spinning side chop to
the legs. Last hit knocks opponent down.
<* Gen-Getsu(Hell): ES + l>
- Disappear to catch enemy off guard with a running punch. A useful
attack if executed at the right timing. It takes a while until you
disappear so you should only use it when you know you'll be safe from
attacks for a while. Knocks enemy down.
<* Gen-Getsu(Heaven): ES + h>
- Disappear to catch enemy off guard with a dive attack from above. A
useful attack if executed at the right timing. Not as useful as the
Hell version. Again, you are vulnerable when your teleporting so be
careful when executing the attack. Knocks enemy down.

PERSONAL COMMENTS: Some may find this character very easy to use. Most
of his attacks can catch a lot of opponents off guard very easily. The
only problem is the time it takes to initiate or finish some of the
moves. This gives the opponents a good opportunity to attack. None the
less, by right timing, you can wreak havoc on any opponent.

Taunt: Does a faint and then laughs
R1 - Normal costume
L1 - Same as R1 but has blue pads
R2 - Same as R1 but has white pads
L2 - Same as R1 but has red pads


- Three-hit combo. Two punches followed by a high roundhouse kick. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- Three-hit combo. Two punches followed by a powerful chop. Last hit
knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A punch leading to a powerful spinning uppercut. Last
hit sends opponent into the air.

- Two-hit combo. A punch leading to a wined up punch to the gut. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- Launches himself like a torpedo, head first. Knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. Does a low kick followed up with a low sweep kick.
Last hit knocks opponent down.
<* Ran-Getsu: ES + h + m>
- Hits multiple times. Super-fast spinning attack striking all
surrounding enemies. Not only very fast, the move is unblockable.

PERSONAL COMMENTS: A very good character. His torpedo attack could
catch a lot of people off guard really easily. Ran-Gestu can also be
very deadly if effectively timed right. Some people may prefer the
unmasked Mugetsu instead though.

Age: 25 Height: 5'5"
Fighting Style: Capeiora
Taunt: "Hu-hum."
Executive member of the MIKADO GROUP. Unyielding and proud. Her loud
wardrobe and unique hairstyle are her trademarks. She and VOLT shared
some connection in the past...

R1 - Normal costume
L1 - Mikado's Black suit
R2 - Same as R1 but top is blue and mini-skirt is gray
L2 - Same as L1 but suit is white


- Two-hit combo. A hook punch followed with a one-hand handstand kick.
Knocks opponent down.

- Four-hit combo. A right hook punch to a spinning back fist to a left
hook punch followed with a spinning hook kick to the head.

- Two to three-hit combo. A one hand cartwheel kick followed by
spinning handstand kick.

- A powerful thrust kick to the mid-section. Sends opponent flying.

- Four-hit combo. Four sweep kicks in a row. Works on enemies on the
<* Missile Kick: ES + J>
- Drop kick using all your might. Knocks opponent down.

PERSONAL COMMENTS: A very interesting character to use. You could catch
a lot of people off guard with her complicated timing. Hard to use

Age: UNKNOWN Height: 5'5"
Fighting Style: Kung-fu?
Taunt: Laughs(human), Growls(panther)
A beautiful lady who is always by DAURAGON's side. There is always
sadness in her face. She is the only one who truly understands him.

R1 - Normal costume (Black panther)
L1 - Black bikini with black cowboy chaps (Brown panther)
R2 - Same as R1 but has a purple one piece (Turquoise panther)
L2 - Same as L1 but has a silver bikini with silver chaps (Silver


- Three-hit combo. Two punches leading to a backward thrust kick to the
head. Last hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A punch to a spinning roundhouse kick to the head.
Last hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A over head punch connecting to a crane stance punch.
Last hit knocks opponent down and hits in the front and back.

- Two-hit combo. A kneeling punch to a uppercut to the gut. Last hit
knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A kneeling punch to a high front kick. Last hit knocks
opponent down.

- Three-hit combo. Low kick followed with a sweeping low kick to a low
back-hand sweep. Last hit knocks opponent down.
<* Meteor Storm: ES + h>
- Five-hit combo. Attack that rains down countless kicks from above.
Last hit knocks opponent down.
<* Spinning rush: ES + h in panther form>
- A spinning attack that rushes the opponent. Panther mode only. Knocks
opponent down.
<* Shape Shift: ES + l>
- Changes form. From human to panther and panther to human.

PERSONAL COMMENTS: She has by far the most sexiest outfit in the game.
But that isn't the beauty of her. Her panther mode can wreak havoc in
survival mode making it a easy task to finish the mode. She is a really
good character and I definitely recommend her for survival mode. At
least that's what I think.

Age: 26 Height: 6'2"
Fighting Style: Kung-fu
The young leader of the multinational MIKADO GROUP corporation. He
reached his current position because he is the adopted son of the
previous leader. He has trained since his youth to lead the company. As
a result, he reigns as a cold-hearted leader, calm and collected no
matter what the circumstances. He is the mastermind behind DOMINIQUE's
kidnapping. His true motives will be unveiled as the story unfolds.

Taunt: "Show me what you've got!"
R1 - Normal costume
L1 - Same as R1 with brown overalls and a brownish purple coat
R2 - Same as R1 with light grey overalls and a white coat
L2 - Same as R1 with bluish grey overalls and a light brown coat


- A two-hit combo. Palm hit followed by a more powerful palm hit. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- An uppercut to an low back fist. It may sound like a two-hit combo
but, only hits once. Both hits will knock opponent down.

- A two-hit combo. A sweep kick followed by a spinning sweep kick. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- A two-hit combo. Two weak front kicks in the air.
<* Whirlwind Kick: ES + m>
- High spin kick with long swipe and wide area of effect. Good when
surrounded by enemies that aren't low to the floor. Knocks enemy
<* Crescent Moon Slash(G): ES + j>
- Cartwheel kick with wide effect range, both front and back. Good when
facing two opponents from front and back. Knocks enemy down.

Taunt: "How un-aspiring..."
R1 - Normal costume
L1 - Same as R1 but has a brown overalls and a brownish purple coat
R2 - Same as R1 but has a light grey overalls and a white coat
L2 - Same as R1 but has a bluish grey overalls and a light brown coat


- Three-hit combo. Palm hit followed by a uppercut and then to a
shoulder smash. Last hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. Palm hit followed by a more powerful palm hit. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. Double palm hit to the front to a palm hit to the
front and back simultaneously. Last hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A sweep kick followed by a spinning sweep kick. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. Two powerful front kicks while in the air. Both hits
sends opponent into the air.

- Two-hit combo. Two weak front kicks in the air.
<* Whirlwind Kick: ES + m>
- High spin kick with long swipe and wide area of effect. Good when
surrounded by enemies that aren't low to the floor. Knocks enemy
<* Crescent Moon Slash: ES + j>
- Cartwheel kick with wide effect range, both front and back. Good when
facing two opponents front and back. Knocks enemy down.
<* Dragon Blitz: ES + h + m>
- An explosive attack made with both the back and shoulder. Very
powerful. Knocks enemy down.

Taunt: "Play time is over."
R1 - Black overalls
L1 - Brown overalls
R2 - Light grey overalls
L2 - Bluish grey overalls


- Three-hit combo. Palm hit followed by a uppercut and then to a
shoulder smash. Last hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. Palm hit followed by a more powerful palm hit. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. Double palm hit to the front to a palm hit to the
front and back simultaneously. Last hit knocks opponent down.

- Leaps forward and does a punch. Useful rush move to cover some
distance. Knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A sweep kick followed by a spinning sweep kick. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. Two powerful front kicks while in the air. Both hits
sends opponent into the air.

- Two-hit combo. Two weak front kicks in the air.
<* Sonic Elbow: ES + m>
- Finishing blow using an elbow attack. Sends enemy up into the air.
<* Dragon Spiral: ES + l>
- Inverted spin kick that looks like break-dancing. A very useful move
especially against low enemies. Knocks opponent down.

Age: Unknown Height: Unknown
Fighting Style: Kung-fu
A loyal servant of the MIKADO family since the previous CEO. He served
as master to DAURAGON and SION, training them both in martial arts. He
may look stern and uptight, but he is a man of character. He knows what
DAURAGON is planning and is troubled.

Age: ?? Height: 5'11"
Fighting Style: Muai Thai (Thailand Kickboxing)
Taunt: "Do you wish to attack me?"
Humanoid weapons developed by MIKADO, using bionoid technology.
Because they are prototypes, there are very few optional units. They
speak in a cold, mechanical, female tone of voice.

R1 - Normal costume
L1 - Topless with red and black pants
R2 - Same as R1 but with black top plus white and black pants
L2 - Same as L1 but with white and black pants


- Six-hit combo. Two straight punches, two hook punches, to a
unblockable thrust using his extendable arm. A very useful attack
against enemies that likes to block. Last hit knocks opponent down.

- Four-hit combo. Two straight punches, a hook punch, to a powerful
overhead smash punch. Last hit knocks opponent down.

- Three-hit combo. Two straight punches to a powerful elbow smash. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A roundhouse kick leading to a spinning roundhouse
Kick. Last hit knocks opponent down.

- Three-hit combo. Two hook punches to a more powerful hook punch. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A hook punch connecting to an knee kick. Last hit
knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A low kick followed by more stronger low kick. Last
hit knocks opponent down.

- Pulls body back and then steps to the left side. He then follows
it up with an knee kick. A useful attack if you know when your
opponent is going to attack. Knocks opponent down.

- Pulls body back and then does a flying cartwheel kick. A lot more
useful than the previous combo. You could do the flying cartwheel
kick without the first move by just pressing "J". Knocks opponent

- Leaps forward doing a knee kick. A very good rush attack to cover
some distance. Knocks opponent down.
<* Lightning Whip: ES + m>
- Hook attack that lashes like a whip. Only the hands do damage. Good
when surrounded by opponents. Hits in all directions. Knocks opponent
<* Elbow Spin Break: ES + l,l>
- Backward spinning kick and elbow blows that repeatedly hit both front
and back. Although it doesn't say in the game, to get the elbow blow,
you'll need to press "l" right after "ES + l". Good if your trapped
between two opponents. You could still use just the initial move when
fighting one opponent.

PERSONAL COMMENTS: PD-4 can be one of the most strongest characters in
the game. He has a variety of attacks and has a few unblockable moves
that could help a lot in survival. He's another character I would
recommend for survival mode.

Age: 24 Height: 5'4"
Fighting Style: Karate?
Taunt: "H~~i."
An agent of intelligence office "LUKIS" and Kou's immediate
supervisor. All orders pass through her first.

R1 - Normal costume
L1 - White bath robe
R2 - Same as R1 but has a white top and dark blue shorts.
L2 - Same as L1 but the robe is blue.


- Three-hit combo. Three back hand punches. Last hit knocks opponent

- Two-hit combo. A back hand punch to a more powerful back hand smash.
Last hit knocks opponent down.

- A spinning hook kick in the air. Knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A high front kick followed by a backward somersault
kick. Last hit Knocks opponent down.

- Leaps forward with side kick. Knocks opponent down.

- Two-hit combo. A low kick followed by a spinning sweep kick. Last hit
knocks opponent down.

- Slides forward and does a low kick to the opponents feet. Knocks
opponent down.
<* Shuriken Kick: ES + H>
- Powerful flying cartwheel kick that cuts the air. Knocks opponent in
to the air. Also hits in both front and back. Useful when trapped by
two enemies.

PERSONAL COMMENTS: Depending on how you fought against her in story
mode, you may have found her very hard to defeat. BUT, as a playable
character, she isn't as useful as you may think. Her attacks may be
fast but weaker than most characters in the game. None the less, she is
easy to use and it wouldn't hurt to try her out.

07. Trinity Rush
The Trinity Rush can ONLY be used in the Story mode. It is a special
attack done by all three Bouncers and damages all enemies in the
screen. To trigger it, you must press the Taunt Button (R2) as soon as
one of the other bouncer does a Taunt. If done correctly you'll be
treated with a cool real time movie showing the three bouncers taking
turns beating on an enemy. There is a catch though. Although it may
look VERY painful, the amount of damage dealt to all the enemies is
very trivial. The only thing it's good for is either escaping a long
combo hit by an enemy or if you want to impress your friends. It's
definitely not worth canceling your combo just to trigger it. I know
it's obvious, but the Trinity Rush can only be triggered if all the
characters are present. If any of the character is KO'ed the Trinity
Rush will not activate.

Sion's Trinity Rush
Taunt: Volt - "You ready?"
Description: Kou blocks an enemy's attack and punches the enemy in
the chest to Volt. Volt grabs the head of the enemy from
behind and lefts it up. He drives the enemy's face into
the ground and then lifts it's head up a little. Sion
comes in and kicks the enemy's head like a soccer ball.

Volt's Trinity Rush
Taunt: Kou - Whistles
Description: Sion does a three hit punch combo and pushes the enemy
towards Kou. Kou takes it's arm and cracks it and tosses
him towards Volt. Volt grabs the enemy's face and lefts
him up. He drives the enemy's head right in to the

Kou's Trinity Rush
Taunt: Sion - "Hey c'mon!"
Description: Volt will close line an enemy from behind while Sion
kicks the same enemy right in it's face. The enemy
staggers towards Kou and gets a special chiropractor

By the way, the Trinity Rush can be done to anyone EXCEPT Dauragon.
You could watch them do it on those Cyber Dogs, or even the Robots! If
you do it to Dauragon though, he will escape all the moves (you still
get to see the real time movie, only Dauragon will escape all the
moves). If you just want to see how he escapes the moves, go ahead and
try it.

08. Tips
I've written down some tips you should keep in mind while playing
through the game.

- NEVER catch yourself fighting two or more enemies at once. You'll be
able to block attacks from the front but not from behind. Make sure you
put yourself in a position where only one enemy is facing you.

- In any fight (specifically boss fights), use your other members as
bait. This way, you could most likely get a hit in from behind them.
Just make sure you don't kill your friends because you might not have
anybody to use as bait anymore.

- Remember that you earn BP by giving the final blow to the enemy. Any
kills by the other members aren't counted into your BP. If you know
that another member is about to finish off an enemy, go and steal their

- Trinity Rushes aren't all that useless. If you just so happened to be
caught in an enemy combo, you could escape it by activating the Trinity

- Use the stage your fighting in, to your advantage!

- Learn when to block and when not to block! It would be great if you
could dodge the attack, but that's not always the case. Blocking is a
very crucial element in this game. You'll have a hard time finishing
the game if you don't know when to block, especially against the last
boss. Don't block all the time though. You only have a finite number of
blocks and some attacks can't be blocked. If you could dodge the
attack, dodge it.

- Know your enemy. If you know how they fight, what moves they use, and
what kind of attack they're weak against, you'll have an easier time

- Know thyself. Not only do you need to know your enemy, you also need
to know yourself. If you don't know how your own character handles,
then you'll have a hard time fighting.

- Keep in mind that the enemy AI becomes stronger according to how you
develop your characters. If you just develop one character at a time,
you may have a VERY hard time developing the last character. Balance
out your characters to prevent this.

- Don't be afraid to use the same moves over and over again. If you
could win, then it doesn't matter (ignore those who say it's 'cheap').

- Don't stand near your fellow partners when fighting. If they get hit
by an attack that knocks them down, chances are you'll get hit by him.
You do get damage from this. In worst cases, it's not just one hit, but
a couple of hits. I've been in a situation where I was caught in a
corner and my character died because of getting hit a whole bunch of
times from just one of my fellow bouncers flying body.

- If you don't want to watch any of the scenes again, just press start
to open the pause menu. From there you could skip the current scene to
go to the next one.

09. Enemies
Humans aren't the only things you'll be fighting in this game. To give
you an edge in battle, here's a list of all the enemies (not including

--MSF (Mikado's Special Force)--
The first enemy you fight. Usually come in bunches. They're not very
hard to defeat but they aren't harmless either. Just make sure you are
not surrounded by them. Try not to give them a chance to counter your
attack by continuously pounding on him. If they jump behind you, be
prepared for an attack.

--Security Guards--
Probably one of the most weakest enemies in the game. Very easy to
defeat. Not much of a strategy. Just don't be caught between a number
of them.

--Security Chiefs--
A bit more stronger than a security guard. Has more health and does a
little more damage. Still a weak enemy and isn't very hard to defeat.
Likes to block a lot. If they block your attack be prepared for a

They're a lot more buff and have a lot more health than the security
chiefs. Their attacks are much more painful and could be tough to
fight. The commanders have a weak point though. They move slow and
their attacks are big in motion, much like Volt. As long as you keep
your distance. You'll be able to see him coming from a mile.

--Carrier Soldiers--
Has about the same amount of health as a security chief but could be a
little harder to beat. They like to block most of the time so you may
want to use throws or counters instead. They don't deal as much damage
as a commander does but you probably want to be careful when fighting

Has a very low amount health and it's attacks are weak. You could only
attack them with low attacks. They'll try to charge at you but just
dodge or block and then just use a strong low attack. Once you attack
them, wait until they get up and attack again. Since they can't block
they'll be knocked over again. Repeat this until it's dead and you
could easily defeat them unscathed. They should be the most easiest
enemies to defeat in the game.

Has a lot of health and it's attacks could be painful. Like the dogs,
they can only be hit by low attacks. Fortunately, they have a very
short range of attack. Do low attacks and block when you hear them
charging up for a charge attack. They shouldn't be too hard to defeat.

--MSF Elites--
A lot more tougher than the MSF's and could pose a great threat if you
don't handle them properly. Their attacks are the same as the MSF's but
are a lot more painful and they like to counter your attacks. If you
play it defensively, you shouldn't have any troubles. Don't be
surrounded by them though. You'll find yourself on the ground real

These robots are easy to defeat as long as you know how to beat them.
Their attacks only hit high-mid and can't block any of your attacks.
Also, by hitting them, they temporarily freeze for a moment. Keeping
all this in mind, you probably want to just use attacks that brings
your body down to the ground. By doing this, you'll be able to attack
them while dodging it's attacks.

These robots are the most annoying enemies in this game (I think).
Just like the smaller robot, you could stop it's motion for a moment by
attacking it. The problem is it's attacks. It doesn't have a lot of
variations of attacks (in fact only three) but they're very painful.
It's strongest attack is the one where it brings both arms over it's
head, while it's weakest (but still powerful) attack is a quick jab
with one of it's arms. It's last attack spreads both arms and gives you
a nice painful hug. Occasionally it may do a combo.
Fight defensively. These things are damn powerful and have a lot of
If you could find an attack that hits fast continuously over and over
again, you won't have any trouble. If you can't find one, then use the
"in and out" strategy. Make sure your character is just out of the
robots range of attack and only counter when it attacks you. Use a rush
move to attack and then back off right away. Be ready to guard whenever
you could.
NEVER get caught in between them or you'll be sorry.

Basically the same as the LD-15's. A little more powerful though. Use
the same tactics as the LD-15's and you should be fine.

10. Story Mode Walkthrough
Within story mode, there is three options. New Game, Load Game, and
Extra Game. Once you clear the game and have a clear data saved on your
memory card, you'll be able to select Extra Game. Remember that New
Game is ALWAYS new game. It doesn't matter if you finished the game and
have a clear data on your memory card, it will always start a
completely new game. In order to load the clear data and start the
story from the beginning, you'll need to select Extra Game. Load Game
will ONLY load games that are saved during story mode. It will NOT load
your clear data. If you want to get all the secret stuff in the game,
you'll need to go through the game a few times. Remember this.
Now, although this walkthrough is mostly made from a new game, it can
be used for New or Extra game. It isn't restricted to one or the other.
When developing your characters, I recommend equally balancing them.
However, it is your decision as to how you'll develop your characters.
I will NOT include how to get the endings because it will be written in
the Endings section of this FAQ. Anyhow, on with the walkthrough.
By the way, the bonus BP is calculated by your characters current
rank. So, if the character you used has a rank of G, then he'll get 100
bonus BPs. Here's the list of how much bonus BP you'll get at each
G = 100BP
F = 200BP
E = 250BP
D =
C =
B =
A =
S =
Also, the amount of BP you get from defeating enemies depend on what
rank you are. So, the higher the rank, the more BP you'll get.

STAGE 1 Bar - "FATE"
Enemies: MSF x 5
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies or Lose
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
Although you could finish this stage by just getting knocked out, you
most likely want to try defeating all the enemies to get their BP. It's
a good stage to get a hang of how the characters move. Try out the
different combo moves to see which one is effective.
The enemies don't attack that often so just pound on them. Be careful
not to be surrounded by them though. When you start, you'll be on the
second floor of the bar. Just take out the three enemies here first.
Once you're done with them, go done the stairs in the right hand corner
of the screen and take out the last two enemies. One of the enemies
from the first floor might come up the stairs but don't panic. Just
face one enemy at a time. Remember that you have to deal the last blow
on the enemy to obtain their BP. Watch the right hand corner of the
screen and if you see a sphere turning red, try to find that opponent
and deal the finishing blow.
If you picked Kou as your character, you'll get to hear the telephone

STAGE 2 Central Square
Enemies: MSF x 5
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
Also a good place to learn how your characters handle. This time
though, you can't lose. Just face one enemy at a time. You might get
surrounded but, if you keep your cool, it shouldn't pose much of a
threat. You might notice that these enemies are little easier to beat
than the previous ones. Try to get as many kills here to get a lot of

STAGE 3, Part 1 Central Station
Enemies: Security Guard x 3
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
Very easy stage. These guys actually attack more often but they don't
have as much health as the previous enemies. In fact it shouldn't take
you much time to kill them all. Just make sure you get the killing blow
and wipe them out.

STAGE 3, Part 2 Central Station
Enemies: Security Guard x 5
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies or Times Up
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
Although it may say to defeat all the enemies within the time, you
could still finish the stage by just waiting it out. The enemies are
the same as before but there's more of them. Try not to get surrounded
and finish them off.
If you finish this part by defeating all the enemies, the bouncers
will all be on the train. On the other hand if you finish the stage by
waiting it out, you'll get a more dramatic scene in which Sion will
have to jump on to the train.

STAGE 4, Part 1 MSD Cargo Train
Enemies: Security Guard x 6
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
When you start the stage, you'll only fight 3 Security Guards. As soon
as you defeat these guys, you'll get a cut scene in which the bouncers
jump on to the next cargo. You'll then fight the remaining 3 Security
There isn't much of a strategy here. Just beat the enemies senseless
and finish the stage. If you have the chance, try doing a chain combo

STAGE 4, Part 2 MSD Cargo Train
Enemies: Security Guard x 2, Echidna
Stage Clear: Defeat Echidna
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
This will be your first boss fight. If you want to finish this stage
quickly, go after Echidna. If you want to get some extra BP, take care
of the goons first.
In my opinion, it might be safer to take out the guards first. This
way you won't be surrounded. To defeat the goons, lure each one away
from Echidna and beat them senseless. As for Echidna, her Capeora could
be very annoying. Try to use your friends as bait and attack her from
behind. Because of her stance use either middle or low attacks. High
attacks are most likely going to miss. Countering her attacks after
blocking will also help, but her fighting style could make it hard to
see when she's finished attacking.
After the fight, if you chose Volt, Echidna will react to what he
says. If you chose Kou, you'll get a few cut scenes of Kou thinking to

STAGE 4 MSD Cargo Train - Part 3
Enemies: None
Stage Clear: Find Card Key or Times Up
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: No
Not really a stage, but rather an event. There are three boxes you
could search. They're all in the same screen you start with. One on
each side of the room on the seats and a white brief case on floor by
the door. The card key will ALWAYS be in the last box you search. It
doesn't matter what order you open them in or how ever many times you
play this sequence. You won't find it in the first or second box you
search. It will ALWAYS be in the last box you search. You should have
enough time to search all three boxes if you didn't stall anywhere.
If you didn't find the card key in time or just didn't bother with it,
go to Stage 5A. The bouncers will jump off the train just before it
crashes into the train station. Unfortunantly, because the fuel tank is
still connected the explosion is enough to cause the station roof to be
destroyed and cause the sea water above to fill up the station.
If you did find it in time, go to STAGE 5B. The bouncers will jump off
the train before it crashes into the station. The train causes a
explosion, but because the fuel tanks were disconnected, it isn't
enough to destroy the roof.

STAGE 5A Emergency Exit
Enemies: Security Guard x 5, Security Chief x 2, Commander x 3
Stage Clear: Head for the Emergency Exit -> Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
Okay, this could be a really hard stage if you don't know what to
expect. First of all, just like Sion said, if you get trapped behind a
shutter, your dead. Second of all, you don't need to fight the enemies.
If you want, just ignore them and head for the end of the corridor.
This stage is very long so you may want to avoid fighting sometimes.
When you start, 2 guards and a chief will come running towards you.
The chief isn't hard to defeat so if you want defeat them all. When you
get to the end of the corridor and turn the corner you'll have to run
towards the screen before the shutters trap you inside. Just press the
anolog stick down.
In the next area, you'll fight a guard and a Commander. Commanders are
a little more harder to beat and their attacks are powerful. They're
motions are big so you should be able to dodge or block their attacks.
Defeat or ignore the enemies and proceed to the next corner at the end
of the corridor. Again you'll have to run towards the screen. This time
though, you'll need to follow the corridor and go up the stair case.
You'll find yourself fighting 2 guards and a chief again. Do whatever
you wish and proceed to the end of the corridor. Again, you'll have to
run towards the screen but this time there's a few obstacles. There
will be some crates in the middle and by the walls. Try not to get
caught behind them and run towards the screen. Once there, continue
running to the left of the screen. Avoid the obstacles and follow the
corridor. Don't worry about the shutters now and just follow the white
arrows on the wall to get to another flight of stairs.
This is the last section. You'll have to fight a guard and a
commander. Ignore or take them out and continue down the corridor. Once
again you'll need to run towards the screen. Watch out for the crates
and continue down the path. Once the screen changes, hold the analog
stick downward. You'll need to run towards the screen again. There's no
obstacles in your way but the shutters will close at a lot faster rate.
Just run straight towards the screen and you should be fine. There will
be a guard and commander waiting ahead so take care of them. You'll
need to beat them both to finish this stage.

STAGE 5B Emergency Exit
Enemies: Security Guard x 8, Security Chief x 6
Stage Clear: Head for the Emergency Exit
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
You'll face 3 Security Guards and 2 Security Chiefs at the first two
areas. In the last area you'll fight 2 Security Guards and 2 Security
Chiefs. There's a lot of enemies to fight, but it isn't all that hard.
If you notice the stage objective, you don't need to fight all the
enemies. You could just head for the exit. I suggest trying to defeat
as much of the enemies as possible. In fact, you shouldn't have much
trouble defeating all of the enemies. The only thing you should be
careful of is the security chief. He has a bit more health and is a
little more powerful that the security guard. He attacks a bit more
often than the guards but they aren't all that hard to defeat.
If you find yourself low on health, then just concentrate on going to
the emergency exit. To get there, just follow the long corridor you
start on to the end and you'll reach the stairs. Climb the stairs and
you'll be in another long corridor. Follow this to the end as well and
you'll find more stairs. After going up these stairs you'll find
yourself in another corridor. Just follow this to the emergency exit.
If you still have trouble with my directions. Look at the walls and
follow the arrows. It should take you to the exit.

STAGE 6 Air-Carrier
Enemies: Carrier Soldier x 3
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
An easy stage depending on how you play it. You'll be fighting in a
very small area so you may need to block a lot. The soldiers like to
block your attacks most of the time so try to get behind them and
attack. If you can't, block their attacks and then go for the counter.
Becareful not to bunch up with your bouncer friends because if they get
knocked over, they may take you down with them. On the other hand, if
you could bunch the enemies together, knock one down and the others
will follow. You might be able to get a chain combo easily.

STAGE 7, Part 1 Mikado Bldg. - Hanging Garden
Enemies: MSF x 3, Watchdog x 2
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
Not a difficult stage if you know what to expect. This will be your
first fight against Watchdogs. They don't pack a punch, but they could
be annoying at times. Remember that you could only hit them with
attacks that hit low. There's only two of them and if you just keep
using low attacks, they shouldn't pose much of a threat. As for MSF's,
you shouldn't have any trouble taking them down.

STAGE 7, Part 2 Mikado Bldg. - Hanging Garden
Enemies: MSF x 4, Mugetsu
Stage Clear: Defeat Mugetsu
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
The second boss fight in the game. This boss fight could be quite hard
if you don't be careful. One thing you should keep in mind is that,
unlike Echidna, Mugetsu will try and come after you. If you think your
good enough, take out the MSFs first for the extra BP. Otherwise, I
suggest you focus your attacks on Mugetsu. To defeat him, you may want
to use the counter attack tactics (block and then attack). His attacks
could be quite devastating and you may find yourself low on health.
Just play it defensively and you should be fine.
Although this is a very minor difference, if you used Sion, he'll hear
the music and react to it.

STAGE 8 Crystal Dome
Enemies: ???, Dauragon
Stage Clear: Defeat Dauragon
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
The third boss fight. Depending on how you've developed your
characters, Dauragon could be a pain in the ass or as easy as Echidna.
His attacks are quite devastating and you do not want to be in the line
of fire. You may want to try and defeat the ??? First since it's
spinning charge attack could be nasty. If your having a hard time
defeating him, fight defensively. Use your buddies as bait and attack
him from behind while he's busy.
After you finish the stage and watch the event, you'll be treated with
another Active Character Select. Choose carefully because this is a
VERY important fork in the story mode. It determinds what ending you
get, and which stages you'll get later on (not a big difference,
though). Also, once you choose a character, you'll have to finish the
next stage with that character ALONE. Like I said before, choose

STAGE 9A (SION), Part 1 Mikado Bldg. - 65F: Storeroom Area
Enemies: Security Guards x 2
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: No
Save Point: Yes
Easy fight, just concentrate on one of them and keep an eye out for
the other security guard. Make sure you don't get hit from behind.

STAGE 9A (SION), Part 2 Mikado Bldg. - Executive Office Hallway
Stage Clear: Find Dominique
Active Character Select: No
A very long stage. I've divided this part into 2 sections. The AREA
section will tell you how to navigate through the building. The FIGHT
section will be devoted on the fights.
From here on, you'll be navigating through the Mikado building with
Sion in this stage. Some fights can be avoided while others cannot.
This stage could be really complicated if you don't know where you're
going. You won't be able to go through some twice.
When you start, there will be two doors that you could go through in
this room. Go through either one since they both take you to the same
hall. There you have the option of going through the door on the left
side wall or follow the corridor down. If you want to avoid fighting
the four MSFs, go through the door (look at AREA B). If not, go down
the corridor to the elevator hall (look at FIGHT A).
-FIGHT A- Mikado Bldg. - 65F: Hall
Enemies: MSF x 4
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Save Point: Yes
Their divided into two groups of two and they basically start on each
side of Sion. Just attack the closest one and try to find a opening so
you could escape from being completely surrounded. If your successful,
you'll have all four MSFs bunched up in one group which makes for a
very good chance for a chain kill. You shouldn't have any troubles
defeating them. After you save and take control of Sion again, go up
the left corridor to continue on to AREA B.
Once, you've gone through the door, run to the other side of this room
to reach another door. You'll find youself in another corridor. This
time there will be two doors on the left side wall that can be opened.
If you didn't go to FIGHT A, you still can by following the corridor to
the elevator hall. If you want to go to FIGHT B, go through the door at
the end of the hall. If you want to go to AREA C, go through the other
-FIGHT B- Mikado Bldg. - 65F: Meeting Room
Enemies: P-101, Commander
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Save Point: Yes
Go towards the commander and try to dispatch him as quickly as
possible. He doesn't attack very often but his attacks are quite
powerful. Nothing too serious though. You'd want to try and kill him
before the P-101 starts attacking you. When the commander is finished,
take care of the P-101.
After you've saved, you'll be back in the same corridor you came from.
You'll find yourself in a small room. Go to the door on the opposite
side of the glass wall. In the hall, you should see another door which
leads to the emergency stairs. Go through it and Sion will climb the
stairs automatically. In the next floor, you'll find yourself in the
exact similar hall in which you came from. Go through the double doors
to the next room. The next room looks like a control center of some
sort. There will be two doors which you could go through. The one right
by the door you came through leads to the elevator hall which is a dead
end. The other door leads to FIGHT C.
-FIGHT C- Mikado Bldg. - 66F: Hall
Enemies: Security Guards x 4, P-101 x 2
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Save Point: Yes
This is an unavoidable fight. All four security guards will run
towards you when you start. You might want to do a rush attack to knock
them all down since their bunched up. Concentrate on killing the
security guards first and fight close to where you started so the P-101
won't notice you right away. After defeating all the guards, go and
take out the P-101's one at a time.
When your done saving go to AREA D.
After the little event, just follow the panther through the door.
You'll be in a room with a computer terminal. Since you won't be able
to go through the double door, just check out the terminal. You could
just read all of it in order or just read the last two on the list to
proceed into FIGHT D.
-FIGHT D- Mikado Bldg. - Laboratory Prep Room
Enemies: MSF, MSF Elite
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Save Point: Yes
Another unavoidable fight. Although it's in a small area, the fight
shouldn't be hard. Just go at them normally. The MSF Elite might jump
over you and try to attack from behind so be cautious. When you've
finished saving, go to AREA E.
Once you've regain control of Sion, follow the corridor and through
the door. The game will take over and now you'll be fighting the
-FIGHT E- Mikado Bldg. - Executive Office Hallway
Enemies: ???
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Save Point: Yes
The last fight for this stage. Take care of the panther like you did
previously in the first fight against Dauragon. She'll try and do the
charge attack a lot so be ready to block. Use low attacks only since
you'll likely miss unless it jumps into your attacks.

Stage Clear:
Active Character Select: No
Save Point: Yes

STAGE 9C (KOU), Part 1 Mikado Bldg. - MFB Room
Enemies: MSF
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: No
Save Point: No
Kou's stage is by far the easiest out of the two, depending on how you
play the stage.
This first part is easy, just defeat the MSF here. No strategy needed.

STAGE 9C (KOU), Part 2 Mikado Bldg. - 9F: Hall
Enemies: MSF x 7, P-101, MSF Elite x 3
Stage Clear: Complete The Mini-Game or Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: No
Save Point: Yes
This is where the mini-game starts. Basically, the game is do exactly
the same thing the enemy is doing. This first part should be easy if
you remember which buttons does what move. Here's the button actions:

TRIANGLE BUTTON = Old man in thought
Special Forces Coded Signal #002 - Maintain security using extreme
CIRCLE BUTTON = A lady's temptation
Special Forces Coded Signal #085 - Await for further orders.
X BUTTON = Lonely warrior
Special Forces Coded Signal #322 - Eliminate all targets in combat.
SQUARE BUTTON = Unparalleled friendship
Special Forces Coded Signal #010 - Improve communication by
emphathizing with others.

You could also check this while the event is proceeding by pressing
the START button but not while you're facing an enemy. The in-game
instructions provide you with this information and by pressing those
buttons, Kou, displayed on the side will do the motion. Press each one
and remember what they look like.
-AREA 1-
In this area of the stage, you won't use the X button at all so just
concentrate on the three other buttons. You'll be approached by an
enemy three times and you'll have to do the exact motion the enemy
does. If you press the wrong button you'll have to face all three
enemies in this area.
If you decide on fighting them all then just make a mistake on
purpose. You could still finish the area by defeating all the enemies.
The MSF's here are a lot more vicious so you may want to block more
often and wait for an opening. Since you'll be facing all three of them
on your own, you'll want to play it defensively. Try not to be
surrounded. By the way, your stats will be carried on throughout the
stage. If you've taken too much damage here, you'll have a hard time
fighting in the next two areas.
-AREA 2-
Same thing as before but the first enemy approach determinds how many
enemies you have to face. To complete him, you must do exactly what he
does. Each time you successfully do a move, he'll do another one. He
continues to do this until you've repeated this about, 30 times or so.
He doesn't have any patterns because it's all random. If you make one
mistake, or if you take too long to do one of the moves, he'll send you
to the right path. If you completely copy his every move, he'll give
you a thumbs up and lead you to the left path. If you want to fight
press the X button.
The right path leads you to another guy who's practicing his combat
moves. Once you face him, he'll already be in the fighting stance.
Press the X button and you'll go on, press any other button and you'll
After the second enemy in the right path OR if you took the left path,
you'll face another enemy. This guy does the triangle, circle, square,
move continuously. Just press which ever button right when he does the
motion and you'll clear him. For example, if you want to press
triangle, press it just when the enemy does the triangle move. If you
want to go into combat, press the X button or the wrong button at the
wrong timing.
By fighting, you'll face four MSF enemies again. Like I said before,
be defensive. The stage layout makes it a little easier for you to
fight since you'll only be attacked from two sides. Still try to put
all the enemies in front of you. Block and counter their attacks more
often. You have the disadvantage. Watch your health. If your low on
health, you'll probably want to avoid fighting in this next area.
-AREA 3-
The first enemy you approach won't do anything. This is where you'll
have to remember what each move represents. Press either triangle or
square and you'll clear him. Press anything else and you'll have to
The next two enemies come together. Both of them will do a separate
move. Do both of the moves and you'll clear the mini-game. Do something
else and you'll fight them.
If you're going to fight them remember what I said for the other
areas. Be on the defensive side. In this area, you'll be fighting Three
MSF Elites and a P-101. Depending on your current status you may have a
hard time defeating them. Don't push yourself.
Once finished with this stage, you'll get to see the next scene in
Kou's point of view.

STAGE 10 Mikado Bldg. - Executive Office
Enemies: MSF x 2, MSF Elite x 2, Mugetsu
Stage Clear: Defeat Mugetsu
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
Now that you've got everybody back, you should have a easy time
fighting Mugetsu. Like all other Boss fights, you've got the option to
defeat all the enemies or just Mugetsu. Remember that Mugetsu will try
and go after you. Be careful not to show your back to him. Remember
play it defensively.
If you chose Kou, you'll get to see him thinking to himself.

STAGE 11, Part 1 Rocket Tower
Enemies: Security Guard, Security Chief, P-101, MC-07 x 9, LD-15 x 8,
Stage Clear: Descend the rocket tower while protecting Dominique
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
This stage is another lone operation stage. Although Dominique is
there with you, she won't do anything. DO NOT use Dominique as bait. If
she gets killed you'll be treated with the word: "GAME OVER".
It seems like a lot of people have a great deal of trouble finishing
this stage. Just finishing the stage is actually easy. Then why do
people have trouble finishing the stage? It's most likely because they
become greedy and try to defeat as much enemies as they can, or because
they think the stage is cleared by killing all the enemies. Also, some
people don't know that if Dominique is killed the game is over.
When you start, they'll be three enemies. P-101 and two LD-15. The LD-
15's are can be really hard to defeat. Go to the upper right hand
corner of the screen and you'll find the stairs. In the next area,
there will be two MC-07 and two LD-15. Follow the path and you'll go to
the stairs. In the next area, you'll be against a Security Guard, two
MC-07, and a Security Chief. Go to the left from were you start to
fight the two MC-07's. Go towards the screen from were you start and
follow the path to find the next set of stairs. In the next area, seven
enemies will be waiting for you. The path to the enemy is fairly
straight forward. A LD-15 will be waiting for you at the beginning of
the area. Follow the path and you'll meet two MC-07's and another LD-
15. Keep going and you'll see a LD-15 and MC-07 just infront of the
stairs. Ignore all or some of the enemies and continue. If you
followthe path behind the stairs in the next area, an MC-07 and an LD-
15 will be waiting. If you go right of the screen, you'll meet an MC-07
and a small elevator. Go on to the elevator to finish the stage.
When doing this stage, DO NOT push yourself. Only defeat those enemies
that you know you can defeat.
If you chose Kou, you'll get to see him thinking to himself when
confronting the PD-4.

STAGE 11, Part 2 Rocket Tower
Enemies: PD-4
Stage Clear: Defeat PD-4
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
Your other members will be in this fight. PD-4 can be a hard enemy to
fight against. Play defensively and you should be able to defeat him.
Like in the other Boss fights use your friends as bait. Watch out for
his kick combo. Once he starts, you may have a hard time blocking his
next few kicks. He also has an unblockable attack and an attack that
hits in almost all directions except behind him. Attack only when he's
preoccupied. You'll have a better chance of hitting him this way.
If you chose Volt, you'll see him thinking to himself. If you chose
Kou, you'll see him thinking to himself as well as call for back up.

STAGE 12, Part 1 - Rocket Tower - Basement
Enemies: LD-15 x 2, LD-X1(100BP)
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
I REALLY hate this stage. LD-15's are really annoying and the LD-X1 is
even more annoying. To beat this stage, just try not to get caught in
between two or more of the robots. If you could do that, it should be
easy. When you start, go after the same robot one of your buddy's
attacking. This way, you'll have one less robot to worry about when you
take it out. When attacking, watch you friend. Attack right after he's
finished attacking. This will prevent the robot from ever attacking.
Watch out for the other robots though. You don't want to be attacked
from behind unexpectedly. I'm probably already said this over and over
again but use your friend as bait and attack from behind.

STAGE 12, Part 2 Rocket Tower - Deck
Enemies: LD-X1 x 2, Echidna
Stage Clear: Defeat Echidna
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
The LD-X1 are a huge pain in the butt. It's your choice whether or not
you want to defeat them or not. I suggest you concentrate on defeating
Echidna if it's the first time through. The LD-X1 was a long range of
attack so be careful. Remember not to be surrounded, and that Echidna
can only be hit with mid to low attacks due to her stance. Echidna
shouldn't be hard to beat as long as you don't show your back to her.
If you chose Volt, you'll get to see extra scenes with Echidna. If you
chose Kou, you'll get to see extra scenes of Leann and hear the
conversation on the phone.

STAGE 13 Air-Carrier
Enemies: Mugetsu
Stage Clear: Defeat Mugetsu
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
This stage could be confusing if you don't know what's going on.
You'll get two active character select screens one after another. The
first character select is to choose who will pilot the air carrier.
This character will NOT participate in the fight against Mugetsu. In
the next character select, you choose who you'll fight with. Choose
carefully because this can be a difficult fight.
The stage is a two on one fight. Mugetsu acts a lot more differently
than in previous fights. He has a dive attack and a spinning attack.
Use your friend as bait and just be careful of the spinning attack
because it's unblockable. You may want to play it defensively.

STAGE 14 Galeos - Passageway
Enemies: ???
Stage Clear: Defeat All Enemies
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: Yes
This is an easy enemy. When she is in the panther form, treat her like
the cyberdog enemies. Just do the stong low attack over and over again.
She may get you with the charge but it shouldn't hurt you too much. She
may occasionally turn to her human form. In that counter her attacks.
You won't be able to hit her while she changes so keep that in mind.
You shouldn't have any trouble with her.

STAGE 15, Part 1 Galeos - Control Room
Enemies: Dauragon
Stage Clear: Defeat Dauragon
Active Character Select: Yes
Save Point: No
You'll be fighting Dauragon two times (three times if this is more
than the second time of play). Choose wisely on who you want to be. In
this fight, you'll be against the both-handed Dauragon. Like in any
other boss fight, use your other friends as bait and try to attack him
from behind. His attacks are painful so you'll want to play it
defensively. Your goal is to have more than 3/4 of your health left and
defeat him before any of your other character gets defeated by him.

STAGE 15, Part 2 Galeos - Control Room
Enemies: Dauragon
Stage Clear: Defeat Dauragon
Active Character Select: No
Save Point: Yes(1st and 2nd play), No(3rd play and beyond)
Depending on how you did on the last fight will most likely determind
the outcome of this fight. If you did quite well in the last fight and
manage to get away with most of your health, then you may not have any
troubles with him. If this is your 1st or 2nd play through the game,
don't worry of been hit. But if this is your 3rd or more than your 3rd
play through this game, then I suggest you try and at least have more
than half your health when your finished with him. Use the same tactics
as before. Play defensively and use your friends as bait.
He has a unblockable attack which he starts by gathering purple flames
to his hands. If you see him charging up for the attack, run away from
him or attack him before he unleashes his fury. One of your friends may
likely get killed, but as long as you could beat him before your other
buddy gets defeated then you'll be fine.
If this is your 3rd or more than your 3rd play through the game,
you'll want both of your friends alive for the next fight.

STAGE 15, Part 3 (3rd play and beyond) Galeos - Control Room
Enemies: Dauragon
Stage Clear: Defeat Dauragon
Active Character Select: No
Save Point: Yes
If both of you're friends are alive, you still have more than half of
your life, and if you have more than half of your defense points,
you'll have a pretty good chance of defeating him. Again, use your
friends as bait, block often, and attack when he's busy or has his back
turned to you. Watch out for his nasty jump kick combo. It hits hard
and fast!

Enemies: Wong
Stage Clear: Defeat Wong or Lose
Active Character Select: No
Save Point: Yes

STAGE 16B (KOU) Central Square (Epilogue)
Enemies: Leann
Stage Clear: Defeat Leann or Lose
Active Character Select: No
Save Point: Yes
Either let her beat you or try to beat her. It's up to you. If you
want her as a playable character in the versus or surival, you'll have
to beat her. Beating her isn't as easy as you might think. You don't
have your friends to use as bait and she has some pretty nasty attacks.
Play it safe and fight defensively. If your careful, you'll be able to
defeat her.

11. Endings

12. Unlocking the Secrets
In this section I've listed how to get the characters and some of the
special costumes. Although I've already listed how to get the stages in
the versus mode section, I'll include it in this section as well.

Echidna - After defeating her in Stage 4, Part 2

Mugetsu - After Defeating him in Stage 7, Part 2

Dauragon(One-handed) - After Defeating him in Stage 8

PD-4 - After Defeating him in Stage 11, Part 2

Dominique - Finish Stage 12, Part 1

Mugetsu(Unmasked) - After Defeating him in Stage 13

Kaldea - After Defeating her in Stage 14

Dauragon(both-handed) - After Defeating him in Stage 15, Part 1

Dauragon(Overalls) - After Defeating him in Stage 15, Part 2

Dauragon(Tattoo) - After Defeating him in Stage 15, Part 3

Sion's 5th Costume - Beat Survival mode

Kou's 5th Costume - Finish Stage 9C, Part 2 (KOU)

Central Square - Finish Stage 2

Central Station - Finish Stage 3, Part 1

MSD Cargo Train - Finish Stage 4, Part 1

Air-Carrier - Finish Stage 6

Mikado Bldg. - Hanging Garden - Finish Stage 7, Part 1

Crystal Dome - Finish Stage 8

Rocket Tower - Deck - Finish Stage 12, Part 2

Galeos - Mid-flight - Finish Stage 13

Galeos - Control Room - Finish Stage 15

13. Loading Screens
The loading screens in this game, gives you the background story of
the selected character. All the loading screens have been posted.

SION BAZARHD-----------------------------------------------------------
13 years ago...
Wong: Why do you follow me?
Sion: Will I ever strong as you?
Wong: That is up to you.
Sion: Hey, will you teach me?
Wong: It is my policy not to take any disciples. It is late... Go
Sion: I... don't have a home...

11 years ago...
Wong: Giving up already?
Sion: N-No...! I'm just hungry! Can't fight on an empty stomach!
Wong: Hmph... You are persistent... I'll give you that.
Sion: Wh-What do I do... Next?
Wong: Jump off this cliff.
Sion: A-All right...
Wong: Whoa whoa... I'm kidding! is time for dinner.

9 years ago...
Girl: What're you doing?
Sion: Can't you tell? I'm training!
Girl: Looks like a lot of fun.
Sion: No one's stopping you from doing it.
Girl: I get sick real easily, so...
Sion: ...What's your name?
Girl: Kaldea.

5 years ago...
Sion: I finally made my master use one of his hands!
Kaldea: Wow! You've finally did it!
Sion: Yeah, but that geezer said it'd take me a lifetime to make
him use both of his hands.
Kaldea: You two really do get along, don't you?
Sion: Kaldea, your parents are always kind and caring to you, too.
Kaldea: I've never been scolded my whole life. I don't know if
you'd call that caring...

3 years ago...
Kaldea: What is it?
Sion: Master Wong...hasn't come home...
Kaldea: What...?
Sion: He said something weird a while ago...but I didn't expect him
to disappear so suddenly...
Kaldea: Have you notified the police? He could have been involved
in some accident.
Sion: No accident could kill him! Even if someone tried to murder
him...that old man wouldn't die...!

2 years ago...
Sion: Here, congratulations.
Kaldea: Are you sure?
Sion: Of course! You got that job at Mikado, right?
Kaldea: But... Can you afford this...?
Sion: Don't worry.
Kaldea: Thank you. I'll treasure it.
Sion: OK, but don't go locking it away in some box. It's a pendant.
You're supposed to wear it.

2 years ago...
Sion: What do you mean an accident!?
Kaldea's Father: There was an...accident at Mikado and...
Sion: And...what hospital is she in...?
Kaldea's Mother:
Kaldea's Father: She...didn't make it...
Sion: Huh...?
Kaldea's Father: It was a...massive explosion...
Sion: You're lying...
Kaldea's Father: S-Sion!

2 years ago...
Sion: (Kaldea...)
Man: Hey! Watch it!
Sion: (...)
Man: Who the hell do you think you are, running into me like that
without an apology!? What's with the pathetic look on your
face? What, did your girlfriend dump you?
Sion: Errr...raaaaaaaah!!

1 year ago...
Sion: ...
Man: Hey... Noticed you were looking at me. You got a problem with
me or something?
Sion: C'mon...
Man: What!?
Sion: Why don't you go ahead and kill me...
Man: What are you on!?
Sion: That is... if you think you got what it takes...
Man: You're asking for it, you little...!!!

1 year ago...
Sion: Someone! Anyone! Come and kill me!
Sion: Anyone!? You can use a gun if you have to!
Young Man: Uh... umm...
Sion: You're going to be the one to kill me?
Young Man: I think I know a man... who could get the job done...
Sion: Who is he?
Young Man: A man who works at a bar called Fate!

1 year ago...
Customer: Ah-aaaaahhhhh!
Boss: Hey, hey, you're scaring my customers. Why don't you take it
someplace else?
Volt: I think that's my job, Boss.
Sion: Those piercings make you look like a demon straight outta
hell. You think you got what it takes to get my there?

1 year ago...
Sion: I'm... not dead... yet...
Volt: Not bad... for a little kid...
Boss: What do you think about working for me, boy?
Sion: What...?
Boss: He works for me as a bouncer. It's your choice. No one's going
to stop you from leaving if you want to...
Sion: All right. I'll do it... But only until I could beat him...!

VOLT KRUEGER-----------------------------------------------------------
5 years ago...
Boy A: Dammit! We've been had!
Boy B: I told you! We shouldn't have pushed while he was away...
Boy A: D-Damn...!
A Voice: You're right about that.
Boy B: V-Volt!

5 years ago...
Man: Guh... hua!
Volt: Giving up already?
Mob Boss: Impressive! Most impressive!
Volt: !
Mob Boss: You just tore up one of my best men like a dog on a rag
doll. How 'bout you pull a job for me?
Volt: Why should I...?
Mob Boss: I need someone erased... In exchange for your service,
I'll keep my hands off your turf...
Volt: ...

5 years ago...
Agent: It's impossible... We can't stop him!
A Voice: Cease your attacks. He's far more than any of us can
Agent: M-Master Mikado!
Mikado: It appears he has some business to settle with me.
Agent: Stay in the car sir! It's too dangerous out here.
Mikado: It won't make any difference whether I'm in the car or not.
Volt: You... aren't afraid?

5 years ago...
Mikado: Have you ever though about working for me?
Volt: I've come here to kill you.
Mikado: And thanks to that, I was able to meet you. Don't worry,
I'll have a word with that 'organization.'
Volt: Who are you...?

5 years ago...
Woman:'re the new rookie?
Volt: You're an agent as well?
Woman: The name's Aena Paula. Codename: Echidna.
Volt: Who would've thought they'd make a woman an agent.
Woman: Hey, don't underestimate me. You know as well as I do that
you've gotta be damn good to work as a security agent here.

4 years ago...
Volt: Echidna, get the Master Mikado to safety.
Echidna: What about you, Volt?
Volt: I can handle this myself just fine.
Echidna: Are you crazy? You're gonna get slaughtered!
Mikado: Let's trust Volt.
Volt: Get going, Echidna!
Echidna: ...!

3 years ago...
Echidna: I challenge you...
Volt: What...?
Echidna: I've always wanted to go up against you.
Volt: Unfortunately, I'm on duty protecting Master Mikado. And it's
against my principles to raise my hand against a woman.
Echidna: ...!
A Voice: I see that man is an eyesore to you...
Echidna: Huh...?

3 years ago...
Volt: (Master Mikado... Forgive me...! I should not have taken my
eyes off you...)
Echidna: You seem to be in agony, Volt.
Volt: Echidna! You were with Master Mikado! How could you let
Echidna: It couldn't be helped. I'm much weaker than you. I couldn't
protect him...
Volt: Why you...!

3 years ago...
Volt: What're you trying to say, Echidna?
Echidna: Now I'll be the one to move ahead... Once I deal with you,
the one who conspired in the death of Master Mikado!
Volt: What!?
Echidna: FIRE!
Volt: Echidnaaaaaa!

3 years ago...
Man: Looks like you've come to.
Volt: Where am I...?
Man: I found you out on the shore.
Volt: Why am I here...?
Man: I assumed you wouldn't want the cops or docs involved.
Volt: ...
Man: I did a lot of crazy things when I was your age, too.

2 years ago...
Man: You got a place to go?
Volt: I don't want to trouble you anymore than I have.
Man: You interested in a job at my bar? It sure would help if I had
a bouncer like you.
Volt: A bouncer, eh...?

2 years ago...
Volt: Well if it's okay with you... I wouldn't mind working as a
Boss: But the gunshot wound on your forehead's gonna attract some
unwanted attention. How 'bout we cover it up with some body
piercings? But the only thing that would work on that spot
would be some horns.
Volt: Horns, eh...? That might actually be appropriate.

KOU LEIFOH-------------------------------------------------------------
17 years ago...
Teacher: Your boy is a genius. Not only scholastically; he is also
musically and artistically very talented.
Mother: Indeed. I want him to bring honor to the Hurst family name.
Kou: I'd like to learn martial arts, too.
Mother: Absolutely not! What if something happened to you!

13 years ago...
Kou: Mother, I have a favor to ask you... I really want to learn
Tae Kwon Do.
Mother: No son of mine will learn martial arts! How many times must
I tell you?
Kou: Then I will leave this house! I believe in order to be a
proper heir to the Hurst family, one must be strong as well!
Mother: ...!

11 years ago...
Grand Master: It is amazing. I never expected someone your age to
be able to go hand-to-hand with me. If I had my way,
I would have you inherit this dojo.
Kou: Really?
Grand Master: But that is not possible. You are the heir to the
Hurst family.
Kou: ...

9 years ago...
Mother: You earned a doctorate at such a young age. I'm so proud of
you. You are indeed a Hurst...
Kou: I'm sorry, of today, I renounce that name. I
appreciate my birth into the Hurst family and I do appreciate
the education you have provided me. However, I've learned
something more important from Tae Kwon Do.
Mother: Wh-What are you saying?
Kou: From now on, I will live on with my master's name: Leifoh.

4 years ago...
Senior Officer: So you are the elite they've been harping about.
Kou: I'm not elite. I'm just here to do a job that's worth risking
my life over.
Senior Officer: Heh... You passed. According to our reports, it
appears you are from the Hurst family. Defending on
your reaction, I was going to disqualify you.

3 years ago...
Senior Officer: Allow me to introduce your partner for the next
Kou: A..A woman?
Woman: I've got a name; it's Leann Caldwell.
Senior Officer: Her survival abilities may be higher than yours.
Kou: ...
Leann: Is there something on my face?

3 years ago...
Leann: I screwed up. I didn't expect them to have so many on
Kou: You can make it out of here alone, right?
Leann: Alone...? What're you going to do?
Kou: I'll draw their attention.
Leann: That's suicide!
Kou: Just trust me. And if we make it out of here alive, you owe me
a drink.
Leann: ...I'll think about it.

2 years ago...
Kou: Hey! Heard you were promoted! Congratulations!
Leann: I told high-command that it was all because of you...
Kou: No, it was because of your talent. Oh yeah, by the way, you
still remember that promise we made?
Leann: Huh?
Kou: You owe me a drink.

1 year ago...
Leann: Did you call for me, sir?
Senior Officer: Here... I knew Mikado's solar energy plan sounded
Leann: And there's also information about surgical enhancements in
Senior Officer: This mission's going to be our toughest yet...
Leann: Rest assured, I'm confident he will be able to pull it off.

6 months ago...
Kou: A full-body tattoo? What the hell kind of mission is this? I'm
just supposed to watch over the girl, right?
Leann: That's not all. It's also your job to prevent her from
falling into the hands of the Mikado Group.
Kou: You mean that mega-corporation!?
Leann: If all else fails, your job is to eliminate her...

6 months ago...
Boss: You're an unfamiliar face.
Kou: Yeah, just moved into town... hoping to find a job.
Boss: This place used to be pretty busy, thanks to Mikado, but
lately they haven't been outsourcing much of their work.
Kou: ... We've hit some bad times. Drinking seems to help the
time pass, though...

3 months ago...
Man: Agh...!
Boss: Not bad at all for someone like you.
Dominique: Boss, why don't you hire Kou as a bouncer, too?
Boss: Hey, hey, you know how expensive it is for me to just keep two
Dominique: I'll help clean the bar!
Boss: Ahhh, fine, fine... It's only because you insist on it,
Kou: I admire your good taste, princess!

14. Versus Mode
There are two modes of play within the versus mode. Battle Royal and
Team Versus. In both modes, you get to play as any character you want
(as long as you've unlocked the character).
Battle Royal is a 1-4 player versus game. As the name implies,
everybody is against everybody. The last person standing is the winner.
You could even have a 1-on-1 against a CPU.
Team Versus is a 1-2 player game. You basically fight 3-on-3. Your goal
is to defeat the team leader.
In both modes, you get to pick the CPU controlled player. And in both
modes, if you have the time on, when the time is up, the round is
finished without any winners. I'm sure most of you know but, to play 4
player, you'll need the Playstation 2 multitap and 4 Dual Shock 2
By the way, the Random selections for the character select and stage
select ONLY chooses those that are open.

Bar - "Fate"
Unlocked: Already Selectable
Description: Unlike in the story mode, you can't go down the stairs.
The fight is all done in the second floor. There's a few
obstacles and it's in a fairly small area.

Central Square
Unlocked: Finish stage 2 in story mode
Description: Unlike in story mode, you can only fight around the
water fountain and cannot go down to the lower level.
Despite it, the only obstacle is the big water fountain
in the middle and the stage is very big.

Central Station
Unlocked: Finish stage 3 part 1 in story mode
Description: The stage is the same as stage 3 part 1. It's a medium
sized stage. No obstacles.

MSD Cargo Train
Unlocked: Finish stage 4 part 1 in story mode
Description: The same stage as in the story mode. It's fairly small
and narrow so you may have trouble maneuvering. No

Unlocked: Finish stage 6 in story mode
Description: A stage on the back of a air-carrier. Basically the same
as the one in the story mode. A small stage. No

Mikado Bldg. - Hanging Garden
Unlocked: Finish stage 7 part 1 in story mode
Description: A stage in the hanging garden of the Mikado building.
Similar to the story mode stage only limited in size and
has a invisible wall. A medium sized stage. No obstacles.

Crystal Dome
Unlocked: Finish stage 8 in story mode
Description: A stage within the crystal dome. The stage is exactly the
same as the one in story mode, so you could still go up
the stairs to where the piano is. Basically a
medium-large sized stage. No major obstacles.

Rocket Tower - Deck
Unlocked: Finish stage 12, part 2 in story mode
Description: A stage in the deck of the rocket tower. The stage is
exactly the same as the one in story mode. A large sized
arena. No obstacles.

Galeos - Mid-flight
Unlocked: Finish stage 13 in story mode
Description: A stage on top of the air-carrier. The same stage as the
air-carrier only with a different background. A small
stage. No obstacles.

Galeos - Control Room
Unlocked: Finish stage 15 in story mode
Description: A stage within the control room of the Galeos. The same
stage as the one in the story mode. A medium sized stage.
No obstacles.

15. Survival Mode Walkthrough
Survival mode is a mode in which you try to beat 100 opponents using
any character without your health or block points been replenished. In
this section I will include hints and tactics to use to finish survival
mode so you could get the fancy outfit for Sion.
When challenging survival mode there are a few things you have to keep
in mind.
- Always, have an S rank character as they'll be stronger and have a
lot more moves than any of the lower rank characters.
- I recommend testing all the characters to see whom your good with.
- Look at the hints section of this FAQ.

Here's a very useful walkthrough of survival mode using Kaldea sent in
by Ritchije (Thanks for your contribution).

"Well this is basically how i do the entire survival thing.
1 and 2 need no explanation, just do the panther attack (Spinning
3. Go straight and after the first box do the panther attack to the
right box, you can't see it but there's the little robot guy, quickly
turn around and do the left one. Then go straight and kill the robot
behind the next box. The only reason I say this is because you can't
see them at first, and if you know where they are you can attack them
without waiting for the camera to move etc.
4. No explanation, just be careful with the dogs
5. For the robots turn human, block and counterattack, make sure you
DO NOT get hit at all.
6. Just panther attack everone
7. Ok, go up the right hand staircase and knock the guy down in
panther form. Lure the dogs, then attack the guy again so he falls into
the dogs, repeat this so they keep knocking into each other for massive
8. This is what I did when I got to the two robots: I ran in real fast
and went in between the orange and black one. Then I rushed the orange
one with the panther move so it was getting hit AWAY from the black
one. when he was finished I transformed into human and would use a
block/counterattack against the black robots since those ones attack
more often.
9. turn into a panther and immediately run away to the lift. Stand a
little behind the doorway of the lift so only one guy can approach you.
Panther attack him and he will knock into everyone for massive damage.
repeat this, except watch out for the dogs since they can jump at you.
10. run away, turn around and panther attack, run away repeat. Do not
just attack over and over since he blocks and counterattacks. If he
blocks run away quick.

Hope you can find something useful in there! - Ritchije"

16. Frequently Asked Questions

17. Credits
I'd like to give my sincere "Thanks" to the following people:
- For making so many cool games! The World is Square!!

GameFAQs, psxcodex, Neoseeker, ps2fantasy and
- For providing me a place to put this FAQ.

Carol Loeffler
- For the information on Dauragon's third battle and the support.

- For letting me post the walkthrough for Kaldea on survival mode.

David Justin Bibby
- For the support.

Joe P Shelton
- For the support.

My Family
- For the support they gave me.

And all those people who have supported this FAQ but for some
reason, not mentioned in this section. If it weren't for them this FAQ
may have never come this far. Thanks for the support guys (and send me
a e-mail if I missed your name)!!

18. Copyright
This FAQ is a Copyright of Zerocustom. Copying of part or whole of
this FAQ is not permitted without my consent. This FAQ was not created
for money or other form of profit. Thank you for your cooperation.

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