Kirby's Adventure

Kirby's Adventure

15.10.2013 10:37:54
"Where are those freaking hidden rooms?"
and other tidbits!!!!!!!!


By: Dominick Roman
Joshua Roman

Prepared for on-line services by: Jeff Bogumil

This FAQ is Copyright (C) 1995 Dominick and Joshua Roman.

This FAQ is not endorsed by Nintendo of America. All information
is provided without guarantee.

*** Welcome to the Kirby's Adventure FAQ! ***

The primary reason for this FAQ is to hopefully show you how to
find all the "hidden doors" so that you can finish the game with
a score of 100%. Since this great game has so many sub-levels,
we have tried out best to "pin down" every location of all the
"hidden doors." Which wasn't easy because with so many hidden
areas, it's so easy to lose track of where you are. We were
confused a few times trying to write down every location down and
describing them. So we've decided to describe every location as
"Level, Stage and Area" (for example, Vegetable Valley, 1-4). So
we advise you that when you have entered a stage, to start
counting every area you've passed until you've arrived at the
indicated area. Believe me -- it's easy to pass by the area
indicated if your mind wanders off. And remember, entering a
room for 1-ups and any other power-ups doesn't count as an area
(unless you need power-ups, just ignore these rooms).

So if you still want to find all the "hidden doors" on your own,
then stop reading this FAQ right NOW because the solution to
Kirby's Adventure is about to begin:

VEGETABLE VALLEY and ICE CREAM LAND do not contain any hidden
rooms, so all doors at the end of each stage will turn white.

1.4 -- (The "End of Stage" screen) Continue to the right until
you see a door. Enter the door. To get to the button on the top
of the screen, go to the bottom right of the screen and break (or
inhale) the blocks to reveal a hidden door. Enter the door.
Break the star block and continue upward to the other door. Jump
on the button.

6.5 -- Fly upward until you see 4 blocks to the right between the
columns. "Puff-out" the four blocks to reveal a hidden door.
Enter the door. Float upward and break the stone block (at the
top of the screen) by puffing at it. Immediately move to the
right. Enter the door and jump on the button.

1.4 -- At the end of this area (close to the end of the exit), at
the far top right there are blocks in the form of a cross. Shoot
the middle block to uncover the hidden door (technically, the
door is invisible because it blends into the background). Stand
in the middle, push up to enter the door and jump on the button.

3.2 -- (Blimp Screen) -- Stay at the top and fly to the FAR RIGHT
until the screen stops moving. Then fly straight down until you
see a door. Enter the door and jump on the button.

6.3 -- Grab the enemy lamp to obtain it's special ability then
light the room. Go back to the beginning of this area and you
will find a door which was previously hidden in the dark. Enter
the door and jump on the button.

1.1 -- When you start this area, go to the first door you see at
the bottom of the screen between 2 clouds. Get the 1-up and
enter the door. Fall all the way down until you land on the
blocks at the bottom. Break the blocks underneath you so that
you can climb down the ladder (or fly down) to the blocks below.
Break the blocks a the left (starting with the two blocks on top
of each other) to uncover a hidden door. Enter the door and jump
on the button.

4.3 -- Enter the first small door you see which is on top of the
waterfall (actually, the rest of the door is hidden in the
waterfall). Then enter the first door you see. Jump on the

5.1 -- In the first area, enter the door at the lower right
bottom. You'll notice that there are 2 enemies in this room.
The first thing that you should do is acquire the "special
ability power" (Hi-jump) from the bird. Perform the "hi-jump" to
break through the blocks which are blocking the entrance to the
cannon (which is at the right). Once the blocks are eliminated,
discard the "hi-jump" ability. No grab the fire creature and
acquire the "fire" ability. Now position yourself approximately
3 blocks away from the cannon cord. Ignite the cannon cord and
immediately fly upward towards the cannon. Just as you're
hovering over the opening of the cannon, exhale and fall into the
cannon. You should land inside the cannon, just as the cannon is
about to fire. Then you will be blasted upward to a platform.
When you land, jump on the button.

Note: Believe me, this isn't as easy as it sounds. If you don't
get the bird the first time or you lose the "hi-jump" ability,
just re-enter the room again; try to have the "hi-jump" ability
with you. This way, when you enter the room again, you already
have the "hi-jump" power needed to break through the blocks.
Just ignore the other bird flying by.

6.3 -- Note: You need the "hammer" ability obtained in Level 5's
"Arena." You will need to carefully and skillfully carry the
hammer through this stage until you reach this area. Fly upward
and to the right until you see a platform with a door on top of
it (which is located in the middle of the ocean). Enter the
door. Stand on the top middle of the blocks. Use the hammer to
break the blocks underneath you to reveal a hidden door. Enter
the door and jump on the button.

Note: You will need the hammer in the first two stages. At first
these stages may look simple enough to pass through, but depending
on how good a player you are, you *may* have to go back
to level 5's "Arena" to regain the hammer (possibly you may have
to do this a few times).

1.2 -- Enter the first door you see. Use the hammer to break the
stone block in the middle of the screen. Enter the door at the
bottom of the screen and jump on the button.

2.2 -- (The "Columns and Clouds" area) Make your way to the door
in this area and enter the door. Hammer the nail in the middle
of the screen. Fall down and enter the door. Jump on the

3.2 -- (Boat screen) Note: You will also need the hammer in
this stage. But thankfully, the hammer can be obtained in this

Defeat the mid-boss and acquire his "hammer" power. Continue to
the right and climb up the ladder. Break the "create" at the
right and continue right and fall (or fly) all the way down to
the bottom of the boat. When you have landed on the ground,
continue to the left until you see the block at the end. Break
the block and stand in the middle of where the block was. Press
up and you'll enter a hidden door. Fly to the door at the left
and enter it. Discard the hammer and acquire FireGuy's "Fire"
ability. Use your fire power to ignite the cannon cord. When
ignited, quickly enter the cannon. You will be blasted upward
where you will be taken to a platform. When you land, jump on
the button. Note: There's only one way to ignite the cannon
underwater. When you grab the FireGuy, *do not absorb it's
power*!!!! Position yourself between the cannon and cannon cord.

Face toward the cannon cord and absorb the enemy's power. In
doing so, a stream of fire will spout from Kirby's mouth. *This
is the only way that the fire power will work underwater*!!! If
you haven't ignited the cannon cord (to which you should move a
little closer) or missed hopping into the cannon, discard your
fire ability and re-enter this room again to obtain the "fire"
ability anew. Now try again. Extra tip: If you are having
trouble reaching the cannon before it ignites, just remember one
word; "SWIM!!!!"

4.2 -- Go to the foremost bottom right where a witch is on a
platform guarding a ladder (keep playing until you reach her).
Eliminate the witch, then continue right and enter the water. Go
down to the bottom left where you will notice a small opening.
Stand in the middle of the opening and press up to enter a hidden
door. Jump on the button.

5.4 -- ("End of stage" screen) Absorb FireGuy's "fire" ability.
Now break the blocks leading to the opening of the cannon cord
and cannon. Use your fire power to ignite the cannon cord.
Quickly, fly to the cannon and time yourself to drop into the
middle of the cannon before it fires. You will be blasted upward
to a hidden room where the button is. Jump on the button. Note:
Press down on the directional pad when falling into the cannon.
You will fall a little bit faster than usual.

6.1 -- Exit this area and absorb the U.F.O. in the next area,
then re-enter the previous area. Immediately, fly downward and
to the left to find a hidden passageway. Fire the supershot (or
two) to destroy the blocks that are blocking the entrance to the
door. Press up to enter the door. Jump on the button. Note: To
fire a supershot, keep pressing down the "B" button for a few
seconds and then let go. Remember to face in the direction you
want first before you start to "power-up" your weapon because
even though you can maneuver your U.F.O. in all directions, you
cannot change the direction of firing your weapon while you are
charging up your weapon.

1.2 -- Note: You will need the hammer in this area. Near the
end of this area, you will come across 3 creatures. Break the first
top block open to allow the creatures to go to you and eliminate
them one by one. Then jump to the top blocks and stand in the
middle of them. Fly upward and swing your hammer to the right
(you will notice a door at the upper top right corner). Not only
will you need to continue swinging to the right, but you will
also need to "puff-out" the blocks until you make a passageway
for you to walk through. Once a passageway is created, go to the
door and enter it. Fall on the button. Note: If you lose the
hammer or were unable to make a passageway, you will need to
start all over again.

6.8 -- Before you reach the end of this area, grab a parasol, and
fly upward until you're underneath the moon. (Note: You don't
actually need the parasol, but it is fun to do so). Press up and
you will enter a hidden door. Fall (or fly) slowly down. When
you land, jump on the button.

And that's it.... The Complete Step-by-Step solution guide to
this great game!!!!! But wait, man!!!!! Is that all the
information you have on Kirby's Adventure????? As a matter of
fact, below are some more tidbits related to this guide.

As you all know, even if you don't finish the game with a 100%
score, you are rewarded with the option of playing "bonus games"
which consist of 4 games: the first 3 games are the bonus games
found in Kirby's Adventure ("Crane Fever", "Egg Catcher", and "Quick
Draw Kirby"). The 4th game is the "vs. Boss" mode in which you
must battle all the bosses of the game, all over again -- one
after the other.

However, if you do finish the game with a 100% score, you are
rewarded with a 5th bonus game called "Extra Game." The "Extra
Game" is actually the same Kirby game with these added
difficulties: you only get 3 life units and 2 lives to start the
game with!! (Though you can add extra lives, only during the

There are two ways to get this "Extra Game": if you play the
game completely from the beginning and solve each door - one by
one - in order, at the end of the credits (when the special
ability status screen reads "Bye-bye"), press the Start button
and a special "Extra Game" screen will appear. The screen will
mention the added difficulty of the "Extra Game"! Oh, and by the
way, you *can't* save the "Extra Game" either!

The other way is when you go back to find the hidden rooms after
you finished the game. After you have solved the last section
(after jumping on the button), the "Extra Game" screen will
appear. The "Extra Game" mode will appear in the "file name"
sub-menu on the "Bonus Game" screen.

Kirby's Adventure also uses an unusual (unique??) percentage
meter. This meter shows how far the player has gotten into the
game by offering a ranking system. There are 11 different
ranking positions. The ranking will change every 10 percent,
depending on how far the player has gotten in the game. The
rankings will also show you how good of a puzzle solver you are.

The rankings are as follows:

11) Hero of Lore 100%
10) Final Star 90%
9) Great Ace 80%
8) Star General 70%
7) Dream Warrior 60%
6) Dream Hunter 50%
5) Star Herald 40%
4) Swift Hunter 30%
3) Li'l Travel 20%
2) Son of Wind 10%
1) Water Drop 1%-9% } These are the exceptions to the 10%
0) START 0% } ranking system. You begin the game
with 0% which is "Start." Only when
you have played a little of the
game, then the ranking meter will
change to 1% ("Water Drop")

While thumbing through the instruction booklet, page 19 stated
that there were over 20 enemies "Special abilities" that can be
acquired. To be honest, we never realized that there were so
many. Actually, while playing, many times one tends not to pay
attention to such things nor start counting them. So we decided
to find out how many "special abilities" there actually are. The
first thing we did was to write down, from memory, the weapons
that we remembered using. After finishing the list, we were
really surprised by how many weapons there were. And after
playing the game once again, we realized that we had gotten every
weapon written down! Gee, guess that we were somehow mentally
keeping track of all the weapons in the game. There are a total
of 26 "special abilities" to be obtained. These "special
abilities" are as follows:

1) Laser 6) Stone 11) Tornado 16) Throw 21) Spark
2) Beam 7) Sword 12) Ball 17) Backdrop 22) Light
3) Hi-Jump 8) Parasol 13) Fire 18) Mike 13) Wheel
4) Ice 9) Needles 14) Fireball 19) Crash 24) Sleep
5) Freeze 10) U.F.O. 15) Hammer 20) Cutter 25) StarRod

and finally,

26) Mix

The last two entries are very interesting additions. Though you
don't actually "acquire" the StarRod, you are automatically given
the weapon in Level 8 ("The Fountain of Dreams") to use against
the "Meteorite" boss and Nightmare, itself. And while the "Mix"
is not officially a weapon, technically, it is. In order to
obtain a "Mix", you'd have to inhale two or more enemies with
"Special Abilities", simultaneously. All previous "abilities"
are mixed together until the "Mix" ability is absorbed, leaving
you with only one weapon (whether it be the desired weapon or
not). You can consider this "special ability" as a "pot luck"

We are all familiar with the "mike" ability. We all know that we
get 3 "mikes" to use. But have you actually taken a close look
at the type of "mikes" that Kirby uses? Kirby uses 3 different
"mikes!!!" Every "mike" is used in the same order. The "mikes"
used in order are as follows:

1) Megaphone
2) Microphone
3) Microphone with a mike stand (Kirby
doing his rock 'n roll impersonation)

With the U.F.O. ability, you are given the option of using 4
different types of shots:

1) One quick "B" button press -- you get "beam" shot.
2) One quick "1 second" "B" button press -- you get "laser" shot.
3) One quick "2 second" "B" button press -- you get one "star"
4) Charge up your weapon until the weapons stops blinking
(use the "B" button) -- you get a 2 "star" shot, which is a

Do you wanna see Kirby get pissed off? Go play the "Crane Fever"
bonus game. Instead of positioning your crane to try to pick up
Kirby, position the crane, so that the crane slightly passes by
Kirby, making sure that the left grabber of the crane is somewhat
directly over Kirby's chest (more or less near Kirby's mouth).
Now lower the crane. If positioned correctly, the grabbers
should "pinch down" on Kirby. You will know if you have done
this correctly, if Kirby's face changes color and Kirby gets
angry. It's so funny!!!!!

Here's an interesting tidbit: If you play the "Quick Draw" bonus
game during regular game play, notice when you reach a certain
amount, baby chickies pop out from Kirby's mouth. But when you
play this bonus game during the "Play Bonus Games" sub-screen
menu, no baby chickies pop out from Kirby's mouth. Why??????

Notice during the end credits, you'll notice that the programmers
show what weapons to use against the bosses. Keep this in mind:
just because they show you the weapons used, this doesn't mean
that these weapons are the best weapons to use. For example: we
use the "Hi-jump" ability instead of the "Tornado" ability to
battle against the Kracko boss. And as a tip, the "Crash"
ability is a good choice to use first, to use against any bosses
that have extra energy past their energy meters.

Parting Questions and Comments
Below are some last thoughts that we hope that someone can answer
for us --

Does anyone know if there is an ending to the "vs. Boss" mode?
If yes, please describe it.

Does the "Extra game" mode have a different ending or is it the
same as the regular game? If different ending, please describe

If you finish the "Extra game", are you rewarded with another
different "Bonus game" or any type of extra bonus? If yes,
please explain.

Is the Japanese version of Kirby's Adventure the same or is it
different from the American version? If there are any
differences, please explain. After playing the game so many
times, we realized that the game might have been longer during

Also, is there any chance that Kirby was (or is) featured in any
"Anime Feature" in Japan? Since many Nintendo characters (and
other video game characters) appear in many animated movies and
TV shows, there might be a possible chance that there's one of
Kirby (comic books, maybe?). Just recently, after years of
realizing there might have been, we found out that there was a
"Zelda" anime feature on video tape. An acquaintance said that
she had rented the tape out, but couldn't remember which rental
place it was. We knew there had to be one because we have seen
many pictures with the feel of an animated movie or TV show.
It's out there, somewhere.

Is there any Kirby merchandise available in the U.S. and/or

Any regular "built-in" codes and Game Genie codes for Kirby's

Have you noticed that every now and then, a dark, shadow-y
creature (wearing a metal mask and cape) throws at you a piece of
candy (invincibility) during certain times throughout the game?
This is the same creature who is the boss, who you must fight at
the end of the "Orange Ocean" level. Have you really paid close
attention to this character? After defeating this boss, he will
take off his cape and mask. Now take a good look at him. Good
Golly, Miss Molly -- it's Kirby!!! Well, at least his twin
brother, anyway. Question: Is the twin brother a bad Kirby? Is
so, why was he helping out Kirby throughout the game only to
fight Kirby later on? Where did this other Kirby come from? Did
DeDeDe have something to do with his creation? Was this the
first appearance of the twin Kirby in Kirby's Adventure or did
the second Kirby appear in Kirby's Dreamland (Game Boy) first?
Does the twin Kirby continue to appear in the other Kirby games?

Just how popular is Kirby in Japan?

Contrary to what is written on page 20 of the instruction
booklet, you cannot combine 2 or move "special abilities."
Actually this statement should have been clarified. You cannot
use 2 or more "special abilities" at the same time (though that
would have been really cool). What the instruction booklet is
referring to is called a "Mix" ability. And as far as we know,
there is no new "special ability" to be found or used. If you
know of a *new* "special ability" found in the "mix ability" (and
not found in the "special ability" list), please let us know.

Oh, by the way -- the "Sleep" ability is not actually a weapon.
Just use it for the fun of it or just to take a quick rest.
Ain't Kirby cute!?

If there is a "regular" or Game Genie code to increase the usage
of the "mike" ability, what would happen to the "Types of mikes"
order, if the "mike ability" is more that 3? Will the "mike
w/stand" continue to play until the "mike" ability ran out? Will
it reset and play all 3 types of "mikes" again? Will a set of
different "mikes" appear? Or will nothing happen?

And that's it! Hope this guide has been of some help to you. If
can answer any of the above questions and comments, please send
any information to the following address:

Dominick Roman
Calle Haiti, BL-7
Santa Juanita
Bayamon, PR 00956

Any information I receive, will be added to an "updated" FAQ.
Also, I'll be interested in a used copy of "Kirby's Dreamland"
(Game Boy), with it's original box and instruction booklet, at a
really, really, REALLY cheap price. Thanks for your time and

By: Dominick Roman and Joshua Roman
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