Virtua Fighter 4

Virtua Fighter 4

15.10.2013 01:08:45
- 3rd Draft -
(for the PlayStation 2)

By R.J. Streety ( screen name : Arjay

UPDATES for April 7, 2002
* Added selectable win pose list.

Disclaimer: Virtua Fighter 4 and all Virtua Fighter characters are
the property of Yu Suzuki, AM2, and Sega Incorporated.
Playstation 2 is a trademark of Sony Incorporated.

Copyright : The "Virtua Fighter 4 FAQ for Jeffry McWild" is
written and owned by me, R.J. Streety. Making money off this
thing is illegal, so don't do it. If you'd like to post this
on your website or use it for any other purpose, all I ask is
that you ask me first.


Special Thanks

This section is dedicated to those that have contributed to the
making of this FAQ. Thanks, all!

* SEGA - Even if it does feel weird playing Sega's in house fighter
on the Sony PS2, it's still a great game that I'm happy to be
playing. A wonderful effort.

* - Home of the biggest collection of FAQs on the
internet for video games for all systems. Thanks for hosting
this. I appreciate it.

* Ice-9 - The writer of the Jeffry McWild Dojo at Virtua Fighter
dot com ( provided some nice combos and
tactics for using Jeffry.

* Strychnine - Provided info on items that Jeffry can receive in
Kumite Mode.


On the 20th day of March in the year 2002, Virtua Fighter 4 hit
the streets for the PlayStation 2 home gaming console. It has
already been heralded as one of the best fighting games of all
time. One of the characters you can select is my favorite,
Jeffry McWild.

* Jeffry McWild's Bio & Stats
* Control Key
* Basic VF4 Gameplay
* Jeffry's Moves
* Move Analysis
- Stagger Moves
- Floater Moves
- Set-Up Moves
- Combos
- Notable Moves
* Overall Jeffry Strategy
* Jeffry's Kumite Item List
* Jeffry's Winning Poses


After the 3rd World Fighting Tournament, Jeffry had received enough
money to repair his boat to hunt the infamous "Satan Shark" in his
homeland in Australia. Unfortunately, by the time he reached the
sea, the Satan Shark had moved to new hunting grounds. Now Jeffry
needs to purchase a sonar tracking device to track the Satan Shark
down. This is a very costly purchase, so Jeffry once again signs
up for the 4th World Fighting Tournament.

NAME : Jeffry McWild FIGHTING STYLE : Pancratium
JOB : Fisherman HOBBY : Reggae Music
HEIGHT : 6 feet even BIRTHDATE : February 20, 1957
WEIGHT : 245 pounds


This is a list of abbreviations I'll use throughout this FAQ.

u = up uf = diagonal up and forward
d = down ub = diagonal up and back
f = forward df = diagonal down and forward
b = back db = diagonal down and back

qcf = quarter circle forward ( d, df, f )
qcb = quarter circle back ( d, db, b )
hcf = half circle forward ( b, db, d, df, f )
hcb - half circle back ( f, df, d, db, b )

P = Punch K = Kick G = Guard


Walk - To walk hold either u, f, b, uf or ub. To walk
downward, tap d, then hold d, df or db.

Dash - To dash forward tap f twice, to dash back tap b

Run - To run, tap f, then hold f while standing at a
distance from your opponent.

Crouch - To crouch, hold down.

Jump - To jump, press and hold either u, ub or uf +
P or K at the same time. For example, to
jump toward opponent, press and hold uf + P,
or uf + K.

Block - To block high attacks, press and hold G. To
block low attacks press and hold d + G.

Standing - To stand up from being knocked down, you have the
following options :

* To stand in place, tap P or G rapidly.
* To roll, hold u, d or b while tapping G rapidly
to roll in those directions.
* To add a kick while standing, tap K while standing.
You can also add a kick while rolling.
* To add a low kick while standing, press d + K while
standing. You can also add a low kick while

Tech Hit/ - New to Virtua Fighter 4 is the Tech Hit/Roll. This
Tech Roll allows you to instantly get up if hit with an attack
that will knock you down.

To do a Tech Hit, press P+K+G the moment before
you hit the ground after being hit with an attack
that knocks you down.

To do a Tech Roll, hold u or d while pressing P+K+G
the moment before you hit the ground after being hit
with an attack that knocks you down.


In this section, I'll list all of Jeffry's moves in the game.

NOTE : From here on out, any direction that is CAPITALIZED means that
the direction is to be held briefly. Therefore, if you see the
command: (D, f + P), it means hold down breifly, then tap forward and
punch at the same time.

NOTE : If at any time you are having trouble doing these moves, I can't
stress enough the importance of practicing. This game has one of if
not the best training programs in any fighting game. There are options
to turn on a moves list, lock a move in place so you can practice it
over and over again, and even a help screen to tell you what you're
doing wrong if you still have trouble doing the move. There is no
reason for anyone not being able to do any move with this many practice
options available.

Normal Moves
Straight Knuckle - P
Double Knuckle - P, P
One Two Upper - P, P, P
Combo Kenka Hook - P, P, b + P
Knuckle Kick - P, K
Low Knuckle - d + P
Elbow Butt - f + P
Elbow Hammer - f + P, b + P
Dash Elbow - f, f + P
Dash Elbow Upper - f, f + P, P
Tornado Hammer - f, b + P
Elbow Stamp - b + P
Kenka Hook - b, f + P
Tornado Punch - b, f, f + P
Double Hammer Down - b, df + P
Rising Hammer - b, df + P, P
Smash Upper - df + P
Double Upper - df + P, P
Combo Kenka Upper - df + P, P, df + P
Kenka Upper - df, df + P
Vertical Upper - D, df + P
Upper Kick - K
Killing Toe Kick - K, K
Killing Toe Kick - K, K, P
Killing Toe Kick to - K, K, qcf + P+G (only succesful if first
Splash Mountain kick misses, and second kick connects)
Toe Kick - d + K
Toe Kick Hammer - d + K, P
Toe Kick to Splash - d + K, qcf + P+G (only succesful if first
Mountain kick connects)
Vertical Kick - D + K
Knee Attack - f + K
Kenka Kick - f, f + K
Knee Push - b + K
Knee Hammer - b + K, P
Heel Axe - b, f + K
Side Kick - df + K
Hell Stab - P+K
Double Hell Stab - P+K, P
Machine Gun Hell - P+K, P, P
Middle Hell Stab - f + P+K
Hell Dunk Hammer - d + P+K
Heavy Back Knuckle - b + P+K
Stomach Destroyer - b + P+K, K
Stomach Crush - b, df + P+K
Liftup Throw - b, df + P+K, b + P+G (only succesful if
Stomach Crush hits)
Head Attack - b, f + P+K
Full Swing Hammer - b, f, f + P+K (hold down P+K to charge
for maximum damage)
Broad Axe Left - df + P+K
Right Heavy Upper - df + P+K, P
Megaton Body Blow - df + P+K, P, P
Megaton Fist Drop - db + P+K
Ducking Low - d + K+G
Low Kick - df + K+G
Heel Drop - f + K+G
Raiden Drop - u + K+G
Rolling Heel Attack - uf + K+G
Threat Stance - P+K+G
Catch Blow - (after Threat Stance) P
Heavy Knee Strike - (after blocked Catch Blow) f + P+G
Counter Toe Kick - (after Threat Stance) K
Side Step Elbow - (during a sidestep) P+K+G

Running Attacks
Running Body Press - (while running) F + P+K
Running Hip Attack - (while running) F + K+G

Jumping Attacks
Hammer Down - u + P or ub + P or uf + P
Step Knuckle - (while jumping) P
Step Kick - u + K or ub + K or uf + K
Heel Kick - (while jumping) K
Pushing Kick - (just before landing from a jump) K

Rear Attacks
Spin Knuckle #1 - (facing away from opponent) P
Spin Knuckle #2 - (facing away from opponent) D + P
Back Kick - (facing away from opponent) K
Back Double Hammer - (facing away from opponent) d + P
Back Heel Kick - (facing away from opponent) d + K
Jumping Knee - (facing wall, opponent behind) f + P+K+G

Downed Opponent Attacks
Stomping - (on a fallen opponent) df + K
Body Press - (on a fallen opponent) u + P
Devil Reverse Claw - (on a fallen opponent) d + P+G

Normal Throws
Knee Smash - P+G
Power Slam - f + P+G
Body Lift - b + P+G
Spine Buster - d + P+G
Back Flip - df + P+G
Back Throw - db + P+G
Head Butt - b, f + P+G
Double Head Butt - b, f + P+G, f + P+G
Triple Head Butt - b, f + P+G, f + P+G, f + P+G
Head Crush #1 - b, f + P+G, b + P+G
Head Crush #2 - b, f + P+G, f + P+G, b + P+G
Tackle - b, df + P+G
Machine Gun Hammer - db, f + P+G
Front Backbreaker - b, f, f + P+G
Splash Mountain - df, df + P+G

Wall Throws
Wall Back Flip - df + P+G (done with either Jeffry, or
opponents' back against a wall)
Machine Gun Tackle - b, df + P+G (done with opponents' back
against a wall)

Side Throws
Coconut Crush - P+G (facing an opponents' side)
Armbreaker - b, f + P+G or f, b + P+G (facing an
opponents' side)

Back Throws
Backbreaker - P + G (facing an opponents' back)
Choke Sweeper Swing - d + P+G (facing an opponents' back)

Low Throws
Power Bomb - df + P+K+G (on a crouching opponent)
Iron Claw - d + P+K+G (on a crouching opponent)
Machine Gun Knee - d, f + P+K+G (on a crouching opponent)

Low Side Throws
Corkscrew Knuckle - d + P+K+G or df + P+K+G (facing the
side of a crouching opponent)

Low Back Throws
Backbreaker - P+K+G (facing a crouching opponents' back)

This is the section where I put attributes of certain moves. These are
the moves that cause opponents to either stagger, float or allow them
to be set up for other moves and combos.

Stagger Moves
When an opponent is hit with an attack in a certain way, they will be
knocked off balance, and become defenseless for a short period of
time. This is known as a stagger. In this section, I'll describe
all the moves that I've seen Jeffrey do that causes this to happen,
and what conditions must be met to achieve this.

Elbow Butt - f + P
Stagger occurs if you hit an opponent with this move while they're
crouching. You're almost guaranteed a free hit if you do the
Elbow Hammer (f + P, b + P) since the Elbow Butt is the first
attack in this move.

Dash Elbow - f, f + P
Stagger occurs if you hit an opponent with this move while they're
crouching. You're almost guaranteed a hit if you do the Dash
Elbow Upper (f, f +P, P) since the Dash Elbow is the first
attack of this move.

Vertical Upper - D, df + P
Stagger occurs if you manage to do this move as a counter hit. If
you do, the opponent falls down and quickly tries to get up.
This is the best time to attack.

Heel Drop - f + K+G
Stagger occurs if opponent is hit with, or blocks this attack.
Best time to do this move is while an opponent is getting up
after falling since this move is HIGHLY telegraphed.
Opponents will see the attack coming, and just block not knowing
it makes them stagger. If you're close enough after they block
and stagger, go for a quick throw.

Tornado Punch - b, f, f + P
Stagger occurs if opponent blocks this attack. Use it the same
way you would the Heel Drop. Jeffry takes a little longer to
recover from doing this move, but it comes out a little quicker
than the Heel Drop.

Full Swing Hammer - b, f, f + P+K
Stagger occurs if opponent blocks this attack. Unfortunately, it
takes a while for Jeffry to recover from throwing this attack
so the time you have to follow up on this is very short.

Devil Reverse Claw - d + P+G (on fallen opponent)
Stagger occurs the moment Jeffry releases opponent. Stagger lasts
a little longer if you do this on an opponent who is face down
on the floor.

Floater Moves
A floater is a move that makes your opponent, for lack of a better
word, "float" in the air for a short amount of time if it hits.
These moves can lead to some damaging combos before the opponent
can fall to the ground. In this section, I'll describe all the
moves that I've seen Jeffrey do that causes this to happen, and
what conditions must be met to achieve this.

Kenka Upper - df, df + P
Opponent will float in the air longer if the move connects as a
counter hit.

Knee Attack - f + K
Same as the Kenka Upper, opponent will float longer if this move
connects as a counter hit.

Set-Up Attacks
A Set-Up Attack is an attack that connects, and leaves the opponent
vulnerable to another attack that they are helpless to defend
against. These are similar to staggers and floaters, but these
attacks give you the best opportunity to follow up with combos or

Kenka Hook - b, f + P
If this attack hits, the opponent will reel back, then fall over,
face down leaving them wide open to more attacks as they're
falling down.

Middle Hell Stab - f + P+K
If this attack hits, the opponent will slowly fall face down to
the floor. This is Jeffry's deadliest move because it not only
sets up the opponent for combos, it also sets them up for
Jeffry's Low Throws.

Megaton Fist Drop - db + P+K
If this attack hits, the opponent will be in crouching position.
If you're quick enough, you can get a low throw in.

Hell Dunk Hammer - d + P+K
Like the Megaton Fist Drop, this attack will make the opponent go
into crouching position if it hits. It comes out a little faster,
but the range is shorter. Try to get a low throw in if it hits.

Elbow Stamp - b + P
If you hit this move, you're almost guaranteed a Devil Reverse Claw
if you're quick enough. Attack while the oppenent's staggered

Head Attack - b, f + P+K
Just like the Elbow Stamp, you're almost guaranteed a successful
Devil Reverse Claw if it hits.

Counter Toe Kick - (After Threat Stance) K
If this attack connects as a counter hit, your opponent will slowly
fall face down to the floor. This is similar to the Middle Hell
Stab (f + P+K) in terms of effectiveness.

This section is for the combos I've done with Jeffry in training mode.
The format I made here is like so:

* Move A (instruction) [ conditions if necessary ]
- Move B (instruction)
- Move C (instruction)
- Move D (instruction)
- Move E (instruction
- Move F (instruction)
- Move G (instruction)

Move A is the move that starts the combo with any conditions,
if necessary, that has to be met before the combo can work.
Move B is the second or final move done in the combo.
Move C is the final move of the combo only after Move B.
Move D is an alternate final move of the combo only after Move B.
Move E is an alternate second or final move of the combo.
Move F is the final move of the combo only after Move E.
Move G is an alternate final move of the combo only after Move E.

From the example above, you can do the following combos:

Move A --> Move B
Move A --> Move B --> Move C
Move A --> Move B --> Move D
Move A --> Move E
Move A --> Move E --> Move F
Move A --> Move E --> Move G

Jeffry's Combos
* Middle Hell Stab (f + P+K)
- Iron Claw (d + P+K+G)
- Power Bomb (df + P+K+G)
- Machine Gun Knee Lift (d, f + P+K+G)
- Combo Kenka Upper (df + P, P, df + P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Toekick Hammer (d + K, P)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Knee Push (b + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Double Upper (df + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Dash Elbow Upper (f, f + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Knee Attack (f + K)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)

* Counter Toe Kick (After Threat Stance - K) [Counter Hit only]
- Iron Claw (d + P+K+G)
- Power Bomb (df + P+K+G)
- Machine Gun Knee Lift (d, f + P+K+G)
- Combo Kenka Upper (df + P, P, df + P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Toekick Hammer (d + K, P)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Knee Hammer (b + K, P)
- Toekick (d + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Knee Push (b + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Double Upper (df + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Dash Elbow Upper (f, f + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Knee Attack (f + K)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)

* Kenka Hook (b, f + P)
- One Two Upper (P, P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Head Attack (b, f + P+K)
- Combo Kenka Upper (df + P, P, df + P)
- Killing Toe Kick Hammer (K, K, P)
- Knee Hammer (b + K, P)
- Killing Toe Kick (K, K)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Low Knuckle (d + P)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Elbow Butt (f + P)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Knee Attack (f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Dash Elbow Upper (f, f + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Double Upper (df + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Knee Push (b + K)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)

* Kenka Upper (df, df + P)
- One Two Upper (P, P, P)
- Combo Kenka Hook (P, P, b + P)
- Combo Kenka Upper (df + P, P, df + P)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Dash Elbow Upper (f, f + P, P)
- Toekick Hammer (d + K, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Elbow Stamp (b + P)
- Knuckle Kick (P, K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Toekick (d + K)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Double Knuckle (P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Knee Attack (f + K)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Single Knuckle (P)
- Dash Elbow Upper (f, f + P, P)
- Kenka Upper (df, df + P)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Knee Attack (f + K)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)

* Kenka Upper (df, df + P) [Counter Hit Only]
- Killing Toe Kick Hammer (K, K, P)
- Killing Toe Kick (K, K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)

* Knee Attack (f + K)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Combo Kenka Upper (df + P, P, df + P)
- Knee Hammer (b + K, P)
- Knee Attack (f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Knee Push (b + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Toekick (d + K)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Dash Elbow (f, f + P)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Low Knuckle (d + P)
- Dash Elbow Upper (f, f + P, P)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Knee Attack (f + K)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)

* Knee Attack (f + K) [Counter Hit only]
- One Two Upper (P, P, P)
- Combo Kenka Hook (P, P, b + P)
- Combo Kenka Upper (df + P, P, df + P)
- Toekick Hammer (d + K, P)
- Killing Toekick Hammer (K, K, P)
- Killing Toekick (K, K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)
- Double Knuckle (P, P)
- Dash Elbow Upper (f, f + P, P)
- Rolling Heel Attack (uf + K+G)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)

* Head Attack (b, f + P+K)
- Knee Hammer (b + K, P)
- Low Knuckle (d + P)
- Dash Elbow Upper (f, f + P, P)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Rolling Heel Attack (uf + K+G)
- Knee Attack (f + K)
- Double Hammer Down (b, df + P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)

* Hell Dunk Hammer - d + P+K
- Iron Claw (d + P+K+G)
- Power Bomb (df + P+K+G)
- Machine Gun Knee Lift (d, f + P+K+G)

* Megaton Fist Drop - db + P+K
- Iron Claw (d + P+K+G)
- Power Bomb (df + P+K+G)
- Machine Gun Knee Lift (d, f + P+K+G)

* Killing Toe Kick (K, K)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)

* Double Upper (df + P, P)
- Rising Hammer (b, df + P, P)
- Heel Axe (b, f + K)
- Ducking Low (d + K+G)
- Low Kick (df + K+G)


This section is for moves that have unique attributes. I'll
place the move, the instructions on how to do the move, and
what unique attributes it has.

Raiden Drop - u + K+G
This is Jeffry's old pounce attack from previous Virtua Fighter games.
Jeffry jumps high into the air, and lands rump first, hopefully on
top of the opponent. This technique is supposed to hit in the high
or mid range of the opponent. However, I've seen it hit blocking
opponents on their feet for full damage. If you can accurately aim
this move, you can land on an opponent's feet when they sit in place
blocking high for easy damage.


Jeffry has a lot of power in his fighting, so you'll want to use that
to your advantage. Jeffry is essentially a grappler, and that should
be a big part of your game if you plan to use him. Throws shouldn't
be the only part of your game, though. Jeffry has some pretty nice
attacks that can set up his throws as well. The Middle Hell Stab, the
Megaton Fist Drop and Hell Dunk Hammer are just a few that he can use.

Jeffry doesn't have any reversal moves, so you're really going to have to
be good at blocking, sidestepping and knowing what moves your opponents
have that will leave them open to an attack or throw.

Since Jeffry lacks speed, his attacks aren't meant for fast barrages, but
for counterattacks for the most damage. Use his moves from a distance,
or right after a sidestep for the best results. Going toe to toe is a
bad idea for Jeffry, especially against faster opponents, which is
basically everybody else in the game.


This is the section that contains all the items and color combinations
that Jeffry can wear in Kumite Mode. In Kumite Mode, you can gain
items by various methods. One method is leveling up. You frequently
gain items by moving up in the Kyu and Dan levels. Another method is
holding a winning streak. Try getting streaks of 50 and 100.
Another method is defeating another Kumite Mode opponent that is
using your character, and is at a higher rank than you. If you win,
you may get an item that he/she is carrying. The last method that I
know of for getting items is the Rainbow Orbs. These orbs are held
by High King ranked characters, and you notice them hovering over the
opponent's strength meter. If you win, you'll get the orb. Collect
7 different orbs to gain one of your characters' rare items. If you
lose a Kumite Mode match while holding an orb, you will lose it, and
you'll have to get it back from someone else, or defeat the opponent
who beat you for it the next time you run into them (if they still
have it, that is).

Color Combinations

1P Outfit - Fist & Foot Pads and Pants

Default Color - Red Fist & Foot Pads, White Pants
Coordiante 01 - White Fist & Foot Pads, Green Pants
Coordiante 02 - Light Blue Fist & Foot Pads, Deep Navy Blue Pants
Coordiante 03 - Pink Fist & Foot Pads, Camouflage Pants 1
Coordiante 04 - Yellow Fist & Foot Pads, Green Camouflage Pants 1
Coordiante 05 - Purple Fist & Foot Pads, Blue Camouflage Pants 1
Coordiante 06 - Green Fist & Foot Pads, Red Camouflage Pants 1
Coordiante 07 - Blue Fist & Foot Pads, Camouflage Pants 2
Coordiante 08 - Gunmetal Fist & Foot Pads, Green Camouflage Pants 2
Coordiante 09 - Silver Fist & Foot Pads, Blue Camouflage Pants 2
Coordinate 10 - Gold Fist & Foot Pads, Red Camouflage Pants 2

NOTE : You can edit which color Fist & Foot Pads and Pants you'd like
Jeffry to wear in Edit Mode. It doesn't have to be in the default
coordinate sets. You can have White Pads and Camouflage Pants if
you like.

2P Outfit - Shorts, Belt, Vest and Wrist Braces.

Default Color - Tie-Dye Shorts, Red Belt
Coordiante 01 - Tie-Dye Shorts, White Belt
Coordiante 02 - Tie-Dye Shorts, Light Blue Belt
Coordiante 03 - Camouflage Shorts 1, Green Belt
Coordiante 04 - Green Camouflage Shorts 1, Yellow Belt
Coordiante 05 - Light Blue Camouflage Shorts 1, Purple Belt
Coordiante 06 - Red Camouflage Shorts 1, Emerald Green Belt
Coordiante 07 - Camouflage Shorts 2, Blue Belt
Coordiante 08 - Green Camouflage Shorts 2, Gunmetal Belt
Coordiante 09 - Light Blue Camouflage Shorts 2, Silver Belt
Coordiante 10 - Red Camouflage Shorts 2, Gold Belt

NOTE : You can edit which color shorts and belt you'd like
Jeffry to wear in Edit Mode. It doesn't have to be in the default
coordinate sets. You can have Tye-Dye Shorts and a Gunmetal Belt if
you like.


Head Items
Folded Bandana
Indigo Bandana
Pirate Bandana
Wild Hair
Bald Head
Purple Sunglasses
Goggle Sunglasses
Slim Sunglasses
Silver Sunglasses
Pirate's Eyepatch
Demon Mask
Skull Mask

Neck Items
Skull Necklace
Bone Necklace

Wrist Items
Ruby Brace
Topaz Brace
Emerald Brace
Sapphire Brace
Needle Brace

Arm Items
Tribal Tattoo (Red)
Tribal Tattoo (Black)
Clerk's Armband
Snake Brace
Love Skull Tattoo (Red)
White Skull Tattoo
Red Skull Tattoo
Heart Tattoo

In this section, I'll describe Jeffry's win quotes and poses. You can
select which pose Jeffry does by holding P, K or G during the replay
of your winning round. Classic poses are available after earning them
in Kumite Mode.

* Hold P - Jeffry looks towards you pointing and says: "You're never
gonna win ... by that strength!"

* Hold K - Jeffry taps his chest with his right hand and says: "It
seems to be ...(laughs)... I'm the winner!"

* Hold G - Jeffry does a running leap, lands and poses saying:
"(Laughs) I'm ... the winner!"

* Hold P+K - Jeffry's classic VF1 pose. Jeffry leans left and raises
his fist saying: "I'm the winner!"

* Hold P+K+G - Jeffry's classic VF2 pose. Jeffry kneels and stretches
his arms out saying: "I'm the winner!"

Well folks, this is the end of my FAQ for Jeffry in VF4 for the Sony
Playstation 2. If you have any comments, questions, or things I
can put in here, just let me know. Contact info is at the top
along with my screen name for the GameFAQs forums.
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Pai Chan Command List and FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
FAQ for Jeffry McWild

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The ABC of Shun Di

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Starting Guide

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Vanessa Lewis Combo FAQ

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General Guide

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15.Oktober 2013

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Beliebte Cheats
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11.Juni 2014
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24.März 2020
24.März 2020