Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter

14.10.2013 13:09:12
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.__ / /__ ___/ (_) / __/ /____ _____/ _(_)__ _/ / / /____ ____
/ // / -_) _ / / _\ \/ __/ _ `/ __/ _/ / _ `/ _ \/ __/ -_) __/
\___/\__/\_,_/_/ /___/\__/\_,_/_/ /_//_/\_, /_//_/\__/\__/_/

Last Updated............June 30th, 2002
ASCII Art...............Courtesy of


This FAQ is copyright © 2002 Chris Viloria. You can not take it in whole or
part and claim it as your own. You can not alter it in any way, shape, or
form, even with my consent (which I will NOT give you). If you own, manage,
or participate-in a website and would like to post this FAQ, e-mail me at and wait for my affirmation. This is my first FAQ
and I feel I deserve the credit from all the work I have put in it. Thank

The following sites have permission to post my FAQ:

Neoseeker -
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Jun. 30th/(v2.5)
- Updated list of sites hosting my FAQ
Fixed some line spacing

May 30th/(v2.4)
- Updated list of sites hosting my FAQ

May 28th/(v2.3)
- Added one more secret

May 27th/(v2.2)
- Updated list of sites hosting my FAQ,
and added a few tidbits

May 20th/(v2.1)
- Updated list of sites hosting my FAQ,
more line-up fixing

May 19th/(v2.0) I saw the movie. Oh. My. God.
- Finished sections [7] - [10] Nothing can compare...

May 18th/(v1.2)
- Fixed some more line-up,
and finished section [6]

May 17th/(v1.1)
- Line-up fixed

May 16th/(v1.0) STAR WARS: EPISODE II is released in theaters!
- Finished section [5] ATTACK OF THE CLONES Drop the game, and see
My FAQ goes public this movie NOW!

May 6th/(v0.5)
- Finished section [5.2]

May 5th/(v0.4)
- Finished section [5.1]

May 2nd/(v0.3)
- Finished sections [3] & [4]

May 1st/(v0.2)
- Finished most planning and I've completed section [2]

Apr. 30th/(v0.1)
- I've just begun.



[1] Contact Information
[2] Jedi Starfighter Basics
[2.1] Basic Fighter Controls
[2.2] The HUD
[2.3] Using the Force
[2.4] Dog-Fighting Tips
[2.5] Wingmate Commands & Tips
[3] The Characters
[4] Their Ships
[5] The Acts
[5.1] Act I
[5.1.1] The Informant
[5.1.2] Unlikely Allies
[5.1.3] Prison Break
[5.1.4] Turning the Tides
[5.2] Act II
[5.2.5] Poisoned Skies
[5.2.6] Mount Merakan
[5.2.7] Hammer and Anvil
[5.2.8] Demolition Squad
[5.2.9] Dragon's Den
[5.3] Act III
[5.3.10] Tug of War
[5.3.11] Escort to Geonosis
[5.3.12] Cannon Fodder
[5.3.13] Attack of the Clones
[5.3.14] Heart of the Storm
[5.3.15] The Jedi Master
[6] Hidden Objectives
[7] Bonus Features
[7.1] One Player Bonus Missions
[7.1.1] Escort Duty
[7.1.2] Advanced Prototype Test
[7.1.3] Riding Shotgun
[7.1.4] The Lone Gunship
[7.1.5] Jango Fett
[7.2] Two Player Bonus Missions
[7.2.1] Escort Duty
[7.2.2] Classic Dogfight
[7.2.3] Droid Hunter
[7.2.4] Showdown over Geonosis
[7.2.5] The Lone Gunship
[7.3] Bonus Ships
[7.4] Bonus Materials
[8] Codes
[9] Other Secrets
[10] Frequently Asked Questions

[1] Contact Information

Those of you wishing to post my FAQ:
-E-mail me at, stating your status at that
site (i.e. member, moderator, webmaster...), your SN or nickname,
the URL & name of the site. YOU MUST WAIT FOR ME TO E-MAIL YOU BACK
with my confirmation. If I go to the site before replying to you and
find my FAQ (or something that looks strikingly similar to it)
already posted there, I will deny the site's permission to host my

Those of you with questions concerning the FAQ or game itself:
-First off, if you have a question about the game (beating a
mission, getting a secret, etc.) DID YOU READ THE ENTIRE FAQ?!
If it's already on my FAQ somewhere, I will ignore you. If you
continue to e-mail me, I will block you.

-If you have some CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on my FAQ, or are
submitting information that my FAQ is missing, or have a
LEGITIMATE question, use my e-mail address above. Title the
e-mail appropriately and be polite and I will be happy to help you.

[2] Jedi Starfighter Basics

| [2.1] Basic Fighter Controls |

L1 - Toggle Wingmate Commands (Press and hold in conjunction with
directional buttons)

L2 - Brake

R1 - Sniper View (Press and hold to zoom in)

R2 - Boost

Up - Selects upper secondary weapon, w/L1 - Attack selected target

Rt - Selects right-hand secondary weapon, w/L1 - Have wingmates
report in

Dn - Selects lower secondary weapon, w/L1 - Have wingmates protect
your ship

Lt - Selects left-hand secondary weapon, w/L1 - Protect selected

/\ - Target nearest opponent or one who most recently shot you

() - Fire secondary weapon or activate the Force (see [2.3] Using
the Force)

>< - Fire primary weapon

[] - Target ship in sights (hold down to target ALL crafts)

L3 - (or Left Analog Stick) Control of ship's nose (Push forward
to go down, pull back to go up, and turn right or left)

R3 - (or Right Analog Stick) Roll ship left or right (Press down
on the button on terrain missions to auto-level your ship

Sel - Toggle between in-cockpit view and behind-ship view

Start - Go to Pause Menu

| [2.2] The HUD |

{ __________ __________ }
{| Wingmate | (Comm. Link)}
{| Commands | ( Window )}
{|__________| (__________)}
{ }
{ }
{ / Targeting \ }
{ <= Sight => }
{ \ / }
{ }
{ }
{ __________ __________ }
{( Player's ) ( Target )}
{( Ship ) Marker ( Display )}
{( Status ) ____ ( )}
{(__________) \ / (__________)}
{ \/ }

-Wingmate Commands are only viewed when L1 is held down.

-Comm. Link Window appears when you receive a transmission (the
speaker's hologram appears), also, a yellow halo will appear around
the hailing ship, or if it is not in view, a yellow marker will
show the direction the ship is on the edge of your screen.

-Targeting Sight is where you are headed and where your lasers are
pointed; a small design adorns it for each different secondary
secondary weapon selected.

-Player's Ship Status shows your ship's shield and hull strength,
(green and gold colored bars, respectfully), the selected secondary
weapon, and secondary weapon ammo (or for the Jedi Starfighter -
the Force bar).

-Target Display shows the current target's ship, also, a red halo
appears around the targeted ship if it is in your view, if not, a
red marker on the edge of your screen shows you the direction it is
in. Inside the red halo are the green and gold shield and hull
strength bars.

-The Objective Marker is a blue and green marker/halo (for mission
critical FRIENDLY craft), or a blue and red marker/halo (for mission
critical ENEMY craft). It shows craft that need to be protected or
destroyed in compliance with the mission's objectives.

| [2.3] Using the Force |

Only in the Jedi starfighter may you use the Force. On the Player's
Ship Status circle in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen,
along with the green and gold shield and hull bars are the Force
bars on the opposite (left) side. When they are full, a bright light
appears between them. Using a Force power extinguishes this light
and deplenishes the Force bars.

The Force fluctuates, and thus the extent to which the Force power
is used differs depending on two things: the connection with the
Force, and the Force power being used.

The clarity you achieve is important. Hold down the () button and you
will notice stars flying around you, or your target. In the beginning
they are purple-ish (in this state, if you let go of the () button
the Force power is somewhat weak), then they will brighten to a quick
white light (if the () is let go now, the Force power is being used
to its fullest and strongest extent), but immediately after they turn
white, they go dark blue and almost disappear (if the () is let go
now, the Force power is in its weakest state imaginable).

Of the four Force powers, in order of their availability, they use up
more of the Force bars.

Force Shield - A protective shield that dulls laser hits and it also
acts as the primary shields as the green bar goes up
Force Lighting - Engulfes the targeted ship in a cloud of harsh Force
Lightning; if strong, it also attacks enemy ships
near the targeted one (great for close swarms, but
does not affect larger ships).
Force Reflex - Slows down the reflex time for you and your ship,
allowing you to get precise hits in with a good turning
and fire rate.
Force Shockwave - A shockwave that explodes littler enemies and can
do good damage on nearby larger ships.

| [2.4] Dogfighting Tips |

Dogfighting takes place a lot more than you would imagine. Here are
a few tips when engulfed in fighter swarms or in a classic dogfight:

* Keep on the enemies tail, don't allow them to get you in THEIR

* Your boost and brake come in handy while dog-fighting. Using the
boost on a straight-away, then braking and turning sends you
into a power slide that can successfully turn you 180 deg.

* Use Force Lighting or Cluster Missiles when following CLOSELY
behind a sqaudron of fighters

* If things heat up, get some distance. The levels are pretty vast,
so you can launch out of their and come back when your shields
have replenished a bit

| [2.5] Wingmate Commands & Tips |

"Attack My Target" usually sends your smaller-fighter wingmates in to
attack your selected target (later on, the Planetary Gun will be
rigged into this command for a selective few levels).

* Use this when taking on several large ships, whilst you take on
one, your wingmates can begin to lower the other's shields.

"Report In" is not much use, unless you'd like all your wingmates to
reform back near you.

* Come to think of it, I've never had to use this.

"Protect Me" is useful when you're going up against heavy artilery,
for instance: Capital Turrets or Cap Guns, or even a Destroyer.

* When in a heavy swarm of enemy fighters or if you are going up
against capital ships and their turrets, use this to give you
some cover and alleviate stress on you while you fight.

"Protect My Target" is a big help when in a mission where one of the
objectives is "So-and-so-ship must survive." Smaller fighters usually
take up this task and better protect capital ships.

* When the objective says a ship must survive, right away when the
mission starts, target the said ship with [] and use the command.

[3] The Characters

She's a Corellian Jedi Master that serves on the Jedi Council. She's
also the Jedi's second best fighter pilot. She's well-educated and
well-spoken, and has earned her peers' respect with her no-nonsense

He's a Feeorin with as much criminal history as he has tactical
skills. His underhanded actions contributed to the Trade Federation's
despising him, and so they retaliate by having stolen his base on Lok
ten years ago. Hopefully with his small, pirate resistance, he can
reclaim his base and drive the Trade Federation from the Karthakk

An accomplished mechanic, knowledgable mercenary, Nym's confidante,
and one of the biggest mouths in the galaxy. He befriends Adi in
Act I. And later makes another...rather unwanted friend...or should
I say, bounty hunter?

He's the original designer of Nym's ship, and now pilots his own
bomber. If you're wondering what species he is, think of the band of
large-foreheaded, white-skinned, black-wearing aliens that play in
the Mos Eisely Cantina; that's right, he's a Bith (thanks to ChocoCid
of GameFAQs). Big technology freak and actually USES the forehead
room to store an enormous amount of knowledge.

[4] Their Ships

A modified prototype of the Delta-7 ship. It is small and extremely
agile, which perectly befits the Jedi pilot. It encludes an enhanced
engine, enhanced repulsorlift system, and has hyperdrive capabilities.

Primary Weapons- Quad-pulse lasers; Weak/Rapid fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Force Shield]
[< Force Shockwave] [> Force Lightning]
[\/ Force Reflex]

HAVOC- (Nym)
A well-rounded and dangerous strike bomber. It is probably the most
powerful starfighter in the sector. It was originally designed by
Jinkins, but was heavily modified by Nym and Reti.

Primary Weapons- Six laser cannons; Strong/Semi-rapid fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Energy Bombs]
[< Proximity Mines] [> Cruise Missiles]
[\/ Cluster Missiles]

ZOOMER- (Reti)
An overhauled small freighter with oversized wings and is best
utilizedin short-range combat.

Primary Weapons- Four Front-Mounted Laser Cannons; Medium/Rapid fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Heavy Cannon]

FREEFALL- (Jinkins)
A technical marvel fitted with the latest in spaceflight technology. A
gunship-style craft with a number of special features.

Primary Weapons- Long-Range Laser Cannons; Medium/Beam fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Mechanized Drone Fighters]

[5] The Acts

| [5.1] Act I |

| [5.1.1] Mission 1: The Informant |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: Destroy all TF fighters
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy escaping Data Pods

Adi Gallia is set to meet up with Reti, Nym's confidant, who
will lead her to him. But Reti's accidentally led the TF right
to their rendezvous point. This one's simple enough. TF Scarabs
and Droid Starfighters will randomly come up, which you should
be able to take out easily. Soon the TF Lander will arrive, and
the sooner you take out that, the sooner the enemies will stop
coming. If you attack the Lander head on, you may want to use
your Force Shield when going up on the turrets. Or you could
take them out and not worry about them. The Lander is simple
enough to defeat: approach from far away, hold down the brake
and the fire button and it will be down in no time. Make sure
you clean up the rest of the fighters.

*To get the bonus objective, you hear some communication
speculation as soon as the Lander arrives: it appears a Spy
Ship came with it. Cycle through your targets until you
find the Spy Ship and track it down and take it out.

| [5.1.2] Mission 2: Unlikely Allies |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: Destroy all Scarabs so Nym can
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Protect Jinkins in the Commun-
ications Center

Now that Reti's led Adi to Nym, they need to get him and his
technology expert out of a fix. They had planned to steal some
TF files, but apparently the TF doesn't like that. You can now
use Adi's Force Lighting, which is great for taking out those
swarming Scarabs. When the Scarabs are diminished and Nym is
able to launch, two large foes arrive: a TF Frigate and a TF
Battleship. Nym can handle the Frigate, so you and Reti can
focus on the Battleship and company. First off, try to take
out the Troop Transports that arrive. Then, see if you can't
take out the pesky TF U-Boats; you can only damage them with
your lasers when they are surfaced. Then deal with the Scarabs
and don't bother fighting the Battleship. When the first Battle-
ship flees, a second will soon arrive. If there are still any
U-Boats, try to take them all out. Now this new Battleship sends
out a squadron of five TF Bombers with a three-Scarab escort.
Zoom in behind the Bombers (they won't attack you) and take them
out, or if they are too far away, use your Force Lighting on the
central-most one, and try to get clarity so that they all go out
or get severely damaged in one go. Finish off the rest, then go
for the Scarabs until the next squad of Bombers is released.
After the Bombers are all spent, the Battleship will retreat.

*To get the bonus objective, be wary when the first Battle-
ship arrives. MAKE SURE the Troop Transports are defeated
BEFORE they land on the beach. And while your fighting over
the Battleship and U-Boats, a small squad of Droid Star
-fighters will try to land on the beach, MAKE SURE they are
destroyed before landing, too; and pay attention, because
another sqadron will try to land later. In short: MAKE SURE
NO ENEMIES land on the beach.

| [5.1.3] Mission 3: Prison Break |

CHARACTER: Nym OBJECTIVES: Liberator must survive
Destroy Space Station defences
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy the airlock door

Nym is now leading the mission: from what Jinkins has learned
in that Communications Center, more of Nym's pirate friends are
in this prison, and you're breaking them out. As soon as the
mission starts, move left a bit and target (using []) the craft
the Liberator, and use your wingmate commands to have them pro-
tect it. Then, turn your attention to Capital Turrets on the
ends of the arms of the Space Station. You may need to be close
if you want to use your energy bombs to help destroy them. As
soon as all of the Cap Turrets are destroyed, the fleet will
move in. Turn your attention to the many Heavy Turrets positioned
in the middle, and top and bottom of each arm. Taking those out
is a GREAT help. Soon enough, Troop Transports and even some
Armed Freighters will arrive. Take them out before they deploy
on the Space Station.

*To get the bonus objective, listen carefully as one of your
wingmates ask you to blow an airlock door to help them. It
will appear as one of your targets and even get an objective
marker. It is a plain, tan, square door, and several shots
will take it out.

| [5.1.4] Mission 4: Turning the Tides |

CHARACTER: Nym OBJECTIVES: One Demolition Boat must reach
Destroy the base entry door
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Both Demo. Boats must survive

It's time to take out a major radar station to blind the TF in
Nym's sector. When the mission starts, target one Demo. Boat
and tell your wingmates to protect it. Then, take out as many
Mines as you can see in the water. Then your priorities should
be destroying the: Heavy Turrets, U-Boats, Mines, and Tractor
Beams in that order. Once all of those are cleared away, head
over to the other side of the island and you will see the base.
Target the base entry door located in the center of the base
and destroy it. Now your priorities are the random Droid Star-
fighters and U-Boats that will threaten Demo Boats. When the
base is blown up, your first "boss" will arrive. The Neimoidian
is piloting a new sub-like vehicle that somewhat resembles a
TF Droid Control Ship, but smaller and brown. Like the U-Boats,
you can't damage it when it's underwater, so wait till it comes
up to the surface (hopefully you're high above to get in more
shots) and keep at him with your lasers, or send a Cruise Missile
at him AS SOON AS HE STARTS to surface. In a few more of these
attacks, he will be defeated.

*To get the bonus objective, you will just need to be quick
about getting all of those enemies destroyed; the main
threats to the Demo Boats are the U-Boat and Heavy Turret

| [5.2] Act II |

| [5.2.5] Mission 5: Poisoned Skies |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: Protect the Space Port
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Protect the Island Shelter

Here, Adi runs into Toth's Hex weapon test. Multiple Hex
Missiles threaten this friendly Space Port, so get up high in
the air, and blast away. The Missiles are extremely weak, so
blast as many as possible with your lasers, and conserve your
Force unless too many Missiles slip by and you have to use
Force Lighting. After the first barrage of Missiles ends, Hex
Bombers and Deployers show up. Take out the smaller Bombers
first, THEN proceed to the Hex Deployers. BUT, if they launch
Missiles, THOSE are your first priority for this ENTIRE mission.
After you've destroyed the Deployers and Bombers, another
barrage of Missiles will commence. Finish these off, then what's
left of the Sabaoth fighters will need to go.

*To get the bonus objective, try to target the Island Shelter
quickly, and use the wingmate command "Protect My Target."
NO MISSILES MUST HIT THIS TARGET, well, actually a couple can
but it's not recommended that you slack off.

| [5.2.6] Mission 6: Mount Merakan |

CHARACTER: Nym OBJECTIVES: Destroy all buildings
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy all TF Freighters

Nym and Jinkins are taking on a whole TF mining facility. The
Trade Federation has practically hollowed out this mountain
with their machinery. It is simple enough to bomb the buildings
with about five Energy Bombs each, then quickly move on to the
next target. There's really not much else to walk you through,
so I'll give you this simple warning: watch out for turrets.

*To get the bonus objective, YOU HAVE TO BE QUICK. When
Jinkins warns you that ANY TF Freighters are running, you
must haul ass to get to them and rip them apart. For any
that are close, get right up on them and use your Cluster
Missiles, then CHASE down the farther ones and give them
a Cruise Missile when you're close enough. NONE may get
away, and you've got to be SPEEDY too, so use the boost.

| [5.2.7] Mission 7: Hammer and Anvil |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: The Tritus must survive
Protect the Kethor
Destroy all Planetary Defense
Destroy all Planetary Defense
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Tritus takes no hull damage

Adi's gonna be really busy in this mission. Right off, target
the Tritus and order your wingmates to protect it. It's biggest
threat right now are those Planetary Defense Guns, but they're
shielded. Hang around the Tritus and defend it until the pilot
of the Kethor realizes he's got to be the martyr. As soon as he
crashes into a shield generator, use Force Reflex and destroy
those guns as quick as possible. As soon as they're done, you'll
run into more trouble, Sabaoth trouble. Take out the Sabaoth
Frigates, or at least the turrets on the Frigates, then help
lighten the fighter load. And, what's this? Reti has a BOUNTY
on him?! That's right, Jango Fett's showed up to take Reti away,
but you can do nothing about this, so let Fett go for now. And
now it's on to the Planetary Defense Platforms. They kinda look
like big brown TF Slave I's or something. Shoot 'em up. Force
Reflex helps you when your taking these larger targets down, so
when you're protecting the Tritus, use your Force Lighting there.

*To get the bonus objective, you'll have to protect the
Tritus as if it were your own child. Not much left to tell

| [5.2.8] Mission 8: Demolition Squad |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: Order commandoes into each
Shield Bunker
Two commandoes must survive
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: All commandoes survive

Nym's on the ground, and you're the air support. You have no
wingmates in the air, as your wingmate commands tell Nym and
company which Bunker to go into. Firstly, head around and take
out each turret. Then order the commandoes into the first of
the Shield Bunkers. Each time you send them in, you run into
TF trouble outside, so take out any Battle Droids, STAPS, AATs,
Bunkers (the kind that deploy the afore mentioned) Droid
Starfighters, and the occasional Dropship, Lander, or Troop
Transport. Once one Shield Bunker blows, order the commandoes
into the next nearest one QUICKLY, and make sure their path is
untroubled by enemies. Lather, rinse, repeat for the next six.

*To get the bonus objective, make sure you order the comm-
andoes into the next and NEAREST Shield Bunker quickly, and
only after you're sure their path is unblocked.

| [5.2.9] Mission 9: Dragon's Den |

CHARACTER: Nym OBJECTIVES: Clear all enemy units from
landing pad
Destroy Transmitter inside
Destroy Control Boxes on Solar
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy all Bombers

Now Nym's no longer on the ground, but back in the Havoc as he
leads the attack. This is definitely one of the harder missions,
in my opinion. First, take out the pesky turrets, then get some
distance and a good view of the landing pad. Then, take out the
Hex Bombers with your Energy Bombs, and when they're gone, hold
down [] to see all the Battle Droids from far away; you can use
your Bomblets on them now, too. Soon, the Dropships will come,
lots of them. TRY TO TAKE THEM OUT BEFORE they land, or "yousa
in big doo-doo" (sorry, couldn't help it). Use Cruise and Cluster
Missiles to take them out quickly. Then, apparently, you've got
to destroy this Transmitter inside the hangar. Took me a good,
hmm, lets see...20 MINUTES to find the stupid hangar. Fly to the
side of the base OPPOSITE of the big towers. Along the ground, is
the wide and low hangar opening, gaurded by Battle Droids and the
occasional AAT. Fly in slow, and use whatever heavy duty missiles
you got left (not too much, now) to take out the Deployers in
there and give you some room. Then, hold [] to spot all of the
Battle Droids in here and take them out with your Energy Bombs.
Now that you've got a nice, roomy base, you'll see the Transmitter
hanging from the far end of the ceiling. Kill it. Head back out
and do a little clean up until the Solar Towers raise up. The beams
they emit cut right through your shields and GREATLY damage your
hull, so AVOID THEM. Head around to the back of them and target
destroy these teeny, itsy, bitsy, little things they call Control
Boxes. Once those are gone, the beams go haywire and swivel all
over the place. Dodge them on your way back into the hangar, clear
it of Battle Droids, and spend the next 15 minutes searching for
the tiny little opening at the end of the center pipes where you
can barely see and bomb this Reactor Core. Phew. Your done.

*To get the bonus objective, destroy the Hex Bombers that
arrive, and make sure the ones on the landing pad to begin
with don't get away.

| [5.3] Act III |

| [5.3.10] Mission 10: Tug of War |

Recover Barrel, Casing,
Capacitor, Focus Array
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy all Missile Frigates

This won't be much of a tug if you can keep the TF Tugs at bay.
As soon as it starts, take out the Tug that's trying to drag
Barrel away. Then, you will see other pieces of debris between
you, and the Sabaoth Destroyer. If you use zoom to look closer,
you'll see droid starfighters on them, take those out to help
defend your Tugs. Now get closer to the Destroyer. From here,
your job is simple: as soon as TF Tugs are launched, destroy
them. When you get some spare time, take out the Sabaoth
fighters that are annoying your Tugs. If the Sabaoth fighter
build-up is too much, and you need to head back over there to
help out, you can use your cluster missiles while facing perp-
endicular to groups of TF Tugs, then go help decimate the
Sabaoth fighter numbers. Should any TF Tug escape you and grab
a cannon piece, destroy it as soon as possible. Not much of a
challenge here. Then when your Tugs have retrieved all the
cannon parts, you all make a break for it, but a few Sabaoth
Tractor Beam ships just at your moment of escape. Take 'em out,
and you're free.

*To get the bonus objective, in between the release of TF
Tugs, send a cruise missile or two over at one of the three
TF Missile Frigates, until they are all destroyed.

| [5.3.11] Mission 11: Escort to Geonosis |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: Escort the Transport to
Destroy one group of Missile
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy persuing Missile

NOW the game's starting to feel more 'Episode II' like. Adi
and her former Padawan, Siri Tachi, are escorting the Republic
Transport full of Clone Troopers to Geonosis (ain't that a co-
inkidink; the Transport looks like an Imperial Star Destroyer).
Well, at the time, it's the good guys, so protect it. Squads of
droid starfighters are coming in waves to attack, take them out
maybe with the help of Force Lighting. Soon their supplier, the
TF Transports, will show themselves. Take out those buggers,
too. Shortly after, your favorite enemy ships show up: Missile
Frigates. They pose the GREATEST threat to your Transport now,
so get up close, use Force Shockwave or Force Reflex, and
destroy them all. Aha! Now you can get away- WAIT! More of the
annoying Missile Frigates show up and block your escape! As the
Transport turns around, head over to these new Frigates and
out ONE GROUP of them, you don't need to risk any more time or
life, for that matter. As soon as one group is out by using the
techniques above, the Transport should be able to slip through.

*To get the bonus objective, all you have to do is take out
ALL of the Missile Frigates that chase you after the TF
Transports arrive.

| [5.3.12] Mission 12: Cannon Fodder |

CHARACTER: Nym OBJECTIVES: Defend Tugs and Cannon parts
Clear the landing pad for
Cannon assembly
Destroy TF Cruiser
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: All Tugs must survive

I hope the brightness on your TV is up pretty high, otherwise
this level is a great pain in the ass. As soon as you start
out, TAKE OUT THOSE CAP TURRETS! Order wingmates to take out
one while you take out another, just get them all destroyed,
and QUICK. Next, head over the top curve of the moon until you
reach the landing pad, and take out those Missile Frigates
before they can get into the position to do damage. Then clear
up and walking droid starfighters on nearby landing pads. Next:
those pesky heavy turrets NEED TO GO. And as soon as the ones
near the landing pad are taken care of, see if you can get the
next nearest ones out of commission. But as soon as you hear
the TF Cruiser has arrived, get your clanky, metal, starfighter
rear-end to the landing pad, and DESTROY ALL MISSILES LAUNCHED,
or your Cannon will be reverted back to parts and you'll have a
Humpty on your hands. Soon as your fellows get that Cannon up
and link it to your wingmate commands, guess what you're gonna
test it on. If you can't guess, that's sad, so I'll just leave
you and your sorry ass here to ponder it.

*To get the bonus objective, make sure you take out the Cap
Turrets soon enough, as well as clear the landing pad and
neighboring turrets away before the Tugs are in range.

| [5.3.13] Mission 13: Attack of the Clones |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: Protect all Gunships until
troops debark
Half of the Clone Troopers
must survive
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy TF Core ship

I guess they were running out of ideas for mission titles. Very
original guys, name it after the movie though this mission does
not portray the movie scenes well enough at all. Anyways, it is
still one of my favorites. Now, first things first: Head near
the large rock pillar, but slightly to it's left side, and as
you go, you will hear Siri tell you when a hangar is opening.
Take it out, as well as the mass amount of droid starfighters
the first couple hangars will release (Force Lighting is your
friend). And as soon as you can peer around the other side of
that rock pillar I was talking about, take out the turrets you
will see there. Now the Gunships will land and take their jolly
time to release the Clone Troopers. You'll want to press /\
every now and then to see if any new enemies show themselves,
because on this level, Battle and Super Battle Droids will be
hard to spot on the ground, and they are bad for your Clone
Troopers' health. When the Gunships are in your wingmate control,
send them off to the Core ship to destroy it, it'll be done in
no time. Then, as soon as it is, target a Clone Trooper in the
middle of their group, and tell the Gunships to protect it. Now
occasional hangars, Droid and Geonosian starfighters, AAT, CG,
and IGB tanks will threaten your troops. They have a certain
pattern of arrival, and so you should never be too overwhelmed.
Tips: take out the enemies (if they are all there at one time)
in this order: IGB tanks, CG tanks, AAT tanks, droid, then Geo-
nosian starfighters, and finally the pesky Battle Droids. This
level is simple, but fun.

*To get the bonus objective, kill your enemies really fast.
It's not that hard.

| [5.3.14] Mission 14: Heart of the Storm |

CHARACTER: Nym OBJECTIVES: Destroy all Missile Frigates
Destroy enemy fighters
Escort the Mere Transports
Escort the Revenant Speeders
Destroy all enemies in dome
Defeat Lieutenant Bella
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy all escaping Dropships

This is it, it's what Nym and company have been waiting and
fighting for for years. It is time for them to retake their base.
And guess what, you've got that moon and plantetary gun up there
to help you. Target the REFUELING tanks, and order the PG to take
them out (with one shot, hehe) and chances are, the Missile
Frigate docked with it will be destroyed at the same time. Repeat
for the rest of them. Take out turrets, starfighters, and tanks
along the way until you have to persue those Dropships which
are easy targets. As soon as the big enemies are gone, the Mere
Transports will start their advance. CLEAR AWAY ALL TURRETS AND
TANKS, order your wingmates to protect the Transports, and THEN
get your butt over to them and provide MUCH cover. When they land
they'll waste no time sending out the Revenant Speeders to blast
open the door. Wait right outside, 'cause when that door goes,
droid starfighters will swarm out like bats from hell. When you
have cleared up the entrance, ease in and take out all enemies
inside; if you stay near the doorway, you won't be hit as much.
When all enemies inside are gone, fly towards the center of the
room and LINGER NEAR the hangar in the floor. Lt. Bella makes
her escape here, and if you pummel her with endless laser fire
while RIGHT UP on her hiney, and occasionally blasting her with
cluster missiles, you should be able to get most of her shields
and hull down before she even gets outside. If she isn't dead yet,
tactics include: staying as close to her as possible while NOT
letting go of the >< button. When she speeds off to turn around
and launch missiles, THEN is the perfect time to send cruise
missiles (which are SLOW and may not always hit) and tell the PG
to fire- maybe you'll get lucky and the PG will get her. When she's
gone, celebrate: Nym's got his base back, but wait, that's right,
Toth got away and he's heading to Geonosis...AND ADI!

*To get the bonus objective, read the directions carefully,
and follow them closely.

| [5.3.15] Mission 15: The Jedi Master |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: Destroy all Hex Deployers
Destroy all enemy fighters
Destroy Toth's fleet
Protect Meer Cruisers
Defeat Toth
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy all Hex Bombers and

This won't be easy. A line of Hex Deployers and Bombers are
threatening the troops on the ground battle on Geonosis with
Hex weapons. I bet you never thought of using Force Shield; well
you're going to be now. Use your shield when you get near the
Deployers or you'll be torn apart. Take out as many Deployers as
possible. Force Shockwave and Reflex help, but it may not be
safe to drop your Force Shield. Sooner or later, they'll launch
the Missiles and Bombers. If you've taken out many Deployers,
their won't be as many Missiles shot at the planet. Afterwards,
finish up the Deployers and fighters. Now two Sabaoth Destroyes
show up. BE. FAST. High-tail it to one of them, and take out ALL
Cap Turrets on it before anything else, then repeat this process
with the other one. THEN, after all Cap Turrets are gone, can
you proceed to take out the heavy turrets on each Destroyer (you
will want to do this because it helps protect the Meer Cruisers
when they arrive). Then, when the Cruisers and Nym arrive, you
can command your wingmates to protect the Cruisers while prov-
iding cover for them yourself. When the two Destroyers are gone,
Toth in his flagship will arrive. Repeat the process of elimin-
ating Cap Turrets, followed by heavy turrets, then fighters in
that order. When the Ship is almost destroyed, Toth will show
himself. He is a very simple boss, almost TOO simple. Get up on
him, never let go of ><, and use Force Lighting or Shockwave when
he's too far or close. Defeat him and, tada: you've won.

*To get the bonus objective, destroy the Hex Bombers FIRST,
as soon as the mission starts, THEN move on to Deployers and
take out ALL missiles when they are launched.

[6] Hidden Objectives

One Player (Easy/Medium/Hard)
Mission 1: After the TF Lander appears, an unknown ship will arrive to
its right. Target and destroy this "Spy Ship."
Mission 2: Do not allow any enemies to land on the beach.
Mission 3: Blow open the hangar door (large rectangle in the center of
the station) and destroy all Droid Starfighters in there.
Mission 4: Destroy all Tractor Towers
Mission 5: Destroy all enemies
Mission 6: Complete mission within 9 minutes
Mission 7: Destroy the 3 escaping TF Freighters
Mission 8: Destroy the Armed Freighter and TF Landers
Mission 9: Destroy all Hex Deployers
Mission 10: All Meer Tugs must survive
Mission 11: Destroy all TF landers
Mission 12: Destroy all turrets
Mission 13: Destroy all bunkers
Mission 14: All Transports must survive
Mission 15: All Cruisers must survive

Two Player (Cooperative)
Mission 1: Complete mission within 4 minutes
Mission 2: Destroy all TF Battleships
Mission 3: Destroy all station doors
Mission 4: Destroy all TF Sub Docks
Mission 5: Protect all buildings
Mission 6: Destroy all containers
Mission 7: Destroy all Sabaoth craft
Mission 8: Destroy all bunkers
Mission 9: Do not allow any Dropships to land
Mission 10: Destroy Sabaoth Destroyer
Mission 11: Destroy all Missile Frigates
Mission 12: Destroy TF Cruiser w/out the Cannon
Mission 13: All Clones must survive
Mission 14: Complete mission within 9 minutes
Mission 15: Destroy all turrets

[7] Bonus Features

| [7.1] One Player Bonus Missions |

| [7.1.1] Mission 1: Escort Duty |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: Protect all friendly craft

Adi Gallia and Nym have to protect a convoy of Mere Cruisers
and Pirate Freighters. Various enemy starfighters will attack
randomly, and the mission finishes off with an imposing enemy
Missile Frigate that launches Hex Missiles.

| [7.1.2] Mission 2: Advanced Prototype Test |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: Survive fighter swarm for 45
REQUIREMENT: Complete seconds
Mission 1 Bonus Objective Destroy all enemy targets
near the convoy
Damage no convoy craft
Stay between the platform and
the rings
Destroy all enemy fighters
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Complete all tasks on the
first attempt

Adi trains with Saesee Tiin again to hone her JS skills with
the advanced prototype. Complete all of Tiin's tasks, starting
with the first of avoiding fighters for 45 seconds, and then
using zoom to take out faraway enemies around a convoy whilst
staying inbetween the platform and the rings, then finishing
off a swarm of fighters with only your lasers and Force Shield.
Much harder than expected.

| [7.1.3] Mission 3: Riding Shotgun |

CHARACTER: Nym's OBJECTIVES: Destroy 90 enemy craft
turret gunner Nym reaches Landing Pad
Mission 6 Bonus Objective
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy 120 enemy craft

Nym needs your help, as his turret gunner, to give cover fire
as he makes for the Landing Pad on the other side of Mount
Merakan. This mission is pretty straight forward, shoot down
enemies. Troop Transports count as five enemies each, and you
have Cruise Missiles as a secondary weapon.

| [7.1.4] Mission 4: The Lone Gunship |

CHARACTER: Clone- OBJECTIVES: Destroy all Confederate forces
Mission 13 Bonus Objective
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Gunship takes no hull damage

You've broken away and found a butt-load of Confederate forces.
Destroy them all, and try not to take any hull damage. You'll
know when you're almost done when the Transports land.

| [7.1.5] Mission 5: Jango Fett |

CHARACTER: Jango OBJECTIVES: Disable the Duergo
REQUIREMENT: Complete Defeat all enemies
Mission 15 Bonus Objective
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Destroy the Station Shield

Jango has finally tracked down the notorious smuggler Race
[Something-or-other, I will add in the name when I play again].
He is using the Station as cover, so take out all of his hired
fighters then move in. Take out the Missile Frigates, then take
out the Heavy Turrets and Station Shield Generators. Now, you
can either chase Race around without letting go of ><, or if
you've saved up your secondary weapons, launch your Torpedoes
at him, and then get him to run into your Depth Charges.

| [7.2] Two Player Bonus Missions |

| [7.2.1] Mission 1: Escort Duty |

CHARACTERS: Adi OBJECTIVES: Protect all friendly craft
& Nym

Adi Gallia and Nym have to protect a convoy of Mere Cruisers
and Pirate Freighters. Various enemy starfighters will attack
randomly, and the mission finishes off with an imposing enemy
Missile Frigate that launches Hex Missiles.

| [7.2.2] Mission 2: Classic Dogfight |

CHARACTERS: X-wing OBJECTIVES: First player to 5 kills wins
pilots vs. TIE pilots
Mission 2 Bonus Objective

Player one flies and leads the X-wing sqaudron against player
two who commands the TIE fighter squadron. Use your wingmate
commands to help you take out your enemy. Kills only count if
the destroyed craft is the one PILOTED by the other player.

| [7.2.3] Mission 3: Droid Hunter |

CHARACTER: Adi OBJECTIVES: No more than 25 craft may
& Jinkins reach the Orb
Mission 11 Bonus Objective
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Less than 10 craft reach the

Adi and Jinkins must prevent more than 25 craft coming from
those reddish-orange Orbs to enter the blue Orb in the center.

| [7.2.4] Mission 4: Showdown over Geonosis |

CHARACTER: Obi-Wan OBJECTIVES: First player to 5 kills wins
& Jango Fett
all two-player Hidden Objectives

Definitely the funnest of the two-player Bonus Missions seeing
as how you and your friend can relive the Obi-Wan vs. Jango
fighter duel in the asteroid field over Geonosis as seen in the
movie. No wingmates to help you, and Obi-Wan can only use up to
Force Lighting, so, have fun duking it out.

| [7.2.5] Mission 5: The Lone Gunship |

CHARACTER: Clone OBJECTIVES: Destroy all Confederate forces
trooper & turret gunner
all two-player Hidden Objectives
*BONUS OBJECTIVES: Gunship takes no hull damage

You've broken away and found a butt-load of Confederate forces.
Destroy them all with help from your turret gunner, and try not
to take any hull damage. You'll know when you're almost done
when the Transports land.

| [7.3] Bonus Ships |

X-WING Requirement: Complete Mission 3 Bonus Objective
Rating: Good defense, attack, and speed, okay handling. Only one
secondary weapon in attack position. Closed S-foils gives
MUCH better handling, however, it also prohibits laser fire.

Primary Weapons- Four laser cannons; Strong/Medium fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Proton Tropedoes]
[> Close S-foils]

TIE FIGHTER Requirement: Complete Mission 4 Bonus Objective
Rating: Terrible defense, good attack, great speed, and superb
handling. No secondary weapons, but an extremely high rate
of laser fire makes up for it, as the handling and speed
make up for lack of shields.

Primary Weapons- Two laser cannons; Fair/HIGH fire
Secondary Weapons- None

ADV. ZOOMER Requirement: Complete Mission 7 Bonus Objective
Rating: Good defense, okay attack and speed, fair handling. Only
one secondary weapon unique to the ship, the others copy
off of the Havoc.

Primary Weapons- Four Front-Mounted Laser Cannons; Medium/Rapid fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Heavy Cannon]
[< Proximity Mines] [> Cruise Missiles]
[\/ Cluster Missiles]

ADV. JEDI SF Requirement: Complete Mission 8 Bonus Objective
Rating: Okay defense and attack, great speed, good handling. Basically
the same, just a bit better.

Primary Weapons- Quad-pulse lasers; Weak/Rapid fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Force Shield]
[< Force Shockwave] [> Force Lightning]
[\/ Force Reflex]

SABAOTH FIGHTER Requirement: Complete Mission 9 Bonus Objective
Rating: Fair defense and attack, good speed, okay handling. Kind of
like the TIE fighter, minus the rapid fire, and with greater
laser strength.

Primary Weapons- Four laser cannons; Strong/Rapid fire
Secondary Weapons- None

ADV. FREEFALL Requirement: Complete Mission 10 Bonus Objective
Rating: Good defense, okay attack, terrible speed and handling. Only
one secondary weapon unique to the ship, the others copy off
of the Havoc.

Primary Weapons- Long-Range Laser Cannons; Medium/Beam fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Mechanized Drone Fighters]
[< Proximity Mines] [> Cruise Missiles]
[\/ Cluster Missiles]

ADV. HAVOC Requirement: Complete Mission 12 Bonus Objective
Rating: Good defense and attack, fair speed and handling. Basically
the same, just a bit better, and holding down () while the
Energy Bombs are selected makes use of Nym's secret Plasma
Scourge weapon: one Super Energy Bomb that uses up several
ammo cells.

Primary Weapons- Six laser cannons; Strong/Semi-rapid fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Energy Bombs]
[< Proximity Mines] [> Cruise Missiles]
[\/ Cluster Missiles]

REPUBLIC GUNSHIP Requirement: Complete Mission 14 Bonus Objective
Rating: Good defense, great attack, good speed and handling. Probably
the best vehicle in the game. Perfectly well-rounded, and the
two gunner pods are automated to fire at the nearest enemy.
The Concussion Missiles have a 'reload' period I guess, that
prevents you from spending them all really quickly on one
enemy. The Beam Weapon is infinite, but needs recharging every
one in a while; it also hits faraway targets without having to
'lead' your sights in front of the enemy.

Primary Weapons- Two laser cannons; Strong/Rapid fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Concussion Missiles]
[> Beam Weapon]

SLAVE I Requirement: Complete all Hidden Objectives
Rating: Good defense, great attack, speed, and handling. Definitely
the funnest of the Bonus Ships. It is also best suited for
going up against the Jedi Starfighter.

Primary Weapons- Two laser cannons; Strong/Spread & Rapid fire
Secondary Weapons- [/\ Torpedoes]
[> Depth Charges]

| [7.4] Bonus Materials |

Special LucasArts Video

SW Racer Revenge Trailer

Vehicle Concept Art - Requires completion of Mission 5 Bonus Objective

In-Game Concept Art - Requires completion of Mission 6 Bonus Objective

Movie Concept Art - Requires completion of Mission 7 Bonus Objective

Movie Concept Art 2 - Requires completion of Mission 8 Bonus Objective

Team Photos - Requires completion of Mission 10 Bonus Objective

My Day at Work - Requires completion of Mission 11 Bonus Objective

Nym Comic Book Art - Requires completion of Mission 12 Bonus Objective

Movie Outtakes - Requires completion of Mission 15 Bonus Objective

Team Commentary - Requires completion of all Hidden Objectives

[7] Codes

Enter PNYRCADE to unlock all missions and bonus features.

Enter QUENTIN to be invincible

Enter HEADHUNT to fly the Z-95 Headhunter ship (precursor to the X-wing)
in any mission

Enter DIRECTOR for alternate camera angles, Select switches views and R1
is still used for zoom

Enter NOHUD to remove the HUD

Enter JARJAR to reverse the controls

Enter MAGGIE to read her message

Send in more to me BEFORE I find them to be credited as the founder.
[9] Other Secrets

Easter Eggs can be found in the top-most pipe on Mount Merakan after
ALMOST all buildings are destroyed.

A Battle Droid building a snowman can be seen near a Landing Pad at
Mount Merakan also. Fly near the Landing Pad that is built on the side
of the mountain, then look around those funny cap thingies that can be
destroyed but not targeted, the droid will be making his snowman right
next to one.

In the One Player Bonus Mission Jango Fett, if you fly near the lone
asteroid on the opposite side of the space station Reti arrives to help
Race Kartan fend you off. If you take his shield and hull down to the
very bottom, he will flee back into hyperspace.

Feel free to send in others and I will duly credit you.

[10] Frequently Asked Questions

One question that WILL be asked frequently:

On Mission 9: Dragon's Den I can get in and even see the Reactor Core,
but I don't know where to shoot/bomb it at. Where do I aim for?

Apparently the place to aim is against the back wall, straight
down onto the Reactor Core. I know you can't see it but many
people report that the most effective hits were there.
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