Disc World 2

Disc World 2

11.08.2013 09:51:42
Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! (PC/PlayStation) Walkthrough Final Version
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by OutRider

This is the final version of this guide. Please don’t email me about any minor
mistakes or omissions I may have made, because I’m not going to fix them.

WARNING: This walkthrough (like the others) contains spoilers. Please use at
your own risk, and don’t say I didn’t warn you.

To see the other guides that I have written, please check out this link:

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- Please contact me using coherent English, I don’t understand anything else.

With all that being said, here’s the walkthrough:

ACT I: The Rite Stuff

After the glorious, yet long introduction into the game, you’ll soon find yourself in control of
Rincewind, the main character from the first Discworld game. You’ll see that he’s currently in the
Unseen University. Go to the High Energy Facility and inside, take the bellows and the test tube off
of the shelf near Skazz and take the magnet just behind her. Rincewind only has enough room in his
pockets for two items, so put everything you get into the Luggage unless I state otherwise.

Leave the Facility and go to the Garden. To the far right, you’ll see an imp sitting up in a birdhouse.
Use the magnet on him and you’ll get his boots. Leave the University and go to the Wandering Shop.
As soon as you arrive, you’ll get a little lecture on wandering shops and then you’ll find Rincewind
inside. Take the flamingo near the door, the incense off the counter, the fish inside the counter, and
finally, try taking the candles. Rincewind can’t reach them, so talk to the woman behind the counter
and ask her about them. After you’re done listening to her, leave the shop and go to the Plaza (the
upper right corner of the map). Talk to the Dibbler using the sarcasm icon (the joker icon), and then
question him and then ask him about the popcorn. Leave the Plaza and let’s go check out the

Go over to the beggars to the right and take the saw and clay pot that are sitting nearby. Go over to
the other side of the Shades and go into the mortuary (the door next to the Troll’s Head pub). Look at
Granny Weatherwax (the witch on the slab). Take the knife from the sink and leave this part of the
Shades. Go to the far-left part of the Shades and enter Mrs. Cake’s. Take the scissors, the
mannequin’s petticoat, and the ironing board that’s inside the closet. Use the saw on the mannequin
to have Rincewind cut off one of its arms and then look at the genie bottle near the door. Talk to Mrs.
Cake by using the sarcasm icon, then the question icon, the thought icon, and lastly, the smile icon.
Ask her about the genie bottle and then the ectoplasm.

Leave the Shades and go to the Fool’s Guild. Get the hooter off the ground and talk to the Fool’s
ghost by using the question icon. Get the brick sitting near the rubble on the left side and then use it
on the Fool to get a haunted brick. Go down the hole in the ground and go down the plank and exit
off the left side of the screen. Use the bellows on the grate and you’ll get some glitter dust. Leave the
sewers and go to the High Energy Facility.

Use the brick on the accelerator and Rincewind will get some ectoplasm. Go back to Mrs. Cake’s and
give her the ectoplasm to get the genie bottle. Leave her place and go see the beggars. Use the imp
boots on the bottle and then use the bottle on the vile smell hovering over Foul Ole Ron. Go to
Gimlet’s restaurant and take the chili off of the table. Pick up the menu and Rincewind will take a
look. Summon Gimlet and he’ll come over to your table to take your order. Talk to him using the
smile icon and then ask him about the mouseburger. Afterwards, leave Gimlet’s and go over to the
Troll’s Head pub. Talk to Casanunda, the world’s SECOND greatest lover by using the question icon,
the ladder icon, and then the witch icon. Get the matches off the shelf to the left of the bar and then
talk to the troll. Leave the Shades and go to the docks. Use the knife on the net and then pick up the
hammerhead shark. Use the stuffed fish on the bird and then take the stunned bird as well. Leave
here and go to the University Garden.

Use the tankard on the corn in your inventory and then used the drugged corn on the rooster, who’s
perched on the maze. Rincewind will catch the rooster, so when he’s finished, use the flamingo on
the Dean, the hammerhead on the Bursar, and the stunned bird on the simian Librarian. Go over to
the beehives and use the chili on the flowers. Give the clickie brochure to the beekeeper and then
use the petticoat on Rincewind. Light the incense with the matches and use it on the bees. Now that
the hive is smoking, use the clay pot on it and then double-click on the hive to get some dribbly
beeswax. Leave the University and go to the Shop.

Give the dribbly beeswax to the woman and go to the beggars in the Shades. Use the rooster on the
coffee can behind the fire and then go to the pub. Use the rooster on the vampire and then leave the
Shades and go to the Cemetery. Take the pick and go down into the crypt to the far right. Before
entering, you’ll encounter the Windle Poons zombie. Listen to their conversation and then
Rincewind will continue into the crypt. Use the ladder on the coffin and Rincewind will climb up.
Take the false teeth and use them on the mouse. Use the bloody teeth on the test tube and then you
can go to the University Dining Hall. Give the Arch-Chancellor the test tube full of mouse blood, the
three mallets, the vile smell, the glitter dust, and finally the candles. After giving him all the
ingredients, you’ll be rewarded with the next Act.

ACT II: Come Die With Me

First thing to do in this Act is to go to the Fool’s Guild. Go down the hole and take the path to the
right. Climb up the ladder to enter the warehouse and use the pick on the ice on the left side. Leave
the Guild and go to the Shades. Talk to the dead collector using the question icon. Go to the
Mortuary and talk to the mortician about a death certificate. Take the mirror and use it on the Bunsen
burner. Put the mirror back down on the bench and lie down on the slab. Use the wooden arm on
Rincewind and then use the ice on him as well. Talk to the mortician and watch the sequence. You’ll
end up getting a death certificate. Leave here and show the certificate to the dead collector. Watch
the rather long sequence and when you regain control, you’ll be on the world map.

Go to Djelibeybi, the place to the south, and go to the camel park. Talk to the salesman using the
smile icon and then the camel icon. Leave Djelibeybi and go over to the Hill, the place to the
northwest. Talk to Bone Idle using the musical icon and then use the knife on him to cut him and his
buddies down. Leave the Hill and go to the Pyramid. Get the glue pot from near the sarcophagus and
then use the scissors on the bandage. Use the bandage on the wooden arm and then go to the
Oasis. Use the now bandaged wooden arm on the rotting arm. Leave the Pyramid and go to Holy

Go into the castle and try to take the horse suit and then talk to the dwarf using the horse suit icon.
Go into the Luggage and double-click on the rotting arm to get the ring. Give the ring to the dwarf.
Head outside the castle and walk to the right. Take the weight and then take the 10 off the mailbox.
Use the 10 sticker on the weight and go into the makeup room, which is the door to the left of the
piano. Go over to the imp trainer and take the camera off of the table. Ask the trainer about getting
an imp and then go to XXXX, which is located off the map.

Look at the boomerangs on the counter and then talk to Point-Me-Own-Bone. Look at the baskets
and talk to him again, but ask him about the baskets. Leave XXXX and go back to Ankh-Morpork.
Once there, go to the University Garden and take the croquet hoops. Go to the Dining Hall and talk to
the Librarian using the horse suit icon. Use the picnic basket on the food that’s on the right table
and then go back to Djelibeybi.

Go into the Shop and take the poster off the wall. Exit the Shop and go further into town. Talk to Uri
Djeller, the guy floating on the carpet about the music. Give him the hoops to have him straighten
them out into wire. Look at the candy rock and talk to the rock seller about it. Walk up the streets
into the next area to find yourself in a stoning area. Take the stake and then leave Djelibeybi to go to
the Cartwheel.

Talk to the man about the music and then go back to the University Gardens in Ankh-Morpork. Go
over to the compost heap and use the stake on it to get the Suffrajester. Go to the mortuary and talk
to the all-familiar Casanunda and then talk to Granny Weatherwax about the elves. Leave the
mortuary and go to the docks. Use the weight on the hook and then use the weight to have
Rincewind swing it into the novelty store. Take the snowstorm novelty that falls out and go back to
Djelibeybi. Go to the stoning area and use the Suffrajester on the hole and watch the ‘gratuitous
Python scene’ that follows afterwards. Take the rope and then go back to Holy Wood. Head over to
the imp area and use the boomerang on the paint, and then use it on the imp that’s hiding in the set.
Enter the next screen where you see the security troll and give him the candy rock. Try opening the
trailer door, to find out that it’s locked. Talk to the troll about the key to the door, and then use the
key that you get on the door to unlock it. Use the rope on the troll and then go inside the trailer.

Talk to the milkmaid and then give her the diamond tooth. Go to XXXX and head right until you reach
the next screen. Use the picnic basket on the nearby anthill. Go back down to the beach and use the
saw on the ironing board. Put some glue on the ironing board and then use the ironing board on the
surf. Surf’s up, Rincewind! When he’s done surfing, you’ll find yourself in a cave. Put the imp in the
camera and take a picture of the cave paintings. Leave XXXX and go to the Forest. Follow the path
until you reach the stone circle, but don’t enter it yet. Put the camera into Rincewind’s inventory and
put his money pouch into the luggage. Put some glue on the hooter and then combine it with the
horse suit. Combine the Librarian with the horse suit and put the horse suit into Rincewind’s
inventory as well. Enter the stone circle to find yourself outside the Elven Queen’s castle. Use the
horse suit on Rincewind and then go up into the castle. When you regain control, use the camera on
the Elven Queen and go to the High Energy Facility in Ankh-Morpork.

Use the ant filled basket on Hex, the machine next to Skazz and then combine the wire with the plans
to get a pyramid shape. Use the honey and then the pyramid on Hex and talk to Skazz using the
universe icon. Afterwards, go to the Cartwheel and give the old man the answer. You’ll get the jingle
from him, so go visit Dibbler in Holy Wood (go north from where the security troll is to find him) and
give him the band, the jingle, the snow globe, and the babe. You still need the lead actor, so go to
the make-up room and give the hairdresser the photos of the Elven Queen.

Go back and talk to Dibbler again and watch the sequences. When you regain control, go to the far-
left end of the Shades in Ankh-Morpork. Use the death certificate on the door at the top of the steps
near Rincewind and you’ll get to participate in an undead meeting. Open up the closet and talk to the
black sheep by using the stunt icon and then give him the photos of the cave paintings. Watch the
next sequences and when you next see Rincewind, he’ll be in the projection room of the Odium
Theater. Take the reel off of the projector and use it on the splicing device. Use the leftover Elven
Queen film on the splicing device and you’ll get to witness the end of the second Act.

ACT III: The Grim Rincewind

Welcome to the Isle of Death, as I’d like to call it. When you first start off, head over to the House of
Death. Grab the key that’s underneath the mat and then go through the door. Go upstairs and into
Death’s study. Walk over to his desk and take the inkwell and pull on the cord to summon Death’s
servant. Leave the study and go downstairs and through the left door to enter the kitchen.

Take the sugar cubes off of the table and the oily rag hanging above the stove. Open up the small
stove next to it and leave the kitchen. Take the curtains off the window and take the scythe out of the
umbrella stand near the main door. Go upstairs and into Susan’s room. Take the rabbit out of her
bed and then open it up to find the pajamas. Grab the ball of string off of her dresser and go back
downstairs again. Take the right door to enter the library. Take Rincewind’s book, which is a book
still being written. It’s in the middle for those who want to know. Go back into the kitchen and talk to
Albert, Death’s servant. Leave the house and go into the stable.

Take the rope that’s hanging in the rafters and then give the sugar cubes to Binky. Use the glue on
the saddle and then use the saddle to have Rincewind put it on Binky. Finally, get on the horse. After
that sequence is finished, go into the gardens behind the stable. Light the oily rag with the matches
and then have Rincewind use the pajamas. Use the oily rag on the beehive and then take some wax.
Use the empty sugar pot on the hive to get some honey, and then use the string on the wax to make
a candle. Go to the right and you’ll see a pond. Take the fishing rod from the gnome and then use
the rod on the honey. Use the combination on the dots in the soul pool to the right of the swing set.
Look at the cart and then ask Susan about it. Give her your book and then use the inkwell on the
pond. Put the curtains into the pond to have Rincewind make a cloak.

Go into the library and light the candle. Put the lit candle into Rincewind’s inventory and then go into
the alcove at the back of the library. Unlock it using the skeleton key and then go inside. Use the lit
candle on Rincewind and he’ll light up the area. Take the tablet off the shelf and go back to the
garden. Give the tablet to the girl and you’ll get her cart. Go to the house, but don’t go inside just
yet. Combine the boomerang with the rope to create a makeshift grappling hook. Use the hook on
the chimney and then climb on up. Use the chimney and watch the sequence. Climb back down and
go into the house. Show Al your new robe and scythe. Combine the cart with the scythe to make a
thresher contraption and then go outside. Go to the lower right of the isle and use the thresher on
the cornfield. Go and see Al, and when you can, show him the ant souls. This is the end of the third

ACT IV: Till Death Us Do Part

Welcome to the final act. First thing to do is to go to Bonestock. Get the cork and then go to
Djelibeybi. Stick around until the prospector shows up on his camel and while he’s gone, take the
canteen out of his saddlebags and put the rotting arm in its place. The prospector will come back
and leave. Watch to see where he goes and follow him. You’ll arrive at the Fountain of Youth. Use
the cork on the fountain and then use Death’s hourglass on the fountain sand. Yes, this was short,
but the Act ends here.

EPILOGUE: Queen Kong

Take a gander at the raven and ask Granny Weatherwax about it. Pick up her broomstick and then
talk to Dibbler using the smile icon. Ask him about the bladders and then fill the bladders up using
the canteen. Put the bladders in Rincewind’s inventory and use the broomstick on the tower to end
the game.

This concludes Discworld II: Mortality Bytes!. If you want to experience more Discworld fun, I
suggest playing Discworld Noir. While it isn’t a Rincewind adventure like the first two Discworld
games, it’s still a fun game to play.
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