Command & Conquer - Renegade

Command & Conquer - Renegade

18.10.2013 01:37:56
Command & Conquer: Renegade FAQ/walkthrough
Written by Nadia Varkovsky (
Last updated March 11, 2002 (Version 1.1)

First of all, I would like to proudly dedicate this FAQ to Grace Yeo. I
love you :)


1. Updates
2. Introduction
3. Game History
4. Game Overview
5. Items and weapons
6. Vehicles
7. Buildings
8. Characters
9. Walkthrough
Mission 1 : The Scorpion Hunters
Mission 2 : Rescue and Retribution
Mission 3 : Armored Assault
Mission 4 : The Plot Erupts
Mission 5 : Stowaway
Mission 6 : Deadly Reunion
Mission 7 : The Grip of the Black Hand
Mission 8 : Obelisk of Oppression
Mission 9 : Evolution of Evil
Mission 10: All Brains, No Brawn
Mission 11: Tomorrow's Technology Today
Mission 12: Stomping on Holy Ground
10. Credits


1. Updates

March 3, 2002: Started the walkthrough as well as completing the
general format for the walkthrough. I also managed to finish the
walkthrough up to mission 4. More info on other sections coming soon...
while the walkthrough should be picking up next Friday... (Version 1.0)

March 11, 2002: Finished the walkthrough up to mission 8 as well as
adding some information to section 5, 6 and 8. Hopefully I can finish
the remaining four missions this weekend... (Version 1.1)


2. Introduction

Please note that I'm very busy with schoolwork (I'm a grade 12 student)
and updates may be very slow. I will try to update as often as I can
but they will only come during weekends. If you have any critics,
suggestions, comments and things to add, don't hesitate to email me at
One more thing, this FAQ is protected by the international Copyright
Law so if there's anyone who wants to post this FAQ in his or her site,
YOU HAVE TO LET ME KNOW FIRST!!! I've heard many stories about people
plagiarizing other people's FAQ to make money and believe me, writing
FAQ is not easy and to you know how it feels if your hard work is used
by other people. So for all plagiarizers out there, be warned that if
you do anything to my FAQ, I SWEAR THAT I WON'T LET YOU OFF THAT


3. Game History


4. Game Overview


5. Items and weapons

Health upgrade
This item increases your maximum health by five percent.

Armor upgrade
This item increases your maximum armor by five percent.

Automatic pistol (keypad number 1)
The standard issue automatic pistol is a common tool for elite units.
It has a built-in silencer for stealth operations and sports very
lightweight ammunition.

Automatic rifle (keypad number 2)
The automatic rifle is the standard issue weapon for dealing with
infantry. Use short bursts to control your fire and avoid assaulting
armor with it.

Chain-gun (keypad number 2)
A more efficient tool against infantry, the chain-gun is also handy
against lightly-armored vehicles. Though inaccurate, it has a high rate
of fire.

Sniper rifle (keypad number 3)
The sniper rifle can be used to zoom in for highly accurate targeting.
It is also equipped with a directional microphone. The sniper rifle is
very effective for eliminating officers.

Flamethrower (keypad number 4)
A standard anti-infantry weapon for many years, the flamethrower is a
very effective tool in close quarters. Use cautiously around

Chemical sprayer (keypad number 4)
Practically useless against vehicles but devastating against infantry,
the chemical sprayer is a formidable weapon in close quarters. Be wary
of accidental mutations.

Rocket launcher (keypad number 5)
The rocket launcher is the ultimate anti-vehicle tool and is especially
effective against transport helicopters. Save your rockets for vehicle

Grenade launcher (keypad number 6)
The automatic grenade launcher is an effective weapon against infantry
and is handy for getting explosives into irregular locations, such as
the top of a guard tower.

Laser rifle (keypad number 7)
The laser rifle is a handy tool for eliminating infantry and is fairly
accurate compared to other personnel weaponry. Use it on your more
formidable targets.

Personal ion cannon (keypad number 7)
The personal ion cannon is best used on vehicle targets and can be
effective on buildings as well. It takes a bit of time to charge up but
has a devastating effect.

Remote C4
Remote C4 is effective against vehicles and buildings and has a
tendency to stick to targets. Place it in the road and detonate at your
leisure to strike passing vehicles.

Ion cannon beacon
The ion cannon beacon sends a primary broadcast signal, allowing for
more accurate targeting of ion cannon satellites. You have a few
seconds to reach safe distance upon deployment.

Nuclear strike beacon
The nuclear strike beacon is used to accurately guide tactical nuclear
missiles to their targets. You have a few seconds to evacuate after


6. Vehicles

GDI (Global Defense Initiative)

Humm-vees are excellent for fast transport across dangerous terrain.
The mounted machine gun is effective against infantry targets, but the
light armor is not good for tank engagements.

Medium tank
The medium tank comes equipped with a heavy-caliber barrel and moderate
armor. It is less maneuverable than the Nod light tank, but has more

Mammoth tank
The heaviest vehicle on the battlefield next to the harvester, the
mammoth sports two heavy-caliber barrels. The lack of maneuverability
is compensated by heavy armor.

Orca VTOL assault craft
The Orca vertical take-off and landing craft is one the of the most
maneuverable air vehicles on the battlefield. It is effective against
other air vehicles, but can be used against ground targets.

Transport helicopter
The best tool for extracting and delivering battlefield teams is the
transport helicopter. Fast and maneuverable, it is the primary choice
for air travel.

Brotherhood of Nod

Ceiling camera
Ceiling cameras are frequently hooked into internal security systems.
Avoid prolonged exposure to prevent setting off alarms.

Ceiling gun
A difficult to spot and deadly target, the ceiling gun is a mounted
menace. The target acquisition time for these weapons is slow, so try
to eliminate them before they get adjusted.

Gun emplacement
The gun emplacement is a standard tool for manning a defensive
position. Easily inserted via airdrop or transport, this weapon can be
a daunting target if you are on foot.

Cannon emplacement
Moderately armored and packing heavy firepower, the cannon emplacement
is the bane of vehicles. Avoid unnecessary exposure when dealing with
these targets.

Rocket emplacement
Specifically designed to eliminate heavy targets, the rocket
emplacement is an excellent defensive weapon for bases and other
facilities. If at all possible, approach them from the rear.

Cargo truck
This is a standard cargo truck.

Surface-to-surface missile launcher
The counterpart to the mobile artillery, the SSM launcher is effective
for removing vehicles but has a harder time dealing with infantry.
Consider taking it out at close range.

Tiberium harvester
Though weaponless, harvesters are heavily armored and capable of
driving over infantry. Their primary role is to harvest tiberium for
refinery processing.

Nod buggy
Fast and very maneuverable, the buggy is a Nod recon unit. Outfitted
with a machine gun mount, it is the bane of infantry but must keep
moving to avoid direct fire.

Armored Personnel Carrier
Maneuverable and well-armored, the APC transports infantry across the
battlefield quickly. The mounted machine gun is effective against
infantry, but is poor against tanks.

Mobile artillery
Mobile artillery is effective at killing infantry and can handle
vehicles if properly targeted. Rockets and other explosives are useful
for eliminating these targets.

Light tank
A smaller and more maneuverable assault tank, the light tank is also
cheaper to build. Unfortunately, this sacrifice results in a lack of
firepower. Keep moving and use rockets to eliminate it.

Flame tank
Though inefficient as a long-range assault unit, the flame tank is
devastating in close quarters and narrow alleyways. Destroy it with
rockets at range.

Stealth tank
Lightly armored and fairly maneuverable, the stealth tank is invisible
when not firing except for the tread marks and engine noise. Look for
these signatures.

Apache attack helicopter
Though Apaches don't sport the same warheads as Orcas do, they are just
as fast and maneuverable in most cases. Fast weaponry is required to
accurately target these enemies.

Transport helicopter
The best tool for extracting and delivering battlefield teams is the
transport helicopter. Fast and maneuverable, it is the primary choice
for air travel. Eliminate it with rockets.


7. Buildings


8. Characters

GDI (Global Defense Initiative)

GDI soldier
Considered standard assault infantry, GDI soldiers have basic combat
training. Their lack of combat education is compensated with automatic

GDI officer
GDI officers are trained better than enlisted soldiers and have
authority to radio Command for reinforcements.

Grenadiers are best attacking vehicles and small infantry groups.
However, their lack of long-range firepower makes them easy targets for

Rocket soldier
Though their rate of fire is lackluster, rocket soldiers compensate
with range and destructive power. They tend to panic when in close
proximity to their targets.

Rocket soldier officer
Rocket soldier officers have better combat training than their enlisted
counterparts and have the authority to radio Command for

Nod has taken several prisoners of war. These men are GDI-trained
soldiers in unfortunate situations.

Dr. Mobius is GDI's chief scientific advisor and the world's foremost
expert on tiberium.

Sydney Mobius is the daughter of Dr. Ignatio Mobius. Unlike her
father's purely scientific desire to unlock the secrets of tiberium,
Sydney is driven to utilize it as a weapon.

Originally from Scotland, Dariel MacInnis was involved with the Special
Air Service before joining GDI. He is a top marksman, with a nearly
flawless strike record from 200 meters and beyond.

Shai Aviv is a tough-as-nails commando and a woman of few words. She
came to GDI from the Mossad, where she served with distinction.

Nigel Grant was born on the wrong side of London. Nigel was seconded to
GDI through the British SBS (Special Boat Services), the British
equivalent of the American Navy SEALs.

Born in Berlin, Erich Wulfe found himself street-wise at an early age.
He came to the attention of GDI as a member of the GS9, a German
paramilitary/counter-terrorist organization.

Lieutenant Adriana Maus is first assistant to Brigadier General Locke
and has served for about two years. She has found her position to be
very beneficial to the Global Defense Initiative.

Chief officer of GDI Special War Operations, Brigadier General Adam
Locke began his military career in the British Army. Locke has
commanded Havoc for two years running.

Brotherhood of Nod

Nod soldier
Considered standard assault infantry, Nod soldiers have basic combat
training. Chemical weaponry takes down these enemies quickly.

Nod officer
Nod officers are trained better than enlisted soldiers and have
authority to radio Command for reinforcements. Eliminate these targets
first to prevent this.

Nod rocket soldier
Though their rate of fire is lackluster, rocket soldiers compensate
with range and destructive power. Sniper weaponry is recommended for
eliminating these enemies quickly.

Civilians with technical skills are often hired or conscripted by Nod
and GDI to maintain various buildings and operations. They have very
little combat skill, if any at all.

Though excellent at battlefield maintenance, engineers are not well-
suited to combat. Take out engineers first if building destruction is
your goal.

Flamethrower infantry are good close-range units and sport fire-
retardant suits. However, they are useless at long distances and their
and their fuel tanks are susceptible to explosion from projectiles.

Chemical warrior
Like flamethrower infantry, chemical warriors are close-range units
with hazmat suits protecting them from tiberium exposure. Take them out
from a distance to avoid contamination.

Black Hand soldier
The Black Hand soldier is an elite Special Forces unit with significant
weight and power. When dealing with these enemies, expect a higher
caliber opponent.

Black Hand heavy weapons soldier
Black Hand heavy weapons soldier are Special Forces units. Their long
range skills are deadly, so keep moving when dealing with these
adversaries. High-powered or automatic weaponry is recommended.

Black Hand stealth soldier
The stealth capability of Black Hand stealth soldiers enables them to
appear when you least expect it, so keep your back to the wall and use
your environment to illuminate their positions.

These early mutations are unstable and have less processing power than
their advanced cousins. Tiberium immunity, a powerful build and high
speed make them very good at close-quarter assaults, so eliminate them
at range.

Immune to tiberium and capable of advanced target recognition and
tactical thought processes, templars are superior versions of project
Re-Genesis experimentation.

First Mate
Having little interest in combat, First Mate Gilligan has been working
his career toward naval operations in an attempt to avoid ground
conflict situations.

Captain Stubing has been a strong supporter of the Brotherhood since
being rescued from his crash on a desolate island, a stressful
situation that was originally intended to be a simple three-hour tour.

It is rumored Sakura Obata was formerly with the Yakuza and sought
other arenas for her talents. Initially she chose GDI and the Dead-6,
then the Brotherhood of Nod and their ample bank accounts.

Carlos Mendoza joined Nod when his methods became too bloody for even
the most extreme extremists. He is loyal to Raveshaw and the
Brotherhood, provided the money doesn't run out.

Gideon Raveshaw is the man responsible for creating the Black Hand.
Cold-blooded and unforgiving, he directs his soldier with a razor sharp
chain of command.

No allegiance characters

Un-enlisted civilians are often found in mission-critical areas.
Protecting their lives is part of the job.

Civilian resistance
Various members of the village have picked up arms and are resisting
Nod attempts to round them up for transport.

Members of the resistance call her Babushka, Lola Merkova has been a
town figurehead for many years.

People of religious faith tend to conflict with the ideals of Nod. This
makes them viable targets during wartime operations.

Civilian farmers tend the fields near their homes. Be careful, they
tend to wander into the line of fire.

Civilian chefs are often hired out of the common workforce to serve in
Nod facilities. For some reason, their initial loyalty is a bit
stronger than the common civilian. Maybe it's the curry.

Dr. Elena Petrova is a genius of a caliber similar to Dr. Ignatio
Mobius and is also an expert in the field of tiberium research.


9. Walkthrough

Mission 1: The Scorpion Hunters

Not available

Grab the automatic rifle lying on the ground to the left and follow the
engineers forward to grab some more ammo.
Go forward and kill the lone Black Hand who is standing on top of some
rocks. Head to the right and kill off the Nod soldiers who are
attacking the reconnaissance team with the automatic rifle. When most
of the Nod soldiers are taken out, two Chinook transport will arrive
carrying more reinforcement. Take out the reinforcement from the first
Chinook but the second one will be blown up by one of the GDI soldiers.

Grab the power-ups lying around the ambush site to replenish Havoc's
supplies then wait for the engineers to repair the medium tank. Get
inside then wait for the engineers to blow up the destroyed light tank
which is blocking the way.
A Humm-vee will be dropped so follow it forward to reach a tiberium
field. Destroy the NOD harvester there followed with the Nod buggy
which should be hovering nearby as well as any remaining Nod soldiers.
Follow the GDI column forward a bit more past the field and take the
two turrets guarding the entrance to the main base.

Follow the GDI troops forward and Havoc will see the NOD base looming
in the background. Take out the buggy, light tank and mobile artillery
standing guard behind the barb wires. An Orca bomber will then try to
head into the Nod base but got shot down by the SAM sites.
Take out the two SAM sites then another bombing strafe will be
attempted with the same disaster. Use this moment to take out the gun
emplacement located slightly forward of the Hand of Nod. Base will then
announce that an ion cannon strike will be attempted. Simply sit back,
relax and wait for the ion cannon strike to be commenced, effectively
destroying the Nod base. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 2: Rescue and Retribution

Primary (3)
-Locate detention center
-Access communications mainframe
-Open detention center
Secondary (6)
-Rescue prisoners
-Contact GDI commander
-Eliminate Nod officer
-Destroy Nod turrets
-Rescue clergy
-Disable Hand of Nod

Head forward and grab the automatic rifle lying on the sand. Havoc will
then come across a destroyed Chinook transport to the right, be sure to
grab the data disk lying next to it to update the map.
Climb up the ladder and talk to the GDI soldiers there. When he
finished talking, a new secondary objective will be added to rescue
prisoners. Look to the left and grab the C4 lying in the middle of the
road (left of the abandoned cargo truck).

Head back to the destroyed construction yard and go to the back. Kill
the lone Nod soldier there to free the prisoners and a new secondary
objective will be added to contact the commander. Be sure to grab the
health-increase power-up lying next to the small valley entrance where
the GDI soldiers are waiting.
Head into the valley and kill all the NOD soldiers along the way. Havoc
will then come across a small house where the commander is residing in
while three Nod soldiers are shooting at him from outside. Take them
out and go inside the house to talk to the commander. He will then give
Havoc a homing beacon for the ion cannon.

Now enter the small opening behind the house and quickly grab the data
disk inside. Head back into the house and grab the power-up to
replenish Havoc's armor because of the tiberium poisoning while
grabbing the data disk earlier.
Head back out and continue along the small valley to the left. Locke
will inform Havoc of a Nod officer directing reinforcement from a tower
up ahead and instructed him to kill the officer.
Keep going forward until Havoc can see the tower. A column of light
tanks will be pounding away to the left but just ignore them as a GDI
air strike will decimate them all in a few seconds. Enter the tower and
climb the ladder then kill the officer there. Grab the sniper rifle and
look out of the window just in time to see a Chinook dropping two Nod
soldiers outside; use the sniper rifle to put a bullet each into their

Head back down and go towards the north from the tower. Locke will then
ask Havoc to take out the two turrets harassing the GDI gunboat off the
coast. Take out the Nod soldiers in the area first and some C4s will be
parachuted. Grab them and plant it on the turrets from behind.
When the two turrets are destroyed, head to the beach to grab the
sniper rifles and C4s lying on the sand, a medium tank will come ashore
to be used under Havoc's disposal.

Drive the medium tank to the farm houses behind the coast then check
all three houses for some power-ups. Talk to the civilians and a GDI
Chinook will be sent to evacuate them. Locke will then drop some
supplies outside the cave entrance just straight ahead (east of the
turrets if seen from the map).
Head inside with the medium tank and kill all the NOD soldiers along
the way. When Havoc emerged from the cave search out the NOD light tank
patrolling nearby then destroy it. Explore the area to the left as well
to take out three gun emplacements perched on top of the small hills.
There should be a NOD officer standing near the third gun emplacement
(he is standing on a bridge). Kill him and grab the green keycard that
he dropped.

Head to the left of the bridge and continue on foot. Havoc will reach a
junction so take another left here to reach the church. Kill the Nod
officer and soldier outside the church and grab the yellow keycard that
the officer dropped. The church clergy will run out so talk to her but
Locke will say that he still detect some civilians in the church.
Head inside the church and kill the three Nod soldiers there and head
outside to kill any remaining Nod soldiers. Don't forget to grab the
data disk lying on the ground next to the church's entrance. A Chinook
will then arrive to shuttle the civilians away to safety.

Continue on foot along the small path behind the church and havoc will
see a tower up ahead. Go inside and kill the Nod officer there to grab
the red keycard that he is carrying.
Head back down and proceed along the path to the right and havoc will
come across another tower. Clear out the area and head forward to see
another tower on top of a hill. Kill off any resistance in the area and
take the other path which is sloping downward between the two towers.

Havoc will stumble upon the Hand of Nod. Take out the SAM site outside
the Hand of Nod and some GDI reinforcement will arrive. Plant the ion
cannon beacon acquired earlier at the entrance and stay clear of the
blast. When the structure is destroyed, try to grab some flamethrower
from dead Nod flamethrowers who should be lingering around the area.
Head to the back of the Hand of Nod and use the flamethrower to destroy
the NOD buggy patrolling there.
Follow the sloping path upwards to reach the Nod communications center
which is just next to the detention area. Take out the SAM site to the
left of the communications center and two GDI soldiers will arrive to
assist Havoc. Enter the communications center via the door to the left
(the one facing the SAM site) and kill any Nod soldiers in the
immediate vicinity.

Turn right and head down the ramp leading deeper underground. Havoc
will come into the main communications area with a huge screen and
several consoles around the room. Exit the room through the right and
look to the right again to see a Nod officer communicating with Kane.
Take out the officer and head to the left.
Ignore the elevator first and enter the door straight ahead into a
corridor. Enter the door at the far end to find the Master Control
terminal. Plant a C4 there and detonate it to complete the mission
objective. Now head back outside by using the elevator and open the
gate leading to the detention center. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 3: Armored Assault

Primary (3 out of 3)
-Locate missing scientists
-Disable dam Master Control Terminal
-Infiltrate cargo plane
Secondary (18 out of 18)
-Disable helipad
-Secure guard tower
-Secure first house
-Secure second house
-Secure third house
-Acquire mammoth tank
-Destroy Nod convoy
-Disable first SAM site
-Secure ski resort
-Disable second SAM site
-Disable third SAM site
-Disable fourth SAM site
-Disable power plant
-Disable obelisk
-Destroy tiberium machine Alpha
-Destroy tiberium machine Beta
-Destroy tiberium machine Gamma
-Disable Hand of Nod
Tertiary (2 out of 2)
-Disable airstrip
-Destroy tiberium silos

Grab the ammunitions right in front and enter the Humm-vee which is
just dropped slightly ahead on the road.
Havoc will then see two medium tanks pounding away at a Nod helipad and
guard tower. Assist the GDI forces in clearing the area by destroying
the helipad and killing the NOD officer on the guard tower; be sure to
grab the data disk in the tower.

Enter the Hum-vee again and proceed along the road into a tunnel. When
Havoc emerged again, he will see some GDI forces trying to force their
way off a bridge to secure some houses on the other side.
Go to the left first and enter the house there. Talk to the GDI officer
and he will tell Havoc to take anything he wants so grab everything in
the house but most importantly grab the rocket launcher lying at the

Go back out again and cross the bridge to the other side. Head inside
the first house right across the bridge to complete the secondary
objective after Havoc cleared the area of enemy resistance; don't
forget to grab the weapons lying inside.
Head outside and go to the right to secure the second house. Kill any
enemy soldiers nearby especially the Nod officer who is calling for
reinforcements. Enter the second house to complete the secondary
objective and grab any weapons lying around the place then enter the
Nod buggy parked next to the house.

Enter the tunnel to the left and drive all the way to the end. Dump the
buggy and grab the unoccupied mammoth tank there. Take out the enemy
tanks blocking the way ahead including the mobile artillery and APCs.
Disembark then proceed on foot towards the third house to the left and
kill the Nod officer in there then grab the data disk nearby. When the
area is cleared, the secondary objective will be completed so check
around for any weapons then board the mammoth tank again.

Drive the mammoth tank into the tunnel straight ahead and exit from the
other side. Proceed forward towards the bridge and destroy all three
NOD cargo trucks as well as the SAM site straight ahead.
Follow the road up the hill and kill the two rocket soldiers perched on
top of the two guard towers there. Head inside the right guard tower
and kill the officer there to prevent any reinforcement.
Go back down and follow the road to the left and enter the unoccupied
medium tank.
Follow the mammoth tank forward to the ski resort and clear all enemy
resistance in the area including the Nod officer who should be calling
for reinforcement (use the radar to track his position). Grab the data
disk lying on the steps leading to the resort and jump into the
unoccupied light tank to the side of the resort. Turn left and follow
the road to proceed.

Destroy the light tank along the way and followed by the SAM site
slightly ahead of it. Turn left and kill the Nod officer and rocket
soldier who should be residing in the guard tower there.
Drive forward again and head to the left along the road. Keep going
forward while eliminating all opposition along the way. Eventually
Havoc will reach another open area where some GDI tanks are fighting.
Assist them by destroying the first SAM site to the left of the bridge
then destroy the light tank and cargo trucks on the bridge itself
(watch out for the rocket soldier). Head to the end of the bridge and
take out the two gun emplacements as well as the fourth SAM site to
clear the area.

Follow the road again and a medium tank will be dropped there so switch
into the new tank and dispose of the light tank. Head along the road
and Havoc will arrive at the top of the dam. Disembark from the tank
and enter the first door to the left.
Step into the elevator and sit tight while it goes down. As soon as the
door opens, quickly shoot the two Nod soldiers in that area. Step out
of the elevator and head up the ramp to access the next area.
Proceed along the area and exit through the other side. Kill the enemy
soldiers in this area and head into the door to the left. Plant a C4 on
the dam's MCT and destroy it.

Head outside and go forward then exit through the other door. Keep
going forward and Havoc will enter an area with pipes. Eliminate all
enemy resistance here and head to the right to go down the ramp.
Enter the elevator at the bottom then step out when the ride is over.
Kill the two Nod soldiers in this area then exit through the only door
into a tunnel.
When Havoc emerges from the tunnel, head to the left to take out any
enemy soldiers there. When it is done, head to the right of the tunnel
and proceed all the way to the end to take another elevator ride to the
power plant.
Kill any Nod soldiers outside the elevator and turn right to enter the
power plant from the entrance just behind the elevator. Take out any
enemies in the main control room and go down the ramp to the lower
level. Enter the elevator to the left to go down and proceed along the
corridor to access the power plant's MCT. Take out any enemy soldiers
guarding the area then detonate a C4 to take out the whole structure.

Now go back all the way to the room with the pipes earlier and take the
elevator there to go up again. Board the medium tank outside and use it
to destroy the obelisk then proceed forward towards the gate.
Disembark from the vehicle then enter the gate. Once inside, grab all
the power-ups at the other side of the room and exit through the small
opening to the left.
Keep going forward all the way along the tunnel, eliminating any
opposition along the way until Havoc emerged at the other side of the
dam. Head to the cave opening to the left and Locke will say that he is
getting some unique tiberium emission.

Proceed into the cave and keep going until Havoc can see a large
meteorite tiberium. Kill off all enemy soldiers in the area including
the Apache helicopter then explore the two smaller caves to the left
for some weapons including an ion cannon beacon (watch out for the twp
gun emplacements).
When it is done, head back to the cave and destroy the three tiberium
machines around the tiberium meteorite to complete the secondary
Go back to the right and Havoc will come to a junction. Head to the
right first and destroy the gun emplacement there then grab the power-
ups around the place. Go back to the junction and take a left this

Havoc will eventually come to another large area. Take out all the
enemies here, grab some power-ups and it's time to move on. Head into
the tunnel to the left and when havoc re-emerge, turn to the left and
take out the Nod soldier in the guard tower followed by the rocket
soldier on the roof.
Enter the Hand of Nod next and plant the ion cannon beacon there then
go back out to avoid the blast. Enter the Hand of Nod again after it's
destroyed then take the elevator down to the sleeping quarter. Turn
right and Havoc will see three doors, enter the middle one and proceed
to the main control room. Kill off all the enemy soldiers then enter
the elevator to the left.
When the elevator opens, step out and enter another elevator to the
right. Step out when it stops and find the exit out of the room to the
helipad on the roof when a cutscene will kick in.

After the cutscene, enter the Hand of Nod again and grab the green
keycard lying on the ground. Take the elevator down once and exit the
Hand of Nod through the large door with green marking just up ahead.
Take out all the enemy soldiers outside and Havoc will get to meet
Mendoza for the first time. Simply avoid his attacks and keep shooting
at him until half of his health is depleted. A Chinook transport will
then arrive to whisk him away to safety.
Head to the Nod airstrip and plant a C4 on the Master Control Terminal
to destroy it. Go back outside and destroy the two tiberium silos with
C4s (use rocket if C4s are not enough). Proceed to the cargo plane and
board it. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 4: The Plot Erupts

Primary (4 out of 4)
-Locate communications center
-Hack communications mainframe
-Escape via submarine
-Acquire security card
Secondary (3 out of 3)
-Secure beachhead
-Disable lower SAM sites
-Disable upper SAM sites
Tertiary (4 out of 4)
-Destroy defense cannon
-Disable communications center
-Disable power plant
-Disable tiberium refinery

Immediately run up the beach towards the bunkers. Whip out the rocket
launcher and take out the turret to the right and then kill the three
Nod officers on the beach to secure the beachhead.
Run up the path to the left and circle around behind the bunker while
following the path. Havoc will eventually encounter a small tiberium
field with some enemy soldiers. Kill them all and quickly run across
the tiberium field.
Just past that, Havoc will find the wreckage of a crashed plane. Kill
the Nod soldiers nearby and grab all the weapons as well as the data
disk inside the wreckage.

Keep going forward and Havoc will stumble upon an open area. Move fast
and quickly destroy the two SAM sites here followed by the three Nod
officers as well as the two turrets nearby. When everyone is dead, grab
all the weapons and power-ups lying around then proceed to the other
Follow the path uphill and take out the cannon emplacement there along
with the Nod soldiers nearby. Proceed forward past the waterfall and
Havoc will see a shore defense cannon looming above his head.
Turn left up the path and kill off any Nod soldiers around the area
then destroy the shore defense cannon with C4 charges before going for
the SAM sites nearby to complete a tertiary and another secondary

Go back down and follow the path to the left. Havoc would eventually
come upon a junction. The right path will lead to an underground cave
while the left path will take him directly to the Nod base.
Head to the right and kill all the Nod soldiers in the cave. Go forward
until the end of the cave where a freight elevator is waiting (be sure
to grab the data disk lying next to it). Stand on it and Havoc will be
transported upwards into the base.
Head out from the mini-hangar and turn left to find the communications
center. Go inside the elevator facing Havoc and turn left where Havoc
will encounter a door with yellow marking.

Locke will then ask Havoc to find the security keycard to open the
door. Head back up to the surface and go into the tiberium refinery.
Head down the ramp and go to the left. Havoc will reach a large area
with several Nod soldiers around. Kill everyone here including the
officer then grab his green keycard then head back out to the surface
Take the elevator down to the communications center and head to the
right to enter the main communications area. Be sure to take out the
ceiling gun at the other end of the room before it can do too much
damage. Clear out the vicinity then head towards the door underneath
the ceiling gun.
Go inside and kill the Nod officer there to find a yellow keycard. Look
to the left and hack the mainframe. When it is done, head back to the
elevator and access the door with the yellow marking. Destroy the MCT
to take out the communications center then take the elevator back to

As soon as Havoc stepped out of the elevator, Sakura would be waiting
with an attack helicopter. Use the rocket launcher to take her out and
the chopper will crash into the pipeline leading from the volcano to
the power plant.
Before Havoc escape from the island, he should spare a little of his
time to blow up some more stuff. Get Havoc to travel to the power plant
and blow it up by destroying the MCT (please refer to mission 3 for the
walkthrough on how to reach the power plant's MCT). Head back out when
it is done then enter the tiberium refinery.
Go to the large area where Havoc found the green keycard earlier and
there should be two doors with yellow markings on them. Head inside the
one to the left and continue across the corridor into the next room to
find the MCT. Destroy it and head back to the surface.

Now exit the Nod base through the gate behind the tiberium refinery
(the one facing the hangar). Keep going along the path and Havoc will
eventually reach the dock. Check out the warehouses for items and
power-ups then proceed to the submarine tied up at the edge of the
dock. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 5: Stowaway

Primary (6 out of 6)
-Rescue prisoners
-Sabotage missile racks
-Acquire prison security card
-Acquire deck security card
-Acquire submarine security card
-Sabotage torpedo racks
Secondary (2 out of 2)
-Disable critical engine areas
-Destroy Apache

Havoc will start this level in front of the submarine. Turn around and
he will see a ramp leading to the upper level just behind the submarine
with a Black Hand on patrol. Shoot him on the head with the pistol and
enter the door to the south (turn left from the starting position and
cross over to the other side).
Exit the short corridor through the only door and Havoc will enter the
storage area with lots of boxes on the floor below. Snipe the Nod
officer at the other side of the room first with the pistol then look
down towards the storage area. Havoc will see a group of soldiers
standing near some barrels.
Shoot the barrels and the explosion will take out the Nod soldiers.
Wait awhile for more Nod personnel to come investigate then kill them
all. When it is done, take the lift down and grab the power-ups lying
inside and outside the boxes.

Head back up again and exit the room through the other door to access
the missile rack area. Kill the lone Nod soldier here then take the
lift down and take out the remaining two Nod soldiers near the missile
racks. Sabotage all four missile racks then exit through one of the two
doors on the side.
Proceed along the corridor but enter the door located in the middle to
access the engine room. Kill the Nod officer who should be nearby as
soon as Havoc enters the area then scan the balcony above for another
Circle around the room and seek out the four engine console which is
guarded by a Nod technician. Kill all four technicians (including an
engineer near the center) then shoot the engine consoles to complete
the secondary objective.
Head to the other side of the engine room then board the lift to go to
the balcony above. Turn left just in time to see an engineer coming
down from another lift. Kill him then board the lift to find the prison
area. Waste the two Nod soldiers guarding the prisoners then go talk to
them. One of them will tell Havoc where to find the security card.

Take the lift back down to the upper engine room and enter the door to
the left. Havoc will find himself in a long corridor with tubes lined
on the side. Just as Havoc realized that the tubes contain tiberium
mutants, the farthest tube at the end of the corridor was broken by the
Initiate inside. Shoot the mutant before he can get close then enter
the door at the other end of the corridor.
Go to the back of the tiberium tanks to find two technicians. Kill them
then Havoc will see a visceroid coming towards him so kill it quickly
before it can do too much damage. Board the lift here to go up and
collect the power-ups lying around the place.
Board the other lift in this room to access the deck. Take out all the
oppositions here then head to the left. Enter the pathway there and
Havoc will see a ladder to the left which lead downwards to the prison
while there is another door to the right. Enter the door to access the
medical facility then kill the Black Hand and the doctor inside.
Grab the green keycard that he dropped then go down the ladder to the
left. Kill the Black Hand soldier here then proceed to the prison door
to release the prisoners.

After the cutscene, Havoc need to find the ship's first mate and obtain
the level two security keycard. Go back up to the medical facility and
cross over to the other side where Havoc will find a staircase leading
to the sleeping area.
Enter the door to the left or the right and both will eventually lead
to the upper deck (it is recommended to explore both sleeping areas to
grab all the weapons and power-ups lying about).
Once Havoc is out in the deck again, walk across the ramp to go up then
enter one of the doors on both sides which will lead to a living room
with sofa and a TV. Kill the chemical warriors here then ascend of the
stairs on both sides of the living room to find the first mate. Kill
him along with the four flamethrowers nearby then grab the yellow
keycard that he dropped. Havoc's next task will be to find the ship's
captain and acquire the submarine keycard from him.

Head back down to the prison then enter the door to the left to access
the mid-ship deck area. Take out all the Black Hand and Nod officer
here then grab the weapons and power-ups. Proceed to enter the door at
the other side and kill the Black Hand in the corridor here.
Keep going forward to enter the door to the left near the end of the
corridor to access the SAM area. Havoc will see a huge SAM site tower
in the center with two rocket emplacements at both ends of the room.
Kill any enemy soldiers nearby and grab all the weapons lying around
the place then take the lift down to the missile rack area. From here,
travel all the way back to the submarine where Havoc first start this
level while eliminating any oppositions along the way.

Access the door with the yellow marking at the other end of the
submarine bay and exit the short corridor through the only door there.
Quickly equip the rocket launcher and blast the Nod Apache helicopter
which is trying to take off. Revert back to the automatic rifle and
kill all the Black Hands and Nod officer in the helicopter hangar.
Head to the other side of the hangar and go down using the ramp to
access the ground level. Enter the door to the north then kill the
Black Hand at the other end of the corridor. Proceed forward and turn
left to access the torpedo room. Shoot the flamethrower there and
sabotage the two torpedo racks to complete another primary objective.

Head back out and ascend the staircase just next to the torpedo room.
Keep ascending the set of staircases and Havoc will eventually reach
the dining area at the top. Kill the three Nod soldiers here including
the chef then exit the area through the only door in the kitchen to
access the deck.
Go up the ramp and kill all oppositions here then enter the door just
behind the ramp to access the sleeping quarters. Cross to the other
side of the room while killing all enemy soldiers in the area then head
to the left to find a staircase leading upwards.
Kill all the Black Hands here then proceed towards the other end of the
area to find another staircase. Ascend the staircase and kill the lone
Black Hand that should be waiting for Havoc there.
Turn to the left and go up the ramp to find the bridge. Kill all the
chemical soldiers around the captain then kill him to grab the red
keycard that he should dropped when Havoc shoot him.
Now Havoc should go back they way he came to the submarine bay where
the prisoners will be waiting for him. Kill any enemy soldiers in the
vicinity then approach the prisoners. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 6: Deadly Reunion

Primary (5 out of 5)
-Locate Hotwire
-Contact Gunner
-Locate Deadeye
-Locate Patch
-Eliminate Black Hand
Secondary (5 out of 5)
-Secure town square
-Escort resistance
-Contact escapee
-Eliminate engineers
-Rescue Babushka

Havoc will start next to the destroyed Chinook transport. First of all,
kill the rocket soldier officer on the balcony next to the burning
truck just up ahead.
Proceed forward to the Triangle Garden past the burning truck and kill
all enemy oppositions here. Watch out for the rocket soldier officer to
the left so kill him quickly. A Nod light tank will be dropped onto the
Triangle Garden so destroy it with the rocket launcher.
Afterwards, proceed to the debris just up ahead and blast it open with
C4. Enter the building to talk to Hotwire then collect all the weapons
and power-ups inside.

Go back out and head to the right of the Triangle garden. Use the
rocket launcher to take out the APC and Nod buggy that is blocking the
road from afar then shoot all the flamethrowers in the vicinity.
Continue down the road and approach the two burning trucks which turn
out to be an ambush. A flame tank will appear from behind the trucks so
use the rocket launcher to destroy it.
Continue along the road again and Havoc will eventually reach the town
square where Gunner is currently pinned down. Snipe the rocket soldier
officer on the balcony just up ahead and use the rocket launcher to
destroy the light tank slightly to the right. Proceed forward again and
take out the second rocket soldier officer on the balcony to the left.
Nod will paradrop some soldiers into the town square so kill them all
to complete the secondary objective then talk to Gunner after
collecting the weapons that was dropped by the Nod reinforcements.

After the cutscene, head to the house behind the town square and grab
the power-ups. Ascend the staircase to the second floor then head back
out through the broken wall while killing two flamethrowers along the
Havoc will find himself on a wooden bridge stretching to the left. Use
the rocket launcher to take out the gun emplacement at the end of the
wooden bridge then look to the left to kill a rocket soldier officer on
the balcony there as well as the Nod light tank slightly behind the
wall to the left.
Continue along the bridge to the end and turn right to kill the rocket
soldier officer on the balcony there. Head backward a little and shoot
the three flamethrowers that should come from the left. Turn left after
they are all dead to kill a Nod officer there as well as a Black Hand
sniper on the balcony above.
Proceed forward again and turn left to take control of the gun
emplacement there. Use it to kill the Nod soldiers that should be
parachuted in just up ahead. Collect the weapons then look to the right
where Havoc will find two civilians holed up inside a small barn. Check
the back of the barn for more weapons then proceed along the road to
the west.

Keep going straight towards the destroyed light tank in the middle of
the road. Use the rocket launcher to destroy the Nod APC behind it then
proceed forward to enter the small alley just up ahead. Use the rocket
launcher again to take out the gun emplacement at the end of the alley.
Use the sniper rifle to scan the balcony above the gun emplacement then
snipe the rocket soldier officer there.
Head forward to the end of the alley and look up to the balcony again
to kill the Nod officer there. Go up the ramp to the left then enter
the house just right ahead. Ascend the staircase at the back and talk
to the civilians on the second floor. They will ask Havoc to escort
them to a crashed Nod helicopter transport nearby.
Go back out of the house just in time to kill three chemical warriors
who should be just making their landing. Go round the corner and
Mendoza will be waiting on top of the stone wall so use the mini-gun to
shoot him; he will escape before Havoc can kill him. Follow the
civilians to the crashed chopper up ahead then collect all the weapons
and power-ups lying nearby.

As Havoc was about to continue his journey ahead, a Nod flame tank will
appear in the distance so destroy it with the rocket launcher. Turn
backwards and help the civilians to kill the new batch of enemy troops
that is landing near the crashed chopper.
Continue along the road again and Havoc will eventually found an
unoccupied light tank to the left. A new secondary objective will also
be given at this point, asking Havoc to meet with a civilian who
escaped from the chateau where the scientists are alleged to be held.
Enter the house next to the light tank by going up the staircase to the
second floor. Look out of the window and use the rocket launcher to
destroy the Nod buggy next to the unfinished obelisk. The next thing to
do will be to shoot the two Black Hand soldiers nearby then take out
the Apache helicopter hovering outside with the mini-gun.
Equip the sniper rifle and zoom to the left side of the obelisk to see
two Nod engineers trying to escape. The engineers will try to run
across the ramp behind the obelisk that is leading to the right. Do not
let any of the engineers to escape or the secondary objective will
fail. When all six engineers are dead, collect the sniper rifle ammo in
the room as well as the armor augmentation power-up at the top of the
staircase. Go back down then enter the unoccupied light tank next to
the house.

Proceed slightly along the road again and Havoc will see a staircase
leading into a house to the right. Kill the Nod officer inside and grab
the data disk from the table. Talk to the civilian and the Initiate who
is lying on the sofa will mutate into a visceroid so kill it. Go back
out of the house next and turn left to kill a Nod officer and two
Board the light tank and proceed forward along the road. Destroy the
Nod buggy slightly up ahead and the cargo truck just behind. Head
forward again and take out the rocket soldier officer followed by the
chemical warrior in a window to the left.
Disembark from the light tank then head into the barn to the left to
release the two civilians who are locked inside. Clear up any remaining
resistance in the area then proceed down the road with the light tank.
Simply ignore the Nod soldiers who will be shooting at the light tank
along the road but get Havoc to keep driving until he can see the Fancy
Inn where Deadeye is under siege.
Destroy the Nod buggy, light tank and the two APCs around the inn along
with any soldiers then disembark from the tank and enter the inn.
Ascend the staircase to the second floor and talk to Deadeye who is
standing by the window.

Go back out of the inn and get into the light tank. Travel down the
road until Havoc can see an unoccupied flame tank just round the bend.
Shoot the Nod soldier in the window across the flame tank then dump the
light tank.
Drive the flame tank along the road and destroy the APC just around the
bend. Proceed forward and another Nod flame tank will crash through
some burning trucks up ahead. Take it out quickly then proceed forward
along the road again.
Destroy the Nod buggy at the end of the road and disembark from the
flame tank. Turn around to see Mendoza perched behind a window so shoot
him but he will escape again before Havoc can kill him. Clear up any
resistance then continue up the ramp to the right and havoc will see
the cathedral.
Keep going forward all the way past the overturned light tank and the
destroyed chopper to the end and turn left. Ascend the staircase to the
building in the corner where Babushka, the leader of the resistance, is
being interrogated. Kill the Nod officer and the Black Hand soldier
then talk to Babushka and collect all the weapons and power-ups.

Go back out and head inside the cathedral. Ascend the staircase to the
second floor and talk to Patch. He will tell Havoc to prepare for the
assault by Nod Black Hand soldiers.
Go to the windows and destroy the mobile artilleries pounding the
church from outside with the rocket launcher then shoot down the two
Apache helicopters hovering outside with the chain-gun. Mission


Mission 7: The Grip of the Black Hand

Primary (4 out of 4)
-Access war room computer
-Evacuate scientists
-Escort Sydney
-Eliminate Mendoza
Secondary (1 out of 1)
-Disable alarm
Tertiary (2 out of 2)
-Rescue resistance
-Rescue prisoner

Follow the road and take out the flamethrower. Havoc will eventually
see a guard tower outside the chateau entrance. Snipe the Black Hand
soldier inside the tower along with any enemy soldiers in the vicinity.
Stand at the gate leading into the chateau and shoot the flamethrower
just up ahead then sniper the rocket soldier officer standing high
above the chateau wall right ahead.
Climb the guard tower to collect some ammo and power-ups. Look out of
the window towards the road and Havoc will see a Nod transport
helicopter trying to unload some Black Hand soldiers; take it out with
the rocket launcher then enter the chateau through the gate.

Stick close to the right and creep towards the door just ahead. Look to
the left and snipe the two flamethrowers around the statue of Raveshaw
in the center of the courtyard. Scan the roof as well and snipe the two
rocket soldier officers there. Finally equip the rocket launcher and
destroy the light tank which is sitting behind the wall as well as the
ceiling camera at the far end.
Now head to the small barn located directly behind Raveshaw's statue
and open it to rescue a civilian resistance which will complete a
tertiary objective.

Now enter the door that is facing the chateau's gate and turn right.
Havoc will find another door at the corner. Go inside and open the
other door here to find a servant and he will give Havoc a grenade
Proceed to the opposite end of the room where Havoc will find a
staircase leading to the alarm terminal. Take out the chemical warrior
and the technician before dealing with the ceiling gun. Finally plant a
C4 on the alarm terminal to disable it.

Head back out again but this time head to the other side where Havoc
will have to kill several Nod officers and a rocket soldier officer on
top of the porch. Destroy the ceiling camera outside the door leading
into the chateau then enter.
Kill any enemy soldiers in sight then head forward to ascend the
staircase just ahead to access the second floor. Turn right and follow
the way to the north pass some green pillars.
Head inside the opening to the right and proceed along the short
corridor to reach the balcony on top of the dining room. Turn left and
Havoc will find another opening with a staircase which leads to the war
room. Take out the Black Hand at the top of the staircase as well as
the ceiling camera above him then ascend the staircase.
Enter the door at the top and shoot the ceiling camera right ahead.
Proceed into the war room and kill the Black Hand soldier and the Nod
officer in here. Havoc will then have a brief conversation with Kane's
holographic image. When it is over, approach the main computer and hack
it to complete the primary objective. Havoc will be rewarded with a red
keycard and also be sure that he doesn't miss the personal ion cannon
sitting nearby before leaving the room.

Head back down to the balcony overlooking the dining room then shoot
the Black Hand soldiers below. Jump down below and grab the armor
power-ups on the table to replenish Havoc's health then go to the
eastern side of the dining area.
Havoc will find a staircase leading underground from there. Destroy the
ceiling camera at the bottom of the stairwell then descend it. Open the
door at the bottom and proceed forward to destroy the ceiling gun
guarding the entrance to the door with the red marking.
Enter the door and kill the two chemical warriors up ahead then enter
the door to the left and go through another door after that. Kill the
two chemical warriors here and enter the door to the left again. Open
the door at the far end then kill the chemical warrior to the left
followed by the destruction of the ceiling gun at both end of the
Now open the second prison cell and talk to the prisoner to complete
another tertiary objective. The third cell contains an Initiate so kill
him to put the creature out of his misery. Exit the prison area through
the only door and enter the door at the end of the corridor.
Take out the two chemical warriors right ahead then enter the door to
the left to grab a data disk. Head back out and enter the door to the
right to grab some armor then enter the door that the chemical soldiers
are guarding. Approach at the other end and a cutscene will kick in.

After the cutscene, grab the health augmentation power-up lying in
front then go back to the dining room.
From there, just follow Sydney and protect her from enemy soldiers. It
is imperative that she stay alive. Halfway through, Havoc will meet the
prisoner that he released earlier and he should be able to provide some
cover and extra firepower.
Sydney will eventually lead Havoc to the helipad where a cutscene will
kick in again.
After the cutscene, Havoc has to fight Mendoza. The trick will be to
just run around in circles while trying to shoot Mendoza's head with
the chain-gun until he dies. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 8: Obelisk of Oppression

Primary (5 out of 5)
-Protect team members
-Evacuate Sydney
-Escape nuclear strike
-Escort Hotwire to SAM sites
-Destroy SSM launchers
Secondary (5 out of 5)
-Destroy radar installations
-Rescue resistance
-Destroy napalm stockpiles
-Disable obelisk
-Destroy stealth tank

Follow the Dead-6 out of the cathedral. They will eventually reach the
ramp leading to the cathedral where Havoc and Deadeye were ambushed by
Mendoza the night before.
Destroy the gun emplacement at the far end with the rocket launcher
then kill the rocket soldier officer behind it. Turn left and take out
the turret with the rocket launcher followed by the two APCs next to
it. Grab the weapons and power-ups lying nearby then continue down the
road with Hotwire. The nuclear missile would hit by this time but
everyone is already out of its range so there shouldn't be anything to
worry about.

Continue down the road but prepare for ambushes along the way which
will appear from behind the destroyed Nod vehicles. When Havoc gets to
the end of the road, destroy the Nod buggy to the right with the rocket
Turn right and he will see a Nod officer next to a cargo truck as well
as a Black Hand sniper to the right. Kill them both and destroy the
cargo truck then pick up the weapons and power-ups around the place.
Continue along the road and take out the Nod buggy plus the two APCs
that is blocking the road. Protect Hotwire from enemy fire while she
rushes to convert the SAM sites to GDI side. Kill all enemy forces in
the area then pick up all the weapons and power-ups nearby including
the health and armor augmentation power-ups which should be located
underneath the helicopter that will evacuate the Dead-6 and Sydney.

Havoc will now get a new mission objective which is to destroy the SSM
launchers. Continue along the road then destroy the Nod buggy which
should arrive along with two chemical warriors and a rocket soldier
Use the rocket launcher to take out the light tank at the end of the
road and keep going forward while wasting enemy forces who dare to
intrude along the journey.
Destroy the Nod buggy to the right when Havoc reaches the end of the
road. Collect any weapons and power-ups nearby then Havoc will receive
a secondary objective which is to destroy Nod radar installations at
the town square.

Turn left and kill the rocket soldier officer and Black Hand sniper up
on the balcony just ahead followed by a group of chemical warriors on
the ground level.
Keep going forward and turn right past the destroyed Nod buggy. Quickly
kill the Nod officers running towards Havoc followed by the rocket
soldier officer and Black Hand sniper on top of the gate leading to the
town square. Equip the rocket launcher next then blast the Nod buggy
underneath the gate followed by the second buggy at the other end of
the town square.
Head into the town square then kill every Nod soldiers in the area
including the gun emplacement. Use the rocket launcher to destroy the
two radar installations to the right then continue along the road to
the other side of the town square.

Havoc will be informed that some resistance fighters have been captured
but just keep following the road. Be prepared for an ambush by a rocket
soldier officer and three chemical warriors.
Proceed forward and use the rocket launcher to destroy the light tank
waiting around the bend followed by the flame tank behind it.
Keep going forward and Havoc will get to the Triangle Garden. Clear the
area of enemies including the two APCs then head to the small barn to
the left and release the resistance fighters. Now head to the area
where Hotwire was trapped in mission 7 (just past the small barn to the
left) and kill the three Black Hand soldiers there. Go inside and
destroy the two ceiling guns then grab the weapons and power-ups lying
around the place (be sure to grab the nuclear strike beacon next to the

Continue along the road to the left and destroy the APC with the rocket
launcher then take out any surviving enemy soldiers. Proceed forward
past the burning cargo truck and three Nod officers will come running
from the right. Kill them all and Havoc should then reach the destroyed
transport which took him to the town 2 missions earlier.
Collect any weapons and power-ups lying nearby then proceed past the
burning wreckage to the left.
Gunner will then drop a light tank so board it and use it to destroy
the Nod buggy, APC and flame tank as well as Nod soldiers who are
blocking the road up front.
Proceed along the road to a bridge which is guarded by a light tank, a
Nod buggy and a mobile artillery. Destroy them all as well as the APC
that is further down the road. A Nod Apache helicopter will also join
in the fray so try to hit it with the tank.

Once everything is clear, proceed past the bridge and kill two chemical
soldiers who should appear from the right as well as the light tank at
the far end of the road.
Turn around once Havoc reaches the dead end and take the other path to
the northwest. Proceed forward and Havoc will be pounded by a rocket
soldier officer from a balcony up ahead and two Nod officers on the
ground. Kill them then collect any items lying around then continue
along the road.
Destroy the flame tank which should appear shortly then continue the
journey where Havoc will find two light tanks blocking the road.
Destroy them with the rocket launcher and kill all the Nod engineers
nearby. Use the rocket launcher again to destroy the third light tank
further down the road then head to the right to destroy the napalm
stockpiles (don't forget to grab the two data disks nearby).

Proceed forward along the road and kill all oppositions along the way
which will be three chemical warriors and some rocket soldier officer
who will be parachuted in.
Once Havoc reach the end of the path, turn right and he will see a Nod
obelisk in the center of the park. Approach it slowly and kill all Nod
engineers in the vicinity. A Nod stealth tank is present so take it out
with the rocket launcher.
The next thing to do is to destroy the obelisk by shooting it with the
rocket launcher. After the obelisk is destroyed, shoot the two SSM
launchers next to the obelisk if Havoc still has any rockets remaining.
If not, just plant C4s. Mission accomplished!!!


Mission 9: Evolution of Evil

Primary (3 out of 3)
-Escape prison
-Infiltrate research facility
-Rescue scientists
Secondary (1 out of 1)
-Disable helipad
Tertiary (2 out of 2)
-Disable excavation
-Disable cultivation center

Head to the left and take out the two patrolling Nod officers with the
pistol then grab their chain-guns.


Mission 10: All Brains, No Brawn


Mission 11: Tomorrow's Technology's Today


Mission 12: Stomping on Holy Ground


10. Credits

God - for giving me the ability to write.

Westwood Studios - for creating the long-awaited first C&C First Person
Shooter!!! ^_^

C Jay C - for posting this FAQ. ^_^

Me - for writing this FAQ. ^_^

You - for reading this first FAQ of mine. ^_^

This FAQ is Copyright 2002 of Nadia Varkovsky.

This work is supposed to appear only on these following websites:
3. http://DLH.Net
The most updated version of this walkthrough can always be found at
This FAQ is not supposed to appear in any other places or websites
other than those listed above. This FAQ is not to be edited, altered or
changed in any way without the author's permission.
Lastly, any further questions, comments, critics, suggestions and
additional info should be forwarded to

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Multiplayer Guide
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18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Savegame mit 2000 Hitpoints und mit 2000 Rüstungspoints (für v1.05)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Alles durchgespielt ! (für dt. Version, Achtung: ca. 5 MB)

17.Oktober 2013
Alle Level freischalten

18.Oktober 2013
Savegame für Spielstufe 'Medium' (Achtung: ca. 1 MB, für dt. Version)

17.Oktober 2013
Savegame für Spielstufe 'Hard' (Achtung: ca. 1MB, für dt. Version)

17.Oktober 2013
Munitions- und Health-Trainer

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Level spielbar

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020