Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

18.10.2013 00:59:36

An FAQ/Walkthrough for
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater


Game: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Platform: PlayStation
Author of FAQ/Walkthrough: Tom Hayes
Version: 3.0
Last updated: February 10th, 2003


1. Introduction
2. Character Statistics
3. Special Tricks
4. Career Mode Walkthrough
5. Gap List
6. Frequently Asked Questions
7. Copyright Information

Version History

Version 3.0 - February 10th, 2003
- Added the Gap List.

Version 2.0 - January 22nd, 2003
- Updated the format.

Version 1.0 - 3rd March, 2000
- First version.


1. Introduction


At the start of the game, you have a choice of picking one of ten characters.
Each character has their own set of tricks. A kickflip counts as a trick, and
so does a 720. Each character has their own set of tricks, which are done by
pressing a button plus a direction. There are about twenty standard tricks in
total, but that's not all the tricks that are possible. Each character also has
about three or four special moves. Once you do enough tricks, the special bar
will become full.

Once the special bar has become full, you can do a number of incredible looking
tricks, including back flips, front flips, McTwists, and even the 900, which
only Tony Hawk can do (in the game, and in real life). But you are not limited
to just one trick in the air. You can do combinations of tricks, and it is
possible to link well over 10 different tricks into one combination. All the
characters are different from each other. Having different special moves,
different statistics and even different ending movies.

There are nine huge levels in this game. Each one having its own special
features and things to do. The variety of the levels is amazing. There's an old
warehouse, a school, a mall, a nice indoor skate park in Chicago, a level in
downtown Minneapolis at night, a downhill level in Phoenix, a skate park in
Burnside, an excellent level in San Francisco, and finally, a level in Roswell.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater excels in the area of graphics, and has some of the best
graphics ever seen in a PlayStation game. There are ten characters in the game,
which are based on real life skaters, as well as two secret characters. The
tricks in the game are extremely well animated, as they look almost exactly
like they do in real life. The levels in the game are very big, but are also
extremely detailed and well drawn.

The music, although probably not suited to everyone, is actually quite good,
and suits this style of game very well. The sound effects are good, and there
are just so many of them. There's the ring of the tram in San Francisco, the
angry shouts of the taxi drivers as they zoom around Minneapolis, and the
enormously painful sounding shouts from the skaters as they fall over. There
are lots of sound effects and great music, which definitely improve the
atmosphere of this game.

Overall, this game is amazing. The graphics are extremely well drawn and
detailed, with objects such as trams and taxis zooming through the levels as
you skate around. The sound is very well done, and sounds very realistic in
places, especially when the skater falls over. The game play is great, with the
game being extremely fun as you ride around the humongous levels looking for
gaps. The last ability is very high, due to the fact that there are so many
different and fun modes in the game. Overall, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is
definitely the most fun and original skateboarding game on the PlayStation.


2. Character Statistics


Normal Characters

.-----------------. .-----------------. .-----------------. .-----------------.
| Bob Burnquist | | Kareem Campbell | | Rune Glifberg | | Tony Hawk |
| Ollie: 4 | | Ollie: 7 | | Ollie: 4 | | Ollie: 3 |
| Speed: 6 | | Speed: 4 | | Speed: 7 | | Speed: 7 |
| Air: 6 | | Air: 4 | | Air: 7 | | Air: 7 |
| Balance: 4 | | Balance: 6 | | Balance: 3 | | Balance: 4 |
'-----------------' '-----------------' '-----------------' '-----------------'
.-----------------. .-----------------. .-----------------. .-----------------.
| Bucky Lasek | | Chad Muska | | Andrew Reynolds | | Geoff Rowley |
| Ollie: 5 | | Ollie: 6 | | Ollie: 6 | | Ollie: 7 |
| Speed: 7 | | Speed: 4 | | Speed: 5 | | Speed: 5 |
| Air: 6 | | Air: 4 | | Air: 3 | | Air: 3 |
| Balance: 3 | | Balance: 7 | | Balance: 7 | | Balance: 6 |
'-----------------' '-----------------' '-----------------' '-----------------'
.-----------------. .-----------------.
| Elissa Steamer | | Jamie Thomas |
| Ollie: 6 | | Ollie: 5 |
| Speed: 4 | | Speed: 5 |
| Air: 5 | | Air: 4 |
| Balance: 6 | | Balance: 7 |
'-----------------' '-----------------'

Secret Characters

.-----------------. .-----------------.
| Officer Dick | | Private Carrera |
| Ollie: 5 | | Ollie: 10 |
| Speed: 5 | | Speed: 10 |
| Air: 5 | | Air: 10 |
| Balance: 5 | | Balance: 10 |
'-----------------' '-----------------'


3. Special Tricks


Bob Burnquist
Backflip - Up, Down + Circle
Burntwist - Left, Up + Triangle
One Footed Smith - Right, Right + Triangle

Kareem Campbell
Casper Slide - Up, Down + Triangle
Frontflip - Down, Up + Circle
Kickflip Underflip - Left, Right + Square

Rune Glifberg
Christ Air - Left, Right + Circle
Front-Back Kickflip - Up, Down + Square
Kickflip Mctwist - Right, Right + Circle

Tony Hawk
360 Flip to Mute - Down, Right + Square
540 Board Varial - Left, Left + Square
Kickflip Mctwist - Right, Right + Circle
The 900 - Right, Down + Circle

Bucky Lasek
Fingerflip Airwalk - Left, Right + Circle
Kickflip Mctwist - Right, Right + Circle
Varial Heelflip Judo - Down, Up + Square

Chad Muska
360 Shove It Rewind - Right, Right + Square
Frontflip - Down, Up + Circle
One Foot 5-0 Thumpin - Right, Down + Triangle

Andrew Reynolds
Backflip - Up, Down + Circle
Heelflip to Bluntside - Down, Down + Triangle
Triple Kickflip - Left, Left + Square

Geoff Rowley
Backflip - Up, Down + Circle
Darkslide - Left, Right + Triangle
Double Hardflip - Right, Down + Square

Elissa Steamer
Backflip - Up, Down + Circle
Judo Madonna - Left, Down + Circle
Primo Grind - Left, Left + Triangle

Jamie Thomas
540 Flip - Left, Down + Square
Frontflip - Down, Up + Square
One Footed Nosegrind - Up, Up + Triangle

Officer Dick
Assume the Position - Left, Left + Circle
Neckbreak Grind - Left, Right + Triangle
Yeeeehaw Frontflip - Down, Up + Circle

Private Carrera
Ho-Ho Ho - Left, Up + Triangle
Somi Spin - Left, Down + Circle
The Well Hardflip - Right, Left + Square


4. Career Mode Walkthrough



Warehouse - Woodland Hills

5,000 Points

This is pretty simple. The best way to get 5,000 points is to head over to the
half-pipe. Once there, just do a variety of grabs, flips and spins, and you
should have 5,000 points easily! Remember, hold your grabs for even more

Smash the Boxes

Box 1 - Just turn right from the start, and you should notice the 1st set of

Box 2 - Near the green rail (not the curved one), that is close to the half-

Box 3 - On the wide platform, on the quarter-pipe that is at the back of the

Box 4 - On the ledge near the kicker ramp.

Box 5 - On the platform where the letter 'E' is.

Get S-K-A-T-E

S - Hovering over the kicker ramp.

K - Over the quarter-pipe at the back of the warehouse.

A - Over the taxi.

T - Over the half-pipe.

E - On the platform where the 5th set of boxes are.

Hidden Tape

From the start, take the right roll-in, and you should notice a platform that
is above the half-pipe. Use the metal ramp to launch you over this platform,
snatching the hidden tape on the way.

15,000 Points

Use the same method as getting 5,000 points. Just go over to the half-pipe and
do a variety of grabs, flips and spins. Don't do the same trick more than once,
as the points start to go down if you do.


School - Miami

7,500 Points

Do a spin, and hold a grab off of the ramp at the beginning, and then from
that, land a grind onto the planter. This should get you 4000+ points! Do a big
air on the quarter-pipe, and then grind down the huge planter to get the long
ass rail gap (7000+ points!). This should easily get you over 7,500 points.

Grind 5 Tables

Table 1 - Turn left when you start, and drop off of the canopy. The 1st picnic
table should be right there.

Table 2 - Near the letter 'K', which is near the kicker ramps.

Table 3 - Near the letter 'A', which is on the big yellow and black rail.

Table 4 - This picnic table is close to the pool nearest the big hill.

Table 5 - Go down the huge green rail near the beginning of the level, and then
go over the kicker ramp. Turn left, and go over the bridge. The
picnic table should be right there.

Get S-K-A-T-E

S - About half-way down the huge green rail near the start.

K - Over the kicker jump.

A - On the yellow and black rail that is near the huge sign.

T - Near the bowls, there are two quarter-pipes. One is dark, one is light. The
T is hovering over one part of the dark quarter-pipe.

E - On a rail, between the two bowls.

Hidden Tape

Turn right from the start, and drop off the canopy. You should notice a hill
with arrows on it, leading up into the distance. Go up this hill, and turn left
at the top. Wow, this place looks fun! Grind the green rail leading up to the
metal ramp, and you should hopefully land on the air conditioner. Leading off
one part of this air conditioner, is a wooden plank. Grind this, and you should
land on a canopy. Follow this, and jump off the end. You should hopefully get
the hidden tape!

25,000 Points

Follow the same method to get 7,500 points, and then head over to the bowls.
Keep doing grab variations, kickflips, impossibles, flips, anything! It
shouldn't be too difficult to get 25,000 points.


Mall - New York

10,000 Points

Ah good, lots of places to get points! For a start, there's the ramps at the
beginning of the level. Providing you do everything right, it's possible to get
10,000+ points before you even leave this section! Other places to get points
is the coffee grind (doing variations, special grinds, and flip tricks on this
rail can earn you 10,000+ points easily), the skater escalator gap, and the 32
steps at the end of the level can also get you massive points.

Destroy 5 Directories

Directory 1 - After the ramp section at the beginning of the level, go up the
escalator and the directory will be right in front of you.

Directory 2 - After the 1st directory, jump up onto the platform, and then jump
through the fountain. Jump from the fountain onto the other
platform, and jump from this platform onto the platform where the
2nd directory is. Alternatively, go up the 2nd escalator, and
then skate the other way until you reach the 2nd directory.

Directory 3 - The 3rd directory is after the letter 'A', but before the skater
escalator gap. It's quite hard to spot, as it's on the left side
of some bushes.

Directory 4 - Right before the letter 'T'. Just jump up onto the platform to
destroy this directory.

Directory 5 - This directory is right after the letter 'E'.

Get S-K-A-T-E

S - On the last rail on the ramp section at the beginning of the level.

K - Don't go up the 1st escalator. Instead, swerve to the right, and stay on
the right side. Soon you will come to a planter with... the letter 'K'!

A - After the coffee rail (the curvy rail near the cafe), there will be a set
of stairs. Jump these 16 stairs, and you should soon notice the letter 'A'
on the left rail.

T - After the 4th directory, there is a set of two rails. Grind the left rail
to get the letter 'T'.

E - Hovering over the ramp before the 5th directory.

Hidden Tape

Ignore the 1st escalator, and swerve to the right. Skate forward for a while,
staying on the right side, and you should soon arrive at a ramp leading over a
car. Jump over this, and there should be another ramp. Jump over this, and hold
the grind button. Your aim is to land on top of one of the white rails (the top
ones, not the bottom ones). Grind along this for a bit, and in the distance,
you should be able to notice... the hidden tape! Grind along the rail for a bit
more, and when you are nearing the hidden tape, quickly jump over to the other
rail. If all went well, you should have got the hidden tape.

30,000 Points

Follow the same method as getting 10,000 points.


Skate Park - Chicago - Competition 1

The key to winning all the competions in this game is being original. Don't do
the same tricks over and over again, or the score will go down each time you do
the trick. Do gaps, do flip tricks, do grabs, do anything that will get you
points. The good thing about competitions in this game, is that there is no set
tasks to do. Do anything you want. Here's a list of things that really score
high with the judges:

1. Use the rail at the beginning. Try and fastplant 180 onto a nosegrind, and
then drop down onto a 5-0 grind.

2. The HP gap is difficult, so try and do backflip HP gaps.

3. Make good use of the half-pipe, doing as many original tricks as you can.

4. The bowl is very useful for big points, especially if you do the pool hip
gap + a special move.

5. If you want to go for huge points, try and jump over the rafters, and then
land onto a grind on the other of the half-pipe. Do a few tricks and spins
while grinding, and then wallride + a move off of the end to get huge points

6. Do as many special moves as possible, and try and combine them with grabs,
flip tricks and spins.

7. Don't fall over! If you do, this will lower your score.

The Chicago competition is definitely the easiest competition to win gold in,
but the competitions will get a lot harder from here on, so practice this one
as much as you can.


Downtown - Minneapolis

15,000 Points

Start off by using the kicker 2 ledge gap, and then from the ledge, jump onto
the rail. From the rail, jump onto the edge of the ramp. This can get you
4,000+ points easily. From here, turn around, and head left up the street. And
you should notice in the distance a truck with a ramp going up it. Go down the
street a little way, and then turn around and go up the ramp on the truck. Jump
at the end of the ramp, and try and land onto a grind on the yellow and black
rail. At the end of the rail, jump onto the 2nd rail. At the end of the 2nd
rail, jump onto the 3rd rail. This can get you 10,000+ points! From here, carry
on up the tunnel, and cross to the other roof. And then jump from this roof
onto the other roof. There is a bowl on this roof, so just do as many tricks as
possible until you get 15,000 points.

Break 5 No Skating Signs

Sign 1 - Turn around from the start, and jump over the kicker ramp into the
street. The 1st sign is there.

Sign 2 - This sign is just outside of the glass building, which is near the
letter 'A'.

Sign 3 - After getting the 2nd sign, head down the street, and the sign will be
on a path leading down into the middle area.

Sign 4 - This sign is on another path leading down into the middle area.

Sign 5 - Head left from the 4th sign, and there will be a big quarter-pipe in
the distance. Go up this, and hold forward so that you end up the
platform. The 5th sign will be on the platform.

Get S-K-A-T-E

S - Get the kicker 2 ledge gap at the start, and then from the ledge, jump onto
the rail. From the rail, jump onto the edge of the ramp, grabbing the
letter 'S' along the way.

K - Over the fountain in the middle area.

A - Near the truck with the ramp on it.

T - In the glass tunnel, near to the truck with the ramp on it.

E - There is a rail near the start of the level. Turn around from the start,
and jump up the kicker ramp that leads on to the street. Go left for a bit,
and then turn around and head back in the opposite direction. You should
notice a rail high up above where you started. Use the ramp to jump onto
the rail, grind it, and then get the letter 'E'.

Hidden Tape

Make your way around the level until you reach the truck with the ramp going up
it. Go up the ramp, and jump into the tunnel. Follow the tunnel along until you
arrive on the roof. Go through the little gap that leads to the next roof, and
get a lot of speed on the quarter-pipes. When you think you have enough speed,
jump the huge gap over to the roof with the bowls, grabbing the secret tape
along the way.

40,000 Points

Follow the same method as getting 15,000 points.


Downhill Jam - Phoenix

20,000 Points

You can get 3500+ points from the start if you do a fastplant + grab + spin +
flip trick over the big roll-in. From here, grind down the 1st rail that goes
over the water hazard gap, and then jump + flip trick onto the 2nd rail. Next,
head over to the huge half-pipe, and do as many flip tricks, spins, flips,
grinds and special moves as possible. It's possible to get 20,000+ points by
just doing tricks in the half-pipe! After the half-pipe, head down the course
until you are near the end of the level. There should be a half-pipe on either
side. Get lots of speed on the halfpipe, and when you are on the side of the
half-pipe that is not near the water, jump up and to the left. Hold the
triangle button and you should start grinding along a rail. Wait until you are
near the end of the 1st rail, and you should get the Neversoft Elec Co Gap.
Jump off the end of the rail, and do a flip trick + grab + spin, before landing
onto a grind on the 2nd rail. This is the 2nd Neversoft Elec Co Gap in one
trick! You can get 40,000+ scores easily with this combo!

Open 5 Valves

Valve 1 - On the two rails at the start.

Valve 2 - On the 2nd ramp with arrows on, near the letter 'S'.

Valve 3 - Just before the half-pipe, there is a ramp on the left side leading
up to a rail. The 3rd valve is on this rail.

Valve 4 - Follow the course until you get near the end. Here, you will find a
ramp that launches you up onto a big rock. On top of the big rock is
the 4th valve.

Valve 5 - At the end, you have a choice of taking the low path (to the left),
or the high path (to the right). Take the left path, but stay on the
right side. You should hopefully drop onto the 5th valve.

Get S-K-A-T-E

S - Just to the left of the two rails leading over the huge water hazard gap,
there is a ramp with red arrows on it. Go up this ramp, and jump slightly
to the left, to get the letter 'S'.

K - Near the start of the half-pipe, on the right side, there are two rails.
The letter 'K' is on the left rail.

A - Hovering over the quarter-pipe that is on top of the half-pipe.

T - Follow the course until you get near the end. Here, you will find a ramp
that launches you up onto a big rock. Go down the big rock, and you will
soon be at a ramp. Jump up the ramp, and you should get the letter 'T'.

E - Follow the course until you get right near the end. Right near the end,
there should be two quarter-pipes on either side of the track. Get lots of
speed, and when you feel you have enough height, aim for the rails way up
on that high platform. You should hopefully land on the rail. The letter
'E' should be about half-way across this rail.

Hidden Tape

Just before you get to the half-pipe, there is a slope going up to the left. Go
up this slope, and you should notice a rail leading off into the distance.
Grind this, and then skate along until you come to the next rail. You should
now be on a platform, with a gap in the middle. Ride up the ramp and curve at
the same time so that you end up of the other side of the gap. Fastplant up
onto the big mound type thing, and ride across it until you come to another
gap. Use the same method as before, and you should soon come to the end of the
path. Fastplant off the end of the path, and hold the grind button. You should
hopefully land on top of this structure with rails on it, getting the video
tape along the way.

40,000 Points

Follow the same method as getting 20,000 points.


Burnside - Portland - Competition 2

Yay, another competition! Unfortunatly, this one is much harder than the last
one! The judges are a lot more strict, and the skaters seem to have got a lot
better. Here are the places to get points:

1. At the beginning of the level! Yes, even that useless little half-pipe can
come in useful. Get lots of speed on it, and then launch yourself up to a
grind on the bridge for many points.

2. That little bowl in the far corner of this skatepark isn't bad either. It
has a huge vert wall, that is very useful. Try and do a flip on the vert
wall, and then hold the triangle button. It's possible to do a flip + grind.
Once you're grinding, add a few more points by doing a flip trick + grind +
flip trick + grind, etc.

3. The triple rail gap is useful if you do a flip trick in between each rail.
This competition is pretty difficult. Try and practice the level before
entering the competition.


Streets - San Francisco

25,000 Points

From the start, go up the slope on the right side, and do a fast plant onto the
rail. Do flip tricks all the way down the many rails to the street, and you can
end up getting 15000+ points! From here, head left, and you should spot a
really nice half-pipe. Do a few grabs, spins and flips on here, and you should
have no problem in getting over 25,000 points.

Wreck 5 Cop Cars

Car 1 - Turn left at the start, and there will be the 1st cop car.

Car 2 - Outside the donut shop, near the Lombard Gap.

Car 3 - Near the Bendy's Lip gap.

Car 4 - Near the entrance of Chinatown.

Car 5 - Very Near the 4th police car.

Get S-K-A-T-E

S - Go down Lombard Street at the beginning of the level, and then turn left.
Go up the slope where the green rail is, and the letter 'S' should be

K - Go up the slope at the beginning that leads to those rails. Slow down, and
drop down the 1st ledge. Drop down the 2nd ledge. Drop down the 3rd ledge.
Once you're on the 3rd ledge, turn right and smash through the glass.
There, will be the letter 'K'.

A - Enter chinatown, and the letter 'A' will be hovering over the gap between
two quarter-pipes.

T - Go straight down the street from Chinatown, and after a while, there will
be lots of trees on the right side. Go up the big grey planter, and jump
onto a grind on the ledge. Soon, you will smash through some glass and end
up in a secret room, with the letter 'T'.

E - After getting the letter 'T', go through the exit, and jump over the small
ledge to land on the street. You should notice a building that has some
flagpoles on the roof. Go up the quarter-pipe on the left side, and then
you should have enough speed to go up the slope and jump through the glass
to land in the building. In the building there is a bowl, and way up abover
the bowl, is the letter 'E'.

Hidden Tape

There are many ways to get the hidden tape, all of them are difficult. I'll
tell you the easiest way. Skate around the level until you get to the middle
area. There is a fountain in the middle area, and the fountian has a path going
down it. Jump up onto the path, and when you get to the end of it, jump. You
should hopefully land on a roof, and get the fountain gap. Jump over the gap to
get onto another roof, and then keep skating along until you arrive on the top
of a building. There is a huge wooden ramp up here. Go up the wooden ramp, and
then jump off the top of it. You should hopefully fall through a pagoda,
grabbing the hidden tape along the way.

50,000 Points

Follow the same method as getting 25,000 points. If you still can't get 50,000
points, head over to the hubba gap. Do a fastplant + special move over this a
few times, and you should easily get over 50,000 points.


Roswell - New Mexico

Possibly the best level in the game. It will take a lot of practice if you want
to get gold in this level. There are many places where you can get points:
There's the bowl, the two half-pipes, the low/high deck gaps, the ET grind, the
BHouse rail, etc. Even though there are so many places to get points, it
doesn't mean that this is an easy level. The skaters have now got very good,
and the judges are extremely mean. Practice as much as you can before entering
this competition. Good luck!


5. Gap List



Warehouse - Woodland Hills

Big Rail - Points vary

Somewhere in the level is a big green rail with a curve in it. Grind the whole
rail to get the 'Big Rail' gap. This is a pretty easy gap, but can get you a
lot of points depending on what tricks you do on it.

Channel Gap - 250 points

At the start of the level, you go down a rollin. At the end of the rollin, on
either side there is a quarter pipe. Jump from one quarter pipe, across the
rollin, and land on the other quarter pipe.

Deck 2 Rail - Points vary

Work your way around the level until you find the deck near the green rail. Get
a lot of speed from the quarter-pipe, and then jump from the deck to the rail.

Face Plant - Points vary

Go to the area where you got to the letter 'E' is in career mode. What you have
to do is launch from the ramp, and then fly all the way over to that wall and
crash into it. It helps if you do a wall ride so you can get the extra

High Rail - Points vary

Above the quarter pipe that lines the back of the warehouse is a high rail on
the wall. I used a fast plant to get up here, but it can be done just by
jumping onto it. You need to grind the whole rail for this gap, not just a part
of it.

Holy Shi... - Points vary

A very difficult gap. Grind the whole quarterpipe at the back of the warehouse.

Kicker 2 Ledge - 200 Points

Somewhere around the warehouse level you should find two small wooden ramps
facing each other with a small gap between them. Jump from the kicker ramp to
the small ledge.

Kicker Gap - 100 points

Somewhere around the warehouse level you should find two small wooden ramps
facing each other with a small gap between them. To do this gap, simply jump
from one ramp to the other.

Monster Grind - Points vary

To get this gap, grind along the high rail, jump onto the quarter-pipe and
grind along that, and then jump onto the green rail.

Over the Pipe - 300 points

Jump over the top of the half pipe.

Secret Room - 300 points

You know that room that is hanging above the half-pipe? What you have to do is
jump through into the room, and out of the other side without touching the
floor, and you will get the Secret Room gap. You cannot do this gap without
jumping over the half-pipe, so it counts the two gaps together.

Taxi 2 Rail - Points vary

Jump from the taxi, all the way over to the green rail where you get the Big
Rail gap.

Taxi Gap - 600 points

Get a lot of speed from the quarter-pipe that goes across the back of the
warehouse, and then jump from the taxi all the way into the half-pipe.

Transition Grind - Points vary

Go to the area where you got to the letter 'E' is in career mode. What you have
to do is launch from the quarter pipe, and then fly all the way over to a grind
on the ramp near the wall.


School - Miami

Ditch Slap - 250 Points

There are a few footbirdges in the schoolyard that lead over a ditch. The aim
of this gap is to jump over the ditch. There are a couple of ramps to help you.

Dumpster Rail Gap - Points vary

Go around the back of the school and you will see a rail leading up some
garbage, and then another rail going down some garbage. What you have to do is
to grind up one of the rails, jump over the gap, and then grind down the other

Funbox To Rail Transfer - Points vary

There are two ways of doing this gap: The first Funbox to Rail Transfer is near
the huge sign. To do this gap, just jump from the funbox onto the quarter-pipe.
For the other gap, go down that hill next to the Long Ass Rail planter. At the
bottom of the hill you should see a ramp. Go over the ramp at full speed, and
jump from the ramp onto the rail.

Funbox To Table Transfer - Points vary

Near the huge sign, jump from the funbox onto the picnic table.

Garbage Ollie - 50 Points

Go around the back of the gym and ollie over the garbage.

Gimme Gap - Points vary

You can do this straight from the start. You know the canopy that you're
skating on as soon as you begin the level? Well, ride off of that and grind the
planter. Easy!

Hall Pass Gap - Points Vary

Hmm, this is one of the harder gaps to do. Opposite the Long Ass Rail planter,
there is a grass area. At the end of the grass area there is a rail. Grind up
the rail and at the end of that, jump off and start grinding along the planter.
This is a difficult gap to do, so don't give up if you can't do it straight

Handicap Ramp Rail - Points vary

Grind the long green rail near the start of the level for this gap.

Kicker Gap - 100 Points

Grind down the long green rail near the start of the level, and you will soon
come to two wooden ramps with a gap between them. (In career mode, they are the
ramps that have the letter 'K' floating above them). Jump over the gap between
the ramps to get this gap.

Long Ass Rail - Points vary

Grind the long planter that leads down to the pools for this gap. I have found
out that it is also possible to grind the left planter and get the same gap,
although that is much harder.

Mini Gap - 250 Points

There are two ways of doing this gap: This mini gap is up on the roof. There is
a small gap between the quarter pipes that you can jump over to get this gap.
The other gap is near the letter 'A'. This gap is similar to the Park Gap, but
is slightly smaller. Just jump from one ramp to the other.

Over A Footbridge - 1000 Points

Go down into the ditch. You should notice that there are a few ramps in the
ditch. To get this gap, use the ramps to jump over the footbridge.

Over The Air Conditioner - 750 Points

Make your way up onto the rooftop, and you will see a big green air conditioner
in one corner. Use the ramp on one side to help you jump over the air

Park Gap - 500 Points

This gap is very near the Kicker Gap. When you have done the Kicker Gap, turn
slightly to the right and you should see two quarter pipes with a large gap
between them. Jump over the gap.

Playground Rail - Points vary

In the schoolyard there is a huge sign. To get this gap you have to launch onto
to grind along the top of the sign.

Rail To Rail Transfer - Points vary

There are two ways of doing this gap: This gap is near the ditch. Grind along
the planter, jump over the ditch, and carry on grinding along the other
The other way is to jump from a grind along the planter, onto a grind on the
quarter pipe leading to the pools.

Roof To Awning Gap - 750 Points

Skate your way up onto the top of the air conditioner on the roof. What you
have to do for this gap is to jump from the air conditioner onto the green

Roof To Roof Gap - 500 Points

For this gap, jump from the roof with the air conditioner to the roof with all
the point bonuses on.

Swim Team Gap - 1000 Points

Jump from one of the swimming pools to the other.


Mall - New York

32 Steps Off A Mezzanine - 2500 points

Near the end of the level, there is a huge set of stairs. To get this gap, you
need to jump from the mezzanine, all the way down the 32 steps. The easiest way
to do this gap is to fastplant from the mezzanine onto a wallride on one of the
walls, and then jump about halfway down.

Coffee Grind - Points vary

Go to the left of the escalator near the start, and soon you will come to a big
green rail. Grind the whole thing for this gap.

For The Whole Atrium - Points vary

Near the end of the level, there are two huge ledges on either side. Grind
along one of the ledges for this gap.

Fountain Gap - 250 Points

There are two ways of doing this gap: Take the first escalator up, jump onto
the platform, jump onto the other platform and now you're set up to do the gap.
To do the gap, simply jump into the fountain. To do the other Fountain Gap,
jump out of the fountain and onto the platform.

Going Down Gap - 250 Points

After jumping the 16 stairs, you will come to an area with two elevators. Jump
over the elevator to get this gap.

Going Up Gap - 250 Points

Jump over the other elevator for this gap.

Over A 16 Stair Set - 250 Points

This gap is just after the Coffee Grind. Just jump the stairs to get this easy

Over A Huge 32 Stair Gap - 2000 Points

Near the end of the level, there is a huge set of stairs. Jump the whole lot
from the lower level.

Planter Gap - 100 Points

When you leave that rampy bit near the start, go to the right of the escalator
and you will see three planters. To get the planter gap, just jump from one
planter to the other. You will get a lot more points if you grind from one
planter to the other.

Rail Combo - Points vary

Go up the first escalator near the start, and you should notice two short poles
sticking out of the left and right sides of the escalator. If you take the
right pole, you will drop onto the planter. If you take the left pole, you will
drop onto the Coffee grind. For this gap, I suggest taking the left pole as it
will get you many more points.

Skater Escalator Gap - 500 Points

About halfway through the level, near the pizza shop, there is an escalator
leading down. Jump the whole thing for this gap.

The Flying Leap - 100 Points

One of the highest jumps in the Mall. After doing the Coffee Grind, instead of
jumping over the 16 stairs, go up the escalator and jump over the wall.


Skate Park - Chicago - Competition 1

Acid Drop - 1000 Points

To get this gap, you have to jump from the walkway into the pool. You have to
land on the slope of the pool. If you land on the flat part of the pool, you
won't get this gap.

HP Transfer - 250 Points

Head straight from the start and grind the rail to get lots of speed, and then
jump from the small quarter-pipe all the way onto the half-pipe. The other way
to do this gap is to jump from the half-pipe onto the quarter-pipe. You get the
same amount of points whatever way you do it.

Light Grind - Points vary

Use the quarter-pipe opposite the half-pipe to jump onto a grind on the light.
This is quite a difficult gap as the light is so small.

Over The Box - 100 Points

Behind the big half-pipe there is a big quarter-pipe. Get a lot of speed from
the quarter-pipe, and then jump over the whole platform near the rails.

Over The Pipe - Points vary

Use the big quarter-pipe to jump all the way over the half-pipe for this gap.

Over The Rafters - Points vary

To do this gap, you need a lot of speed. What you aim to do is to launch off
the big quarter-pipe, but don't grind the rafters, instead jump over them.

Pipe 2 Box Grind - Points vary

Jump from the half-pipe, all the way to the little black and yellow rail. This
is very difficult to do.

Pool 2 Walkway - 700 Points

Go to the pool again, and get a bit of height, and then jump from the pool onto
the walkway.

Pool Hip - 500 Points

Make your way over to the big blue pool, and get quite a lot of air. To get
this gap, jump from the pool, over the platform, and then land on the other
side of the pool.

Pool Rail Trans - Points vary

Skate your way over to the pool, get a lot of air, and then jump from the pool
all the way over to a grind on one of the green rails. The other way to do this
gap is to jump from the pool onto the little quarterpipe near the green rails.

Rafter Rail - Points vary

Get lots of speed on the quarter-pipe near to where you start. Next, fastplant
on the quarter-pipe opposite the half-pipe and jump up onto a grind on the

Transfer - 200 Points

Probably the most simple gap in the level. Just jump over the platform that
seperates the big quarter-pipe from the half-pipe.

Walkway Rail Trans - Points vary

You know that walkway behind you when you start? Well, first of all, you have
to get onto that. To do this, use the small quarter-pipe near the green rails
to launch yourself onto the walkway. To get this gap, jump off of the walkway
and land onto a grind on one of the green rails.

Wall Gap - 100 Points

The wall near the start of the level has two levels to it, a high level and a
low level. Jump over the high level of the wall to get this gap.

Whoop Gap - 1000 Points

There is a place in the level with two green rails, and a ramp going up either
side of them. To get this gap you have to jump from one ramp, over the green
rails, and then land over the other ramp.


Downtown - Minneapolis

Big Ass - 1500 Points

Head to the truck with the ramp on it. In this area, there are two huge
quarter-pipes with a bend in them. What you have to do, is to get a lot of
speed from one of these quarter-pipes, and then head straight forward. You
should notice a kind of purple platform thing with two point bonuses hovering
above it. The platform has two levels to it. A lower and a higher level. What
you have to do for this gap is to jump from the lower level right through the

Billboard Grind - Points vary

To do this tricky little gap, go up to the rooftops and go onto the rooftop
that is surrounded by quarter-pipes. Now, there are three ways to exit this
roof top other than jumping over the quarter-pipe. The 1st way is to jump over
the street and land on the roof with the pool. The 2nd way is to go over that
little ramp to get to the roof with the glass surrounding all the planters, and
the third way is to jump over a small ramp and to land in that big television.
However, that big television is just the thing you need to do this gap. When
you leave the ramp, aim slightly to the right, jump over the street and land on
the grind rail just under the television.

BS Gap - 500 Points

Instead of grinding the bus stop, use the little ramps to launch over them.

BS Grind - Points vary

Around Minneapolis there are many bus stops. Grind one of the bus stops for
this gap.

Burly Deck Gap - 2500 Points

Go to the triangular platform. For this gap, you have to jump over the widest
part of the platform. Not an easy gap to do.

Car Ollie - 100 Points

There are many stationary cars around Minneapolis. Ollie over one of the parked
cars for this gap.

Car Plant - 1000 Points

There are many extremely speedy taxis zooming their way around Minnapolis. Jump
over one of the taxis for this gap.

Cheesy Deck Gap - 50 Points

There's a place in Minneapolis which is kind of like a triangular platform.
It's near a No Skating sign. Anyway, to get this gap, you have to jump over the
most narrow part of the triangular platform.

Death Grind - Points vary

To do this gap, head up to the rooftops and get to the roof with the pool on
it. Now you should notice that there is a big ramp leading off one corner of
the roof. What you have to do is to go off this ramp, and jump all the way down
to a grind on the rail. This is one of the hardest gaps in this level.

Deck Gap - 250 Points

Go to the triangular platform. For this gap you have to jump over the middle
part of the platform.

Dirty Rail - Points vary

From the start of the level, go to the end of the street and turn right at the
corner. Next go all the way to the top of the hill and get some speed off of
the quarter-pipe. Next, go down the hill and at the bottom there is a big ramp.
Jump over this and land onto a grind on the big rail leading down into the
centre area.

Glass Gap - 750 Points

To do this gap, head to the truck with the ramp on it. Now in this area, there
are two huge quarter-pipes with a bend in them. What you have to do, is to get
a lot of speed from one of these quarter-pipes, and then head straight forward.
You should notice a kind of purple platform thing with two point bonuses
hovering above it. The platform has two levels to it. A lower and a higher
level. What you have to do for this gap is to jump from the higher level right
through the glass.

Kicker 2 Edge - Points vary

Straight ahead of you when you start the level, jump from the kicker ramp onto
the small ledge and start grinding it.

Kicker 2 Street - 100 Points

Use the kicker ramp near the start of the level to launch you onto the street.

Kicker Gap - 100 Points

There are two kicker gaps in this level: One is straight ahead of you when you
start, jump over the small gap between the ramps. The other kicker gap is
slightly to the left of the first kicker gap at the start of the level.

Phat Gap - 2500 points

This is the hardest gap in the game. Much harder than the Holy Shi... Grind in
the Warehouse level. What you have for this gap is to jump over one of the
pathways that surround the centre area. This may not sound too difficult, but
it is.

Rail 2 Rail Transfer - Points vary

Near the triangular platform there are two sloping rails. To get this gap you
have to grind up one of the rails, air the gap over the platform, and then
grind down the other rail.

Roof 2 Roof - 2000 Points

Make your way up onto the rooftops. To get this gap, jump from the roof with
all the quarter-pipes on it, all the way over to the roof with the pool on it.

Secret Tunnel Entrance - 500 Points

Get up onto the street that is behind you when you start by using the kicker
gap and then turn left, you should soon notice a green tunnel above you. The
objective of this gap is to get speed off of the quarter-pipe and then use the
big ramp to launch you into the tunnel.

Sucky Room Gap - 1500 Points

Work your way to the rooftop with the glass all around some planters. What you
have to do for this gap is to jump from the small ramp, all the way over the
street, to land in the room with the 500 point bonus in it.

T 2 T Gap - 500 Points

Use the kicker ramp at the start of the level to get launched up onto the
street, take a left and follow the street until you see the truck with a ramp
on it. Go up the ramp and jump into the tunnel.

Transfer - 200 Points

Near the big truck with the ramp on it that leads into the tunnel, there are
two long blue quarter-pipes. To get this gap, jump from one quarter-pipe, over
the small platform, and then land near the other quarter-pipe.

Truck Gap - 250 Points

Somewhere around the centre area of the level, there is a big truck with two
ramps leading up either side of it. Use one of the ramps to jump over the

Tunnel Gap - 1000 Points

This is similar to the Secret Tunnel Entrance transfer, but is a little harder.
What you have to is to get speed, but aim to jump over the tunnel instead of
through it. A fun gap to do.

Wimpy Gap - 250 Points

There are lots of planters surrounding the centre area. Use one of them to jump
out of the centre area and land on the path above.


Downhill Jam - Phoenix

25/50/75/100 Feet - Points vary

Follow the course until you get near the end. Here, you will find a ramp that
launches you up onto a big rock. Follow the rock down and through the tunnel,
when you get to the ramp at the end of the tunnel, jump.

Huge Water Hazard Gap - 1000 Points

Go to the part in the level where there are two big green rails that lead over
the river. To get this gap, you have to jump over the whole river. It helps if
you use the big ramp to the left of the rails to launch yourself over the

Neversoft Elec Co Gap - Points vary

Follow the course until you get right near the end. Right near the end, there
should be two quarter-pipes on either side of the track. Get lots of speed, and
when you feel you have enough height, aim for the rails way up on that high
platform. Grind to the end of the rail, and keep the grind button held down.
When you come to the end of the first rail, you should drop off and land on the
second rail.


Burnside - Portland - Competition 2

Bridge Gap - 1000 Points

There is one big bridge in the middle of Burnside. To get the Bridge Gap, you
have to jump over one of the bridges.

Bridge Grind - Points vary

To get this gap, grind on one of the bridges.

Over Da Pool - 800 Points

Get lots of air from the ramps that are scattered throughout Burnside, and then
jump over the entire eyeball pool.

Triple Rail - Points vary

There's always one difficult gap in every stage. Well, here's the difficult gap
in Burnside. After exploring around for a while, you should notice three grey
planters that seem to be in odd places. To get this gap, grind one of the
planters, jump to the next planter and grind that, and then jump to the final
planter and grind that. Not an easy task.

Twinkie Transfer - Points vary

After exploring around Burnside for a bit, you should soon notice a kind of
lump that is sticking out of the floor. To get this gap, jump from the lump
into the bowl with the big vert wall by it (not the eyeball bowl).

Vert Wall Gap - 700 Points

Make your way over to the eyeball pool. Get a bit of air, and then jump over
the vertical wall.


Streets - San Francisco

Acid Drop-In - 1000 Points

From the start, head down Lombard Street and then take a left. You should
notice a strange looking half-pipe in this area. Get a lot of speed on the
half-pipe, and then jump onto that big concrete ledge high up above the half-
pipe. To do the gap, you have to jump from the big concrete ledge and land on
the half-pipe.

Backwoods Ledge - Points vary

Near the planters, there is a big yellow ledge with a lot of trees near it.
Jump up onto the ledge and grind the whole thing for this gap.

Bendy's Lip - Points vary

Go down Lombard Street, turn left, and then start to follow the road for a
while. You should soon notice a police car, and near that there is a big
quarter-pipe with bends in it. Grind the whole quarter-pipe for this gap.

C Block Gap - 500 Points

In the middle area of this level, there is an octagon shaped object. Use the
small ramp to launch over the octagon for this gap.

Down The Spiral - Points vary

Near the hidden bowl area, there is a spiral structure. Going down the spiral,
there is a ledge. Grind down the whole ledge for this gap.

Fountain Gap - 750 Points

As you explore the middle area of this level, you should notice that there is a
big fountain in this area. Look at the fountain and you will see that there is
a kind of path that you can jump into. Jump onto the path, and ride along it
until you're near the end. When you're at the end of the path, use jump off and
land on the big path that leads around the building.

Handi Gap - 1000 Points

This gap is near the donut shop area, which is near the big set of stairs.
Anyway, in this area there is a pathway for wheelchairs. What you have to do is
to use the quarter-pipes on either side to launch yourself over the pathway.

Hook Rail - Points vary

From the start, head down Lombard Street and then take a left. A big half-pipe
is in this area. Head past the half-pipe and you should notice a big curvy
green rail with kinks in it. To get this gap, grind the whole rail.

Hubba Gap - 750 Points

To get this gap, you have to use the ramps to launch yourself over the kinked
ledges, and land on the other side.

Hubba Ledge - Points vary

Head to the the place where you would normally gring the Hook Rail. In this
area, there is a kinked planter. To get this gap, you have to grind down the
kinked planter.

Lombard Gap - 5000 Points

The hardest gap in San Francisco. What you have to do is to get a lot of speed
on the quarter-pipe, and then jump over all of Lombard Street. This is a very
hard gap, and requires a lot of speed. You need to use the small ramp at the
top of Lombard Street to get this gap.

Lombard Ledge - Points vary

Skate along from the start, and you will soon come to a big slope. This big
slope is Lombard Street. At the left side of Lombard Street there is a huge
ledge. Grind the whole ledge to get this gap.

Over The Seven - 100 Points

You know that concrete that you jump over in order to get the Spine Gap? Well,
get onto that, and skate along it, and you should soon notice that there are
seven steps at the end of it. To get this gap, jump over the seven steps.

Oversized 8 Set - 500 Points

After the Porch Gap, you can jump up the ramp straight in front of you and land
on the other side of the wall. You should see a handrail and a big set of
stairs. For this gap, jump over the big set of stairs.

Pagoda Gap - 1000 Points

After doing the Fountain Gap, follow the pathways around the buildings until
you get to the highest rooftop. Here, you should notice a big wooden ramp. Go
up this ramp and jump off of it. You should land in the pagoda.

Planter Gap - 500 Points

Near the sprial structure, there are some planters. Jump over one of the
planters for this gap.

Porch Gap - 250 Points

Follow the instructions for the Street Gap, but for this gap take a left. You
will go down a small path and will soon be presented with two big steps with a
point bonus floating over them. For this gap, jump over the two big steps.

Rail 2 Rail - Points vary

This gap is near the hidden bowl. Just jump from the rail to the other rail.

Ramp 2 Ramp - 500 Points

There are two Ramp 2 Ramp gaps in this level: Near the hidden bowl there is a
quarter-pipe with a big gap in it. Jump from the quarter-pipe, over the gap and
land on the other quarter-pipe. In the Chinatown area, there is a quarter-pipe
with a gap in it. Jump over the gap.

Spine Gap - 1000 Points

This gap is near the hidden bowl area. Around this area, you should notice a
small wooden ramp which has a planter on either side of it. What you have to
do, is to get a lot of speed from the quarter-pipe, and then launch over this
small little ramp, and hopefully clear all the concrete and land on the red

Street Gap - 500 Points

Enter Chinatown, and go to the end of the tram lines. From here, turn around so
that you're facing down the street. You will notice that there are three ways
to go. Going down the street will exit Chinatown, going left will lead you down
these two big steps, and going right will lead you down the path with the rail.
Take the right path, and jump through the glass and over the street for this

The Gonz Gap - 500 Points

This gap is very near the Over The Seven gap. You know that wall that you jump
over for the Spine Gap? Well, that's the wall that you have to get onto. When
you're on the wall. Skate towards the spiral structure. Next, turn around. You
should still be on the wall. Next, skate forwards and when you get to the curve
in the wall, jump off and over the two small steps. You can also get The Gonz
Gap by grinding along the wall and landing above the two small steps.


Roswell - New Mexico

BHouse Rail - Points vary

From the start, go left and follow the platform along. You will soon come to a
rail that has stripes on it. Grind the whole rail for this gap.

Channel Gap - 500 Points

The first channel gap is by the entrance to the pool room. Just jump over the
gap between the quarter-pipes. The last channel gap is in the pool room. Just
jump over the gap in the pool.

Deck Gap - 1500 Points

From the start, get on top of the platform by the short half-pipe. You will now
be on a big platform. Look around, and you will see that there is a quarter
pipe at one end, two launch ramps, and one big kinked rail. For this gap, you
need to get a lot of speed on the quarter-pipe, and then jump off one of the
launch ramps and clear the whole deck.

Deck Grind - Points vary

Go up to the big blue platform again, but instead of clearing the deck, use the
launch ramp to jump all the way onto the last part of the kinked rail.

ET Grind - Points vary

Near the short half-pipe, there are three rails. Grind all three of them to get
this gap.

High Deck Gap - 1000 Points

Jump from one of the half-pipes, all the way to the other half-pipe.

Low Deck Gap - 500 Points

Use the ramp near the short half-pipe to launch yourself over the low part of
the deck and land near the long half-pipe.

MB Emerson Grind - Points vary

The hardest grind in Roswell! What you have to do is to get up onto that big
blue platform again, but for this gap you have to jump over the quarter-pipe,
and land on the BHouse Rail.

Pool Grind - Points vary

There are two ways to do this gap. The first way is to grind around the whole
pool. This is pretty hard to do. The other way is to grind the pool near the
channel gap, jump over the channel, and then continue grinding around the pool.
This is much easier, and gets you a lot more points.

Roll In Channel Gap - 1000 Points

Jump over the rollin at the start of the level for this gap.


6. Frequently Asked Questions


Q. I've heard that if you get 1,000,000 points on each level, you get an
amazing secret. Is this true?

A. No. The only interesting thing that happens when you get 1,000,000 points is
that you get 6 flashing zeros. Nothing else happens apart from this.

Q. How do I play as Private Carrera?

A. While playing any level, pause the game, hold L1, and press Triangle, Up,
Triangle, Up, Circle, Up, Left, Triangle (TUTUCULT). You will then be able
to play as Private Carrera.

Q. What is that window on the wall near the beginning of the Phoenix level? Is
it a secret room?

A. No, it's not. There are lots of little extras like this in the game, such as
the fire doors in the Warehouse and Mall levels, or the grate in the school
level. They look like they lead to some secret part of the level but they
really don't, which is a shame really.

Q. How do I do the Phat Gap in Minneapolis?

A. To do the Phat Gap, skate to the centre section of Minneapolis, where the
fountain is. If you look around the fountain area, you can see that there
are two pathways leading out of this area. If you look on either side of the
pathways, you can see that there is a purple slope, which leads up to a
platform. Skate up the purple slope and you will arrive on the platform. To
get the Phat Gap, you have to jump from the platform, over the pathway, and
land on the other platform. Good luck, this is the hardest gap in the game!

Q. I can't seem to do the Christ Air with Tony, but it was in the demo! Why is

A. Certain things, such as Tony Hawk's Christ Air, were taken out of the demo.
Not that it really matters though, as it is one of Rune Glifberg's special

Q. How do I do Tony Hawk's 900?

A. Tony Hawk's 900 is a very difficult special move to do, as you need so much
air. It helps if you have the stats * 13 and special always available cheats
on. The best place to do it is either the half-pipe at Chicago skatepark, or
the half-pipe at Roswell.


7. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2000-2003 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way.

The latest version of this document can be found at

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Short Move List FAQ

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Alles freischalten

13.Oktober 2013
Chicago Skatepark Replay mit einem nahezu 250.000 Punkte Run.

12.Oktober 2013
Ein Replay eines 1.000.000 Punkte Run im Downtown Level.

12.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Transfer Listing FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Transfer FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Big Score FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
Cheats 2
10.Oktober 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector for the US Version

17.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Hinweis
10.Oktober 2008
High Score FAQ

Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020