T.R.A.G.: Mission of Mercy

T.R.A.G.: Mission of Mercy

13.05.2008 16:52:35

Title : Tactical Rescue Assault Group
By : Kenny
E-mail : toshihiko@bigfoot.com

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE forgive me for my mistakes at my
v1.0 FAQ. I am not at where is the lever to enter the door and take the
Glowing Moss and I don't at my real name, and there are wrong letters in
my FAQ. Now, you can know my real name by read this FAQ's by. Now, please
forgive me about that. Please....

This is my first FAQ, and this FAQ is my own FAQ. So don't try to COPY IT
and submit this FAQ at another game link and give it YOUR NAME on it.
My FAQ is personality use.

Oh yeah, don't forget if I'm Indonesian, so please let me know if there
are a wrong letters, ask me if you don't know my meaning in this FAQ, after
that I will answer you at your E-mail address, and I'm sorry of my bad

If you want to use this FAQ as your own walkthrough, don't try to go out of
my path at this FAQ.

Now, you can read my second FAQ with Soul of the Samurai, also my third FAQ
with Shadow Madness and my forth FAQ with Dino Crisis as its title.

You can read this walkthrough and my other walkthrough at these sites too :

Here is cheatcc.com 's ad :

Webmaster of Cheat Code Central - http://www.cheatcc.com/
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One of the largest and most comprehensive video and computer game help sites
on the web. Cheat codes, Game Shark codes, and much more for PlayStation,
Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, and PC.

And now is vgstrategies.com 's ad :

Video Game Strategies: The largest video and computer game help site on
the web. Covering 34 systems from the classic consoles to today's current
generation, with over 9,800 games now indexed.


I Version
II Basic Control
III Complete walkthrough and items
IV How to get good ending
V Continue complete walkthrough and items
VI The different if choose Alex use stairs
VII Game shark codes for T.R.A.G
VIII Special Thanks
IX Credit


This Document is Copyright 1999 Kenny


Version 1.0: Already contains complete walkthrough + items.
I make this FAQ at : 8:45 PM 5/15/99

Version 1.1: Update a view wrong letters and I add a little letters
I make this update at : 7:00 PM 5/21/99

Version 1.2: Update a view wrong letters
I make this update at : 6:45 PM 5/24/99

Version 1.3: Add some sentences
I make this update at : 11:41 PM 7/24/99

Version 1.4: Add some words
I make this update at : 3:43 AM 8/6/99


Directional Pad : Move your character.
Square : Attack the enemy.
Circle : Choose on the Characters' Screen.
X : Guard for Rachel and Michelle or choose on the Save Point
Up + X : Run .
Left or Right + X : Quick turn .
Triangle : Use item.
R1 : Change character on Character' Screen (to right).
L1 : Change the type of bullets (for Alex) or to change
the character on Characters' Screen (to left).
L2 : Show or hide the life bar.
R2 : Select healing item .
Select : Go to Characters' Screen.
Start : View map.

Press Start to skip most of the animation.



| First Path |

Item : None

Enemy : None

Go back, follow the path until you reach a door, and enter that door.
Check the door, which is going to emergency stairs.
Then go back, follow the path, until you reach a door to lobby.
Then enter that door.

| Lobby |

Item : Blue EX Bottle, First Aid Pill (FAP)

Enemy : Robots 2x

Face two robots, go to the computer, check the computer and get
Blue EX Bottle. Check the computer.
Go to the behind the computer, there is a Save Point.
Go to the right; take FAP in the big vase.
Then check the elevator (the left one).
Your parties will separate to 2 group.

Note : In my FAQ, I choose Alex to go up with elevator.

| 25th elevator | YOU CONTROL ALEX

Go to the left, then enter the door.
Follow the path until you reach the first door, then enter it.

| Office D |

Item : Blue EX Bottle, FAP, Floor key

Enemy : none

Now, I will give you the Map, and
I suggest you to take another things before you take Floor key.

############################################## Legend :
# B Fl# B : Blue EX Bottle
# # Fl : Floor key
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # F : First Aid Pill
# + + # <> : Button
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # ## : Wall
# # ++ : Table
# --- --F-- --- --- # -/| : Shelf
# | | | | | | | | # === : Door
# #######################################
# #
# #
# #######################################
# <>#
# ##### #
# # # #
###########################=======##### ####

After take the floor key, your position is in front of the room.

Item : Medal 4

Enemy : None

Follow the path to the right, check the dead body, get medal 4.
Then, go inside the room next to the corpse.

| Surgery |

Item : FAP 3x, Metallic Badge, Blue EX Bottle

Enemy : None

First, go left, take FAP 3x in the cupboard.
Follow the path, until you reach a shiny thing on the table.
Take it. Go on the path; take Blue EX Bottle in the cupboard.
Then, leave this room, and enter another room.

Enemy : Terrorists 3x, bomb

First, kill one terrorist; check the door in front of the entrance.
There's a mini game. How to play ? Here are the answer :

1. Push X button on your joystick
2. You must take notice of the green, red, blue, and pink button that is
3. Don't try to leave this mini game, because if you check this mini game
again, the button which is flashed, is different
4. After that, use T,C,X,S button to unlock it
5. You must know this :
Green light is for Triangle
Blue light is for X
Red light is for Circle
Pink light is for Square

Then, enter the door.

| Store Room A|

Item : First Aid Tube (FAT)

Enemy : None

First, walk a little. After an event, Rachel will join in your party.
Go to the place where did Rachel jump on you. Check the shelf, get FAT.
Then go on forward, check the Dust Chute and Battery Unit
(Dust Chute's right). Then go out of this room.

Enemy : Terrorists 3x , bomb (shoot it)

Go on to the left; face three terrorists, one bomb.
Ignore the door at your left now. Go on a little while;
use floor key at the door at your left.

| Data Library B |

Item : Slides, Newspaper cutting

Enemy : Monsters 3x, balloon time bombs (btb)3x

First, aim balloon time bomb with R1 button,
then shoot it (here is the strategy to defeat balloon time bomb).
Face one btb again; go on a little, you will face one monster.
Go on, enter the room and face one btb, two monsters.
Then check the farthest bookshelf, get the newspaper cutting.
Then, don't forget to take slides (the shiny one).
After that, go to the starting point (elevator)

| 25th elevator |

Go right, there is a Save Point and a door. Enter the door.

Item : FAT

Enemy : Robot

First, kill the robot. Go to the piano's left back to take FAT.
Then enter the door.

| Meeting Room B |

Item : FAT

Enemy : None

Use the projector. After event, take FAT in the bookshelf.
After that, switch your character to Michelle.


Item : FAT 2x

Enemy : None

Go right; take FAT 2x from the second vending machine from left.
There is a Save Point. Now, go to the left,
then enter the door at your right.

Enemy : Monsters 2x, time bomb (tb)

First, quickly press R1, and kill the monster.
Follow the path, then fight with monster again.
Now, ignore the door for a while.
Just go on, until you see a tb on the floor
(just run, and after you hear a tb's noise, just tab back,
back and wait until tb is explode) this is the strategy to defeat tb.
After that, enter the door, which there is a tb.

Enemy : Terrorists 2x, monster

Face two terrorist, goes run until you find a door at your right.

| Meeting Room A |

Item : Key Card B

Enemy : Terrorists 2x, time bomb

Face two terrorists. After that, go to bottom left. becareful with tb.
Then, go on to bottom-left, then move the statue.
There are two statues you must move. Another statue is at your left.
Then, after FMV, take Key Card B. After that, back to the Secon Path {you
will pass a door that I tell you to ignore. Enter it (the you fight with
2 monsters, and 1 tb)}

Enemy : Terrorists 2x, monster

Face one terrorist, go follow the path, face one monster.
Then enter the door.

| Office B |

Item : FAP 2x,

Enemy : Terrorists 2x, Monsters 2x

Kill the terrorist, go right, kill the monster, and pick FAP,
push the button in the locker (the fourth from left).
Go enter the room you've opened, use your card. Don't enter the room now.
Go to the main room, go on run to the north, go left, face one monster,
go down, face one terrorist, go to the farthest computer, take FAP,
then, go to the room that you've opened before.

| Data Library A |

Item : medal 1, secret code card

Enemy : None

Pick medal 1 at the dead body, go up the stairs at bottom right by pressing
circle. Open the save. The code number ? Yes, the code is 052.
The code number is at metallic badge. Then, go back to the second area that
you control Michelle, then enter another door.

Item : FAP, Private Internal E-mail, Blue EX Bottle, Internal report

Enemy : Terrorists 3x

Check bookshelf, get FAP, kill terrorist. Go south, then take Private
Internal E-mail at the computer. Go left, take Blue EX Bottle in the locker.
Follow the path, becareful, there are two terrorists there.
Kill them both, then check the network, you will see a face. Check again,
you will get Internal Report.

Enemy : Terrorists 2x, monster

Back to the Office B (don't enter office B. Just go on, face terrorist,
monster, and terrorist. Then enter the door).

Enemy : Flying UFO 2x (FU) (Is this name Ok ? ^_^), tb 2x

Go left, hit FU at the right time. Ignore this door first.
Then, just run to the left (don't bother anything) take FAT 3x in the
middle vending machine, then enter the bar.

| Bar |

Item : Medal 2, hidden letter, key card A

Enemy : Terrorist

Event, kill terrorist, event. Check the corpse,
get medal 2, check picture (you can see from that position)
get hidden letter. Go talk to King (the bartender's name) to get Key Card A.
Check dartboard, there is a note. You need it later, but don't worry,
I will add it in my FAQ. Now, back to the door that I tell you to ignore.
Enter the code you have seen at dartboard. Here are the number :


| Administrative Room |

Item : None

Enemy : None

Go up the stairs, check the big computer in the middle.
Active auto doors, and room breaker. Don't forget to active auto doors
at level 25th. Now go to the meeting room A (don't enter meeting room A
just enter the door, that you must use Key Card B). If you still confuse, I
give you this mini map :

Legend :

# ################################# ### : Wall
|| ########################### # || / == : Door
# SP # # # Q|| / Q== : Open with key card B
# # Lounge || # SP : Starting Point
# # # # L== : Lock from inside
# ########################### #
# # # #
# || Q|| #
# # # #
############## ####################
############## ####################
# # ## #
# Meeting # ## Storage #
# Room A # ## Cupboard A #
# # ## #
# || ## #
# # ## #
# # ############L==#####
# # #

Enemy : Terrorist 2x, tb

After you use Key Card B to enter, there you will face a terrorist.
Kill him, becareful with tb, there is a terrorist behind tb. After that,
enter Lounge.

| Lounge |

Item : FAP, Locker key

Enemy : None

First, press the button at round object. Press it. You will see a FMV.
Before the FMV is end, you will see a formation. Memorize this formation,
because you need it later (you may not memorize it, because I will write it
in my FAQ). Now, pick locker key (shiny item) on bulletin board. Take FAP on
the vase upper right. Now leave this room and go to another room.

# # # #
# || SP Q|| #
# # # #
############## ####################
############## ####################
# # ## #
# Meeting # ## Storage #
# Room A # ## Cupboard A #
# # ## #
# || ## #
# # ## #
# # ############L==#####
# # #

From SP, go to Q==. There is a save point if you run straight. Go left,
enter the door at your left.

| Dormitory |

Item : FAP 8x, Blue EX Bottle, Newspaper cutting

Enemy : Monsters 4x

Take 5 FAP at dishwasher (right from entrance). Go straight, then face
monster. After kill the monster, use locker key at the middle locker.
There is a formation right? The formation is :

| Red flower | Go to another side of this room. But ignore
| | | the door on your left for now. Face two
| Moon - - White duck | monsters, then take 3 FAP in the locker. Take Blue
| | | EX Bottle on the bed. Go to the right side of this
| Sea | room and take Newspaper cutting on the bed.
|_____________________| Now, go to the room that I tell you to ignore.

Enemy : Monster

Face the monster (it's easy because he can't see you come).
After that, use your secret code card at the machine. You will see FMV.
Then, exit the entrance of dormitory. You will see an event. Now, Burns
is joining your party. Now, you must go to the upper left (look your map
which you haven't enter.)

| Gate Room |

Item : None

Enemy : Robot, bomb

Just run to the gate, use your pass card. After that, enter the gate. Now,
go to your left, enter the door. If you go to the right, your way is block
by a box.

| Discharge Area |

Item : Steel Wire

Enemy : tb 2x, btb 2x

Run to the left, because there is a tb in front of the entrance.
After, you go to another side of this room, becareful with tb and 2 btb.
Take Steel Wire at bottom left of this room. Now, go to the lobby.
But save your game before go to the lobby, because you will fight your
first boss.

^_^^_^ BOSS NO*1 : BIG RED SCORPION^_^^_^

This boss is easy. I use Burns to defeat it. Just press up + square then
press square, square, square on time.
And be very very careful with his sting, and use your First Aid (Pill or
Tubes) if you have a low HP. If you take notice of my strategy, you will
feel this boss is very very easy.

After you defeat the boss, you will see a FMV. Now you at 27th.

Enemy : Robots 2x, bombs 4x

Kill the robot. After you kill the robot, go left (which there is a robot).
If you look the right way, you will see 3 bombs. Kill the robot, becareful
with the bomb. Then, enter the door.

Enemy : Monsters 3x

Now, you will face a monster in front of you. Kill the monster. Go on your
way, you will see a monster again. Now, enter the lift on your right (if you
go on to the right, you will see a monster again). At 28th floor, you will
see a huge bomb. Now, walk and check the huge bomb. Then, you will see an
event, then FMV.


Go to the auto door at Store Room A path.

| East Ledge |

Item : None

Enemy : monsters 2x

Kill your enemies; now check the battery slots, then back to the Store Room A

| Store Room A |

Item : Battery Unit

Enemy : None

Just head straight 'til you see a battery unit at your right. Now head back
to the East Ledge and set the battery unit. Then push the button.

| West Ledge |

Item : None

Enemy : None

Go enter the door. Now, ignore the door in front of you (the door at your
left is locked from inside. I mean not this room). Now, turn left, there is a
save point at your right. There is a mini game on the door. Do what I tell
you at mini game on Store Room A mini game. After that, go back to the East
Ledge uses the elevator. Take the Battery Unit, and bring it the Battery Unit
to the room that I tell you to ignore.

| Warehouse |

Item : Medal 3, FAP 3x

Enemy : None

Now, turn right, you will see dead researchers. Check it and you will take
medal 3. Take FAP 3x at shelf near the green door. Enter the door, go to your
left, set the Battery Unit on the robot. Go on your way, then use floor key
to enter the door.

| Office C |

Item : None

Enemy : Terrorist 3x

Kill your enemies, unlock the door at your left. Go to another side of this
room. You will see a big holographic globe, and a big chair. Check the chair,
and sit on the chair. Now, your position is in the small room.

Item : Diary

Search the cabinet for diary. Now, go enter the door. Go on your way,
talk to the researches, go on your way, enter the door.

| Security Office A |

Item : None

Enemy : None

There, see a big monitor? Check it and see what happen to Prof. Howard.
Then, go to the upper right door.

Enemy : Tb (I don't count the tb because there are so many tb)

Now, I will tell you the easiest way to pass it :
Run as fast as you can (I suggest you to use Rachel to pass it) by run beside
tb. Just trust my FAQ ^_^. Now, enter the door at your right.

| Center Control Room |

Item : None

Enemy : Big Green Mutant (Trust me, you won't fight him)

There you will see an event : Prof. Howard is collapsing and the Big Green
Mutant is bring the Prof. Then, he ask you to out of your way. You are
trapped by the Big Green Mutant.

After the event end, you will control Alex again. Just Keep attacking to the
wall. Then, back to the lying researches (But there are enemies in Security
Office A. They are : Monsters 2x, btb). After you talk to the researches, he
will die. After die, takes medal 5. Now you must look your map and see the
yellow circle at West Ledge? Nah. You must go there to see an event.

| Surgery |

Item : None

Enemy : None

Now, exit the Surgery, and heading to the bar (the 26th floor)

| Bar |

Item : System Disc

Enemy : None

Check the Juke Box (From King, just go upper right corner). See? The second
music is error. Check it, you get the System Disc. After that, Save your game
because after this you will fight Gasshu. He is tough at first I fight him.
Go to 27th floor. Using what? Yes, using the elevator. And, go to 28th floor
(where you see the very huge bomb). There, you will fight with Gasshu.

^_^^_^ BOSS NO*2 : GASSHU^_^^_^

First, I tell you be careful with his eye beam. Don't run towards to him or
away from him. Just go to his right or left or go to your right or your left.
Just shoot him from your starting point. After he is near to you, run away
from him, if he cast his eye beam, go to his right and combo him. If he is
down, don't get close to him or he will hit you with his Fire Arms. Last
suggestion. Don' t be close to him or you will hit by his Fire Arms too.

After you defeat him, you will see a FMV (Is he die......?
Just wait and see ^_^)

Now, at the same place, you will disarm that huge bomb.
WWWWAAAAOOOO!!!! I can't tell you this. Disarm the bomb by yourself.
(Just kidding ^_^ I will tell you what you want)

1. Look the bottom bomb.
2. Go to the upper bomb, press the number that you see at the button.
3. After you open the fourth, turn the fuse to the left.
4. With these three tips, you disarm the bomb with yourself.
Note : If you wrong, you will see a FMV. Don't forget, you all are die after

Now just back to the room in front of you (If you go out from the elevator,
you will see a room in front of you). Enter it.

| Secretary's Office |

Item : Yellow EX Bottle

Enemy : None

Now, head left, take Yellow EX Bottle on the wall (go left 'till your view is
change twice). Then, enter the room.

| Reception Office |

Item : FAT 3x

Enemy : Terrorists 3x, tb

Face three terrorists. Go to your left, take FAT 3x inside the shelf. Then,
go out of this room. Next, enter the room you haven't entered.

| Data Library C |

Item : FAK

Enemy : Monster, tb 2x

Go left, Take FAK at vase. If you want to save your bullet, don't kill the
monster. Go to the secretary's office, save your game. Go up the stairs,
enter the door, you will see an event, then fight a Boss.

^_^^_^ BOSS NO*3 : WOMAN WITH CLAW ^_^^_^

Now, you can't use your gun to kill this boss. Just punch this boss. This
boss will cast monster. If she use a black hole, push back + back.
If she cast Flying Diamond (Is it Ok?), push back + back too. Well, only this
suggestion I can give it to you. Good Luck ^_^

After you kill her, your position is in the Surgery.

| Surgery |

Item : Roulette Ball

Enemy : None

Don't forget to get the Roulette Ball (shiny thing on the bed). Now, head
back to the warehouse, enter the green door, then enter the door
in front of you.

| Storage Cupboard B |

Item : Disengagement Device 1

Enemy : Monster

Kill the monster, check the save, get Disengagement Device 1. Now head back
to the Secretary's Office. Go right, enter the door in front of you (not your

| Games room |

Item : None

Enemy : None

Use your Roulette Ball. Go enter the room.

Enemy : Terrorists 2x, bomb

Now, follow the way, becareful with 2 terrorists and one bomb. After you
finish them, go up stairs (don't enter the room).

Item : Red EX Bottle

Now, look your upper left, then pick Red EX Bottle. Change your character to
Rachel, go to the right, enter the fan.

| Research Lab B |

Item : Byford's Bomb (later)

Enemy : Monsters 2x

Now, enter the jail, push the button, and kill the monsters. Go to the left
of this room, push the button. Now go down the ladder.

| Control Room |

Item : Vault Key, disengagement note (I forget the name)

Enemy : None

Now, check the jacket. Take the vault key. Next, take disengagement note
about the way to disarm the plasma barrier. Next, head back to the Research
Lab B, and talk to Burns. Take the Byford's bomb. Change your character to
Burns, go down the ladder, enter the door; Push the box. Then go back to the
room you fought boss 3.

Item : Black EX Bottle, FAT

Open the save, get Black EX Bottle. Check the table (beside the chair), then
take FAT. Now, go to the game room, enter the door, face 2 terrorists and one
bomb; then enter the room (not go up the ladder).

Enemy : Terrorists 2x

Kill the enemies; enter the door. Now, use the bombs at the wall. You see a

Enemy : Monster, bomb

Now, ignore the door in front of you. Just go left and face monster, and
bomb; then enter the door on your left.

| Store Room B |

Item : Diary, Power Handle, FAP, FAT

Enemy : Monster, bomb 2x

Kill your enemies; Go to the upper right this room to take diary. Check shelf
nearby, get FAT. Go to the left, take Power Handle, check the shelf, and take
FAP in the shelf. Then enter the door that I told you to ignore just now.

Item : information

Now, turn off the light at this room by clicking the button (the button is
nearby the entrance). Now, check the network computer to get information.
Now, go to the computer, which is the light, is on (the 6th computer). Next,
check the green monitor to see a FMV an event. Now, go down the ladder in
the room that you've opened it by using the 6th computer.

| Storage Cupboard A |

Item : Disengagement Device 2, information, Yellow EX Bottle

Enemy : Monster

Kill the monster; check save at your right and get Disengagement Device 2.
Check the shelf, get information. Now, take your way to Store Room A. In
there, check the Dust Chute and use Power Handle. Change your character to
Rachel, and let Rachel enter the Dust Chute. FMV. You will land at B6th

| Incinerator |

Item : Disengagement Device 3

Enemy : None

Now, push all buttons at the monitor, and take the Disengagement Device 3.
Next, enter the door.

| Research Lab |

Item : None

Enemy : Robot and some tb

Follow the path; Fight the boss : Robot. I think this boss is though. Use
your red bullets to kill it. After you defeat it, enter the door but
becareful with the tb. Turn the lever. Then go on your way, then enter the
door. Save your game. Now, descend the stairs enter the door the door and
fight Vault.

^_^^_^ BOSS NO*4 : VAULT ^_^^_^

Now, just follow my strategy.

First, run and hit him (don't bother your power at least you hit fast and
don't bother his arms too).
Second, after his form is change, run away from him. After some second
(I never count it), he wills laughs. When he laughs, attack him (I usually
use Tab Up + Up). If you follow my guide, the second time you fight him, he
is easy though.

Now, back to the lever, turn it. Don't forget to change your character to
Alex. Follow your way, then enter the door.

| Experiment Lab |

Item : FAT

Enemy : Mutant 2x (don't scare, it's easy)

You're Ok, I mean you can see with Alex's infra red. Face first mutant in
front of you. Next go left, fight the mutant. Don't forget to turn the lever. Go right,
take FAT on machine. The lever changes the rotating direction. Back to the
rotating direction, and go forward and enter the door.

| Cell Culture Room |

Item : FAK 3x (WAOW!), Glowing Moss

Enemy : tb

Get 3 FAK (FAK), on the left : ---------
|F F F| Legend :
------------- --------- --/ |: Wall
| | | || : Door
| || G | @ : Lever
| @| | F : FAK
------------- --------- G : Glowing Moss
Turn the lever near the door to open the| |
door and get Glowing Moss. ---------
Glowing Moss is used to recover your life after dead.

Now, back to the Experiment Lab. And exit the experiment lab

Item : Black EX Bottle
Enemy : 1 red robot, 3 FU

Exit the room, kill the red robot, destroy all FU. Now, there is a slot for
power handle near the door, right? Now, take the power handle (It is at
Store Room A) after that, use the power handle on it. Now, you will
see an animation of Burns changing the bridge's direction.
Cross the bridge and enter the room. Search the box in the middle for a Black
EX Bottle. Exit the room, cross the bridge, then enter the door leading to a
safe point and elevator on the West. Enter the elevator and use it. Now
you'll see that you arrive at LV1 elevator in the room that there is a
Emergency Stairs. Go to the Control Room to discharge the Plasma Barrier.

Note : there is an enemy in every room (Green Scorpion). But don't bother
the enemy.

Now, discharge the Plasma Barrier. After that, go to the door (the door is
inside Plasma Barrier) you'll know if you play it.

Enemy : Robot, btb 2x

Kill the enemies; then enter the door.

DANGER!!!!!!!!! Inside this room you'll face a powerful robot. Ignore the
robot. Use Rachel to run, and enter the door you see the first time.

| Security Office C |

Item : Red EX Bottle

Enemy : None

Get Red EX Bottle near the bed (the left bed). Next, enter the door, check
the green monitor. Event. Enter the room (in front of you).

Enemy : Mutant 2x, Bomb 2x

Go on your way, enter the room the first you see at your right.

Item : FAK, Information

Enemy : Terrorist, tb

Kill terrorist, active the computer, cross the Laser Bridge. Check the
monitor (where you usually get information but download first). Check the
computer (the big monitor. Not very big monitor), get FAK. Now, check the
very big monitor. Event.


From now, you must run as fast as you can to the path. If you must face
the bosses in final dungeon fast (usually you can kill them fast with Alex
after you finish this game). Before you face the final boss, you will face
two bosses first. And there are the tips to get good ending. Oh yeah,
I'll give it * at the bridge later. What is that mean? That mean, if you
cross this bridge, if Rachel doesn't die, you'll get a good ending. If Rachel
die, you will get..... ^_^ (You know it, right?)


Now, go to the basement by going through' door that you haven't enter. To
enter the door, check the panel of the door (the panel is at the corner; your
right corner). Then go to the elevator. Use the elevator to 1st floor, back
to the elevator to B6 floor. Save your Game.


(((((((( FIRST BOSS : BRENNUM ))))))))

This boss is though at the first time I fight him.

The easiest to defeat him :

1. If he doing round-and-round to you technique, run away from his circle.
2. Then, you must run at any direction.
3. After he attack you, he will stun and that is the right time to give
him your best attack.

Item : FAK 3x

Enemy : Red Robots 2x

After he died, go on enter the room. Inside, get four FAK at every corner
(actually upper left corner). If you want to save your bullets, ignore the
red robots, and enter the door.

(((((((( SECOND BOSS : GASSHU ))))))))

Yes, as just as I thought. Gasshu hasn't die yet. This boss is easy if you
use your red bullets.

The easiest to defeat him :

1. Shoot him at start point.
2. Then run to your right, and shoot him.
3. If he aim you, run away from his aim, then shoot him.
4. If he dash + punch you, run away.

After he is dead, go to your right (by pressing up + X), and enter the door.
You will cross a bridge *. Then, you will fight the final boss

(((((((( FINAL BOSS : MIGUEL ))))))))

This is your Final Boss. I can tell you, your final boss is very very very
easy. If you defeat this boss, you will see an ending (I don't know what you
got at first time. If me, I get the bad ending first).

The easiest to defeat him :

You must know this. Copy your move if your move is correct.
DON'T FORGET TO PUSH R1 ALWAYS! I use Alex to kill this boss.

1. First, stay at your position.
2. Tab back + back (to the right or left) when he launch head attack
3. Run closest to the boss
4. Back 'till you can't go back again and wait 'till stopped moving
5. Then, shoot his magic, and then shoot the red round.
Next, copy your move from no. 2 to 5

And, finally your mission is complete. I can talk if their mission is not
complete. Why? Because Prof. Howard (your mission is to rescue him at the
first time). But you, failed to rescue him. After you kill woman with a claw,
you will see an event that you must take back the system disk. After a little
conversation, he will die, right? Now, I will not talk again.

_____ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ _____
~~~~~~ | | |_| | | | | \ | | | \ ~~~~~~
~~~~~~ | | _ | |---- |---- | \| | | > ~~~~~~
~~~~~~ | |_| |_| |____ |____ |_|\ __| |_____/ ~~~~~~


1. You will see a FMV if you look elevator at lobby first, then
emergency stairs.
2. The place to recruit Burns.
Alex : Burns join Alex at Gate Room
3. Whose collapse:
Alex collapse at the first time meets Gasshu
4. What else? If you know what else, tell me, then I will update my FAQ.


Now, here are the game shark codes from Game Shark Code Creators Club at

| NO | NAME | CODE |
| 1 | Burns (Infinite Health) | 800F3EDE 03E7 |
| 2 | Burns (Max Health) | 800F3EE6 03E7 |
| 3 | Alex (Infinite Health) | 800F36DA 03E7 |
| 4 | Alex (Max Health) | 800F36E2 03E7 |
| 5 | Alex (Infinite HE Bullets) | 800981AA 0064 |
| 6 | Alex (Infinite AP Bullets) | 800981A8 012C |
| 7 | Michelle (Infinite Health) | 800F26D8 03E7 |
| 8 | Michelle (Max Health) | 800F26E0 03E7 |
| 9 | Rachel (Infinite Health) | 800F3EDC 03E7 |
| 10 | Rachel (Max Health) | 800F3EE4 03E7 |
| 11 | Infinite First Aid Pills | 8013A430 0909 |
| 12 | Infinite First Aid Tubes | 8013A434 0909 |
| 13 | Infinite First Aid Kits | 8013A438 0909 |
| 14 | Infinite Blue EX Bottles | 8013A43C 0909 |
| 15 | Infinite Yellow EX Bottles | 8013A440 0909 |
| 16 | Infinite Red EX Bottles | 8013A444 0909 |
| 17 | Infinite Black EX Bottles | 8013A448 0909 |
| 18 | Infinite Glowing Moss | 8013A454 0909 |
| 19 | Enable All Arms For Everyone | 8013A45A FFFF |
| | | 8013A45C FFFF |
| | | 8013A45E FFFF |
| | | 8013A460 FFFF |
| | | 8013A464 FFFF |
| 20 | Have Keycard B | 300B9B09 0002 |
| 21 | Have Steel Wire | 300B9B0A 0002 |
| 22 | Have Byford Bomb | 300B9B0D 0002 |
| 23 | Have Power Handle | 300B9B13 0002 |
| 24 | Have Roulette Ball | 300B9B14 0002 |
| 25 | Have System Disk | 300B9B15 0002 |
| 26 | Have Secret Code Card | 300B9B16 0002 |
| 27 | Have Locker Key | 300B9B0B 0002 |
| 28 | Have Vault Key | 300B9B0C 0002 |
| 29 | Have Medal #1 | 300B9B17 0002 |
| 30 | Have Pass Card | 300B9B18 0002 |
| 31 | Have Keycard A | 300B9B19 0002 |
| 32 | Have Device #1 | 300B9B1A 0002 |
| 33 | Have Device #2 | 300B9B1B 0002 |
| 34 | Have Device #3 | 300B9B1C 0002 |
| 35 | Have Medal #2 | 300B9B1E 0002 |
| 36 | Have News Cutting #1 | 300B9B22 0002 |
| 37 | Have News Cutting #2 | 300B9B23 0002 |
| 38 | Have Internet E-Mail | 300B9B24 0002 |
| 39 | Have Letter | 300B9B25 0002 |
| 40 | Have Journal | 300B9B26 0002 |
| 41 | Have Accident Report | 300B9B27 0002 |
| 42 | Have Unknown Data #1 | 300B9B28 0002 |
| 43 | Have Disengagment | 300B9B2A 0002 |
| 44 | Have Admin. Log | 300B9B2B 0002 |
| 45 | Have Unknown Data #2 | 300B9B2D 0002 |
| 46 | Have Unknown Data #3 | 300B9B2E 0002 |
| 47 | Have Unknown Data #4 | 300B9B2F 0002 |
| 48 | Have Unknown Data #5 | 300B9B30 0002 |
| 49 | Have Internal Report #1 | 300B9B31 0002 |
| 50 | Have Internal Report #2 | 300B9B32 0002 |
| 51 | Have Internal Report #3 | 300B9B33 0002 |

NB : I don't have a Game Shark. So, I can't try it, and I hope these codes
is working. Now, I ask for you whom have a Game Shark v3.0 to try it
and please tell me if these codes working or not.


1. Thanks God for everything.
2. Thanks to SUNSOFT's credits that make an excellent game like this.
3. Thanks to my brother who helps me to make this FAQ.
4. Thanks to Hobby Mania shop who sold me this great game.
5. Thanks to GMCCC for the game shark codes
6. Thanks to who tell me the secret to take
the Black EX Bottle.

Tell me if there is an error in this walkthrough and one more, I want you to
tell me if you have a new game like this, please tell me and I will make the
walkthrough if I have a good mood that time. ^o^ tee hee.

Thanks for Read My FAQ

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10.Октябрь 2013
Alles freigespielt.

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