Megaman X5

Megaman X5

13.10.2013 07:37:49

========Mega Man X5 Guide========

by Reeve

1. Introduction
2. Boss Weaknesses / Recommended Order
3. Power-Up Uses and Locations
4. Armor Descriptions
5. Power-up Modules
6. Statue stage
7. Chase the Truck! (Grizzly Slash)
8. Obliterate the Battleship! (Duff McWhalen)
9. Electric Trap (Squid Adler)
10. Fortress Lab Infiltration (Izzy Glow)
11. Escape the Space Trap (Dark Dizzy)
12. Destroy the Time Bombs! (The Skiver)
13. Red-Hot World (Mattrex)
14. Into the Jungle (Axle the Red)
15. Dynamo Strategy
16. Zero Virus stage 1
17. Zero Virus stage 2
18. Zero Virus stage 3
19. Final stage
20. Secrets and Tips
21. Legal

1. Introduction:
Welcome to the official Mega Man X Online guide for Mega Man X5, the fifth installment in
the MMX saga. Refer to the index above for an easy reference guide, and go to to find HTML versions of this guide, along with guides for
all of the other games in the Mega Man X series. Happy gaming.

2. Boss Weaknesses / Recommended Order:
Boss Weakness with X Weakness with Zero
==== =============== ==================
-Grizzly Slash --- Spike Ball (Red) ------- Twin Dream (Red)
-Duff McWhalen --- Crescent Shot (Slash) -- Crescent Sword (Slash)
-Squid Adler ----- Goo Shaver (McWhalen) -- F-Splasher (McWhalen)
-Izzy Glow ------- Tri-Thunder (Adler) ---- E-Blade (Adler)
-Dark Dizzy ------ F-Laser (Glow) --------- C-Flasher (Glow)
-The Skiver ------ Dark Hold (Dizzy) ------ Dark Hold (Dizzy)
-Mattrex --------- Wing Spiral (Skiver) --- Wing Shredder (Skiver)
-Axle the Red----- Ground Fire (Mattrex) -- Quake Blazer (Mattrex)

3. Power-Up Uses and Locations:
Power-Up Use Location
Light Capsules - armor power-ups - One per stage
Heart Tanks - more life added to meter - One per stage
Sub-Tanks - life energy reserve - Found in the stages of: Grizzly Slash, Dark Dizzy
Weapon Tank - weapon energy reserve - Found in The Skiver's stage.
EX Tank - more lives per continue - Found in Izzy Glow's stage.

4. Armor Descriptions:
X (Blue): X's basic armor. No special powers. Much weaker than all of X's other armors.

X (Fourth): A reproduction of the armor from X4. If you start the game with X you get it
automatically. Otherwise it's impossible to get. Gives you the power to hover, air-dash, and
plasma shot, but the Nova Strike and infinite weapon energy capabilities from MMX4 are missing.

X (Falcon): New armor. Very light and nimble. Pressing the jump button in the air lets X fly
for a short time. The powered shot is a small but powerful laser. No air-dash ability, but
makes X generally faster. You can use boss weapons while in it, but can't power them up like
you could with the Fourth Armor. Nova Strike replaced with Falcon Strike ability.

X (Gaea): Also a new armor. It's basically the opposite of Falcon, in that it makes X slower
but much more powerful and defensive. It, however, also does not have an air-dash. Clinging to
the wall lets you stick there instead of sliding off. X can also walk on spikes without any
damage coming to him, and his powered shot is much more powerful than the Nova. Unfortunately,
it's impossible to use boss weapons in the armor, and it makes X more sluggish. Nova Strike
replaced with the Gaea Strike ability.

X (Ultimate): This is a hidden armor, both ways you could possibly get it. It includes the same
abilities as the Ultimate Armor from X4, in that it's exactly like the Fourth Armor, only
allowable to do the Nova Strike infinite times. Of course, in this game the Fourth Armor
doesn't allow X to do the Nova Strike at all, but the Ultimate Armor still does allow him to
do it infinite times.

Zero (Red): Zero's basic armor. Like X's blue, it has no real powers that set it apart.

Zero (Black): Zero takes half the damage he would take otherwise, and the sabre included with
the black armor can cut through some enemy projectiles and destroy the Sigma Virus.
Note: X gets to choose which armor he takes into battle with him, but Zero's Black armor is a
replacement armor. Therefore, you do not get to choose Red or Black at the beginning of each

5. Power-up Modules:
After beating a boss, you'll inevitably get their weapon. In addition, you'll get the option
at times of choosing between getting a more life added to your meter, or more energy added to
your meter. This choice will affect the Modules you get. Modules are not available in Easy Mode,
and are harder to get in Xtreme Mode. Below is a full listing of the Modules, how you get them,
and what they do.

Grizzly Slash
+ Life: Shock Absorber - 50% damage reduction
+ Energy: Hyper Dash - Enhanced dash

Duff McWhalen
+ Life: Super Recover - Items give more energy
+ Energy: W-Energy Saver - Weapons use half energy amount

Squid Adler
+ Life: Quick Charge (X only) - Faster charge for X-Buster
+ Energy: Z-Saber Extend (Zero only) - More range with the Z-Saber

Izzy Glow
+ Life: Burst Shot (X only) - 5 shots at a time instead of the usual 3
+ Energy: Shot Eraser (Zero only) - Destroy enemy shots

Dark Dizzy
+ Life: Anti-Virus Guard - 50% less damage to Virus meter
+ Energy: Virus Buster (X only) - Ability to destroy the Sigma Virus

The Skiver
+ Life: Jumper - Higher jump
+ Energy: Speedster - Fast movement

+ Life: Speed Shot - Faster shots
+ Energy: Buster Plus (X only) - More powerful shots

Axle the Red
+ Life: Ultimate Buster (X only) - Charged shots used without any charge needed
+ Energy: Z-Saber Plus (Zero only) - More powerful Z-Saber

6. Statue stage:
This is simple enough, especially if you have a basic grasp of X games. There are only two new
commands that you might have to know for this level. Make sure you duck by pressing down when
the ceiling falls inside the crumbling building, and make sure you grab onto the wire by
pressing up when you're near it, so you won't fall down the pit. You can also avoid falling down
the pit by Air-dashing or dash-jumping. Make sure that when climbing up the walls at the end of
the level, you climb the right wall, then the left, then the right. This will help you avoid
getting crushed in them.

Giant Sigma Head
Sigma's Head is considerably harder than most opening stage bosses in MMX games, but that's not
saying much. No matter who you are, X or Zero, staying to the left wall is the best strategy.
Duck when he fires his giant purple beam or the little blue balls, and wait for a good time to
strike. If he simply stays, it means he'll fire larger yellow balls. Stand your ground, and
climb the left wall just as the yellow balls begin to move. This should help you avoid being hit
at all.

7. Grizzly Slash's stage:
The military train area isn't too hectic. As X, you'll have to get down on a platform below the
front of the train to hit the blue spot and destroy each train head, but as Zero you can slash
at it from above if you want. Make sure you duck when the blue spot is firing, or it could knock
you off. When a timer is counting down, dash and dash-jump your way off the train before it
blows. Before long, you'll find yourself on the ground after a train wreck. From this point,
it's only a small distance before you reach the boss.

Heart Tank
After blowing up a few trains, you'll be inside a train car. In the middle there will be a
divide that if you climb up, there will be a ceiling full of spikes. Use X's Gaea armor to get
to the Heart Tank, which is on the left side. It's also concievable that you could get to it
with your Falcon armor, but you'd probably have to sacrifice a life for it.

At the end of one train will be the Sub-Tank, sitting out in plain view. Just make sure you have
enough time to grab it and get off the train before it explodes. It's not hard at all.

Falcon Leg Upgrade
When just entering the cave after the train wreck, you'll see an alchove at the top. Get on the
lower wall and dash-jump up to the wall above, or use Zero's double-jump to get into the alchove
where the Capsule will be waiting.

Grizzly Slash Strategy
Grizzly Slash isn't that tough, and is a good starting point as far as bosses go. Whether or not
you have the Spike Ball or Twin Dream, he shouldn't be that hard. Simply attack him. If you get
hit a couple of times with his attacks, it's no big deal. Just keep powering up your Buster and
shooting or slashing at him. He doesn't use his attack nearly as often as you can optimally use
yours. When he burrows underground dash-jump from side to side on the higher ground level, and
be prepared for him to appear nearby. When he does, attack him quickly and keep dashing.
Continue this strategy until he's gone.

8. Duff McWhalen's stage:
This stage is mostly a battle with the huge fish sub, U-555. At first you'll be dueling with
just the head. Disarm the missiles by destroying the yellow-orange spots on it's face. These
will regrow, but keep destroying them and doing damage afterwards to the face itself, and it
will be damaged enough to be unable to grow new parts. Once the mouth laser is produced, either
climb a nearby alchove or duck in a ditch, because you'll otherwise get dealt some serious
damage. Once you get to a certain point, a life bar will appear. Aim for the mouth to do damage
to the fish sub. Next is the battle with the tail, which is basically like the head. Follow the
same basic strategies. Then comes the top of the body. Only by fully charging your X-Buster, or
swiping your sword downward, can you do damage to the missile launchers here. Keep dodging and
destroying them, and get out of the way of the rocks the sub is leading you into. When you get
to a certain point, it will occasionally expose its weak spot. Destroy it, like with the head,
and the sub will fall for good.

Heart Tank
In the large pit with spikes surrounding both sides, the ceiling is open. Use the Gaea armor or
the Falcon armor to make your way up there, and then use the armor similarly to navigate through
the spikes. You'll eventually find your way to the Heart Tank.

Falcon Body Upgrade
After the water drops and you go through the planked area, you'll drop down to an area that has
a capsule in plain view with a plank blocking it, and a mine nearby. Use a powered-up Goo Shaver
to set off the mine and destroy the plank.

Duff McWhalen Strategy
Duff McWhalen is very easy with the Crescent Shot or Crescent Slash weapon, but not so easy if
you're using the X-Buster or just slashing with the Z-Saber. Make sure you have the Crescent
weapon and just let him have it. Barrage him with the weapon, and duck when he goes across the
screen. If you keep firing while he's moving across the screen, you can easily take him down
before he even gets the chance to try to push you against the spikes. If he does get that
opportunity, though, just dodge the ice blocks quickly and keep pummelling him with your
Crescent weapon to delay his attacks.

9. Squid Adler's stage:
The first area here is perhaps one of the most frustrating in the game. The Ride Chaser section
of the level is pretty hard. Unfortunately, talking about it would do no good. I can't say
anything here that would help you get past that part except that all you really need is
practice. Also, the end is a pain, but you really simply have to dash twice on the Ride Chaser
in a row. The only problem is it's hard to get the timing right. Once again, practice makes
perfect. Next comes the switches section. Using X, have his Fourth Armor at the ready. The
plasma shot makes this part fairly easy. If you're using Zero, his Crescent spin will reduce
headaches. Just destroy the enemies around, and then concentrate on the switches. This will lead
directly to the boss.

Heart Tank
In the switches area, you'll find a path that you can go left or right. The right path leads to
the boss, but if you choose to go left first, and have X with his Gaea armor, you can shoot the
switch and work your way into a room with spikes on the ground. Stand on the spikes and power up
your Buster. Shooting the V blocks will destroy them. Then shoot the other switch to open the
way to the Heart Tank.

Falcon Head Upgrade
During the jetbike section, there will be blue balls of light floating around. Collecting all
eight will expose an opening once you get off the jetbike, inside of which will be the Capsule.
Getting all eight takes a lot of practice, though, so be prepared for some frustration.

Squid Adler Strategy
Squid Adler isn't that hard, with or without the Goo Shaver. Make sure you're ready to cling to
walls to avoid his attack that covers the entire ground, and fire at him non-stop. His attacks
are pretty predictable, so staying in the right areas will save you from most damage. Stay on
the wall, but don't stay directly in front of Squid Adler unless you need to fire at him.

10. Izzy Glow's stage:
This stage starts off simple enough. Just blast the enemies like you would anywhere else. To
save the yellow hostage in the plank above, use the Ground Fire or Quake Blazer weapon, then
navigate through the spikes. The spikes in this level aren't that hard to avoid, but can do some
serious damage if you slip up. Proceed with caution. Next you'll find yourself on a staircase.
Just blast away the enemies and avoid the Sigma Viruses, and you'll find yourself at a
mini-boss. Charge your weapon and aim for the red eye of the black robot. It'll be destroyed,
and then you have to avoid the lasers of the other two robots. The black one will be back next
time for you to destroy again and again, until the whole mechanism is destroyed. Next you'll
find yourself in another straight-forward area with several green wall robots firing off large
red balls. These red balls are easy to avoid, but you can destroy them with the Crescent
Shot/Slash if you're bored or just feel like it. Keep along this path to find your way to the

Heart Tank
The Heart Tank for this stage is right at the beginning. Equip X with the Gaea armor and fall
down in the pit below the bridge that you extended. Veer right and the Heart Tank is right
there. You can also fly over the spikes to it using the Falcon armor, but it's harder to do
without wasting a life.

EX Tank
At the area with the wooden ceiling and the trapped Reploid is also the EX Tank. Use your
Ground Fire or Quake Blazer weapon to free the hostage and get the EX Tank.

Falcon Arm Upgrade
After you climb a few of the ramps, one of the green wall robots firing red balls will be out of
your view, right above you. Jump up to be able to see it and destroy it with the Crescent
Shot/Slash to open up the path to the capsule.

Izzy Glow Strategy
Izzy Glow is quick, but not tough. If you're usingthe Tri-Thunder or E-Blade, just stay below
him and use when he's above you (in range). If using the X-Buster or Z-Saber, just fire at him
whenever you get a chance and dodge his attacks. Be warned if you're using either of those,
though; he gets awefully fast near the end of his life, and using these is much more effective
to destroy him.

11. Dark Dizzy's stage:
The opening of this stage is in outer space, where everything moves pretty slow. No big harm,
though. Other than the slow-motion and the occassional bat problem, this part has nothing that
differs from any other shoot-the-badguys strategy. Next you'll find yourself indoors, but again
there's no huge threat here. The floor will become the ceiling and vice-versa when you go into
certain switches, but this is really for your own good rather than a threat. Avoid the spikes,
of course. The real fun is if you come here wearing Gaea Armor, and the threat of the spikes is
removed, so there's virtually no threat at all. Navigate through the spikes and making sure the
blocks don't fall on you, and you'll be at the boss in no time.

Heart Tank
The Heart Tank is in plain view, and hard to not see in this level. It's accessible with skill
using the Falcon or even the Fourth Armor, but the Gaea Armor makes it easiest. Switch the
ground/ceiling so that the Heart Tank is accessible, and then just go to it with the Gaea Armor
on. No problem.

At the end of the outer space part (the first part of the stage), the Sub-Tank will be in plain
view. It's high up, so using Zero's double-jump or X's Falcon Armor to reach it is easiest. A
well-timed Dash-Jump from the platform you're floating on can reach it, but it's much tougher.

Gaea Head Upgrade
Just before you reach the boss, there will be a pit. Drop down into it (careful not to hit the
spikes on the left side, stay to your right). There will be a Capsule behind a tangled web of
metal. Use the F-Laser and navigate it through the maze to hit the switch that will open the
path to the Capsule. This can be tricky and frustrating, but if you run out of energy you can
kill yourself on the spikes and get all your weapon energy back, and if you need to continue,
the starting point is right in front of the pit. It may take multiple tries.

Dark Dizzy Strategy
You need to make sure to cling to the walls a lot with Dark Dizzy. If you're using his weakness,
the F-Laser, stay on the ground and fire when necessary. Otherwise, stay near the walls and be
ready to dash-jump off of them if he gets ready to freeze time. Other than that, he's not too

12. The Skiver's stage:
Your first job in this level is to disarm the bombs that are counting down, guarded by robots.
The last one is the trickiest, but you should be able to get to most of them with no problem.
Missing one or two doesn't have any dire consequences, as long as you keep your life above half
so the explosion doesn't kill you. There are also several yellow hostages in need of your aid,
but they're out in the open and don't require any special strategy. Once out of the bomb-ridden
area, you'll be going down an elevator. No real problems should arise here. There will be
enemies every once in a while, but a simple blast or sabre slash should take care of them. After
this comes an escalator area. Climb onto the escalator and then drop to the right side and cling
to the wall until you safely pass under the spikes. Next comes another escalator with several
alchoves that have bombs, enemies, and yellow hostages. Rescue the hostages, kill the enemies,
and try to destroy the bombs. Next, you'll find yourself at the boss.

Heart Tank
At the second elevator area, one of the alchoves with yellow hostages also has a Heart Tank
behind a bomb. Whether you destroy the bomb or not, the Heart Tank remains, so it's not hard to

Weapon Tank
On the elevator ride down (just after the bomb section), drop down below the elevator after
it crashes through the first two floors. The Weapon Tank sits on the third collapsable floor,
so grab it and get out before the elevator crushes you.

Gaea Body Upgrade
Bring X and equip the Falcon armor. At the escalator area, jump and fly up and to the left as
soon as you see the first spikes. This will lead you to a platform with the armor Capsule.

The Skiver Strategy
This battle greatly resembles Storm Eagle's from Mega Man X1. All you really need for this
battle is the ability to dash-jump and a good weapon by your side. Skiver doesn't seem to have
much of a weakness towards anything, the Dark Hold does stop him in his tracks for a few
seconds, allowing you to get a few hits in. Other than that, it's just a straight out battle.
Dash-jump over him when he charges at you, and dash back and forth when he goes into the air to
charge you. Zero is really best for this battle since he can inflict more damage while Skiver is
frozen than X can. Keep up that strategy and he should go down.

13. Mattrex's stage:
The opening of this stage is simple to get through. Just dash a lot to avoid all the
fire-breathing dragon head robots, and kill the enemies as fast as possible. Even if you don't
kill them, avoiding them quickly is the best method to get through quickly. Next, you'll be over
some rushing lava. Wait for it to stop coming and instantly drop. Then dash and dash-jump as
fast as you can to an area that the background is black instead of red. Cling to the wall there
and you'll be safe from the next rushing lava. Keep doing this, heading as fast as you can for
an area with a black background, until you're out of the rushing lava pit. Next you'll find a
large lava pit. There are two paths. You can get into the Riding Armor and go under the lava, or
you can stay above it and do battle with a fire dragon. It's up to you. Neither is all that
hard. After conquering one of these two obstacles, you'll find the boss.

Heart Tank
In the large rushing lava area, wait for the lava to just have stopped coming, drop and rush to
the left. Drop down the pit and you'll find a Heart Tank waiting for you, along with a life.

Gaea Arm Upgrade
In the large lava pit, get into the Ridden Riding Armor and go into the lava. Make your way
through it until the end, and then carefully jump out of the armor and on to dry land. The
Capsule is there waiting for you.

Mattrex Strategy
Mattrex is one of the harder bosses in the game, but as long as you have the Wing Spiral or Wing
Shredder from Skiver, he's not that hard. Use it, and take advantage of the time that he's
floating in the air to cling to the very top of a wall. This will avoid most of his attacks
completely. The few that will hit won't take off enough to really kill you before you can kill
him. From the wall, air-dash off the wall to go over him and use the weapon again. It's a pretty
simple pattern.

14. Axle the Red's stage:
This stage is pretty straight-forward. The only areas that might present problems are the two
wire areas. One has spikes on the sides, and one has a pit on the bottom. Navigate carefully
through these, and destroy enemies as you go along.

Heart Tank
Right when you get into the cave, just before you climb the vines that have the spikes on the
sides, there are some V blocks. Destroy them with your Gaea armor, and keep going along the path
until you find a cliff. At this point, dash into some of the V blocks laying around, and push
one of them to the edge of the cliff. Stand on top of the V block and dash-jump from it to the
ledge carrying the Heart Tank.

Gaea Leg Upgrade
In the second wire area there will be an alchove at the top with spikes surrounding it. Use X's
Falcon armor to fly into the alchove to find the Capsule.

Axle the Red Strategy
Axle the Red is easy. Just use the Ground Fire or Quake Blazer and allow him to jump over you,
then use it again. By the time you come to this stage you should have the weapon, but if you
don't, he's still not all that hard. Just attack him like normal, and avoid his attacks by
clinging to the walls. Don't be fooled by his alternate self. Just keep your eye on him and keep

15. Dynamo Strategy:
You'll face Dynamo twice during the game. Once after you've beaten two of the Maverick bosses,
and again once you've beaten six of the Mavericks.

As X
Dynamo isn't too hard with X. Using the Fourth or Ultimate armor, keep charging your Buster and
letting him have it. Jump over his spinning boomerang, and then duck to avoid it coming back (or
vice-versa if he does it in that fashion). The second time you face him he'll use an air-slash
attack when he jumps over you, and will sometimes pause in mid-air to release blue energy beams.
These are both easy to dodge. Simply to not attack him from the air when he jumps over you to
avoid the air-slash, and get between the blue energy beams. He's rather simple, really.

As Zero
For however easy Dynamo is with X, he's ten times easier with Zero, as long as you have the
Crescent Slash. Keep using it on Dynamo and he'll fall easily. Dodge his attacks in the same
way you would with X, but keep slashing. You should be able to take him out quickly.

16. Zero Virus stage 1:
The biggest, and practically only real threat in this stage are the lasers. They kill you one
hit and irritatingly fill the entire screen sometimes. This is where a very important creedo
comes in: There's no shame in using the Dark Hold to stop time. This will make things immensely
easier. Pick up the weapon power that's lying around, and try to make sure you have a full
Weapons Tank to refill when there isn't any weapon power around. Before long, you'll find
yourself at the boss.

Shadow Devil Strategy
Shadow Devil can be pretty tough. As X, the Tri-Thunder works, but your X-Buster works better.
It's larger anyway. As Zero, good old fashioned sabre swiping works best, and even beats the
Shadow Devil faster than X could. The only time he's weak is when his red eye is open. Aim for
that eye. Jump and duck to avoid the parts going from one side of the room to the other, and
make sure you can always see the parts that haven't yet moved so you can be prepared. It's
easiest to avoid his attacks when he forms into the Wily Skull Tank. Just get on the wall and
air-dash off of it before it hits, then repeat for the other side. Also, dash under it when it
is "jumping" around. This is also the optimum time to attack the red eye when it's exposed, as
it will stay that way for longer than usual. Eventually it will get back into the form with the
red eye so you can deal more damage. The toughest attack to dodge is when half of it's body is
on each side and it fires from both sides. Fast reflexes are the only way to avoid this, and as
long as you keep your life fairly full, it shouldn't be a problem.

17. Zero Virus stage 2:
This stage is pretty straight forward, and all you really have to do is destroy enemies as
usual. However, the enemies usually have the tactical advantage, and you have to find ways to
overcome this. Having Zero infected with the Virus is a great way to restore your life bar, and
don't be afraid to use your special weapons. After a lot of enemies and a lot of spikes, you'll
find your way to the boss.

Rangda Bangda Strategy
Rangda Bangda makes his second appearance in an X game with this, but this is somewhat different
from the first time. The trick here is to exploit the weaknesses of the individual face parts of
Rangda Bangda. The green eye is weak to the Crescent Shot and Crescent Slash. The red eye is
weak to the Tri-Thunder and E-Blade. The blue eye is weak to the Ground Fire and Quake Blazer.
And the nose is weak to the Goo Shaver and F-Splasher. If all the eyes are destroyed, the walls
will close in and stay that way instead of branching back out like they would otherwise. This
makes a greater danger since spikes can appear from the walls as well as the floor. Keep your
eyes sharp to avoid the wall spikes, and be ready to slide down or jump up quickly to avoid

18. Zero Virus stage 3:
This stage is pretty short, and the main danger is in the spikes. Air-dashing is a must here.
Don't be too afraid to run into enemies on the wire area. It's long, but you should have enough
life to withstand the attacks. Before long, you'll find your way to the boss.

If you're X, you'll fight Zero. If you're Zero, you'll fight X. As X, just keep near the walls
and make sure you charge up your Buster often. Zero's most dangerous attack is one that covers
most of the screen, with small gaps between each blue pillar of light. It's hard to dodge, but
not impossible. Zero is much harder if he went Maverick earlier in the game. His speed goes up
and he becomes trickier, but utilize the same strategies to beat him and don't be afraid to use
your Sub-Tanks. X poses a much different danger. He can change his color and use attacks from
Mega Man X4. These don't pose too much of a danger. Slash at him like crazy as Zero, using your
Crescent Slash often. Zero is much harder than X, but the result is the same.

19. Final stage:
This level is very straight-forward, and shouldn't present any problems. You'll find yourself at
eight capsules, repeating battles of the eight bosses you've already faced. The order of them,
from left to right, is Mattrex, Dark Dizzy, Izzy Glow, Squid Adler, Duff McWhalen, Grizzly
Slash, Axle the Red, and Skiver. Employ the same strategies as before, but conserve your life
so you can refill it completely with the two energy capsules nearby. The bosses will be more
powerful, but their power is purely in a larger lifebar, so the same strategies you used before
will take them down. After this and a few more minor obstacles, you'll find yourself at the
boss, which is two-fold.

Sigma Strategy
This battle resembles your first battle ever with Sigma if you've played the entire series,
except this time he doesn't have a beam sabre. He jumps from wall to wall, but is easy to avoid.
Either stay on the wall above him or duck near the corner of the room. Stay on the walls when
he's firing off his electric shocks. It's somewhat hard to get a slash or a shot off at him,
but take advantage of the opportunities when you can. You need to conserve your life for his
second form. Surviving this battle with all of your life in tact is difficult, but definately
worth it. Oddly enough, Sigma is weak to Squid Adler's attacks even though he's firing off
shocks himself. With X it's pretty easy to hit him, especially since the Tri-Thunder goes up and
down. Zero's E-Blade attack is much harder to hit him with, but if you can get the knack for it
it's convenient. Otherwise just slash when you get the chance. If he disappears all of a sudden,
he'll appear on the right side of the screen. He'll fire a few of three large shots; high, low,
and both. He usually does them in this order, but not always, so be nimble at the fingers. When
he fires high, duck. When he fires low, get high to the wall clinging, and when he fires on
both, air-dash between them if you're on the ground. If you're clinging to the wall, simply
slide down and you'll go right between them. Once this form is defeated, you meet the more
difficult boss.

Giant Sigma Body Strategy
Sigma's second form is tough, and you need to be prepared. His weakness is the Spike Ball for X
and Twin Dream for Zero. Both have about the same range, but Zero's weapon is more awkward to
use as far as pressing the buttons on the controller goes. Either way, the red spot on the giant
face's forehead is the weak spot, and needs to be hit by the Axle's weapon. Climb on the hands
and from there make your way onto the wall. You can air-dash from there towards him to use your
weapon, or jump from on top of his hands. Staying on the hands is dangerous, though, since it
makes it harder to dodge being crushed when the hands move. If you get caught up in any of the
hand movements, it takes off quite a bit of life. Sometimes his hands will disappear, meaning
he's about to do one of two attacks. One is to fire off four large balls of energy that will
move to the bottom of the screen, and then make jerky movements toward you. Cling to the wall
and then dash to dodge these. If you're clinging to the right wall, this is a perfect
opportunity to use your weapon against him. The second attack is a huge purple cube that will
move around the room and take off serious amounts of life. Dash on the floor, climb the wall,
air-dash, etc. in a circular pattern. Don't be afraid to use your Sub-tanks, especially at the
purple cube. This is the last time you'll need them, especially since Sigma only uses the purple
cube when he's getting weak.

20. Secrets and Tips:
1. X's Ultimate Armor - While in the character select screen, make sure X is highlighted and
press up twice, and down nine times. X will start with his Ultimate Armor, which is exactly
like his Fourth Armor except that it lets him use the Nova Strike an unlimited amount of
2. Zero's Black Armor - While in the character select screen, make sure Zero is highlighted
and press down twice, and up nine times. Zero will start with his Black Armor. This gives
him better defensive ability, and a more powerful purple sabre with the ability to despell
the Sigma Virus.
3. The Ninth Capsule - If you want to acquire the Ultimate Armor and Black Armor without using
a code, go to the third Zero Virus stage. As X, you have to enter without your Fourth Armor.
At a small platform that's out of place, go down the left wall and slide down it, then jump
to the right wall. Sliding down it will open a small alchove with the ninth capsule. As
unarmored X he gives you the Ultimate Armor. As Zero he gives you the Black Armor. If you
get one, you can die and come back as the other character to acquire both.
4. Virus Effects - As X, you should always avoid the Sigma and Zero Viruses, as they can kill
him instantly. As Zero, however, these viruses are beneficial. Becoming fully infected will
refill Zero's life completely, and make him invincible for a short while.

21. Legal:
This guide must always be shown in full form with credit given to the author, and a link and
credit must be given to Mega Man X Online ( All associated
characters and games are copyright to Capcom.

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Parts FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Waffen, alle Herz Tanks, alle E, W und EX Tanks und alle Teile.

16.Oktober 2013
Alle Waffen, alle Herz Tanks, alle E, W und EX Tanks und alle Teile.

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Last Level Save mit allen Gegenstände und Boni.

17.Oktober 2013

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PAL/NTSC Selector and +2 Trainer for the US NTSC Version.

18.Oktober 2013

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