Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter

13.10.2013 07:51:49
Version 1.1.5

Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Legal Warning
III. Version Update
IV. Missions
1. Naboo Proving Ground
2. The Royal Escort
3. Contract Infraction
4. Secrets on Eos
5. Piracy Above Lok
6. Valuable Goods
7. Eye of the Storm
8. Taking the Offensive
9. The Crippling Blow
10. The New Resistance
11. Midnight Munitions Run
12. Rescue on the Solleu
13. Last Stand on Naboo
14. The Final Assault
V. Codes and Hidden Items
VI. Ending Note

I. Introduction
This is a guide and a walkthrough for the Star Wars Starfighter PS2 game.
contains information that may enable a game player to achieve gold medals
the fourteen regular missions of the game. This guide does not include
character descriptions, background information, and controller information
are already covered in the game's booklet. This guide is based on
playing the game at medium difficulty with the default ships for each

II. Legal Warning
This document Copyright 2001 STEAKMO. This document is protected by
international and U.S. Copyright Law. Any distribution and reproduction of
this document is forbidden without the expressed written permission of the
author. Please ask before using this guide for any purpose other than for
personal game play.

III. Version Updates
A.Version 1.1.4 was revised as follows:
1) A new hidden item, a familiar Star Wars character has been added in
section V.2.c.
2) The Final Assault Mission Information section (IV.14.C.)has been amended to include a new
tip on defeating the mercenary leader.
B. Version 1.1.3 was revised as follows:
1) Spelling and grammar corrections throughout the guide were made
2) Revised Mission 4 Walkthrough and added Map Section to Mission 4
C. Version 1.1.2 was revised as follows:
1) Altered Title to include missions 13 and 14
2) Added missions 13 and 14 to Table of Contents
3) Added Codes and Hidden Items section to Table of Contents
4) Added current version update to section III
5) Added Missions 13 and 14 to Section IV
6) Inserted Codes and Hidden Items Section V
7) Changed Ending Note Section Number to VI
D. The Original version of this document, 1.1.1 was revised as follows:
1) Altered title to include missions 8-12
2) Added missions 8-12 in Table of Contents.
3) Added Version Update section III.
4) Previous sections III and IV are now IV and V.
5) Added missions 8 through 12 in Missions section IV.

IV. Missions

1. Naboo Proving Grounds

A. Goals
1) Destroy all first area mines
2) Destroy all mines in first canyon - 20 mines
3) Destroy training droid - a slow moving ship that can fire at you
4) Destroy all Holo Fighters - 7 flying ships
5) Defeat Essara - take out her shields in the final area

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy all bonus mines - 8 mines
2) Win race vs. Essara - in the fourth canyon only
3) Complete mission in under 4 minutes - this is the hardest part of the
mission as it requires you to fly as fast as you can and destroy/defeat all
the training ships quickly. Using the methods in the following walkthrough,

you should be able to finish in less than 3:30.

C. Information - In this mission you will play as Rhys and you will be
the N-1 Starfighter. Essara Till is your trainer and she will be
you as you go. You have no secondary weapons available. Completing the
in less than 4 minutes is the hardest part of the mission as it requires
you to
fly as fast as you can and destroy/defeat all of the training ships
Using the methods in the following walkthrough, you should be able to
finish in
less than 3:30.

D. Walkthrough
1) You start the mission in a canyon with Essara in front of you. Turbo
through this canyon until you see the upcoming open area. There are 9 mines
this first area that you must destroy for the first required goal. Slow
at the edge of the open area, hit your target button, use sniper-view and
all of the 9 mines. It only takes one hit to destroy them.
2) Turbo into the next canyon. There are 20 mines in this canyon that you
to destroy to complete the second required goal. Use your target button to
target the mines ahead of you, but keep your eyes open because the
computer does not always pick the next mine in front of you. Use turbo
whenever you can.
3) In the middle of the next open area, there is one Training Droid. This
is a
slow moving ship that can fire at you. Don't worry about dodging its fire.
Slow down, target it quickly and fire away. You should be able to destroy
with about 15 hits and without having to turn around.
4) Head down the next (third) canyon. Your computer should automatically
target a Holo Fighter flying down the canyon in front of you. You can
it with about 5 hits. Then another Holo Fighter will appear down the canyon
front of you. Make sure to shoot all of the bonus mines in this canyon.
are 8 bonus mines and the first one should appear shortly after you destroy
first Holo Fighter if you were quick in killing it. Hit the target button
target the mines instead of the second Holo Fighter. Do not miss the mines
because you are more concerned about the second Holo Fighter. You will
up to the second Holo Fighter easily later in the canyon. You can kill the
second Holo Fighter after shooting the first bonus mine if you're quick.
the turbo when you can, but keep your targets in front of you. You won't
time to turn around.
5) In the next open area, you will face 2 waves of Holo Fighters. The first

wave is 2 Holo Fighters that appear straight ahead. Your computer will
one of them automatically. You can destroy these quickly with 5 hits
The next wave appears from behind you (if you haven't turned yet) where you

entered the open area. Turn around to face a wave of 3 Holo Fighters. Kill
them quickly and turn around to head towards the next canyon.
6) Turbo down the next canyon ASAP because you are racing against Essara.
have to wait for Essara to say, "go", so try to time your entrance into the

canyon to get a jump on her. You will see that the holographic wall will
disappear when the race starts. If you try to get too much of a head start
Essara, she will somehow pass you and you can't get all of the medals. This

canyon is relatively easy to navigate, but there are a couple of narrow
Use your turbo boost when you're in the straight-aways. Fly through the
circular finish line. I don't believe that flying directly through the
is required.
7) After winning the race, turn around and locate Essara's ship. Get into
position to blast away at her as soon as you can. The match does not begin
until you hear Essara say, "go". Try not to get too close to her because it
difficult to shoot her if she's flying loops around you. She flies in a
vertical pattern (up and down). I like to get some distance from her and
away while using the sniper-view button. This way I don't have to worry
turning around to target her. About 10 hits with the standard lasers will
defeat Essara.

2. The Royal Escort

A. Goal - Protect the Royal Starship

B. Bonus Goals
1) Royal starship takes no damage
2) Destroy all Mercenary Daggers in less than 1 minute
3) Rhys destroys all Mercenary Dionagas

C. Information - You play as Rhys piloting the N-1 Starfighter. Essara
accompanies you in an N-1. You now have secondary weapons. You are equipped

with 10 proton torpedoes. The hardest part of this mission is destroying
Mercenary Daggers in less than 1 minute. If you can't achieve gold on this
mission because of the Mercenary Dagger requirement, you may want to move
and qualify for the Guardian Mantis ship by getting gold medals in all of
Vana's missions; Contract Infraction, Secrets on Eos, and The New
Using the Guardian Mantis ship makes this mission easier because it can tag
targets and shoot them down without facing them and chasing them down.

D. Walkthrough
1) First wave - 1 Dionaga, 1 Morningstar, and the middle ship is a Dagger.
Shoot the Dagger down first from afar using sniper-view. Hit the Dionaga as
approaches from afar and try to can kill it before it passes by. Leave the
Morningstar until you destroy the next 3 waves of Daggers.
2) Second wave - 3 Daggers. Each wave of Daggers will not appear until the
previous wave is destroyed. You can use sniper-view to begin shooting the
first wave of Daggers from afar as they approach. The Daggers attack the
Starship, so you know where they are heading.
3) Third wave - 3 Daggers. Hit your target button until you have a Dagger
targeted. Snipe them early and kill them all.
4) Fourth wave - 3 Daggers. Snipe them early and kill them all. By hitting
start button you can pause the game and see how much time is remaining. If
are close to one minute, you should consider using your proton torpedoes to

finish off the daggers in a hurry. One proton torpedo can destroy 1 Dagger
more, and the torpedoes have some tracking ability (like a heat-seeking
missile). You can use the torpedoes from a great distance and they can take

out more than one enemy if the enemies are close together. After the 10th
Dagger is destroyed you will earn a medal if you've killed all 10 in less
1 minute. Find and destroy the Dionaga and the Morningstar from the first
if you haven't done so already. To earn the third bonus, you will need to
all 5 of the Dionagas before Essara does. There is only 1 Dionaga until the

ninth wave. Every time the Royal Starship is under attack, the red
point will light up on the screen. The Royal Starship can take a few hits,
to insure you get the medal, make sure that she is well protected. Follow
Royal Starship into the asteroid belt.
5) Fifth wave - 4 Morningstars.
6) Sixth wave - 4 Morningstars appear from the asteroid belt. You'll hear,
"Come on cadet, you're not afraid of me already?!"
7) Seventh wave - 4 Morningstars appear from around the sun. "Easy
8) Eighth wave - 4 Morningstars appear from the asteroid belt. "I've got
hot shot cadet."
9) Ninth wave - 8 fighters including 4 Morningstars and 4 Dionagas in
groups. You'll hear, "Hey cadet, I'll let you live if . . ." These fighters

appear after you hear that the Royal Starship cannot jump into hyperspace
to ships in its path. Target and kill the Dionagas first. When you destroy
the fifth Dionaga you should earn a medal.
10) Tenth wave - 4 Morningstars. You know what to do. You don't have to
all of the enemies, but you should try. There can be some enemies alive
the mission is over, but be sure to kill off the Dionagas and protect the

3. Contract Infraction

A. Goal
1) Destroy all Scarab fighters
2) Destroy all Hunter-Seekers
3) Defeat Mercenary fighters

B. Bonus Goals
1) Tag all Scarab Fighters
2) Destroy all Mercenary Fighters
3) Complete mission in less than 4 minutes.

C. Information - You play as Vana Sage piloting the Guardian Mantis Ship.
is a solo mission in which you begin performing several tests for the Trade

Federation and later you are defending yourself from attacking Fighters
sent by
your recently former employer. You are armed with Ion-Enabled Sensor Tags
(drains enemy shields and allows nano missiles to track targeted
Make sure to tag all Scarabs using this weapon. Do not shoot the Scarabs
the standard weapons until they are tagged with your secondary weapon. The
minute time constraint can be difficult, but after trying a few times you
find your time to get much quicker.

D. Walkthrough
1) First wave - 2 Scarabs in front of you to the left as you start. You
be able to tag the first 2 Scarabs from afar with one shot. Then use your
lasers to finish them off.
2) Second wave - 4 Scarabs. Hit your target button to locate one of these.
They all approach together. Tag 'em and bag 'em.
3) Third wave - 5 Scarabs. Tag 'em and bag 'em.
4) Fourth wave - 5 Scarabs. Tag 'em and bag 'em. This wave of fighters will

have "live laser fire". You should receive a medal at this point for
all of the Scarabs.
5) After you hear Vana has received a message, the Trade Federation Landing

Platform captain decides to try to kill Vana due to a "Contract
Fifth wave - There are 16 Hunter-Seekers that appear and you have to
them all. Use your tag weapon to kill some while you use your lasers to
others at the same time. Your tag weapon will regenerate, but make sure to
have some left for the next and final wave.
6) Sixth wave - 7 Fighters including 4 Daggers, 2 Morningstar B's, and 1
Dionaga. Again, use your tag weapon as much as possible. Tag and fire on
fighters from afar as they approach. I like to use both weapons at the same

time by pressing the 2 buttons at the same time. It makes killing enemies
quicker. If you run out of tags, check them after a couple of seconds
they regenerate quickly. If you do not kill all 7 Fighters quick enough,
last one will fly off like a coward and leave you short a medal.

4. Secrets on Eos

A. Goals
1) Destroy Shield Generator 1
2) Destroy Shield Generator 2
3) Destroy Shield Generator 3
4) Destroy Shield Generator 4
5) Destroy Shield Generator 5
6) Destroy Shield Generator 6
7) Destroy Shield Generator 7

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy Droid Dispensers (6) before they release droids
2) Destroy all miner droids (8).
3) Complete the mission in less than 8 minutes.

C. Information - You play as Vana piloting the Guardian Mantis. You are
with Ion-Enabled Sensor Tags (drains enemy shields and allows nano missiles
track targeted opponents). The Guardian Mantis' brakes have been adjusted
that you can almost come to a complete stop. In this mission, Vana has
discovered a droid factory on the surface of Eos and she decides to destroy
shields surrounding the droid factory. The most difficult part of getting a

gold medal in this mission is destroying the Droid Dispensers in time. The
Droid Dispensers will only release droids when you get close to them and
you do
not destroy them within a number of deconds.
Using the following walkthrough you should be able to destroy the Droid
Dispensers in time and finish the entire mission in less than 6 minutes.
the Hunter-Seekers unless they get in your way. The Hunter-Seekers are only

dangerous in groups and you are not required to destroy them. Hit the
as you fire on a fixed target to give you more time to get more hits in.

D. Map - Visualize the playing area as the face of a clock. The Power
is at the center of the clock. The Command Center is at 6 o'clock. You will

start the mission facing the Power Station at a position of 8 o'clock. If
turn towards your right, you will see a UFO-like stucture, that is the
Center. The Landing Pad is around 9 o'clock and the Manufacturing Building
close by at 10 o'clock. The Main Factory is at 3 or 4 o'clock. You will
to this same area in Mission 9 - The Crippling Blow. The names of these
are revealed to you in this mission, but the names are not important for
now. It
is important to know where the Droid Dispensers are for this mission. Draw
yourself a map if it helps you to follow along with the following

E. Walkthrough
1) Find and destroy the Droid Dispensers first. The Droid dispensers often
protected by a Droid Turret which can cause your ship some damage. If you
fire from a Droid Turret, turbo forward a little and then target it and
it. The Droid Turrets take some time to get a lock on you again after you
move. Use your secondary weapon to destroy the turrets quicker.
a) As you start there is one Droid Dispenser on the ground below the
Center (6 o'clock).
b) Next there is a Droid Dispenser right next to the Main Factory Building
o'clock) to its right.
c) Halfway between the Main Factory and the Power Station (center) is
Droid Dispenser.
d) The next Droid Dispenser is located up high on a mountain at 1 o'clock.
e) The next Droid Dispenser is located up high on a mountain at 11 o'clock.

f) The last Droid Dispenser is at 9 o'clock between the Landing Pad and the

Manufacturing Building. This is the last Dispenser, and you should receive
medal if you've destroyed all 6 quickly enough. If you ever hear Vana say
droids are coming out of the dispensers, then you are too late.
2) You will want to destroy all of the 8 miner droids that can be found on
around the central pool of red lava. Miner Droids are small moving droids
your computer cannot lock on to, so you will need to aim at them without a
computer lock. Miner Droids are capsule shaped and they have 2 legs. They
unarmed and they hover just above the surface.
3) Next, you will want to start destroying the Pylons to take out the
and complete the mission. Each Pylon is located on the perimeter of the
shielded area. They can also be located by tracing the lines of energy from
top of the dome to their source. Each is protected by a Droid Turret. Take
the nearby Droid Turrets before you begin shooting at a Pylon. There are 8
but you only need to destroy 7. The eighth Pylon will self-destruct after
you have
destroyed 7 and the mission will end.

5. Piracy Above Lok

A. Goals
1) Disable 1 Superfreighter
2) Destroy all Scarab Fighters
3) Destroy Trade Federation Repair Ships
4) Destroy all Droid Starfighters

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy 4 Trade Federation Freighters.
2) Destroy Missile Frigate.
3) Complete mission in less than 7 minutes.

C. Information - You play as Nym piloting the Havoc ship. The Havoc's
secondary weapons are 10 energy bombs which regenerate quickly. Do not get
close to your targets when you use the energy bombs because they can damage

your ship. For parts of this mission you'll want to destroy the big ships
yourself while your wingmates fight with the Trade Federation fighters.
wingmates are fairly ineffective as they will only destroy a few of the
enemies. Using the following walkthrough, beating the 7 minute requirement
easily done.

D. Walkthrough
1) First wave - 5 Scarabs appear directly in front of you. Hit your target
button and snipe 1 or 2 of these from afar. Finish these 5 Scarabs before
moving on.
2) Turbo towards the fleet and attack a Superfreighter. There are 5
Superfreighters to pick from. It's best to pick one in the rear of the
and approach it from an angle where the others cannot fire on you. Keep
away until the Superfreighter's shields are gone. Use all 10 of your bombs
you can destroy it quickly. Remember that your energy bombs will
Do not hit the disabled Superfreighter any more. Destroying it will end the

mission because your mission is to pirate the ship.
3) While you are attacking the Superfreighter a wave of 5 Scarabs will
from the planet. Ignore the Scarabs and destroy the bigger ships first. You

can take a little time to kill off some Scarabs, but do not take too much
because the Freighters will jump into hyperspace soon.
4) Next head towards the normal smaller freighters and Destroy 4 of them.
are unarmed and there is 6-8 to choose from. It will take about 5 energy
and some laser fire to destroy them quickly. After the 4th is destroyed,
will earn a medal.
5) A Missile Frigate will appear. Attack this ship next. Use all 10 energy
bombs and lasers to destroy it quickly. You will earn another medal when it
destroyed. Another wave of 5 Scarabs are released at the same time the
Frigate appears.
6) Next you have 2 Repair Ships to destroy. They are heading towards the
disabled Superfreighter. Use your target button to target one of them.
the one closest to the Superfreighter first. Again, use your energy bombs
(about 5 each) and use laser fire to destroy these quickly.
7) Now its time to destroy the remaining Scarabs. Target them and destroy
one by one. I believe that there are 15 Scarabs total including the first
wave. There should be less than 10 Scarabs remaining if your wingmates have

accomplished anything.
8) After all of the Scarabs are destroyed, 10 Droid Starfighters escape the

Superfreighter and attack you and your team. Destroy them all one by one.
Droid Starfighters take fewer hits to destroy than Scarabs, so your
should destroy 1 to 3 of them.

6. Valuable Goods

A. Goals
1) Protect Pirate Freighter during loading
2) Escort Pirate Freighter

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy Drop Ships (3) before tanks are launched
2) All Speeder Bikes must survive
3) Destroy Recovery Ship

C. Information - You play as Nym in the Havoc ship again. The Havoc's
secondary weapons are 10 energy bombs which regenerate quickly. Do not get
close to your targets when you use the energy bombs because they can damage

your ship. This is a difficult mission because you need to juggle many
different tasks in a quick manner. The survival of the Speeder Bikes goal
the most difficult. It is easy to mistake them for a tank from afar or
accidentally hit them when they are near tanks. Your wingmates are fairly
useless against enemies in this mission. Use your attack command (up
when you get a chance to have your wingmates attack Scarabs.

D. Walkthrough
1) Turbo straight ahead and target one of the 2 Drop Ships. Keep firing
lasers as you approach. There will be 3 Scarabs that appear above the Drop
Ships as you approach, but you can ignore them. Use all of your bombs and
lasers simultaneously to destroy both Drop Ships.
2) Head back to the Pirate Freighter and target a nearby tank (AAT). There
will be several AAT's approaching the Freighter and the Speeder Bikes. Take

out as many AAT's as you can in less than 20 seconds. Do not use bombs when

the tanks reach the Speeder Bikes because you can kill them easily. The
Speeder Bikes can handle a couple of the tanks, but get them all if you
3) You need to hurry and destroy the Recovery Ship found in the sky before
leaves. Use turbo to get there while using lasers at the same time. When
get close to it, use all of your bombs and keep firing lasers. If you
it in time, you will earn a medal.
4) Head back to the Pirate Freighter and defend it against any remaining
There will also be 3 AAT's across the yellow lake that you should destroy
5) Take a little time to destroy 1 or 2 Scarabs.
6) Next search and destroy any tanks along the first half of the river
up to the cave. Another wave of 5 Scarabs will arrive, but ignore them
7) When you hear that Bombers are coming find them and destroy all 3 of
quickly. You can find them approaching the Pirate Freighter on a path above

the river. The Speeder Bikes are accompanying the Pirate Ships along the
riverbank and they can be destroyed by Bombers.
8) Next, you need to attack the third and last Drop Ship. You can find it
the sky. It will land on the riverbank halfway up the river and drop off
AAT's if you do not destroy it quickly. You will earn another medal if done

9) Target and destroy Scarabs. They will be attacking the Pirate Freighter.

Break off fighting the Scarabs when the Pirate Freighter gets about halfway

down the river.
10) Destroy all AAT's on the last half of the river and around the cave
entrance. There will be targetable AAT's that cannot hit the Pirate
because they are out of range. Ignore these AAT's too far away from the
10) Lastly, you should destroy any remaining Scarabs. The mission should
be over when the Pirate Freighter approaches the cave entrance.

7. Eye of the Storm

A. Goals
1) Protect Evacuation Transports during loading
2) Protect Inferno Turret

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy Drop Ships before tanks are launched.
2) All Decoy Freighters must survive.
3) Escort Jenkins to his Freefall.

C. Information - You play as Nym in his Havoc Ship again. The Havoc's
secondary weapons are 10 energy bombs which regenerate quickly. Do not get
close to your targets when you use the energy bombs because they can damage

your ship. In this mission, Nym's Base is under attack by the Trade
and you must protect the evacuating ships. You will see 4 very large
ships that contain enemy tanks, and they will land outside of the base. You

cannot destroy these landing ships. Your wingmates are a little more useful
this mission. Use your attack commands frequently in this mission by
the up directional button when you want help on your targeted enemies.

D. Walkthrough
1) As you start, leave the tunnel and turn left. A wave of 5 Scarabs
and there are 2 Drop Ships approaching as well. Start out sniping the
from afar. Destroy 1 or 2, then turbo towards Drop ships as you instruct
wingmates to attack a Scarab.
2) Next, attack the Drop Ship on the right because it will land first. Use
your secondary weapons along with the lasers to destroy both Drop Ships
2) Another wave of five Scarabs appears. Target and destroy these 5 Scarabs

along with the previous wave of Scarabs.
3) Another wave of 5 Scarabs appear as you receive a message that Jenkins
protection. Jenkins is in a vehicle heading back to the base and he is
attack by these 5 Scarabs. Your computer will automatically target one of
Scarabs. Be careful not to hit Jenkins' vehicle as you destroy these 5
Scarabs. He is on a speeder bike heading towards the crater entrance. The
Scarabs will swoop in close to the ground to kill Jenkins. These Scarabs
not reach Jenkins until they get around the base entrance. When these 5
Scarabs are destroyed, Jenkins should be OK, but you will not hear that
earned the medal until later.
4) A wave of 5 Bombers is coming, but first you need to take out some tanks

(AAT's). Use your energy bombs to destroy the AAT's coming out of the 2
Landers that just landed outside the base. The tanks will be in tight
of 9 that you can destroy with 1 or 2 bombs if you get to them just as they
off of the Lander. Do not take too long; you'll want to attack the first
of Bombers coming. You don't have to destroy all of the AAT's right now.
5) Attack the Bombers and destroy all 5 if you can. You only have about 20
6) Next, go after the last 2 Drop Ships. They should be in the sky far from

the crater. The lowest (and left) Drop Ship will land first so target it
give it all your bombs while using lasers constantly. Destroy the other
Ship A.S.A.P. You will earn a medal if you've destroyed them in time.
6) Now head back to base and destroy all the AAT's and Bombers inside the
As you pass the Landers, take out some more tanks on your way using energy
7) More bombers and more Scarabs will arrive.
8) The Transports should be leaving the base now and you need to defend
from bombers, Scarabs, and AAT's outside the base until they are gone.
the flying ships first and target the tanks only when no flying enemies are

available. The Transports are usually too high for the AAT's to hit them.
9) Two more Landers will drop off some more tanks, but destroying these
is not necessary because the mission is almost over. When the transports
gone, another wave of 5 Scarabs will attack the base. Keep destroying
until the mission is over and most importantly, stay alive.

8. Taking the Offensive

A. Goals
1) Destroy Orbital Satellites (3)
2) Destroy escaping Trade Federation Freighters (2)

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy escaping SuperFreighter
2) Destroy all Trade Federation Fighters
3) Complete mission in less than 7 minutes

C. Information - You are playing as Rhys in the N-1 Starfighter and your
wingman is Reti. The N-1 now has advanced secondary weapons. The advanced
proton torpedoes can swarm around a cluster of several enemies and destroy
all. The advanced proton torpedoes use up 2 units of your 10 units of
secondary weapons. Your secondary weapons and advanced secondary weapons do

not regenerate. Reti is somewhat useless as a wingman, but give him
to attack when you want help attacking targets. In this mission, it is easy
make your way to the next satellite as your computer will automatically
the nearest one for you when you've destroyed all surrounding enemies.
are lots of mines that will damage your ship if you even come close to them
there is laser cannon fire coming from the planet. Completing the mission
less than 7 minutes can be challenging, but using the following
you can complete the mission in less than 6minutes. Remember to use your
secondary weapons to destroy the large ships and satellites to shorten your


D. Walkthrough
1) As you start there may be 1 Scarab far away in front of you. Start off
holding down the turbo button and hit the target button. Use sniper-view
destroy the first Scarab. Turbo forward towards the first satellite while
firing at it.
2) A wave of 3 Scarabs appear from the planet as you approach the first
satellite and they attack you. Destroy them quickly and head back on your
towards the first satellite and fire at it.
3) Next, you will want to destroy the 2 escaping Trade Federation
The computer will target one for you automatically. Turbo towards the first

Freighter and pound on it with your lasers as you approach. Avoid more
attacking Scarabs on your way there. These Freighters are moving very
and it is easy to run into them. The Freighters also leave a trail of
so do not get too close and attack from the sides. Use 1 proton torpedo
firing your lasers constantly to destroy both Freighters, one at a time.
4) There will be 6 attacking Scarabs in 2 groups of 3 released at the same
the Freighters are escaping. Destroy these 6 Scarabs after you have taken
of the escaping Freighters.
5) The first Satellite should be targeted when the 6 Scarabs are gone.
towards it while firing lasers. 3 Scarabs and 4 Droid Starfighters attack
you approach the satellite. Destroy the fighters first and then the
6) After you destroy the first satellite, you will notice a Superfreighter
escaping. Turbo after it and destroy it using 2 proton torpedoes and
laser fire. You will earn a medal when it is destroyed.
7) A wave of 4 Droid Starfighters approach. You can snipe at them from afar

and take out 2 or 3. Destroy the Droid Starfighters and then turbo towards
satellite number 2.
8) 4 Scarabs and 4 Droid Starfighters attack as you approach the second
satellite. Snipe 1 or 2 from afar and destroy all of the Fighters before
destroying the second satellite.
9) 3 Droid Starfighters attack from the planet right after you destroy the
second satellite. Take them out quickly.
10) Turbo towards the last satellite. You will hear Reti say, "Rhys,
incoming!" 8 Scarabs attack. Now is a good time to try out your advanced
secondary weapon by holding down the circle button for a second and release
shot when you have several Scarabs in front of you. Destroy all 8 Scarabs
quickly. You should earn a medal when the last Scarab is gone.
11) Destroy the last satellite quickly. Check your time by pausing the game
you want. Use your remaining proton torpedoes to destroy it and the mission
over. Do not destroy the last satellite before you destroy all of the
unless you don't care about the medal.

9. The Crippling Blow

A. Goals
1) Destroy Landing Pad
2) Destroy Manufacturing Building
3) Destroy Power Station
4) Destroy Main Factory
5) Destroy Command Center

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy Command Center in less than 1 minute
2) Destroy Planetary Gun
3) Complete mission in less than 8 minutes

C. Information - You play as Nym flying in his Havoc ship. Vana is your
wingman and she is almost totally worthless. The mission is set on the Eos
surface and the terrain should look familiar because it is the same as the
Secrets on Eos Mission. Your ship is now armed with the advanced secondary
weapon, a plasma scourge. This weapon uses up 5 of your energy bombs (out
ten), but they regenerate quickly. You will want to use the plasma scourge
all of the 6 buildings. It only takes 2 hits of the plasma scourge to
a building. The keys to this mission are to know where you are going and to

use the plasma scourge effectively. The map visualization below will help
know where to go. You can complete this mission much faster if you can
your plasma scourge weapon while firing your lasers at the same time. The
buildings are all protected by Factory Turrets, so you will need to destroy
Turrets first. A good technique is to destroy the Turrets with laser fire
while holding down the circle button to prepare a plasma scourge missile.
the Turret is destroyed, face the building and release the missile. The
Factory Turrets are the deadliest enemies in this mission. However, the
Factory Turrets cannot turn all the way around and determining where they
fire is easy. The Turrets have a blue light and a red light on opposite
of them. If you can see the red light, you are facing the Turret's firing
area. If you approach a Turret facing the side with the blue light, it
turn around to fire at you. Also, the Turrets do not have much range, so
can shoot them from afar before they can return fire. Ignore the Scarabs
Hunter-Seekers for the most part in this mission. They can only cause you
minimal damage. You can finish this mission in around 6 minutes.

D. Map - Visualize the playing area as the face of a clock. The Power
is at the center of the clock. The Command Center is at 6 o'clock. You will

start the mission facing the Command Center directly south of the face of
clock. The Landing Pad is around 9 o'clock and the Manufacturing Building
close by at 10 o'clock. The Planetary Gun is at 1 o'clock and the Main
is at 3 or 4 o'clock. Draw yourself a map if it helps you to follow along
the following walkthrough.

E. Walkthrough
1) Command Center
a) Start in sniper-view and destroy the Factory Turret in front of you.
computer will then target 1 of 2 Turrets. Do not bother shooting the Turret
your left.
b) Keep going straight and target the Turret on a ridge in front of the
Center (a UFO looking structure). Destroy this Turret and then target
Turret on top of a peak to the left. Use your brakes.
c) As you fire using your lasers, hold down the circle button to get a
scourge missile ready to fire at the Command Center. When the Turret is
destroyed face the Command Center, aim high and release the plasma scourge
d) Next, stay low and sneak around to right of the Command Center behind
ridge and you can hit another Turret on the ground in front of the Command
Center. You can shoot at this Turret from behind and it cannot hit your
Use your brakes and hold them on. As you fire at the ground Turret, prepare

another plasma scourge.
e) When the ground Turret is destroyed, face the Command Center, aim and
release your plasma scourge. This should destroy the Command Center and you

should earn a medal if you've destroyed it in less than 1 minute. Using
method, you should be able to destroy it in less than 45 seconds.
2) Landing Pad
a) After you've destroyed the Command Center, keep on your brakes and
target a
Turret in front of you on the high mountain ridge. Take out this Turret and

turn around back in the direction towards where you started. Turn right,
low and head down a valley between the ridge where you shot your second
and where the Command Center was.
b) Go forward, turn right, and you should be able to see the Landing Pad.
the brakes, fire lasers at the Turret on the Landing Pad from afar, and
a plasma scourge missile. When the Turret is destroyed, face the Landing
aim and release your plasma scourge.
c) Stay on the brakes and immediately prepare another plasma scourge
Stay low as you approach the Landing Pad and destroy the Landing Pad by
releasing your second plasma scourge missile. There is still one more
on the other side of the Landing Pad. Just keep flying the same direction
ignore this Turret.
3) Power Station part 1
a) After you've destroyed the Landing Pad fly around and behind it to the
and you will see the Power Station in front of you. If there is a Droid
Dispenser, destroy it to prevent Hunter-Seekers to pop out of it. There is
Turret in front of you. Fire lasers at the Turret and prepare another
Scourge. Release the secondary weapon when the Turret is destroyed. Turn
around and look for the Manufacturing Building behind you. You will come
to destroy the Power Station from the other side later.
4) Manufacturing Building
a) You should be able to see the corner of the Manufacturing Building and a

Turret. Again, hit the brakes, fire lasers at the Turret and prepare
plasma Scourge. Release the secondary weapon when the Turret is destroyed.
b) Turn around a full 360 degrees while loading up another plasma Scourge
the same time. Destroy the Manufacturing Building with your second plasma
5) Planetary Gun
a) After the Manufacturing Building is destroyed, keep heading around in a
clockwise direction. You should see the Planetary Gun which is protected by
Turret on its left and one up high on its right. You can take out the left
Turret from afar or you can sneak around behind it.
b) Start firing on the second Turret while preparing another plasma scourge

missile. Release the secondary weapon at the Planetary gun when the second
Turret is destroyed.
c) Turn around a full 360 degrees while loading up another plasma Scourge
the same time. Destroy the Planetary Gun with your second plasma scourge.
should earn a medal when it is destroyed.
6) Power Station part 2
a) After destroying the Planetary Gun, keep heading in a clockwise
direction by
turning right. You will see the other side of the Power Station and the
of the other Turret protecting it. Start firing on the second Turret while
preparing another plasma scourge missile.
b) Release the secondary weapon at the Power Station when the Turret is
destroyed. This should destroy the Power Station. One more building to go.
7) Main Factory
a) Turn left and you should see the Main Factory. Hit the brakes, and start

firing on the Turret while preparing another plasma scourge missile.
the secondary weapon at the building when the Turret is destroyed.
b) Stay low, fire up another plasma scourge missile and finish the mission
releasing your last missile on the Main Factory.

10. The New Resistance

A. Goals
1) Disable one Armed Freighter
2) Protect Captured SuperFreighter
3) Destroy Armed Freighters (9)

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy all Droid Escape Pods (3)
2) Complete mission in less than 8 minutes
3) Destroy all Missile Frigates (3)

C. Information - You play as Vana flying in her Guardian Mantis ship. The
Guardian Mantis is now equipped with an Ion Encumbrance System (completely
disables enemy ships) as an advanced secondary weapon. This is an effective

weapon to use on the Armed Freighters and Missile Frigates in this mission.

The Ion Encumbrance System uses up all 10 of your secondary weapon units,
they do regenerate, but not quickly enough. Your wingmen are Reti, Nym and
Rhys. Your wingmen in this mission are more effective than missions so far
which is good because you will need to rely on them to destroy enemy
Reti spends most of the mission pirating a Freighter and he takes his own
time about it. However, during the mission, Reti finds a unit of Scarabs
you can instruct to attack enemies. To avoid unnecessary enemy fire, when
attacking the Armed Freighters, begin by targeting the Armed Freighters in
back of the fleet and approach them from an angle where other Armed
cannot fire on you. There will be large swarms of enemy Fighters that can
surround you quickly in this mission. Remember to use your secondary weapon
tag multiple enemy Fighters and use your wingmen to help protect you and
you in destroying large ships. Completing this mission in less that 8
is difficult especially if you try to destroy every enemy fighter. You do
need to destroy every enemy fighter at the end of the mission. You will
to destroy the larger ships to end the mission faster. Each time I have
a gold medal on this mission, my time was exactly 8 minutes or 7:59.

D. Walkthrough
1) As you start you will be facing the 9 Armed Freighters. Turbo straight
ahead. There will be a myriad of Droid Starfighters coming towards you. Let

off of the gas and use sniper-view to pick off as many Droid Starfighters
you can from afar. When they are close enough, use your secondary weapon to

tag as many as you can. You can tag multiple enemies with one shot if they
close together. Destroy as many of the Droid Starfighters as you can until
have 6 or 7 secondary weapon units back. You will want to have 10 by the
you get to the rear Armed Freighter. It is important to get the rear
Freighter disabled as soon as you can because Reti takes over 6 minutes to
pirate the Freighter and get off of it.
2) Now, turbo towards the last Armed Freighter and target it. Prepare your
advanced secondary weapon by holding down the circle button as you fire
at the Freighter. You need to be close to the Freighter for your Ion
to work, so don't release the Ion missile until the Freighter appears to
up most of the screen. One missile and a few laser hits should disable any
Freighter. Reti will now board the disabled Freighter, so do not shoot at
Freighter until the very end of the mission.
3) Take care of any remaining Droid Starfighters. Your wingmen and your tag

weapon should have already destroyed most of them.
4) Next, target the next freighter at the end of the convoy and attack it.
Have your wingmen attack the Freighter as well. Prepare another Ion missile
you fire lasers at it. It may take a while to get another Ion missile
but keep holding down the circle button until one is ready. You should
keep moving, dodging and firing lasers. Release the Ion missile on the
Freighter to disable it. Keep firing lasers until your target is destroyed.

5) When the first Armed Freighter is destroyed, 3 escape pods will be
immediately taking off towards open space. Destroy these unarmed escape
now. Use your secondary weapon to tag them if it looks like they might get
6) Repeat #4 until 3 to 5 Armed Freighters are destroyed.
7) After 3 to 5 Armed Freighters are destroyed, 3 Missile Frigates will
Go attack these Missile Frigates just like the Armed Freighters. Your
computer will lock onto a Missile Frigate automatically. The Missile
can fire tracking missiles that explode and leave a large plasma like blob
cause a lot of damage. You can shoot these missiles down before they get to

you or you can outrun them, but they will track you, so a little dodging
maneuver will not work.
8) Reti has now made a group of Scarabs available to you to use as wingmen.

Have them attack the Missile Frigates just as you would your normal
Do not destroy these Scarabs, they will have a green indicator if you
them instead of the usual red indicator.
9) Many enemy Fighters will attack, but don't start wasting them until the
of the 3 Missile Frigates is gone. You will earn a medal when the 3 missile

frigates are destroyed.
10) Fight off the enemy Scarabs and Droid Starfighters for a while to bring

their numbers down. Use your secondary weapon to tag multiple enemies while

firing lasers on others. Use your wingmen to protect you or to destroy
individual Droid Fighters.
11) Head back to the Armed Freighters when you have enough secondary
units to use an Ion missile. Proceed with destroying them one by one using
same method as number 4 above.
12) When 8 Armed Freighters are destroyed, you may still be waiting for
Reti to
get off of the Disabled Freighter. Kill off enemy fighters until you hear
Reti has left the Freighter. As soon as he is off of the Freighter, target
and attack it along with your wingmen. The mission will be over when it is

11. Midnight Munitions Run

A. Goals
1) Escort Reti to Resistance Base
2) Rescue N-1 Resistance Escorts
3) Defend Resistance Base

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy all AMT's (10)
2) Destroy all Dropships (3)
3) Complete mission in under 7 minutes

C. Information - This is one of the two hardest missions in the game. You
as Rhys piloting his N-1 Starfighter. You have no wingmen in this mission
you escort Reti's ship to its destination. The mission is set in the
of Naboo just like the Naboo Proving Grounds Mission (Mission 1), except
time you fly at night and there are a lot more enemies. The key to this
mission is to stay ahead of Reti and destroy enemies in his path. You will
want to destroy all of the enemies in his path, but you can miss 1 or 2 and

Reti will survive. Do not turn around to destroy just 1 tank that you have
missed because you won't have time.

D. Bug - There is a computer bug in this mission that can happen in the
areas. When fighting Scarabs in the open areas, the last Scarab can
take off and the target indicator points straight up in the far distance.
last Scarab cannot be shot down with lasers and you cannot continue on with
mission until this Scarab is destroyed. Try to shoot a proton torpedo at
Scarab when you have a lock. If a proton torpedo does not destroy it or if
do not have any more torpedoes then you have to restart the mission. To
this from happening, make sure to destroy all of the Scarabs quickly.

E. Walkthrough
1) Canyon 1 - As the mission starts, turbo down the canyon ahead of Reti.
not worry if you hear Reti tell you to, "Stay close!" He will be fine as
as you destroy all of the enemies in his path. There will be 2 STAP's just
before you reach the first open area. You can destroy them with one hit of
your lasers each.
2) Open Area 1 - this area has 2 AAT's on your left, 2 STAP's in the middle

left, 2 AAT's in the center, and 3 AAT's at the other end. There is also a
Drop Ship high above you.
a) As you enter the open area, turn to your left and hit the brakes. 2
should be in front of you. Destroy them with laser fire.
c) Aim at the Drop Ship above and fire 2 quick torpedoes at it. Use laser
until it is destroyed.
d) Target the 2 STAP's and 2 AAT's in the middle of the open area and
e) Destroy the last 3 AAT's and turbo towards the next canyon.
3) Canyon 2
a) Your first enemy in this canyon will be a STAP. Do not slow down to
this guy with one shot. Hit your target button now, because the computer
not usually lock on to the next AAT.
b) The remaining enemies in the canyon appear like so as you move down the
canyon: 1 AAT, 1 STAP, 2 AAT's and 1 STAP, AAT, 2 AAT's, 2 AAT's and
finally 2
more AAT's.
c) Fire 2 torpedoes at the Drop Ship before you enter the next open area
fire lasers to finish it off.
4) Open area 2 - this area has 2 AAT's on your left, 4 AAT's in the far
left, 2
MTT's moving to the end, and 2 AAT's at the other end. There is also a Drop

Ship high above you (see 3c above).
a) Turn to face the 2 AAT's on your left. Target them and destroy them
Ignore the MTT's and the 4 AAT's in the far left. Destroy an MTT if it gets
your way of the 2 AAT's at the end of the open area.
b) Target and destroy the 2 AAT's at the end of the open area and turbo
the next canyon.
5) Canyon 3 - This canyon has many narrow areas and is more difficult to
navigate. There are 5 Turret Mines up high and 5 AMT's on the ground. The
Turret Mines can fire at you, but they can be destroyed with 3 to 4 hits.
AMT is located on the ground just after each Turret Mine on the right or
underneath it. The AMT's are difficult to see and the computer does not
them for you. You will want to use your brakes a lot in this canyon to take
these AMT's.
6) Open Area 3
a) There is an AMT in the front middle of the area. You can destroy it
you enter the open area.
b) There are 2 AMT's on the left and 2 AMT's on the right, all of them are
right next to the walls. Destroy these four AMT's. You should earn a medal
when you have destroyed the last AMT.
c) Next, help destroy the 5 or 6 Scarabs flying about. Then turbo towards
next canyon.
7) Canyon 4 - this canyon does not have the narrow areas like canyon 3, but
will need to use the brakes a lot to destroy the enemies on the ground.
a) The first enemy you will see is an MTT and there is an AAT right behind
You don't have to destroy the MTT because it has no weapons, but you may
to destroy it to get at the AAT behind it.
b) Next you will come across 3 AAT's spread out over the next area of the
canyon. Destroy them all.
c) Then you will find an AAT with 2 more AAT's just behind it. Destroy them

d) The remaining enemies appear like so: 1 AAT, 1 AAT, 1 AAT.
e) Aim at the Drop ship in the following open area while you are still in
canyon. Fire two torpedoes at it and destroy it with more laser fire. You
should earn a medal if you have destroyed all 3 Drop Ships.
8) Open Area 4 - Destroy the tanks first.
a) There are 3 AAT's in the front middle part of the canyon. Destroy them
b) Turn right to destroy an MTT and 3 AAT's.
c) Turn around to destroy an MTT and 3 more AAT's on the other (left) side.

d) Next, fire at the Scarabs.
e) There will be Battledroids walking on the ground in groups of five.
Sometimes I have only seen 1 group of Battledroids and sometimes there are
groups. Battledroids are easy to destroy as it takes only 1 shot.
f) Finish off all of the enemies in this last open area and the mission is

12. Rescue on the Solleu

A. Goals
1) Protect Rescue Boats
2) Destroy Turret Droids on Prison Camp islands
3) Provide escape route for Rescue Boats
4) Protect Resistance Freighter

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy all Turret Droids
2) Destroy Dropship before Tanks are launched
3) Destroy all Droid Starfighters

C. Information - This is one of the easiest missions to achieve a gold
on. You play as Rhys piloting the N-1 Starfighter. Your wingmen are Reti
2 pilots from Bravo fight. You will be protecting a group of 3 rescue boats

that pick up prisoners on Naboo and you will need to escort them to the
Resistance Freighter. Droid Turrets are the deadliest enemies in this
They can destroy the rescue boats or your ship fairly quickly. Use your
wingmen constantly to destroy enemies.

D. Walkthrough
1) Lake Area
a) In the first area, there are 9 Turrets. Destroy the Turrets nearest the
ships first. Hit the first 2 Turrets on the islands and then hit the 2 on
side and then go to the other side. If your computer targets a Patrol Boat,

use your wingmen to attack it. Destroy the Turret on the far island and
hit the last 2 Turrets on the platform at the end of the area. After
out the island turrets which clears the second required mission goal, a
hidden character appears. See Scetion V for more information.
b) Next, go after the Patrol Boats. There will be 9 of them at first and
3 will show up. Go after the Boats closest to the rescue boats first.
c) There will be 2 waves of STAP's that descend from the hills on the left.

d) Destroy all of the Patrol Boats and STAP's quickly. Do not use your
secondary weapons unless it is necessary.
2) River Area
a) Destroy one of the Pylons on the Platform to open a passage for the
boats to head down the river.
b) Immediately, destroy the Droid Turrets along the river. There are 15
of them including the Turrets at the mouth of the river. Use your wingmen
help attack them.
c) If your exclamation (!) indicator goes off, find the rescue boats and
see if
they are in danger. More Patrol Boats can attack them from behind, but
Patrol Boats do not go beyond the first area. Do not waste time destroying
Patrol Boats in the lake area once the rescue boats are far enough away.
d) At the mouth of the river, there is an island with a Turret on it, and
is one across from it on the shore to its right. The Drop ship is going to
land on this island.
3. Sea Area
a) Fire away at the Drop Ship while staying around the mouth of the river.
Destroy the Drop Ship before it lands. Get a lock on the Drop Ship and use
your proton torpedoes to finish it off.
b) A wave of Droid Starfighters attack. You can pick off a few of them from

afar. Use your wingmen to attack these Droid Starfighters.
c) Another wave of Droid Starfighters approach and again, you can pick a
off from afar. Destroy them all.
d) 3 Patrol Boats will appear from left of the mouth of the river. Destroy
them all.
e) 3 Bombers will be flying in from the forward left. You will hear a
tell you this. Destroy them when the Patrol Boats are gone.
f) 5 Bombers will approach and attack the pickup area way off to the right.
of these bombers will approach from the left side of the pickup area to
the rescue boats and the other 2 sneak around the pickup area and attack
Resistance Freighter from the right.
g) Destroy the 5 bombers from afar as you head towards the pickup area.
h) 3 Patrol Boats will attack the rescue boats from the far right and
the pickup area. Destroy these 3 Patrol Boats and the mission is over after

the Resistance Freighter is loaded.

13. Last Stand on Naboo

A. Goal - Protect Resistance Turrets

B. Bonus Goals
1) All Resistance Turrets must survive
2) Destroy all Scarab Fighters
3) Complete mission in less than 12 minutes

C. Information - In this mission, you play as Nym piloting the Havoc Ship.
ship is armed with the advanced secondary weapon, a plasma scourge. This
uses up 5 of your energy bombs (out of ten). You begin the mission with
Vana as
your wingman and later in the mission, Reti and a few other wingmen arrive
assist you. This mission is difficult due to the number of enemies that you

have to destroy, so you will want to assign targets to your wingmen often.
most difficult part of this mission is defending all 12 of the resistance
turrets from the large number of approaching enemy tanks, Scarabs, Bombers,

STAP's and Battledroids. The 12 Turrets surround the perimeter of the semi-

sphere shielded base. There are no Turrets on the side of the Base where
mountain provides a natural barrier. There are also 3 Landers and 2 Drop
that launch enemy attacks. You should be able to finish the mission within
9 to
10 minutes using the following walkthrough.

D. Walkthrough
1) Wave 1
a) As you begin, there will be 6 HAG's and 10 AAT's that you'll need to
b) The first HAG will be automatically targeted and is located forward to
left. Fire lasers at it as you approach it and prepare a plasma scourge
missile. When close enough, a plasma scourge missile will destroy it.
c) Turn right and another HAG will be targeted. Destroy this HAG with a
scourge missile as well. This HAG has an AAT behind it, so destroy it with
laser fire. Attack another HAG just to the right and destroy it as well.
d) 5 Scarabs will approach, avoid there fire and put off destroying them
now. Attack and destroy the remaining HAG's and AAT's first.
e) Begin destroying Scarabs using the help of your wingman.
f) Another wave of 5 Scarabs approach. Attack and destroy them all.
2) Wave 2
a) A Trade Federation Lander Lands to the right of the mountains and begins
deploy 5 STAP's and 10 AAT's. Destroy them all using laser fire and energy
bombs. Its best to hit them as they first leave the Lander when they are
together, so that you can take out several with the same bombs.
b) Another group of 6 AAT's are deployed from the Lander. Destroy them all.

c) Another group of 4 AAT's and 6 STAP's are deployed. Destroy them all. A
STAP will leave the Lander as it takes off. Destroy this STAP as well.
3) Wave 3
a) You will hear Vana say, "Bombers incoming!" 3 Bombers will approach from
distance. Destroy them with the assistance of your wingman.
b) The first Drop Ship will begin to land and it will deploy 2 AMT's and 3
Battledroids if it is not destroyed before it lands. Destroying the Drop
in this mission is not critical in this mission because they only deploy a
enemies, but destroy them if you only have a few other targets or no other
targets at all. I have also found that the 2 AMT's and 3 Battledroids will
appear in the mountains even if you've destroyed the first Drop Ship.
4) Wave 4
a) A second Lander Lands on the opposite side of the base to the first
and begins to deploy 6 AAT's and 6 STAP's. Destroy them all.
b) A group of 5 Scarabs attack. Destroy them all from a distance if
c) 3 more Bombers approach. Destroy them with the help of your wingman.
d) 4 more AAT's and 4 STAP's are released from the Lander. Destroy them
e) 5 More Scarabs approach. Destroy them all from a distance if possible
5) Wave 5
a) Around this time will hear that additional wingmen have arrived. 4
will approach from afar. Destroy them all from a distance if possible.
b) 2 more Scarabs will appear. You will earn a medal when the last of the
Scarabs are destroyed.
c) 10 AAT's will be deployed from the second Lander. Destroy them all.
6) Wave 6
a) The second Drop Ship will land and release 6 Battledroids.
b) A third Lander will land between the areas where the first 2 Landers
and it will release 15 AAT's. Destroy them all.
c) A group of 5 Bombers will attack. Destroy them all.
d) When all tanks and bombers are destroyed the mission is over. Be sure to

destroy all of the Scarabs before the mission ends to insure you get a gold


14. The Final Assault

A. Goals
1) Destroy all Receiver Stations (14)
2) Destroy all Droid Starfighters
3) Destroy Mercenary Leader
4) Destroy Shield Reactor
5) Escape Droid Command Station (DCS)

B. Bonus Goals
1) Destroy all Receiver Stations in less than 2 minutes
2) Destroy all interior ceiling turrets (4)
3) Destroy all Lander Assembly Cranes (2)

C. Information - This is one of the two hardest missions in the game. You
as Rhys piloting his N-1 Starfighter. You will have several wingmen
Vana. This mission involves disabling and destroying a Droid Command
but the most difficult objective in this mission is to destroy the
Leader's ship. He is armed with tracking bombs that are difficult to avoid
can cause great damage. The Mercenary Leader will also retreat and his
will fully regenerate when your targeting system loses a lock on him. I
that he can only be killed when he makes his last stand in one of the
An effective method is to avoid him as much as possible until his last
stand and
retreat from him to regenerate your own shields when they get low. Do not
your secondary weapons until this final battle because you only get 10
torpedoes. To avoid the Mercenary Leader's weapons it is always best to be
facing him so that you can shoot his missiles. When you shoot his missiles,

they will explode and leave a damaging blob of plasma. Avoid these plasma
with a sharp turn and thrust. Another effective method is to keep on the
The missiles are easy to shoot and they cause less damage when you go as
as possible.

D. Walkthrough
1) Disable Receivers.
a) As you begin the mission, Turbo towards the DCS. A Droid Starfighter
automatically be targeted. Fire on it as you turbo right to it. After its
destroyed fire on a Receiver Station right in front of you as you continue
turbo. The Receiver Stations are satellite dishes all located on top of the

Station. In order to destroy all of the Receiver Stations in less than 2
minutes, you will need to ignore the Droid Starfighters for now and
only on the receivers.
b) Work your way around the top rim of the Station in a counter clockwise
direction destroying the 8 Receivers on the outer ring. Use your turbo
constantly. Then turn towards the middle area to find the remaining 6
c) As soon as you turn left you will see 1 Receiver facing you on the
sphere. Destroy it.
d) There are 2 more Receivers on the other side of this central sphere.
Fire on
the back of the one on the right. You won't be able to see the other one on
left yet. Destroy it last.
e) There will be 3 more receivers on the rim straight across from you. You
destroy them from afar, so use your brakes and take them all out. Some of
Receivers may be hard to see due to the lack of light on them.
f) Turn to face the last receiver on the central sphere and destroy it. If
you've destroyed them all within 2 minutes, you will receive a medal.
2) Destroy the missile launchers.
a) Instead of going after the Droid Starfighters now, let your wingmates
with them. You should destroy the 6 missile launchers located below the
tower structures on the rim where there were 3 Receiver Dishes. These
launchers appear as dark semi-spheres with cannon barrels sticking out of
They can fire the damaging plasma blob missiles at you. You are not
required to
destroy these missile launchers, but destroying them will prevent taking
from them later on when fighting the Mercenary Leader.
b) When all 6 of these are destroyed, then attack and destroy any remaining

Droid Starfighters.
3) Destroy Mercenary Leader
a) When all of the Droid Starfighters are destroyed, the Mercenary Leader's
will appear. This is the same guy that killed Essara and almost killed Rhys
the Royal Escort Mission.
b) Assign your wingmen to attack him. To avoid the Mercenary Leader's
it is always best to be facing him so that you can shoot his missiles. When
shoot his missiles, they will explode and leave a damaging blob of plasma.
Avoid these plasma blobs with a sharp turn and a brief turbo thrust.
c) Keep attacking him until he enters the DCS. If you take a lot of damage
him. Avoid him for a while to regenerate your shields. There is no time
on killing this guy. Make sure to leave his range when your shields are low
order to save your player health. Your player health cannot be recovered.
d) You will have to follow the Mercenary Leader into the DCS, but try to
him from afar before you enter the DCS. After entering the DCS, the shield
this hangar will be raised trapping you inside the DCS and cutting you off
your wingmen.
e) The Mercenary Leader will retreat further into the DCS once you've
his shields to a low level. Let him go, and stay in this hangar until your
shields are fully recovered.
f) There will be a few walking Droid Starfighters on the floor of the
Destroying them is not necessary, but it's a good idea if you are going to
in this hangar to regenerate your shields.
g) There are 2 ceiling turrets at the far end this hanger that you should
when the Mercenary Leader is gone. You can destroy the ceiling turrets by
any part of them, so you can hit their ceiling attachments while hiding
behind the
Lander in this hangar.
h) Destroy the Lander Assembly Crane in this room before leaving.
i) After entering the second hangar room, the door will close behind you.
Mercenary Leader should have already left this room and entered the next
j) There will be more walking Droid Starfighters on the floor and 1
Droid Starfighter up high on a ledge. Destroy them all. You will be able to

target other enemies on the floor such as MTT's and AAT's. Ignore them
they cannot fire at you. Only Droid Starfighters can fire at you.
k) There are 2 ceiling turrets in this hanger that you should destroy now.
will earn a medal if you have destroyed all 4 ceiling turrets.
l) Destroy the Lander Assembly Crane in this room before leaving. You will
another medal when both of the Lander Assembly Cranes are destroyed.
m) There are several ways of entering the next room. You can destroy some
on the floor to open a tunnel underneath the floor. There are tunnels on
sides at floor level. There are also 2 vents near the ceiling that will
you into the next room. I prefer to use the right vent because it is easy
n) Fly through the right vent taking it slow on the turns. There is a Droid

Starfighter standing at the end of this vent ready to fire at you. Be
to destroy it as you turn the last corner.
o) As you enter this last room target the Mercenary Leader's ship. Fight
him until he flees into the same vent that you just used. There is also a
standing Droid Starfighter up high on a ledge and several walking on the
Destroy them and linger in this room until your shields have fully
p) Enter the same vent shaft again and go back to the middle hangar room.
is where the final battle will take place. The Mercenary Leader no longer
flee when his shields get too low.
q) Target the Mercenary Leader's ship and fire at him with all that you've
If you take a lot of damage you can retreat back to the third hangar to
shields, but each time I've defeated the Mercenary leader I have been on
brink of death myself. Use your secondary weapons whenever you hear a lock
signal and your target indicator turns red. Your missiles will lock on to
and they will track him until they connect. The Mercenary Leader is
even after his shields are gone and he's on the brink of destruction, so do
let up on him until you see him blow up.
4) Destroy the Shield Generator - return to the third hangar room and
the Shield Generator. Your computer will lock onto this target for you.
5) Escape the DCS - If you are facing the Shield Generator, your escape is
your left. When the Shield Generator is blown up, the shield preventing
escape is lowered and all you have to do is fly out and the mission is

V. Codes and Hidden Items
1) CODES - These codes were found at the web-site.
Enter these Codes in the CODES SETUP screen which is found under the
menu (not player sign-in):
a) OVERSEER - Unlocks all bonus missions and ships except 2 player games
and the
Experimental N-1 Starfighter.
b) MINIME - Unlocks invincibility mode.
c) BLUENSF - Adds the Experimental N-1 Fighter ship to your list, this ship
is a
blue N-1 Starfighter with Flak missiles that can be used in all missions
provided that you use the OVERSEER code or get the required gold medals on
regular missions just like the Infiltrator.
d) ANDREW - Unlocks 2 player games.
e) NOHUD - No H.U.D. (head's up display), removes all of the cockpit
f) DIRECTOR - Unlocks Director mode that will change camera angles during
gameplay. This mode is not good for gameplay, but can show you interesting
alternate views including some hidden items.
g) JARJAR - Unlocks JarJar mode (controller directions are reversed).
h) SHIPS - View sketches of spaceships.
i) HEROES - View sketches of game characters.
j) PLANETS - View sketches of planet surfaces and scenery.
k) WOZ - View hidden Christmas video. This is a video of Nym trying to open
door as seen in the Unlikely Alliance FMV, but this one ends with a disco
popping out of the door and saying Merry X-Mas.
l) LTDJGD - View a hidden message from a programmer to his two boys.
m) SHOTS - View Default screen.
n) SIZZLE - View an even cooler Default screen.
o) HOTEL - View the coolest Default screen of all.
p) SIMON - View picture of Lucas Entertainment Company staff featuring
q) JAMEZ - View a slide show called "My Day at Work" presented by the
concept artist.
r) CREDITS - View end of game credits.
s) TEAM - View pictures of the development team.

a) ChrisCorrpedo - In the Charm's Way bonus mission, you will come across
torpedoes on your way to the second missile frigate. Both of the torpedoes
be named "ChrisCorrpedo" if you target them. Take a closer look at one ship
you will see a droid riding the pod like it was a bull, or more like Slim
Pickens riding the nuclear bomb in the classic movie, Dr. Strangelove.
b) Burger Flippin' Droid - Use the DIRECTOR code and enter the Fighter
bonus mission. After a few moments after starting, the camera angle will
and show you a droid cooking some hamburgers. I'll take mine medium well
cheese, please.
c) A special Star Wars character can be found in a brief cameo appearance
near a
waterfall on one of the missions. I heard this in an on-line chat with the
development team. Thanks to Gustav Nilsson for finding this and informing
me of this
because I could never find it. This character can be found while playing
the Rescue
on the Solleu mission. After clearing the island turrets, which
accomplishes the second
mission goal, watch the large waterfall closely and wait a few seconds.
Jar-Jar falls
down the waterfall in a barrell and he floats on the water surface for a
few seconds.
It goes very quickly and it can be hard to see, but I have verified seeing

VI. Ending Note
If you wish to point out any mistakes that I have made, or if you would
like to
contribute anything to this guide, you can e-mail me at
would appreciate any input because I would like this guide to be as
accurate and
helpful as possible. Look for my Bonus Mission Guide for more Starfighter
information. Good luck Starfighter!
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