Men of Valour

Men of Valour

17.10.2013 16:59:42
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= ------------------ =
= Weapons Guide =
= ~ =
= Written by Scottie_theNerd ( =
= Copyright (c) 2006 David Nguyen =
= =


This guide is written by Scott Lee, who also goes under the names of David
Nguyen and Scottie_theNerd. Should this FAQ be hosted on any site other than
GameFAQs (, permission is required from me before hosting.
Distributing this guide without prior permission is a direct violation of
copyright laws.

The following sites have permission to host this guide:
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To use the index codes for quick navigation, open the search function in your
browser (CTRL + F) and copy/paste the index code. This will take you directly
to the desired section.

1.0 - Introduction................................[INT000]
1.1 - Aiming....................................[INT001]
1.2 - Damage....................................[INT002]
1.3 - Ammunition................................[INT003]

2.0 - Pistols.....................................[PST000]
2.1 - M1911.....................................[PST001]
2.2 - TT33......................................[PST002]

3.0 - Semi-automatic Rifles.......................[SMI000]
3.1 - M14.......................................[SMI001]
3.2 - SKS.......................................[SMI002]

4.0 - Submachine Guns.............................[SMG000]
4.1 - M1........................................[SMG001]
4.2 - PPSH41....................................[SMG002]

5.0 - Assault Rifles..............................[AST000]
5.1 - M16.......................................[AST001]
5.2 - CAR15.....................................[AST002]
5.3 - AK47......................................[AST003]
5.4 - Type 56...................................[AST004]

6.0 - Machine Guns................................[MCG000]
6.1 - M60.......................................[MCG001]
6.2 - RPD.......................................[MCG002]

7.0 - Sniper Rifles...............................[SNP000]
7.1 - M21.......................................[SNP001]
7.2 - PU........................................[SNP002]

8.0 - Miscellaneous Weapons.......................[MSC000]
8.1 - M79.......................................[MSC001]
8.2 - M67.......................................[MSC002]
8.3 - RPG7......................................[MSC003]
8.4 - Frag Grenades.............................[MSC004]
8.5 - Stick Grenades............................[MSC005]
8.6 - M18 Claymore..............................[MSC006]
8.7 - Smoke Grenades............................[MSC007]
8.8 - Turrets...................................[MSC008]


Drowned in the swamps of Vietnam War games, few have presented anything
resembling a decent, action-packed shooter featuring authentic weapons.
Vietcong did a pretty damn good job, probably the finest selection of
contemporary firearms of any Vietnam War game. Battlefield Vietnam dumbed down
everything and made every gun the same. Conflict Vietnam didn't look much
better, and Shellshock Nam '67? Rocket pistols for the win.

The Medal of Honor series gave us the first taste in realistic, historically
modelled weaponry, and Men of Valor follows in its wake with Vietnam-era
firepower. Featuring the familiar arcade-style gameplay of MOH with the jungle
and urban environments of Vietnam, MOV gave us what we wanted in an action-
packed FPS game, despite the game's difficulties and some of its shortcomings.

This guide is intended to provide in-depth historical background on the weapons
in the game as well as helpful information pertaining to how they work within
the game's mechanics. Note that this guide is written for the PC VERSION in
mind. I have played both the Xbox and the PC versions, and for most purposes
they are identical. Discrepencies have been noted, although any bits I may have
missed are written in favour of the PC version.

Please note that this guide should NOT be used for any sort of historical
research, including school projects. The guide is primarily a video-game guide,
and the information presented in this document is written for the game. Readers
looking for reliable sources should search elsewhere. Wikipedia is a good
starting point, Google will provide numerous websites dedicated to firearms,
and there are countless books published that cover specific types of weapons. I
have selected the basic facts presented from numerous sources and compiled them
into this guide for the sake of convenience, and not to progress any form of
academic research.


1.1 - Aiming [INT001]

Men of Valor features two aiming modes. The first is firing from the hip, which
is done simply by firing the weapon without using the Aim button. The second is
when using the Aim button, which allows for precision shots.

Firing from the hip is basically running and gunning. The main advantage of
this technique is to suppress enemies while retaining the ability to move. The
player receives no movement penalty while firing, but the weapon has a very
large cone of fire, resulting in some erratic shots regardless of what weapon
you are using. At times, you will miss targets that are well within the
targeting reticule, and the recoil will quickly widen the aiming circle until
it is improbable to hit anything. Firing while on the move is best done when
movement is the primary consideration and self-defense is required. It it also
helpful when you are surprised by an enemy and need to respond immediately.

While Aiming
The Aim mode zooms the weapon and increases its accuracy drastically.
Additionally, the weapon's recoil is more managable. The Aim mode allows the
precision shots necessary for taking out multiple targets and scoring lethal
headshots. The disadvantage of using the Aim mode is that it prevents you from
moving; with the only abilities being to lean left and right. Use Aim mode when
you are behind cover and taking out threats is more important than movement.

How accuracy is represented depends on the version of the game. The Xbox
version features a hollow circle with a dot in the centre representing the
theoretical line of aim. When zoomed, the circle contracts to form a far more
accurate reticule. In the PC version, the Aim mode makes the targeting reticule
converge. The wider the convergence, the less accurate the weapon is, while a
reticule with a dot and two intesecting ovals represents maximum accuracy.
Weapons that are aimed with start with a base accuracy and gradually get closer
to perfect accuracy, although only some weapons are capable of actually
attaining it. The M60 and RPD machine guns, for example, have an accuracy
limit, while the SKS and M14 will reach perfect accuracy almost instantly.

The PC crosshair also differs in that it turns red when positioned over an
enemy target while in Aim mode.

Note that you cannot bandage yourself while you are in Aim mode, but it is
possible to fire your weapon. Don't ask me how you can use a two-handed weapon
and bandage yourself at the same time, but that's how it is.

2.2 - Damage [INT002]

Damage is a bit more complicated than first meets the eye. It seems that as
long as you hit a target and see blood splatter out of it, you've scored a hit
and therefore dealt some damage. Unfortunately, there's a catch.

Against Enemies
As with most first-person shooters, Men of Valor uses hitboxes to determine how
much damage is inflicted. A shot to the leg will do far less than damage than a
shot to the torso. The problem with MOV is that the hitboxes have some pretty
large overlap. What that means is, basically, often your accurate torso shots
will result in leg or arm shots, doing far less damage. There isn't any real
way around this problem other than than scoring headshots.

This carries a few implications for choice of weapons. Weaopns that are
inherently inaccurate, such as submachine guns and pistols, will mostly have to
rely on erratic damage from torso shots. Weapons that are highly accurate, such
as the M14 and SKS, should be used primarily for headshots to avoid the
unreliable damage formula. Sniper weapons should be used solely for headshots,
as the overlapping hitboxes will waste plenty of ammunition otherwise.

Against Player
The player has a distinct advantage against AI enemies. The player receives two
types of damage: "bleeding" damage, represented by a bright red section on the
health meter, and permanent damage, shown as dark red. Bleeding damage can be
recovered by using the Bandage button, and health that is not bandaged quickly
enough will become permanent. Permanent damage can only be recovered with
canteens and medkits.

While this may sound like the player has a higher chance of survival, the
problem is that the player receives a huge amount of bleeding damage per hit.
This can be recovered, but taking numerous hits in a few seconds is guaranteed
death. Yes, this is realistic, but considering that enemies tend to pop out of
nowhere with automatic weapons, those "instant-death" moments tend to be very
frustrating. Caution is advised when going through the single player campaign.
In this case, a rapid-firing submachine gun will be more of a threat compared
to a single-shot rifle, which will only cause one or two moderate shock wounds.

Note that every enemy carries at least one canteen when you search their
corpse, so permanent damage can always be recovered.

1.3 - Ammunition [INT003]

FPS games usually issue separate ammunition pools for individual weapons,
including weapons that in real life would use the same ammunition. Men of Valor
does things a bit different by giving all the weapons a general "ammo pool"
based on what ammunition type they use. This is to simulate the interchangeable
ammo that was available during the time, although realistic it would not have
been possible to have performed a "combat swap" with any magazine you found.

MOV takes some liberties in simplifying ammo types, mainly by giving the
Communist weapons a generic ammo type which is used by almost every enemy
weapon, compared to the complex American ammo types. This list outlines the
ammo types and what weapons use them:

== 7.62 NATO ==
- M14
- M21

== 7.62 NATO belt-fed ==
- M60

== 45 cal ==
- M1
- M1911

== 5.56 NATO ==
- M16
- CAR15

== 7.62 WP ==
- AK47
- Type 56
- PPSH41
- TT33

== Sniper ==
- PU

*Note: The WP stands for "Warsaw Pact", the Soviet-aligned nations in the Cold

*Specialist weapons like the RPG7 and M79 have their own ammo types.

This distribution of ammo types has some far-reaching implications. The main
problem the player will encounter is the limited amount of ammunition they will
have for each mission. Players using US weapons will not be resupplied except
for certain areas with a few ammo boxes, although the ammo type may not match
the weapon you are carrying. For example, if you throw away an M60 after
running out of ammo and keep an M16, you may encounter a few crates of M60 ammo
later, which will be useless. Apart from a rare dead friendly soldier supply
some ammo, there is no other way to replenish US ammo.

Communist ammo is a different story altogether. Not only do you encounter
hundreds of enemies using similar weapons, all Communist weapons use the same
ammo type. If you want to use an SKS, you can kill enemies for an SKS and
resupply ammo with PPSH41 enemies, who will add hundreds of rounds instantly.
This essentially means that you can never run out of ammo entirely, and that
gives Communist weapons a certain edge over US weapons in the single player
campaign. In fact, it isn't uncommon for players to ditch US weapons entirely
and rely on Communist weapons.

2.0 - PISTOLS [PST000]

Men of Valor only features two pistols. This reflects the tactical aspect of
the game, relying more on primary weapons instead of a full equipment set.
Pistols take the same amount of space as other weapons, and should be the first
weapon to discard when given the opportunity to pick up another weapon.

Overall, the pistols have moderate damage but with horrendous accuracy and
magazine capacity. The tunnels in the Iron Triangle is probably the only place
where they are marginally useful.

2.1 - M1911 [PST001]

Name: M1911A1 Colt Automatic Pistol
Country of origin: USA
Available for: US Machine Gunner, Tunnel Rat, Sniper, Corpsman
Calibre: .45 ACP
Magazine capacity: 8 rounds
Firing mechanism: Single-action, recoil-operated
Weight: 1.08kg

Historical Background
Designed by John Browning in 1900 and based off a previous civilian design, the
Colt M1911A1 was adopted by the US Army in 1911 after winning competitive
shooting trials in 1907. Various refinements were made after experience in the
First World War. When fired, the pistol recoils, allowing the barrel to move
downwards and back, ejecting the spent case and loading the next bullet. The
Colt also features a manual catch and external hammer, as well as a safety grip
that prevents the gun being fired unless held properly.

Initially, M1911A1's were not issued as a standard sidearm to American troops,
and was given only to officers and NCOs. However, many enlisted soldiers
acquired their own M1911A1's, and they were later issued as a standard weapon
for all troops.

The M1911A1 has remained the standard sidearm of the US Army until late in the
20th Century without any modifications; it needs none. The Colt is still
standard issue in the US Marine Corps, and as Colonel Robert J. Coates
described: "The 1911 was the design given by God to us through John M. Browning
that represents the epitome of what a killing tool needs to be. It was true in
1911 and is true now."

Men of Valor notes
The M1911 is the default sidearm for the Americans. Surprisingly, Dean Shephard
doesn't start with the M1911 in most missions, usually beginning with an
assault weapon and an M79 instead. The M1911 makes notable appearances in the
Iron Triangle campaign and the first Hue mission in the Tet Offensive.

As a pistol, the M1911 has poor accuracy. In practice, however, it is possible
to hit open targets up to 50 metres away, but don't expect to take out enemies
behind cover with the M1911. The M1911 uses the same ammo as the M1 Thompson,
but as you never receive those two together in the single player campaign,
there is no point in the game where you need to share ammo.

Damage-wise, the pistol is surprisingly powerful if aimed at the head or torso.
Enemies in the single-player campaign often die from one torso hit, although
any hit to the arms will be almost negligible. However, due to its low magazine
capacity, using this as a pseudo-rifle is not recommended. On the other hand,
the M1911 makes an interesting weapon to use in the Tunnels in the Iron
Triangle campaign, with the extreme close quarter combat environments lending
more favour to the easy handling of the M1911 over the awkward recoil and
accuracy of other weapons.

The melee animation for the M1911 is a bit different to other weapons. The
player will grab the weapon the by barrel with his left hand and whip it across
the screen, rather than smacking the grip while holding the weapon normally.
This makes no difference to actual damage.

Note that the M1911 has a historical discrepency. The weapon only has 7 rounds
in its magazine, but the game includes the chambered round into the count, so
the weapon always loads with 8 rounds, possible to match it with the TT33's 8-
round magazine.

2.2 - TT-33 [PST002]

Name: Tula/Tokarev model of 1933
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Communist Machine Gunner, Sniper
Calibre: 7.62 x 25mm TT (7.62mm WP in-game)
Magazine capacity: 8 rounds
Firing mechanism: Single-action, short-recoil
Weight: 0.84kg

Historical Background
Prior to the adoption of the TT-33, the Red Army used the Nagant revolver.
Simple and reliable, the Nagant was liked by the troops, but it was clear that
a new pistol was needed for better performance.

Arms designer Fedor Tokarev based his design on the successful Browning design,
the Colt M1911 pistol, using the sliding breech and swinging link system. The
ammunition was picked based on previous experience with the German C96 pistol,
which was used by the Russians previously and whose 7.63mm rounds were greatly
liked for its performance. The design was complete in 1930, and after extensive
field-testing and improvements, the weapon was adopted in 1933. Post-war
versions had several external refinements, and was distributed to Eastern Bloc
countries. Production was ceased in 1952, although the TT-33 was still in use
by Russian police forces until the 1960's.

While based on good concepts, the TT-33 had several prominent flaws. Most
notable would be the lack of a manual safety, which meant that the weapon could
be accidentally discharged when being carried, and the only way of carrying the
weapon safely was to have an empty chamber. The design was also not very
ergonomic, and the grip turned out to be quite uncomfortable.

Furthermore, while a good weapon, it was more complex than the previous Nagant
revolvers, and the conscript forces preferred the simple Nagant. Consequently,
both pistols served in the Red Army throughout the war.

Overall, the TT-33 had good penetration at decent ranges, and was easy to
maintain. After the war, the TT-33 was replaced by the Makarov PM due to its
lighter weight and smaller size. The TT-33 and Makarov were retained in service
in Eastern Bloc states, and were used by North Vietnamese forces in the Vietnam

Men of Valor notes
Like the M1911, the TT33 is an unspectacular weapon. Since you never start with
Communist weapons, the only situation in which you'll find the TT33 is the
Tunnel level in the Iron Triangle, where numerous enemies are equipped with it
as a primary weapon.

The TT33 is statistically identical to the M1911, doing the same damage, having
them same quick handling ability but lacking the accuracy for long range
shooting. The TT33 can neutralise enemies in a few shots in extreme close
quarters, but lacks the precision for open-air combat environments.

*Historical Note:
Unlike the M1911, the TT33 uses the same generic 7.62m WP ammo pool as the
AK47, PPSH41, Type 56 and RPD.


Prior to the adoption of the M16, American troops were issued with the M14, and
numerous guerrillas were given cheaper semi-automatic carbines or stole them
from American or ARVN forces. While Vietnam proved that the generation of
battle rifles was now too awkward for modern warfare, the Vietnam conflict saw
continual use of semi-automatic rifles in both the NVA and the US troops until
the adoption of the assault rifle as standard.

Men of Valor features two renown semi-automatic rifles: the American M14 and
the Soviet SKS, although sadly missing other notable weapons such as the
venerable M1 Carbine. While lacking in the flexibility of the assault rifles,
the semi-automatics are the most accurate weapons in the game, allowing players
to score impressive headshots at ease.

3.1 - M14 [SMI001]

Name: M14
Country of origin: USA
Available for: Marine Rifleman
Calibre: 7.62 x 51mm NATO
Magazine capacity: 20 rounds
Firing mechanism: Semi-automatic, gas-operated
Weight: 4.5kg

Historical Background
Advanced as it was, the M1 Garand rifle using during the Second World War left
plenty of room for improvement, notably the need for full-automatic fire and a
larger, replaceable magazine instead of the restrictive 8-round en-bloc clip.
Modifications to the rifle were made after the war, resulting in several
prototypes and a newer, smaller cartridge than the large .30-06 round.

One of these prototypes, the T44, was adopted in 1957 as the M14 rifle, the
successor to the M1 Garand. However, production delays meant that American
units were unable to be equipped with them. By the end of 1961, the 101st
Airborne Division was the only unit to be fully equipped with the M14.

The M14 saw service in the Vietnam War and although awkward to use due to its
weight and length, the power of the 7.62mm NATO round made it easier to
penetrate cover, and the weapon had excellent accuracy. However, experience
showed that the weapon was uncontrollable when firing on full-automatic,
resulting in most M14's to be locked onto semi-automatic to prevent troops from
wasting ammunition.

The M14 resulted in several variants throughout and after the war. The M15
rifle was developed, being an M14 with a heavier barrel intended to be a
replacement for the Browning Automatic Rifle, but the weapon was declared
obsolete before production. The M14A1 was a modified M14 designed to be a squad
automatic weapon, with a pistol grip and bipod, but the M60 machine gun made
the weapon redundant. The M14 was also adopted to be a marksman's rifle, being
modified and turned into the M21, which remained in service until the M24
Sniper Weapon System. The M14 continues to be used as a basis for other weapon
systems, notably the US Marine Corps Designated Marksman Rifle.

The M14 as a standard-issue rifle was replaced by the M16 rifle from 1966 to
1968, despite poor performance records of early M16's. The M14 was seen as a
failure in its design to the expectation of the rifle replacing essentially all
infantry weapons prior to that point. The M14's wooden stock also had a
tendency to swell in the humid jungle conditions of Vietnam, an although
fibreglass stocks were manufactured, the M14 was removed from service before
they could be distributed.

Men of Valor notes
The M14 is the starting weapon in the campaign, and arguably one of the most
effective weapons overall. While the M14 lacks a full-automatic function, the
M14 is the most accurate weapon apart from the sniper rifles, with exceptional
first-shot accuracy and very little recoil. It is easy to land multiple shots
within a small grouping.

Likewise, the damage is appropriate for a weapon of this level of accuracy.
Most enemies will die from one or two shots, and headshots are easy to obtain
with the M14 for even more effectiveness. With 20-rounds to boot and enough
ammo crates throughout each level, chances are you won't need to drop this
weapon unless you're really poor at shooting. Definitely keep this weapon for
all its worth.

Unfortunately, the M14 is not available after the Da Nang campaign, being
replaced by the M16 as the standard weapon. Even during the Da Nang mission
set, you will often be issued with an M1 instead. Note that the M14 uses 7.62mm
NATO ammo, which is hypothetically compatible with the M21 Sniper rifle (you
never get both at once), but not compatible with the M60, which uses Linked
7.62mm ammo.

*Historical Note:
While the real-life M14 is capable of full-automatic fire, because of the full-
sized 7.62mm NATO round the weapon was very difficult to control. Most M14's in
Vietnam were locked onto semi-automatic to prevent grunts from wasting
ammunition, so the version in MOV is accurate.

3.2 - SKS [SMI002]

Name: Samozaryadnyi Karabin sistemi Simonova
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: VC Guerrilla, NVA Medic
Calibre: 7.62 x 39mm
Magazine capacity: 10 rounds
Firing mechanism: Semi-automatic, gas-operated
Weight: 3.85kg

Historical Background
In the aftermath of the Second World War, armies around the world began to
realise facts of combat that had since been ignored or only recognised by
certain forces. The Germans, pioneering the assault rifle, realised that most
combat took place at ranges between 100m and 300m, and that contemporary
ammunition was too powerful, with ranges exceeding 2000m. The German solution
was to creater a "short" round, which had the penetration of the full-size
round but with less recoil. The result of the German experiment was the
Sturmgewehr 44, the first assault rifle in the modern sense.

The Russians responded to this development by designing a set of weapons based
on the 7.62 x 39mm M1943 cartridge: the AK47 assault rifle, the RPD light
machine gun and the SKS self-loading carbine. A small number of prototype SKS's
were tested towards the end of the Second World War, and was officially adopted
by the Soviet Army in 1949. While the SKS had superior accuracy to the AK47,
the 10-round clip and semi-automatic restriction meant that it was second-rate
to the AK47. Gradually, the AK47 superseded the SKS, which in turn was left for
auxilliary forces. The SKS continues to be used in Honor Guards in Russia,
China and other Soviet client states.

The SKS featured an internal magazine and was loaded with 10-round stripper
clips. Unlike the en-bloc clip of weapons like the M1 Garand, the SKS could be
topped up using loose rounds if necessary. The SKS also featured a folding
bayonet under the barrel, which also held the cleaning rod. Like Soviet designs
at the time, the SKS traded accuracy for reliability and ruggedness.

While the weapon began to be phased out the moment it was adopted, Soviet
allies such as China, Yugoslavia and Romania continued to manufacture their own
models until they too were superseded by AK47 variants.

Men of Valor notes
The Communist semi-automatic rifle is, unforunately, disappointing compared to
the powerhouse that is the M14. The weapon does not handle as quickly or
accurately as the M14, and only has half the ammunition capacity. Furthermore,
the weapon uses 10-round clips, which makes it impossible to reload mid-way
through a clip unless you empty the whole magazine. Damage-wise, the SKS pales
in comparison to the M14, but can still take out enemies in 2-4 shots. Since
you only have 10 rounds to fire off each time, the SKS is one of the worst
weapons in the game as far as combat is concerned. However, it is accurate
enough to score headshots, and if you're stuck with using the SKS then you will
need to rely on headshots if you want to make the most out of your puny 10-
round clip.

The firing mode function flips out the bayonet, providing a much stronger melee
attack. However, since melee combat is practically suicidal, the bayonet is of
limited use, and hinders combat by making it slower to switch weapons.

The SKS is the standard weapon among Viet Cong guerrillas for most of the game,
being replaced by the AK47 half-way through and the Type 56 completely when the
NVA becomes the dominant enemy.

*Historical Note:
- The SKS uses generic 7.62mm WP ammo in the game, sharing the same ammo pool
as the AK47, RPD, Type 56 and PPSH41. This makes the SKS a good, accurate
emergency weapon in case your M14 ammo runs out. The real-life SKS uses
7.62 x 39mm ammo, the same as the AK47, but not the same as the PPSH41.

- While SKS's were in use during the war, the weapons used by the Viet Cong
would most likely be the Type 56 Carbine, the Chinese copy. This is
reinforced by the bayonet being of the Chinese "spike" variety instead of the
flat blade found on Soviet SKS models. This is not to be confused with the
Type 56 assault rifle (Chinese version of the AK47) and the Type 56 LMG (RPD)
A more obvious sign is the Chinese markings on the side of the rifle.


Submachine guns initially provided troops with the firepower of a light machine
gun with the portability of a standard infantry weapon. Rising to prominence in
the Second World War with many innovative if not revolutionary designs,
submachine guns have been gradually phased out in favour of assault rifles,
which combine the automatic firepower of submachine guns with the accuracy of
rifles. Submachine guns have since been used mainly in special-forces roles and
in special police units due to their compact size.

Men of Valor only features two submachine guns used during the Vietnam War: the
venerable Thompson submachine gun and the Soviet PPSH41. Submachine guns in the
game provide effective automatic fire at the cost of accuracy, and are
generally outclassed by the more accurate assault rifles.

4.1 - M1 [SMG001]

Name: M1A1 Thompson
Country of origin: USA
Available for: Single-player
Calibre: .45 ACP
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
Firing mechanism: Selective-fire, delayed-blowback operated
Rate of fire: 700 rounds per minute
Weight: 4.78kg

Historical Background

Developed by General John T. Thompson during the First World War, the Thompson
was intended as a 'trench broom' to sweep German trenches. The war ended before
it was perfected, so it was produced and sold to various countries before being
adopted by the US Army. The Thompson was a completely new weapon, finely
machined and manufactured to the highest standards. Its main feature was the
Blish delayed-blowback system, which consisted of a wedge closing the breech
while chamber pressure was high, but opened after the bullet left the barrel,
allowing the bolt to recoil, eject the spent case and load the next round. On
top of this, the Thompson featured a Cutts compensator, which reduced the gun's
tendency to rise when fired on full automatic, and a wooden pistol fore-grip.
Designated the M1928, the Thompson was common in US and British forces, being
issued 20- and 30-round box magazines as well as a 50-round drum which was
later phased out due to the loud noise it made when on the move.

During this time, the Thompson was popular among American police units as well
as crime organisations, being the favoured weapon of many hit-and-runs.

The M1928 Thompson was a complicated weapon to manufacture and was very
expensive. To simplify production, the Cutts compensator was discarded, the
wooden-foregrip was replaced with a conventional fore-end stock, the separate
firing pin was fixed to the bolt and the Blish system was replaced with a
conventional delayed blowback system. The latter caused some grief, since the
Blish system was what made the Thompson a unique weapon, but this was resolved
after threats of independent production. This model became the M1 Thompson, and
remained in favour with troops even after cheaper weapons such as the M3 Grease
Gun came into service. A final modification came in the form of the M1A1, which
replaced the firing pin and hammer with a firing pin machined into the bolt

Although slightly on the heavy side, the Thompson was the most reliable weapon
of its type, and remained in service until the Vietnam War, where it was used
as an auxillary weapon until the adoption of the M16 assault rifle. The weapon
was also distributed to the Army of the Republic of Vietnam in the early stages
of the war.

Men of Valor notes
Having a strangely short name in the weapons list, the M1 Thompson is a light
assault weapon available to Shephard during his time in Da Nang. The player
does not receive the M1 Thompson after the campaign is complete, being
relegated in favour of the M16 and CAR15 assault weapons. Incidentally, the M1
is not available in any kit in Multiplayer.

The M1 essentially functions as a light assault weapon. Lighter than the M16,
the weapon has good first-shot accuracy, but lacks the long-range precision of
the assault rifles. The M1 is particularly effective when fired in full-
automatic mode due to its very fast rate of fire, but accuracy is lost very
quickly and the M1 lacks the ammo capacity for sustained automatic fire. The
semi-automatic mode should be used to conserve ammunition, especially in the
prisoner snatch mission in the Da Nang campaign, where Shephard must use the
weapon one-handed and cannot pick up any other weapons.

The M1 uses the same ammo as the M1911, and features admirable knock-down
ability for a weapon of its role. A few torso shots can take out an enemy, and
the M1 is better at headshots than the M1911. However, it also lacks the
precision needed to consistently score lethal hits, and more often than not
you'll find the M1 to be an ammo drain.

4.2 - PPSH41 [SMG002]

Name: Pistolet Pulemet Shpagina 1941
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Communist
Calibre: 7.62 x 25mm TT (7.62mm WP in-game)
Magazine capacity: 71 rounds
Firing mechanism: Selective-fire, blowback-operated
Rate of fire: 900 rounds per minute
Weight: 5.45kg (3.63kg without magazine)

Historical Background

After the German advance in 1941, the Russians lost a massive amount of
materials and weapons. To replace these losses, a new weapon had to be
designed, cheap and easy to manufacture to practically re-arm the entire Red
Army. For this purpose, the PPSh-41 was developed. Taking its name from the
Russian designation for a submachine gun, 'Pistolet Pulemet', and the name of
the designer, Georgii Shpagin, the PPSh-41 was a simplified version of the
previous PPD submachine gun, using stamped parts as much as possible. The
PPSh-41 used a simple blowback operation, and the stamped metal jacket was
extended over the muzzle to act as a fairly effective compensator, reducing the
tendency for the barrel to rise when firing on full-automatic. Using the
distinctive 71-round drum, later models were also issued with a curved 35-round
box clip, and had the selectable semi-automatic mode removed.

The PPSh-41 proved its worth, and soon become the standard weapon of the Red
Army, often with whole units being equipped with only the PPSh-41. After the
war, PPSh-41's were sold to Eastern Bloc nations and remained in use through
the Vietnam War.

The weapon was highly valued by the Germans, who would use captured weapons
against the Russians. The German Army also manufactured its own version of the
PPSh based on captured models, but the Germans found it easier to take weapons
and ammunition from the battlefield.

The PPSh-41 was replaced after the Second World War with more advanced weapons
such as the AK47, although it remained in service with Communist nations such
as North Vietnam, North Korea and China until late in the 20th century.

Men of Valor notes
The Communist counterpart to the American M1, the PPSH41 is definitely superior
to the M1 in almost every regard. The main feature of the PPSH41 is its
whopping 71-round magazine, which gives it almost as much as ammunition as the
M60 and RPD machine guns. You can (are basically are supposed to) hold the fire
button down for a rapid stream of fire, and a few bursts can rip apart most

The only real weakness of the PPSH41 is its horrible accuracy; worse than the
M1. The PPSH41 instead relies on saturation of firepower rather than precision
hits, and every effort should be made to use the rapid-fire of the PPSH41.
Since it is a Communist weapon, most enemies will either be carrying the PPSH41
or ammo for it, so you have practically limitless ammo to collect.

*Historical Note:
The PPSH41 uses the generic 7.62 x 39mm WP ammo, so it uses the same ammo pool
as the AK47, Type 56, TT33 and RPD.


The Vietnam War marked the first conflict in which armies using revolutionary
assault rifles were pitted against each other. The North Vietnamese Army had
the AK47, designed by the Soviets after the Second World War, while the
Americans replaced their M14 rifle with the M16 assault rifle. Combining the
best of light machine guns, battle rifles and submachine guns, assault rifles
were to become the standard weapon in armies around the world and among the
most recognisable pieces of military hardware.

In Men of Valor, assault rifles are general-purpose weapons, being powerful,
accurate and having a fast rate of fire. Due to their flexibility, players will
seldom need to rely on any other weapon.

5.1 - M16 [AST001]

Name: M16
Country of origin: USA
Available for: ARVN Ranger
Calibre: 5.56 x 45mm NATO
Magazine capacity: 20 rounds
Firing mechanism: Selective-fire, gas-operated
Rate of fire: 750 - 900 rounds per minute
Weight: 2.9kg

Historical Background

The development of what was to become the M16 rifle has one of the most well-
documented developments of any weapon. Starting in late 1940's and early 50's
with Project SALVO, an attempt to design weapons that were suitable for "real-
world combat". Based on millions of battlefield reports, the 7.62mm round and
the M14 rifle were selected as the new standard-issue weapon, although the
weight of the ammunition and awkward handling of the M14 presented SALVO's
claim that a lighter weapon with a smaller calibre was required. Specifically,
the weapon would have to be able to score a much higher hit probability than
contemporary weapons, leading some bizarre designs of multi-flechette
cartridges, among others.

The precursor to the M16 was designed by famed arms designer Eugene Stoner,
working for ArmaLite. Stoner first designed the AR-10, using the 7.62mm NATO
round, was an attempt design a superior weapon to the T44, which had not yet
been adopted as the M14. The AR-10 used the "straightline" principle, aligning
the stock with the barrel and placing the sights at eye level, resulting in
easier aiming and removing the tendency of the weapon's barrel to go upwards
when firing. The rear sight was placed in the carrying handle of the weapon
itself. Despite being highly advanced and superior to the other designs,
failure in testing resulted in the weapon being removed from the design

In 1957, new specifications were issued by the Army, requesting a light weapon
that was capable of firing from a 20-round magazine and penetrating standard US
infantry armour. The ArmaLite company redesigned the AR-10 for the 5.6mm
ammunition, scaled it down due to the lighter round and presented the AR-15.
The AR-15 was clearly superior to other designs, and proved to be better than
the M14 and AK47 in field testing. Units were sent to South Vietnamese forces
and advisors, which received positive feedback. However, the Pentagon continued
to back the M14 rifle.

Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered the halt to M14 production in 1964
when it became clear that the M14 was insufficient. The AR-15 was seen as
capable of fulfilling the 'universal' weapon criteria, and it was first adopted
by the United States Air Force. The US Army at the time wanted to design a new
weapon with its Small Arms Weapons Systems project, but ordered 85,000 AR-15's
(then known as the XM16E1) as an experimental weapon. However, the XM16E1 was
shipped to Vietnam without the prescribed ammunition and without cleaning kits,
resulting in the weapons failing in crucial combat conditions. The weapon was
known as the "Mattel Jam-O-Matic" due to its resemblence to a Mattel toy rifle
and its reputation for failing.

The ammunition problem was fixed before the next batch was shipped, and extra
cleaning kits with comic-book style manuals were also sent. Problems with the
M16 ceased almost immediately, although the weapon would retain its poor
reputation for a long time afterwards.

The M16 continues to be the main infantry weapon of the US armed forces today,
along with many other countries using the M16 or licensed variants. However,
with the M16 approaching over 40 years of service, newer developments are
likely to replace the aged assault rifle, although numerous accessories and
modifications have greatly extended the service life of the M16.

Men of Valor notes
First obtained in the first Iron Triangle mission, the M16 becomes the standard
weapon for most of the game, succeeding the trusty M14 and being replaced by
the CAR15 in the later missions. The M16 is a solid weapon all-around, and is
one of the best weapons in the game.

The M16 is only slightly less accurate than the M14, and features both full-
and semi-automatic modes. A three-round burst from the M16 is lethal, although
with the 20-round magazine that sort of shooting will quickly waste your ammo
supply. Instead, the weapon should be used in semi-automatic mode like an M14.
The M16 is accurate enough to get headshots frequently, and several torso hits
will take down most enemies.

Compared to the AK47, the M16 does noticeably less damage, but is significantly
more accurate. The main shortcoming of the M16 is its 20-round magazine,
against the AK47's 30 rounds. While accuracy is desirable, players will
generally find that the AK47's ammo capacity and infinite refills from enemy
drops will be more useful in the game than the M16. Use the M16 if preferred,
but more often than not you will run out of ammo before the end of the mission.
Conserve your ammo by either firing in single shots or short bursts. 20 rounds
can disappear very quickly.

The M16 uses 5.56mm NATO ammo, which it shares with the CAR15. Since you don't
get them at the same time, the M16 essentially uses unique ammo that can only
be found in crates.

5.2 - CAR15 [AST002]

Name: Colt Automatic Rifle 15, Colt Commando
Country of origin: USA
Available for: Green Beret
Calibre: 5.56 x 45mm NATO
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
Firing mechanism: Selective-fire, gas-operated
Rate of fire: 700-1000 rounds per minute
Weight: 2.44kg (empty), 2.89kg (loaded)

Historical Background
The "CAR-15" or Colt Commando family is a misleading term, probably the most
confusing case of naming for any weapon. Basically, while the CAR-15 family
covered all AR-15 models produced by the Colt arms manufacturing company,
troops in Vietnam used "CAR-15" to CAR-15 submachine gun, which was the
shortened version of the M16 rifle.

The Colt Commando was developed for Special Operations units in Vietnam,
needing a weapon that was easier to handle than the M16. While there were
countless variants made for this purpose, Colt Commandos are essentially M16
rifles with shorterned barrels and a telescopic stock, greatly shortening the
length. However, because of the increase in muzzle flash, special flash
suppressors were designed for the Commando.

While mainstream forces use the M4 Carbine as the shortened variant of the M16
rifle, the Commando continues to be manufactured and used by armed forces, and
is the shortest of the three weapons.

Men of Valor notes
The CAR15 is basically a lightened version of the M16. The CAR15 has the damage
of the M16, but the accuracy of a souped-up M1 Thompson. In fact, the CAR15 is
practically a mix between the M1 and the AK47. It has a 30-round magazine, an
increase from the M16's 20 rounds. While it lacks the base accuracy of the M16,
the CAR15 can attain its maximum accuracy faster.

The direct counterpart to the CAR15 would be the Type 56. Since the Type 56 is
basically the AK47 with a bayonet, the Type 56 is better as far as damaged is
concerned. The CAR15 still has a bit of an edge in accuracy, which is probably
the only reason why you would want to use the CAR15. The 30-round magazine
makes it more appealing to use sustained bursts, but the CAR15 really shows its
technical superiority in its single-shot accuracy.

The CAR15 is the only other assault weapon that can be used single-handedly.
Shephard uses the CAR15 with one hand in the last mission while carrying Jamie.

5.3 - AK47 [AST003]

Name: Avtomat Kalashnikova 1947
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: NVA Rifleman
Calibre: 7.62 x 39mm
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
Firing mechanism: Selective-fire, gas-operated
Rate of fire: 600 rounds per minute
Weight: 4.3kg

Historical Background
Following the Russian experience against the German STG44 in the Second World
War, famed weapons designer Mikhail Kalashnikov. While Kalashnikov denies
copying the STG44, which has a remarkably similar appearance, the AK47 borrows
the best features from the M1 Garand and STG44, combining and simplifying them
for mass production for the Soviet Army.

The main strength of the AK47 lies in sheer ruggedness. The design of the AK47
features generous tolerances for poor battlefield conditions, allowing the AK47
to function in dirt, rain and mud without significant drops in performance.
However, this comes at the cost of poorer accuracy overall, as the weapon lacks
the precision-made parts like other contemporary weapons. This follows Russian
combat doctrine of massed infantry fire over accurate shooting. The barrel and
gas-cylinder are also chrome-plated, preventing wear on the weapon and
extending its life span.

The AK47 was distributed to all Soviet-aligned nations, and is the most widely
manufactured weapon in the world including its variants, and is popular among
less developed nations and guerrillas groups due to its ease of manufacture and
use. The reliability of the AK47 contrasted with less tolerant weapons such as
the M16, and during the Vietnam War American troops were said to have traded
their M16's for AK47's when they got the chance. However, due to the distinct
noise of the AK47, this came at the cost of being mistaken for an enemy.

In later years, the AK47 was improved to become the AKM, rechambered for the
AK74 and further built upon for the modern AK100 series, as well as the RPK
light machine gun which is based on the AK47.

Men of Valor notes
The AK47 is probably the best overall weapon in the game. Combining excellent
power, decent accuracy, 30-round magazine, full-auto and a limitless supply of
ammo, there aren't any real downsides to using this assault rifle.

The AK47 can be used as a spray-and-pray weapon. While it lacks first-shot
accuracy, the weapon recoil is controllable and it is possible to fire
sustained bursts without losing too much control. The weapon can kill in
several hits, and is also highly effective in semi-automatic mode. With the
amount of ammunition available, players won't need to conserve ammo with single
shots. You can essentially do anything and everything with the AK47. Don't be
surprised if you keep dropping the M16 in favour of the AK47.

If there is a negative to the AK47, its accuracy isn't as great as the M14, M16
or CAR15, but it certainly is far from bad. The AK47 actually disappears from
the single player campaign, being replaced by the Type 56, which is the same
weapon anyway. AK47s are preferred by Viet Cong, while NVA troops are usually
equipped with the Type 56. Note that it is possible to carry both an AK47 and a
Type 56, although there is no point in doing so.

5.4 - Type 56 [AST004]

Name: Chinese Type 56 Assault Rifle
Country of origin: People's Republic of China
Available for: NVA Sapper
Calibre: 7.62 x 39mm
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds
Firing mechanism: Selective-fire, gas-operated
Rate of fire: 600 rounds per minute
Weight: 3.8kg

Historical Background
The Type 56 Assault Rifle (not to be confused with the Type 56 Carbine, which
is the Chinese SKS) is the Chinese variant of the Russian AK47. The weapon is
essentially identical, although reportedly inferior in quality to Russian-made
AK47's, and having a slightly higher rate of fire. The Type 56 also had a
folding spiked bayonet under the barrel.

The Type 56 was used by the Chinese army until 1986, being replace by the Type
81 Assault Rifle, which in turn was based off the SKS and AK designs. The Type
56 was distributed to North Vietnamese forces during the Vietnam War.

Men of Valor notes
As in real life, the Type 56 is little more than the AK47 with a bayonet. While
the weapon is statistically similar to the CAR15, it handles exactly like the
AK47: 30-round magazine, full-automatic, reasonable accuracy and highly

The Type 56 cannot change to semi-automatic mode, instead it deploys the
bayonet. As with the SKS, the bayonet is useful for close combat, but as it is
far easier to shoot enemies, it has limited use and only slows down weapon
switching. The lack of a semi-automatic mode makes the Type 56 less flexible
than the AK47. However, the full-auto mode is slightly faster than the AK47.

The Type 56 is used by NVA troops in the single-player campaign, superseding
the AK47, although it is possible to carry both at once.


Machine guns were designed with one thing in mind: suppression fire. Lacking in
the accuracy of rifles and assault rifles, machine guns make up for it with the
capacity to fire sustained bursts to pin down enemy troops to allow friendly
forces to execute tactics. The Vietnam War saw the introduction of "general
purpose machine guns" as a vital component of infantry forces, giving regular
squads the firepower they needed to fight effectively in jungle terrain.

Men of Valor features two machine guns: the famous M60 and the Soviet RPD.
While not as accurate as assault rifles, MOV's machine guns are surprisingly
easy to handle, making it possible to Rambo through missions. If anything,
machine guns are better than assault rifles at what they do, making them the
best weapons in the game.

6.1 - M60 [MCG001]

Name: M60
Country of origin: USA
Available for: Marine Machine Gunner
Calibre: 7.62 x 51mm NATO
Magazine capacity: 100 rounds
Firing mechanism: Full-automatic, gas-operated
Rate of fire: 550 rounds per minute
Weight: 10.5kg

Historical Background
Drawing on features from previously successful design, such as the German FG42
and MG42 from the Second World War, the M60 was designed to fill the need for a
lighter 7.62mm belt-fed machine gun. The straightline system, in which the
barrel and stock were in line, allowed the weapon to be shorter than other
weapons of its type and reduced the tendency of the barrel to go upwards when
firing. The M60 featured a bipod, but could also be fired from the standard M2
Tripod as a medium machine gun and even fired from the hip in an emergency.

Adapting the M60 into infantry combat situations was problematic. The weight of
the M60 made it difficult for a single soldier to carry, and an assistant
gunner was required to carry an extra barrel and ammunition. However, due to
the ammo-hungry needs of the machine gun, squads in Vietnam often carried
bandoliers of M60 ammunition, resulting in the often-seen images of troops with
crossed belts over their shoulders.

Further problems arose regarding many shortcomings. Early M60 production units
were made with poor quality parts, resulting in defections such as the tray
cover breaking off. The firing mechanism had a habit of jamming, and reports
have also mentioned that the sear in the trigger mechanism would wear down,
resulting in the M60 continuing to fire even without the trigger depressed. The
barrel had no carrying handle, and could only be safely changed by using an
aesbestos glove, which caused problems if lost. The problems were so numerous
that the US Marine Corps refused to part with their Browning Automatic Rifles
until 1968.

Later improvements and upgrades reduced many of the early problems in the M60.
Numerous variants were made, including versions for vehicles, aircraft and
helicopter door-guns. The M60, affectionally known as the "Pig" due to the
sound of the weapon, continues to be used today alongside its eventual
successors, the M249 SAW and M240 machine gun. The M60 is one of the most
recognisable weapons in popular culture, being made famous by Vietnam War films
such as Sylvester Stallone in "Rambo".

Men of Valor notes
The M60 is arguably the best weapon in Men of Valor. While it may seem silly
than a machine gun would be better than an assault rifle for all-around
usefulness, the fact is that in MOV, you can use the M60 like Rambo.

The M60 is not as accurate as the M16, but it is substantially more accurate
than the submachine guns. Damage is equivalent to the M16, if not more
powerful. Recoil is significant but managable in short, six-round bursts. The
main strength of the M60 is its 100-round belt, giving you plenty of room for
sustained fire and other times when you just want to fire dozens of bullets
into a target. This also makes the M60 a handy weapon for the suppression
objectives in the single-player campaign. Several torso shots can take out an
enemy, and the weapon is accurate enough for frequent headshots. Due to the
reticule converging almost instantly on the weapon's max accuracy (not that
high, but reasonable), it is possible to fire highly accurate snapshots and
score headshots. An experienced gamer can use the M60 incredibly well with 2-3
shot bursts.

As far as disadvantages go, there are two main ones: the first is that the M60
is rarely available in the single player campaign, being issued mainly in
defensive scenarios. The other is that ammunition is not easily replenishable -
the M60 uses unique 7.62 NATO belt-fed ammo, which can only be found in ammo
crates. However, with careful ammunition use, the M60 can last you for most

6.2 - RPD [MCG002]

Name: Ruchnoy Pulemyot Degtyareva
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: NVA Machine Gunner
Calibre: 7.62 x 39mm
Magazine capacity: 100 rounds
Firing mechanism: Full-automatic, gas-operated
Rate of fire: 650 rounds per minute
Weight: 8.9kg (loaded), 7.5kg (empty)

Historical Background
Designed in 1944 and adopted by the Soviet Army in the 1950's, the RPD is of
the same family as the SKS and AK47. The RPD was a favourite with soldiers, who
met the RPK replacement with some disappointment. Soviet allies used the RPD or
manufactured their own variants, notably the Type 56 machine gun in China,
which was later used in the Vietnam War by the North Vietnamese Army. The NVA
adopted the RPD model because it used the same ammunition as the AK47/Type 56
rifles, which made ammunition supply far easier as opposed to the previous

The RPD featured a folding bipod and a 100-round drum magazine with cloth-
linked belts. The RPD could also use ammunition from a loose belt-feed.

Men of Valor notes
While the RPD looks the same as the M60 on paper, in practice the RPD is like
an oversized AK47. The accuracy and rate of fire is comparable to the AK47, as
well as the damage. The magazine capacity is 100 rounds; the same as the M60.

In some regards, the RPD is a more useful weapon than the M60. The weapon has
the same average base accuracy, but zooms instantly just like the M60.
Additionally, since the weapon uses the same ammunition as the AK47 and Type
56, ammo is practically limitless. Not only that, many enemies are equipped
with the RPD for some reason.

The only real drawback to the RPD is that it cannot be reloaded until you
exhaust all ammunition in the drum.

*Historical Note:
As with the SKS, the RPD would most likely have been the Chinese Type 56
machine gun.


Sniper rifles are designed to be pinpoint accurate. The terrain of Vietnam gave
many opportunities for snipers to exercise their skill. While generally slow to
use, sniper rifles are designed to make that first shot count.

Men of Valor features two sniper rifles: the semi-automatic M21 and the bolt-
action PU. Both are essentially used for the same thing, although they are not
frequently encountered during the single-player campaign.

7.1 - M21 [SNP001]

Name: M21
Country of origin: USA
Available for: Marine Sniper
Calibre: 7.62 x 51mm NATO
Magazine capacity: 20 rounds
Firing mechanism: Semi-automatic, gas-operated
Weight: 3.95kg

Historical Background
Fulfilling the US Army's need for an accurate rifle with a good second-shot
ability, the M14 rifle was selected due to its accuracy and performance. Over a
thousand National Match M14 rifles were converted to the new M21 sniper rifle
by adding a scope and match-grade ammunition. The weapon was officially adopted
in 1971, and was replaced by the M24 SWS in 1988.

The M21 was upgraded by the 10th Special Forces Group to form the M25 sniper
rifle. The rifle featured a silencer, fibreglass stock and a different scope to
the M21, and was used during Gulf War.

Men of Valor notes
The M21 is essentially an M14 with a scope. The appearance, damage and magazine
capacity are the same as the M14, with the only significant difference being
the pinpoint precision due to the scope. Since the scope makes it difficult to
aim at nearby targets, the M14 is probably the more useful weapon overall.

The M21 is a rare weapon to obtain, and situations to use it in are even less
frequent. The M21 tends to be less effective than the PU, since the M21 is more
susceptible to making less-than-lethal limb-shots.

7.2 - PU [SNP002]

Name: Mosin-Nagant M1891/38
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Communist Sniper
Calibre: 7.62 x 54mm R
Magazine capacity: 5 rounds
Firing mechanism: Bolt-action
Weight: 3.45kg

Historical Background
Designed by the Russian S.I. Mosin and the Belgian Emil Nagant, the
Mosin-Nagant was developed to bypass costly patents and licenses by creating a
new weapon rather than borrow from already existing parts. The result was a
three-part cylinder bolt and a locking latch in the magazine compartment,
holding down the second and lower rounds. Although quite complex, these
features helped increase the robustness and reliability of the Mosin-Nagant,
especially with the Russian rimmed 7.62mm round, which would certainly have
jammed it if wasn't for the locking latch. Although crude compared to other
rifles, the Mosin-Nagant was exceptionally reliable, otherwise the Russians
would not have kept it.

As time passed, the Mosin-Nagant was refined and perfected. Changes include the
switch to a 'short' rifle, reconfiguring the sights due to a change in the
Russian measurement system and the inclusion of a folding bayonet. On a similar
note, early models were configured with a bayonet in mind, with sights tuned
to compensate for its imbalanced when attached. Due to its exceptional
accuracy, the Mosin-Nagant was the preferred sniper's weapon and was issued
with a scope.

The Mosin-Nagant remained in Russian service from 1891 to 1945, and was used by
Eastern Bloc countries throughout more recent conflicts such as the Vietnam
War. Simple to operate and incredibly reliable, the Mosin-Nagant was preferred
by Soviet troops over more complex rifles such as the SVT-40.

Men of Valor notes
The Communist counterpart to the American M21 is a surprisingly effective one.
While the PU holds only 5 rounds compared to the M21's 20, and is bolt-action
instead of semi-automatic, the speed at which the character operates the weapon
is fast enough to quickly land a second shot, and the weapon can kill in a
single torso hit.

Instead of having a precision-aim mode, the PU uses a scope. The intersectionof
the crosshairs indicates the exact point of impact. Try to go for headshots
whenever possible, and as ammunition is rare, make each shot count. The PU uses
its own unique ammo type, which can only be obtained from enemy snipers.

*Historical Note:
The weapon is actually the Mosin-Nagant rifle used by the Soviet Red Army
before the Vietnam War. "PU" is the name given to the scope, not the rifle


This section lists other weapons in the game that don't fit in the above
categories. These include grenades and specialist weapons.

8.1 - M79 [MSC001]

Name: M79
Country of origin: USA
Available for: Marine Corspman
Calibre: 40mm
Magazine capacity: 1 round
Firing mechanism: Single-shot, breech-loaded
Weight: 8.10kg

Historical Background
Needing an infantry support weapon to fill the gap between hand-thrown grenades
(50m) and mortars (300m), the US Army developed the M79 grenade launcher.
Firing 40mm high explosive grenades, the M79 was a breech-loaded, single-shot
grenade launcher resembling a sawn-off shotgun, and was nicknamed the
"Blooper" or "Thumper" for the sound it made when firing.

The ability to launch explosive rounds to great distances was a notable threat
to NVA troops, who would often attempt to eliminate the grenadier as a priority
target. Despite the danger, the M79 was limited in its single-shot capacity,
which could not keep up a steady rate of fire. Additionally, because of the
weight of the weapon, the grenadier could only equip himself with a flak vest
and a pistol for defense. This restriction led to the development of under-
barrel grenade launchers, leading to the current M203 grenade launcher.

The M79 was capable of firing high explosive fragmentation grenades, flechette
rounds, buckshot and several crowd-control rounds. While officially phased out
of service, the M79 continues to be retained in some units for unusual
purposes. The M79 was used in Operation Iraqi Freedom to detonate improvised
explosive devices, for example.

Men of Valor notes
The M79 is the specialist explosive weapon for the American forces, although
not the direct counterpart to the RPG7 (see M67 below). Many single-player
missions start off with the M79.

The M79 is unique in that it fires a single grenade round with a heavy
trajectory. This makes the M79 more akin to throwing a grenade than firing a
gun, and requires some practise in order to get the right trajectories, and
even a few shots to get the distance right. However, the grenade rounds are
devastating if they are on target, resulting in a fairly large damage radius
that is highly damaging.

There are two types of ammunition that the M79 can use. The Frag rounds are
like frag grenades, firing a grenade in an arc and causing an explosion.
Buckshot rounds are like shotgun shells, spraying lead shot over a wide section
though with very short range. The buckshot round can kill multiple enemies up
to medium range. The ammo type can be changed by using the Fire Mode button.
However, in order to change ammo, the player has to go through the animation of
unloading the previous round, which takes a fair amount of time.

While the M79 is devastating against enemies and required in some sections, the
low amount of ammo and extremely slow reload time makes the weapon awkward at
best, and in the single player campaign you are often better off using a
regular firearm. Note that you cannot fire the M79 Frag rounds at close
distance; the reticule will be crossed out. This will prevent you from killing
yourself, although it limits its use in a combat situation.

8.2 - M67 [MSC002]

Name: M67 recoilless rifle
Country of origin: USA
Available for: Single-player
Calibre: 90mm
Magazine capacity: 1 round
Firing mechanism: Percussion
Weight: 17kg (unloaded)

Historical Background
The M67 is a recoilless rifle used by the US Army during the Vietnam War. The
M67 was crew-served, having a three-man team consisting of a gunner, a loader
and an ammunition bearer.

The M67 is designed to be fired from the ground. The weapon features a monopod
in the middle of the tube and a bipid in the front, and is equipped with a 3x
telescopic sight for direct fire. However, the M67 could also be fired from the
shoulder. The weapon was issued with High Explosive Anti Tank rounds, but could
also fire Anti-personnel rounds that sprayed flechettes over a wide area.

After the Vietnam War, the M67 was replaced by the M47 Dragon AT missile.

Men of Valor notes
Not available in multiplayer and only seen several times in single player, the
M67 recoilless rifle is essentially the American counterpart to the Communist
RPG7. It operates exactly the same way, launching a rocket (technically a
shell) in a straight line, resulting in a large explosion. Obviously, the shot
can kill multiple enemies in a single hit, but due to the rarity of this
weapon, it is based saved for objectives such as destroying bunkers.

You can never actually find the M67 lying around. In one of the Khe Sahn Hills
missions, you will be escorted by a soldier carrying the M67, which he will use
against enemy infantry like a rocket launcher. Should he die, however, you can
search his body to obtain the M67 yourself, which you can use against the
bunker on top of the hill. The bunker requires two hits from the M67 to be
destroyed, and is the easiest weapon to use to destroy that objective.

Unlike the RPG7, the M67 features a telescopic sight. Simply align the
intersection of the crosshairs to direct the shot. The round is not affected by
gravity and will continue to travel straight until it hits something. The M67
has a large splash radius.

8.2 - RPG7 [MSC003]

Name: Ruchnoy Protivotankoviy Granatomet
Country of origin: Russia
Available for: Single-player
Calibre: 40mm
Magazine capacity: 1 round
Firing mechanism: Single-shot
Weight: 7kg

Historical Background
Replacing the RPG-2, the RPG-7 was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1961. The RPG
(which translates to "Handheld Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher" and does not stand
for "Rocket Propelled Grenade", as many might think) was based on the American
Bazooka and German Panzerfaust. The RPG-7 can be used with iron or optical
sights, with night-sights available.

Unlike rocket launchers, the RPG-7 loads its payload from the muzzle of the
tube with its warhead protruding from it. The grenade itself is stablised in
flight by two sets in fins to maintian direction and rotation. The grenade
itself can fly over 1000 metres, but effective range is approximately 300m,
with closer ranges being preferred whenever possible. The RPG-7 is a clear step
ahead of the RPG-2, having a maximum range of only 150 metres against a
stationary target.

The RPG-7 continues to be used in its variants and updates by the Russian army
and numerous forces around the world, and is particularly popular among
guerrilla groups for its ruggedness. Notably, the Somali rebels in the Battle
of Mogadishu in 1993 modified the RPG-7 to be able to fire at airborne targets
with airburst grenade warheads in order to shoot down American Black Hawk

Men of Valor notes
Although seen numerous times in enemy hands (and certainly being a major
threat), the RPG7 only features notably in the Hue level, in which it is used
against NVA flamethrower tanks. Apart from satchel charges, the RPG7 is the
only weapon capable of eliminating the tanks. Due to its large splash damage,
the RPG7 is also useful against turrets and groups of infantry, although its
slow reload speed make it a liability against the latter.

The RPG7 has no optical sights, instead having the same zoom effect as other
guns. The rocket travels in a straight line, and leaves a distinctive smoke
trail that can be used to trace enemy RPG troopers.

8.4 - Frag Grenades [MSC004]

Name: M2 Fragmentation Grenade
Country of origin: USA

Historical Background
When the United States entered the First World War, it became apparent that
they lacked a standard-issue hand grenade. Basing their designs off the
existing British Mills Bomb and the French F-1 grenade, the Mk I grenade was

The Mk I grenade featured a serrated surface, with 40 segments divided into 8
columns and five rows, which sprayed shrapnel in all directions upon
detonation. The grenade also featured a complicated safety mechanism to ensure
that the thrower did not harm himself before the grenade was thrown.

This safety mechanism was the ultimate cause to the failure of the Mk I
grenade. The throw had to remove the split pin, then turn the safety lever
before throwing the grenade. Consequently, when trialed in combat, a fair
proportioned of grenades were not properly armed. Commanders immediately
demanded that the grenade be put out of service.

The Mark II grenade was then designed. It used the same charge and
configuration as the Mark I, but featured a shorter safety lever, resembling
the Mills grenade. The thrower could hold the grenade as long as he wanted to,
provided he kept the lever closed. As soon as the lever is released, the five
second fuse kicked in. These grenades were initially painted bright yellow, the
official color of ordnance, but was repainted in olive drab due to the
impracticality of carrying a bright yellow grenade in combat.

Nicknamed the "Pineapple" due to its shape, the Mk II had a tendency to break
up into large chunks upon detonation, resulting in uneven fragmentation
patterns. It was used until the Vietnam War in the 1960's, supplementing the
M26 grenade. After the War they were phased out of combat.

Men of Valor notes
As a grenade, the US Frag Grenade offers a generic explosion with a large
splash radius. Kills most enemies in one hit. You will start most missions with
several Frag Grenades in your weapon menu.

In order to throw the grenade, you need to switch to the grenade weapon. The
grenade travels along a trajectory, so you will need to aim higher in order to
throw further. For the PC version, you can use the quick-throw ability to
automatically throw a grenade where you are currently looking. This allows you
to aim with your current weapon and throw a grenade without going through the
awkward switching action.

Damage-wise, the Frag Grenade is no different from the Communist Stick Grenade.
Grenade fuse is five seconds upon throwing.

8.5 - Stick Grenades [MSC005]

Name: RG-42
Country of origin: Russia

Historical Background
The RG-42 is a fragmentation grenade that was developed and used by the Soviet
Army during the Second World War, alongside other models such as the RGD-33 and
F1 grenades. The RG-42 had a short handle and a large, soup-can like container
holding the explosive charge. Upon detonation, the charge would shred the can,
producing a fragmentation range of around 30 metres.

The RG-42 became popular among Soviet-aligned states as well as militia groups
procuring cheap Soviet arms.

Men of Valor notes
The Stick Grenade is the Communist counterpart to the US Frag Grenade. Despite
the differences in name and appearance, the Stick Grenade is essentially the
same. The weapon is thrown with a trajectory and detonates after a five-second
fuse, resulting in a large splash radius. For some reason, enemy grenades
thrown at the player have longer fuses, possibly to give the player more of a
chance to escape. The timer seems to start from when the grenades hits the
ground and stops moving, which results in some strangely long fuses.

8.6 - M18 Claymore [MSC006]

Name: M18A1 Claymore
Country of origin: USA

Historical Background
Designed by Norman A. MacLeod and based on the Misznay-Schardin Effect
discovered during the Second World War, the M18 Claymore is a slightly curved
explosive mine containing hundreds of steel ball bearings, with the charge at
the rear of the mine. When detonated, the explosive would direct the ball
bearings outwards from the front of the mine with an optimum effective range of
50 metres.

The Claymore could be set with a time-delayed fuse, numerous tripwire and
sensor triggers as well as manual detonation with a 'clacker'. The Claymore was
deployed above ground level, and several Claymores could be daisy-chained
together to form a deadly shrapnel trap.

The Claymore continues to be used in the US Army today, and numerous variants
are deployed by nations all around the world.

Men of Valor notes
Available for the Green Beret in multiplayer and used at various points in
single player, the Claymore (and the similar Communist Tripwire) is used as an
explosive trap. The multiplayer version is deployed like a regular weapon,
while the single player version highlights set locations to "Use" in order to
deploy a Claymore.

The Claymore is capable of killing infantry in one explosion, although the
convoys and patrols in the single player version are often long enough to
require additional shooting in order to finish the survivors.

8.7 - Smoke Grenade [MSC007]

Name: M18 Colored Smoke Grenade
Country of origin: USA

Historical Background
An American signalling device, the M18 smoke grenade was used to designate
targets, and also assist pilots in identifying wind direction. M18 smoke
grenades were available in yellow, green, red and violet colors. The canister
itself was cylindrical in shape, with the respective color shown at the top end
of the grenade. Smoke lasted between 50-90 seconds.

Men of Valor notes
Like the Claymore, the Smoke Grenades has different functions in the single
player and multiplayer game modes. In multiplayer, the Smoke Grenade is thrown
in order to call in indirect fire support at that location after a time delay.
In the single player campaign, players move close enough to the objective to
"use" the grenade, which will automatically initiate the fire support (eg.
artillery, helicopter gunships).

8.8 - Turrets [MSC008]

Turrets are stationary machine guns that the player encounters numerous times
during the campaign. The turrets themselves vary from tripod-mounted M60's to
water-cooled machine guns to helicopter miniguns, but their use is identical.
Turrets are manned using the "Use" button. Note that turrets cannot be aimed
precisely like regular firearms.

Turrets have unlimited ammunition and no overheating problems. You can
basically use a turret like a laser and cut through enemy infantry. The turrets
are inherently inaccurate, resulting in some rather wayward shots, but most of
your shots will tend to follow a straight line, making it possible to snipe
enemies to an extent. Since turrets fire so quickly, targets caught in your
line of fire are literally shredded apart.

Being on a turret, however, does not make you invincible. You can still be
damaged while manning a turret, although you can bandage yourself while
shooting. If you are low on health, abandon the turret and find health packs.
Note that most enemy grenades will not affect the player, as most turrets are
in entrenched positions. The turret itself cannot be damaged unless through a
scripted event. Note that turrets can ony harm infantry; unlike Medal of Honor
games (and like real life), they cannot damage tanks.

Copyright (c) 2006 David "Scott Lee" Nguyen
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Weapons Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Октябрь 2013

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