Turok 2: Seed's of Evil

Turok 2: Seed's of Evil

18.10.2013 05:39:40



BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND Big Cheat (alle Cheats verfügbar)
STOMPEM Große Hände und Füße
LIGHTSOUT Blackout-Modus
IGOTABFA Pen-and-Ink-Modus
HOLASTICKBOY Dünne, große Feinde
PIPSQUEAK Kleine Feinde
AAHGOO Zach's Cheat
FROOTSTRIPE Frooty Stripes

Ergänzt durch: Thomas Krause (tomkaruso@01019freenet.de)


LIGHTSOUT - Blackout Mode
UBERNOODLE - Big Head Mode
STOMPEM - Big Hand And Feet Mode
PIPSQUEAK - Tiny Enemy Mode
IGOTABFA - Pen And Ink Mode
WHATSATEXTUREMAP - Garoud Mode (weird colors, no textures)
AAHGOO - Zach Attacks Cheat (Zacks face on the gold
"normal" crystals)
HEEERESJUAN - Juans Cheat (Juans face on the red crystals)
FROOTSTRIPE - Frooty Stripes (Rainbow Colors)

Fruity Colors Mode: Complete level 1
Pen and Ink Mode: Complete level 2
Gouraud Mode: Complete level 3
Big Hands and Feet: Complete level 4
All Map: Complete level 5
All Guns: Complete level 6
Big Head Mode: Defeat level 4 boss
Tiny Mode: Defeat level 5 boss
Infinite Ammo: Defeat level 6 boss
All Special Items: Defeat Primagen
Warp Cheat: Defeat Primagen (when moving to the left or
right on the warp cheat, you will advance
through all the levels)
Invincibility: Defeat Primagen (again)
Infinite Lives: Defeat Primagen (on hard)

1) Use a GameShark to put in the working coop mode code

D00F5C61 0014
8111AAF0 0000
D00F5C61 0024
8111AAF0 0001

2) (Turn on the all cheats code too, if you don't already have them)
3) Go to any multi player stage, and turn on the cheats.
4) Pick anybody, then pick anybody on P2.
5) Go over to the 2nd player so that you're in their view and
you can see yourself on their screen.
6) Activate the GS code (R + C-DOWN), then choose one of these weapons:

Flamethrower- Turok Fan
Razorwind- Campaigner

7) Deactivate the code (L + C-DOWN)
8) LOOK!

The best way I can describe the effect is that you and the person
that corresponds with the weapon you chose are put together in a
blob. You are kind of in front and they are kind of in back. If
you pick any other weapon, you go back to normal.

Simply activate, choose, and deactivate for it to happen again.
You can also do this in any regular stage. Some combinations look
really cool. (Fireborn and Triceratops for example)

After playing Turok 2 for some time, and using every fantastic
weapon on every fantastic creature, I have managed to determine
an entire chart of the weapons' effectiveness against the monsters,
as well as some strategic aspects:

This weapon is only effective against the Compys and spiders.
Aim for the throat on the Raptoids, and you might survive.

War Blade:
A magnificent upgrade of the talon, the War Blade is good on
Compys, spiders, and believe it or not, the Raptors. This weapon
is the easiest against the Raptors, because other weapons can
never hit their heads.

Use on the Raptoids only. The Endtrails might also fall victim,
but patience is required.

Tek Bow:
In fact, the normal arrows fired from the Tek Bow are better
against the Dinosoids, while anything else should be shot with
the explosives. Use sniper mode even at point-blank range for
more accuracy. Good against Juggernauts.

Well, in the Port of Adia, it's your best until the shotgun, but
watch your ammo and, whenever possible, take time for a head shot.

Magnum .60:
Now we're talking! You should rely heavily on this gun in the
Death Marshes. Also good on Troopers, Dinosoids, and Blind Ones.
One pull of the trigger (with good aim at the head) and the
threat is no more.

The Deadkin, Mantids, Primagen minions, Spiders, Compys, and all
bosses are immune. Use this to conk out a foe at a distance before
approaching to gut its sleeping body with the War Blade.

Charge Dart Rifle:
Same as the Tranq, but if you hold the trigger long enough, you
can kill most enemies. Immune targets include: Soldier Mantids,
Deadkin, Bio-Bots, Compys, Spiders, Mites, all bosses.

Use normal shells on Dinosoids, Blind Ones, and Deadmen. Use
explosive shells on Troopers, Deadlords, Flesh-eaters, and
turrets. Also effective on the Primagen's claw and head.

The explosive shells are outstandingly effective in the halls
of the Primagen's Lightship. Also a good bet in the Lair of
the Blind Ones.

Plasma Rifle:
This weapon should be used for sniping only, even at visible
range. Good on anything when you snipe.

Firestorm Cannon:
Save your ammo for the Mantid Soldiers, flying Drones, and
turrets. This weapon will come in extremely useful when
destroying 3 queen embryos.

Sunfire Pod:
Other than watching Blind Ones burn and Raptoids cry, this
is useless.

Cerebral Bore:
Never use at point-blank range, when the enemy is punching you,
or the projectile will be swatted away. Just for kicks, fire at
a beastie far away and hold down the trigger to give your foe an
extra bore!

P.F.M. Layer:
Good mainly against worker Mantids and Mites.

Grenade Launcher:
If you learned how to control the arc-path of the grenades, then
use this against the Blind One boss and Guardians, Mother, and
Troopers. Also useful on Flesh-eaters and Deadlords.

Scorpion Missile Launcher:
Perfect on the Elite Guards, Deadlords and Primagen (when he
takes to the sky).

Particularly effective on Blind Ones, Flesh-eaters, and Queen
boss. Watch your ammo, and remember that this is a mid -range

Razor Wind:
There is only one of these in the entire game, so don't miss it!
This weapon is very hard to use, but ammo is unlimited, so feel
free to practice.

Useless on bosses, but a ton of fun in the levels! This is a
combo of the Chronoscepter, Fusion Cannon, Particle Accelerator
from the first Turok. Be sure not to be caught in the blast,

I hope this chart will do you good on your exciting adventure
toward defeating the Primagen and saving the Omniverse.

To have the cerebral bore automatically fire at the first lock it
gets, hold down Z. The gun won't fire until it has a lock. This
means that it fires right away even bofore you see the enemy and
has a better chance of hitting the target. This works great in

Wile playing in single player If you go up to a wall and see a
slight crack fire in the wall a flare at the wall. If the flare
goes through there should be a way to get in. You should fire a
grenade or shoot a barrel close by the entry to enter.

This glitch lets most monsters (such as endtrails and raptoids)
to blink and turn black as if they were to blow up. First put on
the big cheat and turn on invincibility and all weopons. Now go
to any level and find an endtrail and shoot him with a tranquilizer
dart. Now switch to the Nuke and shoot its downed body. If you did
this right the endtrail will stand up again and begin to freeze up.
As soon as he turns black throw a sunfure pod at him. He will hold
his eyes as if nothing happened. Now you have a blinking endtrail.

In level 2, when you first start you'll see a pen with a Rhino-like
thing in it. Here is how you can ride it without it being there....

Put in big cheat code, activate invincibility, and all weapons.
- Warp to the second level
- Get the nuke, and shoot the dino.
- Before it blows up get on the dino. and don't move
- When the nuke explodes move away and soon you will see the
air where the dino. should be explode.
- Now walk around and the guns are still on your sholders and
your still up high put there's no dino.
- To get rid of the guns go back into the little barn where the
dino was or go to the other one near the save point.

Note: There are some cool advantages to this. First, you walk
as fast as Turok does instead of that slow pace that it usually
is.... also, you can climb up ladders too.

This is definently a glitch but its useful. When you find a Save
Point enter as you usually would then exit. If there's a dinosaur
by the Save Point don't move and let him kill you. You should then
fall back into the save point. Now exit. When you come out your
health should read 0 and all the enemies can't harm you. You can
stay like that as long as you don't pick up any health, if you do,
it gives you the given amount and returns you to normal.

In the Multi Player stage H2Whoa retrieve the Cerebral Bore. Go
to an area where there is a water wall. Now walk up to it very
slowly until your under water but can still see your gun. Now
when your opponent swims by let it lock on, then fire at him
with your Cerebral Bore. This also works with some other weapons.

In Turok 2, the Charge Dart Rifle has different strengths to
its shots depeding on how long you hold the Z button. Also,
the longer you hold the button, the straighter and farther the
shots will go. Here is how long you have to hold the Z button
to attain the different levels...

Red - Shocks the enemy for approx. 5 seconds. Tap the Z button.
Orange - Shocks the enemy for approx. 10 seconds. Hold the
Z button for about half a second.
Yellow - Shocks the enemy for approx. 15 seconds. Hold the
Z button for about a second before releasing.
Green - Shocks the ememy for approx. 20 seconds. Hold the
Z button for 2 seconds.
Blue - Shocks the enemy for approx 25 seconds. Hold the
Z button for about 3 seconds to attain this shot.
*NOTE* This takes 2 away from your ammo instead of
the usual 1.
Purple - Extremely straight shot that shocks the enemy for
30 seconds. Hold Z for more than 5 seconds to get
the gun to shoot this.
*NOTE* This takes 3 away from you ammo instead
of the usual 1.

Enter the big cheat (BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND) or if you've beat
the game, don't worry about it.
Turn on all cheats you want.
Go into multiplayer and start a game with however many players
you want to be in the "single" mode.
Pick you characters you want to use (yes, even a velociraptor).
When all of you have started, press starts and go into cheats.
Select which level you want to warp to, and then warp to that
level (note: some levels suck and do not work).
Enjoy kickin' the crap out of everything.
Again, this is very glitchy.... All levels work, but for most
levels, doing it twice will work, but some may take up to like
10 tries (to load). All the multi-player options apply because
this mode is in Multi-player. So u can set time, frag limits,
or not to. Cheats apply also, as both players can be invincible
and so on. And because it is a multi-player game, so u only get
certain weapons. As I stated, there are levels which I cannot
play ( it's playable but the environment is completely black)
and every time one player enters a portal, he is either on top
of the portal light or ported to the beginning of the level.

You know how it is fun to play the "kill the monkey" multi-player
frag tag game for Turok 2? Well now you can be the monkey in a
normal 1 player game. The first thing you have to do is get into a
multi-player frag tag game. When you are playing, after you have
become the monkey, press start and access the cheat menu. Press
the veiw credits cheat. Once the cheat is shown, press start to
get out of the credits and back to the start menu. Once there,
start a single player game and you will become the monkey!!!
(of course you cant shoot or anything, but it is still kind of cool)

If you turn the blood color to "off", the 'deadmen' in level 2
won't hurt you with their blood. This makes it MUCH easier to
kill the dead sisters.

In Turok 2, your crosshairs move to the default position if you
move forward or backward, even with the lock spring option turned
off, unless you are holding the analog in a direction the whole
time. Some gamers may find this annoying, but there is a way to
fix it.
Remember the warning in the front of every instruction booklet?
"Do not hold the analog while turning the system on!" Well, if
you hold "down" just a little bit on the analog while turning
the system on, it will be tricked into thinking that that is
the default analog position. So when you play the game and stand
still, you will look up very very slowly, but the lock spring
will be "fixed," and will never spring back to default again.

I have recently discovered a way to get Invincibility on multi
player the way to get it is. first you must pick a level with
portals and scorpian launchers and a friend that is kind enough
to do this for you ok now first tell your friend to get a scorpian
launcher and meet you at the portal than go to the portal you
stand directely in front of the portal then have him take your
energy out to about ten of fifteen then while standing directely
in front of the portal have him shoot you into the portal with
a scorpian launcher and your friend will get a kill every time
you go through the portal and come out if he shoots you. you
will have 0 energy for ever unless you get any health so dont
get health. i recomand doing this on tellaportastic!

I have an evaluation of each character in multiplayer below.

Health : 100
Armour : Good
Speed : Average
Health regenerates? : no

Health : 80
Armour : Good
Speed : fast
Health regenerates? : yes, once every 5 seconds

Health : 60
Armour : Heavy
Speed : Fast
Health regenerates? : yes, once every 3 seconds

Health : 120
Armour : Heavy
Speed : Average
Health regenerates? : no

Health : 100
Armour : Average
Speed : fast
Health regenerates? : no

Health : 100
Armour : Average
Speed : fast
Health regenerates? : no

Health : 110
Armour : Good
Speed : Average
Health regenerates? : no

Health : 120
Armour : Heavy
Speed : Average
Health regenerates? : no

Health : 110
Armour : Good
Speed : Average
Health regenerates? : no

Health : 70
Armour : Light
Speed : very fast
Health regenerates? : no

MONKEY (frag tag)
Health : 20
Armour : light
Speed : very fast
Health regenerates? : no

A good all round character to select for multiplayer is Turok,
Campaigner, Tal'set or Fireborn. On levels with lava, the Fireborn
does not take damage on lava. The raptor should really be selected
by an expert player.


- Who says the Scorpion Launcher or any of the exotic weapons
(except the Cerebral Bore) are great? They are inaccurate!
Good players should play with lookspring turned to off and
aim for the player's head. One shot will do it!
- As a monkey in Frag Tag, make sure to stay within the vicinity
of the check points.
- Do not always depend on the Cerebral Bore - it can be outran.
- Keep an eye on your opponents' screens!
- Do not stay in one place unless on Frag Tag or you will be
- Learn to strafe.
- Use the look up and look down buttons on high ground to snipe
hapless players below.

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18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Komplettlösung für Turok 2: Seed's of Evil
engl. Lösung

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