Virtua Fighter 4

Virtua Fighter 4

14.10.2013 21:37:05
THE ABC's OF LEI FEI: Invaluable, Detailed Lessons for Players at All Levels.

version 1.0

A propylaxis' Virtua Fighter 4 FAQ Guide Series.

Note: Some of the sections are still in the process state.
Unless otherwise specified, this document is for personal and non-commercial
use. You may not modify, copy, transfer, distribute, and create derivative
works from this document without written permission from propylaxis.

Copyright © 2002 propylaxis at All rights reserved.

Sega is registered in the U.S Patent and Trademark Office. Virtua Fighter is
either a registered trademark or a trademark of Sega Corporation or its
affiliates. Original Game © SEGA © SEGA-AM2/SEGA, 2001, 2002. All rights

All products and characters mentioned in this document are trademarks of their
respective companies.

This is not a list of a character's entire moves. Such is not the principle of
this document. Rather than presenting a dense unreadable reference material
that provides few and shallow explanations, I divided and focused on the
character's important move categories. I want players to grasp the important
facets of a character's technique. I hope that you will find this guide very

Please note that some of the strategies, ideas, move names and executions here
are taken from the game manual and/or the game tutorials themselves, while the
remaining principles and ideas are the result of my studies.

Always try to spar with good players and learn from them. Remember that before
victory is humility. Good luck.

I would like to thank SEGA and SEGA-AM2 for developing a realistic fighting
game ever: Virtua Fighter 4.

Special thanks goes to:
GameFaqs at
PlayStation at
Neoseeker at httP://

for publishing this document.

Please email any corrections, comments, or notices to

u = up uf = diagonal up and forward
d = down ub = diagonal up and back
f = forward df = diagonal down and forward
b = back db = diagonal down and back

qcf = quarter circle forward ( d, df, f )
qcb = quarter circle back ( d, db, b )
hcf = half circle forward ( b, db, d, df, f )
hcb - half circle back ( f, df, d, db, b )

P = Punch K = Kick G = Guard

I. A Survey of Lei Fei

II. The Elements

A. Stances
B. Power Moves
C. Floater Moves
D. Poking Moves
E. High And Low Combination Hit Level Moves
F. Medium And Low Combination Hit Level Striking Moves
G. High, Medium, And Low Combination Hit Level Striking Moves
H. Distance Closing Striking Moves
I. Distance Widening Striking Moves
J. Neutral Space Widening Striking Moves
K. Moves From Holding The Down Key

III. Positional Play

A. Universal Basic Defense
B. Universal Basic Offense
C. Lei Fei's Special Defense Techniques
D. Lei Fei's Special Offense Techniques
E. Lei Fei's Series Courses
F. Lei Fei's Combo Courses
G. Lei Fei's Turned Around Games

When playing as Lei Fei for the first time, there are two major
conclusions that most players will agree: he is slow and too confusing to
control. But to a master, Lei Fei is fast moving and all his moves tend to be
harmonic, meaning every move flows flawlessly. He never runs out of moves from
most positions. All his stances are accessible from any of his stances, which
means if he is in Hai Shiki, he can switch to Dokuritsu or Nehan Shiki.
Moreover, most of his normal moves often end up at least one of those mentioned
stances including Koko Shiki. These stances are capable of hitting high,
medium, and especially low. The follow-up moves in those stances when halted
will usually end up into another stance. One punch or one kick may end up to
another stance again. In short, Lei Fei will surely confuse unwary and even
experience players.
Therefore, engaging against Lei Fei without prior knowledge of his
techniques is an error.
Lei Fei is capable of playing like the fast hitting Jacky or and the hard
hitting Akira. Lei Fei's quick attacks will certainly put his opponent on the
defensive, and his hard-hitting, staggering moves will surely make their blocks
As for Lei Fei's stances, a mastery of Dokuritsu Shiki stance is a
paramount skill because this stance is capable of being executed more than any
of his remaining stances. In addition, the Dokuritsu Shiki stance is capable of
reversing punches.

-----THE ELEMENTS-----

A. Stances
B. Stagger Moves
C. Floater Moves
D. Poking Moves
E. High And Low Combination Hit Level Moves
F. Medium And Low Combination Hit Level Striking Moves
G. High, Medium, And Low Combination Hit Level Striking Moves
H. Distance Closing Striking Moves
I. Distance Widening Striking Moves
J. Neutral Space Widening Striking Moves
K. Moves From Holding The Down Key

When Lei Fei is in particular stance, he can automatically switch to another
stance, except for Koko Shiki, unlike other characters who cannot.

Hai Shiki
Execution: (d+P+K+G)
Note: This move can be executed even if Lei Fei is in another stance.
Other modes of execution:
by normal moves:
1. Renken Toushou: (P,P,P)
2. Uryu Banda: (b,df+P)
3. Haisenkyaku: (K)
4. Tenshin Soutai: (u+K,d+K)

from Dokuritsu Shiki stance:
1. Senshin Toushou: (P)
2. Fukushintai: (d+K)
3. Sokushin Kousoutai: (d+K+G)

Dokuritsu Shiki
Execution: (u+P+K+G)
Note: This move can be executed even if Lei Fei is in another stance.
Other modes of execution:
by normal moves:
1. Renken: (P,P)
2. Toukyaku: (f,f+K)
note: Hold K enter the stance
3. Sokutankyaku: (K+G)
4. Kousoku Toukyaku: (P+K+G)
note: During evade will only Lei Fei will enter the stance

from Hai Shiki stance:
1. Housui Rengeki: (P,P)
2. Koudantai: (K)

from Nehan Shiki stance:
1. Sokushukyaku: (P,K)

from Koko Shiki stance:
1. Kasou Rensengeki: (d+K,P)

Nehan Shiki
Execution: (bd+P+K+G)
Note: This move can be executed even if Lei Fei is in another stance.
Other modes of execution:
by normal moves:
1. Soushu: (d+P+K)

from Koko Shiki stance:
1. Koushutai: (K)
2. Haishin Kasoushou: (d+K)

Koko Shiki
Modes of execution:
1. Rigoutai: (f+K)
2. Haishin Chugeki: (d+P+K,P)
3. Haisetsukou: (df+P+K,P)
4. Senpukyaku: (f,f+K+G)

from Nehan Shiki stance:
1. Hi'en Senpukyaku: (K)

These moves are powerful compare to Lei Fei's other normal moves. Executing
these moves is like having Akira Yuki in your side.

1. Kochouheki: (d,df,f+P+K)
Description: This move can deflect high punches.

2. from Koko Shiki
a. Renkan Sousui: (P)

3. Rakengeki: (b+P,P)


1. Souhikyaku: (uf+P+K)

2. Nikibunkyaku: (uf+K)

3. Shaten Rensou: (df,df+P,P)


1. Shaten Rensou: (df,df+P,P)

2. Toushin Choukyukyaku: (df,df+K+G,K,K)

2. Toushin Sen'enkyaku: (df,df+K+G,K,K+G)


1. Shatensou
Execution: (df,df+P,P)
Combo 1: (P,P,P,d+K)
Combo 2: (K+G,d+K)
Combo 3: (P+K,P,P)

2. Souhikyaku
Execution: (uf+K+G)
Combo 1: (P,P,K)
Combo 2: (K,d+K)
Combo 3: (d+P,K)


A. Universal Basic Defense
B. Universal Basic Offense
C. Lei Fei's Special Defense Techniques
D. Lei Fei's Special Offense Techniques
E. Lei Fei's Series Courses
F. Lei Fei's Combo Courses
G. Lei Fei's Turned Around Games

This section applies to all Virtua Fighter 4 characters.

Stopping Sequences:
1. Try stopping your opponents attack with a (d+P). If it connects, follow-up
with a throw.

Blocking Principles:
1. When being hit with a series of striking attacks, do not counter-attack
with striking moves. You will only suffer more hits. Instead, block or evade
the attack. Then, follow up with a counter-attack either by a striking move or
a throw.
2. When being rushed and hit, do not counter-attack with striking moves. You
will only suffer more hits. Instead, block or evade the attack. Then, follow up
with a counter-attack either by a striking move or a throw.
3. Be careful when blocking a stagger move. After blocking such a
type of move, your character cannot proceed for a counter-attack. Instead,
block or evade the stagger move, then follow-up with a counter-attack.

Evading/Throwing/Guard Combo Courses
1. Evading Throw Escape Technique:
Situation: You attack but the opponent blocks your attack-giving your
opponent a chance to counter-attack, either with a striking or a throw attack.
Problem: How do you avoid both?
Solution: After the opponent blocks your attack, immediately, enter an
evade command then follow-up with a throw escape (usually P+G).

2. Guarding Throw Escape Technique:
Situation: You attack but the opponent blocks your attack-giving your
opponent a chance to counter-attack. But instead of immediately
counter-attacking, your opponent waits for you to recover from your move. Then,
your opponent counter-attacks either with a striking or a throwing attack.
Problem: The Evading Throw Escape Technique will not work here, since after
you evade and input the throw escape. The last move will not block striking
attacks. Therefore, your opponent's attack will connect.
Solution: Just as when your character is about to recover from the missed
attack move, input a throw escape (normally P+G) immediately, then hold the G
(guard) button. This will avoid any throw moves and avoid the delayed striking

3. Evading Throw Escape Guard Technique:
Situation: You attack but the opponent blocks your attack-giving your
opponent a chance to counter-attack, either with a striking or a throw attack.
Problem: After a successful execution of the Evading Throw Escape
Technique, your character may be left vulnerable to striking attacks. This
normally happens when your opponent performs a series of attacks instead of
just one.
Solution: After the opponent blocks your attack, immediately, enter an
evade command then follow-up with a throw escape (usually P+G). Then hold the G
(guard) button only. This will avoid any follow-up attacks by your opponent.

This section applies to all Virtua Fighter 4 characters.

Offense Principles:
1. Series
A series is a sequence of moves that provides counter-defensive and
offensive measures when a move connects or fails. A combo is not a series
because a combo is initiated against an opponent who has been juggled in air.
In this case, the opponent is virtually disabled and unable to counter-attack,
so counter-measures are not needed. A series is often executed against an
opponent who is still capable of blocking, evading, and counter-attacking.
Study the series courses for your character in order to get a better
understanding of series.

2. Floater Moves
A floater or a juggle move is used to initiate a combo against an opponent.
Such move puts the defender on mid-air, rendering the defender completely
defenseless. Moves that will connect against the juggled opponent is called a
Study the combo courses for your character in order to get better execution
times of floater and combo moves.

3. Stagger Moves
A stagger move when blocked puts the defender in a staggering stance-losing
some form of balance. This provides the attacker enough time to set-up another
attack. Do not counter-attack after blocking such a move. It will never work.
Instead, evade then counter-attack. As an attacker, use stagger moves against
opponents who abuse blocking often.

4. High-medium-low Combination Moves
These moves are a good way to confuse your opponents. Normally, to avoid
such a combination of hit level moves will require strict attention and quick
reflexes. This means a player using these moves has a great advantage, since
the defender cannot always guard such moves without a thorough knowledge and
practice of blocking and evading and of your character's technique.


Version: 1.0
Date: April 23, 2002
Original version.

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