Tekken Tag Tournament

Tekken Tag Tournament

13.10.2013 11:39:39
Juggle FAQ
Tekken Tag Tournament
"Two-Page" Class 2 Juggle List -- v1.0
Date: 4/22/2000
Written by: Patrick Martin

This should be displayed in monospace format.
The dots and numbers should line up.


// Legal Stuff //

Tekken and its characters are the property of Namco. This guide was
written by me. I am not affiliated with Namco, and this guide is not
official in any way. I just wrote this because I wanted a convenient
list of effective juggles for all the characters, and I suspect other
players would like to have such a list. You may distribute this guide
as long as you do not modify this guide and/or you do not charge money
for it. Lying, cheating, and stealing are evil!

// Version History //

v1.0 -- 4/22/1999
First release.


Part I: Conventions

Part II: Combos

Part III: Credits

PART I: Conventions

Stick/Button Layout
\ | / (1) (2) (5)
- O -
/ | \ (3) (4)

1 = Left Punch
2 = Right Punch
3 = Left Kick
4 = Right Kick
5 = Tag

Stick Movements
f = Tap forward (toward opponent) F = Hold forward
b = Tap back (away from opponent) B = Hold back
u = Tap up U = Hold up
d = Tap down D = Hold down
uf = Tap up/forward diagonal UF = Hold up/forward diagonal
ub = Tap up/back diagonal UB = Hold up/back diagonal
df = Tap down/forward diagonal DF = Hold down/forward diagonal
db = Tap down/back diagonal DB = Hold down/back diagonal
N = Move stick to neutral

QCF = Quarter circle forward (d,df,f)
QCB = Quarter circle back (d,db,b)
HCF = Half circle forward (b,db,d,df,f)
HCB = Half circle back (f,df,d,db,b)

BK = While your back is turned to your opponent.
FC = While crouched fully.
RFL = While in Right Flamingo Leg stance (Hwoarang only).
RN = While running.
SS = While sidestepping.
SSL = While sidestepping to your left.
SSR = While sidestepping to your right.
WS = While standing up from a crouch.

Command Links
+ = Do the commands before and after '+' simultaneously.
~ = Do next command immediately after the previous command.
, = Do next command quickly after the previous command.
< = Next command is delayable. In combos, must be delayed.
_ = Do either previous command or next command.
[] = Input within brackets are optional.
() = Input within parentheses will miss opponent.

Character Size
big = Ganryu, Gun Jack, Jack-2, Kuma/Panda, P.Jack, and True Ogre.

PART II: Combos

Now for the meat of this text. Below is a small list of class 2 juggles
for each character that can be used after most (tag) class 2 launchers.
An example of a class 2 launcher would be the Mishimas' Wind Godfist
(f,N,d,DF+2). These launchers put the victim up a short distance above
head height before falling back down, and a high jab can connect rather
easily. Everyone has a class 2 launcher, and many of these launchers
are tag capable.

The juggles listed are of easy to medium difficulty, though a few are
borderline hard. In other words, you will not find hard combos like
Mishima class 2 launcher, 2x WGF. If you cannot connect the opponent
with the combo reliably, it will not do you much good. These juggles
assume no special conditions, such as the opponent flipping over face
down after some launchers such as Armor King's WGF.

Each juggle has a damage value followed by the juggle itself.
Note that the damage does NOT include the damage from the launcher.
A few juggles have a note in parenthesis beside the juggle. If the
note is "big", that means the juggle works only if the opponent is
a big character. Any other note should speak for itself.

The damage was calculated from the sum of the damage of each move
(according to Tekken Zaibatsu's movelists) adjusted by the mid-air
damage formula. While the opponent is helpless in the air, any hits
in the juggle do less than full damage. The first hit in the juggle
does 80% damage, while all successive hits do 50% damage. I have
done the damage calculations by hand (as opposed to practicing on
a PSX, which I do not have BTW), so some of the values may be off
by a point or two due to rounding. Some juggles have duel values.
This usually means a move in a combo can do more damage on a clean
hit (e.g., deathfist), so the damage in that juggle is variable.

One of the implications from the mid-air damage rules is that some
juggles that involve jabs before a high damage move can do less
damage than juggles that use the same power move alone. For example,
Paul's QCF+2 alone does more damage than 1, QCF+2.

One more note: many basic moves have different properties if the
stick is held forward instead of neutral. For example, Armor King's
standing 4. If 4 alone is pressed, it does 20 damage (unadjusted).
If F+4 is pressed, Armor King will do a kick that looks like the
same kick, but it is a few frames slower but does 25 damage

To print your "two-page" juggle list, just open up your text editor
(MS-DOS edit is ideal), select all the text between the *unbroken*
lines, and print the selected text only.

"Two-Page" Class 2 Juggle List
Dmg. Finisher
* Alex/Roger --------------------------------------------------------------
19 ...1,2, 4 28 ...F+4, d+3+4
* Angel/Devil -------------------------------------------------------------
21 ...F+1, 1,2,2 (Devil only) 24 ...4
* Anna --------------------------------------------------------------------
23 ...d+4,1, d+4,1 25 ...1,2, df+3,1,4
25 ...1,2, 1,2, f+1+2 33 ...2, uf+1,3, f+1+2
34 ...QCF+1, 1,2, f+1+2 41 ...QCF+1, 1,2, df+3,1,4
* Armor King --------------------------------------------------------------
22 ...1,2,1, d+3+4 25 ...2,1, b+3
28 ...2,1, f,f+4 31 ...f,N,d,DF+2, d+3+4,4,4
32 ...F+4, d+3+4,4 34 ...2,1, f,N,d,DF+2, d+3+4
* Baek --------------------------------------------------------------------
21 ...1,2, 3+4 24 ...1,2,3~f,1,2,3~f,1,2
28 ...1,2,3~f,1,2, 3+4 36 ...3,3,3,4
* Bruce -------------------------------------------------------------------
31 ...f+4,3,4 41 ...3, b+4,3,4
* Bryan -------------------------------------------------------------------
28 ...d_db+2, 1, b+1[~5] 29 ...3,3, 4
30 ...f+4,3,4 32 ...d_db+2, 1, f,f+2
33 ...b+2,1,4 38 ...d_db+2, f+4,3,4
* Eddy --------------------------------------------------------------------
35 ...1, F+1, 1,2,4~4
* Ganryu ------------------------------------------------------------------
23 ...df+2, d+1+2 31 ...2,1, 2, d+1+2
37 ...2,1,2, df+2, 1+2 38 ...df+2, 2,1,2, d+1+2
* Gun Jack ----------------------------------------------------------------
24 ...2, F+2, f+1+2 26 ...2, F+2, 1+2
32 ...2, F+2, f+1+2,1+2 (big)
* Heihachi ----------------------------------------------------------------
20 ...F+1, 1,2,2 22_29 ...F+1, F+1, QCF+2
24 ...4 24 ...1+2, d+1
24_36 ...QCF+2 30 ...F+1, f+1 30 ...F+1, f,N,d,DF+4,4,1 35 ...2, f+1,b+2,1
38 ...f,N,d,DF+4,4,N+1, d+1 39 ...f,N,d,DF+4,4,N+4,4
* Hwoarang ----------------------------------------------------------------
24 ...1, 1,2,4 28 ...d+3,N+4, RFL 3
33 ...4,4,4, RFL 3 35 ...3,3,3,3[~5]
* Jack-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------
24 ...2, F+2, f+1+2 26 ...2, F+2, 1+2
32 ...2, F+2, f+1+2,1+2 (big)
* Jin ---------------------------------------------------------------------
21 ...1, 1,2,2 24 ...1+4,2,4
42 ...b,f+2,1,d+2, f,f+2 45 ...b,f+2,1,d+2, f,f, 1+4,(2),d+4
46 ...b,f+2,1<2, df+4,4
* Julia -------------------------------------------------------------------
28 ...f,f,N+1, f,f,N+1, d+4,1
30 ...df+4,2,b 30 ...f,f,N+1, f,f,N+1, f,f,N+1, f,f,N+1,4
35 ...f,f,N+1, f,f,N+1, f,f,N+1, d,DF+1,2
47 ...d+2, FC,df+4,3, df+4,2,b * Jun ---------------------------------------------------------------------
27 ...1+4,2,4 27 ...1+4, 1+4,(2),d+4
28 ...df+1, b+2<1+2, f,f, 1+4 30 ...b+2,4,1+4,(2),d+4
35 ...1+2, 1+4,(2),d+4

* Kazuya ------------------------------------------------------------------
23 ...F+1, 1,2,2 23 ...F+1, F+1, f+2
24 ...4
* King --------------------------------------------------------------------
29 ...4, d+3+4,2 30 ...1,2,1, d+3+4,2
32 ...2,1, 1+2,1
* Kuma --------------------------------------------------------------------
26 ...2, F+2, 1+2[~f] 28 ...2, F+2, f+1+2
* Kunimitsu ---------------------------------------------------------------
26 ...F+3 35 ...1, B+1,1,(1),1, F+3
* Law ---------------------------------------------------------------------
24 ...2, b+2, d+2,3 32 ...UF+4,3
33 ...4, b+2,3,4[~5] 39 ...4,u+3, db+4
* Lee ---------------------------------------------------------------------
25 ...1,2, b+1,1,2 32 ...4,u+3, df+4
* Lei ---------------------------------------------------------------------
24 ...F+3 29 ...1+2~1, BK d+1
29 ...2, f,N+1,2,(1),2,4[~u_d] 34 ...f,N+4,1,2,3,d+4
35 ...1+2~1, BK 3 36 ...4, 4~4,3,3[~5]
* Michelle ----------------------------------------------------------------
28 ...f,f+1, f,f+1, d+4,1
30 ...f,f+1, f,f+1, f,f+1, f,f+1,4
36 ...f,f+1, d,DF+1, f,f+1, f,f+1, d,DF+1
39 ...d+2, FC,df+4,3, f,f+1, f,F+1,4
* Nina --------------------------------------------------------------------
22 ...d+4,1, f,f+3 25_30 ...1,2, 1,2, [f,]f+1+2
31 ...1,2, df+3,1,2,f+1+2 36 ...uf+3, d+4,1, f,f+3
41 ...b+2,2, d+4,1, f,f+3
* Ogre --------------------------------------------------------------------
24 ...1, 1,2,2 28 ...4
27_36 ...uf+4, d+1, FC,f+2 (not a true combo)
* Paul --------------------------------------------------------------------
23_36 ...F+1, F+1, QCF+2 24 ...3
26_39 ...QCF+2 30 ...QCB,N+3,2,2[~5]
31 ...1,2, uf+3,4 32 ...QCB,N+3,2,1
* True Ogre ---------------------------------------------------------------
24 ...1, 1,2,2 28 ...4
27_36 ...uf+4, d+1, FC,f+2 (not a true combo)
* P.Jack ------------------------------------------------------------------
26 ...2, F+2, 1+2 27 ...2, F+2, f+1+2
* Wang --------------------------------------------------------------------
22 ...d+2, FC,df+4,3 24_36 ...QCF+2
34 ...db+4,2, db+4,2[~5]
* Xiaoyu ------------------------------------------------------------------
18_24 ...1,2, db+1
25 ...1,2, f,f+1+2~1+2
35 ...df+1, BK 2, BK 2, BK 2, BK 3
36 ...df+1, BK 2, BK 2, BK 2, BK 2, BK 4[~5]
37 ...df+1, BK 2,1, f,f+1+2~1+2
* Yoshimitsu --------------------------------------------------------------
25 ...f,f+3,1 26 ...F+3
26 ...df+2, df+2, f,f+4 27 ...f,f+3, FC+1, f,f+4
28 ...f,f+4, d+1, f,f+4 28 ...B+1+4
35 ...1, B+1,1,(1),1, F+3


PART III: Credits

Namco - For making the Tekken games.

"Castel" - For his excellent Tekken Zaibatsu site.

"Catlord" - For the handy TTT movelists.

"Tragic" - I learned some Yoshi tag juggles from his Tekken 3 Yoshi guide.

"Reverend C." - For Mishima and Williams juggles from his faqs and
forum posts.

"Renick" - I learned some Bryan and Ogre tag juggles from his faqs.

"Joshic" - His Tekken 3 Ling faq helped me learn how to use Ling
and do some of her juggles.

"Ug the Caveman" - Juggles for Jacks and their derivatives, and Baek.

Below are some sites that helped me write this guide:

The best and most informative TTT site. I got the damage values
and juggle damage formula, as well as some combos, from there.
If you want more combos, visit this site.

Has a great collection of FAQs and the like.


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