Worms - World Party

Worms - World Party

16.10.2013 04:42:30


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Team 17 / Titus / Micropose(WWP.Team17.com)

Walkthrough / FAQ / Game Guide
Version: 0.45
April 22th, 2001

Author: MIMICMASTERAX (MimicMasterAX@Hotmail.com)

=======================[ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T ]======================

Differences from Worms: Armageddon
System Requirements

Basic Techniques

Super Weapons
Game Setting Tools

Quick Match
Death Match
Local Computer
Multiplayer Missions
Internet Lingo

Building a Team
Weapon Option
Game Option
Map Creation
Points for Weapons Mode
09 FAQ

Saved Files
Web Sites
Additional Programs

Copyright Agreements
Thanks To
Author's Final Notes

===========================[ I N T R O D U C T I O N ]==========================

Dear fan/gamer/reader of all ages:

Hi, and welcome to my Game Guide for Worms World Party, the wackiest,
wildest action/strategy/puzzle game ever! If you are new to Worms, keep on
reading, if you've already familiar with it's concept, you can skip the next

The idea of Worms came from Andy Davidson. He created a game called FULL
WORMAGE, the ancestor of Worms. Team17 decided to help him with his creation.
Worms is a 2-D side-moving war game. You are basically a worm (with a name)
that is destined to kill! You are equipped with a wide range of arsenal, so
don't fear, nothing is impossible. You have to navigate and find a way to
destroy your foes/targets before you get killed. Basic rules of planet applies:
you can sink, die (no more energy to continue fighting), fall.

Worms World Party is a add-on-game to Worms: Armageddon (Worms 3). Team 17
likes to think that WWP is something different than W:A; they are wrong. Ask
anyone and they'll tell you that there are no huge difference between W:A and
WWP. Although, there is one major change: the multiplayer options are fantastic!
Now, when you play a specified online game, you won't need to worry about your
enemy cheating, because he/she can't cheat anymore, with pre-defined rules.

I apologize right now for all your inconveniences because of the size. I did
it because I want to cover EVERY LITTLE DETAIL there is in this game.

Now I've completely bored you out, I think I'll do less chatting and get
down to the serious stuff...


-----------------------DIFFERENCES FROM WORMS: ARMAGEDDON-----------------------

- More Missions
- More Trainings
- Time Attacks Added
- WormPOT Added
- Ranks Back on WormNET 2
- WormNET now have people around the globe
- Map Editor Added
- Scheme Editor Added
- Sound Bank Editor Modified
- More Sound Bank, Fanfare, Flag, Grave added
- Purchase Weapons Mode Added

-------------------------------SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS------------------------------

- Windows(R) 95/98/98 2nd Edition/NT/2000/2000 Pro/ME
- 1 CD per machine for Multiplayer/Online Mode

- Pentium 100MHz
- 32MB System RAM
- 2x CDRom Drive
- 2Mb Video RAM

- Pentium 200+ MHz
- 32+ MB System RAM
- 8+x CDRom Drive
- Network card
- Modem

- Pentium 1.5+ GHz
- 512+ MB System RAM
- 60+x CDRom Drive
- 100 MB Network Card
- DSL/Cable/ADSL Modem
- GeForce 2 GPU

16-bit Soundblaster and 100% compatibles

========================[ V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y ]=======================

Next Version Preview: I think I am alomost done the 1st shift. Next, I will get
into details with the Missions. Of course, I am also
planning to write Jet Pack Guide, Ninja Rope Guide, Super
Sheep Guide, and numerous other guides.

Version 0.45 - April 22, 2001 - Re-formatting
Added stuff here and there

Version 0.4 - April 20, 2001 - Added more Missions
Added some clarifications
Changed some stuff

Version 0.35 - April 17, 2001 - Added a few Missions
I only had 30 minutes to do this

Version 0.3 - April 16, 2001 - Added more Missions Solutions
Added Time Attack Solutions
Reformatting of the Guide

Version 0.25 - April 14, 2001 - Added more stuff
NOTE: I know some stuff are INCOMPLETE (ex:
missions, training); I've figured that I don't
have all the time in the world, so I will try
my best to get the important stuff and quick
stuff up first.

Version 0.2 - April 13, 2001 - Added Death Match Ranking
Added more Missions

Version 0.15 - April 12, 2001 - Added Missions
Added Death Match
Added Info here and there

Version 0.1 - April 11, 2001 - Started this guide.
Don't have a lot of time, because I am listening
to the Intro Song of WWP night and day.
Started the basics(literally).

=================================[ B A S I C S ]================================

Left | Move left
Right | Move right
Enter | Leap forward
2X Enter | Small backflip
Backspace | Hop
2X Backspace | Backflip
Space | Use selected item
Space | For projectiles (Bazooka/Homing Missile/Grenade/Cluster Bomb/
| Banana Bomb/Holy-Hand Grenade/Petrol Bomb), hold to increase
| pitch strength
F1-F12 | Select a weapon (there are up to 5 weapons assigned for each
| button. To select the next one in the row, press it again)
Tab | Select Worm (See weapons)
Up | Change target direction (projectiles) / Increase length (Ninja
| Rope) / Hover (Jetpack)
Down | Change target direction (projectiles) / Decrease length (Ninja
| Rope)
Left | Change different shape (Girder)
Right | Change different shape (Girder)
Space | When using a detonable weapon, press Space to detonate it.
1-5 | Set fuse time (for certain weapons)
- | Set on Min Bounce (For Bomb type)
+ | Set on Max Bounce (For Bomb type)
Enter | Drop weapon (on Ninja Rope/Jetpack)
Escape | Bring up menu
Insert | Change the layers of background displayed
Delete | Change the name displays
Page Up | Close chat box (Multiplayer only)
Page Down | Open chat box (Multiplayer only)
R | Replay (sometimes available)
S | Slow motion in replay
Space | Fast foward in replay
Movement | Move screen
Left Click | Assign target (only applied with certain weapons/utilities)
Right Click | Bring up arsenal

--------------------------------BASIC TECHNIQUES--------------------------------

- Watch ahead of where are you going (or end up).
- Weapons are cool, but some does damage to you too if you don't be careful.
- Sinking a worm is easier than killing it.
- Time is very valuable, remember hotkeys.
- Bazooka can bounce on water, with a small angle and strong pitch.
- 2 ways to use a grenade: the high loop, or the instant straight explosion.
- Ninja Rope is your best friend!
- Always burrow, burrow, BURROW! Escape routes are priceless!
- Push your enemies into holes, mines, water, cracks, and places he/she will
- Animals collect crates for you.

================================[ W E A P O N S ]===============================

Projectile Weapon - Hotkey: F1
Type: Projectile weapon
Can be charged
Affected by wind
Damage: 50 HP Max
Medium damage to soil
Note: Can skip on water if heavily pitched at a small angle
Homing Missile
Type: Projectile weapon
Defined target
Boost can be charged
Damage: 50 HP Max
Medium damage to soil
Note: Don't abuse the boost charge
It can go under water
Try aiming directly and inversely toward your foe
Type: Projectile weapon
Damage: Impact 20 HP Max
Medium damage to soil
Clusters 30 HP Max
Light damage to soil
Note: Clusters are affected by wind direction
Aim straight
Use the advantages of the clusters
Homing Pigeon
Type: Animal
Defined target
Damage: 75 HP Max
Big damage to soil
Note: A medium-intelligent animal
Don't expect miraculous navigation
Sheep Launcher
Type: Animal
Projectile weapon
Damage: 75 HP Max
Big damage to soil
Note: Try launching high for more distance
After a boost, it will bounce
Limited time fuse
Fused Projectile Weapon - Hotkey: F2
Type: Projectile weapon
Bounce settable
Can be charged
Damage: 50 HP Max
Medium damage to soil
Note: Grenade are super for making holes
Use them as a 5 second dynamite
Cluster Bomb
Type: Projectile weapon
Bounce settable
Can be charged
Damage: Impact 20 HP Max
Light damage to soil
Clusters 30 HP Max
Light damage to soil
Note: Use as fireworks
Drop this in a small hole to do maximum damage
Banana Bomb
Type: Fruit
Can be charged
Damage: Impact 75 HP Max
Big damage to soil
Cluster Banana (5) 75 HP Max
Huge damage to soil
Note: Use as fireworks
Drop this in a small hole to do maximum damage
Use as a huge hole-maker
Battle Axe
Type: Close range weapon
Damage: Halves HP for every worm in contact
No damage to soil
Note: Save this one until your foe got a lot of energy
Close Range Weapon - Hotkey: F3
Type: Close-long range weapon
2 bullets
Damage: 25 HP Max per bullet
Small damage to soil
Note: Shotgun's blast radius affects all worms in it
Snipe a mine or a Oil Drum to damage an enemy
Use as digging tool
Type: Close range weapon
6 bullets
Continuous shots
Damage: 5 HP Max per bullet
Extremely light damage to soil
Note: Use this small toy to knock worms in a nearby ending (water, fall, mine)
Can't be used as a digging tool, but can help enlarge tunnels
For long range, the precision is at 10% or less
Type: Close range weapon
20 Chained bullets
Continuous shots
Damage: 3 HP Max per bullet
Extremely light damage to soil
Note: Use this to knock worms off a cliff or in water
Try this one if you want to aim for a mine on the side of a cliff
For long range, the precision is at 1% or less
Type: Close range weapon
25 Chained bullets
Continuous shots
Damage: 3 HP Max each bullet
Extremely light damage to soil
Note: Use it to make holes and kill worms, never anything else
Lousy long range, so always do it close range
Long Bow
Type: Close-long range weapon
2 arrow slots
Fall affected by wind
Damage: 15 HP per arrow
No damage to soil
Note: Build bridges with them
Extremely strong collision force (for knocking worms)
100% straight (when rising)
Martial Arts - Hotkey: F4
Fire Punch
Type: Martial Art
Vertical hit
Damage: 30 HP
Small-medium damage to soil
Note: Knocking worms off their feet (n shape)
Combine with Low Gravity for a big knocking effect
Knock mines
If you jump and is about to tumble on a lower surface, use this so you
won't roll once you've landed and recieve low or no damage
Dragon Ball
Type: Martial Art
Horizontal hit
Damage: 30 HP
No damage to soil
Note: Knocking worms off their feet (low n shape)
Knock mines
Type: Martial Art
Suicidal act
Damage: Collision 30 HP
No damage to soil
Explosion 50 HP Max
Small damage to soil
Note: Suicide only when the worm is suffering (lower than 20 HP)
Can be combined with laser sight
Excellent to create a long get-away for another worm
Suicide Bomber
Type: Martial Art
Suicidal act
Damage: Explosion 30 HP Max
Small damage to soil
Release poison (affected by wind)
Note: Only use if you can damage more than 3 worms or in missions
Pretty useless
Type: Basic Technique
Damage: None
Note: Push a worm into a mine or water
Always keep a little distance from your target
Strong Explosives - Hotkey: F5
Type: Bomb
4 second fuse
Damage: 75 HP Max
Large damage to soil
Note: Excellent for group damage
You can drop this from a rope or a jetpack
Type: Bomb
Movement sensor
0-5 second fuse
Damage: 50 HP Max
Medium damage to soil
Note: Drop this and run after detonating it to create a hole
Can be knocked by guns and martial arts
Block the entrance/exit/route
Drop it on frozen worms to do good damage
Type: Animal
Damage: 75 HP Max
Large damage to soil
Note: Animal collect crates
Always detects objects and tend to jump
If you let it go too long, a 5 second countdown will begin
Let it navigate on platforms to get far
Super Sheep
Type: Animal
Can fly
Damage: 75 HP Max
Large damage to soil
Note: Animal collect crates
Always detects objects and tend to jump (if not airborne)
If you let it go too long, a 5 second countdown will begin
Practice controlling it
Try a direct, straight contact with your target
Aqua Sheep
Type: Animal
Can fly
Can swim
Damage: 75 HP Max
Large damage to soil
Note: Animal collect crates
Always detects objects and tend to jump (if not airborne)
If you let it go too long, a 5 second countdown will begin
Practice controlling it
Try a direct, straight contact with your target
Give someone an underwater sneak surprise
Type: Animal
Can hop
Takes a BIG jump before digging
Explode on touch (after digging)
Damage: 30 HP Max
Small-medium damage to soil
Note: If you want to dig somewhere, let it jump a 'meter' away
Extremely useful digging tool
Air assaults - Hotkey: F6
Air Strike
Type: Air attack
Defined Target
5 missiles
Damage: 20 HP Max per missile
Small damage to soil
Note: Very precious thing
Napalm Strike
Type: Air attack
Defined Target
5 Molotov Cocktail missiles
Damage: 0-100 HP
Light damage to soil
Note: Use wind advantages
Make hard-to-navigate terrain
Very precious thing
Construction and Destruction Tool - Hotkey: F7
Blow Torch
Type: Digging tool
Straight, 20' up, 20' down digging
Damage: 15 HP each hit
Small-medium damage to soil
Note: Kill and dig at the same time
Make zigzag courses to make it hard to re-navigate
Pneumatic Drill
Type: Digging tool
Vertical down digging
Damage: 15 HP each hit
Small-medium damage to soil
Note: Drill on top of a enemy to cause damage
Drilling makes a stable little alcove (to prevent Earthquake)
Type: Construction tool
Short and large size
8 directions
Damage: None
Note: Make bridges
Make platforms
Make a wall for blocking your enemy (from movement and attack)
Make shelters
Baseball Bat
Type: Close range weapon
Damage: 30 HP
No damage to soil
Note: Research on baseball before using it
Don't everyone like a homerun
Don't expect miraculous power
Girder Starter Kit
Type: Construction tool
5 girders in a kit
Short and large size
8 directions
Damage: None
Note: Make bridges
Make platforms
Make a wall for blocking your enemy (from movement and attack)
Make shelters
Leave space between each girder so it is less easy to be destroyed
Anti-Law Tool - Hotkey: F8
Ninja Rope
Type: Ninja tool
Aiming tool
1-infinite ropes
Damage: None (Rope knocking in some WormNET channels)
Note: Master this tool; it will come in handy
Type: Extreme sport
Damage: None (watch out for fall damage)
Note: You can have a small control
Drop weapons off a Bungee cord
Type: Ninja tool
Damage: None (watch out for fall damage)
Note: You can have a small control
It will automatically be used if you equipped it and you are in danger
Type: David Copperfield Magic
Defined target
Damage: None (watch out for fall damage)
Note: Click and TA-DA!
Special Weapon* - Hotkey: F9
Holy Hand Grenade
Type: Projectile weapon
3 second fused
Must be on solid ground before exploding
Can be charged
Damage: 100 HP Max
Huge damage to soil
Note: Drop and run just won't cut it, try using a Ninja Rope
Type: Close range weapon
Affected by wind
30 some sparks
Damage: 70 HP Max
Light damage to soil
Note: Check the wind to use it at full advantage
Or close up and burn, baby burn!
Special Weapon* - Hotkey: F10
Petrol Bomb
Type: Projectile weapon
Can be charged
Damage: 0-100 HP
Light damage to soil
Note: Drop it from a rope or a parachute way high in the sky
Create hard-to-navigate terrain with it
Pitch it on a frozen worm to burn it at it's turn
Type: Animal
Damage: Explosion 30 HP Max
Small damage to soil
Poison Powder after 1st detonation
Note: Use them to collect crates
Poison is affected by wind
Special Weapon* - Hotkey: F11
Mad Cow
Type: Animal
Can be set to release 1-3 cows
Damage: 75 HP Max
Big damage to soil
Note: You can change your releasing side after releasing a cow
Try to let it navigate first
Build a clear terrain, or else it will detonate
Touch it to catch the Mad Cow Disease (j/k)
Old Woman
Type: Super Animal
Countdown fused
Damage: 75 HP Max
Big damage to soil
Note: Drop it between 2 large things so it won't walk away
Or be 1 of those 2 and then move away (if you have time)
Utility - Hotkey: F12
Skip Go
Type: Utility
Note: Select it and press space to use it
Type: Utility / Provocation
Note: Select it and press space to use it
Select it and taunt your opponent or make a false movement
Select Worm
Type: Utility
Note: Select it, press space and press tab to cycle through your worms
Type: Advanced science
Damage: None
Note: Make sure worms near you don't have mine or Petrol Bomb before using it

* Each team have a defined Special Weapon. These are mighty strong! To define
your team's Special Weapon, go in Options/[Pick your team name]/Edit Team/
[Right hand side]. You can choose from Sheep Launcher, Mole, Homing Pigeon,
Flamethrower, Old Woman, Mad Cow, Super Sheep, and Holy-Hand Grenade. Super
Sheep is the most advantageous, while Homing Pigeon is more precise and easier
to master. Old Woman, Mad Cow and Holy-Hand Grenade are nice close-range 1-
killers. Others sucks!

Tool - Hotkey: N/A
Type: Jetpack is a easier version of the ninja rope. It have more features.
Note: Try to find a easiest way to navigate with the Jetpack
Fuel don't always last forever
Try not to bump, or you will waste fuel
Learn to use this
Do not use the technique Thrust and Burn (Pick up the speed and suddenly
drop down to zip)
You can drop stuff from a jetpack
Low Gravity
Type: Low Gravity is basically a potion making you light-headed. It is like in
real event, slow motion.
Note: Low Gravity works with weapons and tools
Want to knock some worm into a far away pond? No problem: you get more
chance with low gravity
After using Low Gravity, every event in the turn and the beginning of the
next turn (crate drop) are affected
Fast Walk
Type: Read
Note: With this around, don't jump all the time to make up time
You could replace this tool with simple jumps
Drop something and not enough time to run? No worry
Laser Target
Type: Aiming tool
Note: Use it for sniping ... anything!
Type: Invisibility
Note: Internet only
Stay invisible, but only before you THROW or USE a weapon (not F8 ones) or
before you make a fall

----------------------------------SUPER WEAPONS---------------------------------
NOTE: These are Super Weapons hidden in the game. You may only get them by
collecting a crate in a normal game (SUPER WEAPON option must be on). Some
missions will contain Super Weapons. Also, when you play a normal game,
you can select the scheme setting [the Full Wormage]. You cannot modifie
anything, but it contains EVERY weapon in the game and you have INFINIT
ammo. Watch out, any Super Weapon is extremely powerful.

Super Weapon - Hotkey: F2
Type: Tremblement de terre
Damage: Fall damage, consequences (fall into mines)
Note: Never use this one if you can slip away into the drink
Dig a hole before using
Super Air Assault - Hotkey: F6
Mail Strike
Type: Air Canada's Gift
Defined Target
Mails are affected by wind
5 mails
Damage: 75 HP Max each mail
Big damage to soil
Note: Watch the wind level
Very funny, but not very precise
Mail tend to float and wobble in air
Mine Strike
Type: US Army's Gift
Defined Target
5 mines
Damage: 50 HP Max each mine
Medium damage to soil
Note: They bounce all over the place
Try to make a spiked terrain (with Petrol Bomb or Napalm Strike) before
using it to make it stable
Mole Squadron
Type: Mole Family's Gift
Defined Target
5 moles
Explode on touch (after digging)
Damage: 30 HP Max each mole
Small-medium damage to soil
Note: Extremely useful digging tool
It can't make stars, but sure can make strips
Justice Weapon - Hotkey: F8
Scales of Justice
Type: God's Act
Damage: Add all HP of 2 group and separates them equally
Note: If your energy is lower than your opponent's, use it; or else, don't
Super Weapon - Hotkey: F9
Super Banana Bomb
Type: Fruit
Can be charged
Damage: Impact 75 HP Max
Big damage to soil
Cluster Banana (5) 75 HP Max
Note: Use as fireworks
Drop this in a small hole to do maximum damage
Use as a huge hole-maker
Usage: [Pitch]-[Space to detonate your Banana]-[Space to detonate your
cluster Bananas]
Salvation Army
Type: Super Animal
Clusters (tambourines)
Damage: Impact 50 HP Max
Medium damage to soil
Cluster 75 HP Max
Big damage to soil
Note: With this, anyone will like music
Wacky Weapon - Hotkey: F9
MB Bomb
Type: Some guy
Defined Target
Affected by wind
Damage: 75 HP Max
Note: Stay away from this one, it is very inaccurate
Tends to wobble
Ancient Country Tradition - Hotkey: F10
Priceless Ming Vase
Type: Antique bomb
3 second fused
Damage: Impact 75 HP Max
Big damage to soil
Cluster antique pieces 75 HP Max
Big damage to soil
Note: Use it as a ultra dynamite
French Sheep Strike
Type: Animals on plane
5 Sheep
2 times bounces
Damage: 75 HP Max each sheep
Big damage to soil
Note: Laugh when you use this or I will kill you
Mikes Carpet Bomb
Type: Antique
5 carpets
3 times bounces
Damage: 75 HP Max each carpet
Medium damage to soil
Note: More efficient than the French Sheep Strike
Super-Mega-Ultra-Extreme Weapon - Hotkey: F11
Concrete Donkey
Type: Monument
Defined Target
'Chop off' the soil
Explode after a (long) period of time
Damage: 100 HP Max each impact
Extreme damage to soil
Note: Use this when you have indestructible landscape
Combine it with Low Gravity and 2X Damage
Indian Nuclear Test
Type: A-bomb test
Poison water
Water rise
Damage: Poison
No damage to soil
Note: If you see a health crate, save it for after you've detonated this baddy
Damage: Drown or die
No or 1% of soil left at the end (except on indestructible terrain)
Note: Use this when you are well burrowed with a lot of girders as shelters
Use this to call the game to a draw
Smart Weapon - Hotkey: F12
Magic Bullet
Type: Homing Bullet
Defined target
Damage: 75 HP Max
Big damage to soil
Note: With this around, you don't have to figure out a way for it to go; it will
do it itself (unless the way is completely blocked)

Weapon Crates
Contains weapons.
Blow it up to detonate the weapon inside
(Sheep crates contains sheep, and blowing it will make it bounce out)
Health Crates
Contains health
Cures poison
Blow it up to make sparks
Utility Packs
Contains utility (Tools) or Game Setting Tools
Blow it up to make sparks

-------------------------------GAME SETTING TOOLS-------------------------------
Double Turn Time
Double your game time
2x Damage
Do 2 times the damage and 2 times the disaster to soil (Axe excluded)
Crate Shower
6 random weapon crates randomly appears after collecting this
Crate Spy
Displays the weapon/tool inside a Weapon Crate or a Utility pack

==========================[ S I N G L E P L A Y E R ]=========================

-----------------------------------QUICK MATCH----------------------------------

You start as a 4 member team against a level 5 computer 4 member team. Your
super weapon is the Flamethrower. You have no time limits. Mega Weapons are on.
For tips, see STRATEGIES.

Train your techniques before going onto missions. Usually, the terrain are
indestructible, unless you have a weapon like shotgun. There are also Time
Attacks, to test your agility to the maximum.
-Basic Shotgun Training-
Training Details: With a shotgun as your only weapon you must destroy all seven
targets before the time limit of sixty second runs out.
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Shotgun (~)
How to pass: Stay calm, aim before you shoot, and just remember that you have
infinite ammo.
-Basic Bazooka Training-
Training Details: Using a bazooka take out all four targets before the time
limit of sixty seconds expires.
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Bazooka (~)
How to pass: Remember that bazookas are affected by wind. Take your time, once
-Basic Fire Punch Training-
Training Details: You have sixty seconds to destroy all four targets using only
your Fire Punch. Make sure you're in the right place at the
right time when you use the punch.
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Fire Punch (x4)
How to pass: Stand below a target, backflip, and just before you touch an
obstacle, use Fire Punch.
-Basic Grenade Training-
Training Details: Utilize the grenade to destroy the six targets within the time
limit of eighty seconds. The grenade is not affected by the
wind and don't forget to use your fuse setting.
Time Limit: 80 Seconds
Weapons: Grenade (~)
How to pass: (The first is my way, the second is the safe way)
1st target: 2 sec, 25' - 30', 75 % power OR 3 sec, 45' - 50', 50 % power
2nd target: 2 sec, 20' - 25', 85 % power OR 3 sec, 45' - 55', 75 % power
3rd target: 2 sec, 15' - 20', 95 % power OR 4 sec, 45' - 55', 80 % power
4th target: 2 sec, 25' - 30', 75 % power OR 3 sec, 45' - 50', 50 % power
5th target: 2 sec, 20' - 25', 85 % power OR 3 sec, 45' - 55', 75 % power
6th target: 3 sec, 45' - 55', 80 % power
-Bazooka Training-
Training Details: Explode the targets to gain time using only a bazooka. Beware
that your location is fixed but don't be afraid to use the
wind to your advantage. You will be called back to camp if
your time runs out.
Time Limit: 65 Seconds, each target adds 1 - 4 Seconds
Weapons: Bazooka (~)
How to pass: There are 2 ways to shoot a target: either use full power and aim
like a pro sniper, or use wind to full advantage. Both works fine,
but if you don't want to waste time, use the 2nd option do save
-Cluster Bomb Training-
Training Details: Earn extra time by destroying targets using your cluster
bombs. Should the time expire you will be sent to the Eastern
Time Limit: 65 Seconds, each target adds 1 - 4 Seconds
Weapons: Cluster Bomb (~)
How to pass: This is easier than Bazooka or Grenade. Use the advantage of the
first impact to get falling targets with 1 second fuse, and use
the fireworks to target hard-to-reach places. Usually toggle only
from 1 and 2 seconds. For very close targets, aim up, 1 seconds,
100%, and stay under something to protect yourself.
-Grenade Training-
Training Details: From a fixed location use grenades to destroy the targets and
add valuable seconds to the timer. If the timer reaches zero
you will be dragged back to barracks.
Time Limit: 65 Seconds, each target adds 1 - 5 Seconds
Weapons: Grenade (~)
How to pass: There are 3 ways to shoot a target:
Catch it in the air: 1 second fuse, very small degree, appropriate power
Catch it when it lands: 2 second fuse, 45 degree, appropriate power
Cap it: 3 second fuse, Max(+) bounce, aim towards the sky, 50 or lower power
Of course, always try to use the first way.
-Jet Pack Training-
Training Details: Apply all your Jet Pack skills here and collect the crates for
much needed seconds. Stay clear of any mines which will bring
you down to earth with a bump. If the timer reaches zero you
will be asked to clean the Major's car.
Time Limit: 65 Seconds, each target adds 1 - 3 Seconds
Weapons: Jet Pack (~)
How to pass: Watch out, mines are at 0 sec fuse. The good part of it is that
normally, a mine can't bring you down to 0. Avoid them at all cost.
If your crate is SUPER near a mine, pick up your speed. Most of the
time, you can collect the crate and sneak away. Also, change your
normal Jet Pack strategies (if you have any), because this is an
unlimited Jet Pack. Take your time (not too much), and collect
those crates!
-Mortar Training-
Training Details: Locked in position with a mortar you must eliminate targets
to collect extra time. Failure will result in a trip to
Time Limit: 65 Seconds, each target adds 2 - 5 Seconds
Weapons: Mortar (~)
How to pass: First, you are NOT locked in position, you can move; and second,
mortar is a very difficult weapon to control with. Your range is
always 75' - 90' (although you won't get a 90', but a 88'). Just
try your best at aiming at the sky (multiple shots are nice).
-Rope Training-
Training Details: Use your rope to maneuver around the level, each crate you
collect adds precious seconds to the timer. Watch out for the
mines trooper. Should the timer reach zero you will be peeling
Time Limit: 65 Seconds, each crate adds 1 - 5 Seconds
Weapons: Ninja Rope (~)
How to pass: This is a very hard terrain to navigate. Practice hard using the
rope and you will get it. One thing, when you move across the
screen, take the risky, close to the water way (under the yellow
plane); but you have to be as close to the tip as possible before
you take your swing.
-Super Sheep Training-
Training Details: With your woolly friend by your side, collect the crates which
will expand your timer. You will be painting grenades green
should the timer reach naught.
Time Limit: 65 Seconds, each crate adds 1 - 5 Seconds
Weapons: Super Sheep (~)
How to pass: This is not an Aqua Sheep! That's a warning.
Ok, use all your navigation skills here. One thing, if you are at
the far left side and your next target is very far to the right,
detonate or bump into soil to save time.
-Uzi Training-
Training Details: Targets need to be shot to increase your timer. Beware
however, there are civilians here and any injury to their
persons will result in a DECREASE on your timer. When the
timer reaches zero you will be dismissed.
Time Limit: 99 Seconds, each target adds 1-5 seconds, each Lady take 5 seconds
Weapons: Uzi (~)
How to pass: First, you don't care about the Old Lady around, shoot them!
Secondly, this is the car map from the Shotgun Training in W:A.
Thirdly, you have a rapid, unlimited ammo Uzi by your side. Just
aim the right direction and shoot away. When shooting, move the
crossfire up and down to be MORE precise. You can't get below 40
targets (unless you killed yourself.)
-Advanced Move and Fire Training-
Training Details: Lots of targets to destroy but at lease you have a choice of
how. A strict time limit of seventy five seconds will test you
to the max.
Time Limit: 75 seconds, each target adds 1 - 3 Seconds
Weapons: Bazooka (~), Grenade (~), Ninja Rope (~)
How to pass: You don't have a strict limit. The Ninja Rope isn't there for
decoration. You have 14 targets. The first 2 are been shot with
the bazooka, then use your rope skills and 1 sec grenades to get
the others (for target #10, you might want to stop on the cloud and
shoot it, it is faster).
-Advanced Cheeky Jumps Training-
Training Details: With no weapons and four hostile Worms to kill within a strict
time limit things look miserable. We say jump, you say how
Time Limit: 75 seconds
Weapons: None
How to pass: Jump... Ok, first,(do this 4 times) stand on a worm, jump towards
the mine, jump back, and just before it explodes (about 4 seconds),
do a back flip. Then continue. The edges, you have to use jumps to
pass those. Some seems impossible, but just try.
-Advanced Rope Assault-
Training Details: Keep your head down and progress towards the goal crate.
Plenty of time enables you to plan every move.... Carefully.
Time Limit: 30 Seconds each turn
Weapons: Ninja Rope (x1)
How to pass:
Turn 1: Use the rope to get to the Shotgun (2).
Turn 2 and 3: Use all 4 shots to blow 2 holes through the 2 bars. The second
have to be slightly above the first, in order for you to jump.
Turn 4 or 5: Collect the Ninja Rope (1), rope your way to the Shotgun (2); and
try your best at aiming at the shortest places on both bars to
make a hole. Don't worry, if you want, use both Shotguns.
Turn 5 or 6: Collect the Ninja Rope (3), aim the first piece of soil. Get on
top of it, aim for the second, and reduce the size quickly to not
be killed by the mines. Make your way to the crate (1x Handgun).
If you have a shotgun, use it; if not, use the Handgun. 3 shots
with it and you win.
-Advanced Wind Training-
Training Details: Only four targets but there is no clear line of sight. Use the
wind to your advantage and clear those targets within eighty
Time Limit: 80 seconds
Weapons: Bazooka (~)
How to pass:
1st target: 90', 60 % power
2nd target: OPPOSITE SIDE AIMING, 80', 70 % power
3rd target: OPPOSITE SIDE AIMING, 75', 75 % power
4th target: OPPOSITE SIDE AIMING, 65' - 70', 80 - 90 % power
-Advanced Digging-
Training Details: All of the vital crates must be collected via some 'positive'
darkside tactics. Stay cool and think before you dig.
Time Limit: 65 Seconds, each crate give you A LOT OF TIME
Weapons: Shotgun (x5), Fire Punch (x1), Blowtorch (x7), Pneumatic Drill (x1)
How to pass: This is hard, and I am writing it based on my memories: Use the
drill on the left side of the chunk of land, use 2 blowtorches to
do a zigzag (left then right). Shoot the exit so you can jump
through to the 1st crate (x Pneumatic Drill). Use the shotgun and
aim at 80' towards the soil for a very sharp but still navigable
road. Use 1 blowtorch. Use Fire Punch, then Shotgun at the top so
you can backflip to the top. Use blowtorches to get you under the
mines and to the crates (use a drill if you have to). Get the 2
crates (forgot what are them). Then I think you have to re-use the
Fire Punch strategy along with all of the shotguns you have to get
you very high. Then blowtorch out of the underground, stand near
the tip, jump, and praise that you land on the crate (I think it is
a Shotgun).
-Advanced Shelter Training-
Training Details: The good news... you have 25 girders. The bad news... the
water's rising and an enemy Worm wants your guts for garters.
Keep your head above water and you might just maker it.
Time Limit: 65 Seconds each turn
Weapons: Girder (x25)
How to pass: The first girder goes right. Then build another on top of it,
leaving enough space for you to jump and walk in between. Repeat
this until you reaches the 2nd island from the top. Then build a
vertical a little bit to your left, then one to your right, leaving
space for one small horizontal piece over your head. Now wait 1 or
2 turns and you win!
-Advanced Movement-
Training Details: Collect the goal crate at the end of the course. Simple? No!
Time Limit: 120 Seconds, each crate gives you A LOT OF TIME
Weapons: None
How to pass: Jump and walk your way to the 3rd piece of land from the right.
Backflip up, and navigate to get the Parachute (x1). Walk and fall
down slowly, and manage your way to the 3rd piece of land. Backflip
and use the parachute. Now stay as close as you can to the tip of
the 2nd piece of land from the right, and do a small backflip.
Collect the Fast Walk (x1) and win.

-Time Attack: 1-
Training Details: Collect the crate in the fastest time you can manage! This
Time Attack mode can be completed in as short and amount of
time as 15 seconds.
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Blowtorch (x3), Girder (x1), Ninja Rope (x1), Parachute (x1)
How to pass:
Solution 1: Blowtorch 3 times at 20' up towards the right, then rope the rest
of the way.
Solution 2: Place a girder to your left, and get on it. Rope to the crate.
-Time Attack: 2-
Training Details: Kill all the enemy Worms as quickly as you can manage with
your available weapons. This Time Attack mode can be completed
in as short an amount of time as 40 seconds.
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Shotgun (x1), Fire Punch (x1), Blowtorch (x2), Pneumatic Drill (x2),
Ninja Rope (x1); Crate (1x Minigun)
How to pass: Use the rope to get yourself quickly above the crate. Drill the
slim part, walk down, collect the crate, and get to the upper piece
of land sticking out. Blowtorch 2x 20' up towards left, and walk to
the small opening. Fire Punch it, backflip, walk. Now shoot the
worm to create a chain reaction. Then quickly stand above the last
worm, and drill down to kill him.
-Time Attack: 3-
Training Details: Destroy all the targets as quickly as you possibly can! This
Time Attack mode can be completed in as short an amount of
time as 1 minute, 20 seconds.
Difficulty: 4 - Moderate
Time Limit: 120 Seconds
Weapons: Grenade (~), Fire Punch (~), Ninja Rope (~)
How to pass: Master some roping skills before attempts. When you get to the top,
go slowly. There are 21 targets: 5 left; 5 right; 4 left; 4 right;
2 left; 2 right; 1 on the middle hill.
-Time Attack: 4-
Training Details: Using your available weapons, collect the crates as quickly as
you can. This Time Attack mode can be completed in as short an
amount of time as 45 seconds.
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Girder (x5); 1st crate (1x Bungee), 2nd crate (1x Teleport), 3rd crate
(1x Teleport)
How to pass: Stand on top of the grilled thing. Build 3 girders to get to the
top. Walk down the right side. Build 2 more girders to get to the
bun. Bungee off. Select the last crate with your Teleport.
-Time Attack: 5-
Training Details: Destroy all the enemy Worms in as short an amount of time as
possible. This Time Attack mode can be completed in as short
an amount of time as 20 seconds.
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Bazooka (x1), Grenade (~), Cluster Bomb (x3), Dynamite (x1), Ninja Rope
How to pass: Pitch 1 second Grenades off your rope. For the last worm, land next
to him, rope right, at 10', drop down the dynamite, and move to the
lower platform. If he did not die, finish him with a Bazooka.
-Time Attack: 6-
Training Details: Destroy all the enemy Worms as quickly as you can. This Time
Attack mode can be completed in as short an amount of time as
15 seconds.
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Grenade (~)
How to pass: Keep pitching Grenades at the 3 worms. Start with the left one, so
if you miss, the bomb will go to the other 2. 25 each should do the
-Time Attack: 7-
Training Details: Fly over the targets and destroy them all as quickly as
possible. This Time Attack mode can be completed in as short
an amount of time as 35 seconds.
Difficulty: 3 - Moderately Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Jet Pack (x1), Mortar (x9); Crate (9x Mortar), Tool Crate (1x Jet Pack)
How to pass: Use dropping on Jet Pack to pass this. Destroy all 5, collect the
crate, and destroy the other 5.
-Time Attack: 8-
Training Details: First collect the crates and then destroy the targets that
appear in their place. This Time Attack mode can be completed
in as short an amount of time as 50 seconds.
Difficulty: 4 - Moderate
Time Limit: 70 Seconds
Weapons: Ninja Rope (~); 4 Crates (1x Mine)
How to pass: Collect all 4 mines, drop each on a target, detonate it, and move
-Time Attack: 9-
Training Details: Use your single Jet Pack to collect every crate on the
landscape. This Time Attack mode can be completed in as short
an amount of time as 30 seconds.
Difficulty: 7 - Extremely Hard
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Jet Pack (x1) [fuel: 140]
How to pass: This Attack is almost impossible, but still... Work your way right,
then go under for the 3 inner crates, then collect the last one.
-Time Attack: 10-
Training Details: Collect the crates as quickly as possible. This Time Attack
mode can be completed in as short an amount of time as 50
Difficulty: 5 - Moderately Hard
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Grenade (~); Tool Crate (2x Damage)
How to pass: Use your Grenade as your launcher. Set it to 1 Second, aim down (to
stablize it) and bomb away. Before it explode, jump in the
direction you want to go. Use different jumps to get different
results(if you want to go up, use the backflip).
-Time Attack: 11-
Training Details: Collect the crate in order to kill the enemy in the fastest
time you possibly can!
Difficulty: 3 - Moderately Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Ninja Rope (x1); Crate (7x Baseball Bats)
How to pass: The mines are at 0.5 Second fuse. Rope your way to the crate, and
finish them off.
-Time Attack: 12-
Training Details: Collect the crates then kill the enemy in the fastest time you
can possibly manage!
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: None; Tool Crates (1x Jet Pack), Crate (1x Concrete Donkey)
How to pass: Backflip, collect the crate, use the Jet Pack, and collect all the
crates. At the end, use the Donkey.
-Time Attack: 13-
Training Details: Kill all the enemy Worms as quickly as you can manage with
your available weapons.
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Mortar (~), Ninja Rope (~), Select Worm (~)
How to pass: Aim, shoot around 60 shots, switch, and shoot another 60 shots.
-Time Attack: 14-
Training Details: Kill all the enemy Worms as quickly as you can manage with
your available weapons.
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Grenade (~)
How to pass: Set to 2 seconds and shoot at all 4 holes.
-Time Attack: 15-
Training Details: Collect the crate in the fastest time you can manage!
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Low Gravity (x1), Girder (x1); left Crate (2x Girder), Middle Crate (2x
Grenade), Right Crate (1x Concrete Donkey)
How to pass: Collect the left crate, place a Girder, go up, place another
Girder, go up, use the Low Gravity, jump and collect the crate.
-Time Attack: 16-
Training Details: Kill the enemy Worm as quickly as you can manage with your
available weapons.
Difficulty: 3 - Moderately Easy
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Weapons: Blowtorch (x2), Girder (x1); Left Crate (1x Ninja Rope), Middle Crate
(1x Fire Punch), Right Tool Crate (1x Low Gravity)
How to pass: Put a small bridge on your left side, collect the crate, and
blowtorch your way out. Afterwards, use the Ninja Rope to collect
the 2 other crates. Stand on top of the enemy, use Low Gravity,
select Fire Punch, walk a little bit left, and knock him into the

You have a specified setting and a specified terrain. You have to achieve the
goal listed, which is not always kill.
-01-Good Ship Armageddon-
Mission Details: Ahoy there, some important cargo we need you to collect
has been identified as residing on good ship Armageddon.
However, the good ship Armageddon is sinking quickly and
we need you to get the cargo before it's too late.
Oh man. Mine fuse is instant.
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy
Settings: 30 seconds each turn; Sudden Death (water rise at normal speed); worm
poisoned (-5 HP)
Crates: Left crate (1x blowtorch); middle crate (1x Teleport); middle tool (1x
Jet Pack); right tool (1x Low Gravity)
Weapons: Skip Go, Surrender
Silver: 1 tool crate on small ship (1x Low Gravity)
Bronze: Nothing changed
Worms: YOU-1 worm-100 HP; ENEMY-Special Forces(lv.1)-1 Secret Agent-100 HP
Goal: Collect the far left side crate
How to pass:
turn 1 and 2: Place 2 girders to get to the big girder.
turn 3 or 4: Collect the right tool crate, use the Low Gravity, go left,
backjump to the Jet Pack, use it to get over the pole. Collect
Teleport, and use it. Target on top of the last crate.
-02-Doo Wop-
Mission Details: Please, have a seat. An enemy Worm has appeared deep
underground at a nearby location. Using any kind of digging
tools, ensure this nasty character will not be hanging around
for too long.
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy
Settings: 45 seconds each turn; Continue after Fall; 1 turn
Crates: Upper Left Crate, Upper Right Crate, Lower Left Crate, Lower Right
Crate (1x Pneumatic Drill each), Bottom Crate (1x Baseball Bat)
Weapons: Pneumatic Drill(x2), Skip Go, Surrender
Silver: Nothing
Bronze: Nothing
Worms: YOU-1 worm-50 HP; ENEMY-Cannon fodder(lv.1)-1 Grenader-50 HP
Goal: Kill the enemy worm
How to pass:
turn 1: Select Pneumatic Drill, and drill at where the top right and middle
right holes meet. Get the crate, drill down again, but stop after you
fall down, get another crate, jump left, and jump back. After the mine
exploded, go down, and drill on top of the bottom crate. Use the
Baseball Bat on the enemy.
-03-Jumble Sail-
Mission Details: Whilst on routine patrol we stumbled across an enemy vessel who
after repeated requesting to, still would not alter course.
This leaves us no other choice but to destroy this band of
rogues before they cause havoc in our waters.
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Settings: 45 seconds each turn; 8:00 countdown(lose)
Crates: Right of 1st worm(2x Shotgun)
Weapons: Jet Pack(1x), Bazooka, Grenade, Fire Punch, Blowtorch(3x), Girder(1x),
Skip Go, Surrender, Select Worm(1x)
Silver: Left of 2nd worm(1x Guided Missile)
Bronze: Nothing
Worms: YOU-3 worms-100 HP; ENEMY-Gunner(lv.2)-2 Grenader-65 HP;
Guardsmen(Sentry)-lv3-1 worm-100 HP
Goal: Kill all enemy worms
How to pass:
turn 1: Collect the crate, and use the shotgun to snipe the worm down.
turn 2: Backjump to land on the rooster. Use the bazooka to destroy the 2nd
worm. Fall down after.
turn 3: Manage to the rooster, use the Jet Pack to get to the other side, and
use your 2nd shotgun to take off as much as HP as possible of the
turn 4: Use Select Worm to select the 3rd worm, and kill the enemy using
anything(don't hesitate to suicide).
-04-Shell Shock-
Mission Details: We have a new toy for you to play with! Feed the correct amount
of shells into the War Boat by collecting the health crates,
then sit in the firing seat to launch the missiles across the
water at the enemy! You only have a mere single turn in which
to complete this mission, so be careful not to be shaken
overboard by the blast!
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy
Settings: 120 second each turn; 1 turn
Crates: None
Weapons: Skip Go, Surrender
Silver: Nothing
Bronze: Nothing
Worms: YOU-1 worm-100 HP; ENEMY-Cannon fodder(lv.3)-3 Secret Agent-200 HP
Goal: Kill all enemy worms
How to pass:
turn 1: Stay on the deck. Wait for health crates to fall. Wait for 8 (exactly)
crates, and slowly get down to explode the mines. Now do the same
thing with 7 crates and 6 crates.
-05-Its Raining Mines, Hallelujah-
Mission Details: Hallelujah, it's raining mines! Using your skill and agility,
dodge the falling mines and obtain the crate which contains
weapons to dispose of the enemy. Good luck, soldier.
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Settings: 40 seconds each turn, 1 turn, 3 mines falling in the middle each 3
Crates: Right Crate (2x Mine)
Weapons: Jetpack (x1), Skip Go, Surrender
Silver: Nothing
Bronze: Nothing
Worms: YOU-1 worm-30 HP; ENEMY-Cannon fodder(Secret Agent)-lv5-2 worms-50 HP
Goal: Kill all enemy worms
How to pass:
turn 1: Use jetpack to navigate through the mine rain. Collect the crate,
select the mine, press enter when you get on top of the right side
enemy, head back, drop another mine on top of the left side worm,
fly to the bottom(white soil), and use Skip GO.
-06-Take Out The Trash-
Mission Details: It's about time someone cleaned up this town! Advance towards
the end of the street, collect the special weapon and put it to
good use, destroy the enemy!
Difficulty: 3 - Moderately Easy
Goal: Destroy the enemy (collect the crate)
How to pass:
turn 1: Collect the girder and use it to build a large, 45' bridge toward up-
right side.
turn 2: Pay attention of where the 3 mines fall. Walk all the way to the
Satellite Disk, and put a small girder from the lower crate to the
first mine (up-right, make sure that the mine won't fall on it.) Fall
down to collect the parachute.
turn 3: Stand on the tip of the small girder and build a 45' large girder from
mine 1 to mine 2 (you can let mine 1 fall on it, but not mine 2). Then
walk to the upper side to keep away from both mines.
turn 4: Do the same thing, leave just a tiny space from mine 3.
turn 5: Collect Low Gravity (x1), use it, and walk all the way to the Bungee
(x1). If you have more than 15 seconds left, proceed to turn 6. If you
don't, walk back to the guards and stand on their head.
turn 6: Walk to the light Bungee off it. Continue to collect Patsy's Magic
Bullet (x1). If you have time, aim the middle worm. If not, you win
(don't ask me, I don't know why...)
-07-Missile Base-
Mission Details: At a local missile base there is rumored to be an
exceptionally powerful weapon contained within a weapons
crate located apparently just east of the base. Although this
maybe just rumor, as we stand it is impossible to ignore such
rumors. Go check it out for us and if the rumors are true,
bring it home, soldiers!
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Settings: 45 second each turn, 3:00 (till the end), 1 second retreat
Crates: Left Crate (1x Blowtorch), Middle Crate (2x Grenade), Right Crate (1x
Concrete Donkey)
Weapons: Blowtorch (x5), Bungee (x1), Skip Go, Surrender
Worms: YOU-1 worm-100 HP; ENEMY-Guardmen(lv.4)-3 Guard-45 HP
Goal: Collect the Right Crate
How to pass:
turn 1: Move to the right and blowtorch at the base of the satellite. Zigzag
your way up to go all the way through with 1 blow.
turn 2: Walk to the small red rocket, and blowtorch up toward the right side.
turn 3: Blowtorch, collect the crate, and burrow.
turn 4: Blowtorch through the base of the 3rd rocket, then burrow.
turn 5: Collect the crate, place a girder to get yourself to the base of the
tank antenna, and burrow.
turn 6: Head up and blowtorch through the tank 'door'. Stay under it.
turn 7: Bungee off the cannon.
Mission Details: We need you to recover one of our major weapons situated on the
far right of the island. The thing is this isn't just a
straightforward pickup, as soon as you arrive at the island you
need to create some kind of bridge immediately left of you to
obtain a utility. An Earthquake is also due anytime soon. Mine
fuse is low.
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
Settings: 30 second each turn, 4:00 (till the end), 3 second retreat
Crates: Left Crate (1x Girder), Parachute Tool Crate (after 1st turn, 1x Jet
Pack), Right Crate (5x Concrete Donkey)
Weapons: Shotgun (4 turns, x1), Prod (x1), Blowtorch (x1), Girder (x1), Bungee
(x1), Parachute (x2), Skip Go, Surrender
Silver: Middle Crate (1x Bazooka)
Worms: YOU-1 worm-50 HP; ENEMY-Guardmen(lv.4)-2 General-20 HP, 1 General-45 HP,
1 General-30 HP
Goal: Collect the Right Crate.
How to pass:
turn 1: Collect the crate and put a large horizontal Girder as left as
possible for the crate drop.
turn 2: Use the other Girder on the right side to get to the first worm.
turn 3: Stand on the 1st worm's head and use Jet Pack. Then, if the wind goes:
Right: Use the Parachute to get to the 3rd worm. Prod him from the
right side.
Left: Bungee off the side, and use the other Jet Pack to get to the
3rd worm. Prod him from the right side.
turn 4: Blowtorch a tunnel to the right.
turn 5: Bungee off, and collect the crate.
-09-Jumpjet Defense-
Mission Details: Now pay attention soldier, we need you to remove the enemy who
have tried taking shelter on a nearby Harrier. We need you to
launch a blistering attack on the enemy to rid them and return
unscratched yourself. Good luck!
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy - SUPER FUN!
Crates: crate (1x Armageddon)
Weapons: Jet Pack (~)
Silver: Nothing
Bronze: Nothing
Worms: YOU-1 worm-100 HP; ENEMY-
Goal: Kill the enemy and survive
How to pass:
turn 1: Collect the Armageddon and use Jet Pack to get to the harrier (right
side plane). Use another Jet Pack, select Armageddon, press Enter, and
zigzag yourself up. When you see the 'source' of the comets, fly above
it. Now fly up for 3 seconds, let yourself fall, and just before you
are under the 'line of fire', fly up again. Repeat the process until
there are no more comets. Now float down, and look for a piece of land
that you can land on.
-10-Operation Alcatraz-
Mission Details: We seem to have overlooked one slight thing - the enemy battle
tactics document, we've forgotten it! We need you to return to
Alcatraz and recover the secret documents that are situated
somewhere near the main prison block. Hop to it, soldier! Mine
fuse is medium.
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
How to pass:
turn 1: Use Low Gravity and jump up to collect the two crates. Use the shotgun
to knock the 2 enemies near you into the drink.
turn 2: Get on the main land: if the wind goes strongly left, parachute there.
If not, a large girder will do the job.
turn 3: Jet Pack to the Tower.
turn 4: Blowtorch left and kill the last worm. Then walk down, drop down, and
pick up the crate.

-11-Apple Of Your Eye-
Mission Details: To complete this mission you'll need an impeccable sense of
timing. Mines are falling from the sky and there is some
distance you'll need to close by jumping from apple to apple
before you can reach the enemy.
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy - SUPER FUN!
Goal: Kill the enemy
How to pass:
turn 1: When you get almost to the tip of an apple, first wait for the mine to
fall down. Then move, jump, and move. Don't jump to avoid slipping. Do
this 6 times and then use Fire Punch on the enemy. (Just for fun, you
can try knocking the worm into a falling mine; pretty fun!)
-12-Fruit Bastilles-
Mission Details: Quick, quick, we have an emergency. An enemy Worm is holding
one of our top scientists hostage and we need you to rescue him
before it's too late. We need you to destroy a target to allow
us permission for a weapon drop which you will need to
intercept by using whatever means, before the weapons drop
falls into the enemy minefield.
Difficulty: 3 - Moderately Easy
How to pass:
turn 1: Use Low Gravity and Jet Pack up and right, onto the tree. Jump... Pick
up the crate. Keep jumping to land on the tree. Place a long,
horizontal girder so you can get to the target, but leave a little bit
of space on both sides.
turn 2: Baseball Bat the target. Collect the parachuted crate. Now parachute
over to the 2nd castle. Keep walking, and Bungee off the side of the
tree. Try to fall LEFT and not RIGHT. Now Punch the foe!
-13-Stairway to Armageddon-
Mission Details: Here is one to test the old pink matter! Using the Shotgun
destroy the targets to make a stairway up towards the crate.
Once you have reached the crate your mission will be complete,
but remember: try to conserve ammo!
Difficulty: 4 - Moderate
How to pass:
turn 1: Always try to aim for 2 targets. Let's Start: for the 1st pack, leave
1 target on column 1, 2 or 3 on column 2, and backflip to get the
crate. For the 2nd pack, leave 1 target on column 1, 3 on column 2,
2 on column 3 (without knocking the mine towards you), and don't touch
column 4. Jump from 2 to 4. Collect the second crate. For the 3rd
pack, leave 1 on column 1, then shoot a target on column 2 from the
bottom (stand on the block K). Now go on column 1, and shoot the mine.
It will bounce and will be detonated. Good thing it won't hurt you.
Now continue right.
-14-Rainforest Ruckus-
Mission Details: We received word that armed enemy forces were installed deep
within the jungle. You have been dispatched as a one man army
to take care of this as you see fit. Destroy the enemy! Good
Difficulty: 5 Moderately Hard
How to pass:
-15-Castle Hassle-
Mission Details: Welcome to the Castle Hassle briefing. Finding yourself dumped
on the edge of castle Blackheart. Totally unprepared in terms
of weaponry, obtain the required arsenal to dispose of the
fiendish foes! Mine fuse is medium.
Difficulty: 4 - Moderate
How to pass:
turn 1: Get to the first enemy and prod him into the drink. Stand close to the
turn 2: Place a large, 70' girder next to you so you can jump on it then
backflip onto the top.
turn 3: Backflip to get to the top. You will detonate the mine. Just jump
right to avoid damage. Fire Punch the enemy into the river.
turn 4: Use Low Gravity to get over to the house's roof. Jet Pack onto the
other side (hold up and right).
turn 5: Fall down the little crevace right of the 2nd blue thingy. Zigzag your
Blowtorch through the tower.
turn 6: Monkey your way with a Ninja Rope to the crate. Stay there, and
Blowtorch left (make sure that is the lowest you can get, without
turn 7: Keep Blowtorch left. Now if you have girders, use them to shelter you.
If not, use Armageddon and finish this match.
Mission Details: Whilst security scanning a local enemy hangout we seem to have
come across a single enemy unit. The only weapons we can supply
you with are close quarter - get in close and take him out.
Good luck, Fuse time is instant.
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy
How to pass:
turn 1: Keep jumping to the right to make it on the yellow, opened book.
turn 2: Head up, keep going right, prod the enemy into about 10 mines (they
are together).
-17-Parachute Problems-
Mission Details: Now, out in the arctic on a secret island, the enemy have
placed a radar target that detects our every air movement. We
need this radar target destroying by any means - oh and take a
Parachute, our intelligence suggests you'll need it.
Difficulty: 4 - Moderate - HARDER THAN IT SEEMS
Crates: Crate (1x Parachute)
Weapons: None
How to pass:
turn 1: Get ready! Walk all the way to the crate but don't touch it. Now put
your finger on F8, collect it, press F8, enter, space, and navigate
yourself to collect all of the falling crates and get to the end.
Remember that you don't always have to
press right, sometimes, you will miss a crate because you are too far
-18-Pole To Pole-
Mission Details: Hope you rested up after that last mission.. Your mission is to
advance towards the enemy situated at the far end of the
structure and dispatch of him accordingly. Timing is of the
essence, as the mines below you will be blown upwards towards
you, you'll need to keep on the move in order to avoid them!
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy - SUPER FUN!
How to pass:
turns: Watch out for the mines. Jump from pole to pole. Always wait for the
mines to bump up before you jump. If you jump before the mines come up,
stand in the middle, and backflip when you hear a BOOM! Keep going
right, stand next to the worm, and (Fire) Punch him into the void of
deep, cold water!
-19-Island Antics-
Mission Details: Out on a local island we need you to destroy a crate which
possibly contains leaked documents from our research boys
downtown. Collect the first load of crates which will
eventually lead you to the crate that needs to be destroyed.
This crate you will be able to identify by its flashing tag.
Difficulty: 4 - Moderate
How to pass:
turn 1: Jet Pack your way under the tree and to the crate. Stay as near to the
stone head as possible.
turn 2: Use Laser Sight with Longbow to snipe the mine into the drinks OR down
in the little hole. Just hope it don't touch your 1st worm.
turn 3: A tool crate will appear. Pick it up. Use Low Gravity and jump to the
treetop. Backjump onto the barrel and jump across the 2 mines. Keep
heading to the next utility crate.
turn 4: Just Skip Go.
turn 5: Keep going left with Low Gravity. Pick up all the crates.
turn 6: Keep Skip Go.
turn 7: Jet Pack to the last crate.
turn 8: The Red Crate will appear. Shoot it with a Handgun. Don't worry, die
if you have to.

-20-Berlin Boss-
Mission Details: Pay attention soldier! We need you to dispose of an enemy
scientist who seems to have hypnotized some of our team into
being enemies. Take out this enemy scientist and the curse
shall be lifted.
Difficulty: 4 - Moderate
How to pass:
turn 1: Pick up the crate, head for the big lightpost, and blowtorch your way
turn 2: You need to Shotgun the target. Now collect the crate. The other shot
is a free one.
turn 3: Blowtorch through the middle tower.
turn 4: Get to the other wire and blowtorch through.
turn 5: Jet Pack to the right side tower.
turn 6: Put a large girder between you and the lightpost so you can go there.
turn 7: Stand on the right side of the lightpost, and build another girder.
This one is a large, 80' girder going up and right. Make it so that
you can drop on it then to the boss.
turn 8: Prod the 'King' into the mines.
-21-Windymill On High-
Mission Details: Pay attention soldier! Right, we need you dispose of an enemy
that has appeared at a location nearby. The only problem is
that weapons are extremely sparse at this moment and you will
need to rid of this enemy by using whatever skills you have.
Good luck, Mine fuse is high.
Difficulty: 5 - Moderately Hard
How to pass:
-22-Bunged Up-
Mission Details: Listen carefully, I shall say this only once. The enemy are
holed up high above the land and I don't think you want to
disturb them without some form of defense! There is a certain
trick to keeping these blighters under wraps in their taps,
block their way - quite literally!
How to pass:
-23-Steeple Jack-
Mission Details: Pay attention soldier! We need you to dispose of an enemy
scientist who is hiding on the far right of the landscape. Take
out this enemy scientist using only the supplies you have.
Difficulty: 4 - Moderate
How to pass:
-24-Radical Rescue-
Mission Details: We have a serious situation that has consequences I dare not
mention. One of our top troops is severely injured and has an
enemy Worm sniffing around his pick-up zone. Find a way of
destroying the enemy so we can get him out of there. Good luck!
Fuse time is instant.
Difficulty: 5 - Moderately Hard
How to pass:
-25-Roping With Dinosaurs-
Mission Details: It's back to the Jurassic age, roping amongst the dinosaurs and
using the most primitive destructive weapons. your aim is
simply to kill all the enemy Worms by whatever means possible,
you'll need to be fairly handy with the rope.. just make sure
not to land next to the enemy Worm whose turn it is, think
Difficulty: 6 - Hard
Settings: 30 seconds each turn
Crates: Low Crate (4x Ninja Rope), 4 Crates Near Worms (1x Bazooka), Middle
Crate (3x Ninja Rope)
Weapons: Low Gravity (x1)
Silver: Top Utility Crate (2x Jet Pack)
Bronze: Health Crate (+30 HP)
Worms: YOU-1 worm- HP
Goal: Kill all 4 worms
How to pass:
turns: Remember the enemy turns: Up-Left, Down-Right, Down-Left, Up-Right.
Never end up next to the next enemy worm, he will Fire Punch you. Ok.
Collect the Ninja Ropes, back up, and start collecting crates. If you
want to, get the first 3 crates, and wait there. After the first worm
move, go up and knock him out. Then do it with the Down-Right worm,
then the Down-Left worm, and finally drop a Bazooka toward the last
-26-Rescue Me-
Mission Details: Quick, we need you to save two friendly soldiers who have
accidentally landed on a mine zone. Save these soldiers by
creating some kind of safety net for them. We also need you to
wipe out any enemies.
Difficulty: 2 - Easy - SUPER FUN!
How to pass:
turn 1: Use Low Gravity, jump over the hole. Pick up the crate and build a
large horizontal girder between the 2 blocks after the worm explodes
up. Do this again for the 2nd worm. Now prod the enemy to the right.

-27-Jegg Central-
Mission Details: Pay attention trooper, I do hope you've been practicing your
target shooting - we need you to be at your best for this
mission. Ground control need you to trigger land based targets
in order for them to deliver an important weapon you must
collect. Tip: Girders make great bridges.
Difficulty: 4 - Moderate
How to pass:
-28-Chase The Ace-
Mission Details: Following the recent tragedy of a high altitude explosion we
are lead to believe our important package may be situated east
of the island. Now we don't care how you get it back, just make
sure you do! There may be other Worms inhabiting this location
byu they are no threat. Mine fuse is instant.
Difficulty: 3 - Moderately Easy
How to pass:
-29-I Rule The Rooster-
Mission Details: Look lively, we have a bit of a situation for you to deal with.
After much research, the exact location of the enemy captain
has been pin-pointed at a nearby site. It may be not as
straight forward as it seems though or we are informed he may
be closely guarded. Good luck, Fuse time is instant.
Difficulty: 5 - Hard
How to pass:
-30-Super Tricky Sheep-
Mission Details: Two of our top agents have found themselves in somewhat
precarious situations! Instead of making away with enemy
supplies they have stumbled directly into the enemy weapon drop
zones, and are now unable to make a break for it. Use the Super
Sheep and your finely honed skills to steal the crates, destroy
the enemy and fly you and your comrades to freedom!
Difficulty: 6 - Hard
How to pass:
-31-Down On The Farm-
Mission Details: We need you to destroy several enemy scientists. Being closely
guarded by one other enemy Worm, destroy these scientist Worms
make the guard surrender. The mines littered on the landscape
are incredibly powerful, perhaps using there monstrous
creations could be the key to your success. Mine fuse is
Difficulty: 5 - Moderately Hard
How to pass:
-32-Icy Encounter-
Mission Details: Listen up troops! The enemy has captured one of our privately
owned rest and relaxation spots. We've airlifted in supplies
for you, they're located at the far end of the island and are
being closely guarded. If you can't manage to kill all the
enemy Worms then I'm afraid you'll be spending your leave time
peeling potatoes and swabbing latrines! Mine fuse is medium.
Difficulty: 5 - Moderately Hard
How to pass:
-33-Have No Fear, Old Dear-
Mission Details: The enemy have taken the Old Lady hostage! You must defeat all
six of the blighters in order to put an end to this reign of
terror. For every Old Lady that you hit, we'll be taking four
seconds off of your remaining time and you don't have very long
- get in there and do it quickly!
Difficulty: 4 - Moderate
Crates: None
Weapons: Bazooka (~)
Silver: None
Bronze: None
Goal: Kill all enemies
How to pass:
turn 1: Take your time, aim at the 6 worms, and shoot away. TRY NOT TO HIT OLD
LADY TOO MUCH. For the top worms, 4 shots do the job. 2 for the
middle ones, and 5 shots for the bottom. Of course, you have to aim
for the side of the wells, not the roof.
-34-Back And Forth-
Mission Details: Intelligence reports that the enemy team have come close to
collecting a serious piece of hardware. And luckily enough,
you're the only Worm up to the task! Use the Ninja Rope to make
your way back and forth across the canyons collecting the
essential weapons to blow through the landscape and destroy the
crate. Repeat: destroy the crate. Do not collect it, this could
be a trap.
Difficulty: 3 - Moderately Easy
How to pass:
-35-Beachside Juggler-
Mission Details: This is one vacation you will not need your sandals for. With a
limited arsenal you will need to improvise to the maximum in
order to dispose of a powerful enemy we've stumbled across who
seems to have dug himself in greatly. dig him out, then take
him out! fuse time is low.
Difficulty: 3 - Moderately Easy
Bronze: Crate (1x Baseball Bat)
How to pass:
turn 1: Backflip and use parachute to get to the sand thing. Collect the
crate and flip onto the flag.
turn 2: Ninja Rope your way over the bottle. Prod the enemy into the mine.
turn 3: Use Low Gravity, and stand UNDER the enemy. Now aim up and shoot away.
-36-End Of The Line-
Mission Details: Attention! We have discovered this abandoned train that appears
to be an old enemy testing ground. The crates that we want you
to retrieve have been marked. As we said before, this was
apparently an enemy testing ground - we aren't too sure what
the other crates may contain, proceed with extreme caution.
Take it away, troops. Mine fuse is medium.
Difficulty: 5 - Moderately Hard
How to pass:
-37-Take'em Down-
Mission Details: This will need your best Ninja roping efforts! We have
encountered the enemy standing atop a stack of targets,
every time you collect a crate one of these targets will be
automatically destroyed - keep collecting the crates until the
enemy hits the mines. Be careful, he has sentry guards
positioned either side of him waiting for you to put a foot
Difficulty: 5 - Moderately Hard
How to pass:
-38-Pie-Eating Piper-
Mission Details: This mission requires a lot of thought and a bit of help from
our intelligence boys. Every time the button above the donkey's
head is pressed a health crate will be dispatched onto the
land, these crates have a purpose other than curing your own
Worms health worries - take advantage of the enemy's
Difficulty: 7 - Extremely Hard
Settings: 30 seconds each turn, 5:00 (till the end), 3 second retreat
Crates: Weapon Crate (1x Blowtorch)
Weapons: Prod (~), Girder (x2), Ninja Rope (x2), Parachute (x1), Skip Go,
Silver: 30 HP Health Crate on Donkey's tail
Bronze: None
Worms: YOU-1 worm-40 HP; ENEMY-Special Force(lv.5)-Special Agent-100 HP
Goal: Kill the enemy
How to pass:
turn 1: Build a large girder (20', to the right side) so you can jump on it,
and then you can jump on both sides of the donkey.
turn 2: Stand NEXT to the target and use Prod. Then, RUN to the right ear.
turn 3-8: Repeat five more times.
turn 9: Stand on the right ear. Now watch the wind: if it goes slightly right,
use the parachute to get down. If not, Skip Go until you get the right
wind. When you land, head left, backflip to get the blowtorch, and
blowtorch left to HIT your enemy 2x. If he falls in the hole, restart.
When retreating, head for your tunnel.
turn 10: The enemy will Fire Punch you. You can collect only a few crates,
just enough to survive another Fire Punch and not die. (ie: 30+ HP)
turn 11: Use the rope to get pass the health crates. Oh ya, did I mention that
you DON'T take the other health crates? DON'T TAKE THEM. Get to the
space between the 3rd and the 4th crate/stack of crates. See the
hill? Stand on its right side facing right so the enemy CAN walk by
you to collect the 4th crate but CANNOT go back.
turn 12: After he Fire Punch you again, head back, and Prod him into the
-39-Plane Crazy-
Mission Details: Incoming!! Intelligence have carefully placed a trail of crates
and various utilities leading to a top secret enemy
headquarters, track them down and remove any enemies you come
across. Good luck, fuse time is instant.
How to pass:
-40-All Aboard-
Mission Details: We've come across an enemy Worm so strong he needs to be wiped
out immediately before he wreaks havoc amongst us. Use whatever
weapons you have at your disposal to delete this monster of a
Worm once and for all. Oh and by the way, we've supplied you a
Jet Pack incase you get in any 'sticky situations'.
Difficulty: 1 - Extremely Easy - SUPER FUN!!!
Goal: Kill the enemy and survive
How to pass:
turn 1: Collect the Armageddon crate. Use Jet Pack, select Armageddon, press
Enter, and zigzag yourself up. When you see the 'source' of the
comets, fly above it. Now fly up for 3 seconds, let yourself fall, and
just before you are under the 'line of fire', fly up again. Repeat the
process until there are no more comets. Now float down, and look for a
piece of the boat remaining that you can land on.
-41-Bungee Fun-
Mission Details: There are two enemy Worms that need destroying, using your
excellent Bungee and attack skills take these guys down and
orive your worth to us.
Difficulty: 7 - Extremely Hard
How to pass:
Mission Details: After their unsuccessful attempt at escape in an airship
they've made a dash for it and are now safely tucked away on
top of the mooring mast. To complete this mission you will need
to be extremely resourceful and think very carefully about how
you'll get across.
Difficulty: NOW: 1 - Extremely Easy; NORMAL: 5 - Moderately Hard
How to pass:
-43-Puzzle at T'mill-
Mission Details: The enemy are fresh out of ideas and weaponry, in a last ditch
attempt to win the battle they've booby trapped the crates to
drop mines onto the landscape once collected. Intelligence have
told us that this can be used to our advantage, you need a
plan. Kill the first two Worms in the same move, killing the
Field Marshall is all a matter of timing. Fuse time is instant.
How to pass:
-44-Revenge At Stonehenge-
Mission Details: The enemy have become complacent and have dispatched one of
their most closely guarded secrets 15 minutes early. Our only
problem now is overcoming a trap they have laid. Intelligence
reports that the stack of crates are a booby-trapped decoy.
This is where you come in, collect the crate! Don't fail us.
Mine fuse is instant.
Difficulty: 6 - Hard
How to pass:
-45-Invertebrate Invaders-
Mission Details: The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one?
Let's hope your chances of putting an end to these
'invertebrate invaders' are a little higher! Use your Bazooka
you need to blow the enemy from the sky to bring their reign of
terror to an end.
Difficulty: 1-7 - VERY WIERD
How to pass:

-----------------------------------DEATH MATCH----------------------------------
You battle against waves and waves of worms to see if you are the best. You
are been given ranks to rate you, and different numbers of teams and worms
will be your opponents in different ranks. If you fail, you go down a rank. If
you win, you move up a rank.

-Death Match Ranking Information-

Rnk: rank number
Rank Name: assigned name for each rank
#: the number of your worms
Com Team: computer team (names are by default)
Com Lvl: computer's level (1-5, 5 being the hardest)
Com #: number of worms on the computer's side (for each computer team)

Rnk | Rank Name | # | Com Team | Com Lvl | Com #
00 | Absolute beginner | 8 | Breakfasts | 1 | 1
| | | Teamsters | 1 | 1
| | | Blues N Reds | 1 | 1
01 | Beginner | 8 | Breakfasts | 1 | 2
| | | Teamsters | 1 | 1
| | | Blues N Reds | 1 | 1
02 | Inexperienced | 8 | Breakfasts | 1 | 2
| | | Teamsters | 1 | 2
| | | Blues N Reds | 1 | 2
03 | Rookie | 8 | Breakfasts | 1 | 2
| | | Teamsters | 1 | 2
| | | Blues N Reds | 1 | 2
| | | Refresher Bars | 1 | 2
04 | Novice | 8 | Breakfasts | 2 | 2
| | | Teamsters | 1 | 2
| | | Blues N Reds | 1 | 2
| | | Refresher Bars | 1 | 2
| | | Ministers | 1 | 2
05 | Below average | 8 | Breakfasts | 2 | 4
| | | Teamsters | 1 | 4
| | | Blues N Reds | 1 | 2
Rnk | Rank Name | # | Com Team | Com Lvl | Com #
06 | Average | 8 | Breakfasts | 3 | 6
| | | Teamsters | 1 | 4
07 | Reasonable | 6 | Breakfasts | 3 | 2
| | | Teamsters | 3 | 2
| | | Blues N Reds | 2 | 4
08 | Above average | 6 | Breakfasts | 5 | 4
| | | Teamsters | 1 | 6
09 | Fairly competent | 6 | Breakfasts | 4 | 2
| | | Teamsters | 4 | 2
| | | Blues N Reds | 4 | 2
| | | Refresher Bars | 3 | 2
| | | Ministers | 2 | 2
10 | Competent | 6 | Breakfasts | 4 | 6
| | | Teamsters | 2 | 2
| | | Blues N Reds | 2 | 2
Rnk | Rank Name | # | Com Team | Com Lvl | Com #
11 | Highly competent | 6 | Breakfasts | 4 | 4
| | | Teamsters | 3 | 3
| | | Blues N Reds | 3 | 2
| | | Refresher Bars | 3 | 1
12 | Veteran | 6 | Breakfasts | 4 | 8
| | | Teamsters | 4 | 1
| | | Blues N Reds | 1 | 1
13 | Distinguished | 4 | Breakfasts | 5 | 4
| | | Teamsters | 1 | 4
14 | Highly Distinguished | 4 | Breakfasts | 5 | 2
| | | Teamsters | 4 | 2
| | | Blues N Reds | 4 | 2
| | | Refresher Bars | 4 | 2
| | | Ministers | 4 | 2
15 | Major | 4 | Breakfasts | 5 | 4
| | | Teamsters | 4 | 4
Rnk | Rank Name | # | Com Team | Com Lvl | Com #
16 | General | 4 | Breakfasts | 5 | 4
| | | Teamsters | 4 | 4
| | | Blues N Reds | 3 | 2
17 | Field Marshall | 4 | Breakfasts | 5 | 8
| | | Teamsters | 1 | 2
18 | Hero | 4 | Breakfasts | 5 | 6
| | | Teamsters | 4 | 6
19 | Superstar | 2 | Breakfasts | 5 | 5
| | | Teamsters | 4 | 4
| | | Blues N Reds | 3 | 3
| | | Refresher Bars | 2 | 2
| | | Ministers | 1 | 1
20 | Elite | 2 | Breakfasts | 5 | 5
| | | Teamsters | 5 | 4
| | | Blues N Reds | 5 | 3
| | | Refresher Bars | 5 | 2
| | | Ministers | 5 | 1

============================[ M U L T I P L A Y E R ]===========================

---------------------------------LOCAL COMPUTER---------------------------------
You can play games with up to 8 peoples / computers. There is a limit to the
total worms in a game, so don't think you can play with 64 worms at the same
time. Use this option to practice your skills or play with others. There are
also Multiplayer missions.

------------------------------MULTIPLAYER MISSIONS------------------------------
You can play these 2 player missions online or in single player. Follow
instructions to see how to win.
Mission Details: Right, this mission requires the thinking man's approach. Both
teams need to collect the crate that is situated on the right
hand side of the boat. The team on the left must make their way
to the crate while the team on the right cannot due to the fact
they are set to artillery. The team on the right must hold off
the team on the left's bid to get the crate until the Teleport
weapon becomes available to them, thus allowing the capture of
the crate.
Difficulty: 2 - Easy
How to win:
-Fire at Will-
Mission Details: Each of the teams must destroy five of the crates or targets
(depending on which side of the landscape they're on) in order
to load five charges into the Warboat. If they can clock up
this number within the turn time they can drop into the firing
seat and launch shells across at the enemy. Be sure to collect
the extra health and weaponry that will appear from time to
time. May the best Worm win!
Difficulty: 3 - Moderately Easy
How to win:
-Mole in the Moon-
Mission Details: Each team consists of an artillery Worm and a fully mobile
Worm. Each team must release their mobile Worm skillfully using
the Mole weapon, once released the mobile Worm will have the
power to take out the enemy artillery Worm resulting in
success. Good Luck!
How to win:
-Race to the Top-
Mission Details: On your marks, get set - wait for it. You don't even know what
to do yet! Right, in this mission you have to be the first team
to reach the crate situated at the center of the 'Chateau le
Bruce'. You will need to act quickly if you are to outwit your
opponent in the race for the prize, so get to it!
How to win:
-Chemical Comrades-
Mission Details: Pay attention. Contained within the landscape are your
opponent's Air Strike bosses. Collect the crates on the left
hand side with your mobile Worms to get the necessary weaponry
you'll need to take out the air-striking Worms. Take out the
air-striking Worms and your opponents will surrender.
How to win:
-Armageddon Dug-In-
Mission Details: Oh my god! In eight turns, all hell will be let loose upon the
city. That's right, this is Armageddon. you had better get
digging soldiers. Make sure you have a better shelter than your
opponents. Good luck!!
How to win:
-Drowning Dinos-
Mission Details: Ok guys, listen up. In this mission you control two Worms each.
The Worms that start on the outer sides of the map are set to
artillery, with these Worms you will need to collect the crate
supplied nearby to gather necessary ammunition. Once this is
done, on your next turn with the mobile Worms you will need to
make your way towards the opposing team's artillery Worms and
kill them. This will result in victory. Good luck, chaps.
How to win:
-Safe in the Center-
Mission Details: Quickly make your way to the middle of the screen where all is
safe! Once there you'll need to act quickly in order to avoid
giving your life away in neatly wrapped paper to the cursed
enemy on their next turn. This mission is the ultimate test of
your speed and agility as a Wormy warrior!
How to win:
-Make the Earth-
Mission Details: The team who start inside the tape must collect the crates in
order to get the vital weaponry to destroy the enemy. The
opposing team must stop them before they do. The first team to
destroy the opposition wins. Good luck!
How to win:
-Worried on Wormore-
Mission Details: The team who start in the center of the landscape are set to
artillery and must destroy the opposing team's Worms who start
on either side of the landscape but are fully mobile. The first
team to destroy the opposition wins.
How to win:
-Do you like my shoes?-
Mission Details: Right, we need you to dispose of a gang of enemy Worms that
have mobilized on Shoe Island. Collecting the crates will
strengthen your armory in your bid to destroy these foes.
Nothing but victory will do, furthermore establishing us as the
best. Do us proud.
How to win:
-Mole Out In The Pole-
Mission Details: Morning chaps. One of your deadly weapons has somehow found
itself stranded out in the North Pole. Using your movement
skills, you must make your way around the landscape picking up
various crates which we have supplied to help your cause.
Rather than recovering this weapon we need you to destroy it, I
repeat, destroy it! The crate we need you to destroy is marked
in red and will be very tricky to get a shot at, so remember
that some weapons can be used aquatically. Good luck boys!
How to win:
-Frog Marched-
Mission Details: Disaster!! One of our top scientists is in danger of dying
unless you guys can get to our target in time and provide him
safety. Anytime now we're expecting an earthquake to occur and
this *will* result in his death. Be careful though, the enemy
will be constantly attacking you with strike weapons so you
will need to provide yourself with cover. Good luck!
How to win:
Mission Details: There is a vital crate situated on the far right of the
landscape. Time constraints are steep and we need to recover
this crate before it falls into the wrong hands. Now hop to it!
How to win:
-Chance To Buy An Island-
Mission Details: Welcome, welcome. Now, in order to find out where the enemy
target radar is residing you will have to collect the crates
that appear in order to crack the code which will reveal the
target radar. Destroy this target radar once it appears to
render the area clear. Good luck, soldiers!
How to win:
-Snow Joke-
Mission Details: Right, we need you to dispose of a batch of enemy Worms that
have mobilized nearby. You will need to collect the marked
crate situated on the far right to replenish your armory. Take
How to win:
-Rock And A Hard Place-
Mission Details: Glad you could join us, boys. Now, we have some important
weaponry we need you to recover for us located on the left of
the island. You will have to use your skills to the max here
because the land is littered with instant fuse mines. Find a
way of getting 'over' these obstacles and restore us some
How to win:
-Farmyard Fun-
Mission Details: Pay attention lads, we need you to listen carefully. An
un-named source has given us information on the whereabouts of
several enemy scientist Worms who are being transported to
locations unknown. Being closely guarded by one other enemy
Worm, you must destroy these scientist Worms, giving the guard
no other choice but to surrender. The mines littered on the
landscape are incredibly powerful so proceed with extreme
caution, perhaps using these monstrous creations could be the
key to your success. Mine fuse is instant.
How to win:
-Just Beachy-
Mission Details: Listen up, this is important. We are expecting a weapon
delivery sometime soon, the problem is that the co-ordinates
have been tinkered with by an unknown source, who we expect is
the enemy. The eventual crate drop will appear over the water
on the right hand side of the landscape, obviously the enemy
don't want us to get our hands on this powerful creation. But
first things first, as soon as you arrive we need you to create
a bridge immediately left of you over the water to allow us a
drop-off point to provide you with much needed items.
How to win:
-Lone Soldier-
Mission Details: Now then, we need you to take out a rogue enemy Worm that has
appeared on a nearby island. The problem is you are low on
weapons. You will need to collect the provided crates in order
to obtain weapons capable of wiping out this cool customer.
Good luck, soldiers!
Difficulty: 6 - Hard
How to win:

WormNET is the internet Server for worms. You can register to be a member and
even have your own password. You are ranked in several channels, while others
are just for fun. You need to log on to the internet before going on to

(NOTE: There use to be certain commands you can do in WormNET, but recently, it
does not seems to work.)

There is a ranking system on WormNET. If you win battles from Leagues, you
will be ranked and then get permission to go to a higher league.

There are Leagues, which you will participate with other worms in your own
level. You start out as a newbie, and to be qualified to enter the other
leagues, you have to work your way up.
There are challenges with pre-set options to make worms even more fun.
There are free game rooms, where you can play for fun.
And there is chat, which you can chat but not play a game.

-League Ranking System-
Beginner - Bronze

Average - Star Bronze
Star Silver
Star Gold
Star Star

Pro - Star Star Bronze
Star Star Silver
Star Star Gold

Elite - Tri-Star

-WormNET Rooms-
WormAM (amateurs and intermediate players)
Pro League (need at least 2 stars to enter)
Elite League (need to have Elite status)
Team17 League

Rope League
BnG League

Free Game Rooms:
Anything Goes (Rope Knocking Enabled)
Party Time
Roper Heaven

Chat Room:

---------------------------------INTERNET LINGO---------------------------------
Ever wonder what the F*** your friend or foe is saying to you when you play
online? Well, I have a list of words and expressions that people use to reduce
typing (and time).


Clan On WormNET, there are several groups of people who play against
others and compete in Clan Battles, organized by some site...
Cow Trust me, you don't never want to be called this. It means that you
are a F****** cheater or you've broken the game rules.
Darkside An action that tends to teleport or dig away for hiding purposes
Interm Intermediate Player
Lightside Attack on every turn, sometimes without thinking the consequences
Nade Grenade
Newbie New Player
Pro Never mess around with those guys
Roper A Ninja Rope user that plays ROPE games
Shopper A person who is crazy about collecting crates
Sniper A expert in the arts of aiming (usually guns)
Zook Bazooka


B&G(BnG): Bazooka and Grenade
Worms can't move
Weapons: Bazooka, Mortar, (Homing Missile), Grenade, Cluster Bomb,
(Banana Bomb), Teleport, Girder, Jetpack
Goal: Kill
Note: You have to kill your foes using projectiles. Aiming is the key.

Rope: Ninja Rope
Crazy surface
Weapons: Ninja Rope, Bazooka, (Mortar), Grenade, (Cluster Bomb), Mine,
(Dynamite), (Banana Bomb), (Pneumatic Drill), Parachute, (Bungee)
Goal: Kill / Outlast
Note: You need skills with the Ninja Rope. You have to aim/throw weapons off
your rope to legally damage someone.

Rope Race: Ninja Rope
Very slim and crazy surface
Weapons: Ninja Rope, Parachute
Goal: Get to the goal box
Note: You all HAVE to start in the START box. Now navigate through a puzzle
to get to the end
Test your instincts / rope skills to the max

Shopper: Crates
Collect crates!
Weapons: variable
Goal: Collect crates, kill
Note: You will need to collect at least a crate in a turn to attack.

Sniper: Shotgun
Aiming Heaven
Weapons: Shotgun, Handgun, UZI, Minigun, Jetpack, (Low Gravity), (Laser Sight)
Goal: Kill
Note: Practice your aiming before playing a match online or else...

Fort: 2 pieces of land, usually the same
1 fort, 1 group, can't move out of it
Weapons: Bazooka, (Homing Missile), Mortar, Grenade, Cluster Bomb, (Banana
Bomb), Sheep, Super Sheep, Mole, Ninja Rope, Girders, Petrol Bomb,
Skunk, Holy-hand grenade
Goal: Kill
Note: You can't stand on the other side's soil.


BBL Be back later
BrB Be right back
BTW By the way
CUL See you later
CYA See you
DND Do not disturb
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FW Full Wormage
GL Good luck
GG Good game
Gr8 Great
G2G(GTG) Got to go
J/K Joke
K Ok
LMAO Laugh my ass off
LOL Laughing out loud
L8R Later
M8 Mate
NP No problem
NS Nice shot
OIC Oh, I see
OMG Oh My God
PIUP Pissing In Your Pants
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
THNX Thanks
TY Thank you
WA(W:A) Worms Armageddon
WWP Worms World Party
:) Happy
:( Sad
>:( Mad
:p Sticking his/her tong at you
;) Wink

================================[ O P T I O N S ]===============================

---------------------------------BUILDING A TEAM--------------------------------
Start off in your worms adventure by creating your own team of marines. Select
your team name, worm name (8), team flag, team graveyard, team speech, team
fanfare, human or computer, team super weapons (flamethrower, super sheep,
homing pigeon, holy hand grenade, mad cow, old lady, mole bomb). You can select
your team's fort (when playing FORT mode in WormPOT) and buy weapons (when
playing POINTS FOR WEAPONS mode in WormPOT).

----------------------------------WEAPON OPTION---------------------------------
You can select weapon ammo, crate appearing, power, and delay time (# of turns
before available). There is also shop for weapons.

-----------------------------------GAME OPTION----------------------------------
You can select HP amount (100-150-200), number of matches(1-9), worm select,
fall damage, donation card upon death, anchored worm(can't move), weapon refill,
crate falling probability, turn time, retreat time for weapon and rope, siege
time, time settings, mine/oil drum, sudden death, instant replay, and special

If you want your weapon and game settings to be registered, save it. They will
be saved into .WSC files, and they can be found in user/schemes/.

----------------------------------MAP CREATION----------------------------------
With this you can create any map you want. Use the options on the left to
fill you map with things YOU want. Don't forget to save it if you want the map
you just did. They are saved into .BIT files and they are stored under
user/saved levels/. Take them out and send them to a friend!

WormPOT is the new 3-slot options you can select when playing a normal game or
a online game. Combining them can add up to 400 different variations! The
options are listed below. The SLOTS tells you which of the three slots contain
the current option, with Y being yes and N being no.
Name | Slots | Description
Points for weapons mode | Y/N/N | See next section.
All crates contain sheep | Y/Y/Y | All crates contains sheep, super/aqua
| | sheep, and sheep launcher.
Super sheep = aqua sheep | Y/Y/Y | All super sheep become water proof.
Enable blood effects | Y/Y/Y | You like destruction? Then you got to love
| | blood!
God Mode | Y/N/N | No HP, which means that you can only die
| | by sinking.
High damage unarmed combat | Y/Y/Y | 2x damage with Martial Arts.
High damage firearms | Y/Y/Y | 2x damage with guns.
High damage animals | Y/Y/Y | 2x damage with animals.
High damage clusters | Y/Y/Y | 2x damage with clusters.
High damage engineers | Y/Y/Y | 2x damage with Construction and
| | Destruction tools.
High damage fire weapons | Y/Y/Y | 2x damage with BnG.
Name | Slots | Description
Super Rope mode | Y/Y/Y | Super long ropes.
High damage explosive | Y/Y/Y | Dynamite, mines and oil drums do 2x
| | damage.
Specialist worms inside | Y/N/N | Construction and Destruction tools last
| | longer.
Slippy mode | N/Y/N | If you start slipping, it will be like
| | skiing snow day.
Sticky mode | N/Y/N | You will NEVER slip.
No retreat time | Y/Y/Y | After using a weapon, there is no retreat
| | time, so plan ahead.
Double strength health | Y/Y/Y | Double health and double health crates.
Wind effects more weapons | Y/Y/Y | Any weapons that are effected by wind are
| | now paper-light weighted.
Energy or Enemy | Y/N/N | You have the choice: energy or enemy.
| | Either one ends the turn.
David and Goliath mode | N/Y/N | At the beginning of the first turn, Scale
| | of Justice is used.
One shot, one kill | N/Y/N | License to kill mode (from GoldenEye)
Name | Slots | Description
Stay away from the edge | Y/Y/Y | At the beginning of every turn, there is
| | an earthquake.
Fort mode | Y/Y/Y | The maps are pre-defined. You have to
| | follow the fort mode options (see
| | Multiplayer-Internet Lingo).
Falling really hurts, be | Y/Y/Y | 2x damage from falling.
careful out there | |
No weapons, crates only | Y/N/N | Collect weapons from crates.
Double damage mode | Y/Y/Y | 2x damage, 2x damage to soil.
Crates, crates and even | Y/Y/Y | At the beginning of every turn, there is a
more crates | | Crate Shower.
Using weapon doesn't end | Y/Y/Y | Enough said.
your turn, mode | |
Extra powerful unarmed | Y/Y/Y | 4x damage from Martial Arts.
combat | |
Extra powerful animal | Y/Y/Y | 4x damage from animals.
Extra powerful clusters | Y/Y/Y | 4x damage from clusters.
Extra powerful fire weapons | Y/Y/Y | 4x damage from BnG.
Extra powerful explosives | Y/Y/Y | 4x damage from dynamite, mine and oil
| | drum.
Everything you wanted to | N/N/Y | Crate Spy is given to all teams.
know about the contents of | |
that crate | |

-----------------------------POINTS FOR WEAPONS MODE----------------------------

The first selection in the first slot of WormPOT is Points for Weapons Mode.
In this mode, you have only limited weapons(that you define) for each team.
They are different for each team. Set them to your advantages, meaning select
only weapons you are good at. Now to set the weapons, go to your Edit Team
Option (go in Options or right click your team name in the barrack). Each team
have a DEFINED 100 Gold. That means you can't have it all! Now I will list the
prize for each weapon (if you go over the 10 bullets, you'll get infinite ammo).

You can purchase anything that you can afford. Things that you cannot afford
will be surrounded in RED.

P Drill - Pneumatic Drill D Ball - Dragon Ball
Scd Bmbr - Suicide Bomber C Bomb - Cluster Bomb
F Punch - Fire Punch L Grav - Low Gravity
F Walk - Fast Walk L Sight - Laser Sight
Blwtrch - Blowtorch W Select - Worm Select
B Axe - Battle Axe B Bat - Baseball Bat
N Rope - Ninja Rope Invsblty - Invisibility
H Missil - Homing Missile M Bomb - Mole Bomb
Flmthrwr - Flamethrower H Pigeon - Homing Pigeon
Old Womn - Old Woman S Lnchr - Sheep Launcher
N Strke - Napalm Strike B Bomb - Banana Bomb
H-H Grnd - Holy-Hand Grenade S/A Shp - Super/Aqua Sheep

Weapon | Cost | Weapon | Cost | Weapon | Cost | Weapon | Cost | Weapon | Cost |
Prod | 1 $ |Scd Bmbr| 2 $ |Parachut| 4 $ |B Bat | 7 $ |Dynamite| 20 $ |
Shotgun | 1 $ |Kamikaze| 2 $ |Mine | 4 $ |N Rope | 7 $ |Flmthrwr| 25 $ |
Mortar | 1 $ |Uzi | 3 $ |Shotgun | 5 $ |Invsblty| 7 $ |H Pigeon| 25 $ |
Bazooka*| 1 $ |C Bomb | 3 $ |L Sight | 5 $ |Teleport| 7 $ |Mad Cow | 25 $ |
Grenade*| 1 $ |F Punch | 3 $ |Longbow | 5 $ |Jet Pack| 8 $ |Old Womn| 25 $ |
Bungee | 2 $ |L Grav | 3 $ |P Bomb | 5 $ |H Missil| 8 $ |S Lnchr | 25 $ |
P Drill | 2 $ |Girder | 3 $ |Skunk | 5 $ |Minigun | 8 $ |N Strke | 25 $ |
D Ball | 2 $ |F Walk | 4 $ |Blwtrch | 5 $ |Airstrik| 9 $ |B Bomb | 25 $ |
| $ $ $ | |W Select| 5 $ |M Bomb | 10 $ |H-H Grnd| 25 $ |
RESET | | SELL ALL -------------------------------------------------
| MONEY | |B Axe | 6 $ |Sheep | 20 $ |S/A Shp | 25 $ |
* - For Bazooka and Grenade, 6 is infinite ammos.

=============================[ S T R A T E G I E S ]============================

- Confuse enemies (and yourself) by naming all of your worms the same.
- When you want to choose a good weapon for damage, choose shotgun for close
range and bazooka for long range.
- Air assaults are precious, save them for multiple kills.
- Always save your special weapons / air assaults for later. Try improvising.
- For a excellent Pigeon drop, stand on top of the enemy worm, use Jet Pack,
select Homing Pigeon, select target, fly up until you only have 1 or 2 fuel
left, and press enter to use the pigeon and fly yourself to safety.
- To make a hole and not lose a turn, listen up: First turn, use a mine next to
the future hole, then move away. After your enemy end his turn, go back and
detonate the mine and move away. Now you can move to the newly made hole
without losing a turn.
- When roping or jetting, always select parachute as secondary weapon for
- If a worm is near a barrel, don't shoot the barrel, instead, use a Bazooka or
a Grenade and shoot the worm. You will get more HP off it.
- Backflip get you even higher.
- If you are playing with more than 1 worm, don't hesitate to sacrifice when
given an opportunity to heavily damage your opponent(s).

====================================[ F A Q ]===================================

Q: Are you done playing WWP?
A: You CAN'T be FINISHED playing WWP. If you mean if I am bored, well, I use to
be bored of W:A after 1 year, but I am back. WWP is a new beginning, and I
won't be bored before some time.

Q: Is this game out in NA?
A: In US, May something.

Q: Are there any cheats?
A: I don't know, but I guess there aren't any.

Q: What mission are you at?
A: Finished.

Q: How many levels are there?
A: There are 45 one player missions and 20 multiplayer/online missions.

Q: What are the boss worms in the missions?
A: Probably a Level 6 worm. I havn't noticed any difference it...

Q: Is mission 9 and 40 the same thing?
A: Yes.

Q: Why can it be that a so high level contain a so easy mission? [Last Question]
A: Don't search me, ask Team17.

==========================[ M I S C E L L A N E O U S ]=========================

Rumors say that there ARE cheats! These rumors include NEW WEAPONS, NEW
MISSIONS, BABY WORMS and SUPER WORMS. Note that I am not the one sreading the
rumors, I heard it online. Team17 doesn't agree with any of the rumors here, but
we never know.

-----------------------------------SAVED FILES----------------------------------
Saved Files | File Extention | Special Settings | Directory
Game State | names.wdb | Cannot modify* | \User\
Fanfare | .wav | WAVE sound | \User\Fanfare\
Flag | .bmp | 256 colors, 20x17 pixel | \User\Flags\
Grave | .bmp | 256 colors, 24x32 pixel | \User\Graves\
Import Map | .bmp .jpg .gif .tga | Anything | \User\Import\
Saved Level | .bit | Cannot modify** | \User\SavedLevels\
Scheme | .wsc | Cannot modify** | \User\Schemes\
Speech | .wav | WAVE sound | \User\Speech\
Team | .wwp | Cannot modify* | \User\Teams\
* - These files cannot be modified unless you know how to work with HEX or have
a special program.
** - These files cannot be modified unless you have a program or modify inside

You can create speech files for your team. They are called soundbank. Events
in the game trigger sound, and you can define what music come out of your
The names are defined, so you can't play a sound without the right name.
In the next table, I've listed all the wavs you need for a complete speech
file. Keep all capitalisation in mind. Once you complete all the files, put them
all in \User\Speech\[NAME OF THE SPEECH]\.
Also, I've put suggested time to tell you about how long it should be. If
you make a very frequently used sound 30 seconds, then you will always listen to
it and you will get bored from it.
Don't set the sound too loud.
To the right, there are the definitions of the files to tell you when will
the sound be activated.
Finally, you can use Team17's Soundback Editor to edit even quicker (see
Soundbank Files | Suggested Time | Definitions
AMAZING.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Nice shot (maximum damage)
BORING.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | Finish a turn without attacking
BRILLIANT.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Smart move
BUMMER.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Shot missed
BUNGEE.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Using Bungee
BYEBYE.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | Die
COLLECT.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Collect a crate/card
COMEONTHEN.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Enemy missed shot
COWARD.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Damage your own team
DRAGONPUNCH.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Using Dragon Punch
DROP.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Air Drop
EXCELLENT.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Nice move
FATALITY.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | High shot (very high damage)
FIRE.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Firing a projectile weapon
FIREBALL.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Using Fire Ball
FIRSTBLOOD.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | First damage in the game
FLAWLESS.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | Victory without losing one worm
GOAWAY.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | After an enemy's shot
GRENADE.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | When a grenade approaches
HELLO.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | 5 seconds without doing anything
HMM.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | Thinking (NEVER HEARD IT)
HURRY.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Last 5 seconds of your turn
ILLGETYOU.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | After an enemy's shot
INCOMING.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Air Assault Drop
JUMP1.WAV | 1 - 2 Seconds | Jump
JUMP2.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Backjump (2x Enter)
JUSTYOUWAIT.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | After a nice enemy's shot(maximum damage)
KAMIKAZE.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Using Kamikaze
Soundbank Files | Suggested Time | Definitions
LAUGH.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | After a nice shot (NEVER HEARD IT)
LEAVEMEALONE.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | After a nice enemy's shot(NEVER HEARD IT)
MISSED.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | After a missed attack
NOOO.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | After been thrown out of the game area
OHDEAR.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | When your worms are suffering
OINUTTER.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | After recieving damage
OOFF1.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Fall
OOFF2.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Fall
OOFF3.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Fall
ORDERS.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Air Assault Drop
OUCH.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Very hurt (NEVER HEARD IT)
OW1.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Hurt
OW2.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Hurt
OW3.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Hurt
PERFECT.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | Nice shot (maximum damage)
REVENGE.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | Return a shot after been damaged
RUNAWAY.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Warning before something blows
STUPID | 1 - 6 Seconds | After damaging self
TAKECOVER.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Air Assault Warning
TRAITOR.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | After damaging your own team
UH-OH.WAV | 1 - 4 Seconds | Warning for something big(NEVER HEARD IT)
VICTORY.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | Win
walk-compress.wav | 1 - 2 Seconds | Walk - worm compressed
walk-expand.wav | 1 - 2 Seconds | Walk - worm expanded
WATCHTHIS.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Firing a fused projectile weapon
WHATTHE.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Before something explodes near you
WOBBLE.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | When you are VERY close to a edge
YESSIR.WAV | 1 - 3 Seconds | Following orders
YOULLREGRETTHAT.WAV | 1 - 6 Seconds | After been damaged

------------------------------------WEB SITES-----------------------------------

Site Address | Site Name
WWP.TEAM17.COM | Team17's Worms World Party Official Site
WORMS.TEAM17.COM | Team17's Worms: Armageddon Official Site
WWW.WA-FORUM.COM | W:A and WWP online Clan Organisation Site
WWW.WORMFILES.COM | Stuff about Worms
WWW.WORMSCENTER.COM | A lot of Worms stuff

Of course, there are a lot more sites out there, but I am only listing very
important sites. Send me a site if you want me to add it here. No clan sites
please (due to the fact that I am a clan Leader myself).

-------------------------------ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS------------------------------

Team17's Official WWP Soundbank Editor:
Team17 re-edited their Soundbank editor for W:A. This little do-heacky will
automatically copy the files you assign to each sound to a folder and rename it
for you. You can even hear the stuff! Also, you can save your soundbank, which
is faster than the old, manual way.
The exe file contains 2 files: BankEditor.exe and bankeditor.txt. Extract
both in \User\.


WWP Scheme Editor:
Some wormer wrote this little program to program schemes. With this, you
can define almost anything in the game (including Indestructable Terrain!).
Right now, it can only save, so don't think you can open your schemes in there


============================[ I N F O R M A T I O N ]===========================

Document Size: 161 KB
Version: 0.45
Date: April 22, 2001

If anything in this document do not match the statistics, please inform me.

------------------------------COPYRIGHT AGREEMENTS------------------------------
All materials in this document are copyrighted by Mimicmasterax. Some are
taken from the game , by Team17. You may not take this
document or its parts without my personal permission. If you violate this or any
other standard copyright agreements, you will be violating International Law.

This document is also copyright protected by all websites that post it.

If you want to post my FAQ on your site, please send a e-mail to
MimicMasterAX@Hotmail.com with the title being: Permission for your WWP FAQ
Usage for [site Name - Site Admin]. I mostly won't say no, but please use proper

Before ripping off my work, think about all the time I've spent on this. (I
am not saying you CAN steal it.)

If you find this file without Copyright Information or at a site not been listed
here, please report to me at MimicMasterAX@Hotmail.com.

- GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com)
- Cheat Code Central (www.cheatcc.com)
- Tim's Vault(www.timsvault.com)
- Cheat Planet (www.cheatplanet.com)
- Action-Trip (www.actiontrip.com)
- Neo-seeker (www.neoseeker.com)

- You CANNOT sell it.
- You CANNOT put it in a magazine/book/guide/program or anything similar
without my personal permission first. Any large-scale distributions will not
be permitted, so please don't ask.
- You CANNOT reproduce it or any of its parts.
- For the latest version, please always check www.GameFAQs.com.

- All of these subjects are applicable only after you get my personal
permission for posting my guide on your website/magazine.
- You MAY only post this guide AS A WHOLE.
- I MUST be the one to receive full credits for this document.
- You CANNOT display any advertisement anywhere on the page or in any related
framed pages.


E-mail: Mimicmasterax@Hotmail.com

Questions: Use 'Questions for WWP FAQ' as title.
Comments/Suggestions: Use 'Comments for WWP FAQ' as title.
Corrections: Use 'Corrections for WWP FAQ' as title.
Additions: Use 'New Information for WWP FAQ' as title.

-I will appreciate it if you use proper language and state which part of the FAQ
you are referring to.

------------------------------------THANKS TO-----------------------------------
GameFAQs and numerous other websites for posting my guide.
Team17 for a superb game.

------------------------------AUTHOR'S FINAL NOTES------------------------------
I hope you enjoyed my guide. I apologize if you found this guide was too
hard to navigate. I tried my best... Anyway, I hope you found this game very
thrilling. If you need further assistant, I will be happy to answer all of your
questions if you e-mail me.

Game Boy ADVANCE is going to be out soon! I am going to buy it...

Worms, Worms Armageddon, Worms World Party are trademarks of Team17.

© Copyright 2001 MimicMasterAX

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Engl. FAQ

17.Октябрь 2013

15.Октябрь 2013
Alle Missionen spielbar

15.Октябрь 2013
Engl. FAQ

16.Октябрь 2013
30.Декабрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Январь 2018
04.Март 2019
01.Декабрь 2014
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019