Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

15.10.2013 16:05:36
Resident Evil 3:NEMESIS Walkthrough for Playstation
Written by Mordruk(
Version 0.1(2/19/00)
Copyright 2000
Latest Version always found at

0 - V E R S I O N I N F O & N O T E

1 - W A L K T H R O U G H
1.2-To the Police Station
1.3-Finding Carlos
1.4-Getting Out
1.5-To the Clocktower

2 - C O P Y R I G H T

0 - V E R S I O N I N F O & N O T E
Note-This walkthrough is JUST a walkthrough. It is a guide from A to Z without
any other needless information like what are the characters and how good the
guns are. It does NOT contain info on secrets or optional stuff so if your
looking for that pick the largest file size you can find. If your just looking
for a quick guide then this is the one for you.

Version 0.1(2/19/00)-
First version of FAQ(duh). Finished up to 1.5-To the Clocktower, I might
update again by Monday but after that I'm going on a week long
cruise...ahhhh..just the thing I need to relax from all these FAQs I'm writing.

1 - W A L K T H R O U G H
NOTICE-this walkthrough was done in EASY MODE, if done in hard mode there will
be less items
and more zombies.
After the explosion a zombie will be coming at you. Hold R1 to lift your gun
and then press the buttom button which is X. That will fire the gun. Fire the
gun about 5 times until the first zombie falls down. Now turn left and press
forward to run down the alley onto the next screen. Hold the SQUARE button to
run. On this next screen you will find another zombie. Kill this one the same
way you killed the first one. After this keep running forward until you come to
a red garbage can. Press X while your next to it to climb up on top. Go to the
edge and press X again to get off and watch the scene. You now know the VERY
basics of Resident Evil 3...

1.2-To the Police Station
...After the scene with the fat guy who decides to die a long, lingering death
instead of come with this hot chick turn back around and follow the white arrow
on the floor to the small area beneath the platfrom above. In here you will
find a shiny object on one of the crates. Press X to pick it up and find that
it is an F. AID SPRAY. Take it if you want and then turn to the right and press
X next to the box with the flashing light to find some H. GUN BULLETS which I
recommend you to take. Now leave this area and go up the stairs to the walkway
and right up the other stairs to the platform you saw. Go around to the door
and open it into the office of the building. When you enter you see an item
flash for a second. In Resident Evil 3, that is a dead give away it is an
important item. Pick this up to find that it is the WAREHOUSE KEY. Walk
forward a little to find a crate. Open it up with X and you will find this is a
place to store any items you don't want or to retrieve any items you do want.
After taking the knife(if you want) and putting anything else in leave the
screen. Exit this room and go back down the stairs to the main door on the
walkway and use the WAREHOUSE KEY to open and leave the buiding.

AUTHOR'S NOTE-The following sections do NOT mention any optional items like the
F. AID SPRAY and the H. GUN BULLETS were mentioned in the first part. It will
only mention vital items and will not be as in depth as the first part with how
to pick up items and how to access the storage box.

Outside of the building, walk down the alley and down the stairs to a door.
Open it to find yourself in another alleyway. Turn right(buttom of screen) and
go down until you come to a zombie on the ground. Take out your gun and aim
down and shoot it so it doesn't have a chance to kill you. Kill the other
zombie that appears behind you and continue down. Down by the next zombie you
will be on the main street. Go down killing the zombies on your way. You can
also blow up the red barrel to make a huge explosion but don't get too close or
you'll die instantly. Go around the corner killing the zombies until you come
to a door on the right that is locked. Continue down and to the left down a
small alleyway and go through the door. Run up the steps and take a right down
the wooden walkway and follow the path to another door. Go through it to find
yourself in(yet again) another alley. Turn left and kill all the zombies you
encounter and follow the street to two zombies having a midnight snack on some
poor fella. Take them out and continue down to a wooden door. Open it and go
down the alley and down the stairs to find someone running away from some
zombies. Kill them and go up the steps and through the door to a bar. Watch
the scene with the guy and the zombies and shoot it to go into another sequence
with....Brad. Another S.T.A.R.S. agent from the first game.

After the scene with Brad, goto the telephone and pick up the LIGHTER. Exit to
the right to find yourself back on the street. Go right and up around the
corner and through the door to exit. Follow the path back up to the wooden
walkway and go up to the steel door and TRY to open it. A bunch of zombies will
come out, just shoot them as they come out and go down the stairs. Down in the
basement kill the lone zombie and take the LIGHTER OIL on the shelf. Go into
the items screen and combine the LIGHTER OIL with the LIGHTER. Go back up the
stairs and go back to the bar where you met Brad. Exit out the back door after
you take care of the zombies and go down back to the alley. This time continue
right along the small alley until you come to come to the three-way path. Go
down and open the locked door so you can now take a short-cut back here. Go
back and take the upper right path and open the door at the end. Walk forward
till you see a bunch of the zombies break through the baracade. Now quickly get
to the lower left corner and when the zombies get near that red barrel shoot it
to take care of most of them. Shoot the last remaining zombies and goto the
gate to find it was tied with a rope...dipped in oil.(how conveniant) Use the
LIGHTER on it to burn the rope and go through the gate.

Walk down the path where there is a fire and a zombie dog will jump out of it.
Kill this one and then kill the other one that should be walking towards you.
Continue down the path and take the door on the left if you want to save. If
not, continue down and go through the metal door. Walk out to the street and go
up and around the corner to find the Raccoon Police Department...yippee!! You
made it.

1.3-Finding Carlos
"Finding that like finding Jesus or something?" Anyways, when you
enter the police station you'll see a nice short movie introducing this games
official bad guy-Nemesis. You will then be given the first live action decision
in the game-

Fight with the monster
Enter the police station
Run out of time

Fight with the monster-
here you will go into a sequence with Nemesis and be given a chance to fight
him. The game is a lot more fun if you fight him so I suggest it and if you are
about to die you can always leave. IF you beat him he will drop a silver box
which contains EAGLE PARTS A which enhances your gun so I suggest to kill him.

Enter the police station-
you immediately enter it and don't fight Nemesis at all

Run out of time-
this is if you don't choose one or the other. Has the same effects as if you
fight with the monster

After you decide what you want to do you'll eventually end up in the police
station. If you've played Resident Evil 2 then you'll remember this-it is
exactly alike it with a little changes here and there since it is after Resident
Evil 2. Go down the stairs and to the left and take the 2nd door on the left to
enter a room filled with desks and zombies. Go around to the left and kill the
3 zombies and exit the door on the right side of the room. Go to the bin that
has a red light on and open it to find the BLUE GEM. Take the BLUE GEM and exit
this room. Kill all the zombies and enter the wooden door that the first zombie
was stading next to. Kill the two dogs in this area and go through the double
doors on the left. Go up to the stand and table and pick up the S.T.A.R.S.
CARD. Now go back to the first huge room you entered in the police station and
goto the computer. Use the S.T.A.R.S. CARD on it to get a password. This
password is RANDOM so write it down and then go back to the room where you found
the BLUE GEM. Go around the corner and find another bin with a red light on and
put in the code to get the EMBLEM KEY. Go into the items menu and check the
EMBLEM KEY to find out it is the S.T.A.R.S. KEY. Now go through the door to the
right and go up the stairs to the second level. Go up the second set of stairs
and kill all the zombies in thir area and go through the door at the end of the
hall near the statue. Go up to the first door and use the S.T.A.R.S. KEY on it
and discard it and go through the door. Go up to the center desk that has the
shiny object and pick it up to find a LOCKPICK. Exit the room and you'll pick
up a transmission from someone known as Carlos. Leave the room and go back down
the double set of stairs. Go forward pass the window and Nemesis will break
through with a new toy-a rocket launcher.
(I guess there just HAPPENED to be one lying around somewhere on the street)
Anyways, you can run from him but I would suggest to kill him because it is fun
to see him fall down. If you kill him he will drop another silver box which
gives out EAGLE PARTS B. Now you can exit the station without further

Outside of the station, go down the street to a door that is locked and you can
now use the LOCKPICK to open. Go through it and down this alleyway to get a peek
of a chimera, you'll meet up with them later. Continue down and and go through
the door. Go down this alley and through the gate. Man, somebody is kicking
ass with a machine gun! Kill the dogs and continue down to a garage and a steel
door next to it. Go through the steel door and kill all the dogs inside. Go up
to the sparks flying out of the car and take the POWER CABLES. Now go all the
way up to another door and open it. You will now find yourself in a save room.
Get rid of some items you don't need like the S.T.A.R.S. CARD and stuff like
that and then exit through the other door.(save if you want to) Outside a bunch
of dogs will come up to you, shoot them and then go down to the red door at the
end of the street. Go down the path and watch the scene with the chimera. Kill
it and then take a left and out the door. Go down just in time to see someone
taking off a zombie head. Go down and out to the open street. Go down the
street to a diner and open the double doors. Go through the kitchen and exit
through the back door. Kill the tons of zombies in this area and take a left
down the narrow path. On the right is a steel door which leads to a save room
which also contains the RUSTED CRANK which you should pick up. When you check
it you find out it is a RUST HEX CRANK meaning it only fits into a 6-sided hole.
Exit the room and continue down the path and out the door. Go directly across
to the gates of City Hall and use the BLUE GEM on the device to the right. This
completes part of the puzzle, you only need one more gem to open the gates now.

Go down the street pass the fire truck and into the Press Building. Here you'll
find a step ladder. Push it to the left onto the other screen and against the
wall. Climb up and look at the control panel above with the red light to supply
power to the building. Go up to the shutter and press the button to open it.
Now go up the stairs that are burning down and continue up to the blue door. go
down the hall and into the office to watch the scene with Carlos, yippee,
another section covered...

1.4-Getting Out
After the sequence Nemesis will come up and you'll go into another live action
sequence with the following choices-

Jump out of the window
Hide in the back
Run out of time

Jump out of the window-
You dodge Nemesis and go into an alley and get rewarded with nothing:(

Hide in the back-
Nemesis gets knocked out by an exploding window and if you wait long enough
you will have the chance to kill him. He will drop another box that contains an
F. AID BOX so really isn't worth getting.

Run out of time-
You have to fight him but don't get the cool little explosion sequence

After that exit the building and Carlos will split up with you. Now find your
way back to the diner that you went through when you first entered the city.
Now right when you enter the back door use the LOCKPICK on the safe drawer next
to the desk and open it to find the FIRE HOOK. Go around the corner to the iron
lid that leads to the basement. Use the FIRE HOOK on it to open it and head
down there. Kill the zombies and get the item in the corpses hands(they always
seem to be holding onto something) to find the missing GREEN GEM. With that
done go back up the ladder and go back to the city hall gates. You will most
likely run into Nemesis here. Just run away from him or kill him and then place
the GREEN GEM in the puzzle next to the gate to open the gate. Go inside and go
down the path and take a left down through the wooden door. Follow this path
down running pass the zombies until you reach a path with a red barrel to blow
up. Some zombies will come after you, just wait until they are close enough and
blow up the barrel. Walk over their dead corpses(dont' forget to spit on them)
and climb up and over the crates. Go to the right and open the second door to
the red car to find the rest of Carlos' team. Check on the wounded soldier and
goto the back of the car and watch the scene with Carlos and the team leader.
After that you'll get...a brand new car!!! Nah, just kidding, you get a new
outfit though;) Goto the seat and pick up the WRENCH. Now go back to the front
car to begin the great treasure hunt of Resident Evil 3. Look at the front of
the car with the machinery to find a letter and that the POWER CABLE, FUSE, and
MIXED OIL is missing. Well we have 1 of the three items so use the POWER CABLE
and then exit the car.

Go back to the town hall area and take a left down the other walkway. Go
through the gate and walk up to the gas station closed shutter. It requires a
crank. So use the RUST HEX CRANK on it....but it will break off. It was rusted
afterall. So now use the wrench that you got to open it the rest of the
way.....which I know realize I forgot to take it while I paused the game so now
I have to go all the way back to get...oh well...Inside the gas station, go
behind the counter and the team leader will come up to you. Goto the machine
behind the cash register and you'll be engaged in a puzzle. You have to try to
get one letter that is lighter than the others to light up. The first one is
the A letter. Good luck with the puzzle. --------- After you finish the
puzzle you will get the MACHINE OIL....but....but you need the MIXED OIL, and
you thought you were almost finished:p Go back a little and exit the gas
station to watch a neat little movie...woo hoo...don't you just love explosions!

Leave the gas station and go back to the town hall area. On your way back some
zombies will bust through the wooden door that you couldn't open before, kill
them and then go through it to a statue of the mayor. Press the button and take
the BRONZE BOOK. Now go back to where you first entered the city and where
Carlos was shooting that zombie. There should be some water that is electrified
and a little walkway where a slot for the book you found is along with another
item. Put in the book, this stops the water from leaking out(causing you to be
electrified) when you take the BRONZE COMPASS. With the compass in hand go back
to the mayor's statue and put the BRONZE COMPASS in it's hands to get the
BATTERY. Now go back to where you got the BRONZE COMPASS and go through the
steel door which you first faught the chimera. Follow the path straight and go
up the stairs to an elevator. Put the BATTERY in and use the elevator to go
down to another part of the street. Blow up the red barrel to estinguish the
huge mass of zombies and continue forward. Go through the steel door and into
the main part of the power station. Look at both of the doors to see that they
require a different amount of power. The left requires 15V-25V and the right
requires 115V-125V to open. Disengage the lock on the other machine and then
goto the other machine and look at the buttons that raise or lower the power.
This is a puzzle, you don't need to open the right door which requires 115V-
125V. To open it press RED, RED, RED, BLUE. To open the left which is required
press RED, BLUE, BLUE, BLUE. The right holds a G. LAUNCHER(grenade launcher)
which is HIGHLY recommended you take. The left holds the FUSE. When you exit
you will be tossed into a live action sequence-

Head to the emergency exit
Increase electrical output
Run out of time

Head to the emergency exit-
You leave the building but still have to kill the zombies if you want to come

Increase electrical output-
The best way to go, it fries the suckers for good and you get to stay

Run out of time-
They bust through and you have to leave through the emergency exit

After you choose what you want and have the FUSE leave the building and use the
lift. Go back through the door on your left and go back into the gas station.
Get the WRENCH from the box if you don't have it already and then exit out
through the other door. Exit out of the garage and go back through the metal
gate. Go all the way to the other side pass the door and use the WRENCH on the
pump to acquire the FIRE HOSE. Now go back to where you where first attacked by
those dogs from the fire. Now attach the FIRE HOSE to the red pump. You will
now put out the fire allowing you to go into that area. Open the steel door and
run down this alley to the next section. Now run around the corner and go
through the double doors and watch the scene. After that pick up the remote
control and watch some television.(hey, don't look at me like that, you need to
for the game!) Damn, the only thing on TV is an ad for an Umbrella medicine.
Goto the password look and type in which medicine you saw on the TV. There are
3 different answers. There is safsprin, aquacure, and adravil. Once you type
it in go through the now unlocked door to find ammo heaven. Take whatever you
want and then take the OIL ADDITIVE. Combine the OIL ADDITIVE with the MACHINE
OIL and tah dah! You have the MIXED OIL. But don't celebrate yet, try to leave
and watch the next movie and see all the zombies coming through. Now as they
come through hit the valve on the pipe with your gun to make steam come out and
block the zombies. Shoot them down and continue outta there and back to the
alley outside the building. Don't forget to pick up the CRANK(which isn't
rusted) before you leave.

Go back through the garage and when you enter another live action sequence will
happen with the following choices-

Climb up
Jump off
Run out of time

Climb up-
You automatically get up and dodge the boxes. Best way to go

Jump off-
You get down in the sewer and have to fight off some nasty snakes and get
back up through the sewer and then continue

Run out of time-
The boxes hit you right on the head and you fall down and have to get out
just like the "jump down" option.

After that go down to the city hall and you'll run into Nemesis. Just run by
him and then go down the paths to the bus. You will almost be there
fall down another hole and this HUGE worm guy comes. Just keep hitting him and
turn on the emergency power supply boxes to drop down the ladder and escape.
Climb up the ladder and FINALLY get to the bus. You can now escape from this
part of Raccoon City.

1.5-To the Clocktower
Put on the missing parts and watch the scene with Carlos and go to the front of
the car. Just when you thought you would get a break go to the back of the car
to find Nemesis! This time you MUST kill him so unload everything you have on
him and then watch the movie with Mikhail. Now for a live action sequence-

Jump out of the window
Use the emergency break
Run out of time

Jump out of the window-
You will end up away from Carlos and in a bedroom full of monsters

Use the emergency break-
You end up in the courtyard of the clocktower and have a lot of other stuff
to do

Run out of time-
Same thing as "use the emergency break"

Since these options are TOTALLY different and put you in different places it is
hard to write a guide for all of them so this guide will assume you jumped out
of the window. First goto the picture that is hanging off the wall and get the
key. Now go through the door away from the zombies and save if you want to.
What a great stopping point for today

2 - C O P Y R I G H T
This FAQ is mine and cannot be copied and sold for profit or promotional
purposes in any way. I do not want this published in books, magazines,
guides, etc without my permission. It can be printed(please 1 copy per
person) If you want to post this on a site please contact me before you
post it!. I would be more than happy to have it on another site but I
would like to know about it first. If you are going to use my FAQ as a
premise for yours please give credit to me because I did work hard on
this. Thank you for following these simple rules and give me credit
where it is deserved:)
Copyright 2000

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