Blue Stinger

Blue Stinger

18.10.2013 07:28:08
Tips für Blue Stinger


Große Augen:
Beende das Spiel zweimal im mittleren und einmal im harten
Schwierigkeitsgrad. Ist dies geschafft, so wird der Big Eyes Modus
freigeschalten und du hast immer noch die Strahlen Pistole.

Tür Passcode:
Im Spiel gibt es eine Stelle, wo man das SEGA Logo sieht. In diesem Raum
gibt es eine Tür die verschlossen ist. Sie lässt sich nur mit einem Code
öffnen. Dieser Code wird Euch im Spiel von einem Mädchen verraten, denn
sie sagt: "I'll give you a present, it's christmas eve!" -> der Code
lautet also 1224! (Weihnachten 12/24)

Weitere Codes:
<-derzeit nur auf Englisch->


200 Gesundheitsdrinks:

Nachdem ihr das Spiel durchgespielt habt, speichert das Spiel. Startet
ein neues Spiel mit dem alten SPielstand. Im Inventar findet ihr nun
100 große und 100 kleine "Hassy-Drinks". Mit diesen 200 Drinks sollte
Euch das Durchspielen keine Probleme mehr bereiten. Außerdem werden noch
s"mtliche ?brigen Extras aus dem letzten Spiel mit übernommen.

Bankkarten Passwörter:

In der Bank von Kimra (gegenüber von Rat´s Place), gebt ihr eines der
folgenden Passwörter zu den jeweiligen Karten ein. Ihr erhaltet dann
verschieden hohe Geldbeträge :

Bankkarte Passcode Geld/Verdienst
--------- -------- --------------
Eliot 3532 $20
Kimra 1008 $4000
Yucatan 1861 $5700
Bermud 1394 $6000

Versteckte Bilder:

Legt die Spiel GD-ROM in das CD-ROM Laufwerk Eures PC´s und im Verzeichnis
"Omake" findet ihr neben "BMP" Bildern auch noch 2 "WAV" Samples.

Lab Card Passcode:

Gebt Janean die "Lab Card" und sie fragt euch nach dem dazugehörigen Code.
Dieser lautet "0513".


Wenn ihr das Spiel zweimal beendet, bekommt ihr eine hitzesuchende Laser-
kanone. Wenn ihr es sogar viermal schafft das Spiel zu beenden, dann
bekommt ihr alle geheimen Waffen. Diese Waffen gibt es in keinem Shop zum
freien Verkauf - das ja wohl alles über ihre Wirkungen.

Mad Mode:

Beginnt ein neues Spiel von einem vorher gespeicherten Spiel, welches ihr
dreimal durchgespielt habt. Die Ausschrift "Mad Mode" taucht jetzt neben
dem Gesundheitsbalken auf. In diesem Modus bekommt ihe 200 Hassy Drinks,
alle Waffen (nicht alle Geiheimwaffen!) und volle Munition (fast alles).


Big eyes:
Beat the game twice on middle level, and once on hard. Then you will get
big eyes mode, and you will still have the ray gun.

Door Passcode:
During the game there is a part where you get the sega game token,
play jungle hunter, and win the gaily doll. in that room is a door
that can only be opened by a passcode. Incase you didn't catch it the
girl says "i'll give you a present, it's christmas eve!" so the passcode
is 1224! (christmas eve's date - 12/24)

Find the Metal Bat:
To get the metal bat go to the place where you have to find Jeanene.
Go to the room where there is a Goro looking creature. Behind it there
are going to be 2 mutated bats. Kill them and get behind the box where
the bats were you will find the metal bat and a big hassy next to it.

Freezer temperature control:
When going through the freezers to get to Rat's bar you pick up an item
called an invert key. Then after you battle the ice monster, there is a
place to insert the invert key. Put it in and enter a number between
5000-5999. Put these numbers in because if you put in a number higher
than 5999 nothing will happen, as that is the mode that the freezer was
in when you entered. If you put the number lower than 5000 the
temperature will rise too much and it will be too hot. Also in lower than
5000 mode in freezer B you have to navigate a pretty tricky water maze,
while in 5000-5999 mode you have to go ove ice blocks(the ice melts in
lower than 5000 mode). Also in freezer C there is a bull in a block of
ice in 5000-5999 mode and you don't have to fight the bull. However in
lower than 5000 mode you have to fight the bull.

Hello Market Shutter Passcodes:
When you first go into the Hello Market, there are two emergency
shutters that you must unlock in order for you to get farther into the
game. When you get to the Emergency Shutter Release control panel, the
two four number codes that you must enter are 0030, and 0050.

$20000 in 20 minutes:

Make sure that Eliot has his axe or stun rod, about and about 3 or 4
clips in his hand gun(this is also easier if Doggs has his rail gun).
Go to the Bait and tackle shop and kill the creatures that attack you
then go out side and do the full axe combo on the monster in the green
t-shirt right outside the tackle shop door. This will kill him. You will
then attract the attention of a monster wearing a white t-shirt this
monster leaps at you but gives you $250 kill him away from the water and
go in to the tackle shop and repeat. If you have about 20 small hassys
you can get about $20000(no typo) in about 20 minutes. This is easier
if you can lay down the full axe combo on the green guy because if he is
still alive he and the leaper will team up on you. If things are getting
ugly then switch to Doggs and Blast them with your rail gun. This takes a
bit of practice but the rewards are great.


Receive 200 Free Hassy Drinks:
After you beat the game, start a new game from the saved one. In your
inventory you'll have 100 big and 100 small Hassy Drinks. Also, your
money will be there, too!

Bank Card Passcodes:
At the Bank of Kimra, enter the following codes for the corresponding
card, and you'll receive the stated amount of money:

Bank Card Passcode Amount:
Eliot's 3532 $20
Kimra 1008 $4000
Yucatan 1861 $5700
Bermud 1394 $6000

Bonus Images:
Place the GD-ROM in your computer's CD-ROM drive and go to the "Omake."

Lab Card Passcodes:
Give Janean the Lab card and she will ask for the passcode, tell
her "0513".

Special Guns:
You get a special gun when you beat the game twice and you receive all
of the special guns after beating it four times.

Mad Mode:
Start a new game from the saved game file after beating it 3 times.
The phrase "Mad Mode" will appear next to the health bar. In this mode
200 Hassy Drinks, all weapons, and full ammunition will be available
(basically everything).

Patrick Hofmann

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Tips für Blue Stinger

18.Oktober 2013
Englische Komplettlösung für Blue Stinger
engl. Lösung

16.Oktober 2013
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