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All Easter Eggs in Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail
Last updated February 9, 1997
By Erik Gos (Erik.Gos@hiva.kuleuven.ac.be)
There are 8 easter eggs in Leisure Suit Larry 7. They are recognized by
the multi-colored egg flashing in the top left or top right of the game
screen when active.
Here is a list of them all:
At the Clothing Optional Pool, click on the Pesky Branch that's
covering Drew's breasts. Select "Other" and type "Push". Waw,
In the Library, click on the beaver on top of the right shelf.
Select "Other" and type "Milk". The first time you enter the
Jugg's dressing room (next to Johnson's bar at the back deck of
the Proud Lil' Seaman Lounge), you will see the Jugg's egg. And
not only breasts this time.
After the performance of the Jugg's go on the stage (Proud Lil'
Seaman Lounge again) and go to the left. Click on the mixing
table, select "Other", type "Feel". Now go to Drew Baringmore and
talk about "Fokker". You don't have to look here in the eyes any
longer. You will be looking at something else instead. Just guess.
After winning Strip Liar's Dice from Dewmi, return to her cabin and
take the bottle of Orgasmic Powder from her table. Make sure you
have Drew's suitcase and return to Drew. Talk to Drew. Use the
"Orgasmic Powder" on what's left of her "Gigantic Erection" drink,
click on the drink, select "Other" and type "Drink". Talk to Drew
about her suitcase. When she leaves, Larry won't block the view
anymore. Yeah, yeah, again.
Leave and return to Victorian Principles (the librarian) after
putting the "The Erotic Adventures of Hercules" book in the "Prudish
and Proud" book jacket on her pile of books. Now she's Vicky.
Before doing anything else, "Left-Click" on the leftmost guy in the
shower on her computer display (it shows the shower from Larry 6),
while holding the "control-key" on your keyboard. Now just play on.
Selecting the topic "Weather" will trigger the second part of the
egg. I'm sorry, breasts again.
Go to Captain Queeg's Ballroom, click on Larry, select "Other", type
"Dream" and yes, some more breasts.
After killing old Boning, but before giving the Insurance Policy to
Annette, return to the Owner's Suite. Click on the bulge of the
third guy statue at the left, select "Other" and type "Unzip". Now
push the doorbell. Again, some more breasts and ... money.
The last egg will only show up if you found all Dildo's, scored a
maximum 1000 points and found the 7 other eggs. You should look
through the credits until the end. Suddenly, just before the alien
invasion from outer space, an egg will show up a the top left of the
screen. Look quickly at the Captain Thygh egg. It barely lasts two
seconds, but you will see some breasts again.
If only looking at the eggs, one could conclude that this is a man's
game. Well maybe it is, but it's kinda fun.
So, this is it. Hope this helps all desperate egg hunters.