Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

16.10.2013 22:23:26
Transfer FAQ
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater transfer listing

Game: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Developer: Neversoft
Last updated: 3/11/2000
Version: 4.0
Author of transfer listing: Tom Hayes

Version History

version 1.0

Created the transfer listing

version 2.0

Decided to make the transfer listing into an FAQ.

version 3.0

Decided that I should make two seperate guides. One of the guides, is
the transfer transfer listing you are reading at the moment, and the
other guide is the actual FAQ.
I added the last transfer that I have found (Taxi 2 Rail). The transfer
listing is now complete! If you need help with the game, or want to send
me an e-mail, please go to the FAQ.


Changed, added and deleted parts of this FAQ to make it more readable.


Welcome to my transfer listing for Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. Originally,
this was going to be an FAQ for the game, but I have decided that
transfers are so fun to do in THPS, that I should just write a transfer
listing. I have written TWO guides for this game. One of them is the
transfer listing you are reading now, and the other is the actual FAQ.
If you want to send any comments, questions or high scores, then please
read the FAQ, as this is ONLY a transfer listing! This will be the last
update for the transfer listing, although the FAQ is far from finished

The Transfer Listing

Warehouse - Woodland Hills

Big Rail : Points vary
Somewhere in the level is a big green rail with a curve in it. Grind the
whole rail to get the 'Big Rail' transfer. This is a pretty easy
transfer, but can get you a lot of points depending on what tricks you
do on it.

Channel Gap : 250 points
You know those two big roll-ins at the start? well on either side of
them are some ramps. Jump from one of the ramps over the roll-in to land
on the other ramp.

Deck 2 Rail : Points vary
Work your way around the level until you find the deck near the green
rail. Get a lot of speed from the quarter-pipe, and then jump from the
deck to the rail.

Face Plant : Points vary
Right then, you know where the letter 'E' is when you play career mode?
Well, what you have to do is launch from the ramp, and then fly all the
way over to that wall and crash into it. It helps if you do a wall ride
so you can get extra distance.

High Rail : Points vary
Above the quarter pipe that lines the back of the warehouse is a high
rail on the wall. I used a fast plant to get up here, but it can be done
just by jumping onto it. What you have to do is to grind the whole rail,
not just a bit of it. And that is how you get this transfer.

Holy Shi... : Points vary
A very difficult transfer. Grind the whole quarterpipe at the back of
the warehouse.

Kicker 2 Ledge : 200 Points
Jump from the Kicker ramp to the small ledge.

Kicker Gap : 100 points
Somewhere around the warehouse level you should find two little wooden
ramps facing each other. To do this transfer simply jump from one ramp
to the other.

Monster Grind : Points vary
What you have to do, is grind along the high rail, jump onto the
quarter-pipe and grind along that, and then jump onto the green rail.
Remember, this is all one trick! This is very hard to do, and will take
you a while to master. This will get you at least 10000 points! Have fun

Over the Pipe : 300 points
You know that half-pipe? Well, what you have to do is jump over it. Not
a hard task really, which is why you only get awarded 300 points. This
is really fun to do and it looks amazing when you do it with Tony Hawk's
Kickflip McTwist!!!

Over the Pipe + Secret Room : 1200 points
Right then, you know that room that is hanging above the half-pipe? What
you have to do is jump through into the room, and out of the other side
without touching the floor, and you will get the Secret Room transfer.
You cannot do this transfer without jumping over the half-pipe, so it
counts the two transfers together, which is why it gives you 1200

Taxi 2 Rail : Points vary
Jump from the taxi, all the way over to the green rail where you get the
Big Rail transfer.

Taxi Gap : 600 points
Ah good, a difficult gap at last. Get a lot of speed from the quarter-
pipe that lines the back of the room, and jump from the taxi into the
half-pipe. This is a well earned 600 points.

Transition Grind : Points vary
Do the same as above, but this time instead of crashing into the wall,
grind the ramp.

School - Miami

Ditch Slap : 250 Points
There are a few footbirdges in the schoolyard that lead over a ditch.
The aim of this transfer is to jump over the ditch. There are a couple
of ramps to help you.

Dumpster Rail Gap : Points vary
Go around the back of the school and you will see a rail leading up some
garbage, and then another rail going down some garbage. What you have to
do is to grind up one of the rails, jump, and then grind down the other
rail. A very fun transfer to do.

Funbox To Rail Transfer : Points vary
Go down that hill next to the Long Ass Rail planter. At the bottom of
the hill you should see a ramp. Go over the ramp at full speed, and jump
from the ramp onto the rail.
The other Funbox to Rail Transfer is near the huge sign. To do this
transfer, just jump from the funbox onto the quarter-pipe.

Funbox To Table Transfer : Points vary
Near the huge sign, jump from the funbox onto the picnic table.

Garbage Ollie : 50 Points
Just go around the back of the school and ollie over the garbage.

Gimme Gap : Points vary
A very easy gap to do if I do say so myself. You can do this straight
from the start. You know the canopy that you're skating on as soon as
you begin the level? Well, ride off of that and grind the planter. Easy!

Hall Pass Gap : Points Vary
Hmm, this is one of the harder gaps to do. You know the Long Ass Rail?
Well opposite that, there is a grass area. At the end of the grass area
there is a rail. Grind up the rail and at the end of that, jump off and
start grinding along the planter. This is a difficult transfer to do, so
don't give up if you can't do it straight away.

Handicap Ramp Rail : Points vary
As soon as you have done the Gimme Gap, turn left and you will see a
long green rail. (In career mode, it is the rail that has the letter 'S'
over it. Grind the whole rail to get this transfer.

Kicker Gap : 100 Points
As soon as you have done the Handicap Ramp Rail, follow the path and
jump the gap between the two ramps. (In career mode, they are the ramps
that have the letter 'K' floating above them.

Long Ass Rail : Points vary
Right then, you know that long planter that leads down to the pools?
Well what you have to do is grind the whole thing. Actually, I have
found out that it is also possible to grind the left planter and get the
same transfer, although that is much harder.

Mini Gap : 250 Points
This gap is near the letter 'A', and is similar to the Park Gap, but
there is a shorter gap. Just jump from one ramp to the other.
There is also a mini gap on the roof. There is a little gap between the
ramps that you can jump over to get this transfer.

Over A Footbridge : 1000 Points
Go down into the ditch for this transfer. You'll notice that there are a
few ramps in the ditch. What you have to do is use the ramps to jump
over the footbridge.

Over The Air Conditioner : 750 Points
Make your way up onto the rooftop, and you will see a big green air
conditioner in one corner. Use the ramp on one side to help you fly over
the air conditioner.

Park Gap : 500 Points
This gap is very near the Kicker Gap. When you have done the Kicker Gap,
turn gently to the right and you will see a ramp, a gap, and another
ramp. Simply jump from one ramp to the other ramp to get the Park Gap.

Playground Rail : Points vary
In the schoolyard there is a huge sign. To get this transfer you have to
grind along the top of the sign.

Rail To Rail Transfer : Points vary
To do this transfer, grind along the planter, jump over the ditch, and
carry on grinding along the other planter.
The other Rail To Rail Transfer is near the other one. Just grind along
the planter, and then jump and grind along the quarter pipe.

Roof To Awning Gap : 750 Points
Skate your way up onto the top of the air conditioner. What you have to
do, is jump from the air conditioner, onto the green awning.

Roof To Roof Gap : 500 Points
As it says. Simply jump from the roof with the air conditioner, to the
roof with all those point bonuses on.

Swim Team Gap : 1000 Points
Jump from one of the swimming pools, to the other.

Mall - New York

32 Steps Off A Mezzanine : Points Unknown
The hardest transfer to do in the mall. As far as I know, it's not
possible to actually jump all of the steps from the mezzanine. The way I
do it is to fastplant to a wallride onto one of the walls, and then jump
about halfway down.

Coffee Grind : Points vary
Go to the left of the escalator near the start, and soon you will come
to a big green rail. Grind the whole thing.

For The Whole Atrium : Points vary
Near the end of the level, there are two huge ledges on either side.
Grind along one of these ledges for this transfer.

Fountain Gap : 250 Points
Take the first escalator up, jump onto the platform, jump onto the other
platform and now you're set up to do the transfer. To do the transfer,
simply jump into the fountain.
To do the other Fountain Gap transfer, jump out of the fountain and onto
the platform. The Fountain Gap transfer sets you nicely up for the
Flying Leap.

Going Down Gap : 250 Points
After jumping the 16 stairs, you will come to an area with two
elevators. Jump over the elevator to get this transfer.

Going Up Gap : 250 Points
Jump over the other elevator for this transfer.

Over A 16 Stair Set : 250 Points
This transfer is just after the Coffee Grind. Just jump the stairs to
get this easy transfer.

Over A Huge 32 Stair Gap : 2000 Points
Right near the end, there is a huge set of stairs. Jump the whole lot
from the lower level.

Planter Gap : 100 Points
When you leave that rampy bit near the start, go to the right of the
escalator and you will see three planters. To get the planter gap, just
jump from one planter to the other. You will get a lot more points if
you grind from one planter to the other.

Rail Combo : Points vary
Go up the first escalator near the start, and if you should notice two
short poles sticking out of the left and right sides of the escalator.
If you take the right pole, you will drop onto the planter. If you take
the left pole, you will drop onto the Coffee grind. For this transfer, I
suggest taking the left pole as it will get you loads more points.

Skater Escalator Gap : 500 Points
About halfway through the level, near the pizza shop, there is an
escalator leading down. Jump the whole thing for this fun transfer.

The Flying Leap : 100 Points
One of the highest jumps in the Mall. After doing the Coffee Grind,
instead of jumping over the 16 stairs, go up the escalator and jump over
the wall.

Skate Park - Chicago

Acid Drop : 1000 Points
To get this strange transfer, you have to jump from the walkway into the
pool, but you have to land on the slope of the pool. If you land on the
flat part of the pool, then you won't get this transfer.

HP Transfer : 250 Points
Head straight from the start and grind the rail to get lots of speed,
and then jump from that small quarter-pipe all the way onto the half-
pipe. A nice little transfer to do.
The other way to do this transfer is to jump from the half-pipe onto the
quarter-pipe. You get the same amount of points whatever way you do it.

Light Grind : Points vary
Use the quarter-pipe near opposite the half-pipe to jump onto the light.
This is quite a difficult transfer as the light is so small.

Over The Box : 100 Points
Behind the big half-pipe there is a big quarter-pipe. Gain a lot of
speed from the quarter-pipe, and then jump over the whole platform near
the rails.

Over The Pipe : Points Unknown
Use the big quarter-pipe to jump all the way over the half-pipe for this

Over The Rafters : Points Unknown
To do this transfer, you need a lot of speed. What you aim to do is to
launch off the big quarter-pipe, but don't grind the rafters, instead
jump over them.

Pipe 2 Box Grind : Points vary
Jump from the half-pipe, all the way to the little black and yellow
rail. This is so hard, I have only managed it a few times. Keep
practicing this transfer.

Pool 2 Walkway : 700 Points
Go to the pool again, and get a bit of height, and then jump from the
pool onto the walkway.

Pool Hip : 500 Points
Make your way over to the big blue pool, and get quite a lot of air.
What you aim to do, is to jump over the hip of the pool. That is, jump
from the pool, over that bit of platform, and then land on the other
side of the pool. Easy!

Pool Rail Trans : Points vary
One of the hardest transfers in the level. Skate your way over to the
pool, get a lot of air, and then jump from the pool all the way over to
a grind on one of the green rails.
The other way to do this transfer is to jump from the pool onto the
little quarterpipe near the green rails.

Rafter Rail : Points vary
Get lots of speed on the quarter-pipe near to where you start. Next,
fastplant on the quarter-pipe opposite the half-pipe and aim to grind on
the rafters. Probably the most fun transfer to do in the game.

Transfer : 200 Points
Probably the most simple transfer in the level. Just jump over the
platform that seperates the big quarter-pipe from the half-pipe.

Walkway Rail Trans : Points vary
You know that walkway behind you when you start? Well, first of all, you
have to get onto that. To do this, use the small quarter-pipe near the
green rails to launch yourself onto the walkway. Now go along a short
way and then jump off the walkway and jump to a grind on one of the
green rails.

Wall Gap : 100 Points
You know that grind at the beginning of the level? Well, it has two
levels to it, a high level and a low level. To get this transfer you
have to jump over the high level of it. You don't get anything for
jumping the low level.

Whoop Gap : 1000 Points
There is a place in the level with two green rails, and a ramp going up
either side of them. To get this transfer you have to jump over one of
the green rails by using the ramps at either side.

Downtown - Minneapolis

Big Ass : 1500 Points
For this transfer, go to the purple platform again, but this time jump
from the lower platform all the way to the glass. This is a lot harder
than the glass gap, but if you're lucky you can get the Big Ass + Glass
Gap transfer which = 4500 points. Add a spin and a grab to this and you
could easily be scoring over 10000 points.

Billboard Grind : Points vary
To do this tricky little transfer, go up to the rooftops and go onto the
rooftop that is surrounded by quarter-pipes. Now, there are three ways
to exit this roof top other than jumping over the quarter-pipe. The 1st
way is to jump over the street and land on the roof with the pool. The
2nd way is to go over that little ramp to get to the roof with the glass
surrounding all the planters, and the third way is to jump over a small
ramp and to land in that big television. However, that big television is
just the thing you need to do this transfer. When you leave the ramp,
aim slightly to the right, jump over the street and land on the grind
rail just under the television.

BS Gap : 500 Points
Instead of grinding the bus stop, use the little ramps to launch over

BS Grind : Points vary
Around Minneapolis there are many bus stops, use the little ramps to
launch onto a grind on one of the bus stops.

Burly Deck Gap : 2500 Points
Go to the triangular platform once again, but for this transfer you have
to jump over the widest part of the platform. Not an easy task.

Car Ollie : 100 Points
There are many cars around Minneapolis that don't move. Ollie over one
of these cars for this transfer.

Car Plant : 1000 Points
There are many extremely speedy taxis zooming their way around
Minnapolis. Jump over one of the taxis for this transfer.

Cheesy Deck Gap : 50 Points
There's a place in Minneapolis which is kind of like a triangular
platform. It's near a No Skating sign. Anyway, to get this transfer, you
have to jump over the narrowest bit of the triangular platform.

Death Grind : Points vary
ARGGGGH!!! This transfer is so hard! To do this transfer, head up to the
rooftops and get to the roof with the pool on it. Now you should notice
that there is a big ramp leading off one corner of the roof. What you
have to do is to go off this ramp, and jump all the way down to a grind
on the rail. This is one of the hardest transfers in this level.

Deck Gap : 250 Points
Go to that triangular platform again, but for this transfer you have to
jump over the middle part of the platform.

Dirty Rail : Points vary
This is really difficult to do. From the start, go to the end of the
street and turn right at the corner. Next go all the way to the top of
the hill and get some speed off of the quarter-pipe. Next, go down the
hill and at the bottom there is a big ramp. Jump over this and land onto
a grind on the big rail leading down into the centre area.

Glass Gap : 750 Points
To do this transfer, head to the truck with the ramp on it. Now in this
area, there are two huge quarter-pipes with a bend in them. What you
have to do, is to get a lot of speed from one of these quarter-pipes,
and then head straight forward. You should notice a kind of purple
platform thing with two point bonuses hovering above it. The platform
has two levels to it. A lower and a higher level. What you have to do
for this transfer is to jump from the higher level right through the

Kicker 2 Edge : Points vary
Straight ahead of you when you start, jump from the kicker ramp onto the
small ledge and start grinding it.

Kicker 2 Street : 100 Points
Use the kicker ramp to launch you onto the street.

Kicker Gap : 100 Points
Straight ahead of you when you start, jump over the small gap between
the ramps.
The other kicker gap is slightly to the left of the first kicker gap.

Phat Gap : Points Unknown
Ah yes, the hardest transfer in the game. Much harder than the Holy
Shi... Grind. I have only done this transfer once, because it is so
hard. What you have to do is to jump over one of the pathways that
surround the centre area. This may not sound difficult, but believe
me... it is.

Rail 2 Rail Transfer : Points vary
Near the triangular platform there are two sloping rails. To get this
transfer you have to grind up one of the rails, air the gap over the
platform, and then grind down the other rail.

Roof 2 Roof : 2000 Points
Make your way up onto the rooftops. Your aim for this transfer is to
jump from the roof with all the quarter-pipes on it, all the way over to
the roof with the pool on it.

Secret Tunnel Entrance : 500 Points
Get up onto the street that is behind you when you start by using the
kicker gap and then turn left, you should soon notice a green tunnel
above you. The objective of this transfer is to get speed off of the
quarter-pipe and then use the big ramp to launch you into the tunnel.

Sucky Room Gap : 1500 Points
Work your way to the rooftop with the glass all around some planters.
What you have to do for this transfer is to jump from the small ramp,
all the way over the street, to land in this a room with a 500 point
bonus in it.

T 2 T Gap : 500 Points
Use the kicker ramp to launch yourself onto the street, take a left and
follow the street until you see the truck with a ramp on it. Go up the
ramp and jump into the tunnel.

Transfer : 200 Points
Near that big truck with the ramp on it that leads into the tunnel there
are two long blue quarter-pipes. To get this transfer, jump from one
quarter-pipe, over the small platform, and then land near the other

Truck Gap : 250 Points
Somewhere around the centre area, there is a big truck with two ramps
leading up either side of it. Use one of the ramps to jump over the

Tunnel Gap : 1000 Points
This transfer is similar to the Secret Tunnel Entrance transfer, but is
a tad harder. What you have to is to get speed, but aim to jump over the
tunnel instead of through it. A fun transfer to do.

Wimpy Gap : 250 Points
There are lots of planters surrounding the centre area. Use one of them
to jump out of the centre area and land on the path above.

Downhill Jam - Phoenix

25/50/75/100 Feet : Points vary
Follow the course until you get near the end. Here, you will find a ramp
that launches you up onto a big rock. Follow the rock down and through
the tunnel, when you see the ramp at the end of the tunnel, jump.

Huge Water Hazard Gap : 1000 Points
You know that part in the level where there are those two big green
rails that lead over a river? Well what you have to do to get this
transfer is to jump the whole river. It helps if you use the big ramp to
the left of the rails to launch yourself over the river.

Neversoft Elec Co Gap : Points vary
Follow the course until you get right near the end. Right near the end,
there should be two quarter-pipes on either side of the track. Get lots
of speed, and when you feel you have enough height, aim for the rails
way up on that high platform. Grind to the end of the rail, and keep the
grind button held down. When you come to the end of the first rail, you
should drop off and land on the second rail. The most difficult transfer
in the level.

Burnside - Portland

Bridge Gap : 1000 Points
There are many bridges around Burnside, to get the Bridge Gap transfer,
you have to jump over one of the bridges.

Bridge Grind : Points vary
To get this transfer, grind on one of the bridges.

Over Da Pool : 800 Points
Get lots of air from the ramps that are scattered throughout Burnside,
and then jump over the entire eyeball pool.

Triple Rail : Points vary
There's always one difficult transfer in every stage. Well, here's the
difficult transfer in Burnside. After exploring around for a while, you
should notice three grey planters that seem to be in odd places. Well,
your task is to grind one of the planters, jump to the next planter and
grind that, and then jump to the final planter and grind that. Not an
easy task.

Twinkie Transfer : Points unknown
After exploring around Burnside for a bit, you should soon notice a kind
of lump that is sticking out of the floor. But that lump has a purpose,
for it is by means of this lump that you can get a transfer. Anyway,
what you have to do, is jump from the lump, into that little bowl (not
the eyeball bowl). This is quite a fun little transfer to do.

Vert Wall Gap : 700 Points
Make your way over to the eyeball pool. Get a bit of air, and then jump
over the vertical wall.

Streets - San Francisco

Acid Drop-In : 1000 Points
From the start, head down Lombard Street and then take a left. You will
notice a strange looking half-pipe in this area. Get a lot of speed on
the half-pipe, and then jump onto that big concrete ledge high up above
the half-pipe. To do the transfer, you have to jump from the big
concrete ledge and land on the half-pipe.

Backwoods Ledge : Points vary
Near the planters, there is a big yellow ledge with a lot of trees near
it. Jump up onto the ledge and grind the whole thing for this transfer.

Bendy's Lip : Points vary
Go down Lombard Street, turn left, and then start to follow the road for
a while. You should soon notice a police car, and near that there is a
big quarter-pipe with bends in it. Grind the whole quarter-pipe for this

C Block Gap : 500 Points
In the middle area of this level, there is an octagon shaped object. Use
the small ramp to launch you over the octagon for this transfer.

Down The Spiral : Points vary
Near the hidden bowl area, there is a spiral structure. Going down the
spiral, there is a ledge. Grind down the whole ledge for this transfer.

Fountain Gap : 750 Points
As you explore the middle area of this level, you should notice that
there is a big fountain in this area. Look at the fountain and you will
see that there is a kind of path that you can jump into. Jump onto the
path, and ride along it until you're near the end. When you're at the
end of the path, use jump off and land on the big path that leads around
the building.

Handi Gap : 1000 Points
This transfer is near the donut shop area, which is near the big set of
stairs. Anyway, in this area there is a pathway for wheelchairs. What
you have to do is to use the quarter-pipes on either side to launch
yourself over the pathway.

Hook Rail : Points vary
From the start, head down Lombard Street and then take a left. A big
half-pipe is in this area. Head past the half-pipe and you should notice
a big curvy green rail with kinks in it. What you have to do for this
transfer is to grind the whole rail.

Hubba Gap : 750 Points
To get this transfer, you have to use the ramps to launch yourself over
the kinked ledges, and land on the other side.

Hubba Ledge : Points vary
Head to the the place where you would normally gring the Hook Rail. In
this area, there is a kinked planter. To get this transfer, you must
grind down the kinked planter.

Lombard Ledge : Points vary
Skate along from the start, and you will soon come to a big slope. This
big slope is Lombard Street. At the left side of Lombard Street there is
a huge ledge. Grind the whole ledge to get the Lombard Ledge transfer.

Lombard Gap : 5000 Points
The hardest transfer in San Francisco. What you have to do is to get a
lot of speed on the quarter-pipe, and then jump over all of Lombard
Street. This is a very hard transfer, and requires a lot of speed. You
need to use that small ramp at the top of Lombard Street to get this

Oversized 8 Set : 500 Points
After the Porch Gap transfer, you can jump up the ramp straight in front
of you and land on the other side of the wall. You should see a handrail
and a big set of stairs. For this transfer, jump over the big set of

Over The Seven : 100 Points
You know that concrete that you jump over in order to get the Spine Gap
transfer? Well, get onto that, and skate along it, and you should soon
notice that there are seven steps at the end of it. To get this
transfer, jump over the seven steps.

Pagoda Gap : 1000 Points
After doing the Fountain Gap transfer, follow the pathways around the
buildings until you get to the highest rooftop. Here, you should notice
a big wooden ramp. Go up this ramp and jump off of it. You should land
in the pagoda.

Planter Gap : 500 Points
Near the sprial structure, there are some planters. Jump over one of the
planters for this transfer.

Porch Gap : 250 Points
Follow the instructions for the Street Gap transfer, but for this
transfer take a left. You will go down a small path and will soon be
presented with two big steps with a point bonus floating over them. For
this transfer, jump over the two big steps.

Rail 2 Rail : Points vary
This transfer is near the hidden bowl. Just jump from a rail, to a rail.

Ramp 2 Ramp : 500 Points
Near the hidden bowl there is a quarter-pipe with a big gap in it. Jump
from the quarter-pipe, over the gap and land on the other quarter-pipe.

Ramp 2 Ramp : 750 Points
In the Chinatown area, there is a quarter-pipe with a gap in it. Jump
over the gap.

Spine Gap : 1000 Points
This transfer is near the hidden bowl area. Around this area, you should
notice a small wooden ramp which has a planter on either side of it.
What you have to do, is to get a lot of speed from the quarter-pipe, and
then launch over this small little ramp, and hopefully clear all the
concrete and land on the red floor.

Street Gap : 500 Points
Enter Chinatown, and go to the end of the tram lines. From here, turn
around so that you're facing down the street. You will notice that there
are three ways to go. Going down the street will exit Chinatown, going
left will lead you down these two big steps, and going right will lead
you down the path with the rail. Take the right path, and jump through
the glass and over the street for this transfer.

The Gonz Gap : 500 Points
This transfer is very near the Over The Seven transfer. You know that
wall that you jump over for the Spine Gap transfer? Well, that's the
wall that you have to get onto. When you're on the wall. Skate towards
the spiral structure. Next, turn around. You should still be on the
wall. Next, skate forwards and when you get to the curve in the wall,
jump off and over the two small steps.
You can also get The Gonz Gap transfer by grinding along the wall and
landing above the two small steps.

Roswell - New Mexico

BHouse Rail : Points vary
From the start, go left and follow the platform along. You will soon
come to a rail that has yellow and black stripes. Grind the whole rail
for this transfer.

Channel Gap : 500 Points
The first channel gap is by the entrance to the pool room. Just jump
over the gap between the quarter-pipes.
The last channel gap is in the pool room. Just jump over the gap in the

Deck Gap : 1500 Points
From the start, get on top of the platform by the short half-pipe. You
will now be on a big greyish platform. Look around, and you will see
that there is a quarter-pipe at one end, two launch ramps, and one big
curvy rail. For this transfer, you need to get a lot of speed on the
quarter-pipe, and then jump off one of the launch ramps and clear the
whole deck.

Deck Grind : Points vary
Go up to the big blue platform again, but instead of clearing the deck,
use the launch ramp to jump all the way onto the last part of the curvy

ET Grind : Points vary
Near the short half-pipe, there are three rails. Grind all three of

High Deck Gap : 1000 Points
Jump from one of the half-pipes, all the way to the other half-pipe.

Low Deck Gap : 500 Points
Use the ramp near the short half-pipe to launch yourself over the low
part of the deck and land near the long half-pipe.

MB Emerson Grind : Points vary
The hardest grind in Roswell! What you have to do is to get up onto that
big blue platform again, but for this transfer you have to jump over the
quarter-pipe, and land on the BHouse Rail. Not an easy task!

Pool Grind : Points vary
There are two ways to do this transfer.
The first way is to grind around the whole pool. This is pretty hard to
The last way is to grind the pool near the channel gap, jump over the
channel, and then continue grinding around the pool. This is much
easier, and gets you a lot more points.

Roll In Channel Gap : 1000 Points
You know that roll-in that you go down at the start of the level? Well
use the quarter-pipes on either side to jump over the roll-in.

Copyright Information

This transfer listing, copyright 2000 by Tom Hayes


I am in no way affiliated with the makers of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.

DON'T copy this transfer listing, or put it on your web site without my
permission, which will probably be given if you ask. If you do want to
put this transfer listing on your web site, just e-mail me and ask me.

Thanks for reading!

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Short Move List FAQ

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Alles freischalten

13.Oktober 2013
Chicago Skatepark Replay mit einem nahezu 250.000 Punkte Run.

12.Oktober 2013
Ein Replay eines 1.000.000 Punkte Run im Downtown Level.

12.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Transfer Listing FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Transfer FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Big Score FAQ

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
Cheats 2
10.Oktober 2008
PAL/NTSC Selector for the US Version

17.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Hinweis
10.Oktober 2008
High Score FAQ

Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020