Command & Conquer - Renegade

Command & Conquer - Renegade

17.10.2013 22:23:28
Weapons and Armour Guide by Wong Si Yuan
Command & Conquer: Renegade
Weapons and Armour Guide V 0.8
Written by Wong Si Yuan (a.k.a lefthandr on WWOL)
First written April 19th 2002



1. Updates
2. Introduction
3. Combat Guide
4. Weapon Statistics
5. GDI Vehicle Statistics
6. NOD Vehicle Statistics
7. Building Statistics
7.A Nod Buildings Statistics
7.B GDI Buildings statistics
8. Test Parameters
-8.1 Why use these parameters?
-8.2 Checking Armour Class
-8.3 Checking Structure Health/MCT damage

9. Requests
10. Credits


1. Updates

April 19 2002 - Started writing this FAQ

June 11 2002 - Minor updates to the FAQ (Harvester added, MobArt info corrected,
amendment to AGT missiles.)

June 12 2002 - Added statistics for most weapons vs. Buildings as well as all relevant
information pertaining to them. Also added Armour/Health stats for all units. Also
added information on how I conduct my tests, if you want to know and/or help.


2. Introduction

I wrote this FAQ mostly out of curiosity towards the observations I made during gameplay,
so I did some extensive testing to prove my theories. Apparently the creators of Renegade
decided to include some interesting, undocumented features for us. (I hope I didn't miss
that in the manual.)

This FAQ is protected by international copyright laws, yadda yadda yadda, belongs to Wong Si
Yuan and if you know what's good for you, don't steal/plagarize/copy from/etc. this FAQ.
Feel free to distribute this FAQ for free, but it must be in its entirety and unchanged.
Please contact me @ and inform me if you wish to do so.

Please check back at for any updates.


3. Combat Guide

Here I will explain the interesting points I have observed about the game's armour and weapons

Armour Types:

So far Armour comes in three types:

Heavy - Basically this is only used by Buildings. Although not technically correct, the armour
does have certain qualities that qualifies it as Heavy.

Normal - Capable of deflecting most small arms attacks and protecting the vehicle from heavier
attacks, normally used on tanks and harvesters.

Light - Provides token protection against all attacks, and is normally used on light vehicles
like Nod Buggies and GDI MRLSes.

Weapon Types:

Weapons come in a variety of forms and have many different effects on both targets and armour

Projectile (bullets) - Your bread and butter ammunition type. Damage done depends heavily on
armour type and gun used.

- Most effective against Infantry.

- Least effective against Buildings.

Projectile (tiberium) - More effective than bullets against all armour types, less effective vs.
vehicles. The Chem Sprayer falls under this category. As you know, Tiberium based weapons poison
infantry and drains health for periods that extend past incendiary weapons. All Nod Chem Soldiers
are completely IMMUNE to all Tiberium attacks.

- Most effective against Infantry.

- Effective against vehicles.

- Slightly effective against Buildings.

Piercing - Ignores all armour types, does a fixed amount of damage to all armour types. All tanks
have armour piercing attacks, as do all laser weapons (Obelisk, Laser Chaingun/Rifle).

- Most effective against All.

Explosive (rockets) - Minimal difference in damage, and thus is considered Armour Piercing.
Coupled with splash damage, they are effective against tanks and their support engineers. Grenades
fall under this category as well.

- Effective against Infantry.

- Effective against Vehicles.

- Highly Effective against Buildings.

Explosive (shells) - Shots from Tanks and Mobile Artilleries are also included under this
category. They tend to be Armour Piercing.

- Effective against Infantry.

- Highly effective against Vehicles.

- Most effective against Buildings.

Explosive (C4) - Direct contact with target (read, sticky bombs) ignores all armour values.
If there is no direct contact, then damage is determined by proximity to explosion. Note that
the effectiveness is drastically reduced even if the vehicle is sitting above a brick of C4 if
the C4 is not attached to the target.

- Most Effective against All.

Incendiary - Sets infantry on fire and damages for a fixed period of time. Incendiary weapons
are extremely capricious and the damage done is totally random, although armour types has a
slight effect on the randomness of the damage. Laser weapons are also incendiary (a bonus).
Another thing to note is that sometimes, a tank will fire a shell with incendiary properties,
anyone hit by the explosion will catch on fire. Mammoth tanks seem to do this the most.
Incendiary weapons have no special bonus against vehicles.

- Most effective on Infantry.

- Highly Effective on Buildings.

- Effective on Vehicles.

Electrical - A special catergory for the Volt Rifle, Electrical damage is almost exactly the same
as Incendiary or Tiberium in that it causes damage even after being shot. The damage is higher,
but more short lived.

- Highly Effective against All.

Homing - Certain missiles have homing systems built into them. Simply aiming at the desired target
or location will cause the missiles to head for that destination. However there are still a few
bugs to work out in the homing software, so certain angles may be impossible to aim for.
Homing missiles are one-lock only, so they cannot change vectors once they've started moving
towards the target. Lead the target some.

Both Explosive categories will be grouped under Explosives in the following section.

Vehicle Types:

Vehicles come in several makes and types, which give them unique abilities. Learn what the
advantages and shortcomings are to make full use of them.

Turreted - Housed in a protected shell, tank crews can rotate the turret 360 degrees to get
at any target on the battlefield regardless of relative heading. Some weapons are turret-
mounted, giving them unprecedented versatility.

Fixed - Certain weapons are fired from mounted hardpoints fixed onto the vehicle and cannot
rotate freely. Manual maneuvering of the vehicles are a must.

Wheeled - Vehicles in this class are driven by the standard 2 wheel drive system of most
civilian vehicles. These vehicles are by necessity light, fast and nimble, but cannot maneuver
while stationary. They do not lose much speed while turning, however.

Tracked - Vehicles in this class are generally driven by the caterpillar tread system of most
heavy- duty combat vehicles. Generally used to propel heavy armour, they have the advantage of
on-the-spot turning but tend to be slower, and lose speed when turning.

Flying - In the recent 1.03 patch, flying vehicles were finally introduced into the Multiplayer
aspect of Renegade. Flying vehicles have superior speed and maneuverability, but are always
frail. They handle like almost any vehicle, except they can also move up and down in the Z axis.


All weapons have a maximum effective range after which their shots expire. I won't mention
weapon ranges here unless there is something of note, but a point to remember is that the
easiest way to tell if you'll hit something is if a targeting box appears over an object.
Note that this box only applies for the primary fire of the weapon/vehicle, it does not tell
you the range of the secondary weapon.


4. Weapon Statistics

Below is a guide to the different weapons you will find in Multiplayer Renegade and their
effects against various targets. Listed in alphabetical order...
(avg) means an average value determined over 10-20 rounds fired. (est) means an estimated
number based on a template value, or a value I find more logical. Note that if a number has
a slash followed by another number (e.g 45/60), the second number indicates that a secondary
fire option is available. This also applies to vehiclular weapons.

Please note that when Heavy Armour (Buildings) is mentioned, the first value is when any
part of the building is hit. The second value after the slash is when the MCT is hit.

Currently these results are based off 1.030.

Assault Rifle (GDI/Nod Soldiers, Projectile Bullets) vs.
Light Armour - 1.5 (avg)
Normal Armour - 0.15 (avg)
Heavy Armour - 0.1/0.2 (avg, est)

All Projectile (Bullet) weapons with the exception of the Sniper/Ramjet Rifle take
time to travel to their targets, so lead them accordingly. This is a common newbie mistake.

All Projectile (Bullet) weapons are pathetically ineffective against Heavy armour. I will
explain this in chapter 8.

Chaingun (GDI/Nod Officers, Projectile Bullets) vs.
Light Armour - 1.5 (avg)
Normal Armour - 1 - 1.1 (avg)
Heavy Armour - 0.1/0.2 (avg, est)

Chem Sprayer (Nod Chem Soldier, Projectile Tiberium) vs.
Light Armour - 7 (constant, no variation)
Normal Armour - 3 (constant, no variation)
Heavy Armour - 8/16 (constant, no variation, avg)

All Projectile (Tiberium) weapons also take time to travel to their target, so lead
them accordingly.

C4 (Remote, Explosive) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 200
Heavy Armour - 200/1600

C4 (Timed, Explosive) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 400
Heavy Armour - 400/3200

Flamethrower (Nod Flamethrower Infantry, Incendiary) vs.
Light Armour - 2-8 (is totally random, higher chance of lower damage)
Normal Armour - 3-8 (is totally random, higher chance of higher damage)
Heavy Armour - 4/8 (constant, no variation, avg)

Grenades (GDI Grenade Infantry, Explosive) vs.
Light Armour - 33
Normal Armour - 32
Heavy Armour - 133/133 (avg)

Laser (Nod Obelisk of Light, Incendiary, Piercing) vs.
All Armour - 300

Laser Chaingun (Nod Black Hand, Piercing, Incendiary) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 3
Heavy Armour - 5.7/9.7 (avg), 5/10 (est)

Laser Rifle (Nod Stealth Black Hand, Piercing, Incendiary) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 4
Heavy Armour - 8/10.5 (avg)

Personal Ion Cannon (GDI M.A.S Sydney, Piercing) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 80
Heavy Armour - 160/320 (avg)

Pistol (All units, Projectile Bullet) vs.
Light Armour - 3
Normal Armour - 1.3 (avg)
Heavy Armour - 0.1/0.2 (est)

Proximity Mines (GDI Hotwire, Nod Technician) vs.
Light Armour - Not tested yet. Need someone to test.
Normal Armour - Not tested yet.
Heavy Armour - Not tested yet.

Ramjet Rifle (GDI Havoc, Nod Sakura) vs.
Light Armour - 60
Normal Armour - 4.5 (avg)
Heavy Armour - 1/2 (est)

These guys have infinite range. Note that I did not test sniper rifles against
buildings because it is both redundant and SLOWWWWWW. I just assumed the values
from the few shots I did fire.

Railgun (Nod Raveshaw, Piercing) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 80
Heavy Armour - 160/320 (avg)

Rockets (GDI Gunner, Explosive) vs.
Light Armour - 38
Normal Armour - 36
Heavy Armour - 133/133 (avg, est)

Rockets (GDI/Nod Rocket Officer, Explosive) vs.
Light Armour - 37
Normal Armour - 36
Heavy Armour - 133/133 (avg, est)

Rockets (GDI AGT) -Contributed by Ubob
Light/Normal Armour - 70-80 (I have confirmed this.)

Shotgun (GDI/Nod Shotgun Troopers, Projectile Bullets) vs.
Light Armour - 36 (Assuming all pellets connect)
Normal Armour - 3 (Assuming all pellets connect)
Heavy Armour - 0.1/0.2 (avg, est, per pellet)

Sniper Rifle (GDI Deadeye, Nod Black Hand, Projectile Bullet) vs.
Light Armour - 30
Normal Armour - 2
Heavy Armour - 0.5/1 (est)

These guys have infinite range. Use them to take out MRLS and Mobile Artilleries.

Tiberium Auto Rifle (GDI Civilian Sydney, Projectile Tiberium) vs.
Light Armour - 5
Normal Armour - 2
Heavy Armour - 6.5/13 (avg)

Tiberium Flechette Gun (GDI Patch, Projectile Tiberium) vs.
Light Armour - 2
Normal Armour - 1
Heavy Armour - 6.5/7.15 (avg/avg, est)

Volt Rifle (GDI Moebius, Nod Mendoza, Electrical) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 4
Heavy Armour - 8/15 (avg)


5. GDI Vehicle Statistics

Overview :
GDI supposedly has the heavier, tougher vehicles but weaker infantry support, and it is
reflected in its unit selection. One on one, GDI has the advantage in terms of firepower
and armour, but cannot stand up in a war of attrition. The only way to win is to push into
a functioning Nod facility and wipe it out.

Note that against Heavy Armour, the value after the slash is only available if a secondary
weapon is present. For obvious reasons Vehicles cannot hit the MCTs. (No, no Humm-Vees in
the base!)

Hum-Vee (Light Armour, Projectile Bullet, Turret, Wheeled) vs.
Light Armour - 2.5 (avg)
Normal Armour - 1.8 (avg)
Heavy Armour - 0.94 (avg), 0.95 (est)
Armour/Health : 150/150
Seating Capacity : 2

I fired approximately 850-860 rounds into the building for this test. Apparently the
vehicle mounted bullets are better at destroying buildings than the handheld versions.

APC (Normal Armour, Projectile Bullet, Turret, Tracked) vs.
Light Armour - 2.5 (avg)
Normal Armour - 1.8 (avg)
Heavy Armour 0 0.94 (avg), 0.95 (est)
Armour/Health : 300/300
Seating Capacity : 5 (not confirmed)

Hum-Vees and APCs use the exact same gun as a weapon. The GDI APC is much more compact
than the bulky Nod APC and can thus maneuver in tighter situations.

MRLS (Light Armour, Explosive, Homing, Fixed, Tracked) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 39 (per shot)
Heavy Armour - 137.93 (avg), 138 (est)
Armour/Health : 200/200
Seating Capacity : 2

MRLS cannot rotate their missile racks, but the missiles *may* be able to loop around and
hit targets behind the MRLS, although some missiles may take the wrong direction to loop.
You can still see behind you though. MRLSes can actually attack targets directly in front
of them simply by aiming straight down. The misiles will explode a short distance away and
can take out infantry at nearly point blank range. Vehicles are large enough to be hit
directly by a missile.

Also, apparently these heavy vehicles were _built_ to take out buildings. The differences
between infantry weaponry and vehicle weaponry still scares me.

Medium Tank (Normal Armour, Piercing, Explosive, Turret, Tracked) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 62.5
Heavy Armour - 190.47 (avg), 190.5 - 191 (est)
Armour/Health : 400/400
Seating Capacity : 2

ALL tank weapons are considered explosive, even though they are not rockets. Medium tanks
have a pretty good sweep radius as well so they can even hit air targets.

Mammoth Tank (Normal Armour, Piercing, Explosive/Explosive+Homing, Turret, Tracked) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 60/75
Heavy Armour - 190.47/266.7 (avg, est)
Armour/Health : 600/600
Seating Capacity : 2

Mammoths can, if you don't already know, regenerate their health once their armour is
depleted. It can effectively regenerate up to 600 points of health. The armour must be
replaced by an engineer's Gizmo gun. Their Tusk missiles have exceptional homing, but
are incredibly short ranged. They can, however, aim almost completely vertically.
The Primary cannons are also rather short ranged but have a wider sweep.

Also, although statistically 3 timed C4s will destroy one Mammoth, its auto-repair takes
effect immediately once it starts losing life so you should always add at least one more
Timed or Remote C4 to finish it off, or get someone with a Big Gun to help out.

Orca (Light Armour, Piercing, Explosive+Homing/Projectile Bullets, Turret, Flying)
Light Armour - 45/4
Normal Armour - 45/3
Heavy Armour - 160/0.9 (avg/est)
Armour/Health : 150/150
Seating Capacity : 1 (unconfirmed)

GDI Orcas and Nod Apaches have the exact same weapons systems, only the primary/secondary
weapons are swapped. Their missiles are on weapons hardpoints (fixed), so they must be
aimed if you want a confirmed hit. Also, the turret is, to a degree, fixed. Its relative
firing arc is dependent on the bearing of the nose of the Apache. Take note.

Chinook (Light Armour, No weapons, Flying)
Armour/Health : 200/200
Seating Capacity: 5 (unconfirmed)

Harvester (Normal Armour, No weapons, Tracked)
Armour/Health : 600/600

Note: I added the harvester to let people have a rough idea on how tough it is to
destroy. It takes roughly 3 bricks of Timed c4 planted on it to destroy it. It is
also capable of self-repairs like the Mammoth (up to half its health) when it hits the
yellow zone, so don't dawdle when destroying it! Remember that like the Mammoth, you
should always have a little extra support when destroying one.


6.0 Nod Vehicle Statistics

Nod focuses on both stealth and speed, as well as numberical superiority. The relatively
cheap Light Tanks and highly elite Stealth Black Hands all emphasize this focus on cheaper,
lighter but more prolific (and sneaky) units.

Note that against Heavy Armour, the value after the slash is only available if a secondary
weapon is present. For obvious reasons Vehicles cannot hit the MCTs. (No, I will NOT open that
door for you!)

Buggy (Light Armour, Projectile Bullet, Turret, Wheeled) vs.
Light Armour - 2.4 (avg)
Normal Armour - 1.8 (avg)
Heavy Armour - 0.94 (avg), 0.95 (est)
Armour/Health : 125/125
Seating Capacity: 2

Note: The Buggy is, appropriately, faster than the Humm-Vee but physically weaker. Take note.

APC (Normal Armour, Projectile Bullet, Turret, Tracked) vs.
Light Armour - 2.4 (avg)
Normal Armour - 1.8 (avg)
Heavy Armour - 0.94 (avg), 0.95 (est)
Armour/Health : 300/300
Seating Capacity: 5 (not confirmed)

Mobile Artillery (Light Armour, Explosive, Turret, Tracked) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 93
Heavy Armour - 213.3 (avg), 215 (est)
Armour/Health : 150/150
Seating Capacity: 2 (not confirmed)

The Mobile Artillery has pretty extreme range, but its shots tend to be off centre. Also,
its turret cannot move up or down to any appreciable degree (note that it is nearly
crippled in terms of aiming down, but can at least aim 30 degrees upwards) and is extremely
slow when turning. Be sure to compensate for this lack of versatility.

Also, it is THE building killer. Compared to all the other vehicles, the Mobile Artillery
does the most damage to any building for its cost and range.

Flame Tank (Normal Armour, Incendiary, Turret, Tracked) vs.
Light Armour - 10 - 25 (totally random, depends on how much of the flames [1 barrel or both]
hit and how much burning you see)
Normal Armour - 5 - 7 (totally random, may be higher or lower than stated values)
Heavy Armour - 200 (constant, no variation)
Armour/Health : 400/400
Seating Capacity: 2

Special note: As ammunition count is impossible, these values are based off Per Second of

Flame tanks, like the Flamethrower Infantry, do a random amount of damage for every second
a target is exposed to its fire. However, the randomness is also determined by the armour
type of the target, so sometimes doing a broadside (shooting the side of a target) is
preferable to going head on. Flame tanks are ridiculously nimble, so take advantage of that.

Also note that Flame Tanks are rightly feared as Base Busters as they do almost as much damage
as a MobArt (Mobile Artillery), are tougher, but simply shorter ranged. They do have the advantage
of speed and wreaking mass havoc though.

Light Tank (Normal Armour, Explosive, Turret, Tracked) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 52 (may be 52.5)
Heavy Armour - 177.7 (avg), 178 - 180 (est)
Armour/Health : 300/300
Seating Capacity: 2

Stealth Tank (Normal Armour, Explosive, Homing, Turret, Tracked) vs.
Light/Normal Armour - 90 (45 per missile)
Heavy Armour - 320 (160 per missile, avg, est)
Armour/Health : 200/200
Seating Capacity: 1 (not confirmed)
Special: Lazarus Cloak

Stealth tanks are pretty vicious against flying vehicles because of their homing missiles,
and with their Normal armour should be able to take a beating, so these should be used to
destroy unwary Chinooks.

Apache (Light Armour, Projectile Bullet/Explosive+Homing, Turret/Fixed, Flying)
Light Armour - 4/45
Normal Armour - 3/45
Heavy Armour - 0.9/160
Armour/Health : 150/150
Seating Capacity: 2 (unconfirmed)

Nod Apaches and GDI Orcas have the exact same weapons systems, only the primary/secondary
weapons are swapped. Their missiles are on weapons hardpoints (fixed), so they must be
aimed if you want a confirmed hit. Also, the turret is, to a degree, fixed. Its relative
firing arc is dependent on the bearing of the nose of the Apache. Take note.

Chinook (Light Armour, No weapons, Flying)
Armour/Health : 200/200
Seating Capacity: 5 (unconfirmed)

Harvester (Normal Armour, No weapons, Tracked)
Health: 1200

7.0 Building Statistics

Everyone knows that the heart and soul of any Nod or GDI force is its base. Although in the
original C&C each building had its own special statistics, apparently in Renegade they have
been homogenized (to a degree) so that their statistics remain basically the same.

Note that the Health of these buildings is, at best, a rough estimate and that ALL weapons
values vs. buildings were based off the single most important Base Buster: Timed C4.

That's right. So far I have no reason to believe otherwise that these statistics ARE correct,
and I have no idea that Timed C4 actually does the damage it does, but just to get an idea
of weapon effects against buildings, this will do.

Anyway, here are my results...

7.0A Nod Structures

Hand of Nod (Heavy Armour) - 8000 health.

The Hand of Nod is more complex than the GDI barracks, making Beacon Planting more hazardous.
I presume this is because Nod is more focused on its Infantry.

Airstrip (Heavy Armour) - 8000 health.

On the other hand, their Airstrip is pathetically easy to Nuke. Planting a beacon anywhere on
the runway works as well as anywhere.

Tiberium Refinery (Heavy Armour) - 8000 health.

Nod has a better sense of placement for their PTs. Players don't have to travel far to
reload from any entry point to the Refinery.

Power Plant (Heavy Armour) - 8000 health.

Compensating for the convenient Refinery PT placement, the Power Plant has some pretty lousy
PT placement.

Obelisk of Light (Heavy Armour) - 8000 health.

This guy is vicious. He hits everything from air to ground. Don't try an Orca assault on him.

Turrets (Heavy Armour) - 593 (avg), 600 (est) health.

These guys can run without power. Protect them at all costs. This is a common mistake.

7.0B GDI structures

Barracks (Heavy Armour) - 8000 health.

Their MCT is inconveniently placed (for the enemy), but the simple layout of this
building makes prevention of Beacon planting a pain. (But disarming it is easy)

Weapons Factory (Heavy Armour) - 8000 health.

Nicely laid out, so a PT is there wherever you need one. In contrast to Nod, this is a
tough cookie to destroy. Just beware, if you notice someone planting a beacon inside
the assembly area (a choice favorite), buy a vehicle and flatten him/her.

Tiberium Refinery (Heavy Armour) - 8000 health.

Poorly laid out PTs make reloading in them a hassle. However, if you're defending the MCT it
becomes a big plus.

Power Plant (Heavy Armour) - 8000 health.

Again, easily accessible PTs to all. Just watch for Nod soldiers making an easy kill out of you.

Advanced Guard Tower (Heavy Armour) - 8000 health.

As tough as the Obelisk with four times the defensive potential, but a much higher priority
target for Nod. Unlike Nod's Turrets, this cannot run at all without power. You know what to

8.0 Test Parameters

For the curious and helpful, a section on how I performed my tests:

8.1 - I want to help. Why use YOUR parameters?

Simple. Scientists use controlled environments to perform their experiments. Same thing here, I
cannot have a whole bunch of odd variables interfering with the results. A lot for a game? Maybe.

8.2 - How I Checked for Armour Classes

After buying one of every vehicle from both sides, take a pistol and shoot each vehicle. Use 1,
5, 10 and 20 shots. Take down the damage done (by getting in the vehicle) after each series of
shots is complete. I noticed that the pistol only did 2 different amounts of damage across all
vehicles, so I came up with the Normal and Light Armour classes.

To test this on infantry, use the pistol on a Basic, Officer, Deadeye/Black Hand, Boss and
Technician class and shoot them in the chest. Take down the damage done. If there is a difference
between certain classes, there is an armour class present.

Take the damage done to the torso as the base value. Shoot the head, arm and leg. Record the
damages done. After averaging them out, simply write the results down and post them to me. :)

8.3 - How I Checked Structure Health

By using a stethoscope. No, really. Nevermind.
Anyway, using the Timed C4 as a base (400 damage), I calculated that it removed approximately
1/2 a block of health from the health gauge of the building. Assuming there are 10 blocks, I
estimate that each building has 8000 health points after noticing that all buildings take the
same amount of damage from Timed C4 (T.C4 for short).

To estimate how much MORE damage the MCT causes, I repaired the building, then planted a
T.C4 on its MCT. I am left with 6.05 (rough estimate) blocks of health, which means. 3.95 blocks
of health was taken away. I then calculate this and deduce that the MCT causes 7.95 times MORE
damage. (1 block = 2 T.C4s, 3 blocks = 6 T.C4s, 0.95 blocks = 1.9 C4s. 3.95 blocks = 7.95 T.C4s.)

Rounding this up, I assume that with a margin of error in displaying the health bar, MCTs take 8x
damage from all C4s, 2x damage from most other weapons, 1x damage from explosives, and variable
damage from both Laser weapons as well as the Tiberium Flechette gun.

9.0 Requests

Right now, I have no way of accurately testing out weapons against infantry units, in
particular whether they have their own armour types (say, a normal Soldier vs. a Mobile
Suit Sydney, and then if there is a difference between the different skins) and the sort
of effect weapons have on them and their bodyparts. If you are interested in helping,
drop me a mail @ and send in the results. Thanks a lot!

If you want me to add/correct/amend/etc. anything to this FAQ, email me as well.

Remember to mark the email topic with Renegade, or else I'll probably delete it as Junk

10.0 Credits

Westwood for making this heck of a FPS game for the C&C universe.

UBob for the AGT rocket info.

GameFAQs for posting this up.

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17.Oktober 2013
Multiplayer Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Weapons and Armour Guide by Wong Si Yuan
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Savegame für Spielstufe 'Medium' (Achtung: ca. 1 MB, für dt. Version)

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