Tekken 3

Tekken 3

12.10.2013 22:25:22
Secret Tekkeniques FAQ
Secret Tekken 3 Tekkniques v0.2
Author: Notti
Email: Mahgnitton@hotmail.com
Last Updated: October 21st 1999
Faq Version: 0.2
Secret Tekken 3 Tekkniques FAQ description: This FAQ was compiled to gather
together miscellanious Tekken 3 tips, tricks, secrets, juggles, overlooked moves
and anything else I feel like putting in =P~ BTW the information in this FAQ is
verified on the japanese version of Tekken 3 for the Playstation system. 99.9%(I
doubt there's a difference but just in case) of the stuff in here should work on
non-japanese Playstation versions of the game. The ARCADE version of Tekken 3
that is generally found in the US has several differences(not TOO drastic but
there are differences in certain moves) compared to the more advanced/balanced
home version. Most arcades in the US have version A or B(to be honest I'm not
sure what version the US has) of Tekken 3... Tekken 3 for the Playstation is
Version D I'm told.
Disclaimer: This FAQ may be distributed only under certain conditions.
1) This FAQ is to remain unaltered!
2) Credit is given to me(Notti: Mahgnitton@hotmail.com ) for compiling it.
3) No monetery/barter/farm animals type compensation/gain shall be received
for this FAQ without my written in detail permission.
4) This FAQ shall not be published by or in any
magazine/periodical/manual/instruction/guidebook in an altered(back to
condition 1 you dogs) or unaltered state without my expressed written
5) I would prefer for you to email me(Notti: Mahgnitton@hotmail.com ) if you
decide to post this FAQ on your site. This is not necessary BUT if you do post
this FAQ on your webspace(not merely a link to someone else's webspace) and tell
me I will then be able to put a link to your site in the next version of my FAQ
Hosted at: The newest version of my FAQ can be found at these sites =) Visit
often and then visit again... for the first time:


Inside Tekkken
-FAQ History *updated*
v0.2 *new*
v0.1 |
v0.0 |
-Conventions and Notations *updated*
-General Stoof *updated*
Life(Hit Points) *new*
Low Parry Animations *new*
Right Punch Ground Stun Recover *new*
-Doctor Boskonovitch *new*
The Doctor Rush String *new*
Spin Doctor *new*
Doctor Multis *new*
Indian Doctor *new*
Elbow Rush Warp *new*
Robot, I Am *new*
Tazer Shocker *new*
Juggles(Combos) *new*
-Heihachi Mishima *updated*
Right Kick Sacrificial Counter *updated*
Demon Hop |
Quicker Demon Scissors |
Always Blast Chi Palms |
Sloppy Chi Palm |
Dash in Chi Palms |
Wave Step |
CD/RD cancel |
Immediate Death Fist |
Lightning and Thunder God Fist |
Hunting Getas |
Head Butter |
Head Butt Carnival *updated*
Hop Kick |
Stunning/Knock Out Axe Kick |
Delay Strings *updated*
Foot Stomp Override |
Large Punishment |
Foot Stomp Yell |
Hell Sweeps Hit Level |
Reverse Pervert *new*
Juggles(Combos) *updated*
-Paul Phoenix *updated*
FC Hammer |
Sway |
PK Magic |
Delay Strings |
Taunt/Imperfect Dragon Flip Kick |
Death Fist Revenge |
Ultimate Punishment Timing |
Tackle Punch Reverse |
Reversal Stuff |
Reverse Hop Kick |
While Standing Ten Hit *new*
Juggles(Combos) *updated*
-My Personal Records *new*
Time Attack *new*
Survival *new*
-Conclusion |
-Credits *updated*
-Links *updated*
FAQ History
Look into the past, catch a glipse of the future...

v0.2 (10/21/99)
~Cleaned up some text.
~Added a few of the sections I've cut such as....
~Added the Bosco Section. Freaky old guy... gotta love him.
~Low Parry section.
~Life Bar section.
~Updated Conventions.
~Added my Personal Records Section.
~Updated Links.
~Added the 2 Ground Stun escape
~Updated Hei's Right Kick Sacrificial Counter
~I have decided that the contents will list the updates compared to the last
version. FAQ History will be much more general from now on.
~I'm not a slave! It'll be updated when it's updated :)
~Another character or two... or one, heh...
~I might add some sections on Tekken Force and Ball Mode.
~Oops, some Bosco sections that are not quite ready for public consumption :)
Get ready for the next update when I will ?^?@!?^@$?^# with Bosco!

v0.1 (10/02/99)
~OMG, I've been sitting on this FAQ for almost a year... rather than let my
efforts go to complete waste I cleaned this FAQ up and released part of it 10
months after I practically stopped writing it :P
~Added a few guaranteed hits after Hei's 1+2(bk+ch)...
~Adjusted a few Paul juggs.
~Added Hei's Hunting Getas section.
~Added to Paul's reverse hop kick.
~Updated the Link Section.
~Well... in the clean up I removed some half done character sections, they will
come back in the future when I write more in their sections. I think I'll add
two characters an update.
~This FAQ is very rough, I need to add more explanations of my notations(if I
can even remember why I did things the way I did *sigh*).

v0.0 (12/01/98)
~The Tekken.net MB and battles with Chimmey and Red Smoke at the Queens College
Arcade fueled my Tekken fire, I wrote this FAQ.
~Lalala research and tests....
~Who knows... maybe this'll be finished one day this century.
Conventions and Notations
This section should be better in the future but here's the notations and
coventions I use and how they work. For an imaginary example...

(ws)3+4~1(bk-ch); f+1,1; 2,2

Hmmmm okay that in english(kinda) would be a while standing(ws) up from a crouch
press Left kick(3) and Right kick(4) at the same time(+), immediatly
INTERUPTED(~) by a Left Punch(1) that hits an opponent in the back(bk) on a NON
counter hit(MINUS ch)... this is one string(canned), this is now followed up by
a forward plus left punch(1), left punch(1) STRING(NOTE the semi-colons ";" )
that is then followed up by a right punch(2), right punch(2) STRING(NOTE that
commas "," separate button presses WITHIN strings and semi-colons separate

Fine, now here's most of the little abbreviations and conditions used in this

f forard
b back
d down
u up
1 left punch
2 right punch
3 left kick
4 right kick
+ "AND"
, just separates button presses clearly
- this means the timing on this move CAN be delayed. If I list a juggle with
this that means that I DO want you to delay.
~ this means I want these buttons to be pressed very close to each other.
Other times it just means that the second button press cancels the other
move into another one. This can be a problem with Hei's f+2~1.
; This separates STRINGS(errr generally). This generally means you go back to
normal standing stance(or whatever the move recovers in). In most other FAQs
people separate "strings" with a comma(,) followed by a space. I'm a
rebel... Also I will use this IN STRINGS to separate COMPLEX STRINGS... such
as Multithrows.
_ "OR" I will surround the options with ()
* This just means that there is something of note here. If I put it in a
juggle I generally mean that this attack misses the jugglee... generally.
# Continue holding... I haven't worked out myself exactly how I want this to
describe controller motions. What I try to use this for is to explain a
continued holding of a direction or button and then a bit later press the
next command in the sequence. It IS different then a capitalized direction.
(ch) counter hit
(sc) super charged... someone did the 1+2+3+4. If it's before, it's you.
(bl) blocked... you know how to do that right :)
(cr) crouched(doesn't mean full crouch)
(fc) full crouch(this means you took the tenth of a second to hold DF_D_DB)
(st) standing perfectly still... (e.g. (st)1+2+3+4 )
(bk) back, this means either you are back turned or your opponent is.
(sd) side(basically you hit the guy in the sides as opposed to the front or
(jsd) hit IN the air on the side(eh... I just want to make things clear at
times :D This usually resluts in Flip Juggles)
(ho) half over(this means they ARE flipping over but you hit them before they
could all the way. This is an important distinction.)
(fo) flippED over, they are FULLY flipped over. (this applies to juggles that
hit people in the side mostly). They cannot Tech Roll now =)
"USR" Unblockable Shoulder Ram: f,f from far away. You need to run for awhile.
"STK" Stun Kick: JUMP(UB_U_UF) then at the peak press 3.
"GRD" Ground Dive: f,f+1+2(other ways) from the floor(face up, feet towards).

One thing that should be understood as well is that anything AFTER the commas(or
BEFORE the button commands) are conditions that your character should be in,
anything AFTER the button presses are the conditions your opponent should be in.
For instance the (bk) condition means that someone has their back facing the
other character. Look at this Ling move:


What move is that? That's her "Peg Leg" move(she hops towards the opponent on
one leg and kicks with the other), as called in some FAQs. Now what about...


That's just her "Racoon Kick"(she swings her leg around and ends up back turned)
done into someone's back(Mistrust time!). How bout...


????... That's just her Peg Leg done into someone's back :) Nothing special,
just to serve a point....
General Stoof
** Life(Hit Points) **********************************************************

People tend to think that the numbers you get in Pmode are percents... they are
not. They are more, actually exactly, like hit points. So don't do a "100"
damage combo in PMode and think that it will kill when you play normally.

Here's the # of hit points you have in each mode of Tekken 3.

Arcade Mode: 130
Arcade Mode VS: 140
VS Mode: +/-10%=+/-15
70% = 95
80% = 110
90% = 125
100% = 140
110% = 155
120% = 170
130% = 185
140% = 200
Team Battle Mode: 170
Time Attack Mode: 130
Survival Mode: 140
Tekken Ball Mode: 130
Tekken Force Mode: 130
Practice Mode: Infinite =b~

As you can see for VS Mode the percents change the # of hit points by 15 points
ever time you change the percentage.

** Low Parry Animations ******************************************************

Low Parries throw aside low and special mid kicks and punches. In this section
I'll just list as best I can the different animations you can get for low moves
that you wouldn't expect(What do you get for parrying a Slide Kick?) or don't
know about(What parry do you get for low parrying Gunjack's (fc)df+1+2?). If I
don't list something then it will be the parry animation of the button you
pressed(1,2,3,4). Lei, Julia, King, Nina, Bryan, Law, Yoshi, Ling and Hwoarang
have Low Parries(Bosco's is not a true low parry, but even he will not Low
"Parry" a Type 0 move. Neither will Anna's b+4 react to a Type 0) and I have not
tested all low moves on all characters by any stretch... I just pick a low
parrier and then test. It was by luck I found Lei low parries Paul's Sweep
differently so there may very well be other characters who parry different moves
differently(hmmm I haven't tested any Ten Strings either... next update)....

These numbers tell you what type the parries are...
0 Not Parriable
1 Left Punch
2 Right Punch
3 Left Kick
4 Right Kick
5 Punch Sweep
6 Hell Sweep
7 Slide Kick
8 Big Sweep
9 Right Sweep
10 Left Sweep
11 Leaf Sweep

1,4* *type 6
n+2,1,4* *type 6
df+3,2,1,4* *type 6
d+4* *type 0
d+3+4* *type 3

f+3+4* *type 0

d+3+4* *type 3

Bah!!!! Next update :)

All Special Mid or Low moves are type 0 =)

f,n,d,DF#+4*,4*,4* *type 6
df+3,2,2,4,4* *type 6


(fc)d+1+2* *type 2
(fc)df+1+2* *type 2
f+1+2,1+2* *type 1

f,n,d,df+1,4* *type 6
f,n,d,df+4* *type 6
f,n,d,df#+4* *type 6
u+4,4,4* *type 6
uf+4,4*,4* *type 6
d+3+4* *type 0
1+4* *type 4


(fc)d+3+4* *type 4
d+3+4* *type 4
(rn)4* *type 0

b,f+2+3* *type 2

db+4* *type 8
b+2,3* *type 10
(fc)d,df,d,df+3* *type 7

4~4,3* *type 7
db+4* *type 9
(bk)d+4* *type 9
(bk)d+1* * type 5
(sld)4~3* *type 7
(fcd)3~4* *type 6
(knd)3* *type 0
(tgs)4* *type 9
(drs)3+4* *type 7

d+3* *type 10
(fc)d+3* *type 10
(fc)df+2,1* *type 5
(aop)4~3* *type 4

I highly doubt being Moku will change anything, but who knows?

d,df+4* *type 8

f,f,n+3+4* *type 3

1,4* *type 6
d+4* *type 11; *Lei: type 4
f,f+3,4,d+4* *type 6

d+3+4* *type 0
f,f,n+3+4* *type 3


** Right Punch Ground Stun Recover *******************************************

A technique from the olden days of Tekken 2 still exists in Tekken 3. It is not
often mentioned, not mentioned often enough, the Right Punch ground stun

In Tekken 2 this served a very useful purpose. Whenever you were knocked down
you could press RP to gain control of your character quicker thereby having a
better chance to avoid followup ground hit juggle damage(BTW, many of the
"guaranteed" juggles+ground hits in T2 PMode were not. Gotta double check those
juggs in Versus Mode). In Tekken 3 you have techrolls and this button seems to
do nothing much anymore when on the ground... except when you have just been
thrown(actually it does have an effect on CERTAIN knockdowns, but I'm not
certain on these yet).

There are several throws in the game which appear to have damaging and useful
followups... however many can be escaped by using this button to get your
character to recover quicker(tap RP a few times and whatever else you want to
do... if you want to roll back tap RP while holding back, if you want to do a
standing kick press RP and RK).

Here are only a few examples of this ground recovery....

King: db,f+2; db+1+3 You can escape the G-Throw...
Hei: 2+4; d+4 You can escape the stomp...
Paul: 1+3; d+2 You can escape the punch...

This works for most every throw... yet some throws still have big guaranteed
hits however if you know this little piece of info you can save yourself from a
lot of free cheapies and force your opponent to come at you with something
quicker but weaker or mix it up more.
* Abbreviations:
"(fbs)" Fall Back Stance: A general term for Bosco when he's falling back...
* Forgotten Tekkniques:
** H?i??chi ???na?e **********************************************************

** The Doctor Rush String ****************************************************


Let's just take the string apart...

f,f+1 This punch hits special mid and is good by itself. It's non-reversable,
non-parriable, and he goes into fallback stance after. Also when on counter hit
this move cause a stun animation. Bosco recovers quick enough to some EVIL
juggles... this move is worth the risk.

4 can be delayed after, it recovers without going into fallback. Guaranteed hit
after the f,f+1 hits if not delayed.

3 can be delayed after 4, afterwards you go into fallback. Guaranteed after the
4 hits if not delayed.

3 can be delayed after the prior 3, does NOT go into fallback afterwards. Is NOT
guaranteed if the prior 3 hits.

3 cannot be delayed, does not go into fallback. Guaranteed if the prior 3 hits.

2 can be put after the first 3 or the third 3. In both places is can be delayed.
This punch, if it hits, always causes a non escapable fallback stun.

1 if the stun punch hits this punch will connect... however I usually won't do
it since the recovery is bad and the stun punch can allow for other juggles. I
only use it for suprise.

** F??l ?ac? St???e **********************************************************

** Spin Doctor ***************************************************************

(fbs)1+2 or


I'm not sure what to make of this move at times... it's very evasive, at
times... if people try to attack while Bosco is doing this they may very well
miss. In the absence of a low block this may just be what the doctor
ordered(that was bad wasn't it? *Notti's suspicions were confirmed by the
simultaneous groaning*). You can do this while in (fbs) and it's very useful in
messing up an opponent's attack timing... still the chaotic ss'ing of this move
may still let them hit you... it's still a risk.

Another motion to try is:


Which is just a Spin Doctor after a dash in(the Doc's CD). You must be holding
Forward while pressing 2~1

Also interesting is the :


If you press 1+2 over and over you will retreat while Doctor Spinning. You're
not invincible when doing this but it is very hard(or lucky) for your opponent
to hit him out of this. It can be useful and fustrating to an offensive opponent

Unfortunately you can't Spin Doctor during a SS... well not easily. You can


But as it says, you have to hold Back for a quarter of a sec... And since the
Doctor SS's Left at the beginning of the Spin:


Will bring him far off course of your enemy's attack.

Oh yes, and finally, after the Spin Doctor, Bosco is in (fbs). I may go for a
secondary Spin till they whiff a move then I do a (fbs)u.

** ?ow D??? Mov?? ************************************************************

** Ch??ge I? *****************************************************************

** ??? 20 ?????? *************************************************************

** ????h D??nk P??ri?s *******************************************************

** Doctor Multis *************************************************************

Bosco has the strangest multi "throw". It starts off normal but the rest goes
into all sorts of manuevers for show and some damage.

1+4-1+2,(fbs) (=10)
^; 2,2,1+2,(knd) (=~21)
^; (1_2_3_4),(fbs)
^; 3+4,(fbs+bk) (=~10)
^; 1+4
^; 2,1,3,4,(fbs) (=38)
^; 1+2,(fcd)
^; (1_2_3_4),(fbs+bk)
^; 3+4,(sc)
^; 1+2, (=~50)

Doctors, ready the disection table...

1+4 - The Punch Drunk Parry... look at the section above.

1+4-1+2 - Grab move for Bosco... the multi can start if this grabs from the
front. You can delay the 1+2 press. The escape is 1+2. You can start some back
juggles versus the big guys with an uf+2 after this.

1+4,1+2; 2,2,1+2 - just a drop elbow into the enemy's back, it is an actual
ATTACK(turn off counter hits in Pmode)... go on...

1+4,1+2; 2,2,1+2; (1_2_3_4),(fbs) - VERY tough timing on the last button press.
You have to tap any button I think during the rolling after the drop elbow(sorry
I can't be more specific as I'm not sure myself. I usually just hold forward,
mash 2, and pray ;P ). If you can nail this often and the follow up combo(look
in the juggle section) you are a Boskonovitch God. Gigantic damage... your
opponent should be almost, if not already, dead.

1+4,1+2; 2,2,1+2; 3+4,(fbs+bk) - this thing SUCKS. Not only is the damage
pitiful but you go rolling past the enemy revealing a stunned Bosco with his
back turned. Yuck. BTW if you turn on Counter Hits in PMode this move is a
little interesting.

1+4,1+2; 2,2,1+2; 1+4 - A good spot to go for an optional juggle... flip juggles
are so sweet and this move sets you up perfectly :)

1+4,1+2; 2,2,1+2; 1+4; 2,1,3,4,(fbs) - Here's the easy money shot. Nice damage,
not difficult to pull off, the Doctor makes some funny and humiliating noises,
and you're standing over the fallen enemy ready to punish them some more. What
could be better?

1+4,1+2; 2,2,1+2; 1+2 - Hmmm, taken from Ling it's her ss'ing cartwheel. That's
it. Move on.

1+4,1+2; 2,2,1+2; 1+2; (1_2_3_4),(fbs+bk) - Ahh... insane timing again to pull
this cancel off. But the only thing is... there's no reason to do so. No cool or
useful juggles... just go for the 1+4 string instead :P

1+4,1+2; 2,2,1+2; 1+2; 3+4,(sc) - This is kinda neat. He does an insane laugh
while running backwards then gets Super Charged. No nice guaranteed damage but
this is a cool way to start off the 20 hit string ^_^

1+4,1+2; 2,2,1+2; 1+2; 3+4; 1+2 - Heh. Awesome damage unblockable shoulder
ram... too bad if the enemy is the least bit intelligent they will stay on the
ground(or roll away) and let this move pass right overhead =( The good doctor
laughs even when this move misses... you won't be laughing when your opponent
starts a left kick ground sweep juggle.

** L?? ?arr?/E?c?pe **********************************************************

** Indian Doctor *************************************************************

This move seemed virtually useless when I first did it... it's still pretty weak
but this move does do something other than make you laugh. It can heal the
Doctor. First however are the controls for this move...

3_4 accelerates the Doctor.
D puts the brakes on.
U stands the Doctor up(actually any direction other than DF_D_DB).

Okay... the faster you tap 3 or 4(tap both to go even faster) the faster you go.
However if you go too fast it will start to hurt him... anyway... when you get
within range of your opponent you will Teleport behind your opponent still in
Indian Sit going the wrong way. Here's the useful part. If you are puttering
along fast enough when you meet your opponent and teleport you will gain life :)
The bad part, if you haven't figured it out yet, is that if you are going really
fast you start to hurt yourself.... The most I've ever gotten is 12 HP, but
usually 8. You can play around with it to find the best speeds by going into
Pmode with Bosco as the CPU character. This will let you see the healing(it will
be in negative numbers). You can get the 12 HP gain speed if you're a step away
from your opponent... it can work but it's risky as you can be hit during the
stance, while teleporting and while reappearing kinda easy.

*put put put...*

** Elbow Rush Warp ***********************************************************

f,f,n+2(ch); f,f; 1+2_3

This move is very similar to Yoshimitsu's. On a counter hit it will slice
through your opponent... from there you can tap forward twice and then he will
do a back step that will let him either a 1+2(back slam) or 3(peg leg).

If you don't do the 1+2 or 3 you can wait a moment and do a U to get the Doctor
Explosion. A side effect of doing this is you get to hear all of the Doctor's
feeble laugh instead of him always interupting it with his quicker laugh.

Another strange trick with this move is to get it to hit on counter hit versus a
grounded opponent. Only True Ogre is big enough to see this on but you should
try it :) Also, just like Yoshi's, if you do this move into someone's back on
counter hit you'll see the Doctor immediatly reverse direction and come back in
the wrong direction. Finally, you can combine these two into one and get this
hit on a grounded opponent in their back.

** B???war?s Do??or **********************************************************

** Robot, I Am ***************************************************************

Being the creator of the Jacks it makes sense that he has special stuff with
them. In battle the Doctor can use his Remote to control Jack. Here are all the
special things I know of between the two:

f,f+2(ch) - This will cause Jack to do his f+4~1 unblockable and then have Bosco
reverse it. Jack is unable to Chicken this... GOOD! Other interesting things
that can be done is if you do this move into Jack's back or while he is on the
ground(Remember this has to be a counter hit, this won't happen often) Bosco
will stand with his hands out ready to Reverse any High or Mid hits Jack throws
at him(Bosco is also Super Charged so he can be Counter Hit while doing this
unfortunately). This is only the beginning :)

f,f+2~U(ch) - This is an alternate(and better) version of the above move. What
is does versus Jack is cause him to do his 3+4 unblockable(Flying Stomp). What's
great about it is that Bosco gets a free shot at punishing Jack from behind.
Also if you get this on Counter Hit versus a back turned or grounded Jack, Jack
will do nothing other than fall down stunned while Bosco wastes his time trying
to control Jack. Not at all useful. Move on...

f,f+2~D(ch) - This is just the normal Stun that Bosco would get versus any other
character. No real reason to do this other than you feel the back combos from
above are a little too powerful ^_^ Also since Jack is "big" you can't uf+1
juggle him :(

Jack uf+1+2; d,df+2 - This is Jack's Pick Up; Megaton Punch throw. But against
Bosco, he will reverse it automatically(you don't have to press anything...
however if you hold a direction you will mess the reversal up and Bosco'll get
hit normally). But dammit all, Gunjack can Chicken this reversal >:( Also it
SEEMS like Bosco can't do the normal tricks with this throw that others can(tap
forward or back right before the Megaton Punch hits), he'll just get hit(no
reversal)... but I'm not so sure about this since the f_b requires EXCELLENT
timing in the first place.

** Tazer Shocker *************************************************************


This is a mimic, I suppose, of Yoshi's b,b+1. It's kind of interesting in it's
properties(it's also slow to come out). What it does is cause your opponent to
be shocked once about every half a second(~2 shocks a second) and at every shock
they get damaged for 10 hit points(that's about 20 hit points a second draining
away). During this time you can do anything to them, even go around for a back
throw however there is an escape. That escape is to press ANY(not 3+4) button at
a certain point inbetween the "shocks". You can also escape at the very moment
after Bosco hits you with his b+1+2 and you will not recieve any damage from any
shocks :) However there is one bad thing with the escape... it's not just an "I
escaped, now let's fight." What happens is when you "escape" is that you now do
your Super Charger... heh. During the Super Charger animation you are totally
open and after the Super Charger animation is over you are still in trouble
since don't forget that you can't block now and all hits on you are counter hits
after a Super Charger... go Bosco! =D The deal is this. If Bosco hits you with
this move(oh that's right... he's got to hit first... damn), even if you
"escape" as soon as possible he can get huge free hits on you(think uf+1... or
he can also get a free throw attempt... or he could go for a nasty f,f+2 if he
times your escape. It's to Bosco's advantage to just wait for you to escape, and
then score a stunning counter hit since you are taking damage every half

One other tiny interesting point... if you get a Bosco versus Bosco fight and
one of them gets hit by this move, when they do the "escape" they will do their
GROUND super charger. They just warp to the floor and charge... very strange

** Bos?? ???at Gl???h ********************************************************

* Juggles(Combos)
** Normal Juggles ************************************************************
Starter; Juggle (Damage) Notes

^; (fbs)u (56) Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........
^; (fbs)3+4 (57) Very reliable, also sets up a nice f,f+1+2 dive chop.
^; f,f,n+3 (62) This looks great... sometimes the opponent goes off in
strange directions....
^; uf+1 (66) This one can miss sometimes, it's fickle. Sometimes he goes
too far and turns around to hit the opponent(he may miss...
certain characters miss a lot)... then you recover
normally(facing them)... sometimes he hits them behind
him(not the greatest for Bosco but at least you got the
damage)... Also don't forget you can do a second low parry
to kill the stun he gets....
^; (fbs)D#; b+2(jsd); f+3(fo),4(fo); f,f+1+2 (89) If you hold down when
you do the parry Bosco
will easily go into a
SS. You then cancel the
SS with a b+2 jab that
will flip em over. The
f,f+1+2 is unescapable.

^; uf+1 (48) easy, yet damaging.
^; uf+2 (31)
^; (fbs)F#,+3+4 (40-42) techable but never misses(hit the techer).
^; uf+2 (37) looks nice but the 3rd uf+2 misses often.
^; (fbs)F#,+3+4 (46) slides result in a bad position
^; f+4 (35) always works.
^; (fbs)F#,+3+4 (44) add the slide for damage.

^; (fbs)F#,+3+4 (43-47) Hits tech rollers.

^; uf+2...
^; uf+1 (51)
^; f,f+3 (56) hai-ya!
^; f,f,n+3 (58) 2 hits... slam to the ground...
^; (fbs)D
^; (knd)3,3 (42)
^; (knd)f,4,3,4*,3 (31) Just for fun... kinda lucky to get.

^; uf+1...
^; uf+2...
^; (fbs)DF#+1,2...
^; f,f+1,4,3 (52)

^(ch_Jack, hold D)
^; uf+1...
^; uf+2...
^; (fbs)DF#+1,2...
^; (fbs)F; (st)1+4,1+2; (fbs)u (115)

1+4,1+2; (10)
^; uf+2(bk); uf+1 (54; Jack+)
^; 2,2,1+2 (31)
^; 1+4
^; f+2; f+3,4; f,f+1+2 (78-81)
^; (ss)2,1 (61) SSR is easier to land but a SSL allows
for a follow up hit on the grounded
opponent. To land this move easier try
holding U or D and then pressing 2 when
you see Bosco SS.
^; (fbs)u (88) This can "combo" if the Explosion
hits before they land, but it
hurts more if you let them land
first. You have to (SSL)2,1 to
get this on non-big characters.
^; ANY; (fbs)F; (st)1+4,1+2(bk)
^; (fbs)f,f+1+2 (112-133)
^; (fbs)u (126-132; Jack+) Wow.
* Abbreviations:
"CD" Crouch Dash: f,n,d,df
"RD" Rolling Dash: d,df,f
"DF" Death Fist: d,df,f+2
"TGF" Thunder God Fist: f,n,d,df+1
"WGF" Wind God Fist: f,n,d,df+2
"(1,2,3)HS" H-E-double hockey sticks Sweep(s): f,n,d,df#+4,4,4
"DMK" Demon Mid Kick: f,n,d,df+3
"DLK" Demon Low Kick: f,n,d,df#+3
"DGF" Demon God Fist: f,f+2
* Forgotten Tekkniques:
** Right Kick Sacrificial Counter ********************************************

Ish Canoe? Every wonder what the exact conditions are for Hei to get that big
ole kicking push off move? Well, there are several ways actually:

~Type 1) Have some one throw just about most any high OR MID right kick at you
when you are doing Heihachi's Unblockable Thor's Hammer(d+1+4). Even after the
attacking part is over he will STILL counter most all right kicks... it's still
possible till the animation is totally over with(his hand is down but he has not
recovered from the unblockable yet). Also if you happen to unluckily TRADE hits
with your right kick versus Hei's unblockable he will still get his reversal...

~Type 2) Have Heihachi be counter hit with many HIGH(I'd say about 65-75% of
high 4's... not as reliable as I would want) right kicks or a select few
MID(maybe 1% of mid 4's... ha) right kicks while Hei is holding d,df,f,uf,u, or
ub(basically any direction besides direct blocking and neutral). You cannot
trade hits at the same time and get this reversal since trade hits never count
as counter hits(except if either Heihachi or the kicking opponent is Super
Charged... but what if they are both Heihachis?? What happens then???? ONE of
the Hei's will get the Kick Counter, but I have no idea how the game decides
which one will get it. The only way this can be done is with a standing Hei 4
versus another standing Hei 4 when they trade hits when at least one of them is
Super Charged).

Here is a list of MID kicks(there are way too many Highs for me to list) that
Hei can grab just by holding d,df,f,uf,u,ub WITH a counter hit:

b+3+4,u* (Weird... this move ALWAYS hits on counter hit(think about it)...
but... check the Dr. Boskonovitch section =D )


4,4,4,4* (Heh...)

~Type 3) Have Heihachi hold d,df,f,uf,u, or ub when being hit by certain
specific HIGH right kicks(no counter hit needed). You may also trade hits with
this one and Hei will still give out the reversal+trade hit damage.

Here is a list of High kicks that Hei can grab just by holding d,df,f,uf,u,ub
W/OUT a counter hit:

4,3* (yes he grabs a left kick! But that is quickly corrected! :) This just
in... for some reason this will not work against Hei's "Thor's Hammer"(Type 1).

df+2,4* (Interesting... he can grab her in the middle of a "combo")
1,2,4* (If the jab is a counter he can still grab her)

f+4* (Strangely not a n+4... hmmm)

If you know of anymore email me... OK?

Damages DONE TO each character for the reversal:

Done to->Opponent|Heihachi
Type 1: ALWAYS 55|ALWAYS 50
Type 2: ALWAYS 45|Damage of kick(don't forget counter damage)+6
Type 3: ALWAYS 45|Damage of kick+6

As you can see the most reliable version of his reversal also has a crappy ratio
of damage done vs damage received. If you want to use this move on purpose(say
against Paul's f,f+3,4,(4_f+4_d+4) string...) use the unblockable for a good
chance of it working... or jabs(excellent chance of 1,1,2 connecting if he
doesn't go high, as a matter of fact you are totally safe and WILL damage
Paul(unless the HIGH kick will kill you.... 1~F,1,2 is the safest since a 1
comes out quicker than a f+1 and if Paul does the low kick finisher the f+1 may
very well miss)... but the reversal looks so cool... net yourself some style
points and go for the reversal). BTW only the unblockable reversal version will
come out when the kick kills Hei, type 2+3 reversals won't come out at all so
Heihachi he will still lose if he's the first to lose all his life... you still
get the last hit tho :P

** Demon Hop *****************************************************************

This move was in Tekken 1 aswell as Tekken 2 yet most do not know of it. The
motion for this move is:


This is a very quick hop in with good speed. What you can do while hopping is
press 3 or d+3 to get either the DMK or DLK... or neither and simply go for
whatever... a throw or maybe twin pistons perhaps.... BTW the Demon Hop versions
of of the DMK and DLK seem to come out quicker than the regular versions(IMO).

** Quicker Demon Scissors ****************************************************

This tekknique was present in Tekken 1 and 2 but it was not nessessary to
mention it in Tekken 1 since this was the only way to do it in T1. Namco
abbreviated the motion in T2 to 4~3(uf+4~3, as is also in T3, is the prefered
method in T2), but the original motion actually makes the move come out quicker.
Here's the abbreviated(the move comes out slower) motion:


And here's the original(the move comes out quicker) motion:


The move comes out quicker by a few frames(it also evades ALL low attacks from
the very beginning, unlike it's slower brother, which only evades all low
attacks once it's left the ground). It's hard to notice the speed difference but
it's there.

** Always Blast Chi Palms ****************************************************

Unlike Hei's 1+2 Chi Palm that only blasts away on counter hit this verion
always does allowing you to get the uf+4~3 follow up guaranteed. There are two
ways here...
1) f+2,1
2) 1,2,2~1

** Sloppy Chi Palm ***********************************************************

If you do not feel you can hit the 1+2 chi palm button =P you can do the move as
2~1. If you do the motion as b+2~1 you can get Hei to do a little grunt(his b+2
grunt) and if you do it as f,f+2~1 you'll get another yell... this motion(2~1)
does not work during an early SS... technically this motion should also be
slower in coming out than the normal 1+2....

** Dash in Chi Palms *********************************************************

f,f,b+1+2 use this to get the Palms from a dash otherwise you'd get a DGF. You
can also use it b,b+1+2 or b,B,+1+2(you can also sloppy chi palm).

** Wave Step *****************************************************************

This move gains ground quickly... perhaps even quicker than running... and all
the while you have the ability to alternatively do CD and f,f moves. Here's the


That's 3 waves right there... here's the basic part: f,n,d,df,f,repeat. The
reason is after a CD you can do f,f to get f,f moves such as DGFs or throws(such
as f~f+1+2). But Namco made it so that CDs can be done as part of the normal f,f
dash... thereby creating a loop.

** CD/RD cancel **************************************************************

Do a CD or RD and tap u or ub then go into any standing moves. ub is better I
think since it has the least chance of messup.

** Immediate Death Fist ******************************************************

Here ya go... df,f+2. I think this works... I may be imagining it however =) The
way I found this was when I was playing with the Wave Step above.

f,n,d,df,f,f,df,f+2 was what I was getting on occassion... the reason this has
to be the way it is is because the full motion d,df,f+2 would bring me into a CD
instead of the RD... but I was getting the DF. Well?

BTW don't forget this is NOT a RD or CD where you can travel for a moment or two
before pressing 2. As soon as you hit f press 2.

** Lightning and Thunder God Fist ********************************************

What this signifies I have no idea but... do a TGF and get it to connect at the
edge of it's range(best as I can explain it, rather random actually), Heihachi
will be consumed in electricity. It doesn't seem to matter what damage you
get(I've gotten clean hits to do this and I've gotten it at 100%, 35 damage.
I've also had it come out in juggles). Well whatever it does it looks cool ;)
Hmmm maybe in Tekken 4 Hei will have a ETGF if you do the motion perfectly like
Jin's EWGF?

** Hunting Getas *************************************************************

In Tekken 1 Hei was one of the baddest mofos, for example his uf+3,4 jump kicks
if you blocked the first one, the second always hit. In Tekken 3 he still has it
but it takes some skill... uf+3.. 4. The timing is exact... RIGHT before the
uf+3 is blocked press 4. Basically you want to delay the second kick button
PRESS(as it doesn't actually delay the kick) as long as possible so the game
will make the first kick act like it was done alone. You can see this in Pmode
by having the kicks hit(not blocked by) the opponent and looking at the damage.
You see if you do the first kick by itself it will have a base damage of 25, but
if you input the right kick right away like you would usually do, the move will
have it's base damage changed to 17. But if you delay that second kick till the
VERY end you will see not only will the base damage STAY at 25, you'll get the
second kick =)

BTW before people email me about my little unblockable trick, let me tell you
that this also works for Hwoarang, Ogre and True Ogre... enjoy!

Finally if your opponent ends up blocking both kicks, Hei has a GREAT timing
advantage on the opponent, nothing's guaranteed but Hei has got the advantage
which is great since Hei is damn close.

** Head Butter ***************************************************************

The motion is f~f+1+2... but you must do the f~f quickly and not pause much
inbetween presses... don't ask me why(this also pertains to CD cancel Head Butts
UNLESS you do the motion as f,n,d,df.. f~f+1+2 NOT f,n,d,df,f.. f+1+2 which is
hard since this is the only time in the game it matters if you go too far with
the CD motion and if you mess up you get a DGF) Also this throw is a techable
throw. When someone techs from this move(any button) they always tech to their
left(grr). If they don't tech they are rather vulnerable to ground hits such as
d+4 stomps... but you can't watch for the tech and have stomps guaranteed at the
same time, gotta guess.

** Head Butt Carnival ********************************************************

The motion is f,f+1+4(very dash delayable compared to f,f+1+2) and can only be
done VS Hei, Jin, Kuma, Lei, Paul and Moku imitations. The initial throw can be
escaped by 1+2. The opponent can challenge the head butt by hitting ANY button
right before the head butt hits... but Hei can re-challenge by hitting ANY
button right before the opponents counter head butt hits him.

The following are damages that HEIHACHI DOES to his enemies if
unchallenged(meaning they DIDN'T head butt back). Charged means that SOMEONE did
the Super Charger, 1+2+3+4, before the throw connected. Final means after the
first head butt was challenged and if Hei gets the last one after, this is how
much he will do:

Kuma |42 | 50 | 65
Jin |29 | 34 | 45
Lei |29 | 34 | 45
Paul |29 | 34 | 45
Moku |29 | 34 | 45
Moku-Hei |29 | 34 | 30
Hei |29 | 34 | 30

If any head butt is "challenged" the damage to the challenger is ALWAYS 30
damage, or if the original Hei loses he ALWAYS takes 30 damage. These head butts
can continue till someone dies....

** Hop Kick ******************************************************************

As if Hei didn't have enough juggle starters... try u+4. You can get most WGF
juggles out if close.

** Stunning/Knock Out Axe Kick ***********************************************

f,f+3 does nothing normally but stuns on counter, f,f,n+3 ALWAYS knocks down for
a quick d+1 hammer or some more powerful not quite guaranteed stuff(Hell Sweeps
or d+4 stomp).

** Delay Strings *************************************************************

Simple listing here for moves of Heihachi that are delayable(not including CD+RD

(ws)+4-4(not HS axes)

** Foot Stomp Override *******************************************************

The foot stomp can be done two ways:


This means that you cannot put df+4's mid kicks and d+4 tick kicks in most
juggles and wake up games. Well actually... you can still put the tick kicks in
by pressing db+4.

** Large Punishment **********************************************************

Hei's unblockable can hit large characters(Gun, Kuma, Togre) on the floor at
rest =O Try WGF; d+1+4 for evilness... it can be escaped(HOLD UP till you stand
up, then hit 4 and pray... it's VERY CLOSE... Togre can Owl Hunt too) MOST of
the time but many do not know this.... And if they try to tech roll Hei follows
em... unblockable tracking! =D Even tho this is escapable these characters still
have to constantly watch out for this. You can also hit these characters with
TGFs(and DMKs!) on the floor... nice damage ;)

** Foot Stomp Yell ***********************************************************

Do a foot stomp to a fallen opponent(hit or miss, doesn't matter) and during the
replay hear Hei say his kick reversal scream(ISH CANOE!).

** Hell Sweeps Hit Level *****************************************************

I personally think Hei's Hell Sweeps are the weirdest moves in all of Tekken in
how it works, nothing else in Tekken works quite like it does.

The hit level of the FIRST HS to HIT OR BE BLOCKED is considered Special
Mid(it's special mid since it doesn't hit ducking opps and can't be reversed by
high/mid reversals and CAN BE parried by a low parry. This also means that this
move cannot be guarantee-ingly evaded by low evading moves... Yoshi's STANDING
Pogo or an uf hop for instance). What that means is that if the first sweep
totally wiffs the second sweep gets these properties. Another property of the
first HS to touch is if it is blocked by a high blocking opponent it will cause
block damage(7 points of damage) signified by a spark. This spark not only
causes damage but a small amount of stun. If the 2nd OR 3rd HS get this high
blocked spark(cause the first HS missed) the canned follow up TGF(hit left
punch) is GUARANTEED.

** Reverse Pervert ***********************************************************

Heihachi's b+2 is normally irreversable... however in Heihachi's f+1-b+2-1
string his b+2 is reversable under a strange condition. If Heihachi does his
string like this:

f+1,b+2-1 - The b+2 is not reversable. Hei has to delay the 1 as much as
possible. But if he does it like this...

f+1,b+2,1 - The b+2 IS reversable. Strange but true.

* Juggles(Combos)
** Normal Juggles ************************************************************
Starter; Juggle (Damage) Notes

^; f+1; f+1,b+2,1 (56) Basic juggle, likes to whiff on Julia.
^; d,df,f+2 (61) Get it early, on clean hit, or not great damage.
^; 2HS,2 (63) Clean+early+close.... otherwise.
^; 2HS,1 (56)
^; WGF; d+1 (56)
^; df+1
^; 2HS,1; d+1 (66) It's not techable if done correctly(TGF hits late).
^; f+1,b+2,1 (57) Julia... whiff!
^; df+2
^; f,f+1,b+2,1 (60-64) Jul....
^; 2HS,1; d+1 (70) Hard to get. Especially on smaller chars like
Julia(may be impossible) and Ling. The part that
seems to miss a lot is the second sweep. You need
to get the first sweep in deep... but not too
deep(cause that takes time) or the juggle is
^; TGF (53-66) If you didn't get the WGF close the TGF will not do the best
^; df+3,2,2,4 (43) Either get a WGF from far away or start the df+3 late as

^; df+2; 2HS,1; d+1 (75) Doesn't that look nice :)
^; WGF; (bk)3_4 (80) Get that DGF in close. Get that WGF very early to get
them behind you. Very nice.
^; Try most any other WGF juggle from above.

^; df+1; df+1,2 (47)
^; df+3,2,2,4 (48)
^; 4 (53)
^; f+1; f+1,b+2,1 (56)
^; df+1; f,f+1,b+2,1 (60)

df+2 <-----don't forget they can hold Down to escape.
^; DGF...
^; WGF...
^; DF (54)

f,f+3(ch) <-----don't forget that this stun is escapable
^; Any df+2(hard), WGF ;) or df+1,2 juggles and throws will work.
^; 2HS,2 (66) Clean... move forward if you need it.
^; d+1+4 (89-104; Kuma/Panda and Gun Jack... True Ogre can Owl Hunt)
^; TGF (62-52) Clean blah blah....
^; df+2; f,f+2; df+1; 2HS,1; d+1 (111) Yeouch! Seafood soup! This is
of course escapable in two
spots and hard to do anyway...
but I love it still!

^; d+4 (45-55)
^; d+1 (41)
^; RD+4,4 or CD,n+4,4(48) Should be close.

^; 2HS,1 (52)
^; 3HS,1; d+1 (66-68; King+)
^; TGF (58; Jack+)
^; df+3,2,2,4 (39; Jack+)

2HS,1; 1+2 (53)
^n+4; DF (54)

^; f+1,1,2 (69)
^; f+1,b+2 (68)
^; 2HS, 2 (77; Gun Jack+; techable) Sweetness =)
^; TGF (80; Gun Jack+; techable) Yay! A TGF!
^; f+1,b+2,4 (82; Gun Jack+; techable) Oh... if the kick was only a hair

^; d+1 (37) In Pmode doesn't always count as a combo but it always works
when in the correct range.
^; uf+4~3 (44) Try not to take too long.
^; WGF (47; Jack+) Travel for a bit, not as much as you'd think
^; f,f+2 (56; Jack+) Rip em up.
^; TGF (62; Jack+) Big uns take it.
^; DMK (62; Jack+) Need good timing to get it right.
^; 1+2 (44) Double Hadoooooooooken!
^; uf+3 (47) You can do the double jump kick too, but the second
kick will always miss not to mention that the first
kick gets weaker when you do that(unless you do the
delay trick from the "Hunting Getas" section).
^; WGF (47)
^; df+1,2 (57; Gun Jack+) Practice mode silliness =)

^; 2,2 (37) Just thought I'd throw this in...
^; f+1,1-2 (36) Delay the 2. It has a habit of whiffing(stange).
^; f+1,2,2 (36) Blah blah.

^; d+1 (13-15) Easy to get... never miss.
^; (sc)d+1,2 (55) Really cool :)
^; DF (27-37) HARD to get... only if you have a good sense of when
you are out of the jump kick stun.
^; WGF (22) TERRIBLY hard to get. Works best versus Ling and Julia
since you can land the closest to them after the kick.
^; df+1,2 (28; Yoshi+Kuma) Truly EASY CHEESEY =)

^; 2; 2HS,1 (38) Awesoma powah.
^; f+1; f+1,b+2,1 (30) A Hei standard.
^; 2; f,f+1,b+2,1 (37) Nicer if you can slip in the Right Jab :)

^; 2HS,2 (62-68) Don't forget, they are stunned. You can CD in rather
^; DF (63) Go Death Fist!
^; DGF (63) 63 again?
^; TGF (60,73) Easy... yet damaging. Silly Tekken juggle system =P
^; CD,n+4; f+1,b+2,1 (66) Oh very well. For those who insist on some
little bit of skill to do damage =P~

^; DF (61-67)

** Side Juggles vs Togre *****************************************************
^; df+1(jsd); uf+3(fo),4; d+1,2
^; df+2(jsd); TGF(fo); df+1(fcd),2
* Abbreviations:
"DF" Death Fist: d,df,f+2
"ET" Elbow Thruster:d,df,f+1
"RD" Rolling Dash: d,df,f
"SB" Sway Back: d,db,b
* Forgotten Tekkniques:
** FC Hammer *****************************************************************

When you do Paul's hammer you have several choices... either press nothing, 2,
4... or while doing the hammer you held down. If you hold down you'll finish the
move in a full crouched position from which you can do any full crouched(fc)
moves or while standing(ws) ones. For instance you can do the elbow
smasher/uprooter... you can do a (ws)4(mid) or (fc)4(low). The FC Hammer
actually has faster recovery than the regular Hammer. The reason I think this is
because after a CLOSE blocked Hammer with some characters you can hit Paul with
a standing jab(1) or almost everytime with most every character with a ducking
jab(d+1 or db+1), but you can't do this vs an FC Hammer(not only can you block
the duck jab, the standing one will go over your head since you are in full
crouch). A small note now on the d+1,2 and the d+1,4,2... during BOTH follow ups
Paul can be standing jabbed between the d+1 and the 4 or 2 if blocked and if the
hammer actually hit you can get a ducking jab(left punch)... if on counter hit
the Death Fist(right punch) DOES combo even tho the Pmode counter says it
doesn't and the sweep kick elbow combo can ONLY be blocked low(not even low
parried) then blocked mid for you to do your minor counter damage.

** Sway **********************************************************************

The Sway Back(sb) when it starts has a small(very small) period of high attack
evasion built in(perhaps it's just the d of the d,db,b motion). Also Paul has 3
moves he can do from the sway.

d,db,b,n+1 Bounce Hammer
d,db,b,n+2 Palm Strike
d,db,b+3-2-(1_2) Sway Sweep, Elbow Switch....

Bounce Hammer: This move can Bounce you on counter hit. Not many great juggles
from this move. However this move is virtually identical to his normal Hammer
except you can't go to FC after.

Palm Strike: On counter hit it will send the enemy sliding away ready for a
Neutron Bomb(f,f+4) and me standing over them =) When it hits normally it leaves
you and your enemy on equal terms and when blocked causes block stun and leaves
you pretty safe(only the quickest, longest ranged standing jabs can touch you if
you did this move really close... Kuma's f+1 comes to mind)... if dodged
however... *sigh*.

Sway Sweep: This moves comes out a little slow and has too little range to be
used that offensively so it should be used when someone is attacking high. If it
counter hits you're ONLY guaranteed the elbow(if you didn't delay the elbow),
none of it's follow ups. You should take notice that this move is the only one
that doesn't require a neutral stick position before pressing the buttons from
the Sway.

** PK Magic ******************************************************************

Paul has a couple PK strings. I'll list them and their properties:

n+1,4 5h+8l Is 99% safe if blocked, good poker, and combos together.
2,3 12h,21h Least useful, for juggles I guess(a lil slow tho).
2,d+3 12h,8L Most don't expect the low... but with the f+2,d+3...
f+2,3 12h~20h Better than 2,3 I guess... combos on counter.
f+2,d+3 12h~17L MAGIC... Unblockable low kick if punch is BLOCKED >=D

*Laughing* f+2,d+3... feel the fury of Paul! You better duck... uh-oh hop
kick(hammer... df+1, df+4...)! If you want this move on a dash in you'll have to
tap forward thrice, f,f,f+2,d+3... if you do f,f+2... you'll get an elbow(hits
mid... crappy recovery if blocked). Also if the jab hits... the kick is no
longer guaranteed, as a matter of fact you are open to attack if blocked(same as
2,d+3)... prolly a ws(prolly a ws+2) or fc attack(no hop kicks) but some
characters can punish more than others(Jin... Ling... HATE Ling). Has it's
faults but unblockable damage is unblockable damage =) The key word being
unblockable... meaning you blocked a jab(a jab!... how many times in a match
against Paul do you block jabs?) A nice quick jab.....

** Delay Strings *************************************************************

Here are Paul's delay strings(delay possibility at the "-" sign)... not
including the delay between a CD or an RD and the button press:


** Taunt/Imperfect Dragon Flip Kick ******************************************

Paul has a taunt most don't use... the motion is:

(fc)D#(2 seconds)

And then Paul will do his Tekken 2 win pose(hold 4 after you win a round in T2).
You must hold STRAIGHT DOWN and be in FC and then wait for the the taunt to come
out, also you must continue holding D through out the whole animation to see the
whole thing. While doing this Taunt you can do anything you could
normally(you're in FC remember... FC and WS moves). Even if it looks like you
are standing no high hits or grabs can touch you(including Togres Standing
Flames or King's Lariats) BUT you do make yourself a bigger target for the so
called "HIGH" mid attacks(such as Nina's f,f+2).

You can continue the taunt for the ultimate humiliation. To do Paul's Imperfect
Flip Kick.... The full motion is:

(fc)D#(3 seconds),u+2+3+4

This move can be done easily but some people have trouble with it. The timing of
the u+2+3+4 must be done at or somewhat after Paul brings his arms to his
side(keep holding D, arms to the side then u+2+3+4), don't be hasty... it's a
nice open window. Second... sometimes if you're not so sure of your multi button
pressing talents you should use the buffer button technique. I usually hold down
3+4 after I do some move and then do the taunt and after the arms have come down
I'll press u+2(while still holding 3+4)... easy. Finally this move is a risk
obviously =P~ it just plain sucks if you want it to hit(range sucks... it hits
mid for 25 damage going up, 20 damage coming down and 30 damage towards the
bottom... it hits like Law's Rainbow Kick... and to hit with the last two
possible hits people would... have... to... run... under... it... bleh) since
the setup time is large and the range is crap you'll save this move to embarass
your opponent... since not only will this move never hit but it also damages
Paul =O for 15 points of damage... if that wasn't enough it leaves you in the
very vulnerable ground position of face down/head towards(note: When Paul hits
the ground he looks like he is in grounded FCD position but in actuallity he's
in KND position for awhile... this can be tested with King's Ground Throws or
hitting him during that period). The best way to get this move out to fufill
it's purpose... to taunt w/out TOO much pain/risk to yourself is to preform it
after you connected with a Death Fist... counter hit being the best... and while
the opponent is rolling away and you're stunned hold down 3+4... well I just
explained this above. This will certainly tell your opponent what you think of
them when you make yourself look silly and take damage at the same time.

** Death Fist Revenge ********************************************************

Since so many whiners think the Death Fist is the cheesiest thing in the game
here are some SIMPLE and GUARANTEED DF blocked minor counter attacks just to
show you how to punish any STUPID Paul players out there who abuse this move:

f+4... hold forward a little if they do a DF from far away.

f,f+2... Do it quickly.
f+4... Bryan has nice range on this move.
df+2... EASY.

Nothing I could find... but then agian Bosco can dodge those high DFs somewhat

df+3... You can hold D after to go into ground position.
d+4... Eddy's most excellent low poke.

f,f+4,3... can be done but I don't recommend it.
b+2... Easy... The JunkYard Punch strikes... YET AGAIN!
b+1,2... These work almost as well as the JYP^^^ but hurt more and are not as
easy to get as the b+2.

Nothing... but he freaking ducks the DF standing neutral guarding =)

f+2... yay... one of Gunny's B+B moves... easy to tag.
f+1+2... double yay... another of GJs B+B moves... only better =) Look in
Gun's section for good juggle follow ups....

df,f+2... insta DF... must do this very quick.
d+1... We love the hammer, right kiddies?!
f,n,d,df+2... Woooooo.....

df+4... pokey pokey.
df+3... pokey pokey... again.
f+2... pok...ey....
df+1+2... po....
b+2... po... slap....

d+4... why would you pick this one, keep going...
df+4,4... don't do from the longest distance or the last kick will wiff.
df+1_f+1+2... start up them customs boys.
f,f+2... Paul meet the mini Death Fist.
b,f+2,1... smack-smack!
b+2,4,2,1... hey... hey... I can't block... ahhhh stop!
f,n,d~df+2... EWGF... if you can get it....

f,f+2,b... hard to get but does work....
f,f+1... easy.
d,df+1.... Go for the gold Julie
df+3... upper kick!

b+4... nice and solid
f+4... I think you can see that f+4s tend to have nice range+speed to tag
these kind of push away moves.
df+3... B+B moves....
df+1... Hammer-like....

f+1... poke...
f+2... continues poking...
d+2... he poked...
d+1... guess...
f+1+2; 1+2... mwuahaha... a Kuma standard.
df+2; f+2; f+1+2... Paul must've been really stupid and done a DF right in
Kuma's lovely face.

f+3... ouch.
f,n+1,2*,1... Hard to do... also 2nd punch will wiff but the 3rd is still
(f,n+4,1)_(f,n+4+1)... 2 hits... hard to get... just do the freakin' f+3 =P

f,f+1+2,1+2... not that easy to connect.
f+3; f,f+3... I HATE Ling.
df+3... yeah yeah...
f,f+3... if you want them standing to play some back turned games.

I'm not gonna check for this... just take note that some moves that worked with
the Norm chars may not work with him or possibly versus Moku-Paul.

df+4... magically hits... of course... it's Nina
df+3,2,3... visit Nina's section
df+3,1,4... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
f+4... Good good.
b+2,2... may miss... be careful.
f,f+2... whatever....

db+4... ankle biters....
f+3... wow =P

f+1... so amazing... why 2,2 doesn't work will forever evade me(crap hit
detection... damn Namco... why).

f+4... you know how it goes...
f+2... eh...
df+1... yahoo...
d+1... Hammer action, yeah! Easy!
DF... Ha, fire with fire... Paul travels better than Hei so it's easier.
f+3... in the kisser....

df+4... OF COURSE! Never misses.
df+2... sheesh, this is worse than an EWGF in some ways... somewhat less
damage but so easy.
3_f+3... just to kill him.
f+2; df+2... OMG...
df+1,1... OK....
f+4... yeah...
f,f+4... basic....
db+1... not guaranteed in the normal sense....

There ya go... happy? Will people stop whining? =P BTW, these moves are not only
useful in hitting a Paul PSmasher but also TEND to work against other similar
moves that hit hard but knock you kinda far back when you block them such as a
Nina Blonde Bomber(f+1+2) or Nina Divine Cannoner(db+4,3). Oh and... SOME of
these attacks only work when Paul does his Smasher in close(WGFs can only be
caught on Pauly in close for example)... he's a safer if the he starts it from
farther away.

** Ultimate Punishment Timing ************************************************

More than once have I seen the question asked on the timing of this move, well
here it is, it's really not hard. The official motion is:

db+1+2(or from a running tackle); 2,d+1,1; 4,1,1+2

Paul tackles, after the pink throw spark tap 2, then HOLD down and mash left
punch till the first right punch(2) actually hits Paul's opponent, then input
this string quickly(it's not hard at all):(4,1,1+2), remember you can can HOLD
the 1 in this string to make it (4,1#,+2), now this final string must be input
before the final gut punch hits(if you mess up, at the final gut punch you will
hear the opponent groan when the gut punch hits).

BTW the Ultimate Punishment is unbreakable once the first right punch
connects... better parry it >=)

** Tackle Punch Reverse ******************************************************

Back from Tekken 2... thought gone... thought lost forever... recently
rediscovered... Tackle Punch Reversal... *hushed awe* (OK, enough of that).

The command for the Tackle Punch Reversal is 1,1,2 and can only reverse right
punches... but there's a nice trick that goes along with this... if you do the
motion as 1,1 BEFORE the Tackle Punch PARRY WINDOW and then press 2 DURING the
regular Tackle Punch PARRY WINDOW if Paul's Tackler does any kind of punch Paul
is covered =) You see the 1,1,2 will REVERSE right punches BUT the final input
of the REVERSE is ALSO the left punch PARRY. Just make sure you hit 1,1 BEFORE
the window for parries opens. If you want to check for the window go to Pmode
and check out Jin tackling and then right punching once against Paul with Freeze
Signal turned on(try recording Jin tackling and right punching). When Paul turns
green for a little bit that's when the Tackle Punch Parry window is open. Now
this double punch protection is good but it leaves precious little time to
parry(by doing this Punch Protection you can't do an Arm or Leg Bar REVERSE but
can still do the Arm or Leg Bar PARRY) any Arm Bars certain characters may throw
at Pauly, but it can be done... just not easily, need quick fingers and
practice. Also I don't think it's possible to Tackle Punch Reverse after the
first set of three punches but I will keep trying and testing.

** Reversal Stuff ************************************************************

The formula for reversal damage is [base damage/2]+25

If Paul's right kick is reversed by Paul, he can tech roll when he hits the
floor to escape. He raises with his back turned....

Paul can't reverse Yoshi's sword attacks...

He can reverse Eddy's (fc)3+4.

** Reverse Hop Kick **********************************************************

When Paul is back turned try uf+4. This means UP-TOWARDS your opponent. This
pretty much sucks for Paul(his back turned juggle hop kick has less range...
u+4) but could be useful in gaining distance and keeping your back turned(bleh).

There is a way to do the reg back turned jugg hop kick however ^_^ But I'm not
sure if it's either:

u+4~uf or u~uf+4 (and remember uf is Up-TOWARDS your opponent)

Hard to always nail but it does work :D

** While Standing Ten Hit ****************************************************

Paul has a weird property when cutting off one of his ten hits early. If you
stop the ten string and press any button AFTER the input to actually continue
the ten string will be ACCEPTED but before he recovers from the move he will
finish the string with (ws) properties(and he seems slightly more stunned). This
only works in the following string where I have marked it with stars:


The effect is obvious as it greatly changes Paul's animations(if you press the
button early enough) if you pay close attention to not pressing any of the
buttons a few extra times(like I usually do :) ). Paul naturally seems to
recover (ws) at the first 4 and the 3rd 2... It's hard to test since any
button(1,2,3,4) will cause the alternate (ws) status so I could be mistaken
about that.

* Juggles(Combos)
** Normal Juggles ************************************************************
Starter; Juggle (Damage) Notes

uf+4 (15)
^; f+3 (46) Show your mad skillz
^; db+1; (fc)df+2,1 (45; Law+) Harder than above however.
^; uf+3,4 (39) Less damage but you are given time to run in and play with
some okizeme.
^; d+1 (47) Fickle...
^; df+1 (24)
^; uf+3,4 (40-50) Damage depending on what character(smaller is
^; f,f+1,2; f+1+2 (50)
^; f+4; f+1+2 (48)
^; f,f; db+1; (fc)df+2,1 (51; Bryan+) Hard to get if the hop kick
connects from a distance.
^; f,f+3,4,4 (54) Nice, easy and powerful(for a Paul jugg)... the last kick
may miss if you don't time the first jump kick to hit as
late as possible.
^; 1; SB+3-2,1 (50) Bleh, timing is hard if you don't want techs... not to
mention that the elbow tends to miss anyway unless you
get the hop kick really close.
^; SB+3-2,1 (52) Gotta do that sway+3 very quick and correctly to not have
this be techable.
^; f+4 (31)
^; f,f+1 (33) Do the jab almost immediatly, trust me.
^; f+1+2 (49) Takes timing....
^; DF (49)
^; f+1+2 (47)
^; DF (52)

^; d+4,2 (44)
^; n+1
^; uf+3,4 (48)
^; f,f; db+1; (fc)df+2,1 (51; Bryan+)
^; n+2 (31; Law+)
^; uf+3,4 (51)
^; f,f; db+1; (fc)df+2,1 (54; Bryan+)

ET (26)
^; SB+3-2,1 (59) ... GOH!
^; f,f+3,4,4 (64) Mmmm... get those kicks out quick.
^; f+4; f+1+2 (52-58) I usually miss this juggle but it is possible for
it to be non techable.
^(ch) <--This stun is escapable by holding forward.
^; Any ET(queek), uf+4, df+2 juggle, or throw can connect after this.
^; uf,4; f,f+3,4,4 (94) That's one spicia meatball =)
^; uf+4; f,f+3,4,4 (76) Look above... that jump kick smarts.
^; ET; f,f+3,4,4 (87) I dare you to try this in an actual fight =P Looks
^; DF (52-68) Easy... moderately powerful.
^; uf+3,4 (62) Simple stuff again.

^; f,f+4 (46) Since they can't tech this you might want to give them
a chance(less than a quarter of a second) to get up and
then have this move slam em back to the ground at your
feet, then you can do a (fc)df+3 to hit them again.
^; f,f; f+1+2 (63; Gunjack+) This is just a forward dash then f+1+2
God Hammer.
^+(bk); f,f+3,4 (64; Togre only) Practice mode silliness... hard
(lucky) to get, but it does work.

^+(very close to close) f+4 (67)
^+(very close to medium) df+4 (60)
^+(far) (41) Nothing guaranteed =(
^+(very far) d+1 (51) Only guaranteed if at the tip of the f+1+2's
range... barely guaranteed.

^; n+1,4 (20_28)
^; f+1,2,3 (32_41)

^; Any Throw... this only works off the f+1, NOT the n+1
^; f+4 (33)

(n_f)+1,2; n+1,4 (31) Gotta get those first jabs in REAL close... I mean it!

^; db+3 (50)
^; d+1 (56)
^; f+1+2 (73; Gunjack+) They can move but they can't escape :)

^; DF (49)
^; f+1+2 (51)
^; f+1+4 (42)

^; (ws)4; d+1 (47)
^; (fc)df+1; uf+3,4 (47)
^; (fc)df+1; (fc)df+1; (fc)df+2,1 (54; Bryan+)

^; f,f; 1+2 (124-130) I've gotten this as a juggle if you time the 1+2
press well but usually it just hits as them on
the floor(which is better damage-wise).
^; f,f; 4 (113-120) Easier than the above to time correctly, however it's
weaker and you're more vulnerable afterwards.

^; 2; uf+3,4 (32) Easy cheesy.
^; db+2; (fc)df+2,1 (33) Looks like you're cool =)
^; 1; SB+3-2,1 (39) I ALWAYS mess the sway up :( Non techable if done

^; f+3 (56)
^; f,f; SB+3-2,1 (58-62)
^; DF (59-66) DF... the answer...
^; f,f+3,4,4 (69) *nods in approval*

^; DF (63) I ain't done with you yet....

** Funky Side Juggles vs Togre ***********************************************
ET(sd-ch); SB+3(jsd),2(ho),1(jsd); d+1(fo),2(fo) Togre can air-tech at the
elbow... still looks great.
My Personal Records
Eh... just wanted to pad my FAQ with useless info :) Anyway, I know I could
lower some of these down by a lot(like Ling's) but I'm kinda lazy... the only
one I kinda care about right now is Bosco's cause I just want him below 4
minutes and then I'd be happy(and beat this guy, at
aros.net/~kgcampb/tekken.html ! Konqrr! Mwuahaha! Goto his site...)....

** Time Attack ***************************************************************
Character Time
Xiaoyu 1'59"53
Paul 2'16"06
True Ogre 2'33"31
Heihachi 2'34"56
Gun Jack 2'42"70
Lei 2'44"70
Bryan 2'47"85
Yoshimitsu 2'50"88
Jin 3'01"73
Law 3'24"33
Anna 3'31"23
Ogre 3'44"91
King 3'47"46
Gon 3'49"76
Kuma 3'50"46
Nina 3'50"85
Eddy 3'54"73
Hwoarang 3'59"63
Julia 4'05"70
Mokujin 4'15"16
Doctor.B. 4'24"35

** Survival ******************************************************************

Survival is damn stupid... once you find the "cheese" the thing is practically
pointless(I've heard of scores over 1000 from Japan), unlike Time Trial IMO, and
can last forever... again unlike Time Trial since it's kind of fun to find new
ways to trick the AI into giving up the most damaging hits and once you start
"grinding the metal" it starts relying on luck which can be cathartic(Survival
is just boring). Anyway I'll just post my highest... since that's all that
matters(should be like Time where you have to get one for each character).

1st Heihachi 58 WINS

These are my own personal scores if you have a tip on how to do better at Time
or Survival... WTH, go ahead and send it to me :)
I hope you enjoyed this FAQ :) If you have anything to ask, correct or expand
upon feel free to send an email my way(Notti: mahgnitton@hotmail.com ). If
anyone's interested I also wrote a Final Fantasy Tactics FAQ dealing in the same
way with that game... factoids and details, secrets and tricks. Look for this
FFT FAQ at Gamefaqs in the Playstation section(
http://gamefaqs.com/console/psx/faq/final_fantasy_tactics_deep_dungeon_a.txt )
or at the following places:

~All the peoples on Tekken message boards I've been going to since the Tekken
Web Project board in 1996(right after T3 was released 100% in the 'cades).
-Tekken Online MB
-Twisted Tekken MB
-Tekken Obsession MB
-Tekken.net MB
-Tekken Salute MB
-TTT.com MB
-Tekken Insider MB

~Specifically Slikatel, Tragic, Jarney, Catlord, Castel, and THE Faceless Master
for their awesome sites, guides, FAQs, movies and general generosity to the
Tekken Community at large.

~Persieveal, 1Truking, Vacadian Varlox, KOFTEKKEN, TSN, BMW, Dean Nakanishi,
Gospel, Geese Howard, Armor Khan... In the past and present I admire your
technical Tekken knowledge and general all around coolness =)

~Jorkie - for posting Bosco "True Stance" info.

~Dragon Knighto - for some awesome Bosco juggles(b+2 flips)+Bosco info.

~KOFTEKKEN - for some Hei f,f,f+3(bl) follow ups(df+1,2).

~Red King - for some Hei f,f,f+3 follow ups((sc)d+1,2).

~NAMCO - Could I forget Namco? Nah. I love this game. Thank you :)
Well you're done with the FAQ and now you must move on... here are some places
to visit on the internet for further Tekken goodness(of course if some place new
opens up don't forget to tell me)....

~Tekken Boards... you may find me here :)

~Tekken IRC channels, I don't IRC but if you do...(are these correct... old??)

~Tekken Sites, the best is here, learn more about Tekken, find Tekken media...

~Tekken Web Rings....

~Find more about Tekken and other games....

~You MIGHT find some good Tekken posts on usenet... *general news groups*

~Other Fighting Game/General boards...

~Tekken Time Trials(where's Tekken 1?!?!? I got 45 secs with Lee)...

~You want this...

~The origin of the Body Switch Tekken 3 GS codes...

~The original Kazuya in Tekken 3 PSX... is it for real??? You'll never know!!!

~Simply must check out... I can't wait for Tekken 4 ;P~ Asuka!!!!

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Mokujin FAQ (Oft gestellt Fragen)

15.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
Alle Spieler und Modi freigespielt.

18.Oktober 2013
Japanische Version: Alle Spieler und Modi freigespielt.

16.Oktober 2013
Wrestling FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Secret Tekkeniques FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Mini FAQ

11.Oktober 2013
Jin Cheese FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Gone FAQ

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Endings FAQ

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Codes FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Chicken Glitch FAQ

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Bryan Fury FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Bryan Fury FAQ

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Anna Williams FAQ

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Anna Williams FAQ

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18.Oktober 2013
engl. Cheats

16.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Oktober 2008
engl. Gamebustercodes
13.Mai 2008
Ausführliches englisches FAQ
engl. FAQ 2
13.Mai 2008
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020