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Copyright 2007 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host any of
my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the
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If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any other site(s), please
contact me, and I will contact the site(s) to get it updated.
All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my
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Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at
deucestaley@gmail.com or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon).
1.10) Allied Missions
1.11) Harbor Reclamation
1.12) In the Nick of Time
1.13) Caught In the Act
1.14) Production Disruption
1.15) Negotiations
1.16) Monster Tank Madness
1.17) Time Flies
1.18) Absolut M.A.D.ness
1.19) PAWN
1.50) Soviet Missions
1.51) Testing Grounds
1.52) Shock Therapy
1.53) Let's Make a Steal
1.54) Test Drive
1.55) Don't Drink The Water
1.56) Situation Critical
1.57) Brothers in Arms
1.58) Deus Ex Machina
1.59) Grunyev Revolution
First, it's worth noting that this guide was written for Hard mode. If some of
my suggestions and comments in the guide seem unreasonable, it's probably
because you're not playing on Hard mode.
Next, I'll cover some of the most important keyboard/mouse functions. If
you've played at least one or two other RTS games before, most of these will
probably be familiar already, but if not, you should defintely familiarize
yourself with them.
- The X key will make your units scatter, making them harder to hit. If you
get into a fight on equal footing (like classic light tank battles, for
example), whoever scatters the best is most likely going to win.
- The S key will stop the last command you gave to the units you currently
have selected. This is great for when you realize you just sent something
somewhere stupid, or if you want to stop force-firing on something.
- Pressing this will center your screen on your primary Construction Yard.
This is useful when you don't have radar and accidentally bump your mouse or
Ctrl+Left Click
- Hold down the Control key, then left click on something to make your
selected unit(s) force-fire on a target, even if it's a friendly unit,
building, or just bare ground. This is a great way to purposely destroy
bridges and detonate mine fields.
Alt+Left Click
- This is similar to Force-Fire, only instead of firing, it'll force your
selected unit(s) to move to the desired location. The main reason you'll want
to use this command is for smashing infantry - tell a vehicle to force-move on
an infantry unit, and it'll actively try to run the unit over.
- Hold down the Control key, then press one of the number keys from one to
nine. Anything you had selected at the time will now be in a group that
corresponds to the number you pressed. When you let go of that selection,
pressing the corresponding number key again (without Ctrl this time) will
automatically reselect those units. This is an absolute must for efficient
combat, especially in online games. Note that pressing Alt + a group number
will not only reselect the units, but also center your screen on the group's
current location.
- As you might've noticed, you can choose between two Soviet countries. The
difference between the two is that Russian units and structures cost roughly
ten percent less, but Ukrainian units are slightly faster than usual. You'll
probably always want to choose Russia, honestly.
- There're three different Allies to choose from. German firepower is
slightly better than the other two sides, the French have a faster attack rate,
and the English have better armor. Personally, I'm a fan of firepower, so I
always choose Germany when I'm playing as the Allies.
- You can set the difficulty of the the computers. Easy mode will make
everything you build cost approximately ten percent less than usual (which can
add on to Russia's ten percent too, making things approximately twenty percent
cheaper). There's no change between normal and hard mode as far as costs go,
but you'll note that the game moves much faster on hard mode, and the computers
are much more aggressive. Assuming the game runs perfectly on your computer,
you can lose a skirmish map to a single computer in a matter of seconds if it's
set to hard mode on the maximum speed setting.
"General Stavros has elected you to lead an attack on a strategic harbor the
Soviets have overrun and fortified.
You will have to move quickly, for the minute that the Soviets realize that
you are in the area, all hell will break loose.
The nearby town is somewhat sympathetic to the Soviet cause so you may want to
keep close watch on them. If any of them try to inform the Soviets of your
presence, you have permission to terminate the informants."
Your MCV will deploy itself automatically, so start building a power plant as
soon as you can. Build a barracks before you build an ore refinery, then
train two riflemen instantly. A civilian will approach from the east very
quickly, but you'll be able to catch him with those riflemen if you're fast.
Build a war factory and a spare ore miner, then crank out light tanks. The
Soviets will drop parabombs and paratroopers on your base, so you might want to
defend it with anti-aircraft guns and pillboxes. Once you have plenty of light
tanks, move north through the closest water crossing and assault the Soviet
base to the left.
Completely wipe the place out, but be careful - the Soviets will still be able
to build new buildings in that area even if you completely destroy everything
they have there. Keep your tank pile close by to deal with anything they
Your next target will be the large Soviet base along the top of the map.
Reinforce your tank group, then move all the way to the top of the map. Head
east, and you'll run into a concrete wall. Tesla Coils will start ripping your
tanks apart, so quickly blow a hole in the wall and destroy power plants as
fast as you can. The Tesla Coils will stop firing after you destroy a few, but
keep moving due east, destroying every power plant you see along the way.
With their Tesla Coils crippled, the Soviets won't be able to put up much
resistance. Crush this base, including the sub pen in the water. The final
cluster of Soviet buildings is on the far right side of the map near the
middle, so move down there and wipe it out. Once all of the Soviet units and
structures are destroyed, the mission will be complete.
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.12) In the Nick of Time | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |
"The situation is critical! The Soviets have taken over a small research base
in the north. During the conflict, a chronosphere was badly damaged. We fear
it could explode.
Inside the base is a group of scientists that were captured during the
takeover. They must be rescued before the chronosphere explodes. Fight your
way back into the base and retrieve them.
Be careful -- there is only one way in and out of the base, a lone bridge. It
must be protected to ensure evacuation."
Move your starting forces north until you find some infantry reinforcements in
some trees, then move west and deal with the Soviet tanks and infantry there.
Take out the V2 rocket on the hill, then turn south and follow the path until
you reach a friendly transport. Depending on how lucky the Soviet submarines
get, you'll receive a few reinforcement vehicles, including a nuke truck. Add
the vehicles and infantry to your group, but leave the nuke truck slightly
behind the rest of your forces - you don't want to risk getting it destroyed in
the middle of your units.
Destroy the Mammoth tank in the town north of the beach, then destroy the
church and use its health crate to repair your units. Watch out for the
paratroops that landed behind you, then move north again. Turn right before
you reach the bridge, and you'll find another small town. Some Soviet troops
will come out of one house, so slaughter them quickly and destroy the church,
but leave the crate alone for now. Move across the bridge to join your Chrono
Tanks. Park the nuke truck next to the healing crate you just found - you'll
be able to make use of it later.
Continue to the north-east, and you'll get a pair of tanks dropped in above a
Tesla Coil. Fire at the barrels next to it to destroy it, then continue
farther to the north-east to receive another pair of Chrono Tanks. Crush the
Soviet tanks in the area, then move all the way to the north until you find a
Soviet barracks and a power plant. Either capture them with your engineers or
destroy them, it doesn't matter much.
The path to the west has some land mines on it, so you might want to lob a few
shells that way to detonate them. Head that way when you're ready, then deal
with the forces on the other side. The gap south-west of the pair of pillboxes
is your destination - destroy them, then use your nuke truck to pick up the
healing crate you parked it next to if necessary. Continue west towards the
Soviet base when you're ready.
Destroy the lower section of wall, then destroy the nearby buildings. When you
damage the command center, some friendly scientists will run out of it and all
hell will break loose. Quickly send all of your forces back through the path
you used to get here. Take the nuke truck to the beach in the south-west where
you received reinforcements earlier and leave it there.
When your scientists are safely past that beach, use the nuke truck to detonate
the Soviet transports that try to land on that beach. It's not really
necessary, but it's a good way to blast a bunch of Mammoth tanks before they
even land. Since the scientists can run so fast, though, they probably won't
have any trouble outrunning the Soviet reinforcements. Get them all the way to
your original starting position to end the mission.
Soviets have discovered our attempt to hinder new weapon development. Tanya
in jeopardy. However, mission must be completed. All Soviet research centers
must be destroyed.
Reinforcements will be provided when possible. Expect some help from forces
among the locals.
Complete mission, and get Tanya back in one piece."
Put Tanya in the transport and move it slightly to the north. When Tanya gets
out of the transport on this chunk of land, you'll receive some infantry
reinforcements. Quickly turn Tanya's attention to the north and pick off the
swarm of Soviet troops in the town. There's a healing crate here, but don't
use it unless you need to. Instead, leave one of your riflemen behind so you
can pick it up later when you really need to.
Load Tanya and the other troops back onto the transport, then dump them onto
the next chunk of land slightly south-east of your current beach. Some more
Allied troops will join you, but you'll need to use Tanya to slaughter the
Soviet troops that're trailing your reinforcements. There's another healing
crate on the eastern side of this chunk of land, so leave another riflemen
behind to pick it up later when you need it.
Put Tanya back into the transport with your rocket soldiers and some riflemen,
then land them on the next chunk of land to the north. Soviet troops will
attack the town as soon as your feet hit the ground, so send your units north
to join your reinforcements as fast as you can. Force the reinforcements to
stop moving if they try to move east towards the choppers - they'll be picked
off easily if you don't keep them together.
Use Tanya to slaughter the Soviet troops coming from the north, and leave the
rocket soldiers alone so they can deal with the Soviet choppers. When things
quiet down, move your troops to the beach on the south-eastern part of the
land mass. More choppers should attack, so let the rocket soldiers wipe them
Take your gun boats east through the smashed bridge. A submarine is waiting
right after it, so blow it out of the water. Some reinforcements will try to
land on the far eastern land mass, but they'll probably be wiped out by Soviet
troops before you can even come close to doing anything about it. Use the gun
boats to take out as many of them as you can from the safety of the water, then
land riflemen on the shore with your transport. Have Tanya and the rocket
soldiers join them once it's safe.
Move north slowly with your riflemen - you don't want Tanya to get killed by a
dog before you have a chance to react. When you approach the technology
center, some reinforcements will come out of it, including a medic. Regroup
your forces, then send your gun boats to the north. Clear the water, then load
your riflemen into your transport and land them on the northern land mass to
join your newest reinforcements.
Land Tanya and the rest of your units, then move north towards the Soviet base.
Flame towers are protecting the entrace on the western side, so you're better
off blowing a hole in the concrete with your rocket soldiers. Keep your eyes
out for attack dogs, then move Tanya into the base and level it. Your rocket
soldiers will be able to destroy the flame towers from outside of their reach.
There's only one more Allied base to destroy, but it's also the most defended
of the three. If you move your gun boats south, then west back to their
original starting position, you'll be able to approach the last base by heading
through the narrow passage to the north. This has a major benefit - you'll
receive destroyers as reinforcements. If you approach the base from the east,
you won't always receive the destroyers.
A transport will dump some reinforcements on the southern shore of the last
land mass, and Soviet forces will swarm them. Use your destroyers and gun
boats to slaughter as much as you can, including the flame towers and Tesla
Coil you can see. There's a second Tesla Coil on the right side of the base,
but you'll need to sacrifice something to get a view of it.
When things are fairly safe, land Tanya and your other infantry. Watch out for
attack dogs and heavy tanks, but move into the base and crush it. You really
only need to make it to the technology center - destroy it, and the mission
will be complete (assuming you've already destroyed the other two, anyway).
"The Soviets are beginning construction of a new class of submarine capable of
launching sea-to-ground missiles. We don't have to tell you the amount of
devastation these could cause.
Take a small squad of troops and infiltrate their power grid. When it is
down, additional reinforcements will be sent in.
When ready, head north and destroy their Sub pen, preventing further
construction of these subs. If any are built, they must not be allowed to
Cluster your soldiers together and leave them there until the Soviet troops
attack your position. Once they're dead, move your forces east until you find
a pair of power plants encased in concrete. Kill the troops guarding them,
then destroy them both. A transport will drop three engineers and two nuke
trucks on the beach to the south (where the two Tesla Coils are).
Use your rocket troops to destroy the two flame towers to the north, then move
your infantry east to the radar dome. Kill the guards, then take the station
with your engineers. Soviet reinforcements will land on the beach slightly
east of the dome, so have your nuke trucks ready to wipe them out. You'll also
receive three Chrono Tanks on the nothern side of the destroyed bridge.
Fend off any Soviet units that attack the Chrono Tanks while you're waiting for
them to charge, then chronoshift them to the small island near the submarine
pen to the north. Destroy the sub pen, and the mission's complete.
"A Soviet force has holed up in a small town, threatening to kill a hostage
every 5 minutes until their demands are met. We do not negotiate with
terrorists -- explain this to them.
Locate the hostages, free as many of them as you can, and get them safely to a
nearby abandoned church. Once done, return to your drop-off point, signal for
reinforcements, and finish off the Soviet forces."
Take Tanya north and pick off the Soviet troops, then turn right before you
reach the flame towers. Pick off the troops on the top of the ridge, then
continue moving east along this path to find a pile of explosive barrels.
Detonate them to take out the group of troops and dogs, then continue moving to
the east. When you see a pair of flame towers with a pair of SAM sites above
them, pick off the troops and detonate the SAM sites. Head slightly north from
the SAM sites and detonate the group of barrels there when the Soviet patrol is
next to them.
With the SAM sites destroyed, some Allied choppers will fly in and destroy the
nearby pair of flame towers. Send Tanya east through the openning that causes,
then kill the two Soviet riflemen in the small town. Follow the civilian that
exits the building into the forest, then stand on the far right edge of the map
until the Soviet patrol is safely past your position. Continue following the
civilian to the left past the ridge, and take a shot at the explosive barrels
on your way past.
You'll see a bridge leading south, and there's a pile of barrels to the left of
it. Leave them alone for now. A little farther to the west after you cross
the bridge, you'll find the camp where the hostages are being held. The
civilian will suicide into the barrels and free them, and they'll follow Tanya
wherever she goes after that. Have Tanya blast the barrels near the bridge to
take out the reinforcements that come off of the Chinook, then run your
civilians up and to the left.
See the barrels by the water to the far left? Shoot them to kill the Soviet
commander, then send Tanya and the civilians all the way to the east along the
very top of the map. Send them south through the forest to the church at the
very south-east corner of the map, but make sure you're careful in the forest -
Soviet units are usually patrolling it.
With the civilians taken care of, send Tanya all the way back to your original
starting position to signal for reinforcements. Use your tanks to take out the
pair of flame towers to the north, then send the demo truck on a suicide
mission into the middle of the Soviet forces. Use your tanks and troops to
slaughter the rest of the Soviets, including the buildings in the middle of the
"Dr. Demitri, creator of the new Soviet Super Tank, wants to defect. We
planned to extract him while the Soviets were testing their new weapon, but
something has gone wrong.
The Super Tanks are out of control, and Demitri is missing -- likely hiding in
the village to the far south. Find our outpost and start repairs on it, then
find and evacuate Demitri.
As for the tanks, we can reprogram them. Send a spy into the Soviet radar
dome in the NE, turning the tanks on their creators."
Take your tanks north, crush the infantry, and destroy the two flame towers
below the abandoned Soviet sub pen. Damage the power plant and the sub pen
until they're in red health, then use an engineer to capture each of them. Put
the thief into the Soviet ore silo, then use the credits you get to build a
transport at the sub pen. Load your tanks into the transports and dump them on
the beach to the north-west.
Take out the nearby V2 rocket, then send the tanks north along the western side
of the map (make sure you see the ore field on the way, it's above the V2
rocket's location). Start your ore miner harvesting that ore field south of
your base as soon as you see it, then move your tanks east out of your base.
There's a bridge about a screen to the east that heads north over the water.
Cross it, making sure you kill the dogs on it in the process.
Continue moving east, and you'll find some more Soviet units, including another
attack dog. Kill everything, then turn south to find the top of the Soviet
base. Destroy the flame tower, then leave your tanks here. Train a spy at
your barracks, then send it into the radar station near your tanks' current
location to reprogram the Super Tanks.
With the Super Tanks reprogrammed, the rest of the mission will be a breeze.
They'll pretty much wipe out the southern Soviet base. Use your tanks to clear
a path down the left side of that area, and you'll find a small chunk of land
with a church on it next to a flare. Approach it with a unit, and Demitri will
come out of it. Make sure the path back to the chopper in your base is clear,
then put him in it. The mission will be over as soon as he escapes, you don't
need to destroy the rest of the Soviet units and structures.
"The Soviets are planning an A-bomb strike on London. Their silos are located
on an island that has only one beach access point, which is guarded. We could
air lift in units, but SAM sites on nearby islands prevent this. Our only
option is the Chronotank.
Use the tank's ability to chronoshift itself to destroy the radar domes that
control the SAM sites. Once dealt with, Tanya will arrive to soften the large
island's defenses. With power down, an MCV will arrive to help you destroy
the missile site."
When your Chrono Tanks arrive, send them north quickly and detonate the
explosive barrels north of the bridge to kill the Soviet infantry there. Keep
moving north as fast as you can and destroy the truck before it boards the
transport - it'll drop a crate of money for you. Collect it, then shift both
of your Chrono Tanks to the next landmass to the west.
Carefully move around this area to find two flame towers and two SAM sites up
on the ridges. Destroy them all, then follow the path. You'll find a pair of
flame towers and a pair of SAM sites near a radar dome slightly to the north-
west - destroy the flame towers and the SAM sites, but just damage the radar
dome until it's in the red. Move your Chrono Tanks east, kill the Soviet
rifleman, and an engineer will come out of it. Leave him near the radar dome,
but don't capture it yet.
Instead, shift one of your tanks over the cliff to the left of the radar dome,
then move it along the beach until you reveal a spot on the next landmass's
shore. Once you can see it, shift both tanks over there. Take out the SAM
site, then move south. Destroy the tank near the bridge, then detonate the
barrels to kill the infantry. Move north, and you'll find another pair of
flame towers.
Keep your eyes peeled - as soon as you see the shroud clear around the next
radar dome, shift one of your tanks right on top of the guy that tries to
escape from it. You'll need to lead it a little to the right, so that when you
reappear, you'll crush him under your treads. Destroy everything else up here,
and some choppers will take care of the Tesla Coil to the north.
Tanya will be paradropped on the ridge next to where the Tesla Coil was. Move
her north slowly and pick off the soldiers, then move east when you can.
Detonate the explosive barrels to destroy the flame towers, then destroy both
of the power plants. An MCV will arrive on the shore to the east - deploy it
and start building a power plant. Place it north of your construction yard,
then build an ore refinery. While it's building, use the engineer you found
earlier to capture the Allied radar dome, then repair it. You'll need an
anti-aircraft gun on the right side of it to defend it.
Place the ore refinery above your power plant, then build a war factory. Get
another ore miner, then start pumping out light tanks to defend your base.
Shift both of your Chrono Tanks up here to help defend, too. When you've got
some spare cash, invest it in a barracks and a repair bay so you can train a
mechanic - it'll be invaluable for keeping your defensive tanks in good shape.
Continue building light tanks, and use your mechanic to repair them if they get
damaged. A transport will dump demo trucks on the beach for you, but they're
not much use to you - keep them away from your base for safety reasons. When
you've got a few dozen light tanks, send them east to the first Soviet base.
Tesla Coils on the west side will fry you at first, but you shouldn't have any
trouble blasting the concrete and destroying them. Level the entire place,
including the nuke silo, then return your tanks to your base.
Use your mechanic to repair any severely damaged tanks, then regroup and head
to the south-eastern Soviet base. It's set up basically the same way the other
one was, so your primary concern should be destroying the Tesla Coils on the
edges. All you need to do is destroy the nuke silo in the lower-right corner,
but if you'd like to destroy the rest of the base first, go right ahead.
The Soviets are developing a new tanks that sends shockwaves throughout the
area, damaging everything around it. We must halt development of this
Direct your spy into all 3 Soviet Intel centers, which will reveal the
location of the tank's remote control station. Once found, destroy it. This
will stop production of the tanks, allowing you to destroy the facility.
The Soviet tank's are protected by the Iron Curtain -- be sure to destroy it."
This's going to be a rough ride if you're playing on Hard mode. Start off by
repairing your buildings and building an extra power plant. Move your tanks
to the south-east entrance of your base to defend against the pair of heavy
tanks that's going to arrive soon - if you don't destroy them as soon as they
get there, the Soviets will use the Iron Curtain on them.
There're two ways to approach this mission, but neither of them is very fast...
If you want to actually use the spies like you're supposed to, go right ahead.
One of the intel centers is directly south of your base along the shore, and
the dog coverage isn't very good near it, so you should have no problem getting
a spy in there. Of course, once you do, the Soviets will release hoards of
dogs, so things will be a little trickier for the second two.
The next intel center is below the group of Mammoth tanks in the middle of the
map. If you head towards the group and follow the ridge to the right, you can
head all the way down until you run into a war factory. The intel center is
just a little south-west of the war factory, but watch out for dogs - there'll
probably be quite a few in the area.
For the third intel center, approach the eastern Soviet base from the path you
just used above the Mammoth tanks, only instead of turning south, continue
following the path to the east. Enter the base between the two Tesla Coils,
then move slightly south-east to find the intel center. Watch out for dogs,
though - there'll probably be quite a few of them patrolling outside and inside
the base.
With all three intel centers infiltrated, the lower-right corner of the map
will be revealed for you. There's no way to reach it by land, so if you want
to destroy the control center quickly, your best bet is to chronoshift a
cruiser into the water above it. Make sure you get the construction yard and
as much of the other stuff as you can while you're there.
With the M.A.D. tanks stopped, the rest of the mission is fairly simple - use
the cruiser to pulverize the western Soviet base as soon as the effect of the
chronoshift wears off, then move a light tank group down there to finish off
some of the lower structures. Bring an APC with a mechanic or two in it, too.
If your tanks get too damaged, pop the mechanics out and repair them. Chrono
Tanks work well too, especially against armored targets.
Destroy everything on the map to finish the mission, including the pile of
Mammoth tanks on the central ridge.
"Acting on misinformation we've provided, the Soviets have sent a division into
our area to deal with what they think is a heavy weapons facility. It's not
-- it's a fake, but we want them to believe it's real.
Defend our fake base until reinforcements can arrive to assist you. When they
arrive, destroy their radar dome to prevent reinforcements, then finish them
Gather your infantry near your barracks, especially your rocket soldiers. The
Soivets will be sending Chinooks, paratroops, parabombs, Yaks, and MIGs at your
base throughout the mission, so you'll want the rocket soldiers ready to defend
against them until you can build anti-aircraft guns. There're piles of barrels
east and north of your base - send one of your light tanks to them and destroy
them, then collect the crates of money they leave behind. There's also a
transport truck in the town north-east of your base. Destroy it, and you'll
get a third money crate.
As long as you repair your buildings constantly, you shouldn't have any trouble
surviving the initial Soviet attacks. Train a mechanic at your barracks to
repair your vechicles, and keep an eye out for V2 rockets - they tend to attack
from the ridges, and they'll inflict a lot of damage if you don't catch them
When the timer runs out, you'll receive an MCV and several vehicles. Sell all
of your fake structures and deploy the MCV inside your base, then build an ore
refinery. Use the new vehicles to defend your base while your ore refinery is
being built, then start building pillboxes and turrets to defend the east and
west sides of your base (infantry hoards will shred you if you're not careful,
and Tesla Tanks and Mammoths will sometimes attack). Continue using your tanks
to defend the top of your base.
If you send a unit to the water in the north-west, a transport will arrive and
dump four tanks and a mechanic on the beach for you. Use them to eliminate the
barrels and Soviet units near the beach, then use them to detonate the barrels
on the ridge slightly to the north-east. The Soviet airfields are up there -
move closer to them and destroy the planes if they survived, but keep moving
east until you see their radar dome. Try to destroy it with these tanks if you
can, but if they get destroyed, send some from your base and finish the radar
dome from the ore field below it.
Crank out more light tanks, then assault the Soviet base when you're ready.
Quickly take out the two Tesla Coils at the entrance, then force your way north
right above them to find the command center. When you destroy it, the Soviets
will usually sell everything else. If not, start destroying other important
buildings, like the war factory. If the Soviets do sell everything, all you
have to do is wipe out the infantry rush they send at your base to finish the
mission, though there'll likely be a few tanks mixed in there too.
If your tanks get wiped out in the first attack without causing the Soviets to
sell, just build some more and keep attacking until they do. There's plenty of
ore on the map for you, but keep an eye out for Tesla Tanks and Tesla Troopers.
They can make short work of your ore miners, and Tesla Troopers can't be ran
over by vehicles like other infantry can.
"The allied pigs have developed a new weapon called the Chronotank. This
weapon appears to share technology with their despised Chronosphere, allowing
it to chronoshift by itself.
They are testing this new weapon on an island that rightfully belongs to the
Soviet Empire. New weapon or not, this island will be ours.
Establish a base and deploy your troops accordingly. The allies have the
advantage of a natural ridge barrier, but do not let it stop you. Let no
trace of the allies remain on our island."
Deploy your MCV as soon as you can, then build and place a power plant to the
right of it. Build an ore refinery and place it right below the ore field
above and to the left of your construction yard. Build an advanced power plant
to the right of your other power plant (as close to the shore as possible),
then build a war factroy to the right of that. An Allied ranger will probably
be attacking your construction yard by now, so build a Tesla Coil and place it
above your construction yard.
The Allies will hit your base from both sides with tanks, infantry, and worst
of all, Chrono Tanks. Concentrate on defending the left side of your base at
first, since that's where your ore refinery is. If you can get two more Tesla
Coils on the left side of the refinery to aid the one above your construction
yard, you should be able to survive the initial Chrono Tank attack. Stuff will
still attack your war factory on the right side of your base, though, so you'll
need to shift your focus over there once the Chrono Tanks are dealt with.
Don't worry too much about defending this side as well as the other - it'll
have the benefit of your forces coming out of your war factory to defend it.
Besides, you have something much more important to worry about. The Allies
will send a cruiser and some escorts down the left side of the map, and you'll
need some submarines to stop them before the cruiser demolishes your base.
Once you destroy the cruiser, the rest of the mission is simple. Chrono Tanks
will continue to shift on both sides of your base throughout the mission, but
most of the rest of the Allied attacks will be fairly light. Build some Tesla
Tanks and move them east, then north along the edge of the island. There's
another large ore field here that'll supply you with enough money to crank out
a dozen more Tesla Tanks if you need them.
Continue moving north, and you'll find the ridge mentioned in the mission
briefing. Use your Tesla Tanks to fry Allied buildings from the safety of the
southern side of the ridge, then turn your attention to the passage to the
west. The Allies are sure to counter-attack your Tesla Tanks with whatever
forces they have available at the time. Target their tanks first, then take
out any rocket soldiers they sent. Wipe out anything else they happened to
send, then continue to the west.
A cluster of turrets is guarding the entrance to the Allied base, but your
Tesla Tanks have more range than the turrets do. Blast them all (and watch out
for camo pillboxes), then move into the base and wipe it out. They'll probably
sell everything fairly quickly, so be prepared to defend against a large
infantry rush. Make sure you keep away from the northern shore, too - there're
going to be several destroyers, some gun boats, and possibly another cruiser on
the loose up there somewhere.
Once you destroy the entire Allied presence on the map, the mission will be
"A small border town has been voicing support for the Allied cause. These
people are no longer soviets, but enemies to our great empire. As enemies,
they must be destroyed.
Take Stalin's elite shock troopers and show them the iron might of the Soviet
army. No doubt, the rabble will seek help from the minute allied influence in
the area.
Whatever pathetic support they can muster, it will not be enough. Crush them
all -- let nothing stop you."
Take your shock troopers north-east until you see a crossing over the water.
You'll discover a large town, and civilians will attempt to flee it when you
arrive. Leave your shock troopers on the western side, right above the
crossing you just came over. They'll pick off most of the civilians on their
way past, but don't worry about the ones that get away. A light tank and a
ranger will approach you from the south, so be ready to destroy them.
Once the tank and ranger are gone, use your shock troopers to level the houses
in the village. You've probably noticed that a transport dumped three
engineers, a V2 rocket, and a nuke truck on the shore for you, so add those to
your forces when you're done destroying the village and head south back over
the crossing. Send the nuke truck west, and you'll eventually run into two
pillboxes. Get the truck between them and let it explode to destroy both of
the pillboxes, then move the rest of your forces west.
An Allied base is in this corner. Move your shock troopers in and wipe out the
soldiers and barracks in the southern part of the base, then return the shock
troopers to the entrance of the Allied base. Another light tanks and ranger
are going to attack, and you'll want the troopers to protect the V2 rocket and
the engineers. Once that threat's dealt with, damage the power plant and the
radar dome enough to capture them, then use the third engineer to repair the
power plant.
Capturing the radar dome gives you some major reinforcements via a transport
from the water to the north. And them to your group, then send everything but
the Tesla Tanks south. Send the Tesla Tanks to the east again and destroy the
single civilian house south of where the town used to be. You'll get a healing
crate from it. Once you've taken it, send the Tesla Tanks back to the rest of
your forces.
Leave the nuke truck safely behind your forces as you move farther to the south
along the western edge of the map. You'll run into another small town in the
south-west corner, and more civilians will try to escape. Slaughter them all,
including the Allied units that try to counter-attack your units. Level the
town, then move east. There's another solitary house over here that you can
destroy to get another healing crate.
Farther to the east, you'll find two more crossings over the water. Cross the
northern one and destroy the two artillery pieces with your Tesla Tanks, then
send the nuke truck over there. Head south, and you'll run into another pair
of pillboxes. Let them destroy the nuke truck to destroy them, and you'll get
another transport full of reinforcements (along with a chinook full of shock
troopers). Send all of your forces south and annihilate the Allied base there
to finish the mission (assuming you've destroyed everything else, that is).
"Our spy has informed us of a new technology the Allied forces are developing.
Stalin wishes to acquire it.
Use Volkov to steal this prototype vehicle, and make sure they will not be
able to reproduce it. Destroy the production facility after stealing the
plans for the vehicle, and then bring Stalin his new toy.
Do not fail us."
Take Volkov and Chitzkoi south, then turn east. Two riflemen are guarding a
terminal on the wall, so kill then and then use the terminal. Continue moving
east through the room with the reactor, then turn north to find another room
with a reactor. Be very careful not to touch the control panel in the corner
of the room - doing so will cause the shroud to continuously regrow for five
minutes, and I'm not aware of any benefit to doing that.
Move east through the hallways until you run into a wall, then turn south. Use
the panel in the room with the white floor to detonate a pillbox nearby, then
move Volkov down to the tech center and enter it. You'll be fully healed, and
Volkov will exit the facility. Note that if you had him set to a team number,
you'll have to reset it.
Return Volkov and Chitzkoi to the top of the map, then head west until you can
turn to the south. There's a panel on the left side of this hallway, so get
close to it to detonate another pillbox. Move farther south down the hallway
and follow it as it heads to the left. As soon as you can move down a hallway
to the left, do so. You'll enter a room with some infantry and several medium
tanks (inactive, thankfully). Clear out the infantry and continue moving to
the south.
Head south as far as you can, then take a right when you can't move south
anymore. Use the panel there to detonate a pillbox near the war factory to the
left, then keep moving south to find a healing crate. Return to the main path
and head towards the war factory to the west. After you kill the riflemen in
the area, move all the way to the west and use the control panel there to
destroy a pillbox along your escape path.
Infiltrate the war factory with Volkov, then take the Phase Transport and
Chitzkoi to the north-east. Allied tanks and troops will be blocking your
escape route, but you'll just have to take your chances. Try to spread them
apart by drawing them to the north with Chitzkoi, then rush the Phase Transport
to the exit on the far eastern side of the map to finish the mission.
"Stalin wishes to field-test a newly acquired vehicle against the Allied dogs.
This vehicle is capable of bending light around it's hull, "phasing" out of
the visible spectrum.
Take this vehicle, and infiltrate the Allied base. For this test, destroy
their radar dome and tech center, bringing their communications down. Once
you have done this, reinforcements will be sent in to wipe out the base.
If you do not return with the vehicle, intact, do not return at all."
Take Volkov north in the Phase Transport, and don't bother stopping to fight
Allied troops or tanks. Turn to the right when you're above the small town,
then carefully move the transport through the pillboxes and tanks to the north.
Move all the way into the north-west corner behind one of the Allied power
plants. The riflemen in the area will probably fire at you somehow, so make
sure you don't stop moving until you reach the corner.
Get Volkov out of the transport when you reach the corner and let him slaughter
the troops in the base. Detonate all of the buildings, too, starting with the
barracks. If you use the Phase Transport to destroy the two anti-aircraft guns
on the ridges, you'll receive some shock troopers and some flame troopers from
a paratrooper plane. They won't be much use to you, but hey, might as well get
them just in case.
The radar dome is your next target. Put Volkov back in the Phase Transport and
move east again, then turn south when you reach the pillboxes. Continue moving
south (and slightly to the east) until you reach a small water crossing, then
move over it. You should see the clearing with the radar dome a little to the
south-east, so quickly move the Phase Transport into the lower-right corner of
that base. Release Volkov from the transport, slaughter the Allied riflemen,
and level the base. If you destroy the anti-aircraft guns on the ridges, some
more infantry will be paradropped in for you.
With the tech center and radar dome destroyed, you'll receive some submarines
to the south. Move them west and destroy the Allied ships in the water until
you reach the far western side of the map. Some transports will arrive and
dump Soviet reinforcements on the shore here when the countdown runs out, and
you'll want to have the water clear before they get here. Watch out for some
Allied boats (including a cruiser) that'll approach from behind.
You'll get five heavy tanks, five Mammoths, and five Tesla Coils, which is more
than enough to finish the mission. The Allies don't have much in the main part
of the map, so just move around and crush them. Destroy the church in the
village to get a healing crate if you need it.
The main Allied presence is in the north-east corner of the map. When you're
ready to attack it, put Volkov back in the Phase Transport and send him over
the crossing towards the Allied base. Get the transport to the far north-east
corner, then get Volkov out of it. Detonate the construction yard, then use
him to to wreck the Allied base. Once you've destroyed everything but the
pillboxes and turrets, use your Tesla Tanks to deal with them from a safe
distance. Once you've destroyed all of the Allied units and structures, the
mission will be complete.
"The Allies are developing a new Chrono-based weapon at a nearby facility.
Crushing them would be a simple matter, but they are well defended, and all
our attempts at assault have met with defeat. Time for a new approach.
Capture the chronosphere, and use it to send an MCV to the large island. Once
there, capture the research facility, and destroy the base.
Use the supply truck to poison the water supply via the waterfalls above the
town. With the base dead, it will be easy to capture the chronosphere."
Move your infantry slightly north to intercept the Allied troops coming from
the east (three riflemen followed by two rocket troops), then send all of your
forces east. There're some Allied soldiers hiding in the very south-east
corner, so send your men through the trees there to take care of them. Send
your forces north along the far eastern edge of the map until you run into some
water, then leave your truck and engineers behind as you move the infantry to
the west. A ranger will attack, but it won't be able to stop your men.
See the two snowmen near the water? Send your supply truck between then, and
it'll slowly kill the civilians in the town to the north as well as the
infantry in the small Allied base farther to the west. When the base is clear,
move your forces into it (you can leave the truck where it is, though).
Damage the three power plants, the barracks, and the Chronosphere until you're
able to capture them. Capture the power plants first and repair them, then
capture and repair the Chronosphere and barracks once you have enough power to
support them. Use your grenade troops to blow a hole in the fence near the
Allied ore silos, then train two thiefs at your barracks and steal some credits
from the silos. When your Chronosphere is ready, shift your MCV to the flat
area across the water to the west.
Later in the mission, Allied boats will be patrolling the water, so you'll want
to make sure you move your MCV far enough to the west before you deploy it so
it won't be in range of destroyers from the water. As you build your base, you
should keep the buildings far enough west to protect them from the water, too.
Of course, that won't save you from the cruisers, but you're still better off.
With the MCV deployed, build an ore refinery and harvest the small ore field to
the south-west. Get a war factory as fast as you can, then build a Tesla Coil
to help defend your base. If Allied infantry starts attacking your buildings
before you can get the Tesla Coil ready, force your ore miner to run them over.
When your Chronosphere is ready again, use it to shift your supply truck up to
the town near its last position. See the crate there? Grab it quickly to get
some extra money before Allied choppers destroy the truck.
Be prepared to deal with engineer rushes from the north and paratroopers to the
south of your base. Also make sure that you build some new power plants on the
main island - Allied units and/or boats are sure to destroy your capture power
plants eventually. As soon as you get the chance to build an airfield, use the
first set of paratroopers in the very south-west corner of the map. The small
isolated island here as several money crates and healing crates on it.
Your final concern before you assault the Allied base is the potential threat
of cruisers on the water. If you can, get a sub pen on the water and build
several submarines to handle the Allied navy. If Allied boats are preventing
you from building a sub pen, use V2 rockets or MIGs to handle them.
With the naval threat eliminated, concentrate on producing Mammoth tanks. Both
entrances to the Allied base have basically the same defenses, but I suggest
you attack through the northern entrance just in case there're still some
Allied boats in the harbor near the southern entrance.
When you reach the middle of the Allied base, remember not to destroy the tech
center - you have to capture it with engineers to complete the mission. Once
you're sure the Allied base is neutralized, send some engineers up there to
take control of the tech center, then finish off any Allied buildings and units
on the main island. You'll need to destroy any boats on the water, too, but
you can leave any surviving Allied forces alone that happen to be on the lower
island. The mission ends when you've destroyed the units and structures on the
main island and the boats on the water.
"A radical faction of our forces has stolen a biological weapon, threatening to
use it on Allied emplacements. Since the weapon is highly unstable, it could
destroy us all if released.
The facility must be destroyed, but the weapon must be neutralized first.
Destroy the island's defenses, then use Volkov to assist our scientist in
reaching the bio-research center. If either are killed before the weapon is
neutralized, the mission is a failure.
Once the scientist completes his mission, destroy the base."
Send your regular submarines east along the top of the map along with one of
your missile subs, and watch out for enemy subs in the water (there's one right
above the upper-right Tesla Coil - avoid surfacing near the Coil, or you'll be
pretty much screwed). Leave another one of your missile subs in its starting
position, then move the other two due south until they're slightly above and to
the left of the lower-left Tesla Coil.
With your three submarine groups in position, have them take out the power
plants next to their respective Tesla Coils. A transport will arrive and dump
Volkov and the scientist on the beach on the south side of the island. Take
him east, eliminating soldiers along the way. Stop to destroy the two power
plants on the southern side of the island, then destroy the power plants and
Tesla Coil in the south-east corner.
Continue moving north along the eastern edge of the island, then destroy the
north-eastern Tesla Coil with your missile sub in this corner while Volkov and
the scientists run to the west along the top of the island. While they're
running, use your other two missile sub groups to destroy the north-west and
south-west Tesla Coils too.
The entrance to the center of the island is in the north-west, so have Volkov
and the scientist turn down when they reach it. Use Volkov to detonate the
three north-west SAM sites first, then send him down to the three south-west
ones while the scientist heads for the research facility. Volkov needs to run
to the south-eastern SAM sites next, then the north-east ones. Once he's
destroyed all twelve SAM sites, put the scientist into the research lab. The
mission will end on its own when the bombers arrive to destroy the silos and
the facility.
"The Molotov brothers, prominent arms dealers for our comrades in foreign
lands, are suspected of having dealings with the Allies. Such an idea is
preposterous, but the Molotov brothers have access to sensitive information,
and we must know the truth of the matter.
Use your spy to infiltrate the compound and observe the brothers activities.
If they are indeed involved with the Allies, return to your drop-off point,
signal for reinforcements, and deal with them as all traitors are. Kill
Send the spy to the north-east until you find a road, then follow it north to
find the Molotov brothers. They'll have a conversation in their base, so move
your spy below the tech center until they go inside their command center. The
dog in front of it will move out of the way, so move your spy over there and
enter it. The brothers will talk for a little longer, and then they'll find
Your spy will automatically leave the building. Immediately send him directly
to the south where the explosive barrels are near the entrance of the base.
Continue moving south past there, and one of the brothers will accidentally
kill the dogs. Run back to your starting beach as fast as you can - more dogs
will catch up to you and kill you, but you should be able to set the flare
first, which will call in some reinforcements for you.
Use your reinforcements to clear the beach (including the V2 rocket on the
ridge to the right), then move everything into the clearing to the left of the
beach. Deploy the MCV and build a power plant, then build an ore refinery as
close to the southern ore field as you can. Build a war factory north of your
construction yard, then build an advanced power plant (make sure you keep your
buildings as far away from the western edge of the island as possible -
destroyers will be patrolling the waters eventually).
Place a Tesla Coil near the ore field north-east of your base, then get a
barracks and put a flame tower in the north-west corner of your base. Start
cranking out heavy tanks once you have a second ore miner, then put a few of
them in the ore field south of your base. When you have four more heavy tanks
to spare, move them east all the way to the road south of the brothers' base.
Continue moving east, and you'll find a broken bridge.
Drive onto the bridge, and you'll be able to destroy a sub pen in the water.
Destroy it, then turn your attention to the nearby technology center. Destroy
it, then take the two money crates that pop out of it and return any surviving
tanks to your base. As you might've noticed, your raid will have caused some
Chrono Tanks to shift to the southern side of your base, which is why I had you
put some heavy tanks down there. You'll also notice that your raid caused
Tanya to attack from the shore north-west of your base, which is why I had you
put the flame tower there.
Your next priority should be to build a sub pen. Allied destroyers will be
coming down the western side of the map eventually, and a cruiser will be
approaching from the south-east corner. When you have two submarines, send
them to the south-east part of the map and line them up vertically in the
narrow part of the water. This will prevent the cruiser from getting close
enough to fire at your base, and you'll be able to destroy it with little
effort. Build several other submarines to handle the destroyers, then line
them up north-west of your base.
With the naval threat neutralized, all that's left to do is mass-produce heavy
tanks. When you've got a good pile of them, attack the base from the south,
taking out the Tesla Coil and turrets first, then the pillboxes and flame
towers. Move north and destroy the construction yard, then move all the way to
the north-east. There's a small strip of land that'll take you to some power
plants, airfields, and a chopper pad. Destroy those, then return to the main
base and destroy anything you didn't already destroy.
There're a few more buildings in the south-east corner, so move down there and
eliminate them. Once you've removed everything from the map, the mission will
be over.
"The Allies have captured Volkov in an attempt to learn the secrets of his
construction. This is not allowed.
Destroy the four Allied radar sites in the area, allowing us to reactivate our
tracking devices and locate Volkov. Once located, send a scientist into the
structure to reactivate him. Guide him to our chinook, where he will be
airlifted out of the area. Once safe, destroy all Allied forces in the area.
Hurry. If the Allies discover Volkov's control codes, he will have to be
destroyed as well."
Your transports will dump some Tesla Tanks, a pair of Mammoths, a V2 rocket,
and an MCV. Move everything slightly north-east, then deploy the MCV and build
a power plant to the north followed by an ore field. Get a war factory, then
build a second ore miner while you build an advanced power plant and another
ore refinery on the right side of your base.
Your starting units should be able to defend your base for most of the mission,
but you'll want to keep your eyes peeled for nuke trucks. They're not much of
a threat to your Mammoth tanks, but if you fail to destroy them a safe distance
from your base, they might destroy a few important buildings. One good method
to keep them at a distance is to use your forces to clear out the Allied
presence north-east of your base, then have groups of riflemen stand in the
narrow spots up there. Whether they destroy it or lure it into attacking them,
they be killed, so you'll need to replace them after every explosion.
Make sure you have an airfield and a tech center, then build a sub pen and six
or so submarines along with a pair of missile subs. Move the group north while
you build some Mammoths at your base. Destroy the Allied Destroyers you
encounter on the west side of the map, then follow the water to the east. Two
more destroyers are waiting near the top of the map between the two smaller
chunks of land, and some more are waiting in the narrow part of the water
farther to the east. Destroy them all, then have a missile sub sit south of
the western chunk of land and the small island in the middle.
Use your scout plane to reveal the north-western chunk of land, then quickly
have your missile sub target the radar dome before the gap generator makes the
shroud reappear. Once the plane recharges, scout the small island in the
middle with it, then use the second missle sub to destroy that radar dome too.
Destroy anything else that you can with that sub while you're at it, then land
some paratroopers on that island. The six small houses in the barbed wire all
have money crates under them, so take them all.
Move one of the missile subs all the way to the east, and move the other one
all the way to bottom of the map along with your surviving regular subs
(repair them at your sub pen if necessary).
There're three more destroyers to kill, so make sure you still have five subs
when you reach the bottom of the map. Head east, then turn north when the
water goes that way. Three more destroyers are waiting on the right side of
the small lake, so pick them off with your subs. Scout the chunk of land east
of the lake with your scout plane, then use the missile sub to destroy a third
radar dome there.
The last dome is in the very upper-right corner of the map. Drop some
paratroopers up there and destroy the dome, and you'll be told that Volkov is
being kept in a war factory in the south-eastern base. Some scientists will
arrive in a transport at the same spot your original forces used earlier. Load
them into a transport along with some Mammoths and move them east to the shores
near your submarine group. Land them, but make sure you protect the scientists
from Allied vehicles.
Clear a path into the south-eastern base with the Mammoths until you can safely
put one of the scientists into the war factory with the flares around it.
Doing so will free Volkov from the building, and he's the super-strong version
of Volkov, not the weaker version. You can use him to completely wipe out the
rest of the Allied forces on the map, including pillboxes and tanks. Have fun
with him. Remember that you need to destroy everything on all three landmasses
though, so you might need to transport him to the smaller islands.
"Citizens within the Grunyev province have been speaking out against Soviet
involvement in Western Europe. Silence them.
Take a force into the area and eliminate any dissidents. We have received
reports that the civilians may be armed, but against the might of the Soviet
Empire, no force they can muster will protect them.
See to it that they serve as an example to others. Eliminate them all -- men,
women, and children."
Send your infantry north-west to the town. The guy with the super rocket will
attack you, but he should retreat to the church before he causes too much
damage. Immediately send one of your heavy tanks into the town - a new
civilian will exit the church, run at you, and detonate a nuclear device. Some
tanks will approach from the west after that - use your tanks to destroy them,
then scroll a little to the north to find your reinforcements. Use your
original forces to destroy the town while you build your base - one of the
houses has a healing crate, and another one has a money crate.
Deploy the MCV near where it arrives, then build a power plant north of it.
There's an ore field to the left and another one farther to the north, so try
to build your ore refinery somewhere between them. Make sure either your ore
refinery or your construction yard is the lowest point in your base - two tanks
will attack from the south fairly early in the mission, and they'll have the
Iron Curtain effect, so you'll want to have a strong exposed building that you
can repair without losing it until the effect wears off.
Build a war factory, a radar dome, some advanced power plants, and a Tesla Coil
on the top and bottom of your base, then leave your forces on the left side in
the middle to defend that area. You'll want at least one SAM site in the
middle of your base, too - aircraft will be attacking your buildings during the
entire mission.
The west half of the map is covered in various structures, defenses, and units.
When you destroy enough of them, Stalin's Elite Guard will arrive to take over
the mission for you. If you'd like to use a rather unconventional and rather
entertaining method to cause Stalin's Elite Guard to show up, build three MAD
Tanks. Send a few scout units north of your base, then turn west and follow
the lower edge to avoid the Tesla Coils on the other side of the northern
ridge. You'll see a small ore field - continue moving west until you run into
a Tesla Coil. Destroy it, then retreat your surviving scouts.
Send the MAD Tanks to that spot now that it's safe, then make sure none of your
units (including your ore miners) are nearby. Detonate all three of the MAD
Tanks at the same time, and they'll pulverize a huge amount of buildings and
units instantly, prompting Stalin's Elite Guard to show up.
A cluster of tanks and V2 rockets will attack your base from the south, and
some shock troopers will attack from the north. Stalin's Elite Guard will
attack anything and everything it runs into, friend or foe. Fend off the
forces that attack your base, then turn your attention to the group of Mammoth
Tanks rampaging through the western side of the map.
The Mammoths will slaughter the civilians, but they usually take some damage in
the process. You'll need to finish them all off to end the mission, so try to
intercept them in wide open area with some of your own tanks. You can also try
to clip them with a few more MAD Tanks if you'd like to be a big jackass. >_>
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| APC |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | Barracks | War Factory |
|APCs (armored personnel carriers) can hold five infantry units. They have |
|very good speed, so they make excellent scouts. They're armed with a machine|
|gun that's effective against infantry, but they're only a match for a few |
|infantry at a time. You'll primarilly want to use these as a transport for |
|engineers and other slow infantry units. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Artillery |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | None | War Factory |
|Decent speed, but extremely weak armor. Their range isn't exactly great, but|
|it's still enough to hit turrets, pillboxes, flame towers, and some vehicles |
|from outside of their range. Their shells are extremely effective against |
|infantry, buildings, and light vehicles. Get enough of them together, and |
|they'll do decent damge to heavy vehicles, too. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Chrono Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2400 | Allied Tech Center | War Factory |
|Capable of chronoshifting themselves after a short charging period, these |
|things can be devastating when combined with the element of surprise or just |
|a careless opponent. Their missiles are incredibly powerful against vehicles|
|and structures, decent against infantry, and can even fire at air targets. |
|Perhaps the most entertaining feature is that if you shift them on top of |
|some infantry, they'll be smashed instantly. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Cruiser |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | Allied Tech Center | Naval Yard |
|Heavy armor, heavy firepower, and painfully slow speed. These things pack a |
|hell of a punch - they can level entire buildings with one solid shot. The |
|down side is that they have terrible accuracy, which can make it hard to hit |
|things (even if they're not moving). Cruisers also have insane range, so if |
|you manage to get one near an enemy's base, you'll be able to cause major |
|damage in very little time. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Demolision Truck |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2400 | Missile Silo | War Factory |
|A very lightly armored supply truck that carries an atomic bomb. When it's |
|destroyed (whether intentionally or by enemy fire), it detonates, releasing a|
|blast similar to the nuclear missiles you can launch from your silos. Very |
|effective, but it can be tricky using them effectively if your enemy has the |
|benefit of mines or Tesla Coils. Note that you can't shift these with a |
|Chronosphere - doing so will cause the truck to detonate where it's sitting |
|when you try to shift it. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Destroyer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Naval Yard |
|Destroyers have decent armor, but they're a bit slow. They're a versatile |
|unit for the Allies - the can fire depth charges at submarines and fire |
|rockets at air, ground, and water targets. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Engineer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Barracks |
|Unlike the original Command and Conquer, a single engineer won't always |
|capture a building. Instead, it'll cause damage, and once the structure is |
|weak enough, the next engineer will capture it for you. You can also use an |
|engineer to repair one of your damaged structures (though you'll lose the |
|engineer in the process). Protect these guys - they're unarmed, and they're |
|easilly smashed by heavy vehicles. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Field Medic |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | Barracks |
|Field medics can heal your infantry units for no charge. Get several of them|
|close together along with some rifle infantry and some rocket soldiers, and |
|you can cause some serious damage to light vehicles and other infantry. Just|
|beware of heavier vehicles (which can crush them like other infantry) and |
|things with better range. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Gun Boat |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Naval Yard |
|Very fast but weak boats. They can fire at submarines as well as ground and |
|water targets, but they have no air defense. They're no match for subs, so |
|you're usually better off just building destroyers instead. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Light Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 700 | None | War Factory |
|A single barreled tank with very little armor, but very good speed and fire |
|rate. These things will shred all other tanks simply because of those two |
|traits and the fact that they cost less. Learn how to scatter effectively, |
|and you'll win tank battles every time. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Longbow Helicopter |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Helipad |
|A chopper armed with rockets. Very effective against stationary targets, but|
|essentially useless against a moving target. They have decent armor, but you|
|only get five rockets before you have to return to a helipad to reload. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| MCV |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | Service Depot | War Factory |
|It stands for Mobile Construction Vehicle - one of these can be deployed, |
|turning it into a construction yard. Once deployed, it can't be packed up. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mechanic |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 950 | Service Depot | Barracks |
|These function just like Medics do, only they'll repair vehicles instead of |
|infantry. They aren't armed at all though, so you'll need to defend them and|
|watch them carefully to keep them protected. Ideally, a few medics combined |
|with a few mechanics surrounded by some tanks makes a very powerful defensive|
|combination, and a few mechanics trailing a mechanized assault force will |
|prove you with the ability to quickly revitalize your forces after an attack.|
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Medium Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | War Factory |
|A single barreled tank with decent armor and moderate speed. Great against |
|armored targets and buildings, but not as effective against infantry unless |
|you run them over. Typically, you'll want to build light tanks over medium |
|ones - they're faster, cheaper, and do almost as much damage. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mine Layer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | Service Depot | War Factory |
|Allied mines are anti-tank mines, so they're incredibly effective against |
|vehicles. Infact, many vehicles will be completely destroyed if they run |
|over a single one of them, and there're very few vehicles that can survive |
|two in a row. Infantry won't set them off if they walk over them, but they |
|can be manually detonated by force-firing on the ground. The mine layer can |
|only lay five mines before it has to return to the service depot to reload. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mobile Gap Generator |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | Allied Tech Center | War Factory |
|Like the name implies, these are mobile versions of the Gap Generator. They |
|aren't armed, but they'll generate shround in a short radius. Useless if |
|you're fighting a computer, and basically useless against a real player too. |
|Kinda hard to notice a moving clump of shroud on your map... though I guess |
|you might be successful if your opponent has no radar at the time. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Ore Truck |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1400 | None | War Factory |
|Ore trucks (ore miners, harvesters... they've been called many things in the|
|Command and Conquer series, which is why you'll see me refer to them in many |
|different ways in the walkthrough) are your source of income. They collect |
|the mineral deposits (ore) on the ground and bring it back to your ore |
|refinery, which produces credits for you to build stuff. Protect them - they|
|aren't armed, and you're guaranteed to lose if you can't collect any money. |
|Note that more than one ore truck can operate from the same ore refinery. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Radar Jammer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | Radar Dome | War Factory |
|If you get a radar jammer close enoug to an enemy's radar dome, their radar |
|screen will turn to static. These are obviously only effective against real |
|players, since computers don't need radar to know what you're doing. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Ranger |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | None | War Factory |
|A jeep with a machine gun. They have very poor armor, and it only takes a |
|rifle infantry to destroy one. They're pretty much useless unless you're |
|taking advantage of their fast speed for scouting purposes. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rifle Infantry |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 100 | None | Barracks |
|This is your basic infantry unit. Despite being armed with nothing but a |
|weak gun, these guys can do some major damage to just about anything if they |
|get the chance. They can be ran over by heavy vehicles, though, and they |
|don't have much range. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rocket Soldier |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 300 | None | Barracks |
|Rocket soldiers, as their name implies, are armed with a bazooka rather than |
|a gun like their rifle infantry counterparts. Bazooka rockets have better |
|range than a rifle infantry's weapon, and they can also fire at airborne |
|targets. Rocket soldiers can still be crushed by heavy vehicles, though. |
|Surround three of them and two field medics in concrete, and you've got quite|
|a nice anti-aircraft weapon. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Spy |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | Radar Dome | Barracks |
|Enemy spies will appear as one of your own rifle soldiers, meaning if you're |
|using the green color, an enemy spy will show up on your screen as a green |
|rifle soldier. They're easy to detect if you're keeping an eye out, but your|
|units won't fire at them unless they're told to do so. Attack dogs, on the |
|other hand, will smell them and attack them anyway. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Tanya |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | Tech Center | Barracks |
|Tanya can be trained from a barracks in multiplayer games, but you won't be |
|able to train one in missions. Armed with dual handguns, she's devastating |
|against infantry of all types. She can also detonate buildings instantly if |
|she can get close enough to touch them. Careful, though - she can still be |
|smashed by heavy vehicles. She also doesn't fire at enemy units unless they |
|fire at her first, which makes her an easy target (especially for dogs). |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Thief |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | Allied Tech Center | Barracks |
|Thieves are unarmed infantry units that can steal your enemy's credits from |
|their refineries or their ore silos. The tricky part, of course, is getting |
|them there without getting slaughtered. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Transport |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 700 | None | Naval Yard |
|These can hold five units of any size. If you want to get something over |
|some water, this is your only option. It can only load units while it's up |
|against a shore line, and it can only unload them when it's up against a one.|
|Sink the transport while it's loaded, and everything inside dies with it. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Attack Dog |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 200 | None | Kennel |
|Harmless against vehicles and structures, these are mostly meant to be used |
|as scouts or spy detectors. They'll hunt down spies if they get close enough|
|and attack them automatically. Other than that, they can't really take much |
|damage before they die - they'll be able to take down a few infantry in small|
|groups, but they're pretty much helpless if there're too many riflemen. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Chinook Helicopter |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Helipad |
|These can only be built in multiplayer. They're unarmed transport choppers |
|capable of carrying five infantry units. They can be great when used with a |
|surprise engineer or Tanya rush or something, but other than that, they're |
|usually not very useful other than for amusement purposes. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Demolision Truck |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2400 | Missile Silo | War Factory |
|A very lightly armored supply truck that carries an atomic bomb. When it's |
|destroyed (whether intentionally or by enemy fire), it detonates, releasing a|
|blast similar to the nuclear missiles you can launch from your silos. Very |
|effective, but it can be tricky using them effectively if your enemy has the |
|benefit of mines or Tesla Coils. Note that you can't shift these with a |
|Chronosphere - doing so will cause the truck to detonate where it's sitting |
|when you try to shift it. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Engineer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Barracks |
|Unlike the original Command and Conquer, a single engineer won't always |
|capture a building. Instead, it'll cause damage, and once the structure is |
|weak enough, the next engineer will capture it for you. You can also use an |
|engineer to repair one of your damaged structures (though you'll lose the |
|engineer in the process). Protect these guys - they're unarmed, and they're |
|easilly smashed by heavy vehicles. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Flamethrower |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 300 | Soviet Tech Center | Barracks |
|A soldier armed with a flamethrower. Very effective against infantry, |
|structures, and light vehicles, but not very effective against heavy vehicles|
|or base defenses (unless you have a ton of them...). They don't have much |
|range, and they tend to explode when killed, which can take several of your |
|nearby infantry with it. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Grenadier |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 160 | None | Barracks |
|Infantry armed with grenades. They're very effective against infantry and |
|structures, but they tend to cause chain explosions in groups, which can kill|
|all of your infantry in a flash. Though they can be effective against light |
|vehicles, you'll have to be careful not to get them ran over by heavy ones. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Heavy Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 950 | None | War Factory |
|A double-barreled tank with good armor and decent speed. These are your |
|basic fighting unit as the Soviets, especially if you're playing against a |
|human opponent. The move and fire slower than Allied tanks, but they can |
|a little more damage. Make sure you scatter when you're engaging other |
|tanks (press the X button on the keyboard repeatedly). |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Hind |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Helipad |
|Hinds are the Soviet chopper. Armed only with a machine gun, they're not |
|as effective against armored targets as Allied choppers are. They're much |
|more effective against infantry, though, and they're also more effective |
|against moving targets than Allied choppers. They can only fire five times |
|before they have to return to a helipad to reload, though. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| M.A.D. Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2300 | Soviet Tech Center | War Factory |
|When deployed, they'll detonate after a few seconds, emitting a shock wave |
|that will damage any vehicles and structures within a huge distance, |
|including other MAD Tanks. If you detonate three of them in a short period |
|of time, the three shock waves will be powerful enough to level any building |
|and destroy any vehicle instantly. Be careful - your own stuff will be |
|damaged along with your enemy's stuff. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mammoth Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1700 | Soviet Tech Center | War Factory |
|Slow speed, heavy armor, massive firepower. These dual-barreled beasts are |
|also armed with rockets for anti-infantry and anti-air use. A few of them |
|can cause tons of damage, but they're no match for faster tanks, even if you |
|scatter them really well. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| MCV |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | Service Depot | War Factory |
|It stands for Mobile Construction Vehicle - one of these can be deployed, |
|turning it into a construction yard. Once deployed, it can't be packed up. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| MIG Attack Plane |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Airfield |
|These are fairly fast jets armed with rockets. They're very effective |
|against stationary targets, but they're not very armored - a few hits will |
|take one down, especially from an Allied anti-aircraft gun. You'll also have|
|to reload them at an airfield after every attack. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mine Layer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | Service Depot | War Factory |
|Soviet mine layers drop anti-personnel mines. These are devastating against |
|infantry, and they'll hurt light vehicles, but they're more or less useless |
|against heavy vehicles. The mine layer can only drop five mines before it |
|has to reload at a service depot. Note that mines can be manually destroyed |
|by force-firing on their position. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Missile Sub |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1650 | Soviet Tech Center | Sub Pen |
|These submarines are meant to bombard land targets. They fire fairly long- |
|ranged missiles, which are quite powerful. The catch is that they can't fire|
|at targets on the water, so you'll need to escort them with regular subs for |
|protection. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Ore Truck |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1400 | None | War Factory |
|Ore trucks (ore miners, harvesters... they've been called many things in the|
|Command and Conquer series, which is why you'll see me refer to them in many |
|different ways in the walkthrough) are your source of income. They collect |
|the mineral deposits (ore) on the ground and bring it back to your ore |
|refinery, which produces credits for you to build stuff. Protect them - they|
|aren't armed, and you're guaranteed to lose if you can't collect any money. |
|Note that more than one ore truck can operate from the same ore refinery. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rifle Infantry |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 100 | None | Barracks |
|This is your basic infantry unit. Despite being armed with nothing but a |
|weak gun, these guys can do some major damage to just about anything if they |
|get the chance. They can be ran over by heavy vehicles, though, and they |
|don't have much range. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rocket Soldier |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 300 | None | Barracks |
|Rocket soldiers, as their name implies, are armed with a bazooka rather than |
|a gun like their rifle infantry counterparts. Bazooka rockets have better |
|range than a rifle infantry's weapon, and they can also fire at airborne |
|targets. Rocket soldiers can still be crushed by heavy vehicles, though. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Shock Trooper |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 900 | Tesla Coil | Barracks |
|These are standard infantry that're armed with a rod capable of firing small |
|Tesla blasts. They don't have much range, but they're devastating against |
|pretty much any ground target. Perhaps their best feature is that they can't|
|be crushed by any type of vehicle - a few shock troopers can shred tanks and |
|block their progress, buying you time while inflicting tons of damage. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Submarine |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 950 | None | Sub Pen |
|Submarines are the only armed Soviet naval craft. They're fairly slow, but |
|they're more than a match for a destroyer or gun boat one-on-one. You'll |
|also have the element of surprise - you'll be invisible to your enemy until |
|you surface to fire (or if you get within two squares of one of their boats).|
|Be careful when attacking boats near land, though - ground forces will still |
|be able to fire at you if you're in range. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Tanya |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | Soviet Tech Center | Barracks |
|Tanya can be trained from a barracks in multiplayer games, but you won't be |
|able to train one in missions. Armed with dual handguns, she's devastating |
|against infantry of all types. She can also detonate buildings instantly if |
|she can get close enough to touch them. Careful, though - she can still be |
|smashed by heavy vehicles. She also doesn't fire at enemy units unless they |
|fire at her first, which makes her an easy target (especially for dogs). |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Tesla Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | Tesla Coil | War Factory |
|These have very little armor, but the mobile Tesla weaponry they carry is |
|quite effective, and they have good range. They're very useful against |
|infantry, and they work well as stationary defenses. They're also great when|
|used in combination with regular tanks to destroy base defenses from outside |
|of their range. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| V2 Rocket |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 700 | Radar Dome | War Factory |
|These fire a very powerful and very long-distance rocket at ground and water |
|targets. They take a while to reload, though, and they aren't very well |
|armored. You'll want to keep them in the rear of your fighting column, or |
|use hit and run tactics. The nature of the rocket's flight path makes it |
|much less effective on moving targets, so try to hit things while they're |
|stationary. Also, be careful of splash damage - these things will fire at |
|anything that gets into range, and they can royally devastate your own units |
|and/or structures if they happen to be nearby. |
| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Yak Attack Plane |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | Airfield |
|Slower and less armored than a MIG, the Yak is armed with a machine gun to |
|take out infantry. They're pretty useless most of the time to be honest, |
|especially against Allied anti-aircraft guns. They're great for clearing |
|mine fields, though - simply force-fire on a section of ground, and the Yak |
|will spray it with machine gun fire, destroying any mines in the area. Yaks |
|have to be reloaded at an airfield after they fire, though. |
| AA Gun | Cost: 600 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|Anti-aircraft gun, obviously. These require power to function, so make sure |
|you keep your base properly supplied. Anti-aircraft guns are leagues better |
|than Soviet SAM sites and any other anti-aircraft defense in the game. A few|
|of them will pretty much ensure that aircraft won't have a chance. |
| Advanced Power Plant | Cost: 500 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|Power plants provide a large amount of power for your base. Some buildings |
|require power to operate correctly, such as gap generators, anti-aircraft |
|guns, and radar domes. Buildings will also slowly degrade if they don't have|
|sufficent power, and production will be slowed. |
| Allied Tech Center | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: War Factory, Radar Dome |
|Allied tech centers send out a satellite that will reveal all of the shround |
|on the map, making it impossible for enemies to hide (without the use of a |
|gap generator, of course). They're also required for some of the higher end |
|structures and units. |
| Barracks | Cost: 300 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|The barracks is necessary for training infantry units, and you'll also need a|
|barracks before you can build Allied defensive structures (pillboxes and |
|turrets). Multiple barracks structures will reduce the amount of time it |
|takes to train an infantry unit. |
| Camo. Pillbox | Cost: 600 |
| | Requirements: Barracks |
|Pillboxes designed to blend in with their surroundings, making them more |
|difficult to see. These are also slightly bettered armored than the regular |
|pillboxes. |
| Chronosphere | Cost: 2800 |
| | Requirements: Allied Tech Center |
|The Chronosphere will allow you to teleport a friendly vehicle to any ground |
|on the map. This can sometimes be effective for surprise attacks, and it's |
|sometimes useful for picking up item crates before they disappear. Beware of|
|the dreaded Time Vortex, though - sometimes too much chronoshifting can |
|create a deadly lighting storm that will shred anything it approaches. |
| Concrete Wall | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: None |
|A single block of concrete. Concrete will stop everything, even Mammoth |
|tanks, but it can still be destroyed with a few tank shells, grenades, or |
|whatever. The good thing is that it prevents shells from reaching whatever's|
|behind it, so you can encase defenses or other important things in it for |
|protection. Note that only certain types of attacks are blocked while others|
|can pass over it - rockets, grenades, and Tesla Coils can shoot over it, for |
|example, but tank shells can't. |
| Construction Yard | Cost: N/A (Result of deployed MCV) |
| | Requirements: None |
|The Allied construction yard will allow you to build Allied structures. It |
|functions exactly like the Soviet construction yard, but it has the added |
|bonus of building "fake" structures, which look exactly like real structures,|
|but are much cheaper. They won't be useful to you if you're fighting a |
|computer controlled enemy, but you might find a use for them against human |
|players. Note that they don't have as much armor as their real counterparts.|
|Multiple construction yards will shorten the amount of time it takes you to |
|construct buildings. |
| Fake Construction Yard | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: None |
|It looks just like a regular construction yard, but it doesn't do anything. |
|It's meant to trick your opponent into thinking your valuable buildings are |
|in different places than they really are, but how well that actually works is|
|completely dependent on how stupid your opponent is. Fake structures are |
|also very week compared to real ones, so they'll only take a few hits before |
|they explode. |
| Fake Naval Yard | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|It looks just like a regular naval yard, but it doesn't do anything. It's |
|meant to trick your opponent into thinking your valuable buildings are in |
|different places than they really are, but how well that actually works is |
|completely dependent on how stupid your opponent is. Fake structures are |
|also very week compared to real ones, so they'll only take a few hits before |
|they explode. |
| Fake Radar Dome | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|It looks just like a regular radar dome, but it doesn't do anything. It's |
|meant to trick your opponent into thinking your valuable buildings are in |
|different places than they really are, but how well that actually works is |
|completely dependent on how stupid your opponent is. Fake structures are |
|also very week compared to real ones, so they'll only take a few hits before |
|they explode. |
| Fake War Factory | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|It looks just like a regular war factory, but it doesn't do anything. It's |
|meant to trick your opponent into thinking your valuable buildings are in |
|different places than they really are, but how well that actually works is |
|completely dependent on how stupid your opponent is. Fake structures are |
|also very week compared to real ones, so they'll only take a few hits before |
|they explode. |
| Gap Generator | Cost: 500 |
| | Requirements: Allied Tech Center |
|Gap generators create perpetual shround within a radius around the their |
|tower. They require power to operate, so make sure you keep your base |
|properly supplied. Note that GPS satellites will not reveal terrain if it's |
|protected by a gap generator. |
| Helipad | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|These house your Longbow Helicopters. One comes with every helipad you |
|construct, and you can build additional Longbows with the helipads (though |
|only one can land to reload on each pad at a time). Multiple helipads will |
|reduce the amount of time it takes to build a new Longbow. |
| Missile Silo | Cost: 2500 |
| | Requirements: Tech Center |
|This will give you the ability to drop a devastating atomic bomb every few |
|minutes. It's only available in multiplayer. |
| Naval Yard | Cost: 650 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|This is where you'll construct all of your naval units. They sit in the |
|water, but you don't have to be quite as close to another building to place |
|one as you do for regular buildings. More than one Naval Yard will allow you|
|to construct naval units faster than usual. |
| Ore Refinery | Cost: 2000 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|Ore refineries come with a single ore truck, which will find ore deposits, |
|collect them, and bring them back to your refinery to turn them into credits |
|to fund your war effort. They have good armor, but they need a little space |
|to operate effeciently. Try to place them as close to your ore supplies as |
|possible, and try to keep some space between it and other buildings so your |
|trucks have room to maneuver. |
| Ore Silo | Cost: 150 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|The ore you collect must be stored, or it's lost. Your refinery will hold |
|two thousand credits, but after that, you'll need to build silos to contain |
|the excess. The game is pretty good about warning you when you need silos, |
|and you can also visually tell when the ore starts to spill out of the top of|
|a silo. |
| Pillbox | Cost: 400 |
| | Requirements: Barracks |
|Stationary machine gun emplacements. Perfect for taking out infantry, but |
|not very effective against heavy vehicles. |
| Power Plant | Cost: 300 |
| | Requirements: None |
|Power plants provide a small amount of power for your base. Some buildings |
|require power to operate correctly, such as gap generators, anti-aircraft |
|guns, and radar domes. Buildings will also slowly degrade if they don't have|
|sufficent power, and production will be slowed. |
| Radar Dome | Cost: 1000 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|Radar domes allow you to see a small map in the upper-right corner of your |
|screen that displayes the layout of the terrain and puts colored dots on the |
|map to indicate the positions of friendly and enemy units. It needs power to|
|operate, though, so make sure you keep your base properly supplied. |
| Sandbags | Cost: 25 |
| | Requirements: None |
|A single block of sandbags... it'll stop infantry and light vehicles, but |
|heavy vehicles can just drive right over them. Shells, grenades, rockets, |
|and so on will also destroy them, so they're not even really effective |
|against a lot of types of infantry. Completely useless in my opinion, there |
|really isn't a single good reason I can think of to ever use them. |
| Service Depot | Cost: 1200 |
| | Requirements: War Factory |
|Service depots can repair your damaged vehicles and reload your mine layers. |
|They can also be used to sell damaged units - simply put the unit on the pad,|
|then hover over it with the sell icon like you would for a structure (it'll |
|turn green when you're over the unit). Please note that you can only sell |
|damaged units with a service depot. |
| Turret | Cost: 800 |
| | Requirements: Barracks |
|A stationary gun emplacement. The cannon is very effective against vehicles,|
|especially stationary ones. Though it rarely comes up, they're also quite |
|effective against structures. |
| War Factory | Cost: 2000 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|War factories are where you construct your ground vehicles. More than one |
|war factory will allow you to construct vehicles faster. |
| Advanced Power Plant | Cost: 500 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|Advanced power plants provide a large amount of power for your base. Some |
|buildings require power to operate correctly, such as SAM sites, Tesla Coils,|
|and radar domes. Buildings will also slowly degrade if they don't have |
|sufficent power, and production will be slowed. |
| Airfield | Cost: 600 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|Airfields are necessary if you want MIGs or Yaks (each field can house one of|
|either of them). MIGs and Yaks must reload their weapons on Airfields after |
|each attack. Airfields also allow you to make use of certain recharging |
|abilities. Paratroopers will allow you to paradrop five rifle soldiers to |
|any spot on the map, parabombs will allow you to paradrop five small bombs to|
|any spot on the map, and a scout plane will allow you to reveal the shroud |
|anywhere on the map. Note that parabombs aren't available in multiplayer |
|games, and also note that paradrop planes are shot down with very little |
|effort. You'll have to avoid enemy anti-aircraft fire. |
| Allied Tech Center | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: War Factory, Radar Dome |
|Allied tech centers send out a satellite that will reveal all of the shround |
|on the map, making it impossible for enemies to hide (without the use of a |
|gap generator, of course). They're also required for some of the higher end |
|structures and units. |
| Barbed Wire | Cost: 25 |
| | Requirements: Construction Yard |
|A single square of barbed wire. It'll stop infantry and light vehicles, but |
|heavy vehicles can just drive right over it. Shells, grenades, rockets, and |
|so on will also destroy it, so it's not even really effective against a lot |
|of types of infantry. Completely useless in my opinion, there really isn't a|
|single good reason I can think of to ever use it. |
| Barracks | Cost: 300 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|The barracks is necessary for training infantry units, and you'll also need a|
|barracks before you can build flame towers and kennels. Multiple barracks |
|structures will reduce the amount of time it takes to train an infantry unit.|
| Concrete Wall | Cost: 50 |
| | Requirements: Construction Yard |
|A single block of concrete. Concrete will stop everything, even Mammoth |
|tanks, but it can still be destroyed with a few tank shells, grenades, or |
|whatever. The good thing is that it prevents shells from reaching whatever's|
|behind it, so you can encase defenses or other important things in it for |
|protection. Note that only certain types of attacks are blocked while others|
|can pass over it - rockets, grenades, and Tesla Coils can shoot over it, for |
|example, but tank shells can't. |
| Construction Yard | Cost: N/A (Result of deployed MCV) |
| | Requirements: None |
|The Soviet construction yard will allow you to build Soviet structures. |
|Multiple construction yards will shorten the amount of time it takes you to |
|construct buildings. |
| Flame Tower | Cost: 600 |
| | Requirements: Barracks |
|These are small flame turrets that toss fire balls at enemies. They don't |
|have much range (rocket soldiers can hit them from outside of their range), |
|but they'll slaughter infantry and light vehicles quite quickly. They're |
|defenseless against air threats, though. |
| Helipad | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|Helipads come with a Hind helicopter, and they can reload the Hind when |
|necessary. While you need a helipad to construct Hinds and Chinooks, they |
|don't actually appear right next to it when they're complete. Instead, they |
|fly in from the edge of the screen and land as close as they can. Multiple |
|helipads will allow you to build Chinooks and Hinds in less time. |
| Iron Curtain | Cost: 2800 |
| | Requirements: Soviet Tech Center |
|Iron Curtains will charge an ability that allows you to make a friendly |
|vehicle invulnerable for a short period. Since you can only use this on one |
|vehicle at a time, it's usually not much help... combine it with a |
|Chronosphere, though, and you've got yourself quite an interesting combo. |
| Kennel | Cost: 200 |
| | Requirements: Barracks |
|Allows you to train attack dogs... multiple kennels will reduce the time |
|required to train new dogs. |
| Missile Silo | Cost: 2500 |
| | Requirements: Tech Center |
|This will give you the ability to drop a devastating atomic bomb every few |
|minutes. It's only available in multiplayer. |
| Ore Refinery | Cost: 2000 |
| | Requirements: Power Plant |
|Ore refineries come with a single ore truck, which will find ore deposits, |
|collect them, and bring them back to your refinery to turn them into credits |
|to fund your war effort. They have good armor, but they need a little space |
|to operate effeciently. Try to place them as close to your ore supplies as |
|possible, and try to keep some space between it and other buildings so your |
|trucks have room to maneuver. |
| Ore Silo | Cost: 150 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|The ore you collect must be stored, or it's lost. Your refinery will hold |
|two thousand credits, but after that, you'll need to build silos to contain |
|the excess. The game is pretty good about warning you when you need silos, |
|and you can also visually tell when the ore starts to spill out of the top of|
|a silo. |
| Power Plant | Cost: 300 |
| | Requirements: Construction Yard |
|Power plants provide a small amount of power for your base. Some buildings |
|require power to operate correctly, such as SAM sites, Tesla Coils, and radar|
|domes. Buildings will also slowly degrade if they don't have sufficent |
|power, and production will be slowed. |
| Radar Dome | Cost: 1000 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|Radar domes allow you to see a small map in the upper-right corner of your |
|screen that displayes the layout of the terrain and puts colored dots on the |
|map to indicate the positions of friendly and enemy units. It needs power to|
|operate, though, so make sure you keep your base properly supplied. |
| SAM Site | Cost: 750 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|A surface-to-air missile battery. Not as effective as the Allied AA Gun, but|
|they'll still get the job done. They need power to operate, though, so make |
|sure you keep your base properly supplied. |
| Service Depot | Cost: 1200 |
| | Requirements: War Factory |
|Service depots can repair your damaged vehicles and reload your mine layers. |
|They can also be used to sell damaged units - simply put the unit on the pad,|
|then hover over it with the sell icon like you would for a structure (it'll |
|turn green when you're over the unit). Please note that you can only sell |
|damaged units with a service depot. |
| Soviet Tech Center | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: Radar Dome |
|Soviet tech centers will allow you to build Mammoths and flamethrowers, and |
|they'll also allow you to build Iron Curtains and missile silos. They use a |
|decent amount of power, but luckily, a glitch allows you to sell them as soon|
|as you place them, and you'll still be able to build all of the advanced |
|stuff without it. |
| Sub Pen | Cost: 650 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|Sub pens sit in the water and allow you to construct subs and transports. |
|Multiple sub pens will reduce the amount of time it takes to construct subs |
|and transports. |
| Tesla Coil | Cost: 1500 |
| | Requirements: War Factory |
|These require quite a bit of power to operate, but they're devastating when |
|used against infantry or vehicles. They have good range, but they're not |
|very well armored, and they're defenseless against air attacks. Protect them|
|and make sure you have plenty of power. |
| War Factory | Cost: 2000 |
| | Requirements: Ore Refinery |
|War factories are where you construct your ground vehicles. More than one |
|war factory will allow you to construct vehicles faster. |
| -------------------------- |
| | 7.00) End | |
| -------------------------- |
7.01) Version History
February 6th, 2007
- Posted the entire walkthrough for both campaigns, the entire units and
structures lists for both sides, and the intro section of the guide.
As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help,
feel free to contact me on The Brink, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with
a quick screenshot or two to help out.
Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at
deucestaley@gmail.com or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Enjoy the game, and
thanks for taking a look at the guide.