Executive Suite

Executive Suite

18.10.2013 03:02:26
Interview FAQ

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Faq Info

Game: Executive Suite
By: kurrupt
E-Mail: k_u_r_r_u_p_t_@hotmail.com
Date: 05/12/03
Version: 1.0


~ Contents
~ Version History
~ Intro
~ The Guide
~ The Best Interview
~ Legal
~ Closing

Version History

Version 1.0 - The first version of this FAQ, it contains everything, but I
plan to add some new content in the new year.


Welcome to kurrupt's Executive Suite Interview FAQ. I basically wrote this
guide because I was bored and noticed that there was no guides for this gem of
a game. If you have any questions, comments and criticisms mail me, I like to
know what you guys think.

The Guide

Question 1

It's good to see you made it.

Try to relax.

I'm going to ask you some questions and hopefully provide some answers on how
you might fit into MMC.

What is your first name?

You are now prompted to input your name, there are space for 12 characters.
These can either be numbers, spaces, letters or certain symbols: ,.- The first
letter will always be capitalized and after that all letters will be lower
case unless they are inputted after a non-alphanumeric symbol, eg the only
way to have more than one capital in your name would be to use a period,
hyphen or comma between letters. If you press Backspace the whole field will
be cleared, you have been warned!

Question 2

, a good name, I like it.

is a good start; what is your last name?

This is the same drill as before only this time there is space for 15
characters. The only way to do a name like 'McIntrye' would be to input it as

Question 3

With the last name of , what part of the country are you from?

1 - East

2 - West

3 - South

4 - Midwest

This one's pretty straightforward, simply press the number corresponding to
your home region, and press enter. Just like the previous questions, this has
no real bearing as to what happens later in the game.

Question 4

Very good, MMC does a lot of business in that area.

What is your home town and state?

More straightforward character entry, only this time you have space for a
whopping 30 characters. Again, this has no real bearing on how the game plays,
but it does make it more realistic. *eherm*

Question 5

Growing up in the where did you go to college?

1 - State University

2 - City College

3 - Private College

4 - I never had time to go to college

This is where the really important questions begin to get asked. If you choose
anything BUT choice 4 you will be asked about your various studies, but if you
do choose choice 4, you will go directly to Question 13. Doing this is a bad
idea, and will result in you getting a lower level job at the end of the

Question 6

What was the name of your school?

Yet another 'filler' question, with no bearing on the rest of the game. This
time, the usual text entering rules still apply, but you have space for 30
characters, again.

Question 7

What did you study at ?

1 - Girls

2 - Boys

3 - Business Administration

4 - Engineering

5 - Liberal Arts

Nice and simple, this time, just choose one of the choices by pressing the
number beside it and then the return key.

Question 8

How did you do in your studies?

1 - Great, scored all the time

2 - Summa cum laude

3 - Dean's list, could have done better but for all the parties

4 - Who cares, I graduated

5 - Didn't make it, I flunked out.

Just choose a number and press enter. But if you choose option 5, you will be
taken directly to Question 13, and as I said earlier it is a bad Idea to do

Question 9

Did you go on to graduate school or had you had enough education after

1 - Went on to a ranked university

2 - Forgot about school and toured Europe

3 - Attended a good local school

4 - Jumped from school to work to make money

Press a number and then return, you know the drill by now. Options 2 and 4 are
your pitfalls here, as they will yet again take you to Question 13. And in my
opinion you should try to fit as much schooling into your 'life' as this can
greatly increase that all important starting salary.

Question 10

I was right; you are studious!

What was the name of your Graduate School?

More text input, this time also with 30 characters of space. This is another
totally pointless question, as it will have no impact on the actual game.

Question 11

What did you study at ?

1 - Undergrad Anatomy

2 - Law

3 - Liberal Arts

4 - Engineering

5 - Business

Just choose a number and press enter. To my knowledge the option you select
does not have much bearing on what happens later in the game, but I usually
pick the same subject throughout the interview, as it just sounds better, but
I doubt it really matters.

Question 12

With your demanding major, how did you fare?

1 - Made a lot of friends

2 - Learned a lot

3 - Graduated with honors

4 - None of the above

Choose an option, as per usual. Selecting option 4 will have no question
skipping effects, but it will effect the interviewer's opinion of you, you
came this far with the extra questions, why fail now?

Question 13

Schooling is an important qualification, but so is work experience.

How many years of prior work experience do you have?

Ok, this one's a bit different. You just type in the number of years work
experience you have `had'. This figure can be anywhere from 0 to 59 and
obviously, the higher the number years, the better it will look when offering
you a job. And remember that you can still be an 18 year old with 59 years of
work experience under his/her belt, as it does not check this out.(You enter
your age at a later Question)

Question 14

I saw in the sports page that the Giants won.

If you are a sports enthusiast, what interests you?

1 - Golf

2 - Tennis

3 - Armchair quarterbacking

4 - Sailing

5 - Competitive drinking

Simply choose a number and press return. I think that what you choose has a
small influence on what kind of job you get, but I am unsure as to this. So to
be on the safe side, I usually choose anything but option 5.

Question 15

I have a few personal questions.

I hope you don't mind cooperating.

How old are you?

Just type in your age, which must be between 18 and 74. The younger you are,
the longer your game can last, as you will be automatically retired at 75. If
you try to input another age outside the bracket, a message like `MMC needs
qualified men and women, not boys and girls!
We have an age requirement of between 18 and 75.'

Question 16

What is your sex?

1 - Male

2 - Female

3 - Undecided

This is simple, just choose your sex by pressing the corresponding number. If
you choose `Undecided' you will see this message:

You had better decide in a hurry or this interview is over.

We all appreciate a sense of humor, but there are limits.

And be brought back to Question 16. It is an empty threat, as the interview
will never be canceled. I don't think that being male or female will matter
much to the game, although certain things may be slightly different, eg Wife
would become Husband and so on.

Question 17

What is your current marital status?

1 - Divorced

2 - Single

3 - Married

If you pick 1 or 2 go on to Question 20, I am of the opinion that whatever you
choose will not affect the gameplay, so if you want to be married or not is up
to you.

Question 18

MMC likes a good family.

What is your spouse's first name?

This is just a standard text entering question, with space for 14 characters
and little or no impact on the actual game.

Question 19

How many children do you and have?

Just enter a number between 0 and 49 and press enter. This seems to have
little effect on the playing of the game.

Question 20

After all this talk, I am feeling very comfortable about your application to

Just to see if I am on track, how would you describe yourself?

1 - Blind ambition, I just want to reach the top

2 - Technician, I love to make things work

3 - Party person, I love people

4 - Work before pleasure, but I always make time for my family and friends

5 - Work is a hobby, life is meant for living

This is another choose a number question. When prompted to answer this
question, I usually go for anything but number 5. If you go for 1, you will be
offered more general jobs. 2 will offer you more technical jobs. 3 will offer
more personnel style jobs, and the final two are also more general. I would
usually pick 2, as in my opinion, it sounds the best.

The Result

There's no question, , you make an impressive applicant.

Lets see what entry level positions MMC might have available for you.


The economy is now .

This is random and will determine how high up the career ladder you can start.
You will then be asked to select a starting job out of an option of 6, the
better the job, the higher up the list it is.

Enjoy your new career!

The Best Interview

This is just a short section on how to get as far up the career ladder as
possible, just through the interview. This is just my opinion for some of it,
so if you disagree, send in your best interview, and I'll add it to this
section of the guide.

Question 1 - Your first name
Question 2 - Your last name
Question 3 - Any choice
Question 4 - Input any hometown and state
Question 5 - Option 1
Question 6 - Any college name
Question 7 - Option 3
Question 8 - Option 3
Question 9 - Option 1
Question 10 - Any graduate school's name
Question 11 - Option 5
Question 12 - Option 3
Question 13 - 59
Question 14 - Option 1
Question 15 - 18
Question 16 - Option 1 or 2
Question 17 - Option 2
Question 18 - N/A
Question 19 - N/A
Question 20 - Option 2


This document is copyright 2003 kurrupt and may not be sold or copied in part
or in full without my permission. If you want to put the guide on your site or
in a magazine or whatever, just e-mail me, I'm a reasonable guy, I'll probably
say yes. But you MUST ask first.

WebSites that this guide is allowed to be on are,



Thanks go out to:

The Armonk Corporation (For making the game)
CJayC (For posting my guides on the excellent GameFAQs.Com)
Bernd Wolffgramm (For hosting my guide on DLH.Net)
Krushull (For hosting my guide on gamers-realm.Com)
Stephen Ng (Of IGN for hosting my guide)
The staff at gamenotover.com (For hosting my guide)
Vedran Gaco (For creating the exellent program, GWD Text Editor)
FIGlet (For the exellent ASCII)

Well, that concludes my little FAQ, I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I
have, and I hope to see you again in my next project. But until then, Enjoy
the it at the MMC, and I'll see you in the Executive suite!

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Engl. Lösung

18.Oktober 2013
Interview FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020