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T H E L E G E N D O F D R A G O O N : C H A R A C T E R F A Q
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LISTED AS: CCajes \_ \_\_ \_\_\_
E-MAIL: cyrus_viii@hotmail.com \_\_\_\_ \_ \_ \_ \_
COUNTRY: Philippines \_ \_\_\_ \_ \_
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P L A Y S T A T I O N O N L Y \_ \_ \_ \_\_\_
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If you want to use this FAQ/WALKTHROUGH e-mail me at (cyrus_viii@hotmail.com) and ask
permission first, before posting it and give me the location of the website where
you post this Faq/Walkthrough. I hope this is clear. =)
VERSION 1.0 [NOV. 24, 2k]
- Finished the Character's addition skill list and the character's dragoon
addition magic list. and updated yet the character's level up list. and make
the art design of the character Faq: The Legend of Dragoon.
VERSION 1.5 [NOV. 27, 2k]
- Finished the Character's gameshark codes, Character's Dragoon spirit location,
System menu, disclaimer, introduction, updated the hint list and Character's
level up list.
VERSION 2.0 [DEC. 1, 2k]
- Finished the Characters Armed list section and updated the Character's Level
up list. Add the Character's item list.
VERSION 2.2 [DEC. 15, 2k]
- Huge update in the Characters level up list. finished the character information
VERSION 2.5 [DEC. 20, 2k]
- Finished the Characters level up list. Complete addition of the Menu List.
VERSION 2.6 [JAN. 7, 2001
- Small corrections in some sections of the FAQ.
One soul seeks another and pledges their sworn friendship to another.
One mystery beget the next and the doors of fate are opened.
Legend of Dragoon is a story of a young guy named Dart who is searching for
the Black monster in order to get revenge for his parents and his villegers who
dead from the incident, but afterwards meets a girl named Shana when you rescue
her in the prison and with a new companion friend Lavitz. after that event Dart
then help his friend Lavitz to defeat the enemy. and further in the game encounters
more friends and loses some friends.
After defeating King Albert's uncle, Dart and his friends will then be
searching for a man name Llyod to get some answers why he kidnapped Shana and why
he knows about the moon gem. and further in the game Dart and his friends will get
more adventures and see some characters from the past.
This game is has a good story line, Dragoon Transformation Scenes, Dragoon
magic scenes, addition skills and FMV scenes but the only problem of this game the
over design of their Dragoon Armor costumes. for example the Dragoon Armor of the
divine dragon, it my have super cool powers but I don't understand the structure of
the armor and it look so heavy to look at the armor and its too big for Dart. but
nonetheless I consider it as one of the great RPG games I have played.
SYSTEM SCREEN \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/---------------------------------\ /-----------------------------------\
| CH. 1 Serdian War | | |-----------| Dart LV 7 |
|---------------------------------| | | Character | D'LV 2 SP 10 |
| | picture | HP 73/210 |
/------------------/ MENU | | | MP 100/100 |
| |--------------\ | |-----------| EXP 130/200 |
| Status Use it | |------------------------------------
| Item --> Discard |
| Armed List | /-----------------------------------\
| Additions Goods | | |-----------| Lavitz LV 3 |
| Replaces | | | Character | D'LV 1 SP 30 |
| Config | | | picture | HP 90/100 |
| Save | | | | MP 10/100 |
|---------------------------------- | |-----------| EXP 130/110 |
This is the main menu that shows lots of sub-menus on the left side and
on thr ight side you'll see the current use characters pictures and the current
status. On the upper left you can see the location and the chapter you've
currently accomplishing. In the lower portion at the left you'll see your gold,
time, Dragoon spirits and stardust.
STATUS MENU SCREEN \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/-----------------------------------\ |--------------------------------|
| |-----------| Dart LV 60 | | W Fairy Sword |
| | Character | D'LV 5 SP 500 | | H Legend of Casque |
| | picture | HP 190/7500 | | A Red DG Armor |
| | | MP 100/100 | | F Magical Greaves |
| |-----------| EXP 560791/ - | | a Attack Badge |
|------------------------------------ |--------------------------------|
In the status menu, you'll see the character's current status like his/her
level, HP, MP, SP, EXP, and the total abilities of your character as a normal
person and as a Dragoon. You can slao see the equipped items of your character
and the dragoon magic they current have.
ITEM: USE IT MENU SCREEN \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
|------------------\ |-------------------------------\
| Healing Rain | | Completely recovers |
| Moon Seranade | | HP for all |
| Mind Purifier | |--------------------------------
| Body Purifier |
| |
This it the tiem use it menu, where you can heal, restore the MP of one or all
characters. You can also put out the status effect of your character that came from
the enemies, using Mind, Body purifier.
ITEM: DISCARD/LIST MENU SCREEN \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/-------------------------------| /----------------------------|
| Armed item 130/255 | | Used item 32/32 |
|-------------------------------| |----------------------------|
| W | Broad Sword | | Healing Rain |
| a | Phantom Shield | | Moon Serenade |
| a | Attack Badge | | Angel's Prayer |
| a | Wargod's Amulet | | Mind Purifier |
| a | Poison Guard | | Body Purifier |
| W | Short Bow | | Thunder Bolt |
| A | Leather Armor | | Meteor Fall |
|-------------------------------- ------------------------------
|-------------------------------\ |----------------------------\
| Press Triangle to Sort | | Earth based attack |
| | | for all (multi). |
|-------------------------------- ------------------------------
IF DISCARD: Really want to Yes
throw this away? No
This is the Discard/list menu, if your in the discard menu you can discard item
in the item menu by highlighting the item. If your in the List menu, you can see the
discriptions of each of the items you've highlighted.
ITEM: GOODS MENU SCREEN \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/---------------------------| /---------------------------|
| Goods | | Goods |
|---------------------------| |---------------------------|
| Blue Dragoon DS | | Jade Dragoon DS |
| Gold Dragoon DS | | Violet Dragoon DS |
| Silver Dragoon DS | | Dark Dragoon DS |
| Divine Dragoon DS | | War Bulletin |
| Prison Key | | Axe from the Shack |
| Water Bottle | | Life Water |
| Magic Oil | | Pass for Valley |
----------------------------- -----------------------------
----------------------------\ -----------------------------
| | |---------------------------\
| | | Dragoon Sperit From |
| | | Lenus water-based |
|---------------------------- -----------------------------
This is the Goods menu, this menu reveals the rare items that you've get during
the game. And also, it show the Goods discriptions when highlighted.
ADDITIONS MENU SCREEN \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is called the replace menu, where you replace the current used characters
by another character in the rightside.
CONFIG MENU SCREEN \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Vibrate Off On |
| Sound Stereo Mono |
| Morph Normal Fast |
| Mote Off Half Stay |
This is the config menu where you adjust the options you've selected to improved
you've gaming features.
SAVE MENU SCREEN \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This is the save menu, this is where you save the game. And also, this
is where you load the game by highlighting the selected save game.
HINT IN BATTLE MODE \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Select attack command. then the aiming sight appears. when this sight overlaps
the [] in the center, press the "X" button. Gray [] means too fast, Blue []
means too slow, White [] means perfect.
- Enemies don't wait around to be attacked. sometimes they fight back. during the
attack, they might show hints of a counterattack. press the O button when the
red counterattack sight appears overlaying the []. failure, express you to an
attack and you're blown away. a multiple attack ends there.
- Tactics are not merely swinging the sword. during bad times, defend and wait for
a chance! defending helps recover HP a little and halves the damages! also it
completely protects against attacks that cause an abnormal status!
- Combat experience lets yuo learn new skills. skills can be selected from
"Addition" on the system screen. select the skill before the battle. you can't
change in the battle! each addition skill is unique. some skills are easy to
use, some are powerful. every skill seems good, but don't be fooled! the secret
of survival is to select the skill that suits you! even a beginner's Double
slash can be effective! it depends on you skill. remember!
HINT IN HOW TO USE ITEMS \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- An attack item's basic damage is determined by the magic power(MAT) & the
attributes. Here, let me tell you about MAT. Frankly, an item is a magic with a
form. so, if you have more magic power results will be greater! next are elements.
there are eight elements. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, Darkness, Thunder and
non-elemental. So this is the point! never forget opposing combinations of Fire
& Water, Wind & earth, Light & Darkness! Using the opposite attacking item to the
enemy's doubles the damage! and using an attacking item with the same element
halves the damage! elements appears when you select an enemy in battle. the window
color lets you know which one. I'll tell you about window colors & attributes in
"ATTACK ITEM'S E;EMENT". Be efficient when you use items by thinking about their
- The characters have elemental properties. there are eight possible. Fire, Water,
Wind, Earth, Light, Darkness, Thunder, and non- elemental. let me explain each
of them. "Fire base" window color is red, the opposite is water. "Water base"
window color is Blue, the opposite is Fire. "Wind base" window color is Green,
the opposite is earth. "Earth base" window color is Brown, the opposite is wind.
"Light base" window color is Yellow, the opposite is Darkness. "Darkness base"
window color is Dark blue, the opposite is Light. "Thunder base" window color is
Magenta, there is no opposite. "Non-elemental" window color is Grey, there is no
opposite. being opposite matters when using an attack item. I'll tell you the
details about opposites in "ATTACK ITEM'S DAMAGE".
- Select the item command. then select an item with "(multi)" in the item
description window, and select the target. it's no different from other item
right! now, here is the difference with multiplying items! When a multiplying
item is used. the button icon is displayed at the bottom right of the screen.
then just hit "X" as many as you can to get greater damage out of your enemy.
HINT IN DRAGOON BATTLE MODE \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dragoon transformations need spiritual power, spirit points (SP). you can
accumulate SP by attacking enemies. when your SP is full, a transformation
command appears. selecting that allows you to become a Dragoon. For quicker
transformation, change the setting on the system screen. select "config",
highlight "morph" then select "short", that's all.
- First, transform yourself in to a Dragoon. you emit power all at once with
Dragoon additions charge up your power. Press the X button when the spirit
meter light reaches the top. when successful, the light continues to revolve
& the power is charaged accordingly.
- First' transform yourself to a Dragoon. there are two commands after a
transformation, a Dragoon Addition & a Dragoon Spell. you need a certain MP
to use a Dragoon spell, the spells you can use are highlighted. select the
spell & then the target. then you can cast the spell. getting SP by attacking
allows your Dragoon level to increase and you'll have more spell choices. In
the end, you can only rely on your own sword.
NAME: Dart
SEX: Male
RACE: Human
HAIR: Blonde
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 178 cm
He is the main character of the game, using a sword weapon. he has the most
many addition skills and has an average in all his abilities. he already lost
his parent when he was just 5 years old and after that day, he trained his
self to be strong and go on a quest to find the black monster who killed his
parents and destroy the village. As he journey, he'll meet lots of friends
and love ones like Lavitz, Rose, Haschel, Albert, Kongol, Meru, Miranda and
especially Shana. Shana is a childhood friend of his and treats her like his
younger sister, but as the time goes by he sees that she is not a little girl
anymore but a woman. then he'll let her feel the love from his heart further
in the game.
NAME: Shana
SEX: Female
RACE: Human
HAIR: Brown
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 160 cm
BIRTH PLACE: Seles Village
She is the childhood friend of Dart when they where just little and when
she grow up and meet Dart again in the game, she is in love with him and
thinks about him every single day, when Dart is still on the journey to find
the Black monster. she uses arrow and bow to fight, but she has no good in
offensive and defensive attacks. her healing power as a Dragoon makes her
more useful in battles. she has a hidden power inside of her but she didn't
know about it. she will join with Dart after you've rescue her from the
Hellena prison.
NAME: Lavitz
SEX: Male
RACE: Human
HAIR: Yellow
AGE: 34
HEIGHT: 170 cm
Lavitz joins you in the Hellena Prison while you rescue Shana, he is the
leader of the first knighthood in bale. he is loyal to his country and
to his King and the King is his best friend. Lavitz has a great offensive
strength and good defense, that makes him one of the greatest characters
in the game but he lacks of speed sometimes. he and Dart will become good
friends in Disc 1 but unfortunately he'll die in disc 1 and be replaced
by his Best Friend the King of Bale, Albert.
NAME: Rose
SEX: Female
RACE: Human
HAIR: Black
AGE: 11,026
HEIGHT: 170 cm
ELEMENT: Darkness
She is the first lady Dragoon, in the game and help Dart how to be a great
Dragoon knight and tells you a lot of information about the Dragoon campaign.
she will join you when Dart battles with Kongol in Town of Hoax. she beautiful
and mysterious woman of all female characters, she is attracted by Darts
characteristics and that they are the same manners as Zieg but realize that
Dart is not Zieg. she is the most powerful female character in the game, both
offense and defense. but she has disadvantage in her HP. but she will cool
down and calms later in the game.
NAME: Haschel
SEX: Male
RACE: Human
HAIR: Grey
AGE: 70
HEIGHT: 163 cm
ELEMENT: Thunder
He is an old man but a master of the Rouge martial arts, he and Dart have
seen each other for a long time when Dart searches for the black monster
while he is searching for his long lost daughter. his daughter run away
from him for 20 years. he has a great offensive attacks and speed but his
weakness is in his defensive about magic attacks. you see in the Hero
contest in Lohan and then joins with you later after the contest.
NAME: Albert
SEX: Male
RACE: Human
HAIR: Yellow
AGE: 26
HEIGHT: 175 cm
BIRTH PLACE: Indel's Castle, Bale
He is the King of Bale and the best friend of Lavitz. he'll replace Lavitz
when he die in Disc 1, he persue Lloyd because of the moon gem has taken
away from him. Albert is so education person who knows about lots of things,
he also uses a spear like Lavitz. he has also have the same addition skill as
Lavitz. he will be attracted by a Princess in Tiberoa.
NAME: Meru
SEX: Female
RACE: Wingly
HAIR: Platinum
AGE: 16
HEIGHT: 154 cm
BIRTH PLACE: Wingly forest
She a wingly little girl and you'll meet her first in the Flower City of
Donau when you are going to rescue someone from the bandit's hideout. she
is the fastest character both in female and male, she uses a huge hammer
as her weapon. she has a low HP and weak physical defense and offensive
attacks but she a strong magical offense and magical defense. when she
join Dart in the others in the journey, she will be entertaining them all
with her silly pranks.
NAME: Kongol
SEX: Male
RACE: Giganto
HAIR: Black
AGE: 37
HEIGHT: 250 cm
BIRTH PLACE: Home of the Gigantos
He is a Giganto species and at first he will be your enemy but after
you've defeated Emperor Doel, he will join you in your journey later
in the game. he maybe not smart but he has the strongest offensive and
physical defense character in the game and has the highest HP, but he has
also weakness like the others. he has a very slow speed and weal against
magical defense. he use his huge axe to exterminate enemies in one strike.
NAME: Miranda
SEX: Female
RACE: Human
HAIR: Yellow
AGE: 26
HEIGHT: 170 cm
BIRTH PLACE: Deningrad
She is the bossy character in the game and often punches some knights in
the game when you meet her. like Shana she uses bow and arrow, she has
no addition skil like the others and has weakness of her magic defense.
but she is quite good in battle when you are out of healing items, she
will join in Dart's party when Shana rejects her Dragoon spirit and then
replaces her in position.
CHARACTER: ROSE \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you want to get new Dragoon magics from a certain character I suggest
you accumulate lots of Sp in the battle from the enemies. getting SP will
depend on the addition skill you used, because some addition may cause great
damage but accumulate small amount of SP and some addition Skills have low
damage rate but have lots of SP accumulated.
You may also get SP by equipping your characters with a certain armors,
head gears, weapons and accessories which will accumulate SP when you are
damaged by the enemy in Physical and Magical attacks or when you attack the
enemy you have a percentage up with you're SP, for further information see
the character's armed list in section 12.
Name | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| DART | 100 | 1200 | 6000 | 12000 | 20000 |
| LAVITZ/ALBERT | 100 | 1000 | 6000 | 12000 | 20000 |
| SHANA/MIRANDA | 100 | 1000 | 6000 | 12000 | 20000 |
| ROSE | 100 | 1200 | 6000 | 12000 | 20000 |
| HASCHEL | 100 | 1000 | 6000 | 12000 | 20000 |
| MERU | 100 | 2000 | 6000 | 12000 | 20000 |
| KONGOL | 100 | 2000 | 6000 | 12000 | 20000 |
CHARACTER: DART \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Flame Shot | 10 | D'Lv 1 | Fire STR 50% Single |
| Explosion | 20 | D'Lv 2 | Fire STR 25% All |
| Final Bust | 30 | D'Lv 3 | Fire STR 75% Single |
| Red Eye Dragon | 80 | D'Lv 5 | Fire STR 175% All |
CHARACTER: ROSE \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| Astral Drain | 10 | D'Lv 1 | Dark STR 25% Single & HP |
| Death Dimension | 20 | D'Lv 2 | Dark STR 25% All & Fear |
| Demon's Gate | 30 | D'Lv 3 | Lethal Attack for All |
| Dark Dragon | 80 | D'Lv 5 | Darkn STR 100% Single |
The Red-Eye Dragoon spirit is in Dart's position since the beginning of the
game as a momento from his father. In the Town of Hoax after fighting Kongol,
Rose will appear and helps him unleash the power of the Red-eye Dragoon Spirit
and beats out Kongol.
CHARACTER: ROSE \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Name: Dark Dragon DS(Dragoon Spirit)
Color: Dark
Element: Darkness
Found: Disc 1
The Dark Dragoon spirit is already use by Rose when she first come in the
forest of Seles Village, But you can use her Dragoon spirit after she joins
you in beating Kongol.
When Shana gets very sick and needs to cure her, you go to Shirly's Shrine
to find the dragoni plant. And you'll get a fight with Drake and Shirly and
after you've defeated them you get this Dragoon Spirit.
When you rescue King Albert in the Hellena Prison, you fight with Fruegel.
and after beating him, Llyod will kill Lavitz and after that the Jade Dragoon
Spirit will be received by Albert and he'll then replaces Lavitz.
CHARACTER: HASCHEL \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Name: Violet Dragon DS(Dragoon Spirit)
Color: Violet
Element: Thunder
Found: End of Disc 1
When you are in seach of Emperor Doel, you'll head to the Black castle and
then you'll have a battle with him. after killing Emperor Doel, Haschel will
then Receive this Dragoon spirit and joins your journey.
After Kongol joins you in the home of Giganto, head to Commercial Town of
Lohan and get it from the same street vendor who sold you the water bottle.
but you'll get it for a price. another way to get it is in disc 4, it
will be automatically be yours after you've defeated Kongol's brother.
CHARACTER: MERU \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Name: Blue Dragoon DS(Dragoon Spirit)
Color: Blue
Element: Water
Found: Disc 2
In the Undersea Cavern and after defeating Lenus and her Dragon, you'll get
this Dragoon spirit.
Miranda will receive this Dragoon spirit from Shana when Shana collapsed in
Deningrad and rejects the Dragoon spirit. she will not be in your party
after that, she will be replaced by Miranda.
ALL CHARACTERS ARMED \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Name Add Def Add MagDef Add Effect Price
| Armor of Legend | 127 | 0 | Greatly reduces physical damage | 10000 |
Name Add Def Add MagDef Add MagAtk Add Effect Price
| Dragon Helm | 10 | 0 | 50 | Raises maximum HP 50% | 500 |
| Magical Hat | 0 | 10 | 50 | Raises maximum MP 50% | 500 |
| Pheonix Plume | 0 | 10 | 30 | Avoids B, C, F and D | 900 |
| Legend Casque | 0 | 127 | 50 | Great Magic protection | 10000 |
Name Add Def Add Effect Price
| Magical Greaves | 0 | Evading magic/physical attacks +5 pts. | 300 |
Name Add Effect Price
| Bracelet | | 10 |
| Fake Power Wrist | Raises Physical Attack by 5 | 100 |
| Power Wrist | Raises Physical Attack by 10 | 200 |
| Poison Guard | Prevent Poisoning | 200 |
| Knight Shield | Raises Physical Defense by 10 | 200 |
| Fake Knight Shield | Raises Physical Defense by 5 | 200 |
| Active Ring | Prevent dispiriting | 200 |
| Protector | Prevent arm blocking | 200 |
| Panic Guard | Prevent Confusion | 200 |
| Stun Guard | Prevent Stunness | 200 |
| Bravery Amulet | Prevent fear | 300 |
| Elude Cloak | Evade physical attack raised 20 pts | 300 |
| Spirit Cloak | Evade magical attack raised 20 pts | 300 |
| Magic Ego Bell | Prevent Bewitchment | 300 |
| Destone Amulet | Prevent petrification | 400 |
| Talisman | Prevent instant death | 500 |
| Spirit Ring | Recovers SP each turn | 500 |
| Therapy Ring | Wearer recovers 10% HP every turn in battle | 500 |
| Mage Ring | Recovers MP by 10% each turn | 500 |
| Dancer's Ring | Increase agility by 20 pts (Ladies only) | 500 |
| Bandit's Ring | Increases agility by 20 (Men only) | 500 |
| Holy Ankh | Revives from death with a given probability | 500 |
| Wargod's Amulet | Increase Physical and Magical Hit rate by 20% | 500 |
| Red-Eye Stone | Reduces fire-based damage by 50% | 500 |
| Silver Stone | Reduces light-based damage by 50% | 500 |
| Darkness Stone | Reduces darkness-based damage by 50% | 500 |
| Jade Stone | Reduces wind-based damage by 50% | 500 |
| Blue Sea Stone | Reduces water-based damage by 50% | 500 |
| Golden Stone | Reduces earth-based damage by 50% | 500 |
| Violet Stone | Reduces lightning-based damage by 50% | 500 |
| Magical Ring | Raises Magical Attack by 30 | 600 |
| Sage's Cloak | Evade magic & physical attack raised 20 pts. | 600 |
| Spiritual Ring | Raises Magical Defense by 30 | 600 |
| Rainbow Earring | Prevent all abnormal status | 1000 |
| Attack Badge | Raises Physical & Magical attacking power | 1000 |
| Guard Badge | Raises Physical & Magical defense power | 1000 |
| Giganto Ring | Raises physical attack and defense by 20 pts. | 1000 |
| Amulet | Doubles maximum MP | 1000 |
| Physical Ring | Raises maximum HP by 50% | 1000 |
| Wargod's Sash | Raises SP by 50% | 1000 |
| Ruby Ring | Get SP from Magical Damage | 1000 |
| Sapphire Pin | Get MP from Magical Damage | 1000 |
| Emerald Earring | Get SP from Physical Damage | 1000 |
| Platinum Collar | Get MP from Physical Damage | 1000 |
| Wargod Calling | Automatic Addition, Half Damage and SP | 1000 |
| Dragon Shield | Reduces Physical damage by 50% | 5000 |
| Angel Scarf | Reduces damage from magic by 50% | 5000 |
| Ultimate Wargod | Makes Addition completely successful | 10000 |
| Phantom Shield | Reduces all damages by 50% | 10000 |
Goods Discription
| Dragon Blocker | A staff to seal the Divine Dragon. |
| Axe | An axe left in a shack in a field. |
| Vanishing Stone | A mysterious stone from Martel for getting Stardusts. |
| War Bulletin | Special Edition shows tension among Sandora and Serdio. |
| Lavitz's Pic | Lavitz's portrait drawn in Bale. |
| Kate's Bouquet | Good luck bouquet of Kate at the wedding. |
| Letter from Lynn | A letter from Lynn before he going to persue the HQ |
| | bandits. |
| Boat License | License to use a boat in Furni. |
| Pass for Valley | A gate pass to enter Zero gravity Valley. |
| Water Bottle | A bottle bought in Lohan to hold "life Water". |
| Life Water | Life Water from a monster plant. restores HP and MP. |
| Magic Oil | Pink fuel to lighten an elevator switch in Black Castle. |
| Prison Key | Key to unlock the 2nd prison tower where Shana is putted.|
| Key to Ship | Key from the Phantom Ship Captain. |
| Red Dragon DS | Fire-based Dragoon Spirit Dart's father left him. |
| Dark Dragon DS | Darkness-based Dragoon Spirit of mysterious Rose. |
| Jade Dragon DS | Wind-based Dragoon Spirit from Greham. |
| Silver Dragon DS | Light-based Dragoon Spirit from Shirley. |
| Violet Dragon DS | Thunder-based Dragoon Spirit from Doel. |
| Blue Dragoon DS | Water-based Dragoon Spirit from Lenus. |
| Gold Dragoon DS | Earth-based Dragoon Spirit found in Lohan. |
| Divine Dragon DS | Dragoon Spirit of Divine Dragon. |
| Red Stone | Key to open a room in Black Castle. |
| Blue Stone | Key to open a room in Black Castle. |
| Yellow Stone | Key to open a room in Black Castle. |
| Moon Gem | A great family treasure of Serdio. |
| Moon Dagger | A great family treasure of Tiberoa. |
| Moon Mirror | A great family treasure of Mille Seseau. |
| Law Maker | A Law certificate of production of the law in Zenebatos. |
| Law Output | A Law certificate of enactment of the law in Zenebatos. |
Claire is the long lost daughter of Haschel that runs away from him for
many years, and still he have not found her. Also Claire is the mother of
Dart and a wife of Zieg, remember the lolabay that Shana sung to the boy which
she learn from Dart. And Dart often hears from his mother's lolabay when he is
still little. and also Haschel hears the same lolaby for his daughter Claire
while she is still in training in the Ruoge school martial arts.
And another addition to that is when you are in the Moon that never sets in
Disc 4, when Haschel sees Claire and then you follow her but Haschel tells
Dart that this girl(Claire) doesn't know him yet.
2.) Who is Zieg?
Zeig is one of the Dragoon Knights in the Dragoon campaign. and the holder
of the Red-eye Dragoon spirit, he is also the Father of Dart. he'll be you're
enemy in Disc 2 to Disc 4 but Dart then will know that his father body is just
been used by the final enemy boss and after Dart defeats the final boss Zeig
will sacrifice his self with Rose to destroy the Final enemy boss.
3.) Who is Shirley?
Shirley is one of the Dragoon Knights in the Dragoon campaign. and the holder
of the Silver Dragoon spirit, you'll see her in the first time when you search for
the dragoni plant to save Shana.
4.) Who is Syuveil?
Syuveil is one of the Dragoon Knights in the Dragoon campaign. and the holder
of the Jade Dragoon spirit. like Albert and Lavits he is full of knowledge and
likes to study enteresting topics. you'll see him in the Dragoon tower studying
life and death and Rose then will help him set free.
5.) Who is Damia?
Damia is one of the Dragoon Knights in the Dragoon campaign. and the holder
of the Blue Sea Dragoon spirit, she half human and half mermaid and even younger
than Meru. she is often lonely and frightened and only the other Dragoon holders
understand her and comfort her.
6.) Who is Belzac?
Belzac is one of the Dragoon Knights in the Dragoon campaign. and the holder
of the Golden Dragoon spirit, he loves kids and make it the reason to fight the
the super virage in the Dragoon campaign. he like Shirley a lot and protects her
from the falling tower by sacrificing his own body.
7.) Who is Kanzas?
Kanzas is one of the Dragoon Knights in the Dragoon campaign. and the holder
of the Violet Dragoon spirit, he likes to kill his enemies and make a doll of
them when they die. he doesn't like Rose but he joined as a Dragoon because
of Shirley.
8.) Who is Emperor Doel?
Emperor Doel is the Uncle of King Albert and he is the one who kill Albert's
father and the one who gives terror in many place in Disc 1. you'll fight him in
Dics 1 and Disc 4, after that he'll realize that he has done wrong.
9.) Who is Llyod?
Llyod has the strongest magic power as a wingly species and he follows any
order of Emperor Diaz(Zieg) to get a new world of peace where humans and winglies
are equal. he is the one who planned to kidnapped Shana and he is also the one who
will gather all the moon objects and give it to Zieg but unfortunately he'll die
in Disc 4 in the battle with the final boss.
10.) Who is Lenus?
Lenus is a wingly girl who falls in love with Llyod and getting a time to
be with him in a romantic moment. she protects him with her life and the result
of that is she dead because of it.
If you want to use this FAQ/WALKTHROUGH e-mail me at (cyrus_viii@hotmail.com) and ask
permission first, before posting it and give me the location of the website where
you post this Faq/Walkthrough. I hope this is clear. =)
- Well, I thank myself for making this FAQ and listing all the character's
informations. and thanks to my PC computer for helping me typing all this FAQ, and
also thanks to my two eyes for watching every leveled up character.
- Thanks to Eugene Mansueto for his "The Legend of Dragoon" CD and letting me
borrow it for a little while.
- Thanks to CjayC[www.gamefaqs.com] for his great site to help gamers and posting
this FAQ.
This dócûmènt is cópyright 2000
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