Sims 2, The

Sims 2, The

16.10.2013 15:55:22
Aspiration and Career Rewards Guide
* *
* The Sims 2 - Aspiration and Career Rewards *
* *
* *

This in-depth FAQ will give information about all the Aspiration and Career
Rewards in The Sims 2. Since most of these items are from the base game i
will include them all in here, rather than making seperate guides for the
different expansion packs. Next to each item it will say whether it is from
University or Nightlife. If it is from the base game there will be no
information stating so.

* 1.0. Contents *

1.0. Contents
1.1. Copyright Notice
1.2. Version History
1.3. Credits

2.0. The Different Aspirations
2.1. Aspiration Reward Objects

3.0. Career Reward Objects

4.0. Contact Information

* 1.1. Copyright Notice *

This FAQ/Walkthrough may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except
for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on
any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited,
and a violation of copyright.
Copyright 2006 Mark Eastaugh

The following websites may host this guide : and websites that it permits.

If you see any other websites hosting the whole or part of this guide please
let me know.

If you would like to host this FAQ please email me and give me the address
of the site. I will only let you host this guide if your site is not full
of advertisements ect and that this faq is hosted without any ads and banners
on the same page.

* 1.2. Version History *

15/2/06 - Finished aspirations. Going to try and submit again.
14/2/06 - Im determined to get this published. Started on aspirations.
13/2/06 - Finished Career Reward Objects - Submitted but rejected for lack of
content. Going to add information about all the different aspirations.
11/2/06 - Started Career Reward Objects
10/2/06 - Finished aspiration Reward objects
6/2/06 - Started Aspiration Reward objects
5/2/06 - Started work on this FAQ

* 1.3. Credits *

The only credit I can really give is a massive thanks to EA and Maxis for
making this game and for giving me something to write about.

* 2.0. The Different Aspirations *

This section has a list of all the aspirations and some of the highest
scoring wants for each one. As of now there are 7 different aspirations, two
of which are nightlife only. Eventually you will be rewarded with enough
points to buy some aspiration rewards.

* Fortune
Description - Sims with the Fortune Aspiration crave money, rising to the top
of their careers, and just plain expensive stuff. They'll need all of these
things in spades to keep their Aspiration Metres full and their fiscally
minded lives long and happy.

High Scoring Wants:
Be an Overachiever. +8000 Aspiration, +2000 Influence.

Big Bonus. +5000 Aspiration, +1000 Influence.

Marry a rich Sim. +15000 Aspiration, +6000 Influence.

Earn $50,000. + 10,000 Aspiration +2500 Influence.

Reach the top of the Athletics Career. +15000 Aspiration.

Reach the top of the Business Career. +15000 Aspiration.

* Knowledge
Description - Sims with the Knowledge Aspiration want to know everything
there is to know about anything. Make sure they have the time to study and
explore every nook and cranny. Their lives are a simple equation: the more
knowledge the higher the Aspiration Meter, and the longer and branier the

High Scoring Wants:
Ask for homework help. +2500 Aspiration, +2500 Influence.

Get A+ Report Card. +3000 Aspiration, +500 Influence.

Maximize a skill. +8000 Aspiration, +1000 Influence.

Meet Aliens. +8000 Aspiration, +2000 Influence.

See a ghost. +3000 Aspiration.

Reach the top of the Science Career. +15000 Aspiration.

Maximize all skills. +30,000 Aspiration, +5000 Influence.

Be saved from death. +8000 Aspiration, +3000 Influence.

* Romance
Description - Sims with the Romance Aspiration crave lots of lovin' with as
many different Sims as they can find, so setting aside the time for them to
chase those hot prospects is key. Fill their Aspiration Meters with hot
steamy nights and lust-filled days in order to keep Romance Sim's lives long
and exciting.

High Scoring Wants:
Have very first kiss. +8000 Aspiraton, +2000 Influence.

WooHoo. +3500 Aspiration, +500 Influence.

Have 2 loves at once. +8000 Aspiration, +2000 Influence.

WooHoo with 3 different Sims. +8000 Aspiration, +2000 Influence.

Reach the top of the Slacker Career. +15000 Aspiration.

* Family
Description - Sims with the Family Aspiration long to be part of a big, happy
family. They need ''Quality Time'' with family members and lots of meaningful
interactions with all the brances of their family tree. Keep their Aspiration
Meters overflowing with familial bliss, and they'll live long
and ''fruitful'' lives.

High Scoring Wants:
Get Engaged. +5000 Aspiration, +1000 Influence.

Get Married. +8000 Aspiration, +5000 Influence.

Have a Baby. +8000 Aspiration, +5000 Influence.

Teach to Walk. +5000 Aspiration, +2000 Influence.

Teach to Talk. +5000 Aspiration, +2000 Influence.

Teach Potty Training. +5000 Aspiration, +2000 Influence.

Help with homework. +5000 Aspiration, +2000 Influence.

Get a Grandchild. +8000 Aspiration, +5000 Influence.

* Popularity
Description - Sims with the Popularity Aspiration desire flocks of friends
and killer parties, so if they aren't on the phone, practicing politics, or
dancin' the night away, they probably should be. Their Aspiration Meters will
fill with every friend, fair-weather or not, and allow them to live long and
famous lives.

High Scoring Wants:
Have a great party. +5000 Aspiration, +1000 Influence

Have 3 best friends. +8000 Aspiration, +2000 Influence.

Sell a Masterpiece. +6000 Aspiration, +2500 Influence.

Win a Fight. +5000 Aspiration, +500 Influence.

Reach the top of the Politics Career. +15000 Aspiration.

Reach the top of the Athletics Career. +15000 Aspiration.

* Pleasure [Nightlife Only]
Description - Sims with the Pleasure Aspiration love wild nights out, cozy
nights in, and hat most Sims would consider ''the good life''. They'll want
to use objects that provide them with fun and comfort, while avoiding
activities that cause stress or equate to work of any king. Kick their
aspiration meters into platinum by pursuing their whims of the moment, as
these Sims can change their tastes on a dime as they travel on their path to
the ultimate life of luxury.

High Scoring Wants:
Ask Sim on a date. +750 Aspiration, +500 Influence.

Have a dream date. +5000 Aspiration, +1000 Influence.

Dine out with Sim. +500 Aspiration, +500 Influence.

Bowl with Sim. +500 Aspiration, +250 Influence.

Win a game. +1000 Aspiration, +250 Influence.

Play cards with Sim. +500 Aspiration, +500 Influence.

Juggle. +500 Aspiration, +100 Influence.

* Grilled Cheese [Nightlife Only]
Have you been messing with the ReNuYuSenso Orb? As this is the only way to
get the Grilled Cheese Aspiration there is no In-Game description for it.

High Scoring Wants:
Eat grilled cheese sandwiches. +500 Aspiration.

Influence someone to make grilled cheese. +3500 Aspiration.

Serve grilled cheese. +500 Aspiration, +100 Influence.

Talk to Sim about grilled cheese. +2500 Aspiration, +500 Influence.

Make grilled cheese for Sim. +2500 Aspiration, +500 Influence.

* 2.1. Aspiration Reward Objects *

There are currently 11 Aspiration Reward Objects in The Sims 2 and there are
likely to be more added as more expansion packs get brought out. Once the
points are spent you lose them so spend carefully. Some items cost alot of

* Money Tree

Costs 3000 Aspiration Points
Description - In a discovery that sent shockwaves through the parent
community, scientists at the institute of Sim Botanical Studies have found
that money does indeed grow on trees... as long as one keeps them watered.

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - Get $40
Use below Gold Aspiration - Get $1

* Noodlesoother
Costs 5000 Aspiration Points

Description - Shrouded in mystery, the Noodlesoother's mood elevating effects
are well documented but poorly understood. Some maintain that the weak
electrical current it generates produces euphoria and contentment. Still
others content that the Noodlesoother contains transdermal Serotonin Re-
Uptake Inhibitors. A third school swears that the helmet's tiny, gloved hands
and googly eyes are positively adorable.

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - Boosts mood but also lowers motives faster.
Use below Gold Aspiration - Makes your sim pass out.

* ReNuYuSenso Orb [Nightlife Only]
Costs 6250 Aspiration points

Description - Senso Sima Sensalia, reowned brain neurologist, kept the
secrets of the Simian brain as closly guarded secrets. However, finally after
years of careful prodding and no so subtle bribery, Senso has broken down and
privided the average Sim with the ultimate in modern reprogramming
techniques. A gentle caressing of the scals, a few lights, some soothing
music and ''TaDah!'' a whole new sim emerges. Try it once, try it twice; we
won't tell.

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - Change Aspiration/Turn ons and turn offs
Use below Gold Aspiration - Get the Grilled Cheese aspiration in which
everything is associated with grilled cheese.

*Pasteur's HomoGenius Smart Milk
Costs 7500 Aspiraion points

Description - Is your toddler moving slowly through a fast-paced world? Get
their mental engine in overdrive with Smart Milk! After a Smart Milk bottle-
feeding, your little guy or gal will start learning to walk, talk and potty-
train like an Olympian.

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - Your toddler will learn to walk, go potty
and talk faster than usual.
Use below Gold Aspiration - Toddler will lose a skill point.

* Cool Shades
Costs 10,000 Aspiration points

Description - Eyes are the windows to the soul, and these Cool Shades provide
the most effective window-dressings for your Sim's inner cool. Socially
awkward? Just slip on some stylish eyewear and power your way smoothly though
any social interaction.

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - Your next social interaction will be more
Use below Gold Aspiration - Next social interaction will be the same as it
would have been, making the Cool Shades have no effect at all.

* The Eclectic and Engimatic Energizer
Costs 14,000 Aspiration points

Description - Does your Sim need a little pick-me-up? The technology that
powers The Energizer is puzzle wrapped in an enigma, held together with
copious amounts of duct tape and bits of twine, and reported to be beyond the
ken of mortal Sims. Bit all you need to know is that a quick visit to the
Energizer will get your Sim's motor running! Only five uses allowed for this
addictive item.

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - All needs maxed out
Use below Gold Aspiration - All needs emptied

* Thinking Cap
Costs - 16,000 Aspiration points

Description - Also known as "Thinking Person's Silly-Hat-With-A-Lightbulb,"
the Thinking Cap allows for a free flow of ideas in both directions,
increasing skill building abilities and the ability to both teach and learn.
Wear with caution - extended use of the Thinking Cap may cause enervation,
loss of skills, and possible surface burns to the scalp.

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - You will learn skills much faster than
Use below Gold Aspiration - Your sim will pass out and lose a skill point.

* SimVac
Cost - 17,500 Aspiration Points

Description - The SimVac puts the "suck" in succubus! Equip your Sim with the
SimVac, and look for an unwitting victim ... err ... we mean, a willing
individual with whom you share a friendly rivalry. Operate the SimVac on them
and watch as you... liberate ... their Aspirations an Skills and make them
your own.

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - Steals Aspiration or skill points from your
target sim. Relationships will go down so don't use it on a close
friend/family member.
Use below Gold Aspiration - Target sim will steal skill/aspiration points
from you. Motives go down.

* Love Tub
Cost - 20,000

Description - Who can resist the sensual appeal of soft lighting, warm water,
and sizzling romance? Just about no one if they're soaking with your Sim in
the Love Tub, that's who! No need to check to see if your Sim's skin is
getting pruny, either ... when the candles go outs, it's time to retire to a
private place. Ahhhh yeah!

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - Relationships are easier to form.
Use below Gold Aspiration - No negative effects.

* Genuine Buck's Famous Counterfeiting Machine [University Only]
Cost - 27,750

Description - Why earn money when you can simply print it yourself? Jobs and
careers take away valuable time you could be spending with your family. Think
of the children, and get yourself one of Genuine Buck's famous counterfeiting
machines. Other counterfeiting machines on the market claim to make high
quality simolions, but only Genuine Buck's machines come with an official
stamp of approval. Don't settle for less than the real thing. ''Genuine
Buck's: because you've earned it!''

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - Makes simolions. Risk of machine catching
fire or being taken away by cops. If it is taken away by the cops you get
fined $1000 on the spot.
Use below Gold Aspiration - Same as above.

* Elixir of Life
Cost - 30,580

Description - Perfect for those who like their idle water-cooler chats to go
on for ages... literally! Gather round this decorative glass urn and sip the
sweet nectar of prolonged youth as your Sims resists aging.

Use in Gold Aspiration or above - Makes your sim three days younger
Use below Gold Aspiration - Makes your sim three days older. May cause elders
to die if they were to die within three days of death.

* 2.0. Career Rewards Objects *

Every career has its own reward object which you unlock after reaching around
level 5 of your career. Some of these objects are very useful and can be used
as careers themselves, such as the chocolate making machine. All career
reward items are free but you are limited to one item per person per career.
This includes when moving house.

* Dr Vu's Automated Cosmetic Surgeon [Show Business][University Only]
Description - Does your Sim have a face that only a mother could love? If so,
it's time to take advantage of today's technological breakthroughs in
medicine. Forget forking over thousands of simoleons for unrealiable plastic
surgery, as performed by the error-prone "real" doctor. Trust Dr. Vu's
lastest insidious creation to make precise facial modifications as only a
computer can. A few minutes of your time can result in a new, beautiful face
that will last a lifetime!

This object will change a sims appearence.
Avaliable in two different colours.

* Laganaphyllis Simnovorii [Natural Scientist][University Only]
Description - This bizarre bovine vegetation is large enough to swallow your
next-door neighbour whole. In fact, it WILL eat your neighbours. Your friends
will be hard-pressed to resist the tantalizing vine-cake of the carniverous
Laganaphyllis Simnovorii. After it has consumed some prey, milk it for sweet,
rejuvenating nectar of life. A swig of this liquid refreshment will add
precious days to a Sim's life and wash away any regret they may have over
their visitor's fate.

Milk the plant to go back in sim time!

Be warned that this object may eat your neighbours!

* The Resurrect-O-Nomitron [Paranormal][University Only]
Description - No need to mourn the passing of your loved ones. Not only is
this telephone a classy accesssory to any stylish realm, but it also provides
a direct line to the Grim Reaper. For nary the price of your soul, Mr Reaper
will gladly bring anyone back from the beyond. But beware: if you don't offer
a competitive price, your resurrected loved one may be ... incomplete.

This item is different from other Career reward items - Off the grim reaper
money and he may bring a loved one back to life as a zombie!

* Enterprise Office Concepts Bushmaster Tele-Prompter [Politics]
Description - Stand tall, furrow your brow, and just say the words with the
Bushmaster Tele-Prompter. Transparent overlays display text at varying speeds
for "tortoise" to "hare" fast. Adjust the font size to ease those aching eyes.
Exercise your verbal skills with the Bushmaster Tele-Prompter!

Fun : 5
+ Charisma

* TraumaTime "Incision Precision" Surgical Training Station [Medicine]
Description - Sims venturing into the medicial field can sharpen up their
mechanical skills with "Incision Percision". The true-to-life features
include genuinely clammy fake organs and a functioning circulatory system.
Dive into the faux gall bladder, small intestine, panceras, inferior
epigastric vessels, and other organs and make them new again.

Fun : 4
+ Mech

* Execuputter [Business]
Description - Why should your Sim sit through boring business lunches when
they can play golf instead? The Execuputter features imported synthetic
imitation grass, along with simulated water and sand traps so that Sims can
work on their swing while building charisma points - and hobnobbing with
important business contacts.

Fun : 4
+ Charisma

* Exerto Punching Bag [Athletic]
Description - Float like a moth and sting like a yellowjacket! With the
Exerto Punching Bag, athletic Sims can punch away to release tension and keep
in shape while building a useful career skill.

Fun : 6
+ Body

* SensoTwitch Lie Finder [Criminal]
Description - Don't let the inconvenience of the truth interfere with your
career ambitions! Hone the skills to lie, cheat, and steal with the
SensoTwitch Lie Finder. Its patented Brainwave Twitch Needle detects even the
tiniest nervous mental tic. Fool the Lie Finder, and you can fool anyone!

+ Creative

* Exerto Selfflog Obstacle Course [Military]
Description - After a long day at the military base, why not extend the hard
work with a run through the Selfflog obstacle course? From Exerto, a leading
manufacturer of fitness equipment, this home obstacle course tests your
ability to leap 3-foot hurdles, crawl under a canopy of simulated gunfire,
and scramble over a fence-all in the name of fun and fitness.

+ Body

* AquaGreen Hydroponic Garden [Slacker]
Description - Do your Sims love gardening as a creative outlet yet hate
kneeling in the soil and getting dirt under their nails? Well, they don't
have to anymore with this hydroponic garden! The AquaGreen ensures that
plants receive adequate moisture and lots of light so your Sims get the
fruits without the labor. It's a slacker's dream!

+ Creative
You also can get money from this object

* Prints Charming Fingerprint Scanner [Law]
Description - It uses ultraviolet radiation to quickly and easily dust
fingerprints everywhere, then display the ironclad evidence right on the

Fun : 4
+ Cleaning

* Schokolade 890 Chocolate Manufacturing Facility [Culinary]
Description - Fatten your Sims' bank account - and their friends and families
too - with this finely engineered machine. Designed by world-renowned
chocolatiers at Bavarian Meltonwerks, the Schokolade 890 produces high-
quality chocolates that Sims can pop into their mouths or pop into a box and
sell in the §7 billion a year chocolate industry!

Fun : 1
+ Cooking
You also make money from this object.

* SimSanto Inc. Biotech Station [Science]
Description - Your Sims are sure to succeed in the world of science with the
Simsanto Inc. Biotech Station! Sims can study old microbes and invent new
ones, gaining logic skill points and advancing their careers in the process.
Includes a microscope, computer, and refrigerator for storing samples.

+ Logic

* Luminous Pro Antique Camera [Artist][University Only]
Description - What a find! This vintage upright camera hails from the days of
yore, when cameras didn't fit in your pocket. Gather your Sims' family and
friends to pose for a picture together, or just take snapshots of your Sims'
favourite scenes from around the house. Sell photos for simoleons or click on
them in Buy Mode to conveniently hang on any wall or place on table or

Take photos and earn up to $100 a time

* "Save the Sheep" Faux Sheepskin Diploma [Finish University][University Only]
Description - This prestigious diploma bestowed by your Sim's University at
graduation gives one more sheep another chance at life. Made of the finest
faux sheepskin, this diploma tells the world that your Sim is educated,
employable, and concerned about sheep conservation.

A decorative object showing your achievements at university.

* 5.0. Contact Info *

Email me if you have any questions or would like to contribute anything to
the guide! My email address for emails about the guide is

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