Redneck Rampage Rides Again

Redneck Rampage Rides Again

17.10.2013 16:53:26
Redneck Rampage Hints & Secrets

Level 1

Blow Hole in Silo where the target is and go up for 1st key
Use key to open door in the store and get 2nd key
Use 2nd key to open cellar door to get 3rd key
Use 3rd key to open building with enclosed fence in back and smack Bubba..
on to level 2

Secret's (6 - 6)
The first secret is revealed in the demo, when you start the level turn
around and head into the trees for a shotgun and some alcohol
Near the building with the cellar is another secret amongst the trees,
simply walk in like the first secret
In cellar, push bookshelf for secret area
In store after you get into the locked room there is a shelf that you can
push from left to right. If you push it the other way the opening is not
big enough to get into.
There is also a secret place inside the fireplace inside the house where
you can get some Pork Rinds.
Jump up on the Roof of Stanky's Bar and Grill

Level 2 - LumberLand

Beginning - Turn the switch green, then get on a log, jump off to go under
water, then hit z to swim down and go into the now open grate, DONT go down
its a dead end Dogs dont like it when you Run Backwards...

In tunnels, hit switch in little room with the pistol guy, then go to where
there was a silver door, in that room jump on a barrel, then jump on the
electric equipment and theres the 1st key, wich unlocks the door back in
the office
In the room with the moving foreclift, look for the vent, shoot it and
continue, wullah, 2nd and 3rd key..

Secrets (2 - 2)
In office there is a switch behind the desk, crouch to get it, it opens a
secret area near you
In the sewer area you'll encounter an area with 4 buttons (two on each
side) press the first left one and the second right one to reveal the

At the tunnel with the road block, go out, and left, up the stairs to the
room with the little sheep, theres a flaw in the wall, blow it up with
dynamite, continue from there..

Level 3 - JunkYard

you can find the first underneath the doghouse, and the second is in the
car compactor. As far as the third goes, I think it is in that enclosed
area with the other dog. I couldn't find it at first, but after trying to
blow alot of things up i saw a key lying on the ground right in the open,
but couldn't pick it up. Could just be a bug, though.
- From Rob VanFleet
Car Compactor - hit the button once to get solid walls, then hit it again
and run into the middle to get the key, the look threw the gaps and shoot
it again, RUN.. save inbetween so you dont get stuck
3rd - In The Crane.. its a bit tricky but its in there...You get to it by
jumping on the crates against the left side of the wall as you come in,
then RUN to make the jump to the distant set of crates from which you can
jump on the angled cabinet and climb the ladder to get to the control
- From Steve Patterson

Secrets (11 - 11)
Check your map, there are 2 right away
After crossing the bridge and turn left, look for another hidden area like
the first two. This 3rd one has a campfire lit!
Entrance to junkyard, go to your left by the cars, duck down and walk
In the junkyard, by the red car, are 3 more, go past the car to the back,
one you crouch for, one you follow the wall around, and the 3rd is up high
Where the truck lights are on, look where they're lighting up and you'll
see an area where you can crouch down for a lengthy secret area including
lots of health underwater
Near the crusher with the key, turn around and walk towards the car piles
and then turn into a small niche, crouch, then jump up and crouch again.
This will lead you to a very high area and some ammo on a narrow walkway to
your left
When your in the large room with the crane, at the entrance, to the right,
go up and theres a secret door in the brick wall, it looks different then
the rest of the walls
From that secret, jump out onto the cars, then go forward abit, left, turn
around, and theres a gap between smashed cars, go into that and jump across
to the fence, turn left and theres another brick door.

Level 4 - Drive-In

In one of the trailers, on a bed is the 1st key
Inside the bowling alley, in the Restuarant area is the 2nd key
3rd, Behind the large Movie screen, there is a box, push the box up to the
Dumpster, jump on the ledge, get the porkrines, then run to the otherside,
and hop over to the side of the screen, go in the opening, theres a key on
a table, and a Dog... From Rob VanFleet

Secrets (1 - 1)
In the Trailer Park, I let the Tornado grab me and it put me on top of a
building. It had porkrinds, beer, etc. From Jim Marshall

Level 5 - DairyAir Farms

1st one is in the building next to the semi, by a furnace, and this key
unlocks the big doors at the begginning where the big alien was.
2nd key - In the actual DairyAir Farm, on a shed.
3rd key - Unlock a gate with a switch behind it, throw the switch, and go
back outside and look at the grain bins, you can go in one and find the key

Secrets (6 - 6)
The are some haybails near the first barn you will encounter. Go into the
barn, climb the ladder and walk accross the electrical wire where the light
is to get to the other side of the barn roof. Then jump accross to the
haybail for the secret.
There are three secrets close to each other outside the 4 stables upon
haybails. Use the pig as leverage to jump up in each case.
Climb up the drainpipe near the grain silos for a "secret".
Then from secret #5 go carefully walk to the ledge and walk into the window
for another secret.

Pee in the Toilets, just press space

Level 6 - Sewers

Secrets (4 - 4)
Where there is a chain to climb up
From secret #1 push a wall to reveal another secret of alcohol, snorkel,
dynamite, moonshine etc.
When you finish the sewer maze and are near the area with two small
ladders, jump across to the dark enclosure and turn left and press
activate. This will open another door to a secret area.
On level 3 after you go up a long ladder and walk along to an area barred
with a switch, walk back and activate the first patch of dark wall and this
will lower like the secret #3 to an area previously barred.

At the End, get the pork rines, then turn around, look up and hit the
button. Then hit only 2 buttons behind the 4 doors.

Level 7 - Smeltin Plant

1st - In room with lots of cartons stacked, one is cracked, blow it up with
dynamite, go in, open the door, and blow the next carton up.
2nd - By the pool with 4 areas.. the cement pond you might say
3rd - In upper room with lots of crates, one moves to reveal a tube, go
down it
After hitting the button on the otther side of the Vats, jump in the middle
one and there is now an open hidden tunnel, go in...From Debbie

VATS - Lots are stuck on how to get into the room with the Vats, heres the
best explanation i have found yet... - ok, you know how when you go into
the right or left tube, you can see the two shotgun shells, but you have a
gate between you and the middle tunnel..well, while you're in the left
tunnel, goto that spot and while you're backing up from the gate, press the
'A' or up button and there is a compartment leading up and about..that's
where the two buttons outside come in, just experiment and they'll allow
youto flip the lever that's in the left tube, and then enter the middle
tube through the right tube..from there, you'll flip yet another lever to
let you into the shit churner room from the door to the right of the 3
tubes..from there, I can't help you because I'm trying to figure out where
to go next myself..hope I am coherent, this stuff is hard to put in
From Scrot Eel

Secrets (5 - 5)
In the area with train tracks and a lit "Hickston" sign, one corner has a
long chain just waiting to be climbed!
When looking down in the building near the lit "Hickston" sign jump across
and then fall down the hole for the next secret
In the long walkway above the three large areas with crates, with a lot of
Turd Minions, blow up one of the crates in the walkway up for a secret
hidden in the wall
After this there's another room with more crates of which two can be
pushed. One is to be pushed near the crate broken open so you can jump
across it .
The other is against a wall and will reveal a long fall into water for
several goodies. Before you do this you may want to step outside the window
ledge for several packs of pork rinds and other goodies.

Episode2-1 - Tayler Town - Downtown Hickston

1st - Go in the Library, kill the sheriff, then go up the stairs, jump over
to the window, go out and jump over to the next building, go around and
theres another building with a window open, jump in the window, go
downstairs, and its in one of the rooms.
2nd - Room unlocked by first key, above the filing cabinet
3rd - In the library, go up the stairs, and blow up the wall with dynamite

Secrets (3 - 3)
Blow Up Gas Station, behind is a buzzsaw..
In Stanky's Bar and Grill, jump into the corner opposite the jukebox for
a secret and a rifle
After getting through the door up a long flight of stairs (need 2nd key)
move to the end of the high walkway until you see another building. Jump to
the corner with the pipe to pull yourself up with for another ripsaw
secret. Oh yeah, blow up the wall a bit further back to access the library
(no real advantage though).

Bubba is in the Safe at the Bank
Note: Due to an unfortunate oversight (I think) you can bypass practically
all of this level by simply going into the police station and jumping up
and shooting the button on the desk behind the security grille where the
Sherrif is!

Episode2-2 - Nut House

1st - In Lower room from tunnels, in a high cabinet, push box in room and
jump from there
2nd - In office above the area with the Big Statue
3rd - In the Morgue, open one of the beds, and jump from there over the
gate on the side

Secrets (4 - 4)
After opening the gate with the 2nd key, go a bit ahead, and theres a grate
on the wall that you can shoot open and enter
In Hall 8 (with a lot of beds close together) move to the left bed in front
of you and press space bar for the bed to move out of the way for the
Near the big statue, there's a crack in the wall (near the gate). Blow this
up for a secret you have to be pretty careful with :-).
Also jumping from the higher ledge onto the statue foundation itself is a

Episode2-3 - J. Cluck's

1st - In Room with Save, hit button on Desk
2nd - Room with Foreclift, Near it on a box
3rd - Past door you open to reveal moving parts, go thru the one on the

For 3rd key, i used my mouse, held the shift key, and ran forward wiggling
the mouse back and forth.. also, i use my left button for move-forward

Secrets (1 - 1)
In one of the first rooms you'll enter, there will be a smaller room full
of small drawers. Push the right hand ones back for the only official
secret on this level.

Episode2-4 - The Ruins

1st - Blow up the Door at the Beginning, go in, and when you get to the
water go right, jump down the waterfall, keep going ahead and to your right
is a room with a boiling pot, the key is on a desk in that room
2nd - When on the 2nd floor of a building, theres a big drop off, go back
and jump out the window onto the stove, when down there, look for the
ladder and go up..
3rd - In room with alot of bookcases, go all the way to the back and you'll
find the key

Secrets (3 - 3)
Where you go to get the 2nd key described above is a secret area
From the above secret you will eventually open a yard full of dogs. There
will also be a ladder which you can climb and then follow the ledge right
around the yard for the next secret.
When you open a really clean solid white door, on your left is a bookcase,
push it (near where 3rd key is)

Ive found that if you have full health, and a shotgun, you can blow away
one of those really big aliens by just walking up and shooting him, youll
get hit but you wont die... just incase your outa dynamite or tired of

Episode2-5 - Grimley's Mortuary

1st - Behind the Mortuary ( this level is pretty easy )
2nd - Behind chair in office on 2nd floor
3rd - In room with pit & 2 big guys, hit the switch on the left side, then
go to the right side and theres now a new open door ( hint : jump from the
globe to the side instead of going across the gaps.. )

Secrets (2 - 2)
When you go thru the 2nd locked door, theres a place with some bars, and
some dynamite & whiskey behind it, go around and up the little ramp and
push the wall...
To get access to the area with a lot of goodies around a pool of water,
walk to the block next to it and one of the side walls will lower when
pushed to allow you to swim underwater to get to the goodies.

Episode2-6 - Uranium Mine's

Secrets (4 - 4)
After passing the multiple train tracks you'll see two paths, one heading
up and the other down. Near here is an opening in the wall you can jump
One area has a still carriage and several wooden beams. Jump up onto the
carriage and then continue jumping on the beams until a rock ledge is in
view. Jump there and you'll find the next secret which will open half of
the bars to the Teat Gun.
At the very end of the flowing water, you will see a ladder right in the
corner. Before going up, go back a bit and look for a small opening where
you can crouch to get into. This is where the Teat Gun is hidden. Press the
switch to remove the remaining bars. (note: even if you don't find secret
#2 it seems you can get the Teat Gun anyway if you jump at it often enough
with two bars still in the way!)
At the 4 way intersection on level 2 of the mines is a wooden fence. This
can be climbed for the final secret.


Secrets (6 - 6)
In the library, after red stairs, look left and jump up to narrow walkway
to a switch. When this is pressed, a secret opening in the library will
From Secret #1, when you exit the vent, push the grandfather clock away to
reveal a secret door to the wine cellar.
In the small food cupboard room, push one of the sets of shelves back for a
secret area.
In the room with the piano (?), library books and wine stock, jump up onto
the piano and keep moving along and push the box at the top corner away and
smash the revealed grille for the secret.
One room near the side of the Mansion has a painting of an old coot. Blow
it up for the secret.
When in the room with the third key, jump up on the chair and then on top
of the bookshelf for a hidden switch. This opens the wooden barrier at the
end of the hall outside this room.

Episode2-8 Last One...

Secrets ( 1 - 1 )
From your starting point, run to the closest pillar and then crouch down
for a secret and a Teat Gun.

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engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
Nur für die Uranium Mines
engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
engl. Secrets

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Secrets- und Schlüsselliste
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16.Oktober 2013
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