Blue Stinger

Blue Stinger

16.10.2013 22:17:58
Englische Komplettlösung für Blue Stinger
"What are you going to do if the enemy attacks when you are
butt-naked?" - Eliot

_______ _ _ _ ___
\ __ / // // // /__/ ------FAUST'S BLUE STINGER FAQ------
// / / // // // /_/ VERSION 0.7 ---------------- 6/26/99
_//__\ //___ //_// //__
/______/_/____/_\__/_/___/____ _ __________________
/____\ ___\/__ __//_ __//\____///___\_/__/_/_ \___/
/___ \ // // //\ //// _ /_/ //_//
____// //_____//_ // \////__////__ /__ /

This FAQ needs a LOT of work. I just want to complete it
before the U.S. release of the game though, so I'm not in
too much of a hurry. The walkthrough isn't complete yet,
and I haven't verified some of the codes, but everything
else should be sound.

Look for the completion of this FAQ soon after I get my
King of Fighters '99 FAQ finished up.

Section 1 ................. Item List
Section 2 ............... Weapon List
Section 3 ...................... Maps
Section 4 ............... Walkthrough
Section 5 ................... Secrets
Section 6 ................... Credits

SECTION 1 - Item List
Hassy Short - Recover some Health.
Hassy Long - Recover average Health.
Sandwich - Recover good Health.
Hot Dog - Recover a lot of Health.
Hamburger - Recover all Health.
Sushi Plate - Max Health Up some.
Pasta Plate - Max Health Up some.
Steak Plate - Max Health Up A LOT!
Lifooker - If you fall off a ledge/cliff/etc you don't die.

Doxin Drug - Cure Hello Market Manager. - Buy it for 320 on the Hello Mart
2nd Floor

SECTION 2 - Weapon List
NOTE: Some of these weapons can be found in vending machines at save points
late in the game in addition to their first location in the Hello Market,
I will post these locations later once I finish my walkthrough and maps.

## Eliot ##
(( SHORT ))
:: Unarmed
This weapon does a combo type attack, of punch, punch, uppercut, flaming spin
kick. Just use something else once you have the option to, but this should
suffice till the Hello Market for short range combat.
:: Baseball Bat
- Behind some crates near the Shuttle doors in Dino Slope.
Crap weapon. Better than fists though, so pick it up.
:: Axe
- Buy it for 300 on the Hello Market 2nd Floor.
For the price its an AWESOME weapon! Definitly pick up this weapon when you can,
as its speed is simply amazing, and it combos great!
:: Stun Rod
- Buy it for 3300 on the Hello Market 2nd Floor.
My favorite weapon graphics wise. Fast as hell too. Fun to use, but I still have
to suggest waiting till you can find it, as when you have the Raysword(which I say
buy immediatly at the Hello Market!) it becomes obsolete...
:: Iron Fist
- Buy it for 4000 on the Hello Market 2nd Floor.
Steam powered punches... Decent I guess, kinda fun to use. Not really worth the
4000, when you could just buy the Raysword for another 3000 which doesnt take
long to earn.
:: Raysword
- Buy it for 7000 on the Hello Market 2nd Floor.
A light sabre rip-off in every way! Great weapon, fun to use. Also, as it takes
no ammo, you can use it to make money without "spending" any at the same time!
I suggest this be the first weapon you buy from the Hello Market area, and use it
to build up the cash to buy other weapons you want.
:: Power Mixer
- Found in the Lab Area(see walkthrough for more info).
I can't use this weapon worth a crap. If it is any good it's value is lost on me...
(( LONG ))
:: Hand Gun
- Eliot's starting weapon.
Awesome gun! I don't know exactly why, but with the exception of using the Bazooka
on bosses, I use this little gun for everything... Great firing, cheap and common
bullets all make this gun much better than it really has a right to be for the first
of Eliot's weapons... :)
:: Shotgun
- Buy it for 1550 on the Hello Market 2nd Floor, or the Gun Shop, and found in
the Weapons Locker in the Storage Area of the Hello Market.
At first I thought this gun was great... but after playing against some of the
later enemies with it, when they started to kick my ass I realized its really not
that good, no where near as good as the simple Hand Gun. The Shotgun is better left
as a back up weapon, to take out enemies you don't want to waste your better ammo
:: Napalm Gun
- Found "A Shuttle" in Dino Slope.
Fires a blast of napalm that sets the enemy on fire. Good power, and I think that
the fire continues to injure the enemy, and possibly surrounding enemies as well.
Major drawback is it's ammo is rare to find, and vending machines with it even
:: Acid Gun
- Buy it for 1200 in the Gun Shop of the Hello Market.
Well... this gun is kinda useless with the others to choose from... only real
advantage is it is stronger than earlier guns, and cheaper than the others in
the Gun Shop's vending machine, and its ammo is relatively cheap as well.
:: Plasma Gun
- Buy it for 3200 in the Gun Shop of the Hello Market.
While I bought this gun, I have not even used it yet so will have info on it in
the next update...
:: Laser Gun
- Buy it for 8500 in the Back Room of the Hello Market 2nd Floor.
If this gun was just a little bit more powerful I would say it was worth the
hefty price... fourtunatly it's ammo isnt that bad, and it has a lot for each
battery. Only get it to have a back up weapon in case your favorites run out
of ammo.
:: Bazooka
- Found in the Run Road(see walkthrough for more).
Boom. Thats all I gotta say... well, that and 50 shots with this thing is a fun
ego boost. :)

## Doggs ##
(( T-SHIRTS ))
:: Karate T
- Found in the save area of the Brain Dept.
I have not used this enough to know if it does anything besides that cheesy high
kick. Will try to get more info for my next update.
:: Sumo T
- Buy it for 720 on the Hello Mart 2nd Floor.
Attacks with an E. Honda style "100 Hand Slap" type move. Great move, each punch
is kind of weak, but when fighting lone or spread out enemies, they wont even
have a slight chance of getting a hit in!
:: Wrestle T
- Buy it for 2300 on the Hello Mart 2nd Floor.
When equiped with the Wrestle T, depending on your distance from the enemy
you will do a different attack. Close range, a pretty slow punch to the
chest that kinda sucks. From a few steps away, you do a REALLY powerful
drop quick, and from a good distance away you will do a great running shoulder
charge. Difenitly worth the price.
(( SHORT ))
:: Jumbo Club
- Buy it for 8000 on the Hello Market 2nd Floor, or the Gun Shop.
Once you get the Santa Suit, this thing is hilarious to use! A HUGE club,
probably about as powerful as a Bazooka, but WAY too slow to be practical.
(( GUNS ))
:: Bow Gun
- Dogs' starting weapon.
Decent weapon. Good for the begginning of the game, and its ammo clips are pretty
cheap, but you only get 6 shots for each. Semi-Slow firing rate makes it hard to
use on enemies in close quarters.
:: Rail Gun
- Buy it for 4000 in the Back Room of the Hello Market 2nd Floor.
Great weapon. Relatively cheap ammo too, once you can buy it. Kind of lost in the
midst of the other, higher power guns, like the Bazookas and Eliot's Laser.
:: Gatling Gun
- Buy it for 7000 in the Back Room of the Hello Market 2nd Floor or find it
in the Run Road.
Id thought Id never say anything bad about a Gatling Gun in any game, but this thing
kinda sucks. Doesn't seem to aim too well. Works GREAT on the final part of the game
though where you have to protect Jeanine.
:: Super Bazooka
- Buy it for 16000 in the Back Room of the Hello Market 2nd Floor.
Heh... MWA HA HA HA!!!! MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! Need I say more?

SECTION 3 - Maps

Maps are listed both here for those of you wanting a map, but
not wanting to spoil the game with a walkthrough, and they are
also available in the actual walkthrough with "reference tags"
added to make going through the area easier.

Only Important Items are listed on the maps, things like extra
clips and food items may be added later.

Key: D - Standard Door.
L - Locked Door(see Walkthrough for how to unlock).
: or . - Door that leaves area.
Z - Standard Mutant Zombie thing.
V - "Vine" Monster.

(I am aware that having only this one map is near useless. I am still working
on these maps, as well as the actual walkthrough.)

| V | NL | ---------
|__ _____V_________ ________|___ ___| 1. Computer that starts a
__|L|___ _____ |D|______ ___|D|___ timed sequence.
| |_| | | | 2 | | | 2. Computer that ends the
| V D 1 | | | | | | timed sequence.
To : | |_____| | | ____|_| : To
Dino : | _____ |_________D : Brain ITEMS
Tunnel : |_| | | : Dept. -----
| V D Save | | Z BB| NL - Napalm Launcher
|__ ___| |_____| |___ ___| BB - Baseball Bat
| | | -------
|_______________________________|_________| Vines x 6
Zombies x 1

SECTION 4 - Walkthrough
Head towards the first hanger door, you should get interrupted twice, after
you are told to get a key card you can pick up a hassy cola from the end of the
dock you start at. Go through the door, and head down the hallway and pick up the
keycard, and continue to the next area and kill the zombie and get the Hassy.
Continue on through the security door. After Dogs helps you, pick up the keycard
behind the box, and then push the box so you can climb up onto the roof of the
building. Get the card and bullet clip from the body. Now head through the right
door and get the Gun and the key. Head back out and through the C02 Doorl. Get the
arrows and kill the zombies. Continue down the hall and you will see Nephlym. After
that is over, continue down the hall through the door. Ignore the door to your
character's right and continue over the bridge. After the brief sequence, go
trough the door to the Dino Slope.

| A-Shuttle V | NL | ---------
|__ _____V_________ ________|___ ___| 1. Computer that starts a
__#3|___ _____ #4|______ ___#6|___ timed sequence.
| |_| | | | 2 | | | 2. Computer that ends the
| V D2 1 | | | | | | timed sequence.
To : | |_____| | | ____|_| : To
Dino : | _____ |_________#5 : Brain ITEMS
Tunnel : |_| | | : Dept. -----
| V D1 Save | | Z BB| NL - Napalm Launcher
|__ ___| |_____| |___ ___| BB - Baseball Bat
| B-Shuttle | | -------
|_______________________________|_________| Vines and Zombies.

Kill or run around the vines, they are no big threat. Head through the door #1&
Save, download the map, etc. Now comes the first timed part... head back out to
the vine room and go through door #2. Look at the different panels. Head into
the "A Shuttle" room(Door #3), and run up the path dodging the vines and go into
the door on the right(#4), run around the fence and look at the computer. Head
through the door(#5) and go into the "A Shuttle" door(#6). Talk to the guy and get
the Napalm Launcher(!). Go back into the room you were just in, and get the Hassy
and Baseball Bat from behind the crates. Ignore the "B-Shuttle" area, and leave out
the large unmarked door to the Brain Dept.

Killing the vines, head on down the hallway, and go left and use the control panel.
After you give an agonizingly pathetic "password", you talk to Jeanine. After the
story sequence, get a little closer to the control panel for yet another major
sequence, and after that go through the back left door and save and such. Then
leave the way you came in, and head back to the Dino Tunnel, and the door I told you
to ignore. Go through the tunnel into town.

Turn right(your character's right), killing the zombies for money(you are going on
a shopping spree soon!) and continue through the tunnel at the end. Pick up the clip
off the dead body and continue on. Run towards the redish wall at the far end and
pick up the Hello Market Card. Head back to the town entrance and enter the Hello
Market. There is a save point if you make a left right when you enter the store if
you need to save. Look at the sign with the four Pen Pen characters at the front of.
the store and choose the left option. Head towards the back and make a right and turn
the corner and get "Pen Pen Sparky". Now go to the big door opposite the entrance.
After you turn the second corner there is a vine and zombie. Kill 'em both. Go in
the double doors opposite this room's entrance. Once in the hallway to storage DO NOT
GO IN THE WHITE DOOR DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF YOU! Keep turning corners, till the 3 way
area with zombies, turn right to get a Hassy, go straight to enter Storage Room 2.
After killing the zombie head straight(right turn is for later when you can access
weapon storage...). Enter the Storage area and kill the bat things. Push the tall
box against the wall under the blue colored panel, and push the small box to climb
on top of the big box to get to the panel. Use the panel and enter "0030" and "0050".
Get off the boxes, and you can climb behind some of the other boxes to get some
scattered hassies and a new bank card. Head back to the store area, and go in the
blue door to the food court(turn to your character's left after leaving storeroom
area). Here you can get an arrow clip, bullet clip, and hassy. Use the door that
has a poster on it. Kill the bat thing, and get the key card at the end of the
hallway. Go back out and take the door to your left to get another "Pen Pen". Leave
that room, and then leave the food court altogether. Head around the corner into
the toy store. Get the next "Pen Pen" and be careful of the vines and bats. Leave
the toy store, and go to the door to the left when you first entered the Hello
Market. Get "Taco Pen" here, then leave to go the door marked "elevator", to the
back left of the first area of the Hello Market. Here comes the first semblence
of a major enemy. Just run around him and pop as many caps into his ass as possible.
When you need to reload stand a safe distance behind his back... and then collect
the horde of cash he musta been hiding up his... you know where...! Head into the
"Specially"(:)) door and buy the Droxin from one of the vending machines and talk
to the assisstant manager. Now with the Droxin and safe key, go into that door in
the storage area I told you to ignore at all costs before. Talk to the manager,
and give him the Droxin. Get the card from him and the card from the safe. Leave
and procede to the Store House 01(says it on door), and turn right after taking
out the zombie. Continue along, kill the vine and raid the locker for shotgun and
ammo! Leave the storage area and go to the Weapons Store(to right of food court),
or earn up cash and buy weapons from the 2nd Floor. If you are playing for fun,
definitly get the Raysword, if you are playing for speed, just grab the Acid
Launcher and ammo from the Weapons store then go on with the game, as you can find
all the other weapons except laser(which is pretty fun, but useless) later on. See
my weapons list for whats available. (Also, another note, pick up the Axe at the
store, cheap and fast weapon!) Head outside the Hello Market, and go back through
the tunnels to the Safety Wall area where you found the Hello Market Key Card.
Head into the door to the left of the Safety Wall...

Hardest part of the game without aid, in my opinion. Gave me pure hell my first
time through... After you first enter the freezer, just run around the corners,
ignoring the small square area with the zombie. At the 3 way, turn left, and
go through the door that doesnt require a key card, in the next room run along
the middle walkway, and turn right and grab the key card, run back to the first
hallway/room and go in the key card door to your immediate left when you go back
into it. Grab the keycard here and wait for yourself to get warm again. Leave
this room and run back into the left door, across the walkway, then to the right,
continue along the path, ignore the frozen door. When you are at the end of the
walkway go in the key card door. Get the Activation Key from the control panel,
and leave and go through the door to your immediate right. Continue through the
path and make the second right turn... Boss fight. Just pull out the Napalm and
blast repeatedly. After you get his key card go through the oppostite door and
enable the heating. Now you have to worry about the heat... :( Head back to the
previously frozen door which is now an accesible save point. Save and download
map and such. Leave here and head back to the first room that required a key
card in the entrance hallway, just to get back some of the mini health bar. Go
in the door to the far right, and go down the hallway ignoring the vines and

First I suggest swim a little and get used to the controls. Now, wait for the
fish to come around, and kill him before continuing. Go to the right, and follow
the path around till you can come up for air. As its hard to explain in text, just
follow the map as close as possible to the ladder in the bottom left area, and swim
as close to the bottom as possible so you can easily see where you can come up for air.
As soon as you get up the ladder another boss fight. Just dodge and shoot. After he
is dead continue through the key card door. Break through unpackaged meat with a
weapon. Climb over the boxes and go out the door.

Save and all that good stuff... afterwards, ignore the water, and go in the first door.
Kill the zombie and climb through the hole into the next bathroom. Kill the Zombie then
grab the Rail Gun. Leave the same way you came in. Head over to the left to the Arcade.
Talk to the girl, then play the game and get Big Gali(uh...), After the girl gets Gali,
enter the password "1224"(Christmas Eve...) on the keypad. Go through the door, take
out the zombies, ignore the night club and continue on. Inside the saloon is yet another
of those weird freaky zombies... and some flying things for good measure. Leave, and
go down the pier and get the Hassy. Go down the tunnels to the right of the fishing
shack. Continue through the tunnel, and go in the bank. Enter "3532" for Elliot's
card, and "1008" for the Kimra Card. Leave the bank, and continue down the street.
Go inside Rat's Place and collect the various items laying around. Push the pool table
infront of the button on the wall, and climb up and press the button. Go down the
stairs and talk to Rats. Check the vending machine twice. Then push it to the side
and get the items behind the machine. Leave Rats, and head over to the fishing store
2 screens back. Go inside and kill the little creatures(HINT: Climb on the counter,
it makes it a lot easier). Collect everything inside, and head out the backdoor. Grab
the pirahana poison and hotdog, then head back to the entrance to this area(with the
save point and water). Save and such if you want, then walk down the ramp, and you
will throw the pirhana poison in. Swim to the next screen and take out the huge
fish from the ramp on the opposite side(fighting in water is just a waste). Go up the
ramp and collect the slew of items in both screens, then go back to the big fish screen
and swim through the hole in the bottom of the wall in front of the ramp. Swim through
the tunnel, and when out the other side, either go buy more crap at the Hello Market or
head back to Janine.

Talk to Janine, and enter the password "0513". Run out the door across from you, and
down the hallway till the movie scene. Then leave via the opposite door.

As your are running down the road, check the little houses and collect any items inside.
Instead of trying to go through the big hanger doors, use the small human sized ones on
the side. More or less continue in a straight line, collecting things from the little
buildings and dodging lasers(do so by running a zig zag, hard to get used to). Make sure
you grab the key card from one of the buildings, and download the map and save from
another. There are zombies in almost all of the road hanger areas. Once you reach the
huge gas tank, run around either side collecting the cards and lifookers, then climb up
the ladder. Look at the panel, then run around the catwalk to the top. Hit the 3 posts
coming out of the tank with a weapon(short range so to convserve ammo). Run back down
to the panel. Look at the panel, then immediatly run back to the top of the tank, and
jump off the broken cat walk. If you get hit you die so be careful! After your rather
rough landing, save then continue down the Run Road. At the end of the road, ignore the
jeep and go inside.

Go to the back left wall, and push the button. Go to one of the octagon shaped control
centers and use it. Now, head down the stairs to the right. Head in the hallway, and go
in the first door. Pick up any clips you need, and save and such. Go back to the hall,
and go in the other side door. Pick up the Crank, then leave. Go in the end door, and
kill the two zombies. Pick up the cables, then go back up stairs, and use the crank on
the right door's panel to open it. Kill the light bugs, then go on. You can examine all
the rooms if you want, but the important one is B-5, and get the Stun Rod. Leave and go
in the "R" Door, then into the "Y" Door. Turn left and go in Y-4 and get the card, then
go in the "G" Door. Go in G-1 for another Cable, then into the Warehouse door. Grab the
card and gloves, then leave and go in the G-3 door and look at the middle panel. Leave
here and go back into the "Y" Area. Go to Y-1 at the far end of the hall and look at the
3rd panel. Leave and go into "R" Area. Go in R-6 and look at the first panel. Leave R-6,
and go into R-7 and grab the cable. Now leave "R" and head back to "B", and then into
B-4. Look at the third panel, then leave out the "R" door, then "Y" door, and go to your
character's left and continue to the end of the hallway and enter the administration
office. Grab the card and ammo, and then head back to the main control room(go back
through "R" and "B" areas). Go up the elevator to the left of the door you come out of,
and save in the door across from you. Now go to the catwalk area, walk around them and
go in the door. Go in the door across from you, there is a zombie inside. Leave here,
and pick up the rail gun ammo from the corpse at the end of the catwalk, then go in the
door. Watch out for the huge misquitos. Leave through the other door on the side wall,
right of the entrance, and save and stock up on what you need, and pick up the key
behind the fence. Now go out into the musquito area, and out the other door. Run around
the cat walks until you go into another door, then leave this room. On the catwalks, go
into yet another musquito room. Kill the musquitos and get the card, then leave. From
here on keep going through the power plant catwalks till you get to the large generator.
In here just shoot all the little bugs, and pick up the items in the corner. Go back to
the main control room on floor 1(room you entered the plant through) and look at the
control panels. Now leave the Power Plant and go back to the Run Road.

Be careful, as soon as you come back to the Run Road a giant bug with a jeep on it's
head is after you... just kill him with your big weapons, he is pretty easy(as are all
bosses). After killing him, get the Jeep Key and Bazooka. Now go back through the run
road, more or less the same way you came through, except for at the cliff use the gate
to the left, then further down the other part of the road, use another gate to get back
in the main area you used to get to the Power Plant. Continue along till you get to the
area with the exit back to Brain Area. From here, if you have not already done this, go
to the side door and continue through the path till you get to another of those Jeep Bug
things. Kill it, then push the boulder to the side. Go down the steps, and follow the
path killing the vine, and grab the Gatling Gun and all it's ammo. Now, head back to

As soon as the whole sequence with Neyphlim is over, click on the blue control panel.
After that sequence, go back to the Run Road.

Go to right of the door, and get in the jeep. Go in the door the jeep stops at.

LABO AREA - LAB(All Floors)
Grab the hassy from the table, then go down the hall to the right of the entrance. Get
the clothes, then leave, and go to the door to the side of the reception desk. Pick up
the Santa Suit from the corner... MWA HA HA!!! CRAZY SANTA TIME!!! Buy whatever you need
to and then leave via the door opposite the one you came in. Take a bath(and get some
really cheesy, but hilarious dialogue!). Now go back to the lobby and go in the only
door you havent been in so far, and go through the clean check. In here, go down the
left hall and into the door on the right. Save and such, then go back out and to the
right. A Giant Slime should attack. Kill him, then continue on to the right. After
Eliot starts to mutate, head in the first door of the hall. Grab the oxygen mask, then
leave this room and go to the door at the end of the hallway. Be careful in here, the
air is poison and you can only stay in it for a limited amount of time. Run through the
passage, ignoring the enemies, then go down the stairs, grab the key and out the door.
Build up any oxygen you lost, and heal out here, then head back inside and upstairs.
Kill the dog mutants just so they will never bother you again(if you spend too much
time killing them leave and get oxygen back). Now go out the door closest to the the
entrance to the area, and flick the switch on the wall. Go in the hall, then go in the
door to the left of the entrance area(2 doors down from the one you are in), and kill
the little insects and talk to the girl. Now go back to the hall, and head back down
the stairs. Eliot should start to mutate a little more. Go out the door at the end of
the hall. Go to the side hall, and in the door at the end of the hall. Push the tank
into the open slot among the other 3. In hall, go in the door to the right and engage
the shower system with the control panel. Go back down the hall, and into the unentered
door(it should be a bluish colored room filled with light). Leave through the other door.
Kill the zombie and flying creatures in the hall, then continue down it till you get to
the door. Enter it, and from that room immediatly enter the other door. Another zombie is
in this hall. Go out the door beside the "Valve Room" door. Kill the creatures here then
go in the first door on the right. Save and stock up as needed here. Go in the door at
the end of the hall, and get in the tube. Walk back towards the door and mutate some
more. Now go over to the steaming pipes and climb up them. From here, maneuver around
and ignore the other set of pipes to the side, just continue along the current path.
From room to room, do the same, till you get to a second set of pipes to climb down.
From there, climb up the pipes to the left of those pipes, and continue along the path
till you get above the sealed room with the weird slug things crawling around, and climb
down. Kill the big eyed slug things and then grab the blood. Climb back up the pipes,
and back to the room with the 2 sets of pipes. Go back up the right pipes, till you
get over the next room with 2 sets of pipes(one leading to the floor of that room, one
leading back to the room with the tube). Go down to the floor via the first pipes you
come to, and out the door. Go in the door right and down(maybe up depending on your
angle) just a little. Click on the test tubes on the counter to get the thawing blood,
then use the pipes to get back to the room with the tube. Enter the tube(which is
actually an elevator) and go down a floor. Kill the Zombie and go in the door across the
hallway, and grab the items and kill the creatures, the back in the hall go in the door
to the left(not the big dark one, but the smaller one). This is Dr. Jacob's Lab. Go
around the corner, and Dr. Jacobs will mutate. Kick his ass then raid the lab, making
sure to check the safe for the disk and key. Head back to the "Valve Room" on the above
floor. Once there, use the control panel. Now from the Valve Room, run towards the
camera and out the door. The room should be filled with water. Swim on top of the pipes,
then climb up onto the ledge on the side and then climb up the pipes. Continue along the
path until you get to the end of it. In this room first unlock the doors in the back of
the room and head out the right door. Go to back of the hall, and back into the elevator
room. From here, go in the big dark grey door. Exit through the door on the other side,
it should be in the back corner. From here, go down the hall and into the door. Climb
up the ladder, and jump in the water. Kill the fish if you want, but regardless grab
the key at the bottom and then go back down the ladder, and click on the panel on the
wall(choose the left option). Now head back to Jacob's lab, and climb the pipes on the
wall. After getting down from the pipes go out the door to unlock it. Now go back inside
and down the elevator. Go along the catwalk killing the vines, and then through the door.
Leave this room as well and then climb up the pipes halfway through the walkway. Pick up
the cement mixer then climb back out. Here, head to the right. Go out the door and a
big slime will attack you. Rip da bastard apart and get the key from him. Leave the same
way you came in, then go back to the elevator you used to get down there.

(definitly before the U.S. release of the game)

SECTION 5 - Secrets
CD Extras
Load the CD into your computer... there are a very cool series of bmps
of swimsuit pictures of Jeanine, in addition to some really bad ass
pictures of monsters(and an odd shirt-less Eliot pic...).

I have seen a lot of conflicting information on these cheats, some people
say it is based on time, some say it is based on the number of times you beat
the game. I will try to confirm which it is.
Beat the Game Once - 100 of each Hassy drink.

The other cheats coming as soon as I get off my ass and verify them. ;)

SECTION 6 - Credits

This FAQ made by Faust, with Demonicus playing through some times so I could be at
the computer making notes... Got a correction or an addition?

E-mail me at:


(BTW, in case any of you care, the reason I have this FAQ up is to more
or les get free plugs for my homepage... so go there now!!!)

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Tips für Blue Stinger

18.Oktober 2013
Englische Komplettlösung für Blue Stinger
engl. Lösung

16.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020