Megaman X5

Megaman X5

14.10.2013 07:01:07
MEGA MAN X5 for Sony Playstation

By Ben Gesiak aka "rockmanegg" (

Welcome to my FAQ for the American version of Mega Man X5 for Sony Playstation!
I hope you find it very helpful. If you want help on a specific topic, it's a
good idea to look it up on your browser's search feature. If you have any
questions or comment, feel free to email me. Let's talk Megaman!

This FAQ is copyright 2001 Ben Gesiak. This FAQ is only for personal use. Do
not post this FAQ or any part of it without permission. Thank you.

FAQ revision history:
1.0 - February 22, 2001. The FAQ is ready.
1.1 - February 26, 2001. Made slight changes.
1.2 - December 14, 2001. The final version of the FAQ.


[1] HOW TO PLAY. Basic information about the game.

[2] ITEMS AND WEAPONS. Full list of weapons, parts, armor capsules, and other
items, what they do, and how to get them.

[3] THE GUIDE. Maps and walkthroughs for every stage and boss in the American
version of Mega Man X5.

==================== [1] HOW TO PLAY

The point of the game is to save the world!

Mega Man X5 is a 2D platformer. Maneuver through the stages as either Mega Man
X or Zero and defeat the boss at the end of each stage. Here are the default

UP Grab onto wires. Grab onto wires.
DOWN Duck. Duck.
LEFT Move left. Move left.
RIGHT Move right. Move right.
X Jump. Jump.
O Dash. Dash.
Square Use X-Buster. Attack with Z-Saber.
Triangle Use special weapon. Z-Buster, special weapon.
L1, R1 Switch weapon. Switch weapon.
R2 Use Giga Attack. Use C-Flasher.

(The jump, dash, X-Buster/Z-Saber, special weapon, switch weapon, and Giga
Attack/C-Flasher commands can be assigned to different buttons on the
controller. You can do this by going to the Options menu from the title screen.
I strongly recommend that you make the R1 button dash instead of the O button.)

You can also do some special moves.
-As Mega Man X, hold down the X-Buster button to charge up. When you let go,
your shot will be more powerful.
-If you press left twice or right twice, you will dash. This is the same action
as if you pressed the dash button.
-If you jump from a dash, you will dash-jump. You can jump farther this way.
-While holding down the dash button, all your jumps are dash-jumps.
-Zero can dash in air. Mega Man X can dash in air as well, but only if you have
the Fourth Armor or Ultimate Armor.
-If you are playing as Mega Man X with the Fourth Armor or Ultimate Armor,
pressing the jump button in air will make you hover. You can hover for a long
time before you fall to the ground. You can move left and right while hovering,
but you will not hover as long.
-If you jump up to a wall, you will cling to it. Keep holding down left/right
on the controller and you will slide down the wall. Pressing the jump button
repeatedly will make you jump up the wall. You can scale many walls this way.
-While clinging to a wall, jump and in mid-air change direction to jump off the
wall instead of going back on it. You can reach some high places this way.
Holding the dash button while doing it lets you dash-jump off a wall.
-You can grab certain wires and hang from them. You will need to do so to get
through some stages. Jump up to a wire and hold up on the controller to grab

You can earn other special moves later in the game.

The game has a training level. Pick TRAINING at the title screen to go it. It
is an easy level, and Alia (the navigator) guides you through it. It teaches
the basics of the game. I suggest that you complete it at least once.

To play the main game, pick GAME START at the title screen. And so the
adventure begins! First thing you will do is to pick which character you want
to play as: Mega Man X or Zero. You can switch from one to another between
stages, but you get special items depending on who you pick now. If you pick
Mega Man X, you get his Fourth Armor. If you pick Zero, you get his Z-Buster.
Here are more details about the 2:

MEGA MAN X (X for short)
He has an X-Buster that shoots to the left and right. He can charge up his
weapon for a more powerful shot. If you pick him, you get the Fourth Armor,
which lets you air-dash, hover, and fire a very powerful charge up shot.

He has a Z-Saber that attacks short-range. It attacks left and right but can
reach above and below him. If you pick him, you get the Z-Buster, which lets
you fire shots that can reach enemies far away. (You can use the Z-Buster only
if you are on the ground.)

When you start the first stage, take note of the bar at the top-left of the
screen. That is your life bar. When you touch an enemy or one of their attacks,
you lose life. When you lose all your life, you blow up, and you lose a 1-UP.
When you lose a 1-UP, you are put back in a recent part of the stage, so you
can try again. There is a number under the life bar that tells you how many
1-UPs you have left. When you run out of 1-UPs, you are taken to a screen that
asks you whether you want to try the stage again.

There are other ways to lose 1-UPs, besides losing all the life in your life
bar. Here they are:

-If you fall off the screen.
-If you touch the spikes on a floor, ceiling, or wall.
-If you get crushed under some terrain or other obstacle.
-If you touch the green laser beams in the Zero Virus stages.

When you use a special weapon, a second bar appears to the right of the life
bar. It tells you how much energy you have left for that weapon. When you use
the weapon, your energy goes down. When you run out of energy, you can no
longer use the weapon.

(Later in the game there will be a virus meter at the bottom-left of the
screen. When you touch a Sigma Virus or a Zero Virus you come closer to getting
infected. The meter tells you how close you are to being infected. If X is
infected with the virus, he loses life for a short period of time. If Zero is
infected with the virus, he becomes invincible for a short period of time.)

Throughout the stages, look for item pick-ups. Yellow capsule-like items refill
your life. Blue ball-like items refill your weapons. Helmets give you an extra
1-UP. Hidden in some stages are Life-Up tanks. They are pink and are shaped
like hearts. They permanently increase the size of your life bar. Also hidden
in the stages are armor capsules. Enter them to get an armor piece for X. Get
all 4 armor pieces to get a new armor for X! Also, some stages have injured
reploids in them. They are yellow, and tagging them refills some life and gives
you a 1-UP.

The first stage is just an introduction. After you beat it, you go to a stage
select screen. You can choose from 8 stages. At the bottom of the screen it
tells you how many hours you have left until collision. The hours are not real
hours. Instead, an hour passes whenever you enter a stage. It does not matter
if you beat the stage, or if you exit it, it still counts as an hour.

At the stage select screen press L1 to go to the parts setup screen. You can
attach parts to Zero, X, and X in his different armors. At first you don't have
any parts but you will get them later.

At the stage select screen press R1 to go to the Enigma screen. You can look at
the Enigma's status and you can also choose to fire it. If the Enigma is
launched but is not successful, this screen becomes the shuttle screen.

At the very end of each stage there is a boss. Each time you beat 1 of the 8
bosses, you get DNA which gives you a special weapon. X and Zero use different
versions of these weapons. Every boss is weak against 1 weapon of another boss.

Each boss has a level. The level represents how much life that boss has. The
higher level a boss has, the more life he has, and the more difficult it is to
beat him. At first, all the bosses have low levels. But as hours pass, and as
you beat more bosses, their levels rise. After you beat a boss you get 1 of 3
messages. The messages ask you what kind of items you want to create using the
DNA you got from beating the boss. The messages are:

WEAPONS. (This just gives you the boss's weapon. You usually get this
message after beating your first boss.)

the boss's weapon, and you get a Life-Up 1 hour later. Picking WEAPONS AND
ENERGY gives you the boss's weapon, and you get an Energy-Up for your special
weapons 1 hour later. You get this message when you beat a boss of a higher

gives you the weapon, a Life-Up 1 hour later, and a Power-up Part 2 hours
later. Picking WEAPONS AND ENERGY + gives you the weapon, an Energy-Up 1 hour
later, and a Power-up Part 2 hours later. You get this message when you beat a
boss of an even higher level.)

Watch out! An agent called Dynamo will attack your base after you beat 2
bosses, and again after you beat 6 bosses. When this happens, you can't pick
any other stage. You have to fight him. This, of course, takes up an hour.

To win the game you have to access the Zero Virus stages. They are opened when
1 of 3 things happen.

1] You run out of hours before you can destroy the colony.
2] Both the Enigma and the shuttle are unsuccessful in destroying the colony.
3] Either the Enigma or the shuttle destroy the colony.

There are 3 Zero Virus stages. You have to beat them in order. You will not get
DNA for beating them. After you beat them, there will be 1 final stage before
you win the game. You can see 1 of 3 endings to the game. If event 1 or 2
happens, you will see the ending where X doesn't remember Zero. If event 3
happens, you will either see the ending where Zero's life flashes before his
eyes, or the ending in which you see X 3 years in the future.

Here are some tips:
-First pick the stages that have the bosses that are the most difficult for
you. The boss will have a lower level and will be easier to beat.
-Turning on Rapid Fire and/or Auto Charge is a legitimate way to make X easier
to control. However, Auto Charge does not work with special weapons. Rapid Fire
also works for the Land Chaser, but not for Zero. :(
-I strongly recommend that you program the R1 button to dash!

Here are the codes:
-To begin the game with X's Ultimate Armor, highlight X in the character
selection screen. Then press up 2 times and down 9 times. If you pressed the
buttons correctly, you should hear a sound. Press X (or start) to begin the
game with Ultimate Armor.
-To begin the game with Gray Zero, highlight Zero in the character selection
screen. Then press down 2 times and up 9 times. If you pressed the buttons
correctly, you should hear a sound. Press X (or start) to begin the game with
Gray Zero.

==================== [2] ITEMS AND WEAPONS

There are 8 weapons which you get from the 8 bosses. X and Zero use different
versions of them, except for Dark Hold. They both use Dark Hold.

Grizzly Slash C-Shot C-Sword
Squid Adler Tri-Thunder E-Blade
Izzy Glow F-Laser C-Flasher
Duff McWhalen Goo Shaver F-Splasher
The Skiver Wing Spiral W-Shredder
Axle The Red Spike Ball Twin Dream
Dark Dizzy Dark Hold Dark Hold
Mattrex Ground Fire Quake Blazer

With the Fourth Armor and the Ultimate Armor, X can charge up special weapons
and use powerful versions of them, except for Dark Hold. However, the charged
up versions of the weapons aren't very useful.

Every boss is weak against the weapon of one other boss. Here are the bosses
and their weaknesses:

Grizzly Slash is weak against Spike Ball/Twin Dream.
Squid Adler is weak against Goo Shaver/F-Splasher.
Izzy Glow is weak against Tri-Thunder/E-Blade.
Duff McWhalen is weak against C-Shot/C-Sword.
The Skiver is weak against Dark Hold.
Axle The Red is weak against Ground Fire/Quake Blazer.
Dark Dizzy is weak against F-Laser/C-Flasher.
Mattrex is weak against Wing Spiral/W-Shredder.

C-SHOT: You can rapidly shoot claws in 3 directions at random. (straight
forward, diagonally up, or diagonally down) When X charges up C-Shot, he
creates a shield around him. It attacks enemies that are close to him. After a
while, the shield goes away.
C-SWORD: To use it, press the attack button in air. Instead of his normal
attack, Zero does a flip and attacks in every direction. This weapon also gives
Zero the ability to jump in air.

TRI-THUNDER: X shoots 3 bolts of electricity. One up, one down, and one
forward. When a bolt hits a floor/wall/ceiling it turns into a ball that
travels along the floor/wall/ceiling. When X charges up Tri-Thunder, 6 bolts
come from the top of the screen to the bottom, one after the other. The first 1
goes through X, the last 5 appear at random places on the screen.
E-BLADE: To use it, hold up on the controller and press the attack button. Zero
will jump up and attack with electricity. It also attacks enemies below him.
Using the E-Blade, you can reach high places.

F-LASER: X shoots a remote control firefly. Use the D-pad on the controller to
change its direction. When using the firefly you can't control X. When the
firefly hits something, or if X is hit, the firefly disappears. When X charges
up F-Laser, he fires a giant orange laser beam, and keeps firing it for a
while. You can move around while using it.
C-FLASHER: To use it, press the Giga Attack button. (You can also use it by
selecting it and pressing the special weapon button, but the Giga Attack button
is faster.) C-Flasher is Zero's version of X's Giga Attack. He shoots fireballs
to each side, straight up, and everywhere in between. As Zero takes damage,
energy for the C-Flasher is replenished.

GOO SHAVER: X shoots small waves that fall and move along the ground. When X
charges up Goo Shaver, he throws 4 large blocks to each side of him. They go up
before crashing down on enemies.
F-SPLASHER: To use it, dash in air. Zero's air dash is now an attack. You can
dash through enemies and come out unharmed. You can dash through the Sigma
Virus and the Zero Virus too. Also, if you hold up or down when using it, Zero
will air-dash diagonally.

WING SPIRAL: X does an uppercut and releases wind that goes straight up. If you
hold forward while using it, the wind will go up and forward. When X charges up
Wing Spiral, he does an uppercut and releases a tornado that moves forward and
grows bigger as it moves.
W-SHREDDER: To use it, press the attack button while dashing on the ground.
Zero releases a shadow of himself that dashes forward and attacks whatever is

SPIKE BALL: X fires a spike ball that travels a short distance. Then it pauses
for a second and returns to X. When X charges up Spike Ball, he fires a spike
ball that bounces around the screen for a few seconds.
TWIN DREAM: To use it, select it and press the special weapon button. Zero
creates a double of himself. The double mimics Zero, and attacks whenever he
does. Because the double is in front of him, it can attack enemies without
having the real Zero get too close.

DARK HOLD: Both X and Zero use the Dark Hold. To use it, select it and press
the special weapon button. X/Zero stops time, and all the enemies and most
moving obstacles stop moving. It's not really a weapon, but using it can make
things easier for you. It has no effect on most bosses and sub-bosses, but it
does work against The Skiver. When X charges up Dark Hold, it does the same

GROUND FIRE: X launches a ball of fire. When it hits something it stays there
for a couple of seconds and shoots 3 smaller balls of fire in random
directions. When X charges up Ground Fire, he shoots fire to his left and
QUAKE BLAZER: To use it, hold down and press the attack button while in air.
Zero attacks downward with fire. You can move left and right a little when
doing the attack.

The full list of collectable items in the game:

4 Falcon Armor pieces
4 Gaea Armor pieces
1 Ultimate Armor
2 E-tanks
1 W-tanks
1 EX item
8 Life-Up tanks
4 Enigma parts
4 Shuttle parts
8 boss DNA, which give you:
-8 weapons
-up to 8 extra Life-Ups/Energy-Ups
-up to 8 of 16 power-up parts

NOTE: When you pick up one of these special items and then die, you still keep
the item, and you don't have to get it again. Also, check section 3 (THE GUIDE)
for maps that show where the items are located in the stages.

X's Falcon Armor has many features:
-Press the jump button in air and X will fly. He can move around in 8
directions. After a while, X stops flying and falls to the ground. While
flying, he can touch enemies and it will hurt them. He can't shoot while
-X has a Giga Attack. Press the Giga Attack button to cause blue lasers to
attack everything on the screen. Using it once will make you run out of energy
for it. As X takes damage, energy for the attack will be replenished.
-X's normal green charge-up shot is replaced with a thin blue one that can go
through walls.
-Special weapon usage is reduced. Where you would normally have 24 shots of a
weapon, now you have 36.
-X takes as much damage as he would with the Fourth Armor.
-The Falcon Armor has 2 slots for Power-up Parts.

To get the Falcon Armor you must get all 4 pieces for it from 4 armor capsules.
Both X and Zero can get them but only X can use them. Each capsule is in a
different stage:

-Grizzly Slash.
Right after you jump off the trucks, look up to find a hole in the ceiling. To
get up there, dash-jump off the wall and turn back in mid-air to reach the
higher wall. If that's too hard, come back to the stage as Zero after you beat
Grizzly Slash. Zero can now do a double jump to go high enough to reach the
higher wall. Climb up to a room with the capsule for the Falcon Armor leg

-Squid Adler.
You start the stage on the Land Chaser. Throughout this part there are small
sky-blue colored items. If you get all 8 of them, you can open the door right
after the Land Chaser part. Through the door is the Falcon Armor head piece. Go
to section 3 (THE GUIDE) for strategy on how to get the 8 items easily.

-Izzy Glow.
After the spiral staircase you go to a part with these big generators that make
balls of plasma. In this area in one of the hallways there will be a purple
firefly shooting blue lasers downward. Above the firefly there will be no
ceiling, and if you wait there will be balls of plasma coming from the opening.
Destroy the firefly and climb up to find the generator that was making the
balls of plasma. Destroy it with C-Shot or C-Sword. When it explodes the wall
will disappear. Go inside to find the capsule for the Falcon Armor arm piece.

-Duff McWhalen.
At the end of the sunken ship part, you fall down to a place where the capsule
for the Falcon Armor body piece is in plain sight. It is blocked by a wall. To
destroy the wall, come back to the stage as X, stand back, and shoot Goo
Shaver. Goo Shaver will go under the wall and hit the bomb which will destroy
the wall.

X's Gaea Armor has many features:
-X takes as much damage as he would with the Fourth Armor.
-Spikes that would normally kill X on contact have no effect.
-When X clings to a wall he does not slide down the wall. He stays right where
he is.
-X's normal X-Buster shots are replaced with more powerful green shots. He can
only shoot one shot at a time, and they travel a short distance before phasing
out. His charge up shot is weaker and also travels a short distance before
phasing out, but it can destroy the black blocks. X can charge up much faster.
-The Gaea Armor has no slots for Power-up Parts.
-X can't use special weapons with the Gaea Armor.
-X's dash is slower, but it can push the black blocks.
-X has a Giga Attack. Press the Giga Attack button and X will create a shield
in front of him. He can't move while using the shield, and using it once will
take up all the energy. As X takes damage, energy for the attack is

To get the Gaea Armor you must get all 4 pieces for it from 4 armor capsules.
Both X and Zero can get them but only X can use them. Each capsule is in a
different stage:

-The Skiver.
After going through the door after the first elevator ride, you find a smaller
elevator on a diagonal rail. Using the Falcon Armor fly up over the elevator
and keep flying straight up until you get to the platform with the capsule for
the Gaea Armor body piece.

-Axle The Red.
In the part with a lot of yellow wires there is an opening in one part of the
ceiling. Use the Falcon Armor to fly up. Watch out for spikes. At the top is
the capsule for the Gaea Armor leg piece.

-Dark Dizzy.
At the very end of the stage, right before the gray door to the boss's lair,
there is a hole in the floor. Jump in. There is the capsule for the Gaea Armor
head piece. It is blocked by a wall. You have to use X's F-Laser and guide the
firefly through the narrow passages and make it hit the wall from the other
side. The wall will blow up.

After you beat the pterodactyl sub-boss, Use the Falcon Armor to fly right. At
the end of the big room is a Ride Armor and the capsule for the Gaea Armor Arm
piece. You can also get it using the Ride Armor.

X's Ultimate Armor is a special armor that is similar to the Fourth Armor.
-Like the Fourth Armor, it has 2 slots for Power-up Parts, it can dash air,
hover in air, charge special weapons, and it takes less damage.
-The only thing different from the Fourth Armor is that the Ultimate Armor
gives X a powerful Giga Attack that can be used as many times as you want
without using up energy. Pressing the Giga Attack button will make X jump up
and fly forward very fast, hurting any enemy he touches.

There are 2 ways to get the Ultimate Armor. The easy way is to start a new
game. When you are at the character select screen, highlight X and press up 2
times, then press down 9 times. You should hear a sound if you pressed the
right buttons. Then press X (or start) and you will begin the game with the
Ultimate Armor. The hard way to get it is to play the third Zero Virus stage
(the red one) as X without any armor. In the stage there is a hole with a
floating platform on the left side. Slide down the right side of the hole and
you will find a hidden passage with the capsule for the Ultimate Armor.

When you pick up items that replenish your life, some extra life goes to your
E-tank. When you are low on life, press start to go to the weapons menu and
select the E-tank. Press X, and the life stored in your E-tank will be
transferred to you. It's like having an extra life bar! There are 2 E-tanks,
and you should get them because it is very difficult to win the game without
them. X and Zero share the E-tanks.

-Grizzly Slash.
In the part where the trucks are exploding in advance, the last exploding truck
has an E-tank on the front. The explosions may make it hard to see.

-Dark Dizzy.
At the very end of first part of the stage, (the part with the constellations)
there will be a platform with the E-tank on it. The problem is that it's too
high! Use the Falcon Armor to fly up there. If you don't have that, you can
still reach it simply by jumping from the moving platform as it gets there. As
Zero, you can also get it by using E-Blade, or if you have the C-Sword, you can
just double jump.

The W-tank works just like the E-tank except it stores weapon energy instead of
life. Press start, select and press X to refill your weapons. X and Zero share
the W-tank. There is only 1 W-tank, and it is located in The Skiver's stage. It
is under the first big elevator. Feel free to get off the elevator. After it
breaks through the floor the second time, jump down and grab the W-tank before
you get crushed. Just ignore the enemies.

The EX item just changes the amount of 1-UPs you start with to 5 instead of 3.
If you want it, you can find it near the beginning of Izzy Glow's stage. Keep
your eye at the top of the screen, and you'll see that part of the ceiling is
made of wood. You can actually see the EX item as well, next to an injured
reploid. Use X's Ground Fire to burn the wood, so you can climb up and get it.

There are 8 Life-Up tanks, 1 in each of the 8 stages. They permanently increase
the size of your life bar. You should get them, or else it will be difficult to
win the game. Note: If X gets a Life-Up tank, his life bar will become bigger,
but Zero's won't. They only work for the character that actually gets them.

-Grizzly Slash.
There are 2 large truck trailers halfway through the stage. In between them
there is an opening. You can climb up the opening to find that the tops of both
trailers are covered with spikes. Use the Gaea Armor to walk on the spikes to
the right to find the Life-Up Tank. You can also use the Falcon Armor to fly
over the spikes and get it, but you will die in doing so. Zero can't get this

-Squid Adler.
At the end of the stage there is an orange gate going up. Go up and use the
Gaea Armor to break the blocks and walk across the spikes. There will be
another orange gate. Open it and go through it to get the Life-Up tank. Zero
can't get this one.

-Izzy Glow.
At the very beginning there is a door that becomes a bridge when you shoot at
it. Instead of going across go under to find a lot of spikes. To the left is an
injured reploid. To the right is a Life-Up tank. Use the Gaea Armor or the
Falcon Armor to get it.

-Duff McWhalen.
In the sunken ship part, keep an eye on the ceiling because there is a gray
section that can be destroyed with E-Blade. Go up and there is another gray
section and a Life-Up tank. Don't go through the second gray section because it
is too easy to touch the spikes on the ceiling. Instead, go around to get the
tank. To get it with X, go to the end of the sunken ship part. There is a
split, you can go up or down. Going down takes you to an armor capsule and the
rest of the stage. Use the Falcon Armor or the Gaea Armor to go up. When you
reach the top, keep going left until you find the tank.

-The Skiver.
This one's easy. It's near the big elevator that goes STRAIGHT UP. When it
makes its SECOND stop, go right and grab the Life-Up tank.

-Axle The Red.
When you start, keep going right until you reach the part where you have to use
the wires to climb up. Instead of going up, use the Gaea Armor to break the
black blocks in the wall. Go inside to find a new area. Keep going until you're
up to a big pit, and up high there is a platform with the Life-Up tank. You
have to arrange them so that one of them goes inside the small hole. Then push
another block over the small hole (which is now covered) and on the edge of the
big pit. Jump from that block to reach the tank. (Having trouble? Destroy all
the enemies so they don't bother you. Destroy blocks you don't need, they get
in the way. Stand back when you do, because you don't want to destroy the
blocks you want to keep. If you mess up, go left to leave the screen. When you
go back, the blocks should reappear.) Zero can't get this one.

-Dark Dizzy.
In the second part of the stage, (the part with the gravity switches) there is
a Life-Up tank in plain sight. If purple blocks are in the way, go back and
change the gravity. The tank should be at the top of the screen, on a platform.
It's hard to get it without touching the spikes on the ceiling, so use the Gaea
Armor. You can also use Falcon Armor, but be careful. Zero can get it if he has
the C-Sword. If you time it right, he can get it using a double jump.

In the part where the lava comes at fixed intervals (and you have to hide in
the black spots) go left instead of right. Fall down the pit and get the
Life-Up tank. You have to hurry so the lava doesn't come before you get it.

You get 4 parts for the Enigma by beating 4 bosses. Each boss gives you 1 part:

Get the CRYSTAL BALL from Grizzly Slash.
Get the ENERGY CART from Squid Adler.
Get the LASER DEVICE from Izzy Glow.
Get the HYDROGEN from Duff McWhalen.

Each part increases the Enigma's stats in the status screen. The parts probably
affect the outcome of the Enigma's launch but I don't know how they work, and I
don't know why the Enigma sometimes works when I have 1 part and sometimes
fails when I have all 4.

You get 4 parts for the space shuttle by beating 4 bosses. Each boss gives you
1 part:

Get the ORBITER WING from The Skiver.
Get the ORBITER ENGINE from Axle The Red.
Get the FUEL TANK from Dark Dizzy.
Get the BOOSTER from Mattrex.

Each part increases the shuttle's stats in the status screen. The parts
probably affect the outcome of the shuttle's launch but I don't know how they
work, and I don't know why the shuttle fails one time and works another time.

Beating one of the 8 bosses gives you DNA that can be used for different things
depending on that boss's level. When you beat a boss you get different choices
on what to do with the DNA. Here are the choices and what they do:

WEAPONS. This just gives you the boss's weapon.

WEAPONS AND LIFE. This gives you the weapon and a Life-Up 1 hour later. The
character you pick for the next hour gets the Life-Up. A Life-Up is the same as
a Life-Up tank. It increases the size of that character's life bar.

WEAPONS AND ENERGY. This gives you the weapon and an Energy-Up 1 hour later.
The character you pick for the next hour gets the Energy-Up. An Energy-Up
permanently increases the amount of weapons energy that character can have.

WEAPONS AND LIFE +. This gives you the weapon, a Life-Up in 1 hour, and a
Power-up Part in 2 hours. The part you get depends on what boss you beat.

WEAPONS AND ENERGY +. This gives you the weapon, an Energy-Up in 1 hour, and
a Power-up Part in 2 hours. The part you get depends on what boss you beat.
Picking WEAPONS AND ENERGY + gives you different parts than if you picked

Remember that the hours are not in real time. An hour passes in the game
whenever you enter a stage. After you end the stage (by completing it or
exiting it) you get all items you get for that hour.

Power-up Parts can be used to upgrade X and Zero. Some give X and Zero new
abilities and some increase the power of their weapons. There are 8 bosses, and
it is possible to choose WEAPONS AND LIFE + or WEAPONS AND ENERGY + after
beating each one.

8 bosses
x 2 choices
16 Power-up parts

This is a list of what parts you get from each boss and each choice.

Grizzly Slash: Pick WEAPONS AND LIFE + to get Shock Buffer.
Pick WEAPONS AND ENERGY + to get Hyper Dash.

Squid Adler: Pick WEAPONS AND LIFE + to get Quick Charge.
Pick WEAPONS AND ENERGY + to get Z-Saber Extend.

Izzy Glow: Pick WEAPONS AND LIFE + to get Burst Shot.
Pick WEAPONS AND ENERGY + to get Shot Eraser.

Duff McWhalen: Pick WEAPONS AND LIFE + to get Super Recover.
Pick WEAPONS AND ENERGY + to get W Energy Saver.

The Skiver: Pick WEAPONS AND LIFE + to get Jumper.
Pick WEAPONS AND ENERGY + to get Speedster.

Axle The Red: Pick WEAPONS AND LIFE + to get Ultimate Buster.
Pick WEAPONS AND ENERGY + to get Z-Saber Plus.

Dark Dizzy: Pick WEAPONS AND LIFE + to get Anti-Virus Guard.
Pick WEAPONS AND ENERGY + to get Virus Buster.

Mattrex: Pick WEAPONS AND LIFE + to get Speed Shot.
Pick WEAPONS AND ENERGY + to get Buster Plus.

You should get the parts 2 hours after you order them. To equip them, press L1
at the stage select screen and choose Zero, X, or one of his armors. Then pick
a part and press X to equip it. When you are finished equipping parts, press
Triangle and then press R1 to go back to the stage select. Now when you choose
that character he will have new abilities. Here is what the parts do:

Shock Buffer: For X and Zero. Your character will take less damage, and when he
is hit, he will not get pushed back as much.

Hyper Dash: For X and Zero. Your character's dash is faster. He can also
dash-jump farther and faster.

Quick Charge: For X only. X can charge up his X-Buster and other weapons faster
than before.

Z-Saber Extend: For Zero only. Whenever Zero attacks with his Z-Saber, small
blades appear in front of it, extending the range of his attack.

Burst Shot: For X only. X can fire up to 5 X-Buster shots instead of 3. This
part works great with Rapid Fire.

Shot Eraser: For Zero only. Certain enemy shots can now be destroyed with
Zero's saber.

Super Recover: For X and Zero. When your character picks up an item that gives
some life, the item gives more life than it normally would.

W Energy Saver: For X and Zero. It halves your character's weapon energy usage.
Where you would normally be able to use a special weapon 24 times, you can now
use it 48 times.

Jumper: For X and Zero. Your character can jump higher and farther, and he can
stay in the air longer. This part does not work with Zero's jump in air

Speedster: For X and Zero. Your character runs faster and moves faster in the

Ultimate Buster: For X only. X can only fire charged up shots of his X-Buster
and special weapons, but he charges them automatically, and he charges them
faster than he normally could.

Z-Saber Plus: For Zero only. Zero's saber deals more damage to enemies.

Anti-Virus Guard: For X and Zero. Your character needs to touch more Sigma
Viruses and Zero Viruses to become infected.

Virus Buster: For X and Zero. Your character can now attack and kill the Sigma
and Zero Viruses with his weapons.

Speed Shot: For X and Zero. Your character's X-Buster/Z-Buster shots and
charged up shots travel faster.

Buster Plus: For X and Zero. Your character's X-Buster/Z-Buster shots and
charged up shots deal more damage.

Certain parts don't work with other parts. For example, Ultimate Buster only
lets X fire charged up shots. It is pointless to pair it with Burst Shot,
because Burst Shot only works for regular shots. Also, certain parts change the
color of Zero's saber or X's shots.

==================== [3] THE GUIDE

I made simple maps for this guide using @'s. The maps aren't perfect, and
they're certainly not to scale, but they work. Also, I don't want to repeat
this too many times, but whenever you are fighting a boss or sub-boss as X, use
only charged up shots, except when using special weapons. For special weapons,
never use charged up shots!

a armor capsule
l Life-Up tank
e E-tank
w W-tank
x EX item
s sub-boss
| gravity device/rock wall

First thing you'll do is to pick your character: X or Zero. You can switch
between stages, but who you pick determines what item you keep for the rest of
the game. If you pick X you get the Fourth Armor, and if you pick Zero you get
the Z-Buster. I strongly recommend that you pick X, because the Fourth Armor is
very powerful. The Z-Buster, however, is slow and weak. You'll probably never
use it anyway. But if you're sure that you never want to use X, then go ahead
and pick Zero.



This stage is too simple for me to offer much strategy. There is one part at
the end that requires you to quickly climb the moving walls. Don't press the
jump button too quickly, time your jumps and do 1 jump at a time. After that
you fight the...

Boss: Sigma
Throughout the battle just stay at the very left. You can't attack him until he
opens his mouth, revealing a ball-type thing. He usually opens it when he comes
right up to you, giving both X and Zero a chance to strike. When he shoots 2
green balls, wait until the first one moves, then jump up the wall right away.
He has 2 other attacks, 1 where he fires a giant purple laser and another where
he fires hundreds of little blue balls. Just duck both of them, and fire away
as X. As Zero, whenever he gets close and opens his mouth, stand up and slash

After you beat the first stage you go to the stage select screen! You can beat
the stages in any order, but I will list them in order of the boss's
weaknesses, starting with Grizzly Slash - Chase The Truck!


@@@@l@ a @@@-BOSS
@@@@@@ @ @

Don't fall off the trucks! Multiple times in this stage you have to destroy the
blue core of the trucks. This is easy, just duck, and slash as Zero or fire
charged shots as X. Ignore the guns on the left side of trucks. (The ones that
shoot the small, thin blue laser.) As for those taxis, stand back and shoot
them as X, but as Zero they are harder. Jump and slash them, and run away when
they are about to attack with cutsaws. At the part where the trucks are already
exploding, hold down the dash button and keep jumping forward. Don't touch the
magic drills, they kill you on contact. Keep an eye out for the E-tank. The
last truck crashes into another truck, throwing you to the next part of the
stage. You might want to try and get that armor piece, or come back later. Go
up through the door and fight the...

Boss: Grizzly Slash
-weak against Spike Ball and Twin Dream.
His first attack will be to throw 3 claws which you can easily duck. He likes
to jump from place to place, but he's real slow so it's no big deal. As X just
stand back and shoot, as Zero get close and slash away. After you hurt him some
he will jump into the ceiling and start playing peek-a-boo. He will either pop
out from the ground, the background, or the ceiling. At this point just keep
moving, and try to get in a hit or 2 when the opportunity comes. You can easily
attack his drill arm when he comes from the ground. After you hurt him some
more, he comes back and fights like a man as he did at the beginning of the
fight. This time, however, he throws 2 HUGE claws! Dodge them by climbing up
the wall. When he moves his fingers, he is about to attack, so if you are Zero
you'd better run away! Using his weakness interrupts his attacks, but you
should pretty much use the same strategy.


START-@@@@@@@@@@@s l@@@@@ @
@ @ @ @
@ @@@@@@@@@@ @
s@@ @ @

This stage is one long, hard battle with the U-555 battleship. You have to
fight it 3 times before the stage is over! As soon as the stage begins it
starts chasing you to the right. Stay away from it, and pay attention to the
terrain. Later it will stop firing small beams at you and will use the big
laser. Keep an eye on its mouth for when the gun appears. It's a 1 second
warning of the giant laser to come from it, so find a place to hide. There will
be only 2 pits with spikes, those are your only spike problems for this part.
When you have time you should destroy the top and bottom sections of U-555. If
you do, it will be easier to defeat it. When the U-555's life bar appears, it's
time to fight! Aim for the middle. It is easy to dodge the small beams, the red
fish are the main concern. X's Fourth Armor charge shot creates a ball of
plasma that will kill the fish as they come out. As Zero, keep slashing away
and the fish will die most of the time. If you destroyed the top and bottom
sections: As X, jump once or twice, shooting a charge shot each time, then wait
for U-555 to shoot the laser, repeat. As Zero, just go up to it and slash away.

After you beat it, U-555 goes away, then comes from the right. This is easier.
Keep attacking the orange caps, so they spend more time regenerating than they
do firing at you. Watch out for more of those hungry blue fish. You will come
down to a yellow wire, and when the life bar appears, it's time to fight again!
If you have Tri-Thunder as X, just stand back and fire away. If you have
E-Blade as Zero, get closer and use it! If you do not have those weapons, then
it will be a bit harder. Evenly distribute your attacks to the top 2 caps,
bottom 2 caps, and the red middle part. The wire will make it easier to attack
the top part. Let loose on those caps and keep them from getting a chance to
attack. To dodge the torpedoes: blow them up, or run under them, or jump over
them, and they will miss you. As X, you can duck and keep firing charged shots
to attack the lower and middle parts, and destroy any missiles that come out.

After you beat it, the water goes away and you go inside a sunken ship. Take it
slow, and be careful because there are lots of spikes. The small red stingrays
aren't an issue. Just wait for them ducking, and attack as they come. If you
are Zero and have E-Blade then you should get the Life-Up tank above the gray
section in the ceiling. Anyway, keep going until you fall down and see an armor
capsule. (You need Goo Shaver to get it.) Go right to find the U-555, ready for
another beating. This time, stay out from under the platforms (VERY IMPORTANT)
as not to get squished. The orange caps are on the bottom. To get rid of them,
Ground Fire and Quake Blazer work best. Even if you don't have those weapons,
Zero's slash is able to reach them. As X, you can reach them by shooting
charged shots while ducking. The caps will regenerate after a while. Once
again, more blue fish. When you reach the top, you will fight U-555 for a third
and final time. In this battle, do not touch the yellow part! It hurts! Stay to
the left or right side and attack the shield generator bottom-left of the
yellow part. When you destroy it, the yellow shield goes away. Quickly attack
the core (don't touch it, it still hurts) before the shield comes back. Repeat.
Not only will the caps shoot at you, but more fish will come. If you have
Zero's C-Flasher, use it when things get out of control. If you have X's
Tri-Thunder, just use that. When you defeat it, cling to the wall on the right,
because the U-555 will fall down, and you do not want to fall with it. After it
falls, go through the gray door to meet the...

Boss: Duff McWhalen
-weak against C-Shot and C-Sword.
This guy is hard if you don't have his weakness. At first he will create blocks
that move left. Stay above the blocks and close to him and keep attacking. Then
the blocks start moving right, and in a different arrangement. Run away from
McWhalen and keep left to give yourself more time to maneuver through the
blocks. If you use his weakness, all the blocks disappear and he starts over
each time you hit him. After you deal enough damage to him, he moves to the
left side of the arena. Now this is annoying: He will shoot fast-moving blocks
that will push you into the spikes. Dodge them. This is easier if you use his
weakness. It might even be a good idea sometimes to jump over him, or cling to
the left wall. He can hurt you by touching you, but at least the blocks won't
push you into the spikes.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
|__________| |____
* __ __ * ___ ___* ___ * ___*______ * __ *|
__ ___ _ | || | ___ * ___ _________ __ _ | | | | |_
| | || || || | ___ ___ | || || | | | | |___
| | || || || | | || || | | | |

The beginning of this stage puts you on the Land Chaser. This is a difficult
part of the game. The map above covers the whole Land Chaser sequence. The *
means 1 of the 8 energy pieces you need to get to get the armor piece in this
stage. You do not have to get them unless you want the Falcon Armor. To
continue in this stage, you just have to survive. This is difficult because not
only can you fall in the gaps, but you will also die if you get left behind the
screen. So you have to avoid the walls. To make this a lot easier, turn on
Rapid Fire in the options menu and hold down the fire button throughout the
WHOLE sequence.

Assuming that Rapid Fire is on and your finger is firmly placed on the fire
button, just follow these 8 steps to get all 8 energy pieces:

1] Just jump over the gaps. Get the energy piece.
2] Make a jump over the first gray platform, getting the energy piece while
doing so.
3] When you land, the bike should be able to fly over the next small gap. Jump
for the next energy piece, landing on the next platform.
4] Jump up on top of the gray platform, and jump off it onto the next platform,
getting the energy piece.
5] Jump off the last gray platform, getting the energy piece. Make sure you
land somewhere safe. ;)
6] Jump into the long passage and look for the energy piece near the ceiling.
Jump for it.
7] There will be a big gap. Make a small jump, then dash in air, getting the
energy piece and landing in the next passage.
8] This is easy. You will most likely just run into it without any effort.

After that your character will fire the energy pieces at the mystery door,
which (if you got all 8) will blow up. Walk inside to get the armor piece.
Having trouble pulling it off? You're using rapid fire, right? Stay near the
left side of the screen, but not too close, so you have some room to correct
your mistakes. Just keep trying. When you run out of 1-UPs, just pick CONTINUE
and try again. As soon as you miss an energy piece, let go of the controller so
your character will die, and you can try again. Patience!

Now that the Land Chaser is out of the way, here is the rest of the stage:

@@@@@@ @@@
@ @@@@l
@@ @
@@@@@ @@@-BOSS

Take it slow. The real challenges in this part of the stage are the orange and
purple gates. Hit the locks once at a time, and hit them again when they stop
moving. Hit a lock 2 times before going to the next lock. After a while, the
lock starts moving back, so you have to hurry. Hitting a moving lock makes it
stop moving. After you seal the lock, you have a limited amount of time before
the seal breaks and the door closes. Whenever you mess up, just wait and let
the locks go back to their original positions. The locks take either 3 or 4
hits to seal. As for the purple mavericks in the stage, just ignore them. Tag
the injured reploids to refill your life.

Boss: Squid Adler
-weak against Goo Shaver and F-Splasher.
This guy is confusing. Avoid all his bolts'n'beams, and run away when he
follows you. When he lowers himself onto the ground, climb up the wall, as he
is likely to punch it and cover the floor with electricity. Sometimes there
will be a blue and white block in the middle of the arena. Use it to your
advantage, but sometimes it turns electric, so watch out. He does this attack
where he extends his tentacles and shoots bolts from it. Whether he does it
horizontally or vertically, ducking should do the trick. Using his weakness
doesn't change your strategy much, but when using F-Splasher, make sure to dash
THROUGH him or else you will take damage.


a@ @@@ @@
@ @ @ @@
@@@@ @ @
@ @@@@@
x @@@@ @@-STAIRS-@@@@
START-@@@@@@@ @@@

A long stage. At the beginning, take it slow, because there are lots of those
platforms with spikes on the bottom. It's annoying how those platforms take so
long to move, but if you rush you will probably get crushed. It's pretty
straightforward until you reach the stairs. Unlike the beginning of the stage,
the best way to get past the stairs is to rush. It's okay to take a hit here or
there. And remember that the Sigma Virus doesn't do anything until you're fully
infected. At the end of the stairs you fight a sub-boss. There are 2 pink
blocks and 1 black block that come down and shoot giant lasers, before going
back up and coming down again in different places. Use the wires to find a
place safe from their fire. To defeat it, use Ground Fire or Tri-Thunder on the
front of the black block to destroy it. As Zero, use E-Blade. You have to
destroy the black block multiple times to beat the sub-boss. The pink blocks
are invincible. After the stairs you go to an area where generators create
balls of plasma. Ignore the generators, but attack the plasma balls that are in
your way. You might want to get the armor piece, just use C-Shot or C-Sword to
destroy the generator. At the end there is a long passage going up. It helps to
destroy the generators on the way up using C-Shot/C-Sword. Air-dash or
dash-jump to get from one side of the passage to the other. After the passage
there is the gray door that leads to the...

Boss: Izzy Glow
-weak against Tri-Thunder and E-Blade.
He can teleport! He usually hangs around the ceiling, and he teleports all the
time, so climb the wall to get a better shot as X. Zero should be able to reach
him just by jumping or double jumping. Use Tri-Thunder as X, the bolts will
follow the ceiling and touch him. You should use Zero's E-Blade sparingly,
because using it usually ends up in touching him, so you get hurt as well. When
Izzy Glow launches the remote-control firefly, don't destroy it. It's no
threat, but Izzy Glow stays in one place when he uses it, making him easy to
hit! Sometimes he charges up, then fires a large green laser. Use his weakness
on him before he gets the chance. Otherwise, you can duck the laser if he fires
it horizontally. As Izzy Glow takes more damage, he moves faster.


START-@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@e --- @@@|@@|@|@|@@l|@@|@@@@-BOSS

If you have the Falcon Armor, you should definitely use it in this stage. If
you don't have it, you should get it. Anyway, the beginning of the stage has a
lot of purple mavericks. Ignore them, jump over them all. You'll notice how
there is a black hole in the background causing everything to be in slow
motion. After a while it goes away and is replaced with constellations. After a
while the constellations turn into bats that attack you. Then it goes back to
the black hole and repeats the pattern. When the constellations turn to bats,
spikes also appear and fall on the platforms. Be ready for them. Keep going
until you get to the floating platform. If you have the Falcon Armor, you don't
need the floating platform, you can just fly all the way from here. Just be
sure to take rest stops on the platforms on the way. If you are not using the
Falcon Armor, then you have to take the floating platform. Listen to what Alia
tells you, and when you come up to the platform with spikes on its bottom,
duck. Get the E-tank by flying or use Zero's double jump.

The second part of the stage has gravity devices that turn the stage
upside-down when you go through them. Change the gravity to your liking, but it
really doesn't make a difference until you reach the Life-Up tank. You can't
get it unless it is at the top. If it isn't then go back and change the
gravity. You can use the Falcon Armor to get it. Zero can get it, too, with a
well-timed double jump. At the end of the stage before the gray door there is a
gap. Fall down and use F-Laser to open the wall from the other side so you can
get the armor piece. Then go back up and through the gray door to the...

Boss: Dark Dizzy
-weak against F-Laser and C-Flasher.
This guy is easy. You should start by emptying your supply of F-Laser/C-Flasher
on him. Wait before he stops flashing from the first hit before firing again.
He basically just flies around most of the time. Climb up the wall and attack
him. If you don't beat him quickly he will attack with giant rings. The Falcon
Armor's charged shot can go right through them and stun Dark Dizzy. If you
aren't using Falcon Armor, then he will at this time use Dark Hold to freeze
you for a second or 2 while he does another attack. No big deal.


@@@@@ @@@@@@ @
@ @ a@@@@@@@
@ w @@@@@@
START-@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@

The main challenge in this stage is the time bombs. Deal with them in 1 of 2
ways. Either destroy them very quickly before they detonate, or get hit by
something right before they detonate. While you are flashing after taking a
hit, the bombs can't hurt you. The damage you took is nothing compared to what
the bomb would have done to you. Anyway, grab the W-tank under the first
elevator. If you have Falcon Armor then get the armor piece way up high. The
second elevator goes diagonally past some spikes toward the third elevator. To
avoid the spikes coming from the top you have to cling to the right side of the
elevator. Keep jumping as not to slide off. It's dangerous but it's the best
way to avoid those spikes. The third elevator is easy. It goes to 3 other
floors. Just make sure to get back on it before it starts moving again.
The last floor has the gray door that takes you to a plane with the...

Boss: The Skiver
-weak against Dark Hold.
Find a good time where The Skiver is on the plane and not moving to do Dark
Hold. This freezes him and you can shoot/slash away until Dark Hold runs out of
energy. You can use your new W-tank to refill Dark Hold before it runs out so
you have more time to deal damage to The Skiver. Anyway, the normal strategy is
to stay in the middle of the plane so The Skiver can't knock you off. He will
start by staying on the plane, dashing left and right. Sometimes he will launch
his shadow at you. When he goes high up he is about to charge you so get ready
to dash away or jump over him. When he leaves the screen he will fly at you
over and over. Keep moving and remember that he will not strike from the same
place twice in a row. When he puts his hand up he is about to throw a tornado
that can blow you off the plane.


@ @@@@@-BOSS
@@@ @@
@@@@@@ @@@@@
@ @ @@@@@
@@@@@@@@@|@@|@@|@@@@ --- @@@@@@@@@@@@s@@@@@a
l @ @ @

Go down. Take it slow, to keep from getting hit by the fire-breathing dragon
heads. You can also avoid them by being quick. When you come up against the
green dragonflies, wait until the lava passes before going down 1 of the 2
holes. You should then go left to get the Life-Up tank if you haven't already.
Then go right. The lava comes at fixed intervals, and when it comes you have to
be in the black spots or else you will die. When you come up to a rock wall you
have to wait for the lava to break it down before you can continue. This whole
lava part takes some patience. Take it slow, because if you die of the lava you
will take even more time playing it from the beginning. When you reach the
door, destroy it and continue to part 2 of the stage.

Now you have a choice: go straight or go down into the lava. I recommend that
you go straight. Going down is faster but harder. Take the Ride Armor, jump
over the gap, and jump out of the Ride Armor and onto the block. (Hold up and
jump to get out of the Ride Armor.) Keep going forward by jumping on the blocks
over the lava and be mindful of the pterodactyl. You will have to break the
walls to continue. Zero can attack the wall by standing at the edge of the
block and slashing. At the end, you will fight the pterodactyl. As X, use Goo
Shaver or charged shots, but Falcon Armor charged shots don't work well on it.
As Zero, stand on the left platform and slash away. This sub-boss is easy, all
you have to do is not to fall in the lava. After you beat it go through they
gray door.

If you took the Ride Armor at the beginning and went down instead of straight,
don't press up because it is easy to get out of the Ride Armor by accident.
Doing so will kill you because of the lava. Keep attacking while jumping
because it works better than the ground attack. The Ride Armor can explode, but
it starts flashing a few seconds in advance, so when it does you should find a
way out of the lava or else you are doomed. The hardest part of the Ride Armor
section is getting out of the lava. You have to jump, and jump again, this time
holding up. The Ride Armor will jump and then your character will jump out of
the Ride Armor in mid-air, and the Ride Armor falls back down to the lava. Then
find a safe place for your character to land. Anyway, whether you chose to go
straight or down at the beginning, you go to a big room with wires. If you have
Falcon Armor, then use it to fly right to the armor capsule. Otherwise climb
the wires and go through the gray door.

Boss: Mattrex
-weak against Wing Spiral and W-Shredder.
Without his weakness, I can't offer any real strategy. This guy is insane. Just
remember to use the walls to your advantage. If you have Wing Spiral, use it
near him while moving forward. Wait for him to stop flashing and repeat. As
Zero use W-Shredder on him, and make sure to wait for him to stop flashing
before attacking again because W-Shredder is a slow move. When he clings to the
wall you can't use W-Shredder, so jump and slash.


@@@@@@@@@@@ a
@ @ @

This stage is fast and easy. Just keep moving forward. Ignore the purple flower
enemies, and it's okay if you touch some of the Sigma Viruses. Nothing happens
until you are infected. At the beginning there is a part with wires. Hold up
all the way and jump from wire to wire. Sometimes there will be thorns that pop
out from the ground and ceiling. You might have to take a hit or 2 from them.
Note that you can see them before they strike, they first appear as tiny green
dots on the floor and ceiling. Alia will warn you about the big hole in the
cave, the one with the purple flower on each side of it. Slide down the left
wall to continue into another part with wires. Keep holding up, and watch out
on the lowest wire. From the low ceiling a thorn will strike. Be ready for it
and approach it closely. When you get close it will strike but it won't touch
you. Kill it or dash under it. Use the Falcon Armor to get the armor capsule
above the wires. Later you come up to 2 holes with spikes on the bottom. Watch
out for thorns above them. Kill them and move on. Before you know it you are at

Boss: Axle The Red
-weak against Ground Fire and Quake Blazer.
Wait a second! The first thing he will do is to make a clone of himself, and
then the clone disappears. You can't hurt him while is doing this, (strange) so
wait until the clone disappears before you attack. He will sometimes throw a
spike ball that can easily be destroyed. When he goes to the very left or right
side of the room, he will throw his tentacles. Run to the opposite side so he
can't catch you. He may split up and attack from both sides, in which case you
should cling to the wall. Ground Fire and Quake Blazer stun him and disrupt his
attack. Use those weapons and he should not be able to get a chance to attack


After you beat 2 of the bosses, Dynamo will attack your base and you have to
fight him. He is very easy. Pick Zero, go right up to him and just slash away.

Dynamo will attack again after you beat 6 of the bosses. This time he has a new
move. He will charge up and make giant lasers appear all over the arena. Use
Wing Spiral or W-Shredder on him to disrupt his attack. If you don't have those
weapons, use Zero and you should be able to beat him using the same strategy.
Just slash away.


By this time the Zero Virus stages should be opened. Before you enter them you
should go back to the other stages and get the items you may have missed.


For this stage pick the character that has the bigger life bar. You'll need all
the life you can get for the boss.

Near the beginning of the stage there are guns that shoot green lasers that
kill you in 1 shot. If they are giving you trouble use Dark Hold to freeze the
guns. After that you meet the Zero Virus and green Ride Armors for the first
time. You can easily destroy the Ride Armor by using Giga Attack, C-Flasher, or
Spike Ball. Then you come to a part with a LOT of green lasers. Right before
that part use Dark Hold again. Then maneuver down through the terrain as
quickly as you can before Dark Hold runs out, if you want to make it easier,
press start and use your W-tank for more Dark Hold time. If you die, it's no
big loss. All your weapon energy is refilled each time you die.

Boss: A black blob (?)
Attack pattern: Blocks will come in from the left to the right side of the
room. They accumulate and morph into a giant blob with limbs. A red eye (the
weak point) appears, fires 2 shots, and disappears. The blob turns into blocks
again which move one by one to the left side of the room until all the blocks
are there. Then they turn into a blob again, and so on. THIS IS HARD! Don't use
your E-tanks on your first try. Lose a few lives learning how to avoid the
blocks. Here are some pointers:
-Recognize the pattern. Only 1 block comes at a time.
-Also, 1 column of 4 blocks will pass before the next column does.
-Always duck so only 4 of the 16 blocks can get you. Jump those 4 blocks.
-Start far away from the blocks, and move in bit by bit as they accumulate
behind you.
To attack him as X, use charged shots. With Ultimate Buster or Quick Charge you
can hit him up to 3 times each time the eye appears. To attack him as Zero,
jump up and slash his eye and use C-Flasher as soon as you land. After a while
the blob will split up and blocks will come from both sides. After a longer
while the blob will morph into a skull that will charge you just once. Dash in
air over the skull. After that it jumps around and reveals its eye. You should
be able to kill the skull before it morphs into blocks again.

Practice a few times, and use your E-tanks only when you're ready.



For this stage, pick Falcon Armor.

Falcon Armor charged shots can go through the green Ride Armor's shield.
Destroy them and use the armor's flying ability to easily navigate through the
part with the floating platforms. Fly, fly, fly past the part with the wires
all the way to the end of the stage. Before going through the gray door, go
left to a hidden passage and get the pick-up that will refill your life %100.
Then go to the door.

Boss: A wall with a face. (?)
It will attack you with 1 eye at a time. Each eye will make its move before
going back, then another eye will attack. After a few eye attacks, the walls
close in and spikes appear on the floor. The nose will attack you by moving
into you. After a while the walls open and the eyes attack again. And so on.

Get the red eye with 5 shots of Tri-Thunder. The blue eye will try to touch
you, hit it with Ground Fire. The green eye is tricky. Quickly hit it with
C-Shot and immediately start flying to block all its shots. Shoot it with
C-Shot again after it stops shooting, as the eye closes. When the walls close
in, use the flying ability so the nose can't hurt you. Do not attack the nose
until you have killed the 3 eyes. After you kill the 3 eyes, shoot the nose
with Goo Shaver. (Sometimes when the walls close in, spikes will appear on the
sides. Just fly to avoid them.) This boss is much easier than the black blob in
the stage before.



This stage is all about spikes, but it's not too hard if you have the air-dash.

There is an armor capsule in this stage, hidden in a gap. It's the one with a
floating platform on the left side of it. Go to the capsule as regular X (hard
because he has no air-dash) to get the Ultimate Armor. Get it as Zero and he
will turn dark gray and become stronger. It is possible to get both of them. I
recommend that you get at least 1 of them.

If you are X, you will fight Zero as the boss. If you are Zero, you will fight
X in his Ultimate Armor.

Boss as X: Zero
Zero will dash around a lot. He will stop and fire 2 Z-Buster shots followed by
a Z-Saber slash. Jump the buster shots and the slash should fly over you. He
also punches the ground and makes fireballs fly up from the floor. If you have
the Ultimate Armor, just ignore everything he does and keep using Giga Attack.
If you lost Zero and the shuttle mission failed, then this battle is harder.

Boss as Zero: X in Ultimate Armor
X dashes around a lot, shooting charged shots here and there. That's what he
will do most of the time. Jump over him and attack him at the same time. Use
C-Flasher when far away. Sometimes X will use attacks from Mega Man X4. The
only ones I've seen are Soul Body, Double Cyclone, and Frost Tower. You can
tell what weapon he is going to use when he changes color. Jump over Double
Cyclone. Frost Tower will make ice appear at the top of the screen. Just move
out of the way before they fall. To dodge Soul Body, jump over every other


@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@-FINAL BOSS
@@@@@@@@@@@@ START PART 2-@@@@@@ @
@ @@@

Pick Ultimate Armor or Gray Zero for this stage. If you don't have them, pick
Fourth Armor. If you don't have that, pick Falcon Armor.

Fall down, then go right. Don't touch the red things, they kill you on contact.
They are everywhere. You come up to a small gap. To the right is a life
pick-up. Fall in the gap to find 8 teleports. To continue you have to go to
each teleport and beat the boss there. All the bosses have level 96, so they
have enormous life bars. Follow the same strategies to beat them, unless you
have the Ultimate Armor. In that case just use Giga Attack over and over and
over. After you beat a boss you go back to the teleport room. Be sure to get
the 2 life pick-ups after each boss you beat, so you can fill up your E-tanks.
After you beat all 8 bosses, go to the yellow teleport to continue.

The 8 teleports go to the following bosses, from left to right: Mattrex, Dark
Dizzy, Izzy Glow, Squid Adler, Duff McWhalen, Grizzly Slash, Axle The Red, The

The second part of the stage is easy until you get to the part with the blocks.
Whenever a block (or 2) appears in front of you, quickly jump to it before the
last ones disappear. When there is a set of 2 blocks followed by another set of
2 blocks, those are the last ones. Dash-jump or Giga Attack to the right and go
through the gray door to Sigma.

NOTE: Like with the black blob in the first Zero Virus stage, this boss is very
hard (after all, it is the final boss) and you should not use your E-tanks
until you are ready, because you can only use them once before you have to
refill them.

Final Boss: Sigma
Cling to the wall when he throws the balls. When he warps to the right side he
will shoot large waves of energy. Climb over the low one, duck the high one,
and dash in air in between the double waves. As Zero, look for good
opportunities to use E-Blade. You have to be quick as Zero, as it is not a good
idea to be close to Sigma for too long. As X in Ultimate Armor, use Giga
Attack. You should be able to do it right through him most of the time. Don't
use an E-tank when fighting Sigma, you need to save them for the...

FINAL Final Boss: Wily's unfinished-but-good-enough ultimate body Sigma.
His weak point is the red spot on his forehead. You can't hurt Sigma when he
turns wireframe.

As Ultimate Armor, cling to the top part of the walls, doing Giga Attack back
and forth across his forehead. The Giga Attack will go right through most of
his attacks, so just keep doing it. Use E-tank when necessary.

As Zero, cling to the right side of the wall. Jump off it, slash Sigma's
forehead, and get back to the wall. You can also reach his forehead by jumping
off his hands, but stay off the floor because of the hands. Zero's saber is
strong so you can deal a lot of damage very quickly. Don't let his hands crush
you, destroy them if they get in the way. When 4 balls come from his forehead,
find some fancy maneuver to avoid them. When the purple squares appear, keep
moving so they don't form on you. It really hurts to touch them. The last
purple square will travel across the ceiling/wall/floor in your direction.
Avoid it, and keep slashing Sigma the whole time. As X without the Ultimate
Armor, use a similar strategy to Zero's, except instead of slashing him, use
Spike Ball.

After you beat ultimate body Sigma, the game is over. Enjoy the ending. :)

This FAQ is copyright 2001 Ben Gesiak. This FAQ is only for personal use. Do
not post this FAQ or any part of it without permission. Thank you.
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Parts FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Waffen, alle Herz Tanks, alle E, W und EX Tanks und alle Teile.

16.Oktober 2013
Alle Waffen, alle Herz Tanks, alle E, W und EX Tanks und alle Teile.

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013
Last Level Save mit allen Gegenstände und Boni.

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
PAL/NTSC Selector and +2 Trainer for the US NTSC Version.

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

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24.März 2020