The Legend of Dragoon

The Legend of Dragoon

14.10.2013 17:16:29
Story Guide
Story FAQ 0.0

Before reading be WARNED: This FAQ contains major spoilers of the game.
If you want to be surprised and find out for yourself, don't read
further. If not, please continue.

This FAQ was written solely for entertainment purposes by me, Sutanu
Banerji a.k.a. The Greatest One and should not be copied. Reading and
printing this FAQ is allowed, but no distributing. If you want to put
it on your website ask for permission first. I spent a lot of time on
this FAQ, so I don't want it copied. I may have skipped over some parts
or made some mistakes, so contributions are readily welcome. All
contributions shall be credited. Also, I probably have made some
spelling mistakes, as RPGs tend to have weird names for people and
cities. Just let me know. All contributions or criticisms can be sent

Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. Updates.
3. Cast of Characters.
4. Story of the game.
5. Summary of the game.
6. Impression of the game.
7. Credits.

1. Introduction
This FAQ is designed to help the reader understand the story of
Legend of Dragoon. It is not a walkthrough. It just tells the reader
what is going on in the story. It includes only the parts that are
important to the story and doesn't go into too much detail. It
reveals the whole plot, so read at your own risk.

2. Updates.
0.0 This is the first copy of the FAQ, created on. Any additions
will appear under this topic.

3. Cast of Characters.
These are the main characters in the game. If there is someone else
you want me to do a profile on, just let me know. If you want me to
put more info about the characters, let me know too.

He is the hero of the game. He is looking for the Black Monster that
destroyed his hometown. He joins the adventure by going to rescue

She is Dart's childhood friend and is in the midst of all the
problems in the story. The story starts with her being kidnapped
because of some strange power she has.

He is a loyal knight to King Albert. He meets Dart while escaping
from prison and joins him on his journey.

King Albert
He is the ruler of Basil. His kingdom is at war with Sandora. He is
a kind king who is well loved by his people.

She is a mysterious woman who saves dart's life many times. She
seems to know a lot about dragoons and dragoon spirits.

He is an expert martial artist and is a longtime friend of Dart. He
is looking for his long lost daughter for twenty years. He meets
Dart at a strength tournament.

She is a strange girl from the village of Donau. She joins the group
when they undertake a common cause to rescue her friend.

He is a Giganto, who first fought against Dart for emperor Doel. He
joins Dart after saving his life because Dart had been kind to him

He is a mysterious man, who is an expert fighter. Dart first meets
him at the strength tournament. Their paths cross many times in the

4. Story of the game.
This is the basic plot of the game. I have only included the
important parts, as including every bit would take me 11,000 years.
If there is some part missing, or something you want me to add, let
me know.

The opening video shows a bunch of soldiers running about and
destroying a village. A man appears and goes up to a sleeping girl. He
puts some kind of stone near her head and it glows. The man says that
that is who they were looking for and orders her to be taken away. He
asks a mysterious hooded man what the purpose is, but gets no answer.
Dart is a young man who is wandering about in search of the Black
Monster who he holds responsible for the destruction of his hometown,
Neet and the death of his parents. On his journey, he suddenly sees a
lot of soldiers running about. Suddenly he sees a huge dragon about to
attack him. He runs and is rescued by a mysterious woman. This woman
informs Dart that the soldiers were returning after destroying the
village of Seles. Dart says that that is his village and runs off
towards Seles.
When Dart arrives in Seles, he finds it completely ruined. He
talks to the people there and finds out that Sandora soldiers had
kidnapped his childhood friend, Shana and destroyed the village. Dart
manages to find out that Shana is being held at the dangerous Hellena
Prison and is urged on by the villagers to go rescue her. Dart decides
to go to Hellena and rescue Shana.
Dart arrives at Hellena to find it well guarded. He manages to
sneak in on the back of a merchant's buggy. Inside he looks around for
Shana and eventually meets Lavitz, a knight in the service of King
Albert, king of Basil. Lavitz was captured by Sandora and managed to
break out. Lavitz and Dart agree to join forces in trying to rescue
Shana and breaking out. Eventually, they find Shana and manage to
escape. The hooded man is seen demanding the warden to find the girl.
When they leave Hellena, they are chased by Sandora soldiers and
cannot go to Seles. Lavitz suggests that they go to bale and ask King
Albert for help. He also says that their minister might know something
about the Black Monster and so Dart agrees to go.
When the trio arrive at Bale they are greeted warmly and meet
King Albert. In his courtroom the hooded man is present. Dart asks the
minister about the Black Monster. The minister doesn't know much about
the Black Monster, but says that it appeared after the Dragon Campaign
had ended. The Dragon Campaign was a war for survival between Humans
and Winglies 11,000 years ago. The humans used the help of Dragons and
converted themselves into Dragoons and beat the Winglies. King Albert
tells Lavitz that Sandora was going to attack through Hoax and they
were going to use dragon, a legendary monster. Lavitz gets sent to Hoax
and Dart and Shana decide to go with him. In Bale, they hear about
Lavitz's father who was killed due to the betrayal of his best friend.
The trio arrive at Hoax and offer their services. Dart and Lavitz
are appointed to keep guard at night. Suddenly they fall under attack
and are engaged in battle. A huge creature appears and challenges the
heroes. This creature is named Kongol, and he is a Giganto. Dart and
Lavitz fight bravely when suddenly the mysterious woman who saved Dart
flies in and says something about a red eye dragoon spirit. Suddenly,
dart undergoes a transformation and sprouts wings. Kongol is defeated,
but vows to return. The woman, who is named Rose, explains that Dart
had a dragoon spirit, which meant that he was a dragoon. She says that
humans have no chance in beating Dragon, but dragoons do. Hoax has been
destroyed and the heroes decide that the only way to win is to defeat
Dragon. Rose joins the group and they set out to beat Dragon.
On the way they to the Dragon's nest, they encounter many
enemies. While walking, Shana suddenly acts strange and runs away. When
the rest catch up to her, she is standing next to a strange thing and
says that a voice in her head commanded her to go. Rose says that the
thing is a Virage, which was the trump card the Winglies used during
the Dragon Campaign. Suddenly the thing comes to life and our heroes
have to fight him. They defeat him and when they are walking away, it
comes back to life and tries to attack Shana. But, a light from her
head wards it away. No one can explain it, so they go along.
Eventually, they reach the Dragon's Nest, where Shana starts
feeling sick. They rest for a while and move on, eventually coming face
to face with a guy. This man introduces him as Greham, the best friend
of Lavitz's father. Lavitz confronts him and he says that they would
have to fight him and his friend, Dragon. Greham, himself turns into a
dragoon. The heroes eventually beat both adversaries and in his dying
moments, Greham shows remorse. When he dies, his dragoon spirit gets
transferred to Lavitz, who is now a dragoon. All this time Shana has
being getting sicker and sicker and they decide that bale is too far
off. They decide to go to a near town called Lohan where there is a
great doctor.
In Lohan, the doctor examines Shana and says that her mind is
poisoned. The only way to rescue her would be to get some rare Dragoni
Plant. The heroes find out where they could get some and start moving.
They eventually meet a bandit called Drake and a strange woman called
Shirley. Rose and Shirley appear to know each other. Shirley says that
she doesn't have any Dragoni Plant, but has the white dragoon spirit.
She says that the power from that, combined with another dragoon spirit
could heal Shana. They thank her and go back to Lohan.
Back in Lohan, Dart puts the white dragoon spirit on Shana and
prepares to take out his dragoon spirit. But, the white spirit glows
and Shana gets up. Rose says that Shana, too has the power and is now a
dragoon. Before leaving the heroes decide to go to the Lohan Arena.
There, Dart enters himself into a tournament to decide the world's
strongest man. Here he meets an old friend, Haschel. They decide to
meet in the final and prepare for the tournament. Dart eventually
reaches the final and talks to Haschel. Haschel says that he lost to a
great fighter with platinum hair. His name is Lloyd. Dart faces Lloyd
in the final and gets his ass kicked. Lloyd eventually leaves. Haschel
says that he is looking for his long lost daughter and has been doing
so for twenty years. All this time Shana keeps dropping hints that she
is in love with Dart, but Dart considers her to be his baby sister.
Lavitz suggests that the group return to Bale to give a report to King
Albert. But they hear that Sandora had attacked Bale and taken King
Albert prisoner. The heroes decide to go to Hellena and rescue King
Albert. Haschel joins the group.
In Hellena, the warden threatens to kill King Albert by dawn. The
heroes eventually reach there and start fighting with the warden. They
beat the warden, but see the hooded man stealing something from King
Albert. Lavitz gets pissed and charges the hooded man. The man's hood
falls off and it is Lloyd. He simply raises a sword and in one blow,
kills Lavitz!! Rose says that it is the Dragon Buster, which can kill
dragoons, and that she didn't know Lloyd had it. Lloyd disappears and
the heroes mourn the death of Lavitz.
They return to Seles to discuss their next move. King Albert says
that Lloyd who was his advisor stole the moon gem, which is a treasured
object that supposedly belonged to the Winglies. After the Dragon
Campaign, the Winglies transferred these objects to different kingdoms
as a token of peace. The heroes however decide that the war is the
immediate concern and figure out how to end it. They decide to go to
the Black Castle, which is the home of Emperor Doel, ruler of Sandora.
At Doel, they hear a lot of people who don't like Emperor Doel
and want him overturned. Even the man who initially kidnapped Shana
wants him changed. They eventually reach his castle and make their way
in. They encounter Kongol who says he won't be beaten again. The heroes
however do beat him and Kongol asks them to kill him. Rose wants to,
but Dart prevents her and spares Kongol's life. Kongol wonders why they
are so kind. They reach the inside and meet Emperor Doel, who turns out
to be Lavitz's uncle. They fight and beat Doel and Doel says that Lloyd
was the one behind the kidnapping and that he is headed towards the
western country of Tiberoa. Doel's dragoon spirit gets transferred to
Haschel who is a dragoon now.

The heroes arrive at Tiberoa at a town called Fletz and look
everywhere for Lloyd. In one scene Lloyd is shown actually helping a
lady in distress. Anyway, the heroes can't find him, but learn about
Princess Emille. She is the older daughter of King Zior, ruler of
Tiberoa and was a very gentle person until six months ago. Since then
she has undergone a personality change, that has left the people
confused. They also learn about the Moon that Never Sets and hear that
every 108 years, a moon child descends on earth to bring peace on
earth. But, once the black monster arrived for some reason. Since the
heroes couldn't find Lloyd, they decide to go to Donau, a neighboring
town under King Zior. On the way they encounter members of the Gehrich
Gang, who have been terrorizing the nation. They fight and beat them,
but one of the members, Mappi manages to steal Dart's dragoon spirit.
They decide to go to Donau to find more about the Gehrich Gang.
In Donau, they meet a woman called Kate who got a letter saying
that her fiancée Lynn had gone to talk to the Gehrich Gang about the
bandit situation. They decide to show the letter to the mayor, who
happens to be Lynn's father. The mayor becomes upset and asks the
heroes to help him. Dart agrees and finds out that to get to the
Gehrich Gang hideout, they had to cross the Valley of Corrupted
Gravity. To do that, they needed permission from King Zior. As they are
leaving, they meet a strange girl who beats up some bandits. This girl
introduces herself as Meru and when she hears that the group is going
to rescue Lynn, she joins them.
Back in Fletz, the heroes make their way to the king's castle.
They talk to the king and receive permission to go to the Valley. They
also meet Princess Lisa, the younger sister of Emille. She tells them
that Emille changed when they went horseback riding six months ago. She
got lost and was found unconscious. When she came to, she had changed.
Lisa feels that her change has something to do with the Gehrich Gang
and asks dart to check it out. Dart agrees to do so.
The heroes reach the Valley of Corrupted Gravity, which is a
strange place. Here they see the full form of Virage and Shana starts
hearing voices again. She asks them to run, but they refuse. Virage
suddenly comes to life and the heroes are engaged in battle. They
eventually subdue Virage, but he once again tries to attack Shana and
the same light from her head saves her, killing Virage. No one can
explain it and they decide to move on.
They eventually reach the hideout of the Gehrich Gang, which is
the home of Giganto. There they see a gangster doing martial arts style
poses. Haschel recognizes it as one from his school, the Rouge School.
He asks the gangster where he learned that and gets the answer as
Gehrich, the leader of the Gang. Haschel recalls kicking Gehrich out
from his school twenty years ago. They eventually get in and meet
Gehrich and Mappi. After a battle, they beat them. Gehrich suddenly
spots a humongous pillar breaking and about to fall on them. He asks
Haschel to run, but it's too late. Suddenly the pillar stops and the
heroes see that Kongol had saved them. Kongol says that humans had
killed his kind earlier and wanted a world where every species was
equal. He felt Emperor Doel would be the man to do it. Since Dart
killed Doel, he thinks Dart would be a good leader and wants to join
the group. Dart agrees. Gehrich tells Haschel that the Princess Emille
in Fletz is a fake and the real one is hidden somewhere in the castle.
The fake princess wants to get the moon dagger, which is supposed to be
handed over to Princess Emille on her 20th birthday, which is that day.
The heroes are reminded of Lloyd and decide to hurry back. They manage
to rescue Lynn and get back dart's dragoon spirit.
Back in Fletz, the town is preparing for the ceremony. Emille has
replaced the real knights with bandit knights and so the heroes sneak
into Princess Lisa's room. They tell her what happened and they decide
to look for Emille. They find her hidden magically behind a portrait
and rush to the ceremony. They arrive just in time to stop the hand
over. But the fake Emille manages to steal the dagger and runs towards
a window. She reveals herself to be a woman named Lenus and says that
she stole the dagger for her love. The heroes fight her and find out
that she has unnatural strengths. They do manage to defeat her, though.
Lenus however simply laughs and jumps out of the window. She appears
with wings and flies away. Rose comments that she is a Wingly. King
Zior tells that they need to get the dagger back and is sending his
best battleship, the Queen Fury to do so. He invites Dart and his
friends to join the mission. They agree.
They go to Donau to board the ship where they hear rumors about a
Phantom Ship and a Sea Dragon. They still board the ship and start
sailing. Inside the heroes talk about their journey. Suddenly they see
a strange ship approaching them. This ship crashes into them. Meru
remarks that it is the Phantom Ship. Shana is inside and is attacked by
some strange skeletons. Suddenly two knights appear and save her and
disappear. The heroes decide to explore the ship. Inside, they meet the
ghost captain of the ship, who says that the black monster caused the
damage in the ship. Because they couldn't protect their princess,
Princess Loauvia they weren't able to fully die, He asks the heroes to
save their spirits. When they come out of his room, two knights appear
and try to attack Rose. The heroes comment about the cruelness of the
Black Monster and Rose seems to get upset. She covers up quickly
though. They go into a room where suddenly, a bunch of ghost knights
appear and fight them. Once they are beaten, the ghost commander looks
at Shana and says that he is happy that princess Loauvia is alive and
disappears. Shana doesn't understand what's going on. They go to the
next room where a ghost nanny sees Shana and has the same reaction.
Suddenly there is a huge noise and the ship starts sinking. The heroes
run to the Queen Fury, but Dart slips and barely hangs on to the edge
of the boat. Rose tries to help him, but they both fall into the ocean.
Rose is seen taking care of Dart on a beach. Dart is unconscious.
Rose says that she is attracted to dart cause he reminds her a lot of
Zieg. A video is shown where the Dragon Campaign is going on. In the
video, both Rose and Zieg are fighting as dragoons. Zieg somehow gets
killed and tells Rose to leave him. Rose is very sad. In the present
Rose realizes that Dart is not Zieg and goes to sleep. In the morning a
fisherman finds them and takes them to his house. He says that his
mother is sick and needs to go to the neighboring town of Fueno. But,
they can't because the way is blocked by the Sea Dragon. Dart helps
them reach Fueno without meeting the Dragon. In Fueno Dart and Rose
meet up with the rest of the gang. There they find out that six months
ago, a lot of monsters started appearing at the area, mainly at Prison
Island. The Sea Dragon appeared at the same time. They realize that it
was the same time Lenus joined the Gehrich gang and think there is a
connection. They decide to go to Prison Island.
Once they reach Prison Island, they see Lenus there with Lloyd.
She gives the Moon Dagger to Lloyd and Lloyd says that his plan is
going perfectly. Dart and the others show up and demand an explanation.
Lloyd says that he is the one who destroyed Dart's village and killed
Lavitz. He says that he is going to the country of Mille Seseau and
challenges the heroes to follow him. He says that it is the will of
Emperor Diaz, who was an emperor 11,000 years ago. But, Lenus says that
she is going to kill them and attacks them with the help of the Sea
Dragon. Eventually they beat both of them. As Lenus dies, she says that
her life is for Lloyd. Meru gets the water dragoon spirit and is now a
dragoon. They decide to go back to Fletz and give a report to King
Back at Fletz, they are treated as heroes. There even is a
banquet thrown in their honor. It is here that Dart and Shana reveal
their love for each other. So do King Albert and princess Emille.
Finally they make their way to Mille Seseau.

They arrive at a town called Furni. Here they see a gathering
where the resident knight offers a reward to the person who could kill
the white wolf, Kamuy who is hiding in the Evergreen Forest. He also
wants a kid from the village, Teo to be returned. Kamuy is Teo's pet
and has apparently become savage. Dart gets involved and decides to go.
Before they leave, they go to the mayor's house. Here Haschel gets some
proof that his long lost daughter is possibly the same woman as dart's
late mother. Also, Shana has a strange reaction to the Moon that Never
Sets and the light in her head starts to glow again. The next day, they
leave for the Evergreen Forest.
At the forest, they find Teo with a huge wolf. Teo says that
Kamuy isn't wrong, but Kamuy attacks a knight and runs off with Teo.
Dart and the others follow and find them again. Kamuy attacks one more
person and Dart decides to fight him. They beat him and Kamuy is almost
dead, when Shana cures him with her dragoon spirit. Kamuy turns into a
small, lovable cub and everyone is happy. No one knows, though what
caused the change in Kamuy. The heroes go back to get a reward of 500G.
(Note: I don't know what the point of this mission was. Maybe it's just
a side quest, but I'm not sure if it is related to the main story).
Anyway, they move towards Deningrad, the capital. On the way, Rose and
Meru leave the group saying that they have errands. Meru says she is
meeting her parents.
Once they arrive in Deningrad, they learn that Mille Seseau is
ruled by Queen Theresa and four sacred sisters. They go to a church
where the bishop tells them about the Divine Tree. It is a tree that
was planted by the creator, Soa in the beginning of time. This tree
bore 108 fruits, which were different forms of life. Thus there were
108 different species of life on earth. The bishop tells the gang to
learn more by going to the National Library. The group decides that
they might learn something about Lloyd and decide to go.
In the library, they learn a lot of things. After the Dragon
Campaign, humans controlled the planet. They divided it into 4 pieces
and established three countries: Serdio, Tiberoa and Mille Seseau. The
fourth part was the untouched land, the Death Frontier. After the
Campaign, each country received one divine moon object from the
Winglies as a sign of peace. These objects are supposed to contain
special magical powers, but no one knows what. They also learn that
they are the first dragoons since the Dragon Campaign. There were 7
dragoons who led the humans to victory. After that they vanished along
with the dragoon spirits. Dragons are the 2nd most powerful species of
the 107 created by the Divine Tree. But they lacked intelligence and
were controlled by humans. They fought against Virages who were
controlled by Winglies. The group realizes that Winglies, Divine Moon
Objects, Dragons and Dragoons all had something to do with the Dragon
Campaign. Dart wonders if Lloyd had something to do with it, too. They
also learn that at the peak of the Winglies supremacy, they even ruled
Gods. The dragoons freed the Gods and ever since, the Gods have been
looking over Earth as The Moon that Never Sets. The librarian mentions
that they have some stuff from the time the Black Monster attacked.
Dart is obviously interested and goes to look. The librarian says that
he knows of one survivor from Neet: The Second Sacred Sister, Luanna.
He also tells Dart about the legend of the Black Monster and The Moon
Child. He says that every 108 years the Moon that Never Sets glows red
and a Moon Child descends on the earth to purify everyone. The Black
Monster was also created by the Gods, but no one knows why. The Monster
hates the Gods and wants to destroy them. The Black Monsters main goal
is to hunt down and kill every Moon Child.
The scene shifts to Neet where Rose is seen arriving. She says
that Neet hadn't changed. She meets Sister Luanna and learns about the
incident at Neet. The Black Monster was looking for Princess Louvia,
the Moon Child. He couldn't find her, but had to destroy everything
else. Sister Luanna survived, but was blinded. She got the power to see
the souls of humans though and heal them. Rose offers to accompany her
back to Deningrad.
Meru is seen arriving at her home. She meets an old friend,
Guaraha. Guaraha suddenly sprouts wings and tells Meru that she
shouldn't have left the place. She had broken a rule. Meru decides to
talk to The Ancestor. She goes in and there we find that the place is
filled with Winglies. Apparently Meru is one too! Everyone is upset
that she left to join the humans and refuse to let her in. Before she
leaves, Guaraha says that everyone is nervous because the earth has
been surging. That has caused animals to go savage. The reason is that
the Winglies are anticipating the return of a Dragon. But this Dragon
is supposedly the strongest of all, the Divine Dragon. Meru says that
they have the Dragon Buster and the Dragon Block Staff. But Guaraha
says that they lost it somehow. A video is shown of a Dragon breaking
free of some shackles.
Back in Deningrad, Dart and co. plot their next move when they
see Rose arriving with Sister Luanna. She tells Dart that his body has
changed recently. Meru also arrives. They go to a room to talk, where
Dart suddenly feels strange. His dragoon spirit starts to glow. Rose
says that it is the entity that controls the dragoon spirits. A video
is shown of the Divine Dragon passing over Deningrad. When the Sisters
find out about it, they get scared. They learn that the heroes are
dragoons and ask them for help. Rose says that they would need the
Dragon Block Staff, which concealed the Dragon's power. Meru blurts out
that she knows about it. She tells them that it is in the Forest of the
Winglies and that Winglies are still alive. They decide to go there
along with the First Sacred Sister, Miranda. Shana disappears and they
find her in a room. She says that she was summoned by a thing. The
group sees an object in the air, glowing. Queen Theresa says that the
castle was initially a fort of the Winglies. The Dragon must be coming
back because of the object and to attack Winglies. Shana suddenly loses
her dragoon spirit and it gets transferred to Sister Miranda who is now
a dragoon. Shana cannot go on and the group leaves her there and head
for the Forest of Winglies.
At the forest of the Winglies, Meru reveals to the gang that she
is a Wingly. Once they enter, the Winglies are all wary of the group.
The Ancestor agrees to meet them and decides that to beat the Divine
Dragon, both species had to work together. The group asks for the
Dragon Block Staff and the Ancestor agrees to give it to them. He says
that it is in The Forbidden land and they will have to go get it. They
agree and head for the Forbidden Land.
There they break through and arrive at the room where the Dragon
Block Staff is being sealed. Meru tries to pry it out, but suddenly a
rock-like monster attacks them. It is a Grand Jewel. After a grueling
battle, the heroes vanquish it. It uses the Dragon Block Staff, which
greatly reduces the power of the dragoons. They finally manage to get
the Dragon Block Staff and start to head back. Suddenly, they spot the
Divine Dragon heading towards Deningrad. The Ancestor helps them reach
Deningrad as quickly as possible. A video is shown where the Dragon
annihilates the city. Also a beam is seen going to the Moon from the
Crystal Palace in Deningrad.
Once the group arrives at Deningrad, they find that it has been
destroyed. They go to the palace and find that the Sisters and Queen
Theresa are safe due to a light coming out from Shana's forehead. Shana
cannot explain the power. Dart decides that they are going to go to the
Mountain of Mortal Dragon to fight the Divine Dragon. Once again, Shana
has to stay back.
The group reaches the Mountain of Mortal Dragon and sees powerful
beams coming from the top. They realize that the Divine Dragon is up
there and hurry towards it. They hear swords clashing and realize that
someone is fighting the dragon. They see that it is Lloyd. Lloyd says
that the Dragon gave him a hard time even with the Dragon Buster. But,
the Dragon is almost dead. Suddenly he disappears and the group has to
fight the Divine Dragon. Dart uses the Dragon Block Staff which reduces
the Dragon's power as well as the dragoons'. After a long battle, they
kill the Divine Dragon. Lloyd suddenly appears and grabs a glowing
object. It is the dragoon spirit of the Divine Dragon. Dart asks him if
that was his goal. Lloyd says that the Dragon was just an obstacle in
his ideal. He claimed the dragoon spirit as a prize. Lloyd says he
wants to destroy the world and leaves. The group starts chasing him.
When they find him again, Lloyd sprouts wings and attacks them. Dart
realizes that Lloyd is a Wingly. Rose passes out and when she comes to,
Dart asks her about himself. She mumbles something about the Black
Monster and the familiar flashback of Neet being destroyed is shown.
They ask Sister Miranda about the Divine Moon Object in Mille Seseau.
She says that it is the Moon Mirror. They realize that Queen Theresa
may be in danger and hurry back.
A scene is shown where Bardel, an evil Wingly attacks Sister Wink and
her knights. He says that he wants to kill all humans and gets ready to
kill Sister Wink when Lloyd appears. He saves Sister Wink and kills
Bardel. Sister Wink recognizes him from the time he saved her before
and offers to treat his wound at the castle. Lloyd agrees. As our
heroes make their way back, they are informed that Queen Theresa has
been abducted by Lloyd. They rush to the castle where they learn that
Lloyd helped Sister Wink just to get to the castle. He is after the
Moon Mirror and has abducted Theresa to get it. He says he wants to
create a utopia. Miranda says that the Moon Mirror is at the Tower of
Flanvel and they rush there.
On the way, they encounter and beat a very strong monster,
Windigo. They reach the Tower of Flanvel where they see that Lloyd has
gotten all three Divine Moon Objects. He says that he will reform the
world into a utopia that he and Emperor Diaz desire. He says that the
utopia is going to be created by the last species from the Divine Tree,
the 108th species. He says the Moon Objects will help him do just that.
He then attacks the group and a battle starts. After a long fight,
Lloyd gets beaten. Dart gets ready to unleash the final blow, when out
of nowhere, Sister Wink appears and cuts in front, saving Lloyd. She
says that killing Lloyd won't solve a thing. Emperor Diaz appeared and
he took Shana away. He wants Dart to bring the Divine Moon Objects and
Lloyd to him. Lloyd says that Emperor Diaz is finally starting to take
charge and that his work is done. He asks Dart to kill him, but Dart
doesn't saying that it won't bring anyone back. He learns that Emperor
Diaz is at Vellweb and decides to go there.
On the way to Vellweb, Lloyd tells the group about Emperor Diaz.
He was the human emperor that led them during the Dragon Campaign. He
felt that the world was rotting and all the species were in danger. He
wanted to regenerate the world by creating a utopia. This utopia could
be created by the 108th species of life, the Moon Child. The Winglies
were the 107th species and were scared that the Moon Child would be
stronger than them. So, they sealed its powers in three Divine Objects.
He doesn't say anything else and says that the rest could be learned
from Emperor Diaz.
When they arrive at Vellweb, they see Shirley. She says that the
souls of four dragoons that died during the Dragon Campaign were
trapped there and asked them to free them after they were done. They
eventually find Diaz and Dart gives him the Moon Objects. Diaz then
frees Shana. Albert asks Diaz what he is going to do. Diaz says that he
is going to destroy the world. Lloyd seems surprised and says that he
didn't want the world to be destroyed. He realizes that Diaz duped him.
Diaz says that he is going to release the 108th species to help him.
When Soa created life, he intended it to evolve until the 108th species.
Then it was supposed to disintegrate. The 108th species is the God of
Destruction, the Virage Embryo. It is the true Virage. He says that he
doesn't need Lloyd anymore and kills him. He then reveals his true
self. He is actually Dart's father. Rose also recognizes him as Zieg.
Zieg explains Soa's plan for creation. He says that the flesh of the
Embryo was taken away from the Winglies as the Moon that Never Sets.
Its soul was captured in a crystal sphere which prevented it from being
born. The humans however destroyed the sphere. The soul takes a human
form and goes to the Moon that Never Sets every 108 years as the Moon
Child. The peace that the Moon Child is supposed to bring is actually
destruction. During the dragon campaign, one dragoon found out about
this. This dragoon has been killing the Moon Child every time. It is
the Black Monster and is actually Rose. Zieg tells Rose that the
Princess Louvia she killed wasn't actually the Moon Child. She had a
twin sister. Shana is the real Moon Child. Zieg grabs Shana and Rose
tries to kill her. She fails. Zieg then disappears. The group heads to
the Death Frontier and the City of Winglies, Ulara.

In Ulara, we learn that this is the place where time was stopped
for Rose. The Winglies were led by siblings, Charle and Melbu Frahma.
They concealed the power of the Virage Embryo in the Crystal Sphere.
But, Charle Frahma also created 5 Signet Spheres which would serve as
the last barrier in case the Moon Child reached the Moon that Never
Sets. But, Melbu wanted to rule the world and created the Divine moon
Objects to break the Signet Spheres. Two Spheres were lost; thus only
three divine Moon Objects are required. Charle stopped rose's time in
order to make her the Black Monster and kill the Moon Child every 108
years. The Signet Sphere was created in case Rose made a mistake like
she did with Shana. Dart asks Charle where the other Signet Spheres
were and she says that they are in three ancient Wingly cities. To get
there they had to first go to Rouge, Haschel's hometown.
When they arrive at Rouge, Haschel asks the mayor about the
ancient cities. The mayor says that he doesn't know anything about that
but shows them a strange tower jutting out from the sea. Rose says that
it is probably the Magical City, Aglis. They try to figure out a way to
get there. A scene is shown where a person is watching them, magically
inside Aglis. Suddenly there is a huge noise and they see that the sea
has parted and they can see a path from Rouge to Aglis. They decide to
take it.
In Aglis they are greeted by strange little creatures made of magic.
They keep talking about a person named Savan who was watching them and
two things called The Psychedelic Bomb and Moot. They eventually find
Savan who is a Wingly that survived the Dragon Campaign. He was saved
by Rose 7,000 years ago. He can see the world and knows of the danger.
Thus he is creating the psychedelic bomb which is a strong magic that
could help defeat Zieg. He is also creating Moot which will serve as
another barrier for the Moon that Never Sets. To complete the bomb, he
needs the courage of the heroes and they undergo tests to determine it.
When they pass, Dart gets the bomb. They then to go to look at the
Signet Sphere which is being guarded by a powerful magic creature
called Last Kraken. Suddenly they hear Zieg saying that he is going to
destroy the world for it is Soa's intention. He somehow controls last
Kraken and commands it to destroy the Signet Sphere. The heroes engage
in battle to stop it. After beating Kraken, there is a huge noise and
Savan says that the dragoon powers reacted with Moot and is going to
destroy the Signet. He tells them to go to the next Ancient City, Law
City Zenebatos. He prepares a portal to send them there and dies. The
heroes decide to avenge him. They also see through the mirror, Zieg
destroying the Moon Mirror because he doesn't need it anymore. The
group heads for Zenebatos.
In Zenebatos, they are prevented from entering the room with the
Signet Sphere due to a Wingly Law. They realize that Zieg couldn't get
in either. Somehow they work around the law and enter the room. There
they are greeted by the Law Maker who has been manipulated by Zieg.
They have to fight three powerful enemies, but defeat them. Then they
go to the room, but they are too late. Zieg has already used the Moon
Object and the Signet Sphere is deteriorating fast. Dart wonders how
Zieg got in. Suddenly Zieg appears and says that he is very close to
releasing the Virage Embryo. He says that Shana is going to destroy
them all and disappears. Rose says that that is not Zieg. Dart says
that they will find out who that is once they get to the third Ancient
City, the Death City, Mayfil.
Zieg is shown arriving at Mayfil. Dart and co. arrive to find
that it is a place where souls of dead species go. They find the
trapped souls of the Dragons they have vanquished and beat them to
release them. They then encounter the soul of Lavitz. Lavitz seems
strange and even attacks the group. Rose says that something is
controlling his soul. They find out that a resident of hell, Zackwell
allowed Lavitz to live there, but took control of him. They beat
Zackwell and free Lavitz. Lavitz shows them the way to the Signet
Sphere and dies in peace. They arrive at the Signet Sphere and see Zieg
using the Moon Object. Dart tries to stop him, but can't. Suddenly,
there is a huge noise and Rose says that the Moon is starting to fall.
Dart says that they still have time as long as Shana doesn't reach it.
A video is shown of the Moon falling on earth and landing on the Divine
Tree. A lot of Virages come out of it. Rose says that they are just the
guardians for the Virage Embryo. They decide to go to the Moon that
Never Sets.
In the Moon that Never Sets, they each encounter their past and
realize the truth. Miranda realizes that her mother left her, because
she couldn't bear to watch her father ruin their lives. She always
loved Miranda. Haschel realizes that he pushed his daughter too far and
was able to find peace. Kongol realizes that Emperor Doel was really
helping him. He also earns the respect of his brother by beating him.
In return he gets the Golden Dragoon Spirit and now, Kongol too is a
dragoon. Meru fights the Archangel, the god of Winglies, and tells it
that humans are good people. She escapes from the Archangel's curse.
Albert manages to forgive his uncle for killing his father. He realizes
that Emperor Doel was misguided, but had good intentions. Rose defeats
her Dragon to release it from its misery. Finally, they all reach the
core of the Moon.
There they are blocked by a Super Virage guarding the path. They
defeat it to get through. Dart sees Shana and tries to go to her, but
Zieg appears. He steals Dart's dragoon spirit and turns into a dragoon.
They fight Zieg and defeat him. After the battle, Zieg reveals his true
self. Rose says that it is Melbu Frahma, the one time ruler of
Winglies. When Zieg defeated Melbu during the Dragon Campaign, Melbu
transferred his soul to Zieg's body and later to Dart's father. He
sends Shana to the Embryo and releases her. Then he goes in there and
Rose realizes that he is merging with the Embryo. They wonder what to
do, when out of nowhere Lloyd appears. He engages in battle with Melbu
and does quite well until an attack from Melbu kills him. Before dying
he gives Dart the Divine Dragon spirit and the Dragon Buster. He tells
Dart to kill Melbu. Dart is now the dragoon of the Divine Dragon. They
get ready for the final battle with Melbu Frahma.
A long battle ensues and eventually the heroes come out on top.
Dart flies over to Shana to check on her. Rose goes to Zieg. Zieg says
that it is the end of their journey and asks Rose to come with him.
Rose accepts. Melbu rises up and says that he is not finished. Zieg and
Rose tell the others to leave and unleash a massive attack on Melbu,
but get trapped with him. Dart and the others escape from a crumbling
Moon that Never Sets. When they exit, they see the Moon exploding and
going up in flames. Dart lets out a yell knowing that Zieg and Rose
sacrificed themselves for the future of the world. In the end some
scenes are shown in which peace has returned to the world and everyone
lives happily.
----------------------------------------------------The End------------

5. Summary of the game.
In this section, I will briefly summarize the game with the main
plot and outcome.

The basic concept is that the life on earth was created by the
creator, Soa. He planted the Divine Tree, which eventually bore 108
fruits. These fruits were the various life forms. His plan was for
the fruits to be developed one after the other until it reached the
108th fruit which is the God of Destruction. This was supposed to
destroy everything and allow life to start over. The Winglies, who
were the 107th species didn't want a being more powerful than them
and therefore separated its flesh from its soul. The flesh became
the Moon that Never Sets and the soul was trapped in a crystal
sphere. Charle Frahma, one of the two leaders of the Winglies
created a bunch of Signet Spheres that would prevent the soul from
reaching the flesh, but her brother, Melbu created the Divine Moon
Objects which could destroy the Signet Spheres. During the Dragon
Campaign, a war for survival between humans and Winglies, the humans
destroyed the crystal sphere. Since then, every 108 years the Moon
that Never Sets glows, and the soul assumes a human form and tries
to reach the flesh. This human form is the Moon Child. Charle
learned about this and granted one of the dragoons, Rose immortality
so she could assume the role of the Black Monster and kill the Moon
Child. Lloyd's goal was to get the Moon Objects and hand them to
Melbu Frahma, pretending to be Zieg, pretending to be Emperor Diaz.
Melbu wants to destroy the world, so he could be the God and Dart
and co. are involved in a mammoth struggle to stop him. Eventually
Rose and Zieg sacrifice themselves to defeat Melbu and restore peace
to the world.

6. Impression of the game.
This was a really good game with some of the best graphics on any
system ever. The story was a bit generic, but there were a lot of
twists and turns near the end which were very interesting. The
characters evoked a lot of emotion and the fact that a lot of them
died(Lavitz, Lloyd, Rose) shows how tough their battle was. This
game really makes me look forward to a sequel.

7. Credits.
Thanks to me for having the patience to write this FAQ.
Thanks to my brother, Bohnish for contributing as little as
Thanks to the people at SCEA for making a great game.
Thanks to anyone who reads this FAQ and
It was a lot of fun writing this FAQ. This is the first FAQ of any kind
I have ever written. I hope to write some more in the future. Till then
keep playing.

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