Silent Hill

Silent Hill

13.05.2008 16:52:35
Silent Hill

Here it is everybody, just what you've been waiting for... the answer to most of
your questions and many of your prayers, the Silent Hill walkthrough! Yay!

The Basics
The most important things in this game are these: that you understand the
controls, which can be tough; that you find as many of the secrets as you can,
because they are all really cool('specially the chainsaw!); that you collect
everything so that you can survive; that you have as much fun as possible while
sitting in a pool of you own.... you know... cuz the game scared you so much.

The Opening Sequence
1. Watch the ultra cool opening sequence.
2. Follow the little girl all the way you can, you'll get to one of the scariest parts
of the game... trust me.
3. Let those little bastards knife you down... it's not like you can get them

At the Cafe with that Dead yet Hot Motorcycle Chick
1. Allow the events to unfold with Cybil and admire the horrendous voice
2. Get the flashlight, cooking knife, town map and the health drinks, then save
the game in the diary. (Notice the pink flying thing behind the window when
you get the flashlight.)
3. Go to the door to leave...
4. The radio buzzes, check it out and a pink monster flys in and attacks you.
Shoot it four times and it'll die, but make sure you're close enough.
5. Get the radio and leave the cafe...
Radio: it will make a static sound whenever a monster is nearby... really

Welcome to Silent Hill
1. Go to the alley you went down where you saw Cheryl in the opening
2. Avoid any fights... it'll just waste ammo. Explore around and get as much
stuff as you can. There are approximately eight health drinks, five bullet
cases and one helth pack here in Old Silent Hill. Get as much as you can
without fighting monsters, remember to be sneaky.
3. Make sure you take a stroll up and down Matheson St. and find Cheryl's
pages. They tell you to check the dog house in front of the house on Levin
St. Do so.
4. You will find a key in the dog house. Use it to unlock the house behind it and
5. Look at the map near the back door. It tells all the key locations.
6. Get the keys: one from behind the Cafe, one on Ellroy St. and finally the one
on Finney St(on the bridge).
7. Go back to the dog house place and unlock the back door. Go through
the backyard then the alley, and go into the school.

School's Out for Summer!(?)
1. Get the school map in the lobby.
2. Go into the first door on the right into the infirmary and save the game. Get
the health drink and first aid kit in there too.
3. Upon leaving this room, go in the other direction and look at the papers in
the reception area. They are just some clues to help you through this part
of the school.
4. Go to the 2nd floor. Enter the lab and collect the chemicals.
5. Use the chemicals on the statue of hand and receive the gold medallion.
6. Bring the gold medallion to the clock tower and use it on the left panel.
7. Go back upstairs and into the room with the piano...

The Infamous Piano Puzzle
This puzzle gets a lot of questions, though it is very simple. I think it just
confuses people because it's the first one... so here you go.
a. Read the poem on the chalkboard. It says to hit the keys that don't make a
b. Some of the keys make a "click" sound. Those are the ones!
c. Use the poem and figure out the order: E, B, A#, A, D#
d. If you have no idea what that means do it this way(from the left):
3rd white one, last white one, last black one, 2nd to last white one, 2nd black
one. Easy right?

8. Get the silver medallion and leave.
9. Bring it to the clock tower and use it on the right panel.
10. Go down the staircase on the right to the basement.
11. Turn on the boiler.
12. Return to the clock tower, enter it and go through the tunnel.

School Just Got a Little Bit Spookier
1. Upon exiting the clock tower go into the north door.
2. Go to the room on the left and get the rubber ball.
3. In the east hallway in the second room find the picture card.
4. Head through the receptionist's office on the 1st floor and use the picture
card on the door.
5. Go to the men's room and grab the shotgun. How stereotypical!
6. Get the bullets off of the bench in the west hall.
7. Now you'll do some major floor changing, hold onto your pants!
a. 2nd floor- In the 1st room on the west side are some bullets, get them.
b. 2nd floor- Get the Library reserve key from the room in the southeastern
corner room before the east hallway.
c. 2nd floor- Use the Library reserve key on the northeaster room before the
east hallway.
d. 2nd floor- Read the book in here. Sum fun, eh?!?
e. Roof- Go to the roof and look at the drainage holes.
f. Roof- Drop the rubber ball on the drainage hole.
g. Roof- Flip the drainage valve.
h. 1st floor- Get the key next to the north door.
i. 2nd floor- Use the Classroom key on the first door in the east hallway.
j. Basement- take the stairs down to the basement. Get the bullets from the
southern room.
k. Basement- In north room, press the valves in the same direction as their side
twice: left to the left twice, right to the right twice.
Oh yah, and get ready cuz it's shi' yo' pants time!

Big Bad Boss Fight Numero Uno
This guy is kind of tough but he's more gross looking than anything. He's some
sort of worm or something, but essentially you just shoot him. Remember the
fairy tale you read in the school? Those are your instructions to killing this
bastard. Shoot him a few times and he'll open his mouth and stop. Take that
opportunity to blast his gaping maw with the shot gun, then move it cuz he will
try to eat you, which kills you instantly by the way. Shoot him in the mouth twice
and it's happy trails to you!

Beauty School Drop-out
Well, now you're out of the school and a whole lot scarder! Serves you right.
1. There is now a big crack in the road. In order to pass it, take the alley off
of Bradbury St.
2. Go through that original house in order to get back to the street.
3. Go into the Church.
4. Get the Flauros and Drawbridge key.
5. Head to the Drawbridge, down the street east of the Church.
6. Go to the controls on the south side of the street to lower the bridge.
7. Use the key on the controls and collect the Central Silent Hill map.
8. Upon arriving to Central Silent Hill, head south to the hospital.

Bring your own HMO
1. Get the hospital map off of the first bench.
2. Go into the first room to meet Michael.
3. Get the basement map in the second room on this side, the Intensive Care
4. Go into the Operating room below this and get the Basement key.
5. In the north-most room of this hall, the Director's Office you can collect the
plastic bottle.
6. Go down to the Basement.
7. In the Basement in the second room from the right, turn on the generator.
8. Take the elevator up to the 2nd and 3rd floors, then get back on and take it to
the 4th floor.

Bring your own HMO, or Die!
Wow, it's the same hospital only now it's become a pit of evil just like the
1. Watch out! It's time for more confusing level changing... here we go!
a. 1st floor- Get the health drinks from the broken candy machine.
b. 3rd floor- Get the blood pack.
c. 3rd floor- Get the Plate of Cat.
d. 1st floor- Get the Plate of Queen.
e. 2nd floor- Use the blood pack on the tentacles on the floor and get the Plate
of Hatter.
f. 3rd floor- Get the Plate of Turtle in the men's room.
g. 2nd floor- Use the four plate in order to open the door. Oh yeah and first solve
this puzzle:

The Wonderland Colors Puzzle
This puzzle, though unhelped by the clues on the wall, isn't that difficult. Put them
in in this order(from left to right, top to bottom): Red(Queen), Blue(Cat),
Yellow(Turtle) and Green(Hatter). Oh yeah, and in case you are completely
unobservant, notice how each Plate has a different character from Alice in
Wonderland on it, each whom scholars feel represent different aspects of the
adult society... woo hoo. Enjoy!

h. 2nd floor- Get the Basement storage key.
i. 2nd floor- Get the disinfecting alcohol.
j. 2nd floor- Get the lighter.
k. Basement- Get the hammer from the generator room.
l. Basement- Get the health drink and ampoule from the morgue.
m. Basement- Use the Basement key to go through the bottom left-hand door.
n. Basement- Push over the shelves. Go through that door.
o. Basement- Use the alcohol on the vines and then light them on fire... heh heh.
p. SubBasement- Get the Consultation room key and video tape.
q. 1st floor- Use the Consultation room key to enter the center room and meet
r. 1st floor- Get the Antique shop key.
2. Leave the hospital.

Enjoy the View- Central Silent Hill
1. Go into the Antique shop in the northeastern corner of Central Silent Hill.
2. Antique Shop- Push over the shelves to find a hole.
3. Look at the altar and depart the hole.
4. Exit the shop. Go into the Town Center.
5. Town Center- Go upstairs toward the static.
6. Grab the hunting rifle and kill the worm.
7. Leave the Center and return to the hospital.
8. Talk to Lisa in the Consultation room.

Wet Dreams and Pipe Dreams
1. Use the hammer to break the lock.
2. Open the grate and drop into the sewers... love that smell. Watch out for the
monsters in here... they are often hanging from the ceiling... so if you here the
static then get ready to get out of the way and don't bother killing them.
3. On the first floor:
The right path has: The sewer map, a save diary, and the Sewer door key. It's in
the bookcase.
The left path has: A rifle shell, shotgun shell, bullet case and health drink.
4. Get the bullet case and health drink by the ladder to the 2nd level and then go
down it.
5. Now in the 2nd level- Get the first aid kit by the ladder.
6. Get the health drink and bullet case in the northeastern corner.
7. Get the Sewer exit key in the southwestern corner.

Lakeside Nightmare
1. Go to Annie's Bar.
2. Get the 2 health drinks, receipt, and Motel room key.
3. Go toward the lighthouse.
4. Go into the boat and get the bullet case, rifle case and health drink.
5. Exit the boat on the southern side and go toward the Lighthouse.
6. Go up the Lighthouse and then leave.
7. Go back into the boat.
8. Go back north, then enter the sewer system in order to reach the
amusement park.

Sewer 2
1. This Sewer is northwest of the Dock. The map for it is on the wall at the
beginning of the Sewer. Remember to watch out for those sewer monsters!
2. Get the health drink at the end of the 2nd tunnel.
3. Get the bullets and health drink from the end of the southwest tunnel.

Six Flags Silent Hill
1. There are some health and ammo pick-ups here in the amusement park.
Get them.
2. Go to the Carousel.

Boss Fight 2: Friends Who Kill Friends are No Friends at All.
Yep, that's Cybil, the hot police officer. You can do one of two things here:
kill her or don't. For now I'll go through the killing of her and in a later section
I'll go over the other options. Essentially the best strategy is to run 'n gun. Her
pistol is abnormally powerful and will only take a few shots to finish you off.
Shoot her and run away. As you run away, she should disappear, but she'll be
back around on one of the horses and come after you again. Bye, Cybil!

The Wierdest Level in the History of Mankind. Honest.
It's true, this level is really wierd and hard to navigate through. Instead of
giving directions, seeing that they would be nearly impossible to follow, I will
tell you where to find all of the items in this level. Enjoy! BTW, this is the last
one, so make sure to save when you can!
1. Get the bullet case in the room right of the elevator.
2. Get the first aid kit and box of shotgun shells.
3. Get the screwdriver and pliers.
4. Use the pliers on the facet to get the key of Ophiel.
5. Solve this door puzzle:

The Door Puzzle
This one's easy. Just use the first initial of the people on the Grim Reaper's
list from youngest to oldest. It spells out: ALERT.

6. Get the Amulet of Solomen.
7. Solve this Zodiac Puzzle:

The Zodiac Puzzle
This is one of the harder puzzles, but it has two solutions which makes it
easier. You can either use:
6, 4, 1 - the number of legs on each of the animals given.
3, 7, 1 - the position of each animal in the Zodiac.

8. Get the Plate of Time.
9. Use the Plate of Time on the clock. Get the Key of Hagith.
10. 2nd floor- Get the Crest of Mercury and Ring of Contract out of the broken
glass cases.
11. Get the bullet case and camera.
12. Use the Screwdriver on the metal plate.
13. 3rd floor- Get the patterns for the doors by going to the two pictures on
either side of the altar and turning off your light. Then use the camera to get
14. Through the left door get the Bird Cage Key.
15. Through the right door get the health drink.
16. 1st floor- Use the Bird Cage Key on the Bird Cage to get the Key of Phaleg.
17. Get the Dagger of Melchior and use the Ring of Contract on the fridge.
18. Get Ankh, a health drink, and the Key of Bethor.
19. Use all of the symbols on the Child's Door to open it. Big Bad End Boss
Time baby!

Big Bad End Boss Time!!!
Now, this last boss is different depending on which ending you get. But, for the
"Bad" endings, this is the boss. She is some sort of demigod child who is
killed easiest by being shot as much as possible. Unload everything you can at
her as fast as possible and she won't be that tough. When electricity begins to
emit from her body, run around her until she is done or you will get hit. Don't
bother trying to use hand weapons because they won't work.

The Bad Ending...
That's right. If you follow this walkthrough you will get the Bad ending. Not to
worry though because if you get one of the Bad endings, you get really cool
stuff to use next game. Now I will explain how to get the Bad+, Good and Good+
endings, as well as the secret, unconfirmed 5th ending.

The Bad+ Ending...
In order to get the Bad+ ending you will have to rescue Cybil instead of killing
her. Here's how:
1. Make sure you collect the Water bottle in the Alchemmila Hospital kitchen,
before it turns evil.
2. Go into the Director's Office on the 1st floor.
3. Look at the broken vial on the floor behind the desk.
4. Use the water bottle on the vial.
5. Go through the rest of the game until you get to the resort area.
6. DO NOT do anything that Kaufmann tells you to in Annie's Bar.
7. Continue until your fight with Cybil. Then, fight her the same way until she
drops her gun. When she does she will get close to you and grab hold. Then
use the water bottle on her.
8. She is saved and you have the Bad+ ending.

The Good Ending...
In order to get the Good ending you will have to meet with Kaufmann again, but
not rescue Cybil. Here's how:
1. Play until you get to the resort area.
2. Go into Annie's Bar.
3. After speaking with Kaufmann go between the pool tables and get the small
4. The receipt you find has the lock combo for the Indian Runner store on it.
5. Go to the Indian Runner store and enter 0, 4, 7, 3 as the combo on the lock
in the back.
6. Check the note on the wall inside with the shopping list and motel code.
7. Go to the side of the motel and enter the code: 0, 8, 8, 6. The door is
unlocked, so head on in.
8. Get the magnet off of the desk and go to the front office.
9. Unlock the door and go into the main hotel area.
10. Use the Motel key to get into room #3.
11. Look in the bathroom for a health pick-up, then push over the dresser.
Use the magnet on the hole and get the Motorcycle key.
12. Go back into the motel office.
13. Go into the garage.
14. Use the Motorcycle key on the motorcycle.
15. Get the health drink and shotgun shells.
16. Kill Cybil when you get to her.
17. Finish the game.

The Good+ Ending...
To get this combine what you did for the Bad+ ending with what you did in the
Good ending(omitting #16 of course!).
You will have met Kaufmann again and recued Cybil.

Good Ending End Boss
He is very much like the other boss, but you can't avoid getting hit by him. Kill
him as fast as you can and you'll be okay. Stay near him and riddle him with
the shotgun.

The Special Unconfirmed X-Files Ending...
This is from guest informant Bryan84... try it out and gain your reward.
The fifth ending is sorta wierd and really funny.... it ends pretty quick too...
Here's how to get it:
1. You have to beat the game and get a Channeling Stone as a reward. You'll
get it after beating the game on hard with the good+ending.
2. Get the Channeling Stone at the general store (its on the map if you've never
been there) It'll be somewhere on the counter.
3.Use it at the following places:
a. The roof of the school.
b. The hospital enterence (between the gate and the door) right before you go
fight the big Mothra looking thing.
c. At the apartments (where you save the Doctor) between his room and the
motel office (outside).
d. The boat, right after the scene with Cybill and that freaky chick. Remember to
do it IN the boat
e. The top of the Light House.
4. Finish the game with the best ending possible.
Then you should get the ending... by the way if you didn't know everytime you
play a new fear game it's played the next level up, meaning if you play on
easy the first time the next would be on normal. If it doesn't work, e-mail me

Special Items for the Next Time Through!
That's right! For each ending, Bad, Good or Alien you get special stuff the next
time through the game. They are all straight forward to find.
Bad Ending Items:
A. The Rock Drill.
B. The Gas Can.
C. The Chainsaw.
Good Ending Items:
A. The Katana.(In the room in the hallway of the first house(with the Dog House)
you enter in the game in Old Silent Hill.)
Good+ only:
A. The Channeling Stone.
B. A few extra Options on the Options Screen.
Wierd Ending:
A. Alien Blaster Gun.

That should answer any and all of your questions about Silent Hill. If you're still
not sure send it to the feedbag. Also, I suggest you follow the Walkthrough to
get the Bad ending first. The reasoning is that if you do, you will get the
Chainsaw and that thing has got to be the most fun weapon ever... It'll make
getting the Good endings all the more fun! Enjoy the game, and don't feel bad
about getting help from a Walkthrough... especially this one ;). See y'all later!

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The Complete Guide

14.Октябрь 2013
Handgun Speed Guide

15.Октябрь 2013
Plot Analysis

15.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Drei verschiedene Spielstände: einen für den Anfang, einen am Ende des Krankenhauses und einen für das schlechte Ende.

17.Октябрь 2013
Plot Guide FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Ende des Spiels.

16.Октябрь 2013
Survival and Secret

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
Spoilers FAQ

15.Октябрь 2013
Items List FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013
Fighting Techniques FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013
Bestiary FAQ

14.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
engl. Cheats

15.Октябрь 2013
Pal 2 Ntsc Patch

17.Октябрь 2013
10.Октябрь 2008
Alternative Lösung (incl. FAQ)
engl. Lösung
13.Май 2008
engl. Cheats
13.Май 2008
engl. Lösung
13.Май 2008
engl. FAQ
10.Октябрь 2008
30.Июнь 2014
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
01.Декабрь 2014
24.Февраль 2018
13.Декабрь 2013
04.Март 2019
24.Июль 2014