Dragon Warrior 4

Dragon Warrior 4

12.10.2013 11:06:10
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__| / R A G O N | \/ /\ \/ / A R R I O R
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|____ __ ____ ___|
| | \ \ / / FAQ Version 1.2 - October 1995
| | \ \/ / Compiled by GWS Wizard
| | \ / Member of Gamewiz Staff (GWS)
____| |_____\/______ and Gamewiz Librarian

Welcome to the second installment of the Dragon Warrior IV FAQ!
In this version of the FAQ, I have now included a section on
where to find medals used to get special items from the King who Collects
Small Medals.
Well, that's about all that I've added, except for this new intro!
So, please enjoy the FAQ, and don't hesitate to ask for something else
to be added in the future. ;)

Till then, see ya!

WS Wizard~~

What's in the FAQ?

In the FAQ, I have included the following things:

*A COMPLETE Monster List
*A COMPLETE Walkthrough
*Lists of Weapon and Armor Stats
*Spell Stats
*Character Stats
*An EXP chart to Lvl. 40
*GG Codes
*A list of where to find the small medals

If there is anything else you'd like for me to include, please
e-mail me.


Part 1 - Walkthrough

Part 2 - Monster List

Part 3 - Misc. Info
A. Weapon Stats
B. Armor Stats
C. Item Stats
D. Spell Stats
E. EXP Chart
F. Special Item Uses
G. Medals

Part 4 - GG Codes

Part 5 - Credits

Hey, this is the best resource you're going to find! Except maybe my
notes, but that's a different story! :)
Let's get this FAQ rolling!

By GWS Wizard

Chapter 1: The Royal Soldiers

In the first chapter, you start out as one of the royal soldiers
of Burland Castle, Ragnar. You mission is to find the children of
Izmit Village who have mysteriously disappearing.

The most common tip from the pros at RPGs is this: Talk to everyone!
And, that rule applies here, too. Make sure you talk to everyone in
the castle before moving to the town area of the Castle. Also, be sure
to check the chests of drawers. They sometimes can hold different, val-
uable items.

Now, talk to everyone in the town area of the castle. Since you don't
have enough money to buy much of anything right now, go ahead and save
your game at the House of Healing and head out into the wilderness.
Build your levels and gold by fighting monsters until you have enough
money to buy a better wepon or piece of armor. Be sure to save!

Then, when you are at Level 3, go and head to the Cave to Izmit. Go
through the cave, talking to any soldiers you might meet and collect
all of the treasure chests. If you die here, you can start over at
Burland again if you saved.

Once you get through the cave, immeadiately head to Izmit Village.
Be sure to talk to everyone in town and you'll find out some interesting
things. Sleep at the inn and save your game. Go outside and walk around
until it gets dark and go back into town and talk with everyone again.
Also, go back to the inn. Remember the traveling Prophetess? Talk to her.
She's taking a bath? Ok, you'll go, but you can't help but notice some-
one in the bushed spying on her. Go talk to him for a clue.

Now that you've talked with everyone, you should know what you have to
do now. Alex, the man in jail, is the husband of Flora, the woman in
Burland who lost her husband. So, go back to Burland, get Flora and re-
unite the husband and wife!

After all this has taken place, you should build your levels to at
least Level 5 and equip yourself with some better weapons and armor.

When you're ready, what do you do? Think about what different people
have said...the innkeeper said his son disappeared while he was playing
with some funny shoes. Where do children play? Everywhere they're not
supposed to! Go to the sign near the forest outside of Izmit. Walk around
in the woods and you'll walk into a secret forest playground. Fall into
the well there and follow the voice's directions to find the Flying Shoes!

Now, don't use the shoes quite yet, there's still something else you
need to do before you go. If you feel adventurous, collect all the chests
that you passed on the way to the shoes...but then go down from the chest
that contained the shoes and go to the right. When you come to a turn
downwards, take it until you can't go any farther down. Then, take the
right path and follow it until you come to a dead end. There you'll find
a creature named Healie. Take him along, he'll definitely be useful!

Now, escape from the caves and return to the town. Sleep at the inn
and save your game as usual. Before going to the Loch Tower, make sure
your levels are at at least 7 and that you are properly equipped for the
journey. When you're ready, step outside the town and use the flying shoes.

When you arrive at the tower, try to get as many of the chests as you
can, since most of them will help you out. Esspecially the Sword of Malice.
When you finally get to the Boss of the Tower, Saro's Shadow, pace your-
self. Whatever you do, don't let Healie die!

So, you learn that the children were being taken because the monsters
of the world are trying to find the chosen one so tehy can destroy him.
The children of Izmit are innocent. Ragnar wants to find the child so he
can ensure peace in the world. The king of Burland gives Ragnar a gift
of EXP before Ragnar sets out on his quest.

Chapter 2: Princess Alena's Adventure

Alena is the Princess of Santeem Castle. As described by her father,
she is a reckless tomboy who will get herself into nothing but trouble if
she is let loose in the world. Anyway, your job is to find a way out of
the castle so you can start the adventure!

Talk to everyone, as always, and then check out the chests of drawers
in your room as well as the healer's bedroom to find some hidden items.
Now, what's the easiest way out of the castle? Search the walls in your
room. Ahh! What's this? A wooden board for a wall? Search around it and
kick it until it comes loose. Jump out the opening and leave the castle.

But, as soon as you leave the castle, Brey and Cristo, your companions
for the adventure catch you. But, they know you'll just escape again, so
they join your party to see that you don't get into too much trouble.

Now, go to the town right to the west of Santeem Castle. This is Surene.
As always, talk to everyone and look for items, armor and weapons that you
can upgrade to later. After you're done looking around this humble burg,
go out of town and build your levels to four. If you feel you're ready, go
northeast to the village Tempe; or, if you prefer, stay and build your
levels and get better equipment.

When you reach Tempe, you'll find that a monster is terrorizing the town
and demands regular sacrifices of young girls. A man tell you of his
daughter Nina who is going to be sacrificed. When you go to the Shaman in
the House of Healing, he tells you that the monster only appears when their
is an offering.

Seeing as your way through the mountains is blocked until you rid the
town of the monster, you have little choice but to become the offering.
Once you've done the dirty work and destroyed the monster, you can head
through the mountains. But, before moving on, it would be wise to save,
build your levels to seven and check your weapons and armor. The enemies
will become tougher from here on.

When you reach Frenor, you hear that the Princess of Santeem is staying
at the inn...WHAT?!?! As soon as you reach the Second floor of the inn to
investigate the matter, she is captured by a gang of bandits seeking a ran-
som. An old man who accompanied the "princess" bega of you to rescue her.
Before moving down to the Cave in the south, gather those necessary supplies
and take some time to explore the town. Also be sure to upgrade weapons if
possible and to fight around town a bit to get a feel for the monsters of
this region.

When you reach level eight, go southward and head into the Cave South of
Frenor. The cave is pretty straightforward, so you shouldn't get lost. Just
remember to conserve Brey's MP. He needs that Outside spell. Head back to
town after recovering the Golden Bracelet to find out what will happen to
the "princess."

After that incident, the desert lies ahead. Be sure to make it to level
ten and equip yourself for the journey.Good thing there's a bazaar to help
stock the supplies of desert wayfarers! Look around and explore a while and
then head to the cafe. A warrior there will tell you of an illness that has
befallen the king.

The Birdsong Tower, as you will learn is where you can find a cure for
the king's condition. Head there at level 11 and pick your way through the
tower. Thank goodness for that inn on floor B1! If you get trapped, feel
free to use the RUN command and cast Outside and Return to restock for
another try.

Because you have cured the king, he now is willing to let you travel
wherever you wish and even beyond the borders of the kingdom!

When making your way to Endor, be sure to take it slow, the enemies
along this road are much more powerful than they've been in the past.
After reaching Endor, try to be at level 13 before searching the town.
This is no ordinary castletown! Look! A coliseum! A casino! Yipppee!!
Anyway, take a look around, equip yourself, talk to the townfolk, and play
a few games before going to talk to the king.

When you talk to the king, you'll discover that he offered his daughter's
hand in marriage to the winner of the tournament. He asks Alena to win the
tournament for him so his daughter won't have to marry. What choice do you
have? It's off to fight!

When you fight in the coliseum, you'll have to do it by yourself. So, be
sure to stock up on Medical Herbs since you have the option of using them
before battles. Win, and then you'll get to go onto the next chapter!

Chapter 3: Taloon the Arms Merchant

In this chapter, you are an arms merchant who works in his boss' shop
and dreas of being the world's top arms merchant. Your name is Taloon, and
you live in Lakanaba with your family.

Every day, Taloon goes to work witha lunch made by his wife, but he has
greater dreams. He is inspired by one of the townfolk when he hears of the
Iron Safe. When you are defeated by a monster, you usually lose half your
gold, but with the Iron Safe, your gold is protected. Taloon then resolves
to set out on a journey.

When you leave Lakanaba, make sure you have a couple of lunches from past
working days and make sure you're on level three. Head north to the cave and
start the journey!

The cave has some tricks to it, but all you have to remember is some of
the old "Indiana Jones" tricks (like the switch of the artifact for another
item of similar weight and the rolling boulder) and you'll be fine.

When heading to Endor, you should happen upon a small hamlet called
Foxville. Whatever you do, don't buy any of the weapons or armor! You'll
get cheated!

In the town, there is an architect named da Gardi who seems intent on
staying and living in the village....strange. But, when you lie down to
take a rest, you wake up to find the town is gone! Better keep moving....

When you reach Bonmalmo (at level seven, mind you), you'll find that the
king is planning to invade his neighboring country of Endor, but he can't
since the bridge is broken. If only da Gardi would hurry up and get here,
he could start his war. Take a look around and talk to people (as always)
and return in the night.

What? Who is this? It's Prince Reed! He knows his father wants to invade
Endor, but the prince is in love with Mia, the Princess of Endor. He gives
you a letter to deliver to the King of Endor...one problem...the bridge is

Go back to Lakanaba and talk to the people again. There is one person in
particular who has a dog that he would be willing to let you borrow. Take
the dog and go back to Foxville. This will surely get the foxes outta there
and let da Gardi get that bridge fixed. Take the armor that the fox gives
you and sell it to the armor-short Bonmalmo for big bucks.

Once that is done, take the letter to the King of Endor. Once he reads it,
he will give you a Royal Scroll to give to the King of Bonmalmo. Since the
King of Banmalmo will still get Endor (without a war), he is happy. The
King of Endor, in return for saving his country, gives Taloon permission
to set up shop in his kingdom.

When Taloon looks around the town, he finds that there is a shop up for
sale! Too bad it's out of his price range...wait! There is another man who
will pay big bucks for the Silver Statuette...hmmm....

Since this is just the opportunity Taloon is looking for, find some mercen-
aries to hire in town and stock up for the journey. Also, make sure you're
on at least level 12 before trying to enter the cave.

After retrieving the statue, give it to the man for your money and buy the
old shop! Yippee!! You've finally realized your life-long dream of opening
your own shop! But, the dream of becoming the world's top arms merchant
still lingers in your mind. You've come so far, why quit now? Unfortunately,
more than money blocks the way to success now.

A tunnel to the Kingdom of Branca was under construction long ago, but had
to be stopped. An old man living in the half-finished tunnel tells you his
story and his dream. If only you had 60,000 to complete the tunnel....

But the King of Endor, upon hearing of your shop opening, orders some
weapons and armor for his soldiers. And, your payment for these wares....
60,000 GP!! Your dream looks like a reality after all! Get these wares and
then move on to the next chapter!

Chapter 4: The Sisters of Monbaraba

This chapter is the story of two sisters looking for revenge. Mara is
a dancer, Nara is a fortune teller. For years, they have been looking for
revenge against Balzack, the person who murdered their father, Edgar. One
day, they decide to set out and get their revenge once and for all.

Your journey begins in Monbaraba, where Mara is a very popular dancer.
The chapter opens with her last performance before the two sisters set out
on their quest.

Talk to the townsfolk, search around and generally say goodbye. Prepare
for the journey by buying supplies and leveling up. When you're on level
three, head northward to your birthplace: the small town of Kievs.

In this town, you're welcomed with open arms and the innkeeper lets you
stay at the inn for free. How nice! Anyway, after talking with the people,
you learn that Edgar had another pupil named Orin...and of a cave to the
west. Prepare yourself, get to level four and head to the Cave West of Kievs.

In this cave, you'll meet a man who thinks there is no way that you could
get the Sphere of Silence because there are no stairs leading down...HA!
Anyway, make sure you watch Nara and Mara's MP as you use the elevators.
Find Orin quickly and get the Sphere of Silence as well.

After finding the sphere, you'll need to gain many levels before making
your way to Keeleon Castle. Use this time to gain gold and purchase the best
weapons and armor for both Nara and Mara. When you're on level 11, continue
the journey.

In the courtyard of Keeleon Castle, the main entrance to the castle is
guarded. There is a side door, but it's locked...WAIT A SECOND! Orin has
great strength! If you put him in the lead, he can force the door open for
your party.

When you look around the castle, you'll notice of one thing...there is no
room for the king. Talk to everyone and make sure to take note of what they
say. One person in particular gives you a very BIG clue.

After looking around the castle, proceed immeadiately to the town of
Haville. You will find out that there is a ship here that can take them
to Endor...but they need a Boarding Pass to ride the ship. Also, a soldier
in town says he heard that Balzack was the new king of Keeleon. Stock up,
upgrade weapons and armor, and then head to the town of Aktemto when you
are on level 12.

Aktemto is suffering from an old coal mine that has recently been emitting
poisonous gases. Many have died and the town is gripped by grief. An old
man inform you that if you are looking for gunpowder that there might be
some left in the cave.

Make your way into the cave and gather the chests you find. One will have
the mysterious Tarot Cards that Nara, the fortune teller, can use. Not only
are they a weapon, but they can drastically help or hurt your party in many
ways by what card she draws when she uses the cards in battle. If you want
to experiment with these, just save the game and go into battle right out-
side of a town.

Deeper into the mine, you'll find the gunpowder the man was talking about.
One of the miners says that it might only be good now to make a loud noise.
AHA! Remember the female soldier in Keeleon Castle? She said that the counsel
was a coward and if you made a loud noise next to his room that he'd run
screaming into the king's room! Is it true? Only one way to find out...

When you go back to Keeleon, get ready for the oncoming battle and then
use the Gunpowder Jar next to the counsel's room. He will lead you to the
king's room, and there will be Balzack, sitting on the throne. When you
fight him, use teh Sphere of Silence to keep him from using spells. This
should make the battle MUCH easier. After he is defeated, the true enemy,
Keeleon will appear. You can't beat him, so don't waste time trying to do
so. After you are defeated, you will wake up in an underground jail.

Good luck must be with you...the old man in jail with you has a Boarding
Pass that he will never use, so he gives it to you and tells you to excape.

When you get on the ship to Endor, the chapter closes and the story of
the Chosen Ones begins....

Chapter 5: The Chosen Ones

The Hero, the character you registered at the beginning of the game, is
living peacefully in his Honetown, a secluded little hamlet that is unknown
to the rest of the world. When the chapter opens, he is just starting his
day when monsters, who learned of the village from a traveler who stumbled
upon the village, attack the town. His best friend impersonates him and is
killed, saving the young boy. He is stricken with grief, but he sets off to
find his destiny.

Your first stop in this chapter is a Woodsman's Shack. He is kind-hearted
and lets you take some supplies from teh jars at the back of the cabin,
after a short stop, head southward to the Castle of Branca. Here is the place
where you should equip yourself with the best weapons available and basically
level up for the journey ahead. Be sure to talk with the people as well.

At level three, head to the cave west of the castle and go to Endor. When
you get to Endor, you'll find that Prince Reed of Bonmalmo and Princess Mia
of Endor are getting married. Nara and Mara should be here, so find them.

With Nara and Mara now in your group, build some levels and get some better
weapons and armor.

At about level six, head east to the desert east of Branca. You need a
wagon to cross the desert, but the wagon's owner, Hector, also innkeeper
of the Desert Inn, has lost his faith in people. You must bring the Symbol
of Faith to him from the cave of Betrayal to persuade him.

When at level nine, head to the cave and be prepared. The cave has many
powerful monsters and some of them disguise themselves as Nara and Mara!

After you show the symbol to Hector, he will then loan the wagon to you
and join your party! Take the journey across the desert, and you'll come
to the town of Aneaux.

In this town, you will learn of the warrior Ruvas and his armor. Stock up,
talk to the people (at night as well) and then make your way to Konenber,
the port town.

You should be near level 11 when you reach Konenber. Do the usual, up-
grading, talking to people and searching. You will learn that the Great
Lighthouse has become inoperable since the flame was extinguished and now
ships are being swallowed by the sea. A merchant, Taloon, went to the
lighthouse, but the workers who are building his ship are concerned.

Gather supplies and get to level 13. Then, make your way to the light-
house. Taloon will join you inside and ask you to recover the Fire of
Serenity and to light the way for ships again.

After relighting the lighthouse, you'll be able to get a ship. Yippee!!
Anyway, go ahead and sail over the sea to the southern town of Mintos. You
will discover that Cristo has fallen ill, and that Alena is out searching
for a cure. Not all is lost though, the Kingdom of Soretta is supposed to
grow the plant that will cure Cristo!

Sail to the very far southeastern region of the continent to find the
kingdom of Soretta. Make sure you're on level 14 before trying to make the

When you reach Soretta, you will find that the kingdom has run out of
Padequia Root, the item that can cure Cristo. But, all hope is not lost...
In the cave to the south, the king tells you, there is a Padequia Seed.

Go to the Cave at Level 15 and you shouldn't have a problem getting
through (except for the sliding floors, perhaps). When you get the seed,
quickly warp outside and if you have one, use the Wing of Wyvern to quickly
return to Soretta. The king will give you a piece of the root that is grown.

When you return to Mintos, USE the Padequia Root on Cristo and he, Brey
and Alena will join your ranks. Unfortunately, Hector decides that it's
time for him to leave the party. He will study the teachings of old
Howden, the innkeeper.

Use the time now to get supplies and raise your levels to 18. Also, be
sure to upgrade your weapons and armor if possible. Now, you head back to
Keeleon Castle. Defeat Keeleon and Ragnar, the final companion, will join

When at level 19, return to Haville and talk to the weapon dealer there.
He tells you of Magic Keys were once made by alchemists, and that they
lived in the town of Kievs.

When you go back to Kievs, you'll learn that Nara and Mara's father,
Edgar has a secret laboratory in the Cave West of Kievs. Raise your levels]
to 21, and then go back into the cave. There will be a switch at the bottom
of the chest near where you found Orin. This leads to the lab, where you
can get the Magic Key.

Your next stop in this long journey is a small island south of Santeem
Castle. It is called the Seaside Village, and when you get there, you'll
see why. Here you will learn about the Sandglass of Regression, the Stone
of Drought and the Cascade Cave. Mysteriously (or maybe coincidentally),
all three of these things are related in one important way.

To find the Stone of Drought, come to the town during the night
(talking to all the people again, of course) and look at the beach. You'll
notice that a tide has come up, but mysteriously there is one spot of land
that is dry out in the water. Remember that space and come back and search
that same space during the day.

Now, raise your levels (Lv. 23) and upgrade weapons once again before
traveling onto Santeem Castle. As seen at the end of Chapter 2, there are
still no people there, but the castle is crawling with monsters! You will
learn that Balzack is now the king there. Fight him, but pay careful
attention to your HP level when you battle.

One monster tells you that a man in Surene (the town next to the castle)
can tell you more about the King of Santeem's strange power. Head there

In town, go to the door (unlocked) on the right side of the building and
open it. Inside, you'll see a Magic Key door right away. Open it and go up
the stairs. Further down the passage, you'll come upon a weapons shop. If
you can, upgrade here. Then, head down the stairs and talk with the man.
He talks about a signpost. To find the signpost, walk around the perimeter
of the building and keep walking to the left.

After you're done there, level up (Lv. 24) and head to the Kingdom of
Stancia. The castle is located on a small island north of Santeem. Unlike
the other towns,castles and villages you've been to, Stancia is unique be-
cause you get around the castle by boat, not foot.

The King of Stancia is holding a contest. He says that whoever can make
him laugh will get a prize. If you try to win, you'll fail miserably. But,
all hope is not lost! In Monbaraba, Mara and Nara's old town, there is
a joker named Panon who is very popular. If you recruit him, he will win
the contest for you. Your prize....the Zenithian Helm! YES!

Another person in Stancia will tell you that the Zenithian Shield was
once kept in Burland Castle. When you go to Burland, the king will tell you
that the Shield was given to the Queen of Gardenbur in his grandfather's
time. But, you'll need the Magma Staff before you can reach Gardenbur.
Before you leave, talk to the people and you will learn that if you stay
in Izmit Village, you will have a strange dream.

Visit Izmit and stay at the inn. Pay close attention to the dream. The
people and places in the dream are very real.

Take some time to rest and gain levels (Lv. 26). Also, be sure to check
weapons and armor before traveling on to Gardenbur, which is directly to
the east of Burland Castle.

Gardenbur is a country ruled by women. The Queen is not happy when your
party shows up because that means the country is easily pentrated from the
outside. Just look around anyway, and prepare for a surprise!

After you've looked around, you've no doubt been falsely accused of
stealing a Bronze Amulet. Obviously, you didn't do it, but the Queen's
not so sure. She gives you a chance though. Find the thief and get back
the Amulet, or the Hero's party faces dire consequences.

You should be in pretty good shape now, so just go to the Cave Southeast
of Gardenbur and fight your way through, looking for the thief. Be sure to
come back later and get the treasure chests. They contain valuable items.

When you return to Gardenbur, she will give you the Final Key as your
reward. And, as a bonus, you also can get the Zenithian Shield.

After that little adventure, go to the northeast corner of the world.
There, on a medium-sized island, you'll find a shrine which houses a king
who collects small medals. He will trade very powerful items for the medals,
so try to find them all. There are 32 medals in the world...just enough for
you to get one of each of the items he offers (Ok, maybe two staves).

A little bit north of the shrine, there is another shrine called the
Shrine of Breaking Waves. In the shrine, the Zenithian Armor waits for a
new owner. Be sure you've got your levels up there (Lv. 27)! The monsters
in the shrine are tough.

To the south of the shrine, the Cascade Cave awaits. Lv. 28 is a good
level to be on for this journey. When you enter the cave, you'll probably
notice that your entrance to the main part of the cave is blocked by a
cascading waterfall. Use the Stone of Drought to stop the waterfall and
enter. Inside, many wonderful treasures await, including the Sandglass of
Regression (told ya there was a connection, didn't I?) and the Metal Babble

Even further south, your dreams will comes true. Rosaville is where your
dream took place. At night, use the Flute of Uncovering near the back part
of the tower and a staircase will appear. Now you can go meet the girl in
your dream. You learn that the girl is the victim of a cruel gift. She has
the ability to shed rubies instead of tears. This is what makes her the
target of many people. That is why she hides in the tower. A slime that is
with her tells you that the Staff of Transform is in the Royal Crypt. Maybe
then you could sneak into the Dire Palace and listen to the monsters' meet-

Southeast of Endor, there is the Royal Crypt. inside, there are many
powerful monsters, but if you don't go in, the world will be doomed.
Gather the Staff of Transform and the Staff of Antimagic and then hit the
road with the Outside spell.

Riverton, a small river town in the south has a shopkeeper who wants to
finish his flying vessel, but he can't since he does not have a gas
canister. Here is a good place to stock up, raise levels (Lv. 29) and
upgrade your equipment before moving on.

South of Riverton, there is a giant bronze statue known as Colossus.
Ascend the giant, and pull the lever at the top....he will start to walk
and lead you across the river to a waiting warp tile

Next, head to the Dire Palace. This palace is infested with monsters! If
you go in and try to talk without being disguised, a fight will start. So,
use the Staff of Transform until your party is monster-ready and then enter
the palace. Even though you're monsters, it won't last forever, so head to
the meeting. Saro will show up shortly.

After the meeting, you now know that at Aktemto, the ruler of evil,
Esturk, has been uncovered. Head to Aktemto, get the gas canister and beat
the ruler of evil while he sleeps. The battle (which isn't the final one,
I'm sorry to say), should be easy if you're around level 31.

Take the gas canister back to Riverton and get the balloon from the man.
Now, you should head to the center of the world. This is where Gottside,
the closest town to Zenithia, is located. In this town, there is someone
who has fallen from Zenithia. Locate him and talk with him, as well as
the rest of the people. Also, be sure to upgrade your weapons and armor.

The next place you want to go is the Shrine of the Horn, east of
Gottside. In the shrine, there is a horn called the Baron's Horn. This will
be important later in the game.

One of the last stops for your party will be Elfville. It is far north of
the Kingdom of Soretta, and you can only get there by balloon. Make sure
you're on level 33, and only have three people in your party (you'll be
picking up another person at the top of the tree). Now, enter the Giant
World Tree after talking to the elves in town.

The person at the top is none other than Lucia, a citizen of Zenithia who
has broken her wings. She will join your party. Be sure to get the Zenithian
Sword, which is in the chest near where you found her. This means that you
have gotten all of the Zenithian items and can now enter Zenithia!

Head back to Gottside and power yourself up for the trip to Zenithia. You
need to be on about level 35 before attempting the Zenithian Tower to the
south of the town.

Once in Zenithia, you will be greeted with open arms. Talk to the Master
Dragon and have him bless the Zenithian Sword. You will learn the purpose
of the Baron's Horn...you can use it to call your wagon from anywhere.
After talking and preparing, head to the break in the clouds so you can make
your way through the Final Cave.

The cave is VERY tough, but all you need is quick wits, a little bit of
luck and the sense to run away whenever things look hopeless to make your
way through.

When on the other side, you are now greeted by an eerie darkness. This
is the World of Darkness...Necrosaro's creation. Luckily, there is a place
right next to the exit to the Final Cave called the Last Refuge. Here, you
will be able to save and replenish your energy.

You can see Necrosaro's Palace, but there is a total barrier surrounding
the castle to prevent entry. But, you only need defeat the four guards:
Infurnus Shadow, Gigademon, Anderoug, and Radimvice and the way will open.
Make sure you replenish your health and save after defeating each of the

After the fourth guard has been defeated, get your levels to their best
(Lv. 38 or above) and then storm the palace! If you are at a good level,
then you should have a moderately difficult time through the castle, but
nothing you couldn't handle.

And now, while you are waiting just outside of the center of the World
of Darkness, you should power up, heal yourself and get your wagon by using
the Baron's Horn. This way, you'll have a backup party in case Necrosaro
finishes off the first. So, head up the mountain and witness the ultimate
in evolution....has Necrosaro evolved completely? Time to find out.

Necrosaro will go through many changes during the battle, but never fear!
If you are a true warrior, you'll win! Good luck!

And so, that is the Dragon Warrior 4 Walkthrough. I hope that you enjoyed
the walkthrough and can appreciate all the work I put into it. :)


This is a monster list for Dragon Warrior IV.
It includes the following columns:

MONSTER - The name of the monster
HP - Hit Point Max for Monster
AP - Attack Power of Monster
DP - Defense Power of Monster
Gold - Amount of gold gained from one of this monster
EXP - Amount of EXP gained from one of this monster

If you find any monsters that I may have missed, or any errors,
please e-mail GWS Wizard immediately.

Anderoug 300 ? ? 300 1030
Angel Head 14 13 13 11 7
Archbison 90 95 85 72 121
Armor Scorpion 40 33 42 44 38
Arrop 27 46 36 16 47
Babble 12 11 9 8 6
Baby Salamond 40 42 36 58 59
Bakor 1000 ? ? 0 7400
Balakooda 120 88 77 69 165
Balzack ? ? ? ? ?
Balzack (Ch. 5) ? ? ? ? ?
Bangler 35 39 30 30 48
Barrenth 55 45 30 68 70
Beastan 178 125 73 81 540
Bebanbar 100 120 70 88 211
Beleth 125 90 80 70 132
Bellzabble 250 8 0 123 605
Bengal 100 73 32 62 115
Bharack 140 162 75 172 473
Big Sloth 250 135 40 99 589
Bisonbear 80 60 45 49 89
Bisonhawk 52 43 55 39 49
Blazeghost 12 11 12 16 6
Blizag 85 50 40 100 286
Bomb Crag 300 0 0 40 150
Brahmird 20 22 12 17 7
Bull Basher 250 178 132 205 870
Butterfly Dragon 47 36 20 60 38
Carnivore Plant 17 21 16 18 7
Chameleon Humanoid 40 28 28 60 136
Chaos Hopper 90 109 40 99 261
Chillanodon 85 66 40 33 104
Clay Doll 400 142 140 15 693
Conjurer 38 40 49 31 70
Crested Viper 31 31 28 25 18
Curer 60 60 50 43 68
Dark Doriard 28 28 38 30 25
Demighoul 134 155 35 63 558
Demon Stump 21 18 8 13 7
Demon Toadstool 19 19 15 15 6
Demonite 40 55 33 75 80
Diverat 14 11 2 7 3
Doolsnake 130 85 63 124 170
Dragon Rider 141 115 87 108 351
Dragonit 105 84 110 100 180
Dragonpup 67 64 40 50 96
Dusksbill 22 25 18 10 14
Duke Malisto 200 ? ? 226 921
Eigerhorn 250 123 98 122 387
Elefrover 28 22 16 18 14
Elerat 11 11 6 5 3
Esturk ? ? ? ? ?
Fairy Dragon 123 127 145 390 655
Ferocial 200 110 90 92 447
Flamadog 165 170 90 205 585
Flamer 75 70 75 52 110
Flythrope 34 31 34 47 35
Fury Face 130 108 76 186 225
Garcoil Rooster 52 47 40 51 50
Giant Bantam 31 28 22 9 20
Giant Eyeball 42 29 32 40 27
Giant Worm 11 10 6 6 3
Gigademon 1023 ? ? 250 4100
Great Ohrus 120 112 75 54 128
Great Ridon 300 ? ? 20 1678
Green Dragon 80 136 90 132 405
Grislysaber 29 35 30 46 30
Guardian 300 ? ? 169 1040
Guzzle Ray 40 50 45 24 70
Hambalba 90 109 79 76 144
Healer 16 13 8 11 7
Hemasword 114 89 68 80 180
Hun 70 ? ? 0 0
Iceloth 75 65 35 38 85
Impostor 153 104 122 316 582
Infurnus Beetle 20 27 29 21 16
Infurnus Knight 950 ? ? 0 5500
Infurnus Sentinel 58 63 63 76 77
Infurnus Shadow 250 130 116 73 585
Jumbat 113 92 82 84 172
Karon 110 83 75 91 234
Kaskos Hopper 8 8 5 2 1
Keeleon 400 140 80 0 5100
King Healer 150 90 25 300 384
King Metal 7 140 1023 20 30010
King Slime 150 40 24 150 100
Kordra 32 30 33 39 25
Lava Doll 15 17 15 17 12
Leaonar 150 94 80 119 224
Leaping Maskan 150 142 60 52 485
Lethal Armor 64 80 75 58 120
Lethal Gopher 16 19 15 10 9
Liclick 43 32 30 61 28
Lighthouse Bengal 70 60 83 350 2000
Lilypa 21 26 20 15 13
Linguar ? ? ? ? ?
Mad Clown 36 31 43 52 27
Maelstrom 100 74 120 84 180
Mage Toadstool 43 40 53 40 45
Magemonja 25 30 30 30 18
Man O'War 40 35 15 12 35
Man-Eater Chest 100 140 55 25 150
Mandrake 30 44 34 17 26
Mantam 85 81 80 40 108
Maskan 91 84 79 102 290
Master Malice 1023 162 160 112 1232
Master Necrodain 146 127 95 139 702
Metal Babble 5 65 1023 10 10050
Metal Scorpion 42 50 50 38 59
Metal Slime 4 20 1023 5 1350
Mighty Healer 140 90 80 55 162
Mimic 190 90 72 48 350
Minidemon 95 103 62 43 193
Minon 16 8 22 20 7
Monjar 10 10 6 8 3
Mystic Doll 40 42 40 300 37
Necrodain 130 140 85 50 315
Necrosaro ? ? ? ? ?
Noctabat 220 143 127 144 495
Ogre 210 143 40 65 391
Ogrebasher 930 ? ? 137 1023
Orc 33 30 24 36 18
Ouphnest 25 60 130 10 80
Ozwarg 33 17 24 20 18
Phantom Knight 80 82 59 47 106
Phantom Messenger 100 54 30 54 200
Pit Viper 200 147 80 95 563
Pixie 29 26 22 20 16
Plesiodon 380 125 50 57 135
Plesiosaur 48 42 33 38 65
Podokesaur 114 98 40 81 270
Poison Arrop 17 21 18 16 18
Poison Lizard 34 35 32 21 18
Prank Gopher 10 10 6 4 2
Pteranodon 41 28 24 50 36
Rabidhound 23 19 18 20 7
Radimvice 820 ? ? 0 6300
Raygarth 98 110 70 100 221
Razor Wind 41 29 31 34 32
Red Cyclone 80 152 55 128 403
Red Dragon 167 183 90 215 703
Red Slime 10 9 5 5 2
Rhinoband 142 120 150 68 245
Rhinoking 220 200 160 150 855
Rhinothrope 70 88 100 39 126
Rogue Knight 54 45 43 49 55
Rogue Whisper 40 20 40 28 20
Roric 90 ? ? 0 0
Runamok Albacore 47 6 20 33 75
Ryvern 120 134 90 116 393
Ryvernlord 400 ? ? 254 786
Sampson 90 ? ? 0 0
Sand Master 30 30 3 27 22
Saro's Shadow 250 52 36 60 73
Saroknight 800 165 155 0 6800
Savnuck 80 80 55 81 125
Stealthrope 150 55 25 55 98
Sizarmage 17 16 10 13 11
Skeleton 52 49 45 54 53
Skullknight 180 110 65 82 216
Slime 8 9 5 2 1
Snowjive 90 70 78 151 261
Somnabeetle 23 24 18 15 12
Spectet 35 30 30 62 31
Spite Spirit 250 ? ? 247 965
Stag Beetle 9 9 5 4 1
Swinger 380 220 90 53 1094
Tentagor 300 75 30 98 208
Thevro 25 21 31 25 15
Tricksy Urchin 35 37 30 20 450
Troglodyte 13 13 8 10 4
Tyranobat 98 115 72 74 187
Tyranosaur 90 85 75 45 116
Vampdog 6 40 41 24 36
Vampire Bat 25 25 22 23 11
Viceter 35 38 28 18 43
Vileplant 37 39 40 34 40
Vivian 90 ? ? 0 0
Weretiger 50 58 44 50 30
Wilymage 130 132 83 146 477
Xemime 20 20 17 28 15
Zappersaber 30 40 30 18 25

Part 3 - Miscellaneous Info
By GWS Wizard
Edited by GWS Wizard

KEY: HR=Hero;RG=Ragnar;CR=Cristo;AL=Alena;

NAME - Name of the weapon/armor/item/spell
+AP/+DP - Added attack power/defense power
Who can equip - Who can equip weapon/armor
Cost - Cost of the weapon/armor/item
Trade - Trade-in value
Use - Use of item
MP - Spell MP Cost
Target - Spell target
Lvl - Name and level spell learned
Type - Type of spell

Money suffixes:
G - Gold
C - Coin (Casino)
M - Medal (Small Medal)

Weapon Stats

NAME +AP Who Can Equip Cost Trade
Poison Needle 0 BR, MA 1300G 975G
Cypress Stick 2 All but AL - 7G
Stilleto Earrings 5 NA, MA, AL 7500G 5625G
Staff of Healing 5 NA, BR, CR - 4500G
Club 7 All but BR and MA 30G 22G
Copper Sword 12 HR, RG, TL, NA, CR 100G 75G
Thorn Whip 14 All but BR 200G 150G
Boomerang 18 All 350G 262G
Chain Sickle 20 All but BR and MA 550G 412G
Silver Tarot Cards 21 NA - 375G
Iron Fan 22 MA 620G 465G
Venomous Dagger 24 NA, MA, BR, TL 750G 562G
Iron Spear 28 HR, RG, CR, TL 880G 660G
Staff of Thunder 29 BR, MA - 15000G
Morning Star 33 NA, CR, RA 1250G 937G
Staff of Jubilation 33 NA, MA, BR, CR 1000C 67G
Abacus of Virtue 35 TL 1600G 1200G
Staff of Punishment 35 NA, CR 1M 3225G
Iron Claw 38 AL 1500G 1125G
Broad Sword 40 HR, RG 2000G 1500G
Sword of Malice 45 HR, RA, TL 3500G 2625G
Battle Axe 50 HR, RA 5500G 4125G
Staff of Antimagic 50 NA, MA, BR, CR - 3000G
Staff of Force 55 NA, MA, BR, CR 2500G 1875G
Fire Claw 60 AL - 7500G
Sword of Lethargy 60 HR, RA 8000G 6000G
Magma Staff 63 NA, MA, BR, CR - -
Demon Hammer 70 HR, RA - 450
Ice Blade 75 HR, RA - 600
Dragon Killer 90 HR, RA 15000G 11250G
Multi-Edge Sword 99 HR, RA - 2475G
Sword of Miracles 100 HR, RA, CR, TL 6M 7125G
Sword of Decimation 120 RA, TL - 150G
Metal Babble Sword 130 HR, RA, NA, CR, TL - -
Zenithian Sword 65 HR - -

Armor Stats

NAME +DP Who Can Equip Cost Trade
Basic Clothes 4 All 10G 7G
Wayfarer's Clothes 7 All 70G 52G
Dancer's Costume 8 MA, AL 400G 300G
Silk Robe 10 HR, MA, NA, AL 110G 82G
Leather Armor 12 All but NA and MA 180G 135G
Leather Dress* 14 HR, NA, MA, AL 250G 187G
Chain Mail 18 HR, CR, RA, TL, AL 350G 262G
Fur Coat 22 All but BR 600G 450G
Bronze Armor 25 HR, CR, NA, TL, RA 700G 525G
Cloak of Evasion 28 MA, BR, AL 3000G 2250G
Half Plate Armor 30 HR, CR, NA, RA 1200G 900G
Iron Apron 32 TL 1500G 1125G
Robe of Serenity 33 All but HR and RA - 4500G
Full Plate Armor 35 HR, RA 2300G 1725G
Mysterious Bollero 37 CR, NA, MA, BR - 5625G
Sacred Robe 38 CR, NA 4400G 3300G
Pink Leotard* 40 HR, NA, MA, AL 6300G 4725G
Water Flying Cloth 41 NA, MA, BR 15000G 11250G
Dragon Mail 45 HR, RA 5200G 3900G
Dress of Raidiance* 45 HR, NA, MA, AL - 6600G
Zombie Mail 49 HR, RA - 625G
Swordedge Armor 50 HR, RA 9800G 7350G
Demon Armor 60 HR, RA - 750G
Metal Babble Armor 95 HR, CR, NA, TL, RA 15000G 11250G
Zenithian Armor 70 HR - -

Leather Shield 4 All but AL and MA 90G 67G
Scale Shield 7 All but AL and MA 180G 135G
Iron Shield 12 HR, CR, NA, TL, RA 650G 487G
Dragon Shield 30 HR, RA 7100G 5325G
Shield of Strength 40 HR, CR, TL, RA 13000G 9750G
Mirror Shield 45 HR, CR, RA - 6750G
Aeolus' Shield 50 HR, RA - 3525G
Metal Babble Shield 60 CR, NA, MA, BR 50000C -
Zenithian Shield 55 HR - -

Leather Hat 2 All 65G 48G
Wooden Hat 6 All but MA and BR 120G 90G
Feather Hat 8 NA, MA, AL 280G 210G
Golden Barrette 12 HR, NA, MA, AL 540G 405G
Hat of Happiness 15 CR, NA, MA, BR 4M 11G
Iron Helmet 16 HR, CR, TL, RA 1100G 825G
Iron Mask 25 HR, RA 3500G 2625G
Metal Babble Helm 50 HR, CR, NA, TL, RA 20M -
Mask of Coruption 200 All - 6G
Zenithian Helm 30 HR - -

* - These armors can only be equipped by a Female Hero.

Item Stats

NAME Cost Trade Use
Medical Herb 8G 6G Restores about 30 HP
Antidote Herb 10G 7G Cures poison
Wing of Wyvern 25G 18G Return to any town visited
Fairy Water 20G 15G Enemy repeller
Full Moon Herb 30G 22G Cures numbness
Meteorite Armband 4000C - Double wearer's agility
Baron's Horn - - Recovers wagon
Wizard's Ring 500C - Fragile; recovers 20-30 MP
Magic Potion 30C 22G Recovers 10-15 MP
Dew of World Tree - - ???
Leaf of World Tree - - Bring one member to life
Flute of Uncovering - - Reveals hidden things
Sphere of Silence - - Protect bearer from spells
Scent Pouch 150G 112G Enemy attracter
Sandglass of Regression - - ???
Sage's Stone - - Same as Healus spell
Strength Seed - 90G Increases strength
Agility Seed - 67G Increases agility
Luck Seed - 52G Increases luck
Lifeforce Nuts - 187G Increases HP
Mystic Acorns - 412G Increases MP
Mirror of Ra 2500C - Reveals enemy's disguises
Lamp of Darkness - - Turn day into night
Staff of Transform - - Transform into others
Small Medal - - Use to trade for items
Stone of Drought - - Drys up water
Iron Safe - - Prevents money loss
Flying Shoes - - Use to fly to a tower
Silver Statuette - - ???
Treasure Map - - ???
Symbol of Faith - - Find to get Hector to join
Gunpowder Jar - - Makes noise
Thief's Key - - Unlock Thief's Key doors
Magic Key - - Unlock Magic Key doors
Final Key - - Unlock Final Key doors
Lunch - 7G Same as Medical Herb
Birdsong Nectar - - ???
Golden Bracelet - - ???
Prince's Letter - - Give to King of Endor
Royal Scroll - - Give to King of Bonmalmo
Gum Pod - 1G ???
Boarding Pass - - Find to take a boat
Padequia Seed - - ???
Padequia Root - - Cures many diseases
Fire of Serenity - - Lights the lighthouse fire
Gas Canister - - Used to make the balloon

Spell Stats

NAME MP Lvl Target Type
Blaze 2 MA:1, HR:3 One Enemy Attack-Blaze
Blazemore 4 MA:19 One Enemy Attack-Blaze
Blazemost 10 MA:33 One Enemy Attack-Blaze
Firebal 4 MA:7, HR:9 One Enemy G. Attack-Incandescent
Firebane 6 MA:14 One Enemy G. Attack-Incandescent
Firevolt 10 MA:27 One Enemy G. Attack-Incandescent
Bang 5 MA:11 All Enemies Attack-Explosion
Boom 8 HR:23, MA:23 All Enemies Attack-Explosion
Explodet 15 MA:36 All Enemies Attack-Explosion
Infernos 2 NA:8 One Enemy G. Attack-Vacuum
Infermore 4 NA:23 One Enemy G. Attack-Vacuum
Infermost 8 NA:32 One Enemy G. Attack-Vacuum
Zap 4 HR:25 One Enemy Attack-Lightning
Lightning 15 HR:34 All Enemies Attack-Lightning
Thordain 15 HR:37 One Enemy Attack-Lightning
Icebolt 2 BR:1 One Enemy Attack-Frigid
Snowstorm 5 BR:11 One Enemy G. Attack-Frigid
Icespears 8 BR:27 All Enemies Attack-Frigid
Blizzard 11 BR:32 One Enemy G. Attack-Frigid
Beat 4 CR:18 One Enemy Attack-Defeat
Defeat 7 CR:24 One Enemy G. Attack-Defeat
Sacrifice* 1 Enemy All Allies Attack-Other
Bedragon 18 MA:30 Chanter Attack-Other
Upper 3 CR:4 One Ally Defense
Increase 4 CR:14 All Allies Defense
Surround 4 CR:6 One Enemy G. Defense
Bounce 4 BR:8 Chanter Defense
Fendspell 2 HR:19 One Ally Defense
Barrier 6 NA:29 All Allies Defense
Ironize 2 HR:21 All Allies Defense
Return 8 HR:7, MA:8, BR:9 All Allies Misc.
Outside 8 BR:7, MA:9, HR:13 All Allies Misc.
X-Ray 3 BR:23 Treas. Chest Misc.
Stepguard 2 MA:21 All Allies Misc.
Repel 8 HR:11 Limited Time Misc.
Day-Night 12 BR:17 - Misc.
Chance 20 HR:39 ??? Misc.
Expel 3 HR:1 One Enemy G. Attack-Indirect
Sleep 3 NA:5 One Enemy G. Attack-Indirect
Sleepmore 3 HR:15, NA:16 One Enemy G. Attack-Indirect
Stopspell 3 CR:12 One Enemy G. Attack-Indirect
Chaos 5 BR:30 One Enemy Attack-Indirect
Robmagic 0 MA:16, BR:25 One Enemy Attack-Indirect
Sap 3 BR:3, MA:3 One Enemy Attack-Indirect
Defence 4 BR:21 One Enemy G. Attack-Indirect
Speedup 3 BR:14 All Allies Attack-Indirect
Bikill 6 BR:19 One Ally Attack-Indirect
Transform 5 HR:30 Chanter Attack-Indirect
Heal 3 NA:1, CR:1 One Ally Healing
Healmore 5 HR:5, NA:13, CR:16 One Ally Healing
Healall 7 NA:26, CR:27, HR:27 One Ally Healing
Healus 18 CR:30 All Allies Healing
Healusall 36 HR:32 All Allies Healing
Antidote 2 CR:8 One Ally Healing
Numboff 2 NA:10 All Allies Healing
Awake 2 HR:17 All Allies Healing
Vivify 12 NA:20, CR:21, HR:28 One Ally Healing
Revive 20 CR:33 One Ally Healing
Farewell MaxMP NA:35 All Allies Healing

* - The Sacrifice Spell is only available to the enemy, not your party.

EXP Chart

LEVEL Hero Ragnar Alena Cristo Brey Taloon Nara Mara
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 19 12 16 18 19 10 20 15
3 57 36 46 51 54 30 60 45
4 133 84 102 112 119 70 140 105
5 285 156 186 203 216 130 260 195
6 513 264 312 339 361 220 440 330
7 855 426 501 543 578 355 710 532
8 1368 669 784 849 903 557 1115 835
9 2137 1033 1208 1308 1390 860 1722 1289
10 3290 1579 1844 1996 2120 1314 2632 1970
11 5019 2398 2798 3028 3215 1995 3997 2991
12 7180 3626 4229 4576 4857 3016 6044 4522
13 9881 5161 6017 8602 6909 4292 8602 6435
14 13257 7079 8252 8929 9474 5887 11799 8826
15 17477 9476 11045 11951 12680 7880 15795 11814
16 22224 12472 14536 15728 16187 10371 20790 15549
17 27564 16217 18899 20449 21695 13484 27033 20217
18 33571 20898 23807 25760 27329 17375 34836 25468
19 40328 26749 29328 31734 33667 22238 43614 31375
20 47929 34062 35539 38454 40797 27708 53489 38020
21 56480 42289 42526 46014 48818 33861 64598 45495
22 66099 51544 50386 54519 57841 40783 77095 53904
23 76920 61955 59228 64087 67991 48570 91154 63364
24 89093 73667 69175 74851 79409 57330 106970 74006
25 102787 86843 80365 86960 92254 67185 124763 85978
26 118192 101666 92953 100582 106704 78271 144780 99446
27 135522 118341 107114 115906 122960 90742 167299 114597
28 155018 137110 123045 133145 141248 104771 192632 131641
29 176951 158203 140967 152538 161822 120553 211131 150815
30 201625 181943 161129 174355 184967 138307 253192 172385
31 229383 208650 183811 198899 211005 158280 289260 196651
32 260610 238695 209328 226511 240297 180749 329836 223950
33 295740 272495 238024 257574 273250 206026 375484 254661
34 335261 310520 270328 292519 310322 234462 426838 289210
35 379722 353298 306658 331832 352028 266452 484611 328077
36 429740 401423 347529 376059 398947 302440 549605 371802
37 486010 455563 393508 425814 451730 342926 622723 420992
38 549313 516470 445234 481788 511110 388472 704980 476330
39 620528 584990 503425 544758 577912 439711 797519 538585
40 700644 662075 568889 615599 653064 497354 901625 608621

Special Item Uses

Item Name Effect
Card Name Effect
Abacus of Virtue Same as Expel Spell
Aeolus' Shield Blow off all monsters (No EXP)
Boomerang Attack monsters by throwing this
Fire Claw Same as Firebane Spell
Ice Blade Same as Snowstorm Spell
Magma Staff Same as Boom Spell
Metal Babble Shield Same as Fendspell Spell
Shield of Strength Same as Healmore Spell
Silver Tarot Cards Card Effects
Card of Evil Same as Stopspell Spell
Card of Justice Same as Expel Spell
Card of Perfection Causes damage to Nara
Card of Strength Doubles Nara's AP
Card of the Moon Same as Surround Spell
Card of the Stars Doubles EXP and Gold pieces
Card of the Sun Same as Healusall Spell
Card of the Terminator Here comes the Terminator
Card of the Tower Causes damage to all teammates
Staff of Antimagic Same as Stopspell Spell
Staff of Healing Same as Healmore Spell
Staff of Jubilation Monster smiles instead of attacking
Staff of Punishment Same as Infermore Spell
Staff of Thunder Same as Firebane Spell
Sword of Decimation Lower all monsters' DP
Sword of Malice Same as Firebal Spell
Zenithian Shield Same as Bounce Spell
Zenithian Sword Break effects of monster's spell


This is a complete list of where to find the small medals.
Special thanks goes to Draculos - GWC for finding them. :)

Where How many
On the ship in Konenber 1
Shrine East of Mintos 1
Old Man's Island 1
Gardenbur Castle 1
Royal Crypt 1
Dire Palace 2
Gottside 1
Zenithia Castle 1
Final Cave 1
Shrine of Breaking Waves 2
Cascade Cave 1
Endor 1
Seaside Village 1
On the NEW ship in Konenber 1
Cave West of Kievs 1
Stancia Castle 2
Branca Castle 1
Shrine of Colossus 1
Aktemto Mine 2
Zenithian Tower 1
Den of Gigademon 1
Necrosaro's Palace 1
Cave Southeast of Gardenbur 1
Haville 2
Riverton 1
Mintos 1

Part 4 - Game Genie Codes

An enormous number of codes to choose from! You should be able to
create some really mean warriors and go forth and conquer the dragon's
lair. Remember that if you start with the final key, you can open certain
doors that you're normally not able to open, and if you do, you may have
some strange encounters.


1 ATVATGSL Take no damage from monsters and lose no MP--
All party members


Chapter 1 Codes:
2 POSOAPZU Start with 25 gold
3 GVSOAPZL Start with 100 gold
4 NNSOAPZU Start with 255 gold
5 AIXOZAYS Start with lots o' gold
6 YEEXYXLO Start with 15 hit points
7 GVEXYXLP Start with 100 hit points
8 NNEXYXLO Start with 255 hit points
9 LNKPLONY Start with final key
10 TEKPLONN Start with metal babble sword
11 LOKPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
12 PEKPLONN Start with thorn whip
13 AKKPLONY Start with shield of strength
14 LKKPLONY Start with dragon shield
15 LNKPLONY + GEKPGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
16 LOKPLONY + PSKPGONN Start with multi-edge sword wizard's ring
17 PEKPLONN + ZOKPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
18 TEKPLONN + LEKPGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
19 AKKPLONY + ASKPGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite band
20 LKKPLONY + IEKPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan

Chapter 2 Codes:
21 ZUSOPPGT Start with 50 gold
22 NNSOPPGV Start with 255 gold
23 AIXOZAYS Start with lots o' gold
24 GVOZAZAP Alena(TM) starts with 100 hit points
25 NNOZAZAO Alena starts with 255 hit points

Item Codes for Alena:
26 LNKOZONY Start with final key
27 ZOKOZONN Start with fire claw
28 LOKOZONY Start with multi-edge sword
29 PEKOZONN Start with thorn whip
30 LNKOZONY + ZOKOLONN Start with final key and fire claw
31 LEKOLONN Start with boomerang
32 LOKOZONY + PSKOLONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
33 PEKOZONN + ZOKOLONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
34 AKKOZONY + ASKOLONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite band
35 LKKOZONY + IEKOLONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan

Item Codes for Brey(TM):
36 LNUPLONY Start with final key
37 TOUPLONN Start with magma staff
38 LOUPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
39 PEUPLONN Start with thorn whip
40 AKUPLONY Start with shield of strength
41 LKUPLONY Start with dragon shield
42 LNUPLONY + TOUPGONN Start with final key and magma staff
43 LEUPGONN Start with boomerang
44 LOUPLONY + PSUPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
45 PEUPLONN + ZOUPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
46 AKUPLONY + ASUPGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite band
47 LKUPLONY + IEUPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan

Item Codes for Cristo(TM):
48 LNOOLONY Start with final key
49 TEOOLONN Start with metal babble sword
50 LOOOLONY Start with multi-edge sword
51 PEOOLONN Start with thorn whip
52 AKOOLONY Start with shield of strength
53 LKOOLONY Start with dragon shield
54 LNOOLONY + GEOOGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
55 TEOOLONN + LEOOGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
56 LOOOLONY + PSOOGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
57 PEOOLONN + ZOOOGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
58 AKOOLONY + ASOOGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite band
59 LKOOLONY + IEOOGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan

Chapter 3 Codes:
60 AOEXTZGP Start with 16 hit points
61 GVEXTZGP Start with 100 hit points
62 NNEXTZGO Start with 255 hit points
63 GVSOZPAA Start with 100 gold
64 NNSOZPAE Start with 255 gold
65 UNUOLONY Start with final key
66 LEUOLONN Start with metal babble sword
67 TOUOLONY Start with multi-edge sword
68 LEUOLONN Start with thorn whip
69 PKUOLONY Start with shield of strength
70 AKUOLONY Start with dragon shield
71 LNUOLONY + GEUOGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
72 TEUOLONN + LEUOGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
73 LOUOLONY + PSUOGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
74 PEUOLONN + ZOUOGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
75 AKUOLONY + ASUOGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite band
76 LKUOLONY + IEUOGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan

Chapter 4 Codes:
77 GVEXLZZP Nara(TM) starts with 100 hit points
78 GVEXGZAP Mara(TM) starts with 100 hit points
79 NNEXLZZO Nara starts with 255 hit points
80 NNEXGZAO Mara starts with 255 hit points

Item Codes for Nara:
81 LNXPLONY Start with final key
82 TEXPLONN Start with metal babble sword
83 LOXPLONY Start with multi-edge sword
84 PEXPLONN Start with thorn whip
85 AKXPLONY Start with shield of strength
86 LKXPLONY Start with dragon shield
87 LNXPLONY + GEXPGONY Start with final key and chain sickle
88 TEXPLONN + LEXPGONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
89 LOXPLONY + PSXPGONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
90 PEXPLONN + ZOXPGONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
91 AKXPLONY + ASXPGONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite band
92 LKXPLONY + IEXPGONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan

Item Codes for Mara:
93 LNXOPONY Start with final key
94 TOXOPONN Start with magma staff
95 LOXOPONY Start with multi-edge sword
96 PEXOPONN Start with thorn whip
97 AKXOPONY Start with shield of strength
98 LKXOPONY Start with dragon shield
99 LNXOPONY + GEXOZONY Start with final key and chain sickle
100 TEXOPONN + LEXOZONN Start with metal babble sword and boomerang
101 LOXOPONY + PSXOZONN Start with multi-edge sword and wizard's ring
102 PEXOPONN + ZOXOZONY Start with thorn whip and demon hammer
103 AKZOPONY + ASXOZONY Start with shield of strength and meteorite band
104 LKXOPONY + IEXOZONN Start with dragon shield and iron fan

Chapter 5 Codes:
105 LNOPIONY Start with final key
106 PXOPIONY Start with zenithian sword
107 GKOPIONY Start with zenithian shield
108 YUOPIONY Start with zenithian armor
109 LKOPIONY Start with zenithian helmet

Part 5 - Credits

I'd like to thank Dr Gamewiz for motivating me SOOOO much when it came
to making this FAQ as well as most of the other FAQs I have helped to
write! :)

Also, I'd like to thank all the Dragon Warriors out there who asked
for this FAQ and all those who didn't! This FAQ is a detication to you!
Special thanks to Draculos (draculos@aol.com) for the locations of the
small medals.

Until the next FAQ, see ya! :)

WS Wizard~~
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engl. FAQ

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