Baldurs Gate 2 - Throne of Bhaal

Baldurs Gate 2 - Throne of Bhaal

14.10.2013 14:49:59
Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (BG2 Expansion, PC)
Endings FAQ

January 17, 2005
Version 1.01

Written by: Dan Simpson

If emailing me, use this subject: Baldur's Gate II: Endings v 1.01

(Emails that don't use this subject will be deleted, avoid using all CAPS)

Email Policy: (read before emailing me!)
If you see any mistakes, or have anything that you want to add
please email me! I will, of course, give you full credit for
your addition, and be eternally grateful to you. Email addresses
are not posted in the FAQ, unless you specifically state that
you want it to be.

You will find the most up to date version of this FAQ at:

I also have an FAQ/Walkthrough, Item List FAQ & a Class FAQ all of which you
can also find at GameFAQs.

This is a list of the "epilogue" texts that tell of what happens to your
companions after the Throne of Bhaal ends. As such, it is rife with spoilers,
and if that bothers you, don't read any further. This is mostly intended for
the curious who have already beaten the game, to see what they missed.

This FAQ looks best in a fixed-width font, such as Courier New.

This Document is Copyright 2000-2005 by Dan Simpson
Baldur's Gate II is Copyright 2000 by Bioware/Black Isle/Interplay
BG2: Throne of Bhaal is Copyright 2001 by Bioware/Black Isle/Interplay

I am not affiliated with Bioware, Black Isle, Interplay or anyone who had
anything to do with the creation of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any
site so long as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are
posting it. You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.

In case you didn't read it earlier, there be SPOILERS ahead, matey.

Table of Contents:

Good "Godly" Ending
Evil "Godly" Ending
Non-"Godly" Ending
Aerie Romantic
Jaheira Romantic
Viconia Romantic

Final Words...

Good "Godly" Ending:

Your mortal essence fades away as you embrace your divinity.

Through friends and enemies, you have conquered your heritage, turning shadow
to light, and now the infernal power of Bhaal no longer holds sway

You will take your place among the powers, as a force of balance and good.

It is the close of many things, but a new destiny stretches endlessly before

There are greater evils to fight than you might have dared imagine and sights
among the planes that you had never thought possible.

In the years to come, your name shall be a beacon in times of darkness.

Tales of your life shall inspire and guide, while servants of darkness will
flee your wrath.

It is a legacy that will forever change the face of the Realms.

Evil "Godly" Ending:

Your mortal essence crumbles as you embrace your fate, and take the legacy of
Bhaal as your own.

You welcome the divine power, and feel your dark influence flow over all that
you know.

The Abyss welcomes you, and you know you can shape it to your darkest

All your enemies have been crushed, but there will be more to come.

You are one of many in the crowded planes, but you are certain to destroy any

You have stolen the destiny of a god, and none shall stand in your way.

In time, all will know your terrible name.

Your tyranny shall be renowned, your strength and guile legendary.

You are the Bhaal-spawn, Lord of Murder, and the mark you have carved upon
the Realms shall never fade.

Non-"Godly" Ending:

Your divine essence slowly fades, and for a moment you feel empty,

It is frightening, but soon yields to a new sensation, one of hope.

With your closest companions at your side, you are free to live out your
mortal life, no longer a pawn of Bhaal's Prophecy.

The adventure draws to a close, but there will be more to come.

Even as a mortal you are to be looked upon in awe, and your power commands
attention, both friendly and otherwise.

Your life is yours, as are the trials to come.

As years pass, tales of your exploits shall spread far and wide, and bards
will sing your name along with heroes and villains of legend.

Your life may be mortal, your time now finite, but the mark you have left
upon the Realms will endure.


Aerie continued adventuring after leaving 's company, driven in her
travels to oppose slavery in any form. Her compassion grew tainted by
revenge, however; revenge for what had been taken when she was in chains. She
might have lost herself entirely had she not stumbled across a group of
Avariel winged elves enslaved in Cormyr. They compelled her to come to
Faenya-Dail, the home she was originally stolen from, and she learned much
while there. Most importantly, she learned she was no longer one of them, and
stopped pining for wings she wouldn't use anyway. Aerie eventually became a
high priestess in Understone, a gnomish village her mentor Quayle had
sometimes spoken of. He had been her true family, and it was among his people
that she finally found peace.

Aerie Romantic:

Aerie and would prove inseparable, their adventuring careers
becoming secondary to the raising of their son, and eventually a daughter as
well. Their later years would hold one last great trek, however, as Aerie
still suffered a sadness from her time enslaved and the loss of her wings.
Together she and sought the Avariel of Faenya-Dail, the winged
elves she was stolen from so long ago. They discovered not only her people,
but loving parents that had spent years searching for their lost child. With
no more mystery or confusion to cloud their lives, it was there, among the
clouds, that Aerie and would finally be married. Their union, it
is said, was blessed by visions of Aerdrie Faenya and Baervan Wildwanderer


Anomen was troubled after his time in 's company. He had closely
witnessed the dark power inherent in the Bhaal child, and no matter
's intent, it caused a crisis of faith. His confidence in Helm
shaken, Anomen traveled without aim until arriving in the frontiers of
Maztica. This was during the revolt of Yamash, an evil cleric that raised a
demonic conquering horde. Anomen was drawn into the conflict, helping to
organize the besieged Maztican soldiers, but he found he could not
effectively train them without speaking of duty and the role a guardian must
play; he was teaching the doctrine of Helm, and understanding it more as he
did. In the end, his words rang true, and Yamash fell to the Disciples of
Anomen, a new Order for a new land.

Anomen Romantic:

Anomen and continued adventuring until they were known as heroes
almost everywhere they went. So prolific were their careers that the proposed
date of their wedding kept getting moved back, either due to impending crisis
or some lucrative adventure that one or the other would insist on
investigating. Finally a date approached that both and her beloved
were determined to keep, and the much heralded event drew heroes and
dignitaries from across Faerun. The couple had touched the lives of many, and
those people arrived in droves to watch Elminster himself unite the two in
one of the grandest ceremonies the city of Baldur's Gate had ever seen.
Anomen and retired from public life shortly thereafter, although,
if tales be true, their adventures never truly ended.


With his guidance no longer needed, Cernd left 's company and
reunited with his son, Ahsdale. His duty to nature constantly called him
away, however, and the boy grew bitter. Years later Cernd attained the title
of Grand Druid, but stopped the ascension when he learned that his
long-estranged child now wielded twisted magics, and commanded an army
threatening the Sword Coast. Cernd abdicated, citing that he could not hold
such responsibility when he had been so grossly deficient in his personal
obligations. Neither Cernd nor Ahsdale would survive when they finally met in
battle. They were strangers to each other, and the only common ground they
found was where they fell, a spot that gave rise to a wondrous oak that turns
the gravest of reds at season's change.


Edwin gained great renown in his travels with , and in the years
following their association he would exploit that infamy. In time he achieved
enough influence to subjugate even the Red Wizards themselves, becoming the
greatest leader they had known in recent memory. Very recent memory, it turns
out, as he was deposed scant days later. Such is the brief nature of
conquerors in Thay, practically lining up for their turn in power. His only
notable appearance following this embarrassment was in battle with Elminster
of Shadowdale himself, a short affair that saw the end of Edwin's existence
in the Realms. Edwina, however, tends bar in a Waterdeep tavern. She is a
bitter, bitter woman.


Haer'Dalis found traveling with a fine introduction to the Realms,
and once they parted company he was eager to see more. He visited such varied
locales as Waterdeep, Neverwinter, and Thay, eventually fleeing each one
after innocently immersing himself in local troubles. Later he would befriend
a female Cambion and return with her to the Abyss, only to unintentionally
end up leading a revolt on several layers of the hells. For a time,
Haer'Dalis was the most-hunted man among the planes, but the ire of his
enemies could not match his wanderlust, and he eventually found his way back
to the city of Sigil unharmed in any permanent fashion. There he rejoined
Raelis's acting troupe and was pleased to finally settle down - until the
next misunderstanding, of course.


And what of Imoen, the eternal child? She had long stood in the shadow of
, but she was her own person, and would find her fate where she
pleased. She returned to Candlekeep for a time, her formidable skill in magic
granting a greater appreciation for its tomes. It was smaller than she
remembered, however, and she did not stay long. Later she was seen in such
vaunted company as Khelben "Blackstaff" and Elminster, by all accounts
encouraging them to not be such stick-in-the-muds. Her influence grew over
time, and she may have founded a thieves' guild that now operates all the way
to Neverwinter. When asked of this she always answered with a smile of purest
innocence. "Heya," she would say, "it's just me, Imoen."


The events of the Bhaalspawn saga affected Jaheira deeply. It was her duty to
protect the greater balance of things, but in the years to come she found an
increased portion of that fight occurring within her own mind. Witness to
great change while in 's company, she had become acutely aware of
how fleeting life was, and how the loss of those she held dear ate away at
her thoughts. In time she would be known as a tireless champion of balance,
one that sometimes acted in concert with the Harpers and sometimes did not.
Always, however, she remained distant and guarded, never staying long in any
one place. Jaheira would cross the Realms thrice over, but she never did
return to Tethyr or the Sword Coast.

Jaheira Romantic:

The years following the Bhaalspawn saga were kind to Jaheira. They couldn't
be called peaceful, by any means, but her relationship with
weathered it all. Theirs was an unshakable union, and while duty or adventure
might separate them for even years a time, they always returned to one
another. Her friends would marvel at how secure in this Jaheira seemed to be,
especially considering her initial reluctance, but she would chuckle when
thinking back on those first cautious days. After all, she and had
literally been to the hells and back, and when the gods themselves couldn't
separate the two, what were simple months and miles going to do? She lived
long and well. Not always with , but never truly apart from him.


Jan Jansen's life following his association with was typically
convoluted, the barest of details hidden amidst his half-truths and whole
lies. According to his published memoirs, "A Jansen in Every Port", after a
short prison term for monkey smuggling, he returned to his first love...
monkey smuggling. This led to the now infamous Gibbon Riot of '72, a
tumultuous and altogether unclean event that seemed to center on the estate
of the Shadow Thief Vaelag. Jan would deny that he had planned the downfall
of the rogue, but he was unable to explain what practical application he had
intended for a horde of knife-wielding simians. Nevertheless, the death of
the admittedly disliked and generally suspect Vaelag could not be attributed
to the young gnome. Strangely enough, Jan had alibis for each and every
second of the day in question, and what a day it must have been! Relatives
from across the Realms came forward to say that he had stopped in for tea and
turnips. At his later wedding to Lissa, Jan was asked how he managed to be in
so many places at once, and yet still so far from the scene of the crime.
"Well," Jan would say, "when you have that many monkeys, anything is


Keldorn Firecam thought his travels with marked the end of his
active career, both as an adventurer and in service to the Order. He retired
to Athkatla, hoping to live in as much peace as an old warrior can expect,
but the call to serve came one last time. It was years later, and Amn was
besieged by giants. In his 60th winter, Keldorn and five knights held a
strategic pass until the main Amnish force could arrive. He won the day, but
his wounds were severe and the old paladin fell on the battlefield. As his
knights watched, the hand of Torm descended upon the scene, and when it
departed, Keldorn was gone. From that day, visions of the True God were
accompanied by the stalwart ghostly form of Keldorn at his right hand.


After leaving 's company, Korgan Bloodaxe lived in as bloody a
fashion as he could manage. He took control of an entire dwarven clan,
killing their leader in secret and guiding their revenge to a target of his
choosing. He could have lived in luxury, but his thirst for carnage was
immeasurable, and he stunned the Realms by pushing deep into the Underdark.
The blind fury of the clan took even the dark elves by surprise, but holding
territory in the home of the drow is a hopeless proposition. Korgan was last
seen burying his axe in the gullet of a high priest of Lolth, laughing as he
struck. Dwarven legend immortalized the image, and his bloodlust is now
called a crusade. History, it seems, finds more heroes than madmen.


The perils that Mazzy Fentan faced at the side of did nothing to
dissuade her thirst for adventure. In fact, it was not long after the events
in Tethyr that she formed the Fentan Knights, a stalwart band of heroes that
spawned tales across the Realms. They battled trolls to save endangered
towns, turned back tides of orcs to preserve ancient forests, and faced a
rogue dragon in its own lair just to make the world a better place. Their
legend was larger than life, especially so for Mazzy, and it was said on
occasion that if valor were inches, she'd be twenty feet tall. For all her
risks, Mazzy eventually passed peacefully at a ripe old age, knowing she
could take pride in everything she had done.


With the saga of the Bhaalspawn closed, Minsc fulfilled a long promised oath.
He returned to Rashemen, hoping to regale the Icedragon Berserker Lodge with
the tales of his deeds, and earn a place within its hallowed halls. His words
were not needed. Every tavern in Faerun had a bard singing of the valiant
ranger, and he was welcomed as a hero. Eventually he formed his own
adventuring company, the Justice Fist, striking fear in the hearts and faces
of evil until, in his advancing age, he again set out across the Realms...
and disappeared. And what of Boo? Well, what is Minsc without Boo? The two
would never be separated, and some say they are together still, up amongst
the stars where hamsters are giants and men become legends.


Nalia grew quite powerful after her association with . Initially
she traveled, learning magical lore and making influential friends, but after
a year she returned to Amn and her family home of de'Arnise Hold. She found
it in the control of none other than Isaea Roenal, but she was no longer the
wayward child that he expected, and single-handedly brought him to justice
for his indiscretions. She declared herself the inheritor of her father's
ducal title, becoming a beloved ruler, respected archmage, and eventually
earning a seat on the Amnish Council of Six itself. She would become a
prominent figure in Amn for many years, constantly fighting for the good of
the common folk and making many frustrated enemies among the nobility and
Cowled Wizards both.


In the years following his resurrection by , Sarevok never settled
in any one place for long. In Berdusk he is said to have routed an army of
invading orcs, displaying such fearsome power and rage that terrified locals
weren't sure whom to fear more. In Westgate he arrived as conqueror, brutally
enforcing his will only to mysteriously vanish months later. He acted like a
man that did not know himself, and all the stories agreed that Sarevok was a
tortured soul, balancing between life and death, never to achieve either.
Eventually he disappeared, said to have assaulted the Abyss itself, or even
taken his own life. In truth, he journeyed to Kara-Tur to bury his one true
love, the warrior Tamoko. He never returned, though the stories endure.


Valygar continued adventuring for several years after the Bhaalspawn saga,
traveling among the wilds and becoming a common sight near Waterdeep. In time
he would retire to Athkatla, content to assume a contemplative life on his
family estate, but admirers among the nobility would not let him rest. He was
pressured into assuming the title of Chief Inspector, a responsibility he
didn't want, but corruption within the city soon gained his ire. Surprising
even himself, Valygar became an effective leader, and it was this term in
office that truly restored the Corthala family name. Valygar eventually
married and his only son, the pride of his life, took the lessons of the
father to heart. He would go on to lead the Cowled Wizards, becoming its
greatest agent of reform.


No longer with , Viconia went on to found a cult dedicated to Shar
in the city of Waterdeep. One of her followers betrayed her, however,
prompting the slaughter of the whole tainted lot. Shar admonished Viconia
strongly for this, but she was unrepentant and again wandered the Realms.
Viconia was still formidable, and went on to prevent an attempt by the
Knights of the Shield to take over Calimport, and even worked with Drizzt
Do'Urden to save the elven city of Suldanessalar from a Zhentarim plot. For
this last act, the elves accepted her, and Queen Ellesime bestowed the
highest honors of the Seldarine, an accolade never before given to one of her
dark kind. Viconia reportedly bowed once without emotion, and then left. Her
fate remains unknown.

Viconia Romantic:

and Viconia continued adventuring long after leaving Tethyr. He
became an important political figure, and she was his trusted counsel.
Eventually Viconia bore 's child, which first served to strain
their relationship. The birth, however, changed her, and she dedicated
herself to raising the boy, teaching him both the ways of the drow and of
's people. She marveled at the understanding in his eyes, but,
unfortunately, didn't live to see him grow. Viconia was poisoned by a servant
of Lolth, her last words whispered to her loving mate in private.
raised his son in secret, and tales vary on the result. Some say they waged a
crusade against the drow, but all agree that the former child of Bhaal never
forgot the love of his dark maiden.

< < < < < Final Words.... > > > > >

This FAQ was written entirely using the GWD Text Editor: (shareware)

Spiffy Links:

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Shameless Self Promotion:
I am Dan Simpson ( and have also written FAQs for:

NES: Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
Final Fantasy -- Magic FAQ
The Legend of Zelda
SNES: Aerobiz
Aerobiz Supersonic
Utopia: Creation of a Nation
Genesis: StarFlight
PSX: Thousand Arms -- Walkthrough
-- Forging/Dating FAQ
PS2: Madden NFL 2001
XBOX: Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords -- FAQ/Walkthrough
-- Influence Guide
PC: AD&D Rules FAQ, 2nd and 3rd Editions
Baldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast -- FAQ/Walkthrough
NPC List
Creature List
Baldur's Gate II & Throne of Bhaal -- FAQ/Walkthrough
-- Items List
-- Class FAQ
-- Creature List
Civilization III (incomplete)
Colonization -- the Single Colony Strategy Guide
-- the Cheat Guide
Drakan: Order of the Flame
Dungeon Hack
Icewind Dale & Heart of Winter -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Items List
Kresselack's Tomb Map (JPG)
Burial Isle Map (JPG)
Shattered Hand Map (JPG)
Icewind Dale II -- Items List
Master of Magic (revision)
Pharaoh (currently being edited by Red Phoenix)
Planescape: Torment -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Items Listing
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
The Sims
Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
Ultima 7: The Black Gate
Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle
Ultima Underworld -- Keyboard Commands
Ultima Underworld II -- Keyboard Commands
-- Spell List
All of my FAQs can be found at:

Version History:
Version 1.0 June 29, 2001 28k

Version 1.01 January 17, 2005 29k

Changed my email address, and updated the format.


Viconia: "You do love the sound of your own voice, don't you gnome?"

Jan: "My own voice? Heartless wench! Do you not know? I am deaf. I
have never heard the sound of my own voice. I read lips... (sob)...
only lips..."

This Document is Copyright 2001-2005 by Dan Simpson
Baldur's Gate II is Copyright 2000 by Bioware/Black Isle/Interplay
Throne of Bhaal is Copyright 2001 by Bioware/Black Isle/Interplay

I am not affiliated with Bioware, Black Isle, Interplay or anyone who had
anything to do with the creation of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any
site so long as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are
posting it. You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.

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