Seasons of Sakura

Seasons of Sakura

17.10.2013 17:20:58
SEASONS OF THE SAKURA FAQ By Pulse Started on Wed. 4/25/01 at 8:34 AM


This Game, Characters, and Places are Copyright JAST, USA.
This FAQ Copyright Thomas Warnica, 2001. All Rights Reserved, except for
that Bondage And Discipline Thing, which I have no hold over. Excuse me
while I untie my hands.


Welcome To My Seasons of The Sakura FAQ! This Game is done Well, Considering
What it is, and is filled with what you would Expect for this type of Game.
This Guide will Fill you in on How to get all 8 Girls…


Table Of Contents:

Choose Your Love!
Reiko Sawamura Walkthrough
Kiyomi Shinfuji Walkthrough
Mio Suzuki Walkthrough
Shoko Nishino Walkthrough
Ruri Shiromizu Walkthrough
Aki Hinagiku Walkthrough
Seia Yoshida Walkthrough
Meimi Nakano Walkthrough
If you have any Info/ Comments/ Questions, etc.
Tainted Love…(Get Soft Cell out of your heads now…)
Thanks And Shouts
The Magic in Cupid’s Arrow Has Worn Out…

Choose Your Love!
There are 8 Girls in the Game. I will give you a little Info, so you know
which one you want:

Reiko Sawamura
Third Year Student
Height: 5’7”
Weight: ???
Measurements: 33-23-33
Blood Type: A
Talent: Swimming
Likes: Swimming, Girls’ Manga
Dislikes: Bugs, Ghost Stories, Shoko
Club: Swimming
Dream: Would Like To Get An Olympic Gold Medal in Swimming

Reiko is a Girl who likes to take care of People. After a “Meeting of
Destiny” (According To Her), She Tries to Get Shuji To Join The Swim Team.
Looks Strangely Like Umi Ryuzaki From Magic Knight Rayearth.

Mio Suzuki
First Year Student, Class 1-E
Height: 4’11”
Weight: 108 Lbs.
Measurements: 30-21-32
Blood Type: O
Talent: Tennis
Likes: Tennis, Samurai Dramas, Gum
Dislikes: Karaoke, Spiders
Club: Tennis
Dream: To be The Best in Japan

A Bright, Active Girl, Mio is an Excellent Tennis Player. She Tries to Get
Shuji To join the Tennis Club. Looks like Hikaru Shido From Magic Knight

Kiyomi Shinfuji
First Year Student, Class 1-A
Height: 5’1”
Weight: Secret
Measurements: 32-22-33
Blood Type: B
Talent: Planning
Likes: Reading, Planning
Dislikes: Rising Early, Disorganization
Club: Baseball (Manager)
Dream: To win a Baseball Championship

A Calm, Organized Girl, Kiyomi is Shuji’s Classmate. She Searched for Shuji
for a Year. She wants Shuji to join The Baseball Team.
Looks like Fuu Houoji From Magic Knight Rayearth.

Meimi Nakano
First Year Student, Class 1-A
Height: 5’0”
Weight: Secret
Measurements: 31-21-33
Blood Type: O
Talent: Gymnastics
Likes: Her Mother, The Circus, Ice Cream
Dislikes: Studying
Club: Gymnastics
Dream: To be a circus Performer like her Mother

A Stubborn, Boyish Girl, Meimi is Shuji’s Classmate. Argumentative, she has
had fights with Shuji on occasion.
Looks like Meimi Haneoka From Saint Tail.

Seia Yoshida
First Year Student, Class 1-A
Height: 4’11”
Weight: Secret
Measurements: ??-??-??
Blood Type: B
Talent: Listening
Likes: The Bible, Cotton Candy, Milk
Dislikes: Spicy Food, Prunes (Dried Plums for you PC People)
Club: Bible Study Club
Dream: To Become A Nun

Seia Seems like a Quiet Girl who stays in the Background, But she is
actually a natural Leader. She Talks to Shuji a lot because they are the
Class Representatives (That is the Reason She Gives, Anyway.)
Looks like Seira Mimori From Saint Tail.

Shoko Nishino
Third Year Student, Class 3-A
Height: 5’1”
Weight: None Of Your Buisness!
Measurements: 32-23-33
Blood Type: AB
Talent: Appearing Suddenly
Likes: Soccer, Dolls, Fortune Telling
Dislikes: Studying, Reiko
Club: Soccer Team (Manager)
Dream: To get Married

Shoko is a Shallow Girl who likes Soccer because it’s exciting to watch. She
falls in love with Shuji and sets her sights on him.
No Idea Who this is, Looks faintly Like Someone From Pia Carrot.

Aki Hinagiku
First Year student, Class 1-D
Height: 5’1”
Weight: Don’t Ask Me!
Measurements: ??-??-??
Blood Type: O
Talent: Tennis, Roundhouse Kicks
Likes: Tennis, Strong People
Dislikes: Studying, Mio
Club: Tennis Team
Dream: To be the Best in the World

A Strong Tennis Player, Aki is rivals with Mio, and seeks to beat her
someday. She takes an interest in Shuji as the one who defeated Mio.
Looks Like Asuka Soryu Langley from Evangellion.

Ruri Shiromizu
First Year Student, Class 1-A
Height: 5’1”
Weight: ???
Measurements: 32-22-33
Blood Type: ??
Talent: ??
Likes: ??
Club: N/A
Dream: ??

An Introverted, Depressed Girl, Ruri is a Rich Girl who has transferred
schools over 100 Times in her life. She refuses to open her Heart To
Looks Like Evangellion’s Rei Ayanami.

By The Way, No, I Don’t have Any of their Telephone Numbers, and If I did
give them to you, Do you know how High The Phone Bill would Be?

Reiko Sawamura Walkthrough

NOTE: Whenever I say, “DO ALL OPTIONS”, I basically mean look, talk, think,
ask up all the available options you get the same message on the screen, and
then move on to the next option. After viewing all the options, the game
will move on.

CHAPTER 1 - The Sakura Dance At The Entrance Ceremony
When the game starts, you’re in bed and you’ve just had a dream. Then, your
mother Emi comes in and tries to kiss you. You can decide whether you want
to AVOID or DEFEND YOURSELF. Afterwards, just continue to DO ALL OPTIONS.
You’ll get a chance to talk to your father, Nobuyuki. When you get to
school, you’ll first meet Reiko, who you knocked over whilst rushing to

When you arrive at the auditorium, LOOK FOR YOUR SEAT, and a short
brown-haired girl called Kiyomi will greet you. DO ALL OPTIONS. After the
Dean finishes his speech, you’ll go to your classroom and meet your teacher,
Kyoko. DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Kyoko will suggest to have a party,
and a short haired girl called Seia and a girl with a long ponytail named
Meimi will object to this. You’ll also get to meet your future best friend,
Makoto. After you suggest to have a cherry-blossom viewing party, your day
will end.

CHAPTER 2 - Battle of Women
DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll end up under a cherry blossom tree. Choose TAKE
A NAP. When you wake up, you’ll meet a cute girl called Mio. When she asks
what you are doing, say TAKING A NAP.

Keep talking to Mio and eventually, Kiyomi and Reiko will show up. Each girl
will then persuade you to join her sports club. At this stage, it doesn’t
matter which club you choose to join because it’ll end up having you saying
you’ll give each club a try before making your decision.
When you arrive at the tennis courts, DO ALL OPTIONS. After practicing with
Mio, choose TRY BASEBALL. Now, DO ALL OPTIONS. After talking to Kiyomi,
you’ll go to the pool. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS. Once you get back to the
classroom, you’ll make bets with the three girls. You promise that if you
lose to them when playing their respective sports, you’ll join their club.
Next day. Choose to go the BASEBALL FIELD first, and you’ll hit 56 home
runs. Then you will arrive at the tennis courts. Say I KNOW to the rules of
tennis. Then, CHALLENGE Mio. You beat her. Then, keep choosing TALK to Mio
and you will arrive at the pool with Reiko. Reiko doesn’t believe you can’t
swim and pushes you into the swimming pool. Then, Dean saves you by giving
you mouth-to-mouth (gross). When you come to, you’ll be in the classroom. DO
ALL OPTIONS. When Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi begin arguing, a pink-haired girl
called Shoko will lead you to the gymnastics training room. Things get a
little exciting as Shoko takes her shirt off and makes sexual advances at

Suddenly, Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi appear. Choose BEG FOR HELP. You then find
out Shoko’s actually trying to get you to join the soccer team. Then,
eventually, you’ll have to choose RUN AWAY, and you have to TALK to SHOKO.

CHAPTER 3 - Day of Sakura and Manguro (Tuna)
This evening, you and Makoto and your teacher are finding a good spot for
the cherry-blossom viewing party. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi
will show up.

DO ALL OPTIONS. Kyoko will ask you why you haven’t joined any of the clubs.
After you explain why, the evening ends and the next day’s the
cherry-blossom viewing party. DO ALL OPTIONS. After you do your performance,
you’ll take Seia home because she’s drunk. When you get inside her room,
LOOK at it, and then PUT HER TO BED. Keep choosing to LOOK at her and she’ll
take her top off!

You can choose to TALK to her if you want, but she won’t answer. Instead,
choose to LOOK at her BREASTS and PANTIES. Then keep looking at SEIA until
you leave her house and go back to the party. Just keep choosing TALK to
KYOKO, and you’ll eventually pass out from drunkenness.
Next day at school, everyone’s suffering from a hangover, so only you and
Kyoko-sensei are present. Keep TALKING to her, and you’ll arrive at the next
CHAPTER 4 - Here Comes New Challengers!
There’s a new girl in class. Short blue-haired Ruri may look beautiful, but
she’s awfully quiet.

Anyway, Kiyomi and Makoto will soon approach you and talk to you about her.
DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Meimi and Seia will join in the conversation.
TALK to them, and Kiyomi, Mio and Reiko will arrive. When the image of Ruri
sitting by herself comes up, DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Makoto will arrive, and
report what he has found out about Ruri.
First day of Golden Week, you go shopping with the girls. DO ALL OPTIONS.
When you get inside the shopping center, you’ll meet an Asuka-lookalike girl
named Aki. TALK to her, and you find out she and Mio are tennis rivals.

On the second day of Golden Week, Makoto comes over. DO ALL OPTIONS. When
you get to the riverbed, DO ALL OPTIONS. After leaving the riverbed, you’ll
end up at the shopping district again. Choose GO, and go to any place you
like. After you’ve been to all the places, Kiyomi’s little brother will show
up. His name is Shinji. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you’ll end up at the
riverbed again and you will see Meimi there. Choose LEAVE.
Next, you’ll get to make some pretty important decisions. The entire
school’s going to Hokkaido for school camp, and you have to choose who you
want to be in your group. WRITE REIKO, then RURI, then SEIA.

CHAPTER 5 - Summer Camp Crisis
When you arrive at camp, DO ALL OPTIONS. You’ll then be sent off to gather
firewood, and you should see Reiko on the way. It’ll soon start to rain, and
Reiko’s T-shirt gets totally soaked, making it see through.

Later that night, choose to LOOK at REIKO first. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS.
Next day, Makoto and you are beside the river fishing. Keep choosing THINK
until the screen says "Guess I'll take a break". Then, choose TALK to
MAKOTO, and the GO option will appear. Then choose to GO to SHALLOWS A.
Reiko should be there. After talking to her, GO to all the other places.
After you have been to all of them, the game will ask you whether or not you
want to look for Ruri. Choose DON’T BOTHER. Keep playing normally until
chapter 6 starts.

CHAPTER 6 - Summer Sea, Sea Wind and Starlight
On the first day of sea-side camp, Reiko will try to teach you how to swim.
Whilst trying not to drown, you’ll accidentally (I think) pull down her
swimsuit and get a nice glimpse of her breasts. Makoto will come up a little
later and congratulate you on behalf of the boys.

Next day, you and Kiyomi go boat rowing. Upon arrival of the island, DO ALL
OPTIONS. After a while, you’ll discover your boat’s gone missing. Luckily,
Aki found it for you.
The next day, Mio invites you to go collect seashells together. DO ALL

When Meimi arrives, DO ALL OPTIONS AGAIN.
After dinner, choose LOOK at BEACH. Then choose LOOK at MOON. Then LOOK at
OCEAN. Now, choose THINK about REIKO. Then, LOOK at BEACH again. Then, Reiko
should appear. USE UP ALL OPTIONS.
After seaside camp, you’re back in school with a terrible cold. Choose to
TALK to REIKO before anyone else. Then DO ALL OPTIONS.

CHAPTER 7 - Happy Birthday Reiko
At school, the girls try to convince you to see the school nurse because of
your illness. As usual, choose to TALK to REIKO first, and then DO ALL
OPTIONS. Then, the bell will ring and the girls go off to class.

After class, the girls check on you again. Choose to TALK to REIKO first,
and then DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, halfway through class, you faint, and Meimi
and Kiyomi take you to the nurse’s office. DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll force
you to take the medicine.

Afterwards, the girls take you home, and they get to meet your parents. They
tease and embarrass you mercilessly. After arriving at your room, TALK to
REIKO. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll leave you alone. For now.
Next morning, you learn about your past fears with medicine. Then, everyone
arrives at your room and you also learn that Reiko’s having her birthday
bash at your house. At the party, remember to TALK to REIKO first before
talking to anyone else.

Next day at school, you’ve already recovered from your cold. You also give
Reiko’s birthday to her.
In October, Kyoko-sensei announces the up-coming Sports Festival. The girls
fight over you because they all want you to take part in their sport. As
usual, LOOK and TALK to REIKO before talking to the others. In the end,
you’ll decide to participate in all their events.

CHAPTER 8 - Concerto in School Festival
At school, TALK and LOOK at REIKO before talking and looking at the others
until you’ve DONE ALL OPTIONS.
That should bring you to the first day of practice. When the 3 girls come to
see you, TALK and LOOK at REIKO before talking and looking and Mio and

During school the next day, you’re completely sore from all the exercise
from the previous day. When lunchtime arrives, Kiyomi says she’s got
something to talk to you about. She persuades you to reconsider about
entering so many events for the Sports Festival. Then, Mio and Reiko will
show up. TALK and LOOK at Reiko before looking and talking at Mio.
2 weeks later. After your practice, you go home and your dad says a friend’s
waiting for you. It turns out to be Shoko, and she says she doesn’t want you
to go to soccer practice anymore in case you hurt yourself. Choose to REFUSE
her ( If you choose to agree to her, you get the Shoko ending, so make sure
you REFUSE her!!) Shoko then runs out of the house in tears, and you never
see her again.

Next day after practice, you have dinner with Meimi and Seia. DO ALL
OPTIONS. After dinner, walk Meimi home.
During school the next day, the girls will come to talk to you about Sports
Day. Don’t forget to TALK and LOOK at Reiko before the other girls!! After
DOING ALL OPTIONS, Ruri should appear. When she asks you if you’re only
participating in all those events to get the others like you, say NO.

At home, you decide to head downtown. After playing video games, you catch
sight of Reiko at the UFO Catcher machine. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards,
you’ll have dinner at a burger place. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll both walk
by the riverbank. Here, Reiko tells you her concerns about the future.
The day of the Sports Festival. As usual, TALK to REIKO before the others.
First, you’ll play volleyball, then baseball, then soccer, then the treasure
hunt, then volleyball again, then the men’s 400 meter, then the survival
contest etc. What a pain.
Next day of the Sports Festival. You and Aki are partners for the
three-legged race. When asked, choose to GO FASTER.

The day after that is the party after the Sports Festival. The first half of
the party takes place at school, and the second half at Kyoko’s house. After
the kampai, TALK to REIKO. Keep talking to Reiko until she repeats herself.
Then, TALK to SHINJI. Keep talking to Shinji, and Kyoko will join in the
conversation. Continue talking to Shinji, and eventually the party ends, and
everyone leaves. Leaving you and Kyoko alone, that is. Then, she gives you a
very special lesson, which involves you losing your virginity. Not bad for a
first time.

Next morning, THINK about YESTERDAY until it repeats itself. Then, choose
THINK about CULTURE FESTIVAL. Keep thinking about the culture festival until
the option GO appears. Choose GO to SCHOOL. Upon arriving at school, you see
Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi. Remember to LOOK at REIKO first before the others. DO
The day of the culture festival. When arriving at the fishing contest by the
pool, DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you get a role in some crazy play, and the
day ends with ramen with the girls.
Second day of the culture festival. Choose LOOK at REIKO first. Then LOOK at
BAND. Then THINK. Then TALK. When you’re at the pool again, pick TALK, and
talk to REIKO, then KIYOMI, then MIO. Then TRY YOUR LUCK option should pop
up. After trying your luck, you go back outside and play a shooting game
where you win a game system. When returning to the classroom, TALK with
REIKO until she repeats herself. Then TALK to KIYOMI until the GO option
appears. After choosing GO to CULTURE FESTIVAL, an announcement will come
over the speakers, saying that the school dance with begin at 6PM.
At this point, you have to choose who you want as your dance partner, so
this is a pretty important decision. Obviously, you’ll CHOOSE REIKO. Enjoy

December arrives, and Kyoko-sensei is talking about a Christmas party.
You’ve been nominated to organize it. When Reiko and Mio arrive, you tell
them you’ve got no idea how to organize one. Luckily, Kiyomi and Seia agree
to help out.

CHAPTER 9 - Holy, Holy Night For You
December 24th, Christmas Eve. After the party, you must decide whom you want
to give your Xmas present to. Pick GO to REIKO’S HOUSE. Unfortunately, when
you get there, when you’re about to kiss her, her mom knocks on the door.

CHAPTER 10 - Hot Springs Trip In New Year's
Anyway, it’s now New Year’s Eve. Makoto helps you and your dad clean up. DO
ALL OPTIONS, and then Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi will appear. After cleaning, Aki
and Kyoko will drop by as well. When the party starts, choose GIVE SPEECH.

The next day. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then your dad announces you and your friends
can go to the hot springs. When deciding whom to call first, choose REIKO.
Then, call the other girls in any order.
Next day is the trip to the hot springs. Kyoko managed to convince Ruri to
come along. When you’re in your room and Makoto asks you to spy on the girls
bathing, choose DON’T GO (don’t worry, the outcome is the same as choosing
to go). Then, choose STOP HIM. When arriving at the hot springs, you get to
see all the girls stark naked. Unfortunately, Ruri catches you and the girls
throw rocks at you. You fall back unconscious.

When you wake up, you see Kyoko-sensei. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, Reiko, Mio,
Kiyomi, Aki and Ruri come in. When asked what you want to play, choose
MAHJONG. And that ends the hot springs trip. Ruri goes back to live with her
mother, and that’s the last time you ever see her.
Back at school, you and Makoto start talking about Valentine’s Day. Then
Seia and Meimi join in the conversation.

CHAPTER 11 - Most Important Valentine's Day
At school. TALK to MAKOTO. Then TALK to MEIMI. Then TALK to SEIA. Then LOOK
at CLASSROOM repeatedly until Kiyomi appears.
Sunday before Valentine’s Day. You go to the video game center Babel. That
girl beats the shit outta you at Virtua Fighter II (as usual). You then head
down to the supermarket, where you see Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi buying
chocolate for you. Choose THINK. Then, choose EXIT.

Then, it’s Valentines Day. Meimi and Seia give chocolate to all the boys.
When the options come up, click LOOK at MAKOTO, then KIYOMI, then SEIA, and
then MEIMI (Seia and Meimi will give you chocolate). Then THINK about REIKO.
Then THINK of all the other girls. Then TALK. Then, LOOK at SEIA again, and
Aki should appear. She’ll take you to the roof, give you chocolate and
confess her true feelings for you. Then, GO to POOL. When you get there,
Reiko will be waiting for you. She also admits she loves you. After talking
to Reiko, you can decide whether you want to see Mio at the tennis courts
first or Kiyomi at the baseball field.

Last Episode - Then, Under the Sakura Tree...
March 14th. White Day. The girl you want to be with forever is Reiko. So,
choose REIKO. But, first you must tell the other girls your answer – In
other words, break their hearts. -__-
It’s up to you who you want to apologize to first. Kiyomi and Mio end up
terribly upset, whilst Aki’s now dating your best friend Makoto, so she
doesn’t care one way or the other.
Then afterwards, go to look for Reiko by the pool. Keep talking to her…And
she’ll take you home.


Kiyomi Shinfuji Walkthrough

CHAPTER 1 - The Sakura Dance At The Entrance Ceremony
When the game starts, you’re in bed and you’ve just had a dream. Then, your
mother Emi comes in and tries to kiss you. You can decide whether you want
to AVOID or DEFEND YOURSELF. Afterwards, just continue to DO ALL OPTIONS.
You’ll get a chance to talk to your father, Nobuyuki as well.
When you get to school, you’ll first meet Reiko, who you knocked over whilst
rushing to school.
When you arrive at the auditorium, LOOK FOR YOUR SEAT, and a short
brown-haired girl called Kiyomi will greet you. DO ALL OPTIONS.

After the Dean finishes his speech, you’ll go to your classroom and meet
your teacher, Kyoko. DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Kyoko will suggest to
have a party, and a short haired girl called Seia and a girl with a long
ponytail named Meimi will object to this. You’ll also get to meet your
future best friend, Makoto. After you suggest to have a cherry-blossom
viewing party, your day will end.

CHAPTER 2 - Battle of Women
DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll end up under a cherry blossom tree. Choose TAKE
A NAP. When you wake up, you’ll meet a cute girl called Mio. When she asks
what you are doing, say TAKING A NAP.

Keep talking to Mio and eventually, Kiyomi and Reiko will show up. Each girl
will then persuade you to join her sports club. At this stage, it doesn’t
matter which club you choose to join because it’ll end up having you saying
you’ll give each club a try before making your decision.
When you arrive at the tennis courts, DO ALL OPTIONS. After practicing with
Mio, choose TRY BASEBALL. Now, DO ALL OPTIONS. After talking to Kiyomi,
you’ll go to the pool. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS. Once you get back to the
classroom, you’ll make bets with the three girls. You promise that if you
lose to them when playing their respective sports, you’ll join their club.
Next day. Choose to go the BASEBALL FIELD first, and you’ll hit 56 home
runs. Then you will arrive at the tennis courts. Say I KNOW to the rules of
tennis. Then, CHALLENGE Mio. You beat her. Then, keep choosing TALK to Mio
and you will arrive at the pool with Reiko. Reiko doesn’t believe you can’t
swim and pushes you into the swimming pool. Then, Dean saves you by giving
you mouth-to-mouth (gross). When you come to, you’ll be in the classroom. DO
ALL OPTIONS. When Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi begin arguing, a pink-haired girl
called Shoko will lead you to the gymnastics training room. Things get a
little exciting as Shoko takes her shirt off and makes sexual advances at

Suddenly, Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi appear. Choose BEG FOR HELP. You then find
out Shoko’s actually trying to get you to join the soccer team. Then,
eventually, you’ll have to choose RUN AWAY, and you have to TALK to SHOKO.

CHAPTER 3 - Day of Sakura and Manguro (Tuna)
This evening, you and Makoto and your teacher are finding a good spot for
the cherry-blossom viewing party. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi
will show up.

DO ALL OPTIONS. Kyoko will ask you why you haven’t joined any of the clubs.
After you explain why, the evening ends and the next day’s the
cherry-blossom viewing party. USE UP ALL OPTIONS. After you do your
performance, you’ll take Seia home because she’s drunk. When you get inside
her room, LOOK at it, and then PUT HER TO BED. Keep choosing to LOOK at her
and she’ll take her top off!

You can choose to TALK to her if you want, but she won’t answer. Instead,
choose to LOOK at her BREASTS and PANTIES. Then keep looking at SEIA until
you leave her house and go back to the party. Just keep choosing TALK to
KYOKO, and you’ll eventually pass out from drunkenness.
Next day at school, everyone’s suffering from a hangover, so only you and
Kyoko-sensei are present. Keep TALKING to her, and you’ll arrive at the next

CHAPTER 4 - Here Comes New Challengers!
There’s a new girl in class. Short blue-haired Ruri may look beautiful, but
she’s awfully quiet.

Anyway, Kiyomi and Makoto will soon approach you and talk to you about her.
DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Meimi and Seia will join in the conversation.
TALK to them, and Kiyomi, Mio and Reiko will arrive. When the image of Ruri
sitting by herself comes up, DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Makoto will arrive, and
report what he has found out about Ruri.
First day of Golden Week, you go shopping with the girls. DO ALL OPTIONS.
When you get inside the shopping center, you’ll meet an Asuka-lookalike girl
named Aki. TALK to her, and you find out she and Mio are tennis rivals.

On the second day of Golden Week, Makoto comes over. DO ALL OPTIONS. When
you get to the riverbed, DO ALL OPTIONS. After leaving the riverbed, you’ll
end up at the shopping district again. Choose GO, and go to any place you
like. After you’ve been to all the places, Kiyomi’s little brother will show
up. His name is Shinji. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you’ll end up at the
riverbed again and you will see Meimi there. Choose LEAVE.
Next, you’ll get to make some pretty important decisions. The entire
school’s going to Hokkaido for school camp, and you have to choose who you
want to be in your group. WRITE KIYOMI, then REIKO, then SEIA.

CHAPTER 5 - Summer Camp Crisis
When you arrive at camp, DO ALL OPTIONS. You’ll then be sent off to gather
firewood, and you should see Kiyomi on the way. It’ll soon start to rain,
and Reiko’s T-shirt gets totally soaked, making it see through.

Later that night, choose to LOOK at KIYOMI first. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS.
Next day, Makoto and you are beside the river fishing. Keep choosing THINK
until the screen says "Guess I'll take a break". Then, choose TALK to
MAKOTO, and the GO option will appear. Then choose to GO to SHALLOWS B.
Kiyomi should be there. After talking to her, GO to all the other places.
After you have been to all of them, the game will ask you whether or not you
want to look for Ruri. Choose DON’T BOTHER. Keep playing normally until
chapter 6 starts.

CHAPTER 6 - Summer Sea, Sea Wind and Starlight
On the first day of sea-side camp, Reiko will try to teach you how to swim.
Whilst trying not to drown, you’ll accidentally (I think) pull down her
swimsuit and get a nice glimpse of her breasts. Makoto will come up a little
later and congratulate you on behalf of the boys.

Next day, you and Kiyomi go boat rowing. Upon arrival of the island, DO ALL

After a while, you’ll discover your boat’s gone missing. Luckily, Aki found
it for you.
The next day, Mio invites you to go collect seashells together. DO ALL
After dinner, choose LOOK at BEACH. Then choose LOOK at MOON. Then LOOK at
OCEAN. Now, choose THINK about KIYOMI. Then, LOOK at BEACH again. Then,
Kiyomi should appear. DO ALL OPTIONS.
After seaside camp, you’re back in school with a terrible cold. Choose to
TALK to KIYOMI before anyone else. Then DO ALL OPTIONS.

CHAPTER 7 - Happy Birthday Reiko
At school, the girls try to convince you to see the school nurse because of
your illness. As usual, choose to TALK to KIYOMI first, and then DO ALL
OPTIONS. Then, the bell will ring and the girls go off to class.
After class, the girls check on you again. Choose to TALK to KIYOMI first,
and then DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, halfway through class, you faint, and Meimi
and Kiyomi take you to the nurse’s office. DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll force
you to take the medicine.

Afterwards, the girls take you home, and they get to meet your parents. They
tease and embarrass you mercilessly. After arriving at your room, TALK to
KIYOMI. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll leave you alone. For now.
Next morning, you learn about your past fears with medicine. Then, everyone
arrives at your room and you also learn that Reiko’s having her birthday
bash at your house. At the party, remember to TALK to KIYOMI first before
talking to anyone else.

Next day at school, you’ve already recovered from your cold. You also give
Reiko’s birthday to her.
In October, Kyoko-sensei announces the up-coming Sports Festival. The girls
fight over you because they all want you to take part in their sport. As
usual, LOOK and TALK to KIYOMI before talking to the others. In the end,
you’ll decide to participate in all their events.

CHAPTER 8 - Concerto in School Festival

At school, TALK and LOOK at KIYOMI before talking and looking at the others
until you’ve DONE ALL OPTIONS.
That should bring you to the first day of practice. When the 3 girls come to
see you, TALK and LOOK at KIYOMI before talking and looking and Mio and

During school the next day, you’re completely sore from all the exercise
from the previous day. When lunchtime arrives, Kiyomi says she’s got
something to talk to you about. She persuades you to reconsider about
entering so many events for the Sports Festival. Then, Mio and Reiko will
show up.
2 weeks later. After your practice, you go home and your dad says a friend’s
waiting for you. It turns out to be Shoko, and she says she doesn’t want you
to go to soccer practice anymore in case you hurt yourself. Choose to REFUSE
her ( If you choose to agree to her, you get the Shoko ending, so make sure
you REFUSE her!!) Shoko then runs out of the house in tears, and you never
see her again.

Next day after practice, you have dinner with Meimi and Seia. DO ALL
OPTIONS. After dinner, walk Meimi home.
During school the next day, the girls will come to talk to you about Sports
Day. Don’t forget to TALK and LOOK at KIYOMI before the other girls!! After
DO ALL OPTIONS, Ruri should appear. When she asks you if you’re only
participating in all those events to get the others like you, say NO.

At home, you decide to head downtown. After playing video games, you catch
sight of Reiko at the UFO Catcher machine. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards,
you’ll have dinner at a burger place. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll both walk
by the riverbank. Here, Reiko tells you her concerns about the future.
The day of the Sports Festival. As usual, TALK to KIYOMI before the others.
First, you’ll play volleyball, then baseball, then soccer, then the treasure
hunt, then volleyball again, then the men’s 400 meter, then the survival
contest etc. What a pain.
Next day of the Sports Festival. You and Aki are partners for the
three-legged race. When asked, choose to GO FASTER.

The day after that is the party after the Sports Festival. The first half of
the party takes place at school, and the second half at Kyoko’s house. After
the kampai, TALK to KIYOMI. Keep talking to Kiyomi until she repeats
herself. Then, TALK to SHINJI. Keep talking to Shinji, and Kyoko will join
in the conversation. Continue talking to Shinji, and eventually the party
ends, and everyone leaves. Leaving you and Kyoko alone, that is. Then, she
gives you a very special lesson, which involves you losing your virginity.
Not bad for a first time.

Next morning, THINK about YESTERDAY until it repeats itself. Then, choose
THINK about CULTURE FESTIVAL. Keep thinking about the culture festival until
the option GO appears. Choose GO to SCHOOL. Upon arriving at school, you see
Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi. Remember to LOOK at KIYOMI first before the others.
The day of the culture festival. When arriving at the fishing contest by the
pool USE UP ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you get a role in some crazy play, and
the day ends with ramen with the girls.
Second day of the culture festival. Choose LOOK at KIYOMI first. Then LOOK
at BAND. Then THINK. Then TALK. When you’re at the pool again, pick TALK,
and talk to REIKO, then KIYOMI, then MIO. Then, TRY YOUR LUCK option should
pop up. After trying your luck, you go back outside and play a shooting game
where you win a game system. When returning to the classroom, TALK with
REIKO until she repeats herself. Then TALK to KIYOMI until the GO option
appears. After choosing GO to CULTURE FESTIVAL, an announcement will come
over the speakers, saying that the school dance with begin at 6PM.
At this point, you have to choose who you want as your dance partner, so
this is a pretty important decision. Obviously, you’ll CHOOSE KIYOMI. Enjoy

December arrives, and Kyoko-sensei is talking about a Christmas party.
You’ve been nominated to organize it. When Reiko and Mio arrive, you tell
them you’ve got no idea how to organize one. Luckily, Kiyomi and Seia agree
to help out.

CHAPTER 9 - Holy, Holy Night For You
December 24th, Christmas Eve. After the party, you must decide whom you want
to give your Xmas present to. Pick GO to KIYOMI’S HOUSE. When you get to her
house, she gives you a scarf she knitted herself. And then, when you're
about to kiss her, Shuji comes home...

CHAPTER 10 - Hot Springs Trip In New Year's
Anyway, it’s now New Year’s Eve. Makoto helps you and your dad clean up. DO
ALL OPTIONS, and then Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi will appear. After cleaning, Aki
and Kyoko will drop by as well. When the party starts, choose GIVE SPEECH.

The next day. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then your dad announces you and your friends
can go to the hot springs. When deciding whom to call first, choose KIYOMI.
Then, call the other girls in any order.
Next day is the trip to the hot springs. Kyoko managed to convince Ruri to
come along. When you’re in your room and Makoto asks you to spy on the girls
bathing, choose DON’T GO (don’t worry, the outcome is the same as choosing
to go). Then, choose STOP HIM. When arriving at the hot springs, you get to
see all the girls stark naked. Unfortunately, Ruri catches you and the girls
throw rocks at you. You fall back unconscious.

When you wake up, you see Kyoko-sensei. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, Reiko, Mio,
Kiyomi, Aki and Ruri come in. When asked what you want to play, choose
MAHJONG. And that ends the hot springs trip. Ruri goes back to live with her
mother, and that’s the last time you ever see her.
Back at school, you and Makoto start talking about Valentine’s Day. Then
Seia and Meimi join in the conversation.

CHAPTER 11 - Most Important Valentine's Day
At school. TALK to MAKOTO. Then TALK to MEIMI. Then TALK to SEIA. Then LOOK
at CLASSROOM repeatedly until Kiyomi appears.
Sunday before Valentine’s Day. You go to the video game center Babel. That
girl beats the shit outta you at Virtua Fighter II (as usual). You then head
down to the supermarket, where you see Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi buying
chocolate for you. Choose THINK. Then, choose EXIT.

Then, it’s Valentines Day. Meimi and Seia give chocolate to all the boys.
When the options come up, click LOOK at MAKOTO, then KIYOMI, then SEIA, and
then MEIMI (Seia and Meimi will give you chocolate). Then THINK about REIKO.
Then THINK of all the other girls. Then TALK. Then, LOOK at SEIA again, and
Aki should appear. She’ll take you to the roof, give you chocolate and
confess her true feelings for you. Then, GO to BASEBALL FIELD. When you get
there, Kiyomi will be waiting for you. She also admits she loves you. After
talking to Kiyomi, you can decide whether you want to see Mio at the tennis
courts first or Kiyomi at the baseball field.
Last Episode - Then, Under the Sakura Tree...
March 14th. White Day. The girl you want to be with forever is Kiyomi. So,
choose KIYOMI. But, first you must tell the other girls your answer – In
other words, break their hearts. -__-
It’s up to you who you want to apologize to first. Reiko and Mio end up
terribly upset, whilst Aki’s now dating your best friend Makoto, so she
doesn’t care one way or the other.
Afterwards, look for Kiyomi at the baseball field. Then, you'll go to her
house, where you discover a sheet of paper outlining all the things Kiyomi
wants to do with you...


Mio Suzuki Walkthrough

CHAPTER 1 - The Sakura Dance At The Entrance Ceremony
When the game starts, you’re in bed and you’ve just had a dream. Then, your
mother Emi comes in and tries to kiss you. You can decide whether you want
to AVOID or DEFEND YOURSELF. Afterwards, just continue to DO ALL OPTIONS.
You’ll get a chance to talk to your father, Nobuyuki as well.
When you get to school, you’ll first meet Reiko, who you knocked over whilst
rushing to school.

When you arrive at the auditorium, LOOK FOR YOUR SEAT, and a short
brown-haired girl called Kiyomi will greet you. DO ALL OPTIONS. After the
Dean finishes his speech, you’ll go to your classroom and meet your teacher,
Kyoko. DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Kyoko will suggest to have a party,
and a short haired girl called Seia and a girl with a long ponytail named
Meimi will object to this. You’ll also get to meet your future best friend,
Makoto. After you suggest to have a cherry-blossom viewing party, your day
will end.

CHAPTER 2 - Battle of Women
DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll end up under a cherry blossom tree. Choose TAKE
A NAP. When you wake up, you’ll meet a cute girl called Mio. When she asks
what you are doing, say TAKING A NAP.

Keep talking to Mio and eventually, Kiyomi and Reiko will show up. Each girl
will then persuade you to join her sports club. At this stage, it doesn’t
matter which club you choose to join because it’ll end up having you saying
you’ll give each club a try before making your decision.
When you arrive at the tennis courts, DO ALL OPTIONS. After practicing with
Mio, choose TRY BASEBALL. Now, DO ALL OPTIONS. After talking to Kiyomi,
you’ll go to the pool. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS. Once you get back to the
classroom, you’ll make bets with the three girls. You promise that if you
lose to them when playing their respective sports, you’ll join their club.
Next day. Choose to go the BASEBALL FIELD first, and you’ll hit 56 home
runs. Then you will arrive at the tennis courts. Say I KNOW to the rules of
tennis. Then, CHALLENGE Mio. You beat her. Then, keep choosing TALK to Mio
and you will arrive at the pool with Reiko. Reiko doesn’t believe you can’t
swim and pushes you into the swimming pool. Then, Dean saves you by giving
you mouth-to-mouth (gross). When you come to, you’ll be in the classroom. DO
ALL OPTIONS. When Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi begin arguing, a pink-haired girl
called Shoko will lead you to the gymnastics training room. Things get a
little exciting as Shoko takes her shirt off and makes sexual advances at

Suddenly, Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi appear. Choose BEG FOR HELP. You then find
out Shoko’s actually trying to get you to join the soccer team. Then,
eventually, you’ll have to choose RUN AWAY, and you have to TALK to SHOKO.

CHAPTER 3 - Day of Sakura and Manguro (Tuna)
This evening, you and Makoto and your teacher are finding a good spot for
the cherry-blossom viewing party. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi
will show up.

DO ALL OPTIONS. Kyoko will ask you why you haven’t joined any of the clubs.
After you explain why, the evening ends and the next day’s the
cherry-blossom viewing party. USE UP ALL OPTIONS. After you do your
performance, you’ll take Seia home because she’s drunk. When you get inside
her room, LOOK at it, and then PUT HER TO BED. Keep choosing to LOOK at her
and she’ll take her top off!

You can choose to TALK to her if you want, but she won’t answer. Instead,
choose to LOOK at her BREASTS and PANTIES. Then keep looking at SEIA until
you leave her house and go back to the party. Just keep choosing TALK to
KYOKO, and you’ll eventually pass out from drunkenness.
Next day at school, everyone’s suffering from a hangover, so only you and
Kyoko-sensei are present. Keep TALKING to her, and you’ll arrive at the next

CHAPTER 4 - Here Comes New Challengers!
There’s a new girl in class. Short blue-haired Ruri may look beautiful, but
she’s awfully quiet.

Anyway, Kiyomi and Makoto will soon approach you and talk to you about her.
DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Meimi and Seia will join in the conversation.
TALK to them, and Kiyomi, Mio and Reiko will arrive. When the image of Ruri
sitting by herself comes up, DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Makoto will arrive, and
report what he has found out about Ruri.
First day of Golden Week, you go shopping with the girls. DO ALL OPTIONS.
When you get inside the shopping center, you’ll meet an Asuka-lookalike girl
named Aki. TALK to her, and you find out she and Mio are tennis rivals.

On the second day of Golden Week, Makoto comes over. DO ALL OPTIONS. When
you get to the riverbed, DO ALL OPTIONS. After leaving the riverbed, you’ll
end up at the shopping district again. Choose GO, and go to any place you
like. After you’ve been to all the places, Kiyomi’s little brother will show
up. His name is Shinji. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you’ll end up at the
riverbed again and you will see Meimi there. Choose LEAVE.
Next, you’ll get to make some pretty important decisions. The entire
school’s going to Hokkaido for school camp, and you have to choose who you
want to be in your group. WRITE REIKO, then RURI, then SEIA.

CHAPTER 5 - Summer Camp Crisis
When you arrive at camp, DO ALL OPTIONS. You’ll then be sent off to gather
firewood, and you should see Reiko on the way. It’ll soon start to rain, and
Reiko’s T-shirt gets totally soaked, making it see through.

Later that night, choose to LOOK at MIO first. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS.
Next day, Makoto and you are beside the river fishing. Keep choosing THINK
until the screen says "Guess I'll take a break". Then, choose TALK to
MAKOTO, and the GO option will appear. Then choose to GO to FISHING SPOT B.
Mio should be there. After talking to her, GO to all the other places. After
you have been to all of them, the game will ask you whether or not you want
to look for Ruri. Choose DON’T BOTHER. Keep playing normally until chapter 6

CHAPTER 6 - Summer Sea, Sea Wind and Starlight
On the first day of sea-side camp, Reiko will try to teach you how to swim.
Whilst trying not to drown, you’ll accidentally (I think) pull down her
swimsuit and get a nice glimpse of her breasts. Makoto will come up a little
later and congratulate you on behalf of the boys.

Next day, you and Kiyomi go boat rowing. Upon arrival of the island, DO ALL
OPTIONS. After a while, you’ll discover your boat’s gone missing. Luckily,
Aki found it for you.
The next day, Mio invites you to go collect seashells together. DO ALL

When Meimi arrives, DO ALL OPTIONS AGAIN. After dinner, choose LOOK at
BEACH. Then choose LOOK at MOON. Then LOOK at OCEAN. Then THINK of MIO. Now,
choose LOOK at BEACH again. Then, Mio should appear. USE UP ALL OPTIONS.
After seaside camp, you’re back in school with a terrible cold. Choose to
TALK to MIO before anyone else. Then DO ALL OPTIONS.

CHAPTER 7 - Happy Birthday Reiko
At school, the girls try to convince you to see the school nurse because of
your illness. As usual, choose to TALK to MIO first, and then DO ALL
OPTIONS. Then, the bell will ring and the girls go off to class.
After class, the girls check on you again. Choose to TALK to MIO first, and
then DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, halfway through class, you faint, and Meimi and
Kiyomi take you to the nurse’s office. DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll force you
to take the medicine.

Afterwards, the girls take you home, and they get to meet your parents. They
tease and embarrass you mercilessly. After arriving at your room, TALK to
MIO. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll leave you alone. For now.
Next morning, you learn about your past fears with medicine. Then, everyone
arrives at your room and you also learn that Reiko’s having her birthday
bash at your house. At the party, remember to TALK to MIO first before
talking to anyone else.

Next day at school, you’ve already recovered from your cold. You also give
Reiko’s birthday to her.
In October, Kyoko-sensei announces the up-coming Sports Festival. The girls
fight over you because they all want you to take part in their sport. As
usual, LOOK and TALK to MIO before talking to the others. In the end, you’ll
decide to participate in all their events.

CHAPTER 8 - Concerto in School Festival
At school, TALK and LOOK at MIO before talking and looking at the others
until you’ve DONE ALL OPTIONS.
That should bring you to the first day of practice. When the 3 girls come to
see you, TALK and LOOK at MIO before talking and looking and Mio and Kiyomi.

During school the next day, you’re completely sore from all the exercise
from the previous day. When lunchtime arrives, Kiyomi says she’s got
something to talk to you about. She persuades you to reconsider about
entering so many events for the Sports Festival. Then, Mio and Reiko will
show up. TALK and LOOK at MIO before looking and talking at Reiko.
2 weeks later. After your practice, you go home and your dad says a friend’s
waiting for you. It turns out to be Shoko, and she says she doesn’t want you
to go to soccer practice anymore in case you hurt yourself. Choose to REFUSE
her ( If you choose to agree to her, you get the Shoko ending, so make sure
you REFUSE her!!) Shoko then runs out of the house in tears, and you never
see her again.

Next day after practice, you have dinner with Meimi and Seia. DO ALL
OPTIONS. After dinner, walk Meimi home.
During school the next day, the girls will come to talk to you about Sports
Day. Don’t forget to TALK and LOOK at MIO before the other girls!! After
DOING ALL OPTIONS, Ruri should appear. When she asks you if you’re only
participating in all those events to get the others like you, say NO.

At home, you decide to head downtown. After playing video games, you catch
sight of Reiko at the UFO Catcher machine. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards,
you’ll have dinner at a burger place. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll both walk
by the riverbank. Here, Reiko tells you her concerns about the future.
The day of the Sports Festival. As usual, TALK to MIO before the others.
First, you’ll play volleyball, then baseball, then soccer, then the treasure
hunt, then volleyball again, then the men’s 400 meter, then the survival
contest etc. What a pain.
Next day of the Sports Festival. You and Aki are partners for the
three-legged race. When asked, choose to GO FASTER.

The day after that is the party after the Sports Festival. The first half of
the party takes place at school, and the second half at Kyoko’s house. After
the kampai, TALK to MIO. Keep talking to Mio until she repeats herself.
Then, TALK to SHINJI. Keep talking to Shinji, and Kyoko will join in the
conversation. Continue talking to Shinji, and eventually the party ends, and
everyone leaves. Leaving you and Kyoko alone, that is. Then, she gives you a
very special lesson, which involves you losing your virginity. Not bad for a
first time.

Next morning, THINK about YESTERDAY until it repeats itself. Then, choose
THINK about CULTURE FESTIVAL. Keep thinking about the culture festival until
the option GO appears. Choose GO to SCHOOL. Upon arriving at school, you see
Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi. Remember to LOOK at MIO first before the others. DO
The day of the culture festival. When arriving at the fishing contest by the
pool DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you get a role in some crazy play, and the
day ends with ramen with the girls.
Second day of the culture festival. Choose LOOK at MIO first. Then LOOK at
BAND. Then THINK. Then TALK. When you’re at the pool again, pick TALK, and
talk to REIKO, then KIYOMI, then MIO. Then TRY YOUR LUCK option should pop
up. After trying your luck, you go back outside and play a shooting game
where you win a game system. When returning to the classroom, TALK with
REIKO until she repeats herself. Then TALK to KIYOMI until the GO option
appears. After choosing GO to CULTURE FESTIVAL, an announcement will come
over the speakers, saying that the school dance with begin at 6PM.
At this point, you have to choose who you want as your dance partner, so
this is a pretty important decision. Obviously, you’ll CHOOSE MIO. Enjoy

December arrives, and Kyoko-sensei is talking about a Christmas party.
You’ve been nominated to organize it. When Reiko and Mio arrive, you tell
them you’ve got no idea how to organize one. Luckily, Kiyomi and Seia agree
to help out.

CHAPTER 9 - Holy, Holy Night For You
December 24th, Christmas Eve. After the party, you must decide whom you want
to give your Xmas present to. Pick GO to MIO’S HOUSE.

CHAPTER 10 - Hot Springs Trip In New Year's
Anyway, it’s now New Year’s Eve. Makoto helps you and your dad clean up. DO
ALL OPTIONS, and then Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi will appear. After cleaning, Aki
and Kyoko will drop by as well. When the party starts, choose GIVE SPEECH.

The next day. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then your dad announces you and your friends
can go to the hot springs. When deciding whom to call first, choose MIO.
Then, call the other girls in any order.
Next day is the trip to the hot springs. Kyoko managed to convince Ruri to
come along. When you’re in your room and Makoto asks you to spy on the girls
bathing, choose DON’T GO (don’t worry, the outcome is the same as choosing
to go). Then, choose STOP HIM. When arriving at the hot springs, you get to
see all the girls stark naked. Unfortunately, Ruri catches you and the girls
throw rocks at you. You fall back unconscious.

When you wake up, you see Kyoko-sensei. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, Reiko, Mio,
Kiyomi, Aki and Ruri come in. When asked what you want to play, choose
CARDS. And that ends the hot springs trip. Ruri goes back to live with her
mother, and that’s the last time you ever see her.
Back at school, you and Makoto start talking about Valentine’s Day. Then
Seia and Meimi join in the conversation.

CHAPTER 11 - Most Important Valentine's Day
At school. TALK to MAKOTO. Then TALK to MEIMI. Then TALK to SEIA. Then LOOK
at CLASSROOM repeatedly until Kiyomi appears.
Sunday before Valentine’s Day. You go to the video game center Babel. That
girl beats the shit outta you at Virtua Fighter II (as usual). You then head
down to the supermarket, where you see Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi buying
chocolate for you. Choose THINK. Then, choose EXIT.

Then, it’s Valentines Day. Meimi and Seia give chocolate to all the boys.
When the options come up, click LOOK at MAKOTO, then KIYOMI, then SEIA, and
then MEIMI (Seia and Meimi will give you chocolate). Then THINK about REIKO.
Then THINK of all the other girls. Then TALK. Then, LOOK at SEIA again, and
Aki should appear. She’ll take you to the roof, give you chocolate and
confess her true feelings for you. Then, GO to TENNIS COURTS. When you get
there, Mio will be waiting for you. She also admits she loves you. After
talking to Mio, you can decide whether you want to see Reiko at the pool
first or Kiyomi at the baseball field.

Last Episode - Then, Under the Sakura Tree...
March 14th. White Day. The girl you want to be with forever is Mio. So,
choose MIO. But, first you must tell the other girls your answer – In other
words, break their hearts. -__-
It’s up to you who you want to apologize to first. Reiko and Kiyomi end up
terribly upset, whilst Aki’s now dating your best friend Makoto, so she
doesn’t care one way or the other.
Then afterwards, go find Mio at the tennis courts and confess!!
One day during Spring Vacation, you're over at Mio's house. After dinner,
when you're about to go home, she begs you to stay with her tonight. How can
any guy resist?


Shoko Nishino Walkthrough

In the whole game, Shoko's the easiest girl to get. You don't need to do
anything special in particular, apart from CHAPTER 8. But, here's how to get
the most of Shoko:

CHAPTER 4 - Here Comes New Challengers!
Next, you’ll get to make some pretty important decisions. The entire
school’s going to Hokkaido for school camp, and you have to choose who you
want to be in your group. WRITE SHOKO, then MEIMI, then SEIA.

CHAPTER 5 - Summer Camp Crisis
When you arrive at camp, USE UP ALL OPTIONS. You’ll then be sent off to
gather firewood, and you should see Shoko on the way. It’ll soon start to
rain, and Shoko’s T-shirt gets totally soaked, making it see through.

CHAPTER 8 - Concerto in School Festival
2 weeks later. After your practice, you go home and your dad says a friend’s
waiting for you. It turns out to be Shoko, and she says she doesn’t want you
to go to soccer practice anymore in case you hurt yourself. Choose to ACCEPT
her, and she'll thank you in a very meaningful way.

Note that you can also do this in Chapter 3, But It isn’t Quite As good.


Ruri Shiromizu Walkthrough

CHAPTER 1 - The Sakura Dance At The Entrance Ceremony
When the game starts, you’re in bed and you’ve just had a dream. Then, your
mother Emi comes in and tries to kiss you. You can decide whether you want
to AVOID or DEFEND YOURSELF. Afterwards, just continue to DO ALL OPTIONS.
You’ll get a chance to talk to your father, Nobuyuki as well.
When you get to school, you’ll first meet Reiko, who you knocked over whilst
rushing to school.

When you arrive at the auditorium, LOOK FOR YOUR SEAT, and a short
brown-haired girl called Kiyomi will greet you. DO ALL OPTIONS. After the
Dean finishes his speech, you’ll go to your classroom and meet your teacher,
Kyoko. DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Kyoko will suggest to have a party,
and a short haired girl called Seia and a girl with a long ponytail named
Meimi will object to this. You’ll also get to meet your future best friend,
Makoto. After you suggest to have a cherry-blossom viewing party, your day
will end.

CHAPTER 2 - Battle of Women
DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll end up under a cherry blossom tree. Choose TAKE
A NAP. When you wake up, you’ll meet a cute girl called Mio. When she asks
what you are doing, say TAKING A NAP.

Keep talking to Mio and eventually, Kiyomi and Reiko will show up. Each girl
will then persuade you to join her sports club. At this stage, it doesn’t
matter which club you choose to join because it’ll end up having you saying
you’ll give each club a try before making your decision.
When you arrive at the tennis courts, DO ALL OPTIONS. After practicing with
Mio, choose TRY BASEBALL. Now, DO ALL OPTIONS. After talking to Kiyomi,
you’ll go to the pool. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS. Once you get back to the
classroom, you’ll make bets with the three girls. You promise that if you
lose to them when playing their respective sports, you’ll join their club.
Next day. Choose to go the BASEBALL FIELD first, and you’ll hit 56 home
runs. Then you will arrive at the tennis courts. Say I KNOW to the rules of
tennis. Then, CHALLENGE Mio. You beat her. Then, keep choosing TALK to Mio
and you will arrive at the pool with Reiko. Reiko doesn’t believe you can’t
swim and pushes you into the swimming pool. Then, Dean saves you by giving
you mouth-to-mouth (gross). When you come to, you’ll be in the classroom. DO
ALL OPTIONS. When Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi begin arguing, a pink-haired girl
called Shoko will lead you to the gymnastics training room. Things get a
little exciting as Shoko takes her shirt off and makes sexual advances at

Suddenly, Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi appear. Choose BEG FOR HELP. You then find
out Shoko’s actually trying to get you to join the soccer team. Then,
eventually, you’ll have to choose RUN AWAY, and you have to TALK to SHOKO.

CHAPTER 3 - Day of Sakura and Manguro (Tuna)
This evening, you and Makoto and your teacher are finding a good spot for
the cherry-blossom viewing party. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi
will show up.

DO ALL OPTIONS. Kyoko will ask you why you haven’t joined any of the clubs.
After you explain why, the evening ends and the next day’s the
cherry-blossom viewing party. USE UP ALL OPTIONS. After you do your
performance, you’ll take Seia home because she’s drunk. When you get inside
her room, LOOK at it, and then PUT HER TO BED. Keep choosing to LOOK at her
and she’ll take her top off!

You can choose to TALK to her if you want, but she won’t answer. Instead,
choose to LOOK at her BREASTS and PANTIES. Then keep looking at SEIA until
you leave her house and go back to the party. Just keep choosing TALK to
KYOKO, and you’ll eventually pass out from drunkenness.
Next day at school, everyone’s suffering from a hangover, so only you and
Kyoko-sensei are present. Keep TALKING to her, and you’ll arrive at the next

CHAPTER 4 - Here Comes New Challengers!
There’s a new girl in class. Short blue-haired Ruri may look beautiful, but
she’s awfully quiet.

Anyway, Kiyomi and Makoto will soon approach you and talk to you about her.
DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Meimi and Seia will join in the conversation.
TALK to them, and Kiyomi, Mio and Reiko will arrive. When the image of Ruri
sitting by herself comes up, DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Makoto will arrive, and
report what he has found out about Ruri.
First day of Golden Week, you go shopping with the girls. DO ALL OPTIONS.
When you get inside the shopping center, you’ll meet an Asuka-lookalike girl
named Aki. TALK to her, and you find out she and Mio are tennis rivals.

On the second day of Golden Week, Makoto comes over. DO ALL OPTIONS. When
you get to the riverbed, you'll see Ruri there. Choose to TALK to her. Keep
choosing to TALK to her, and eventually you and Makoto will leave the
riverbank (NOTE: If you have played correctly, you and Makoto will offer to
leave. If she leaves instead, then there's no way you'll get the Ruri
After leaving the riverbed, you’ll end up at the shopping district again.
Choose GO, and go to any place you like. After you’ve been to all the
places, Kiyomi’s little brother will show up. His name is Shinji. DO ALL
OPTIONS. Afterwards, you’ll end up at the riverbed again and you will see
Meimi there. Choose LEAVE.
Next, you’ll get to make some pretty important decisions. The entire
school’s going to Hokkaido for school camp, and you have to choose who you
want to be in your group. WRITE RURI, then MEIMI, then KIYOMI.
CHAPTER 5 - Summer Camp Crisis
When you arrive at camp, DO ALL OPTIONS. You’ll then be sent off to gather
firewood, and you should see Ruri on the way. It’ll soon start to rain, and
Ruri’s T-shirt gets totally soaked, making it see through.

Later that night, choose to LOOK at RURI first. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS.
Next day, Makoto and you are beside the river fishing. Keep choosing THINK
until the screen says "Guess I'll take a break". Then, choose TALK to
MAKOTO, and the GO option will appear. After visiting all the other girls,
the game will ask you whether or not you want to look for Ruri. Choose LOOK
FOR HER. Then choose GO to WATERFALL, and Seia will tell you where you can
find her.
Afterwards. back at the campsite, Kyoko tells you that Ruri's missing. After
looking for her in 5 different locations, you'll discover that Ruri's fallen
over the cliff! When asked, choose to SAVE HER. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS.

Next morning, Ruri will ask you why you saved her. Then, Kyoko-sensei will
tell you a little bit on Ruri's background.
Then, keep playing normally until Chapter 6 begins.

CHAPTER 6 - Summer Sea, Sea Wind and Starlight
On the first day of sea-side camp, Reiko will try to teach you how to swim.
Whilst trying not to drown, you’ll accidentally (I think) pull down her
swimsuit and get a nice glimpse of her breasts. Makoto will come up a little
later and congratulate you on behalf of the boys.

Next day, you and Kiyomi go boat rowing. Upon arrival of the island, DO ALL
OPTIONS. After a while, you’ll discover your boat’s gone missing. Luckily,
Ruri found it for you.

The next day, Mio invites you to go collect seashells together. DO ALL
After dinner, choose LOOK at BEACH. Then choose LOOK at MOON. Then LOOK at
OCEAN. Now, choose THINK about RURI. Then, choose THINK about REIKO. Then,
LOOK at BEACH again. Then, Reiko should appear. DO ALL OPTIONS.
After seaside camp, you’re back in school with a terrible cold. DO ALL

CHAPTER 7 - Happy Birthday Reiko
At school, the girls try to convince you to see the school nurse because of
your illness. As usual, choose to TALK to REIKO first, and then DO ALL
OPTIONS. Then, the bell will ring and the girls go off to class.

After class, the girls check on you again. Choose to TALK to REIKO first,
and then DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, halfway through class, you faint, and Meimi
and Kiyomi take you to the nurse’s office. DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll force
you to take the medicine.

Afterwards, the girls take you home, and they get to meet your parents. They
tease and embarrass you mercilessly. After arriving at your room, TALK to
REIKO. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll leave you alone. For now.

Next morning, you learn about your past fears with medicine. Then, everyone
arrives at your room and you also learn that Reiko’s having her birthday
bash at your house. At the party, DO ALL OPTIONS.

Next day at school, you’ve already recovered from your cold. You also give
Reiko’s birthday to her.

In October, Kyoko-sensei announces the up-coming Sports Festival. The girls
fight over you because they all want you to take part in their sport. Keep
TALKING to REIKO before talking to the others. In the end, you’ll decide to
participate in all their events.

CHAPTER 8 - Concerto in School Festival
At school, DO ALL OPTIONS. That should bring you to the first day of
practice. When Kiyomi, Mio and Reiko come to see you, DO ALL OPTIONS.
During school the next day, you’re completely sore from all the exercise
from the previous day. When lunchtime arrives, Kiyomi says she’s got
something to talk to you about. She persuades you to reconsider about
entering so many events for the Sports Festival. Then, Mio and Reiko will
show up.
2 weeks later. After your practice, you go home and your dad says a friend’s
waiting for you. It turns out to be Shoko, and she says she doesn’t want you
to go to soccer practice anymore in case you hurt yourself. Choose to REFUSE
her ( If you choose to agree to her, you get the Shoko ending, so make sure
you REFUSE her!!) Shoko then runs out of the house in tears, and you never
see her again.

Next day after practice, you have dinner with Meimi and Seia. DO ALL
OPTIONS. After dinner, walk Meimi home.
During school the next day, the girls will come to talk to you about Sports
Day. After DOING ALL OPTIONS, Ruri should appear. When she asks you if
you’re only participating in all those events to get the others like you,
say YES!!!

At home, you decide to head downtown. After playing video games, you catch
sight of Reiko at the UFO Catcher machine. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards,
you’ll have dinner at a burger place. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll both walk
by the riverbank. Here, Reiko tells you her concerns about the future.
The day of the Sports Festival. First, you’ll play volleyball, then
baseball, then soccer, then the treasure hunt, then volleyball again, then
the men’s 400 meter, then the survival contest etc. What a pain.
Next day of the Sports Festival. You and Aki are partners for the
three-legged race. When asked, choose to GO FASTER.

The day after that is the party after the Sports Festival. The first half of
the party takes place at school, and the second half at Kyoko’s house. After
the kampai, TALK to SHINJI. Keep talking to Shinji, and Kyoko will join in
the conversation. Continue talking to Shinji, and eventually the party ends,
and everyone leaves. Leaving you and Kyoko alone, that is. Then, she gives
you a very special lesson, which involves you losing your virginity. Not bad
for a first time.

Next morning, THINK about YESTERDAY until it repeats itself. Then, choose
THINK about CULTURE FESTIVAL. Keep thinking about the culture festival until
the option GO appears. Choose GO to SCHOOL. Upon arriving at school, you see
Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi. DO ALL OPTIONS.
The day of the culture festival. When arriving at the fishing contest by the
pool DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you get a role in some crazy play, and the
day ends with ramen with the girls.
Second day of the culture festival. LOOK at BAND. Then THINK. Then TALK.
When you’re at the pool again, pick TALK, and talk to REIKO, then KIYOMI,
then MIO. The TRY YOUR LUCK option should pop up. After trying your luck,
you go back outside and play a shooting game where you win a game system.
When returning to the classroom, TALK with REIKO until she repeats herself.
Then TALK to KIYOMI until the GO option appears. After choosing GO to
CULTURE FESTIVAL, an announcement will come over the speakers, saying that
the school dance with begin at 6PM.
At this point, you have to choose who you want as your dance partner, so
this is a pretty important decision. Obviously, you’ll CHOOSE RURI. Enjoy

December arrives, and Kyoko-sensei is talking about a Christmas party.
You’ve been nominated to organize it. When Reiko and Mio arrive, you tell
them you’ve got no idea how to organize one. Luckily, Kiyomi and Seia agree
to help out.

CHAPTER 9 - Holy, Holy Night For You
December 24th, Christmas Eve. After the party, you must decide whom you want
to give your Xmas present to. Pick GO to RURI’S HOUSE. After you give the
present to her, she gets all teary-eyed as she doesn't have anything to give
you in return. Instead, you ask her to smile for you.

CHAPTER 10 - Hot Springs Trip In New Year's
Anyway, it’s now New Year’s Eve. Makoto helps you and your dad clean up. DO
ALL OPTIONS, and then Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi will appear. After cleaning, Aki
and Kyoko will drop by as well. When the party starts, choose GIVE SPEECH.
The next day. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then your dad announces you and your friends
can go to the hot springs.
Next day is the trip to the hot springs. Kyoko managed to convince Ruri to
come along. When you’re in your room and Makoto asks you to spy on the girls
bathing, choose DON’T GO (don’t worry, the outcome is the same as choosing
to go). Then, choose STOP HIM. When arriving at the hot springs, you get to
see all the girls stark naked. Unfortunately, Ruri catches you and the girls
throw rocks at you. You fall back unconscious.

When you wake up, you see Ruri. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, the other girls enter
and punish you for peeking at them.
After your punishment, Kyoko tells you that Ruri's gone home. When the
options come up, pick CHASE HER!! After a while, you will arrive at her

TELL YOUR FEELINGS to her, and she will eventually confess her feelings to
you too. Then, she asks you to take her clothes off to be closer to you...


Aki Hinagiku Walkthrough

CHAPTER 1 - The Sakura Dance At The Entrance Ceremony
When the game starts, you’re in bed and you’ve just had a dream. Then, your
mother Emi comes in and tries to kiss you. You can decide whether you want
to AVOID or DEFEND YOURSELF. Afterwards, just continue to DO ALL OPTIONS.
You’ll get a chance to talk to your father, Nobuyuki as well.
When you get to school, you’ll first meet Reiko, who you knocked over whilst
rushing to school.

When you arrive at the auditorium, LOOK FOR YOUR SEAT, and a short
brown-haired girl called Kiyomi will greet you. DO ALL OPTIONS. After the
Dean finishes his speech, you’ll go to your classroom and meet your teacher,
Kyoko. DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Kyoko will suggest to have a party,
and a short haired girl called Seia and a girl with a long ponytail named
Meimi will object to this. You’ll also get to meet your future best friend,
Makoto. After you suggest to have a cherry-blossom viewing party, your day
will end.

CHAPTER 2 - Battle of Women
DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll end up under a cherry blossom tree. Choose TAKE
A NAP. When you wake up, you’ll meet a cute girl called Mio. When she asks
what you are doing, say TAKING A NAP.

Keep talking to Mio and eventually, Kiyomi and Reiko will show up. Each girl
will then persuade you to join her sports club. At this stage, it doesn’t
matter which club you choose to join because it’ll end up having you saying
you’ll give each club a try before making your decision.
When you arrive at the tennis courts, DO ALL OPTIONS. After practicing with
Mio, choose TRY BASEBALL. Now, DO ALL OPTIONS. After talking to Kiyomi,
you’ll go to the pool. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS. Once you get back to the
classroom, you’ll make bets with the three girls. You promise that if you
lose to them when playing their respective sports, you’ll join their club.
Next day. Choose to go the BASEBALL FIELD first, and you’ll hit 56 home
runs. Then you will arrive at the tennis courts. Say I KNOW to the rules of
tennis. Then, CHALLENGE Mio. You beat her. Then, keep choosing TALK to Mio
and you will arrive at the pool with Reiko. Reiko doesn’t believe you can’t
swim and pushes you into the swimming pool. Then, Dean saves you by giving
you mouth-to-mouth (gross). When you come to, you’ll be in the classroom. DO
ALL OPTIONS. When Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi begin arguing, a pink-haired girl
called Shoko will lead you to the gymnastics training room. Things get a
little exciting as Shoko takes her shirt off and makes sexual advances at

Suddenly, Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi appear. Choose BEG FOR HELP. You then find
out Shoko’s actually trying to get you to join the soccer team. Then,
eventually, you’ll have to choose RUN AWAY, and you have to TALK to SHOKO.

CHAPTER 3 - Day of Sakura and Manguro (Tuna)
This evening, you and Makoto and your teacher are finding a good spot for
the cherry-blossom viewing party. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi
will show up.

DO ALL OPTIONS. Kyoko will ask you why you haven’t joined any of the clubs.
After you explain why, the evening ends and the next day’s the
cherry-blossom viewing party. USE UP ALL OPTIONS. After you do your
performance, you’ll take Seia home because she’s drunk. When you get inside
her room, LOOK at it, and then PUT HER TO BED. Keep choosing to LOOK at her
and she’ll take her top off!

You can choose to TALK to her if you want, but she won’t answer. Instead,
choose to LOOK at her BREASTS and PANTIES. Then keep looking at SEIA until
you leave her house and go back to the party. Just keep choosing TALK to
KYOKO, and you’ll eventually pass out from drunkenness.
Next day at school, everyone’s suffering from a hangover, so only you and
Kyoko-sensei are present. Keep TALKING to her, and you’ll arrive at the next

CHAPTER 4 - Here Comes New Challengers!
There’s a new girl in class. Short blue-haired Ruri may look beautiful, but
she’s awfully quiet.

Anyway, Kiyomi and Makoto will soon approach you and talk to you about her.
DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Meimi and Seia will join in the conversation.
TALK to them, and Kiyomi, Mio and Reiko will arrive. When the image of Ruri
sitting by herself comes up, DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Makoto will arrive, and
report what he has found out about Ruri.
First day of Golden Week, you go shopping with the girls. DO ALL OPTIONS.
When you get inside the shopping center, you’ll meet an Asuka-lookalike girl
named Aki. TALK to her, and you find out she and Mio are tennis rivals.

On the second day of Golden Week, Makoto comes over. DO ALL OPTIONS. When
you get to the riverbed, DO ALL OPTIONS. After leaving the riverbed, you’ll
end up at the shopping district again. Choose GO, and go to any place you
like. After you’ve been to all the places, Kiyomi’s little brother will show
up. His name is Shinji. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you’ll end up at the
riverbed again and you will see Meimi there. Choose LEAVE.
Next, you’ll get to make some pretty important decisions. The entire
school’s going to Hokkaido for school camp, and you have to choose who you
want to be in your group. WRITE REIKO, then RURI, then SEIA.

CHAPTER 5 - Summer Camp Crisis
When you arrive at camp, DO ALL OPTIONS. You’ll then be sent off to gather
firewood, and you should see Reiko on the way. It’ll soon start to rain, and
Reiko’s T-shirt gets totally soaked, making it see through.

Later that night, choose to LOOK at AKI first. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS.
Next day, Makoto and you are beside the river fishing. Keep choosing THINK
until the screen says "Guess I'll take a break". Then, choose TALK to
MAKOTO, and the GO option will appear. Then choose to GO to ROCK B. Aki
should be there. After talking to her, GO to all the other places. After you
have been to all of them, the game will ask you whether or not you want to
look for Ruri. Choose DON’T BOTHER. Keep playing normally until chapter 6

CHAPTER 6 - Summer Sea, Sea Wind and Starlight
On the first day of sea-side camp, Reiko will try to teach you how to swim.
Whilst trying not to drown, you’ll accidentally (I think) pull down her
swimsuit and get a nice glimpse of her breasts. Makoto will come up a little
later and congratulate you on behalf of the boys.

Next day, you and Kiyomi go boat rowing. Upon arrival of the island, DO ALL
OPTIONS. After a while, you’ll discover your boat’s gone missing. Luckily,
Aki found it for you.

The next day, Mio invites you to go collect seashells together. DO ALL
After dinner, choose LOOK at BEACH. Then choose LOOK at MOON. Then LOOK at
OCEAN. Now, THINK about AKI. Then, choose THINK about REIKO. Then, LOOK at
BEACH again. Then, Reiko should appear. DO ALL OPTIONS.
After seaside camp, you’re back in school with a terrible cold. DO ALL

CHAPTER 7 - Happy Birthday Reiko
At school, the girls try to convince you to see the school nurse because of
your illness. USE UP ALL OPTIONS. Then, the bell will ring and the girls go
off to class.

After class, the girls check on you again. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, halfway
through class, you faint, and Meimi and Kiyomi take you to the nurse’s
office. DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll force you to take the medicine.

Afterwards, the girls take you home, and they get to meet your parents. They
tease and embarrass you mercilessly. After arriving at your room, DO ALL
OPTIONS, and they’ll leave you alone. For now.
Next morning, you learn about your past fears with medicine. Then, everyone
arrives at your room and you also learn that Reiko’s having her birthday
bash at your house. At the party, TALK to AKI first before anyone else.

Next day at school, you’ve already recovered from your cold. You also give
Reiko’s birthday to her.
In October, Kyoko-sensei announces the up-coming Sports Festival. The girls
fight over you because they all want you to take part in their sport. LOOK
and TALK to AKI before anyone else. In the end, you’ll decide to participate
in all their events.

CHAPTER 8 - Concerto in School Festival
At school, DO ALL OPTIONS.
That should bring you to the first day of practice. When Kiyomi, Mio and
Reiko come to see you, DO ALL OPTIONS.
During school the next day, you’re completely sore from all the exercise
from the previous day. When lunchtime arrives, Kiyomi says she’s got
something to talk to you about. She persuades you to reconsider about
entering so many events for the Sports Festival. Then, Mio and Reiko will
show up.
2 weeks later. After your practice, you go home and your dad says a friend’s
waiting for you. It turns out to be Shoko, and she says she doesn’t want you
to go to soccer practice anymore in case you hurt yourself. Choose to REFUSE
her ( If you choose to agree to her, you get the Shoko ending, so make sure
you REFUSE her!!) Shoko then runs out of the house in tears, and you never
see her again.

Next day after practice, you have dinner with Meimi and Seia. DO ALL
OPTIONS. After dinner, walk Meimi home.
During school the next day, the girls will come to talk to you about Sports
Day. After DOING ALL OPTIONS, Ruri should appear. When she asks you if
you’re only participating in all those events to get the others like you,
say NO.
At home, you decide to head downtown. After playing video games, you catch
sight of Reiko at the UFO Catcher machine. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards,
you’ll have dinner at a burger place. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll both walk
by the riverbank. Here, Reiko tells you her concerns about the future.
The day of the Sports Festival. First, you’ll play volleyball, then
baseball, then soccer, then the treasure hunt, then volleyball again, then
the men’s 400 meter, then the survival contest etc. What a pain.
Next day of the Sports Festival. You and Aki are partners for the
three-legged race. When asked, choose to CONTINUE!!

The day after that is the party after the Sports Festival. The first half of
the party takes place at school, and the second half at Kyoko’s house. After
the kampai, TALK to AKI. Keep talking to her until the message repeats
itself. Now, TALK to SHINJI. Keep talking to Shinji, and Kyoko will join in
the conversation. Continue talking to Shinji, and eventually the party ends,
and everyone leaves. Leaving you and Kyoko alone, that is. Then, she gives
you a very special lesson, which involves you losing your virginity. Not bad
for a first time.

Next morning, THINK about YESTERDAY until it repeats itself. Then, choose
THINK about CULTURE FESTIVAL. Keep thinking about the culture festival until
the option GO appears. Choose GO to SCHOOL. Upon arriving at school, you see
Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi. DO ALL OPTIONS.
The day of the culture festival. When arriving at the fishing contest by the
pool USE UP ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you get a role in some crazy play, and
the day ends with ramen with the girls.
Second day of the culture festival. LOOK at BAND. Then THINK. Then TALK.
When you’re at the pool again, pick TALK, and talk to REIKO, then KIYOMI,
then MIO. The TRY YOUR LUCK option should pop up. After trying your luck,
you go back outside and play a shooting game where you win a game system.
When returning to the classroom for lunch, choose to LOOK AROUND. Keep
choosing LOOK AROUND and you'll see Aki outside the window. Then, choose
THINK. When the GO TO BATHROOM option comes up, choose it! Aki will then
thank you for what you did on Sports Day.

Then, an announcement will come over the speakers, saying that the school
dance with begin at 6PM. At this point, you have to choose who you want as
your dance partner, so this is a pretty important decision. Obviously,
you’ll CHOOSE AKI. Enjoy yourself!

December arrives, and Kyoko-sensei is talking about a Christmas party.
You’ve been nominated to organize it. When Reiko and Mio arrive, you tell
them you’ve got no idea how to organize one. Luckily, Kiyomi and Seia agree
to help out.

CHAPTER 9 - Holy, Holy Night For You
December 24th, Christmas Eve. After the party, you must decide whom you want
to give your Xmas present to. Pick GO to AKI’S HOUSE. Actually, in the end,
you decide not to go as her house is too far. After giving Aki her present,
Aki will kiss you as a return Xmas present to you.

CHAPTER 10 - Hot Springs Trip In New Year's
Anyway, it’s now New Year’s Eve. Makoto helps you and your dad clean up. DO
ALL OPTIONS, and then Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi will appear. After cleaning, Aki
and Kyoko will drop by as well. When the party starts, choose GIVE SPEECH.

The next day. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then your dad announces you and your friends
can go to the hot springs. When deciding whom to call first, choose AKI.
Then, call the other girls in any order.
Next day is the trip to the hot springs. Kyoko managed to convince Ruri to
come along. When you’re in your room and Makoto asks you to spy on the girls
bathing, choose DON’T GO (don’t worry, the outcome is the same as choosing
to go). Then, choose STOP HIM. When arriving at the hot springs, you get to
see all the girls stark naked. Unfortunately, Ruri catches you and the girls
throw rocks at you. You fall back unconscious.

When you wake up, you see Kyoko-sensei. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, Reiko, Mio,
Kiyomi, Aki and Ruri come in. When asked what you want to play, choose PING
PONG. And that ends the hot springs trip. Ruri goes back to live with her
mother, and that’s the last time you ever see her.
Back at school, you and Makoto start talking about Valentine’s Day. Then
Seia and Meimi join in the conversation.

CHAPTER 11 - Most Important Valentine's Day
At school. TALK to MAKOTO. Then TALK to MEIMI. Then TALK to SEIA. Then LOOK
at CLASSROOM repeatedly until Kiyomi appears.
Sunday before Valentine’s Day. You go to the video game center Babel. That
girl beats the shit outta you at Virtua Fighter II (as usual). You then head
down to the supermarket, where you see Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi buying
chocolate for you. Choose THINK. Then, choose EXIT.

Then, it’s Valentines Day. Meimi and Seia give chocolate to all the boys.
When the options come up, click LOOK at MAKOTO, then KIYOMI, then SEIA, and
then MEIMI (Seia and Meimi will give you chocolate). Then THINK about AKI.
Then THINK of all the other girls. Then TALK. Then, LOOK at SEIA again, and
Aki should appear. She’ll take you to the roof, give you chocolate and
confess her true feelings for you.

Then, GO to POOL. When you get there, Reiko will be waiting for you. She
also admits she loves you. After talking to Reiko, you can decide whether
you want to see Mio at the tennis courts first or Kiyomi at the baseball

Last Episode - Then, Under the Sakura Tree...
March 14th. White Day. The girl you want to be with forever is Aki. So,
choose AKI. But, first you must tell the other girls your answer – In other
words, break their hearts. -__-
It’s up to you who you want to apologize to first. All 3 girls end up
terribly upset.
Then afterwards, go to look for Aki. =)
One month later. You're in the gymnastics equipment room with Aki. She's
feeling insecure as you haven't kissed or done anything with her since your
confession on White Day. Well, you'd better prove that you do love her


Seia Yoshida Walkthrough

CHAPTER 1 - The Sakura Dance At The Entrance Ceremony
When the game starts, you’re in bed and you’ve just had a dream. Then, your
mother Emi comes in and tries to kiss you. You can decide whether you want
to AVOID or DEFEND YOURSELF. Afterwards, just continue to DO ALL OPTIONS.
You’ll get a chance to talk to your father, Nobuyuki as well.
When you get to school, you’ll first meet Reiko, who you knocked over whilst
rushing to school.

When you arrive at the auditorium, LOOK FOR YOUR SEAT, and a short
brown-haired girl called Kiyomi will greet you. DO ALL OPTIONS. After the
Dean finishes his speech, you’ll go to your classroom and meet your teacher,
Kyoko. DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Kyoko will suggest to have a party,
and a short haired girl called Seia and a girl with a long ponytail named
Meimi will object to this. You’ll also get to meet your future best friend,
Makoto. After you suggest to have a cherry-blossom viewing party, your day
will end.

CHAPTER 2 - Battle of Women
DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll end up under a cherry blossom tree. Choose TAKE
A NAP. When you wake up, you’ll meet a cute girl called Mio. When she asks
what you are doing, say TAKING A NAP.

Keep talking to Mio and eventually, Kiyomi and Reiko will show up. Each girl
will then persuade you to join her sports club. At this stage, it doesn’t
matter which club you choose to join because it’ll end up having you saying
you’ll give each club a try before making your decision.
When you arrive at the tennis courts, DO ALL OPTIONS. After practicing with
Mio, choose TRY BASEBALL. Now, DO ALL OPTIONS. After talking to Kiyomi,
you’ll go to the pool. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS. Once you get back to the
classroom, you’ll make bets with the three girls. You promise that if you
lose to them when playing their respective sports, you’ll join their club.
Next day. Choose to go the BASEBALL FIELD first, and you’ll hit 56 home
runs. Then you will arrive at the tennis courts. Say I KNOW to the rules of
tennis. Then, CHALLENGE Mio. You beat her. Then, keep choosing TALK to Mio
and you will arrive at the pool with Reiko. Reiko doesn’t believe you can’t
swim and pushes you into the swimming pool. Then, Dean saves you by giving
you mouth-to-mouth (gross). When you come to, you’ll be in the classroom. DO
ALL OPTIONS. When Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi begin arguing, a pink-haired girl
called Shoko will lead you to the gymnastics training room. Things get a
little exciting as Shoko takes her shirt off and makes sexual advances at

Suddenly, Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi appear. Choose BEG FOR HELP. You then find
out Shoko’s actually trying to get you to join the soccer team. Then,
eventually, you’ll have to choose RUN AWAY, and you have to TALK to SHOKO.

CHAPTER 3 - Day of Sakura and Manguro (Tuna)
This evening, you and Makoto and your teacher are finding a good spot for
the cherry-blossom viewing party. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi
will show up.

DO ALL OPTIONS. Kyoko will ask you why you haven’t joined any of the clubs.
After you explain why, the evening ends and the next day’s the
cherry-blossom viewing party. USE UP ALL OPTIONS. After you do your
performance, you’ll take Seia home because she’s drunk. When you get inside
her room, LOOK at it, and then PUT HER TO BED. Keep choosing to LOOK at her
and she’ll take her top off!

You can choose to TALK to her if you want, but she won’t answer. Instead,
choose to LOOK at her BREASTS and PANTIES. Then keep looking at SEIA until
you leave her house and go back to the party. Just keep choosing TALK to
KYOKO, and you’ll eventually pass out from drunkenness.
Next day at school, everyone’s suffering from a hangover, so only you and
Kyoko-sensei are present. Keep TALKING to her, and you’ll arrive at the next

CHAPTER 4 - Here Comes New Challengers!
There’s a new girl in class. Short blue-haired Ruri may look beautiful, but
she’s awfully quiet.

Anyway, Kiyomi and Makoto will soon approach you and talk to you about her.
DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Meimi and Seia will join in the conversation.
TALK to them, and Kiyomi, Mio and Reiko will arrive. When the image of Ruri
sitting by herself comes up, DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Makoto will arrive, and
report what he has found out about Ruri.
First day of Golden Week, you go shopping with the girls. DO ALL OPTIONS.
When you get inside the shopping center, you’ll meet an Asuka-lookalike girl
named Aki. TALK to her, and you find out she and Mio are tennis rivals.

On the second day of Golden Week, Makoto comes over. DO ALL OPTIONS. When
you get to the riverbed, DO ALL OPTIONS. After leaving the riverbed, you’ll
end up at the shopping district again. Choose GO, and go to any place you
like. After you’ve been to all the places, Kiyomi’s little brother will show
up. His name is Shinji. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you’ll end up at the
riverbed again and you will see Meimi there. Choose LEAVE.
Next, you’ll get to make some pretty important decisions. The entire
school’s going to Hokkaido for school camp, and you have to choose who you
want to be in your group. WRITE SEIA, then RURI, then KIYOMI.

CHAPTER 5 - Summer Camp Crisis
When you arrive at camp, DO ALL OPTIONS. You’ll then be sent off to gather
firewood, and you should see Reiko on the way. It’ll soon start to rain, and
Reiko’s T-shirt gets totally soaked, making it see through.

Later that night, choose to LOOK to SEIA first. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS.
Next day, Makoto and you are beside the river fishing. Keep choosing THINK
until the screen says "Guess I'll take a break". Then, choose TALK to
MAKOTO, and the GO option will appear. Then choose to GO to NEAR WATERFALL.
Seia should be there. After talking to her, GO to all the other places.
After you have been to all of them, the game will ask you whether or not you
want to look for Ruri. Choose DON’T BOTHER. Keep playing normally until
chapter 6 starts.

CHAPTER 6 - Summer Sea, Sea Wind and Starlight
On the first day of sea-side camp, Reiko will try to teach you how to swim.
Whilst trying not to drown, you’ll accidentally (I think) pull down her
swimsuit and get a nice glimpse of her breasts. Makoto will come up a little
later and congratulate you on behalf of the boys.

Next day, you and Kiyomi go boat rowing. Upon arrival of the island, DO ALL
OPTIONS. After a while, you’ll discover your boat’s gone missing. Luckily,
Aki found it for you.
The next day, Mio invites you to go collect seashells together. DO ALL
After dinner, choose LOOK at BEACH. Then choose LOOK at MOON. Then LOOK at
OCEAN. Now, choose THINK about SEIA. Then, LOOK at BEACH again. Then, Seia
should appear. DO ALL OPTIONS. When Seia asks you what happened after the
flower-viewing party, choose to TELL HER THE TRUTH.

After seaside camp, you’re back in school with a terrible cold. Choose to
TALK to SEIA before anyone else. Then DO ALL OPTIONS.

CHAPTER 7 - Happy Birthday Reiko
At school, the girls try to convince you to see the school nurse because of
your illness. As usual, choose to TALK to SEIA first, and then DO ALL
OPTIONS. Then, the bell will ring and the girls go off to class.
After class, the girls check on you again. Choose to TALK to SEIA first, and
then DO ALL OPTIONS. Then, halfway through class, you faint, and Meimi and
Kiyomi take you to the nurse’s office. DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll force you
to take the medicine.

Afterwards, the girls take you home, and they get to meet your parents. They
tease and embarrass you mercilessly. After arriving at your room, TALK to
SEIA. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll leave you alone. For now.
Next morning, you learn about your past fears with medicine. Then, everyone
arrives at your room and you also learn that Reiko’s having her birthday
bash at your house. At the party, remember to TALK to SEIA first before
talking to anyone else.

Next day at school, you’ve already recovered from your cold. You also give
Reiko’s birthday to her.
In October, Kyoko-sensei announces the up-coming Sports Festival. The girls
fight over you because they all want you to take part in their sport. As
usual, LOOK and TALK to SEIA before talking to the others. In the end,
you’ll decide to participate in all their events.

CHAPTER 8 - Concerto in School Festival
At school, TALK and LOOK at SEIA before talking and looking at the others
until you’ve DONE ALL OPTIONS.
That should bring you to the first day of practice. Kiyomi, Reiko and Mio
will come and visit you.
During school the next day, you’re completely sore from all the exercise
from the previous day. When lunchtime arrives, Kiyomi says she’s got
something to talk to you about. She persuades you to reconsider about
entering so many events for the Sports Festival. Then, Mio and Reiko will
show up.
2 weeks later. After your practice, you go home and your dad says a friend’s
waiting for you. It turns out to be Shoko, and she says she doesn’t want you
to go to soccer practice anymore in case you hurt yourself. Choose to REFUSE
her ( If you choose to agree to her, you get the Shoko ending, so make sure
you REFUSE her!!) Shoko then runs out of the house in tears, and you never
see her again.

Next day after practice, you have dinner with Meimi and Seia. DO ALL
OPTIONS. After dinner, when Meimi asks you to walk Seia home, choose TAKE

During school the next day, the girls will come to talk to you about Sports
Day. DO ALL OPTIONS, then Ruri should appear. When she asks you if you’re
only participating in all those events to get the others like you, say NO.

At home, you decide to head downtown. After playing video games, you catch
sight of Reiko at the UFO Catcher machine. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards,
you’ll have dinner at a burger place. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll both walk
by the riverbank. Here, Reiko tells you her concerns about the future.
The day of the Sports Festival. First, you’ll play volleyball, then
baseball, then soccer, then the treasure hunt, then volleyball again, then
the men’s 400 meter, then the survival contest etc. What a pain.
Next day of the Sports Festival. You and Aki are partners for the
three-legged race. When asked, choose to GO FASTER.

The day after that is the party after the Sports Festival. The first half of
the party takes place at school, and the second half at Kyoko’s house. After
the kampai, TALK to SEIA. Then, TALK to SHINJI. Keep talking to Shinji, and
Kyoko will join in the conversation. Continue talking to Shinji, and
eventually the party ends, and everyone leaves. Leaving you and Kyoko alone,
that is. Then, she gives you a very special lesson, which involves you
losing your virginity. Not bad for a first time.
Next morning, THINK about YESTERDAY until it repeats itself. Then, choose
THINK about CULTURE FESTIVAL. Keep thinking about the culture festival until
the option GO appears. Choose GO to SCHOOL. Upon arriving at school, you see
Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi.
The day of the culture festival. When arriving at the fishing contest by the
pool DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you get a role in some crazy play, and the
day ends with ramen with the girls.
Second day of the culture festival. Choose LOOK at BAND. Then THINK. Then
TALK. When you’re at the pool again, pick TALK, and talk to REIKO, then
KIYOMI, then MIO. The TRY YOUR LUCK option should pop up. After trying your
luck, you go back outside and play a shooting game where you win a game
system. When returning to the classroom, TALK with REIKO until she repeats
herself. Then TALK to KIYOMI until the GO option appears. After choosing GO
to CULTURE FESTIVAL, an announcement will come over the speakers, saying
that the school dance with begin at 6PM.
At this point, you have to choose who you want as your dance partner, so
this is a pretty important decision. Obviously, you’ll CHOOSE SEIA. Enjoy

December arrives, and Kyoko-sensei is talking about a Christmas party.
You’ve been nominated to organize it. When Reiko and Mio arrive, you tell
them you’ve got no idea how to organize one. Luckily, Kiyomi and Seia agree
to help out.

CHAPTER 9 - Holy, Holy Night For You
December 24th, Christmas Eve. After the party, you must decide whom you want
to give your Xmas present to. Pick GO to SEIA’S HOUSE. She asks you to come
and help her at the church, and the rest is in God's hands...


Meimi Nakano Walkthrough

CHAPTER 1 - The Sakura Dance At The Entrance Ceremony
When the game starts, you’re in bed and you’ve just had a dream. Then, your
mother Emi comes in and tries to kiss you. You can decide whether you want
to AVOID or DEFEND YOURSELF. Afterwards, just continue to DO ALL OPTIONS.
You’ll get a chance to talk to your father, Nobuyuki as well.
When you get to school, you’ll first meet Reiko, who you knocked over whilst
rushing to school.

When you arrive at the auditorium, LOOK FOR YOUR SEAT, and a short
brown-haired girl called Kiyomi will greet you. DO ALL OPTIONS. After the
Dean finishes his speech, you’ll go to your classroom and meet your teacher,
Kyoko. DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Kyoko will suggest to have a party,
and a short haired girl called Seia and a girl with a long ponytail named
Meimi will object to this. You’ll also get to meet your future best friend,
Makoto. After you suggest to have a cherry-blossom viewing party, your day
will end.

CHAPTER 2 - Battle of Women
DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll end up under a cherry blossom tree. Choose TAKE
A NAP. When you wake up, you’ll meet a cute girl called Mio. When she asks
what you are doing, say TAKING A NAP.

Keep talking to Mio and eventually, Kiyomi and Reiko will show up. Each girl
will then persuade you to join her sports club. At this stage, it doesn’t
matter which club you choose to join because it’ll end up having you saying
you’ll give each club a try before making your decision.
When you arrive at the tennis courts, DO ALL OPTIONS. After practicing with
Mio, choose TRY BASEBALL. Now, DO ALL OPTIONS. After talking to Kiyomi,
you’ll go to the pool. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS. Once you get back to the
classroom, you’ll make bets with the three girls. You promise that if you
lose to them when playing their respective sports, you’ll join their club.
Next day. Choose to go the BASEBALL FIELD first, and you’ll hit 56 home
runs. Then you will arrive at the tennis courts. Say I KNOW to the rules of
tennis. Then, CHALLENGE Mio. You beat her. Then, keep choosing TALK to Mio
and you will arrive at the pool with Reiko. Reiko doesn’t believe you can’t
swim and pushes you into the swimming pool. Then, Dean saves you by giving
you mouth-to-mouth (gross). When you come to, you’ll be in the classroom. DO
ALL OPTIONS. When Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi begin arguing, a pink-haired girl
called Shoko will lead you to the gymnastics training room. Things get a
little exciting as Shoko takes her shirt off and makes sexual advances at

Suddenly, Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi appear. Choose BEG FOR HELP. You then find
out Shoko’s actually trying to get you to join the soccer team. Then,
eventually, you’ll have to choose RUN AWAY, and you have to TALK to SHOKO.

CHAPTER 3 - Day of Sakura and Manguro (Tuna)
This evening, you and Makoto and your teacher are finding a good spot for
the cherry-blossom viewing party. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Reiko, Mio and Kiyomi
will show up.

DO ALL OPTIONS. Kyoko will ask you why you haven’t joined any of the clubs.
After you explain why, the evening ends and the next day’s the
cherry-blossom viewing party. USE UP ALL OPTIONS. After you do your
performance, you’ll take Seia home because she’s drunk. When you get inside
her room, LOOK at it, and then PUT HER TO BED. Keep choosing to LOOK at her
and she’ll take her top off!

You can choose to TALK to her if you want, but she won’t answer. Instead,
choose to LOOK at her BREASTS and PANTIES. Then keep looking at SEIA until
you leave her house and go back to the party. Just keep choosing TALK to
KYOKO, and you’ll eventually pass out from drunkenness.
Next day at school, everyone’s suffering from a hangover, so only you and
Kyoko-sensei are present. Keep TALKING to her, and you’ll arrive at the next

CHAPTER 4 - Here Comes New Challengers!
There’s a new girl in class. Short blue-haired Ruri may look beautiful, but
she’s awfully quiet.

Anyway, Kiyomi and Makoto will soon approach you and talk to you about her.
DO ALL OPTIONS. After a while, Meimi and Seia will join in the conversation.
TALK to them, and Kiyomi, Mio and Reiko will arrive. When the image of Ruri
sitting by herself comes up, DO ALL OPTIONS. Then Makoto will arrive, and
report what he has found out about Ruri.
First day of Golden Week, you go shopping with the girls. DO ALL OPTIONS.
When you get inside the shopping center, you’ll meet an Asuka-lookalike girl
named Aki. TALK to her, and you find out she and Mio are tennis rivals.

On the second day of Golden Week, Makoto comes over. DO ALL OPTIONS. When
you get to the riverbed, DO ALL OPTIONS. After leaving the riverbed, you’ll
end up at the shopping district again. Choose GO, and go to any place you
like. After you’ve been to all the places, Kiyomi’s little brother will show
up. His name is Shinji. DO ALL OPTIONS.
Afterwards, you’ll end up at the riverbed again and you will see Meimi
there. Choose LOOK at MEIMI. Keeping on looking at her until the TALK option
comes up. Keep talking to her, and you'll throw stones at the river with

Next, you’ll get to make some pretty important decisions. The entire
school’s going to Hokkaido for school camp, and you have to choose who you
want to be in your group. WRITE MEIMI, then KIYOMI, then RURI.

CHAPTER 5 - Summer Camp Crisis
When you arrive at camp, USE UP ALL OPTIONS. You’ll then be sent off to
gather firewood, and you should see Reiko on the way. It’ll soon start to
rain, and Reiko’s T-shirt gets totally soaked, making it see through.

Later that night, choose to LOOK at MEIMI first. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS.
Next day, Makoto and you are beside the river fishing. Keep choosing THINK
until the screen says "Guess I'll take a break". Then, choose TALK to
MAKOTO, and the GO option will appear. Then choose to GO to FISHING SPOT C.
Meimi should be there. After talking to her, GO to all the other places.
After you have been to all of them, the game will ask you whether or not you
want to look for Ruri. Choose DON’T BOTHER. Keep playing normally until
chapter 6 starts.

CHAPTER 6 - Summer Sea, Sea Wind and Starlight
On the first day of sea-side camp, Reiko will try to teach you how to swim.
Whilst trying not to drown, you’ll accidentally (I think) pull down her
swimsuit and get a nice glimpse of her breasts. Makoto will come up a little
later and congratulate you on behalf of the boys.

Next day, you and Kiyomi go boat rowing. Upon arrival of the island, DO ALL
OPTIONS. After a while, you’ll discover your boat’s gone missing. Luckily,
Aki found it for you.
The next day, Mio invites you to go collect seashells together. DO ALL
After dinner, choose LOOK at BEACH. Then choose LOOK at MOON. Then LOOK at
OCEAN. Now, choose THINK about MEIMI. Then, LOOK at BEACH again. When Meimi
appears, choose TALK, and just keep talking to her. She'll talk about her
dreams with you.

After seaside camp, you’re back in school with a terrible cold. Choose to
TALK to MEIMI before anyone else. Then DO ALL OPTIONS.

CHAPTER 7 - Happy Birthday Reiko
At school, the girls try to convince you to see the school nurse because of
your illness. As usual, choose to TALK to MEIMI first, and then DO ALL
OPTIONS. Then, the bell will ring and the girls go off to class.
After class, the girls check on you again. Choose to TALK to MEIMI first,
and then USE UP ALL OPTIONS. Then, halfway through class, you faint, and
Meimi and Kiyomi take you to the nurse’s office. DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll
force you to take the medicine.

Afterwards, the girls take you home, and they get to meet your parents. They
tease and embarrass you mercilessly. After arriving at your room, TALK to
MEIMI. Then, DO ALL OPTIONS, and they’ll leave you alone. For now.
Next morning, you learn about your past fears with medicine. Then, everyone
arrives at your room and you also learn that Reiko’s having her birthday
bash at your house. At the party, remember to TALK to MEIMI first before
talking to anyone else.

Next day at school, you’ve already recovered from your cold. You also give
Reiko’s birthday to her.
In October, Kyoko-sensei announces the up-coming Sports Festival. The girls
fight over you because they all want you to take part in their sport. As
usual, LOOK and TALK to MEIMI before talking to the others. In the end,
you’ll decide to participate in all their events.

CHAPTER 8 - Concerto in School Festival
At school, TALK and LOOK at MEIMI before talking and looking at the others
until you’ve DONE ALL OPTIONS.
That should bring you to the first day of practice. Kiyomi, Mio and Reiko
will come and visit you.
During school the next day, you’re completely sore from all the exercise
from the previous day. When lunchtime arrives, Kiyomi says she’s got
something to talk to you about. She persuades you to reconsider about
entering so many events for the Sports Festival. Then, Mio and Reiko will
show up.
2 weeks later. After your practice, you go home and your dad says a friend’s
waiting for you. It turns out to be Shoko, and she says she doesn’t want you
to go to soccer practice anymore in case you hurt yourself. Choose to REFUSE
her ( If you choose to agree to her, you get the Shoko ending, so make sure
you REFUSE her!!) Shoko then runs out of the house in tears, and you never
see her again.

Next day after practice, you have dinner with Meimi and Seia. DO ALL
OPTIONS. After dinner, walk Meimi home.

During school the next day, the girls will come to talk to you about Sports
Day. Don’t forget to TALK and LOOK at MEIMI before the other girls!! After
DOING ALL OPTIONS, Ruri should appear. When she asks you if you’re only
participating in all those events to get the others like you, say NO.

At home, you decide to head downtown. After playing video games, you catch
sight of Reiko at the UFO Catcher machine. DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards,
you’ll have dinner at a burger place. DO ALL OPTIONS. Then you’ll both walk
by the riverbank. Here, Reiko tells you her concerns about the future.
The day of the Sports Festival. First, you’ll play volleyball, then
baseball, then soccer, then the treasure hunt, then volleyball again, then
the men’s 400 meter, then the survival contest etc. What a pain.
Next day of the Sports Festival. You and Aki are partners for the
three-legged race. When asked, choose to GO FASTER.

The day after that is the party after the Sports Festival. The first half of
the party takes place at school, and the second half at Kyoko’s house. After
the kampai, TALK to MEIMI. Keep talking to Meimi until she repeats herself.
Then, TALK to SHINJI. Keep talking to Shinji, and Kyoko will join in the
conversation. Continue talking to Shinji, and eventually the party ends, and
everyone leaves. Leaving you and Kyoko alone, that is. Then, she gives you a
very special lesson, which involves you losing your virginity. Not bad for a
first time.

Next morning, THINK about YESTERDAY until it repeats itself. Then, choose
THINK about CULTURE FESTIVAL. Keep thinking about the culture festival until
the option GO appears. Choose GO to SCHOOL. Upon arriving at school, you see
Mio, Reiko and Kiyomi.
The day of the culture festival. When arriving at the fishing contest by the
pool DO ALL OPTIONS. Afterwards, you get a role in some crazy play, and the
day ends with ramen with the girls.
Second day of the culture festival. Then LOOK at BAND. Then THINK. Then
TALK. When you’re at the pool again, pick TALK, and talk to REIKO, then
KIYOMI, then MIO. The TRY YOUR LUCK option should pop up. After trying your
luck, you go back outside and play a shooting game where you win a game
system. When returning to the classroom, TALK with REIKO until she repeats
herself. Then TALK to KIYOMI until the GO option appears. After choosing GO
to CULTURE FESTIVAL, an announcement will come over the speakers, saying
that the school dance with begin at 6PM.
At this point, you have to choose who you want as your dance partner, so
this is a pretty important decision. Obviously, you’ll CHOOSE MEIMI. Enjoy

December arrives, and Kyoko-sensei is talking about a Christmas party.
You’ve been nominated to organize it. When Reiko and Mio arrive, you tell
them you’ve got no idea how to organize one. Luckily, Kiyomi and Seia agree
to help out.

CHAPTER 9 - Holy, Holy Night For You
December 24th, Christmas Eve. After the party, you must decide whom you want
to give your Xmas present to. Pick GO to MEIMI’S HOUSE. On the way, she will
confess to you how much she loves you. And when you get to her house, she
gives you a very special Christmas present of her own...


If you have Questions, info, etc.

If you have something that I don’t, I will post it and give you credit.
Email your tips, Comments, or Questions to:

Tainted Love… (Not that crappy Song By Soft Cell…)

This is Miscellaneous Stuff About This Game, and Where Questions Will be.

-You can’t Avoid Kyoko-Sensei’s “Lesson”. Why would you want to?
-Speaking Of Kyoko-Sensei, whom does she look Like? Right. Evangellion’s
Misato Katsuragi.
-That Girl who kicks your Butt in the Arcade is Rin Wantanabe from Runaway
City. It is also a JAST Product.
-Your Best Friend Makoto is also from Evangellion. His Previous name Before
the Witness Protection Program was Kensuke Aida.
-All of The Girls look vaguely Familiar, too. See the Choose Your Love!
Section For Descriptions.
-The Luckless Tenchi Bug Bites Again, as Both Katsuhito and Nobouyuki (AKA
Yosho) Are in the Game.
-Notice how Mio’s Swimsuit Says 3-A, and not 1-E? Well… (Long Winded
Explanation at 3 o’clock…)
The reason Mio's swimsuit says 3-A, not 1-E, is due to the fact that in the
original game, the real ages and grade levels of the characters are
different. JAST USA had to do a few rewrites so the characters are all above
eighteen years of age since US law prohibits any depiction of sexual acts
between minors. However, Japan doesn't have such laws (or maybe they're just
looser than those here). In any case, in the original Japanese game, Shuji
winds up as a 16-year-old senior high school freshman, and Mio (and Aki) are
both 15-year-olds graduating from junior high. (This also means that Meimi,
Seia, Ruri, & Kiyomi are 16-year-olds like Shuji, and actually only Shoko
and Reiko are 18.) In Japan, they have three years of junior high and three
years of senior high. Since Mio's supposedly a third-year junior high
student in the original...JAST USA probably overlooked this small detail in
their translation efforts.
You may Breathe Now.

Thanks and Shouts

-To JAST, USA, obviously.
-Yeah, me too. FAQ number 2 DONE!!!
-To my Friend Aaron, For taping his Playing. The work here is his, folks,
I’m Just writing It.
-To anyone who I know, except for those few that I would like to Punch in
the Mouth.
-To Scott. I knew you wouldn’t Believe it. Now Believe. I’ll be seeing that
$15 soon, I bet.
-To anyone who read my First FAQ and helped me with it.
-To Yee Sung Fu, Kao Meagura, and Everyone Else in GameFAQs. You guys are
the Reason I keep doing this.
-To anyone who reads this.
-To that kid’s Sister for Last Night.
-I think I better Shut Up Now…

Chronology and Where You can Find This FAQ:

4/21/01 Actually Played SOTS For the First Time. I beg Aaron to Videotape
his Gameplay.
4/23/01 Posted a topic about The Game On the FAQ Writers board at GameFAQs.
4/24/01 First Videotape. Basic Info Put up, including Notes From Aaron about
The Characters Anime Lookalikes.
4/27/01 Continued Data Update after Second And Third Tapes Put in. Completed
Walkthrough until Seia Ch.7.
4/28/01 Finished FAQ Sent to GameFAQs. Probably will Update if deemed to
Rowdy for Publication, But I’m Hoping it will Slip Through.


The Magic in Cupid’s Arrow Has Run Out…

Well, That’s it. 31 Pages After You Started, Here you Are! Hope you Brought
Your Sock! Just Kidding. Anyways, That’s The End Of This FAQ, so get
Playing! All of the Girls Are Waiting! Quit Staring At me Like That! No,
Really! Hey, Don’t Call me Big Jim! No! Wait! Aaargh!!!

Copyright Thomas Warnica 2001.

We are all members of The Dope Show…

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Engl. FAQ

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