Hitman: Codename 47

Hitman - Codename 47

17.10.2013 03:16:59
Hitman Codename 47 ver 1.5

Written by Acid Wolf.
Email- acidwolf_2000@yahoo.com.sg

This is a game created by IO Interactive and also a trademark of Eidos
Interactive. This faq/walkthrough is created solely on self-interest. And also
i like the way this is game is made. So therefore i own this document and
nobody may reproduced this document for any monetary gains. This walkthrough is
not to be altered, translated and is only for the reading pleasure of those
gamers using this walkthrough. This includes being incorporated, reprinted, or
otherwise used by magazines, books, guides, etc., in ANY way. It is only for
private and personal use. You may not edit or change any of it's content and
claim it is yours. If i find out, you will get it. For those who may want to
post this faq on some websites, may do so after dropping me an email about it.
Note: that this faq is solely for personal usage. Thanks for all that.

All contents copyright 2001- Acid Wolf



Brief introduction
Tricks of the trade
Fun ways of play
Weapons + Price
Equipment + Prices
Special Weapons That Kills


Try to bare with me on this one. If you encounter any mistakes or spelling
error, tell me pls. I'll try to amend it. This is a great game to play as a
professional killer or hitman for short. You will play a hitman named Tobias Rieper
whose ID is unknown??? Did i say hitman, yes, you will be able to do assassination type of
kill. And John Woo's style shooting that you saw in the theaters. An you know
that the best part is to do it in style and with no one's detection. The
graphics is great and so is the sounds. This game sure is a killer as it uses motion
capture. Therefore the inverse kinematics (different dead poses, power of the shot
both near and far) is truely astounding. For example if you snipe a guard at the tower,
you will have him 'flying in different directions' depending on where you snipe him,
he will 'fly' with different postions and even throw his weapon away. The AI of
this game is not bad as if you shot a fellow guard and was being seen by other
guards, all of them will start shooting at you. And if you make too much
sound(from gun shots) the guards will also be alerted. If you were found with a
dead body(no one saw you kill him), other guards that happen to bump in you
after the kill may or may not kill you depends on the type of guards(gangsters
is different from a terrorists). Do not draw attention to yourself by drawing
your weapons. This will also triggered the guards alarm. One more thing is that
i am not sure if you were shot by an enemy, you will have bullets holes in you.
And if you have kept your weapons and walking past other guards(you are still
in the same uniform), will you be spotted as the killer??? Pls email me if you
have the answer.


Basically the general guide for controls is included in the game in .pdf
format. This means that you will need Acrobat Reader to read it. You can also
configure your own set of keys. For me, i use the numpad + the mouse. A small
tip for you guys is try to set your normal turn left, right keys into strafe
left and right. You may wonder how to turn. Using the mouse to turn is much
faster than using the keys. Trust me on this one.

During the game, you may have just kill someone and preparing to take his
items. Use the action key to pickup items. Note that generally, our hitman will
change clothes first(after hitting the action key) if your initial action is to
drag the body. This in turn sometimes means life and dead as you do not want to
change your clothes when a guard is about to turn into the corner, do you? And
besides after disposing of the body leaving a set of clothes at the scene of
crime is somehow very un- professional. In this case, you need right click your
mouse when near and you will be presented with 2 options of either change
clothes or drag. Use the 2 keys when choosing weapons to chose the want you
like and left click. All this sounds confusing but after a few tries, you'll
get the hang of it.


The display of hitman code 47 is very easy to understand. At the top left is
your Life gauge which shows the % of your life. It will also display the gauge
for bullet-proof vest show you have it. Same applies to compass.

Now for the top right. It shows the weapon that you have chosen or you weren't
carry any. And by pressing the weapons selecting keys, addition green bars
appears to te right of it. This shows the weapons and items hitman is carrying
currently. Note that knives, wires and other non ammo items are found at the
bottom whereas the ammo weapons are found on top. They are separated by a empty

Now for the more important one. It is the warning box found just to the right
of the life gauge. This box changes color due to the different situation you
are in. Green are shown when you are about to pickup an item or weapon(their
names are shown in the box). Blue ones means that an action is being done by
the computer and red box means that the guards are being alerted and you are
either on the verge of being discover or has been discovered.


--Nobody's perfect so play the scenario once to get the hang.

--Pickup any weapons, ammos, vests and other items you came across.

--This one for the one's above. Try not to take every items as some are
found at highly guarded place.

--Do not share your enjoyment of carrying a weapon with others(don't take
it out when needed). Same for after picking up a weapon.

--Rifles to bigger weapons cannot be hide under the coat so carry discreetly.

--For the one above, check whether the weapon you pickup can be kept under
wraps by pressing the 'empty hands' key. Check if hitman keeps or throws away
the weapon.

--Wire is for the feel of being a hitman and knife is for the feel of being a

--Always sneak behind when approaching a unknowing target. Do not hold your
left mouse button with a piano wire in your hands(when going for the kill).
It makes a zinc sound that will give you away. Same for knife.

--Make sure nobody will run into your little throat slitting operation.

--For the one above. Either setup your inventory to the weapon you want to
use then crept close to target and tap your left mouse fast to initiate the
kill. Or you may draw out the weapon of choice before moving in to the kill.

--Bring a silenced weapon when given the chance.

--Try to kill with minimal sounds so as not to alert the guards. You are a
professional hitman. Not Rambo! Need not takeout every guards.

--Try not to kill civilians as they will be deducted as money out of your
salary. Same for cops.

--Watch patrolling guards to gain knowledge of their paths.

--Use your map offen so as not to get lost. You can trust most of the maps.

--Need not hide every corpse if not given time to do so. Instead just try
not to be at the scene of crime. So as not to raise any alarm.

--Should you know that you need to restart the game, try to explore the place
further so as to know the number & placing of guards. This is ensure that you
know something further up in the game so as to take the required precaution
and proceed faster in the game the next time you restart.

--Go for one shot one kill rule so as not to waste ammo & time(for the
next kill or escape). Aim for the neck onwards and up.

--Never touched the dead when there are guards nearby(means they did not know
that you are the killer and assumed that you are one of them). This will
aroused their suspicion.


How to carry 2 guns

There are 2 ways of doing it pls take your time.

Drop a gun you want to carry in either one of your hand. Then equip yourself
with the other gun. Now pick up the gun on the floor and presto! 2 equipped
guns. Note that hitman will only pick up the gun on the floor with his free
hand(means hand with no guns). Should you have both hands full and you pickup
another gun, hitman will keep the right hand weapon and then pick up using his
right hand. Can also carry syringe or knife with guns.

Just assume that you now have no weapons in your hands. Bring up your weapons
menu then press the L-Ctrl key on your keyboard and select your first weapon.
With the L-Ctrl key still held down, select your second weapon on your weapon
menu. Now you have 2 weapons in your hands.

All the guns mention above are one handed weapon only. You cannot do this with
2 handed weapons and UZI or MP5 w/wo SD.

How to use the minigun effectively

Tap or click the fire button once to spin the barrel. The next time you hit the
fire button, ammos will fly. This is used to cut down on the lag time(time
between spinning the barrel and firing).

How to sneak and kill an enemy w/o knowledge

Hit sneak mode then creep up on the enemy and then open up the inventory.
Choose the knife or wire then click firing button a few times. This will make
hitman take out then go for the kill without much noise. Enemy will sound out
if this method is used standing up. Due to the sneak mode, you can draw your
weapon until the last minute.


You will start each mission with a short briefing on the story and what you
must accomplished. Then a overall map of that stage will be shown. Make use of
the magnify glass icon and the hand icon to navigate the map. The green
blinking circle means the starting position of our Mr. Tobias Reiper. For the
blue one is the escape route. It simply means that you need to escape to this
place after you have completed the mission inorder to clear this mission.

Next you will come into the most crucial part of pre-mission screen. That is
the weapons screen. You will need to buy the required equipment for that stage.
(Hint: if you are going for assassination, go for conceal weapons instead of
big guns). You wouldn't want to let your target knows that you are there
wouldn't you?

Next, throughout the game, i would recommend using the knife instead of the
wire. But you can do otherwise. For all the missions, I choose recommended
equipment but you can bring other weapons if you like as that weapon does
interfere with the objectives. Eg. Budapest mission.


This is a pretty easy one. You will wake up in a cell and is being treated to a
voice. Looks like someone let you out on purpose. Move through the rooms and
follows the instructions given by our saviour. That's include moving on between
rooms, picking up weapons and do a little target practice with those weapons.
There are scoreboards nearby to note your score(not that important). Should you
decided to move up the elevator and by pressing the action key and nothing
happens, then you should right click near the elevator switch to bring up the
small command panel in front of the screen. Choose the appropriate floor and
left click to activate it. When you have reached the end(just went up from the
elevator), with trolley and boxes infront of you and your only way is to take
the right way, pause and checkout the man in blue there. You have to take him
out. Shoot or gallotine him and take his clothes. Go through the door at the
end. You should see an other blue uniform guard getting up from his desk and
open the gate for you. If you did not take the previous guard clothes, this
guard will not open the gate for you. Instead he will shoot you. Now move
through and go till the end to a cut scene. OK! You may kill that second guard.
Hey what are bullets for??? Anyway what ever weapons you have now will not be
brought to the next stage. So fill him up WITH LEADS!!!


For this mission, comprised of several small missions. With all of them being
pieces up to a big scenario of eliminating the Hong Kong triad boss. I
personally like this Hong Kong mission best. It comprises the true element of
being a professional.

Our Tobias Reiper akas Hitman works for 'MERCES LETIFER' also known as 'The
Agency'. He always get his missions from Diana Burnwood known as the
'Controller'. Our Hitman will start this mission with $11,450 use it wisely.
The starting brief already tells us that the main mission is to take out Lee
Hong the triad leader but due to his influence in Hong Kong, even if you take
him out in the first mission, you will not get of Hong Kong alive. So therefore
all this little missions came in place to relieved Mr. Lee Hong of his


Objectives: Eliminate Red Dragon Negotiator
Escape to Rendezvous Point

Money: $13,000

Recommended Equipment: Blaser Jagdwaffen R93 Sniper
(without additional sniper ammo)

Notes: In this mission, do not waste your money to buy other stuff. You will
only need your sniper rifle given to you at the start + 1 bullet. You only need
for one kill.

Our hitman will start near his escape car. You will need to escape here after
you have completed the mission of taking out the Red Dragon Negotiator(check
the map for that blue blinking circle). You will see that you are facing blocks
of buildings. Move to the left only to find an empty plot of land with a
dumpster. Go through the alleyway to reach the other side. Cross the street and
move straight with the Chiu Dai Park to your right. When you reach the
intersection, turn right and look out for a construction elevator just by the
side of the second building to your left. Take it all the way up. Now you are
at the North side of the garden. It is from here that you will get a clear shot
at the target. Take out the sniper rifle from the case(just press the inventory
select keys to bring that up, choose the case and left click, voila!!! You get
a scene of our hitman taking out the rifle). By now, you should have seen cut
scene of a limo arriving with the Blue Negotiator. Wait for another cut scene
of another limo with the Red Negotiator(your target) to arrive. Fire your
sniper rifle to bring up your scope. Aim your scope towards the center of the
Chiu Dai Park to see the back of the buddha scupture. From that position, you
will see both the Blue & Red Negotiators(if not, wait for them to stand there).
Just take aim of the shot at the one on your left(one with a headband). Make
sure you bang him down with one shot! Cause if you miss, they will be alerted
an escape. Some might asked why the building at the northside and not the west
& east side building? Well the reason is that from that angle, you need to be
in a very precise angle inorder to shoot the Red Dragon Negotiator cause you
vision will be blocked by the big hanging lanterns.

Once you've kill the target, either keep the rifle back in the case or drop it.
Do either one fast cause a moment later, you get a helicopter with a gunman on
it looking for the sniper. Make your way to the elevator and get out of that
place. Remember do not carry the rifle w/o the case in your hands when you
escape(try it and you'll know why). Now you can walk or run all the way back to
the rendezvous point(your escape car). Cause now the gangsters are looking for
an unknown assailant.

Congratulations!!! You have clear your 1st mission. If you feel that you need
to see the interior of the Chiu Dai Park , run into the Chiu Dai Park when you
first start this mission(before both limos arrive).

Alternate Way of Kill

Purchase only the hardballer handgun + 7 bullets(more bullets if you think you
will need them). At the start, run into the Chiu Dai Park only to find that
nobody's home. Wait behind the buddha scupture at the center. After the first
limo has arrived, you will be asked by the guards to leave the Chiu Dai Park.
Wait a little longer for the second limo to arrive(the guards will only shoot
when you are near the Red Negotiator). Setup your inventory choosing the
handgun. But do not draw out yet. Wait for the Red Negotiator to walk down
through the doorway and down the stairs(purpose is to draw him further from the
limo so as to gain time for the kill). Once he has gained a distance, left
click your mouse to draw your weapon and pump the Red Negotiator full of lead.
After he is down and before the nearby guards know what has happen, run like
hell to the rendezvous point as fast as you can. By now the guards + the
helicopter gunman are looking for you.

By using this way, although it is more risky and unprofessional of you, you get
the job done with the minimal use of your cash. And you get a taste of John
Woo's style action, hooray!!!


Objectives: Eliminate Blue Lotus Emissary
Eliminate All Blue Lotus Triad Members
Return to Rendezvous Point

Money: $12,000

Recommended Equipment: Oyabun Knife, Car Bomb w/Remote Detonator

Note: need not waste money on other equipment unless you like the pleasure of
taking out those gangster with your pistols.

For this mission, timing is very important. First you start at the far south of
the map. Your purpose is to move to somewhere near the buildings infront of
Wang Fou Restaurant. Now wait for a cut scene to show the arrival of the Blue
Lotus Emissary. After that, note that there is only one guard near the limo
plus the driver. The guard will let no one near the limo. And if you take out
the bomb now and place it in the limo, all the guards will attack you. If you
think you can take out the guard guarding the limo first, think again. Killing
him plus the driver now will have the Red Dragon guards guarding the restaurant
plus nearby guards attacking you. Now take particular note of the driver's
movement cause he will leave the limo. He will move in between the buildings to
somewhere near the sewer opening(it is noted on your map as a man falling
through a hole). Follow him and wait behind him at a distance preferably
against the wall. Wait for a civilian to walk past you. After the civilian has
no idea of what is going to happen here, sneak up the peeing driver and draw
out your Oyabun knife to slash his throat. After the driver is down, drag his
body down into the sewer. Exchange clothes with him. Now you are the new
driver. Go back to the limo to place the car bomb. Remember to keep your
weapon! After placing the bomb, you will get a notice that the Blue Lotus
Emissary is leaving.

Looks like the meeting is a success. Well not for long, move your ass out of
there to the starting point but not too near your escape car. If you are
there(near the limo) when the Emissary boarded the car, then the guard will
suspects that you are a fake!!! Thus exposing you. If you are not at the limo,
the guard will be tired of waiting and personally drive the limo. Now move to
the bottom right of the map. Stay a resonable distance as there are 4 Blue
Lotus guards at the end guarding the street. Now take out your little box of
devastation akas the remote and wait for the limo to turn right into that
corner(near those 4 guards). Before pressing that little red button. Now see
the boom and the passengers + the 4 guards goes up in smoke(if you do it
right). And they'll never know what hit them. Walk back to your escape car to
clear that mission.

You can also bring additional weapon along to finish up those who did not
killed in the blast. Note that there is a Blaser Jagdwaffen R93 Sniper + 1 clip
found at the small alleyway(between to buildings) to the far left of the map.
You can use this sniper rifle to snipe those did not bomb blast. A word of
precaution, walking civilians will alert the guards should you carry it around.


Objectives: Eliminate The Red Dragon Negotiator
Hide the Body of The Red Dragon Negotiator
Eliminate The Chief Of Police
Place a Red Dragon Amulet Inside the Restaurant
Escape to the Rendezvous Point

Money: $15,000

Recommended Equipment: Oyabun Knife, Beretta 92 Silenced

Note: this is a classic shoot out of raiding the restaurant. There are a number
of cops in this area. Remember that you are not allow to kill them so try to
keep your methods of kill out of their sight.

You will start at the far left of the map. This map is relatively easy. Your
target is to kill the Red Dragon Negotiator first and disguised as him and drop
the red amulet found on him at the meeting place. Then finish up the rest. Open
your map and you'll see that there is a building with it's stairs facing the
southwest found at the middle of the map(at the intersection). That is the
Cheung Chau Fish Restaurant(meeting place). First go to the meeting place and
talk to the bartender. He will give you the key to the toilet. Open up the
toilet go in and dropped your Beretta 92(silenced). Why? You asked. You'll see
later. After dropping your weapon, head out of the restaurant and to the
northeast of the map.

By about now you will be inform that the targets have arrived. Once you reached
there, you should see a man walking towards you(assuming you head north after
exiting the restaurant). He is wearing the Red Dragon clothes. Note that there
is a cop walking towards the Red Dragon Negotiator heading his direction of
entry(do not borther about him). There is also a civilian walking towards you
but he will turn shortly into the alletway. After the civilian has turn into
the alleyway, sneak up to the target and take him out. Make sure you take him
out before he turn into the alternate street towards the restaurant. Cause
there is a cop walking towards you at that direction and another one on the
same street from the west side. After killing your target, do not take his item
and clothes first but quickly drag his body towards the sewer at the far north
of the map(indicated as a man falling through the hole). Hint: kill the Red
Dragon Negotiator near the sewer hole for quick access. It's just that you
would not want the cop walking towards you from the alternating street to know
what you have done, would you? Once the body + you are in the sewer, plunder
his amulet and clothes.

Remember to put away your weapon. Now to the meeting place. I suggest that you
equip yourself with the amulet first. You will be asked to hand over all your
weapons at the entrance of the restaurant. Now who asked why you need to drop
your Beretta 92(silenced) weapon in the toilet in the first place? OK, move
into the restaurant and dropped the amulet that you are carrying then move to
the toilet for your cavalry(Beretta 92(silenced)). Should you dawdle to long,
you will be exposed as the fake negotiator. Thus getting yourself in a tight
spot without a weapon. Once you have your weapon in hand, you should stand near
the door and once you open up the door, start shooting at the chief. You should
know his seating arrangement. After he is down, turn and finish off the
bartender(he will draw his weapon once there is happening). Do not worry shoot
the Blue Lotus Negotiator let him escape. Now you have almost finished your
mission objectives. Now to make your escape. Run all the way back to your car
and you'll clear this mission.

Alternate Way of not bringing the Oyabun Knife

There is one additional weapon to found in this mission and that is the kitchen
knife. Found in the kitchen next to the toilet at the fish restaurant. You can
not keep the weapon though, cause once you keep, it is lost. GAME BUGS??? And
you can't carry it in your hands, suspicous civilian anyone??? Once you take
it, the chef will run out of the restaurant. So take him out with your Beretta
92(silenced). Then back to the toilet to drop your weapon. Back to the kitchen
for the kitchen knife. Exit the back door. Once you are out of the restaurant,
turn in your left to the alleyway to the side of the restaurant. There will be
a cop patrolling here. Follow him and make sure he did not see you. After a
distance, the cop will turn into the street where the Red Dragon Negotiator
will walk. Hide your ass near the sewer hole at the north. Make sure keep
yourself from being seen with a kitchen knife by others. Side peek to make sure
that the civilian is out of the street. Move behind the sewer cover and wait
for the Red Dragon Negotiator to appear. You must be in sneak mode and run
behind the target and with one fast slash, your target is down. Now is not the
time to hang around. Note of the 2 cops walking towards your direction. Quickly
drag the body to the sewer hole make sure the body is in the hole. Plunder him
and resume the mission.

For the part on top where you you take out the target, you will received a
message that a dead chef is found. Note that due to that, the meeting is still
on. GAME BUGS AGAIN??? For all this, you decided to be soft and let the chef
off(not killing him), later after following the cop, you will be inform that
there is a suspicious civilian and then the meeting is off. Well then don't be
soft when you want to save that $65 on Oyabun Knife.


Objectives: Find Safe Combination
Find Safe Location
Deliver Jade Figure to Herbal Shop
Eliminate Lee Hong
Captured Agent Must Survive
Escape to Rendezvous Point

Money: $15,000

Recommended Equipment: Oyabun Knife, Beretta 92 Silenced

Note: this mission is the ultimate mission that shed some light as to why you
are doing those previous stages. The purpose is to weaken other triads ties
with Mr. Lee Hong so that what you are about to do next will not be hinder by
them. And there will not have backup for Mr. Lee Hong, Horray!? I suggest that
you saved the Agent first so as to gain the knowledge on the location of the
Jade Figure. Then do the brothel part. Patience my friend, you'll get to meet
the chick. One more hint, guards in suits should not be in the basement and if
they do, they will be shot.

You will notice that you started this mission at the same stage as the stage in
the 'Ambush At the Wang Fou Restaurant'. In the previous stage, you are not
allow to enter the restaurant. But now you can and that's the difference. The
R93 sniper rifle at the far left alleyway in the previous stage has been
removed for this stage. All you need to do now is not to draw your weapon and
head towards the Wang Fou restaurant. Once you entered the restaurant, you are
greeted by a set of picture screen infront of you. To the left of this main
hall, is 2 seperate set of stairs which leads to the V.I.P area. For your
right, is a double door guarded. It leads to the area where the stairs to the
brothel area(2nd floor) can be found. Now move straight north to a set of
double doors that leads to the bar. You will see that there is a female guard
patrolling between this main hall and the bar. Take note of her path. Before
you enter the bar, see that guard standing with door to the storeroom behind
him. They are to the right side of the double doors to the bar.

Go on into the storeroom. Wait or close the door after you. Draw your knife or
wire and run towards the door and press left click(killing the man). You must
hit the door before you left click and then you will see that the guard outside
will be teleported in the storeroom with you killing him. Drag him away the
door should part of his body protruded outside. This is a bug that i have found
to kill this guard without opening the door. Make sure that patrolling guard is
not around before you do it. Now take his clothes and his weapon. And hide the
body so that upon exiting, the patrolling guard will not see the contents
inside. Next exit the storeroom and into the bar area. Talk to the bartender.
Looks familar(Cheung Chou Fish Restaurant-bartender)??? Hope he is not back to
haunt you. Anyway, a talk about our Tobias Reiper looking for some hard banging
action(you know what i mean). The bartender will give you a flyer and tells you
to go to the second floor. If you like, you can talk to the bartender again to
know of a man kept in the basement(his the one to save). Checkout the herbal
shop which is the first door to the right of the bar counter if you want. You
will came to the restaurant area. Head directly north into the herbal shop.
Talk to that old man and gain some wise knowledge(he is refering to the Jade

Now to save the CIA agent. Move back to the main hall. Remember the stairs to
the V.I.P area. Since you are one of them now(you did take the suit did you),
you can pass the guards(in suits) guarding both doors to the V.I.P area. Open
up your map, see the icon at the V.I.P area, gold man with an arrow pointing
up. That's the elevator. Make your way there. Did you see a door facing the
southwest towards the left of the elevator? Enter it and move till you arrived
at some sort of conference room(its 3 doors to it including the one facing
southwest). See the slides to your right the moment you enter into this room,
they will come in handy. Wait in this room for a guard wearing a red dragon
clothes to enter. Mugged him and drag him behind the picture screen(prevent his
body from being discovered). Take his clothes and UZI. Now take the elevator
down into the basement. You may asked why do all this to get another set of
clothes? Well the basement guards wear a different set of clothes and if they
see someone out of proportion(wrong clothes), they will fire upon him
regardless whether friend or foe. You will immediately see a guard infront of
you after you arrived at the basement. Do not bother them as you will not be
here later. Oh did i mention them? There is one more guard patrolling around
the elevator. Now check your map, did you see the other nearest elevator. If
yes, proceed on to a 'Y' intersection. Take the one to your right, move around
2 corners and wait there for a guard. Take him out and leave his body there
cause nobody will ever go there. There is a small room at the south side with a
R93 sniper rifle. Don't take it cause you are going stealthy. Now go back to
the 'Y' intersection, you should have seen the 2 AK 47 + 3 clips near the
crates. Take them and wait here for a guard to enter here. Take him out and
drag his body to the area where you find the sniper rifle. Move back to the
area where you take the 3 clips + AK 47. Go down the small flight of stairs and
move right. The moment the way splits into 2, turn into your left side and all
the way till the end. Did you see another guard? Move behind him and take him
out. Drag his body back to the area where you dump bodies using the same route
you got here. Now check the map for a oval shape room at the far south of where
you take out the last guard, that's the cell where the CIA agent is held. Once
you are near the guard there, he will tell you to get lost(what an asshole).
Sneak up on him(let him face the other way then hug the wall and move behind
him). Slit him and open up the room. Drag the body into the room. Now talk to
the CIA agent to gain the location of the safe(this safe location is random).
After that move to the right once out of the room. See the guard on your right,
take him out and stashed him in the cell room with the other guy.

Now to the brothel(this is what you have been waiting for, right?). Go into the
long stretch of corridor that the last guard was guarding. Up the stairs. See 2
doors, take the left one and you will be in an area with a slope infront of you
plus 2 guards. Note that you are wearing the red dragon clothes and the suits
did not attack you. I guess that the guards wearing the red dragon clothes
holds much higher position. Turn left and you will see a fat guy guarding a
door. Approach him and he'll sort of direct you inside. Take the stairs all the
way up till you see 2 women standing there sort of waiting for you. Checkout
the mamasan(one on the left holding a fan), she's the one you should talk to.
Next look at the only foxy girl in this brothel establishment. And i thought
i'll get to choose. But she sure has a hell of a body. After talking to the
mamasan and putting the fees together with the tap at the bar, you follows our
Lei Ling to the private suite. Damn she sure walks very slow. Our Mr. Reiper
walks much faster. Guess she has a vibrator up there. Once inside, she'll tell
you to get her our of that place cause she does not belong there. Now she sort
of moves much faster out of the room. Follow her all the way to the ladder
surrounded by fence. I am sure she has that toy up in her. Approach the ladder
and a cut scene will show. After the cut scene is over, you are near a dumpster
with a guard patrolling away from it. Follow Lei Ling to the end and talk to
her to gain the safe combination + a kiss. Should you see the guard behind you,
do not worry cause he is not going to hurt you now. Sneak up on him and slashed
his throat or just shoot him with your silenced beretta. Leave him there cause
no one ever goes there. Another thing to add is that should the red information
appeared(means guards are alarmed after the shooting)ignored it. Just make sure
that the boby is dumped near the main gate where Lei Ling escape. Cause there
will be a guard(wearing red dragon outfit) opening the backdoor to the far
left(there 3 backdoor at the kitchen). But he just stand there and will not
come out if he see no body(take note of this guy).

Now is the possible ways of obtaining the Jade Figure. There are 4 safes in
this building. Opening the wrong one means alerting other guards. So therefore
you must know the location from the mouth of the CIA agent before attempting to
open the safe.

Safe in the Brothel

This is the easiest one. Make your way to the brothel and enter the door that
the mamasan took during the first time you meet her. You are in a room with
both the mamasan and the guard there. Take the 4 UZI clips near the big mirror
and move through the door opposite the one you have just entered. Now you are
in a small room with the safe + a guard. The guard will tell you to leave.
Sneak up on him and give him the old throat slash. Open the safe and take the
Jade Figure.

Safe in the V.I.P Area

Head to the V.I.P area and look for the safe. Once you saw the safe, you will
also see 2 guards there. One of them is standing in front of the safe. And the
other one is behind the safe on a raise platform. he will move between the
octagon window and near the safe. Sneak up on the one that's moving and wait
for him to stop moving near the octagon window then kill him. Leave him there
and then go for the one infront of the safe. You will be asked to leave but
being persistance, drop down from the platform behind him and finished him
also. Open the safe and take the Jade Figure.

Safe in the Guards Quarters

Head to the V.I.P area and take the only elevator to the guards quarters. Once
you arrived, turn to your left then left again and tak take 1 sniper + 5 7.62
mm clips from the table then through the set of double doors for some more
goodies. You will see a door infront of you. Go in and take 6 UZI clips on the
small table. Out of there and turn to your left and walk past 2 doors on your
left. When you reached the 3rd door, enter it to get 4 7.62 mm clips for your
AK 47 and 2 vest. You should only take one vest cause you never know when
you're needing the other one. And besides taking the other one isn't going to
increase the vest's power. Exit this room and enter through the other double
doors in this corridor. You will need to go through any set of doors. Once out,
take the door on your right(one that is nearest to the double doors that you
exited). Cause the other one contains a R93 sniper rifle which is of no use. Go
all the way and you will be at the balcony(one with metal railings as floor).
Once you exit through the other door leading off from the balcony, take the 2
sniper ammo on top of the crates if you like. Go straight ahead till you reach
an area sort of the dining place. Did you see the safe? Remember to take the AK
47 + 2 sniper ammo from the table should you need it. Notice that there are 2
stationary guards here and one patrolling guard. See the door just to the right
of the safe, hide yourself there and time the departure of the patrolling guard
away from the dining area. Make sure the door is close befor taking out your
bereta 92(silenced). The purpose is to wait for the patrolling guard to leave
the dining area then open the door and shoot at the heads of those 2 guards.
Due to the angle you are in, the 2 heads should line up nicely. Once taken out
those 2, turn to your left and wait for that patrolling guard to appear before
taking him out also. Know what the best part is? Is to take them out without
raising the alarm(check your information heads up display and hope it is not
red). After that, open the safe and take it's contents.

Safe in the storage room

Remember the long stair with 2 doors at the top after you rescue the CIA agent?
Well now you will need to take the right door. There you will find the safe and
the guard. Take the guard out and hide his body behind those crates. (Note: if
you have alarmed the guards after killing that guard where Lei Ling escape near
the big gate, then this guard guarding the safe will run to check that out. So
therefore if you arrived here without a guard, do not be alarmed. Just take the
Jade Figure fast and before he returned). Open the safe and take the Jade

Once you have gotten the Jade Figure, keep your weapons and head to the herbal
shop. After you have handed the Jade Figure to the old man, he will give advice
on how to take out Lee Hong's personal bodyguard and a secret passage into Lee
Hong's HQ. Then the old man will give you a bottle of poison(white powder of
great potency). This bottle of poison is to be used to kill Lee Hong. After you
walk out of the herbal shop, the big double doors to your right will open and
Lee Hong and his personal bodyguard Tzun will come into the restaurant to dine.
You better get your ass as far away from Tzun as possible cause he is the only
guard that see through your disguise. Now you will need a waiter costume
inorder to serve the food to Lee Hong, right? Head into the wash room(checkout
those small rooms on your map beside the kitchen) and wait for either one of
the green or yellow waiters(note both will enter eventually) to enter and look
into the mirror. I wonder if those are waiter or waitresses??? You have to jump
on either of them hide his body and put on his uniform. Move into the kitchen
and the chef will asked you to deliver that bowl of soup(looks like shark's
fin) to Lee Hong. Now is your good chance of using that poison on that soup.
You may have wonder, is that guard in the kitchen going to shoot you? Well with
those shades on, i don't think so. After the extra spice, take the bowl to our
Mr. Lee Hong. You will get a cut scene that Tzun will be that food taster for
Lee Hong and thus he himself got the poison and exposing you, damn it. After
the cut scene where you kill Tzun with the hardballer, quickly keep that
hardballer cause the guards will be alarmed and rush to the scene of crime. Now
with Lee Hong escape to his HQ with the main door locked, you may think that
all is lost. But do not reset cause didn't the old man tell you of another way.
Always learn from the old.

Get back into the basement by using the entry point in the kitchen. Once you
reached the basement, you will see 2 guards there. Ignored them and head
through the door infront of you. Follow the way to another door enter it and
turn right and go all the way, ignoring those 2 guards there. You should
arrived at an elevator. Take it into basement 2. Once you reached there, go all
the way to the back into another elevator. TAke it into the first floor. Now
you are inside Lee Hong's HQ. Move up the stairs infront of you. Look for Lee
Hong here. Know his path as he is pacing up and down thinking of when the
hitman will strike. I suggest go to the study room(one with the desk) and wait
for him. Make sure the guards will not see you kill him. When Mr. Lee Hong
entered the room, you can shoot him with the silenced beretta or the knife
after his back is turned. After the assassination, kill the guards that try to
stop you as you make your way down the stairs. Turn left there and you should
see 2 metal gate there. Enter it and take it down. Now you are at the docks
with a guard there. Pump him up and take the speed boat to clear the mission.

Alternate Way of Killing Lee Hong Without the Use of Poison 1

After Lee Hong and Tzun entered the restaurant, move yourself up to the brothel
area. Go through the same door to exit outside to the roof top(remember the
fence with the ladder area). Once you are there, wait for a guard to come. Take
him out and move across the roof. Take out the other guard patrolling. Now
there is 2 more guards here guarding the door to the guards quarters. I suggest
that you take them out also so as to avoid further problems(line them up, pull
out your silenced beretta and fire away). Make sure no alarm is raised. Now
move yourself to the power supply generator(surrounded by a fence) on the same
roof. Did you see that there are 2 big glass panel on the roof/floor(you
decide) with each to the sides of the power supply generator. Move around the
left one and look down. Oh you did see Lee Hong and Tzun down there. Take what
ever weapon you have now(i use those weapons from the 4 guards i took care of
here at the roof top) and rain down on our Mr. Lee Hong and Tzun(if you like).
This will kill him, i promise. Now either the alarmed is raised or not, now is
the chance to make your escape. Head into the basement preferably the entry
point at the kitchen. Once you reached the basement, you will see 2 guards
there. Ignored them and head through the door infront of you. Follow the way to
another door enter it and turn right and go all the way, ignoring those 2
guards there. You should arrived at an elevator. Take it into basement 2. Once
you reached there, go all the way to the back into another elevator. Take it
into the first floor. Now you are inside Lee Hong's HQ. Turn right to see a
metal gate/door. Go in and take it down to the docks. Take care of the guard
here and clear the mission with the boat. Note: should the guards be alarmed
after you killed Lee Hong, you will need to fight off the guards on the way

Alternate Way of Killing Lee Hong Without the Use of Poison 2

After you have served Tzun with the poison soup, try to get away as fast as
possible. Note that Lee Hong has escaped back to his little hideout. Change
your clothes if you think the guards will remember you. Now make your way
back to the place where you poisoned Tzun (after things are a little quiet down).
Head through the double doors where Lee Hong took when he escaped from the dining
hall. Instead of taking the right turn, move into the left turn and takeout
the guard there (make sure you are silent). Note that up to this point, you got
have a sniper rifle with you. From that place, bring up your sniper scope
and look for Lee Hong on the second level of his hideout. The view might be foggy
but once you see through the scope, everything is clear from that point.
Look for him between the right wall & right-most post. Remember you got only one shot
so make it count (just hit the head, OK). Once Lee Hong is down, alarm raised, you drop
your rifle and get yourself out of there and to the escape point.

Pls read the above paragraphs on how to get to the escape point.

From here onwards, you have successfully completed the Hong Kong mission.



Now this is a all new mission. Just like what you do in Hong Kong, here in
Columbia you have to complete 2 missions inorder to reach the main one. Here is
a new job from the agency in which you have to take out a drug lord name Pablo
Belisario Ochoa. For which his current location is in his secret hideout in
Columbia. So for the first 2 part of the main mission is to find this secret
hideout. This time, the map is simply 2 times or more bigger than the previous
map. Basically once you startout in this first map, you have to bring
sufficient weapons and ammos for this 3 missions. Well, there are ammos +
weapons points throughout the missions. Just look for a gold square icon with a
beretta and ammo on it. Word of advise is most of these ammo points are
guarded. And also sometimes there are mercenaries loitering in the jungle so
watch out for it cause due to their clothes, they are sometimes camouflage.
What i suggest is that you bring a powerful weapon and some ammo for your first
kill cause the rest of the weapons and ammos can be found at the weapon & ammo
points(you should wear your first kill clothes).


Objectives: Secure Religious Idol
Bring Idol to Indian Village

Money: $5,000

Recommended Equipment: Mossberg Persuader Shotgun(personal used)
Kevlar Body Armor

Note: For this mission, i save alot by bringing the Mossberg Persuader Shotgun
only and maybe the Kevlar Body Armor. For those who are first timer, i suggest
that you bring along something that packs a punch. Why i bring the shotgun is
that first i only need to pump up one enemy and borrow his clothes. Then head
to those weapons + ammos points and beef up my arsenal using, of course their
weapons. And trust me, if i said beef up, i mean beef up. How does M16A2, M60
and AK47 sounds. For this mission, if you kill someone(nobody saw that), keep
your weapon(your own) if someone approaches unless it is the standard
issue(AK47). They will not kill you should you not do anything stupid(take the
body's clothes or drag him).

You start off with a cut scene of our hitman arriving in Columbia. After you
regained control, quickly run towards the crash site and secure the idol. It is
because a group of mercenaries are on their way there. Check your map to find
the diagonally crossed circle with the word Crash Site on it. That is your
goal. If you bump into mercenaries(should be the recovering team) on the way,
ignored them as if you engaged them, your chances of surviving are slim. Once
you reach the site, look for a burning plane. Search around the floor for a
gold idol. Once you got it, open your map, see the nearest weapon + ammo point
icon towards the northeast side(one that is divided by a hill with alot of
little green dots on the other side). That's your next goal. When you are about
to reach there, draw your weapon and approached with caution. There should be 2
mercenaries standing there guarding the ammo. Take them out fast and take one
of their clothes and weapon(AK47). Also don't forget the ammo at the cart.

Should you decided to explore the place(assume you are in mercenary outfit),
and you got the info that the crash site is secured. Once you reached there and
take the idol, those mercenaries there will fired at you. Looks like no one
suppose to touch that.

If you think that the ammo may not be enough, then head northeast again into
the valley to look for 2 weapon & ammo carts. After you had restocked, head for
those green little dots directly southeast from your position there. When you
reached the village, take out the idol and the village guard will tell you to
go meet with the chief. Look for a group of people dancing and head towards
them. You will get a cut scene of giving the idol to the villager. Then the
chief will approach you for a favour and that is to rescue his brother that is
being captured by the mercenaries. He will mark the position on your map.

Move towards the river and take the route following the river. About half along
the way, there are 2 mercenaries standing guard among the trees. Try your new
weapon on them or ignore them. Once you have reached that place, you will see a
bridge with mercenaries and the captive there. Look around now. Did you see the
watch tower, hide your butt behind the trees and make sure no one can see you
making the kill. Now move in an angle and take out the mercenary at the watch
tower. Do not come out. You will see that some of those guards at the bridge
will come and investigate the body and wondering who did it. You can now shoot
them from your current position and wait for some more to appear before taking
them out. When there are no more mercenaries appearing, climb up the tower
press sneak mode take the sniper rifle there plus ammo. Press fire to bring out
the scope and aim for the mercenary in the watch tower at the far end of the
bridge(if you did not take out this mercenary, he will be alerted and your
position will be exposed). Bang!!! Once he is down, take out those on the
bridge one by one(leave the captive alive). They'll not know what hit them. I
love this!!! Note that there is a helicopter hovering along the river near the
bridge. And if you kill someone near the bridge, the helicopter will return
fire. Anyone has clues on how to take out that helicopter??? After all of them
are down, the indian boy/man will escape by himself. Make sure you take sniper
is with you and there are ammo to spare. Now head back to the village and ask
the chief for that location you desperate needed. You have to wait for the
indian captive to return before the chief can tell you the location should you
arrived earlier. After the conversation with the chief, this mission will end.

Note that what ever you carry in this mission will be brought forward into the
next mission and you cannot purchase any weapons or equipments. Hey, how do you
expect our hitman find the weapon & equipment shop in the middle of Columbia.


Objectives: Find the Secret Passage to Pablo's Camp

Money: $5,000

Recommended Equipment: What you have purchased or reaps from the
previous mission

Note: in this mission, you are to find the secret passage to Pablo's lair. This
passage is just behind the U'wa tribe's god 'Tezcatlipoca' or known as the God
of Dead. Which is actually a big leopard. You cannot kill their 'God' as this
will bring this mission to a halt. Either you run very fast past that beast or
bring him some scooby snacks.

Need a weapon, then at the start, head to the temple that looks like a 'W' on
the map. When you reached there, drop down the hole in the center and take the
ammos and the M16A2.

Use the Wild Boar

Now if you noticed, that there are 2 excamation icons here. Well the one in the
south is actually the place where the 'God' resides. Which also means that the
secret passage is directly behind it. Now for the other excamation is that
there are a few wild boars there. Of which the good part is that you can kill
it any bring it for the leopard to dine on. The bad part is that the
mercenaries nearby will be alerted by the sounds of gunshots that they will
attack you. Just kill all the mercenaries there and leave the tribesmen alone.
Should there be not enough ammo+weapon, take the M16A2 as recommended in the
above paragraph.

Use the Mercenary

There is a little trick is that you have to keep that sniper rifle from the
previous mission and once you start this mission, snipe those 2 mercenaries
ahead. The rest of the mercenaries will not be alerted. Now drag one of the
body all the way to the leopard for it to dine on. You kill the mercenary, you
bastard!!! Make sure you move the body out of the others mercenaries's sight.
Try the run drag it is much faster(consists of left/right movement + short
burst of running).

Run Right Past the Leopard

This is tha safest of all. Once your sniper rifle is holstered, the mercenaries
will not attack you. You will run to the leopard's area and wait for the
leopard to wander away from the secret passage. Then run right through to the

For either of those ways you tried, you must not kill the leopard cause killing
it means turning those tribesmen on yourself. Once you reached the opening, you
will get a cut scene that our hitman will crawl through that hole. Then this
mission is cleared. By using this way, you should have about just 10 or more
sniper ammo for the next stage.


Objectives: Eliminate Drug Lord
Blow Up the Laboratory
Use the Airplane to Escape

Money: $30,000

Recommended Equipment: What you have purchased or reaps from the

previous mission

Note: By now, you will probably curse yourself for wasting so much ammo. Well
do not blame yourself as you will find ammos and weapons here. The '!' icon
found in the northwest & the south contains weapons and ammos. If you want to
kill any mercenary on the ground, take a look around to check if you will be
spotted by the watch tower guard. And if they saw you doing your stuff, the
watch tower guard and the surrounding mercenaries will be alerted.

Well i hope you still have the R93 sniper rifle with you, cause you need it to
snipe those tower guards. If you have noticed, that i have not bought a knife
in the first place cause if you checkout the crate around the area(near where
you crawl through the hole), you will find 5 pentagon knives and a kevlar vest
Take what you need and use that sniper rifle to snipe the watch ahead. If you
zoom in, you will find the there are 3 watch towers there(one will be further
away from the other). Take out those 3 towers guards. Make sure you do it fast
as there will be a patrol group moving from your right towards your left just
outside of the fence. You must hide yourself well and avoid any detection.

Now which way you go is dependent of you. If you take the left way(around the
fence cause the main entrance is south), it is longer than the right one but
you will be less likely to be detected. And there are no sentry guards near the
jungle. For the right way, just to the top left hand corner area are 2 sentry
guards near a big tree. They are to either side of the tree facing the tower
guard. And with the tower guard's back to you, you can sneak up on them one by
one and take them out. But the problem is that towards the far left side
fence(when check from the map) there are 2 more sentry guards there. So you can
either be very quiet when taking out those guards at the top left hand side of
the map or snipe the 2 guards at the far left hand side of the fence when check
from the map. When you are doing all this, make sure those tower guards or the
patrols did not see you in their field of vision(those tower guards are not
there for show, they got to have eagle eyes inorder to be tower guards). Snipe
those tower guards with your remaining shots. Note that when you zoom in on a
tower guard from afar, look at how the guard will turn his head in your
direction. This means that he has saw you. So take him out with one shot. And
make sure not one of the tower guards saw you killing another mercenary cause
they will recognised you. Just make sure you used those trees to your
advantage. And also if you are not sure whether you have take out all the tower
guards, check those small square dots the map.

Should you ran out of ammo, just go to the south side of the map towards the
'!' icon and take the 7 7.62 mm clips & 2 AK103 with 1 kevlar vest. After you
have those, just walk or run into the hideout. If you are being shot at, it
means that what you did earlier(killing those mercenaries) has been discovered
by others(others saw you did the killing). If you want sniper ammo, you can
take them to the first left hand tower the moment you go through the main gate.
There is a sniper rifle in the tower towards the left hand side of the
tent(assume you stand below the tower with the sniper ammos and looking north).
But i advised you not to take it as there are guards nearby. Ah! Forgot to
mention, that you must never drag or take the weapons from the dead guard. If
you did, those mercenaries nearby will open fire. Move to the second tent
starting from the left to aquire a beretta 92 silenced with ammos and a vest.
Take out those tower guards that you miss at the north side of the hideout(can
sneak up on them and use your knife). Once they are out, you will need to go
into the big house there. You will get a cut scene on Pablo sniffing cocaine.
You should move yourself to the main door to the house(where it is guarded by 2
guards). Take the left door(smaller one). Once inside, you should see 2 guards
separated by a wall. Take out either one then the other. Sneaking + slashing
throats is best used here. Note that there are windows here. Which means that
if you did not take out those tower guards, they will saw what's happening
inside the house. Now checkout every door except the one on the second
floor(big double doors leads to Pablo). Silenced everyone you saw in those
rooms. Make sure you close the doors first. When you arrived at a room with a
guard's back to you, i assume he is preparing something. Take him out and just
opposite him is a door. Open it and you will find a guard guarding it. Take him
out and make sure no one outside saw him going down. Now make your way to the
main hall. You should see a guard here with 2 stairs to the second floor. Wait!
Do not kill him first as there is another guard on the second floor just
outside of Pablo's room. If you kill the guard first(one in the first floor
main hall), the guard on the second floor will come down and attack you. There
is a way to kill him. Noticed the double door directly opposite the guard, Go
through it and close the door. Now you are back to where you first enter into
this house. Drag either one of the corpse there and position it near the
window. Now open the double doors and the guard in the main hall will be lured
here. Once he is through the double doors, close it and sneak up on him and
either knife or silenced him with your pentagon knife or your beretta 92

Take the stairs on your left assuming you are facing Pablo's room. Go into the
first room killed the guard and take the beretta 92 silenced with ammos on the
couch. Go through the door here and take out the guard there. Head over to the
other side of the second floor ignoring the double doors in the center(Pablo's
room). The first door you came to is the toilet with a guard inside. If you go
in, he will attack you cause everyone wants privacy, right? Set up your
silenced beretta but not drawing it out. Run right in and take it out and start
blasting him dead. Make sure you close the door first. Next into the room next
door. Once inside, take the ladder up and take care of the guard there. Go back
into the main hall and take out the guard guarding Pablo's room.

If you need some more firepower, you will have to exit through the main door.
See those 3 tents infront of the house??? Go to your right and in the first
tent, there are 2 M16A2 rifles with 8 clips to go with it. There is nothing to
be found in the second tent. Now move to the stand alone tent(the left one if
you stand infront of the house facing those tents). There are 4 machinegun
ammos and a minigun. Cool!!! Should you want to go crazy and start shooting
every mercenaries, i recommend later. There are 4 more machinegun ammo inside
the hangar with a M60. I know what you are thinking, how about taking out Pablo
with the minigun, it should be so cool!!! Just make sure no one saw you
carrying that minigun around and you will be fine. Now go and treat Mr. Pablo
to a nice minigun banquet. Hint: holster the minigun so that our hitman can
move faster. When you enter into Pablo's room, Pablo's will start firing at you
with his M60. Hide behind the wall and once after Pablo's shots are fired, come
out and start firing at him(aim for the head for a good kill). Duck back behind
the wall should Pablo fires at you. Doing this and Pablo will taunt you and
start moving around the room(he will not come out of his room). Do not fear as
eventually he will fall from lead poisoning(those ammos you pump into him).
Take the bomb on the table. Get out of the house and if you encounter any
mercenaries on the way, sent them to accompany Pablo.

Head to the laboratory but you must pass the second gate. You can enter into
the laboratory either by the ramp or the stairs. Either way, take out the
mercenaries(guarding the entrance) and those inside the laboratory. Once that
is done, move behind the shelves and look for a flammable sign. You will need
to place the bomb there and now make your escape. Move yourself to a safe
distance and take out the detonator and detonate the bomb. You will get a cut
scene on the laboratory being bombed. Now take out your best weapons and to the
hangar to catch a plane. Kill anyone who tries to stop you. When you reached
the airplane, a cut scene will be shown.

Alternate Way of Killing Pablo

Once you start the mission, move to the crate of knives & kelvar armors. It is
somewhere near the crawl hole during the cut-scene. Just go into sneak mode and
take out the tower guards & patrolling guards from that point. Note that you
should have the sniper rifle from the previous missions. Now use the scope and
look at the direction of the mansion(house of Pablo). Look for Pablo's head and
snipe at it. You should be able to take him out with one shot. After the kill,
just go in and take the bomb and blows up that dead man's lab. The rest of the
mission is still the same.

Congratulations!!! You have cleared this mission.


Ah!!! A all new mission. There are only one mission in Budapest. You will need
to protect some world leaders in a peace meeting in a posh hotel. Well actually
the main purpose is to create some potential customers for the Agency. Starting
from here, you will go back to your stealthy self again. But with some new toys
to play with. Sorry, these toys are for shows only. Try bringing one of them
into the mission and see.


Objectives: Eliminate Frantz Fuchs
Secure Terrorist Bomb
Escape to Rendezvous Point

Money: $55,000

Recommended Equipment: Fibre Wire only

Note: This mission exists only in Budapest and your purpose there is to prevent
the terrorists from blowing up the peace meeting. You need to take out the head
of this attack - Frantz Fuchs. Due to security reasons, there are weapons
detectors all over the place thus only fibre wire can be brought.

You started in a limo with a cut scene. Once you alighted from the limo and
regain control, go through the main entrance into the lobby. Move towards the
reception counter to your right. Talk to the guy there to get a cut scene. Now
you know that this Mr. Wulff is actually Frantz Fuchs and he is in room 202.
Now to get close to Mr. Wulff you need the cleaning boy's uniform. But you will
find that those doors with authorized personnel only are locked. So therefore
you need the master key to open it. Go around the rooms to look for cleaning
boy. Once you find them, they will leave their master key at the door. Just
take the key and they will not care. Go back to the lobby and take the path
east. Through 2 double doors and turn right. Go through the end to another
double doors. After that, you will see a 'Authorized Personnel only sign' on
the door. Enter it and take the uniform there. Now make your way to room 202.
The room is on the second floor. You will know the room is 202 as there is a
guard guarding it. If you try to enter through the door, the guard lets you do
so for 10 s so it is impossible to use this way to get near to Wulff. Looks
like we need to find another way.

Use the master key to open up the room next door 201. Make your way to the
balcony and wait there. The guard inside will come out for a breath of fresh
air. Once he went back in, jump across the balcony like in the training, sneak
up with your wire drawn towards the guard and take that last breath away from
him. Clear the stuff on the dresser into your pocket. They are letter from
Frantz, letter from Pablo, Luger P08 SD, dentist's business card, hotel key
(Fuchs) & a 'do not disturb' sign. You can read the 2 letters to know their
relationship with each other and checkout the business card. The name on it is
Fritz Fuchs same last name as Frantz Fuchs, brothers???. Next, time to take out
the competition, see that door closest to you, that's the bathroom. Our Fuchs
is in there taking a nice sweet bath. Hoped he need someone to scrub his
back(Damn, i don't like that red undies). Fuchs is to the top far left of the
room once you entered the bathroom. If you wants, you can open the bathroom
door and stay out of sight from Fuchs. Then lineup the shot using the Luger P08
SD(silenced). Nothing better to kill him than his own weapon. Open the door and
dash in and scrub his back(Fuchs). Leave the body there and now it is time to
take care of that asshole guarding the room. But before you do, drag the body
near the dresser into the bathroom. Open the door and sneak up on him but do
not take him out yet as there is a cop patrolling in this area and also a
cleaning boy. Watch for the cop & the cleaning boy. After the cop has passed
right infront of the door, check if the cleaning boy is around. If the coast
is cleared, take out your wire and take the guard out. Quickly drag his body
into the bathroom. If you like, you can change his clothes. But the most
important is to leave those 3 bodies inside the bathroom, cause if the cleaning
boy happens to come in during your appearance in this same room, the cleaning
boy will not saw the bodies in the bedroom(because you have move them into the
bathroom) and he will never go into the bathroom to check. When you are about
to leave the room, remember to take the black suitcase near the cupboard(it's
for containing the chemical bomb). Take out the 'Do not disturb' sign and place
it on the door to prevent anyone from entering this room. That's include the
cleaning boy.

Now to look for Mr. Fritz but first use the hotel key (Fuchs) at the reception
counter to checkout Frantz's mail. You will get 2 mail with one from Fritz and
one from the florist(old friend of the Fuchs). Looks like the bomb is with
Fritz. Maybe the Fuchs family believes in keeping the bomb within the family(on
offense to any real Fuchs family). And for the other mail, looks like the
florist have something for you. Checkout the map to see that the dentist is on
the third floor. If you have weapons(excluding the wire), you should dodge
those weapons detectors of which i would mention later. If you have forsaken
all pistols you have found so far, you should be able to past those detectors
without any problems.

If you have taken the desert eagle from the guard, you should take the nearest
elevator from where you are(assume you have not check the mail) to 1st floor.
That should clear you away from the 2nd floor detector. Take the elevator lift
all the way to 3rd floor after you check the mail. Note there are 2 elevators
here. You will arrived in the elevator on the right side. The other elevator
has a detector near it so i advised you not to go near it(not shown on map,
maybe a bug). Now move across the roof to the other side. Head your way to the
dentist and talk to the receptionist there(i wonder why our hitman is looking
for Herr Fuchs). She will tell you that Fritz is either at the restaurant,
casino or the thermal bath(that's where you can find the sauna & pool which is
on the first floor). Your mission is to find Fritz and take the key and
unlocked the bomb safe/room. He is the only guy wearing the white coat.

You have to exit the dentist office and turn right. Run all the way to the end
to a flight of stairs to the second floor. If you are going to the casino, you
are there just follow the map and stay away from those detectors. For going to
the thermal bath or the restaurant, take the first small door to your right.
You will run across the main hall using the balcony. Exit through the other end
and take the nearest elevator there to the first floor to reach your


If you talk to Fritz there, you will know that he likes fatty foods and the
recommendation is foie gras. Looks like it can be the cause for heart or
respiratory disfunction. You cannot kill him there unless you want the whole
town to know that you are there. You can either wait for him to move into the
washroom and take him out over there. But remember to hide the body in the
cubicle. If you like to watch the cut scene, go back to the receptionist and
asked for his whereabouts.


You will find the man you are looking for in the casino sitting at the bar
counter having a drink. Talk to him and you will start a conversation on what
color to bet on the roulette table. Don't kill him there as there are the
bartender with the bouncer there. You will alert the whole place if you start a
fight there. Go back to the receptionist to ask for his next whereabouts.

Thermal Bath with cut scene

This is the hitting place. You will have to takeout Fritz here. There is a pool
guard there that will not allow anyone in their clothes into the pool. You have
to change in the last booth. You will leave all your stuff behind once you
change. Look at those trunks! Forget about the wire/pistols as you have another
interesting way of killing Fritz. That is to steam him. Once you have change,
you will see that the pool guard will stand near the swinging door which leads
to the main hall. Looks like no semi-naked body run around in the hotel. You
can play with the showers here but your main concern is Fritz. Look for him at
the pool. If he is not there checkout the sauna on the right side of the pool.
If he is inside, talk to him and he will tell you how to kill him(how
thoughtful of him). Activate the valve in the other room to get a cut scene on
how this fish is steamed. Go in and take the key once the show is over. Note
that how both brothers wear the same type of G-string, wonder which designer
they favours.

Alternate Way to kill Fritz

I have been told that you can drown Fritz in the pool at the center. I have not
try it. Maybe you can. But you may have to deal with the fat lady guarding the
women's side.

After getting the key to the chemical bomb, change your clothes and how about
picking up the special package from the florist. Use the same route to get
yourself to the 2nd floor(near the conference room). Go through the double
doors into the conference room and make your way to the florist. Show the
letter from Fritz to the florist and he will give you the special package.
Looks kinda heavy don't you think? Actually it is a Mossberg Persuader shotgun
with 5 rounds of ammo. I suggest you better not take the shotgun as you will
not have room to carry the bomb case. If you open the flower box and take the
shotgun out, you can no longer place it back into the box. So for those who
wants to use this shotgun, take it out at the last moment. You would not want
to carry a shotgun and running around the hotel, would you?

Move back to the dentist area on 3rd floor. Remember the roof, head for it and
we can enter through the window from there as the door to the dentist office is
guarded. Once you reached the roof, look for a window partially open and of
different color on the west side of the roof. Climb in and better not make a
noise. Go to sneak mode and draw your wire as you will need to take out the
guard standing near the window to your right once you entered through the
windows. After taking out the guard, go through the double doors here and you
find yourself behind that guard guarding the office. Take him out without fear
of the receptionist screaming as her field of vision is blocked by the door.
Drag the body away from the door. Now go to the X-ray room for that bomb. Our
hitman will automatically place the bomb into the bomb case. All the required
objectives are completed and now is to make your escape.

Check the map for 3 blue blinking circles. They are your escape route. If you
take the front doors, you will set off the alarm once you pass those metal
detectors. Just run to the end and you will get a cut scene and you'll clear
this mission. Or you can make a soundless escape by taking the backdoor. Just
take yourself to the 1st floor and past the restaurant into the kitchen and to
the back. Go through the double doors with exit sign on it and turn left to
clear the mission.

Remember that meat cleaver the big lady guarding the women's pool talking
about, you can find it in the kitchen along with some kitchen knives.

Alternate Way of Play 1

Well, the new way of play is that you have to bring a beretta 92 silenced from
th start. After you alighted from the limo, run to the corner of the building
away from the police guards and angle yourself so that you are inlined with one
of the police guards. Blast out that guard and you will get a warning in your
infomation window that tells you that nearby guards are being alerted. Once the
first police guard is down, the other one will charged at you. Kill him fast,
stripped him clean and then keep all your weapons. Now you can past those
weapon detectors without afraid of setting them off(you are in the police
outfit, right?). Once you have done all this, those cops that rushes out later
will not noticed anything wrong. Just carry on the mission as explained in the
above. Thanks Devon for this tip!!!

Congratulations!!! You have cleared this mission.


This is a 2 missions roll into one as you as the hitman has to find the source
of Lee Hong & Pablo flow of weapons. And that person is Arkadij Jegorov which
is known as Boris. Boris is the weapons supplier of the Hong Kong gangsters and
Columbia's mercenaries. And these missions is to find and terminate this
source. For the first mission is relatively simple but for the 2nd one is a
killer. For the place is huge and you get killed easily.


Objectives: Place GPS Tracker in the Gang Car
Move GPS Tracker to the Suitcase
Give the Suitcase to Ivan

Money: $50,000

Recommended Equipment: Beretta 92 Silenced, GPS Transmitter,
GPS Receiver

Note: the GPS set dinner is a must should you want to complete this mission.
You need them to track a car so as it can lead you to the warehouse where the
transaction will take place. I also recommended the beretta 92 silenced as it
is probably the only weapon you need. Should you need weapons, aquire them on
site. So it is actually cheaper to bring the beretta. Next see the map and take
note of the big blue circle /w arrow. That's the train that is running
aimlessly at the dock. See the smaller blinking blue circle infront of the
train, that's the lever to switch the train tracks(levers are found nearly at
all intersection). There is a time limit here near the warehouse where the
transaction will take place. Time limit will go off after you take out those
punks at the warehouse.

As you start out under those big harbour cranes, go forward and stand somewhere
near the train tracks and wait. After some time, you should see a guy moving
from the west towards the east infront of you. Follow him to somewhere near the
warehouses to the east and take him out with you beretta. Drag him to somewhere
safe from other's view and strip him of his UZI and his clothes.

Check your map, see the yellow circle? That's the car you need to rig with the
GPS. Proceed there on the double. You should see a red car infront of the
sleazy bar. A guard is guarding the door into the bar. If you did not change
into the punk's clothes, this guard will not let you in. Now you are in the
punk's clothes, do not rigged the car now or you are in big trouble. Looks like
you need to lure the guard here away. You may asked why not kill him? It's
because he should be the driver of that car. Go inside the bar and you will
hear an enchanting music. Now a woman will come onto the stage to dance. The
first time i saw her, i thought that she was nude but on closer look, she's
wearing her inner clothing. You should see that there are 2 other persons here
and that's the bartender and the punk with the same old jacket(you had one too
right). Talk to the bartender and he will arranged a private session with the
lady on stage. You should be thinking something else. Let me tell you, i don't
think so. Let's wait for her at the backstage. Talk to her once she comes in.
Now you'll know why you don't get that luck. Sandy will go out there and lured
the guard away. After they head into the back alleyway, rigged the car now with
the GPS transmitter. If you are fast enough, you can rushed to them and check
out the game they are playing. Wow, Sandy must like poles alot. You don't get
anything better than that. Swing those buns baby, wohoo!!

After the game, you will see that the punk in the bar will come out and
together with guard outside, they will board the red car and head for the
transaction location. Now is the time to check that receiver from time to time
until that car stops(just open up your map and see that red bleep). I have
tried giving chase at the car and guess what, the car actually goes right
through the metal fence!!! Must be some ghost car.

Now you will find the car stopping at either one of the 3 warehouses: west,
east or south. Those warehouses have a name for it: Pakhuis #11-14(you should
zoom into the map inorder to see the name). And to make matter worse, you are
being stopped from going into that area by a chain-locked fence. But check out
the train track leading to the fence. This means that you can re-route the
crazy train to your advantage. That the train is going to help you smash that

Go to the north of the map(somewhere near the place where you start). See the
train intersection, you will also see a arrow sign showing the direction where
the train will move. Activate the lever(track icon on the map) there to change
the arrow's direction to left. Now head to the center part where the tracks
will branch off to the west, east & south. By default, the train will run south
but should you need to change directions, activate either one of the levers
there to change the train's directions to west or east. You can also check the
directions on the map once you have switched the tracks.

After you get into the warehouse area, prepare to take out those dogs guarding
around the warehouse. After that, look for the car and retrieve the transmitter
from the car as you need it to rig the suitcase. You should have noticed that
there is a staircase to one side of the warehouse. Take this staircase up and
you are on the 2nd floor of the warehouse. Just make sure you know which
direction has a stairs link to the 1st floor. Now just bring out your beretta
and let either one of those goons downstairs see you and viola!!! They are
alerted. Make sure you are well hidden from the higher piles of boxes and
facing the direction in which there is a stairs link to the 1st floor. Now wait
for them to come upstairs and just blast them away. Not enough ammo you say???
Use the UZI eariler or simply take those UZIs from these fallen goons. After
you have taken all of them out the information window(in blue color) to the
upper left will tell you that Ivan is on the way and you have 3 minutes.
Actually these 3 minutes is for you to clear the scene of crime as Ivan is a
chicken. He will cancelled the deal if he saw any bodies lying around.Now just
hide those bodies away from the stairs and make sure you will not see the pile
of bodies from downstairs. After which, go downstairs and look for the
suitcase(it's full of money). You cannot take it of course. Pick up the
suitcase and just open up your inventory and select the GPS Transmitter and a
cut scene will show you that it is being placed into the suitcase. By now, just
wait for Ivan to come through the nearest door and you will get another cut
scene. Chicken, is he??? Wait for Ivan to leave and you will end this mission.

Congratulations!!! You have cleared this simple yet facinating mission.


Objectives: Eliminate Boris
Nuke Must Be Disarmed
Take Ship to International Waters

Money: $75,000

Recommended Equipment: Checkout the 2 modes of play

Note: now this last mission of Rotterdam wants you to kill Boris the arms
supplier. The complexity of this stage is of nothing you ever seen in those
previous missions. You must never get noticed by the guards or they will tell
Boris and he will activate the nuke and this mission is over. You have to deal
not only guards on the ground but also snipers and dogs. Practically you have
to be stealthy and 100% on your kill. There are 2 ways of tackling this mission
of which i will explained in details later. Remember that you cannot pass a
guarded gate without alarming those guards as you have no verbal password.

Mode 1

Recommended Equipment: Walter WA 2000 Sniper /w 50 ammo, Pentagon knife,
Beretta 92 Silenced

In this mode, you are actually going to snipe your enemy to dead(basically
almost killing all the guards). At the start, climb up the ladder and run ahead
of you until you hit the train block. From there hit sneak mode and take out
your knife. See the nearest warehouse? At the bottom right hand corner(should
you check the map), there is a guard with his back to you should you sneak up
to him from the train block. Slashed him and take his MP5 & clothes. Run ahead
and in between the 2 warehouses. See the other guard patrolling with his back
to you, take him out. You can leave his body there(in between those
warehouses). Now find a place around there and drop your sniper rifle. Run to
the northeast of this area(have not pass any gate) and you should be near the
fence with a train block nearby. Wait for a patrolling guard to come close then
silenced him with your knife. Take his MP5 and drag his body in between the 2
warehouses(better do it fast as the 2nd patrolling guard is moving in on you).
Once you have stashed the body, take your sniper rifle and sniped the 2nd
patrolling guard(he should be at the train block there if you are fast enough).
You can kill him in one shot even though he is moving. Now run to the train
block there and checkout the roof of the nearest warehouse from there(use your
sniper rifle's scope as it acts as a binoculars). See the sniper on the roof,
sniped him. Now sneak mode and line up yourself with the fence to your right.
Go to sniper's scope mode and did you see the 2 guards guarding the gate
infront of you? Now line up their heads(make sure that their faces are not
facing you) and take aim at their sides of their heads and fire that shot. If
you do it right, you can kill them will one shot. It is because if you shoot at
them with either of their faces facing you, the shot actually kills one of
them. Must be the thickness of the masks which stops the shot. Anyway, should
only one falls, just take out the other one either in the chest or the head.

Now you can go through that gate will ease. After through the gate, go forward
and hide behind the nearest house to your right. Use your sniper's scope to
checkout the east side from your position there. You should be able to see the
second gate well guarded and there are 2 patrollers moving there. Checkout the
patrollers as they are quite a distance apartand they will stop from time to
time. The trick is to wait for one of the patroller to stop behind the house
there(away from the view of the guards guarding the gate) and snipe him. Wait
for the other patroller to find his fallen comrade(he should run near to the
body). After he is close to the body, snipe him also as if you are not fast
enough, he will go and inform Boris to detonate the nuke. So killing fast is
the key to survive here.

Now head north from your position. You should be in the open space with huge
metal cylinder containers to your right. Drop your rifle somewhere there and
then wait for a patroller to appear between the fence(north of your current
position) and the huge metal cylinder container. You can sneak up on him and
kill him with beretta 92 silenced or knife. Leave his body there and head east
along the fence. You should stop once there are no more huge metal cylinder
containers to you right. Wait for another patroller heading your way along the
same fence. Take him out and then go back to re-aquire your sniper rifle. From
the position where you pick up your sniper rifle, head directly east all the
way till you reached the fence. Once you are near the fence, turn right and use
your sniper's scope mode. You should see 2 guards guarding the gate. Hit sneak
mode and line up their heads and give them the bang. Once they are out, you
should get a red information display telling you the guards are alerted. Now
from your current position, stand or crouch, use your sniper's scope mode and
checkout the fuel containers(rounded metal containers on stilts) to slightly
your left. Look on top and you should be able to spot a enemy sniper on
top(move around in your position until you can see him as sometimes he is being
blocked by the fuel container). Take him out and you should have no problem.

Turn 180 degree(the fence should now be on your right) and go to till the end.
Stop there and bring up your scope to the east side. You should a dog there but
do not kill him now. Instead, position your into the darkness and wait for 2
patrollers. Take them out then go for the dog as dogs don't know how to
communicate with Boris, joking. Now move in that direction. Did you see a door
opening with wooden crates there to your right? Stop near the crates with the
opening and bring up your scope mode. Checkout the area eastwards somewhere
near the north fence. You should be able to see a dog behind the fence there.
Take it out and move to it's position. You are now at the far northside of the
map. Scope time, check along the area opposite the far northside of the fence.
See the dog guarding the gate(cannot be open). It is facing northwards. Go for
the eyes and viola, a dead dog. Note that sometimes th bullet will go right
through the head of the dog and hit something in the background(sparks and a
wisp of smoke). So make sure the patrollers on the other side of the fence is
not there. Now head along the far northside fence to the east. Once the fence
runs rightwards, there is a dog somewhere there. So snipe him out. If you swing
your scope southeast(using map as reference), on top of those huge metal
cylinder containers, there is a sniper. Don't kill him yet. Instead head
towards the dog's body and turn right, you should be facing south. At the fence
directly across infront of you, there are 2 patrollers there. Make sure they
are far apart from each other with one of them heading to your left. Bring up
your scope if you cannot see them. Once either one of them headed to your left,
holster your rifle and make sure he does not see you. Sneak up on him with
bereta 92 silenced out and follow him tills the fence on your right is about to
end then take him out. Run to fence to your left from there and pull some
distance away from the body. Now wait for the other patroller to find this body
and then you just snipe him.

Now to go for the weapons at the weapons icon on the map. Did you see that
there are 3 pier fingers(joined to look like a 'm')? There are 2 warehouses
near the 3rd pier(counting the pier from left to right). The arrangement should
be the same as the one found in the 1st pier. Move to those warehouses and make
sure you 'stick' yourself to the far end of the map when getting there. Do not
cut across the map to get there. Once you get there, stand a safe distance and
look south to see a train platform(wooden). Somewhere there has a dog standing
guard. Snipe it and head south. You will see that there are big trucks with
cargo containers there. Ready your weapons as there is another dog among the
cargo containers. Finished the dog and go up one of the cargo container to
aquire some more firepower. There are car bomb, MP5SD, Franchi PA3/215, Walter
WA 2000 sniper, sniper ammo, beretta 92, beretta 92 silenced & hardballer. Take
what you need and exit the container. Once out, check with your sniper scope
north side of your current position. It should be somewhere near the barrels
that a guard has barricaded himself there. Take him out and then go back to the
betweens of the 2 warehouses and take out those 2 dogs there. Next follow your
previous trails back to the far northside of this map. Make sure you 'stick'
yourself to the fence. I have told you about the sniper up on top of the huge
metal cylinder containers somewhere here previously, right. Now take him out.
Find a comfortable position and now is the time to take out alot of guards.

Pls use your scope for the next recce. Noticed that from your position(far
northside of the fence), you should see that there is a gate guarded by 2
guards(one on each side of the gate). Well look along to your right, there is a
guard standing between 2 small buildings and a dog facing you. There is another
guard standing behind the 2nd small building to the right among some barrels.
Now move to the far right of the fence(using map as refence) and prepare to
take out those guards guarding the gate. Take note that there maybe more than 2
guards(should the guard in between the 2 buildings decided to check). After
that, move right along the fence taking out the guard(may not be there is taken
out eariler) and the dog. Move on further and also take out the guard behind
the 2nd building. There should be a locked gate infront of you. Scope time and
look beyond the gate and move to your right. After passing the guarded gate at
the far background, you should see a guard standing behind a building with his
side facing you. Give him a shot. Now back to the gate and finished those 2
guards there. Another guard will run through that gate once you start shooting.
Take him to his friends(kill him of course). Now move right and go through the
door opening with crates(near the first huge metal cylinder containers you
saw). Make your way pass the metal containers there and head southeast to reach
the fence. Find the fence where it bends into another direction(in between
buildings). From that position, sniper scope the warehouse roof to the east(map
reference). See the sniper at the edge of the roof? The trick is to snipe him
and make sure that his body will not fall off from the roof, remember inverse
kninematics? From that position, it is the best as if shoot from other
positions, the body will fell and alert the guard below. After he is down on
the roof, head to the warehouse. After passing the gate, turn into your left
and go all the way til you hit the warehouse. Turn left again go forward. You
are now at the back of the warehouse in which the dead sniper on top resides.
Go somewhere in between the 2 warehouses but do not go in. Position yourself
and bring up your sniper scope. Look for the guard standing in between the 2
warehouses. Once he is sniped, retraced your route to the gate. Now you should
be at the gate facing the big black pitch of darkness ahead. Use your scope and
checkout the direction southwest(map reference). There is some crates there.
There will have 2 patrollers over there(they will move from the darkness ahead
of you to those crates) so you just make sure nobody is home and run to those
crates and drop your rifle(don't worry as you'll get it back). Move into the
darkness and should you check your map, you are at the 2nd finger pier. Wait
for the patroller to come near you then hit sneak mode and take out your knife
after his back facing you. Go up and attacked him. Drag his body behind those
crates and now back to where you attack him. Now wait for the other patroller
and use the same trick. Now head to the southeast(map reference) to reach the
1st warehouse there. You see an external staircase into the warehouse. Stand
under the staircase and wait. For there is a patroller coming from the east
side(map reference).Kill him(sneak mode + slashing/beretta, silenced) after he
reached your position(under the staircase). Wait further after you kill him as
another patroller will to checkout this body. Only then, bring out your beretta
92 silenced and shoot him(preferably from behind his back). Now go back and
retrieve your sniper rifle from those crates. After getting the rifle, move
eastward to the end of the warehouse. You should stay quite a distance away
from the warehouse. Once you reached the eastside of the warehouse, you will
see a limo(same limo as the one Ivan has taken in the previous mission). Sniped
the guard guarding the limo. Should any patroller rush to the limo, take him
out also. Now if you have taken out 2 guards at the limo, you will be left with
1 patroller who is patrolling the 2nd warehouse further in. If not, you will
left with 2 patrollers patrolling the 2nd warehouse. Wait for them and then
take them out.

After they are out, run to the limo and place that car bomb. Now drop your
sniper rifle and head for the stair which leads to the top deck of the ship(try
not to be too close to the stairs as if you are carrying the sniper rifle). And
there are 3 guards guarding the stair with 2 facing the northside and one
facing the east direction(map reference). Now take note that the ship has 2
sailing mast(long erected pole for sail). There are 2 guards at on top of those
poles with each guard to it. Now go around the stair to come up behind the
guard facing east(map reference). Sneak and attacked him and drag his body
nearer to the ship. Strip him of his clothes(important) and weapon(if you
like). Go around to the stairs and behind those 2 guards. Pull out your beretta
92 silenced and rain down on them. Make sure you kill them fast before they
alert anybody. Hide their bodies near the ship and head up the stair to the
ship. Once on the deck, you should see that 2 patrollers are patrolling on
either side of the ship. Go to the back of the ship and wait for them to come
to you. Take them out one by one.

Now find any door on the deck and enter into the ship. There are 2 stairs
leading down(right & left stairs. Take either one of them down. Once you
reached the next deck, take the stairs closes to you to go further down(right
for right & left for left). Don't worry as both stairs will reached the same
destination. As you reached next deck, go all the way right if you take the
right stairs eariler(for left, go far left). See a short stair(for both right &
left), go up and through the door. For those who took the left way, once you go
through that door, turn left again to see a stair leading further down. For
those who take the right way, you have to turn right and look for this stair.
Actually this stair leads to the engine room. There are about 3 engine room
guys here & Ivan. Go in and make a mess of the place(kill everyone). By now
Boris should have activated the nuke but do not worry as the nuke is in the
other end of the engine room. Just go up press your action button on the
control panel of the nuke on your right. After a while, either before or after
you disarmed the nuke, you will see a cut scene where Boris entered his limo.
After he start the engine, boom and that's take care of one objective. Back to
hitman. Look around the room and you may find a Minigun. Either use this to
clear the rest of the rodents out or just for the camera.

Now make your way all the way onto the main deck where you need to choose
between right & left stairs, remember? Look for 2 stairs on both sides and go
up. You will come across a doorway with short stair infront of you. Go through
it and take the ladder outside up. Now you are on top of the ship. There are 2
doors here but they leads to one area. Go through it to reach the control
bridge of the ship. Looks like time to change captain matey! Introduce your
minigun to the captain. Then start the engine at the controls to clear this

Mode 2

Recommended Equipment: Pentagon knife, Beretta 92 Silenced

This is a more subtle way of handling this mission. First climb up the ladder
and run towards the train block infront of you. Now hit sneak mode with your
knife drawn. See the nearest warehouse? At the bottom right hand corner(should
you check the map), there is a guard with his back to you should you sneak up
to him from the train block. Slashed him and take his MP5 & clothes. Run ahead
and in between the 2 warehouses. See the other guard patrolling with his back
to you, take him out. You can leave his body there(in between those
warehouses). Now quickly run towards the northwest( map reference). You should
see a gate and 2 guards. Do not go near the gate as the guards there will say
'what are you doing here?'. If you insist and open the gate, you will be hunted
down. This is because you do not know the password. So the trick is to wait for
the patroller to say the password and then you just follow him through the
gate. You must be moving in the same direction as the patroller. So stand a
safe distance and wait for the patroller to do his job and you just follow him
through. Once through, run east and follow the finger pier around. You will
come across the 2nd gate. There are also 2 patrollers around so do not feel shy
of using them to go through the gate. Once through, move northeast passing the
round metal fuel tanks and you should see a fence to your right. Follow the
fence to the east and you'll come across the 3rd gate. Use the same trick to
get through. After you are through, run southwest(map reference) and you'll hit
the 2nd finger pier. You should see 2 crates there. Wait here as there are 2
patrollers patrolling this area. They will come from the darkness from the
south. Take them out and if you like you can leave their bodies there. Now
head to the southeast(map reference) to reach the 1st warehouse there. You see
an external staircase into the warehouse. Stand under the staircase and wait.
For there is a patroller coming from the east side(map reference).Kill
him(sneak mode + slashing/beretta, silenced) after he reached your
position(under the staircase). Wait further after you kill him as another
patroller will to checkout this body. Only then, bring out your beretta 92
silenced and shoot him(preferably from behind his back). Go to the 2nd
warehouse further south. There are also 2 patrollers here. You must go to the
southside of the 2nd warehouse where there is an open space there. Wait for the
patroller to come to you from the right of the warehouse(assuming you are
standing at the southside facing the 2nd warehouse). Take out both the
patrollers one by one. Now for the only guard guarding the limo to the right of
both warehouses. Kill him with your beretta silenced to the head.

Note that you have no car bomb to rig the car as you did not head to the ammo
icon as stated on the map. So you have to create a diversion inorder to lure
Boris to this limo and then complete that objective. Go over to the stair and
you will see 3 guards there. Go behind the guard standing alone and slashed
him. Take his clothes and then go over to the other 2 guarding the stairs. Move
close to them with their heads line up and then pull out your beretta 92
silenced and start blasting away. Make sure you do this fast and no alarm is
raised. Keep your weapon and go up the stairs. There are 2 patrollers here
patrolling the sides of the ship and 2 guards up the 2 ship masts(long pole for
the sail). Go to the back of the ship and take out the patrollers respectively
as they come to you. Go back out to the stairs where you take to get on the
ship. From that point, take out both guards on the 2 ship masts. Once they are
down, it is time for diversion. Checkout the open cargo hatch near the front of
the ship. You should spot a couple of guards down there. Fire at them and take
out as many as you can. Once you get Boris activating the nuke, run to the
bottom of the stairs which leads to the ship and wait for Boris. Should there
be any guards coming at you, you know what to do. You will know Boris by the
difference in clothes and shades on. Once Boris is history, run into the ship.
Killing Boris and you can have 2 letters from Frantz & Lee Hong both whom is
part of the dirt by now.

Now find any door on the deck and enter into the ship. There are 2 stairs
leading down(right & left stairs. Take either one of them down. Once you
reached the next deck, take the stairs closes to you to go further down(right
for right & left for left). Don't worry as both stairs will reached the same
destination. As you reached next deck, go all the way right if you take the
right stairs eariler(for left, go far left). See a short stair(for both right &
left), go up and through the door. For those who took the left way, once you go
through that door, turn left again to see a stair leading further down. For
those who take the right way, you have to turn right and look for this stair.
Actually this stair leads to the engine room. There are about 3 engine room
guys here & Ivan. Go in and make a mess of the place(kill everyone). By now
Boris should have activated the nuke but do not worry as the nuke is in the
other end of the engine room. Just go up press your action button on the
control panel of the nuke on your right. And takes care of the nuke. Look
around the room and you may find a Minigun. Either use this to clear the rest
of the rodents out or just for the camera.

Now make your way all the way onto the main deck where you need to choose
between right & left stairs, remember? Look for 2 stairs on both sides and go
up. You will come across a doorway with short stair infront of you. Go through
it and take the ladder outside up. Now you are on top of the ship. There are 2
doors here but they leads to one area. Go through it to reach the control
bridge of the ship. Looks like time to change captain matey! Introduce your
minigun to the captain. Then start the engine at the controls to clear this

Congratulations!!! You have cleared a almost impossible mission.

Hint: by using Mode 2 way of killing Boris, you have letters from Frantz & Lee
Hong. Lee Hong talked about this professor who supply him with men. What kind
of professor is that??? And Frantz's letter shows that he is kind of scared and
wants to split the fruit. Well we all know that Frantz is being split, alright.


This the final stages of the the game. You will find out the cause of all this
missions and your true identity. And how that barcode mark get onto your back
of your head(see closely during game play). Those men Lee Hong's letter talked
about in the previous mission will also come to light.


Objectives: Eliminate Doctor Kovacs

Money: $100,000

Recommended Equipment: Nothing to equip but if you like, bring a Kevlar
body armor

Note: the start is a little creepy as all those gangsters, druglord,
professional killer & guns dealer you have taken out are missions order by the
same client. Now looks like this client is paying you alot more money just to
kill a doctor. Something is not right as you cannot purchase any weapons. Looks
like you have to A.O.S(aquire on site) for weapons in the asylum.

A cut scene will show that our hitman has arrived at the asylum. Notice the
symbol on the gate, familiar right? That's the symbol of this game. After you
gain control, head up the asylum and through the main door inside. Once you are
through the door, a clerk will come to you and a cut scene will show. Hitman
will present his name and says that he is looking for Dr. Kovacs. Listen to the
clerk as he is giving the directions to Dr. Kovacs office. Next follow him into
the main hall and then the clerk just went back to his post. Wait for a while
as the clerk eariler will call 'Professor' Ort-meyer. This is the 'Professor'
mention in Lee Hong's letter previously??? Once you have regained your
composure, go through the door opposite the dorr in which the clerk resides.
Take the childrens book from one of the shelves there. Now head all the way
upstairs and go through the door there. You are now in a laboratory. Aquire the
UZI, Franchi PA 3 & 3 shotgun ammo there. Try not to alert the personel in this
facility by carrying a weapon in your hands. So avoid the Franchi. Move back
into the main hall and enter into the double doors at the northside(map
reference). You have arrived in a circular room with a fountain in the center.
Head northwest into the corridor without a stone cravings at the top on the
doorway. Go pass the gate there and you should come across a set of 2 double
doors on each side of your right & left(the far left double doors is actually
the elevator). Take the double to your left closest to you. Look around the
sink area and you will come across 2 rubber duckies. Take only one of them and
take the elevator up to 2nd floor(remember the elevator nearby?). Once you
arrived at the 2nd floor, turn right and next to the elevator is the washroom.
Go in and look for a first aid kit on the wall. Open up and take the syringe
inside(remember to out it away). This little gift is for Dr. Kovacs. Now go
into the room on the left after you exit from the washroom(the door is directly
to the left side of the double doors infront). Go on in and approaches Dr.
Kovacs(guy behind the desk) and a cut scene will show that hitman will have a
nice conversation with him. After the conversation, hit sneak mode and go
behind Dr. Kovacs. As you are moving even closer to Dr. Kovacs, you will get a
scene where the SWAT team have arrived and are looking for you(courtesy of
Professor Ort-meyer). After the scene, quickly take out the syringe and plugged
it into Kovacs. Once he is silenced, take his clothes and put your syringe
away. Move to the notice board beside the window and take the sanitarium key.
This key will open all doors and gates. By now those SWATs should have found
you. But you have changed into a doctor so they will not bother you. So try not
to fight them as mostly you'll get yourself killed.

There is a door opposite Kovacs's office with a Franchi PA 3, Walter WA 2000
sniper rifle, 3 sniper ammo & 2 shotgun ammo(should you decided to take on the
SWAT). Remember that you have collected a children book & a rubber duckie, well
there is another item and that is a teddy bear. Go through the double doors
next to the offices and into a big operation room. Turn right from there and
through the door. After you go through the door, turn right again and through
the door. You should see a teddy bear on the bed infront of you. Take it.

Now to find the owners of those items. Actually those items belongs to the nuts
here. Head back out into the operation room and go through the door infront of
you. Once through, look for a nut and talk to him. He will tell you something
about a book. Get the clue??? Just give him the book(equip the book and right
click when close to the nut). After that he will say something about the
antidope? Do we really need to trust a nutcase? I don't think so.

Need weapon??? There are plenty on the 3rd floor. There are M16A2 + 4clips,
hardballer + 2 ammos, 3 UZI clips, a Mossberg shotgun & 3 shotgun ammo. Make
sure that you had a weapon on you(those can be place inside your coat). This is
for emergency.

Just take the stairs at the far eastside which says roof access and go up the
stairs til the end. Once you reached the roof top, there is a locker there with
a Mossberg shotgun + 4 shotgun ammos. Move across the roof and exit through the
other roof top door(do not fall from the roof as this will end your life). Go
down the stairs and once you reached a floor, go forward and turn into the
double doors on your right. You will see a guy sitting on a chair with his head
swinging side by side. Talk to him and you will notice that he is the CIA agent
you rescue from Lee Hong's underground basement in 'THE LEE HONG ASSASSINATION'
mission. And he is drugged. He'll also tell about your identity and that is you
are a clone created by using DNA. The person who created you is non other than
Professor Ort-meyer. Looks like you need to find the antidote for him. Checkout
the metal caged counter in this room. Go in and open the locker and take the
antidote. Give the antidote shot to Mr. CIA and he will show you the secret way
into the basement. Just follow him. The only trouble is that this guy doesn't
know how to open a door!!! By the end, he will lead you to the elevator. And
then you'll get another cut scene where Mr. CIA tells you that the entrance is
at the bottom of the elevator shaft. Then he will take the elevator up thus
revealing a set of stairs down there. Just go down and you will cleared this

Congratulations!!! You have completely inflitrated the asylum.


Objectives: None but you purpose is to kill everybody here(it's kind of

Money: None (it's revenge)

Recommended Equipment: What you have carry from the previous mission

Note: you should have saw the cut scene where hitman is being recorded on
camera. This means that professor Ort-meyer knows you are here. This is the
last mission so don't hold back. Just shoot anything that moves.

Go through the gate with your weapon drawn and blow up the clerk behind the
desk. Take the shotgun with 3 ammos in the locker beside him. Through the gate
there and you will get a cut scene of 10 Tobias Reiper lining up with one of
them go to the scanner to be scan using the barcode at the back of his head.
Now you know what that barcode on your head is for. After the cut scene, head
into the gate on your right. Then turn right into the room. Exit through the
doorway infront of you and all the way till you reached a metal door on your
right. Enter it to get the minigun. Now get out of that room and through the
gate infront of you. You should see another gate infront of you once you pass
the gate. Notice the passageway to the left, move there and hide againist the
wall(the wall to your back). Leave a gap so that you can see the second
gate(open end). From the point where you got the minigun till up against the
wall, holster your minigun inorder to walk or run. Those hitman will show
themselves through the gate so therefore you are in a good position to take
them out. Remember they are more deadly than you and their shots are more
likely to kill you instantly with pin point accuracy than any other enemies you
have met so far.

Note: after you have saw the 10 hitman cut scene, rushed to take the minigun
then set yourself up behind the wall(good position)with the gap for kill. You
have to do this fast as every time a clone is released, you'll get a blue info
displayed showing 'Releasing Clone'. So by moving fast, you will not have 2 or
more clones hunting you down. Should you do it fast and right, the first clone
being released should not have reached the gate.

As you know that the minigun has a lagged time every time you press the fire
button before it spurts out ammo. The trick is to click the mouse once to let
the barrel spin. The next time you click the mouse, those shots will spurt
forth without lagged time. Once you saw the first hitman, blast him till he is
history. You will then get the blue displayed showing another clone is
released. Click the mouse to set the minigun up and wait. Do this over and over
again until no more blue display showing releasing clones. Only then you are
sure that you have taken out those 10 hitman.

Sorry, forgot to mention about the weapons and ammos here. Remember after you
pass the gate and then you see the 10 hitman scene, well there to the left
passageway and the first door left is a shotgun ammo on he shelf. After you got
out of the room, turn left and through the gate there. You notice something
familiar about this place, this place is the last part of the Training mission.
Remember the clerk behind the desk??? If you do, treat him to a nice supper of
leads on his account. Take the 3 smg ammos, 3 shotgun ammos, kevlar armor & a

On to the last part of this mission. Drag either one of the bodies(clones) pile
up near the gate. Move yourself and the clone back to the clone releasing room
with a foot sign on the floor(look around and you will find it). Approached the
foot sign and you'll get a cut scene where our hitman scans the clone's barcode
so that it will open the door to professor Ort-meyer. Should you be in here
without the clone's body, you'll be gas. Notice the room Ort-meyer is in, it is
completely white. Another dimension perhaps???

There are 2 endings to this game, i think? Cause once you saw Ort-meyer, kill
him and you'll get a true ending(credits rolling). Watch the head snap on
Ort-meyer, luv it. The other ending is that Ort-meyer will use a stun gun on
you and thus knocked you out. After that, you will wake up on a bed just like
the starting cut scene. Anyway, congratulations to you for being so patience
for my walkthrough.


Below are some of the fun ways of playing certain scenario. These are
contributed by gamers who email me.


---You can buy the sniper rifle and the beretta 92(with lots of ammo).
At the start snipe the guy at the window(bodyguard of Frantz).
Dropped all your weapons(exclude the fibre wire). Note that now you
have beretta ammos(purchase earlier) for the Luger at Frantz suite.

---You can bring a knife and drop behind the left cop without crossing
the detector. After that, cross through the detector and pickup that
knife(no use of knife for this mission though).

---Can drown Fritz(the guy with the lab coat) if he is in the water.

---Avoid killing the guard guarding the suite of Frantz by placing the
'Do not disturb' sign after you have kill the guard & Frantz inside.
This sign also prevent the cleaning boy from entering.

---Bring a sniper rifle if you are rich, then snipe the guard that comes
out for a breather inside Fuchs room at the start of the scenario.


Hand held (For sneak attack)

Name: Oyabun Knife
Type: Traditional Japanese Knife
Length: 9.46"
Price: $65

This Oyabun Knife makes a much quicker draw and slash compare with the Fibre
Wire(you must be in the sneak + up close to the target).

Name: Pentagon Knife
Type: Specialist Army Knife
Length: 12.57"
Price: $50

This is a army knife which is much longer than the Oyabun knife but their uses
is the same. Note that longer is cheaper cause Japanese knife is known for
their sharpness.

Name: Fibre Wire
Type: Fibre Wire. Does not trigger metal detectors
Length: 80 cm
Price: $110

Though slower attack compare to the knives, it gives the rush of seeing your
target struggling for breath when you crushed their windpipe. The bonus is it
is made of fibre(you know what i mean later into the missions).

Pistols (For short range)

Hand Held
Name: AMT 1911 'Hardballer'
Type: Semi-Automatic
Caliber: Pistol
Magazine Cap: 7
Length: 8.5"
Weight: 38 oz
Price: $550
Ammo Cost: $5 per clip

Normal recommendations by the Agency. Slightly more powerful than the Beretta
92 but makes a hell of a noise. Maximum number of ammo carry is 150 rounds.

Name: Desert Eagle Mark XIX
Type: Semi-Automatic
Caliber: Magnum
Magazine Cap: 7
Length: 10.75"
Weight: 71.4 oz
Price: $1200
Ammo Cost: $6 per clip

Although costly but sure pack a hell of a punch than the normal Hardballer.
Maximum number of ammo carry is 130 rounds.

Name: Beretta 92
Type: Semi-Automatic
Caliber: Pistol
Magazine Cap: 15
Length: 8.5"
Weight: 34.4 oz
Price: $475
Ammo Cost: $10 per clip

Looks like the silenced type cost a $300 more. Has the same fire power as the
silenced type.Maximum number of ammo carry is 150 rounds.

Name: Beretta 92, Silenced
Type: Semi-Automatic
Caliber: Pistol
Magazine Cap: 15
Length: 15.1"
Weight: 39.2 oz
Price: $775
Ammo Cost: $10 per clip

Most important it is silenced so guards nearby will hear the sound. Uses the
same bullets as Hardballer. Maximum number of ammo carry is 150 rounds.

Submachineguns (For short to medium range /w 2 hands)

Name: Israeli Military Industries UZI
Type: Sub-Machinegun
Caliber: 9 mm
Magazine Cap: 32
Length: 17.1"
Weight: 8.41 lbs
Rate of Fire: 650 rpm
Price: $900
Ammo Cost: $22 per clip

You know if it's the UZI fast rate of fire but can really drain out on your
ammo. Should be use for more than one enemy together.

Name: US Army M60
Type: Light Machinegun
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Magazine Cap: Belt Fed
Length: 42.1"
Weight: 23.1 lbs
Rate of Fire: 550 rpm
Price: $1900
Ammo Cost: $50 per belt of 50 rounds

Damn powerful for this one cause it uses the 7.62 mm caliber rounds and 1
rounds is $1 but you must buy a belt of 50 though. Maximum number of mmo carry
is 300 rounds.

Name: Heckler & Koch MP5
Type: Sub-Machinegun
Caliber: 9 mm
Magazine Cap: 30
Length: 14.5"
Weight: 6.141 lbs
Rate of Fire: 900 rpm
Price: $2200
Ammo Cost: $21 for 30 rounds

Real drain on your ammo if not kept in check. Basically favours by the SWAT for
it's accuracy and for good close combat attack. Maximum number of ammo carry is
150 rounds.

Name: Heckler & Koch MP5SD
Type: Silenced Sub-Machinegun
Caliber: 9 mm
Magazine Cap: 30
Length: 14.5"
Weight: 6.141 lbs
Rate of Fire: 900 rpm
Price: $2700
Ammo Cost: $21 for 30 rounds

Same as the MP5 w/o silencer. With the silencer attached, the cost increase by
$500. The only good side is you do not have to worry about the noise. Maximum
number of ammo carry is 150 rounds.

Automatic rifles (For medium range to long range /w 2 hands)

Name: Kalashnikov AK 47
Type: Automatic Rifle
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Magazine Cap: 30
Length: 37.1"
Weight: 8.05 lbs
Rate of Fire: 600 rpm
Price: $700
Ammo Cost: $30 per clip

The all time popular rifle. Do not have a good accuracy though. Powerful when
up close. Good for storming in on masses(group of enemies). Maximum number of
ammo carry is 100 rounds.

Name: M16A2
Type: Automatic Rifle
Caliber: 5.56 mm
Magazine Cap: 30
Length: 39.6"
Weight: 8.79 lbs
Rate of Fire: 700 rpm
Price: $600
Ammo Cost: $24 per 30 rounds

Though it is less powerful than the AK47, due to the rate of fire and it's
range, you can shoot a faraway target and still get it whereas the AK47 will
miss frequently. Maximum number of ammo carry is 100 rounds.

Shotguns (For short range /w 2 hands)

Name: Mossberg Persuader Shotgun
Type: Pump-Action Shotgun
Caliber: 12 guage
Magazine Cap: 6
Length: 38.5"
Weight: 6.75 lbs
Price: $285
Ammo Cost: $1 per round

It's powerful and loud so unless you want the good hardcore action, this is for
you. On the down side is you need to reload after each round thus giving more
time for the enemies to shoot you. The good side is it is cheaper than the
normal handgun on both the gun + ammo.

Name: Franchi PA3/215
Type: Pump-Action Shotgun
Caliber: 12 gauge
Magazine Cap: 3
Length: 18.5"
Weight: 5.4 lbs
Price: $350
Ammo Cost: $6 for 8 rounds

Well it is a shotgun which is good for close up shot. The good side of it
compared to Mossberg Persuader is that it can hold 8 rounds instead of only one
round. And $6 for 8 rounds is a real bargain compare to $1 for one round.
Maximum number of ammo carry is 50 rounds.

Sniper rifles (For far range /w 2 hands)

Name: Blaser Jagdwaffen R93 Sniper
Type: Sniper Rifle
Caliber: .308 Winchester
Magazine Cap: 6
Length: 42"
Weight: 12 lbs
Effective Range: 800m
Price: $1550
Ammo Cost: $2 per round

You'll get this sniper rifle in the early stages of the game. Do not have
semi-automatic firing capabilities(after one shot, has to reload for another).
Makes less noise than the Walther WA2000 Sniper. Maximum number of ammo carry
is 50 rounds.

Name: Walter WA 2000 Sniper
Type: Sniper Rifle
Caliber: .300 Win Mag
Magazine Cap: 6
Length: 35.6 "
Weight: 15.9 lbs
Effective Range: 1000 m
Price: $9525
Ammo Cost: $12 per rounds of 6

The weight & length is lesser than the R93 but the price is sky rocketed to a
wopping $9525. The good points are it is semi-automatic(means that it only
finishes firing 6 rounds before reloading) unlike the R93, you have to reload
after every shot. The range is longer too from 800-1000 m but the ammo cost is
still the same as of about $2 per round. Maximum number of ammo carry is 50

Gatling gun (For all ranges except far /w 2 hands)

Name: M 134 Minigun
Type: Medium Gatling
Caliber: 7.62 mm
Magazine Cap: Belt Fed
Length: 35.4 "
Weight: 35 lbs
Rate of Fire: 10000 rpm
Price: $10750
Ammo Cost: $1000 per rounds of 1000

The most powerful weapon in this game. And at 10000 rpm, i'm sure no one can
dodge it's bullets. With this baby in your hands, you cannot run but if you
holster it, you can run like normal. So that note. And the only down side of
this baby is that you have to wait for the barrel to spin and then only those
ammos can be fired. That's about 1.5 s. But there is a tip for it. That's to
fast click your mouse once to spin the barrel and then click again to fire
those ammos out. Maximum number of ammo carry is 6000 rounds.


Name: Car Bomb w/Remote Detonator
Type: Remotely Detonated C4-Explosives
Length: 8.3"
Price: $3000

To be place only in cars inorder for it to work. Move to the driver's side and
use it. A cut scene will show hitman placing the bomb. This bomb as it's names
implies can be detonated remotely but wait for about 1 s maybe due to the

Name: Kevlar Body Armor
Type: Kevlar Body Armor
Weight: 1300 g
Price: $900

It will took enemy's shot first instead of your body. Still your life gauge
will depletes if the shot happens to land on your limps or head. Just like in
the real life. Basically try to keep the armor above 50% inorder for it to work

Name: Compass
Type: Light weight military field compass
Weight: 150 g
Price: $80

Basically you do not need a compass in all the missions. The map is enough.
More expensive than knives.

Name: Binoculars
Type: Military grade optics binoculars (7 x 50 mag)
Weight: 950 g
Price: $750

May need this for the night, in the jungle or large maps of open area. Has
night-vision too. Too expensive though.

Name: GPS Receiver
Price: $0

......No Other Bios On This Item.......

The price is $0 due to this item came with the Transmitter should you bought
the Transmitter.

Name: GPS Transmitter
Price: $4000

......No Other Bios On This Item.......

Price is high but it gets the job done. Remember to click on the receiver
should you purchase this transmitter.


Name: Derringer

A 4 ammo mini hand pistol. Normally carry by ladies. This weapon will only show
up when you cheat.

Name: Sawn Off Shotgun

As the name implies this baby can be carry under your coat or suit. Normally it
is the handle that's is being sawn off. This weapon will only show up when you

Name: Meat Cleaver

Mincing and chopping meat. Found for example the Budapest mission in the

Name: Kitchen Knife

Found in the Kitchen. Fish restaurant in the early stages.

Name: Bomb On Pablo's Desk

To blow up Pablo's Laboratory. Pablo's hideout!!!


Use the Find files & folders from the start menu of your Win 95 or 98.Key in
'HITMAN.INI' and the computer will look up this file for you. Open it up once
you found it(actually this file is in the hitman folder). At the very end of
the file, add the line 'enableconsole 1' without the quotes and save it.

During gameplay or at the laptop screen, press the tilde key ("~") and the
console should drop down. Enter the following for each cheat:

god 1 = Invincibility
invisible 1 = The enemies can't see you
giveall = All items and weapons for the mission
infammo = Unlimited ammunition for your weapons(ammos will
automactic replenish once you reload)

NOTE: use 'enableconsole 0' to turn off the cheats.

This cheat can be found in all major cheats & gaming site.


You can email me at acid_wolf2000@yahoo.com.sg



Thanks all those who email me especially:

Devon (told me about bringing guns to the Traditions of the Trade

Christian Wallman- christian.wallman@telia.co-(told me on the fun ways
of playing Budapest)

Kenny Yu- kennyyu@singnet.com.sg-(told me how to take out Pablo with the
CiCAK- cicak@idigi.net.my sniper rifle)

Michael Godfrey- the_soulreaver@hotmail.com-(how to equip 2 weapons from
the weapon menu)

Black Dragon- blackdragon@ameritech.net-(alternate way of killing Lee Hong)

Dan Chaulk- zognar@hotmail.com-(Pointed out some of my writing mistakes)

Thanks for your viewing pleasure!!!

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17.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Октябрь 2013
Alle Level spielbar

17.Октябрь 2013
Leider keine Beschreibung verfügbar

18.Октябрь 2013
Engl. Lösung

18.Октябрь 2013

18.Октябрь 2013
Dt. Trainer für Rüstung und Gesundheit

15.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013

17.Октябрь 2013
11.Февраль 2016
30.Декабрь 2013
30.Январь 2018
01.Декабрь 2014
04.Март 2019
13.Декабрь 2013
25.Июнь 2019
07.Июнь 2019