Longest Journey, The

Longest Journey, The

16.10.2013 12:36:40

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
2.1. Prologue
2.2. Chapter 1
2.3. Chapter 2
2.4. Chapter 3
2.5. Chapter 4
2.6. Chapter 5
2.7. Chapter 6
2.8. Chapter 7
2.9. Chapter 8
2.10. Chapter 9
2.11. Chapter 10
2.12. Chapter 11
2.13. Chapter 12
2.14. Chapter 13
3. Item List
3.1. Prologue
3.2. Chapter 1
3.3. Chapter 2
3.4. Chapter 3
3.5. Chapter 4
3.6. Chapter 5
3.7. Chapter 6
3.8. Chapter 7
3.9. Chapter 8
3.10. Chapter 10
3.11. Chapter 11
3.12. Chapter 12
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 30th May, 2004 (First version)


1. Introduction


The Longest Journey tells the tale of April Ryan, a young art student who has
run away from home and come to live in a boarding house in the busy city of
Newport. This futuristic, science-fiction tale starts off in Stark, the world
that April has known and lived in her whole life. As she steps outside of the
boarding house on this particular day though, a mysterious man named Cortez
tells her that she is someone special, someone who may have the ability to save
not only her world, but another parallel world named Arcadia.

That is the basic summary of what happens in the first few minutes of playtime
in this game, and naturally the words of Cortez instantly draw the player into
this fascinating plot. As the game progresses, we get to visit Arcadia, which
seems almost like something out of a fantasy book with it's strange creatures,
and terrifying monsters. True to it's title, The Longest Journey is absolutely
huge, featuring over 150 locations, 101 items that can be picked up and over 50
hours of gameplay, which is a staggering amount for an adventure game. Overall,
this is a lengthy and tremendously detailed adventure game.


2. Walkthrough


2.1. Prologue: A Lion is in the Streets

The game begins with April standing in a dream world. A beautiful landscape is
visible to the left, though a dark storm cloud seems to be coming closer. Walk
right and a tremor will cause a large egg to roll out of a nest, which comes to
rest on two branches above the edge of a cliff. Get the scale from the nest at
the left side of the tree, then get the twig from the front of the tree to hear
the tree moan about having it's precious twig plucked from it. It explains that
it is the voice of all trees, and must speak whenever an injustice is done.

Say "What's the deal with the egg?" to hear that the trees were entrusted to
the safety of the child. Say "What happened to the tree?", and the tree will
say that the nearby brook was diverted so that the trees could not receive
water. April automatically asks who the trees are, and the tree will say that
without their strength given to them by the brook they don't have the strength
to lift the egg back to the nest. Say "Isn't there anything I can do to help?"
and the tree will say that it needs April to give them water, though the
ungrateful thing doesn't think a simple human would be able to help.

Walk east to the stream and open the inventory by right clicking the mouse. We
only have two items in our inventory at present: The scale and the branch.
Click the scale to select it, then click the branch to combine the two items
into a funnel. Use the funnel with the stream and a cutscene will play where
the water is seen giving strength to the talking tree we met earlier. Walk back
to the left and talk to the old tree, who thanks April by telling her that he
has no time for idle conversation and that he should leave him be.

April mentions the egg, and the old tree will lift it's branches to put the egg
back in the nest. A sound is heard as April walks over to the egg, and a
glowing dragon appears which introduces itself by calling April her daughter.
As the dragon promises that she will guide April, another sound is heard from
the distance. Suddenly, a massive swirling black vortex appears and shoots
April, knocking her off the cliff. April's mysterious dream ends here.

2.2. Chapter 1: Penumbra


April wakes up in her room at the Border House in Newport and complains that
she has had many dreams like that in recent days. Open the closet in the corner
of the room and get the toy monkey from the carton. Look at the toy monkey in
the inventory, pull the eye in the close-up view and then get the eye to add it
to the inventory. Exit the view of the toy monkey and the view of the closet.
Get the diary on the desk at the bottom of the bed. The diary will now become a
selectable icon on the black bar at the top of the screen. Look at the diary in
the inventory and get the timesheet. Exit the close-up view of the diary and
open the door to exit April's bedroom.

Zack, April's neighbour in the Border House, will stop to ask how she is.
Select any of the three speech options until Zack turns and heads back into his
room. Get a leaf from the plant at the bottom of the hallway, which is listed
in the inventory as organic plastic. Walk downstairs at the top of the hallway
to find Fiona, the owner of the Border House, sitting on the couch watching the
television. Look at the corkboard and get the pink note from the top-right
corner of the board (April will also pick up a pushpin when she gets the note).

Exit the view of the board and look at the pink note in the inventory to read
that a gold ring has been found under the common room sofa. Give the pink note
to Fiona and after a small conversation where April prooves that the ring is
hers, Fiona will give her the gold ring. Talking to Fiona is not necessary at
the moment, so get the matchbook on the square table in front of the television
and then walk out the front door to exit the Border House.


Walk left and look at the machine to see a gauge, valve and a clamp that is
fixed onto the pipe. Use the gold ring on the cables at the top-right corner of
the machine to connect the wires and activate the machine. At the moment, the
four levers look like this: / | -- \. The objective here is to have all four
levers in the same position. Select the left screw once: / / \ |. Select the
right screw twice and the left screw twice: \ \ \ --. Select the right screw
once and the left screw three times to complete the puzzle.

After the water puzzle has been solved, turn the valve on the left to lower the
water pressure. Turn the wheel, then get the clamp holding onto the pipe. Get
the gold ring and exit the view of the machine. Walk right down the path and
Cortez will start talking to April. He asks how she is, so reply with any of
the three speech options that are shown. He asks what her idea of a perfect day
is, so again reply using any of the three options. As April turns to leave,
Cortez will mention about her nightmares and knows that she is worried that
they might be real. After the conversation, run right to the bridges, take the
top-left exit to the park and walk north to the Academy. Walk through the door.


Get the rubber glove with the hole in it from the trash can. Walk upstairs to
the second floor of the Academy to see a floating holosculpture of a dragon,
made by April's best friend Emma. Get the paintbrush and palette from the desk
and use it on the canvas to view a small cutscene of April painting. Emma walks
up to the second floor after the cutscene and says that she has an important
message for April. Say "Yeah, from whom?" to hear that the message is from
Cortez, and that he wants to meet April where children visualise their dreams.
Say "Did he talk to you about nightmares?", and Emma says that she thinks April
is obsessed with her dreams. Say "Do you want to hear about my dream, or not?"
to tell her about the dream sequence we played through in the prologue.

After April finishes explaining, Emma asks if she wants to drop by The Fringe
Cafe after she has finished at the Academy. Say "I'll drop by after I clean up
around here.". After Emma leaves, April will start to tidy up when suddently
the holosculpture made by Emma turns into a real dragon and starts floating
toward April. A second later and the dragon returns to being a holosculpture.
Walk downstairs and go out the door to exit the Academy, walk east to the park,
east to the bridges, north through the arch to the area outside the cafe and
then north through the doors to enter The Fringe Cafe.


Charlie will be behind the bar serving drinks. You can talk to him if you want,
though it's not necessary to complete this chapter. Get a hard candy from the
candy jar and walk left to the other side of the cafe. Get some bread from the
bread basket in front of Emma, then give the timesheet to Stanley who is on the
chair at the left side of the jukebox. He studies the timesheet and says that
he'll try to give April the money by next week. Say "Forget that, I quit.", and
Stanley will put $375 on April's cashcard.

Before April leaves, he then asks if April is available to work tonight. The
choice you select here will effect the ending of the chapter slightly, so
either select "Yeah, I need the money." to work at the Fringe Cafe later or
select "No, sorry, I have plans." to go back to the Border House later instead.
After the conversation, look at the poster at the right side of the jukebox and
get the ticket at the bottom-right corner of the poster. Exit the Fringe Cafe,
walk west to the bridges, up the steps at the bottom of the area to the area
outside the Border House and then through the door to enter the Border House.


Walk upstairs to the second floor of the house, and open the first door on the
right to enter April's apartment. Open the window and look outside to see that
a blue rubber ducky is trapped under a grill in the dirty river. Use the bread
with the rubber ducky and a seagull will fly down to start pecking the crumbs,
which eventually pops the rubber ducky. Pull the chain up from the river and
April will find a clothesline. Open the door of the apartment to exit to the
hallway, walk downstairs and then walk out the door to exit the Border House.


Walk east to the bridges to see the rubber ducky floating east down the river.
Go north through the arch to the area outside of the Fringe Cafe to see that
the rubber ducky has been punctured and has come to rest under some metal bars.
Get the rubber ducky and walk west to the bridges, take the far left exit to
the subway and then go down the steps to enter the subway.


April can't walk through the gates at the moment, so use the gene scanner on
the right to see a close up view of the machine. Select the Week button and use
the cashcard with the lens to get a weekly pass. Exit the view of the machine
and walk through to the other side of the small gate. Look at the sparks on the
tracks at the left side of the area to see a large iron key. Open the inventory
and look at the rubber ducky to see a close-up view.

Get the band-aid from the rubber ducky and it will start to deflate. If it does
deflate, just use the mouth icon on it to inflate it. Use the clothesline with
the clamp, and then use the rubber ducky with the clamp. Now use the clamp with
the key on the track to add it to the inventory. Open the inventory again and
look at the ticket to see the address for the Roma Gallery. Get into the train
when it arrives, look at the subway map and select the Watertown Bridge.


After exiting the subway, go through the door at the right side of the drummer
to enter the gallery. The attendant is sleeping, so April leaves her ticket on
the table. Walk over to the right side of the gallery and talk to Cortez, who
is currently staring at a painting. He asks April to look at the painting. Say
"Why?", then select "Look at the painting" to see a close-up view. Say "What am
I looking for?" and Cortez will ask what you see.

Say "I see art.", and Cortez asks what you see beyond the art. Say "Truth?",
and Cortez will tell April that the painting has a soul, and then asks if she
is here in the gallery because of her dreams. Say "Yeah.", and Cortez will say
that he will tell her everything tomorrow. After Cortez leaves, walk left and
go through the door to exit the Rosa gallery. Walk left through the door to
return to the subway. Select the subway map and then select East Venice.


Walk north to the park and take the bottom-right path to the bridges. Depending
on the speech option choice you made earlier, either go to the Fringe Cafe (if
you chose the "Yeah, I need the money." speech option when talking to Stanley),
or the Border House (if you chose the "No, sorry, I have plans." speech option
when talking to Stanley). In the Fringe Cafe, talk to Stanley and a cutscene
will play where a creature from another world appears. The chapter ends here.

In the Border House, talk to Mickey and choose any of the speech options until
April stops talking to her. Talk to Fiona and select any speech option when she
asks what April has been doing all day. Say "I'll see you later, yeah?", and
Fiona will ask if April would like to watch television tonight. She accepts,
and April, Fiona and Mickey relax in front of the television. A cutscene will
show where the television shows a picture of a jungle, and suddenly the three
characters are transported into the jungle. The chapter ends here.

2.3. Chapter 2: Through the Mirror


After April wakes up, walk out the door to the hallway and go downstairs to see
Fiona looking worriedly out of the window. Talk to her and select any speech
option. Say "Have you seen Cortez today?", then say "Do you have any idea where
Cortez is?" to find out that Zack may know. Say "I have to get going." to end
the conversation. Walk upstairs and knock on the door of Zack's apartment.

Select any speech option and April will agree to meet Zack at the pavillion for
a date later tonight. Say "You know where I can find Cortez?", and Zack will
say that he might be at the Mercury Theater in Metro Circle. Walk downstairs
and walk through the door to exit the Border House, walk east to the bridges,
walk west to the subway, go down the steps to the subway and walk into the
train. Look at the subway map and select the new Metro Circle icon.


Walk east to the East Gateway, and then walk east down the street to find the
Mercury Theater that Zack mentioned earlier. Talk to the conspicuous guy that
is standing by the fuse box and select any speech option. Say "Don't you get
tired of hanging around here all day long?", say "So you just had lunch?", and
he will say that he would like a sweet. Move the nearby trashcan and use the
hard candy on the ooze to make stinky candy. Give the stinky candy to the
detective and he will spit the sweet out at Freddie Melon. Thinking that it was
done on purpose, Freddie will chase after the detective.

When Freddie returns, walk west to Metro Circle and get the hat (fedora) in the
middle of the road. Walk east to the theater and use the fuse box to see a
close-up view. Use the key with the lock to remove the cover and see five wires
inside. Combine the band-aid with the work glove in the inventory to fix the
hole, then use the work glove with the sparks in the fuse box to stop the
marquee on the theatre from working. Freddie will open the door to the alley to
get some tools so that he can fix the marquee. He's kindly left the door open
for us, so walk through the door to enter the alley at the side of the theatre.

Walk south to the other end of the alley to see a shadow on the wall of what
looks like someone pointing a gun, but which is actually the garbage bag with a
newspaper sticking out of it on top of the boxes on the left. Use the fedora
with the garbage bag, and then use the toy monkey with the garbage heap. The
shadow of the person with the gun on the wall will now have strange sound
effects from the monkey to accompany it. Open the trashcan at the right side of
the fire door, then use the matchbook with it to set off the fire alarm.

April will hide and Freddie will rush out to see what all the noise is about.
He kicks out the fire, hears the sound of the monkey threatening him and then
sees the shadow on the wall. While Freddie busy dancing in the middle of the
alley, walk through the door into the theater to find Cortez. Talk to him and
he will ask why April was searching for him. Say "What's so appealing about old
movies?", and Cortez will take her outside into the alley. Cortez will make
some movements with his arms and a swirling blue light will appear on the wall.
When Cortez asks if she would like to step through, say "All right, I'll do
it.". Select the swirling light to be transported to another world.


April drops out of the swirling light to find herself in a temple in Arcadia.
Continue walking right to arrive in the middle of the temple, where a priest is
standing near a rock. Talk to the priest and he will talk to April in a strange
language. Say "I don't understand." and he will speak again, then select Listen
from the conversation menu to hear the man speak in the same language, but with
English mixed in. Listen twice more, and the priest will start talking in words
understandable to April: In the language of Na'ven, or Alltongue. He introduces
himself as Tobias Grensret, the Vestrum of the Sentinel.

He opens the door to the temple and tells her to explore Marcuria, then tells
her to return to the temple when she is ready. Walk back into the temple and
talk to Tobias, who will give her a long discussion on the history of Arcadia.
After the conversation, walk back to the right and talk to Tobias. Say "Do you
know a man named Brian Westhouse?" and Tobias will say that he doesn't know
where he lives. Say "Who'd know about Westhouse?" to find out that someone in
the marketplace may know. Say "Who did you say I should see about Westhouse?",
and Tobias will say that the map merchant may know, but that Westhouse is known
as The Rolling Man in Arcadia. Say "I'll see you later." to end the
conversation and walk north through the doors to exit the temple.


Walk to the stalls near the top-right corner of the marketplace and talk to the
map merchant in the right stall. Say "Can you tell me where the Rolling Man
lives?" and he will say that he is not aloud to give personal information to
customers. Say "I really need to know where the Rolling Man lives.", then say
"Please tell me where the Rolling Man lives." and he will fire his delivery
boy. Say "What are you going to do now, without a delivery boy?", then say
"Maybe I could help you out?" and he will agree to hire April as long as she
doesn't mind the low pay. Say "I'll take the job if you want me", and he will
give her the delivery list and a map for the captain of The White Dragon. Walk
to the marketplace, north to the city and select the City Gates on the map.


Walk east along the path and select the right ship to see the captain of the
White Dragon that the map merchant mentioned. Talk to the sailor and say "Is
this "The White Dragon?"", and he will introduce himself as the captain of The
White Dragon. Give him the map, and he will give April an Aren coin. Give him
the delivery list to sign, but he says that he never puts his signature on a
piece of paper. Say "Why not?", say "Who told you that signing a slip of paper
is bad for your soul?", say "You can't write can you?", say "Look, all you have
to do is sign an "X" next to your name on the list, say "Is there anything I
can do to get you to sign?", and he will mention music. Say "What's music got
to do with you signing my list?", say "So if I play some music, you'll sign?",
and he will agree. Say "I'll be back." to end the conversation.

Walk north to the city, west to the city gates and look at the instrument stall
at the left side of the gates. Talk to the instrument merchant and the merchant
will agree to sell a flute for one aren. Give him the aren coin to buy the
flute, then run back down the path on the right toward The White Dragon ship.
Give the delivery list to the captain and April will play the flute while he
signs the list. After the captain has finished signing, walk north to the city,
west to the city gates and walk through the gates to return to the map to view
the map of Marcuria. Select the marketplace.


Return to the stalls and give the delivery list to the maps merchant and he
will give April a map for the Rolling Man, before giving her a complicated set
of instructions on how to get to his house. Walk north to the marketplace and
north again to the city. Select Westhouse's bungalow at the bottom-left corner.


Talk with the man sitting on the bench to find out that he is Brian Westhouse.
Say "I have a delivery for you" to give him the map. Give the delivery list to
Brian. Say "Cortez told me to look you up.", say "Cortez said to look you up
when I wanted to go back home, to Stark." and say "I should get going" to stop
talking to Westhouse. Try to walk to the city and Westhouse will give April a
pocket watch. Use the pushpin with the pocket watch in the inventory and April
will open up a shift, which she uses to return to Stark.


April tells Cortez about her experience in Arcadia. Say "What happens now?",
and April will explain that she met Vestrum Tobias. Say "Who are you really,
Cortez?", say "You helped me back, didn't you?", and Cortez will say that April
must do four things. To find the guardian, the gateway, the key to the
guardian's realm and also defeat the Vanguard. Continue talking to Cortez until
he leaves. April will automatically return to the subway in East Venice.


Walk north to the park, east to the bridges, and north to The Fringe Cafe. Talk
to Charlie and select any speech option when he asks what's up. Say "Thanks,
Charlie." to end the conversation, then walk over to the other side of the room
to see Emma enter the cafe. Choose either option when Emma asks if April is
going on a date with Zack to end the chapter.

2.4. Chapter 3: Friends and Enemies


April wakes up in her room at the Border House. Open the door to walk outside
of the apartment and Zack will be waiting to argue. Select any of the speech
options, then walk downstairs and open the door to exit the Border House. Run
east, take the bottom-left exit to the subway and walk down the steps to the
station. Board the train when it arrives and travel to Hope Street.


Run north to the cathedral at the top of the road. Inside, walk down to the
confessionals at the bottom-right corner and talk to the priest. Say "Do you
know a boy named Warren Hughes?". Say "Where does Warren live?", and the priest
will say that he belongs may be down the street in building 87. Say "Thank you,
Father." to end the conversation. Exit the cathedral and run up the steps at
the left side of the road to enter building 87. Talk to the kid sitting on the
steps and say "Do you know where I can find a kid named Warren Hughes?", and he
will say that he doesn't know Warren Hughes. Select any of the speech options.

Say "What do you want from me?", and the kid will say that he is Warren, but if
April wants help she needs to get some information on his family from the
Newport Police Department police archives. Say "I'll do it.", and Warren says
that he wants information on his sister and to have his criminal record
deleted. Say "Where is the police station?", then say "I'd better get going."
to stop talking to Warren. Walk downstairs, enter the subway station on the
other side of the road and look at the subway map to select Metro West.


Look at the street sign, and then look at the roadblock to see that there is a
small control panel on it. Use the roadblock and April will enter the number on
the street sign, which makes the roadblock move to block the street on the
right. Use the container and April will climb in. The garbage truck will soon
appear, which will pick up the container and carry it to the station.


Talk to the sergeant behind the desk and say "Where are the archives?". The
sergeant will ask if April is an officer of the law. Say "So what if I'm not?"
to be told that the doors to the archives are out of order. Talk to the portly
fella at the right side of the room and say "Why aren't you guys working?", say
"Aren't you supposed to fix the doors?", say "It'd be so nice if you could fix
the doors.", say "Is there anything I can do to make you go back to work?", say
"About that work order...", say "Where do I go to get the requisition form?",
then say "Enjoy your lunch break, guys." to stop talking to the portly fella.

Talk to the sergeant and say "I need the requisition form called "Short-Term
Tactical Suspension of Union Members Benefits".", and she will say that she
needs a number for the form. Say "Thanks anyway." to stop talking to the
sergeant and run right to look at the red toolbox near the doors. Get the old
petition near the doors and give it to the portly fella to find out that the
old petition caused them to have to go back to work last week. Look at the old
petition in the inventory to find out the number, then talk to the sergeant and
say "I need requisition form number 09042, "Short-Term Tactical Suspension of
Union Members Benefits".", to get union peition #09042.

Give union petition #09042 to the portly fella and he will say that the form is
useless as the #09042-A form is needed. Talk to the sergeant and say "I'm
sorry, but I need the 09042-A requisition form addendum as well." to receive
the form. Give union petition #09042-A to the portly fella, and he will agree
to go and work on the broken doors. Look at the screen of the left VidPhone to
read its number. Use the left VidPhone and dial home to talk to April's mother,
then use the right VidPhone and dial 099-12090 to ring the left VidPhone.

While the phone is ringing, talk to the portly fella and say "Hey, there's a
phone call for you.". When the portly fella rushes over to the phone, try to
use the wires, then talk to the thin fella and he will walk over to the other
VidPhone. Use the wires and try walking through the open doors to be told by
the desk sergeant that the corridor is a restricted area. Look at the shelves
behind the desk and April will look at the most difficult forms to pick up.
Talk to the sergeant and say "I'd like that form for complaining about lewd and
indecent behavior, please?" While the sergeant climbs up to collect the form,
quickly use the wires again and walk through the doorway to the corridor.


Walk down the corridor and use the cashcard with the Bingo! soda machine to get
a soda can. Walk left through the doorway to enter the locker room.


The groans of the detective that April gave the stinky sweet to earlier can be
heard in the stall on the left. Look at locker 4 (Sgt. Maria Hernandez), then
walk left and talk to the man in the stall. Say "Sergeant Hernandez.", and the
man will give April the key and ask her to get his stomach medicine from the
locker. Look at locker 1 (Sgt. Frank Minnelli), then use the locker key on
Minelli's locker to open it. Look in the locker and get the medicine. Look at
the mirror, and the shard at the bottom-right corner of the mirror. Get the
shard and read the Minnelli to read the login and password for the archives.

Exit the view of the locker and give the medicine to Minnelli. Talk to Minnelli
and say "How's Mrs Minnelli doing?", then say "About Mrs Minnelli..." to find
out that Minnelli's wife's birthday is tomorrow. Say "Gotta go, Minnelli.", and
Minnelli will start sneezing. When he sneezes, his synthetic eye will drop out.
When this happens, quickly press the switch near the stall door to turn the
light out in the stall, then use the monkey eye with the synthetic eye to swap
them. Walk through the door to the corridor and use Minnelli's eye with the
retinal scanner to open the door to the archives. Walk through the doorway.


Use the computer and Minnelli will enter the login and password to access the
the archives. Search for "Warren Hughes" and select Erika Hughes. Select Delete
to erase Warren's record and select print. Select main, search for "Church of
Voltec" and select Jacob McAllen's name. Select Main and search for "Jacob
McAllen" to discover that the record is classified. Select continue and
remember the code that is shown at the bottom-right corner of the computer
monitor. Select main, search for "col#0050123185353260" to display Erika's
record and then select print. Select main and log off to leave the computer.

Look at the control panel and select the third button on the third row, the
fourth button on the fourth row, the first button on the first row and the
fourth button on the second row to get the Vanguard folder. Get the printouts
from the printer and then exit the archives. Walk north to return to the lobby.


Get the screwdriver on the floor near the toolbox and walk south to exit the
police station. Walk down to the bottom-left corner of the area to see a news
report about a shuttle that has crashed. After the report, run west twice to
the subway and look at the subway map on the train to travel to Hope Street.


Run up the steps to building 87 and give the computer printout to Warren. Say
"Can you put me in touch with your friend now?" and he will tell April the
location of Burns Flipper. Say "Bye, Warren." to end the conversation, then
walk downstairs to exit the building and run across the road to the subway.
Look at the subway map and select the Newport docks.


Run up the steps and go east to the construction yard. Continue east to the
garage and use the garage door to knock on it. Knock two more times and, after
a long conversation, Flipper will finally open the door for April. Run through
the doorway to the garage and climb into the pit. Talk to Burns Flipper and say
"I need some information.", say "I need information on a guy called Jacob
McAllen, and an organization called the Vanguard, or the Church of Voltec.",
then say "Thanks for your help, Mr. Flipper.". Look at the Vanguard folder in
the inventory and give the Vanguard datacube to Burns, and he will show April a
video of Jacob McAllen talking about the church of Voltec.

Talk to Burns and say "Could you fix me up with some fake identification?", say
"Can we discuss the fake identification I need?", say "Would you consider
alternative forms of payment for a fake ID?", say "What's up with your chair?"
and he will tell April that he will give her some fake identification if she
gets him a new AntiGrav control unit. Say "Thanks." to end the conversation and
run east twice to exit the warehouse. Look at the machine on the right to see
that it is a paint shaker. Use the soda can on the paint shaker, then run west
three times to return to the subway. Look at the map and select Metro West.


Run up the road to the shuttle and talk to the cop. Select all three speech
options and the cop will say that he is choking on all the dust and debris in
the air. Give him the soda can and he will be sprayed when he opens it. He
storms off to get his suit changed, leaving the shuttle site unguarded. Use the
mirror shard with the laser and look at the blinking device to see that it is
an AntiGrav control unit. Use the screwdriver on the AG control unit to get it,
then return to the subway. Look at the map and select the Newport Docks.


Run east three times to enter the warehouse, climb down into the pit and give
the AntiGrav control unit to Burns, who will now agree to make April a fake
identification card, though it will take a couple of days to make. Exit the
warehouse and return to the subway. Look at the map and select Hope Street.


Go north to the cathedral and run down to the confessionals at the bottom-right
corner to listen to Cortez and Father Raul talking about April. Talk to Cortez
and he will agree to meet April tomorrow. Exit the cathedral and return to the
subway. Look at the map and select East Venice.


Walk through the top-right exit to the bridges, run up the steps and continue
through the doors into the Border House. Run upstairs to see Zack standing
outside April's door. Open the door to April's apartment to find Charlie and
Emma inside. Select any speech option when they ask what's going on, and they
will both leave to let April get some sleep. As she sleeps, a cutscene will
play where Cortez is captured by the Vanguard. After the cutscene, a glow can
be seen coming from April's cupboard. She wakes up and opens the cupboard, and
is once again transported back to the magical world of Arcadia.

2.5. Chapter 4: Monsters


April finds herself outside of The Journey Man Inn, where she hears noises of a
party from inside. Walk into the inn and talk to the woman to find out that she
is the owner of the inn. Select any of the speech options, then say "Is there a
party going on?" to be told that it is the Feast of the Balance. Say "Why do
you celebrate the Feast of the Balance?", "What's the Vanguard doing to destroy
the Balance?", say "What's your name?" to be told that her name is Benrime
Salmin, say "What do you mean by "strong in fate"?", say "What's a Seer?" then
say "Tell me more about my future.", to end the conversation.

After talking to the innkeeper, a strange creature will walk out from the next
room of the inn. Talk to the strange creature, and he will say that he knows
April Ryan. He introduces himself as Abnaxus of the Venar, and that his people
have the ability to see the past, present and future at the same time. After
inviting April to his home, he walks out of the inn. Use the comfy chair at the
corner of the inn and April will sleep.

In the morning the innkeeper wakes her up. Try to walk out of the inn and the
innkeeper will say that she will help her find some proper clothes. After
getting changed, the innkeeper will ask April to work as payment for sleeping
in the inn. Say "All right, tell me where to start.". A few hours later, the
innkeeper will give April some coins and will also let April keep the clothes.
Exit the inn, run north through the arch to the city and select the City Green.


Use the organic plastic with the flowerbed to open the Book of Secrets, which
is normally opened by completing the game. Knock on the door to the house and
April will enter Abnaxus' house. Wait for him to walk downstairs, then say "Who
are you?" to find out he is the only one of the Venar who is able to focus on a
particular moment in time. Say "How do your people perceive time?", say "Can
you see the future?", and he will mention a veil that prevents him from seeing
far into the future. Say "What's this veil you keep talking about?", say "Tell
me about the prophecies.", say "Can I ask you a few questions?" and ask him
about all of the questions that are shown.

Say "I need some help in my quest.", and say "What do you know about dragons?",
and Abnaxus will explain about the Draic Kin, how they played an important part
in the Divide. Say "You don't know where I may find these Draic Kin?", and
Abnaxus says that the tale of the Silver Spear of Gorimon speaks of the mother
and her child. Say "What about the other dragon, the other Draic Kin?". Say
"Have you heard of a disc that works as a key to the Guardian's realm?", and he
will say that it has been spoken of by the Ayrede council recently and no one
knows where it is, but that Vestrum Tobias might be able to help.

Say "Do you know anything about a rift leading to the Guardian's realm?", and
he will say that he doesn't know where the rift is. Say "How would I go about
fighting chaos?", and he will say that only those ordained by the Balance can
fight Chaos. Say "That's about it for now." to stop asking questions about the
quest, and say "Thanks for your hospitality, Abnaxus." to end the conversation
with Abnaxus. Exit the house and walk west to view the map.


Walk into the temple and talk to Vestrum Tobias. Say "I need help getting back
home.", to be told that he is unable to help April Shift. Say "I need to locate
the disc that unlocks the Guardian's tower.", say "Where is the disc now?", say
"What people were the disc divided amongst?" to be told about the scriptures of
the Balance. Say "Where can I find the Scriptures of the Balance?", and Tobias
will mention the Great Library of the Enclave.

Say "I need to find the entrance to the Guardian's realm.", say "Isn't there
any way to locate the entrance to the Guardian's realm?", and he will say to
speak with Minstrum Yerin at the Enclave. Say "I need to locate the two dragons
that reside in Arcadia.", say "How can I get more information on the Draic
Kin?", and he will mention a book to look for at the Enclave. Say "Thank you,
Tobias." to end the conversation. Exit the temple and walk north to the city.


Talk to Brian and say "Would you mind helping me with a few questions?", and
say "Do you know anything about dragons?". Brian mentions that it might be
worth talking to Minstrum Yerin at the Enclave. Say "Did you ever hear a story
about a god who fell from the sky?", then say "Thanks, Mr. Westhouse" to stop
talking to Brian. Walk north to the city.


Walk west into the Enclave and walk downstairs to talk to the priest. Say "Are
you Minstrum Yerin?", say "Tobias said I should talk with you.", say "Vestrum
Tobias recommended that I look at some books.", say "I'm looking for some
information, but I'm not sure which book to ask for." and say "I need to find
out which four magical people of Arcadia were given a piece of the stone disc
that serves as the key to the Guardian's Realm.", and Yerin will get a book,
which he places on the table. Read the book on the table (Chapter Sixteen in
the Eighth Scriptture. The Scripture of Breaking), then exit the view of the
book so that Minstrum Yerin puts it back on the shelf.

Talk to Minstrum Yerin again and say "Could I see some more books?", say "I'm
looking for some information, but I'm not sure which book to ask for.", and say
"Are there any books about a flying people who observe and tell stories?".
Read the book on the table (Alatien), and April will read about an uninhabited
island of Alais, in the Bristan atoll. Exit the view of the book, talk to Yerin
again and say "Could I see some more books?", say "I'm looking for some
information, but I'm not sure which book to ask for.", and say "I'd like to
learn about dragons, about the Draic Kin." Read the book on the table ("Secrets
of the Draic Kin" by Minstrum Elyak), and exit the view of the book.

Talk to Minstrum Yerin again and say "Could I see some more books?", say "I'm
looking for a story called "The Silver Spear of Gorimon"." Read the book on the
table (The Silver Spear of Gorimon), then exit the view of the book. Talk to
Minstrum Yerin again and say "Could I see some more books?", say "A book on the
history of Marcuria would be interesting.". Read the book on the table
("Travels in the Northlands" by Jemein the Discoverer), then exit the view of
the book. Talk to Minstrum Yerin again and say "Could I see some more books?",
and say "I'd like to read some Arcadian folktales.". Read the book on the table
("Sadra, the Faithful Wife"), then exit the view of the book. Walk north to
exit the library, walk east to exit the enclave and walk north to the city.


Talk to Captain Nebevay and say "Do you know the island of Alais?" to find out
that he knows the place. Say "Why aren't you out at sea?", and he will say that
there is no wind for the boat to sail. Say "How long's it been since the last
wind?" to discver that an alchemist has cast a spell preventing wind. Say
"Who's this alchemist who cast a spell on the wind?", and the captain will say
that the alchemist's name is Roper Klacks. Say "Can you give me a lift to Ge'en
on your ship?", and Nebevay will say that there is no wind and he needs a
navigator. Say "Bye.", and walk east to the small pier.

Talk to the old sailor sitting on the chest and say "What've you got in that
chest?", say "No, really -- what's in the chest?", say "I'm still curious about
that chest.", and he will say that he used to keep his talking bird in there.
Say "What happened to your talking bird?", and he will say that he was cheated
out of him by the cupshandler at the marketplace. Say "Do you know how I can
get passage on a boat going south?", say "I need coin to travel on a boat,
unless... what?", and he will say that Captain Nebevay owes him a favor. Say
"Would you "cash in" your favor with Nebevay if I got your bird Bird back?",
and he will agree. Say "I'd better get going.", and exit the pier. Run west to
the city gates and run through the gates to the city.


Walk to the stalls and give the delivery list to the maps merchant to receive
the map of the Northlands for Tun Luiec at the Journey Man Inn. Talk to the
cups handler and he will ask if April wants to play the cups game. Say "Okay,
let's go.", and use the coin with the cups game. After he shuffles the cups,
use the screwdriver with the cups until you find the one that moves. Get the
moved cup and April will pick the cup with the coin below. After winning the
calculator as the prize, give the screwdriver to the cups handler and choose
"The talking bird." as the reward. Walk north twice to exit the marketplace.


Walk east to the small pier and give Crow to the old sailor, who agrees to give
April his favor from Captain Nebevay. Walk north to the big boat and talk to
Nebevay. Say "You know old Umber lanos, don't you?", and he will agree to take
April if she can find a navigator and restore the wind. Exit to the city.


Walk north into the forest and Crow will land briefly before following April.
Select the Forest and walk east to have a conversation with Crow, who has
decided to join April on her adventure. Walk north into the forest and continue
east to see a broken bridge. April turns back to the left and meets one of the
Banda people. Select either speech option when he asks April not to kill her,
then say "Why are you sad, Ben-Bandu?", to hear that he has lost his brother.

Say "What happened to the Banda that disappeared?", and he will say that there
is something evil in the forest. Say "Good luck on your search, Ben-Bandu, sad
Little One.". April will use the flute to call Crow, who she tells to search
the forest from his vantage point to find Ben-Bandu's brother. Walk west back
into the forest and talk to the old woman sitting on the floor. Say "All right,
I'll help you home.", then pick up the woman and talk to her. She invites April
back to her home. Say "Lead the way, ma'am.", and walk into the house.


The Gribbler leaves the house to look for some berries, locking the door on the
way out. Get the small skull from the table. Get the broom at the right side of
the cabinet and use it on the cabinet to tip it over. Ben-Bandu's brother,
Bandu-uta will crawl out. Use the skull with the window to break it, then pick
up the Bandu-uta and throw him through the window. The Gribbler will return at
this point and changes into her true self. Use the plank below the table and
the pillar will fall, knocking the Gribbler into the fire. Exit the house, and
Ben-Bandu will ask April to visit the Banda Village.


The Banda people are celebrating that the Gribbler has gone. Talk to the elder
mole sitting in the hammock and he will tell April to join in the party. Talk
to Ben-Bandu and say "What is this Spirit Dig the Elder told me about?" to be
told that it is a sacred place where the Banda can speak with their ancestors.
Say "Where is the Spirit Dig?", then say "Enjoy the party, guys." to end the
conversation. Talk to Crow, then walk into the Spirit Dig and use the bed.
Select "Go to sleep", and April will be visited in the night by the spirits of
April and Charlie. She will fall asleep again and the chapter will end.

2.6. Chapter 5: There and Back Again


Walk outside the Spirit Dig and talk to the Elder mole and he will ask where
April heard the name Bak-Baar. Select either speech option, and the Elder will
give April the Banda stone. Talk to Crow to wake him up, then walk east to the
swamp and walk east to cross the bridge. Get the purple flowers at the right
side of the area, then walk north up the hill to see Roper Klacks' floating
castle. Walk north down to the plains and look at the bush on the right to see
that some berries are growing on it.

Attempt to get the berries, then use the flute to call Crow and use him on the
berries. Use the statue at the top of the path and it will start to talk.
Combine the berries with the moisturising flower in the inventory and use the
moisturising cream on the petrified man. Say "What happened to you?", to hear
that the alchemist cast a spell on him. Say "What do you mean, the Vanguard
were right?". The alchemist will pull the chain, which creates a steep slope.
Walk up the slope to enter the castle.


Use the coins on the gargoyle at the bottom-right corner of the room and blow
on both flaming hands to turn the door at the top of the room. Use the coins on
the gargoyle again and get the salt shaker and pepper shaker. Use the hourglass
held by the statue at the bottom-left corner of the area, which will make the
steps change to lead up to the path above. Quickly run up to the top of the
steps before the hourglass turns the other way.

Attempt to get the parchment in front of the mirror to be blocked by April's
alternate self. Use the door near the top-right corner of the room twice and
the door will turn to reveal an hourglass. Use the hourglass, then quickly run
over the platform and walk through to the door at the left side of the room.
Use the pepper shaker on the gargoyle and walk through the doorway. Try to Walk
to the tower at the top of the steps to meet Roper Klacks.


Roper Klacks will ask who April is. Select any speech option, say "Prepare to
be defeated!", then say "How about a proper challenge?". Give the calculator to
Roper Klacks and April will ask him a series of questions which Roper Klacks
can't answer. He takes the calculator from April and uses it, which kills him.
Run up the steps to the tower to enter Roper Klacks' study.


Move the curtain and get the green vial. Get the white vial on the bottom shelf
at the right side of the curtain. Use the skull on the table at the right side
of the study and get the blue vial. Look at the big book on the desk and look
at the first spell to see the ingredients for the invisibility spell. Exit the
book. Look at the cauldron and get the yellow flask. Use the white essence,
green essence and blue essence on the cauldron to get the invisibility potion.

Walk downstairs, go east through the doorway to the labyrinth and then use the
invisibility potion on April. Get the parchment in front of the mirror, and
then return to the study. Look at the big book and use the torn page with the
Tome of Alchemy to reveal four more spells. Exit the view of the book and look
at the cauldron. Use the yellow essence, white essence and blue essence on the
cauldron to get the light-as-a-leaf potion.

Exit the view of the book, use the light-as-a-leaf potion on April and get the
red vial on the top shelf near the ceiling of the study. Look at the cauldron
and use the white essence, red essence and blue essence on the cauldron to make
the wind potion. Use the red essence twice and the blue essence on the cauldron
to make the big bang potion. Use the green essence, yellow essence and blue
essence on the cauldron to make the bind magic potion.

Exit the view of the cauldron and use the bind magic potion with the glowing
crystal on the desk. Use the big bang potion on the crystal, and the creatures
that Roper Klacks turned to stone will return to normal. Open the window and
use the flute to call Crow. Say "I could use some help.", then give him the
wind potion. Get Crow and use him with the window. Crow will fly out to use the
potion, which causes the wind to blow the castle away. After April returns to
the meadow, walk south to Marcuria to view the map.


Talk to Captain Nebevay and say "I did defeat Roper Klacks!", say "Can we set
sail for the Alais now?" to end the conversation. He doens't believe April, so
use the wind potion with Nebevay, and he will agree to set sail for Alais if
April can find a navigator. Exit to the city.


Walk into the inn and give the map of the Northlands to the woman standing near
the left doorway. Say "Why are you going to Corasan by foot?", and she will say
that she can't afford the passage to the Bay of Fire as she has no job. Say
"Are you from Corasan?", say "Why are you so depressed?" and she will say that
she is a navigator. Say "You're a navigator?", say "I have a job for you, if
you want it.", and she will agree. Exit the inn and run north to the city.


Enter the temple and run west to the back of the temple. Continue walking west
and talk to Vestrum Tobias. Say "What trouble?", and he will say that the Tyren
are coming. Say "What did you mean when you said, "after all, you are..."?",
and he will say that April will be the thirteenth guardian of the Balance.
Select any speech option and Tobias will give her the talisman of the Balance.
Walk east and exit the temple, then walk north to the city.


Talk to Nebevay and April will board the ship, which sets sail for Alais.

2.7. Chapter 6: The Chaos Storm

This chapter starts with April looking over the side of the ship. Walk up the
steps to the bridge at the right side of the ship and look at the orb. Talk to
Tun Luiec and select any speech option when she asks if April is enjoying the
ride. Say "I have a question about your compass.", say "What kind of compass
are you using?", and Tun will say that it is a normal spirit compass. Say
"What's a "spirit compass"?", and Tun will explain that a spirit compass points
to the magical north pole, and is precise unless affected by a strong magical
force. Say "Keep her steady, Tun.", walk down the steps to the main bridge and
one of the crew will say that a strong storm is heading toward the ship.

Walk back up the steps to the bridge and talk to Tun. Say "What do you mean by
"no ordinary storm"?", and Tun will explain that it is a Chaos storm. Say "What
have you heard about Chaos storms?", and Tun says that they signify terrible
events in the near future. Say "Can we escape a Chaos storm?", say "Will you
still be able to get me to Alais tomorrow?", and Tun says that the captain has
changed course. Say "You still need my magic to get wind in your sails.", say
"I have a question about your compass.", and say "Won't the Chaos storm affect
the accuracy of the spirit compass?", to be told that only a focused magical
field would be able to affect it.". Say "Thanks, that's all I needed to know.",
and say "I'll let you get back to work." to end the conversation with Tun.

Walk downstairs to the main deck and look at the apple barrel at the right side
of the ship. Get an apple from the barrel and continue down to the hold. Get
the axe near the barrel at the bottom-left corner of the room. Eat the hard
candy in the inventory, then use the sticky candy with the flour sack. Wait for
the worm that crawls between the two holes on the flour sack to get caught on
the sticky candy, then combine the worm with the apple in the inventory. Walk
back upstairs to the main deck and continue up to the bridge. Show the apple to
Captain Nebevay and he will go down to the hold to save the apples.

Talk to Tun and say "Do you want me to relieve you at the wheel for a while?".
She will walk down to the bridge. Use the talisman on the compass and it will
change the direction of the compass. Talk to Tun and say "I think I may have
strayed off course a bit when I was at the wheel.". Tun will check the compass
and will correct the course to head for Alais. Say "Is it my imagination, or is
the storm getting closer?", and Nebevay returns to the bridge.

Walk up to the bridge and get the talisman from the balance. When Nebevay asks
what April has, select any speech option. When he asks what April was doing,
select any speech option and Nebevay will leave the bridge. Walk downstairs to
the main deck and continue down to the hold. Use the axe with the chest and
April will attempt to knock the lock off of it, but instead creates a hole in
the floor of the ship. The ship will sink, and the chapter ends.

2.8. Chapter 7: A Deep Blue Mirror


The chapter begins with April lying on a piece of the ship. Crow appears and
tells her to wake up. Say "What happened to the crew?", and he will explain
that the rest of the crew escaped in the lifeboat. Say "Any idea where the
lifeboat is heading?", and he will say that the lifeboat is heading south to
Tagate. Say "Any idea how I'm gonna get to the islands now?", say "Why don't
you try to find the closest island?" and he will fly off. April is left on her
own, and the head of a strange creature appear. Look at the head and talk to it
when it appears again. Try to get the head, and it will appear again to drag
April underwater to a breathing house at the bottom of the ocean.


Look at the wall, use the speech icon on the wall, then use the wall to get a
polyp. Look at all three drawings on the wall, then use the polyp on April so
that she can now breathe underwater. Exit the breathing house and swim north to
the city to enter the house of the merperson.


Get the glowing green stuff from the wall and get the crystal at the left side
of the spear. Exit the house and open the shell at the left side of the area.
Get the black pearl from inside the shell and return to the breathing house.


Use the pushpin on April to get the blood. Use the blood with the glowing green
stuff, then use the black pearl with the green stuff with blood to make the
golden pearl. Use the golden pearl with April, and she will now be able to talk
to the merpeople. Exit the breathing house and swim north to the city.


Talk to the merperson and she will say that April can serve the Maerum now. Say
"Serve you?", and she will say that she has been brought here to serve as the
gatherer of the Yanyenn. Select any speech option, then say "Where does Tanyenn
come from?", to hear that it is found in the caves and shores of the islands.
Say "How does Tanyenn do all those things you said?", say "Why can't you gather
Tanyenn yourself?", and she will say that the Snapjaw will kill them if they
move far from their cities. Say "Who are the Wingdemons?" to hear that they are
leathery winged creatures who live on an island.

Say "Don't the Snapjaw kill the Gatherers?", and she will say that the Snapjaws
rarely do. Say "Are your people called the Maerum?", and she will say that they
are. Say "Who are you, ma'am?", and the merperson will reveal that she is the
queen of the Third City of the Maerum. Say "Do you know where my ship went
down?", and she will say that it is not far from the breathing house. Say "Do
you know the island of Alais?", and she will say that Tanyenn can be found
there, but the merpeople can't risk letting April go there yet.

Say "I've been told that you worship an old god who lives in the deep.", then
say "Thanks for your time." to end the conversation. Attempt to get the spear
to be told that it belongs to the Waterstiller. Talk to the merperson and say
"Who or what is the Waterstiller?", to be told that the Waterstiller is a
landwalker who will unite the people. Say "What else can you tell me about the
Waterstiller?", then say "What is it that the Waterstiller will come to take
from you?", to hear that the Waterstiller will destroy a Snapjaw with a spear.
Say "Thanks for your time." to end the conversation. Show the first crystal to
the merperson to be told that it was found in a cave, then exit the house.


Outside the merperson's house, use the seaweed to find a second crystal. Use
the seaweed to move it, then continue west into the cave. Get the two crystals
on the floor and look at the altar. The top of the altar has four movable rings
around a rock. Look at the four stone tags (harpoon, one-eyed pyramid, water,
fish). Move the fire ring three times so that it faces the water. Move the bird
ring twice so that it faces the fish. Move the maerum ring twice so that it
faces the one-eyed pyramid. As the pot ring is already facing the harpoon, a
click will signify that the first section of the puzzle has been completed.

Use the first crystal on the bottom-right slot, use the second crystal on the
top-left slot, use the third crystal on the top-right slot and use the fourth
crystal on the bottom-left slot. Turn the bottom-right crystal once, turn the
top-left crystal once, turn the top-right crystal twice and then turn the
bottom-left crystal twice to open the rock in the middle of the altar. Look at
the drawings on the wall of the cave and April will read the history of the
Maerum and the Alatien. Exit the cave and swim north to the city.


Talk to the merperson and say "Why was the cave with the altar and the wall
paintings just outside the city abandoned?", and the merperson will visit the
cave. She says April may be the Waterstiller, but that not all parts of the
prophecy have been fulfilled. Say "How can I prove that I'm the Waterstiller?",
and she will tell April to take the spear and slaughter a Snapjaw. Get the
spear, exit the house and swim east to the shipwreck.


Swim into the wreck and use the harpoon with the Snapjaw to kill it. Use the
Snapjaw to get a tooth, then swim into the wreck and get the talisman. Exit the
wreck, swim east to the city and swim west to the cave.


Use the talisman of Balance with the symbol at the left side of the cave, then
look in the niche to see a shard of stone. Get the maerum stone from the niche,
then exit the cave and swim north to return to the merperson's house.


Show the snapjaw tooth to the merperson, show the Talisman of Balance to the
merperson and show the Maerum stone to the merperson. She says that all but one
prophecy have been fulfilled: To unite the people. Talk to the merperson and
April will explain about the Maerum and the Alatien drawings from the cave. The
merperson says that April must go to them, and the chapter will then end.

2.9. Chapter 8: Reunification


April arrives on the beach of the island. Get the rope from the debris, then
walk east through the arch to look at the big crab. Walk west to beach and west
again to the ruins. Use the rope with the sapling at the right side of the
hole, then climb down the hole. Climb down further and look at the rubble, then
use the rubble to find a stone key. Climb back up the rope to the ruins and get
the rope from the sapling, then walk east to the beach. Use the flute to call
Crow. Say "I'm gonna walk around for a bit, Crow." to end the conversation,
then get Crow and use him on the jungle in the background to exit the beach and
view the map of the island.


Look at the big mouth and April will climb inside. Look at the aperture and
April will note that it is a telescope. Look through the telescope and April
will see a reflection, so the icon shown is the volcano. Use the stone key with
the triangular keyhole and turn it once. Look through the telescope and April
will see a statue standing in the ruins of a city. Turn the stone key again and
look through the telescope to see a statue on a cliff overlooking the sea. Turn
the key four more times and look through the telescope to see a statue below a
tall tree. Get the key and exit the statue mouth. Look at the large tree in the
distance, then walk north to the jungle to exit the volcano area.


Walk down to the bottom of the area and April will nearly sit on one of the
stickmen. Select any speech option, then say "What's a Stickman?", to be told
that they that live in the shadow of the mother tree. Say "So you guys are
Stickmen?", and he will introduce himself as Wick, and will point out his
friends Willow and Woody. Say "What's a Mother Tree?", say "What do stickmen
do?", then say "Where do the Alatien live?", to find that they live in an old
city up in the volcano. Say "How do I get into the volcano?", and he will say
that the road collapsed a few centuries ago. Say "What's that constant rumbling
noise?", and he will mention Q'aman, the quiet giant.

Say "Who's Q'aman, the quiet giant?", and he will say that he's a human that
was banished from the village. Say "What happened to get the quiet giant
banished from that place?", and he will say that Q'aman accidentally stepped on
one of their young ones. Say "Who are the Orlowol?", and the Stickman will say
that they're the crab-like creatures that live down by the sea. The Stickman
will say that Q'aman has gone west to the far side of the island, and has been
sleeping for the past month. Say "I still don't understand what this has to do
with the rumbling noise.", and he will say that the Dolmari put statues up when
they used to live on the island, and that the statues are connected through
magic. He says that Q'aman is sleeping right next to a statue's ear, and April
figures out that Q'aman's snoring is the source of the rumbling noise.


The four icons that were shown by looking through the telescope in the big
mouth at the volcano are important here, as we now need to send a message to
Q'aman using the statues. At the base of the large tree, look at the statue
foot and use the stone key in the triangular hole. Turn the key left twice to
move the top disc to the volcano icon, and turn the right key six times to move
the bottom disc to the large tree icon. Get the key from the triangular hole,
then exit the view of the statue and walk west to the jungle.


Walk east through the arch and walk north to the cliff. Look at the stone foot
and use the stone key in the triangular hole. Turn the key left three times to
move the top disc to the ruins icon, and turn the key right six times to move
the bottom disc the large tree icon. Get the key and exit the view of the
statue. Walk down the steps, go west to the beach and run west to the ruins.


Look at the statue base and use the stone key in the triangular hole. Turn the
key left five times to move the top disc to the volcano icon, and turn the key
right six times to move the bottom disc to the cliff icon. Walk east to the
beach and north to the jungle.


Talk into the ear of the statue and the voice will echo off the various statues
on the island until it reaches the location of Q'aman, who wakes up. Talk into
the ear of the statue again and select any speech option to talk to Q'aman. Say
"Could you please stop snoring?", say "Do you want to talk about your problems,
face to face?", say "Please let me be your friend.", and Q'aman will reveal his
location on the island, by the ruins of the old temple. Run west to the jungle.


Talk to Q'aman and say "What happened between you and the Orlowol?", and he
will say that he almost killed one of the Orlowol from the village by stepping
on it's shell. Say "Could you find another place to live where your snoring
won't disturb everybody on the island?", and he will say that he can't find
anywhere. Say "Would you like to move back to the Orlowol village?", and Q'aman
will agree to help. April and Q'aman walk to the beach.


Q'aman frees the Orlowol from it's shell, and it invites him to stay by the
cliff above the beach. Run up the steps to the cliff and talk to Q'aman to find
out that the fish aren't biting because he has no lure. Say "Happy fishing.",
then give the candy wrapper to Q'aman. Walk down the steps, run west to the
beach and walk north into the jungle.


Climb the tree and look at the wooden crossbow. Climb down the tree and talk to
Stickman Wick. Say "Who built that big crossbow in the tree?", and he says that
he did, but that there are a few pieces missing. Say "Did you say "blast off
for Luna"?", then say "How come you're not working on your lunar cannon now?",
and the Stickmen will agree to work on the cannon now that Q'aman has stopped
snoring. Climb up the tree and talk to Stickman Wick, who will say that they
don't have a bowstring for the propulsion drive mechanism of the lunar cannon.
Climb down from the tree and run west to the jungle.


Run east through the arch and run up the steps to the cliff, where Q'aman has
caught a fish. Get the fish bone and the fishing line from the fishing rod,
then run down the steps. Run west to the beach and run north into the jungle.


Climb up the tree and give the fishing line to Stickman Wick. Talk to Stickman
Wick and he will ask April to test the lunar cannon. Combine the fish bone and
the rope in the inventory, then use the rope with the lunar cannon. Use the
lever at the left side of the cannon, and the skull will fire over to the path
on the mountain. April climbs along the rope to the mountain path.


Use the wind potion on the updraft, then use the light-as-a-leaf potion on
April and she will float over to the other side of the chasm. The guard will
ask if April is the Windbringer. Select any speech option, then walk through
the tunnel entrance and run up the path to the city.


Run up the path to the castle and say "I'm the Windbringer.", and he will ask
April to prove this by by telling the four tales. When he asks if April is
ready, say "No, give me some time to prepare.".


Return to the mountain path and talk to the Alatien guard. Say "Do you know one
of the four tales of Winds, Stars, Sea and Homecoming?" to be told the tale of
Winds. Walk north to the castle and talk to the Alatien child. Say "Do you know
one of the four tales of Winds, Stars, Sea and Homecoming?" to be told the tale
of Stars. Say "Have fun, Sa'ena." to end the conversation.

Return to the mountain path and talk to the Alatien sitting on the rock. Say
"Do you know one of the four tales of Winds, Stars, Sea and Homecoming?" to be
told the tale of Sea. Walk north to the castle and talk to the young Alatien
woman at the right side of the area Say "Do you know one of the four tales of
Winds, Stars, Sea and Homecoming?" to be told the tale of Homecoming. Say
"Thank you, Neema.", to end the conversation. Talk to the castle watch and say
"Yes, ask me the questions." to be asked four questions.

ANSWER 1: Tale of Winds - Mount Bak'ta'ana, the tower of Light.
ANSWER 2: Tale of Stars - The spirits of five Tellers.
ANSWER 3: Tale of Sea - The Octa'wo.
ANSWER 4: Tale of Homecoming - A broken pot, to teach him that absence may
break a heart in two.


After correctly answering all four questions, walk north into the tower and
talk to the Alatien teller. Say "I came to you to find answers to some
important questions.", say "Have you heard of an ancient god, or dragon, that
lives beneath the sea?", say "What do you know about the Draic Kin?", say "I'm
the Windbringer.", and April will take the Alatien guard to the cave at the
bottom of the hole in the city ruins. The Maerum queen will appear to make
peace with the Alatien guard. After giving April the Alatien stone, the queen
then takes April to the sleeping god at the bottom of the sea.


Move the sand at the bottom of the large rock, then look at the small orifice
to see that it is a sensor. Talk to the sensor and swim through the large
orifice at the top of the rock. Use the circular protrusion and it will open to
reveal an eye that talks to April. Select any speech option, then say "I'm
looking for a jewel called the Dragon's Eye.", and April will take it. Say
"What is the Day of Ascension?", and he will explain that it is when the Kin
return home. April will ask about the Guardian's Realm, and he will explain
that when the earth was divided a doorway was left open. He says he will allow
April to meet the dark people aboard their ship.

Talk to the cloaked figure, and he will tell April that she is a wave. Say "Why
am I a... a wave?", to be told that everything April does affects the universe.
Say "The ancient dragon, the Blue of the Draic Kin, told me you had a map for
me?", and the cloaked figure will give April the map. April asks about the
stone, and he gives April the stone. He tells April to sleep aboard the ship
while it sails back to Marcuria, and the chapter will end.

2.10. Chapter 9: Shadows


April wakes up aboard the ship and steps out onto a deserted Marcuria harbour.
Walk north to the city and a vortex will appear, which rushes toward April. A
shift opens just in time and April steps through to the cathedal in Stark.


Talk to Father Raul and April will ask him where Cortez is. He says that he
hasn't seen Cortez in a week. Say "Is there anything you're not telling me,
Father Raul?", and he says he will try to answer April's questions. Say "Who is
Cortez?", say "You still haven't answered my question about Cortez.", say "What
do you mean when you said Cortez found you?", say "How did you become a
Sentinel Minstrum?", say "Have you ever been to Arcadia?", then say "I have to
run, Father." to end the conversation. Exit the cathedral, run to the subway on
the right side of the road and look at the subway map.


Run to the bridges at the top-right corner of the area, then run up the steps
at the bottom-left corner of the area. Enter the Border House.


Fiona will be crying on the couch, and soon one of the Vanguard will appear to
tell April to wait in the house. Gordon Halloway will walk downstairs to talk
to April. Say "What do you want from me?", and he will say that he wants the
items that April brought back from Arcadia. Say "All right, release my friends
and you will get what I have.". April runs upstairs to find Zack standing
outside her apartment door. Talk to Zack and he will admit to telling the
location of April to the Vanguard. The guard walks upstairs and shoots Zack,
and April runs into her bedroom. Look out the window and select the river to
jump in. After April climbs out of the river, use the invisibility potion on
her and run east to the bridges. Run north to the cafe and the Vanguard will
surround April. The mystery door will open and April will step through.


Talk to the old woman, Lady Alvane, and she will explain that Emma was not
killed by the Vanguard, but that Charlie and Fiona blame April for not telling
them the truth. Alvane says that she wants April to go to Marcuria to see for
herself the courage of those who are not willing to surrender. After the
conversation, April will leave the house and the chapter will end.

2.11. Chapter 10: Rebirth


April arrives outside The Journey Man Inn in Marcuria. Walk north to the city.


Knock on the door to the house and April will walk inside. Abnaxus will give
April the Venar stone. Exit the perculiar house and walk west to the city.


Walk west into the enclave and use the Alatien stone with the top hollow, the
Banda stone with the right hollow, the Dark People's stone with the bottom
hollow and the Venar stone with the left hollow. A sound will be heard, but
nothing happens. Use the flute to call Crow, then get Crow and use him with the
stone dragon to remove the bird droppings. The stone dragon will blow fire at
the enclave, which makes a stone disc drop into the room below.

Walk downstairs and talk to Minstrum Yerin. Say "Is Vestrum Tobias around?",
and Yerin will say that he has been murdered by the Vanguard. Say "Shouldn't
you be leaving the city?", and he will say that he is going to stay in the
enclave with the rest of the minstrum. Walk downstairs to the pool and try to
turn the wheel. Talk to Yerin and say "What's the rusty wheel downstairs for?",
then say "Do you know why the drainage wheel is stuck?". Walk downstairs and
turn the wheel to drain the pool. Get the stone disc from the pool, then exit
the enclave and walk north to the city to complete the chapter.

2.12. Chapter 11: Kin


April will walk out of the shift into the studio in East Venice. Get the
paintbrush and palette and use it on the canvas to paint a picture of April's
dream that was seen in the epilogue. She makes a shift and travels through it.


April will see her mother, the White Dragon. She says that it is time for the
new to replace the old, and gives April the crystal. April steps back through
the shift and arrives in the cathedral.


Run west and exit the cathedral, then return to the subway and look at the map.


Run east three times to enter the warehouse, climb down into the pit and talk
to Burns Flipper to receive the ID-card. Give the star map to Burns, and he
will agree to decipher the star map. Exit the warehouse and run west three
times to return to the subway. Look at the map.


Run west and walk into the elevators to travel up. Get the pizza box from the
garbage bin, then look at the fashion shop at the bottom-left corner of the
area. Go shopping in the shop to change clothes, then use the shuttle to travel
to the other side of the city. Talk to the cop and April will ask where the MTI
building is. Walk east to the street to enter the MTI building.


Show the pizza box to the receptionist, and he will open the elevator doors.
April steps inside to ride up to Jacob McAllen's office.


Use the desk and Jacob will enter the room. Select any speech option for both
answers, then say "All right, I give up -- here's the disc and the jewels." to
give him the disc and the jewels. Say "What happened to Cortez?", and he will
say that he had Gordon take care of him. Say "What will you do once you open
the gateway to the Guardian's Realm?", and he says that Gordon will take the
Guardian's place in the tower. Jacob will take April to the laboratory.


When Jacob asks what April thinks, select any speech option and Jacob will ask
where the entrance to the Guardian's Realm is found. Select any speech option,
and Jacob will leave the room. Suddenly the glass will smash at the left side
of the area and an experiment will walk toward April. Use the computer at the
right side of the room and exit the laboratory.


The experiment will still be chasing after April, so quickly run to the path at
the bottom-right corner of the area. As it attempts to hit April, it will be
struck by a light which causes it to fall off the path. Cortez will appear to
explain that he was captured by the Vanguard but escaped last night. Say "How
did the Vanguard capture you?", and he says that he was caught by a small army
and Gordon. April will ask him if Cortez has told her everything, and he says
that he must get April away from here quickly.

Jacob reveals himself as the brother of Cortez, and Jacob blasts him off the
edge of the building. As Cortez is left hangin onto the edge, he lets go but
manages to pull Jacob down with him as he falls. April runs to the edge and
calls for Cortez, but then notices that the watch has stopped, which Brian
Westhouse said represented the heart of Cortez. Run back into the laboratory.


Look at the computer and use it to unlock the containment chamber. April gets
the stone disc from inside. Use the elevator at the right side of the area to
return to Jacob McAllen's office. Use the main entrance to return to the
reception area, then run west and use the shuttle to return to Metro Circle.
Use the elevator, run south to the bridge and look at the subway map.


Run east three times to enter the warehouse, climb down into the pit and talk
to Burns Flipper, who has been shot by the Vanguard. He says that the Vanguard
took the star map, but he deciphered it and made a copy before they took it.
April looks at the screen and sees a flashing cross, which Burns says has a
space port called The Morning Star next to it. Exit the warehouse and run west
three times to return to the subway. Look at the map.


Run west to the elevator and open the elevator doors to ride up. Walk north to
the tubes exit and talk to the representative. Select any speech option when
she asks how Apris is, then say "I'd like to register as a colonist.". April
gives the representative her cashcard and rides to The Morning Star.

2.13. Chapter 12: Dreamland


April arrives in the crowded waiting room. Try to walk through the left door to
the ladies' room and April will find that it is locked. Walk through the right
door to the mens' room and look at the dispenser on the left wall. Use the
dispenser, then use the cashcard with the dispenser to purchase instant heat.
Move the left trash can and try to remove the grill behind it to find that it
is screwed on. Use the coin with the grill, then remove the grill.

Climb through to the passage and look at the monitor on the left to view the
map. Select service duct exit #1, then look at the security camera and pull the
cable to disconnect it. The guard in the monitor room will walk out, so quickly
crawl back into the hatch and look at the map. Select service duct exit #2 to
arrive in the monitor room.


Use instant heat with the coffee mug and the guard will return to take April
back to the waiting room. Go to the mens' room again, climb into the passage
and look at the map to select service duct exit #2. Wait, and the guard will
soon drink the coffee with the instant heat in it. After he rushes out of the
monitor room, April will climb out of the hatch. Search the coat near the
computer and April will find a magnetic key. Look at the computer and April
will see that Gordon Halloway is in cell five. Look at the security map, select
the cell block guard and then select order off-duty. Exit the map and run east
to exit the monitor room.


Walk north to the far corridor and use the lock outside cell 5 to open it. Use
the magkey with the lock and April will open the door to the cell. Adrian will
step outside and agree to follow April. Walk left at the end of the corridor
and open the right door to return to the monitor room.


Look at the security map and order the rest area guard to go off duty and the
airlock guard to go off-duty. Exit the map and run east to exit the monitor
room. Run north to the far corridor, exit east and run east to the airlock.


Press the red button to reveal a pod. Look at the pod and April will discover
that there is no oxygen filter. Run west to the passage, run north to the cell
block, exit left and open the door on the right to return to the monitor room.


Look at the security map and order the rest area and cargo bay guards off-duty.
Walk east to exit the monitor room, run down to the left corridor and go left
through the bottom exit to enter the cargo bay.


Look at the terminal and use it to find that they are stored in L-10-9. Look at
even more boxes at the top-left corner of the bay and then open the box to get
the oxygen brick. Run west to exit the area, north to the security corridor and
open the door on the right to return to the monitor room.


Look at the security map and order the rest area and airlock guards off-duty.
Exit the map and run east to exit the monitor room. Run north to the far
corridor, exit east and run east to the airlock.


Use the oxygen brick with the spacesuit, and then talk to Adrian who will tell
April about the three trials she must pass to become the Guardian. He says that
she must pass the Trial of Might, the Trial of Spirit and the Trial of Matter.
Adrian will climb into the pod and April will press the yellow button, which
will launch them both away from the space station. A shift opens which takes
them to a desert world, and the chapter will end here.

2.14. Chapter 13: The Longest Journey


April steps out of the crashed pod and finds herself in a large desert. Walk
north into the desert and April will see the second pod, though she finds that
Adrian is not inside. Continue north towards the tower and April will see a
massive vortex. Combine the bind magic potion with the Talisman of Balance, and
then use the Talisman of Balance toward the chaos vortex to defeat it.


Walk over to the far side of the chasm and continue west towards the tower to
arrive in a projection of April's home, where April's father will appear. Give
the gold ring to him and April will forgive him for everything.


Run north to the tower and April will see that a large canyon is circling the
tower. Use the flute to call Crow and he will appear through a shift. Say "I
need your help.", then get Crow and use him with the canyon to see what is
below the fog. Crow returns after a while and tells April that there is nothing
at all below the fog. Get Crow again and use him with the cone structure, and
he will return to tell April that there was a well on the other side. Get Crow
again and use him with the well of making. He will return with a beak full of
water. Get Crow again and use him with the canyon. He will fly down to use the
water with the canyon, which makes a bridge over the canyon. Cross over the
mist bridge to arrive at the well of making.


Use the well of making, then use the stone disc with the well. This causes a
hand to appear in the water of the well. Use the hand and Adrien will appear.
The platform on top of the well will take Adrien and April up to the tower.


In the tower, Adrien says that he spent a thousand years in the tower and felt
no emotion in all that time, except at the end when the Balance let him go.
April walks to the edge of the disc and Adrien says that she is not the one
that was chosen to be the Thirteenth Guardian. Gordon Halloway enters the room
and says that he will be the Guardian and that The Balance will have no choice.
As he tries to take the Talisman from April, Adrien will walk forward and fight
with him. Use the Talisman of Balance on Gordon and the true Gordon will arrive
to reveal that he is in balance now, and that he is to be the Guardian. April
will walk over the bridge outside and Crow flies after her. As April continues
to walk, lights appear from the distance, indicating that the new Guardian has
started his time in the tower. An epilogue is shown and the game then ends.


3. Item List


3.1. Prologue Item List

Made by combining the scale and the twig in the inventory. It is used with
the stream to give strength back to the trees.

Found in the nest at the left side of the tree. It is combined with the
branch in the inventory to make the funnel.

Found on the left side of the tree. It is not used.

3.2. Chapter 1 Item List

Found by removing the band-aid from the rubber ducky in the inventory. It is
used with the work glove in the inventory to fix the hole.

Found in the bread basket in The Fringe Cafe. It is used on the rubber ducky
in the water outside of April's apartment window.

Available at the start of the chapter. It is used with the lens at the subway
in chapter 1 to buy the weekly pass, with the Bingo! soda machine in the
police station corridor in chapter 3, it is given to the representative
behind the counter in Metro Circle in chapter 10, and is also used to buy the
instant heat from the dispenser in the mens' room in chapter 12.

After lowering the water pressure outside of the Border House, the clamp can
be removed from the pipe. It is combined with the clothesline, and is then
used with the rubber ducky to get the key on the track.

After the seagull has been given the bread, the chain is pulled to receive
the clothesline. It is combined with the clamp in the inventory.

Found on top of the desk near the bottom of the bed in April's bedroom. It is
used to view April's notes of the important things that have happened so far
in the game.

Found on the poster in The Fringe Cafe. It is looked at the inventory to find
the location for the Roma Gallery.

Found by showing the pink note to Fiona in the Border House. It is used with
the cables on the machine outside the Border House in chapter 1, and is given
to April's father to pass the second trial in chapter 13.

Found in the candy jar on the bar in The Fringe Cafe. It is used with the
ooze outside the theatre in Metro Circle to make the stinky candy.

After the clamp, clothesline and rubber ducky have been combined in chapter
1, the clamp is used to get the key from the tracks in the subway station. It
is used with the lock of the fuse box outside the theatre in chapter 2.

Found on the square table near the television in the Border House. It is used
with the trashcan outside of the theatre in chapter 2.

Found by removing the eye from the toy monkey in the inventory. After giving
the medicine to Minnelli in the police station locker room in chapter 3, the
lights are turned out and the monkey eye is swapped with his synthetic eye.

Found by looking at the plant outside of April's bedroom. It is used with the
flowerbed outside of Abnaxus' house in chapter 4 to unlock the Book of
Secrets, which is normally unlocked by completing the game.

Found on the shelf on the second floor of the Academy. It is used on the
canvas in chapter 1 and chapter 11.

Found at the top-right corner of the corkboard in the Border House. It is
shown to Fiona in the Border House to get the gold ring.

Found after getting the pink note from the top-right corner of the corkboard
in the Border House. It is combined with the pocket watch in the inventory
outside of Brian Westhouse' bungalow in chapter 3 to open a shift leading
back to Stark, and is also used on April in the breathing house in chapter 7
to make the blood.

After the seagull has been given the bread, the rubber ducky is found outside
The Fringe Cafe. It is combined with the clamp in the inventory in chapter 1.

Found by looking at the diary in the inventory. It is given to Stanley in The
Fringe Cafe.

Found inside the carton in the closet in April's bedroom. It is looked at in
the inventory to remove the monkey eye, and is used on the garbage heap
outside the theatre in chapter 2.

Found in the trash can in the Academy. It is combined with the band-aid in
the inventory to fix the hole, and is also used on the sparks in the fuse box
to break the theatre marquee.

3.3. Chapter 2 Item List

Found by talking to the maps merchant in the marketplace of Arcadia. It is
given to the captain of the White Dragon at the docks.

Found by giving Captain Nebevay's map to Captain Nebevay. It is given to the
instrument merchant at the docks to buy the flute.

Found by talking to the maps merchant in the marketplace of Arcadia. It is
given to Captain Nebevay in chapter 2 after he has been given his map, and he
signs it after April plays the flute for him. It is also given to Brian
Westhouse after he has been given his map.

After the detective outside of the Mercury Theatre has been given the stinky
candy, the fedora is found one area left of the theatre. It is used with the
garbage bag outside of the theatre.

Found by giving the coin to the instrument merchant at the city gates. It is
played while Captain Nebevay signs the delivery list after he has been given
the map in chapter 2. It is also used to call Crow at The Road North in
chapter 4, outside of Roper Klacks' castle in chapter 5, in the study of
Roper Klacks' castle after the window has been opened in chapter 5, on the
beach in chapter 8, at the enclave in chapter 10 and also at the canyon on
the third trial in chapter 13.

After talking to Brian Westhouse (the Rolling Man), he will give April the
pocket watch before she leaves the area. It is combined with the pushpin in
the inventory outside of Brian Westhouse' bungalow in chapter 3 to open a
shift leading back to Stark.

After Captain Nebevay has signed the delivery list, it is given to the map
merchant at the marketplace for the map. It is given to Brian Westhouse at
his bungalow in chapter 2.

After the trash can has been pushed outside the Mercury Theatre, the stinky
candy is made by using the hard candy on the ooze. It is given to the
detective outside the theatre in chapter 2.

3.4. Chapter 3 Item List

After giving the officer the soda can (after it has been put in the paint
shaker at the Newport Docks), the control unit is found dangling from the
wreck outside of the station at Metro West. It is given to Burns Flipper in
the warehouse at the Newport Docks in chapter 3.

Found by printing from the computer in the archive of the police station.
They are given to Warren in building 87 in Hope Street.

Minelli will give April the locker key in the locker room of the police
station after she says that she is sergeant Maria Hernandez. It is used to
open Minelli's locker in chapter 3.

Found inside Minelli's locker in the police station. It is given to Minelli
in the stall in the locker room of the police station.

Found by swapping the synthetic eye which drops when Minelli sneezes in the
police station locker room with the monkey eye. It is used with the retinal
scanner in the corridor of the police station to access the archives.

Found on the mirror in Minelli's locker in the police station. It is used
with the laser at the shuttle site in Metro West.

Found in the red toolbox in the police station. It is given to the portly
fella at the right side of the police station lobby.

After getting the Vanguard Folder, the screwdriver is found near the toolbox
in the reception area of the police station. It is used to remove the AG
control unit from the shuttle in chapter 3, and is also used with the cups
game at the marketplace in chapter 4 to find the cup with the coin.

Found by using the Cashcard with the Bingo! soda machine in the corridor of
the police station. It is used with the paint shaker outside of the warehouse
in Newport Docks in chapter 3, and is then given to the cop at the shuttle
site in Metro West.

After talking to the portly fella in the police station, this union petition
is found by asking the desk sergeant. It is given to the portly fella at the
right side of the police station lobby.

After showing Union Petition #09042 to the portly fella in the police
station, this union petition is found by asking the desk sergeant. It is
given to the portly fella at the right side of the police station lobby.

Found by looking at the Vanguard folder in the inventory. It is given to
Burns Flipper in the warehouse at the Newport Docks.

Found by entering the correct code on the panel in the archive of the police
station. It is looked at in the inventory to find the Vanguard datacube.

3.5. Chapter 4 Item List

Found by winning the cups game at the marketplace. It is given to Roper
Klacks in his castle to defeat him.

The innkeeper will give April the coins after she cleans The Journeyman Inn.
They are used with the cups handler at the marketplace, with the gargoyle in
the labyrinth in Roper Klacks' castle to get the salt shaker and pepper
shaker, and one coin is also used to remove the screws from the grill in the
mens' room in chapter 12.

After winning the cups game at the marketplace, Crow is found by giving the
screwdriver to the cup handler. Crow is given to the old sailor at the pier,
and after reaching The Road North April can call Crow with the flute. He is
called after meeting Ben-Bandu in chapter 4, and is used to get the berries
outside of Roper Klacks' castle in chapter 5, with the window after he has
been given the wind potion in Roper Klacks' study, with the jungle on the
beach in chapter 8, with the bird dropping on top of the stone dragon at the
enclave in chapter 10, and is also used with the canyon, cone structure and
well of making to pass the third trial in chapter 13.

Found by giving the delivery list to the maps merchant at the marketplace.
It is given to the woman in The Journey Man Inn in chapter 5.

Found on the table inside the Gribbler's house. It is used to break the
window in the Gribbler's house in chapter 4.

3.6. Chapter 5 Item List

Found by talking to the elder-mole in the Banda village. It is used with the
right hollow in the enclave in chapter 10.

After attempting to get the berries near the statue at the bottom of the
floating castle, the berries are found by calling Crow with the flute and
then using Crow on the berries. They are combined with the moisturising
flower in the inventory to make the moisturising cream.

Made by combining the red essence, red essence and blue essence in the
cauldron in Roper Klacks' study. It is used with the crystal in the study.

Made by combining the green essence, yellow essence and blue essence in the
cauldron in Roper Klacks' study. After the big bang potion is used with the
crystal in the study, this potion is used with the crystal to turn the stone
creatures back to normal.

Found under the big skull in Roper Klacks' study. It is one of the essences
used to make the invisibility potion, light-as-a-leaf potion, wind potion,
big bang potion and bind magic potion.

Found behind the red curtain in Roper Klacks' study. It is one of the
essences used to make the invisibility potion and bind magic potion.

Made by combining the white essence, green essence and blue essence in the
cauldron in Roper Klacks' study. It is used on April to get the parchment in
front of the mirror in the labyrinth, and is also used on April to pass the
Vanguard agent outside the Border House in chapter 9.

Made by combining the yellow essence, white essence and blue essence in the
cauldron in Roper Klacks' study. It is used on April to get the red essence
on the shelf at the top of Roper Klacks' study, and is also used on April to
cross the chasm to the Alatien city in chapter 8 after she has used the wind
potion on the updraft.

Made by combining the berries and the moisturising flower in the inventory.
It is used with the petrified man at the bottom of Roper Klacks' castle.

Found by getting the purple flowers after crossing the swamp near the Banda
village. It is combined with the berries in the inventory to make the
moisturising cream.

Found on the arm of the statue after it has been given three coins in the
floating castle. It is used with the gargoyle in the labyrinth in Roper
Klacks' castle in chapter 5.

After using the light-as-a-leaf potion on April, the red essence is found on
the high shelf in Roper Klacks' study. It is one of the essences used to make
the wind potion and the big bang potion.

Found on the arm of the statue after it has been given three coins in the
floating castle. It is not used.

Found by talking to Vestrum Tobias in the temple. After killing the Snapjaw
at the shipwreck with the harpoon in chapter 7, the talisman is also found in
the shipwreck. It is used with the talisman on the ship in chapter 6, it is
used with the symbol at the left side of the cave in chapter 7, it is shown
to the merperson, it is combined with the bind magic potion and is used on
the chaos vortex to pass the first test in chapter 13, and is used on Gordon
Halloway in the tower at the end of chapter 13.

After using the invisibility potion on herself, April can get the parchment
in front of the mirror in the floating castle. It is used with the Tome of
Alchemy in Roper Klacks' study to reveal four more spells.

Found on the shelf in Roper Klacks' study. It is one of the essences used to
make the invisibility potion, light-as-a-leaf potion and wind potion.

Made by combining the white essence, red essence and blue essence in the
cauldron in Roper Klacks' study. It is given to Crow after opening the window
in Roper Klacks' study, it is shown to Captain Nebevay at the docks in
chapter 5, and is also used on the updraft on the mountain path in chapter 8
to float over to the other side of the chasm.

Found at the right side of the cauldron in Roper Klacks' study. It is one of
the essences used to make the light-as-a-leaf potion and bind magic potion.

3.7. Chapter 6 Item List

Found in the apple barrel on the ship. It is combined with the worm in the
inventory, and is then given to Captain Nebevay.

Found in the hold of the ship. After Captain Nebevay has taken the talisman
from April, it is used with the chest in the hold of the ship.

Made by using the sticky candy on the flour sack in the hold of the ship. It
is given to Q'aman in chapter 8 to use as a fishing lure.

Made by eating the hard candy from the inventory. It is used with the flour
sack in the hold of the ship to get the worm.

Found by using the sticky candy on the flour sack in the hold of the ship. It
is combined with the apple in the inventory.

3.8. Chapter 7 Item List

Found in the shell. It is combined with the green stuff with blood in the
inventory to make the golden pearl.

Found by using the pushpin on April. It is combined with the green stuff in
the inventory to make the green stuff with blood.

Found in the slot in the merperson's house. It is used with the bottom-right
slot on the altar in the cave in chapter 7.

Found at the right side of the stone altar in the cave behind the seaweed. It
is used with the bottom-left slot on the altar in the cave in chapter 7.

Found on the wall of the merperson's house. It is combined with the blood in
the inventory to make the green stuff with blood.

Made by using the black pearl with the green stuff in the inventory. It is
used with April so that she can communicate with the merpeople in chapter 7.

Made by using the blood with the glowing green stuff in the inventory. It is
combined with the black pearl in the inventory to make the golden pearl.

After the crystal puzzle has been solved in the underwater cave, the harpoon
can be found in the merperson's house. It is used to kill the Snapjaw at the
shipwreck in chapter 7.

Found by using the Talisman of Balance with the niche in the underwater cave.
It is shown to the merperson in chapter 7.

Found on the wall of the breathing house underwater. It is used on April in
the breathing house to allow her to breathe underwater.

Found in the seaweed. It is used with the top-left slot on the altar in the
cave in chapter 7.

After killing the Snapjaw at the shipwreck with the harpoon, the tooth is
found on the Snapjaw. It is shown to the merperson.

Found at the left side of the altar in the cave behind the seaweed. It is
used with the top-right slot on the altar in the cave in chapter 7.

3.9. Chapter 8 Item List

Found in the island cave after talking to the Alatian Teller. It is used with
the top hollow in the enclave in chapter 10.

Found by talking to the dragon underwater near the end the chapter. April
gives this to Jacob McAllen in the MTI building in chapter 11.

Found by talking to the cloaked figure in the ship near the end the chapter.
It is used with the bottom hollow in the enclave in chapter 10.

Found on the cliff after Q'aman has been given the lure. It is combined with
the rope in the inventory.

Found on the cliff after Q'aman has been given the lure. It is given to
Stickman Wick at the top of the large tree in chapter 8.

Found on the debris on the beach of the island. It is used with the sapling
at the right side of the hole at the ruins in chapter 8 to climb down into
the hole, and is also combined with the fish bone in the inventory before
being used with the lunar cannon at the top of the large tree.

Found by talking to the cloaked figure in the ship. It is given to Burns
Flipper in the warehouse in Newport Docks in chapter 11.

Found in the rubble at the bottom of the cave. It is used to move the top and
bottom discs of the various statues in chapter 8.

3.10. Chapter 10 Item List

Found by talking to Abnaxus in his house at The City Green. It is used on the
left hollow in the enclave in chapter 10.

3.11. Chapter 11 Item List

Found by talking to Burns Flipper in the warehouse at the Newport Docks. It
is used to ride the elevators to pass the guard and ride up to the upper
level of Metro Circle.

Found in the garbage bin after using the elevator in Metro Circle. It is
shown to the receptionist in the MTI building, who will allow April to use
the elevator to ride up to Jacob McAllen's office.

After the four stones have been put in the four hollows at the enclave, the
disc is found in the pool after the wheel has been turned. After meeting
Cortez in chapter 11, the stone disc is found again by using the computer. It
is used with the well of making in chapter 13.

After using the paintbrush and palette on the canvas, the jewel is found by
talking to the dragon. April gives this to Jacob McAllen in the MTI building
in chapter 11.

3.12. Chapter 12 Item List

Found by using the cashcard on the dispenser in the men's room of the
station. It is used with the coffee mug in the monitor room.

Found in the pocket of the coat in service duct #2. It is used with the lock
outside of cell 5 in chapter 12.

Found by looking at the boxes at the back of the cargo hold. It is used with
the spacesuit in the airlock in chapter 12.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2004-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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