Splinter Cell

Splinter Cell

18.10.2013 05:51:36
Real Weapons Faq
Real Weapons Faq
Version 0.60
Copyright Wavehawk 06/23/2003
Spacing Set=70 CPI

"Foreknowledge cannot be elicited from ghosts and spirits;
it cannot be inferred from comparison of previous events,
or from the calculations of the heavens,
but must be obtained from people who have knowledge of
the enemy's situation."
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

This article is intended to research in detail the weapons and
equipment found in the PC version of Splinter Cell. A great majority
of weaponry and equipment in-game are based on real weapons, and what
I intend is to give a slightly more detailed account of what they are.
Sharp-eyed fans will notice that there are elements of this FAQ I had
taken from my previous works, particularly the FN Five-seveN. This is
mainly because I did not feel like repeating myself too often here.

06/23/2003 - Version 0.60
- First version of FAQ. Still highly incomplete, as I have to do
further research (and gameplay) before making this a definitive
article. Set at 70 CPI for viewing.
- Immediate thanks to Don "Gamera" Chan for
pointing out the website for data on the Norinco QBZ Type 95 rifle <
http://www.sinodefence.com>, and other details on the PLA troops found
within the game. Check out his FAQs on the real-world units of
C&C Generals and the Japanese Strategy game Gaika No Gouhou (which are
pretty cool, too). You can find them in the PC games section of
- Thanks to Black Hole Sun for his walkthrough
on Splinter Cell for PC, which also helped a lot in my running through
the game.
- Thanks to Phoenix 1911 for the list of
dummied-out weaponry; had it not been for that, I'd still be squinting
at the screen and/or sneaking up on bad guys unecessarily (read:
painfully) just to take a look at their weapons.
- Talk about jumping on the bandwagon late; Splinter Cell: Pandora
Tomorrow has been announced by Gamespot, and will feature multiplayer
support. Likewise, Konami has announced working on Metal Gear Solid 3:
Snakeeater and Metal Gear Online. At long last, the age of the Stealth
Game has arrived! >D

This FAQ is shown EXCLUSIVELY at Gamefaqs
website, and ONLY there. Any reprinting or publication of part or the
whole of this article without the author's permission is prohibited.
Any attempt at copying part or the whole of this FAQ and pass it off
as another's work is considered blatant plagiarism and will be
punished accordingly and personally by the author himself.

This is a non-profit FAQ written for free and informational purposes
only and not to be marketed for any reason. Know fully well that if
this is violated in any way, the writer and the maintainers of the
page this FAQ is displayed on are perfectly within their legal rights
to sue the pants off of you, since murder is not permissible.

The information written in this FAQ is neither sponsored by nor
endorsed in any way by Ubi Soft. Nor has this FAQ been sponsored or
approved by Fabrique Nationale, Kalashnikov Iszmash JSC, Israeli
Military Industries, Colt Armaments USA, or other companies.

+-Palm OPSAT
+-SC Pistol (FN Five-seveN Tactical)
+-Optical Cable
+-Explosive Lockpicks
+-Laser Microphone
+-Camera Jammer
+-Night Vision
+-Thermal Vision
+-SC20K Rifle (FN F2000 and FN F303)
+-Sticky Camera
+-Distraction Camera
+-Ring Airfoil Round
+-Sticky Shocker
+-CS Gas Grenade
+-Medical Kit
+-M67 Fragmentation Grenade
+-Whiskey Bottle
+-Beer Can
+-Wall Mines
+-Chemical Flare
+-Emergency Flare
+-Ammo Box
+-V-22 Osprey
+-Defense Ministry Security
+-Hamlet (Grinko's Driver)
+-Georgian Troops (Infantry)
+-Georgian Troops (Colonel)
+-Philip Masse
+-CIA Security
+-CIA Agent
+-CIA Technician
+-Michael Dougherty (CIA)
+-Chinese PLA (Infantry)
+-Dogs (Rottweilers)
+-Mercenaries (FMR Spetsnaz)
+-Vaschislav Grinko
+-Chinese PLA (Colonel)
+-General Kong Feirong
+-Georgian Presidential Guard
+-Dogs (Dobermans)
+-Georgian Special Forces (Regular)
+-Georgian Special Forces (NVG)
+-Kombayn Nikoladze
+-Makarov PMM
+-Kalashnikov AK74
+-Beretta 92FS
+-Dragunov SVD
+-Franchi SPAS-12
+-IMI Uzi
+-Colt M16A2
+-Norinco QBZ Type 95
+-VZ-61 Skorpion
+-Automated Turret



The National Security Agency or NSA is one of the many different
intelligence organizations operating under the United States
government, initially just another moniker in that alphabet soup of
intel organizations. This is because each has their own jurisdiction;
the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) for example is limited to
domestic (in-USA) intelligence dealing with crime and local terrorism,
the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is tasked with intelligence on
foreign powers (such as China, Europe, et al), the DIA (Defense
Intelligence Agency) is tasked with military intelligence, and so

The NSA primarily deals with espionage gadgetry, and is at the
forefront of SIGINT (SIGnal INTelligence) operations (this is why Col.
Lambert refers to Sam as a "SIGINT Ninja" in one of the missions).
These operations include but are not limited to the use of electronic
coders/decoders, automated cipher devices for radios, and other such
equipment as microcameras and listening devices. So more or less, the
outlandish gadgets Sam uses just may be based on stuff the real-life
NSA is working on (if not already available in the field).

Another nickname given to the NSA (by no less than US Army or Navy
Special Operations Forces) is "No Such Agency". Given the 'Black' or
clandestine nature of the work done by Fisher in Splinter Cell, that's
incredibly appropriate.

Official NSA Webpage:


Former of the Navy SEAL teams, Sam Fisher has been one of the most
experienced field agents in the US Intelligence network. Documentation
of his past activities from the 1970s to the 1990s is unavailable and
considered classified. Primarily working for the NSA, he is Lambert's
top choice to spearhead the Third Echelon/Splinter Cell program. Has
one daughter, Sarah.

What little unclassified data is known about Fisher is that he has
spent a large amount of his adult life to not only excel in the field
of cover ops, but to gain a dark and morbid sense of humor as well.
His experience has become part of his instinct, and his ability to
detach himself emotionally from the immediate situation in order to
better achieve his goals is a prized skill.

Personality-wise, Fisher is abrasive and honest, and has little
patience for niceties, especially when the immediate problem presents
itself. Quiet, instinctive, and observant: somebody who watches from
the outside. Unlike younger agents, he is not a blind idealist, only
taking to task if the cause is just and within reason.

NOTE: Sam Fisher seems to be at least partly based on one of Tom
Clancy's other well-known heroes: Former SEAL, former CIA Ace Agent,
now head of Team Rainbow, John Clark.

The weapons of Splinter Cell are modelled either after existing real-
world weapons, or weapons still in development (such as Sam's SC20K or
F2000 rifle). Some may sound fantastic, but usually have a real-life
equivalent, or at least some basis in fact.


+-Palm OPSAT

The main interface between a Splinter Cell and his data, the OPSAT
(OPerations SATellite Uplink) is a modified version of the civilian-
issue Palm PDA. It is smaller, designed to be worn around the left
forearm, and used for many in-field needs. I cannot confirm if a real
"OPSAT" exists, much less one designed by Palm, but the theory behind
it is sound. A PDA at its very core is a miniature PC that can also be
used as a wireless communications device (Sony-Ericsson has been
selling cellphone-PDA combinations for quite some time now), and it
also meets the needs of the new, digital battlefield--in effect, the
OPSAT is just a refinement of the US Army Soldier Systems Center
(SSCEN) brainchild, the much-ballyhooed "Land Warrior" project (or at
least the communications aspect of LW).

To expand on this: the Land Warrior project treats an individual
soldier as a singular fighting machine (instead of the old concept of
large groups of soldiers), a component of a larger network. Thus Land
Warrior is geared to give the individual soldier the best weaponry,
information, and equipment available for him to achieve his missions
and survive the battlefield. A Splinter Cell then, is technically a
refinement of the Land Warrior system geared for Covert Operations and
Combat Espionage.

Thus in LW terms, a Splinter Cell's OPSAT works as the information
element: a small, light, and yet very useful piece of equipment that
keeps him constantly updated of changes of his situation in the field.
As the saying goes, "Information is Ammunition", and in Splinter Cell,
you'd want to keep informed every second.

GAME NOTES: The OPSAT is a multi-function device for Sam that provides
a lot more than mission updates and data saves. It can provide
streaming video from either the wired-in Optic Cable, or via the
wireless Sticky Cams. The functional nature also allows you to pick up
data sticks (It isn't mentioned whther these are Sony's Data Sticks or
some other Flash Memory/card chips) to read through. The most notable
is that the OPSAT also has an light and sound sensitivity indicator--a
clue in as to how visible (or in some cases audible) you are to your

+-SC Pistol (FN Five-seveN Tactical)

Sam's sidearm is a sound-supressed SC Pistol. In reality, this is the
Fabrique Nationale Five-seveN, a handgun chambered for the armor-
piercing 5.7x28mm SS190 round and developed at the same time as the FN
P90. The gun comes in two versions: a double-action version and the
'Tactical' version which is single-action. Sam uses the Tactical
version. The gun can punch through nearly any kind of Kevlar body
armour or helmet currently in existence--Even the CRISAT armour (Light
Titanium Flak Vest with Kevlar layering) used by the US army. At the
same time it's lighter, smaller, and still packs more ammo than most
standard combat 9mm pistols, has an ergonomic grip, and possessing
very low recoil, making it ridiculously easy to shoot accurately.

The gun can carry 20 rounds of 5.7mm ammo per magazine, that's five
more than most 9mm pistols. Take note that the capital "N" at the end
is not a typographical error; Fabrique Nationale obviously emphasized
the "FN" in Five-SeveN as a marketing point). Since it uses an armour-
piercing round, the Five-SeveN is one pistol that will most likely
never be sold to anyone outside the military. The one used by Sam is
equipped with a Sound Supresser and a LAM (Laser Aiming Module).

FN Five-SeveN Tactical:
Manufacturer: Fabrique Nationale
Caliber: 5.7x28mm FN (Fabrique Nationale)
Mechanism: Single Action Delayed Blowback
Trigger Pull: 9-12lbs/4.85-5.5 lbs
Type: 5.7x28mm Semiautomatic Tactical Combat Pistol
Barrel Length: 122.5 mm (4.82 in)
Total Length: 208mm (8.2 in)
Height (Total): ?mm (5.4 in)
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 618g (1.36 lbs.)
Loaded Weight: 756 g (1.64 lb)
Magazine Capacity: 20 Round Magazine

GAME NOTES: Sam starts out with two magazines or 40 rounds, and can
carry a maximum of three magazines (60 rounds) of ammo total for the
weapon. The pistol in-game does not seem to be as low-recoil or
accurate as the real gun supposedly is. Then again, you're not meant
to engage in long-ranged extended gunfights with it. The pistol is
also the only weapon that Sam can use in almost any situation:
- shooting while using a hostage as a shield
- shooting around corners (while in peek mode)
- shooting while hanging or at the top of a split jump
- backup weapon in case rifle runs out of ammo

However, the pistol most likely won't be used nearly as much once the
SC20K rifle is acquired; the rifle is more acurate and better for
ranged shots, as well as capable of a lot of things the pistol can't
compete with.

+-Optical Cable

This is a Fiber-Optic cable with a miniature camera head, that can
attach to Sam's Palm OPSAT to provide a black-and-white night-vision
view of things going on behind a door. Special Forces such as the US
Navy SEALs use similar gadgets for their operations, and it is usually
a vital piece of equipment in their arsenal. Some people nickname this
a 'snake' or 'worm' because of it's appearance, but in reality, it's a
very slim and small device. It's also quite fragile; accidentally step
on the camera head and there goes the neighborhood.

GAME NOTES: Can only be used with doors; it can't be used to look
around corners or over walls, which is one of my gripes since Sam
peeking around corners can sometimes still be seen by bad guys. Also,
the dedicated NV view of the optic cable makes it difficult sometimes
to discern details, especially if the room you're about to enter is
too brightly lit for your own good.


The Lockpicks in the game are of the simplest kind: A pair of metal
picks, used to toggle the pins of a lock open. Quite simple, actually:
one pin operates and sets the pin, while the other holds the opened
pins in place until the job is done. Removing both picks usually
resets the lock to the closed position.

Picking a lock requires many things: patience, a VERY good ear, the
precision hands of a watchmaker, and a LOT of nerve. You have to be
able to recognize the sound of pins tumbling, be able to hold a pin in
place patiently for hours at a time, and manage to do it all without
falling apart at the thought of getting caught.

More advanced or innovative lockpicks exist, from mechanized ones (a
gun-pick such as those used by some police forces to open illegally
parked cars) to those with electronic aids, there are many different

The two-pick traditional picks are still the best, though they require
much skill in usage, especially if you want to pick a lock and not
leave evidence--a clumsy lockpicker will leave gouges and scratches on
a door lock. A real butterfingers might even end up breaking the lock
and jamming it permanently. Thus, lockpicking is one of the things you
DON'T want to try at home (or without an expert locksmith's tutelage,
for that matter).

GAME NOTES: Lock Picks take awhile to manipulate. They are easier to
use in the PC version since all you need do is press the directional
keys. Take note however that picking locks takes time, and there will
be situations wherein you can't afford to waste it over a bum lock.

+-Disposable Picks

The Disposable Lockpick functions like a pocket-sized magnesium torch,
that once placed into a lock, burns through the pins and lock bolt in
a second or two. I am not satisfied with the manual's description of
these (as 'explosive' devices), so I did some research and typed up my
own findings. They don't explode or even cause a noise, so 'explosive'
is not an entirely accurate term for them. The effect I see of it in-
game looks similar to a gas welding torch or a magnesium flare.

Obviously, one will use the Disposable Pick when speed is of the
essence and stealth becomes secondary. A real-life equivalent of this
pick would not only get you though a door quickly, it would leave a
gaping black hole where the lock used to be.

GAME NOTES: These disposable picks are best held in reserve; use them
only if time is of the essence, such as breaking into a locked room
just as a sentry is about to catch you. There is one mission wherein I
wished I had a Disposable Lockpick: The Bomb Defuse mission at
Kalinatek would be a lot less stressful if I had that.

+-Laser Microphone

Laser Microphones work on the theory of sound vibrating off glass
surfaces. It works by 'reading' the slight vibrations of the surface
and then translating it back into sound on the recieving end. In a
sense, it is more advantageous than other listening devices since it
does not get drowned out easily by external noises, save those
affecting the surface the laser is trained on.

The T.A.K. (Tactical Audio Kit) system used in Splinter Cell uses the
Five-seveN pistol's LAM (Laser Aiming Module) as the laser unit. The
device itself sits atop the gun's sights and linked to the OPSAT, thus
linked to Sam and the Third Echelon's communiations systems. This
device so far does not exist, but Laser Microphones of other types are
known to be in use by intelligence agencies in the US and Europe.

GAME NOTES: There are only two missions wherein the T.A.K. is
absolutely necessary, though you can still use it in the later
missions. The device is best used when you are in hiding and have a
clear field of view to your target. Just remember that you have to
focus on a glass surface. The T.A.K. is useless when aimed just about
anywhere else.

+-Camera Jammer

The Camera Jammer is a relatively simple device: it is a handheld EMP
(Electro-Magnetic Pulse) generator. EMP waves can disrupt not only
cameras, but other electronic devices within a certain range of
effectivity. Thus, a jammed camera will show static on the opposite
end. The trouble with EMP is that it requires a large amount of power
in a short burst, thus the Camera Jammer operates off a rechargeable
capacitor (If you don't know what a Capacitor is, just consult any
Highschool Physics book or teacher--don't say you never learn anything
useful from games.).

I do not know if such a device exists, but it is true that EMP 'bombs'
and other such devices are under research by various military
organizations. Strong enough EMP pulses can destroy electronics
equipment without directly injuring troops, a valuable option to have
in combat.

GAME NOTES: This device has to be equipped, bringing you into weapon
view. Thus, you can't move nearly as fast when using it. The only time
I found it really useful was in the first Chinese Embassy mission. In
all others, I found it easier to just shoot the lights or camera out.

+-Night Vision

Night Vision systems work on low-light amplification. It takes in what
little light is available and intensifies it. The result is usually a
greenish- or grayish-looking view of the world, but it is better than
going completely blind in many situations. Early versions of this
system were first developed in the latter years of World War II as
vehicle or weapon mounted bulky scopes. Since they were initially
developed to use even the faint light of stars at night, this device
was once called the 'Starlight Scope' when mounted on rifles.

These devices do have many drawbacks. The monochrome tinge is
unavoidable due to the low-light nature of the device, making it hard
to distinguish detail at certain distances. The other, more serious,
drawback is that a sudden bright flash of light is capable of shorting
out the system and blinding the wearer temporarily. The NVG in
Splinter Cell doesn't short out from bright light sources, but depth
and range are a problem sometimes.

GAME NOTES: In Splinter Cell, the Thermal and Night-Vision goggles
seem to be the same device, differentiated only by modes of view.

+-Thermal Vision

The current generation of Thermal Imaging equipment come in a small,
compact size very similar to Night-Vision goggles. Advantages to this
device are that one could see behind some thin walls and crates with
it. The downside is that people and most other heat sources would
appear as a yellow-reddish glob; you won't immediately be able to tell
the difference between a hostage or an enemy.

One other problem is that Thermal Goggles are limited in range; the
farther away a warm body is, the harder it is to discern. At close
range, a person appears to be a yellow figure with orange and red
outlines from radiated heat. The farther out a person is, the less
visible his heat signature. Also, Thernal Goggles do not help in
determining details of non-heated objects such as crates, tables, and
other such equipment.

GAME NOTES: In Splinter Cell, the Thermal and Night-Vision goggles
seem to be the same device, differentiated only by modes of view.
However, you don't gain use of the Thermal Vision until the CIA
mission, and it doesn't become really vital to the game until the last
few missions.

+-SC20K Rifle (FN F2000 and FN F303)

The SC-20K rifle used by Sam in the game is actually a combination of
the Fabrique Nationale F2000, a bullpup rifle designed to be ergonomic
and modular for use in almost any combat siuation, and the FN 303
Nonlethal Armaments Shotgun. Previously, I mentioned that in Land
Warrior terms, Sam's OPSAT works as the information element. If this
is so, then the F2000 is the lethality element of a Splinter Cell.

The F2000 is a next-generation infantry rifle built to accept
interchangeable equipment and weapons systems. Truly ambidextrous, it
ejects the shell casings forward and down (as oppposed to the right-
side eject normally used on rifles). Based in part on the modular
weapons theory applied to the Colt M4A1 SOCOM carbine: a rifle that
could be modified easily on the battlefield for different purposes in
a matter of minutes. Being a bullpup (unlike the M4A1), the F2000
allows these modules to be added on without sacrificing ergonomics or
balance in the handling of the gun itself.

Some of the possible add-on equipment are listed below:
- Integrated fire control system/Laser rangefinder
- 1.6x Day or Night Scope
- Ergonomic forward forearm grip
- 1-shot 40mm Grenade Launcher (Colt M203)
- 3-shot 40mm Grenade Launcher
- 5-shot 20mm Grenade Launcher
- 5-round 12G. Breaching Shotgun
- Sound Supresser
- Pneumatic Nonlethal Shotgun (FN 303)

The version used in Splinter Cell is equipped with the 1.6x Scope, a
Sound Supresser, and the revolutionary FN 303 Pneumatic Nonlethal
Armament Shotgun, although the image in-game appears to be that of the
M203 40mm Grenade Launcher.

The FN 303 was developed by Fabrique Nationale in answer to the need
for non-lethal weapons for law enforcement and crowd control. It
operates by air pressure, and can fire a large number of nonlethal
rounds (many of which are still in the experimental stage at FN). It
can be used as a standalone weapon, or mounted under the F2000 and
many other tactical rifles.

FN F2000
Manufacturer: Fabrique Nationale
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO
Mechanism: Gas Operated, Rotating Bolt
Type: 5.56x45mm Modular Bullpup Combat Rifle
Optical Sights: 1.6 x optical;
Mechanical Sight for FN303 Launcher
Rate of Fire: 850 rpm
Barrel Length: 400 mm (15.75in)
Total Length: 694 mm (27.32in);
727 mm (28.6in) with FN303 Launcher;
(Length w/ Supresser still unknown)
Height (Total): ?mm (5.4 in)
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 4600g (10.15 lbs.) Rifle with FN303 Launcher
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine, M16 Type

GAME NOTES: Once you have the rifle, 9 out of 10 times it will be the
weapon you will use for almost every given situation that requires a
knockout or a kill. A note on the Sniper mode: Aim for the general
area you want to hit before holding the right mouse button (hold
breath). This is because while Sam holds his breath, the aiming of the
rifle is much slower. Cardinal rule of sniping: Only take a shot when
you are 100% assured you will hit it. If there's only a 1% chance of
missing, do not take it--it might miss and end up alerting the bad
guys to your

+-Sticky Camera

The Sticky Camera is a fist-sized device that is fired out of the
nonlethal pneumatic launcher. It is a miniature camera attached to an
adhesive base (the manual shows it was a blade or spear end, however).
The camera itself has full pan and zoom, plus night and thermal vision
modes, transmitting directly to the OPSAT. These devices can be
retrieved and reused in a mission. As far as I know, no such device
exists in real life, though there do exist cameras the size of a

GAME NOTES: They are not all that good for forward scouting unless you
are VERY clumsy (and thus need the extra set of eyes). I haven't found
many instances in Splinter Cell that needed the camera. Sometimes they
can be used as distractions, but not for long. The sound of one
THUMPing next to an enemy might draw his attention, but never long
enough to be worthwhile.

One unexpected use for them is as a makeshift knockout round--aim for
the head (actually, slightly above the head), if the camera hits, the
enemy will be struck out cold. However, you had better make sure it
takes out your enemy in the first shot, or else you'll be watching
your own death through the sticky cam on the floor. As stated above,
they can be picked up and reused, so their value as knockout weapons
should be looked into.

Remember however that the Sticky Cam ONLY knocks out if it hits the
head. This 'knockout' ability is the reason I say that the Sticky Cam
uses an adhesive rather than the blade-point to attach to surfaces; if
the blade really did exist, then I'd have killed the guy I used the
Sticky Cam on. But no, it just conks them out unconscious.

+-CS Gas Grenade

Better known as Tear Gas, CS (0-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) grenades
are normally used as a nonlethal crowd-control round, forcing large
groups of people to disperse. Symptoms of exposure include a peppery,
irritating sensation in the eyes, nose, and throat. Shortness of
breath and difficulty of breathing are the most immediate symptoms
after that. Long-term exposure may cause nausea, vomiting, and
possibly even loss of consciousness. The gas normally dissipates
quickly, but in enclosed spaces it tends to linger, and the effects of
exposure are amplified.

Because of their area-effect nature, most CS Gas grenades are fired by
grenade launchers rather than thrown. They usually fit the standard
40mm grenade launchers, and are usually used by Police forces as a
riot-control weapon. Although it is technically a 'nonlethal' weapon,
prolonged exposure could prove life-threatening...

GAME NOTES: The CS Grenade is one of the more difficult weapons to aim
from the SC20K. From my own experience (and confirmed by BlackHoleSun
and other SC players), the CS Gas Grenade goes everywhere EXCEPT where
you aimed at. Normally this wouldn't be an issue; if the area is
closed off, the gas will still affect the enemies in range.

However, in areas wherein the gas can easily spread out and dissapate,
it could be a problem. At it's worst, the CS gas grenade is a mere
distraction, so that you can run past a squad of enemies while they
cough their lungs out.

If you must ask, yes, I HAVE been subjected to the stuff before, an
experience that I'm not really that fond of recalling at the moment.

+-Distraction Camera

The Distraction Camera is a variant of the Sticky Camera. Although it
still functions the same, it lacks the Night and Thermal Vision modes
of the Sticky Camera, instead equipped with a small gas (The manual
says it's CO2 or Carbon Dioxide, but it seems more like CS Tear Gas to
me) canister and a whistle for calling attention. The camera's use is,
obviously, to distract sentries. In the event the sentry is close
enough, the gas canister may be triggered remotely, neutralizing the
enemy. The Distraction Camera can also be retrieved and reused, but
only if the gas is not triggered.

GAME NOTES: One of the most useful and sneaky devices in the game, the
Distraction Camera is an all-purpose device. At the very least, you
can use it to attract an enemy's attention, long enough for you to
sneak past him or take him out. The Gas canister attack is only
recommended if there are a lot of enemies in place, or if there is no
other way to take him out safely. The range of the Distraction
Camera's gas is much shorter than that of the CS Tear Gas Grenade.

+-Ring Airfoil Round

One of the nonlethal rounds developed for the FN 303 is the nonlethal
stun round, known in Splinter Cell as the Ring Airfoil Projectile. It
looks much like a polymer "Slinky" (an American toy that is best
described as a large spring), loaded into the launcher and fired by
the force of the compressed air within the device. The spring-like
design actually increases the power of the hit when it connects, the
overall effect feeling very much like a strong punch. Naturally, a
head hit will knock someone out almost instantly.

GAME NOTES: Useful for taking out enemies at certain ranges, or to
just 'stun' an enemy long enough for you to sneak behind and grab him.
Unless aimed at the head, it will not knock out instantly; for an
instant-knockout nonlethal device, use the Sticky Shocker, below.

+-Sticky Shocker

The Sticky Shocker is a self-contained Taser device that instantly
incapacitates its target with a high-voltage, low-duration electric
discharge. The electric current strikes and shuts down the victim's
central nervous system, causing him to shudder as if by epileptic
seizure prior to unconsciousness.

GAME NOTES: Unlike the Ring Airfoil Round, the Shocker WILL instantly
knock out a targeted opponent. Fired into pools of water, the Sticky
Shocker can neutralize multiple opponents, as long as they're all
standing in the water. However, I've never encountered a situation
where this was possible, except the sewer segment in the Chinese
Embassy (Part 1) mission. If you MUST take an enemy alive and
conscious for some reason (such as the Colonels), do NOT use the


+-Medical Kit

This is a standard first-aid kit containing bandages, painkillers,
disinfectants, and other material to deal with simple injuries.
Realistically, serious injuries such as bullet wounds should be
treated by a qualified medic or physician.

GAME NOTES: These can be found almost everwhere. If you play the game
right, you shouldn't be using more than one or two per mission.

+-M67 Fragmentation Grenade

The M67 Defensive Fragmentation Grenade is the standard hand grenade
used by both the U.S. Military and various forces around the world.
Its baseball-like shape was designed to aid in throwing the weapon.
The grenade has a 5-second fuse upon triggering.

Also known as HE (High Explosive) or Fragmentation (Frag) Grenades,
these are the most common indirect weapon of attack among troops.
Grenades have the military slang name of 'pineapples' due to the
similarly-shaped WWII-era grenades, but even though the M67 no longer
adopts this design, the name has since stuck. England and some other
coutries still keep the 'pineapple' design grenades.

Counterterrorist teams only use these in situations wherein there are
few to no civilians or hostages and they are pinned down by enemy
firepower. It is standard SOP for room clearing to toss in either a
Flashbang or HE grenade in before entering, in order to stun or injure
opponents hiding inside.

GAME NOTES: Basically, it's use is quite simple. You pick it up and
throw it.

+-Whiskey Bottle

An empty Whiskey bottle, found almost everywhere. Can be used as a
distraction, or when aimed at the head, it can also knock out an

GAME NOTES: You pick it up and throw it.

+-Beer Can

An empty Beercan, found almost everywhere.

GAME NOTES: You pick it up...I think you get the idea now.

+-Wall Mines

First turning up in the Kalinatek Building mission, the Wall Mine is a
paperback book-sized block of plastic explosive and an undetermined
type of flammable fuels wired to a motion sensor. The effect is much
like a Fuel-Air Explosive detonation, insantly roasting anything or
anyone within the immediate radius. Anything moving faster than a
moderate crawl will set the device off. Small adhesive backings allow
the device to be mounted onto almost any surface, and they are
ridiculously easy to mount and arm--though difficult to disarm. So
far, I do not know of any Wall Mines being used in the real world, but
this is a very interesting, if nasty, weapon.

GAME NOTES: You can only carry 3 Wall Mines at any given time on your
person. However, you can still disarm the mines, they just get left
hanging on the wall. Before disarming a Wall Mine, always watch the
blinking of the light, and time it.

It's always best to time it so that Sam starts disarming just as the
red light turns green. Hesitate just a bit too long and the mine will
go off, instead. The clue is this: If you have successfully disarmed
the mine, you will heard a sound like switches being adjusted and see
Sam putting the mine in his vest pocket.

If you do NOT hear a sound, and/or Sam does NOT put the mine in his
pocket--then RUN. Don't think!!!---RUN!

+-Chemical Flare

Also known as 'glowsticks', Chemical Flares consist of two clear
plastic tubes, one inside the other, wtih a flourescent chemical mix
inside. To use these flares, you bend the stick until a loud CRACK is
heard, breaking the inner tube, then shake the tube vigorously. The
chemical reaction emits a pale glow. Glowsticks can be of various
colors, but the one used in Splinter Cell is yellow. Spec Ops,
particularly the Navy SEALs, use glowsticks since they work even
underwater (unlike standard emergency flares), lightweight, and as
seen in Splinter Cell, they make a good distraction.

GAME NOTES: The Chemical Flare works best in areas that are in good
view of an enemy patrol. It will distract an enemy for a short period
of time, hopefully giving you time to slip by, or sneak behind him and
knock him out. You can retrieve the chemical flare afterwards.
Equipping the Chemical Flare will also make you glow slightly from the
light of the stick, but I'm not sure if this makes you easier for the
enemies to spot.

+-Emergency Flare

These are standard road flares, which are lit and create a burning
fire, and used for signaling. They emit a great deal of heat, making
them useful for distracting heat sensors such as those found on
automated turrets, or more than curious sentries in the area.

GAME NOTES: As with the Chemical Flare, I'm not sure if equipping this
makes you better-lit and thus easier for the bad guys to spot.

+-Ammo Box

A small ammunition box, which may have 5.7x28mm pistol or 5.56x45mm
rifle ammunition. In the Kalinatek mission, you will also encounter a
small wooden box that contains M67 Grenades.

GAME NOTES: If Sam is not completely drained of ammo, or if there is
still ammunition left in the box after Sam reloads, the box will be
dropped to the floor. You can pick up the ammo box later if you need
more ammo, just as long as there is some remaining in the box.


Some enemy troops have a satchel beltpouch around their waist, which
may contain Data Sticks, ammunition or equipment.



+-V-22 Osprey

The V-22 Osprey is a VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft,
notable for it's tilt-rotor design. Although normal helicopters can
perform the vertical hovering and take-off/landing role very well,
their forward speed is usually slower than that of a conventional
plane. The Osprey works around this, allowing vertical take-off, then
tilting the rotors forward for aircraft-like flight. This craft can
only take off and land vertically due to its large propeller blades,
which provide the Osprey's high forward speed and lifting

The Osprey seen in Splinter Cell appears to be modified, as it has a
radome mounted above its wing roots. This might be the "Special
Operations" version of the V-22. [FURTHER INFORMATION PENDING]



Location: Various
Weapons: Makarov PMM, AK-74, IMI Uzi, Wall Mine
Quote: "So how many geeks did you kill?"

The basic Russian Mob goon. All of them are under Grinko's employ.
While not very bright nor skilled, a gang of them can still ruin Sam's
day. They are very common, and can be found almost everywhere from the
first mission up until the latter stages. They only become heavily
armed and dangerous in those latter stages.

Location: Police Station
Weapons: Makarov PMM
Quote: "Who's there?! Show yourself!"

Crooked cops in Tblisi. They're not that better skilled than the
Mafiya men, but avoiding them is still the best policy.

Location: Various
Weapons: None

Various civilians. They can be anywhere from the wandering idiot
pedestrian in the first stages up to the Cooks in the Ministry Kitchen
or Chinese Restaurant. As much as possible, do NOT assault them if you
can avoid it. Even though they are unarmed, they can occasionally
sound an alarm, bringing you lots of trouble. Take note: Although you
are not supposed to kill a civilian, there's nothing that says you
can't incapacitate one.

Location: Police Station, Kalinatek
Weapons: None

One of many mercenary hackers in the employ of Philip Masse and
Kombayn Nikoladze. They usually have a laptop strapped to their chest.
Non-combatants, but like the civilians, they can easily sound an alarm
if they detect you. However, unlike civilians, you can kill them--as
long as they don't have vital information you need.

+-Defense Ministry Security
Location: Georgian Defense Ministry
Weapons: Makarov PMM
Quote: "Doo-doo-doo doo doo..."

Dressed and armed pretty much the same as the Tblisi police, the
Defense Ministry Security Guards are just that--glorified Security
Guards. However, they must not be allowed to sound any alarms within
the Ministry, or else the mission is over.

+-Hamlet (Grinko's Driver)
Location: Defense Ministry Carpark
Weapons: None
Quote: "Please don't hurt me--I'm just a driver!"

Hamlet is Grinko's personal valet and butler, which shows just how
much the former Spetsnaz has been making since he joined the Mafiya.
Early police reports you find in-game point to him as one of two knee-
capping thugs (the other being Grinko), but once you encounter him,
he's really just a big coward. Do not kill him, as he keeps valuable
information on Grinko and Masse's location in the ministry.

+-Georgian Troops (Infantry)
Location: Various
Weapons: AK-74
Quote: "This is not good!"

Standard troops, found nearly anywhere. It's not really established
whether they are volunteers or conscripts, but they have decent
training and are usually equipped with AK-74 rifles, unlike the
previous Mafiya or crooked cops. Like the Mafiya, they're found almost
everywhere in the game.

+-Georgian Troops (Colonel)
Location: Defense Ministry, Mook Tsoe Boe Meats
Weapons: VZ-61 Skorpion, M67 Grenade

Recognizable by their red beret cap, the Colonels usually have a vz.61
SMG strapped to a leg holster on their right thigh. As much as
possible, do NOT kill or even incapacitate them while you can help it,
as they can open retinal-scanner locked doors, which can only be done
when they're awake.

GAME NOTES: In the Mook Tsoe Boe Meats mission, one of the Colonels
among the Mercenary troops will come storming into the hostage area,
tossing a grenade in the hope of killing the hostages before you can
save them. Actually an easy kill, but annoying if he manages to toss
the grenade before you kill him. Grinko actually calls him by name,
just before he comes down to deal with you personally.

+-Philip Masse
Location: Defense Ministry
Weapons: None
Quote: "You're the TOOL! I'm the TECHNOLOGY!"

True to the quote, Philip Masse is the genius who helped create the
Georigian Information crisis. Athough not a combatant in the
traditional sense, his skills as a programmer, coupled with his
connections to the Kalinatek hackers, ensure the near-success of the
Georgian operation. Indeed, his warning to Grinko about Nikoldaze's
keeping of secure data on his PC soon proves correct.

I like to think of Masse as an "Evil Otacon" (sorry for the MGS
comment there). He's a hacker, a brilliant one but not a combatant.
However, due to the information crisis he perpetrated, Masse is
potentially more dangerous than Grinko or Nikoladze is. That said, the
lucky blokes with an XBoX are probably enjoying the fact that they get
to hunt down Masse in the Kola Cell mission.

+-CIA Security
Location: CIA Headquarters
Weapons: HK UMP

Night shift security at CIA HQ in Langley, these are not your usual
security guards like those in the previous missions. First off, unlike
the previous missiosn, the CIA Security guards are only doing their
job. Second, they're euqipped with the HK UMP (or is it the MP5-10),
which is a fairly accurate weapon in close quarters. Avoid them if you
can, and do remember--don't kill any of them.

+-CIA Agent
Location: CIA Headquarters
Weapons: Beretta 92FS

CIA field agents who happened to have the luck of being on Night duty
at Langley. Again, avoid them and don't kill any of them.

+-CIA Technician
Location: CIA Headquarters
Weapons: None
Quote: "Please! You can't do that!"

Techs working the night shit, inspecting digital locks and the CIA
Mainframe for any security leaks or such. As with the others, don't
kill them.

+-Michael Dougherty
Location: CIA Headquarters
Weapons: None

The source of the CIA information leaks, Michael Dougherty isn't so
much a mole in the CIA as he is an idiot. The fat man has a habit of
storing data on his computers, even sensitive information, without
deleting said files or even protecting them. Philip Masse's mercenary
hackers, operating out of Kalinatek, were able to access his PC
regularly and thus gained an entry into the CIA database. Your job is
to trail him, knock him out, and drag his sorry but still-breathing
carcass all the way back to the NSA for questioning...tall order
considering you have to dead-lift all 200 or so pounds of him all the
way outside the CIA and STILL be able to evade the guards.

REAL-LIFE ADVICE: Let this be a lesson to all of you. NEVER leave
sensitive information like Credit Card numbers, Bank Accounts, or
whatnot easily available on your PC, especially if it's connected to
the Internet (God forbid if you're on a 24-hour dedicated cable
connection). Delete any unnecessary or unused data, and keep sensitive
data on separate backup disks, not on your PC. If you have a safe, put
the backup disks in there. Flush your Internet Browser's Cache
regularly, and as much as possible, don't make a habit of trusting
strangers with your personal information. You'd be surprised how easy
it is to keep yourself safe from malicious intent online by just using
common sense.

Location: Kalinatek Building
Weapons: None

One of the smarter mercenary hackers, Ivan leaked information to the
FBI in order to save his sorry behind. You have to rescue him before
the Mafiya get to him and kill him. Thank goodness you don't have to
drag him around like you did Dougherty; the way he whines is so damn
annoying, I shot him a couple of times in the game (to a mission
failed screen, of course).

+-Chinese PLA (Infantry)
Location: Chinese Embassy (both)
Weapons: QBZ Type 95
Quote: "This is why I HATE going on patrol with Tang..."
(And a couple more WAY too funny to simply recount here)

Garbed in Urban-Camouflage Gray and White, the PLA troops can be the
toughest enemies you can encounter in the game. Some of them are
equipped with headband-mounted flashlights, so hiding in the dark
isn't as foolproof a tactic as it used to be. The Type 95 bullpup
rifle they carry has a high but controllable rate of fire--it usually
takes only one solid burst from these to kill Sam outright, even at
full health (and at NORMAL gamepay). So as much as possible you do NOT
want to get into a fight with these guys (at least, not a FAIR fight).

Personally, I just love these guys. They're a riot, especially the
ones in the sewers (Chinese Embassy Part 1)--good for a couple of
laughs. Tang the American Conspiracy Nut is worth a barrel of laughs--
you should listen to his "McDonalds Restaurants are Terrorist Training
Centers" theory. Priceless. I'm all for UbiSoft bringing that nutty
trio back in SC2: Pandora Tomorrow, if just for the gags.

+-Dogs (Rottweilers)
Location: Chinese Embassy (both)
Weapons: N/A
Quote: "Bark Bark Bark." (really now...)

Large, vicious, and brutal, Rottweilers are also not too bright.
However, they can still sniff you out faster than you can say "Yipe!"
Only one Rottweiler turns up (once in each Chinese Embassy mission),
and in both cases you can avoid it easily by travelling through water
located conveniently nearby. Be warned, though; not only will
Rottweilers bite you, they also alert any guards nearby to your

GAME NOTE: For some reason, you cannot carry dogs' bodies, and it
doesn't seem to count against your alarms if you kill or stun a dog
and then leave it in the open. Guards will ignore dead dogs (unless
they die right before their eyes). BlackHoleSun says it's a limitation
of the AI, which is an advantage for you in-game, but it also detracts
from realism to see a Chinese PLA guard walk over his dead Rottweiler
as if nothing happened.

+-Mercenaries (FMR Spetsnaz)
Location: Mook Tsoe Boe Meats
Weapons: AK74, EA91(?)
Quote: "Grinko will kill me!"

Although some of the mercenaries are personally culled by Grinko from
the rejects of the Russian Spetsnaz, some are Georgian troops or other
military men drawn to the lure of profit. The Mercenaries are most
recognizable by their black ski masks.

+-Vaschislav Grinko
Location: Defense Ministry, Mook Tsoe Boe Meats
Weapons: AK74

Vaschislav Grinko, former of the elite Soviet (now Democratic Russian)
Spetsnaz. Unlike his cohorts, he quit the Russian Special Forces for
profit, joining the Russian Mob (Mafiya). He has kept some of his
contacts in the Spetsnaz, usually hiring out rejects or retirees from
the unit into his own little group of Mercenaries.

Head shaved bald, Grinko dresses more like a suave and sharp
businessman than the cold-blooded killer he is. All one needs do is
interrogate Hamlet and many other characters in the game to see just
how ruthless and bloodthirsty the man really is. You encounter him
first at the Defense Ministry (in the glass elevator, but you don't
get to fight him), and second in the Mook Tsoe Boe Meats Hostage-
rescue mission.

GAME NOTES: Needless to say, I was honestly dissapointed in fighting
him (I was hoping for something far more dramatic for a boss fight),
but he fights relatively smart (i.e. he shoots at you and hides when
you fire back, and keeps moving). Not really that difficult, but you
have to KILL him. It isn't possible to stun him or otherwise
incapacitate him in a way that he could still be alive. I've tried a
lot of times, and the same is true from the other Splinter Cell
players and FAQ-writers I've talked to.

+-Chinese PLA (Colonel)
Location: Chinese Embassy (Part 2)
Weapons: VZ-61 Skorpion

Like their Georgian Military counterparts, the Chinese Colonels have a
distinct red beret cap and a vz.61 SMG strapped to their right thigh.
Again, do not kill them, as they not only open Retinal-Scanner doors,
but usually are the only ones that have correct codes to get into
keypad-locked doors in the Embassy level, seeing that the Data Sticks
are now corrupted.

+-General Kong Feirong
Location: Chinese Embassy (Both)
Weapons: Makarov PMM
Quote: "You are an evil man, Mr. Nikoladze." (Laughs)

A highly decorated PLA official, Kong Feirong has some rather
misguided ideas on patriotism, perfectly willing to set both the US
and China into a World War over Taiwan. As such, he is easily
manipulated into aiding Nikoladze's cause. Once the Chinese Ambassador
to Burma reveals the General's treachery, Feirong's standing in the
PLA falls, giving you full freedom to go after him and his rebel

GAME NOTES: In the first Chinese Embassy mission, your mission is only
to listen in on Feirong's conversation. In the second mission, you are
to extract a confession from him (via computer access) that the mess
was his doing, not China's. In either case, he's not really much of a

+-Georgian Presidential Guard
Location: Presidential Palace
Weapons: AK74, Dragunov SVD
Quote: "Why don't you clean up after your dog?"

Found at the very final stage, the Palace Guards are dressed in dark
brown formal uniforms and armed with AK74 carbines. There is one
positioned at the beginning of the mission atop a watch tower, armed
with a Dragunov sniper rifle.

+-Dogs (Dobermans)
Location: Presidential Palace
Weapons: N/A
Quote: "Grrrrrrrrr..."

Dobermans are also vicious, but unlike the dull-witted Rottweilers,
they are quite intelligent and when well-trained they cna be a
formidable guard dog. This seems to be the case; Dobermans in the
Presidential Palace seem to catch on to you faster than the
Rottweilers in the Chinese Embassy. Worse, there's no bodies of water
you can use to throw them off the trail. If you're aiming for pure
stealth with no unnecessary kills, you'll find these a challenge.

Another problem is that the Dobermans stay much closer to their
companion Palace Guards than the Rottweilers did. Thus, it's a little
more touchy (though not really that difficult) to snipe-kill them
without the guards noticing.

+-Georgian Special Forces (Regular)
Location: Georgian PResidential Palace
Weapons: Groza

One of the tougher enemies in the game, sometimes a headshot with the
rifle does not take them out (this has happened to me a couple of
times--anyone else confirm?). Equipped with the Groza bullpup rifle,
they're about as difficult to fight as the PLA troops.

+-Georgian Special Forces (NVG)
Location: Georgian Presidential Palace Archives
Weapons: Groza
Quote: "You! Who are you supposed to be?"

The NVG-equipped Special Forces will be the last of the really tough
enemies in the game. This is in the Archive segment of the last
mission, in complete darkness. Thus, you MUST be using the Night
Vision Goggles to take them on. Unlike other enemies, you cannot get
past this without killing the entire squad; since they're equipped
with Night Vision and effectively put up a killbox between you and the
way out, there's no choice but to fight.

Personally, I wish we could see more of these guys. While they're not
as entertainingly funny as the PLA troops, they're damn spooky in the
dark, with the NVGs glowing red (as opposed to Sam's green NVGs). And
hopefully, SC2 will give us more interesting missions with these guys
as enemies--sewers, broken-down buildings...the list is endless.

+-Kombayn Nikoladze
Weapons: None
Quote: "This is puerile! I will speak no more!"

The man behind the entire mess, Kombayn Nikoladze is industrious,
ambitious, and somewhat megalomaniacal. He also has a dripping
sarcastic sense of humor (maybe he's not all bad, then), as evidenced
when interrogated, first by Sam, and then by the Georgian Special
Forces. Though he cowers when captured, the man does not scare easily,
even when Sam puts a gun to his head, he simultaneously denies his
involvement and threatens Sam back.


+-Makarov PMM

The Soviet Makarov Pistol (PM or Pistolet Makarovka) was the standard-
issue handgun equipped to Soviet Russian forces, designed along the
lines of the Walther PP, and shares a similar design. Produced in
Russia (Iszmash or Baikal), East Germany (Ernst Thaelman Factory),
China (Norinco), and Bulgaria (State Arsenals), with varying quality.
Most modern-era Makarov pistols are from Bulgaria.

The Makarov is not quite as advanced as most European and American
handguns, since it was designed after the German Walther PP (which in
turn was made in the 1930's). Still, it is highly durable and tough.
Its main drawbacks are that it uses the older and weaker 9x18mm
Makarov round, and carries only 8 rounds per clip. The PMM (Pistolet
Makarovka Modified) is a newer version developed in the late 1980s to
accept a 12-round magazine and the high-powered 9x18mm PMM round. This
was partly to improve the pistol's ability as a backup weapon in close
combat as well as its use by Russian police forces and the KGB (now

Most of the Mafiya and Police carry the Makarov PMM as their sidearm.
And even though it's an old firearm, it's no less painful when Sam's
on the recieving end of it.

Makarov PMM
Manufacturer: Iszmash JSC/Baikal/Norinco/Ernst Thaelman
Factories/Bulgarian State Arsenals
Caliber: 9x18mm Makarov (.364 Cal Soviet)
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: Double Action Blowback
Type: 9x18mm Pistol (Soviet)
Barrel Length: ?mm (?in)
Total Length: 165mm
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 760g
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 12 Round Magazine

+-Kalashnikov AK74

If there is any single weapon in the world that has become synonymous
with the word 'Terrorist', it is the 7.62mm Kalashnikov AK-47 Assault
rifle. First designed in 1946 by Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov as a
combat rifle for Soviet Tank crews to use, the AK47's robust design,
cheap manufacturing costs, and high firepower immediately made it the
standard infantry rifle for the Soviet Union and all of its allies as
of 1949. The AK-74 (Automat Kalashnikova Obrazets 1974) chambered in
the smaller 5.45x39mm round, was designed later to replace it.

The Soviets began experiments with small-caliber weapons in the 1970s
(in tune with the US/NATO shift to the 5.56mm round), and rumors about
such weapons persisted for years until the AK74 appeared in a 1977
parade in Red Square, carried by paratroopers. Within a short time it
had replaced the 7.62mm AKs in the hands of regular troops.
Essentially it is a re-modelled AKM (which in turn was a product-
improved AK47), chambered for the 5.45mm round and fitted with a very
efficient muzzle brake which diverts the muzzle gasses sideways. This
significantly reduces recoil but makes the weapon rather unfriendly to
bystanders. A Special Operations/Spetsnaz version, the AKS-74U,
nicknamed "Spitter" is also available.

Automat Kalashnikov AK74
Manufacturer: Iszmash JSC/Norinco/Bulgarian State Arsenals
Caliber: 5.45x39mm Soviet
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: ?
Type: 5.45x39mm Rifle (Soviet)
Barrel Length: ?mm (?in)
Total Length: 730mm (33.88 in.) with stock extended,
490mm (30.69 in.) with stock folded
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 2710g
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine

+-Beretta 92FS

Beretta's Model 92FS is the U.S. Military's standard-issue 9mm
sidearm, and one of the world's most widely-used Combat autopistols. A
product-improved version of Beretta's Model 92 pistol first designed
for the Italian Army, the FS is readily available to the civilian
populace as well as government forces. Carrying 15 rounds, it replaced
the old Colt M1911 .45 ACP pistol in the U.S. Army, as part of a
standardization agreement with NATO to use weaponry with common
ammunition calibers. Arguably 7 out of every 10 9mm pistols in the
world are Berettas, and it is considered one of the most prolific 9mm
handguns in the world.

These are the standard pistols carried by the Agents on duty inside
the CIA. Also of note is that due to current US Gun control laws, the
Civilian 92FS can only accept 10-round magazines. Law Enforcement and
Military versions still use the 15-round magazine.

Beretta 92FS
Manufacturer: Pietro Beretta Inc.
Caliber: 9x19mm Parabellum
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: Single Action Blowback
Type: 9mm Semiautomatic Combat Pistol
Barrel Length: ?mm (?in)
Total Length: 217mm (8.5 in)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 975g (2.07 lbs.)
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 15 Round Magazine

+-Dragunov SVD

Named after it's creator, the famed riflesmith Evgeniy Fedorovich
Dragunov (one of the most respected men in Russian small arms
manufacture), the SVD (Snayperskaya Vintovka Dragunova), or Dragunov
Sniping Rifle, was the first Soviet weapon designed from scratch as a
sniper rifle, and was introduced in the 1950's. Based on the
Kalashnikov design, the SVD can be expected to shoot within 2 MOA
(minutes of angle) with quality ammo, making it a reliable sniping
weapon in the field. The rifle is equipped with a folding stock for
portability. Basic operation is similar to the AK assault rifles, but
using a short-stroke gas piston to improve accuracy. The standard SVD
is equipped with the PSÎ-1 3-9x variable power scope.

Dragunov SVD
Manufacturer: Iszmash JSC/Norinco/Bulgarian State Arsenals
Caliber: 7.62x54mm Soviet (7H2M Steel Core Sniping Round)
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: Gas-operated locked-breech closed rotary bolt
Type: Semiautomatic Sniper Rifle
Barrel Length: 620mm (24.4 in)
Total Length: 1220mm (49.8 in) with stock extended,
875mm (34.5 in) with stock folded
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 4300g (9.4 lbs.)
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 10 Round Magazine



+-Franchi SPAS-12

The Franchi SPAS-12 (Sporting Purpose Automatic Shotgun) is a
selective-fire shotgun, which can be fired either in the normal
semiautomatic mode, or manual pump-action mode for special rounds. The
Franchi manuals and US BATF (Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms) list this
as a SPORTING Purpose Automatic Shotgun, mainly because of gun control
restrictions banning the import of certain weapons. Declaring the SPAS
as a sports (i.e. hunting) shotgun instead of a security shotgun
helped the BATF pass it for US import. Unlike other 12-gauge shotguns,
the SPAS-12 accepts the smaller 2-3/4 inch length rounds (as opposed
to the 3-inch rounds).

The SPAS-12 has a thicker, heavier heat shield than most shotguns to
deal with barrel overheating, and a unique folding stock which has a
hook for single-arm firing support. Because of its high rate of fire,
the SPAS-12 can also be used for extremely close-quarters room
clearing as well as door breaching. Current versions of the SPAS-12
can carry anywhere from 6-8 shells, depending on the size of the
shotgun choke tube and the type of rounds fitted. A fixed stock
version is also available.

Franchi SPAS-12
Manufacturer: Franchi Armaments SPA
Caliber: 12 Gauge Buckshot
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: Pump action or gas operated semi-automatic
Type: 12-Gauge Selective-Fire Shotgun
Barrel Length: ?mm (21.5in)
Total Length: ?mm (41 in)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: ?g (9 lbs.)
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 6-8 Round Choke Tube


The OC-14 Groza (Russian for "Thunder"), is a light, durable bullpup
submachinegun designed for Special Operations Forces such as the
Spetsnaz. Like many modern rifles, the Groza is designed to be
modular, thus the weapon can be chambered either for the 9x18mm round
(submachinegun) or the larger 7.62x39mm AK round, or converted from
short to long barrel as needed. The design allows for assembly of one
of four weapons variants depending on the assigned mission. The
assault rifle version of the Groza is the one seen in Splinter Cell. A
sound supresser for the weapon is also available, as is a 40mm Grenade
Launcher and day or night scopes.

OC14 Groza
Manufacturer: Iszmash JSC
Caliber: 7.62x39mm Soviet (M43) or 9x18mm Makarov
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: Gas-Operated rotating bolt
Type: Bullpup Assault Rifle
Barrel Length: 415mm (?in)
Total Length: 700mm (? in)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 3200g (? lbs.)
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 20/30 Round Magazine

+-IMI Uzi

Named for its inventor Uziel Gal, this infamous submachinegun was
first designed in the 1950s and based on Czech designs. Designed
partly out of necessity and partly of political spite (most Israelis
would rather drop dead than accept the HK MP5--or anything German-made
for that matter--as their submachinegun), the pistol-frame Uzi is
probably the single most recognized submachineguns in the world today.
The Uzi is built under licensce by Fabrique Nationale, and was
originally sold to South American nations. Light, lethal, and
ridiculously easy to use, it is also one of two automatic weapons
commonly associated with criminals or terrorists (the other being the

Manufacturer: Israeli Military Industries/Fabrique Nationale
Caliber: 9x19mm Parabellum
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: Blowback closed bolt with floating firing pin
Type: 9x19mm Submachine Pistol
Barrel Length: ?mm (?in)
Total Length: ?mm (? in)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: ?g (? lbs.)
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 25/32 Round Magazine

+-Colt M16A2

The first M16 was based on the Armalite AR15 rifle and firt used in
Vietnam. Since then, the M16 and its variants have been the mainstay
combat rifle for nearly all US Armed forces. A product-improved
version of the original, the M16A2 is a 5.56x45mm (SS109 or M855
round) assault rifle configured for safe/Semiautomatic/Three-Round
Burst for fire control, and sports a cylindrical front barrel heat
shield instead of the M16A1's triangular heat shield. Some later
versions, equip the flat top Fully Integrated Rail Mount (FIRM)
system, in order to mount M4A1-style scopes. Although the M4 performs
just as well, the M16's longer barrel makes ranged shooting more

Colt M16A2
Manufacturer: Colt/Fabrique Nationale
Caliber: 5.56x45mm NATO (.233 Cal Remington)
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: Gas-Operation Closed-bolt
Type: 5.56x45mm Assault Rifle
Barrel Length: ?mm (?in)
Total Length: 1006.6mm (39.63 in)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: ?g (? lbs.)
Loaded Weight: 3990g (8.79 lb)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine

GAME NOTES: Other than the video cutscenes, I did not see the M16A2 at
all in the game. I might have missed it while sneaking by some enemy
troops, though. Please let me know which mission these weapons turn up

+-Norinco QBZ Type 95

The Norinco (North Industries Corporation) QBZ-95 bullpup rifle was
first spotted in 1997 during the turnover of Hong Kong to the People's
Republic of China, presumably as a showpiece of China's new weapons
technology. It is a radical new design, aesthetically much
removed from Norinco's older Kalashnikov AK47/74 clone designs. The
name QBZ comes from the PinYin romanization of the Mandarin "Qing
Buqiang Zu", meaning "light rifle family". The QBZ is actually a
modular bullpup, which can be modified into an assault rifle a
carbine, a sniping rifle, or a SAW (Squad Automatic Weapon) with a
change of parts. The QBZ-95 is chambered for the 5.8x42mm round (based
on the AK74 5.45x39mm Soviet round), while an export variant, the
QBZ-97 is chambered in 5.56mm NATO.

The Type 95 family is based on the same bullpup rifle design, and thus
are interchangeable. It accepts scopes, extended or drum magazines, a
bayonet, and a quick-change barrel (from what has been seen). The
Chinese Defence pages lists the following
possible configurations or variants:
- Type 95 Assault Rifle
- Type 95 Carbine (Short-Barrel Assault Rifle)
- Type 95 Squad Automatic Weapon
- Type 88 Sniper Rifle (Extended Barrel, Stock, and a Scope)
- Type 97 Assault Rifle (Export Version chambered in 5.56X45mm)

The Type 95 was first used in the HKSAR (Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region), but is slowly being disseminated to the PLA
forces. It's modular nature and robust construction prove it to be a
weapon worthy of standing up to next-generation American and European

QBZ Type 95 Rifle
Manufacturer: Norinco
Caliber: 5.8x42mm China
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: Gas-Operated rotating bolt
Type: 5.8x42mm Bullpup Rifle
Barrel Length: 520mm (?in)
Total Length: 746mm (? in)
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 3250g (? lbs.)
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 30 Round Magazine

GAME NOTES: I've not actually seen a Type 95 in action, but their
performance in the game is frightening; it has a very high rate of
fire yet is highly controllable in mid to close combat (thanks
possibly due to its bullpup design). It only takes seconds for a singe
burst to take out Sam's entire (full) health bar, so take my advice:
do NOT engage the PLA troops if you can avoid it.


The HK UMP45 (Universal Machine Pistol 45) is partially based upon
HK's MP5 design, chambered for the .45 Cal ACP round. The UMP45 has a
much lower rate of fire, in order to fire more accurately and control
the .45 Cal round's recoil. The weapon is much larger than its
predecessor is; it is also has a boxy design, and has an MP5K-inspired
front vertical grip for stability.

Manufacturer: Heckler & Koch GmbH
Caliber: .45 Cal ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol)
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: Gas Operated, Rotating Bolt
Type: .45 Combat Submachinegun
Total Length: 690.12mm (27.17 in.) with stock extended,
449.83mm (17.71 in.) with stock folded
Height (Total): 324.10mm (12.76 in.)
Width of Frame: 63.5mm (2.5 in.)
Empty Weight: 2100g (4.63 lbs.)
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 25 Round Magazine

GAME NOTES: The HK UMP is labeled as a dummied-out item in the game
script, but in the actual game, the FBI Security carry what appear to
be MP5-10 SMGs, with solid polymer stocks. Will need to reconfirm
this, but for the moment, I will keep the UMP45 info posted here.

+-VZ-61 Skorpion

Manufactured by Ceska Zbrojovka, the makers of the popular CZ75
pistol, the VZ-61 (VZ stands for "Vszor", or Version) Skorpion is the
Czech PDW (Personal Defense Weapon), a small submachine pistol that
replaces pistols for use in close combat. Three versions are known,
each with different calibers, but the one used in Splinter Cell is the
vz.61 type. It can be carried in a specially-designed drop leg
holster, much like a pistol, and can be fired either one- or two-
handed. A rather nasty close-quarters weapon, the vz.61 and its
variants are in use by Czech, Slovenian, Egyptian and Lybian units, as
well as in former Warsaw Pact countries.

vz.61 Skorpion
Manufacturer: Ceska Zbrojovka
Caliber: 7.65x17mm (.32Cal)
Trigger Pull: ?lbs
Mechanism: Gas operated blowback
Type: 7.62x17mm Personal Defense Weapon
Barrel Length: 115mm (?in)
Total Length: ?mm (? in)
Total Length: 517mm (?in.) with stock extended,
270mm (?in.) with stock folded
Height (Total): ?
Width of Frame: ?
Empty Weight: 1280g (? lbs.)
Loaded Weight: ?g (?lb)
Magazine Capacity: 10/20 Round Magazine

+-Automated Turret

This is what appears to be an FN M249 (Or a Russian copy? Need to
confirm this) mounted on a turret and jury-rigged with a sensor to a
portable computer system. [FURTHER INFORMATION PENDING]

For any further queries or comments, please email
with Subject: SC Weapon FAQ Query if
you have any questions, and I'll try my best to answer them. Send me
no Spam; my mother just unloaded 60 cans of it on me wholesale.

These FAQs I have worked on as of this writing. All game FAQs are
available exclusively on GameFAQS. I have also written some material
for GURPS.

Half-Life: Counterstrike (PC):
- Counterstrike Real Weapons FAQ

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2):
- Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Real Weapons FAQ

Gundam: Renpou vs Zion (Arcade):
- MS-14A/S Gelgoog FAQ
- MS-09/R09 Dom/Rick Dom FAQ
- MS-07B Gouf FAQ
- RX-77-2 Guncannon FAQ

Gundam: Renpou vs Zion DX (Arcade):
- RGM-79(G) Ground Combat GM FAQ
- The Dicta Boelcke: 8 rules for success in space combat

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
- Splinter Cell Real Weapons FAQ

- Red storm Entertainment , although they
were not directly involved with the creation of Splinter Cell, they
certainly helped give this some much-needed publicity on their Ghost
Recon and Raven Shield message boards (where I first heard of Splinter
Cell). Kudos, RSE.

- Konami Japan for Silent Scope/Sogeki and Metal Gear series, as well
as a few other games I will not mention on this FAQ. ^^x;;;

- Remtek.com's armaments site for the real-world info and data for
most of the weapons found in this FAQ.

- GameFAQS for hosting this FAQ exclusively, as well as the Message
Boards, the discussions on which prompted me to write this FAQ.

- Jane's Online article on the Land Warrior weapons system, found
here: <

- The Terrorism Research Center and Special
Operations.Com websites.

- Richard Marcinko (Commander, US Navy Retired). Sir, please don't
$@#!-can me for the references in this FAQing article.

- The Federation of American Scientists for their
informative info pages.

- The US Army, for their pages on the Land Warrior squad-level IT
implementation. You can check out their official webpages at: <
http://www.sbccom.army.mil/programs/lw/index.htm> and the Land Warrior
software system:

- The Chinese defence Today website for
its article on the QBZ-series of rifles.

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