Stanley - The Search for Dr. Livingstone

Stanley - The Search for Dr. Livingstone

17.10.2013 01:56:01
Stanley: The Search for Dr. Livingstone
by Electro Brain

Survival Guide (Walkthrough)
by Adam Lamontagne (

The following is intended to help anyone who has actually played this game
make it to the end. There are no known Game Genie codes for this game (to
my knowledge), so you have to do a lot of trial and error to familiarize
yourself with the game, as you would any other game, and die many, many times.


You play an adventurous journalist (and ex-assistant to Dr. Livingston)
named Stanley and have to go through many areas to try and locate the good
doctor. Here's the text from the beginning of the game. I never had the
manual, so this is all I had for a back story:

May 11...

Having dispatched my duties at the newspaper once again I find myself going
over Dr. Livingston's notes. By now no one including myself could hope to
see Livingston again.

Still I'm haunted by thoughts of what fate may have befallen the good
doctor. I've been assigned to the most dangerous news story of my life. To
determined what happened in the Masza Jungle.

Against the well intended advice of my colleagues and family I am going to
the Masza. I have vowed to myself that I will complete Dr. Livingston's work.

May 14...

I'll only be able to take the most important of Livingston's notes with me.
I'm hoping that he will have left some sort of trail that I might follow.

June 2...

At long last the ship arrives at Port Harken.

With luck I shall be on the trail of discovery by daybreak.

And so, you are presented with a map of the Masza and the start of your
mission...Port Harken.


Here's a map of the game that I made. I counted over 100 actual stages that
you can enter. They're not numbered, so I numbered them myself. There are
a lot of useless, unpassable, or basically unimportant areas on the Masza
map which I marked with a "*" symbol on my map. Do not go into areas marked
with "*" unless you want to waste time or, sometimes, get killed. These
include the river areas on the map and the barrier areas (though not all
barriers on the game map are impassable, but I'll represent the passable
areas with a letter or number on my map). I used lower and upper case
letters as well as numbers to represent areas on the map. I will refer to
these throughout this guide. I ran out of letters and numbers, so instead
of using a bunch of different symbols, I reused the letters and numbers on
different areas of the map (for instance, the upper case letters A through Z
are in the southeast section of the map and also in the northwest section,
but I will be careful to verify which one I am using throughout the
guide). The "@" symbol is for the final temple of the game. This map looks
like shit, but if you're playing the game, you'll understand it. I suggest
printing it out and comparing it to the Masza map game screen as you go
through this walkthrough, as I refer to the section by the numbers or
letters below.


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WEST *-*-*-*-F-*-*-*-*-*-*-b-c-d-e-* EAST
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Below is the path I took through the game. I will put down the section
number and what, if anything, is of any importance in that section. Don't
bother going in the sections which have nothing in them unless you need to
go through them to get to an other section.

Note: Once you clear a section, you can pass right over it on the Masza map. A
lso, I didn't include a lower case L in my map because it looks like an upperca
se i.

The following upper case letters (sections) are the ones in the southeast
portion of my map.


You start here, at Port Harken, armed only with your fists. Talk to
everybody. One guy tells you that the Grapnel and Machete have been
stolen. You'll find them soon enough. Most sections in this game are short
and somewhat repetitive, but Port Harken is one of the biggest and easiest
in the game.

You'll find your first minor weapon, the daggers, in one of the houses.
Enter and exit the house several times to get a small supply of them, but
lookout for the spider. To beat these spiders throughout the game, just
inch forward until they descend, then hit it while it goes up and down.
You'll also find spears in one of the houses.

Talk with Chilo in this town before you leave. He tells you the Grapnel is
to the north.


You'll encounter cobras in this section. Just hit them, jump to avoid their
shot, hit them again, jump again, and repeat until they're finished. Cobras
will always leave life replenishing hearts. In this section you'll find a
shield symbol, which increases your defense. You start with one already, so
now you have two. Press Start then A to view your Life Stats. To get it,
climb the vine near the spider then jump to the right, holding A to float
over with your backpack copter. You can fall from any ledge and land safely
as long as you hold A before you land.

You'll also find the Grapnel, your most important item, underground in this
section. Use it by holding Up then pressing B. You can climb up some
cliffs by doing this, getting to those hard to reach places. The Grapnel
icon doesn't need to be displayed to use it.

Note: You'll find other minor weapons by defeating various enemies.


You'll find a note left behind by Dr. Livingston here. It reads, "Jump high
and fall with faith when you you reach the heads." This is a clue for
something near the end of the game.


The first temple! Stand on the red rock next to the entrance and it will
open. Inside you will find the Bridge Map, which shows you the location of
bridges on the Masza Map.


Use the Grapnel to get to a 1-Up. That's all that's here.


Get the Fist symbol, which increases your strength. You start off with one,
so you got two.

G - H - I

Nothing but enemies in these 3 sections. Don't bother.


You can get small fist projectiles underground in this stage, but they are
not essential to your quest.


Get a Water Gourd here. You'll need it for later. It doesn't show up on any
screen, but you got it.


Nothing here.


Cross the bridge but keep jumping so you don't fall through.


Nothing here. Avoid the Lightning Bugs lightning, though contact with the
bugs doesn't damage you.

Note: A lot of enemies (like the natives) don't damage you through direct
contact, but their weapons are what does the damage. However, some enemies,
like tigers and hoverbugs and the enemies under the lake later in the game
will hurt you through contact, as will the mini-bosses (Mortuk, etc.)

O - P - Q - R

Nothing in these 4 sections


You'll find a Key to the Kelka here, which you give to a guard to enter the


Nothing here but more enemies.


You'll find another Shield symbol in the bottom left part of this section.
Now you have three of them. There's also a 1-Up to the bottom right.


A tough section with nothing in it, though you have to pass through here to
reach the temple.


The second temple. Give the Key of the Kelka to the guard to gain
entrance. Inside you'll find a note left behind by Livingston mentioning a
secret passage through the wall. Watch out for the spiders in all of the
temples, as you are usually distracted going for the treasure.

X - Y - Z

Nothing in these 3 sections

The following number are the ones in the southern portion of my map.


You'll find the Machete here. It is a permanent weapon and is the best
weapon until later in the game when you get the Golden Fist.


Nothing here


On the Masza map, this looks like a barrier, but it is a short cut into the
next area. At the start of this stage, move to the right until you fall
through the ground. Instead of climbing down the ladder where you fall
through, get to the top of it and walk through the ground to the ladder
leading back to the surface. There's nothing to be had underground.


Nothing here


A small village with one inhabitant. The woman says not to challenge Mortuk
because he is too strong. Umm, okay.


Nothing here


Mortuk is here, but you cannot beat him yet. Return to section 3 and move
on to section 9.


Nothing important here


You'll find an old guy in this village. He offers you the Gem Stones,
good, powerful projectile weapons, to use on Mortuk. If you beat Mortuk,
the old guy will help you out.


Arm yourself with the Gem Stones. Mortuk is no match for them, as one hit
takes him out. Do not collect the skull he leaves behind, as it will damage
you. Defeat the other Mortuk and return to the guy in section 8.


The old guy gives you the Seal of Chikta, which is the same exact type of
item as the Key of Kelka...give it to a guard and he'll let you in a
temple. You can return to the old guy throught the game to get more Seals
if you need them. Grab the Gem Stones again before leaving.

The following lower case letters are in the southwest portion of my map

g - a

Nothing in these two sections


Tough enemies here! Instead of doing battle with the lightning bugs and
snakes, just grapnel up and run past them. Grab your third Fist symbol in
this section. Now you're at half your total strength!


Go underground and (1) to the left for a 1-Up and (2) to the right for
another Water Gourd which you'll need later.


The third temple. Give the Seal of Chikta to the guard to gain entrance.
There's nothing in this temple, but it's still cool to visit :)


You can get a 1-Up underground here. Use your backpack copter and ride the
current back above ground. You'll also find the important Spirit Magic
under a bird statue, which you'll use in a bit.


If you go underground in this section, you can get the Club. It's a
permanent weapon, but I still prefer the Machete. The enemies are tough and
the area is cramped down there, so I wouldn't bother.


Use the Spirit Magic you got in section e to walk through the barrier in
this section.

i - j - k - m - n - o - p - q

Nothing in these 8 stages


Civilization! Well, sort of. A village elder tells you the village needs
rain and that maybe Tinok can help you. He gives you a seal that Tinok will
be able to identify you by and tells you to see the man to the north. The
mountain background graphics in this stage look awesome and reminded me of
the Rambo game a little.


In section t, Tinok recognizes the seal the elder gave you and tells you
that the Water Stones must be found and returned to restore the rains. They
are in a cave to the west. He'll give you something if you bring them back.


There's nothing here, but go through this section to get to the next
one...the cave.


On the Masza map this section looks like one of those useless, unaccessible
areas. It's not. Enter, then go left and enter a cave. Beat the tiger
inside and grab the 3 Water Stones...just don't fall into the pits. Exit
this section and return to Tinok.


Tinok tells you to throw the stones into the fountain. Don't make a mistake
or you'll have to go back to the cave to get more. Stand to the left of the
fountain, jump, then throw a stone at the height of your jump. Do this two
more times and watch Tinok jump for joy as water is restored to the
village. He gives you a Shield which helps you defeat demons on your way to
the next temple.


If you go back to this section to see the elder, he thanks you. No gift,
but you do get to see those cool mountains again :)

s - u - v - y - z

Nothing in these 5 sections. Section v has those damn birds...Hitchcock
would be proud ;)

The following uppercase letters are in the western portion of my map


The only way to beat the demons in this section is with the Shield Tinok
gave you. Use it as a weapon and you'll scrap all the demons. There's
nothing in this section, but it leads to the temple.


This is one of the rare temples where you don't need a Key of Kelka or Seal
of Chikta. Just hop on the red rock and it will sink down, opening the
temple gate. You'll find a Key to the Gates (not a Key to Kelka) inside the
temple. It doesn't show up on the Item Screen, but you have it.

C - D

Nothing in these 2 sections


Yes, another Fist power-up. Now you have four of them.


A 1-Up is the only thing important here.


Nothing here


Get a Shield power-up underground. Now you got four of those too.


Nothing here


You can grab the Blow Pipe in this section. It's a good distance weapon
with unlimited ammo.


A temple. Grab the note at the beginning of the area. It mentions that
Lightning Stones are in the northern part of the jungle. These are
essential for finishing the game. It seems as if those are what Dr.
Livingston was after before he disappeared. Damn, you need to get into the
temple. Head back to section 8 to get another Seal of Chikta from the old
man. Inside the temple you'll find another Key to the Gates.

L - M - N - O - P

Nothing is in these 3 sections, except a 1-Up in section N and some tiny
daggers to add to your collection in section O.


Another bridge to cross


Nothing here


Work your way to the left. Look out for the fish in the waterfall, as they
will knock you into the pits. A woman makes this place her home. She tells
you that the Evil Gut will come for a scent that she gives to you and to go
south then east along the wall to fight the Gut and get a Key to the Kelka.
If you didn't have a Water Gourd when you talked to her, she would have sent
you for one instead of babbling about the Gut. She's got all that water in
the cave...why the hell does she need a Water Gourd?

T - U

Nothing in these 2 sections


You'll find the third Key to the Gates at the beginning of this section.


You can grab Bow & Arrows underground in this section, but they're not


You'll find a 1-Up and your 5th Shield power-up in this section.


Nothing here


A strange, robed dude says the temple here is locked by the Power of the
Cranis. He doesn't know Livingston and communes with the Cranis for his own
reasons. Hmm. You'll have to come back later.

The following numbers are in the north portion of my map


Nothing here


This is another area on the Masza map that is obscure and looks like a
boundary. Enter the cave in here and get the two essential Lightning
Stones. They won't show up on your Item List, but you got 'em.


Get the 5th Fist symbol to power up your strength.


A large walking brain attacks you...The Cranis! Just hack at it with your
Machete and you'll destroy it, getting the Power of the Cranis. Head back
to section Z (not the Capcom game :>).


The robed dude decides to attack you and demands the Power of the Cranis
from you, but the Power destroys those dark of heart, so the robed dude is
no more. Pick up the Power of Cranis again (you dropped it in the attack)
and head into the temple. The guards move right out of your way. Inside
you'll find the Key to the Portal Under the Lake.


Nothing here


The key you just got opens the gate so you can travel under the great lake.
The enemies under the lake are nasty and the water droplets also sap your
strength. Use Gem Stones of you got 'em. It takes 4 hits on them with the


Pretty much the same as section 6


Get your last Shield power-up in here.


Grab a 1-Up in here.

The following lowercase letters are from the northeast section of my map


Nothing here, but rush through this section quickly to avoid the enemies.


Grab the last Fist power-up here. Now you're at full strength!


Don't go underground in this stage. Just grapnel over the ledge and keep


Uh-oh, another robed guy. This guy's wearing blue though, so he's cool :)
He tends the Wisdom of Amut. He asks you to offer all you have. Say yes.
You won't lose a thing and he'll grant you a question. You ask where the
Final Temple is and he says you must pass through the Gate of Alnuk to get
to the north, but that the Alnuk can only be defeated with the Golden Fist.
You find that you also need 4 Keys (which you get by defeating 4 Alnuk) and
the Breast Plate to enter the Final Temple. What are you waiting for?


Don't go underground in this section, just get through and out.


Underground and to the left are 3 more Gem Stones, while underground and to
the right is another 1-Up.


Here's another temple, the last one before the Final Temple. You need a Key
of the Kelka or a Seal of Chikta to enter, so go back to section 8 down
south and get a Seal. Inside this temple you find your most powerful
weapon, the Golden Fist! To use it, punch as you normally would and a large
fist projectile launches at your enemy.


There's a 1-Up underground here, but you have to tangle with Red Lightning
Bugs and Hoverbugs in cramped quarters to get to it.


This stage is tough and all you get is a Key of the Kelka, so it's easier
to get the Seal of Chikta back in section 8 rather than risking your life in
here. However, if you're masochistic...

Remember that clue at the beginning of the game about taking a leap of
faith? Well, stand on the second or fourth stone head at the beginning of
this section and jump high and let yourself land on the center head with
full force (don't use your backpack copter to land softly). You will not
die, but will make the statue's eyes move. Do this 4 times and you'll
dislodge the stone head, letting you venture underground.

From the entrance, take your first left, fall all the way down several
screens, hugging the left wall, and land softly on the vertically moving
skull platform. Walk off of it to the left and work your way up the ladder,
avoiding the centipede. You can't climb past the hole at the top, but just
get off at the top right space and jump up to the next screen. Work your
way up a bunch of screens, avoiding the centipede, to the Key of Kelka. Go
out the way you came in.

j - k

Nothing in these two stages.


Here's the first Alnuk warrior you'll face. He fires three shots at you,
his first shot always going over your head, but you must jump over the next
two. As you're coming down from the second jump, fire a Golden Fist at him
from about 5 or 6 steps away. You'll know you hit him because he will flash
and be knocked back. Repeat this process until you hit him twice, defeating
him. You must knock out two Alnuk in this section.


Defeat the Alnuk guarding the building and grab the 1st of four keys
inside. When you leave the building, exit quickly to the right to avoid the
revived Alnuk. Back on the Masza map you'll still be at section m, so just
enter section n again and exit immediately to the left. You'll now be able
to move on.


Nothing here.


Defeat the Alnuk here for the 2nd of the four keys.

Note: I left out the letter r by accident on my map, but don't let it worry
you :)

t - q

There's nothing in these 2 sections. Do not go underground in section q.


You'll find the Iron Breast Plate in this section. Now all you need are two
more keys to enter the Final Temple! Do not go underground in this section


Defeat the Alnuk and grab the 3rd key.


Nothing here


Beat the Alnuk here and you get the 4th and final key.


Nothing here


This is it, the Final Temple! Use your Golden Fist to dispatch of the tough
enemies outside the temple. Don't go in any of the doors yet. Work your
way to the uppermost door and go in this one.

Inside the temple, go down the first two ladders, grapnel up the small
ledge, then go down the ladder. Crawl to the right and softly fall off the
screen. You'll land on a lift. Crawl to the right and fall softly off the
screen again. landing on another lift. Go to the left where you meet a
spearchucker. Three Golden Fists will do him (or her) in.

Continue left, then drop down one screen. Ride the skull lift down to the
floor and go right. Move past the two smashers. Before you drop down to
the next screen, get the Golden Fist ready. Fall softly and when you land,
immediately fire to the left at the spearchucker. Be sure to hit him with
the Golden Fist projectiles. If he gets to close you'll be hitting him with
your fists and it will take many more hits to kill him. Repeat this with
the second spearchucker.

Follow the path left, then down and right past a smasher to a moving skull
platform. Move right until you get to a shaft with purple lightning. Fly
all the way up the shaft to the top and outside. Drop into the two rooms
and grab the two Lightning Stones. Now go back down the shaft. For some
reason the lightning isn't damaging you anymore!

Float down and land softly at the bottom of the shaft. WHOA!! You're shot
out of the temple and up into the clouds! Check out those cool cinema
scenes. You land on some kind of floating island in the sky, but you're not

"Doctor Livingston I presume?" You talk to the doctor and find out that he
is living comfortably up here and that when Amut wisemen reach a certain
age, a ceremony would take place. The eldest wiseman would be given the
Iron Breast Plate (which you are now wearing) and would travel to this place
where he would live out the rest of his life having an unequaled view of the
Earth and man's effect. Cool, huh?

You ask him if he'll come home with you and he replies, "Certainly not!" He
wants to spend his last days there. The game ends with Stanley flying off
into the clouds with his backpack copter as the credits roll by. Neat ending!


I eventually liked this game when I got into it, but thought it sucked up
until then. It takes a lot of patience, but once you get familiar with it,
you'll make headway.

The passwords in the game remain a paradox to me. The password I copied
down right before the Final Temple starts you about 3/4 throught the game
for some reason, with some items I didn't have and missing some items I did
have. If you're interested, it is LQDLJJJG. Try changing around a few of
the letters to see what other things you can get.

I don't recommend this game to anybody. If I wasn't committed to beating
every NES out there, I probably wouldn't have played it as much as I did,
but I did unwillingly find myself liking the subtle charm and vulnerable
main character. Don't move the controller for awhile and watch Stanley
scratch his head...


Stanley: The Search for Dr. Livingston was developed by Hitchens, Moore,
Rushton, Nelson and Webb of Sculptured Software, and is the trademark and
copyright of Electro Brain Corp.

Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment System is the trademark and copyright of
Nintendo of America

This Walkthrough was made by Adam Lamontagne and can be used, copied,
published, whatever...just mention my name or something :)

completed on November 7, 1996
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