Tekken Tag Tournament

Tekken Tag Tournament

16.10.2013 19:28:54
Bryan: The Fists of Carrion - for Advanced and Beginners, v.5.01
- by Renick(renickironfist@hotmail.com)

To check if this FAQ is organised as it's supposed to be, please check
underneath if the points and numbers line up properly:



First of all, this guide is for personal use only. If you wanna use
this publically, you can only do that if the credit goes to me. No dirty
tricks by stealing someone elses work. If you DO try and steal my work and
use it for your own profit, you are bananis my friend, because I'll find
out, and I will shut you down. This FAQ is written officially by me, Renick,
and this whole text document is property of Renick (c). All quotes and
idea's displayed in the "Ask the experts" section are property of E-MAN,
Reverend C, Konqrr, Birch, BioXeed, Devil Lee and KOFTEKKEN, if someone
tries to use these idea's for profit, money, recognision or to open their
hanky panky of the usual frauding and plagiarism, it's illegal, and will be
punished the severely, no matter in what circumstances or with what
intentions. And for the legal blah-blah-blah, Bryan and all characters in
Tekken Tag Tournament belong officially to Namco, All rights reserved 1999,

What's new?


- Added LOTS more Combo's
- Some adjustments on the FAQ layout that I still found dissatifying

- Added More Combo’s
- Added WS execution section
- Updated Move lists section
- Made a punch parry correction
- Updated custom strings section
- Completely revamped VS character section, since the long essays really
started to irritate me.
- Added the ‘STAIRS’ tactic in THE MIXING UP SECTION

- Added some combo's by devil demunyu (lord_devildemunyu@hotmail.com) , so
credit goes out to him as well. I also added some of my own combo's as well,
as well as a few minor layout modifications. That's all for now.



A - Introduction

B - Conventions

C - Move Analysis

D - Blocking and Hit-ranges

E - Okizeme

F - Sidestepping

G - Dashing and Swaying

H - Versus Character Strategy

I - Tagging and Tag Strats.

J - Poking

K - Combo's/Juggles

L - Custom Strings

M - Throwing and Counters

N - Buffering

O - Recovery

P - Countering

Q - Mixing Up

R - Instant WS execution

S - Ask the Experts

T - Conclusion

U - Sites

V - Credits



Okay, the reason why I write this FAQ is simple. Bryan is, regardless of his
weaknesses arguably one of the stronger characters in the game. He has
combo abilty, great poking, great speed, he has parries, great powermoves
and great strings. Bryan has a great set of powermoves, he has the best WS
attacks in the game, which set up high damage, meaning that he can be deadly
from both standing and crouching positions. He has a good set of pokes,
great mixups in his short attack strings, and great counterattack ability,
where his Mach Punch is the center of attention. Bryan has the ability to
deplete your life bar by half off one counter with his WS+3 knee, and his
popular jugglestarters (ws+1, b+1 and uf+4) are all mid-level attacks. Many
see him as an offense character, but that doesn't contradict his defensive
abilities. His punchparry is a great new addition to his arsenal, and his
sway back is great since it avoids high attacks and is taggable. But Bryan
isn't without weaknesses. He still has very lacking low attacks, which means
he cannot last long against turling Julia's and Laws because he isn't really
balanced in hit ranges. He also has some moves that can be sidestepped
pretty easy, leaving him vulnerable for a backthrow or juggle.

But Bryan has probably the meanest attacks in the game, his Chains of Misery
is probably the best show off move you can imagine. He can be a formidable
treat to any character, regardless how powerful. I hope this FAQ will inform
you that Bryan is one of the most dangerous fighters in the game and can be
played well enough to boost other characters in high level competition.
There's a lot you cannot effort while playing a good Bryan.

So let's this FAQ started, if you have any questions, feedback or comments
on my work, my e-mail is renickironfist@hotmail.com, your opinions mean a
lot to me, so let me know if you have some wisdom you'd like to share. Have
fun with the FAQ...!



Joystick Layout (facing right) :
\ | / B - backward
\ | / UB - up/backward
B ---- + ---- F U - upward
/ | \ UF - up/forward
/ | \ F - forward
DB D DF DF - down/forward
D - downward
DB - down/backward

Buttons: Layout:
1 - left punch [1] - [2] - [5]
2 - right punch ----------->
3 - left kick [3] - [4]
4 - right kick
5 - tag button

Other terms:
CD - Crouch-dash(f,n,d,df)
RD - Rolldash (d,df,f)
WS - While rising
FC - Full chrouch position
CH - Counter hit
MC - Major Counter
SS - Sidestep
QCF - Quarter circle forward
QCB - Quarter circle backward
C.O.M - Chains of Misery
(E)WGF - (Electric)Wind God Fist

Small letter - Tap button command/joystick motion
Capital letter - Hold button command/ joystick motion

Con: + - Occurs when button commands/joystick motions have to be
pressed simultaneously.

Con: , - Occurs when button commands/joystick motions have to be
pressed before/after each other.

Con: ~ - Occurs when button commands/joystick motions have to be
pressed fast before/after each other.

Con: N - Neutral motion. There should be no joystick motion for about
1/2 a second.

Con: () - If a command is shown between this convention, it means it's
optional wether or not to pull it off.

Con: _ - Occurs when there are more options possible after a certain

Con: > - Occurs when hits can be delayed.



Bryan is not a stance character with tons of attacks, like Lei or Hwoarang.
He's more of a character that relies on his damage and combo's, with basic
attack patterns and poking. You can mixup your style fairly well with Bryan,
since he can poke very well, and has nice powermoves and jugglestarters to
minor counter the opponents recovery for example. He's got more than enough
in his arsenal to keep the versatile gamer growing confortable while playing
him. I'll give you a detailed discription of how to use Bryans moves, so it
isn't a real movelist. If you are looking for movelists, Catlords awesome
FAQ and Tekken Zaibatsu will provide you all you need.

Okay, on the with the move analysis.

Throws and Parries

This is one of Bryans basic throws. It's pretty vital to make use of them,
despite the single button escapes, since Bryan's throw arsenal isn't really
impressive like Kings for example. A good use is to buffer this throw with a
2 or df+2 (the blockstun allows you a throw attempt with less risk, but this
is not a low risk option) After this throw your opponent ends up grounded
with his head towards you, making this throw the least useful of the basic
front throws. Remember that the FC+3 is guaranteed after this throw.
Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

The second basic throw is pretty useful, it can be buffered with a 1 or df+1
very easily. Also the d+4 is guaranteed for more chipping damage once the
1+3 throw has connected, since the opponent ends up right before your
feetgiving you the chance for some up close okizeme. Pretty useful if you
ask me, despite the 1 button escape. Also a FC+3 kick is guaranteed after
connecting the throw. And not to forget the df+3 afterwards will catch the
opponent before they can tech into safety. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

Mad Axes-my ass, THIS is the coolest and most show off throw in the friggin'
game: The Chains of Misery. What Bryan will do is pound you three times with
a very cool way, laughing maniacally. You have to be in FC position to pull
this off successfully. You MUST try this throw once per match, it's too cool
to leave out. It has damage, you can even rush in and do small okizeme
afterwards. Besides it requires a two button escape (1+2), so you'll have a
greater chance for impact. But remember not to be too addictive to it, the
urge of pulling it off might get you into trouble. I'm not sure but the df+3
after this throw connects everytime when they techroll, not exactly sure if
it's actually guaranteed though. Use it every once or twice per round, if
you connect, laugh loud....REAL loud. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10.

1+3/2+4 (left or right f/opponent)
Sidethrows are very useful after a successful sidestep(u,N_or_d,N). Both of
Bryans sidethrows do great damage and look flashy. This is a great
alternative to counter after you've sidestepped your opponents attack, and
it's best to buffer them befor you go into your SS. But you have to be
cautious, since it happens a lot that the opponent already recovered and
ducks, escapes or backdashes your throw attempt. You could try a sidethrow
if you successfully SS canceled after the b+2 doom knuckle starter, or after
you teched a combo. Use-O-meter: 8 outta 10

1+3/2+4(~5) - (back f/opponent)
Bryans backthrow is very useful since you can tag off it, resulting INSANE
damage. Back throwing should be used whenever the opponents back is
vulnerable, in rare moments like ducking a Hwoarang f,f+4 or sidestepping
aerial moves like Kings f,f+1+2. This throw can be teched if you don't tag
it. Use whenever you know it's safe, meaning DON'T try to backthrow attempt
backturned Lings and Lei's you'll most likely end up thrown or juggled.
Use-O-meter: 7 outta 10

B+1+2 - (when attacked by high/mid punch attack)~2:
Now this is the most awesome new addition Bryans arsenal could get. Use his
punch reversal whenever possible, since it's non-escapable and pressing 2
after reversing a punch attack will get you a GUARANTEED strike. Reversing a
left punch will Bryan do an automatic f,f+2 and a right punch reversal will
cause him to do an automatic df+2. This will make Bryan practically
invinsible against big characters like the Jacks, who rely mostly on punch
attacks. A must in Bryan's arsenal.
Use-O-meter: 10 outta 10

d+1+3/d+2+4 - (when attacked by low/special mid attack)
The lowparry is used to counter low and special midattacks. Depending on
what limb you reverse, you get a certain amount of frames advantage giving
you the chance to attack the opponent. There are no guaranteed followups
after the parry except for uf+4 maybe which gets you a juggle after a
parried right kick. Use the lowparry whenever you get the chance, it's 50%
execution, 50% timing. Use-O-meter: 10 outta 10.


These are the basic jabs, which are one of the vital tools Bryan has. They
can be used for everything, setting up, interrupting, custom stringing,
buffering, juggles (as extensions). Despite that Bryans jabs are slow in
comparision to Law's and Yoshi's jabs these are your pecks of choice, since
poking is essential in the allround Tekken game, you cannot survive against
a skilled player without a good poking game, unless you want to be a falling
leaf/deathfist cheeser. Use-O-meter: 10 outta 10

Standing 4:
Bryans regular 4 is awesome for a couple of reasons. First it's range is
amazing, it reaches about 1 and a half character distance, making it very
useful for keep away tactics to gain some spacing. Even better is, it knocks
down on CH, you can easily do some okizeme or tech-combo (if they techroll)
off it. This a great distancing poke for keep away tactics, since it knocks
the opponent slightly backward on non-CH to allow you to gain a little
spacing. Use-O-meter: 9 outta 10

Shin kick. This works very well as okizeme tool on opponents who constantly
roll away from you. Especially on big characters, this can happen very
often. It still has a slight start-up so it's not a real low risk move to do
on a near opponent. But if it hits, it sets up pretty well actually. You can
follow a df+2 withou

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