Longest Journey, The

Longest Journey, The

17.10.2013 18:26:00
The Longest Journey (U.S. Version) Walkthrough Final Version
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by OutRider

This is the final version of this guide. Please don’t email me about any minor
mistakes or omissions I may have made, because I’m not going to fix them.

WARNING: This walkthrough (like the others) contains spoilers. Please use at
your own risk, and don’t say I didn’t warn you.

To see the other guides that I have written, please check out this link:

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- Please contact me using coherent English, I don’t understand anything else.

With all that being said, here’s the walkthrough:

PROLOGUE - A Lion is in the Streets:

Welcome to the world of The Longest Journey. Watch the introduction and when you have control
over the heroine of the game, April Ryan, walk off the screen to the right. There will be a quake,
which will cause an egg to roll down out of its nest and onto a pair of branches that stick out over
the cliff.

Click on the next and then click on the Hand icon to find a large scale. Break the twig off of the tree
and you’ll end up awakening a tree spirit. Talk to the tree and when you’re finished, go to the stream
to the right of the tree and go into your inventory by right clicking or by clicking on the pouch icon at
the top of the screen. Combine the twig with the scale to get a makeshift funnel and then use the
funnel on the stream to save the tree. Go back and talk to the tree to end the prologue. Chapter 1
begins now.

CHAPTER 1 – Penumbra:

When April wakes up, pick up her diary that sits on the desk at the foot of her bed. Go into your
inventory and open it up. You’ll see a piece of paper sticking out, so take it to find out that it’s April’s
timesheet. Go over to the closet and open it up. You should see a toy monkey sitting in a box at the
bottom of the closet, so take it with you. Open up the window and take a peek outside. Untie the
clothesline and watch as the end falls down into the water.

Try heading out the bedroom door and April will say that she needs to get dressed. When she’s
done, go out into the hall and a guy named Zack will start talking to you. Dispense with the
unpleasantness and when he leaves to go into his bedroom, April will call him an asshole.

Go downstairs to the first floor and take the matches off of the table. Walk over to the bulletin board
and have a look at it. You should see a pink note tacked up near the upper right corner of the board.
It’s a FOUND notice for a gold ring, so take it. April comments that she lost her gold ring and
wonders if the one that was found was hers. Give the note to Fiona, the woman sitting on the couch
and April will get her ring back.

Head outside and take a look at the machine to the left. This is the first puzzle of the game. I believe
it’s randomized, but I could be wrong. Anyway, use the gold ring on the disconnected wires near the
upper right corner and then what you want to accomplish is to get the bars near the lower right to all
be horizontal. You use the right switch to move the red light so that it locks the bar that you have it
on and then use the left switch to move the bars themselves. The best thing to do is to keep one bar
horizontal and work it so that the other three are one position away from being horizontal.

Once you’ve solved it, the machine will work again. Turn the valve near the upper left and then turn
the wheel to release the pressure. Take the clamp off the pipe and then take the gold ring back and
leave the close-up view.

Talk to Cortez, a strange old man who is sitting on the bench. When you’re done talking to him, leave
and head to the Academy. It can be reached by first going to the bridges, then to the park, and
heading in the same direction that April is facing. Once at the Academy, go upstairs and take the
paintbrush and palette that are sitting on a nearby shelf. Use them on the canvas and watch the

Emma will soon arrive with a message from Cortez. When she leaves, April will also leave, but not
before the holosculpture come alive for a brief moment. Head downstairs and take the glove that is
in the trash can. Leave the Academy and go to the Fringe Café by going to the bridges and taking
the northern path near the path to the park.

Go into the café and take some candy from the jar behind Charlie. Talk to Charlie for a bit and then
go to the left to enter the main part of the café. Give the timesheet to the bald guy, Stanley, and talk
to him and he’ll put some money onto April’s cashcard. Before you leave, Stanley will ask April
whether or not she would like to work tonight. It doesn’t really matter what you tell him, but the way
the chapter ends will change depending on the answer, but you’ll still get to continue on with the
game either way.

Head over to the jukebox and take a look at the poster that Charlie mentioned. You should see some
free tickets in the lower right hand corner of the poster. Since April’s a fan of free stuff, take one. Go
over to where Emma is sitting and have a nice chat with her. When you’re finished, take some bread
from the basket on the table and then head back to April’s apartment in the Border House. Once
there, look out the window and use the bread that you got from the café and use it on the blue
inflatable duck. The seagull will come down and cause the metal grating to sink. Pull on the chain
and you’ll get the clothesline that you untied earlier.

Go back to the café and you’ll see the blue duck, which is now deflated, sitting in some piping. Go
over and pick it up and then go to the subway, which can be reached either by taking the path
branching off to the left near the Border House path, or by going to the park and then taking the left
path. Go down the stairs and look at the gene scanner. Click on the buttons to get a Weekly pass
and then use the cashcard on the lens to pay for it. Walk through the scanner and before you get on
the train, go into your inventory and combine the clothesline with the clamp.

Look at the sparks to find a large iron key resting on the tracks and then inflate the blue duck and
use it on the clamp to get a makeshift fishing pole. Use it on the iron key to lift it up and then go into
the inventory and look at the ticket to learn the location of the Roma Gallery. Get on the subway, and
if you look above April, you’ll see a map. This is how you get from place to place, so click on it and
click on the Watertown Bridge icon. April will soon arrive there. The building you need to go to is
right next door, so head to the right and go through the door.

The curator guy seems to be asleep at the moment, so April will just leave her ticket on the counter.
Walk over to the right and you’ll see that Cortez is here. Talk to him for a while and then go back on
the subway and go to East Venice.

The ending’s almost here, so if you told Stanley that you would work, go into the main part of the
café to get the chapter’s first ending. If you told him that you wouldn’t work, go into the Border
House and talk to Fiona to get the chapter’s alternate ending. Either way, the chapter will come to a
close. (I chose to have April work, so this walkthrough will reflect that choice).

CHAPTER 2 – Through the Looking Glass:

When you have control of April, head downstairs and notice that Fiona is staring out the window.
Talk to her and you’ll eventually learn that she had a weird experience like the one April had last
night at the café, except that Fiona’s experience involved a forest, not a little flute-playing creature.
Be sure to ask Fiona about Cortez though, but it’s too bad she doesn’t know where he is at the

After you’re finished, head upstairs and knock on Zack’s door. Talk to him about everything and
you’ll learn that Cortez is hiding out in the movie theater downtown. To get there, get on the subway
and go to Metro Circle. Go down the stairs and to the right and you’ll find yourself in another part of
town. Walk down the street a bit and when you reach the intersection, go to April’s left. It is here that
you’ll find the movie theater.

You’ll see a sweeper guy and an undercover detective here. Move the trashcan out of the way, only
to get yelled at by the sweeper guy. You’ll notice some green ooze underneath the can and some
fumes coming off of it. Use the candy on the ooze and you’ll make a piece of stinky hard candy. Talk
to the detective until he mentions about what he had for dessert and then offer him the piece of
stinky candy. Watch as the detective begins to have some ‘problems’ and he’ll get chased away by
the sweeper guy. When he returns, you’ll learn that the detective’s hat fell off as he ran (hint, hint).

Use the Hand icon on the nearby fuse box to bring up a close-up view. Use the iron key on the lock
to open it up. Move all of the functional switches to the left and then go into your inventory and use
the Band-Aid on the glove and then use the repaired glove on the live wire. Watch as the lighting for
the marquee goes out and the sweeper guy will disappear into an alley in an attempt to fix it.

Before you follow him in, go back to the previous screen and pick up the detective’s fedora, which
can be easily found sitting in the middle of the street. Go back to the theater and head into the alley
where the sweeper guy entered earlier. You’ll notice a stack of boxes and some garbage nearby. Use
the hat at the top of the pile and use the toy monkey on the bottom. This will create a shadow that
looks like the detective getting ready to fire a gun.

Walk over to the trashcan, open it up, and use the matches to light a fire. Watch the comedic
sequence that ensues and as the guy’s dancing around, enter the theater. You’ll see Cortez sitting in
here watching an old movie. Walk over to him and have a nice little chat. Watch the next sequence
and you’ll learn that Cortez has some amazing powers. Walk into the shimmering portal and April
will be shifted into another world.

Welcome to the world of Arcadia. The only thing you’ll notice for right now is a wall painting of a
bunch of monks. There’s not much to do here, so head all of the way to the right and exit off the
screen. Here, you’ll notice a priest. Try talking to him and he’ll start talking to you in some weird
language known as Alltongue. First nod your head, but then afterwards, listen to him until you can
finally understand what he is saying. You’ll learn that the priest’s name is Tobias. He’ll lead you
outside to explore the city of Marcuria.

The first thing to do in the city is to walk over to the nearby merchant stalls. You’ll notice a cups
handler and a map merchant. Talk to the map merchant about everything and when you’re finished,
head back inside the temple and Vestrum Tobias will put on a spiel on Stark (the world April is from),
Arcadia (the world April is in now), and stuff about the Balance. It is pretty long, so just kick back,
relax, and listen intently. When he’s done, go talk to him again and ask him about Brian Westhouse.
Ask him about whom you should talk to about Brian Westhouse and you’ll learn that he mainly goes
by his nickname, ‘The Rolling Man’ because he likes riding his bicycle into the city.

Leave the temple and go talk to the map merchant. Bug him about The Rolling Man and eventually a
creature known as a Dolmari will show up and the merchant will fire him. Ask him about a job and
eventually he’ll hire you. The first assignment is to deliver a map to Horatio Nebevay, the captain of
the White Dragon. To find him, go into the city and click on the City-Gates icon. Head off to the right
to the docks and you can find Nebevay’s ship at the far end of the pier and to the right.

Once you’ve figured out where to go, you should see a man standing next to a dock holding a pipe.
He is the captain. Talk to him and then give him the map and then give him the delivery list. You’ll
learn that he won’t sign it because of his religious beliefs. He’ll tell you that in order for him to sign,
you’ll have to play music as he’s doing it because music distracts the ‘Mo-Jaal’. To satisfy both
parties, go to the City-Gates and look at the stall to the left of the gate to learn that it’s a musical
instrument stall. Talk to the merchant and notice that even though he only speaks in musical tones,
April seems to understand him. Give the aren to the merchant to get the flute and then go back to

Give him the list again and April will play for him. Now that you have his signature, go back to the
map merchant and give him the delivery list and you’ll get your second assignment. This time, you’ll
get to deliver a map to the Rolling Man himself. You’ll be provided with some complicated directions
to his place (don’t worry, an icon will be automatically placed on the map so you won’t have to
remember all of those directions). Go to the map and go to Westhouse’s bungalow.

When you arrive, talk to Brian. Mention that you have a delivery and April will give him his map. Talk
to him for a while and you’ll learn some valuable information such as that Brian left Stark in 1934
(over 300 years from the time the game takes place) and that he was trapped in a limbo for a while
until he managed to get to Arcadia. You’ll also learn that Cortez’s real name is Manny Chavez. When
you’re done talking, give Brian the delivery list and then attempt to leave. Brian will remember
something and he’ll give you a pocket watch.

Go into your inventory and use the pushpin on the pocket watch. April will have successfully
created a shift. She’ll automatically enter and you’ll soon find yourself back in Stark. A long
conversation will take place between April and Cortez, so be sure to ask Cortez about everything.
When he leaves, April will automatically leave with him and you’ll wind up in East Venice. Go to the
café and talk to Charlie. Go over to the main part of the café and April will take a seat, and Emma will
enter shortly after. Like with Chapter 1, your choice will affect the ending for the chapter, so if you
want to go on the date with Zack, tell Emma that you made a promise. If you don’t, just tell Emma
you’ll stay at the café. Either way, here comes Chapter 3.

CHAPTER 3 – Friends and Enemies:

You’ll find yourself once again in April’s bedroom. Leave the room and you’ll get to have a nice little
talk with Zack. It really doesn’t matter which ending you got in the last chapter because he’ll be
cursing his mouth off either way.

When he goes into his apartment, leave the Border House and take the subway to Hope Street. Walk
from the stairs north to the cathedral. Go over to the confessionals and you’ll get to meet Father
Raul. Ask him about Warren Hughes and you’ll learn that he hangs out in Building 87 and that he
belongs to a gang called the Razorblades. Leave the cathedral and go to Building 87, which is on the
opposite side of the street from the subway.

Talk to the kid on the stairs to learn that he is Warren Hughes. In order for him to help you out, you
have to break into the police department, destroy his criminal record, and find out where his sister is
being held. Go to the subway and go to Metro West.

Once there, look at your surroundings and be sure to look at both of the street signs. Use the Hand
icon on the roadblock and it’ll change positions. Get into the container and you’ll be whisked away
to the police station. Click on the toolbox and April will find a piece of paper for a requisition form.
Click on the toolbox again to have April pick it up and then go into your inventory and look at it. Talk
to the desk sergeant about all topics and then head over to the right and talk to the fat guy. You can
try talking to the skinny guy, but you’ll find out that his head isn’t on quite right because he is a
Rapture addict. Talk to the fat guy about all topics and then talk to the sergeant again and ask her for
the requisition form.

Use the form on the service men to learn that you’ll need an addendum to go along with it. Ask the
sergeant for it and then give the new form to the service men and they’ll get back to work. Look at
the screen of the left videophone and use the right videophone to dial the number of the left one.
While the phone icon is on the left phone, go over and tell the fat guy that he has a call waiting. Talk
to George, the skinny guy until he goes and uses the other phone. Look at the panel and use the
Hand icon on the wires and April will cross them, which causes the doors to open. Try entering them
and you’ll get yelled at by the desk sergeant.

Look at the shelves behind the sergeant and then ask her to get the form. While she’s distracted,
head on through the doors. Head back out and you should see a screwdriver lying on the floor near
the toolbox. Pick it up and then distract the sergeant again and head back through the doors. Use
the cashcard on the pop machine and you’ll get a can of Bingo! Classic.

Head into the locker room at the end of the hall and you’ll hear someone straining on the toilet. Walk
to the left and talk to the man inside the stall to learn that it’s Minnelli, the detective you saw on the
street earlier. Talk to him a bit and then look at each of the lockers. Talk to Minnelli again and tell him
that you’re Sergeant Maria Hernandez. He’ll have you get into his locker and get his medicine. Open
Minnelli’s locker (the first one) and take a look inside. Look at the mirror and then look at the shard.
Take the shard and then look at the note behind it to get Minnelli’s login info for the archives. Take
the pink bottle that contains Minnelli’s medicine and give it to him. Talk to him some more and note
that every time he sneezes, his synthetic eye pops out.

Leave the station through the exit near the videophones and you’ll get to be a part of a news report.
After it’s finished, leave the area and go to the subway. Go to the Radio Power Building and go back
to the movie theater. Go into the alley and take the toy monkey off of the pile. Examine the monkey
in inventory and take his eye off (you’ll have to use the Hand icon on it twice). Note that the
monkey’s name is Guybrush, which should spark some memories for those who’ve played the
Monkey Island games. Just as a side note, there are quite a few references to older games and
movies in The Longest Journey, so I’ll be sure to mention them if I happen to come across any. Feel
free to email me any references that I might have missed.

Go back to the police station. Distract the sergeant and go through the doors. Go into the locker
room and use the switch near the stall to turn off the lights. When Minnelli loses his eye, use the
monkey eye on the synthetic eye to pull the old switcheroo. Leave the locker room and near the pop
machine is a door with a retinal scanner next to it. Use Minnelli’s eye on the scanner and you’ll gain
access to the archives. In this room, you’ll see a printer, a computer, a lot of drawers, and a control

Use the computer at the top of the screen and log in. When it asks for a search query, do a search on
Warren Hughes. The computer will bring up his record, so press Delete and then Print. Look at the
colonization number next to his sister’s name and it’ll be added to the list of search options. Go
back to the Main screen and do a search on the colonization number. You’ll find another record.
Print that out and then do a search on the Church of Voltec. You’ll see that Jacob McAllen’s name is
mentioned in the record. Click on it to have it added to your search options and go back and search
for Jacob McAllen.

You’ll be denied access to the file, but notice that some strange symbols appear on the bottom right
of the screen, so either write them down or memorize them, as you’ll need them to use the control
panel on the other side of the room. Log off the computer and enter the symbols into the control
panel. The machine will bring down the Vanguard file, so open it to find a datacube. Take the
printouts from the printer and leave the station. Go to Hope Street and go talk to Warren in Building
87. Warren will tell you about Burns Flipper, my favorite guy in the whole game, and how to find him.
Afterwards, get on the subway and go to the Newport Docks.

Once you’ve arrived, head upstairs and exit off to the right of the screen, which will take you to a
construction yard. Click on the garage and April will go over there. Knock on the garage door three
times and Burns Flipper will start talking to you. After a somewhat funny conversation, he’ll open up
and you can go in. Notice that you’re being recorded, but don’t worry about it. Go down into the pit
and talk to Burns Flipper. When you’re ready, give him the datacube and watch the sequence. You’ll
learn quite a bit on the Vanguard. After it’s done, ask the Flipper about a fake ID. (Is it just me or
does the Flipper sound like Bruce Campbell? Anyway, he will make a comment that’s reminiscent of
the movie, Army of Darkness; it’s when he says ‘Shop smart, shop S-Mart’. That was the slogan of
the store Ash worked for in the movie).

Leave the garage and use the pop can on the paint shaker that’s just near the garage door. You’ll
now have a highly volatile pop can. Leave the Docks and go to the crash site near the police station.
Talk to the cop until he starts coughing and mentions that the dust is choking him up. Give him the
pop only to have it explode all over the cop’s suit. He’ll leave to go get it repaired, so after he’s gone,
use the shard on the laser fence to deactivate it and check out the dangling device on the shuttle to
learn that it is a fully intact anti-grav unit. Try to take it and April will comment that it’s being held in
place by a couple of screws. Use the screwdriver to take it off and then go back to the Docks and
give it to the Flipper. He’ll get your fake ID by tomorrow night at the earliest. Leave here and go to
the cathedral on Hope Street.

Go to the confessionals and you’ll overhear part of a conversation between Cortez and Father Raul.
Once Raul leaves, talk to Cortez and you’ll learn that the Vanguard is after him. Once he leaves, go
to the Border House and go upstairs to April’s apartment. You’ll see Zack hanging outside the door,
and as soon as April arrives, he’ll turn around and go into his apartment without saying a word. Go
into the apartment to find that Emma and Charlie are inside waiting. Tell them about what’s going on
and you’ll soon get to see a movie sequence (I think the Vanguard has found Cortez…) and you’ll
wind up in Arcadia again, but this time you won’t have much clothing on. What lies in store for April
this time?

CHAPTER 4 – Monsters:

When you’ve finally arrived in Arcadia, enter the Journey Man Inn. Talk to the woman standing near
the fireplace, whom you’ll learn is the proprietor of the place. Talk to her about everything and when
you’re finished, a strange creature called a Venar will come out from where the people were dancing.
Talk to him to learn that his name is Abnaxus. Talk to him about everything and when he leaves, wait
until April starts saying that she’s tired and when she does, click on the comfy chair near the
fireplace and April will go to sleep.

After the sequence is over, it’ll be morning and no one’s inside except for the owner and April. Try
leaving the place and the woman will give April some new clothes. She’ll ask you to work to help
work off sleeping there and for the clothes. I would recommend telling her that you will work, so that
April can get some money. Leave the inn and go to the marketplace in the city (the exit’s to the
north). Pay a visit to the mapmaker, who’s been wondering where you’ve been lately. Give him the
list and you’ll get another delivery. Go to the temple and talk to Tobias for a bit and then leave the
city and go to the Enclave.

When you’ve reached the Enclave, click on it and you’ll be underneath a pillar-like structure. Head
down the stairs in he lower right corner and you’ll find yourself in the library. Talk to Minstrum Yerin
about all that you can and when you’re finished, leave and go to the marketplace. Talk to the cups
handler and then use the coins you got from the woman in the inn to play. To figure out which cup to
choose, use the screwdriver on each one of them and choose the one that moves. The cups dealer
will be outraged that you won and he’ll accuse you of using magic.

Your prize will be a calculator. Give him the screwdriver and you’ll get to choose a prize. Since we
don’t know what to get yet, it’s best to leave it alone for now. Leave the city and go to the City Green.
Knock on the door and you’ll get to enter Abnaxus’s home. Look around a bit and eventually
Abnaxus will come downstairs. Speak to him about all topics and be sure that he mentioned
something about ‘a god falling from the sky into the sea’. Go to the pier and head over to the small
pier where you can see an old sailor sitting around. Talk to him and ask him if he knows any stories
about ‘a god falling from the sky into the sea’. You’ll learn something about some mermen
underneath the Sea of Songs.

Head back to the Enclave library and ask Yerin about a book on mermen. Read the book and then go
to Brian Westhouse’s bungalow. Talk to him about everything and he’ll mention something about
winged storytellers. Go back to the library and have Yerin look for a book on winged storytellers.
Reading this will allow access to the island of Alais later on in the game.

Go to the pier and ask Captain Nebevay about the island of Alais. He’ll tell you that there are a few
problems with going there. 1) No wind, 2) no navigator, and 3) April’s a woman, and Nebevay doesn’t
allow women aboard the White Dragon. Go talk to the old man on the small pier and ask him about
getting on the White Dragon. You’ll learn that Nebevay owes him a favor and he’ll help you if you can
get his bird, “Bird” back. Go to the cups dealer and give him the screwdriver. Tell him you want the
talking bird, so with the bird in tow, go back to the old man and give it to him.

Head to the White Dragon and tell Nebevay you’re cashing in on the old man’s favor. Leave the city
and take the Road North. You’ll enter a farm area, so head towards the forest and watch as Crow
catches up to you, well, almost. You’ll soon enter another region of Arcadia. Go into the forest and
follow the path up to a bridge. You’ll encounter a Banda here, so tell him that you won’t hurt and
skin him and you’ll eventually learn that you can call him Ben-Bandu instead of some long name that
I’m not going to put in here.

Take a look at the bridge and go back to the previous screen. You’ll see an old woman sitting on the
ground. Talk to her and help her up. Talk to her again and have her lead the way to her house. Follow
her inside and when she leaves, go to the right and pick up the broom sitting next to the cabinet.
Use the broom on the cabinet and you’ll find Ben-Bandu’s brother! Talk to him and when you’re
finished, pick up the small skull sitting on the table near the front of your screen and use it on the
small window. Pick up Ben’s brother and help him out the window. Soon, the old woman will return.
Watch the movie sequence to see a hideous transformation. The old woman is actually a creature
called the Gribbler, who tricks Bandas and humans, and then cooks and eats them.

When the Gribbler starts chasing April, use the Hand icon on the plank nearby and watch as the
Gribbler is knocked into the fire and killed. Leave the hut and Ben will come to meet you. You’ll find
out that April’s now a hero. Go to the Banda village and talk to the Elder sitting in the hammock near
the mound. When you’re done, talk to Ben and then head into the Spirit Dig, the mound behind the
gathering at the fire (it can be a bit hard to see, but you should be able to find it). Go to sleep on the
bed April’s standing next to. Watch the sequence as April has some weird dreams that involves a
meeting with the spirits of April’s evil twin and Charlie. The fourth chapter will come to a close.

CHAPTER 5 – There and Back Again:

When April awakes, head outside the Dig and listen to what Ben-Bandu has to say. When he’s
finished, talk to the Elder and you’ll receive the first part of the disc. Wake up Crow and follow him to
start your journey to the alchemist’s tower. When you get to the screen where you see a hill leading
north and some flowers, first pick some flowers and then head up the hill. The next screen takes you
to an edge of the cliff, follow it down and you’ll find yourself at the entrance to the tower.

Off to the right, you’ll notice a berry bush. You can try walking there if you want, but the marshy land
won’t help you get there. Blow the flute to summon Crow and have him grab some berries off the
bush. In order to have Crow do something for you, click on him, use the Hand icon, and then use the
Crow icon on the object.

Use the Hand icon on the stoned man and you’ll find out that he is still alive! In order to soften him
up, mix the berries with the flowers to make a moisturizer-type mixture and then use the mixture on
the stoned man. His name is Lorhan, and softening him up will allow him to open up the stairway up
into the castle. Head inside and April will find herself in a labyrinth. Next to April is a gargoyle that
appears to be begging for something. Put a coin in his hands and he’ll rotate to reveal two glowing
candles. Blow out both of them and a nearby door will activate. The gargoyle will then rotate back.
Put another coin in the gargoyle’s hands and it’ll rotate again to reveal a salt and pepper shaker.
Take them both.

Do you see the hourglass near the left side of the screen? Have April turn it and as soon as the
cursor changes back to normal, hurry up and head up the stairs that moved. If you fail to get to the
steps in time, you can always go back and try again until you do make it. On this level, you’ll see a
mirror door and a stone wall with an outline of a doorway. Knock twice on the stone door and an
hourglass will pop out. Turn the hourglass and hurry up and head across the platform on the other
side of the room and go through the door.

Follow the path up to a door with a face on it. Use the pepper shaker on it and it’ll sneeze and fall
over. Go on through and get ready to face Roper Klacks, the evil alchemist. Try heading up the stairs
and he’ll come out. Challenge him to a duel, and when you can, use the calculator on him. Watch the
sequences and Klacks will soon become trapped inside the calculator. Head through the doorway he
came out of and you’ll be in his laboratory. There are foul vials that you need to pick up before we
can start creating some spells. One can be found in the bookcase, another behind the curtain, one
under the skull, and the last one that you’ll need for now is to the right of the cauldron (You’ll have
to get a close-up view of the cauldron to see it).

Next to the bookshelf is a spell book. Look at it to see one complete spell and that the rest is torn
out. Look at the spell and April will note that it is an invisibility spell. Go over to the cauldron, bring
up the close-up view, and toss in these essences into the cauldron, in the order that I give them.

Invisibility Potion = White essence, green essence, blue essence

Go to where the mirror is in the labyrinth. You can look at the mirror if you wish, but you’ll only see
an evil version of April. Use the invisibility potion on April and she’ll become invisible. Walk up and
pick up the piece of paper on the floor in front of the mirror. This is the missing part of the spell
book. Go back into the lab and look at the spell book. Use the torn page on the book to see the rest
of the spells. To complete some of the other spells, you will need a red essence, which is something
you don’t have at the moment. Time to make the next spell.

Light as a Leaf = Yellow essence, white essence, blue essence

You’ll see the red essence at the very top of the shelves. Drink the potion and then use the Hand
icon on it and April will jump up and grab the essence. Go back to the cauldron and make the rest of
the spells.

Wind Potion = White essence, red essence, blue essence
Big Bang Potion = Red essence x 2, blue essence
Bind Magic Potion = Green essence, yellow essence, blue essence

After you’re done making your potions, walk over to the swirling purple crystal. Try using the big
bang potion on the crystal, only find out that it fizzled due to the crystal’s constant fluctuation. Try
using the bind magic potion on the crystal and watch it freeze. Use the big bang potion on it again
and it’ll shatter, freeing all of the stoned people.

When you regain control, open the window and summon Crow. Talk to him for a moment and then
use the Wind potion on him. Pick Crow up and send him out the window and he’ll take the potion
and spread some into the clouds. Watch the sequence and when you’ve touched down on terra
firma, head back to Marcuria. Go to the piers and talk to Nebevay. He doesn’t believe you defeated
the alchemist, so prove it by showing him the Wind potion (Watch as Crow is blown off his post,
hehe). All you need to do now is to get a navigator.

Go to the Journey Man Inn and talk to the woman standing near the bar. She is Tun Luiec, so give
her the map she ordered and tell her about the job opening on the White Dragon. After she leaves,
go to the Temple and go to the back of the temple to find Vestrum Tobias. Talk to him and you’ll
learn that April is to be the thirteenth Guardian. He’ll give you a talisman at the end of his little
speech. Head back to the White Dragon and you’ll get ready to set sail to the isle of Alais.

CHAPTER 6 – The Chaos Storm:

This is one of the game’s shorter chapters. Go below deck and eat some of your candy. In the lower
left corner of the screen is a sack with a worm crawling through it. Use the candy wrapper on the
sack and when the worm becomes stuck, pick it up. Go above deck and up to the bridge and talk to
Nebevay, who doesn’t have much to say due to an approaching Chaos storm. Go back down to the
main deck and pick an apple out of the barrel. Use the worm on the apple and go up to the bridge
and show the worm-infested apple to Nebevay. Look at the compass and talk to Tun Luiec for a
while and ask her if you can relieve her of the wheel. Use the talisman on the spirit compass and
then tell Tun Luiec to check the compass and she’ll change course.

When the storm finally sets in, go to the bridge and attempt to take the talisman back. Nebevay will
take it from you and start yelling. Go below deck and near the sack is an axe. Take the axe and use it
on the chest. April will miss the first time, but she’ll end up hitting the floor and causing a leak the
second time. Uh-oh, it looks like we’re in deep!

CHAPTER 7 – A Deep Blue Mirror:

At the beginning of this chapter, you’ll have a brief conversation with Crow. When he leaves, check
the water to the right. You’ll notice a head that sticks out every now and again. Look at it, then try
talking to it, and then finally try taking it and you’ll end up in an underwater city. When you arrive in
the cave, look at all of the drawings and then take a polyp thing out of the wall. Use the polyp on
April and she’ll put it in her mouth. Use the pushpin on April and she will get some of her blood.

Leave the cave and then swim to the left. You’ll notice a closed shell in the seabed. Open it up and
take the black pearl you see. Swim to the city and take some of the glowing green stuff that you see
on the walls. Go back to the cave and mix the green stuff with April’s blood and then use the black
pearl on the mixture to get a golden pearl. Use the pearl on April and she’ll swallow it. Go back to the
city and talk to the merperson about everything and you’ll eventually learn that the true name for the
merpeople is Maerum.

When you’re finished, try to take the spear. Talk to the Queen again and ask her about the
Waterstiller. Take the crystal sitting in the niche next to the spear and then show it to the Queen and
she’ll allow you to keep it as a gift. Leave the city and if you look to the left, you’ll see some huge
strands of seaweed. Move the seaweed out of the way and you’ll find a second crystal. Move it again
and April will uncover a cave entrance. Go inside and take the two crystals that you can see in the
seabed by the altar.

Look at the stone altar and you’ll end up having to solve another puzzle. To solve it, line the rings up
with the opposite signs. For example, move the fire ring so that it is in front of the water tag. Move
the bird ring so it’s in front of the fish and the Maerum ring in front of the one-eyed pyramid. This will
solve the first half of the puzzle.

The second half of the puzzle can be solved by putting the first crystal on the lower right arm of the
altar and making it so that the harpoon side of the crystal faces the harpoon tag and the fish side
faces the fish tag. Put the fourth crystal in the lower left spot and have the pictures match up with
the tags on the left and right. Do the same thing with the other two crystals, and when done
correctly, the stone in the middle will open up. If not, you may have to rotate or move some crystals
around until it does.

Leave the view and look at the drawings on the wall and then look at the symbol on the left side of
the room. Go back to the city and tell the Queen about your discovery. You’ll end up showing it to
her. When you’re done talking, take the spear and go to the shipwreck, which is located past the
bubble cave.

Once there, try to enter and a snapjaw will appear. Use the spear on it and April will kill it. Take a
tooth out of its mouth and then go into the wreck. Take the talisman that’s in plain sight and then go
show the tooth and talisman to the Queen. Go to the shrine and use the talisman on the symbol on
the wall to open up a hidden niche. Look in the niche to find a piece of the disc. Take it to find out
that it has been split in half. Show it to the Queen and you’ll learn that you still have one more thing
to do before she’ll call you the Waterstiller. Explain the relationship between the Maerum and the
Alatien to the Queen and she’ll have you taken to the nearest island so that April can try talking to
the Alatien. This ends Chapter 7.

CHAPTER 8 – Reunification:

Upon arriving at the beach, pick up the rope from the ground near April and then follow the path to
the left to discover some ruins of an old city. Tie the rope to the sapling and head on down the hole.
You’ll end up finding an underground cavern. Climb down to the bottom and sort through the rubble
to find a key. Take it and climb back up to the surface. Take the rope back and then go down to the
beach. Summon Crow and talk to him, and then pick him up and use him on the jungle.

Head to the jungle and go to the volcano. Look in the face’s mouth to find a keyhole, a symbol, and a
lens of some sort. Change the symbols with the key and look at the lens each time you turn it until
you get back to the tilde symbol. Take the key and leave the view and look at the large tree in the
background to enable a new area on the map. Leave here and go to the new area.

Try walking through the area and you’ll end up waking some Stickmen. Talk to Stickman Wick for a
while and when you’re finished, walk up the tree path and you’ll wind up out on a limb. Look at the
crossbow and then head down and ask Wick about it. Look at the base of the nearby statue. When it
comes to this statue and the others like it, you really have to pay attention and use a little bit of
imagination to figure out what I’m talking about.

Anyway, put the key into the triangular keyhole and set the top ring by turning the key to the left
until a symbol that looks like an apple is lined up above the keyhole. Set the bottom ring by turning
the key to the right until a symbol that looks like the number five is lined up underneath the keyhole.
Take the key back and go to the beach.

Go through the arch on the right side and head up the path to the cliff. Look at the statue base and
do what you did the last time, except set the top ring to the arrow-like shape and the bottom ring to
the number five shape. Take the key and go to the ruins.

Look at the statue base and set the top ring to the volcano shape and the bottom ring to the apple
shape. Leave here and go back to the Stickmen. Use the talk icon on the ear of the statue and if you
set the rings on the statues properly, the voice should reach Q’aman. Talk to him for a bit and then
go to the Quiet Giant’s Glade to meet him face to face. Talk to him about everything and go back to
the beach. Go through the arch and try helping the crab creature out. First use the hand icon and
then use the talk icon on it. You’ll find out that it’s in pain. Go back to Q’aman and see if he’ll help
the poor Orlowol. He follow April and help the little guy out, who seems to have gotten stuck in his
old shell since he didn’t shed it when he was supposed to.

Go up the cliff path and talk to Q’aman again. You’ll find out that the fish aren’t biting because he
doesn’t have a lure. Give him the wrapper and then go back to the Stickmen. Tell the Stickmen that
it’s safe to go back to work. They’ll leave, so follow them up the tree. Talk to them and then go back
to Q’aman. Take the fishing line and the fish bone and then go to where the Stickmen are working.
Combine the rope and the fish bone and then show the fishing line to Wick. They’ll finish making the
cannon, and when they do, ask them if you can test it. Use the grappling hook on the cannon and
then pull the nearby lever and watch her fly!

Talk to the Alatien on the other side of the cliff about everything and then look at the updraft. Drink
the light as a leaf potion and then use the wind potion on the updraft. Talk to the Alatien some more
and head into the tunnel. Go to the castle and talk to the watch. You’ll need to answer four questions
about four fables, the tales of Seas, Stars, Winds, and Homecoming. Talk to the Alatien child for her
story, the female Alatien off to the right for hers, the Alatien near the exit for his and the Alatien near
the cliff for his. When you’re finished, talk to the watch again and answer his questions.

The answers are the third choices, so when you’ve answered the questions correctly, go into the
tower and talk to the Teller about everything. Watch the sequences and when you find April
swimming around, move the sand out of the way near the bottom of the structure and then look at
the small orifice. Try talking to it and the large orifice near the top will open. Go inside and then try
taking a circular protrusion to wake up the sleeping god. Talk to him about everything and you’ll get
a jewel from him. Watch the sequences and you’ll get to meet some Dark People. Talk to the Dark
Person about everything and afterwards, April will be allowed to sleep. Wake up and exit to find a
deserted Marcuria…

CHAPTER 9 – Shadows:

Try heading to the city and you’ll be interrupted by a movie sequence in which a strange creature
emerges from the water. A Shift will open just in time for April to escape. You’ll wind up in the
Cathedral in Stark. Talk to Father Raul for a while and then head back to the Border House. I wonder
what’s going on? Emma’s standing around and Fiona’s on the couch crying. Emma will try to tell
April to run, but it’s too late. A man comes down from the stairs and Gordon Halloway himself will
enter shortly afterwards. You can say what you want, but Gordon will have the servant shoot Emma.

A boy will come in, and a gap will open between the servant and Gordon, allowing April to run
upstairs. Talk to Zack, and you’ll learn that he sold April out. The servant will come upstairs and
shoot Zack.

April will go into her apartment, so when you have control, look out the window and click on the
river to have April jump out. When she’s out, drink the invisibility potion and sneak past the guard
and go to the Fringe Café. The servants will corner April…almost. The mystery door will open and a
Shift will appear. April will go through it and you’ll find yourself in an old woman’s home. The old
woman is Lady Alvane. You’ll learn that what you walked through wasn’t a Shift because April didn’t
go into her dreams. You’re not in Stark or Arcadia either, but the limbo in between.

Talk to Lady Alvane for a while and you’ll learn that Emma wasn’t killed, but she was hurt and that
everyone is angry with April for not telling them the truth. After the conversation, April will go back
through the vortex and the chapter will end.

CHAPTER 10 – Rebirth:

You’ll find yourself back in Arcadia, just outside the Journey Man Inn. Go to the City Green and talk
to Abnaxus and you’ll gain the last piece of the disc. Go to the Enclave and in the area just before
the library, you need to place the four stones in your possession into the circular hollows. The Venar
stone goes into the left hollow, the Dark People stone goes into the bottom hollow, the Banda stone
goes in the right hollow and the Alatien stone goes into the top hollow. You’ll hear some grinding
sounds and April will comment that something is wrong.

Summon Crow and use him on the dragon above the left hollow to have him peck the pigeon sh… I
mean, crap off of it. Watch the sequence and the dragon will melt the four stones and they’ll
combine to make the disc. Go into the library and talk to Minstrum Yerin and you’ll learn that Tobias
was murdered by Vanguard agents. Go downstairs and try turning the wheel only to find out that it’s
stuck. Ask Yerin about it and he’ll tell you that the wheel is stuck because the sluices are locked.
He’ll go unlock them for you, so turn the wheel and drain the pool. Go down the stairs and take the

Leave the library and try heading back to the city, only to find out that the Tyren army has blocked
off the road. When things start to look grim, a Shift appears and we’re on our way to Chapter 11.

CHAPTER 11 – Kin:

April will find herself in the studio. Pick up the paintbrush and palette and use it on the canvas. April
will paint the scene from the beginning of the game and watch as a Shift appears. You’ll wind up
there and Mother is still here, but she is dying. Watch the sequences and Mother will die, but the egg
will hatch and a new Mother is born. When all of this is over, another Shift will appear and April will
find herself back in Stark.

Go to the docks and talk to Burns Flipper. You’ll get your fake ID and after that, give the Flipper the
star map and he’ll have a friend decipher it. Leave here and go to the Metro Circle. Go to the
elevators on the left side and ride it up. Once you’re off, there’s a trashcan near the front of your
computer screen with a pizza box in it that a boy just put in there. Take it and then look at the sign
for the clothing store to your left. Go inside and April will get some new clothes (I think she actually
looks her best with her new clothes). Next to the store is a shuttle, hop on and you’ll head to another
part of Newport.

Once you’re off, talk to the nearby cop and you’ll learn the location of the MTI Building. Go to the
right and go down to the street. Give Gerald the receptionist the pizza box (you may have to talk to
him first) and April will act like a pizza girl, which will allow you to get to McAllen’s office. Once up,
try opening up one of his desk drawers and an alarm will sound. McAllen will come in, and you can
choose what you want for conversation choices, because you’ll eventually be led to his laboratory.
Watch the sequence and choose whatever choices you want. When McAllen leaves, a mutant freak
will crash through the chamber and chase April.

Hurry up and look at the computer and then open up the door. Go through it and then walk out onto
the ledge to the lower right. Just as it appears the mutant freak has April, Cortez shows up out of
nowhere and dispatches of it. Talk to Cortez and afterwards, McAllen will appear. Watch the
sequences, and you’ll learn that both McAllen and Cortez are a part of the Draic Kin. Cortez will die,
and you’ll know this because as they transform into dragons, the watch Brian gave you will stop
ticking, and that watch was supposed to have been Cortez’s heart. When you have control of April,
head back into the laboratory and look at the computer again. Unlock the containment chamber and
you’ll be able to get the disc back.

Get the disc and leave Metro Circle and go back to the docks. It appears that the Vanguard was here
too, because they took the map and left the Flipper in bad shape. He made a copy of the map, and
you’ll learn something about the Morning Star. He’ll then die, so head back to the elevators at Metro

Next to the shuttle, you’ll see some lift tubes. Ride them up and talk to the receptionist. Register as a
colonist and soon, you’ll be taken to the Morning Star and to the end of this chapter.

CHAPTER 12 – Dreamland:

Once you find yourself in the main hall, try entering the women’s bathroom to find it locked. Go into
the men’s bathroom, look at the dispenser on the left wall and then use the cashcard on it to get
something called Instant Heat. Move the trashcan to uncover a vent. Use the coin to loosen the grill
and then remove it. Go inside and look at the small screen to the left of April’s legs. Exit out to Exit
#1. Look at the camera and then pull the cable out of it. Go back into the shaft and this time, look at
the screen and go to Exit #2. This is the security room. Put some Instant Heat into the guard’s coffee
and then the guard will return and take April back to the main hall.

Go back to the security room. Wait until the guard drinks his coffee and then leaves due to some
“excitement” and April will come out of the vent. Look at the map on the wall. In order to work this,
whenever you tell a guard to go off-duty, he’ll go to the Rest Area. Whenever you want someone to
go back on duty, click on the Rest Area and tell them to go off-duty. Order the cell block guard to go
off duty and look at the computer next to the map to find out where Adrian is being held. Search the
guard’s coat and you’ll find a key. Leave the security room via the door and go into the far corridor
into the cell blocks.

Go down to Block 5 and open the lock. Use the key on it and Adrian will emerge. He’ll follow you
around the halls for the time being. Go back to the security room, order the guard at the rest area to
go on duty, and then order the guard at the airlock to go off duty. Leave and go into the far corridor
and exit to the right to get to the airlock.

Look at the control panel and then push the lit button to open a capsule containing a machine called
a pod. Look at the panel on the pod and then try pressing the button to learn that it needs a new
oxygen filter. Go to the security room, have the guard go back to the airlock, and order the guard at
the cargo bay to go off duty. Leave and go into the left corridor to get to the cargo bay.

Look at the computer terminal and then use it to learn the number for the filters. Move the cursor
over to where it says Even More Boxes and look. You’ll find the oxygen filters, so use the Hand icon
to get one. Go back to the security room and put the cargo guard on duty and order the airlock
guard off duty. Go to the airlock and use the filter on the pod and push the lit button on the control
panel. Watch the sequences and the last chapter awaits you!

CHAPTER 13 – The Longest Journey:

Walk into the desert. Look at the tower if you want and then start your journey to the tower. Soon,
you’ll get to start your first trial. When Chaos itself appears, combine the Bind Magic potion with the
talisman and use the talisman on Chaos to complete the first trial.

Look at the far chasm and April will automatically work over to the other side. Head to the tower to
get to your second trial. April will be transformed into her younger self, and when you can, use the
gold ring on April’s father. He’ll come to his senses and all will be forgiven. Head to the tower again
until you come to the canyon.

Summon Crow (who will come through a vortex to meet you), talk to him for a bit, and use him on
the tower (the small round thing at the top of the screen). He won’t find any way in, so use him on
the structures below it. He’ll find the Well of Making. Use him on the foggy canyon and he won’t find
anything below the fog. Use him on the Well of Making and he’ll bring back some water. Use him on
the canyon and soon a bridge will form.

Cross the bridge and at the top of the well, use the Hand icon on the well to look inside. Use the disc
on the well and watch the sequence. When you can, use the Hand icon on the hand that appears in
the well and Adrian will join up with you here. Watch the sequences, and Gordon Halloway will arrive
very shortly. When Adrian and Gordon start fighting, use the talisman on Gordon and his two halves
will be joined and you’ll learn that Gordon is to be the new Guardian, not April. Watch the sequences
and the chapter will end here.

EPILOGUE – Threads:

Lady Alvane will close the story, and you’ll get to see an old friend, who just so happens to be Crow.
My guess is that Lady Alvane is actually April Ryan. Watch the ending and if you want, watch the
credits. After the game, the Book of Secrets will be unlocked and you can access stuff like outtakes,
art, etc.

Stay tuned for The Longest Journey 2! If Funcom follows through with their announcement on the
sequel, you can expect me to write a walkthrough for it. Thanks to Hibb for showing me Funcom’s
announcement, otherwise I would have never known about the sequel in the first place!

This concludes my walkthrough for The Longest Journey. I would like to thank you, the reader, for
using this and if you have any problems or questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Now, for the credits:


Alex Boutilier - This guy was gracious enough to allow me to use his guide to create the one you
see before you. He's even helped me out when I needed it. Thanks buddy!

Mr. Hibb – he was the one who told me about the announced sequel to The Longest Journey.

Funcom – For making such a great adventure game that I actually didn’t mind playing through a
second time. I hope the sequel is the next game of the year!

The FAQ sites – there’s not too much more that I can say about you guys because I’ve pretty much
used up my compliments for you in the credits of my other guides. Thanks for hosting all of the
walkthroughs I’ve done!
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