Tekken 3

Tekken 3

14.10.2013 10:54:46
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TEKKEN 3 FAQ (for both the arcade and ps version)
by Joseph Christopher
version 1.0
Dec. 22, 1999

this faq is copyright 1999-2000 Joseph Christopher

by reading this faq you agree that I, the author, am not in any way
liable for any harm that anybody thinks came from reading this faq

* Lei is to Jacky Chan as Law is to Bruce Lee. Everything from the ability
to fight in different stances, being an on-rusher instead of a counter
attacker, and knowing how to pack a gun. He's even depicted as a supercop,
much like the usual Jacky Chan role in Holywood movies. The only difference,
perhaps, is his hair, which is very, very long. Anyway, I enjoy watching
his (Jacky's) movies a lot and so I have also learned to love playing
as his incarnation in the Tekken world. But Lei can very well still be
a good choice of yours for the following reasons:

1. Lei has a total of TWELVE stances excluding the normal one (and beleive
me, you'll find a good strategy for ALL of them!)
2. Lei's stances are intertwined (meaning a whole lot of his moves can
be made to end up in another stance)
3. Lei can very well mix-up high attacks, low attacks, and sidesteps.
4. Lei can easily link his juggles with his low parry
5. Lei can slide without having to run first
6. Lei can GAIN LIFE during the game! (well, not much, really, but cool

Why read this guide:
I. Legend
II. General Moves
III. Special Moves
IV. Throws
V. Stances
VI. The Razor Rush
VII. Combos
VIII. Juggles
IX. Counters
X. Vs. Computer
XI. Vs. Human
XII. Ending
XIII. Credits
XIV. Revision History
XV. Final Words

____ __ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____
(_ _) ( ) ( ___) / __)( ___)( \( )( _ \
_)(_ )(__ )__) ( (_-. )__) ) ( )(_) )
(____)() (____)(____) \___/(____)(_)\_)(____/

U - up
D - down
B - back
F - forward
N - neutral
+ - at the same time
/ - or
1 - Left Punch
2 - Right Punch
3 - Left Kick
4 - Right Kick

* for the rest of this faq I will be referring to mid attacks as high ones
because there really isn't any difference between them in terms of how
they are blocked or countered

____ ____ ___ ____ _ _ ____ ____ __ __
(_ _)(_ _) / __)( ___)( \( )( ___)( _ \ /__\ ( )
_)(_ _)(_ ( (_-. )__) ) ( )__) ) / /(__)\ )(__
(____)(____)() \___/(____)(_)\_)(____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(____)
__ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___
( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __)
) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \
(_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/

dash - F,F / B,B (goes in direction you choose)
ankle kick - D+4 (when you're down)
roll - B / F (when you're down)
run - F,hold F (when far from opponen)
leap punch - F/B,F+1+2 (while rolling/running)
leap kick - B,B+3+4 (while rolling/running)
flying kick - 3 (while running)
slide - 4 (while running)
tackle - 1/2 (while running)
multi punch - 1,2,1,2,..(after tackle)
charge up - 1+2+3+4
uppercut - DF+2
side step - tap U / D (goes in direction you choose)

____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ __ __
(_ _)(_ _)(_ _) / __)( _ \( ___) / __)(_ _) /__\ ( )
_)(_ _)(_ _)(_ \__ \ )___/ )__) ( (__ _)(_ /(__)\ )(__
(____)(____)(____)() (___/(__) (____) \___)(____)(__)(__)(____)
__ __ _____ _ _ ____ ___
( \/ )( _ )( \/ )( ___)/ __)
) ( )(_)( \ / )__) \__ \
(_/\/\_)(_____) \/ (____)(___/

These moves you'll have to use at random to win:
(not all are here cause I'll be including a lot in the stances section)

1) Razor Rush - F,N,1,2,1,2

Lei steps forward and out comes two pairs of left-right punches
that do more damage than the jabs(LPs) yet less than the strong ones
(RPs). This move, in my opinion, is all you need to win. It is a move
so complicated yet so easy to understand that it actually deserves a
separate section in my faq. See that section for more details on this
move and how to effectively use it.

2) Rush Combo - F,N,4,1,2,3

Again, Lei steps forward but this time he does a high kick followed
by two quick punches to the midsection and finally a roundhouse kick
that's enough to knock the opponent off his feet. If the opponent blocks,
however, you can do one of two things: tap 4 to deliver a high kick
similar to the first attack you did only this time it does more damage
and temporarily stuns the opponent, OR...tap D+4 to deliver a sweep
that does less damage, but adds a confusing strategy for this move---

3) Rave Spin - DB+4

You turn around while trying to crouch and stretch out your farther
leg to sweep the opponent in the process---all in a fraction of a second.
A good strategy for this move would be to use it after throwing a couple
of jabs when the opponent is expecting another high attack. There are
two ways to end this move: One, tap D or U to get into the Snake Stance
(see stances section) and two, tap 4 once again to deliver a hopping
roundhouse kick that does decent damage.

4) Crescent Kick - 3,4

You again turn around but this time you hop and make a 180degree
arc with both legs, using the farther one to hit the opponent's head.
You end up in a Back Stance (see stances section) or, if you tap D,
a Knockdown Stance. What's more, if you hold U, you can get two additional
crescent kicks just in case the first one messes up. You may release
the U after the first kick to cancel the third one, and again hit D
to end up in a Knockdown Stance, it really is your choice---cool!

5) Rolling Kicks - 4,4,3,3

Lei goes into a Knockdown Stance, kicks with one leg, then the other,
and finally an upward kick that launches the opponent in mid-air. Looks
like a good set-up for juggles, but because you end up in a Post-slide
Stance, there's nothing much you can do afterwards. What you CAN do is
use this move as a juggle ENDER rather than starter.

6) Cannonball - B+1+2

High on damage, speed, recovery, and effectivity. In this move,
Lei bends way back before giving the opponent a powerful head butt.
This "bending" makes the move a good evasion tactic for throws and
other high attacks before you effectively counter. You may also use
this move as a juggle ender when you happen to forget your juggling
strategies cause it definitely does more damage than an incomplete

* These are not really needed to win a game but some may be added to
combos as stated in my combos section:

7) Flying Kick - F,F,F+3

Whenever an opponent tries to roll away from danger, or when
he's just pulling off ten-hit combos like crazy, dash back and do
this, if he manages to block, follow up with a Rave Spin.

8) Falling Tree - UF+2

Lei hops and and gives the opponent an elbow drop. The best time
to use this move is when your opponent is lying helpless on the ground.
There are other, more damaging replacements for this move but I'm pretty
sure this one's the safest in terms of execution and recovery. By the
way, you end up in a Play Dead Stance(see stances section).

9) High-Low Kick - 3,3

Yep, it's a high kick followed by a low one---the name just said
it all. Do not use this on experts since they most likely have at least
five ways to counter it. You end up in a Back Stance, and this just
makes the move all the more counterable.

10) Set-up Kick - F,N,3

This move is identical to the last kick of the Rush Combo and would
therefore have the same properties. You can also follow it up with a
4 to deliver the same high kick in the rush combo only this time it
does more damage and temporarily stuns the opponent, OR...a D+4 to deliver
a sweep that does less damage, but adds a confusing strategy for this
move---nice! (though I'd rather do the Rush Combo)

11) Hook Punch - 1+2

It's a hook punch, what else? Nothing much I can say about this
move 'cept for the fact that it makes you end up in a Back Stance.

12) Cartwheel Kick - 4,3

Well, it ain't really a cartwheel kick per se, but, you DO hop a
bit, spin in mid-air, and kick the opponent's face before you land
on the ground in a Post-slide Stance.

13) Defense Breaker - F,N,2,1,2,1

A series of punches that would make a blocking opponent stagger,
giving you an opportunity to strike freely. On the down side, this
move was conceived specifically for blockers so it won't execute if
the first punch connects.

14) Beating Kick - F+4,2,1,2

Also a very useful confuser, but because of the presence of the
Razor Rush and the Rush Combo, is really not that important anymore.
It starts with a high-damaging roundhouse kick that knocks the opponent
off his feet, followed up by three midsection punches just in case
the first attack messes up. You may end this move in two ways: One,
tap 4 to deliver a mid kick, and two, tap 3 for a low kick that sweeps.

____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ _____ _ _ ___
(_ _)( \/ ) (_ _)( )_( )( _ \( _ )( \/\/ )/ __)
_)(_ \ / )( ) _ ( ) / )(_)( ) ( \__ \
(____) \/ () (__) (_) (_)(_)\_)(_____)(__/\__)(___/

1) Double Foot Stomp - 1+3

As the name suggests, you hold both his opponent's shoulders, lean
on them, hop, rest both your folded legs on his chest, and apply a great
amount of force by stretching both your legs out and letting go of his
shoulders. You'd be propelling yourself diagonally upward in the process
while your opponent is hurled way back.

2) Sleeper Hold - 2+4

Lei wraps one of his arms around the opponent's head and drags
it with him as he tries to sit down. He then uses his other arm to kind
of "crack" the neck of his opponent.

3) Closing Fan - 1+3/2+4 (right side of opponent)

Lei keeps his opponent in place by locking on of his arms. He then
kicks the opponent's shin with his left foot, followed by a high kick
to the face with the same leg. Finally, he lets go and gives one last
kick---a crescent kick!

4) Sailboat Stretch - 1+3/2+4 (left side of opponent)

Similar to Law's hopping frog, this move positions the opponent's
foot beside his head in an attemp to break one of his legs. The difference
is how Lei does it---by crawling under the opponent's legs, standing
up to raise one of them, and doing a crescent kick without a target
just to rest his whole weight on that leg and force it towards the
opponent's head.

5) Booby Trap - 1+3/2+4 (behind the opponent)

Lei holds both the opponent's shoulders, pulls them backwards,
and slides both his legs out from underneath. The opponent expects this
and is almost ready to counter but Lei suddenly withdraws and pushes
the opponent from behind instead to further take advantage of his (opponent's)
loss of balance.

6) Tripping - F,F,1+2

Once again, the opponent's shoulders are held but this time Lei
pulls them sidewards while sticking his foot out a bit to what else
but trip the opponent!

7) Dragon Falls - UF+1+2

The People's Elbow! Lei pulls one of the opponent's arms to keep
him off balanced. He then stands side by side with his opponent, then
forces the opponent to lie down by lying down himself. Of course, he
plants his elbow on the opponent's chest in the process, and ends up
in a Facedown Stance (see stances section)

_ _ ___ ____ __ _ _ ___ ____ ___
( \/ ) / __)(_ _) /__\ ( \( ) / __)( ___)/ __)
\ / \__ \ )( /(__)\ ) ( ( (__ )__) \__ \
\/ () (___/ (__) (__)(__)(_)\_) \___)(____)(___/

* Generally speaking, stances will only allow you to execute one attack
before they revert to the normal one. I'd just be mentioning the exceptions
along the way.

* Switching between stances usually requires the tapping of U or D. These
moves are listed assuming your OPPONENT is facing left. Otherwise, whether
you're in front of him or not, reverse stance switch codes.

1) Snake - 1+4(during sidestep) or F+2+3

description: right leg raised; right arm mimics the actions
of a snake; left arm supports right one
blocking : high only
left punch : a quick jab by the supporting arm
right punch: another quick jab that comes out a little slower
than the previous one but does more damage and
may stun the opponent on perfect timing.
left kick : identical to the last hit of his Rolling Kicks;
also launches the opponent in mid-air and makes
him end up in a Post-slide Stance
right kick : a shin kick that does not go into the normal stance
but back to the Snake Stance instead

Other moves:

a) Rushing Snake - 1,1,1,1,1,1

The fastest six hit combo in all of Tekken. It's composed mainly,
or rather ONLY, of the same jab that Lei does in his left punch,
and he does it six times---very rapidly. One of the best counters
for nearly ANY high attack your opponent might be thinking. If he
happens to anticipate this and sidestep, just continue with the
rest of the punches to evade any attack he might be thinking of.
You may tap F after any of these punches to go back into the Snake

b) Snakebite - 2,2,2

Two high strikes followed up by a low one. If blocked, the second
high strike serves as a defense breaker to enable you to more or
less successfully land the final hit. You may tap F after the first
two hits to access the Dragon Stance OR after the last hit for the
Panther Stance

c) Out of Control - 1+3

Lei goes into his Dragon Stance, turns around, and again faces
his opponent as he tries to grab his (opponent's) head. He then
whirls the opponent's head around to ensure dizziness, let's go,
and gives the off balanced opponent a double punch to the chest.
If you tap 1+2 during all that head whirling, Lei will do less damage
on his double punch, but he will GAIN LIFE and end up in a Drunken

2) Dragon - U (during Snake Stance)

description: left leg genuflected; two arms both with closed
fists are parallel and pointing towards the
opponent to depict the shape of a dragon's mouth
blocking : high only
left punch : identical to the Snake Stance's Out of Control
move, may also be followed up with a 1+2 during
all that head whirling to do less damage on his
double punch, GAIN LIFE, and end up in a Drunken
right punch: an uppercut that packs some power and speed, but
does not juggle. May be followed up with an F
to proceed to the Tiger Stance
left kick : identical to the first hit of the High-low Kick,
but this time you cannot follow up with the sweep
right kick : identical to the first hit of the Rush Combo and
this time you CAN continue with the said move.
May also be ended in two ways if blocked:tap 4
to deliver a high kick similar to the first attack
you did only this time it does more damage and
temporarily stuns the opponent, OR...tap D+4
to deliver a sweep that does less damage, but
adds a confusing strategy for this move---nice!

Other moves:

Dragon Spark - 1+2

Without losing the cool position of his arms, Lei does a double
punch to the opponent's chest and midsection to knock him off his feet.
Good alternative for those already expecting a throw. You can access
the Tiger Stance by tapping F after executing this move.

3) Panther - D (during Snake Stance)

description: right leg bent slightly downward; left leg bent
slightly forward; both arms are suspended forward
with half-open hands to mimic a panther's paws
blocking : low only
left punch : both arms are spread wide apart to sweep the opponent
in the process
right punch: similar to the Dragon Stance's right punch. Also
comes with power and speed but this time it CAN
left kick : identical to the normal stance's D+3. Tap B afterwards
for an instant Phoenix Stance!
right kick : identical to the first hit of the Beating Kick
and CAN be followed up with the trio of midsection
punches in case it messes up. May also be ended
in two ways: One, tap 4 to deliver a mid kick,
and two, tap 3 for a low kick that sweeps.

Other moves:


4) Tiger - U (during Dragon Stance)

description: right leg bent slightly downward; left leg bent
slightly forward; both arms are horizontally
aligned and suspended forward with almost fully-open
hands to mimic a tiger's paws
blocking : high only
left punch : an oh so powerful pound that can, but not always,
juggle. You have to time it right, otherwise
your opponent will just get knocked down. Wondering
how a pound became a juggle? Simple: Just like
Paul's pound, the opponent's body bounces back
up, (unrealistic, but COOL) allowing you to juggle.
right punch: also an oh so powerful pound that does a liiittle
bit more damage than the other one, but cannot
juggle. In my opinion, it ain't even worth the
left kick : similar to the Set-up Kick but this time you
can't end it with either 4 or D+4
right kick : a very quick yet powerful low back kick that
can sweep

Other moves:

Tiger Rush - 3,1,2,1,2

This move simply stars with the first hit of the Set-up Kick followed
up by the four midsection punches of the Razor Rush. There are numerous
ways to end the Razor Rush part, and so I actually placed it in a
separate section which you'd be reading later on.

5) Crane - D (during Panther Stance)

description: left leg is folded and raised as high as possible;
right foot is tiptoed; both arms with half-open
fists are raised sideways and are pointing at
their respective directions; all of which depict
the normal stance of a crane
blocking : disabled
left punch : a powerful strike that knocks the opponent off
his feet if it connects, but crushes his guars
much like the last hit of the Defense Breaker
if blocked.
right punch: a spinning back fist that turns the opponent
around and at the same time ends up in a Back
left kick : a high forward kick to the face---cool stuffer!
right kick : a high-damaging low kick that knocks the opponent
face down into the ground

Other moves:

Crane Dance - 3,4,2,3

A four-hit combo the three kicks of which pack some nice damage.
The last kick, by the way, is an upward one that CAN juggle. It is
only advisable to use this move when you knock the opponent down and
he gets up with a 3 (low spin kick). Just dash back and proceed with
the combo.

6) Knockdown - 4,4

description: lying face-up on the ground; head is farther
than the legs with respect to the opponent
blocking : disabled
left punch : a sideroll that ends up in the normal stance
right punch: disabled
left kick : identical to the normal stance's D+3
right kick : similar to the normal stance's D+3, but you aim
for the chest instead of the shin

Other moves:

Hop up - 3+4

Lei raises both his legs and uses their weight to carry his entire
body upward and end up standing. Good counter for people who like to
rush even when you're down.

7) Play Dead - D+3+4

description: lying face-up on the ground; legs are farther
than the head with respect to the opponent
blocking : disabled
left punch : a sideroll that ends up in the normal stance
right punch: disabled
left kick : identical to the normal stance's D+3
right kick : similar to the normal stance's D+3, but you aim
for the chest instead of the shin

Other moves:

a) Spring Kick - 3+4

Undoubtedly Lei's most powerful anti-air, in this move he, from
a lying down position, shoots both his legs upward and juggle the

b) Double Slicer - 3,4

This move is identical to the Rave Spin, except for the fact
that you use a 3,4 instead of DB+4,4 code to execute it. Nice to
mix-up with the Spring Kick to yield victorius results.

8) Post-slide - Hold D+1 (during Knockdown Stance)

description: lying face-down on the ground; head is farther
than the legs with respect to the opponent
blocking : disabled
left punch : switch back to Knockdown Stance
right punch: disabled
left kick : identical to the normal stance's D+3
right kick : similar to the normal stance's D+3, but you
aim for the chest instead of the shin

Other moves:

a) Deep Sleep - 3,4

You "wake up" from your post-slide stance, do a sweep identical
to the first hit of the Rave Spin, and end up, once again, lying
on the ground but this time you're in your Play Dead Stance.

b) Go to Sleep - 4,3

Identical to the Cartwheel Kick, only you do it from a knockdown
position, and that just makes it a lot cooler and definitely more
surprising than the original.

9) Facedown - D+1+2

description: lying face-down on the ground; legs are farther
than the head with respect to the opponent
blocking : disabled
left punch : switch to Play Dead Stance
right punch: disabled
left kick : identical to the normal stance's D+3
right kick : also identical to the normal stance's D+3

Other moves:

Slide Kick - 4,3

One of the mentioned advantages of Lei, this slide kick does not
require him to run first. It comes out pretty fast and, also because
of your current position, is a great surprise move. A good strategy
would be to do an ordinary sweep (D+3) after it because you end up
behind your lying opponent. Do it again he gets up repeat the process
until he thinks of a way out. Finally, if you end up in front of
him, do an ankle kick for a little more damage.

10) Drunken - F+3+4

description: self-explanatory; added note---will last for
only about seven seconds
blocking : disabled
left punch : a good, hard-hitting strike that knocks the opponent
off his feet
right punch: disabled
left kick : disabled
right kick : disabled

Other moves:

Staggering Slide - 3+4

Lei turns around, crouches, and then stretches both legs out to
knock the opponent face down into the ground. Ends up in a Post-slide

11) Back - B+3+4

description: self-explanatory
blocking : disabled (obviously)
left punch : a spinning backfist that does not go into the
normal stance but back to the Back Stance instead
right punch: one of the easier to access jugglers in Lei's
arsenal, this one's a quick, damaging uppercut
that launches the opponent in mid-air
left kick : a back high kick common to most Tekken characters
right kick : a back mid kick also common to most Tekken characters

Other moves:

a) Low Back Spin - D+1

Similar to this stance's left punch, but this time you aim
for the shin instead of the face. This move CAN sweep an opponent
and since does not go into the normal stance but back to the Back
Stance instead, may be done repeatedly for a low juggle.

b) Flit-flip-flop - 3+4

Lei does a back flip that, like the previous move, since it
does not go into the normal stance but back to the Back Stance
instead, may be done repeatedly, especially on a knocked down opponent.

c) Reverse Double Slicer - D+3,3

This move is identical to the Rave Spin, except for the fact
that you use a D+3,3 instead of DB+4,4 code to execute it. Nice
to mix-up with the uppercut(right punch) to yield victorius results.

12) Phoenix - B+1+4

description: left leg raised; right arm raised; left arm in
fromt of chest; added note---will last for only
about three seconds
blocking : disabled
left punch : disabled
right punch: disabled
left kick : the raised leg kicks high and does not go into
the normal stance but back to the Phoenix Stance
instead. Sounds like you may do it repeatedly
but you can't---only up to four times
right kick : Lei's CHARGED POWER KICK! Left foot glows, but
since he does a move similar to the Crescent
Kick, it's his right foot that does the real
unblockable damage

Other moves:


_ _ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ____ __ ____ _____ ____
( \/ )(_ _) (_ _)( )_( )( ___) ( _ \ /__\ (_ )( _ )( _ \
\ / _)(_ )( ) _ ( )__) ) / /(__)\ / /_ )(_)( ) /
\/ (____)() (__) (_) (_)(____) (_)\_)(__)(__)(____)(_____)(_)\_)
____ __ __ ___ _ _
( _ \( )( )/ __)( )_( )
) / )(__)( \__ \ ) _ (
(_)\_)(______)(___/(_) (_)

* Ok, now that you are familiar with Lei's array of fighting stances, you
should also know that by tapping U or D anytime during the Razor Rush,
you can get to apply one of these stances. This is Lei's biggest asset
and is one, big confuser's strategy all by itself! Here's your whole
list of practical choices:

First of all, tap F,N,1, then,...

1) pause - to keep opponent guessing

a) tap 2 - second Razor Rush punch

a.1) pause - to keep opponent guessing

a.2) tap 1 - third Razor Rush punch

a.2.1) pause - to keep opponent guessing

a.2.2) tap 2 - fourth Razor Rush punch

a.2.2.a) pause - to keep opponent guessing

a.2.2.b) tap 3 - Razor Rush ender: a low kick that
can sweep at perfect timing

a.2.2.c) tap 4 - Razor Rush ender: a high kick that
can be linked to the Crane Stance
if you tap U/D immediately afterwards.
Linking to the Crane Stance yields
two more options: One, wait for the
opponent to stand up and hit him
with a Crane Dance to juggle, or two,
dash forward, wait for him to move
a muscle, and then stomp him with
a right kick!

a.2.2.d) tap U/D - Tiger Stance

a.2.2.d.1) Tiger Rush - if the opponent tries
to counter with a
high attack or if
he did not expect
your sudden stance
switch and did nothing
but block high. Repeat
the whole process.

a.2.2.d.2) left punch - if your opponent
suspects something
else and blocks low.
Juggle afterwards.

a.2.2.d.3) right kick - like the Tiger Rush
do this only if the
opponent tries to
counter with a high
attack or if he did
not expect your sudden
stance switch and
did nothing but block
a.2.2.e) Dragon Falls - the most damaging yet easy-to-access
throw. Only if the opponent
blocks high.

a.2.3) tap U/D - Panther Stance

a.2.3.a) left punch - if the opponent did not expect
your sudden stance switch and
did nothing but block high.

a.2.3.b) right punch - if your opponent suspects something
else and blocks low. Juggle

a.2.3.c) right kick - if your stance switching evaded
an opponent's attack and he's
wide open. Follow up with the
succeeding moves and enders
of the Beating Kick.
a.2.4) Dragon Falls - the most damaging yet easy-to-access
throw. Only if the opponent blocks

a.3) tap U/D - Dragon Stance

a.3.1) left punch - if the opponent did not expect your sudden
stance switch and did nothing but block
high. Hit 1+2 to deal less damage but
GAIN LIFE in return.

a.3.2) right kick - like the left punch, do this only if
the opponent did not expect your sudden
stance switch and did nothing but block
high. Continue with the Rush Combo and
end it as you see fit.

a.3.3) Dragon Spark - good for most opponents who more or
less already expect you to execute
your life-gaining throw and tries to
throw you.

a.4) Dragon Falls - the most damaging yet easy-to-access throw.
Only if the opponent blocks high.

b) tap U/D - Snake Stance

b.1) Rushing Snake - if the opponent tries to counter with a high

b.2) Snake Bite - if the opponent did not expect your sudden stance
switch and did nothing but block high

b.3) right punch - if your stance switching evaded an opponent's
attack and he's wide open. Stuns the opponent
so juggle afterwards.

2) tap 2 - second Razor Rush punch

a) pause - to keep opponent guessing

b) tap 1 - third Razor Rush punch

b.1) pause - to keep opponent guessing

b.2) tap 2 - fourth Razor Rush punch

b.2.1) pause - to keep opponent guessing

b.2.2) tap 3 - Razor Rush ender: a low kick that can sweep
at perfect timing

b.2.3) tap 4 - Razor Rush ender: a high kick that can be
linked to the Crane Stance if you tap U/D
immediately afterwards. Linking to the Crane
Stance yields two more options: One, wait
for the opponent to stand up and hit him
with a Crane Dance to juggle, or two, dash
forward, wait for him to move a muscle, and
then stomp him with a right kick!

b.2.4) tap U/D - Tiger Stance

b.2.4.a) Tiger Rush - if the opponent tries to counter
with a high attack or if he
did not expect your sudden stance
switch and did nothing but block
high. Repeat the whole process.

b.2.4.b) left punch - if your opponent suspects something
else and blocks low. Juggle

b.2.4.c) right kick - like the Tiger Rush do this
only if the opponent tries to
counter with a high attack or
if he did not expect your sudden
stance switch and did nothing
but block high.

b.2.5) Dragon Falls - the most damaging yet easy-to-access
throw. Only if the opponent blocks

b.3) tap U/D - Panther Stance

b.3.1) left punch - if the opponent did not expect your sudden
stance switch and did nothing but block

b.3.2) right punch - if your opponent suspects something
else and blocks low. Juggle afterwards.

b.3.3) right kick - if your stance switching evaded an opponent's
attack and he's wide open. Follow up
with the succeeding moves and enders
of the Beating Kick.

b.4) Dragon Falls - the most damaging yet easy-to-access throw.
Only if the opponent blocks high.

c) tap U/D - Dragon Stance

c.1) left punch - if the opponent did not expect your sudden
stance switch and did nothing but block high.
Hit 1+2 to deal less damage but GAIN LIFE in

c.2) right kick - like the left punch, do this only if the opponent
did not expect your sudden stance switch and
did nothing but block high. Continue with the
Rush Combo and end it as you see fit.

c.3) Dragon Spark - good for most opponents who more or less already
expect you to execute your life-gaining throw
and tries to throw you.

d) Dragon Falls - the most damaging yet easy-to-access throw. Only
if the opponent blocks high.

3) tap U/D - Snake Stance

a) Rushing Snake - if the opponent tries to counter with a high

b) Snake Bite - if the opponent did not expect your sudden stance
switch and did nothing but block high

c) right punch - if your stance switching evaded an opponent's attack
and he's wide open. Stuns the opponent so juggle

4) Dragon Falls - the most damaging yet easy-to-access throw. Only if
the opponent blocks high.

_ _ ____ ____ ___ _____ __ __ ____ _____ ___
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _) / __)( _ )( \/ )( _ \( _ )/ __)
\ / _)(_ _)(_ ( (__ )(_)( ) ( ) _ < )(_)( \__ \
\/ (____)(____)() \___)(_____)(_/\/\_)(____/(_____)(___/

* Lei's only true ten-hit combo (as far as I know) is:
Crane Dance-> 1-> Rush Combo-> 4

* His other ten-hit combos all include a backflip which is the dam weakest
link I've ever seen in a combo. Any average player can just attack with
almost anything he's got while your busy turning your back on him.
You still wanna know? Ok...

1) 1,2,1,3+4,2,1,4,1,4,4

The 2 after the 3+4 part is extremely hard to connect because
of it's short range. The ninth and tenth hit are identical to the Rave
Spin coupled with a 4. Cancell the tenth hit into the other possible
ending (juggles) for the Rave Spin to deal more damage.

2) 1,2,1,3+4,2,1,4,1,2,3

Just like the first one, but you finish only with the second part
of the Rave Spin. The 2 after the 3+4 part is still extremely hard
to connect.

3) 1,2,1,3+4,3+4,3+4,1,1,2

Dammit, three backflips!? This should have been the best ten,
I mean nine-hit combo in Lei's arsenal since it ends with an uppercut
that launches the opponent but, again because of the backflip, sucks.

* As you probably have guessed by now, the 3+4 part is the accursed backflip.
What you can do is stop thinking ten-hit after you do the 1,2,1 and
do any of your other Back Stance moves like, say, the Reverse Double
Slicer or maybe a simple throw just to keep him guessing.

* But if you really think the second half of these ten-hitters deserve
some recognition, you can try executing the first half while your opponent
is either down or far away. By the time you're through with the backflip/s,
you'd be near enough to connect the second half of the combo and apply
your own strategies to it.

_ _ ____ ____ __ __ ___ ___ __ ____ ___
( \/ )(_ _) (_ _)( )( ) / __) / __)( ) ( ___)/ __)
\ / _)(_ .-_)( )(__)( ( (_-.( (_-. )(__ )__) \__ \
\/ (____)() \____) (______) \___/ \___/(____)(____)(___/

A. launchers (these are also listed in my moves section)

1) DF+2 = Controlled Uppercut

This is, of course, the weakest of the launchers as it is
composed of only one hit. It is, however, the most efficient of
the three for exactly the same reason.

2) UF+4 = Hop to Upward Kick

Comes out faster, does more damage, and even hurls the opponent
higher in mid-air. With this move at your disposal, you may be asking,
"Why the hell would I need the previous launcher!?" and the answer
is recovery. This move, when blocked or sidestepped from, makes
you wide open for many, many things while the former doesn't.

3) DB+4 = Sweep

A sweep!? yep! Why? cause it launches your opponent a liiittle
bit in mid-air before he lands, giving you enough time to whip up
something other than tapping 4 to deal more damage.

4) (Back Stance) 2 = Berserk Uppercut

Would have been more efficient than the controlled uppercut
but is not because of the need to turn around before execution.
Still worth the try since there are many things an opponent can
expect when he's facing your back and this move is not one of the
most common.

5) (Back Stance) D+1 = Arm Sweep

Again, another sweep that launches your opponent a liiittle
bit in mid-air before he lands, giving you enough time to whip up
something other than tapping 4 to deal more damage.

6) (Panther Stance) 2 = Precision Uppercut

The kind of uppercut that makes Lei look like a pro(and he is,
'mind you). Has the ability to launch an opponent in a quite respectable
height. Packs some power too.

7) (Tiger Stance) 1 = Power Pound

I've said it before, I'll say it again: This move can, but
not always, juggle. You have to time it right, otherwise your opponent
will just get knocked down. Wondering how a pound became a juggle?
Simple: Just like Paul's pound, the opponent's body bounces back
up, (unrealistic, but COOL) allowing you to juggle.

8) (Crane Stance) 3,4,2,3 = Awkward Combo to High Kick

Doesn't launch the opponent as high as the other juggle starters
('cept for the sweeps, of course!) but still a good move to try
since it's an easy four-hitter and you haven't even started juggling

B. enders

1) for all launchers except the sweeps

- 1,F,N,1,2,1,2,4
- 1,F,N,1,2,1,2,D,N,4
- 1,F,N,4,2,1,3,D,4
- UF+4,N,4,4,3,3
- 1+2,1,D,1,1,4

2) for launcher 7

- D,N,4,1,1,1,1,1,1
- D,N,1,1,1,1,1,1,DB,4

3) for launcher 5

- D,1,1,N,1,D,1,4
- D,1,N,3,4,4,3,3

____ _ _ ___ _____ __ __ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ___
(_ _)( \/ ) / __)( _ )( )( )( \( )(_ _)( ___)( _ \/ __)
_)(_ ) ( ( (__ )(_)( )(__)( ) ( )( )__) ) /\__ \
(____)(_/\_)() \___)(_____)(______)(_)\_) (__) (____)(_)\_)(___/

1) D+1+3 / D+2+4 - Low Parry

This is, in my opinion, the BEST counter attack in all of Tekken!
It gives you way much free time than any other player's high parry,
and it can't be countered like the normal reversal. Always, and I mean
ALWAYS follow this move up with a UF+4 and a corresponding juggle
as that is the only sound way of making up for the zero% damage the
low parry brings.

2) F+3+4 - Drunken Stance (punch parry)

I just hate this move. It gives you just about one-tenth of a
second's free time to punish the opponent, and that's just about the
same amount of time he needs to crouch. To be safe, a D+4 followed
up by a while-standing 4 would suffice but, if you'd like to risk it,
a throw or a UF+4 to juggle would deal much more damage.

3) F+1+3 / F+2+4 - Reversal Counter

You use the F+1+3 if the attack that your opponent reversed was
either a 1 or a 3. On the other hand, use the F+2+4 is the attack your
opponent reversed was either a 2 or a 4.

_ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ___
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _)(_ _) ( \/ )/ __)
\ / _)(_ _)(_ _)(_ \ / \__ \
\/ (____)(____)(____)() \/ (___/()
___ _____ __ __ ____ __ __ ____ ____ ____
/ __)( _ )( \/ )( _ \( )( )(_ _)( ___)( _ \
( (__ )(_)( ) ( )___/ )(__)( )( )__) ) /
\___)(_____)(_/\/\_)(__) (______) (__) (____)(_)\_)

* These are NOT 100% applicable in all cases. But it's safe to say that
if you follow my guidelines, you'll always win. Actually, it's kinda
boring to play against the computer. You don't have a solid ending or
even a rating to get inspired on, just a time record---yawn.

1) The Rave Spin is your main weapon against the computer. Always use
it, and the juggles that follow, as an opening move. This is also
especially helpful whenever you're opponent is far and running towards

2) The Rolling Kicks is also a move that's effective even for the computer-
controlled opponent. Even if he blocks it, he won't be doing anything
that you can't side roll from.

3) Computer opponents never quit in the middle of a combo. Either they
use only the first three hits, or finish the whole thing. Counter as
you see fit.

4) Whenever you're down, do an ankle kick followed by a 2 then juggle.
It never fails...

5) Run towrads the opponent and deliver a flying kick (3). If it doesn't
connect, follow it up with a Rave Spin. Never fails either...

____ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ _ _
(_ _)( \/ ) ( \/ )/ __) ( )_( )( )( )( \/ ) /__\ ( \( )
_)(_ ) ( \ / \__ \ ) _ ( )(__)( ) ( /(__)\ ) (
(____)(_/\_)() \/ (___/() (_) (_)(______)(_/\/\_)(__)(__)(_)\_)

Well, there won't be any universal rules for fighting against humans cause
no two humans think identically. There are, however, general rules that
could apply to at most 80% of your encounters with human challengers

1) Mix everything up, especially your opening moves. Good opening moves
would include a sidestep to Rave Spin, back dash to UF+4 or any other
effective juggle starter, instant Razor Rush with its many enders,
or forward dash to Dragon Falls.

2) Your ten-hit combos, whether blocked or not, have a very slim chance
of being completed, especially if your opponent has a parry or a reversal.
When this happens, usually your third hit is the one countered so quit
after your second blocked hit and throw him. (yes, you CAN throw while
your back is turned!)

3) If your opponent gets knocked down and does a 3d roll, most likely he'll
sweep as he gets up so anticipate with a low parry to juggle.

4) If you are unsuccessful with a juggle launcher, you'll be wide open so
might as well gamble with an UF+4 since this is the fastest emergency
move Law can do.

5) Enter the Phoenix Stance and do nothing until you revert to the normal
stance. Do another Phoenix Stance and again make it seem useless. Do
third one and this time tap 4. POW! he's out cold. (will work only
if you're far from the opponent and he tries to get in close; estimate
your distance and make sure it connects)

6) Know your opponent's size. Large men are hard to juggle with a UF+4.
If you resort to the Spring Kick, however, you can pull off more hits
than usual (two DF+LPs instead of a single LP)

_ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ ___
( \/ ) ( ___)( \( )( _ \ (_ _)( \( ) / __)
) ( )__) ) ( )(_) ) _)(_ ) ( ( (_-.
(_/\_)() (____)(_)\_)(____/ (____)(_)\_) \___/

We see Lei honing his skills on a mountaintop by keeping a bowl of some
sort from dropping to the ground while executing his different moves.
Then we are shown with a another, snowy scene featuring Lei trying to
stance-switch his way through a series of bamboo poles in a straight
line. Finally, it's summer(or autumn?) and he's practing with a sword.
Then we see the sword hurled carelessly in mid-air. Lei thinks he needs
some rest and goes to sleep at a buddha statue.

_ _ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___
( \/ )(_ _) / __)( _ \( ___)( _ \ (_ _)(_ _)/ __)
) ( _)(_ ( (__ ) / )__) )(_) ) _)(_ )( \__ \
(_/\_)(____)() \___)(_)\_)(____)(____/ (____) (__) (___/

Gamepro for some of the moves' names

Jim Chamberlin (jjchamber4@aol.com) for info on the whats and hows of ASCII

Gamefaqs.com for paying attention to this faq
Namco and all its affiliates for creating such a great game

Ms. AsianCuteness for inspiring me in just about everything I do!

_ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ ___ ____ _____ _ _
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _) ( _ \( ___)( \/ )(_ _)/ __)(_ _)( _ )( \( )
) ( _)(_ _)(_ ) / )__) \ / _)(_ \__ \ _)(_ )(_)( ) (
(_/\_)(____)(____)() (_)\_)(____) \/ (____)(___/(____)(_____)(_)\_)
_ _ ____ ___ ____ _____ ____ _ _
( )_( )(_ _)/ __)(_ _)( _ )( _ \( \/ )
) _ ( _)(_ \__ \ )( )(_)( ) / \ /
(_) (_)(____)(___/ (__) (_____)(_)\_) (__)

none yet. suggestions, anyone?

_ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ _ _ __ __
( \/ )(_ _)(_ _)(_ _) ( ___)(_ _)( \( ) /__\ ( )
) ( _)(_ _)(_ _)(_ )__) _)(_ ) ( /(__)\ )(__
(_/\_)(____)(____)(____)() (__) (____)(_)\_)(__)(__)(____)
_ _ _____ ____ ____ ___
( \/\/ )( _ )( _ \( _ \ / __)
) ( )(_)( ) / )(_) )\__ \
(__/\__)(_____)(_)\_)(____/ (___/

Please feel free to email me if there's something about Lei I left out
or if you just want to comment on my work. Thank you. If ever I revise
this faq and add something you feel came from one of your emails to me,
email me again and remind me bout it so I can give you credit. Thanks


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Mokujin FAQ (Oft gestellt Fragen)

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
Alle Spieler und Modi freigespielt.

18.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: Alle Spieler und Modi freigespielt.

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Anna Williams FAQ

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18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

16.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Gamebustercodes
13.Mai 2008
Ausführliches englisches FAQ
engl. FAQ 2
13.Mai 2008
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020