Executive Suite

Executive Suite

18.10.2013 08:09:18
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__________________¦ Executive Suite ¦__________________
____________________+ +____________________
Executive Suite Walkthrough Copyright 2004 Aldo Caraballo.
This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

The only web sites that can post this file are: www.gamefaqs.com
www.neoseeker.com and www.DLH.com

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Walkthrough (Include Script)
2.1 Interview (Include script)
2.2 Solutions to problems
2.2.1 Level 1 Jobs General Helper - Mailroom Maintenance Person
2.2.2 Level 2 Accounts Payable Clerk Assembler Draftsman Sales Trainee
2.2.3 Level 3 Accounts Receivable Clerk Personnel Clerk Skilled Assembler Engineer In Training Customer Service Clerk
2.2.4 Level 4 Sr. Accounting Clerk Trainee Financial Analyst Marketing Assistant Salesman
2.2.5 Level 5 Accounting Supervisor Compensation Supervisor Production Foreman Engineer Assistant Product Manager
2.2.6 Level 6 Engineer Project Manager Market Research Supervisor Asst. to Executive V.P. Financial Analyst Assistant Plant Manager District Sales Manager
3.0 Version Info
4.0 Credits

1.0 Introduction
Hi!, I'm Aldo Caraballo (AKA grancheater), welcome to my Executive Suite Guide.
This is my second FAQ, and I choose this game because the lack of guides in
internet (or any other media).
In this game you play as a person who got a job in MMC (Mighty Microcomputer
Corporation) and you try to become the president of MMC. The game is text based
so you only need to choose what you will do, some will bring good things, some
bad, some both, after a period of time you will need to get another place in
the company, and depending on what you do, you will be able to ascend. You can
also be fired or you can retire, but you will need to retire if you reach the
age of 75.

If you have anything to say me, my e-mail is Cheater.01@gmail.com

2.0 Walkthrough
Execute the game, press space twice, choose 1, choose 1 again and you start an
2.1 Interview
This is a walkthrough for the interview so you can start higher on the company

It's good to see you made it.

Try to relax.

I'm going to ask you some questions and hopefully
provide some answers on how you might fit into

1 What is your first name?

____________ Input your first name (I will use Aldo (My name) for the rest of
the game)

2 Aldo, a good name, I like it.

Aldo is a good start; what is your last

_______________ Input your last name (I will use my real last name (Caraballo))

3 With the last name of Caraballo,
what part of the country are you from?

1 - East

2 - West

3 - South

4 - Midwest Choose what you like, it doesn't affect the game

4 Very good, MMC does a lot of business in that area.

What is your home town and state?

______________________________ Just write it

5 Growing up in the East/West/North/South where did you
go to college?

1 - State University

2 - City College

3 - Private College

4 - I never had time to go to college

I think 3 is best... (With 4 skip to 13)

6 What was the name of your school?

______________________________ Type it

7 What did you study at ?

1 - Girls

2 - Boys

3 - Business Administration

4 - Engineering

5 - Liberal Arts
I don't know, I always choose 3

8 How did you do in your studies?

1 - Great, scored all the time

2 - Summa cum laude

3 - Dean's List, could have done
better but for all the parties

4 - Who cares, I graduated

5 - Didn't make it, I flunked out.

I think 1 is best... (5 jumps to 13)

9 Did you go on to graduate school or had you had enough
education after .

1 - Went on to a ranked university

2 - Forgot about school and toured

3 - Attended a good local school

4 - Jumped from school to work to make

1 and 3 are the good ones

10 I was right; you are studious!

What was the name of your Graduate School?

______________________________ I think you know what to do

11 What did you study at ?

1 - Undergrad Anatomy

2 - Law

3 - Liberal Arts

4 - Engineering

5 - Business

Again I choose business

12 With your demanding major, how did you fare?

1 - Made a lot of friends

2 - Learned a lot

3 - Graduated with honors

4 - None of the above
I think graduated with honors is best (I'm not sure)

13 Schooling is an important qualification,
but so is work experience.

How many years of prior work experience do you
Just input 59

14 I saw in the sports page that the Giants won.

If you are a sports enthusiast, what interests you?

1 - Golf

2 - Tennis

3 - Armchair quarterbacking

4 - Sailing

5 - Competitive drinking

I think everything except 5 is good (Again, not sure)

15 I have a few personal questions.

I hope you don't mind cooperating.

How old are you?

From 18 to 74, 18 is best

16 What is your sex?

1 - Male

2 - Female

3 - Undecided

You can only choose 1 and 2

17 What is your current marital status?

1 - Divorced

2 - Single

3 - Married

It doesn't matter that much

18 (Only Married)
MMC likes a good family.

What is your spouse's first name?

______________ write it

19 (only Married)
How many children do you and
It's a number mi amigo

20 After all this talk, I am feeling very comfortable
about your application to MMC.

Just to see if I am on track, how would you
describe yourself?

1 - Blind ambition, I just want to reach
the top

2 - Technician, I love to make things

3 - Party person, I love people

4 - Work before pleasure, but I always
make time for my family and friends

5 - Work is a hobby, life is meant for
I don't think it matters, I choose 1.

If you did what I did you can start as Customer Service Clerk

This is a walkthrough of what you should do, the asterisk mark my choose (and
since you are following my walkthrough, yours)

2.2.1 Level 1 General Helper - Mailroom

Jack Stark, a Regional Sales Manager, proposes a
little extra preparation for tonight's MMC
Christmas Party.

He gives you two bottles of excellent vodka to slip
into the punch bowl.

Do you:

1 - Do it

2 - Act shocked and decline

3 - Say yes, but keep the vodka for

A maintenance man, Felix, chastises you for
repairing a photocopier.

He threatens to have you fired.

The next day, Beth, the Executive Vice President's
secretary, asks you to fix the machine again.

Do you:

1 - Politely say no

2 - Fix it*

3 - Explain your situation to Beth

4 - Ask for written permission

As another favor to Beth, you stay late to do some

Pursuing your copying, you discover an opening in
the Marketing Department.

Do you:

1 - Apply for the job*

2 - Wait a week to apply

3 - Decide to go to the movies Maintenance Person

A policy of using limited lighting makes clean-up
impossible for the night maintenance crew.

Do you:

1 - Turn lights on

2 - Ignore complaints

3 - Complain to supervisor*

You overhear a complaint about the sloppy
appearance of maintenance people, and deduce that
neatness will help you advance.

Do you:

1 - Send uniforms to cleaners*

2 - Buy an iron

3 - Assume an attitude of rumpled chic

You discover a leak in the roof on a rainy night
when water drips into your eye.

The water is also dripping onto half-completed and
very expensive circuit boards.

The first thing you do is:

1 - Cover the boards

2 - Call your supervisor

3 - A Sun Dance

4 - Move the boards*

2.2.2 Level 2 Accounts Payable Clerk

Bernard, a driver in your carpool, is late four
days in a row during a crucial period of the m&m
III Microcomputer launch.

You resolve to:

1 - Get out of the carpool*

2 - Give Bernard a new alarm clock

3 - Continue arriving late

Your work group asks you to contribute to Cary
Hoffman's birthday gift, a Korhogo hanging from
West Africa.

Just by coincidence, you have already purchased the
same gift for Cary.

What do you do?

1 - Pay and hold your gift*

2 - Pay and give your gift

3 - Refuse to pay; give your gift

Bucky Carter, MMC's leading salesperson, invites
you on a three day weekend to a posh ski resort.

Do you skip one day of work?

1 - Yes*

2 - No Assembler

You are assigned to an on-line production crew
doing a very boring wiring job.

In this position, do you concentrate on:

1 - Your work*

2 - Getting another position

3 - The people around you

You discover a cost-saving wiring technique in your
assembly job.

A quick estimate indicates possible savings of 10%
per unit.

Do you tell:

1 - Frank Herman, the Vice President of

2 - Other workers

3 - No one, but use your new technique

An engineer, Brighton Star, asks you to assemble a
toy rocketship he has designed for his son.

You are discovered working on the project by Frank

Do you:

1 - Blame the engineer

2 - Offer to make one for Frank Herman's
son too*

3 - Go into the toy business Draftsman

You feel overworked, but are pressed to finish
drawings for redesigned m&m II microcomputer casing.

Time management in this busy period is the key to
finishing on schedule.

You decide to:

1 - Work harder*

2 - Work longer

3 - Socialize

While working hard on the m&m II casing redesign
you have come to feel isolated from contact with
company management.

But, today the President, Malcolm Farmsworth III,
stops to talk with you on his annual tour.

Do you:

1 - Ask how the company is doing

2 - Comment on the weather

3 - Invite him to the Thursday night
poker game*

MMC offers you the opportunity to participate in a
computer graphics test.

Con Edison has chosen you based on your m&m II

You say:

1 - "Yes!"*

2 - "No."

3 - Request to speak with the Senior Vice
President of Operations, Doug
McArthur Sales Trainee

You attend MMC's introductory sales training

Bucky Carter, a salesman, invites you to gain
some practical experience rather than just this "book
learning" by having a few drinks with the boys.

You decide to:

1 - Study*

2 - Go drinking with the boys

Bucky Carter, now MMC's leading salesman, calls in
with a priority request.

Dynamic Industries wants to make the largest
purchase in MMC history, closing the m&m II line
and allowing the m&m III to come out immediately.

All Bucky needs is exact availability and shipping
information, but the Regional Sales Manager,
Jack Stark, is absent from the office.

What do you do?

1 - Provide the information yourself.

2 - Inform Bucky that Jack Stark is
absent from office.

3 - Try to contact Jack Stark*

The crisis takes a new twist.

Jack Stark is out of the office with his mistress.

Applying communications techniques last seen during
the Inquisition, you wrench the telephone number
from Gertie, Jack Stark's secretary.

Now you must decide to either:

1 - Call

2 - Have Gertie call*

3 - Delay Bucky further

2.2.3 Level 3 Accounts receivable Clerk

You're under pressure to complete m&m III accounts
receivable within the hour, when your calculator
batteries go dead.

Do you:

1 - Borrow a friend's calculator*

2 - Run to the drugstore for new

3 - Do it by hand

You take the only existing copies of the m&m II
accounts receivable listing home.

They are stolen from your car while you are
buying calculator batteries at the Mini-Mart.

Do you:

1 - Try to reconstruct them without
telling anyone

2 - Report to Cary Hoffman, the Vice
President of Finance*

3 - Ask customers for information

4 - Pretend they never existed

You learn that your department is to be

What will you do?

1 - Learn to use the computer*

2 - Apply for another position
within MMC

3 - Go on welfare Personnel Clerk

A junior accountant, Bernard, comes into your
cubicle after work hours one evening.

He bluntly offers you $200 for 5 minutes alone with
his employee file.

You respond:

1 - Let's see the money

2 - Here's the file;
keep the money

3 - No

4 - What do you want it for?*

During standard preparation of employee W-2 forms,
you discover the Personnel Manager's nephew, Oscar,
earns twice the normal rate for an accounts
receivable clerk.

Do you:

1 - Lower his rate

2 - Ignore it

3 - Talk to the Personnel Manager, Simon*

Oscar invites you for drinks after work with his
uncle, Simon, and the Vice President of Finance,
Cary Hoffman.

Do you:

1 - Accept*

2 - Decline Skilled Assembler

Rumor of a temporary work slowdown hits
concurrently with an offer from the Assembler Union
Local to become an organizer.

Management has made a strong stand against union
organization, but layoffs are fueling the
membership drive.

Do you:

1 - Take the union offer to protect your

2 - Decline the union offer*

The union organizing drive becomes more active.

You are pressured to join by your co-workers and
the economic climate.

Do you:

1 - Join the union

2 - Not join the union*

Sylvia Platt, a Continuing Education teacher, wants
you to publish a somewhat candid paper on working
conditions at MMC in the local paper, The Evening

Do you:

1 - Agree

2 - Decline

3 - Ask company permission*

4 - Use a pen name Engineer in Training

As a new engineer, you are subject to the whims of
unorganized project managers.

A last minute assignment conflicts with a special
seminar MMC has enrolled you in.

Your project manager, Harriet Nance, tells you to
handle the situation.

What do you do:

1 - Delay the work

2 - Skip the seminar

3 - Take the work to the seminar*

You have the chance to carpool with three top
engineers residing in your new neighborhood.

Everyone drives one week a month.

You own a two-seat English sports car.

You may choose to:

1 - Buy a new car

2 - Offer to pay for gas*

3 - Decline carpool

4 - Suggest a car convoy

With time you have become a valued engineer

You are requested to select an engineering team to
work with on the m&m III project.

You select:

1 - The best engineers*

2 - The worst engineers

3 - To work alone Customer Service Clerk

Bucky Carter, a key salesman, asks you to find him
a copy of a report as you are preparing to leave
for an evening engagement with an oft prevailed
upon love interest.

You decide to:

1 - Leave

2 - Direct him to someone else

3 - Help*

You are in the middle of a conversation with an
irate customer when Sam Danger, Vice President of
Marketing, comes to your desk demanding a weekly

Do you:

1 - Hang up on the customer

2 - Put the customer on hold*

3 - Pretend you don't see Sam

4 - Cry

For the first time in weeks, you have a conflict in
an evening activity.

You must decide between:

1 - Your romantic interest's birthday*

2 - The company softball game*

3 - Drinks with the Group Product Manager

4 - Working late

2.2.4 Level 4 Sr. Accounting Clerk

Bucky Carter, MMC's leading salesman, is on a roll.

He returns from Dynamic Industries with an order
that puts the m&m III line into the black.

While processing the paper work, you note Dynamic
is already extended beyond their credit limit.

Do you:

1 - Recommend approval

2 - Report to Cary Hoffman, Vice
President of Finance*

3 - Recommend psychiatric counseling for

Joshua Colon, the President of Meld Design Co., a
vendor, asks you to speed up payment of his

Do you:

1 - Do it

2 - Ask Cary Hoffman*

3 - Don't do it

Bucky Carter asks for an $8,000 advance
against commission for the Dynamic Industries sale.

You know the sale has only a 50% chance of

You decide to:

1 - Defer to your supervisor

2 - Refuse*

3 - Approve Trainee Financial Analyst

Pat Ivers, a college classmate, recommends buying
out Meld Design Co. based on private information
about a breakthrough in circuit development.

Do you recommend:

1 - Acquire Meld*

2 - Let the opportunity pass

3 - Explore it further

Cary Hoffman, the Vice President of Finance,
recommends against the acquisition of Meld Design
Co. despite expert analyst reports to the

Do you:

1 - Approach and question Cary Hoffman in

2 - Explore it further

3 - Have the research company send
reports to the Senior Vice President
of Finance, Jason Parlay

Alain Pencer, the editor of Circuit News Monthly, a
key trade publication, asks for financial help.

You have inside information that MMC is going to
acquire the Meld Design Co.

Do you:

1 - Tell Alain

2 - Make a stock purchase for him

3 - Look for other alternatives* Marketing Assistant

Sam Danger, the Vice President of Marketing, asks you
to see a client on your vacation to Des Moines to
visit your in-laws.

Your response:

1 - Sure, there's nothing to do in Iowa*

2 - Say yes, but don't do it

3 - Cancel vacation

4 - Ask company to subsidize travel costs

You hurry from the building to your car in order to
get a special delivery package to the post office
before it closes.

In the company parking lot a well-dressed man asks
you to help start his Mercedes.

You decide to:

1 - Decline to help

2 - Help*

The gentleman turns out to be Dudley Farmsworth,
the leader of a stockholders' revolt against the
MMC's shakily entrenched Board and President.

As a way of thanking you, and perhaps getting
information, Dudley invites you to a party.

You may either:

1 - Accept*

2 - Decline

At the party you are bombarded with questions about
MMC's management and job offers to work with the
adversary group.

You decide to:

1 - Give information, but don't join

2 - Give information and agree to join

3 - Decline information and the
invitation to join adversaries*

The Vice President of Sales, Red Turner, invites
you to spend an afternoon drinking with clients the
same day your monthly report is due.

You decide to:

1 - Accept

2 - Decline

3 - Try to meet up with them later* Salesman

The Regional Sales Manager, Jack Stark, arranges
your lunch with three key clients:

Alan Greenbuck - Analog Concerns
Derek Clayton - Superior Electronics
Andrew Grevey - Dynamic Industries

Returning to the office, you report on lunch to
Jack Stark.

Your car allowance is upgraded.

You can choose from:

1 - Buick*

2 - Cadillac*

3 - Mercedes

You get a call from "your old friend," Derek
Clayton, about a major order.

He wants to see you in half an hour.

Jack Stark is out; the secretary forgot to take
Derek's company or phone number.

What is Derek's company's name?

1 - Superior Electronics*

2 - Dynamic Industries

3 - Analog Concerns

On the way to your sales call, you doze off and
bump into a stopped delivery truck.

The truck isn't damaged.

However, steam starts to pour out the front of your

Do you :

1 - Continue on the sales call*

2 - Pull in and get car repairs

At lunch, Derek Clayton agrees to the biggest deal
in MMC's history, pending immediate availability
and shipping information.

You call the office to find only a sales trainee

You decide to :

1 - Have the sales trainee get the

2 - Leave a message for the Regional
Manager to call you with the

3 - Tell the client there will be a delay

2.2.5 Level 5 Accounting supervisor

You discover an accounting fraud while preparing
for an IRS audit.

The details involve Vincent, the President's

Do you:

1 - Tell Jason Parlay

2 - Tell the IRS

3 - Talk to Vincent*

4 - Tell a priest

Jason Parlay, the Senior Vice President of Finance
& Administration, and his staff are having a meeting
with the Executive Vice President, Brooks DuPont.

Red Turner, the Vice President of Sales, calls you
and demands an immediate invoice approval for
Dynamic Industries requiring Jason's signature.

Do you:

1 - Say this is impossible

2 - Refuse Red's call

3 - Forge the signature

4 - Interrupt the meeting*

Your chief rival, Bernard, is accused of damaging
computer files.

You suddenly realize it is because he uses a
European, rather than American, dating system.

The days have been mistaken for months.

Do you:

1 - Tell Bernard*

2 - Tell Cary Hoffman, the Vice President
of Finance

3 - Say nothing

4 - Find the files and erase them Compesation Supervisor

Frank Herman, the Vice President of Manufacturing,
asks you to give a higher than normal salary to a
special recruit, Brighton Star.

Do you:

1 - Grant the higher salary*

2 - Stick to established compensation tables

MMC is under heavy pressure from women employees
about compensation structures.

Joyce Stern, the Vice President of Administration,
asks you to manipulate the figures to indicate that
women receive equal pay.

Your research indicates differently.

Do you:

1 - Manipulate the numbers

2 - Report the situation accurately

3 - Ask Jason Parlay to intercede*

Helena Gray, a close friend, files for a workers'
compensation extension when you know she is fully

The application comes to you for approval.

Do you:

1 - Approve it

2 - Reject it

3 - Try to talk some sense into her*

4 - Sign someone else's name to the claim Production Foreman

You must choose a shop floor management style in
your new position as production foreman.

You choose:

1 - Tough

2 - Theory "Z", Japanese management

3 - Firm but fair*

4 - Removed, manage by the numbers

You get an employee grievance from Pamela, an
attractive assembler, who files a sexual
harassment complaint.

Do you:

1 - Take Pamela out to dinner and
discuss the problem

2 - Hold a grievance meeting*

3 - Defer to the Personnel Department

Pamela, a usually reliable employee, is injured
while horsing around on the production line.

She is due for a promotion this year if she
acquires enough duty days.

Do you:

1 - Recommend that she not be promoted

2 - Keep the circumstances secret, and
promote her*

3 - Punish the entire shift Engineer

Conrad Edison assigns you to a prestigious project,
working on the m&m IV microcomputer design review.

Your joy turns to gloom when you find a design flaw
in a product component.

Now you can:

1 - Disclose the flaw

2 - Hide the flaw

3 - Fix the flaw and not tell anyone*

Senior Management has dragged its heels on salary
increases while total MMC profits have skyrocketed.

Now, a companywide movement is fomented by Brighton
Star and other engineers to get royalties on

You must choose to either:

1 - Join the job action

2 - Oppose the job action*

3 - Tell Brighton you back the job
action, while telling Con Edison you
support management.

Politics begin to appear in the Engineering

Top engineers are vying for management positions.

You are pressed to become involved.

You decide to:

1 - Focus on work

2 - Avoid the situation and study for
Advanced Engineering certificate*

3 - Get involved in the politics Assistant Product Manager

At a little known cafe, you see your counterpart at
MMC's main competitor, Behemoth Systems, having
lunch with a Nippon Central employee.

They leave hurriedly before you can say hello,
forgetting a binder which turns out to be
Behemoth's marketing plan for the coming year.

Do you:

1 - Return the binder*

2 - Give it to your supervisor

3 - Hold it for your own use

4 - Try to sell the information

You discover a salesman is receiving kickbacks from
your largest customer, Analog Concerns.

The information comes in an anonymous letter.

You fail to find the author, but the contents are

Do you:

1 - Replace the salesman*

2 - Ask for a cut

3 - Ignore the situation

You are asked by Sigmund, the Group Product
Manager, to assemble a marketing/technology report
you suspect is to be sold to Nippon Central.

You decide to:

1 - Refuse

2 - Comply

3 - Offer to take him to a Sushi Bar*

4 - Try to go direct to Nippon Central

2.2.6 Level 6 Engineering Project Manager

You must decide on the m&m IV memory component
design approach.

Pressure is applied by Marketing, Sales, and
Finance with all the obvious intentions.

Which approach do you advocate:

1 - Go with a workable design

2 - Go with an advanced design

3 - Form a committee to make the

Pursuing an idea on your own initiative, you
develop a revolutionary memory chip concept.

Unfortunately, Doug McArthur, Senior Vice President
of Operations, is not interested in revolutions.

Your concept is rejected.

How do you respond:

1 - Accept the decision*

2 - Quit and start your own company

3 - Bootleg the project

You are managing a key m&m IV project segment.

Ginny, one of your younger but critical engineers,
is having marital problems.

You decide to:

1 - Give her time off for personal affairs

2 - Give her lots of work

3 - Call and complain to her husband Market Research Supervisor

You note a typographical error in a report that has
subsequently led Sam Danger, the Vice President of
Marketing, to issue erroneous predictions.

What do you do now?

1 - Tell Sam what happened*

2 - Tell the Senior Vice President of
Marketing, B.T. Barnum

3 - Burn the original report

Returning from vacation, you discover on your desk
the rough draft of a negative memo about the Market
Research Manager, Elaine Pierce.

You decide to:

1 - Try to discover the author

2 - Inform Elaine

3 - Ignore the memo*

4 - Sign and circulate the memo

You are chosen for long-term internal development
as a manager.

The group product manager, Sigmund, recommends you
spend a year in a line job.

Your reaction is:

1 - Accept*

2 - Tell the Vice President of Marketing

3 - Claim physical disability

4 - Ask for an extension in your current
position Asst. to Executive V.P.

Brooks DuPont asks you to conduct a seminar on how
to represent MMC to the news media.

This subject deals with human perceptions and

You know that the Vice President of Administration,
Joyce Stern, is the best qualified person to handle
the project.

Do you:

1 - Recommend Joyce Stern

2 - Suggest Joyce Stern co-chair*

3 - Ask her for help

4 - Suggest that the workshop is a bad idea

Brooks DuPont has just left for a 35th college
reunion dinner.

Malcolm Farmsworth III storms down the hall
wanting to talk about a snag in the MAD program.

Do you:

1 - Tell the truth

2 - Make up an excuse*

3 - Recommend equipping key executives
with beepers

During a follow-up meeting with MMC's travel agency,
you are handed six first class tickets to

The tickets were "earned" from MMC expenditures
with the travel agency.

You decide to:

1 - Keep the tickets

2 - Keep some of the tickets

3 - Give the tickets to MMC*

4 - Start a travel agency Financial Analyst

You meet and become involved with an IRS researcher
while doing a competitive analysis.

Only Pat Barclay is a little different, being the
only offspring of the President of Behemoth
Systems, MMC's biggest competitor.

Do you:

1 - Marry Pat

2 - Have casual sex

3 - Offer Pat a job at MMC*

4 - Pretend you don't know what Behemoth
Systems is

5 - Become permanently uninvolved*

Your competitive analysis indicates that Behemoth
Systems is planning to purchase the Meld Design
Co., a leading MMC supplier.

Your response is:

1 - Compete for Meld*

2 - Let Behemoth have Meld

During a standard financial review, liquidity
problems appear due to recent acquisition

Do you:

1 - Tell Cary Hoffman, Vice President of

2 - Cover up

3 - Go to a seminar in Niles, Illinois Assistant Plant Manager

Doug McArthur, the Senior Vice President of
Operations, says the quality control rejection
rate is too high.

He assigns you to correct the problem.

Your response is:

1 - Must change the standards

2 - Must fight Doug

3 - Change jobs

4 - Don't enforce the standards

5 - Talk to all parties involved*

An investigation reveals that pre-assembled parts
are causing quality control rejections.

You must act to rectify the problem originating at
your supplier, Meld Design Co.

Do you:

1 - Order more parts to compensate

2 - Assemble parts at a higher price
in the home plant.

3 - Pressure Meld for improvement*

Disaster strikes while Barney Stone, the Plant
Manager, is on vacation and you are in charge.

Gale force winds knock down a wall sheltering
expensive quality control equipment.

Do you :

1 - Evacuate your personnel immediately*

2 - Try to save the equipment

3 - Call in Red Adair District Sales Manager

A Dynamic Industries buyer, Pietro, requests
a kickback in return for a big order on the final
production run of the m&m II Microcomputer.

You wince and say :

1 - Yes

2 - No

3 - How much

4 - No, and then you report the incident
to Dynamic Industries' senior

Your best salesperson, Bucky Carter, is offered a
job by your biggest customer, Analog Concerns.

Do you counter with:

1 - Offer Bucky a raise*

2 - Encourage Bucky to leave

3 - Ignore the situation

4 - Tell the Regional Sales Manager, Jack

Complaints come in about a close-out shipment of
m&m II units.

It seems the bracket has been badly designed.

Do you :

1 - Inform the Regional Sales Manager

2 - Complain to Manufacturing

3 - Try to pacify your customers and
work with Engineering*

Regional Sales Manager

Due to an expanded customer base, and the
acceptance of the m&m III Microcomputer, there is a
severe product shortage.

During the shortage, you must decide who gets your
available product:

1 - Long-time customers*

2 - Big new entrants in the field

3 - The highest bidder

New product sales are booming.

Product supply is right on target, and your sales
force is straining at the leash.

You must decide whether to expand sales

1 - Yes*

2 - No

Your immediate expansion concern is to minimize
costs while allowing for increased profits through
a larger sales base.

Given this you must decide how to expand your sales

1 - Create new territories*

2 - Expand existing territories

You take over a new region from Jack Stark.

A district sales manager spot is open.

Do you give the spot to :

1 - The leading salesman in another
district, Bucky*

2 - The senior salesman, Edgar

3 - Your new region's leading salesman,

4 - The Chairman's nephew, Vincent

You can now be Western Area Sales Manager (depressed economy)

Western Area Sales Manager

Sales plummet as the Federal Reserve Board tightens
the money supply.

The slump is serious enough to threaten MAD project

Do you:

1 - Disclose sales slump and re-do plans*

2 - Cover up the problem

3 - Ask to change jobs

4 - Go on vacation without a telephone

The company newsletter, Micro Month, does an
analysis of the current sales decline.

You become the main interview.

Do you blame the sales decline on:

1 - Your superiors

2 - Bad market conditions*

3 - Bad luck

4 - Poor products

Sam Danger, Vice President of Marketing, is upset
with overall sales performance.

He approaches you about a coup against the Vice
President of Sales, Red Turner.

You answer in hushed tones:

1 - Okay

2 - No way*

3 - I'll think about it

4 - No, and then you inform Red

You can now be a Vice President of Sales (Depressed economy)

Vice President of Sales

You've just been promoted to Vice President of

Doug McArthur, Senior Vice President of Operations,
suggests a celebratory get together.

Of course, the new Vice President is expected to
host and subsidize the celebration.

You stage a:

1 - Lunch*

2 - Party at home*

3 - Ignore suggestion

Frank Herman, Vice President of Manufacturing,
requests additional funds to expand production of
MAD computer prototypes.

These funds must come from your budget.

You decide to:

1 - Deny the request

2 - Agree*

You've made friends with Frank Herman, but now
must decide where the funds are to come from.

You decide to reduce:

1 - Promotional budgets*

2 - Sales incentives

Jason Parlay from Finance orders price increases on
the m&m III to generate cash flow.

You know this will hurt MMC's position in a very
competitive market.

Your response is:

1 - Argue for stable prices*

2 - Raise prices

3 - No comment

You've followed company policy but must now act to
maintain sales.

Of course, this is where the intermission ends
leaving you to write the next scene.

You decide to:

1 - Raise sales commissions

2 - Promote MMC as the product leader*

3 - Develop "improved product" position
(You got your first bad point)

You can now be a Vice President of Marketing (Expanding economy)

Vice President of Marketing

Production is way up, and MMC needs to generate
more sales.

This entails expanding markets.

You decide to:

1 - Enter new foreign markets*

2 - Push domestic sales

You see an opportunity to broaden the MMC product
line into printers.

An inventor has approached you with a working
prototype that has great potential.

It even appears to work.

What do you do?

1 - Present the opportunity to MMC*

2 - Pass on the deal

3 - Develop the opportunity for yourself

As a result of extensive travel, you are laid up
with infectious hepatitis.

For recovery you choose:

1 - Total rest: six week recovery*

2 - Work at home convalescence: twelve
week recovery

Malcolm Farmsworth III storms into your office.

Start-up on the m&m IV has been delayed and you
swear that Malcolm Farmsworths I and II are in the
room helping him yell at you.

Your defense is:

1 - It's Manufacturing's fault

2 - You don't know

3 - Take responsibility*

4 - The delay is not apparent

You can now be a Sr. Vice President of Marketing (Expanding Economy)

Sr. Vice President of Marketing

You are involved in strategy planning for a major
new product introduction, the MAD Computer.

You choose to confer with:

1 - Malcolm Farmsworth III

2 - Brooks DuPont

3 - Doug McArthur

4 - All of the above*

5 - None of the above

The Senior Vice Presidents of Finance and
Operations struggle for the Executive Vice
President spot as Brooks DuPont approaches

You decide to:

1 - Choose sides

2 - Stay neutral*

3 - Start your own coalition

4 - Attentively support Malcolm Farmsworth III

The time has come to introduce the new line of MAD

At the major product introduction, who do you use
as a spokesperson:

1 - President*

2 - Executive Vice President

3 - Senior Vice President of Operations

4 - Self

You can now be a Executive Vice President (Depressed economy)

Executive Vice President

Behemoth Systems, located in Houston, offers you a
job as Executive Vice President in charge of their
North American operation.

Should you:

1 - Take the job

2 - Suggest a rival manager

3 - Decline*

Behemoth Systems makes a tender offer for control
of MMC.

You head a task force to reject the bid.

Do you:

1 - Fight the offer*

2 - Buy some MMC stock on speculation

3 - Play up to Behemoth's management team

4 - Retire

Malcolm Farmsworth offers you a job as President of
the International Division.

It is a respected position in the company, officed
in London.

Do you:

1 - Buy an English-American Dictionary

2 - Ask for time to study the package

3 - Decline in order to stay in the home

Now you can be a President (fair economy)


As you return to the boardroom, Alfred pulls you
into a small conference room.

He compliments your style and offers to double your
salary if you'll come to his company, National
Transport, as Executive Vice President.

What do you say:

1 - Yes

2 - No*


¦ ¦
¦ ------------------------- ¦
¦ Aldo Caraballo Named MMC Head ¦
¦ ¦
¦ Aldo Caraballo has been named President ¦
¦ of Mighty Microcomputer Corporation according ¦
¦ to an announcement released by the Board of ¦
¦ Directors yesterday. ¦
¦ ¦
¦ Mr. Caraballo is the unanimous selection ¦
¦ to occupy MMC's heralded Executive Suite. ¦
¦ ¦
¦ The new President joins the short list of employees ¦
¦ to work their way up the company to the top ¦
¦ position. ¦
¦ ¦
¦ MMC has a firm policy of promoting from within and ¦
¦ Mr. Caraballo was given the nod for work ¦
¦ done on MMC's m&m IV and MAD systems introductions ¦
¦ which revolutionized the industry...... ¦
This is the best flight to Europe ever!

_ _______ ____________
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___________ _____________________________
____ _________________________________________
___ _____________________________________
____________ ________

3.0 Version Info
V1.0 First release, only a few things, need to follow my walktrought to get to
the suite, it's a lot of work for 2 and half hours of writting (Maybe 3 hours)

V1.1 Changed a little ASCII

V1.2 Addes a few jobs (All Levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)

V1.3 Added more (or all) level 6

4.0 Credits
Me (Aldo Caraballo), Well I write this thing after all
Armonk Corporation, for making the game
GameFaqs and CJayC, for hosting my guide and being the best place to get guides
Neoseeker and DHL, for hosting my guide

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.
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