Command & Conquer - Red Alert Aftermath

Command & Conquer - Red Alert Aftermath

13.10.2013 19:22:57
*~Red Alert Aftermath Missions~*

Developer: Westwood


Author: Jay "ShadowWangTang" Kay

Date: 6 / 16 / 01

Version: 1.00









7. FAQ




This FAQ is copyright to "Jay Kay" It may NOT be used in
any magazine or any type of publication without my permission.
It may NOT be used for profit. This FAQ will only
allowed to appear at the following sites:

If you feel that there is an error, please e-mail me at


This is the 3rd FAQ that I wrote. This is about the
Aftermath New Missions and Units. I wrote this FAQ to
help people beat these missions. I personally think
that The Aftermath was well made and constructed.
Now... to the FAQ!


Stage 1: Harbor Reclamation

Objectives: Destroy all Soviet Units and Structures.

To start this mission, kill the Soviet Spy before she
reports back to base. Just shoot her with your five
riflemen reinforcements. Build Barracks, Power Plants,
Ore Refinery and Pill Boxes. This would help destroy any
"wandering" tanks. Also, train tons of soldiers. Build the
War Factory and build lots of Medium Tanks. Put them in ore
fields to kill any enemy Ore Trucks. Then do a "Tank Rush"
and kill all the enemies in the North East of your base of
north of the village. Then send some Engineers to do their
job. Destroy another part or capture another base which is west
where you previously destroyed/captured area. Then head North
East again and destroy the base.

Stage 2: In The Nick of Time

Objectives: Keep bridge intact, rescue scientists.

When you start this mission, send all the your units to the north
to collect a group of soldier reinforcements. Then, with combined
tank power, destroy all soviet tanks. When you cross the stream to
your west, destroy the V-2 Rocket with your tanks and watch out
for those pesky Grenadiers who come from below. Then, as you head
south a little more a Tesla Coil will attack you, again used
combined power to destroy it. By then, a Transport holding a few
tanks and a Demolition Truck will come by. Watch out for the Demo.
Truck because it could take out your whole army if to close. Go
North and go across the bridge. DO_NOT_DESTROY_THE_BRIDGE or
your mission will fail. When you get near or cross the bridge,
two Chrono Tanks will come to assist. Use them to get rid of
the two Hind Helicopters that come. Then, when you get near the
village, a few more reinforcements will come out. Use that Mechanic
to fix up your Chrono Tanks and other tanks as well. Then travel your
little army to the north where you will find more resistance. Destroy
and go west a little more to get more Chrono Tanks. Go west more until
you find a Soviet Base. Destroy the War Factory or capture it because
it will build more tanks for your suffering. Then go south more and
wait a little while for some scientists to escape. Go back where you
came from as fast as you can because if you stick around the base, a
reinforcement will come and 2 Soviet Transports will come, loaded to
brim with Mammoth Tanks. Get the scientists safely to the signal flare
at the place you started your mission. Mission Accomplished.

Stage 3: Caught In The Act

Objectives: Destroy All Soviet Units and Structures

In this mission, you start out with Tanya. You will get a reinforcement
of a Transport and some Gun Boats. Tanya needs to destroy all the
Soviet Technology Centers. Load Tanya to the Transport and take her
to the closest island, which is the slight northwest one. When you get
there, a reinforcement of a Chinook helicopter will arrive and some
soldiers. Unfortunately, Soviet MiGs will attack the barrels and if
you aren't fast, it will kill your lovely Chinnook. With the Chinnook
helicopter in your possesion, fly (or swim) to the island just Southeast
of there. You will get some reinforcements of soldiers and Engineers.
Wait a while and another Chinook will appear. Save it as you did last time
so you can utilize all weapons. Go north for some more reinforcements and
finish off any Soviets. During that time (or earlier) a Transport, holding
some Allied tanks should land at the far north island. Now, back to Tanya's
crew. After you finish that island, then venture to the north island. They
have some pretty strong forces and you could wipe them all out, if you do
it right. Collect the Spy and take him to the Radar Dome and infiltrate it.
The final island, which is at the north your tanks should have some trouble
with the Tesla Coils. Take them out with your two Destroyers. Then, plunder
with the remaining of your tanks, soldiers and Tanya. Mission Accomplished.

Stage 4: Production Disruption

Objective: Destroy Soviet Sub Pen

When you start this mission, you will have some soldiers with a Medic. Do not
go near the Tesla Coils and wait head north. When enemy soldiers come, kill
them. Head north until you see a Concrete Wall to your east. Enter there and
destroy the 2 Advanced Power Plants to shut off the Tesla Coils. You'll get
an reinforcement of two Demolition Trucks and three Engineers. Use the Demo.
Trucks to wipe out the two Flame Turrents. Use the rest of your units and go
northeast and kill the enemies and capture the Radar Dome with your Engineers.
You will get a Reinforcement of 3 Chrono Tanks. Go east and then north with
them. Do you see that Sub Pen? Since you will get instantly slaughtered when
you enter the enemy's base, Chrono Shift to the tiny island just northwest
of it. Finish off the Sub Pen.

Stage 5: Negotiations

Objective: Rescue Hostages, Destroy all Soviet Units

When you start this mission, you'll start with Tanya. Slaughter the soldier to the
north and head east until you see some SAM sites. C-4 them and three Longbow
Helicopters will arrive and will destroy that Flame Turrent that is blocking your
way to the south east. Head north until you see some Enemy Soldiers attacking
a town. Kill them all and a Civilian will tell you to follow him through the woods.
He will lead you to the Hostages. Destroy the Technology Center and the Hostages will
come out and will follow Tanya. Get her to the bottom left part of the map to the
Abandoned Church. Take Tanya back where she came from, and she'll signal for reinfor-
cements. You will get some Tanks and an Mechanic. Wipe out the rest of the Soviets
for your mission to end.

Stage 6: Monster Tank Madness

Objective: Infiltrate Soviet Radar Dome, Locate and Rescue Dr. Demetri

When you start this mission, you will begin with some tanks and soldiers.
Use the Thief and steal from the Ore Silo. Watch out for Flame Turrents.
Next, capture the Sub Pen and build some Transports and put your units
in them. Next, head NorthWest and destroy the V-2 Rocket. Then take all
of your units north, where you will find your outpost. Fix everything
with some Engineers and build tanks and soldiers to help defend the base.
Build some more tanks and take out all of the bridges. Then, send a Spy to
the east and infiltrate the Radar Dome, causing the Super Tanks on their
creators. Then look for a Church in the far southern part of the map and
send an APC there and load Dr. Demetri into the APC and go back to your base
and load him in to the Chinnook Helicopter. Mission Accomplished.

Stage 7: Time Flies

Objectives: Destroy the two Missle Silos

When you start this mission, you will start out with two Chrono Tanks. After
killing everyone on the island, Chrono Shift to the island in the North West.
Destroy or ignore the Flame Turrent and continue up. You will find to more Flame
Turrents, destroy them. When they are destroyed, blow the Radar Dome to kingdom
come, so it destroys all the SAM sites in that particular area. ChronoShift again
to the next island and do the same thing. When you do that, 2 Longbow Helicopters
will take out the Tesla Coil and a reinforcement of Tanya will arrive. Kill all the
soldiers and blow up the barrels to take out the Flame Towers. Then use Tanya to
blow up the 2 Advanced Power Plants for your MCV to arrive. Deploy the MCV and build
the usual. Build tons of tanks though. Then send those tanks to the Ore Fields to the
south to kill the Ore Trucks. Then do a Tank Rush and destroy/capture the Soviet base.
I recommend you capture the Construction Yard so you can build Tesla Coils. Deep in
the base, you will find a Missile Silo. Anhilate it. Since you (hopefully) captured the
Soviet Con. Yard, build some airfields and some MiGs. They are great to destroy any
Enemy Structure that you might have missed. Go north from your new base and anhilate
the rest of the Soviets and the Missile Silo. Mission Accomplished.

Stage 8: Absolut M.A.D.ness (not a typo)

Objectives: Destroy M.A.D Facility, Destroy all Soviet Units and Structures

Start by fixing up your base. Then build some reinforcements and some Spies. Send
one Spy to the SouthWest corner of the map and infiltrate the Technolgy Center. Then
send another Spy to the NorthEast of the current Technology Center and infiltrate it.
Finally, send another Spy to the north of that one. Then some Flares will surround
a certain Information Center to the southeast. Take it out with some handy Longbows.
Then, finish the rest of the mission by destroying the rest of the Soviets. Mission

Stage 9: PAWN

Objectives: Protect Fake Base, Destroy all Soviet Units and Structures

Start by training some infantry, just enough to protect your base. You can look
for money bonus crates around the area for needed supplies. Simply defend your
fake base. You have to sweat out 25 minutes like this, so be prepared. At the
10 minute mark you will get some reinforcements inside the Soviet base. Explore
and destroy as much as you can with those tanks. After you defended your base for
a good measure, a reinforcement of a some tanks and a MCV will arrive. When they
get to your base, simply sell all of the Fake Buildings and replace them with real
ones. Build all of the usual. Try building some more defences when you get some
extra cash. When finished, simply do a Tank Rush to the Soviet base up north and
they will have no chance against you.


Stage 1: Testing Grounds

Objectives: Destroy all Allied Units and Structures.

This mission is pretty hard so get ready. Deploy your MCV and do the usual. Then
Build lots of Flame Towers at every part of your base so no place is unguarded.
Build a Sub Pen and start producing Missile Subs. When you get enough cash buy some
Tesla Coils to help you get rid of Chrono Tanks. Then, with your Missle Subs, head
northwest and destroy all of the buildings in range, including those pesky Gap
Generators. After that, build a lot of tanks and crush the rest of those little,
defenseless, allies.

Stage 2: Shock Therapy

Objectives: Destroy all Allied Units and Structures

When you start this mission, use your Shock Troopers and send them to the South West.
Try avoiding Pill Boxes because they will easy tear your soldier to bits. Head east
again and cross the river and approach the village and kill everything so you can get
a V-2 Rocket and a Demo. Truck. Then, go to the entrance to the enemy base and you
will receive reinforcement of Missle Subs and Tesla Tanks. Use the Missle Sub and
destroy the base then use your other units and send them North West and destroy the
last base with your arsenal. Be sure to destroy ALL ALLIED units. Mission Accomplished.

Stage 3: Let's Make A Steal

Objective: Steal Prototype Tank

In this mission, you will start out with Volkov and Chitzkoi. First, head South
down the corridor and east and use Volkov the activate the buttons. Watch out
for those Allied soldiers, they should be easy to kill with Chitzkoi. Avoid
Pillboxes until later. Head north again and go east. Kill all the scientists and
soldiers and activate all the equpment with Volkov and go east again. Kill
everyone and go south at the junction. Watch out for the Pillbox because little
Chitzkoi might be stupid enough to leap right next to it because of the soldiers.
Anyway, ignore the hurting bullets and head south then west where the nucular
generator is. Feed everyone to the dog and go south to see Einstein there...
eat him. But activate the generator, it will give you a time limit of 45 min
if you do. Find all of the control panels to make explosions. When you stumble on
a room with a lot of your trapped soldiers, let the Grenadier free himself and try
to free the Shock Trooper. With those reinforcements, take out the rest of the
Allies in that room. If not done quick enough, the Allies will use gas to take out
the soldiers in their "Torture Chamber". Since Volkov has SelfHealing, always put
him in the front. When he gets hurt to much, run away and he will slowly repair
himself, like Mammoth Tanks. Then find the place where a healing crate was an
grab it if you must and continue west. Activate the final control panel and
infiltrate the War Factory for a beautiful Phase Transport. Now you have to get
out of here. Go north east through the exit. Mission Accomplished.

Stage 4: Test Drive

Objective: Destroy all Allied Units and Structures

When you start this mission, you will begin with Volkov and the Phase Transport.
Put Volkov in the transport for now. Then head north. Attack the tanks. If you get
low on health, retreat and wait for your tank to heal for a little while. Then,
strike again. When you are destroying the two tanks, infantry might arrive. Then
take Volkov out and let him shoot them all down for tanks to poor on infantry.
When you destroy the two tanks, you will receive a reinforcement of some rifle
infantry and two Engineers so do not destroy the town. After that, head north
with your Phase Transport. Don't attempt to attack a tank or an army of tank will
come. Take your Phase Transport in and deploy Volkov. Use Volkov to kill the
soldiers. Then C-4 everything. Then destroy the AA-Guns with your Phase Transport
for some Shock Troopers and some FlameThrowers. Now your target is the Radar Dome
to the South East. Follow the road to the South East and enter and destroy all the
AA-Guns for some more reinforcements. Use Volkov again to C-4 like crazy and take
out the Allied infantry. Now send Volkov and his Transport north and destroy the
defenses. After you take them out, concentrate on destroying the Allied Navy. Use
the Submarine reinforcements and send them as far as they could while being still
in range with the ships. Then select each one individually and take them out. Then,
finish off any surviving tanks/units. Mission Accomplished.

Stage 5: Don't Drink The Water

Objective: Poison Allied Waterfall, Capture Chronosphere, ChronoShift MCV, Destroy
all Allied Units and Structures.

When you start this mission, you will have five Engineers, a Supply Truck, and
some Grenadiers and Rifle Infantry. Go immediately to the NorthWest until you
see a road. Follow the road while killing any enemy soldiers. At the end of the
road, a nasty Ranger awaits and should be easily killed if all soldiers attack
simultaneously. Then lead the Supply Truck up to the area where the road ends to
poison the water. Don't venture yet. Watch all those Civilians and Allied Soldiers
meet their bitter end. Then head SouthEast where you saw all those Allied Soldiers
die. Then head North with your Engineers and capture the Chronosphere. Then an MCV
should arrive. Patiently wait for your Chronosphere to charge. During that time,
you should kill those tanks with your remaining soldiers which are to the west
before they suddenly leap alive to kill you. When the Chronosphere is charged,
Chronoshift the MCV to the North West island. But do not deploy it yet or you
will somehow fail the mission (another bug, probably). Then send your MCV to
the north a little THEN deploy it. Build the usual. Then use some tanks to head
north and destroy the four Turrents on the two "hills". After that, get some MiGs
ready, like six of them. Then build lots of Tesla Coils, due to large amounts of troops.
Same thing to where the Chronosphere is. Build some Tesla Coils over there to
protect it from intruders. Then at the main island, build enough tanks for a Tank
Rush. Then, take them all to the north east of your base and slaughter everything
insight. Use Parabombs and ParaTroopers and MiGs to assist. Destroy everything
BUT the Technology Center. Capture the Technology Center. After you do, make
sure that no building is still standing, by exploring the entire base. Now,
since you should have some more money, build a War Factory near the Chronosphere.
Start producing tanks to get rid of any Allied buildings near that area. After
that, destroy the Allied Navy with Submarines and MiGs. Mission Accomplished.

Stage 6: Situation Critical

Objectives: Destroy Power To Tesla Coils, Get Scientist into Bio-Research Lab,
Destroy all SAM sites, Run from A-Bombs.

When you start this mission, you will begin with some Missle Subs and Submarines.
Use the Missle Subs at a safe distance to take out Power Plants. Use the Submarines
to destroy any other enemy Submarines. Keep on targeting Power Plants until a
reinforcement of Volkov and the Scientist come out. Head NorthWest. Be sure that the
Tesla Coils can't attack or you will be fried. Then head North and kill any Enemy
Soldiers that will come to harass you. Go up the hill with Volkov first and kill all
the Shock Troopers from a safe distance, then C-4 some SAM sites and head south and
C-4 those SAM Sites as well. Take the Scientist into the Bio-Research Lab and take
Volkov to C-4 the rest of the SAM sites which should be to the South of the Lab and
North East of the Lab. Once done, head as far as you can go from the Bio-Research
Lab to be safe from the MiGs who drop Nukes. Survive through them. Mission

Stage 7: Brothers In Arms

Objectives: Eavesdrop the Molotov Brothers, Destroy the Molotov brother's base.

When you start this mission, you will begin with a Spy. Head NorthEast and enter
the base. Get near the Molotov Brothers (you will notice them easily) and start
the eavesdropping. After that, they will retire into the H-Q Building. So infiltrate
it as well. After they begin talking, bla bla bla, they will notice you. Then,
take your Spy to the dropping point. It may be kind of hard because they will put
dogs on your tail. So, when exiting the base, Daniel (one of the Molotov brothers)
will shoot at you and miss, killing the dogs. Continue South. When reinforcements
arrive, clean out the area. MiGs will get rid of the two Camo. Pill Boxes. With your
surviving units and MCV, head a little North West where there is some more space.
Destroy the two Chrono Tanks there and send the surviving units to the NorthWest
to find Tanya and some units. After the soldiers in that area die, then it's time
to deploy your MCV. Build the usual and surround your base with Tesla Coils, about
three in each open area enemies could get to. Build some V-2 Rockets to help reinforce
the base. This is also good because the Molotov brother's Ore Trucks are around the area
so they could get zapped and shot at as well. Start building Submarines and send them
NorthEast to get rid of the Allied Navy, and the Destroyers and such, before they start
making Cruisers. If you don't strike the Molotov Brother's base quick enough, they will
come after you. Your Tesla Coils, V-2 Rockets and Attack Dogs will finish them off
quickly. Then do a Tank Rush on the main base and destroy. Then go East of their base and
destroy the Advanced Power Plants. Finally, send all your units to the South East of
thge entire island where a few units and structures will be. Take them all out. Mission

Stage 8: Deus Ex Machina

Objectives: Destroy all Allied Radar Domes, Rescue Volkov, Terminate Volkov,
Destroy all Allied Units and Structures.

When you start this mission you will begin with some Mammoth Tanks and
some Tesla Tanks and a V-2 Rocket. Send the Tesla Tanks to kill the Ranger
who signalled the Longbow Helicopters. Try to hurt them as much as you can
with the Mammoth Tanks. Wait until another reinforcements to arrive. You
will get some Tesla Tanks and an MCV. Deploy the MCV and build the usual.
Send some tanks to the North and destroy the Demo. Truck. Then take all the
tanks to the NorthEast part of the map where they will encounter a pretty
large base. Destroy everything in the top part of the base (or capture)
so the bottom part of the base will be a lure for Volkov. Destroy the Radar
Dome up there. Now, this part my be a little tricky. Send a Spy Plane to the
NorthWest and you will find another Radar Dome. Use Missle Subs or MiGs to
take out the Gap Generator before it covers it up and use another Spy Plane
to unreveal everything. Use Missle Subs or MiGs to take out the Radar Dome.
Now, take some normal Submarines and take out the two Destroyers which are
next to the island you just finished off. Then, find the other island which
is right next to it and do the same. Watch out, because there is a line of
Turrents that you might want to get rid of. Use another Spy Plane to reveal
the location temporarily and blast the Gap Generator again with your
MiGs/Missle Subs. Then send another Spy Plane in and make quick work of the
Radar Dome. Then, at your base, build a horde of Tanks and Attack Dogs.
Send the Tanks to the SouthWest corner of the map and go west and then a little
North East to find the final frontier. When you find this, make a line of Attack
Dogs where your base entrance is. Do the Tank Rush to wipe out the Gap Generator
and the Radar Dome and flares will pop up around the Fake War Factory. Infiltrate
it with a Engineer and Volkov will come out. He seems "unstable" so you have
to exterminate him, but don't do that yet. Let Volkov C-4 that Allied base and when
he continues NorthEast let him C-4 that Allied Base and kill any tanks/soldiers
that you might have missed. When he starts coming to your base, send the horde of
Attack Dogs and he will only kill a few. They will gobble him up and then
find the rest of the Allied Buildings/Units and send MiGs, tanks, and whatever
to take them out. Mission Accomplished.

Stage 9: Grunyev Revolution

Objectives: Attack the Civilians, Signal for reinforcements, Destroy all Allied
Units and Structures, Destroy the "Unstable" Elite Units.

In this mission, you will begin with some tanks and soldeirs . Go a little NorthWest
where a civilian called Special #1 will attack you. When you wear him down, he will
run like a sissy into the church and another civilian will come out. Kill him
quickly for he is a Kamikaze unit who can practically destroy your group of tanks.
Then retreat and go North. Try not to destroy the tanks because the sooner the
MCV arrives, the better. After you signal for reinforcements, destroy the annoying
Allied Tanks/Units. Build the usual and build a lot of Attack Dogs and put them
in the Civilian Village on "Guard" mode to kill any Civilians that might be venturing
near your base. Build enough tanks for a "Tank Rush" and send them South West where
you will find a mini base. Destroy or capture it. I recommend capturing it because it
is very useful when an Allied Unit comes near, you can fry it with a Tesla Coil.
Then, with the rest of your surviving tanks head North where you should see a large
crowd of civilians, venturing to your main base. Send Attack Dogs and tanks to kill them
and run them over. When you kill them, Stalin's "Elite" Units will come. They will
attack the Civilian bases but when they are done, they will attack you. Some Tesla
Coils and V-2 Rockets will take them out nicely. Mission Accomplished.

Unit: Chrono Tank
Side: Allies
Tech Level: 7
Pre-requistiques: War Factory, Allied Tech Center
Weapon: Dragon (2)
Special: Chrono Shift

Unit: Mechanic
Side: Allies
Tech Level: 2
Pre-requistiques: Service Depot, Tent Barracks
Weapon: Tankheal
Special: None

Unit: Demolition Truck
Side: Allies, Soviet
Tech Level: 10
Pre-requistiques: Missile Silo, War Factory
Weapon: Kamikaze
Special: Nucular Warhead effect

Unit: Shock Trooper
Side: Soviet
Tech Level: 4
Pre-requistiques: Tesla Coil, Barracks
Weapon: TeslaGun
Special: Can't be run over by vehicles.

Unit: Tesla Tank
Side: Soviet
Tech Level: 4
Pre-requistiques: Tesla Coil, War Factory
Weapon: TeslaShock
Special: None

Unit: Missle Sub
Side: Soviet
Tech Level: 5
Pre-requistiques: Soviet Tech Center, Sub Pen
Weapon: AirMissles
Special: Can destroy aerial units and land units/structures if in range.

Unit: MAD Tank
Side: Soviet
Tech Level: 4
Pre-requistiques: Soviet Tech Center, War Factory
Weapon: Shockwave Kamikaze
Special: Can hurt all units except infantry.


*These units only appear in the missions, not skirmishes.

Unit: Volkov
Side: Soviet
Tech Level: 9
Weapon: Silencer, FireHandGun
Special: C-4, SelfHealing

Unit: Unstable Volkov
Side: None
Tech Level: 15
Weapon: ExplosiveHandCannon
Special: C-4, SelfHealing

Unit: Daniel
Side: Allies
Tech Level: 7
Weapon: Silencer
Special: One of the Molotov Brothers

Unit: Prof. Einstein
Side: Allies
Tech Level: -1
Weapon: None
Special: FraidyCat

Unit: Dr. Demetri
Side: Allies/Soviet
Tech Level: -1
Weapon: None
Special: FraidyCat

Unit: Chitzkoi
Side: Soviet
Tech level: 9
Weapon: PowerDogJaw
Special: Can leap very far

Unit: Phase Transport
Side: Soviet
Tech Level: 8
Weapon: DoubleMiniMissle
Special: Can carry one soldier unit, has cloaking device. Self-Healing

Unit: Scientist
Side: Both
Tech Level: 1
Weapon: HandGun
Special: Infiltrate

Unit: Yuri
Side: Allies
Tech Level: 10
Weapon: ElephantBlaster
Special: One of the Molotov Brothers

7. FAQ

Q: What is a "Tank Rush"?

A: A Tank Rush is when a lot of tanks, usually about 15 - 30+ tanks
attack a base at one time. This is how many people win through this

Q: How do I kill those "unnaturally" strong units in the missions easily?

A: Simply stall them with a tank or something and move an Attack Dog in. Or
if you are the Allies, surround them with infantry, not clustered, to make
them shoot them off, one by one. But Allies shouldn't have this problem unless
somebody is cheating.

Q: How do I capture buildings?

A: Use Engineers to wreak the building until the health is red and send another
one in to capture it. Or you can select an attacking unit and lower the building
strenght to red then capture it.

Q: What do you mean by "Build the Usual"?

A: Usual means (in my words) build everything you should regularly build, like Power
Plants/Ore Refineries/War Factories. You can have a different picture on building
what you build. It is simply a something you must make up.

Anymore questions? E-mail me at


6/ 16/ 01 - Added all of the needed information


CJayC - for posting my FAQ and having one of the most useful video game site
in the world. and teaching me how to write a FAQ.

(c) Jay Kay 2001

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