Redneck Rampage Rides Again

Redneck Rampage Rides Again

17.10.2013 14:34:14

The Keys OK, you are by the road with the truck circling around. Don't get
run over! One of the side roads makes a sharp corner to the right. A large
house there has "GENERAL STORE" written on it. Press the space bar to open
the door. From the store, there's two ways you can go. Facing the back of
the store, there's a way to left and one to the right. Going to the right,
you should come to a split in the road. Take the road that leads to the
big barn with the sylos (tall, large cylinders). On one of these sylos
there's a bull's eye. You should have picked up the dynamite in front of
the general store. Press the #5 key to take a dynamite in your hands, press
Ctrl to light it up, and press Ctrl again to throw. Now press Shift and
the back arrow key and get your ass out of there as quickly as possible,
before you blow yourself up too. Those dynamites have an aweful aim. There
should be a hole where the bull's eye used to be, go through there into the
barn. Go up the stairs, the first key is on one of the straw bales. You'll
have to do a running jump (press capslock) from one of the other bales. If
you still can't make it across, use moonshine if you have it (press M) or
increase your RUNNINGSPEED setting in your USER.CON file (see section
"Some general info" for more on that). Now with that key you will be able
to open the back door inside the general store. Inside that room you'll
find the second key (somewhere on the floor). Push the bookcase to the
right for a secret area. With the second key you open the cellar. To find
the cellar, say you are at the general store, go towards the barn, but
instead of making a right toward the barn make a sharp left toward a house
with a well. In the cellar you'll find the third key. The third key opens
up a house close to some marshes. To find it, go on the road that's
circled by the truck. Go on one of the side roads, make a left, and you'll
find the house. Open the door with the third key. Bubba is in one of the
cabins on the marshes. Hit him with the crowbar to end the level (press
number key "1").

The Secrets: Here's all the secrets in E1L1: one is revealed in the demo
(from where you are at the very beginning of the game back up all the way
to the hedge - secret is in the hedge just few feet from the corner).
Second is in the hedge next to the house with cellar (use your map to find
exactly where-press Tab for map). Third is inside house with cellar, in the
fireplace. To get to Stanky's, start from where the first secret was,
before you get to the General Store make a right, and then a left at the
fork in the road. Jump on the dumpster, then onto the lid, and then on top
of the building. Fifth in cellar. As you go in, go all the way to the back,
turn left. Facing that wall, press the space bar and a secret door should
open. Sixth in the store. After you get the first key, go to store, open
the back room, and then push the shelf for final secret.


The Keys: OK, you are in the marshes. Keep going till you find a big pipe
with a switch next to it. Hit the switch with the space bar (all the red
light switches in this game should turn to green when hit). This will open
up the grates blocking an opening to a pipe just about beneath you. Go up
in that pipe, hit another switch, climb that ladder. To go into the
building keeps turning right till you find the doors. In the first room on
the right there'll be a desk. Crouch and hit the red button to reveal a
secret behind a fridge in an adjacent room. Keep going down that hall,
make a right and down to the basement tunnels. You have to find a place
close to the iron gate with a skinny guy in it and a switch. The switch
will open the iron gate to get the first key. There's a place in the
tunnels with four buttons. If you hit the first left one and the second
right one, you will unlock the second secret. Now you can get out of the
tunnels, and open the door in the last room by that first hallway. You can
see a hole in the wall up by the boxes. There's some goodies up there.
Outside the saw room, you can see a red switch. When you push it, the saw
in the other room stops for a little while, so if you run and squeeze
through there, you can make it to the other side. Now find the room with
the forklift. Way in the back you'll find some stacked wood that looks
like steps, jump up on those, do a running jump over the gap, shoot the
vent, and you'll come out in the office with the other two keys. Now
you'll have to come out of the room with forklift, go to the room adjacent
to it, hit the switch to open that garage-style metal door. Billy Rays will
be shooting at you from the other side of the fence. You'll have to open
that two door gate. Watch out for the dogs. Go up the stairs. Notice that
crack in the wall.. Anytime you see those cracks in the game you'll be
able to blow them up with dynamite. Jump through the hole you made in the
wall. Now you'll have to push the box against the wall so that you can
jump across the gap to that high place with the wine bottle and the switch.
The rest is easy. JUNKYARD

The Keys At one point you'll get to some huge gates you can't yet open.
Close to there is a doghouse. Go inside the dog house, press the space bar
and you should be taken down to the sewers where you'll find the first key.
Open the big gates. Now find the car compactor-it's on the other side of
the junkyard from the way you came in. Hit the button once to get solid
walls, then hit it again and run into the middle to get the key, then look
threw the gaps and shoot it again. Run quickly outside. This is one of the
dozen places in the game where saving the game is absolutely essential.
Try running in and out while crouching (Z key pressed). With the second key
you can open the roll-up gate at the end of that tunnel. The third key is
all the way up in the crane. You'll have to jump from the boxes onto the
side of the crane and climb up the ladder into the crane. The third key
opens the roll-up gate at one corner at the yard with the crane. Hit Bubba
with the crowbar (press key "1").

The Eleven Secrets: There are eleven secrets on this level. Many of them
are very easy to find. Use your map a lot in the beginning to find the
hideouts in the hedge. Usually there will be Billy Rays shooting at you
from there. Make sure you swim up that river for some goodies up there. At
the entrance to the junkyard there's one you have to duck for. By the red
car there's three secrets. For two of them you have to squeeze in between
those car walls: one you will have to go down for, the other you follow the
stone wall. The third one you will find up high from the red car. At the
truck with the headlights on, follow the light from the headlights, crouch,
and voila... Near the crusher with the key, turn around and walk towards
the car piles and then turn into a small niche, crouch, then jump up and
crouch again. This will lead you to a very high area and some ammo on a
narrow walkway to your left. When your in the large room with the crane, at
the entrance, to the right, go up and there's a secret door in the brick
wall, it looks different then the rest of the walls. From that secret,
jump out onto the cars, then go forward a bit, left, turn around, and
there's a gap between the smashed cars, go into that and jump across to
the fence, turn left and theres another brick door.


The Keys This is a pretty easy level, at least as far as finding the keys
(actually just the first two keys). OK, you're gonna pass by the bowling
building, but can't open it cause you need the first key. That key is one
of the trailers, on a desk very easy to find. The second key is on a table
in the bowling building, close to the entrance. With the second key you go
all the way back past the large circular opening you started out in, to
the entrance to the theatre. To get the third key, run all the way to the
back of the theatre, and then push the box against the dumpster. Now do a
running jump to the ledge of the wooden wall. You may need the MOONSHINE
here, of which you can find plenty in the trailers and the bowling
building. Walk to the closer edge now, and you should see a window, jump
in... and there's the key. If you have the dynamite bow (there's one
behind one of the theater gates), use that on the two dogs that will be
coming towards you. It works pretty quick on them. To get to Bubba, you'll
have to jump out of the window in the room with rolling films onto a
ledge, which takes you to the top of the building.

The Single Secret on top of a shed by the two tornadoes, behind the
trailers. You'll have to let the tornado pick you up and put you on top of

DairyAir Farms

The Keys This is a real nice level... the chirping birds, the sunny
weather, the green trees... just wonderful. But they were crazy to have
everyone firing at you in the beginning. First you'll need to take the road
from the backyard of the first house. You'll get to one place with a semi.
In the back of that building, there's a switch you have to turn on to open
the entrance to the building. The first key is inside, next to the
furnace. Now you can go back all the way to the beginning and take the main
road. The second key is in the building with a big cow's head on it. In
the back of it, you'll see a window up high. You can go into there by
jumping off the hay bales. Now you need to get to the building with two
silos. There will be a long barn, and then all the way in the back a dirt
road which takes you to the silos. Go inside, open the chainlink gate and
hit the switch. This opens up one of the silos outside, so that you can go
inside and get the third key.

The Six Secrets In the backyard of the first house, you'll see some
dynamite and the thrower way up on top of some haybales. Go inside the
shed. Get on top of the truck. Do you see that wire running across holding
the light bulb? Now climb up the ladder, walk the ledge to the back, walk
across the electrical wire to the other side...there's your dynamite.
There's a long barn with no second story right by the end of the level,
the barn you pass by to get to the silos. By the haybales, if you look up,
you'll see some goodies. Give up trying to get them by jumping off the
window. What you have to do is shoot one of the pigs so that he starts
chasing you, then use the pig to jump on the haybales. From one of the
secret areas you'll be able to jump to the other secret. There's a total
of three secrets there, so make sure you don't kill those pigs by accident!
Next to the silos, you'll see a brown pipe running up the side of the
wall. Climb it (keep 'A' pressed when right next to it). From the top of
the building go down a ledge and walk into the window for another secret.


No Keys! This level really isn't as hard as it first seems. It's just that
in the beginning everything looks the same. Allright, when you start, it
says LEVEL 01. Go the left, where it also says LEVEL 01, jump down there.
Now go down into the water and hit all four buttons. You should hear
something opening when you hit the last button. Go back up and jump into
the middle. Come out the other end, climb the ladder. Now look back and
shoot that button. Jump back into the water and you should see a iron gate
coming down. Get the goodies (they were right underneath you when you were
at the top of the ladder). Now you gonna have to start using your map a
lot. You'll see how the map draws itself as you go places. Go the way the
map is drawing itself. At one place you'll be able to swim down into the
water, but the iron bars are down for now. Keep going until you see an A
with a white light fixture underneath it. You can see the level1 on the top
of the map. Climb on the metal fixtures, and then the ladder. On the other
side there's a switch. Turn it on, and a gate should open right there.
Climb the chain (you might need to do running jumps from the edge), go up.
At one point your way will be blocked by a box, which you can push out of
the way. You'll find some secrets around there. You need to go back though.
If you happen to fall down to level 1, it's no problem. You'll have to
swim down again, go to level 4, and then same way to level 2. Now climb the
ladder to the other side (the side with switch), go through the opening
opposite the way you came into the room, so that you end up in the room
with the map. Now make your way into the room with a very low water level.
Jump into the water, turn that switch way at the bottom. This will raise
those iron bars as well as raise the water level. Now you can go into the
middle. Look closely through the cracks for a button up high on a beam.
Shoot that button. This will open all the four doors around that circular
walkway to reveal a button each. Now go push only the C and D buttons. You
can barely see "Emergency Valve D." So you shoot the button in that unit
and the one in the C unit. You'll hear the middle part going down to reveal
an open-ended pipe. Jump in that to end the level.


The Keys You start in the sewer. Go up the drainpipe so you end up in the
room with the furnace. Go out the double gates, make a left and left again
through the opening in the wall. Pass by the dumpster to get close to a
door. Go in, get out of the first room, make a right so you soon come up
to the elevator. Get in it, press the Space bar to go down. Now you are in
a room with lots of boxes. The box at very top is cracked. Blow it up with
dyno'mite. If you don't have the thrower you might have to save and try it
many times. Go through the hole you made. The next room has a door. Open
the door and blast the box there with another dyno'mite. Go in now to get
the first key. Now go up again with the elevator and go down that long
hallway. The room at the end on the right has a switch button in it behind
some doors. Hit it, go out the door at the end of the hallway into the
room with the furnace, go down that ladder on which you first came up into
the furnace room. There used to be a door there that you couldn't open.
That switch opened it and now you can hit the switch inside that room. This
second switch opens up the pool outside. Get into the pool, swim until you
come out in an area with a large pool right behind the bars in the furnace
room. The second key is next to the wall on the grass (straight ahead from
here). On to the best part! Opposite where you go into the pool there's a
door way in the back that you couldn't open before. Now go through there.
Close to here is the first secret (see below). Go past the wall with the
lit Hickston sign so that you end up all the way in back. Go up that way.
Soon you are in a room from which you can see out the window the lit
Hickston sign (secret #2). Keep going. You go up a ladder at one point
(secret #3). Pass by a place with lots boxes all over the place (secrets
#4 and #5). You go down a little and come out through a door into the
furnace room on the second floor, so to speak. Turn left, jump across the
gap and get the third key. Go out again, all the way to the lit Hickston
sign. Close to there, down some stairs, there's a door that you open with
the third key. Keep going until you get to a room with three pipes. Press
both buttons. Press the Space bar to open up the left pipe, go in, down.
You will see some bars blocking your way. Back up just a little bit, then
press "A" to go up. Hit the switch up there, go back to the room with the 3
pipes. Now press the buttons again, so that they look the way they were
before. Go into the right pipe, same thing again... press the switch you
find here. Go back out again. You opened up the gate down the stairs from
the room with the 3 pipes. Finally the room with the vats. Jump to the
other side using the edge of the vats and MOONSHINE if you have it, hit
the switch, then jump into the middle vat. Go down, through the now open
pipe, go all the way up in the vertical pipe and hit that switch, then go
all the way down, keep going until you come out again (HINT: use your map
- press TAB - to know which the way the pipes branch out). Go down into the
pipe and the final battle with Turd Boss... you're hurting me...

The Five Secrets You'll have to refer to the section above to know the
approximate whereabouts of each secret. Go straight and climb the chain
(keep "A" pressed while standing next to it) in the corner for the first
secret. For the second secret jump out the window onto the building with
lit Hickston sign. The third secret is revealed by blowing up the box. In
the area with boxes all over the place you'll see one box high up with a
hole in it. You'll have to push the box to the left in front of it, then
jump from the boxes behind onto the box you moved, and then into the hole.
Gotta use MOONSHINE here (press "M" if you got it or type in "MOONSHINE"
any time while playing). Whoopie, you got yourself the dyno'mite thrower
now! For fifth and final secret you'll have to push a box next to a wall
close to the same place. Jump in the pipe, then press "Z" to keep going
down. You can climb back up the ladder.



The Keys: Now besides the alien hulks you have to kill the vixens. If you
look in your USER.CON file, you'll see they have 800 points of life, eight
times more than Billy Ray. So if you feel they die too hard just lower that
number in USER.CON. To find the first key you have to get to the second
floor of the library. Do a running jump to the shelves by the windows (most
likely got to use MOONSHINE, which you can get from Stanley's Bar and
Grill. Break the window, jump across to those stairs, get on the roof.
Across in other building you should see a long hall. Jump in there, then
go down to the first floor. One of those rooms has the first key (one more
hint: it's on a bed). Now go back out the way you came in. The second key
is in an apartment next to Stanley's Bar and Grill (it's the brown door to
the right of the bar). For the third key you need to climb the long flight
of stairs next to the library. Now you need to go to the general store, go
to the back yard. See that box in the corner? Shoot one of pigs so that he
chases you to the box, and use him to climb onto the box. Now climb up to
the roof (keep "A" pressed while next to the wall). Shoot the vent grill
closeby, go in, shoot the other grill. You should be in the sheriff's
office now. Behind his desk there's a switch you have to turn on. That
opens all the cells in the jail. Now go into the last cell. See that crack
in the wall? Blow it up with dynamite. Bubba is in the vault. There's yet
another switch on the desk in that room that you have to hit to open the
vault. Lots of people get stuck in the firehouse. You get into the
firehouse from the roof that you jump onto from the library window. To get
out of there you need to jump on top of the firetruck, then look up towards
the windows. You should see some ropes hanging down from the ceiling. Use
those to get out.

The Three Secrets: I'm still not sure which of these are secrets and which
aren't, but here they are. Right at the beginning, shoot one of gas tanks
to blow up the gas station. There's a buzzsaw in those ashes. In Stanky's
Bar and Grill jump into the corner opposite the jukebox for a secret. At
the place where you get the third key, there's some windows. Position
yourself by the window to the right. Press Capslock, jump to the corner
with the brown drainpipe, then press "A" to climb it to the roof. Get the
goodies there, then carefully walk the very thin ledge to the other side.
There's some googoo clusters here.


The Keys:

Those blue and green tiled walls look pretty cool, huh? Very cool!!!!!
Here's the major bad thing about this level: you enter it without any
weapons! In other words, you lose all the weapons you worked so hard to
save all the previous levels. I really don't think that was a good idea
from Interplay's side. Anyway, shoot that vent to get out of there, go the
upwards branch to get some goodies, then go the downwards branch so you
end up in a little room with a skinny coot. The first key is in one of the
top cabinets. Jump and press the space bar to open the cabinet. Push that
box in front of the cabinet. Next open the door, go up the stairs, then go
down so you end up in the hall. You'll be coming back to this hall over
and over since everything branches out from it. Now go all the way to the
other end of the hall, make a right down the stairs. When down there you
should see a sunny garden out those doors. Before you get out, make a
right and another right. Somewhere at end of those halls you'll find a
switch. This switch opens up the doors in the big hall right across from
where you first came into it. Go through those doors, pass by the big
statue, go into the other building, up the stairs. In one the rooms close
to here you'll find that if you jump on the desk and kind'a move around
you'll hear first and then see the bookcase moving back. When it does
that, run to get in there and get the second key. Go back to the big hall
again. Going straight ahead from the point in this picture turn at the
first right. There's a control room there. Squeeze through the little
hole, and with the second key you can open the gates at the other end of
the little hall. You see those two blue swithboards at opposite ends of
the hall? Each time you press the space bar one of the doors on a certain
side of the hall will open. Go down to the morgue now. In the room with
many beds, you'll see one that sticks out a bit. Crouch next to it, but a
little bit to the side (meaning sitting almost facing the corner of the
bed), and press the space bar. It will come out full length. You may have
to keep trying for some time to get it to open. Now from the open bed you
have to jump towards the gate a little to the right. Again one of those
extremely tough jumps to make. Once you do though, you'll pick up the
third key. Now you can open the heavy iron gate right outside the

The Four Secrets

One secret is quite interesting. Go all the way down the big hall, make a
left. You'll see the doors to a huge room with many beds. If you stand
close to one of the beds and press the space bar, the bed will slide out of
the way... Next to the control room with the blue switches there's a vent
that you can shoot open. By the big white statue, go into the blue hall.
Close to the gate you'll see a crack in a wall at about middle height.
Blow it up with dynamite. Walk carefully to the edge of the precipice and
look down. You should see some pork rinds down there. Drop down and climb
back up on the ladder. The last secret is the stuff right by the statue. To
get there you'll have to jump from the second floor onto the base of the



This level is pretty easy, except for the part of getting to the rooms
with the second key. One or two hints and you should be set. First,
remember to jump on top of the semi and then onto the porch to get some
googoo clusters and other goodies. You'll see written on the wall a
message to shut down the processing line if you experience slow frame
rates. Do so if the images are choppy, but you'll miss the fun of seeing
those chickens getting their head cut off. Now go into the building. Go all
the way to the end of the first hall, climb up those stairs. The room
you'll come into has a switch that needs to be pushed in order to open that
area in the wall closed off by what looks like a wheel. That's the first
key. Now go into that hall again and take the first right as you come down
the stairs. You should see a door with label "Employees only" close to it.
Go through there, then down the long halls to get to the chicken
processing line. Again, Interplay rewards the gamer with awesome graphics
of bloodstained tiled walls. Nice job! Go all the way to the end, until
you see the ladder steps in the wall. If you go up now, you'll see that
your way is blocked. So first go down again, get on the other side of the
processing line, keep going for a little bit. You should see a black chute
down which come the severed heads of the chicken. Jump in there, press "Z"
to go down, at the branch in the pipes choose the downward branch (the
other one is a deadend). When you get to the end, press "A" to come up. In
this room there's two switches. The first one opens the blocked area by
the ladder, and the other one opens the door so you can get out. Go back
and climb the ladder again. Make a right at the open area you'll come to,
and then go down the hall with the furnace burning alongside it. Next two
rooms will have lots of boxes in them. In one of them you'll find the
second key, close to a door. Now you can open a door close to the place
where you jumped down after climbing the ladder . Now comes the really fun
part. See all those moving parts? (don't jump down again, go straight
ahead) You'll have to make it through three sets of rapidly moving metal
parts, enough to make you dizzy. It might take you a little while, but
you'll make it eventually. Just keep saving your game! The third key you
can't miss - on the ground by the switch. Go back to the place close to the
door where you came down and down the ladder at the end of the processing
line. There's a door with a switch close to there that might have given
you the message "Some other kind of key needed!" Now you can open it.

The One and Only Secret:

At the beginning of the level you go into a building. Go into the first
room on the right by the first hall you encounter. See all those drawers
in the adjacent room? Push one set of them to reveal your one and only
secret for this level.


The Keys:

This level can be pretty confusing and frustrating. Hopefully this info
will get you cleared up. Close to where you start off, you'll see an
entrance blocked by a rock lodged into it. Blow it up with dyno'mite. Keep
going down through there until you get to the water. Make a right so that
soon you come up to the waterfall with the chain next to it. Go down there.
Keep going to the end of the lake. Enter through the gate on the right. In
this room you'll find the first key (on the desk). Now you got to return to
where you first started off on this level. By the waterfall there's a
chain you climb up by keeping "A" pressed while standing next to it. Now
comes the tough part of getting off the chain without falling down again.
First make sure you climb the chain while being as far to the right as
possible. Press Capslock. At the top press "A", then forward, then "A"
again. Or maybe you figure out some other way yourself. When back to where
you started off, find the place with the wooden rafters. Back up a bit from
the entrance to that place and you should see on the left (assuming you're
backing up while facing the rafters) an opening. Go through there, swim
underwater. You'll find two underwater exits. One will take you up on the
rafters, the other one is the real exit to the outside. Now find the place
with many wooden beams coming out of the walls. Go up the stairs, and onto
the beams. Keep jumping. After the corner the distance is so big you most
likely have to use MOONSHINE. This is another difficult one to pull off,
'cause you'll most likely either overshoot or undershoot. Try this: after
making the big jump just keep jumping forward and at the end go the right.
Do all this really fast so you don't fall down. Might take at least a dozen
tries. Keep going, jump again to the beam along the wall, then again to
the beam across the middle of the room. Now there's two ways to continue:
either jump out the window onto the stove (that's the first secret), then
go down, or keep going for little more and make the big jump down. Either
way, you'll end up in this room soon. Go up the stairs, keep going
straight, then you'll have to make a left. At the end of that room, by the
hole in the floor, you'll find the second key. If you went out the window
through the stove, you'll be coming up that hole. With the second key you
can open up the white door close to these stairs. In this room you'll find
the third key. Now go back to this room and go out the gate. Hit the
switch by the gate in the yard. You'll see at the end of the hall some
metal walls. Press against the metal wall as if you wanted to keep going
straight and you should be magically transported to the other side.

The Three Secrets One secret is on top of the stove. You get to it by
jumping out the window after you jumped across all those beams. Then go
down into the hole in the stove. In one place among those tunnels you'll
find a long flight of stairs. Go up and you'll see a pickup truck. Press
the Space bar to open the garage door and get ready for major carnage. As
you come out into the yard, on the left, you'll see a ladder. Climb it,
then go all the way around the yard on the ledge, and voila, the second
secret. The third secret is in the room with the third key. As you walk
into that room, turn left right away, face the bookcase and press the space

The Keys:

You'll notice you can't get into the mansion. The first key is outside.
Standing in front of the house, make a left and keep going to the end. The
first key is on the grass somewhere. Go inside the house, make a right, go
up the stairs. Inside the room up there you'll find the second key. Now go
back down, go to the right from the entrance, down the stairs until you get
to the red-walled room. See the picture of the old coot on the wall? It's
semi-transparent if you look closely. Go through it. At the end of the
hallway, press the space bar to open the gate. When you pass by the bottle
behind the bars make a right immediately, down the descending hallway. At
the end of that hallway you'll find a huge room and tall cylinders that
come up from the ground with nothing in between them. To make it across I
found it's much easier to get on top of the lightstand right next to the
entrance and do a running jump towards the aisle. At the end of one of
aisles you'll find a switch. Hit it, then go to the end of the other aisle
and get the third key. Now go back to the red room, open the yellow double
doors and turn the switch by the furnace (probably used for cremation).
There's a googoo cluster in the furnace. That last switch by the furnace
opened the bars across from the pool. Go inside there and hit the switch.
Go back to where there's the bottle behind the bars and look all the way
across to the other end of the hall. The brown doors that used to be there
opened up. Go down that way. Next to the tombhouse you come out of there's
another tombhouse with an open casket. Drop down in there to end the level.

The Two Secrets: A few hints first. Make sure you get the goodies by the
entrance to the mansion. Right before you go in look between the doors and
the bars. As you walk around the marble halls you'll find many of them
hidden in corners. The ones you miss going one way you'll be able to see
much easier coming back the other way. You probably know what the secrets
are but haven't been able to get to them. Remember the pool? To get inside
there face the pool. Go to the left, turn the corner, and stop by the
second light fixture. Press the space bar while standing right up against
the wall under the lights, swim down into the pool... The other one is the
bottle and some other stuff behind the bars. Turn right from there as if
you going down the descending hallway, jump up on the ledge right at the
corner, press the space bar...


The Keys:

Pick up some dyno'mite from the ground if you don't already have some and
blow up the wall made of wooden plancks. Open the iron gate and hit the
switch in the next room. This switch opens up another iron gate right by
the place where you started off the level. Hit the switch in that room to
open the gate to the elevator. Get in the elevator, hit the space bar. Go
through the tunnels until you come to the churning rod. You won't be able
to squeeze through no matter how hard you try. If you fall in the pit and
you survive, look around: the place around there is actually the last part
game. Back up there, if you look closely at the wall you'll see a crack
that you can blow up and make room for yourself to pass, just like in the
1 (one). Then go down to the other control room and set that switch to 4
(four). This will open up a door in one of the four center walls (by one
of the four switches up there). Hit the EXIT switch in that last room. Now
you have to go up all the three elevators to find Bubba.

The Four Secrets:

One secret is close to the area with lots of carts. After you get across,
go on the path that goes up, then look to the left wall. You'll be able to
discern an opening. Jump across to there. For the second secret, get on top
of this cart. Jump on the wires, keep going forward until the end. See the
ledge on the wall on the left? There's a hole there too. Jump in there, go
down, and hit the switch. Now come out and jump into the water on the
other side of the railway tracks. You'll find a tunnel down there that
takes you to a room with a switch and some goodies behind bars. Hit the
switch (the previous switch lowered just half of the bars). The last secret
is by the four-way intersection. Make a right and climb the wooden boards,
look to the left...


The Keys:

Just like in the sewers, at first you'll be very confused going around all
those rooms in the mansion. Soon enough, though, you'll know exactly where
everything is, so just give it a little time. Start off by going around the
building and killing everything. There's two ways to get into the mansion,
neither by the doors, for which you need the keys. One way is from the
porch in front of the mansion. Assuming you are facing the door, make a
left, then walk the ledge to the left extension of the porch. The other way
is from the back of the mansion. Get on top of the hedge next to the
mansion's wall, then keep going until you get to a window through which you
can jump into the house. But I'll assume you're taking the first way. So
you should be in a huge room now. Go up the stairs. There's two doors that
you can open up there. Open the first one and find a room with a
grandfather clock very close to there. The first key is hidden in that
clock. Keep going past it, then go down another set of stairs (you'll be on
the first floor then). You'll see a dog jumping up and down in an a little
enclosed area behind a small wooden door. There's a switch there that will
open up the grandfather clock. Go back up to get the first key. Go down to
a huge hall on the first floor. At one end there's a door that opens into a
room with a picture of a coot on it. Open the other door, and there on the
desk is the second key. Now go back up the stairs from the first huge room,
and go through the far door. Make a right, and open a door that slides to
the side. There's a Vixen in this room. Way in the corner, on the back side
of the nightstand, there's a red button that you have to push. Now go down
to the dining room. Look through the fireplace: that's the way to a
beautiful room with the third key. Get back out to the big wooden
structure. Climb the stairs, then press the space bar to lower the sliding
door. Now here's another place, besides the sewers, where's imperative that
you use the map (press TAB, then minus (-) and plus (+) to scale up and
down). You've got yourself a veritable maze here, and you'll cut down your
meanderings bigtime if you constantly use your map. If you see that the
map is drawing itself in a particular direction, go that way, because
that's usually the right way. You'll go down into a trench a couple of
times then come back up. After the first trench, you'll pass by a statue.
Go all the way down that path. You'll come out by the place with a temple
with a pool inside. You need to find the switch to open it up. USE YOUR MAP
TO FIND IT! Then come back to the temple, go down into the pool, go
through the underwater tunnel.....

The Six Secrets One is in a room with a piano, close to the grandfather
clock in which you found the first key. Jump on the piano, then onto the
bookcase, push the box, and shoot the vent. Another one is in the room with
a picture of a coot on it (see above for location). Blow up the picture
with dynamite. For the third and fourth one, make your way to the library.
Jump up in the little space on top of the bookcase,keep going straight,
make a right, hit the switch. Go back to the beginning, take the lower path
on top of the bookcase, and you'll soon pass by an opening on the right.
Go through there, shoot the vent, push the grandfather clock, make a left
into the cellar. The fifth secret is in the room with the second key. Jump
on the desk, then on the chair and on top of the bookcase. Hit the switch
closeby, then go out of that room into the hall. By the throne chair
you'll find the power-ups. The sixth secret is right opposite from where
was the switch that opened the grandfather clock to get the first key. Open
that door, then push a set of shelves to reveal the secret.

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engl. Lösung

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