Commandos - Behind Enemy Lines

Commandos - Behind Enemy Lines

13.10.2013 18:51:05
Commandos : Behind Enemy Lines FAQ/walkthrough
made by Kildread2 (


1. Introduction
2. Special Terms
3. Beginner's section
1. Green Beret
2. Sniper
3. Sapper
4. Marine
5. Spy
6. Driver
7. Enemy Units
4. Walkthrough
1. Mission 1 : Baptism Of Fire
2. Mission 2 : Discret Explosion
3. Mission 3 : Backward Throttling
4. Mission 4 : An Eye For An Eye
5. Mission 5 : Blind Justice
6. Mission 6 : Leopold's Menace
7. Mission 7 : Hunting Wolves
8. Mission 8 : Fireworks
9. Mission 9 : Courtesy Call
10.Mission 10: Icare Operation
11.Mission 11: In The Soup
12.Mission 12: On the Roof
13.Mission 13: David And Goliath
14.Mission 14: D-Day Kick Off
15.Mission 15: End Of The Butcher
16.Mission 16: Fire Halt
17.Mission 17: Before Dawn
18.Mission 18: The Strength Of Hazard
19.Mission 19: Frustated Revenge
5. Credits & Legal Stuff


1. Introduction

Well, the amount of strategy required to play this game is quite high and most
impatient people get bored with the game after a while! So I've decided to come
up with this FAQ/walkthrough document to help you get pass those hard missions.
Don't be surprised if updates are small because it can be sometimes hard to
design "the perfect run" to do a mission flawlessly. Enjoy!

Friendly tip : Don't let the frustation level get too high! Shut the game down
when you begin to get angry!!


2. Special Terms

GB : In the walkthrough section, I'll put the abbreviation GB for talking about
the Green Beret, makes it shorter.

SN : Abbreviation to talk about the Sniper in the walkthrough section.

SA : Abbreviation to talk about the Sapper in the walkthrough section.

MA : Abbreviation to talk about the Marine in the walkthrough section.

SP : Abbreviation to talk about the Spy in the walkthrough section.

DR : Abbreviation to talk about the Driver in the walkthrough section.

IN : Abbreviation to talk about the Informant in 2 specific missions.

*BEEP* : When I tell you to do a *BEEP*, you must put the lure down then
quickly turn it on and off to lure 1 or 2 Guards only to it.

Silent Zone : When I speak of the Silent Zone, it's the area in the map where
you can't do anything suspicious or being fired at without setting off the

ESCAPE! : The escape is when the objectives are accomplished (The alarm is
probably ringing), get the hell out of here by any means necessary! (Easier
said than done) Usually, I explain this step in detail.

Edge : An edge is a position where you are just a little step from being seen
or out in the open.

Well that's probably all of them! If you want to know anything else about
special terms, e-mail me!


3. Beginner's section

This section for beginners to explain what your different members of the group
can do. Especially useful if you didn't (or can't) listen to the training
section of the game! Also overview the enemies.



LIFT AND MOVE EXPLOSIVE BARRELS : Just click on a barrel and he will pick it up
and you can move with it, you can also hide corpses in barrels by clicking on a
corpse when the Beret is holding a barrel.

CLIMBING : The only character that can climb rough surfaces without needing a
ladder. To know if a surface is climbable, just pass the cursor over it and see
if you see the cursor morph into a T-like form.

MOVING CORPSES : The Green Beret can pick up a corpse and put it hidden
somewhere, a very useful skill. Right-click to drop a corpse.


HAND ICON : Let you pick up various things. This Icon does a "Grabing"
animation when you can pick something up.

KNIFE : Let the Green Beret kill silently and instantly, even if the guard sees
you, you might kill him before he shoots. Just remember to hide the corpses!

9MM STANDARD ISSUE PISTOL : Usual equipment, mostly used as last resort defense
as it sounds the alarm usually. Can also be used to lure guards when alarms
won't sound.

SHOVEL : (Only available in specific missions) Let you bury in sand or snow. It
takes some time to bury yourself so watch out because he stands up when doing
it. Even if guards step on your body, they won't discover you. Right-click to
get out.

LURE : A small machine that emits white noise to lure guards, sometimes guards
will only turn around to watch instead of going for the source. Ideal to kill
guards in safe place because you can bring them in isolated areas using this.
Remember to pick it up after use!

A final note : Be aware that the Green Beret is probably the most useful
character in the game and you will end up using him a lot!



He can shoot his Sniper Rifle while inside a boat, useful if you need to get on
safe ground and you can't.


HAND ICON : Let you pick up various things. This Icon does a "Grabing"
animation when you can pick something up.

9MM STANDARD ISSUE PISTOL : Usual equipment, mostly used as last resort defense
as it sounds the alarm usually. Can also be used to lure guards when alarms
won't sound.

SNIPER RIFLE : Extremely long range, this is used to get rid of pesky,
intouchable guards. Remember to be sure to hide the corpses!! This rifle is of
a special kind and you usually have a rather small ammo clip. Make each bullet
count! The lens of the Rifle will be in the red when you can't fire, probably
because you're too far or there is something blocking the way.

FIRST AID KIT : When the Driver nor the Spy is in the mission, the Sniper will
have the First Aid Kit on him. Contains a varying number of doses. If you've
been shot at, usually the alrm is sounded so just reload instead of trying to
help up and fire at everything that moves!

A final note : Mostly for use against high-placed guards that nobody else you'd
be able to shot down, be aware that guards from lower levels can still see
thier comrade fall, but they won't see the corpse if you let it there. Serves
only at very specific locations and usually justs tag along with the group.



The only character that can pick up and handles explosives.


HAND ICON : Let you pick up various things. This Icon does a "Grabing"
animation when you can pick something up.

9MM STANDARD ISSUE PISTOL : Usual equipment, mostly used as last resort defense
as it sounds the alarm usually. Can also be used to lure guards when alarms
won't sound.

TRAP : This trap will kill any guard that steps in it, good to use in
combination with the lure, but I usually use the knife of the Green Beret
instead. If you use it, be aware that the trap only works ONCE and must be
rearmed after. Guards won't see it also. (They'll see the corpse on it however!)

TIMED EXPLOSIVE : This bomb is a time bomb, you put it down and it starts
ticking away! It should only be used at the end of the mission before the
ESCAPE! phase. You usually have those to blow up objectives only.

TRIGGER EXPLOSIVE : Same firepower as the Timed version, but this one can be
put down early because it can be triggered anytime. Use them before the ESCAPE!
phase. You also have those for objectives only.

GRENADES : Used to get rid of patrol groups, sounds the alarm immediatly
usually, use them with care as you can blow yourself up if you throw them too
near, You can throw them over walls also!

WIRE-CUTTERS : This is simply to cut wires no extras with it and you need it
only for a few missions.

A final note : Usually the character that prepares the objectives elimination
part, mostly tags along for the mission however. Can be useful because he has
Grenades sometimes!!



The only character that can pilot any vessel or ship that goes in water.


HAND ICON : Let you pick up various things. This Icon does a "Grabing"
animation when you can pick something up.

KNIFE : Let the Marine kill silently and instantly, even if the guard sees you,
you might kill him before he shoots. Just remember to hide the corpses! Less
useful with the Marine because he can't move corpses.

9MM STANDARD ISSUE PISTOL : Usual equipment, mostly used as last resort defense
as it sounds the alarm usually. Can also be used to lure guards when alarms
won't sound.

PNEUMATIC BOAT : Transportable type, you can't use it to get accross rivers and
pick it up the other side. Even if you took the boat from the enemies, when you
use it, enemies will consider the boat as an enemy's so they'll destroy it,
don't let that happen!! Always pick it up to be safe.

UNDERWATER EQUIPMENT : When you get in swallow waters, you can use the
equipment to swim underwater, enemies won't see you as long as you stay
underwater. However, they must NOT see you submerge in the first place because
they'll shoot you because they know you're under water! Using this you can get
to place where other people could have trouble (except for the spy that is...)

SPEARGUN : Same as the Knife, but fires at a short distance. Use the knife,
it's only a fanciest way to kill silently.

A final note : He still commands your water transportation and he can be used
to kill isolated guards on islands. Can be very useful in certain situations.



INCOGNITO MOVING : When he has the Officer Uniform, he can move around the map
like an enemy soldier, as long as he doesn't make any suspect moves, he won't
be seen.

MOVING CORPSES : The only other character than the Green Beret that can move
corpses, truly useful because of his injection skill.


HAND ICON : Let you pick up various things. This Icon does a "Grabing"
animation when you can pick something up.

9MM STANDARD ISSUE PISTOL : Usual equipment, mostly used as last resort defense
as it sounds the alarm usually. Can also be used to lure guards when alarms
won't sound.

LETHAL INJECTION : Works like the Knife, but a little slower and it doesn't
leave any blood stains, a clean kill. Be sure to hide the corpse somewhere!
Also, don't move using this cursor because you'll blow your cover that way!

ENEMY UNIFORM : When your cover is blown, the uniform is automaticly removed,
if you're safe again (Out of enemies Sight Range) you can put it on again.

DISTRACT : Using the rank of the uniform he is wearing, the Spy will distract
guards to look away from thier normal points, distraction can be maintained
indefinetly. You can even distract patrol groups be using this on the sergent.
Easily one of the best skills in the game!

FIRST AID KIT : When the Driver is not a part of the mission, the First Aid Kit
will be on the Spy. Contains a varying number of doses.

A final note : The Spy along with the Green Beret makes up the 2 most useful
characters in the game! The Spy distracts while the Green Beret cleans the way!
The Spy is the best character because he can tread around the map unharmed
while in disguise.



He his the only character that can drive any land-based vehicules or stationary
weapons. Tanks, Trucks immobile artillery. To fire a vehicule-mounted gun, hold
the Ctrl button and click where you want to fire.


HAND ICON : Let you pick up various things. This Icon does a "Grabing"
animation when you can pick something up.

9MM STANDARD ISSUE PISTOL : Usual equipment, mostly used as last resort defense
as it sounds the alarm usually. Can also be used to lure guards when alarms
won't sound.

FULL AUTOMATIC RIFLE : A weapon that is brute force only, kills any guard in 1
hit and fires in an arc pattern, produces too much sound to be useful.

FIRST AID KIT : The Driver has a First Aid Kit to heal injuries in your group.
Contains a varying number of doses.

A final note : I always found that the Driver doesn't serves much through the
mission, only near the end when you acquire vehicule of some sort that he his a
little useful.


ISOLATED GUARD : This one is easy prey usually, it's a guard armed with a rifle
(non-auto) that just stands at one place without moving (sometimes turns
around). Easy kill usually.

MOVING GUARD : Same as the isolated type, but they move in a patrol pattern,
learn the pattern and act in consequence, you can usually get rid of them
pretty easily.

PATROL GROUP : from 2 to 8 (yes 8 men) in patrol, you kill 1 and they
immediatly sound the alert (if possible). Extremely hard to get rid of, use
caution, learn thier patrol patterns and try to sneak by unnoticed. The 1rst
guard is usually an officier armed with a pistol and the others are armed with
full-auto rifles. Deadly.

TRANSPORT TRUCK : Nothing in particuliar, just moves across the map. Usually
needed for something. Takes a few hits from guards to be destroyed so watch it
if you use it.

PATROL BOAT : Patrols the waters, armed with a Gatling Gun, very deadly. To get
rid of or stay as low as possible.

SDFKZ 231 : A small tank with a Gatling Gun, can be destroyed with continuous
rifle fire, if you're good you can empty a map out with this. However, watch
out for those if they're on the move as the only way to destroy this is by
explosives. (Destroying them by gunfire before they shoot you down is

PANZER II : Armed like the SDKFZ, however, it's invincible to gunfire. If you
control it, just kill everything you see. The only way to get rid of this one
is explosives too.

PANZER IV : Armed with a Gatling Gun (for close-range) and a normal Cannon (For
long-range). It's clearly the worst possible enemy to encounter. Don't hope to
get rid of this easily. If you control it, empty the map out has you are
invincible and you can easily take out other tanks.

210MM CANNON : Armed with only a Cannon, this is used to get rid of any
vehicules, but it will fire on your men also, you can never acquire this
vehicule for yourself.

SUBMARINE : Armed with 2 torpedoes, wreck havoc in water, I don't know if you
can submerge with it however.

GATLING GUN : Immobile Gatling Gun, very deadly if used against you. Using it
for yourself is pretty stupid because you're in plain view when you use it and
can easily be overpowered.

ARTILLERY BATTERY : Much like the Anti-Tank Truck, however it's immobile now,
mounted there and cannot move. Used to get rid of vehicules that bother you.

SURVEILLANCE BUNKER : They're here to watch out, but I think they've got a
Gatling Gun also, to get rid or to stay clear of. (only explosives will destroy

BUNKER : This is where enemies come out when the alarm is ringing. Sometimes
can be destroyed with explosives.

MOTORCYCLE : Used for transportation, they can go alert the base with this so
watch out!!!

UNDERGROUND MINES : You can't see them, but you'll know if there is one when
you step near it.... You guessed it... BOOOOOMMM!!!

ELEVATED GATLING GUN : Same as the normal one, but you can't reach the guard to
stab him or kill him with the pistol. The only way is explosives or Sniper

BLITZ OPEL : A vehicule used to transport fuel. Highly explosive. 1 shot from
any weapon will make it go BOOM! Use that as your advantage.


4. Walkthrough

This is it, I've begun what many e-mails were urging me to do. Don't expect an
"instant walkthrough" this will take time to make up. You'll have to wait for
those hard missions. Sadly, it's been far too long since i touched the game
that I couldn't possibly be getting back to writing a decent walkthrough for
the very last missions :(


Norway, February 1941. Norway is occupied by the Germans since the withdrawal
of Narvik, in June of last year. The Luftwaffe is occuping the airfields of
Trondheim, Herdla and Stavanger. Those strategic locations make all the
northern sea accessible for German bombers.

The first mission of your team is to attack the lightly-defended radio station
of Sola. For an infiltration mission for Stavanger's airfield. This will
interrupt the enemies' radio communications for a couple of hours and will
delay german reinforcements. Montague Smith will now brief you.


You must destroy the radio station. Your first problem is that the members of
your team where dispatched at different positions, the Green Beret, the Driver
and the Marine. Steal a Boat and regroup your team. On the island, use
explosives barrels to destroy the station. Good luck!


DATE: February 20th, 1941
LOCATION: Sola, Stavanger
MISSION: Baptism Of Fire

- The Driver and the Green Beret must regroup at the pier.

- It would be wise to steal a pneumatic boat.

- Your team must get on the north island.

- The Driver must use the Gatling Gun.

- Use the Explosive Barrels to destroy the station.

- Remember! Guards can see your footsteps in the snow!

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 4 Moving Guards
- 3 Isolated Guards
- 1 Patrol Group of 2 men
- 1 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 1 Gatling Gun Operator

The entire map is safe.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-5 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Spear Gun
-Underwater Equipment
-Pneumatic Boat (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Full-Auto Rifle
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Transport Truck (On site)
-Gatling Gun (On site)



Move the GB in the corner of the wall to his left (the lower corner) and fire
shots of the pistol to attract the guard and kill him when he gets in sight.
Move the GB near the wall that's to the left of the house (Crouch down because
the patrol could see you when you get near it). When the patrol turns back,
climb up and down the other side, kill the guard with the knife and move the
corpse behind the house.

Move the DR a little down and fire some shots with the pistol to lure the
patrol to you, kill them has they get in sight. Put the GB and DR on the left
side of the house. With the MA, fire some shots to lure the nearest guard to
him, kill him when you can. Move the MA to the right of the rocks near the
trees in the middle of this island, fire some shots to lure the 2 guards
remaining, kill them when they're in sight. Get on the boat and go to the pier
on the south island and get the GB and DR on board.


Disembark to the south of the leftmost house, hide everyone near the house and
don't forget to pick up your boat! When all of the men in the patrol group are
looking to the right, run and kill the Gatling Gun Operator with the knife,
move the corpse where you hid your men. Now do some ruckus with your pistols to
attract the patrol group, kill them as they get in sight. Use the GB to move
the barrel north of the station in front of it. Use the DR to control the
Gatling Gun and fire on the barrel! Enjoy the fire and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!


March 1941. Operation Claymore, the first important invasion in Norway, ia
accepted. The objectives : destroy the industrials districts and merchant ships
of the Lofoten Islands, recruit local people to make prisonner the allies of
Vidkun Quisling, the head in chief of the collaborators.

Your men will disembark near Stamsund, sneak into an heavily-fortified camp
near Storfjord to distract the patrols and guards and destroy the fuel storage
that's there. This will reduce greatly the range of action of enemy tanks.


Your team will start from the south. The fuel depot is located in the northern
part of the camp, look out for those bunkers because enemy troops are standing
by and will come out when the alarm rings. Also, the buildings with the flags
can also be used as prisons, if one member of your team is caught, there is a
chance that he'll be kept there. When you've destroyed the fuel depot, steal a
Truck and escape by the south-east route. Good luck!


DATE: March 1rst, 1941
LOCATION: Stamsund, Lofoten Islands
MISSION: Discret Explosion

- All buildings with flags contain troops that will come out at the slightest

- Your Driver can steal a Truck to help escaping through the east route.

- If one of your group is captured, he will be transferred in one of the
prisons where you can free him.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 6 Moving Guards
- 1 Isolated Guards
- 1 Patrol Group of 4 men
- 1 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 2 Elevated Gatling Gun Operator
- 1 Patrol Boat
- 2 Bunkers

Anything suspect seen or heard from (or on) the other side of the river will
sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-4 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-5 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Spear Gun
-Underwater Equipment
-Pneumatic Boat


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-2 Timed Explosives


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Full-Auto Rifle
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Transport Truck (On site)



Select all of your guys and put them in the corner between the fence and the
house, fire some shots. The 3 guards on this side will come to you, shoot them
down and put the corpses in the corener where you were hidden. Move all the
team behind the ruined wall near the river, use the SN to shoot the guy
patrolling on the wall of the camp, kill him when he is near the ladder.

Wait for the ship to pass, then, drop the pneumatic boat that the MA has to the
LEFT of the wall and make the GB and SN embark and leave them on the LEFT of
the rocks on the other side, quickly return to the southern coast and make the
SA and DR embark. Everyone get out of the boat and make the MA pick it up.


Make the GB climb the wall and pull down the ladder from above, move all of
your team up, crouch down and move them near the end of the pier. Make the GB
go down when the guard patrolling near the depot is facing right, crouch down.
Wait for him to to face left and then face right again, as soon as he turns
around, get up and run to kill him with the knife.

Nobody should see you, move the corpse to the left of the depot. Move near the
gate where the gate keeper cannot see you, when the guard patrolling to the
south of the road faces away from there, stab the gate keeper and move the
corpse at the same place as the other one. Now, make everyone board the Truck,
move it on the end of the road face toward the gate.


Make the SA put down a timed bomb where you put the corpses, make him board the
Truck, prepare for escape, when the bomb blows, make the truck run full-speed
(double-click) toward the end of the road, if you had put the Truck in the
right position, it should dash right through the barrier (destroying it in the
process) and escape on the road while receiving a couple of shots on it.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! (If the Truck blows up because of gun fire, wait until
the patrol group is away from the road and THEN drop the bomb).


March 1941. The decision has been made to organize many infiltrations into
Norway to harrass the enemy and to force Hitler to withdraw his troops from the
Mediterranean border to defend this region. Those operations must use a minimal
amount of material and obtain a maximum objective.

The objective of this operation is to destroy the great dam of Sysendam,
situated near the hydro-electric plant of Sima, in Eidfjord. The electrical
energy of all this region will be shut down and there is some possibilities
that the exceedent water will destroy many important bridges in that event.


You will start from the north, you must destroy the dam with the explosive
charges from inside the lower camp, remember that only the Sapper can handles
explosives!! The fence around that camp is electrified, but you can turn it off
with this switch. Your Spy can play as an enemy officer, find him an uniform
and all enemy forces will mistake him for one of them. This mission is not
easy, you'll need to establish a perfect coordination between all of your team.
Good luck!


DATE: March 14th, 1941
LOCATION: Sysendam, Eidfjord
MISSION: Backward Throttling

- Your men must get to the river.

- The Marine must silently steal the pneumatic boat and help the Spy to get his
enemy uniform.

- The Spy can infiltration the southern camp and shut down the electrical fence.

- The Sapper will then be able to cut the fence and infiltrate the camp to get
the explosives.

- You can use an explosive to get rid of the surveillance bunker near the dam.

- The other explosive must be put at the base of the dam to destroy it.

- Once the dam is destroyed, an allied Truck will help your men escape by the

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 7 Moving Guards
- 17 Isolated Guards
- 1 Patrol Group of 5 men
- 1 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 1 Gatling Gun Operator
- 1 Surveillance Bunker
- 4 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or heard near the outskirts of the right camp will sound the

- Anything suspect or heard on the southern coast of the river will sound the

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Spear Gun
-Underwater Equipment
-Pneumatic Boat (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Wire Cutters
-2 Timed Explosives (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Lethal Injection
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Enemy Uniform (On site)
-Distract Icon (On site, must have uniform)



Start by select all your team, put them in the corner, and fire a couple of
shots to lure the patrol group, kill them as they get in sight. A little to the
left and down, there is a small niche behind some rocks, send all the team
there, put them as close as the rocks as possible and fire a couple of shots, 2
guards should come, kill them as you can.

Send the GB the other side of the rocks, be sure to crouch him down before!
make your way down near the river then folow the river to near the guard, when
he begins to left to the left, stand up and run to kill him with the knife.
Send all of the team the other side of the rocks to the right of the electric


Go underwater with the MA and send him past the outpost to where the pneumatic
boat is (You saw it in the briefing) when the guard is turns his back to you,
get out of the water and kill him with the knife or speargun. Get the boat. Go
back underwater and get out just after the right wall, between the wall and a
stack of things. go up behind the house and kill the 2 guards near the uniform,
remake your way to the left of the things.

Now, go to the left of the house behind the guard watching the river, sneak
behind him and kill him with the knife. Go back underwater and preapre to get
out of the water betwen the wall and the guard that looks right, immediatly
when the guard that patrols the inner wall turns around, get out of the water
and kill him with the knife, then kill the other guard as you're already behind

Return underwater and prepare to get out behind the isolated guard outside the
camp, wait for the other remaining guard to turn around, then, get out of the
water, kill the first guard with the knife and run after the patrolling guard
to kill him with the knife, open the door to the outpost.

Go back to where you left your team. This time, put the boat in the water and
board the MA and SP in it. Leave the SP just the other side of the rocks and
make him run inside the camp to get the uniform, make him board the boat again
and return to where your comrades are. Unload the boat and make the MA pick it


Send your SP on the other side of the river (cross the dam) go south-east along
the coast (OUTSIDE of the camp) when at the edge unitl the guard that patrols
there turns his back to you, then kill him with the injection, let the corpse
there, nobody should see it. Backtrack until you come by a rock when the coast
enlarges, wait here until the guard turns his back to you, use injection to
kill him then, leave the corpse near the rock and nobody should see it.

Go inside the camp to turn off the fence (The switch with a red light in the
briefing). Now go behind the elctrical plant to the south where there is 2
guards and 1 bomb. Kill the guard patrolling when he has his back toyou and
when he is near the plant, put the corpse on the bomb, kill the other guard and
put the corpse at the same place of the other. All 2 kills with the injection.

Go to the right of the camp where there is only one guard alone, put yourself
behind him and kill him with the injection, put the corpse to the right of the
nearest power plant. Have the MA put his boat in the water, make the SA, GB and
MA board it. Unload at the right of the last pylon to the right of the camp.
Make the MA pick up the boat and the SA cut the fence with his wire-cutters.
send everyone to the left of the nearest plant.


Use the distract skill of the SP to make the guard to the left of the tower
with the switch look left. Use the GB's knife to kill the left guard near the
house with the bomb, put the corpse to the left of the house. Crawl around the
house so you come behind the guard to the right of the bomb, kill him with the
knife when he look away, move the corpse to the left of the house.

Crawl around the house to come behind the guard that the Spy is distracting,
kill him when nobody's watching (It's easy, don't worry) and move the corpse at
the same place as the others. Distract the guard that is looking towards the
bottom of the screen so that he looks up, send the GB behind him (Make sure
that he is crawling). Kill that guard only when the guard patrolling to the
right of the entrance is looking north-west, put the corpse behind the stack of

For the remaining 4 guards, you must ALWAYS watch for the patrol group north of
the camp so that they can't see you killing the guards. Now, distract the guard
to the right of the entrance (INSIDE the camp not OUTSIDE) so that he looks
toward the house to his right, kill the guard on the left of the entrance
(INSIDE again) with the knife, only when the guard patrolling outside the camp
is looking north-west and the guard to the left of the entrance (OUTSIDE) is
looking another way.

Put the corpse behind the stack of wires (You may need to make your way around
the wires to put down the corpse becuase of the other guard and remember to
check the patrol group!!). Move the GB near the flag of the house nearest to
the fence, go distract the guard left of the entrance so that he looks to the
north-west. Check for the patrol group, wait until the guard to the right of
the entrance (OUTSIDE) is looking north-west, then kill the inside guard with
the knife, put the corpse in the corner near the flag.

Watch the patrol group and wait for the patrolling guard to look north-west.
Now, kill the patrolling AND the distracted guard using the GB's knife. Pick
one corpse with the GB and one with the SP. Bring them behind the stack of
wires. If you were fast enough, the patrol group should not have seen you. Send
the GB back to were the others are and send the SP a little north-east of the
dam. Go pick up the bombs with the SA.

Have the MA put his boat in the water, board with the GB and SA. Unload the GB
near the to the north (Not the outpost, but the clear area) and make him
crouch, unload the SA near the surveillance bunker, crouch down.


wait until the patrol group is far from the surveillance bunker, put down a
bomb, embark on the boat and move the boat to the edge of the bunker sight
range. When the bunker explodes, dash for the dam, unload the SA, drop a bomb,
embark on the boat and move quickly to the northern coast. Unload the boat,
make the MA pick it up, everyone crouch down. Wait until the Truck comes and
stops then load everyone in it. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! (If you get shot when
fleeing the dam, reload and wait a little longer before dropping the bomb near
the bunker so that the patrol group takes more time to get to the bunker)


In mid-March, the Blitz on England is more violent than ever. Londres,
Liverpool, Glasgow and other cities are heavily damaged. Churchill accepts the
evidence that they must organize various infiltrations behind the enemy lines
to keep his men's morale high.

The German commanders have established thier HQ in a villa of Stokkan, near the
Norway city of Trondheim. Your objective is to destroy thatHQ and spread the
panic in this region.


Your starting position is to the south of the enemy HQ. Extra material has been
dropped at the wrong place, your priority is to get back that equipment,
remember that only specific team members can use each type of equipment. You
must then destroy the HQ and flee with the patrol ship by the sea. You heavily
outnumbered so, if I were you, I would hamper the enemy by capturing a Truck
and destroying it in the entrance to block the way. To capture the truck, you
must block the train at the intersection, then take control of the truck.
That's all, Good Luck!


DATE: March 10th, 1941
LOCATION: Stokkan, Trondheim
MISSION: An Eye For An Eye

- Kill the enemy soldiers that are patrolling near the river's border.

- Watch out for the guard with a motor-cycle, he can alert the HQ!

- Find the parachute and take the equipment.

- The arch in the entrance of the camp can be destroyed to prevent access to
the interior of the camp.

- The Sapper can use a bomb to destroy the villa.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 10 Moving Guards
- 24 Isolated Guards
- 1 Patrol Group of 5 men
- 5 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 3 Gatling Gun Operator
- 1 Motor-cycle Driver
- 1 Truck Driver
- 2 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or heard near the outskirts of the HQ and immediate area
will sound the alert.

- Anything suspect or heard by the Motorcycle guard will make him go to the
camp and sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol


-Hand Icon
-Sniper Rifle
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-4 Rifle Bullets (3 other Bullets on site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Spear Gun
-Underwater Equipment
-Pneumatic Boat
-Patrol Ship (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-3 Grenades
-1 Timed Explosives (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Full-Auto Rifle (On site)
-3 Gatling Guns (On site)
-Panzer II (On site)
-Motorcycle (On site)
-Transport Truck (On site)



Have all your team crouch down were you begin, send the GB right (crawling)
until the second part of a wall. Put him in the left corner and fire some shots
to lure 3 guards to you, kill them as you can. Now go in front of the destroyed
house to the north, put yourself in the little corner, fire some shots and kill
the 3 guards that you lured there when you can.

Now go in front of the crashed train near the tracks a little north-east, fire
some shots and 3 guards should come (maybe only 2, but don't worry) kill them
and go in front of the rocks to the left of the map. Go near the edge of the
rocks to the right then fire some shots, the patrol group + 1 guard should
come. Kill the guard when he comes around the crashed train (You can barely aim
on him) then kill the patrol group as they get in sight.

Now, go in front of the crashed train just south of the Panzer, fire some
shots, 1 guard should come (if you are in the right place) kill it then wait
for the other to resume his usual watching space. Crawl behind the guard
watching the river to the left of the Panzer, kill him with the knife, kill the
guard near the Panzer by passing behind the Panzer and kill the guard watching
the river to the right of the Panzer by stabbing him.

Have all your team board the Panzer and use it to kill every gaurd on this side
of the river (You can't bring it the other side, I'm sure about this). Unload
the Panzer and put everyone crouched near the river (NOT on the train tracks!)
when the train has passed by, send your SN on the tracks and use the Sniper
Rifle to kill the guard watching from the other side (near the motorcycle. Wait
for the patrol group to see the body and investigate, they'll resume thier
patrol without ringing the alarm.


Wait for the Train to pass again and make the GB crosse the river on the tracks
by running, crouch on the other side. Go to the right of the tracks and put the
GB in the lower-left corner of the first ruined wall nearest to the river, fire
some shots. 3 guards and the patrol group should come by, get rid of them (you
may sustain some damage, but you'll heal up later).

Go north-east where there is a guard in the middle of a ruined part and he's
watching the road. Stab him and put yourself in the littlecorner and fire some
shots to lure a patrolling guard, kill him when he gets in sight. (Before
attempting the following, make sure the patrol group is moving up and towards
the camp so they won't see the corpses or hear your gunshots).

Move in front of the woods to the right of the tracks, shoot the guard near the
little house and kill the guard that will come investigate the body, quickly go
to the right of the house and wait for the patrol group to come in range, fire
some shots to lure them and kill them. Wait there for the truck to come by and
shoot down the driver when he comes out to go in the small house (Don't worry,
he's unarmed and won't react to your presence).

Don't board the truck however, keep that for later. Go south of the road in
the little corner of the rocks (To the right) where there is a guard near, wait
for the train to pass and go stab the guard there and quickly return to hide in
the corner to the right. One guard will come to investigate the body, kill him
(If the patrol group comes by also, kill them too).

For the patrol group (If they're not dead yet...), go in front of the woods
just a little north of the motorcycle, fire some shots and kill them as they
come. Now go to the left (or right) of the gatling gun in the woods (Just on
the edge of the sight range so he doesn't sees you). When the sight range is
away, run to stab him.


Send the MA on the crashed Tank in the river (by going down the ladder on the
bridge), and the DR, SN and SA the other side of the river. Make the DR take
the Motorcycle. Send the GB, SN and SA north to the parachute, go put the
Motorcycle in the middle of the intersection of the road and the tracks, unload
it and send the DR north to the parachute.

The train will arrive and pass on the Motorcycle making it do an emergency
stop. Make the SA pick up the Timed Bomb, the SN should take the Sniper Bullets
and the DR should pick up the Full-Auto Rifle. Make the DR board the Truck that
you did stop there when you killed it's driver (You did it, no?). Bring the
Truck near the parachute.


Send the GB north around the woods until you're near the camp, when the guard
patrolling near the camp is coming back toward it, go put your lure a little
south-east of the lone tree to the south near the road, then go hide to the
left of that tree, near the wall. When he is within range, make a *BEEP* and
wait for the guard to reach the lure, stand up and run for the kill!!

(If the guard sees you before he reaches the lure, restart and change your
hiding position, also, the 2 guards at the entrance of the camp must NOT see
the corpse, so watch where you put the lure down). Make the GB come back to
board the Truck and send the SN on the road (crawling) where he can kill the 2
soldiers, when the guard near the barrier is looking away, kill the guard
behind him, then, quickly kill the other ASAP.

Nobody will see the corpses. Send the SN board the Truck and make the Truck go
near the bridge. Send the SA to the right of the entrance to the camp. Unload
the Truck and send the GB, SN and DR on the crashed Tank by climbing down the
ladder on the bridge. Wait until the patrol group inside the camp turns thier
backs to you, then crawl inside the camp and go to the right of the house to
the right of the arch.

Throw a Grenade near the arch and you should destroy it (Now patrol groups
can't reach the camp's interior), quickly run behind the house, and lure the 2
guards that come to investigate the fallen arch with your pistol, kill them.


Move behind the statue where the guard that is looking at it can't see you,
move far from the statue and throw a Grenade at the guard near the statue,
crawl behind the HQ (If the Grenade kills you, move a little farther from the
statue next time). Put yourself far from the guard near the mansion (The one
that looks toward the bottom of the screen) so you can throw a Grenade to him,
throw it and crouch down immediatly, return behind the HQ.

Make the MA put his boat in the water and board with the MA, GB and SN. Send
the boat to the little pier near the Patrol Boat, unload the GB and SN, send
the boat back to the crashed Tank. While he's going back, use the GB to stab
all 3 guards remaining in the camp (Easy, they're all looking east and you're
coming from the west!). Send the GB and SN in the Patrol Boat.

The MA should be at the crashed Tank, board with the DR and go back to the pier
of the Patrol Boat. While he's coming back, Have the SA put the bomb near the
front entrance of the mansion and go inside the Patrol Boat (Don't forget to
enjoy the fireworks!!) When the MA and DR are at the pier, unload the boat,
have the MA pick it up and board the Patrol Boat with everyone remaining.


The allied forces were forced out of Crete in May 1941, in the same time,
Liverpool and other England harbors are being destroyed with violent bombings.
It's becoming a first priority to make Hitler believe that an invasion of
Norway is on it's way.

Your mission is to destroy a radar station near Herdla's airfield to blind the
enemy's coast defenses and give major reasons to worry for the enemy.


You will approach the complex by the south, destroy the radar antannae and flee
using the small plane next to it. There is 2 access to the mountain, the aerial
ropeway and the Green Beret can climb the cliff to the east. You use the phones
at the base of the mountain to distract the guards, we also noticed that many
entrances are mined, check the patrol of the guards and watch before you leap!
This is an hard mission and I want that you all come back alive. Good Luck!


DATE: May 2nd, 1941
MISSION: Blind Justice

- The Spy must steal an enemy uniform to disguise himself into an enemy officer.

- You can use the southern phone to attract attention to the northern phone.

- Your team can access to top of the mountain by taking the aerial ropeway or
by climbing the cliff to the east.

- We suspect that mines were placed to the south of the camp, watch the nemy's
patrols to know where to step.

- The Green Beret can use his Shovel to dig into the snow, so he can hide

- It would be wise to destroy the Bunker on top of the mountain.

- Use the small plane near the antennae to get away.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 8 Moving Guards
- 9 Isolated Guards
- 1 Patrol Group of 2 men
- 1 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 1 Patrol Group of 4 men
- An unknown number of Underground Mines.
- 3 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in the ENTIRE map will immediatly sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-3 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Lethal Injection
-Enemy Uniform (On site)
-Distract Icon (On site, must have uniform)



When the guard to the left of the house you begin behind is looking toward the
bottom, run to the left (with the GB), in the corner of the rocks and barrels
and burrow yourself in the snow (using the Shovel). Wait until he comes
investigate the footprints, get out of the snow when he is returning to his
patrol (he's walking) and stab him, put the corpse in the corner and leave the
lure on it.

Make a *BEEP* and burrow yourself a little north of the lure, when the guard
you lured there sees the sorpse and he's looking away, stab him! Pick up the
lure. Move the SP in the corner with the corpses. Now, with the GB, go put the
lure behind the house you began near (near the right end of it) and go hide to
the left of the house near the wood pile, make a *BEEP* and follow the guards
(You can run, no danger), when they're looking at the lure, stab them one after
the other, pick up the lure.

Move the GB behind the house a little to the south-west of this one. When
nobody is looking, go make some footprints to the left of this house and
quickly go back behind it to burrow yourself, 1 guard should come investigate,
wait until he's walking back to his patrol and stab him. Go put the lure in the
corner behind the pile of crates, return behind the house and make a *BEEP*.
wait until the guard looks at the lure and go stab him. Pick up the lure and go
put the corpse behind the house. Send the GB behind the house a little to the
south of your position.

When the guard turns his back, quickly run to stab him and move the corpse
behind the house. Make your GB crawl to behind the woods to the south and crawl
to the house near the south phone and hide in it (watch out for the patrol
group!). Move the SP behind the barrels to the right of the house a little
south-east from your starting position.


Wait until the patrol near the uniform just made thier turn to the left and the
patrol near the southern phone is away. Use the GB to activate the phone and
use the SP to run to the distracted guard that is watching the phone and kill
him with the injection. use the phone to stop the ringing and pick up the
uniform. Go distract the patrol near you until your footprints leading to the
phone are gone. Burrow the GB in the snow, then, enter the aerial ropeway with
the SP.

Once at the summit, kill the guard near the ropeway with the injection (when
he's looking away) and put the corpse at the far left end of the house. Move
your SP behind the guard watching the cliff to the right. Return to the GB,
wait until the patrol pass by you and follow thier footprints by crawling a
little distance from them (very small distance), burrow in the snow when you're
north of the Bunker to the south-east of the map.

The patrol will come investigate the footprints (How can they tell the
difference between thiers and ours?!?!) and continue with thier patrol,
unburrow and crawl in thier footprints to the base of the mountain, burrow
there. Back to the SP, wait until the patrol group is returning toward the top
of the map, then kill the guard watching the cliff with the injection and move
the corpse in the corner of the Bunker to the north of you.

Then go distract the patrol group so they look towards the north. Back to the
GB, wait until the patrol passes by you and climb up the cliff, go hide in the
corner where the SP has moved the corpse. Wait until the GB's footprints are
gone, then, move the SP on the side of the Bunker, as far from the Explosive
Barrel as you can (The one near the house).


Wait until the patrol has thier back to you and they're near the Barrel, fire
on the Barrel to kill the patrol group and the guard near the Bunker. Kill the
incoming guard and the officer that got out of the Bunker from your position
(Lure them and kill them) then make the SP board the plane. With the GB, move
an Explosive Barrel near the antennae and move a safe distance from it then
fire your pistol on it to destroy the antennae. Then board the plane. MISSION


Norway's spring season is approaching. The Barbarossa Operation - The German
assault on the Soviet Union - is to be executed next month. The German troops
were trained many times in Norway.

In the various training missions, the Long Range Cannon of Leopold is to be
used to attack some places that are occupied by Norway's resistance before
being sent to the Eastern Front. Your mission objective is to shut down that
cannon, forever...


There's not much to say on this mission lieutenant. You will approach the zone
by the north-west. Find a way to get to the cannon and destroy it. A friendly
truck will come to evacuate you from the north-east. I never want to hear that
cannon again. Good luck!


DATE: May 10th, 1941
MISSION: Leopold's Menace

- You can probably destroy the light tank SDKFZ 231 in the south-west zone
without ringing the alarm.

- Once the cannon is destroyed, a friendly truck will evacuation your team by
the north-east.

- Watch out! The enemy can destroy the evacuation truck with thier guns and

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 13 Moving Guards
- 18 Isolated Guards
- 1 Patrol Group of 2 men
- 1 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 1 SDKFZ 231 on the move
- 1 Gatling Gun Operator
- 3 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen from the destroyed building to the west to the
cannon to the east will sound the alert.

- The only safe haven is the south-west zone. Designated by explosion marks and
some rocks.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Sniper Rifle
-5 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-2 Trigger Explosives



When the guard patrolling near your hiding place turns his back to you, run
with the GB to stab him, move the corpse where you begun. Make the GB climb the
little piece of wall near the guard with the grandfather clock. Stab him when
nobody is looking then move the corpse behind to the left of the clock. Climb
back down. Make the GB climb the ladder leading into the house.

When the guard patrolling a little to the south of you is looking toward the
south, kill the immobile guard at the end of the pier and move the corpse at
the EXACT place at the top of the ladder, it's the only safe place where you
can put it. Now, wait there until the gaurd a little to the south looks in the
south-east direction, then, RUN to stab him, nobody should see you (If someone
DOES see you, reload and wait for another try).

Move the corpse at the top of the ladder also (Don't get seen on the way!!).
See the guard patrolling a little north of the grandfather's clock? He's next.
Wait until this guard is returning on his traces, then, run to stab that guard
in the back. Move the corpse behind the wall with the clock. Go near the stairs
to the right of the house, crouch down, wait for the patrol group near the
Bunker to look toward the north, go stab the guard in the corner of the stairs
and move the corpse to the top of the ladder.

Move the GB behind the little piece of wall near the top of the stairs (The
stairs to the SOUTH of the house this time). Wait until the guard patrolling at
the bottom of the stairs turns his back, go stab the one at the top of the
stairs and bring the corpse behind the wall where you were hidden. Wait until
the guard patrolling at the bottom of the stairs turns is back, then go stab
the guard near the window. Leave the corpse there and crouch down.


Move the SP near the barricade (where you climbed the wall with the GB). put
him where he can shoot the guard patrolling at the bottom of the stairs AND the
guard near the barricade. Shoot the one near the stairs when he comes out of
the corner (Otherwise, the corpse could be seen by a guard farther south) then
immediatly shoot the other guard near the barricade.

Regroup all your team at the top of the stairs to the south of the house. Send
the GB behind the big pile of rocks to the south, wait until the SDKFZ is on
his way back. Run and stab the guard patrolling to the south, move the corpse
behind the big pile of rocks, quickly run to stab the guard near the tent, move
the corpse behind the big pile of rocks also.

Wait for the SDKFZ to come back, watch where it passes to turn around, when
it's away, put a bomb at that location, wait for it to come back and BOOM!!
Make the bomb explode. 2 guards should come investigate, move the GB to the
left of the tent nearest to the rocks and fire some shots to lure the guards,
get rid of them. Attract the patrol group inside the camp by moveing the GB
near the wall to the south of the Bunker (Move him at the left end of the wall).

Fire some shots when they,re near and they should come out of the camp without
ringing the alarm. Hide all of your team to the left of the big pile of rocks
and fire some shots to lure them there and get rid of them. Move all the team
to the left of the tower on the camp's wall (Someone is watching the area past
that tower from the roof of the Bunker farther to the right).


Send your SN crawling a little down past the tower on the wall and use the
Sniper Rifle to kill the guard on top of the house. Send the SN back to the
left of the tower. Send the GB near the southern tent to the east, just on the
edge of the light green range of the guard near the cannon. When that guard is
starting to look away, move to the front of the tent a little to the north,
hopefully, he didn't saw you.

Kill the guard near you with the knife and move the body a little distance
north (just to be sure). Move the GB betwen the 2 tents a little to the north
of where the guard was and wait until the sight range of the guard near the
cannon is looking away. Run toward the left of the last wagon of the train if
the sight range is coming near, crouch before it's too late.

Go stab the guard north near the Bunker and move the body in the corner of the
wall and the house (not near the door!!). Go stab the guard near the cannon by
coming from behind him, move the body to the left of the wall near the Bunker
to the south. Go stab the guard to the left and move the corpse in the corner
of the broken wall a little to the left.


Send the GB stab the guard to the north-west of your position (between the
north and south Bunkers), kill him when the gaurd patrolling is not looking and
move the body in the corner to the south. Wait until the patrolling guard is
looking to the north-west and run to stab him, move the corpse between the
wagon and the wall to the north. Send the SN and SA to the same position as the

Send the GB (crawling) behind the guard the other side of the wal you're
behind. Wait until the guard to the right (the one patrolling around a tree) is
looking toward the south-east, then, stab the guard and move the corpse between
the wagon and the wall.Send the SN (crawling) in the position the last guard
was. Kill the guard patrolling the tree when he is to the left of that tree
(Use the Sniper Rifle).

Send the SN back into hiding. Send the GB to move the corpse behind the Bunker
and stab the guard watching the Gatling Gun and move the body behind the Bunker
(Watch out for the sight range of the guard in the ruined house to the left!).


Send the GB at the bottom of the ladder leading inside the ruined house to the
left and a little south of the Gatling Gun (Be careful not to get seen on the
way!). Climb the laddder when nobody is looking and move a little to the left
without crossing to the path leading north, nobody should see you, prepare to

Immediatly when the guard patrolling from north to south turns to the north,
run to stab him, quickly stab the guard watching outside to the north-west
corner of the house and go stab the guard patrolling a little to the south when
you're able to. Send the GB stab the Gatling Gun Operator as nobody is watching
him now.


Move the GB and SN near the Gatling Gun and send the SA put his Trigger Bomb
at the bottom of the ladder leading on the cannon, send him near the Gatling
Gun also. Make the Bomb explode and wait for the Truck to come, board it while
it's moving and wait for the escape because the guards can't destroy the Truck
when it's getting away. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! (If the guards begin firing at
you before the Truck passes by, reload and go hide behind the rocks to the
north of the Gatling Gun and run to board the Truck when it comes into the map)


The February 1rst, 1942. The Germans have adopted a new secret code for thier
radio transmissions with thier fearsome submarines that are posing a serious
treat to the convoy of England. Because of this, we lost one of our best
weapons : The ability to translate the Germans messages.

According to the last transmission we were able to translate, a group of
submarines is making a stop in a Norway port of Arendal. Your orders are to
infiltrate the submarines hangars and to sabotage all the submarines in it.


Your team has been divised into two groups. Pick up the explosive charges, find
a way to get to the Submarines and destroy them. Also, use a small boat to flee
by the south-east. Good Luck and watch out!


DATE: February 7th, 1942
LOCATION: Arendal, in Norway
MISSION: Hunting Wolves

- Find and pick up the explosive charges.

- Put down the explosives near the torpedoes in the upper part of the
submarines so the explosion will destroy the entire submarines.

- Your team must gain and use the SDKFZ.

- Get the small boat and get to the beacon in the south-east zone.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 10 Moving Guards
- 5 Isolated Guards
- 3 Patrol Group of 2 men
- 3 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 1 Patrol Group of 5 men
- 2 210mm Cannon operational
- 1 Gatling Gun Operator
- 3 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen to the left of the middle wall will immediatly sound
the alarm in the left camp.

- Anything suspect or heard in the house area of the right camp will immediatly
sound the alert in the right camp.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-2 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Underwater Equipment
-Small Boat (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-4 Timed Explosives (On site)


-Hand Icon
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-SDKFZ 231 (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Lethal Injection
-Enemy Uniform (On site)
-Distract Icon (On site, must have uniform)



From the starting point of the MA and GB, fire some shots and kill the patrol
group and 2 guards that come investigate (You may sustain some damage, but you
will be able to heal later). Send the GB south to the right of the first house,
put the lure as far down as you can, back a little to the north and make a
*BEEP* and immediatly burrow yourself into the snow.

2 guards should come (If a patrol group is coming to investigate, reload your
game and wait until they won't hear the *BEEP*). Wait until they're near the
lure and stab them both, pick up the lure back. See the guard a little to the
south-west of your position? Go crawl behind him and stab him. Crawl to the
house to the right (Near the edge of the screen) and hide in it.

When the patrol group near the Bunker is going to the north-west, get out and
crawl until you're behind the house, then, stand up and run to kill the guard
circling around the Bunker, move the corpse near the Barrels a little to the
north and hide it inside one. Pick that barrel and move it near the edge of the
left side of the Bunker, and move yourself away from it (Still within range to
fire a shot on it). Wait until the patrol group is near, then, FIRE! The Bunker
has exploded and the patrol group is dead. Hide behind the house.


From behind the house, lure and kill the following guards : The officer that
came out of the Bunker, the patrol group and a solitary guard. They'll all come
investigate the exploded barrel so you can lure them. Send the GB to the right
side of the house where there is a guard watching in front of it.

Wait until the sight range is looking away, then, run 'n stab the guard. Go to
the far left and hide to the north of the little corner of the wall (There is a
tree near the corner). Lure the patrol group when they're in range and kill
them! Send the GB and MA board the small boat to the south of that camp.


Send the SA in front of the house to the north and near the left side, wait
until the patrol group is going back east and run to pick up the bombs (The
black crate). When you have them, run back where you were and wait to see if
they see your footprints before continuing, if they do, reload and start
running a little earlier. Send the SP to the right of the house you begin near.

Wait until the patrol group inside the camp is going south-east and the guard
patrolling near the uniform is going makes his turn to the south-west. Crawl to
him and kill him with the injection. move the corpse behind the curtain where
the uniform is and pick up the uniform.


Send the SP to the north end of the patrolling guard near the structure.
Distract him immediatly when he turns his back. Wait until the patrol group is
going back south-west and the patrolling guard to the right (near the wall).
When he's gonna turn his back, end the distraction and kill the guard you were
distracting with the injection (When the other one is going down).

Pick up the corpse and go hide a little north-west of the first pillar of the
structure, when nobody is watching, go drop the corpse behind the curtain. Send
the SP to the north of end of the patrolling guard near the right wall,
distract him immediatly when he turns his back to you, wait until the patrol
group is passing in front of the structure, when they can't see you anymore,
release the distraction and kill the guard with the injection, move the corpse
behind the curtain (Don't forget to pass behind the structure!).

Immediatly go behind the guard in front the structure (the left one). Kill him
when nobody is watching and move the corpse behind the curtain. If you were
fast enough, you could kill the right guard in front of the structure and move
the corpse behind the curtain before the patrol group comes back, if you're not
sure, wait for them to pass by. Send the SP distract the guard patrolling near
the SDKFZ (Distracthim so he's going to turn his back to you when you release
the distraction).

Wait for the patrol group to go back south-east, when they can't see you
anymore, release the distraction and use the injection! Move the corpse behind
the curtain. Send the SP distract the patrol group so they WON'T watch the
SDKFZ. Make the DR go to the SDKFZ and board it.


BEFORE you start firing like crazy, you must know that this SDKFZ is NOT
invincible and the 2 210mm Cannons will fire on you if you're too close to them
when you ring the alert. To avoid this, move the SDKFZ on the right side of the

NOW you can fire like crazy! Kill each and every guard coming from inside the
Bunker and don't forget to kill the patrol group. If the SDKFZ explodes from
continous rifle fire, just reload and restart, it won't happen everytime!


Now, send the SA put bombs near the 2 210mm Cannons. After the explosions, end
the small boat (with the GB and MA) to the small port near the place where the
SDKFZ was. Board with all your people (SP, DR and SA). Unload the SA on the
little pier leading to a ladder (South-east from where you picked up your guys.
Go put the bombs near the torpedoes on each submarine (1 bomb per submarine)
and return to the boat. Enjoy the fireworks (I DO love those nice explosions!!)
Send the small boat with all you team near the beacon in the south-east corner


1942, end of October. Since the arrival of General Montgomery at El Alamein the
England troops and the German troops are occupied by very important
preparations. The El Alamein battle will begin shortly.

In the meantime, the Commandos are regularly harrassing the Rommel positions.
This day, you must attack a supply base in Tell El Eisa. If you succeed, you
will stop the supplies for an entire squad.


Your team will start from those ruins in the north-west. You will infiltrate
the camp, destroy all fuel barrels, fuel storages and this big reserve. Regroup
at the evacuation point after that. That's all! Good luck!


DATE: October 19th, 1942
LOCATION: Tell El Eisa
MISSION: Fireworks

- Clean up the zone before the arrival of the friendly vehicule, many weapons
are watching that area.

- You can hide yourself in the houses.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 17 Moving Guards
- 13 Isolated Guards
- 1 210mm Cannon operational
- 1 Gatling Gun Operator
- 2 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in the ENTIRE map will immediatly sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-10 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-6 Rifle Bullets



Send the GB put the lure in the corner to the right of your starting position
(The corner the other side of the wall, when the patrolling guard is going back
south-east). Return into hiding. Make a *BEEP*, 2 or 3 guards should come, stab
them one after the other, leave the lure there because you'll need it later and
move the corpses at your starting position.

Now, send the GB on the edge of the northern wall, wait until the immobile
guard to the north is looking away, then run to stab him! (He might have been
attracted by the lure, so if you killed him just skip this step). Move the
corpse at your starting position. Send the GB to the left edge of your starting
position, wait until the patrolling guard is returning back south-east and
start the lure (leave it on). Kill the patrolling guard when he's looking away
and move the corpse to your starting position.

Stab the guard near the Truck (he's looking at the lure) and move the corpse at
your starting position. Move the lure to the north-easthern corner (to the
right of the position of the first immobile guard you killed). Send the GB on
the edge south of that position start the lure (leave it on). Run to the area
where the distracted guard is when the one to the far right turns to look at
the bottom of the cliff. Don't forget to run BEHIND the distracted guard. (If
he sees you when you enter the area, just reload and wait for another

Stab him and move the body to the north-east corner of that area, stop the
lure, come back to pick it up and return to this area (All of that without
being seen). Go put the lure in the north-east corner of the small area to the
right of the one you're in. hide to the left of the left wall. Make a *BEEP* 2
guards come and the immobile one a little south just turns around to look, wait
until that guard returns to his normal sight range and go stab the 2 guards
near the lure, pick the lure back.

Move the GB on the south edge near the immobile guard. Wait until the guard to
the left of the road leading down the hill is looking away and stab the
immobile guard. Quickly pick it up and go in the small area to the north. You
now need to move the 3 corpse in the small area to the south-west corner of the
big area to the left. Also move the corpse in the north-east corner to the
south-west corner. Send the GB to the south of the small area to the south-west
of the artillery battery. Put him near the left edge and wait for the guard to
return east. Run and stab him.

Move the corpse in the corner to the south-west of the artillery. Wait until
the guard patrolling the bridge to the south-east is going east. Run and stab
the guard near the battery. Move the corpse in the corner to the south-west of
the artillery. Send the GB a little to the south of the position of the
previous (Send him there by crawling). Make him stand up and wait until the
guard patrolling the bridge sees you. Immediatly crouch down when he yells at
you. Move behind the wall a little north, wait until he comes to where you were
and stab him when he turns his back to you. Move the corpse to the corner to
the south-west of the artillery. Move the nearest explosive barrel near the


Send the GB a little to the left of the barrier near the artillery. Make him
stand up, and wait until the guard patrolling between the stacks of barrels
sees you (It might be long so check his sight range to see if you're at the
right position. When he sees you, crouch down and go hide behind the wall to
the north, wait until he comes investigate, when he his walking back to his
patrol, go stab him!

Move the corpse at the same place as the others. Put the lure near the
artillery, climb down the hill when the guard watching the road is looking
away, crouch down immediatly when you finished climbing. Start the lure (leave
it on), stand up when he's not looking and run to stab him! With good timing,
you should kill him before he turns back to you. Leave the corpse there.

Go back up to get your lure back and get back down and crouch. Send the SN
crawling as close to the left edge of the map and move him to the edge of the
hill to the south. You need a quick trigger now, shoot the guard to the right
of the road to the bottom of the hill then, shoot the left one immediatly
after. Shoot down the guard patrolling behind the fuel depots when he's behind
the biggest stack. Nobody should see him.


Send the GB behind the biggest stack of fuel depots (Where the SN killed the
guard). For this, climb up the hill and get back down at the left side of the
road. Hide behind the stack. Wait for the guard between the bunker and the
hummer to look away, when you can, run to kill the guard patrolling in front of
the fuel stacks. Move the corpse behind the fuel depot.

Send the GB crawling to the north of the Bunker a little to the right of the
road leading down the hill. Burrow there. the guard patrolling between the
bunker and the hummer will see your footprints and come to investigate. When
he's looking away (he might see the corpses behind the fuel stacks) run and
stab him. Move the corpse behind the fuel stacks (Make sure nobody sees you on
the way!). Move the SN directly to the north of the bunker (He must still be on
the hill however).

Shoot the guard on top of the bunker with the rifle. If someone sees the corpse
fall, just reload and wait until he looks away. Send the GB put the lure behind
the right tent, go to the left of the left tent, wait until the guard in front
of the hosues a little south is going back north-east, then activate the lure.
Stab the guard in front of the left tent and move the body to the left of that
tent (Watch out for the sight range of the guard in front of the right tent!).

Go crawl behind the guard in front of the right tent (he's looking toward the
lure). Wait until the guard in front of the barrel stacks to the north-east is
going back north-east and the guard in fron of the house is going north-east
also. Stab that guard and move the corpse to the left of the left tent (This
guard might take a few tries, but persevere).


Go pick up the lure and drop it a little north-west of the first house,
activate it and wait until the guard in from of the stacks of barrels is going
north-east. Go behind the distracted guard and stab him, move the corpse to the
left of the left tent. Pick up the lure and drop it to the left of the first
house, hide in that house.

Wait until the guard is passing in front of the curtain. get out of the house
activate the lure and hide back in the house. When he's near the lure, get out,
stab him and move the corpse to the left of the left tent (Don't forget to pick
up the lure). Drop the lure in front of the curtain to the south. Hide in the
first house from the left (Activate the lure before hiding).

When a guard comes to investigate the lure. get out, crawl behind him and stab
him. Move the corpse to the left of the houses and pick up the lure. Drop the
lure between the two house to the north-east of the curtain, activate the lure
and hide in the house a little to the north of the lure. Wait until the guard
stops to examine the lure, get out and stab him. Pick up the lure and leave the
corpse there.


Send the GB crawling a little south-west from the middle house to the north of
the curtain. stand up and wait until the guard in front of the stack of barrels
sees you. Crouch down as he yells at you, go hide in the house north-east. Wait
for the 2 guards to pass by and get out. Stab them one after the other! (If you
fail, try again, it's possible to pull off!).

Send the GB crawling to the bottom of the ladder leading to the top of the left
fuel storage. wait until the guard on top turns to the north-west and climb up.
as soon as you get on top, run to stab him. Move the corpse to the top of the
ladder. Get back down and crawl to the bottom of the ladder for the right fuel
storage. As soon as the sight range is not looking at the ladder, climb up.

Stab him when you get on top. Send the SN tothe north of the barrel stacks (On
the north side of the barrier also. Put one barrel between the 2 fuel storages
and place the SN so he can fire on that barrel with his sniper rifle. Put a
arrel to the right of the big reservoir also. Move the GB to the top of the
hill within shooting range of the barrel you moved near the artillery battery,
on the way there, embark in the hummer and get out.


Make the GB fire on the barrel near the artillery and immediatly order him to
go down the hill. While he's climbing down, make the SN fire on the barrel
between the 2 fuel storages and fire on a barrel near the stacks. Make the SN
and GB run towards the bridge, as soon as you can, shoot down the Gatling Gun
Operator with your pistol. Continue towards the bridge.

Shoot the barrel to the right of the reservoir on the way there, the friendly
hummer should arrive, embark in it as soon as it stops. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!
(If for any reason, the escape is compromised, just reload and check the
placement of the barrels and your team members, make the necessary corrections
and try again)


October 20th, 1942. At El Alamein, everyone is asking themselves the same
question : Why doesn't Montgomery give the order to attack? But the English
General wants to wait until he has a clear advantage in numbers for troops and

To spread panic in the troops in Rommel before the assault, you will be
infiltrated the other side of the mines field of Bab El Qattara near the camp
of the 21th Panzer division. You'll wait for dawn there and you'll destroy a
maximum of targets before leaving.


You must be positioned near the camp at dawn. Watch out for those Panzers,
they're on standby and ready to act at the alert. You must destroy the
surveillance system, the weapons storage, the HQ and the bunker. A friendly
vehicule will evacuate you by the south. Simple, no? Good luck!


DATE: October 20th, 1942
LOCATION: Bab El Qattara
MISSION: Courtesy Call

- Your biggest problem are the Panzers that can fire on your team if you're

- You must leave the area in the friendly vehicule in the south-west zone.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 4 Moving Guards
- 5 Isolated Guards
- 3 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 3 Panzer IV on standby
- 1 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in the ENTIRE map will immediatly sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-4 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-5 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-2 Trigger Explosives


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Blitz Opel (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Lethal Injection
-Enemy Uniform
-Distract Icon



Send the SP behind the immobile guard at the northern entrance, wait until the
patrol group (inside the camp) is looking away and the guard patrolling near
the northern entrance can't see the immobile guard. Kill him (lethal injection)
and move the corpse near the wall a little south of the DR.

Go distract the guard patrolling near the northern entrance when he's going
south-east and near the bunker. Wait until the patrol group and the guard
patrolling to the west are both looking away. Release the distraction and kill
that guard. Move the corpse at the same place as the other one. Now, go
distract the immobile guard to the south, in front of the wall at the right of
the entrance (not the one near the fence), you must make him look to the

Wait until the guard patrolling that place turns is back near the stack of
yellow barrels. When he turns, climb up the part of wall with the GB and climb
down the other side. Hide between the yellow barrels and the fence. Wait until
he comes back near the barrels, run and stab him when he turns around. Move the
corpse between the yellow barrels and the fence. Go stab the distracted guard,
move the corpse at the same place as the last one. Stab the guard near the
fence and move the corpse at the same place as the other one.


Send the SP distract the patrol so they're looking to the north-east. Make sure
they can't see the front of the antennae. Send the GB crawling to the front of
the bunker (Make sure the guard patrolling to the right of it doesn't see you
on the way!).

Wait until the guard to the right of the bunker turns his back to you, run and
stab him! Move the corpse to the front of the bunker (If you get seen, just
reload and wait for another try). Go stab the other guard to the left of the
bunker and move the corpse in front of the bunker (Watch out for the patrolling
guard to the north as he could see you kill him). Wait until the patrolling
guard to the north makes his turns to go back to the east, immediatly run to
stab the immobile guard near the Panzers.

When he's dead, quickly stab the patrolling guard before he turns back. Move
the corpses one after the other to the front of the bunker (The only way for
them to see you is the patrol group and they're distracted).


Send the DR to the Blitz Opel (crawl when entering the camp so the distracted
group doesn't see you). Move the Blitz Opel in front of the Bunker. Get out of
the Blitz and send the DR in the south-west corner of the map. With the GB,
move an explosive barrel to the south-west corner of the building to the right
of the 4 barrels, move another barrel to the south-east corner of the building
to the left of the 4 barrels and finally, another one near the Blitz Opel in
front of the Bunker.

Send him in the south-west corner of the map. Send the SA put a bomb in front
of the door to the communication building (to the south of the antennae) and
one explosive to the front of the antennae (If you followed the walkthrough,
you should have distracted the patrol group so they won't look that way). Send
him to the south-west corner of the map. Place the Sn as far from the opening
in the wall as you can, but he must still be able to shoot the 3 barrels you
placed. Prepare for escape once you've placed him.


Make the SP go in the south-west corner of the map, while he's coming back, use
the SA to trigger the 2 bombs you've dropped. 2 buildings down. With the SN,
fire on the 3 barrels using the Sniper Rifle. All the buildings should be blown
in smithereens now.

Send the SN running to the south-west corner of the map. Everyone board the
friendly hummer and escape! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! (If a Panzer IV fires on
your team before you escape, check the timing of your operations, you're just a
little slow)


The battle of El Alamein, which permitted to change the side of Northern
Africa, as been done ten days ago. The troops of Rommel have withdrawn to the
Lybian city of El Agheila, and, while withdrawing, are defending themselves

The captain Gregor McRae, of the Royal Air Force, has been shot down while he
was doing a surveillance flight over the German positions and was taken
prisoner near the airfield of El Agheila. You must infiltrate the camp and
rescue him.


This is your starting position, go free McRae and destroy the explosive storage
to the south. If you want to hi-jack a Tank, feel free to. However there is
only one Tank currently inoccupied. You will have to flee in the Transport
plane on the airfield to the north, McRae can pilot it. Also, destroy some of
the fighter planes stationed there, it would help us a little. Good luck!


DATE: November 14th, 1942
LOCATION: El Agheila
MISSION: Icare Operation

- It should be useful to steal a Panzer IV to getto the airfield.

- You must free McRae from his prison.

- Once he's free, McRae will be able to pilot the transport plane to flee.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 9 Moving Guards
- 9 Isolated Guards
- 2 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 3 Gatling Gun Operator
- 4 Panzer IV on standby
- 2 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in or near the camp will immediatly sound the alarm
in the camp.

- Anything suspect or heard near or on the airfield will immediatly soundthe
alarm for the airfield.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-4 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-3 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-4 Grenades
-1 Timed Explosives


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Full-Auto Rifle
-Panzer IV (On site)


-Hand Icon
-Transport Plane for evacuation (On site)



Choose all members of your team (except McRae) and fire some shots. Kill the
patrol group and the guard that come investigate. Send the GB crawling south so
you arrive behind the immobile guard to the south. Stab him and move the corpse
near the wall to the north. Send him in front of the wall to the south of the
patrolling guard a little north-east.

Wait until he's going to the north, run and stab him. Move the corpse in front
of the wall to the north. Wait for the guard on the other side of that wall so
he's going north-east. Run and stab him. Leave the corpse there. Move all the
team to the north of the north-west corner of the camp (behind the wall), be
sure to make everyone run as near to the left side of the map as you can. Wait
until the guard patrolling the entrance is going south-east.

Send the GB burrow himself at the north end of his tracks. Wait until he turns
his back near that position, get out and stab him. Move the corpse to the north
of the camp (Where your team is). Go put the lure near the wall where the boxes
are on the other side, start the lure and bury yourself a little to the south
of it. Wait for the guard to come, get out and stab him.

Move the corpse to your team's position. Go near the left side of the entrance,
wait until the patrolling guard inside goes back south-east. Run and stab him,
move the corpse to the left of the wall, outside of the camp. Send the GB hide
himself in the explosive storage, wait until the guard patrolling near it turns
to the north-east, get out of the house and go stab him, leave the corpse
between the house and the wall.

Send the GB crawling behind the guard near the prison, stab him and move the
corpse in the corner behind the ruined truck and the pile of boxes. Free McRae
and regroup all your team near the door to the explosive storage.


Send the GB drop the lure to the south of the leftmost tent so he's on the same
horizontal line as the guard near the 2 boxes. Hide between the explosive
storage and the wall. Check if nobody can see the lure. If ok, make a *BEEP*,
wait for the guard to come (ONLY 1 guard, not more!).

Crawl behind him and stab him. Move the corpse between the wall and the
explosive storage. Don't forget to pick up the lure. Go drop the lure near the
south-west corner of the leftmost tent. Hide in front of the ruined truck and
make a *BEEP*. The guard will come investigate, run and stab him. Move the
corpse in the corner formed by the ruined truck and the pile of boxes. Pick up
the lure. Send the GB between the 2 tents and send the SN crawling near the
entrance where he can shoot the guard in the corner to the right of the

Wait until he looks away, shoot him down and quickly send the GB pick up the
corpse, move it at a safe location (Your choice). Send the Gb crawling to the
right side of the rightmost tent. Wait until the guard patrolling near the
bunker goes straight south-east. Crawl to stab him, you should kill him just
before he turns back to you. Move the corpse in the corner to the left formed
by the boxes and under the metal thing. Send the GB crawling to the left side
of the tank under repairs.

The guard between the 2 tanks hangars to the right can't see you there. Drop
down the lure there, make a *BEEP* and go crawling around the tank the other
side of the side which the attracted guard comes so you arrive behind him. Stab
him and move the corpse on the right side of the tank where nobody can see the
corpse. Pick up the lure. Send the GB crawling in front of the tank hangar to
the right of the guard between the 2 hangars.

Send the SN in a position where he can shoot him down, shoot him and quickly
send the GB move the corpse as close to the south-east corner of that area as
possible. You may need to retry this step a few times, be sure to watch for the
patrol group before attempting this, wait until they're returning south-east.


Send the GB running back to the safe place near the tank under repairs (Only if
the Patrol group is not on thier way back). Wait until the guard patrolling in
front of the wall to the south turns to the north-east. Run near the guard
between the 2 hangars to the south. When he looks to his right, run and stab
him, move the corpse in the little corner formed by the fuel storage and the
hangar, leave the GB waiting there.

When the patrol group is going back south-east, run behind the immobile guard
to the right of the inversed T wall (Watch out for the patrolling guard in
front of that wall!). Kill the immobile guard when you can and move the corpse
in the corner to the left side of the inversed T wall. Run behind the
patrolling guard and stab him (Should be easy), move the corpse at the same
place as the last one.

Select all your team and make them crawl to the left of the wall nearest the
inoccupied tank hangar (Where the patrol group can't see you). Wait until the
patrol gorup is away (Not on thier way back however!). Run for the Panzer IV.
Wait for them to come and shoot them down.


Move your Panzer so your trails are parallel to the wall a little to the north.
Fire in the wall so your turret is already positioned. Get out of cover to the
right of the wall and fire on the tank patrolling there, since your turret is
already positioned you should be able to destroy it as soon as you click the
mouse button on it.

Wait behind the wall until a tank comes from the left side of the wall. Shoot
him down when you can (Be sure to be far enough away so you fire the main
cannon instead of the machine guns!!). Move to the south edge of the map and go
left until you can shoot down the immobile tank near the wall. Go near the
bunker and kill the troops coming out from it until it's empty.

Shoot down the tents if you want, unload the SA and send him put his timed
explosive near the door to the explosive storage, return to the tank and enjoy
the fireworks. Move the tank near the entrance, wait until the patrolling tank
makes his turn near the entrance, then get out and shoot it down (You did
position your turret BEFORE going out, did you?). Kill the 3 Gatling Gun
Operators near the road to the airfield.


When you get near the airfield, you'll notice a patrol group has come out of
the bunker there, wait at the edge of the road and fire on them when they get
in range, do this until the bunker is empty. Shoot the 2 fighter planes after
this, get out of the tank and make everyone board the transport plane. MISSION


December 3rd, 1942. The troops from the Axe have launched a massive
counter-attack from the Tunisia. At the same time, little infiltration missions
are done in Lybian regions controled by the enemy. The objectives : Stop the
supply and communication of the enemy and obtain information on the true forces
of Rommel.

Your mission is to go the other side of the enemy's frontier to reach the
petroleum fields of Maradah, at the south of El Agheila and destroy all the
petroleum wells. This will force the withdrawal to the south for a part of the
Afrika Korps.


This is your starting position and those are the 4 petroleum wells. Destroy
them and escape by the north-west zone. You may need to steal a vehicule to
accomplish this. Good luck!


DATE: December 3rd, 1942
MISSION: In The Soup

- It should be wise to collapse the tunnel to block the enemy's patrol groups.

- Once the wells are destroyed, board the SDKFZ and escape by the north-west

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 18 Moving Guards
- 10 Isolated Guards
- 4 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 1 Gatling Gun Operator
- 1 SDKFZ 231 on standby
- 1 Blitz Opel
- 3 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in the ENTIRE MAP will immediatly sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-5 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-5 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-1 Grenades
-3 Trigger Explosives


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-SDKFZ 231 (On site)
-Gatling Gun (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Lethal Injection
-Enemy Uniform
-Distract Icon



Send the SP south and wait until the guard near the left side of the map is to
the immediate left of the house. Kill him with the injection and hide his
corpse as near to the house as you can (Where nobody should see him). Send the
GB crawling to the position where you hid the corpse. Drop the lure there and
return north. Make a *BEEP* when the patrol group is away and 1 or 2 guards
should come. Use the Lethal Injection to get rid of them.

If only 1 guard came, attract the second one. Get rid of him. Send the GB get
back the lure. Send the SP distract the immobile guard to the right (A little
north of the tents), so that he looks to the right. When the patrol group is
away, send the GB to stab him. Move the corpse at the same place as the others
(You might get seen, but it's highly unlikely). Send the GB drop the lure
behind the first tent, return in hiding.

Wait until the patrol group passes by and is out of range of the lure. Make a
*BEEP* so 1 guard comes. Kill him with the injection and move the corpse at the
same place as the others. Send the SP kill the guard patrolling to the left of
the tent to the south. Wait until a guard sees the corpse, when he's
investigating the corpse, kill him with the injection. Leave the corpses there.


Send the SP kill the guard patrolling near the 3rd tent from the left. Kill him
when he's at the southern end of his patrol route. Move the corpse to the right
of the tent. Send the Sp distract the patrol group when they're to the north of
the 2 tents and make them look to the north. Send the GB crawling to the south
to the left of the tent (Where the corpse are).

Put the lure down near the right edge and move yourself to the left edge.
Activate the lure and immediatly burrow yourself, you need good timing to
burrow completly before the guard can see you. When he's near the lure, get out
and stab him. Pick up the lure. Crawl back to the north when the guard near the
house is going south-east. He will see your footsteps when he comes back.

Burrow yourself near the hosue and wait until he's walking back to his post.
Get out and stab him. Move the corpse behind the house to the north (Where all
the other corpses are...). Send the GB put down the lure under the leftmost
window of the house where the prevous guard was patrolling. Make a *BEEP* and
hide into the house. Wait until the guard turns his back from the lure. Get out
quickly and go stab him. Move the corpse near the door of the house.

Pick back the lure. Go make some footsteps to the right of the house when the
guard near the bunker is looking away. Return in front of the house and burrow
yourself a little away from the corpse. The guard near the bunker wil see your
footsteps and come investigate. Wait until he passes over you to investigate
the corpse. Get out and stab him. Leaves the corpses there.

Send the GB crawling near the barrels to the south. Wait until the patrol group
to the far right is going back north. Pick up a barrel and move it near the
bunker (A little to the left of the door). Send him back to yous starting
position. Release the distract ion and send the SP running to the south of the
barrel where he'll be out of range of the explosion. Wait until the patrol
group is near the barrel and fire on it.

Immediatly put back your uniform and remove the gun from sight. Send the SP in
fron of the house to the left. Near the leftmost window. Fire at will and kill
all the guards that come investigate (There is an awful lot of guards that
come!!). The alarm may have rang, but the only bunker that was alerted was the
the one you destroyed.


Send the GB crawling to the right as close to the south edge of the map as you
can. Make him climb the cliff to the right (Climb where the guard watching from
the top can't see you). Stab the 2 guards on top of the mountain, be sure to
kill them when nobody is watching toward them so they can't see thier comrade

Climb down the ladder when the guard patrolling near it is looking away. Hide
behind the rock, wait until he's near the rock, run behind him and stab him.
Move the corpse in the of the rock. Send the SP to the left of the entrance to
the south. Wait until the guard comes near, use the lethal injection to kill
him, move the corpse near the wall so nobody can see it. Send the SP distract
the immobile guard in front of the house near the innoccupied SDKFZ.

Distract him so he can't see the Gatling Gun. Send the GB stab him the Gatling
Gun Operator and move the corpse at the same place as the last corpse. Release
the distraction and move the Sp behind the immobile guard. Wait until nobody is
loking and kill him with the lethal injection. Move the corpse at the same
place as the others. Send the GB put the lure near the south corner made by the
wall and the cliff. Return in hiding behind the rock and move the SP a little
north of the lure.

Make a *BEEP*, only 1 guard must come. Kill him with the injection as he
investigate the lure and move the corpse at the same place as the last one.
Send the GB pick the lure back and return in front of the rock. Send the Gb
near the right edge of the cliff to the north. Climb up when the guard is going
back to the left. Quickly run to stab him once you're on the top. Move the
corpse as far to the right as you can. Climb back down and return in front of
the rock.


Send the SP distract the patrolling guard on top of the middle bunker. Distract
him from behind when he's near the top cliff. Wait until nobody is looking,
release the distraction and kill him with the injection. Leave the corpse near
the cliff, nobody should see it. Move the SP behind the immobile guard on top
of the bunker.

Wait until nobody is watching, kill him with the injection and move the corpse
to the right of the ladder and close to the cliff (The last 2 guards are the
hardest to kill in this map and may take several tries, but keep trying...).
Now send the SP distract the patrol group when they're to the south of the
bunker, distract them so they're looking at the Bunker.

Send the GB crawling to the left of the well in the middle, move him near the
north edge of the light-grey structures to the left. Wait until the guard is
going north-east and is lookign away. Run and stab him, move the corpse in
front of the well.


Send the GB, SN, DR in front of the rock in the area where the innoccupied
SDKFZ is. Send the SA put a bomb in front of the well in the middle area and
another bomb in front of the well near the SDKFZ. Back to the SP, release the
distraction and re-distract the patrol group so they're looking to the

Send the SA on top of the bunker, wait until the patrol group to the north is
going away. Go to the entrance of the tunnel and drop a bomb there. Send the
GB, SA and DR in the SDKFZ. Move the SDKFZ to the right side of the house. Send
the GB climb the cliff to the north of the SDKFZ. Put him to the south of the
rightmost well where he can fire on the nearest barrel. Send the SP in the
SDKFZ. Unload the SA.


Trigger the 3 explosives with the SA and make him board the SDKFZ. Wait until
the Blitz Opel passes between the 2 wells, fire on the barrel with the GB's
pistol, the 2 wells should blow up, if not, reload and retry.

Climb down the cliff and board the SDKFZ. Kill every guard that stands in your
way with the SDKFZ's Gatling Gun and leave the area by the north-west road.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! (If that doesn't work, begin by destroying the Blitz
Opel and the barrels before triggering the explosives)


The allied armies have taken control of the Libye in March 1943. The next step
is to push the enemy outside of Tunisia. However, the Allied troops are hitten
by a fierce resistance from the Mareth front.

In the meantime of an information operation on the Axe defenses, your team was
surprised by a German search. If they were able to escape, they are now
dispersed in the entire city. A small operation was undertaken to evacuate them.


Watch out, the alert is on and you're compromised. Your team is dispersed and
is hiding in different buildings. You must escape by the roofs. You must also
help our informant to escape from this building. Regroup at the evacuation
point. That will be all. Good luck!


DATE: March 15th, 1943
MISSION: On The Roof

- Your objective is to free the prisoner and escape.

- Your silent actions on the roofs will probably not be seen by the guards on
the inferior levels.

- Once your team has freed the prisoner, use the Kübelwagen in the south-east
zone to escape.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 19 Moving Guards
- 16 Isolated Guards
- 2 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 2 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in the ENTIRE MAP will immediatly sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-7 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Lethal Injection
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Enemy Uniform
-Distract Icon


-Hand Icon



Send the SP distract the guard patrolling near the building where the GB is
hiding. Distract him when he passed by the door where the GB his and so he's
looking north-east. When the patrol group is away. Get out the GB and stab the
distracted guard. Move the corpse in the corner to the left where the ladder
is. Follow the wall so the guards on the upper levels don't see you.

Make the SP climb the ladder. Wait until the patrolling guard is near the
ladder. Distract him from behind. Wait until the guards on the upper level are
looking elsewhere. Release the distraction and kill him with the injection.
Move the corpse near the door under the stairs. Make the GB climb the ladder,
crouch down and crawl to where the corpse is.

Drop the lure there and hide behindthe barrels. Make a *BEEP* to attract the 2
guards on top of the roof a little higher. When they're investigating the lure,
use the injection to kill them both. Pick back the lure with the GB. Send the
GB drop the lure near the base of the ladder leading to the highest roof (To
the north-east of your current position).

Return to the corpses. Send the SP near the lure and activate it. Kill the 2
guards with the injection when they're near the lure. Move the corpses as close
to the ladder as you can. Regroup the GB and SP at the base of that ladder.
Drop the lure near the ladder, make the SP climb the ladder and distract the
guard when he's near the top of the ladder.

Wait until the other patrolling guard to the right is in the corner to the
south end of his patrol. Activate the lure. Send the SP kill the guard to right
(The one patrolling near the pile of boxes. Kill him so the body is behind the
boxes. Go kill the guard in the corner and the guard near the ladder. Move the
last one in the corner where the other corpse is. Get out the SN from the
little building and regroup in the corner with the corpses.


Send the GB put the lure behind the boxes (Where the corpse is) and send the SP
near it. Make a *BEEP* and one guard should come. Use the injection to kill him
when he's near the lure. With the SP, move a corpse a little to the north of
the pile of boxes. One of the guards to the right will see it and come

Use the injection to *dispose* of him quietly. Send the SP behind the immobile
guard to the south-east of the boxes. Wait until the patrolling guard near him
is going north. Use the injection to get rid of the immobile AND the patrolling
guard. 2 guards should come investigate the corpses.

Get rid of them with the injection. Finally, use the injection on the guard on
the north-east building. Send the SP distract the leftmost guard on the ledge
over the prison where the informant is. Distract him so he's looking to the
north-west. Send the GB pick up the lure back and move him to the top of the
rightmost ladder. Wait until the patrol group is going away.

Make the GB climb down the ladder, stab the guard at the bottom and move the
corpse behind the small wall over the prison door. Go stab the distracted guard
and move the corpse at the same place as the last one. Send the SP distract the
patrol group when they're to the right of the prison door and distract them so
they're looking to the south-east. Send the GB open the prison door and regroup
your team where the SN is (Wait until the IN and GB are there before releasing
the distraction).


Send the IN, GB and SN behind the box near the righmost ladder and send the GB
dro pthe lure a little to the south-east of that box, return in hiding. Send
the SP near the lure and activate the lure. 1 guard should come, use the

Send the GB pick up the lure and go drop it near the top of the stairs to the
south. Return in hiding and move the SP near the lure. Activate it and use the
injection on the guard that come investigate. Send the GB pick back the lure
and move the corpse to the SN position. Send the SP behind the immobile guard
to the left. Wait until the patroling guar to the left is looking away, kill
the immobile guard with the injection and move the corpse to the right of the
house a little to the north.

Send the SP kill the rightmost patrolling guard when the other is not looking.
Wait until he sees the corpse and go investigate, kill him on the way. Go down
the steps to the left and kill the guard when he is near the door to the north
of the stairs (You may get seen, but try again). Go down the next steps and go
up the stairs to the right and move behind the guard to the north, near a door.
Kill him with the injection and leave the corpse there, it's safe.

Go behind the guard to the south-west. Wait until nobody is watching then use
the injection to kill him (May be hard to pull off, but it's rather easy when
you know who can see him fall). Get rid of the 2 guards remaining on that level
by killing the right one first, then the left one. Just watch for the
patrolling guards on the inferior levels.

Send the SP distract the guard near the stairs leading to the lowest level,
distract him so he's looking south-west. Send the GB crawling to drop the lure
behind the big box to the north of that guard. Return the GB in hiding by
crawling there. Activate the lure, as many as 4 guards should come investigate,
when they're all behind the box, use the injection on each one of them to get
rid of them. Send the GB pick up the lure and regroup all your team there.


This is probably one of the only mission where the alarm is NOT supposed to
ring. Send the SP distract the patrol group when they're going to the left and
when they're to the south of the stairs leading to that level. Distract them so
they're looking to the south. Use the SN to get rid of the guard watching the
stairs, shoot him from the stairs leading up to the right.

Use the GB to move the corpse between the buildings to the north-east of that
position. Send the Sn to the top of the stairs leading to the lowest level and
shoot down the immobile guard to the left. Wait until the patrolling one sees
the corpse and shoot him down when he's investigating. Send the GB, SN and IN
in the hummer. When they're all inside, send the SP in it. MISSION


The Bismarck cruiser, jewel of Kriegsmarine, was sunk in May 1941 while it's
first expedition in North Atlantic. This ship had enough firepower to sink the
Hood Cruiser and send all the England ships in a long and difficult pursuit.

Some reports are saying that an exact duplicate of the Bismarck cruiser is
being built in the Havre port and that he should go patrol Norway's coast. The
French Resistance can help us infiltrate five men. If we can sabotage that
ship, we could stop the rebirth of a legend and facilitate our operations in
the region.


You will be dropped in the southern dock of the port. There a small submarine
heavily-armed in the camp, you must take the control of it and launch a
torpedoe on the front of the cruiser. Use your pneumatic boat to get to the
beacon in the south-west zone. Here's your chance to write a page of history.
Good luck!


DATE: May 15th, 1944
LOCATION: Havre Port
MISSION: David And Goliath

- Your team must destroy the fuel depots near the cruiser.

- The Marine can steal the submarine and use it to fire a torpedoe on the
crusier to destroy it.

- Once the cruiser and fuel depots destroyed, your team can use the pneumatic
boat to get to the south-west beacon.

- Watch for the enemy's patrol ships, you can use the cannon on the south-west
pier to destroy them.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 10 Moving Guards
- 9 Isolated Guards
- 1 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 1 Patrol Ship on stand by
- 1 Panzer II on stand by
- 1 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in the right dock will immediatly sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-2 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-4 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Underwater Equipment
-Pneumatic Boat
-Small Submarine (On site)
-2 Torpedoes (On site, must be in submarine)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-1 Trigger Explosives


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Transport Truck (On site)



Make the GB climb the wall to the north of your position, hide to the right of
the nearest box and fire some shots. Kill the 3 guards as they come. Go to the
left and shoot down the guard when you're able to. Go back to your starting
position. Send the MA underwater, near the gate.

Wait until a ship comes by to enter and follow him inside when the door is
open. Go to the left road where you can get out of the water. Wait for the
guard to resume his standard watch point, get out of the water and go stab him.
Open the gate, it will stay open for the rest of the mission. Return to your
starting position and unload the pneumatic boat, make everyone board it and go
near the open gate.


Make the MA go underwater and to the road to the right, to access the main
dock. Wait until nobody is looking toward you, then get out of the water and
run between the boxes, hide in front of the north one. Wait until the guard
comes by and use the Speargun to kill him before he shoots, the other guard
will see the corpse, quickly run the other side of the boxes to kill him from
behind before he rings the alarm, should be easy to do.

Send the MA back to the pneumatic boat and unload your team at the position you
cleaned, don't forget to pick up the boat back. Put everyone between the boxes.
Send the GB crawling to the left, kill the guard on the edge when the others on
the other side are not watching, move the corpse in front of the pile of
barrels (You may get seen because that guard sometimes makes a small patrol
behind him). Bring the SN to that position and shoot down the 2 guards on the
other side of the water.

Return to your team's position. When the patrol group is away, send the DR
drive the truck and move it in front of the hangar door, so the tank won't come
out when the alarm will ring. Move the GB in front of the box to the left of
the hangar and wait for the patrol group to turn away, follow them while
crawling until you're in front of the box a little to the north with some bags
near it.

Wait until you've got an opportunity, then run and stab the patrolling guard,
pick up the corpse and use the box as your cover to maneuver around the patrol
group. Leave the corpse where your team is. Go near the box with the sandbags


When the patrol group can't see to the left of the box, run to the north, stop
in front of the 3boxes to the left of the fuel depot. Wait for the guard
patrolling in front of the depot to go north-west, run and stab him, move the
corpse in the little corner formed by the three boxes.

Move to the north edge of the boxes and wait for the patrol group to turn away
and check the sight range of the guard to the left. As soon as he's not
looking, RUN behind the pile of barrels to the north of him, crouch down there.
Crawl behind the guard to your left and stab him, move the corpse to the left
of the box, wait until the patrolling guard is going south, pass behind the box
to stab him.

Go stab the guard near the gate controls, move the corpse behind all the boxes
and stab the last guard remaining there. Go open the gate to the cruiser. Send
the SA near the box with the bags and run to the fuel depot when the patrol
group can't see you. Drop the bomb there and bring the SA back by using the
same method with the box.


Wait for the patrol group to turn around to go south-east, send the GB stab the
guard to the right of the ladder leading to the submarine, move the corpse in
the corner of the three boxes to the north, if you were quick enough, you
should be able to get rid of the second guard before the patrol group can see

Bring the GB back to the rest of the team and make the MA put the boat in the
water, load all of your team and unload them to the leftmost road. Put everyone
near the immobile cannon and crouch down. Make the Ma pick back the boat and go
underwater, return to the right road leading out of the water.

Use the box with the bags to get by the patrol group and go hide to the north
near the fuel depot. Wait for the patrol group to make thier turn to go
south-east. Run and go down the first ladder, kill the guard. Go down the
second ladder and board the submarine. Go quickly near the gate leading to the


Fire a torpedoe on the front of the cruiser and make sure it hits! Go to the
road where you unloaded your team and check the beacon. A patrol ship is there,
use the DR to control the cannon and sink the ship. Make the MA put the
pneumatic boat in the water and have everyone board it. Detonate the bomb using
the SA before boarding. Go to the beacon. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!


End of May 1944. All is ready for the Overlord Operation. The General
Eisenhower is waiting only for good conditions to attack. The nervosity is
climbing on the two sides of the water.

Recent aerial photos have shown four heavy cannons on the coast of the river,
in the code-named zone of Juno. They are a serious threat to our operation.
Your mission : Destroy them. If you succeed, you will have the glorious prelude
to one of the more important operations in history.


You will start from this position, shut down those 4 cannons. After the cannons
are destroyed, use your boat to get to the beacon. You MUST destroy those
cannons, the life of many men are depending on this. Good luck!


DATE: May 25th, 1944
MISSION: D-Day Kick Off

- Your objective is to destroy the four cannons and escape.

- The hability of your Marine to pilot boats to get to the different areas of
the zone will greatly enhance your chances of success.

- The Green Beret can climb the cliff in the center of the island to get to the
other side of the wall.

- The Marine can use his Speargun outside of the zone without being seen.

- Your team can use the Panzer II to get back to the boat.

- Once back at the boat, go to the beacon in the south-east corner of the zone.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 24 Moving Guards
- 18 Isolated Guards
- 5 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 5 Gatling Gun Operator
- 2 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen from the wall will immediatly sound the alarm.

- The only safe haven is to the nrth of your starting position.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-3 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-8 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Underwater Equipment
-Small Boat


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-3 Trigger Explosives


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Panzer II (On site)
-5 Gatling Gun (On site)



When the patrol group near the bach is going back to the right, go up and
unload the GB, make him run to the left of the rocks to the north and move the
boat back to the south edge of the map. Fire some shots to attract the 2 patrol
groups, kill them all and move all the corpses to the left of the rocks.

Go back to unload the SN, SA and DR. Move the boat back on the south edge of
the map, you won't need it until the escape. Move them to the left of the
rocks, send the GB to the south near the water and go to the right, behind the
rightmost stone structure. Fire some shots to lur eguards, you should be able
to lure 2 guards and the patrol group from the other side of the wall without
ringing the alarm.

Kill them all and return to the left of the rocks, heal up if you got shot.
Send the GB crawling to the north and climb the cliff where the guard on top
can't see you. Stab him once you're on top, go to the right and stab the other
guard on top when nobody is looking. Go back to the left until you're to the
north of the small house near the wall of the camp, climb down the cliff when
nobody is looking.

Hide in the little corner behind the house, when nobody is looking, go put the
lure behind the tree to the left. Hide in the little corner and lure the
patrolling guard near the entrance to the lure. Stab him and move the corpse in
the little corner, don't forget to pick up the lure.

Move to the right of the house when the guard patrolling is going to the
north-east. crawl as near to the cliff as you can and go hide behind the
bunker. Wait until the guard is behind the pile of boxes, go stab him when he's
looking away. Move the corpse behind the bunker.


Return to the little house to the left. Crawl behind the guard near the
entrance. Stab the guard when the one patrolling on top of the cannon is
looking away. Move the corpse to the left of the wall in the north corner. Go
crawling to the left of th structure left of the cannon. Go put the lure to the
left of the structure (a little far from it).

Activate it and wait for the patroling guard to come investigate, he shouldn't
see you near the structure and he should go straight for the lure, go stab him
and move the corpse to the lefto f the house, pick up the lure back. Go near
the back of the immobile guard near the structure and wait until nobody is
looking, stab him and move the corpse to the left of the structure (requires
EXTREME timing to pull off, but it's possible...).

Go to the left of the cannons when nobody is looking, wait for the guard at the
top to turn around, climb up and stab him, if you're lucky, nobody saw you,
crouch down. Go behind each guard and stab them when nobody is looking. Climb
back down. Drop the lure to the left of the cannon and hide to the left of the
structure, make a *BEEP* and wait for the guard to go investigate. stab him
while he 's looking the lure and pick the lure back.

Crawl to behind the bunker, put the lure near the pile of boxes when nobody is
looking, make a *BEEP* when the guard is within range then go stab him from
behind. Move the corpse behind the bunker and pick up the lure back. Go back to
the left of the cannon and go crawl near the water to the south, follow the
water to the right and go behind the gatling gun operator, stab him when the
patrolling guard to the north is away, move the corpse near the rocks to the

Go north and put down the lure near the edge of the sand, close to the rocks,
go behind the nearest stone structure and make a *BEEP*, 3 guards will come,
stab them one after the other and pick up the lure back.


Move the SN, SA and DR to the left of the first cannon, put a bomb near the
cannon with the SA. Send the SA, SN and DR to the left of the rocks near the
2nd camp. Send the GB on top of the hill, over the position of the gatling gun,
climb down when nobody is watching and go in the corner of the rocks between
the 2 gatling guns.

Wait until nobody is watching and stab the south gatling gun operator, move the
ocrpse inm the corner of the rocks, do the same for the north one (You may need
more timing for that one). Go to the left side of the 2nd cannon, near the
rocks. Drop the lure there and go to the left of the little pile of rocks to
your left. Make a *BEEP* when the guard in front of the cannon is to the
northmost end of his patrol route, so only the one on top will come.

Wait until the guard in front of the cannon is going back north-east, run and
go stab the distracted guard from behind. Pick up the corpse and leave the lure
there. Use the rocks as your hiding point so you can bring the corpse to the
other side of the rocks (where your team is). Return to the left of the little
pile of rocks.

Make a *BEEP* to attract the guard in front of the cannon. Wait for the guards
on top to look away then run and stab him from behind. Pick up the lure and
leave the corpse there. You can crawl to the top of the cannon from behind it,
go behind the left guard on top of it and stab him when nobody is looking,
crawl behind the next one and do the same. Go back to the left side of the

Run toward the guard on the beach when he's going to the right. Burrow yourself
before he turns. He'll come investigate the footsteps, wait until he's walking
back to his post and stab him! Move the corpse to the right of the stone
structure nearest the water and rock wall. Send the SA and DR to the left of
the 2nd cannon and put a bomb in front of it with the SA, return to the left of
the cannon.


Move the SN on the road, near the pile of boxes and wood in the 1rst camp,
crouch down there. Send the GB put down the lure in front of the rock wall to
the north of the 2nd camp, on the grass area. Go back to the left of the cannon
to hide.

Make a *BEEP* to attract him, he'll see the corpse on top of the cannon, but go
for the lure anyway. Just crawl to him and stab him from behind (He should be
distracted long enough for you to get to him). Pick up the lure back. Go in the
corner by the 2 gatling guns. Watch the sight range of the immobile guard on
the beach of the 3rd camp. Put the GB to the south of the rocks near the
gatling gun, where he can see you, stand up.

Wait for him to see you, crouch down when he yells at you and go in the corner
of the rocks, use the SN to shoot the 2 (yes, 2) guards that comes when they're
south of the rocks. (Be aware that the patrol group must be away because
they'll come too if they hear a guard yell, wait for them to be far away).

Move the 2 corpses in the corner of the rocks with the GB. Send the SN on top
of the 2nd cannon where he can shoot the guard on top of the 3rd cannon. Shoot
him when nobody is looking (easier than it sounds). Move the SN to the left of
the 2nd cannon.


With the GB, go put the lure a little to the north and west of the north
gatling gun, when nobody is looking, of course. Go back into the corner of the
rocks with the gatling guns and make a *BEEP* when the guard patrolling near
the 3rd cannon is in front of it and to the end of his patrol route.

He'll go investigate and you will be able to sneak behidn him and stab him.
Pick up the lure back and move the corpse in the corner with the other corpses.
Go put the lure in the corner formed by the big rock to the nroth-west of the
north gatling gun and the cliff. Go back in the little corner and make a
*BEEP*, go stab the guard while he's distracted.

Pick up the lure and move the corpse in the corner of the gatling guns. Send
the GB crawling in front of the structure to the left of the 3rd cannon, wait
until the patrol group is away and the guard patrolling nearby is going
north-east. Run and stab him. Pick up the corpse and move it back to the corner
with the gatling guns (Watch out for the guards on the 4th camp beach, they can
see you!).

Send the GB, SN, DR and SA to the corner with the gatling guns. Send the SA on
top of the 3rd cannon and drop a bomb behind it. Go back to the corner with the
gatling guns.


Go put the lure to the south of the rocks separating the 3rd camp from the 4th
camp. Put it a little to the right. Go in front of the stone structure to the
left of the 3rd cannon and wait for the patrol group to go back south-east.
Hide to the right of the structure and make a *BEEP*. Go stab the distracted
guard from behind. Pick up the lure and the corpse and move it to the corner of
the gatling guns (Watch out the for the guards in the other camp!).

Go crawling near the back of the guard neaar the bunker of the 4th camp. Stab
him when nobody is looking and pick up the corpse. Hide in the very small
corner to the south, formed by the bunker's edge and the small wall. DON'T drop
the corpse. Send the SA drop the trap near the right wall of the bunker, send
the SA, SN and DR hiding in front of the big rock between the 2 camps. Make the
GB drop the corpse. A guard patrolling to the north will see it and come. He'll
die into the trap (Make sure only ONE guard comes!!).

Move the 2 corpses and place them in the little corner where they won't be
seen. Send the SA pick up the trap back and send him back into hiding with the
rest of the team. Go put the lure near the barrels (to the south-east). Hide in
the corner of the hosue with the 3 barrels. Make a *BEEP* and a guard will come
(ONLY one must come). He should not see you in the corner, if he does, just
restart, wait until his sight range is to the south of him before making the

Sneak up behind him and stab him quickly pick up a barrel and hide his corpse
inside it before someone sees it, crouch down again and move in the corner of
the bunker (where you left 2 corpses).


Send the SN to the north of the bunker where he can shoot the guard behind the
last cannon, but where the guard near the pile of boxes can't see him. Shoot
the guard behind the cannon and crouch down, 3 guards will see the corpse.

Wait until they're near the corpse (and behind the cannon) to shoot them, the
last one comes a while later so wait for him. Nobody should see the 3 corpses.
(You may need to try MANY times to get it right, but once you do, the rest of
the mission is a cakewalk!). Send the GB crawling to the right side of the
bunker so he can get in front of the pile of boxes, just watch out for the
guard near the boxes when you pass.

Go behind the nearest guard and stab him when the one in front of the tank is
not looking, pick up the corpse and move it between the boxes and the cliff. Go
pick up a barrel and move it behind the cannon when nobody is looking. Send the
GB stab the guard in front of the tank by behind, move the corpse between the
nearest house and the cliff. Send the GB, SA, SN and DR between the cliff and
the hosue near the tank, when they're all there, board the tank!!


Be sure to trigger the charges before boarding the tank, fire on the barrel you
moved behidn the last cannon to destroy it. On your way to the boat, kill every
single guard remaining in the camp. Unload the tank, board the boat and move to


April 26th, Paris welcomes gloriously DeGaulle, the chief of the free France.
The German troops have withdrawn to the north-east. One of the first person to
quit Paris was the SS Grupenfürher Helmut Schleper, also named "Paris' Butcher"
for the atrocities that he committed on the various members of the resistance.

He succeeded in fleeing, Schleper has taken refuge in Compiègne, from where he
must go to Berlin with the list of the resistance members currently infiltrated
in Germany. You must eliminate him before he brings that list to Berlin.


You will start from southern limit of Compiègne. The best time to kill the
general is when he does his morning's walk. Kill him and escape by the cemetary
to the north where a truck is waiting. I must warn you that the city is under
surveillance, at slightest alarm, Schleiper will be evacuated and you will have
failed. So act as silently as possible. Good luck!


DATE: August 26th, 1944
LOCATION: Compiègne
MISSION: End Of The Butcher

- It's when the general does his morning's walk that you will have the best
chances to eliminate him.

- If you're team makes the slightest noise, he'll flee. Be silent!

- You must also destroy the HQ.

- Once the objectives fufilled, steal a truck and flee by the north-west road.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 17 Moving Guards
- 11 Isolated Guards
- 1 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 3 Patrol Group of 5 men
- 1 SDKFZ 231 on patrol
- 1 General
- 1 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in the ENTIRE MAP will immediatly sound the alarm
and the general will flee in a car.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-4 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Underwater Equipment


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-2 Citroën 15 (On site)
-Blitz Opel (On site)
-Truck (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Lethal Injection
-Enemy Uniform (On site)
-Distract Icon (On site, must have uniform)



Wait until the patrol group passes by your starting position and the guard
going in the ruined house to the left is going to the left. Send the SP
crawling to that ruined house and get up in the north-west corner inside. Wait
until the guard comes back inside, if you're in the north-west corner, he will
not see you.

When he's immobile in the south-east corner, go kill him with the injection,
move the corpse in the north-west corner. Go walking a little to the south so
the guard patrolling to the north of your starting position sees you, crouch
down has he yells and move to the left edge of the entrance of the ruined
house. Wait until he his entering then kill him with the injection (May need a
few tries).

Move the corpse in the north-west corner and go back to your starting position.
Wait until the patrol group passes by, then move to the right off your starting
position. Wait for the guard to the right to go away. Get up and RUN towards
him. Crouch down when you're near him. Watch the sight range of the other
patrolling guard on the bridge.

When he's looking away, kill the patrolling guard you're near with the
injection. Crouch down again. When he looks away, pick up the corpse and move
it as far as you can to the right (Use the TAB key to change the side of the
menu bar), crouch down and remain there, the little part of wall is preventing
the other guards to see the corpse.


Wait for the patrol group to turn the corner nearby and move the SP to the left
edge of the small wall. Wait for the guard patrolling on the bridge to come to
the south end of his patrol, when he turns away, get up and go kill him with
the injection (You may get seen, but try again, it's relatively easy), pick up
the corpse and move it to the far right at the same place as the last one.

Send the SP back at your starting position. Wait for the patrol group to pass
by, send the MA crawling to the stairs leading into the water from the right
side. If you watch for the other guards, nobody should see you. Go underwater
and move to the beginning of the steps to the left side. Wait for the guard
that patrols those stairs to turn his back to the water, get out of the water
and kill him with the speargun.

Nobody should be able to see the corpse on the stairs. Move the SP to the
north-west corner of the ruined house and wait for the patrol group to pass by.
Send the SP crawling to the left of the left bridge, under cover of the small
wall and as far to the left as you can. He shouldn't see you when he'll pass,
go kill him with the injection at the south end of his patrol route.

Pick up the corpse and move it to the north-west corner inside the ruined
house. Go running to the back of the immobile guard near the stairs leading
into the water, use the injection to kill him and move the corpse to the bottom
of the steps, near the river. Nobody should see you do this.


Send the SP crawl in the little corner of the broken fence to the left of your
position. Wait until the patrol groups are away, the guy patrolling on the roof
near the uniform is going away and the guard near the ladder is going to the
north-west. RUN to the ladder and climb it, pick up the uniform as fast as you

Get rid of the 2 guards on the same level as you using the injection. Climb to
the last level and kill that guard with the injection (The last 3 guards must
be killed when nobody from the lower levels is looking in the same direction).
Go back to the ground level and wait for the 2 patrol groups to go away, get
rid of the guard patrolling near the ladder and move the corpse in the little
corner made by the broken down fence to the south.

Send the SP distract the patrol group to the north, when they're near the
tramway, send the SN to the ladder leading to the 2nd level when the patrol
group is going away, climb up and go to the highest level (The last ladder may
be hard to climb because they could see you, but the SN MUST be there).


Release the distraction of the SP and go inside the cemetary. Go behind the
immobile guard to the right and kill him when nobody is looking, move the
corpse behind the tree to the left and near the tombstones. Send the SP to the
south near the HQ's rear entrance, kill the patrolling guard near the entrance
when the patrol group is looking away and move the corpse behind the little
part of wall to the right of the entrance.

Send the SP to the left, behind the guard between the fence and the tramway
tracks, wait for the patrol group to go back south, when the tramways passes in
front of the guard, kill him witrh the injection and move the corpse to the
left near the left emnd of the stopped tramway, wait for the the guard a little
to the north to see the corpse, he'll come investigate, kill him with the
injection when he's near. Quickly send the SP distract the patrol group (They
should be near the fountain by now). Distract them so they're looking east.


Send the MA in the house to the left of the Blitz Opel and move the DR near the
Blitz Opel to the left of the cemetary. When the patrol group is going to the
right, board the Blitz with the DR and move it near the tramway tracks, pass by
the road when the 2 guards in front of the front entrance to the HQ are looking
away, put the Blitz between the tracks and the fence of the cemetary where
nobody can see it.


Backup into the entrance when the patrol group is looking elsewhere, disembark
and RUN away! They'll fire on the Blitz making it explode along with the HQ,
switch to the SN quickly, move it to the edge of the building and fire on the
general when you,ve got an opportunity (If you miss your shot at any of the
last steps, just reload, it's VERY hard to pull off!).

Move the DR in the cemetary between the fence and the tombstones where you've
let the corpse. Get the SN off the roof without getting shot and move him into
the same house as the MA. Switch to the DR, wait until the patrol group is
going to the right, and they're not looking at the truck, go board the truck
and quickly move it out of the cemetary and to the left.

Hide it to the left of the house where the Ma and SN are hiding. Wait to see if
somebody comes to you (Nobody should get exactly where you are hiding). When
the coast is clear, get out the MA and SN from the house and make them board
the truck. Release the distraction with the SP and send him running to board
the truck. Escape by going to the north of that road. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!


September 1944. The allied forces are advancing rapidly in Belgium, pushed by
the will of the high commanders to cross the Rhin rapidly. The Market Garden
operation is being prepared quickly.

In the meantimeof thier withdrawal movement behind the Siegfried line, the
German forces are trying to destroy the bridge on the Meuse, to the north of
Liège, to hold back the allied forces for sometime. Your mission is to prevent
that destruction at ALL COSTS.


This is a very complicated mission so listen to me carefully. The enemy as
placed explosives at differents positions on the bridge. Each explosive is
controled by a different sapper. They have orders to watch one another and to
destroy the bridge at ANY suspect sign. You must eliminate them nearly all at
the same time. When the sappers are dead, escape by the south road. Good luck!


DATE: September 4th, 1944
LOCATION: Meuse's bridge, to the north of Liège
MISSION: Fire Halt

- The 4 enemy sappers can activate 1 explosive each.

- They are watching themselves.

- At the slightest alarm, they have orders to activate thier respective
explosives and to destroy the bridge.

- Your team must eliminate the sappers nearly at the same time.

- Once the sappers are dead, escape by the south road by stealing a truck.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 14 Moving Guards
- 16 Isolated Guards
- 2 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 3 Patrol Group of 5 men
- 2 Surveillance Bunker
- 4 Sapper
- 3 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in the ENTIRE MAP will immediatly sound the alarm.

- The sappers will only activate thier explosives if you commit a wrong move
near them.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Sniper Rifle
-5 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Underwater Equipment


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Lethal Injection
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Enemy Uniform (On site)
-Distract Icon (On site, must have uniform)
-Tansport Truck (On site, he can drive it in this mission)



Make the SN & MA crouch down and move the SP behind the bunker to the south.
Wait on the left side of it for the guard to turn away and go kill him. Pick up
the body and move it behind the hosue (It helps to do this when the train
passes by to block the view of the other guards on the otherside of the railway.

Crouch down and move to the lower corner of the left side of the house. Wait
there for the train to enter the screen. As soon as it blocks the view of the
immobile guard on the other side of the railway, get up and run to kill the
immobile guard near theenetrance to the bunker. Pick up the corpse and bring it
to the same location as the previous one. This one is VERY tricky and a slight
error of timing can be lethal. Many tries will probably be required.

Move the SN behind the bunker and move the SP to the right side of the bunker,
wait for the patrolling guard on the otherside of the railway to turn away, get
up and kill the immobile guard, quickly run and kill the patroling guard before
he turns your way. Continue running fast to behidn the houses a little to the
south and left. 2 guards will probably come to investigate the corpse, once
they look away from where you are, run and kill them both.

Send the SP kill the guard to the left of those houses from behind. Quickly run
behind the houses and wait for a guard south to see the corpse, kill him while
he's investigating and looking away and brings both bodies to the location of
your other characters.

Run to the fountain to the south, stay on the south corner of the hosuesthere,
when the patrol group to the right is going up, run for the uniform! You'll get
it in time.


Send the MA underwater and go to the south along the shore. Once you come
across a patrolling guard, arrange so you stab him in the back at the north end
of his patrolling route. Send the SN crawling to the first curve of the fence
to the south and left of the bunker near the beginning. Aim with the Sniper
Rifle at the patrol group's path and kill them all when they're near the rock
(3 accurate rounds). Nothing should happen except for their own useless screams.

Send the MA back underwater and head to the small island with 2 Sappers under
the bridge in the middle of the river. Move him to the north of the Detonator
and ready to get out of the water. Wait there. Move the SN to the location of
the dead patrol group he killed and you should be able to aim at the area at
the beginning of the bridge with the sniper's scope. Verify this and stay
crouched down.

Send the SP to the south and kill the patrolling guard once he passes in front
of the rusty bulldozer. Leave the body there and move behind the guard near the
small bunker nearby. Make sure the patrol group where the uniform was is going
up and kill the guard you're near. Pick up the body and bring it in front of
the bulldozer, like the previous one.

Send the SP to board the Evacuation Truck to the south of the truck and drive
(yes, the SP CAN drive in this mission) it to the south of the bulldozer in the
field to the right. Leave it there and send the SP all the way across the
bridge to behind the Sapper on the northern shore. Ok, everybody is in
position, time to get rid of all 4 Sappers.


Wait until the patrol group to the north is going back up, wait until the
immobile guard watching you is looking away (Check his field of vision). Kill
the Sapper with the Injection and quickly remove the cursor. Remain in position
(They shouldn't shoot at you) and quickly get the MA out of the water. Shoot
down the 2 Sappers with your pistol.

Switch to the SN quickly and aim the Sniper Rifle at the beginning of the
bridge, if you were fast enough the Sapper there will be entering your Line of
Fire and you'll be able to bring him down there. If not, reload & restart this
sequence (Requires good timing & decent speed in execution).

Crouch down and crawl all the way to the houses to the south of the railway.
Send the MA underwater and back at the starting mposition and regroup with the
SN at his position. Send the SP to distract the patrol group where the uniform
wasso they're looking to the north and send the MA & SN to board the truck.
Send the SP to board the truck and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! (If the truck seems
to be blocked by the foliage, press ESC to skip the escape sequence so you can


Even with the failure of the Market Garden Operation, the Allied Forces are
stil advancing towards the Rhin. At this era, France is not yet entirely free.
At Ribeauvillé, a small city to the north of Colmar, the chief of the french
resistance, Claude Gilbert, was arrested with some of his cohorts and will be
executed tomorrow at dawn.

Your mission is to free the prisoners and to bring them back to safety at the
Allied Front.


The objective of this mission is simple, free Gilbert and his men and escort
them to the north, where an escape truck is awaiting you. Note that there is a
mobile bridge to the left of the base, it can be activate by a lever on its
northern side. That will be all. Good luck!


DATE: November 28th, 1944
LOCATION: Ribeauvillé, to the north of Colmar.
MISSION: Before Dawn

- There is a mobile bridge that can be activated. It might prove useful.

- Leaving one of your men to be arrested can help to trick the enemy.

- It may be useful to open the fuel valves inside the base and to ignite them.

- All your characters and all the prisoners must board the friendly truck to
the north-west to escape.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 14 Moving Guards
- 11 Isolated Guards
- 4 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 1 Gatling Gun Operator
- 1 Surveillance Bunker
- 5 Surveillance Towers
- 2 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in the ENTIRE MAP will immediatly sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-1 Explosive Barrel (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Underwater Equipment
-Pneumatic Boat


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Lethal Injection
-First Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Enemy Uniform
-Distract Icon


-Hand Icon



Send the SP to distract the patrol group to the right so they look to the right
or to the south and send the GB crawling to the north near the cliff. Climb it
up and crouch down as soon as you set foot at the top (Climb to the leftmost
side of the cliff and watch the right guard's sight range). Go behind the rocks
nearby and Run to the front of the rocks and shoot down the rightmost guard
with your pistol.

The ruckus will not sound the alarm anyways, go out of the right side of the
rocks and shoot the immobile guard a little up. Quickly run to the front of the
rocks a little to the nroth and wait there. A guard should go south to examine
the new body, shoot him down from your hiding place when you can. The patrol
group on the bridge should see that body and come investigate (Use pistol shots
if they don't). Shoot down all 3 when you can. Shoot the patrolling guard
remaining from behind.

Wait to the left of those rocks and attract the ptrol group to the right with
pistol shots, shoot them down one by one. Activate the mobile bridge by the
lever nearby and make the MA go across. Send the MA & GB in front of the rocks
where you were hidden last and also close the bridge before that. Send the SP
through the base and open the door at the back of it.


Make the SP distract the guard to the right of that door so he looks straigth
down and send the GB put down his lure a little to the left of the door,
outside the base. You should be able to lure 3 guards from inside the base
(Maybe the guard the SP was distracting) and a guard from the other side of the
river will probably see the corpses, one more kill, use multiple locations &
*BEEP* to make sure.

Dispose of all of them using the Injection of the SP and leave all the corpses
there. Send the GB pick up the lure and send him back in hiding. Send the SP in
the base and to the left of the house there. Kill the guard patrolling there
and put the corpse as close to the house as you can. Go to the left of the
small structure just south of you and sneak behind the immobile guard to the
south of it. Kill him when nobody is watching and move his body to the left of
the structure.

Send the SP behind the guard to the right of the prison and wait there. Wait
until the patrolling guard turns to the left and kill the one you're near.
Bring his body to the right of the pile of boxes nearby. Make the SP distract
the remainign guard near the prison so he looks towards the south and makethe
GB crawl inside the base, all the way to the left of the house there. Put the
lure down the and hide to the left of the structure a little to the south.

Make a *BEEP* to lure the patrolling guard and stab him from behind. Pick up
the lure and stay there. Release the distraction on the guard with the SP and
wait for him to turn away. Kill him with the Injection and bring his body to
the right of the pile of boxes near the prison. Send the SP up the ladder at
the nearby fuel depot and open the valves.

Free the prisoners with the SP and send them at the same location as the MA.
Send the GB crawling at the Explosive Barrel near the prison and move it behind
the bunker to the north of the base, near the river. Crouch down and far from
the bunker, but not in the entrance of the base. Send the SP in a line of fire
with the oil patch from the valves and fire on the patch, it should burst into
flame, blocking the patrols and such. Quickly put away the gun and walk out of
the base by the north.

Send the GB back to the MA and send everyone to hide in front of the southern
rocks to the south near the mobile bridge. The patrol group on the other side
to the south will probably see the prisoners, hide from them once they do and
they'll go kill themselves in the fire in the base, trying to reach you (Dumb


Send the SP within firing range of the Explosive Barrel near the Surveillance
Bunker and blow it up. Quickly put away the gun and dispose of the 4 guards
that will come from the other side of the river. Leave all the bodies in their
locations. Send the SP on the other side of the river and to the right of the
mill to the right of there.

Wait for a patrolling guard to come there and kill him from behind, move the
body as close to the house & river as possible. Send the MA, GB & prisoners
near the destroyed Bunker on the other side of the river and make the MA & GB
go across the river with the boat from the MA. Land ashore to the right of the
mill, where the corpses are and pick the boat back up on the other side. Send
the SP distract the patrol group so they look to the north.

Make the MA go back to the other side of the river by swimming underwater and
run to the left side of the bridge. Cross the river from there and get up on
the other side. Go stab the guard in front of the bunker from behind and switch
to the GB. Go kill the Gatling Gun operator and bring his body to the corpse of
the last guard killed (The one by the MA).

Send the GB crawling to the escape truck and drop the lure in the small corner
of the rocks there. Hide to the north of the pile of rocks and make a *BEEP*.
This will lure the immobile guard on the other side of the rocks, go stab him
while he's distracted and pick up the lure. Send the MA stab the remaining
patrolling guard from behind, might be tricky since he turns around every now
and then. Once that's done, bring the MA, GB & the prisoners in the escape
truck. Bring the SP in the escape truck and MISSION ACOMPLISHED!!!


December 16th, 1944. Hitler launches another surprise operation. The reserve
german troops have pierced the Allied defenses in the Ardennes. Liège is
rapidly taken by the enemy. The Ardennes battle begins.

To interrupt the rapid advance of the enemy reinforcements, a small commando
force must infiltrate the north of Liège and blow up the bridge on the Meuse.
Ironicly, the best people designated forthis mission are the same that defended
the bridge in September. You!


Good day Lieutenant, I know that the grounds are already known to you. But this
time, you'll need to play the other role. Find some Explosives and blow up the
bridge. A friendly truck will await you to the south once that's done. Good
luck and godspeed!


DATE: December 16th, 1944
LOCATION: Bridge on the Meuse, to the north of Liège.
MISSION: The Strength of Hazard

- Find the explosive charges and place them at the weakest spots of the bridge.

- Your team will probably find it useful to use the Panzer to help their

- You can hide yourself behind the trains that arrive.

- A friendly truck will await your team in the south-east zone, escape by
following the road.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 20 Moving Guards
- 14 Isolated Guards
- 2 Patrol Group of 2 men
- 6 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 1 Patrol Group of 4 men
- 1 Patrol Group of 5 men
- 2 Gatling Gun Operator
- 2 Surveillance Bunker
- 2 SDKFZ 231 on patrol
- 3 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen in the ENTIRE MAP will immediatly sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-4 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Underwater Equipment
-Pneumatic Boat (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-2 Grenades
-3 Remote Explosives (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First-aid Kit (6 doses)
-2 Gatling Guns (On site)
-Transport Truck (On site)
-Panzer III (On site)


*Notice: The entire walkthrough for Mission 18 was contributed by Majestic in
place of my previous walkthrough for this mission, which relied more on brutal
force than stealth.

- Clearing the Ruins

Place the distraction device in the corner on the left side of the ruined
structure where MA and SA start. Activate the device, drawing in three guards.
Stab all three with the GB and hide their bodies in the same crevice as the
device. Now the GB is free to eliminate the other immobile guard in the ruins.
When the patrols are looking the other way, stab and hide the body.

*Optional Kill*
Crawl and hide the GB below the house against the edge of the screen. You
should be able to hide from the patrol if you get in just the right position.
Once it has passed, stand up and run to stab the guard patroling the houses,
pick up the body, and quickly move to hide it
back in the ruins.

- Get to the Water

This is difficult, but it is possible with a little practice. Be sure to save
right before your attempt. You will have to improvise slightly based on the
timing of the guards, or simply pass on one turn to get a
different timing on the guards. Crawl the MA to the lower right side of the
rocks located left of the ruins where he can be out of sight. When the patrol
passes just to the left, crawl as close behind it as possible, carefully
staying out of its sight when it turns. Pay attention to the SDKFZ if it comes
over, but it usually won't sight you. Hold prone to the right of the road
momentarily if you have problems with the SDKFZ. You may be able to stand and
run once the patrol you were following turns north. Proceed to the West as fast
as possible and as low on the screen as possible. You will have to crawl about
when you get to the train tracks, as the shore patrol left of the bridge will
turn back towards you. Crawl along the bottom of the screen until you get to
the water and dive.

- Clear the Islands

Clear both islands with the MA by using the "D" (dive) and "J" (spear gun)
hotkeys to pop up when no one is looking, shoot, and dive again. You want to be
right on the very edge of the islands so that you can surface, fire, and dive
again without moving. There are no alarms on
these islands so the bodies can just be left in the open. Grab the boat after
its all clear.

You will need to kill the guard watching the river from the south side of the
bridge, left of the bunker. Swim the MA over, and when the patrol turns, pop up
and dive again quickly (using hotkey) in this guard's sight. This should cause
the guard to "halt!" you for a split
second, then lose sight of you. He will come over for a closer look, so swim to
the side of him, pop up, spear him, and dive again. The shore patrol can't see
him here because of the change in

- Get to the Other Side

Now you need to get both the GB and the DR to the water via the same route the
MA took earlier. Once you arrive there, you will be safe if you prone as far to
the bottom left as you can go. The MA has enough time to deploy the boat and
ferry both men to the island to the north. Prone when you are on the island so
you're not sighted accidentally from the mainland and pick up the boat as well.
You will have to be mindful of that same shore patrol you just eluded when you
pick a time to redeploy the boat from the center island. Deploy it on the
shore of the island, get everyone in, and then paddle East and hold up behind
the bridge support. Now time this with the shore patrol to the right of the
bridge: paddle almost to the shore under the bridge, then move up the river. If
you don't paddle toward the shore enough, you'll get stuck behind something
invisible under the bridge. Move farther into the middle of the river as soon
as possible, and proceed all the way to the Northeast before landing on the
east shore of that island that connects to the western shore (the one you got
the boat from). Get everybody out, proned, and take up the boat.

- Clear the Way

Run the GB up to the tents and kill the guard walking east-west to the north of
the first two tents, hide him up against the north side of the more northern
tent, and then hide from the patrol in the same spot. When the patrol passes,
kill the guard standing in front of the more
southern tent, and move him back to your hiding place. Crawl behind the patrol
as it passes and proceed to stab the guard who is walking between the other
three tents. Hide him with the others.

- "Borrow" the Tank

Move up your driver to the GB hiding place with the bodies, then inside the
door to the northwest behind the immobile guard, and on into the tank. Empty
this side of the map with the tank.

- Set the Explosives

Run the SA over to the water in the same manner in which you are now well
familiar. Ferry him to pick up the explosives, set them by the three points on
the bridge, and then come back across the bridge the same way you came. Ferry
all the men back to that safe spot on
the eastern shore on the bottom left side of the map (you must be prone). If
you have difficulty folding the boat in time to not be detected, unload the
men, row back out to the water, wait for the patrol to pass, then come back in
and fold it up. Blow the explosives at your convenience.

- Escape!

Use the SA to sneak up behind the patrols hanging around the escape truck and
take them out with grenades. Hide so the responding guards don't see you, then
when things quiet down, take the escape truck and drive down the road and off

- Notes

The tank can shoot two of the bridge points out - I don't know if this is
sufficient to complete the mission objective though.

Instead of using the grenades at the end to escape, the SA might be able to use
them earlier to knock out those patrols and make the long run easier. I had
assumed it would set off the alarm, and since I already triggered an alarm when
I used the tank, I remain unsure if this would trigger the alarm or not.

You can use explosives to blow up the track and stop the train permanently. I
believe this would trigger the alarm in at least some areas, but someone might
be able to use this to find another solution to the mission.


January 1945. During the liberation of France by the Allied Troops, the Soviet
Red Army reaches Varsovy, devastated, before goign to assault Berlin, their
next objective. During these events, Hitler puts his last hopes on the V2
rockets, which he launches on London and other allied cities.

Some recon flights have detected a launching base of V2 rockets in the small
industrial site of Oldenburg, to the west of Breme. You mustdestroy these
launching pads before the rockets are launched toward London.


Lieutenant, you will start there, destroy these launch pads for the V2 Rockets.
The truck *CD scratched, speech missing*. Watch out, the current is strong in
the river which makes it impossible to go back up by swimming. The conveyor
belt can be used to infiltrate the base. Once your objectives accomplished,
regroup at the escape point. Good luck!


DATE: January 12th, 1945
LOCATION: Oldenburg, to the west of Breme.
MISSION: Frustated Revenge

- Your team can use the small truck on the railroad and the conveyor belt to
infiltrate the base.

- After crossing the bridge, it might be useful to blow it up by dropping an
explosive charge in the middle.

- Once the V2 are destoyed, you can regroup in the escape point in the

- The current in the river is powerful. Be aware of that.

- Watch out for the dogs!!

- Escape in boat by the north-east.

******************************ENEMY FORCES*****************************

- 21 Moving Guards
- 13 Isolated Guards
- 1 Patrol Group of 2 men
- 1 Patrol Group of 3 men
- 3 Patrol Group of 4 men
- 3 Gatling Gun Operator
- 1 Surveillance Bunker
- 1 Surveillance Tower
- 1 Panzer II on alert
- 1 Truck Driver
- 3 Bunkers


- Anything suspect or seen near the north & left bunker will immediatly sound
the alarm.

- Anything suspect or seen near or inside the south & right base will
immediatly sound the alarm.

**************************TEAM AND EQUIPMENT***************************


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-4 Explosive Barrels (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-First-Aid Kit (6 doses)
-Sniper Rifle
-7 Rifle Bullets


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-Underwater Equipment
-Pneumatic Boat
-Boat (On site)


-Hand Icon
-9mm Standard Issue Pistol
-2 Remote Explosives



Bring the SN & SA a little nearer to the rocks and select everyone. Fire a few
shots to lure the nearby guards and kill them all (Should be a good deal of
them). The alarm SHOULDN'T sound, if nobody near the bunker sees the corpses,
if it does, reload and retry for the alarm must not sound. Send everybody in
the small corner near the rocks to the right and fire some shots to lure the
patrol group to the right to you.

Kill them all and send the MA crawling behind the immobile guard to the south &
right. Stab him and send the MA underwater by the small shore to the right.
Swim upstream (Yes, opposing what the scrapbook says) to the small shore to the
south & left. Get out of the water there and stay near the rocks on the right.
Fire some shots to lure 2 guards & a dog.

Kill all 3 and wait for the otherguards to resume their shifts. Go stab the
nearby patrolling guard from behind and stab the immobile guard to the right
after that. Return underwater and send the MA back to your team. Send the SN to
the right behind the hangar with the tank and shoot down the guard above the
mine entrance (With the Sniper Rifle) when nobody is looking, the alarm will
not sound.

Send the SN back to your group and send the GB to the right of the bunker to
the left to drop the lure there. Send the GB back to your group and make a
*BEEP*. Send the GB stab the distacted guard and pick up the lure. Go crawl to
the south a little to the north of the leftmost mine cart filled with coal.
Drop the lure there and return to the right of the bunker. Make a *BEEP* so you
lure the 2 patrolling guards to the south of the mine carts.

Crawl behind them while they are distracted and stab them both. Bring their
bodies to the right of the bunker and pick up the lure. Move the SN so he can
aim his Rifle near the mine carts filled with coal and send the GB put his Lure
to the north of the 3rd minecart from the left. Send the GB back to the right
of the bunker and make a *BEEP*. Run behidn the distracted guard and stab him.
Crawl to the north behind the hangar with thetank and a guard should be
attracted by the body of the guard you just killed.

Shoot him down with the SN when he gets to the north of the minecarts and move
both bodies to the right of the bunker with the GB. Send the GB to the north of
the minecarts. Send him to stab the guard at the entrance of the mine and bring
the body to the right of the bunker. Drop the lure in the small corner of the
pile of coal to the south of the minecarts and hide to the north of the

Make a *BEEP* and go stab the distracted guard that comes to investigate. Leave
the body there and pick up the lure. Send the GB back to your group at the
beginning area and crawl near the surveillance bunker to the right. Crawl to
the small area between ruined walls directly to the south and crawl toward the

Crawl across it and to the left of the pile of coal on the other side.


Wait until the nearby patrolling guard turns toward the south and snend the GB
running to stab him. Bring the body to the left of the coal and send the GB to
the south. Stop to the left of the pile of rocks near the patrolling guard and
wait for that guard to turn to the south. Once he does, run behind him and kill
him. Bring the body to the left of the pile of rocks, the dog should have
alerted soem guards, but they'll come to investigate nothing so the alarm won't

Wait for the neat patrolling guard nearby to turn to the south and run to kil
him also. Leave the body behind the stone wall and send all of your group
crawling there, the dog must NOT see you.


5. Credits & Legal Stuff

Thanks to Eidos Interactive for bringing a good game that's surprisingly fun!!

Many thanks to Majestic for contributing the walkthrough for mission 18 to
replacing my not-so-subtle one

This FAQ is Copyright to Kildread2, I don't particuliarly care that much if you
put it up on your website as long as you're not making any money off MY work
and don't alter this guide at any point.

Also, if you put it up on your site, check for updates at,
that woudl avoid e-mails asking me about a completed section because some site
owner was too lazy to take the updated guide.

If you have any questions, information or comments, mail me at
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